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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

532a69 No.20877100 [View All]

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65ce69 No.20878030

File: 5dfd6f1e376a4ba⋯.jpg (44.83 KB,680x491,680:491,80snewsscreens_marx.jpg)

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6b2f99 No.20878031

File: f0409e33389ac64⋯.png (7.52 KB,255x234,85:78,JUSTICETHOMASPEPE.png)


> and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.


So the SCCOULDabolish all Inferior Courts. All judges would lose their jobs, and have to reapply when a new court system was implemented.

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6b2f99 No.20878032


oops, Meant Congress not SC

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ed629a No.20878033

File: 3276d24069f3e02⋯.png (417.01 KB,602x718,301:359,son.PNG)


Lara Logan


It’s that obvious.

1:59 AM · May 17, 2024




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155923 No.20878035


There's also nothing that says shit about 12 Jurors, that' all made up bullshit.

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8bc4e0 No.20878036

File: 050cf8846bec038⋯.jpg (88.31 KB,665x659,665:659,I_Did_Not_Know_That_2_.jpg)

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65ce69 No.20878037

File: 1c25c16386dce20⋯.jpg (126.12 KB,828x835,828:835,onya_marx.jpg)

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b04a8f No.20878038

File: 0d9080cf68052c8⋯.png (731.35 KB,1440x1440,1:1,pepe_flag_salute.png)

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13e4f2 No.20878040

File: 5a2d30a0ab4c0ee⋯.png (466.49 KB,1170x843,390:281,ClipboardImage.png)


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1e0f31 No.20878041




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7614b9 No.20878042


who put him in charge?!

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9e3cfb No.20878044

File: 601269322ef81d4⋯.png (41.23 KB,473x392,473:392,qaggdropimage997.png)

Is this the Pope's terrible May?

They are coming out with guidelines on aliens.

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7bbe8c No.20878045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Few mins

What Netanyahu just did is HUGE

19K views · 1 day ago#MeaningfulLifeCenter #AppliedKabbalah…more

Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center

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532a69 No.20878046


…Because it isn't ayys.

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65ce69 No.20878047

Husband Foolishly Offers Solution To Wife's Problem

May 17, 2023 · BabylonBee.com


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38f808 No.20878048

File: c3b89106661d6ef⋯.gif (890.95 KB,500x375,4:3,spock_logical.gif)


>Do it for the children

>End the Fed

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bc4c23 No.20878049

File: 0e0c7b1b077fd38⋯.png (794.56 KB,500x633,500:633,ClipboardImage.png)

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c99114 No.20878050



Oops you miss spelled demons

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532a69 No.20878051

File: f8de55d512495df⋯.jpg (48.57 KB,728x484,182:121,jimi_hendrix_blues_rock_gu….jpg)


…Baking the wakey bake.


#25606 >>20877106

>>20877158, >>20877163 NOTAMS: Russian missile tests off the West Coast of the USA

>>20877205 On Friday 17 May 2024, at 12.00, a press conference will be held in the Holy See Press Office, Sala San Pio X, Via dell’Ospedale 1, to present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena.

>>20877313, >>20877315 Fair arbiter? CNN’s Jake Tapper trashed Trump for years, now he’s moderating presidential debate

>>20877348 EU Actively Monitoring 'Fake News' On Slovak Prime Minister Assassination Attempt

>>20877474 Staggering 84 percent of measles cases in major Chicago outbreak linked to Venezuelan migrants, CDC report

>>20877484 The state of Massachusetts announced a gigantic new shelter for illegals in the tiny conservative town of Norfolk

>>20877540 Suspected gunshots near Israeli embassy in Stockholm prompt police cordon

>>20877918 @KensingtonRoyal - A conversation for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek showing just how important the Duchy of Cornwall's Mental Health Strategy is. Featuring Duchy tenant Sam Stables and Farmer Will Young.

>>20877940 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/17/2024

>>20877945 Slovak prime minister underwent another operation, remains in serious condition

>>20877954 House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and state attorneys general speak at the Republican National Lawyers Association conference in Arlington, Virginia

>>20877955 Trump will campaign in Minnesota after attending his son Barron’s graduation


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5d658d No.20878052


mRNA shots have never, ever, evah worked going back to the trials started on animals in the 50s

Had to stop animals went adios too mas

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155923 No.20878053


>No more federal reserve

LONG LIVE GOLD AND SILVER AND US NOTES (to help carry around cause they debt free and weigh less.)

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1c2ff8 No.20878056

wheres benis?

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5d658d No.20878057


SF goes in and teaches the natives to be subversive


Force multipliers and likely clown supported off the books if not straight up in Addy to DoD

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12b9dc No.20878058

File: 1b37ec4ae131005⋯.png (625.23 KB,539x1569,539:1569,1b37ec4ae13100509929af426d….png)

What happened to the investigation into this guy?

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65ce69 No.20878059

File: 3af34c6562475d8⋯.jpg (98.63 KB,1080x707,1080:707,democratic_socialism.jpg)

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155923 No.20878061

File: cbf1e0917dd7e93⋯.mp4 (6.97 MB,576x1024,9:16,brazil.mp4)

File: 948b78d603de45d⋯.png (22.45 KB,153x139,153:139,ClipboardImage.png)

Brazil update from a couple days back.

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65ce69 No.20878062

File: f8f9a9baddf39fc⋯.jpg (31.96 KB,680x383,680:383,socialism_um_no.jpg)

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5d658d No.20878063


Should have put her in charge


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33820f No.20878064

File: 1e2c05b94b112e3⋯.png (903.65 KB,917x684,917:684,ClipboardImage.png)

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8400b8 No.20878065


That judaism retarded Yid!

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334060 No.20878066

File: 73e135ef3f958a8⋯.png (5.69 MB,2444x2444,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1c2ff8 No.20878067


pass me the saltgun Sam……

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65ce69 No.20878068

File: 40b97bf4aff73ca⋯.png (204.83 KB,848x664,106:83,socialism_mandatory.png)

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b29672 No.20878069


i was about fifteen years old when i first learned that this had happened among other humans on our shared planet… i was completely horrified that such a thing could happen because it was only a few steps further to things far worse than even Nazis. I was relieved to think i lived in America where such things couldn't happen.


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ae735f No.20878071

Today Barron graduates!

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cd5502 No.20878072

File: 773ac85a81180a5⋯.jpeg (873.12 KB,828x872,207:218,4CAB6318_5D24_4DAE_AF55_9….jpeg)


Nice out, maybe go for a walk?

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532a69 No.20878073

File: 3ac03bf859879de⋯.png (415.95 KB,470x716,235:358,samfrog.png)

Fresh bread




This way

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1c2ff8 No.20878074


tards get the same diplomas as regular kids as do oafs……-0-……

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12b9dc No.20878075


He makes his peons iron his shoe laces.

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38f808 No.20878076

File: b765d429b29bba8⋯.png (295.59 KB,595x334,595:334,2024_05_17_09_40_37.png)


> Bill Gates

>Not under my watch, Murderer.

Psychopath with way too much money and way too much time on his hands

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144e52 No.20878077

File: 9412be8fa201189⋯.png (465.51 KB,896x645,896:645,a.png)

File: 3fb2a3a1e89543b⋯.png (521.53 KB,975x887,975:887,c.png)

File: 37595fbec0aa1fa⋯.png (56.9 KB,788x847,788:847,d.png)

File: 22926555345e01b⋯.png (66.22 KB,785x593,785:593,e.png)

File: cca57a2f49d74a1⋯.png (77.15 KB,732x455,732:455,b.png)


Why not keep passing antisemitic laws to protect Christians and arrest the Dancing Israelis and the Zionists double agent infiltrators in the MSM interfering with our elections with fake news? Plus, hatred speech is a protected First Amendment right because the Founding Fathers recognized there were classes of lying and evil that people needed to be free to hate. Some Biblical Sauce attached. G.M. and God bless.

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4960b7 No.20878079


Zero sauce on this. This is May now. Bond market is still alive, there were no early elections and this guy is full of shit. Then there is the other fuck who apparently dubbed this Nino vid and he is as coherent as a fucking democrat. I call Bullshit.

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8bdc72 No.20878086

File: 6e46b1c3b226d46⋯.gif (1.05 MB,480x270,16:9,6e46b1c3b226d467ff915a0882….gif)

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482a09 No.20878087

File: cbf37df642e3c6d⋯.png (697.34 KB,1401x1442,1401:1442,laughwwg1wga.png)


Another one that cant handle the truth.

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532a69 No.20878091

…Not demons, either.

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8400b8 No.20878092

File: 6e46b1c3b226d46⋯.gif (1.05 MB,480x270,16:9,6e46b1c3b226d467ff915a0882….gif)

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65ce69 No.20878098

Trump And Biden To Debate Again In Clear Sign Of God's Judgment On America



May 16, 2024 · BabylonBee.com


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e86fa8 No.20878100


>He sounds like a clown.


>everything he has stated is common knowledge to anons

are you saing we are clowns?

sounds like it anon



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65ce69 No.20878106

File: 1c14412330e1ab5⋯.jpg (413.61 KB,816x528,17:11,16_year_plan_accelerated.jpg)

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144e52 No.20878112

File: 369ca2f3f996f0d⋯.png (411.68 KB,746x558,373:279,1.png)

File: e7ce9bece230321⋯.png (135.2 KB,757x546,757:546,2.png)

File: c8297512aef0647⋯.png (732.69 KB,759x849,253:283,3.png)

File: 39cf17c3694e31e⋯.png (113.54 KB,753x891,251:297,4.png)

File: f966bfbb976be29⋯.png (274.8 KB,540x700,27:35,5.png)

The chosen seed of God was Sumerian and does not look Jewish to my Lord’s mother, Mary, who was both Jewish and also of that chosen Sumerian line of kings through David, who worshipped the Living God and whose homeland was ancient Iraq.

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