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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

40d81a No.20876340 [View All]

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85e43e No.20877077


>What did it NOT prevent?

The infiltration and takeover of our govt by enemies foreign and domestic.

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85e43e No.20877078


>What did it NOT prevent?

The infiltration and takeover of our govt by enemies foreign and domestic.

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b34029 No.20877079

File: bf859ccda1ade37⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,576x720,4:5,parrot_bark_dogs_car_windo….mp4)


NiGht shiFt!

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70a37b No.20877080


An unsurprising lack of source information and the delusion of awakening 'Q Team'

All the flabby triceps and biceps I've ever met have excellent energy operating on straight fat, typically giggly

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172e14 No.20877081

File: b9c177af4582866⋯.png (416.12 KB,1080x586,540:293,Screenshot_20240516_020327….png)

File: c65931a0d4c2dc2⋯.jpg (70.59 KB,500x578,250:289,8bv.jpg)

Arora is TWO years behind AI WARFARE SYSTEMS the codes Arora is using are obsolete.

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202506 No.20877082


>was a pic of GHWB hanging

how do you know that?

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52a21d No.20877083

File: a70db9b6a5bf0be⋯.gif (1.16 MB,31A91283_4881_4982_963C_B3….gif)

File: 2b45cf51aa6d1dd⋯.gif (475.25 KB,1630570A_B056_47D4_9B88_09….gif)


Most have already faced their tribunals.

Those not replaced were given their roles which they will play exactly as scripted since they have death sentences over their heads thanks to the updated UCMJ.

It’s been checkmate for a long time. The public needs to be brought up to speed before the final act.

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85e43e No.20877084

File: 9cc621acf475e18⋯.png (22.49 KB,776x226,388:113,ClipboardImage.png)

That's weird. Double post….one with a (you) and one without.

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ff5b4d No.20877085


…Cracka 'boutta drop an EMP on yo punk ass.

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ff0590 No.20877086


smart dust shill is from the gould team

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202506 No.20877087


>replaced/given their roles

the Obamas also? i mean like in "beautiful" Hillary?

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1ef97f No.20877088

reddit words for reddit minds

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ae517e No.20877089

File: 1461ac4b219c31b⋯.png (38.92 KB,132x241,132:241,d9b9e50b579ed3ad4be491359c….png)

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ae517e No.20877090




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b34029 No.20877091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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85e43e No.20877092


>Most have already faced their tribunals.

I doubt that and hope you're wrong. That shit needs to be prime time LIVE!

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b34029 No.20877093

The shill count seems low tonight.

Must be a slow news day tomorrow.

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52a21d No.20877094

File: 0891f6d2719620a⋯.jpeg (66.29 KB,640x574,320:287,4E1632FD_BC14_48E2_B573_F….jpeg)


How else do you strike fear into the hearts of lost souls and ghouls? GHWB was the leader of their little cult. Decapitation of leadership is always the main focus of a military op, day one stuff.

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a107f6 No.20877095


Not every time you see puddles, droplets, or mists is it due to the weather. You have to look for the signs such as wetness under a tree where it would normally not have wetness. Puddles that take a long time to evaporate as opposed to others. Mists but not out in the streets or if you walk with a flashlight for a short range. When your oblivious you will never see it coming if it ever does. These tactics have been used for a very long time and no one looks for the signs should they ever come. You will always attribute it to nature or whatever your DNA is, Do Not Ask.

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ff5b4d No.20877096

File: cda63b99515c769⋯.jpg (173.11 KB,metropolis_Maschinenmensch….jpg)


…Baking now


#25605 >>20876352

>>20876411 Million Texans Without Power As Storm Topples Transmission Towers

>>20876419 Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems to lay off about 400 employees

>>20876447, >>20876450, >>20876566, >>20876948 MTG v AOC

>>20876474 Jefferies Risk Manager Balked at Archegos Cash Plea: ‘What’s the Emergency?’

>>20876513 Top Biden aide meets with ambassadors of 17 countries with citizens being held by Hamas

>>20876593, >>20876603 Baker change

>>20876671 PF Report: 64-14847 Rivet Joint crossed muh Korean peninsula and out of Kadena, Okinawa

>>20876939 @RepThomasMassie - One more reason to End the Fed. Today, SCOTUS held 7:2 that Congress uniquely authorized the CFPB to draw its funding directly from the Federal Reserve System, therefore allowing it to bypass the usual funding mechanisms laid out in the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution.

>>20877027 Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Accused of Flying Upside-Down Flag in Protest of Stolen 2020 Presidential Election

>>20877031 Russia Orders UK Defense Attaché Out Of The Country In Tit-For-Tat

>>20877038 Donald Trump’s son-in-law to redevelop NATO-bombed buildings


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70a37b No.20877097


My conjecture is stated as fact without support with an air of authority that implies it needs none. I am cryptically vague but easy to understand. My short sentences encourage mystical thinking.


Two of them.

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84828c No.20877098

File: 98b190912013d4c⋯.gif (1.4 MB,700x1000,7:10,letter.gif)

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84828c No.20877099


bank holiday in israel

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7d77b1 No.20877101

File: ae54bea69634a4c⋯.jpg (73.77 KB,500x564,125:141,8ccg.jpg)


How about I decommission a satellite and drop it on your house. >>20877085

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52a21d No.20877103


Yep- pointed that bitch out here before.

Birds of a feather…..

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a107f6 No.20877104


Q Team:

Just so you know, many times when I do a reveal my posts are blocked by the board claiming I sent up CP and say I am blocked permanently. Happened twice today.

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b34029 No.20877105



>Two of them.

(anon) ← envisions Jerry Nadler's balls.

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52a21d No.20877107


Video is good enough for me- pass the popcorn.

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70a37b No.20877108


We see what we want to see.

That is the game.


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b34029 No.20877109



A Gay parade in Tel Aviv?

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ff5b4d No.20877110

File: 54a937e3edd2cab⋯.jpg (137.08 KB,1058x1120,529:560,witchhunt.jpg)

Fresh 3am witching hour bread




==Get your exorcise, here.

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a107f6 No.20877111


>flabby triceps and biceps

A person will still have strength but it will start to diminish at this point. I am always right, and you would not be alive if I didn't figure out that the toxin vaccines and covid narrative was in play, all of you. 7.5 billion was the target, go read the old Georgia Guidestones.

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b34029 No.20877112


Gutfeld commented on his balls was why, I think? kek

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5c5f3d No.20877113

not a thing either way.

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70a37b No.20877114


Stop trying to do a reveal. No one wants to see that bro

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a107f6 No.20877115


>smart dust shill is from the gould team

Trump had said Chyna dust on multiple occasions, so I was right all along. And the SCIF about energy weapons being used on the populace is also my work. STFU shill.

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5c5f3d No.20877116


they really don't give a fuck.

nor does any one else.

the fact you are fucking insane

has nothing to do with it

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70a37b No.20877117


I have you, the infallible, to credit for my life? A real messiah in the flesh! How lucky we are to be graced by your presence.

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ff0590 No.20877118


useless stolen valor

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5c5f3d No.20877119


delusional schizoid mania

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70a37b No.20877120

Good thing there isn't anyone in here that is insane and tone deaf.

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a107f6 No.20877121



>Stop trying to do a reveal. No one wants to see that bro


>the fact you are fucking insane

Last time idiots: I was the first one to reveal the toxic vaccines 3 months before Q ever mentioned the pandemic March 2020.

You and your family are alive right now because of my intellect and reveals.

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5c5f3d No.20877122

q breaks them badly.

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a107f6 No.20877123


And Fortitude.

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b34029 No.20877124

File: b00e443022a2221⋯.png (817.04 KB,882x601,882:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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a107f6 No.20877126


>useless stolen valor

No, The only Ground zero worker that stood by the Truth for 22.5 years. I put my life on the line to get that message out and the Q team knows it.

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ff0590 No.20877127


useless stolen valor


great, am sure they will vouch for you. shut up until then.

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ae517e No.20877128


you guys are anonymous remember?

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85ee82 No.20882701

File: 844ca1f7a72ffa7⋯.jpg (358.79 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ManBatFrog.jpg)

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85ee82 No.20882703


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