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File: 187231b0df06931⋯.gif (7.93 MB,800x448,25:14,night_shift_banner.gif)

2e1870 No.20889312 [View All]

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701 posts and 420 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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6bb13d No.20890169

File: 3f2b2fdaab8895a⋯.png (611.57 KB,880x483,880:483,3f2b2fdaab8895a031b3a72d93….png)

File: 66c6936febd059a⋯.gif (971.37 KB,480x270,16:9,66c6936febd059a38adf35327c….gif)

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805db4 No.20890170


would you on the other end?

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e18810 No.20890171

You should get off qr and become Mayor of your town. MAGA - General Flynn

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9995ff No.20890172

File: b28aa437aebeba0⋯.gif (7.47 MB,600x519,200:173,b28aa437aebeba06823c691705….gif)

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)

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abf649 No.20890173


Soon or later.

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805db4 No.20890174


you're willfully retarded and don't care about Anons.

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805db4 No.20890175


flynn is a clown

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cdfbf9 No.20890176

File: cc2e34eba78685c⋯.jpg (40.18 KB,1024x576,16:9,1716042623474757m.jpg)


They use their most useful identity on their mission. Is one truth more true than another truth?

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805db4 No.20890177


he's a joke inside the DIA

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7c8fb9 No.20890178


Strange things are afoot at the ⭕️ K.

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7b0060 No.20890179

File: d1da14ecd3d77ad⋯.png (438.33 KB,612x1100,153:275,Trump_Truth_05202024_reTru….png)


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9995ff No.20890180


>General Flynn


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cdfbf9 No.20890181

File: f8ee5c6f5c0fe7c⋯.png (2.03 MB,850x938,425:469,f8ee5c6f5c0fe7c6fd92c39f37….png)

God bless the baker.

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a47141 No.20890182


>The laws of thermodynamics are strictly enforced.


>were designed for closed loop engines.

>They are misapplied to the universe on the assumption that the universe is a closed-loop system. This is neither known nor proven nor is there any basis for asusming it

the laws of thermodynamics are only valid for closed systems undergoing "equilibrium" change

ie, slow, continuous change without any sudden or abrupt jumps in conditions

as such, they apply to virtually nothing in the real world, and certainly nothing of interest

non-equilibrium thermodynamics, the theory of dissipative structures and open systems is much more useful, and commensurately more difficult to understand

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6bb13d No.20890183

File: b764c61c47f7651⋯.jpg (26.45 KB,306x334,153:167,b764c61c47f76511f8eda43df1….jpg)

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864eeb No.20890184

File: b0d19c253de3f89⋯.jpg (168.54 KB,573x435,191:145,47f2f2455467753531660ef2fb….jpg)


…Baking now


#25621 >>20889363

>>20889860 Dough claim


>>20889610 May 20, 2024 8:00 AM EDT Austin Opens Meeting of Ukraine Contract Group - Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III delivers opening remarks at a virtual meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group.


>>20889961 Iran president, FM killed in tragic helicopter crash. Martyrdom in the line of duty

>>20890003 @SenatorRennick - I recently gave a speech in the Senate asking that the origins of coronavirus be investigated, in particular noting the comments made by Anthony Fauci that there would be a surprise outbreak in the area of infectious diseases during Trump's term.

>>20890004 Footage shows the crash site of the presidential copter in northwest of Iran

>>20890014 King Salman undergoes treatment after diagnosed with lung infection

>>20890179 POTUS Truth - My Speech in Dallas this weekend at the NRA’s “Endorsement of President Donald J. Trump,” was attended by a Record Crowd of very enthusiastic Patriots. The Biden Campaign, however, put out a Fake Story that I “froze” for 30 seconds, going into the “Musical Interlude” section, when in actuality, the 30 to 60 second period of silence is standard in every one of my Speeches where we use the Music.


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7b0060 No.20890185

File: 9a97209c15c503d⋯.png (2.61 MB,1717x1195,1717:1195,Tucker_Rumble_05202024.png)


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a47141 No.20890186

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6bb13d No.20890188

File: 4baf4201e88970f⋯.jpg (28.87 KB,353x362,353:362,Screen_Shot_2023_08_04_at_….jpg)

File: ef88eb5c712b65f⋯.jpg (43.47 KB,1138x148,569:74,ef88eb5c712b65ffafee6a2a63….jpg)

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805db4 No.20890189

who's next? Anime?

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a12d3a No.20890190

File: 3e08b8f0018e060⋯.jpg (98.78 KB,968x1024,121:128,3e08b8f0018e060b907a45e651….jpg)


Ah well, time for moar Catalog tabs then kek.

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7b0060 No.20890191


Masih Alinejad 🏳️


Breaking breaking:

A helicopter carrying Islamic Republic President Ebrahim Raisi, often referred to as the ‘Butcher of Iran,’ for his role in executing more than 5,000 prisoners, has crashed. While details on his fate are unclear, many on social media are already expressing happiness, hoping he will never be found. This reaction reflects the widespread suffering and anger directed at him for his role in numerous human rights abuses.

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7b0060 No.20890192


10:35 AM · May 19, 2024

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805db4 No.20890195

hopefully nxt bkr is less of a bitch…. everyone that disagrees with me is upsetting.. maybe your views are incorrect..

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805db4 No.20890197


can't say. use your imagination. given the technology and what we know on the internet. we can train but what is executed

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7b0060 No.20890198

File: ac0e2d8c30db277⋯.png (530.36 KB,789x1000,789:1000,ebrahim_raisi_helicopter_c….png)



via Logan on Truth Social


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20ff46 No.20890199


It's hard to get wiped out in a banking crash when you only have debt.

If there's an inevitable banking crash coming to a town near you,

make sure to be in debt to them. It's the best way to help them.

Any finance fags got pearls of wisdom for anon theory?

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c3dd89 No.20890200


FFS everyone knows its 28…. did you miss that class at school

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9995ff No.20890201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9995ff No.20890202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a47141 No.20890203


>You think Jim will keep paying for this dumb shit?

lol… you think jim is paying for it?

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864eeb No.20890204

File: 04ae6d57f3c1da2⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,2048x1536,4:3,fish_fossil_3957908952.jpg)

Fresh bread




This way

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10b2c6 No.20890205

"30 people showed up, and he farted" kek if you know what I speak

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a12d3a No.20890206

File: 468aff2b4011a89⋯.gif (126.94 KB,345x406,345:406,468aff2b4011a891bf4248bae7….gif)


Nukes when?

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7b0060 No.20890207

File: 71e6fb6d642b1ac⋯.png (181.21 KB,585x652,585:652,Nunes_reTruth_05202024_Tor….png)

>Nunes reTruth; hi Nunes


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805db4 No.20890208


call it out! let's go. produce the checks.

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5421ba No.20890209

File: 2a7c2a28ba81bc0⋯.png (73.17 KB,254x151,254:151,13ce3d3a57967d75e2430705cd….png)

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a47141 No.20890211


>It's hard to get wiped out in a banking crash when you only have debt.

and hard tangible assets

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7b0060 No.20890212

File: 849868dfbc3fed8⋯.png (866.42 KB,1088x1100,272:275,diddy_apology_05192024.png)

diddy assault vid next to his top records kek

'pride B4 the fall'

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805db4 No.20890213

what if they had way to break a very specific part to a helicopter that made all the difference.

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7b0060 No.20890214

File: 36e0c19642a0345⋯.png (581.41 KB,545x1000,109:200,sorry_diddy_05192024_3.png)

File: d054d4e817694be⋯.png (786.88 KB,950x1000,19:20,embarrassing_joe_biden_051….png)

File: 4aee9fe1e69915b⋯.png (710.39 KB,955x1000,191:200,biden_past_bills_05192024.png)

File: 4816db0f392dbd8⋯.png (565.09 KB,1327x1198,1327:1198,revised_gaza_death_toll_05….png)

File: e400a0085fde471⋯.png (119.8 KB,587x649,587:649,Trump_Truth_05182024_rino_….png)

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a47141 No.20890215


>do you think operators carry their actual passport on them during missions?

seems like they would carry ID of whomever they want to frame

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864eeb No.20890216

File: 8d142f391667e6c⋯.png (68.82 KB,600x283,600:283,breadslice.png)

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7b0060 No.20890217

File: 4285a2077059540⋯.png (925.09 KB,800x1051,800:1051,colleges_pro_palestinian_p….png)

File: 43a488387fb3d94⋯.png (562.97 KB,900x509,900:509,west_virginia_senate_prima….png)

File: f958718aa80d543⋯.png (323.49 KB,941x1000,941:1000,communist_party_of_romania….png)

File: 4ca9f0b9e502a20⋯.png (240.49 KB,650x1005,130:201,newsom_no_mask_dinner_1118….png)

File: 08b2a38e420662b⋯.png (555.37 KB,1076x800,269:200,biden_invokes_excutive_pri….png)

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a47141 No.20890218


fico –> azerbaijan –> assassination attempt

raisi –> azerbaijan –> assassination

anon does not believe in coincidences

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7b0060 No.20890220

File: 4e7014fe7825d08⋯.png (750.76 KB,1100x824,275:206,statement_of_michael_avena….png)

File: e308a4c2c4d6a4b⋯.png (276.47 KB,957x1064,957:1064,fani_willis_election_2.png)

File: 610130fd9380121⋯.png (206.58 KB,668x1026,334:513,fani_willis_election.png)

File: 6564136ece76fd5⋯.png (892.42 KB,1100x610,110:61,cali_lost_track_of_20_bill….png)

File: 8b495d43ea6b8c3⋯.png (861.87 KB,1100x618,550:309,cali_lost_track_of_20_bill….png)

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7b0060 No.20890223

File: 215beef7303e9b8⋯.png (551.91 KB,1019x1163,1019:1163,Notables_04292024.png)

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d67b60 No.20901624

File: ab0222b136b6eb0⋯.jpg (86.14 KB,600x1000,3:5,Dig_Meme_Pray.jpg)

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d67b60 No.20901627

File: 0d9aae0e7b3887f⋯.jpg (397.69 KB,606x655,606:655,Comfy_with_Three_Frens_and….jpg)

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d67b60 No.20901629


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