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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

4861f7 No.20869851 [View All]

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6107b5 No.20870650

File: 327632035d70c44⋯.png (565.23 KB,382x626,191:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee9dab No.20870651


Literally go fuck yourselves

All your personas

Ass clowns

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755deb No.20870652

File: c06b1896be22529⋯.png (647.76 KB,1080x883,1080:883,Sccxu.png)



There is actually five different Biden's playing the president.

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d1ef5f No.20870653

File: f6f4bb9fba67675⋯.mp4 (9.85 MB,854x480,427:240,f6f4bb9fba67675bef1c24d02b….mp4)


would be kool if the robot was programmed to do a dance & a jig after a keyword trigger


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dc6761 No.20870654


Ya like, how do you even bend the track that, and when the barg appears to be flat, and low down on the water level?

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4f51d4 No.20870655


If you can't handle the Chat, then just read the Notables. This isn't a safespace for feelings. BO is the one whining then is the one to shit on bakers all the time. Fuck off.

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022b79 No.20870656

File: 5600e780b216801⋯.png (1.12 MB,568x859,568:859,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f4770 No.20870657


>It is unclear what caused the collision

It is a barge and likely unpowered.

Looks like a tanker barge carrying liquid fuel or similar.

Somehow it became unfastened and was allowed to drift on the current into the bridge.

If it broke free multiple lines would need to break or become unfastened.

Likelihood of multiple fastenings failing simultaneously would be slim to none.

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4f51d4 No.20870658


Some bakers genuinely need to be attacked ferociously for being worthless.

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5aa025 No.20870659


You should really be more sensitive on the kun.

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fc6577 No.20870660


When are they going to stop culturally appropriating western hair.

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0990da No.20870661


I thought Obama was serving a third term as an illegal alien

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18406a No.20870662

File: c9deaa43de6505a⋯.png (270.32 KB,380x380,1:1,Rose_Hanbury.png)

File: cca5dec93647c7d⋯.png (324.03 KB,676x380,169:95,5cd591f21f000059009d4fdb.png)

File: efd849f9e1ba7b7⋯.png (241.04 KB,410x380,41:38,Rose_Hanbury_1.png)

File: 6e3fa36c08f5546⋯.png (116.12 KB,289x380,289:380,BB1jYx9c_img.png)

File: 4a164cdb0fce490⋯.png (134.61 KB,265x380,53:76,gettyimages_1388928719_644….png)





>William rumored mistress's son given spotlight honor carrying the king's train today

>And one day after camilla and mistress are together for public event

>They certainly have a way of telling the public news

So the "rumored mistress" is Rose Hanbury, one of Kate's friends. Just putting this here because I didn't really care to take note the last time she was posted here.

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ee9dab No.20870664


Fuck off with your narrative shaping assnytz

You moan and cry about everything each and every day.

>safe space

Post #1 is yer fee-fees not mine

Like previously said you and all those fuggen personas you comped phaggits move in and out of dint and don’t fool me

Try harder next time to not be a little bitch

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0990da No.20870665

File: 559d5558a10a9e5⋯.jpeg (158.36 KB,1133x1058,1133:1058,IMG_1406.jpeg)

Trips trips trips trips


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53ebd9 No.20870666

File: e98c8ac7168f187⋯.png (820.55 KB,1080x826,540:413,Screenshot_20240512_030956….png)

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4323df No.20870667


corpse is butthurt previous baker didn't follow orders?

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fc6577 No.20870669


Heroin cooked his frontal lobe

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c408c0 No.20870670

File: dd2d86a74daeac8⋯.png (615.42 KB,667x500,667:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a585ad02596122c⋯.png (308.14 KB,445x448,445:448,ClipboardImage.png)


filler up

new open bread below

>>20870663 new bread

>>20870663 migrate

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4f51d4 No.20870672


I get mad like once every 2 weeks. I'm quite patient until I eviscerate your soul with Words alone.

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be5b2a No.20870673



Mike Lindell Warns Of "Trojan Horse" In Minnesota With Creation Of Islamic Flag As New State Flag

3 hours ago

Aired On: 5/15/2024

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fd8097 No.20870674

MSM - fascist commercial journalism a proxy byproduct of US State Department on JONES PLANTATION public spectrum.

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80f9cb No.20870675

File: b5ed47b10c8874d⋯.gif (227.84 KB,220x220,1:1,b5ed47b10c8874d7ce165b0c78….gif)

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c21fff No.20870676

File: a10d707da061fc3⋯.png (24.44 KB,1235x184,1235:184,ClipboardImage.png)

a 5 hr bread

is this a record?

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c408c0 No.20870677



chek notables.

part of a bun


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53ebd9 No.20870678

File: 931c600db5f5eb8⋯.jpg (240.48 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,IMG_20240513_184710.jpg)

Trish Regan is blasting all the right people.

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ee9dab No.20870679

File: 61c6b9c6b3475f8⋯.jpeg (96.62 KB,969x559,969:559,69A60E3D_58F3_478F_9095_6….jpeg)


Keep thinking’ that bro

Too funny

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c21fff No.20870681

*4 hr


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4f5d70 No.20870682


sheeeeeeeit……neva eva

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4f51d4 No.20870683


Bitches aren't welcome here. There isn't anywhere else to go anyways. You're all stuck in here with me.

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9a6bcf No.20870684

File: bb96cd19f4f37c1⋯.gif (106.61 KB,220x140,11:7,bb96cd19f4f37c1df2d5614f9b….gif)

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fd8097 No.20870686

MSM - fascist commercial journalists who are a proxy of US State Department on JONES PLANTATION public spectrum regulated by JONES PLANTATION COMMUNICATION COMMISSION.

Fuck I hate the word MSM it's BROKEN!!!

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ee9dab No.20870687


Then why is your first post crying like a pussy

Remind me again…I’ll wait

Yer game is stale AF

Like the rest of yer “crew”

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4f51d4 No.20870689



I'm a one man army.

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5aa025 No.20870690

File: d4541738353462a⋯.jpeg (87.4 KB,478x492,239:246,IMG_0786.jpeg)

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4f5d70 No.20870691

File: 065cc7bc014d071⋯.png (1.23 MB,883x904,883:904,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee9dab No.20870692

File: 470273efc190910⋯.jpeg (43.61 KB,640x426,320:213,9461AD39_A95E_4CD0_9C42_D….jpeg)


Army of the blind and Queen of 1 post wonders


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fd8097 No.20870693

File: c2d7ca17dfc56da⋯.png (376.35 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

MSM - fascist commercial journalists with the intent of mass cognitive dissonance who are a proxy of US State Department on JONES PLANTATION public spectrum regulated by JONES PLANTATION COMMUNICATION COMMISSION.

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4f51d4 No.20870695


The shills don't speak like I do. You're all outnumbered in terms of brain cells.

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c21fff No.20870696


they don't understand they've been set up to fail

guess they should have read the bible

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3289e5 No.20870697


muh bingo card has turn his back and walk away with a trip and fall on his face cross action pays unrealized gain taxes - no joke…, wut inflation

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9a6bcf No.20870698

File: 3794c1447a1b03b⋯.png (271.8 KB,620x413,620:413,3794c1447a1b03bff1f99ebdb6….png)

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ee9dab No.20870699

File: 5e13b06d11f4484⋯.gif (1.25 MB,260x146,130:73,85A9EEC5_FA79_4B84_99E8_55….gif)



That the best you got?

Sad bro

Was over long ago

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80f9cb No.20870705

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB,620x400,31:20,9f99cbee4f70f0bed68309ed0c….jpg)

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9c94dd No.20870706


This seems pretty important…


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fd8097 No.20870707

File: 99f857ae7ff78df⋯.png (184.13 KB,987x759,329:253,ClipboardImage.png)

The word has to work in sentences..

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c23206 No.20870708

File: 3fe817d1850159c⋯.jpg (223.5 KB,1179x2556,131:284,GMoWAcqWcAAltai.jpg)


Mike Lindell and his money laundering operation aren't going to make it.

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ee9dab No.20870714

File: 8d7a078c11172e5⋯.jpeg (541.54 KB,809x776,809:776,0921ED50_132E_4E0B_BD9F_D….jpeg)

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ee9dab No.20870716

File: b0dff88c27c62e0⋯.jpeg (37.49 KB,400x400,1:1,D6E0982F_760B_4990_A4A1_E….jpeg)

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fd8097 No.20870717

File: 3d2d966f0c641d7⋯.png (125.68 KB,1142x795,1142:795,ClipboardImage.png)

I can't fucking believe I am analyzing KJP's linguistics.

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