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File: 98f11582831045d⋯.png (65.96 KB,255x134,255:134,ClipboardImage.png)

c8af09 No.20880424 [View All]

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688 posts and 462 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5212f3 No.20881323

File: 582d238e847dd38⋯.png (1.31 MB,1261x787,1261:787,ClipboardImage.png)

so many wetlands around the finger lakes.

seneca meadows wetland preserve is near seneca lake.

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38d67e No.20881324

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18c064 No.20881325

President Trump: If the radical democrat extremists get their way, they will have a federal law for abortion in the seventh, eighth, ninth month, and even executing a baby after birth.

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6680e2 No.20881326

File: cb7325457574d0a⋯.jpeg (423.27 KB,724x454,362:227,9D1C9AF4_3CF8_4DED_BE01_D….jpeg)

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c8fac6 No.20881327

File: 139515613560d31⋯.png (347.67 KB,756x648,7:6,predictiveprogramming.png)

File: 78fd65abaef6516⋯.png (310.05 KB,601x285,601:285,predictiveprogcovid5.png)

File: 5bea81e39ca4f46⋯.png (1.2 MB,514x974,257:487,predictiveprogcovid6.png)

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585344 No.20881328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We need divine intervention.

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8f791a No.20881330


it's already here

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ef3944 No.20881331

Roberts mentioned 3rd

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e4d2d2 No.20881332

POTUS bringing jobs back.

we deserve to have a dome like other countries have a dome.

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910ddc No.20881333


Lots of Timber Gators in the Sennica Wetlands.

They dispense a 72 kg human in under 8 minutes.

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6680e2 No.20881335

File: 19be403ef2f256d⋯.jpeg (511.27 KB,828x656,207:164,E8492B80_44DE_4AF4_AB3F_7….jpeg)

File: 0d6b7318c16a8d0⋯.jpeg (382.46 KB,828x540,23:15,BDCA3D95_F53E_40AE_811B_8….jpeg)

File: 0dc1cceb0dd61c7⋯.jpeg (229.01 KB,828x528,69:44,7E7C5F26_5A98_452C_8E50_B….jpeg)

File: 4560bd68e4113f9⋯.jpeg (304.54 KB,762x594,127:99,145B5BDA_84FD_4873_ACFC_C….jpeg)

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c7f8af No.20881336

File: aac432553663469⋯.jpg (19.51 KB,640x480,4:3,Bingo.jpg)

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5ffd4b No.20881337

File: 5543fd4cfb07d5e⋯.png (377.7 KB,803x628,803:628,Here_s_What_People_Called_….png)

~@700Last call

…Baking around 720


#25610 >>20880439

>>20880452, Baker change/Dough claim

>>20880484 President Trump Keynotes Minnesota GOP Annual Dinner

>>20880518 PF Report: SAM617 heading to JBA

>>20880528 Prince William will join King Charles and Queen Camilla as they travel to Normandy to attend ceremonies to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings

>>20880554 @DanScavino - President Donald J. Trump to Visit the South Bronx on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:00pmE. Tickets:


>>20880676 @SecondGentleman - It’s great to be back in Michigan with my good friend, (not) @FLOTUS

>>20880690 Kash Patel - The Constitutional Guillotine: The End Of The Deep State

>>20880734 Mike Lindell Live From Minnesota Ahead Of President Trump's Rally

>>20880780 PF Report: SAM844 west from JBA and SAM646 G5s east from Peterson SFB depart; SPAR28 Indo-PAC G5 stopped at Sacramento-Mather and changed from MANGO28 to current and heading to Hickam

>>20880813 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 05/17/2024

>>20880855 China unveils $41bn lending program to 'digest' unsold properties

>>20880857, >>20880885, >>20880900 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Dig

>>20880946 “I Can No Longer in Good Conscience Continue to Represent This Administration” – Biden Interior Department Staffer Abruptly Resigns

>>20880990 J6er Jake Lang Emerges From 36 Days in Sensory Deprivation Chamber

>>20881015 Great discussion between @GenFlynn and @SebGorka about America’s biggest threat: The Enemy Within.

>>20881030 Hezbollah launched the first-ever Lebanese airstrike on an Israeli target on Friday, using a never-before-seen drone for the operation.


>>20881163 @AdamSchiff - Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas proudly violate ethics rules without remorse or recourse. (Panic!)


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216b4d No.20881340

he just won he election!

no vaxx

no mask

no bullshit trannisms

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25e1af No.20881342

File: 6b503241cb049f8⋯.jpeg (405.04 KB,775x775,1:1,IMG_0395.jpeg)

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d3554a No.20881343


Is pic #2 related? Where's this from??

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38d67e No.20881345

File: d5c7422cd894b99⋯.jpeg (16.9 KB,255x246,85:82,bc23b932e48a02c5c0b1284a1….jpeg)

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33a57e No.20881346

File: a2bffe1163cf65f⋯.jpg (101.93 KB,762x594,127:99,20240517_222429.jpg)




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c82773 No.20881347

File: d31e88f3790617a⋯.png (157.31 KB,330x352,15:16,d31e88f3790617a660c00da84f….png)


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585344 No.20881348

File: 8ca82627cac4077⋯.jpg (43.86 KB,650x323,650:323,89101.jpg)


And after birth. Imagine doing prison time with no charges yet filed and YEARS for what is a trespassing fine.

You want a revolution? You're going to get one. Said by the most insightful.

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216b4d No.20881351


>on nov 03 2020,

we all know your side lied and cheated! TRUMP WON 2020

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c82773 No.20881353

File: 9927eb896974d9a⋯.png (274.08 KB,397x424,397:424,ClipboardImage.png)

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295305 No.20881356

File: 6ee799eefc9b0a5⋯.png (78 KB,331x152,331:152,IMG_2108.png)

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e4d2d2 No.20881357

File: a76513b8481241a⋯.jpg (44.95 KB,667x374,667:374,puttrumpback.jpg)

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5ef74a No.20881358


Report submitted!

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5ffd4b No.20881359

File: 78efe23ee9e6df3⋯.png (833.55 KB,1200x358,600:179,Screenshot_2024_05_17_at_1….png)


…Baking now


#25610 >>20880439

>>20880452, Baker change/Dough claim

>>20880484 President Trump Keynotes Minnesota GOP Annual Dinner

>>20880518 PF Report: SAM617 heading to JBA

>>20880528 Prince William will join King Charles and Queen Camilla as they travel to Normandy to attend ceremonies to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings

>>20880554 @DanScavino - President Donald J. Trump to Visit the South Bronx on Thursday, May 23rd at 6:00pmE. Tickets:


>>20880676 @SecondGentleman - It’s great to be back in Michigan with my good friend, (not) @FLOTUS

>>20880690 Kash Patel - The Constitutional Guillotine: The End Of The Deep State

>>20880734 Mike Lindell Live From Minnesota Ahead Of President Trump's Rally

>>20880780 PF Report: SAM844 west from JBA and SAM646 G5s east from Peterson SFB depart; SPAR28 Indo-PAC G5 stopped at Sacramento-Mather and changed from MANGO28 to current and heading to Hickam

>>20880813 Night Owl News Archives 'Fun Friday Free For All' - 05/17/2024

>>20880855 China unveils $41bn lending program to 'digest' unsold properties

>>20880857, >>20880885, >>20880900 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Dig

>>20880946 “I Can No Longer in Good Conscience Continue to Represent This Administration” – Biden Interior Department Staffer Abruptly Resigns

>>20880990 J6er Jake Lang Emerges From 36 Days in Sensory Deprivation Chamber

>>20881015 Great discussion between @GenFlynn and @SebGorka about America’s biggest threat: The Enemy Within.

>>20881030 Hezbollah launched the first-ever Lebanese airstrike on an Israeli target on Friday, using a never-before-seen drone for the operation.


>>20881163 @AdamSchiff - Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas proudly violate ethics rules without remorse or recourse. (Panic!)


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910ddc No.20881361


J-6ers ain’t in prison.

Stop being gullible.

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5d2943 No.20881362

Leftover Gochujeng Chicken Pot Pie for dinner. Never had it before yesterday, everyone should try it, my new favorite.

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5ef74a No.20881363


literally glowing

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e4d2d2 No.20881366

September 20 voting begins in MN.

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a311fe No.20881369

File: 26484fe13961dce⋯.jpg (94.86 KB,697x435,697:435,4D_CHESS.jpg)

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c8fac6 No.20881370

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88735f No.20881373

Is this LIVE?


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e4d2d2 No.20881374

File: e8c4ef7ead1add2⋯.jpg (85.99 KB,750x500,3:2,UltStGen.jpg)

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e4d2d2 No.20881376

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c82773 No.20881378

File: 644a2c87cf7c0ba⋯.png (278.46 KB,392x418,196:209,ClipboardImage.png)


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06850a No.20881379




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585344 No.20881380


😎 She probable became bulimic. I'm waiting for someone to rip that mask off.

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5ffd4b No.20881381

File: 04ae6d57f3c1da2⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,2048x1536,4:3,fish_fossil_3957908952.jpg)

Fresh bread




Over here

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910ddc No.20881382


Discernment + (my) suspected purpose for Trump EO pertaining to protective custody.

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25e1af No.20881383

File: 414e105fc82bb62⋯.jpeg (14.01 KB,140x255,28:51,IMG_0034.jpeg)


yer such a fag vd

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c8fac6 No.20881386


He had no teleprompter.

And so was more colorful

Very humorous. On a roll.

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26abe5 No.20881387


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38d67e No.20881388


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910ddc No.20881389


…your mom.

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e4d2d2 No.20881391

God bless you, POTUS

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c82773 No.20881392

Trump rally = 1 bread.


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c8fac6 No.20881395

File: d91d4dede79c335⋯.jpg (1.19 MB,2250x3000,3:4,agentcarterpointer.jpg)

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910ddc No.20881396

File: 7c37464b67f84d9⋯.png (690.07 KB,887x499,887:499,IMG_0869.png)

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5ffd4b No.20881397

File: e869b1c04a03dd7⋯.png (438 KB,540x406,270:203,driafgh5.png)

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