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File: 55341cd47cd6524⋯.jpg (267.2 KB,1200x803,1200:803,dayshift.jpg)

cdf435 No.20892745 [View All]

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d30cf8 No.20893491

one has for years




(you) were too busy

being right to hear.

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da0332 No.20893492

File: 2c45f51214bcbd4⋯.jpg (9.06 KB,283x178,283:178,images_344_.jpg)

File: ff0ff641b5006b6⋯.jpg (8.55 KB,300x168,25:14,9k_73_.jpg)

File: f8124c156f6a934⋯.jpg (8.81 KB,194x259,194:259,images_345_.jpg)

File: 501c6340173d1ea⋯.jpg (11.5 KB,300x168,25:14,images_346_.jpg)

File: 5b518abe24ba904⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,251x201,251:201,images_347_.jpg)


No smoking allowed on the south coast….?

Parks Police patrol bathrooms and parking lots, and designated trails. Losers. Gear fags, too. Check it.

They do a 9-5. To be fair, they're "on call"… kek

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d30cf8 No.20893493

nothing has changed.

carry on

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71404a No.20893494

File: 2b6add37b2f342c⋯.mp4 (230.4 KB,640x360,16:9,biden_kleptocracy.mp4)

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e049cd No.20893495

File: eb596adabe20805⋯.png (113.15 KB,474x432,79:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a1933 No.20893496

remuhber when Decency and Democracy was declaring war with Texas over open borders and baby killing rights? good times

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8746c7 No.20893497

File: 8b8fdf6af9212cd⋯.mp4 (601.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,civkillian.mp4)


>Ben reacts

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6d76a4 No.20893498

File: 5a226d0a32b60f9⋯.png (320.19 KB,616x177,616:177,capture_081_14122023_09532….png)

File: 2e236deef5ec1e4⋯.png (294.09 KB,622x161,622:161,capture_080_14122023_09525….png)

File: 438b7d8a916eff0⋯.png (213.28 KB,530x137,530:137,capture_659_11122023_21352….png)

File: 62fdce4466ea8b7⋯.png (3.19 MB,1108x1005,1108:1005,capture_354_15112023_13265….png)

File: fb077ee7e540f2c⋯.png (179.12 KB,293x208,293:208,capture_695_08072023_02145….png)


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3a74cb No.20893499

File: a2ca371e0ed6ffc⋯.png (1.48 MB,1476x928,369:232,a2ca371e0ed6ffcddb3a32dda9….png)



#25625 >>20892764

>>20892808 Baker Claiming Bake

>>20892795 Australian Taxpayers are set to fork out $450 million for two luxury private jets - to be used by senior government ministers

>>20892831 The EPA has sent out a warning that cyberattacks against water utilities are becoming more frequent and severe

>>20892841, >>20893204 Senate Banking chief calls on Biden to replace FDIC chair after sexual harassment probe

>>20892866 MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell justifies Michael Cohen embezzling money from the Trump Org

>>20892900 The Battle is Good Vs. Evil - Their Greatest Weapon? Fear - God's Greatest Gift? Fearlessness

>>20892904 The Dali's 21 crew members who have been stuck onboard for 55 days aren’t able to leave the vessel just yet, why?

>>20892898, >>20892903, >>20892922, >>20892954, >>20892977 Gag Me With The Truth - Trump Speaks After Court

>>20892980 Russian UAV Unit Deactivated The Starlink Satellite Internet Antenna of Ukraine

>>20892983 CNN legal expert Elie Honig on Michael Cohen's admission that he stole $60,000 from the Trump Organization

>>20892993 Israel insists 'it wasn't us' after 'Butcher of Tehran' Iranian president is killed in mysterious helicopter crash

>>20892996 ECB Flags Basis Trade Risks in Europe’s Government Bond Market

>>20893010 New US Treasury strategy targets crypto scams and real estate money laundering

>>20893031 The Woke Is Strong With This One: New 'Star Wars' Project Features a Nonbinary Jedi

>>20893105 John Bolton The first word I won't repeat…The second was ‘moron

>>20893120 Carpenter – @ArmyERDC's newest supercomputer – will soon be the largest unclassified system in the @DeptofDefense with 278,272 total cores. It is named after Mississippi native and youngest living Medal of Honor recipient Cpl. Kyle Carpenter o7

>>20893132, >>20893151, >>20893166, >>20893168, >>20893200 Copper is at an all-time high, over $5/lb - keep eyes on those wires and pipes

>>20893191, >>20893220 BREAKING: A Fuming Judge Merchan Runs Interference for Bragg, Shouts at Trump Defense Witness Robert Costello: GET OUT OF THE COURTROOM, NOW! (panic x 45)

>>20893223 #Marines with the @31stMeu conduct a pre-sniper exercise on Camp Schwab

>>20893227, >>20893240, >>20893243 Merchan, visibly exasperated, hastily ends the day's proceedings,obviously disgusted by Costello, whose testimony has thrown a huge wrench into Bragg's case

>>20893234 Mike Benz Discusses The Role Of Intelligence Agencies Pushing For Internet Censorship

>>20893254 Liberal Hivemind - No one expected these people to show up for TRUMP!! South Bronx For TRUMP

>>20893288 David Zere And Andrew Giuliani Give Updates On Trump Trial Live From NYC

>>20893307 The top 50 biggest mining companies in the world

>>20893310 TRUMP TRUTH "The judge wouldn't allow our expert witness to testify"

>>20893376 IT'S OVER: Cohen ADMITS to CRUSHING LIES; Trump Prosecution DESTROYED; Trial Day 19

>>20893377 Border officials to encounter 10 million migrants under Biden by September

>>20893384 Mollie Hemingway replies to POTUS "It’s true. I am a very smart woman and respected by everyone."

>>20893389 WATCH: Hundreds of New Yorkers gather outside courthouse in support of President Trump


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3bdf7d No.20893500

File: f7dd9e6f0745101⋯.png (843.89 KB,799x801,799:801,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a4ad3 No.20893501


Steve Stern is 83 years old, look at his face. He looks like he’s mid 50’s. He sells flags, flag shirts, head of republican party in Broward County in FL. Amazing

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972395 No.20893502

File: 3c20b72bfef936e⋯.png (268.83 KB,640x1988,160:497,1952.png)

File: 6e5fb22554cc35a⋯.png (564.4 KB,640x4610,64:461,520_2_.png)

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e4de37 No.20893503

File: d790b5c1209d28c⋯.png (95.92 KB,640x400,8:5,drug_test_govt_.png)


aye Potatoe Tops, surprise today's drug test day. kek

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3bdf7d No.20893504

File: 84530c84332b2d3⋯.png (684.54 KB,708x903,236:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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9225e4 No.20893505

File: 609dc772100f289⋯.png (198.25 KB,498x348,83:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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8746c7 No.20893506

>business records are an exception to the hearsay rule


>even hearsay is admissible in grand jury proceedings

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2d975b No.20893509



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22f94d No.20893510

File: ceb2bc221b0a437⋯.gif (2.4 MB,498x386,249:193,20240520_174000.gif)


number one fan raises its mangled visage from the deep.

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e4de37 No.20893511

File: 46daa9ad361d9dd⋯.png (544.02 KB,833x473,833:473,gwot_terrors.png)

The ones calling you Violent are Violent.

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3e69fd No.20893512

File: 434a52424ade235⋯.png (539.81 KB,838x539,838:539,ClipboardImage.png)



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358ec3 No.20893514


>You haven’t understood his stance on many subjects if you call him a hero.

I know who this piece of shit is. I think the name is a fake and causes subliminal worship. Ben Shapiro. = Wor - ship Hero

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22f94d No.20893515




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63598c No.20893518

File: e69fd9a721ffdaf⋯.jpg (17.34 KB,474x474,1:1,thinkaboutit2.jpg)


Now take that and overlay the mimic shill's desperate attempt to force someone here to comply with the "Code of Anonymous" from halfchan for almost a year.

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3bdf7d No.20893519

File: 75004135215c336⋯.png (242.86 KB,590x493,590:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9e3e3 No.20893521

the ones calling you shill

>>20893511 checked

are shill.

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193474 No.20893523

File: b5b5f54bbcf6142⋯.png (786.38 KB,1000x665,200:133,b5b5f54bbcf6142d319a878ce5….png)


nice catch

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658933 No.20893524

File: 04bb2aec8614658⋯.jpg (726.03 KB,1500x1500,1:1,Moloko_Plush_Korova_Milk_B….jpg)


>drug test

bet there is a test to ascertain whether or not 'human-derived' substances have been injected recently or ever.

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8746c7 No.20893525

File: 3674a15508320e3⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,720x896,45:56,humility.mp4)

demonstrate you are harder than they are

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3bdf7d No.20893526

File: 3cdcee558dda232⋯.png (488.97 KB,720x568,90:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9e3e3 No.20893527

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da0332 No.20893529

File: 5492bbc988799fd⋯.jpg (393.45 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240520_163855….jpg)

File: eb5b3a2bf6acb1d⋯.jpg (6.96 KB,267x189,89:63,images_266_.jpg)

File: 8e702bd6362b671⋯.jpg (540.8 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240520_164236….jpg)

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Jan 05, 2019 1:53:28 PM EST




Do you notice any similarities?

D's attempt to turn the public against our police, ICE, and those who continually serve the public interest (protect)?

Open borders w/ no Immigration & Customs Officials to safeguard the people?

EU gov't attempt to turn the police against the people re: yellow vest protests?

Police vs People _ EU

D's attempt to sway public vs Police/ICE _ US

A war against GLOBALISM.

A war to retain SOVEREIGNTY.




FAKE NEWS push of racism, fascism, sexism, every other …'ism' etc…. against those seeking to END GLOBALISM in favor of NATIONALISM (pride of heritage and culture - preservation & security/safety) is DESIGNED TO KEEP YOU SUBMISSIVE.

Why do D's deploy and use 'racism' as their 'go-to' tactic when an argument or narrative cannot factually be substantiated?




They want you DIVIDED.


Posse Comitatus Act.


5y, 4m, 2w, 1d, 4h, 43m ago

ColumnJanuary 4, 2012

Obama and the Indefinite Detention of US Citizens

With the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act, the president has brought Guantánamo-style justice to the United States.

Alexander Cockburn


Any COP doing "investigations" in a sanctuary state (especially park piglets) are shit unless your actually getting THE bad guys.

Trump on going to jail over gag order - Politico

www.politico.com › news › 2024/05/06

jail trump from www.politico.com

May 6, 2024 · Donald Trump said he would rather risk imprisonment than comply with a gag order in his on-going criminal trial, just hours after the judge …

No judges in the u.s.

We are lawless

First responders chasing weed smokers, FUCKYOU!!!!!

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c1902e No.20893530

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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4bb449 No.20893531

There's at least 3 low-key Board War going on right now.

Just let it all out next bread enough of this beating around the bush stuff.

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3a74cb No.20893532

File: 6af9effc9d5dcb4⋯.jpg (195.5 KB,1242x782,27:17,6af9effc9d5dcb44283986f772….jpg)

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3bdf7d No.20893533

File: b72f151e4a43261⋯.png (284.75 KB,769x578,769:578,ClipboardImage.png)

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d9e3e3 No.20893534


one will try…

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658933 No.20893535


still? why is it, you think, that they only mimic you?

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707598 No.20893536

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c1902e No.20893537


Not meant fer you, my oops.

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b084d2 No.20893538


seent two of mine in the last week


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5c8b1c No.20893539



It was Jamie Dimon

and she Mrs. Hankied it

with a brown eye print

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7e2c85 No.20893541


it was chuklsome


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e4de37 No.20893542

File: e7a617e160a2351⋯.png (1.01 MB,870x1542,145:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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e049cd No.20893543


>gent ‘Eli Copter’ was pilot on doomed Raisi flight

Wii Tu Lo was his copilot?

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3a74cb No.20893544

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358ec3 No.20893545


Moloko is Russian for Milk

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7e2c85 No.20893546


desperate grasping continues

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658933 No.20893547


and drencrom?

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2c9a07 No.20893548


for amusement

what else?

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c1902e No.20893549

File: 6280456541d5abb⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,320x558,160:279,ssstwitter_com_17162488733….mp4)

Libs of TikTok


Liberal has meltdown over seeing American Flags at the beach


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