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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

8f0014 No.20890187 [View All]

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701 posts and 453 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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11fda8 No.20890945

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8f0014 No.20890946

File: e967e3731c893e6⋯.png (885.35 KB,1041x1072,1041:1072,Jhon_Hnery_Osorio_orozco_s….png)

~@700Last call

…Baking around 720


#25622 >>20890194

>>20890242 Three Americans BEG FOR THEIR LIVES on Film After They Are Accused of Attempting to Overthrow Congolese Government – Ringleader of Coup Attempt Identified

>>20890307 Is Julian Assange's 12 years of 'detention' about to end?

>>20890353 @elonmusk - Starlink is now available in Fiji! 🇫🇯

>>20890367 Iranian President helicopter crash report.

>>20890722 New Jersey Court Throws Out 80 Charges Against Brave Gym Owner Defying Gov. Murphy’s Tyrannical Lockdown Orders: “Suck My D—k Phil Murphy”

>>20890846, >>20890868 M/V Dali backing out!


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40d1b4 No.20890948

File: fa32bdf0b54cddd⋯.jpg (203.05 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_20_07_4….jpg)

File: fcf57f54c642e45⋯.jpg (224.25 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_20_07_4….jpg)

File: 8bd3f72b4a9e7dd⋯.png (588.77 KB,640x1004,160:251,546.png)

File: f83a927cc567977⋯.jpeg (632.91 KB,2048x1458,1024:729,GOA2HNFWEAA5y7e.jpeg)

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0f3fae No.20890949

File: e2c87da091815b9⋯.jpg (216.21 KB,1200x900,4:3,Plaincourault_fresco_Garde….jpg)

File: e557c43d4acf2b6⋯.png (684.65 KB,800x487,800:487,ClipboardImage.png)

I am ONE.

Follow the white rabbit.

Watch the water.

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e2d6bd No.20890950


Satan was waiting to welcome him and the other evil bastard home. Two pieces of evil shit gone from the planet. Now there's just a few million left.

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d6a020 No.20890951


why do you "last call" when you ONCE AGAIN ignore notable calls from anons, baker?

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d6a020 No.20890953


i guess anons have to repost almost everything next bread again

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3bb519 No.20890954



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1ff084 No.20890955

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11fda8 No.20890956

File: 773d2a71c6b7283⋯.jpg (116.66 KB,812x800,203:200,1676733114247187.jpg)


kek, like havin a sore dick.


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7e9e12 No.20890957



but of course o7

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eb60ac No.20890958


Weird shadow under the plane.

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40d1b4 No.20890959

File: cfb343a80ef9f61⋯.jpg (180.62 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_20_07_5….jpg)

File: 29c4eb2e291f9fb⋯.jpeg (323.88 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN_9sEfXkAA_F7D.jpeg)

File: 8591caab6c9e52e⋯.png (194.49 KB,640x784,40:49,305_5_.png)

File: 49b9e887a3b06a4⋯.jpeg (222.25 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GN_9sDPWsAArNig.jpeg)

File: 2c3725cb37f44da⋯.png (111.23 KB,640x946,320:473,306_2_.png)

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3c5f57 No.20890960



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bed476 No.20890961


isn't say10 the god of this world, and home to all here? Many of whom await a rescuer/savior? Where does that make this place? The place where others fell into or were cast into from above?


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3c5f57 No.20890962



marine 1's ass

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7560eb No.20890963


Weak set, naker

Do better

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d6a020 No.20890964


they aren't even mine, faggot

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8f0014 No.20890965

File: c203ae3dc09034c⋯.jpg (33.46 KB,281x211,281:211,Tech_Support_B_and_B.jpg)


…Baking your complaint queue


#25622 >>20890194

>>20890242 Three Americans BEG FOR THEIR LIVES on Film After They Are Accused of Attempting to Overthrow Congolese Government – Ringleader of Coup Attempt Identified

>>20890307 Is Julian Assange's 12 years of 'detention' about to end?

>>20890353 @elonmusk - Starlink is now available in Fiji! 🇫🇯

>>20890367 Iranian President helicopter crash report.

>>20890722 New Jersey Court Throws Out 80 Charges Against Brave Gym Owner Defying Gov. Murphy’s Tyrannical Lockdown Orders: “Suck My D—k Phil Murphy”

>>20890846, >>20890868 M/V Dali backing out!


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11fda8 No.20890968

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB,253x233,253:233,77764107564e61eed69b2d0f92….jpg)

File: 0952ae731245207⋯.jpg (53.52 KB,640x640,1:1,1676734519186824.jpg)

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3c5f57 No.20890969




so you're a concerfag

roger that

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933876 No.20890971

File: 2b5c3ced0dff1c2⋯.jpeg (106.75 KB,1080x1193,1080:1193,1583105397.jpeg)

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1867ad No.20890973


>Make Iran broke again


one mans fredom fighter is another mans terrorist. push anyone far enough and they WILL fight back. know the ACTUAL enemy

iran don't seem to care re 'loss' of PM so far. a psyop?

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1a3735 No.20890974



751 POSTS from 150 AUTISTS




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1a3735 No.20890975


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11fda8 No.20890976



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d6d063 No.20890977


3rd call for rescrape of thread

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d6a020 No.20890978

File: f34165e42a1b7c3⋯.png (10.63 KB,453x44,453:44,ClipboardImage.png)




there is a whole bun missing, but baker doesn't want to include it… feel free to add

Iran plane fuckery bun:

>>20890367, >>20890415, >>20890425, >>20890575, >>20890569, >>20890589, >>20890646, >>20890884, >>20890895, >>20890914, >>20890927

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7560eb No.20890980

Naker in the kitchen

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6cdfe2 No.20890981

File: 587489c58612f42⋯.jpeg (874.03 KB,1284x1581,428:527,stealthBomberB2.jpeg)

File: d88f18e16a8b1a2⋯.png (220.73 KB,569x619,569:619,Q3850_huntUkraineRussiaSte….png)

File: f037cdfca73721f⋯.png (251.74 KB,336x948,28:79,Screenshot_2024_05_20_at_0….png)

File: e4c00bcd27ad71f⋯.png (627.06 KB,861x1227,287:409,Screenshot_2021_12_07_at_0….png)


>good morning Ralph.

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40d1b4 No.20890982

File: 136d468f30dd5eb⋯.jpg (102.56 KB,1060x1200,53:60,136d468f30dd5eb5960083f1b2….jpg)

File: 606f73c8fddee6c⋯.mp4 (106.03 KB,504x376,63:47,606f73c8fddee6cbd1d4a829af….mp4)

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0f3fae No.20890983

File: 29e0355bfcc5251⋯.jpg (64.17 KB,405x410,81:82,1.jpg)


WWG1WGA, lmao, nah you fucking gatekeeping Jews and minions will never be like me!

I am ONE!

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3bb519 No.20890984


Americans arrested in Congo amid accusations of coup attempt

An army spokesperson told state television that a coup attempt Sunday had been swiftly stopped by Congolese security forces.

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8f0014 No.20890985

File: 4589824978223ed⋯.jpg (403.13 KB,1600x1311,1600:1311,1224014_3069266743.jpg)

Complain bread




Over here

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bed476 No.20890986




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1a3735 No.20890987


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3f8927 No.20890988



The olde Sea King

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8f0014 No.20890989

File: 591c7a38391b3cd⋯.png (428.18 KB,438x487,438:487,d467492c5ea8da5c3cdf1bdc2f….png)

…Bitch all the next bread. Anon fucking DARES YOU!!!

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641f37 No.20890990


Kek….Navy only gots one operating carrier

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d6a020 No.20890991


it's not funny anymoar, really

just go look for another unpaid job, if you don't like this one!

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17f3d9 No.20890993

File: 0a2b3da6afeea14⋯.png (228.98 KB,508x491,508:491,0a2b3da6afeea1486f296689c2….png)


TY Naker

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641f37 No.20890995


Not Americans…..C_A

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40d1b4 No.20890997

File: 5b86889ed6363c1⋯.jpeg (2.54 KB,225x225,1:1,images_40_.jpeg)

File: 03ae4785fec70fc⋯.jpg (47.68 KB,1440x1440,1:1,il_fullxfull_3789885162_et….jpg)

File: c24b241e78311b8⋯.jpg (46.64 KB,290x350,29:35,how_a_paramotor_works_moto….jpg)

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1ff084 No.20890998


your show sucks big gym dick, on the run and on the high as a kite msnhoeshow

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2d3ab1 No.20891005


now reaching 4000 ft

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46e0f0 No.20891019


Rookie newfags.

Everyone knows if you want your own shit in Muh Notables all you have to do is Bake.

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d6a020 No.20891021

File: 90cc277d6c97524⋯.png (530.55 KB,882x655,882:655,90cc277d6c975245f6f76db9ef….png)

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d6a020 No.20891027

File: 1727499af08bb81⋯.png (464.35 KB,771x690,257:230,1727499af08bb8196c10f2913c….png)

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2d3ab1 No.20891028

File: 3e7363b65213aa4⋯.png (808.99 KB,889x1077,889:1077,ClipboardImage.png)

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79d360 No.20892451

File: 04195e39bdecf10⋯.gif (3.51 MB,360x200,9:5,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_2d….gif)

File: 7b3392a24f68a19⋯.jpg (253.9 KB,482x662,241:331,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….jpg)

File: 15266ae677baa25⋯.gif (914.14 KB,500x332,125:83,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….gif)

such fun

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