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File: 187231b0df06931⋯.gif (7.93 MB,800x448,25:14,night_shift_banner.gif)

01199a No.20870626 [View All]

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40394b No.20871471

File: 3f54647031da05f⋯.jpg (142.36 KB,2000x1000,2:1,DELETE_BUTTON_.jpg)


Muh deletables

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9a14d3 No.20871472


- know the rules

- go muhjoo anyway

- posts deleted

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cb76e3 No.20871473


>The Declaration of Independence is Magna Carta level

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166bd5 No.20871474


Then you will know it was from me. Maybe God can make use of your audacity.

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ed8267 No.20871475


The constitution is fine for the time we live in, the problem is the government is violating it left and right, the supreme court says it's ok, and the majority of people seem to want to be ruled over.

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f7d935 No.20871476


I think trump should make his own Biden Ai. And half way through the debate substitute that with his feed so it would be Biden against Biden, And show the American people what a farce this is.

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7bf5c4 No.20871477


Been vaping muh weed for 6 months now. A whole new world.

Way less smell, way better hit. Zero smoke. Zero Tar.

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8ff665 No.20871478


>compd af.

But it did tho. The problem is that they failed to spell out human rights of freedom.

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f2fe0e No.20871479

File: a13308c07dd4b21⋯.jpg (33.21 KB,570x403,570:403,1650729447054.jpg)

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56a4f3 No.20871480

The Jewish People will Rise up against the Satanist

Pro-Hamas is not your Friend because they are Allies with the Satanists

God Bless the Jewish People

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7bf5c4 No.20871481


Who is doing the deleting?

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f8d969 No.20871482

File: 91d48ade5d4a880⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x675,16:9,Cannabutter_edible_from_we….png)

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8ff665 No.20871483


>The Declaration of Independence is Magna Carta level

It could be better tho

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b02de1 No.20871484


#25598 >>20870663

>>20870671 White House 'Deeply Troubled' As Georgia Enacts Law To Thwart NGO 'Interference'

>>20870680, >>20870814 Catherine Herridge: SSA Shapley and SA Ziegler had not violated the taxpayer privacy laws, as Hunter Biden had falsely alleged

>>20870709 ‘I honest to God believe I was drugged’: magician David Copperfield’s alleged victims speak out

>>20870721, >>20870724 Consumer Price Index – April 2024

>>20870726 Israeli Ministers Join March Calling for Settlements in Gaza, Expulsion of Palestinians

>>20870737, >>20871101 Planefag

>>20870739 Suspect who randomly attacked actor Steve Buscemi in broad daylight identified by NYPD

>>20870751, >>20870863 17 of the Most Dangerous Cities in the World

>>20870762 CNN has selected anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash to moderate the first presidential debate of the 2024

>>20870770 Judge Nichols gives Steve Bannon until Monday to respond to DOJ demand for immediate prison sentence

>>20870772 SEC Commissioner's little sister is called Peekaboo

>>20870779 Veteran DEA agent sentenced to 3 years for bribing former colleague to leak intelligence

>>20870810 Eerily similar shirts to Charles' painting

>>20870827 Patrick Morrisey is GOP candidate for governor

>>20870828 AIPAC-affiliated PAC backs Maryland primary candidate with US$4 million

>>20870833, >>20870911, >>20870864, >>20870866 Jeffrey Epstein’s original ‘little black book’ now on sale, expected to fetch $200K

>>20870872, >>20870885, >>20870891 One of Epstein’s Protectors at JPMorgan, Mary Erdoes, Sold $29Mil of Stock Since Just Before Epstein’s Arrest in 2019

>>20870878 Stephen King: "I have the heart of a small boy - I keep it in a jar on my desk"

>>20870899 Rumble Sues YouTube for Over $1 Billion in Damages

>>20870935, >>20870957, >>20871142 Alert Ready admits not everyone received emergency system test in Ontario

>>20870917, >>20870949, >>20871019 Whistleblower Says Democrat Politician Ran A Dark Website For Pedophiles

>>20870953 Congress is pushing a bill that would cutoff the entire DoD & State Dept if Biden puts a limit on additional arms transfers to Israel

>>20870966 80 officials overseeing elections in swing states believe the 2020 election was rigged

>>20870970, >>20870988 Flood of Fake Science Forces Multiple Journal Closures

>>20870981, >>20870995 EU Wants To Criminalize Migration Speech

>>20870987 DJT: Joe Biden is the worst President in the History of the United States

>>20870996 FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg apologizes for sexual harassment allegations amid calls to resign

>>20871000 Whistleblower reveals how government rushed to give all clear after East Palestine train derailment and says he was threatened when he asked why

>>20871007 Here are all the restrictions Biden's team demanded in their Trump debate offer

>>20871010 France bans TikTok in New Caledonia after deadly riots, state of emergency declared

>>20871014, >>20871026 Harriet Hageman just called out Rep. Dan Goldman for preparing Michael Cohen in the Trump hush money trial

>>20871023, >>20871028 Peru’s Government Officially Classifies Trans, Nonbinary, and Intersex as ‘Mentally Ill’ People

>>20871025 German politician Martin Neumaier filmed a video of himself licking public toilets inside a railway station - he's an FDP candidate

>>20871034 RINO NV Senate Candidate Sam Brown’s Campaign Staffers Expose His Anti-Trump Agenda on Undercover Recording

>>20871039, >>20871131 Five year FAA Bill clears the House - heading to Joe Biden's desk

>>20871073, >>20871104, >>20871038 Leftist Writer Juraj Cintula Arrested Following Attempted Assassination of Populist Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico / Red Folder

>>20871118, >>20871188, >>20870848 The top 1% own 53%+ of the stock wealth in America / GameStop explained

>>20871172 Devin Nunes: Dear Chairmen Jordan, McHenry, Smith, and Comer

>>20871246 UCLA attackers exposed: meet the violent Zionist agitators LA police haven’t arrested

>>20871313 Capitol Police trying to crack case of cocaine at its headquarters

>>20871342 Bradley Devlin Discusses The Hearing On The Weaponization Of DOJ And An Attempted Assassination

>>20871362, >>20871370 Non-Citizens to be Removed from Ohio's Voter Rolls Prior to 2024 Election

>>20871415 EU issues warning to Israel: Failure to end the Rafah offensive “immediately” would undermine ties

>>20871462 Trade war intensifies as Biden slaps more tariffs on Chinese products


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9a14d3 No.20871485



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97edf9 No.20871486


your god is just as feckless and stupid as you.

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fcfb53 No.20871487


I'm hoping you're kinda right.

Biden in the WH Oval Office.

PDJT in a jail cell with a 32" tv of him on next to Biden's desk.

That's the debate setting.

Just think of PDJT still bringing the BTFO in that situation.


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dad023 No.20871488

File: 14e711ae90d0204⋯.png (41.75 KB,820x364,205:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d06acb64775173⋯.png (572.29 KB,721x1606,721:1606,ClipboardImage.png)

Question - Is Maggie Haberman actually on Trump's side?

Katie Phang



HOFFINGER: Who is Maggie Haberman?

COHEN: She is a reporter for the New York Times.

FROM MC TO MH: Big boss just approved me responding to complaint and statement. Please start writing and I will call you soon


Tweet from Katie Phang shows Maggie Haberman and Michael Cohen were working together. Any patriot knows that this is because Cohen was a plant and he and Haberman were out to get Trump (as per Q drops). However, the replies to Phang's tweet are full of leftards turning on Haberman, accusing her and the NYT of being in Trump's pocket. You can't make this shit up and it kinda freaks me out. In their defense, Haberman's mother did used to work for Trump. TBH, this whole thing does confuse me. The swamp is murky AF. Can any anon clear it up for me?

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c51d12 No.20871489


"investigation".very funny. term common -investigating muh next pots right now

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cb76e3 No.20871491

File: e63de7119a98be1⋯.png (42.65 KB,524x534,262:267,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration was first read to the public simultaneously at noon on July 8, 1776, in three exclusively designated locations: Easton, Pennsylvania; Philadelphia; and Trenton, New Jersey.[2]

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7bf5c4 No.20871496


So a whole team of faggots.

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7472e3 No.20871497

File: 98b3d7a1c6e3fc5⋯.mp4 (195.24 KB,640x360,16:9,stories.mp4)

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fcfb53 No.20871498

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9a14d3 No.20871500


text of these notables will get re-posted to >>>/qnotables/ btw

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50ef09 No.20871501

File: 1a34a04c23e1d69⋯.jpg (36.57 KB,500x504,125:126,pot_taking.jpg)

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cb76e3 No.20871502


Why so many notables deleted?

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b02de1 No.20871503

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8ff665 No.20871504

Honor all (human) beings free will. You cant interact with other beings if you can’t even honor the free will of your own species.

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e2d034 No.20871505


Something like that. Biden is cornered.

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56a4f3 No.20871506

File: 37efb93940365fb⋯.png (397.57 KB,583x494,583:494,ClipboardImage.png)

Don't Conflate the Jewish People with the Satanists

They are not on the same side

The People of Israel are not in League with the Gov of Israel

& The Gov of Israel is working with Hamas To Destroy Israel

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f8d969 No.20871507

File: 4dbca0d7cccbac4⋯.jpg (63.79 KB,500x500,1:1,4dbca0d7cccbac4e45110027f9….jpg)


RIP Easton

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6f5435 No.20871509

File: 4220b42a314ca3c⋯.mp4 (8.45 MB,500x624,125:156,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


>Feds are

DEI selectee's too

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b02de1 No.20871511


No muhjoo huh? But you let all the shit for Palestine slide through. ADL detected. What does Herridge and Bannon have to do with Jews?

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56a4f3 No.20871512

Just like the American & Canadian Governments are trying destroy their Countries

But those people have Guns

So it's harder

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c57543 No.20871514


>God Bless the Jewish People

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3f9fce No.20871516

Attention: Trudeau did some bad shit.

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b83dbc No.20871517

File: 98ab53d9c83e95d⋯.jpg (35.39 KB,568x426,4:3,106c98a08bcfc3dc.jpg)


he's inVESTed in DogeMa

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3f9fce No.20871518

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ed8267 No.20871519

File: d38103de0859d80⋯.png (197.97 KB,539x463,539:463,d38103de0859d80d9b3b4d593c….png)

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0bcd0e No.20871520


"Tin Soldiers and Blinken's coming

they're finally on their own

This summer I hear the theifing

1 million dead in Ukraine we owe"

'gotta get down to it

give them mroe cash

or we'll release the blackmail

gotta vote for it

or your careers dead on the ground.

more money for Joe"

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7472e3 No.20871522

File: 636ebdb123c90c5⋯.gif (1.91 MB,550x309,550:309,d1668772d90d1aed176842b25d….gif)

Yep. Someone got caught. Sockpuppet notable seeding?

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7bf5c4 No.20871527

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b83dbc No.20871532

File: 4a3f3fe91bb1d33⋯.png (482.44 KB,709x601,709:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a1683 No.20871538



here it would be the Jew-haters.

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0a1683 No.20871548

File: c7fa9ce6c60e8d5⋯.png (533.54 KB,632x472,79:59,trudeaucastro0.png)

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3f9fce No.20871549

File: 8edac3a84ae18f5⋯.webp (153.02 KB,640x1289,640:1289,787AEBD2_2BF3_4A5B_A141_4….webp)

How does one know when to stop?

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c51d12 No.20871552


as long as its not anti-Semitic

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6ac6d2 No.20871562

File: 9b1fcd28e398011⋯.png (97.95 KB,864x568,108:71,WHEN_IT_HAPPENS.png)

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56a4f3 No.20871563

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8f35b4 No.20871567


Dark Vater

Oh those Havana Nights, It was the uniform that got her.

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