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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

6d5b7d No.20863169 [View All]

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566 posts and 325 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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8a13f7 No.20863916

File: 87b296e04c78c75⋯.jpg (4.88 KB,300x168,25:14,images_174_.jpg)

File: d43e4b593b90940⋯.jpg (4.98 KB,300x168,25:14,images_173_.jpg)

File: 0ab53996ab52d18⋯.jpg (5.54 KB,300x168,25:14,Z_30_.jpg)


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444070 No.20863923



Mason alert.

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485665 No.20863925

File: 70c11c3b3298d28⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,3022x3787,3022:3787,IMG_3061.jpeg)

File: a1a0f61cdce6247⋯.jpeg (4.04 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_3057.jpeg)

File: 11e7aa2d9d757c1⋯.png (59 KB,750x467,750:467,ClipboardImage.png)


That pesto is the bomb! Made stinging nettle soup too. Best fkn soup EVER. Anon would make u faggots a sammich any day -a tasty dagwood, at that. That’s right. Best faggots in the world right here. Not the shills tho.

Anon is drying a bunch of nettles. Can be added to soups or make tea, etc. blanching some and putting in freezer too. Then e d of summer collect the seeds to sprinkle on food. Vary nutritious non gmo God food. Super delicious and medicinal.

Gnite frens.

( . )( . ).jpg

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71c183 No.20863927

File: 9a0e448d3de2088⋯.jpg (3.68 MB,3468x4624,3:4,IMG20231118021001.jpg)

File: 1ebe34163302f8f⋯.jpg (3.84 MB,3468x4624,3:4,IMG20231118021014.jpg)


Reread what I wrote stupid. Birds are not supposed to smell like chemicals. The only liar is you, you are trying to defend him and it is obvious. This is what chemical spraying looks like in the middle of the night. Not rain either, because there is a tree there and when it rains that area is always dry. These chemical will dry and turn to a dust like particle. It was already investigated, hence where it came from Chyna dust. These particles binds to living tissue.

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260759 No.20863928


Reminiscent of when California sprayed malathion across the entire state back in the early 80's to control the Mediterranean Fruit Fly.

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a14366 No.20863930

so what website do political campaigns use to grift money? Asking for a fren

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80a0ff No.20863933

File: 0fca978aa952f2f⋯.jpg (353.08 KB,720x898,360:449,20240513_225723.jpg)

rife with broken egos,

the weary band played on.

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80a0ff No.20863936


all of them.

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80a0ff No.20863941


feel free to continue bitching.

it is soothing.

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22f01c No.20863944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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80a0ff No.20863945


the bear should not play with its food so.

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ee6791 No.20863946

File: a2283e6bb9ae66c⋯.jpg (39.45 KB,1242x690,9:5,padre_arturo_sosa_17948.jpg)


Keyser Söza

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e3fb66 No.20863948





( Turn in your badge, Pussy ! )

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4e1b40 No.20863949


Trust me, I am the anon that figured most things out on this boards, how they do it and how they get away with it. These toxins were first deployed on 911 and some of us were exposed to these spike proteins. Later the 911 compensation fund forced applicants to get a shot in order to collect their money and they put them into shots, which is why so many got cancers. It is not cancer but a agent that binds living tissue. This is also what caused real covid symptoms, they were aerating these chemicals all over the place, especially through subway vents which should explain a lot. They also put them into some of the current vaccines for covid shots.

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22f01c No.20863950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6d5b7d No.20863952

Last call

…Next bread very shortly.


#25589 >>20863180

>>20863338 JGB yields jump to multi-year highs as BOJ cuts bond purchases

>>20863352 Councilman warns of 'disaster' for NYC after beds for mentally ill slashed in half at new Brooklyn jail

>>20863355 Iconic Trump Hotel DC Struggles Under New Owners, Foreclosure Auction Next Month

>>20863449 Top Republican donors fund group doxxing pro-Palestinian college students…Yass, Uihlein, Milstein and Coors have all donated regularly to Republican campaigns over the past decade.

>>20863459 Walmart to reportedly lay off hundreds of corporate staff and relocate others

>>20863719 Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Maryland

>>20863751 Sumatra’s cold lava mudslides leave at least 43 dead (RT)

>>20863754 Americans want taxpayer funds pulled from NPR for becoming a 'political propaganda machine', Daily Mail poll shows

>>20863779 @SpeakerJohnson - As part of #NationalPoliceWeek, I visited the 9/11 memorial in NYC to honor the brave law enforcement officers who made the ultimate sacrifice to save others on that tragic day.

>>20863831 @HillaryClinton - What are the stakes for health care in this election?


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80a0ff No.20863953

File: 50dfdc47469e7d8⋯.jpg (53.56 KB,1080x542,540:271,20240513_174527.jpg)

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4e1b40 No.20863954


It is not a virus, covid, it is a targeted chemical attack by DS cronies.

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398539 No.20863956

File: 393fd4cea0c09c8⋯.png (385.91 KB,440x688,55:86,000za.png)

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22f01c No.20863957

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

42:31 Belousov MoD. Shoigu promoted. German, UKR no-fly zone.


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d16538 No.20863958


Notable why?

Because Johnson is such a generic fucking tool?

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80a0ff No.20863959

it is not an anon

it is an idiot

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80a0ff No.20863960


if you ain't CAV

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34d0a6 No.20863961




personly i cannot stand night shift yet the faggot seems to be onto something


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22f01c No.20863963

the STRUCTURE of our govt that we're TOLD exists makes NO sense. NOBODY would ever consent to a govt empowered to destroy them.


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22f01c No.20863964

File: eab7b7288a8be91⋯.png (490.36 KB,799x308,799:308,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel razes entire Bedouin village to expand a highway The demolition of Wadi al-Khalil, an unrecognized village in the Naqab, left over 300 citizens homeless despite their attempts to reach a compromise.


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32facd No.20863966

Pertectin are freedumbs.

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22f01c No.20863969

File: c3810001ad7fa88⋯.png (442.99 KB,824x468,206:117,ClipboardImage.png)

Double Dawson


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22f01c No.20863971

Remember the suspicious death of Pulitzer Prize Winner Joe Rago after he kicked over Imran Awan’s VeroPharm vaccine company? Didn’t DTRA call COVID vaccines “countermeasures”?


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51127d No.20863973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


119 2[U]

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18abef No.20863974

File: e2e5a549f2627a6⋯.jpg (100.97 KB,500x500,1:1,8jeb4d.jpg)

Anons if the government Deep State operatives asked me to sell out the AI WARFARE SYSTEMS, our die I'd take a bullet for my country.

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baed7c No.20863975


#20831423 at 2024-05-07 08:41:04 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25550: Triple 5 Tuesday Edition


>they are probably spraying agent orange left over from the vietnam war

>dead of night is the perfect time to spray the unsuspecting populace

I know for a fact, it is the neighbors, yet the DS will sometimes also send trucks or planes to dump chems too. One neighbor saturated his pine tree with a chemical once and we took out an electic blower to combat the odor when all of a sudden above the 20ft pine trees heavy drops came at us on an arching angle, so we knew he was doing this from inside his house by camera and equipment. By God's Grace it started to rain because the blower wasn't strong enough to repel them.

So who is the neighbor.

This was already discussed a few breads ago.

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6d5b7d No.20863976

File: f1b70800f77846a⋯.png (1.57 MB,954x700,477:350,weedfrogninja.png)

Last call

…Next bread around 720


#25589 >>20863180

>>20863338 JGB yields jump to multi-year highs as BOJ cuts bond purchases

>>20863352 Councilman warns of 'disaster' for NYC after beds for mentally ill slashed in half at new Brooklyn jail

>>20863355 Iconic Trump Hotel DC Struggles Under New Owners, Foreclosure Auction Next Month

>>20863449 Top Republican donors fund group doxxing pro-Palestinian college students…Yass, Uihlein, Milstein and Coors have all donated regularly to Republican campaigns over the past decade.

>>20863459 Walmart to reportedly lay off hundreds of corporate staff and relocate others

>>20863719 Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Maryland

>>20863751 Sumatra’s cold lava mudslides leave at least 43 dead (RT)

>>20863754 Americans want taxpayer funds pulled from NPR for becoming a 'political propaganda machine', Daily Mail poll shows

>>20863779 @SpeakerJohnson - As part of #NationalPoliceWeek, I visited the 9/11 memorial in NYC to honor the brave law enforcement officers who made the ultimate sacrifice to save others on that tragic day.

>>20863831 @HillaryClinton - What are the stakes for health care in this election?


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bccd98 No.20863977

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6d5b7d No.20863979

File: 60f46df7d9b2bc9⋯.png (246.51 KB,429x413,429:413,936fda4bfa33c586a9ffddea64….png)


…Bakering now


#25589 >>20863180

>>20863338 JGB yields jump to multi-year highs as BOJ cuts bond purchases

>>20863352 Councilman warns of 'disaster' for NYC after beds for mentally ill slashed in half at new Brooklyn jail

>>20863355 Iconic Trump Hotel DC Struggles Under New Owners, Foreclosure Auction Next Month

>>20863449 Top Republican donors fund group doxxing pro-Palestinian college students…Yass, Uihlein, Milstein and Coors have all donated regularly to Republican campaigns over the past decade.

>>20863459 Walmart to reportedly lay off hundreds of corporate staff and relocate others

>>20863719 Justice Department to Monitor Compliance with Federal Voting Rights Laws in Maryland

>>20863751 Sumatra’s cold lava mudslides leave at least 43 dead (RT)

>>20863754 Americans want taxpayer funds pulled from NPR for becoming a 'political propaganda machine', Daily Mail poll shows

>>20863779 @SpeakerJohnson - As part of #NationalPoliceWeek, I visited the 9/11 memorial in NYC to honor the brave law enforcement officers who made the ultimate sacrifice to save others on that tragic day.

>>20863831 @HillaryClinton - What are the stakes for health care in this election?


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51127d No.20863980


Elon, get rid of these clown bakers.

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08738d No.20863983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bccd98 No.20863985

desperation accrues

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baed7c No.20863987


I remember when u wanted to use the blower 2-3 days ago.

Then changed your mind.


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5f0c40 No.20863988


>Trust me, I am the anon that figured most things out on this board

So why should anyone doubt that I warned about all this chaos coming on 12/27/19 before Q even mentioned it in March 2020? I knew by personal experience all about the censorship, the blacklisting, the chemicals, the killers in the hospitals protected by the NWO cops, corrupt judges, corrupt adult protective services, the lawyers that were all in cahoots, what they did on 911, and protected many lives against these thug cabal low lives at the VA and other health care institutions and knew by the arrogance of not only locals but the MSM and others that it was imminent and they were going for it. They tried to murder me 3 times on that day and I knew they would try, but went ahead and put my life on the line because it had to be done, and if not me, then who? Many of you should praise God for giving me the courage and fortitude, because I am not a stupid man.

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22f01c No.20863989

File: af64b3ba1b8bea0⋯.png (809.58 KB,1428x784,51:28,ClipboardImage.png)

The Hero WWII Paratrooper Who Once Tricked 15,000 Germans Into Surrendering Has Died


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22f01c No.20863996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Something was Here


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51127d No.20863997

Elon, get rid of the clown B.O. team

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6d5b7d No.20863998

File: e8378c10d243392⋯.png (631.69 KB,778x519,778:519,dafgtrjh.png)

Fresh bread




Right here

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baed7c No.20864000


Global reported.

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bccd98 No.20864002

fear makes you useless

ignorance makes you dead

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51127d No.20864003


We know.

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bccd98 No.20864006


observably too stupid to chan

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b2021a No.20864018


>Anger induced for no good reason other than thoughtlessness

You left out the part that it fucks up phonefagging.

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2ce6ee No.20864020

File: e5147c58b4b6e3b⋯.jpg (2.85 MB,3468x4624,3:4,911_Con_Edison_Helmet.jpg)


Why would anyone doubt that they still attack us to this day? They know who stood by the truth since 911 and against their genocidal plans. Here is your proof that I was a ground zero worker, how else would I get one of these?

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