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File: e06ea76562b8467⋯.png (41.57 KB,255x147,85:49,ClipboardImage.png)

cd8409 No.20862379 [View All]

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701 posts and 482 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9faf5b No.20863134

What exactly was the plan here?

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0d4c3e No.20863135

File: ff367c78fbeed20⋯.png (11.53 KB,637x467,637:467,unkekked.png)

~@700Last call

…Baking around 720


#25588 >>20862390

>>20862464 Steve Bannon On Democrat’s Lawfare Strategy Collapsing Around Them

>>20862482 Rudy Giuliani Joins Bannon To Discuss Lawfare Attacks And The 2020 Stolen Election

>>20862503, >>20862621, >>20862661, >>20862871 Planefag

>>20862530 Fani Willis' Disqualification Case is Now in the Georgia Court of Appeals

>>20862531 Planet Fitness announced that they are giving away free summer passes to kids

>>20862535, >>20862438, >>20862442 Baltimore bridge

>>20862539 Here Is A List Of Nearly 400 Conditions That Lyme Disease Has Mimicked

>>20862554 Tommy Tuberville just walked out of the courtroom and demanded the court start showing Trump some respect

>>20862556 Natalie Winters Discusses Becoming A Claremont Institute Fellow

>>20862559 Trump crushes Biden in Swing States

>>20862565 The “Motor Voter” law makes it easy for noncitizens (legal & illegal) to vote in federal elections without being asked to prove citizenship

>>20862573 Roaring Kitty, aka as Keith Gill, who posted extensively before and during GameStop, $GME's run in 2020-2021, has posted a fourth time in 24 hours

>>20862588 Mike Davis: "They Can Wait Until After The Election To Go After Trump"

>>20862592 Michael Cohen has just implicated himself, and not Donald Trump, during his latest line of questioning

>>20862597 Judge Sentences NYC Man to 10 Years for Gunsmithing After Saying 2nd Amendment 'Nonexistent' in Courtroom

>>20862603 California Gas Regulators Ensure Prices Might Never Go Down With Hidden 50 Cent Annual Tax Increase

>>20862619 Lou Dobbs Tonight - Trump Breaks Records Over The Weekend

>>20862620 DJT: Do not comply to the new bird flu fear

>>20862647, >>20862682, >>20862735, >>20862705 Walton Family Holdings Trust has offloaded more than $1.5 billion worth of Walmart stock

>>20862700 Dr. Carol Swain Discusses The Chaos With Marxists And Sharia Supremacists On College Campuses

>>20862702, >>20862871 The Attorney General in Guatemala is investigating child trafficking at the US border and it appears that the Biden Admin is retaliating/Blinken was at Guatemala City last week

>>20862707 Kim Jong Un spent his weekend checking out weapons facilities and even got his hands on a sniper rifle, apparently hitting the bullseye 5 times

>>20862812 Bill McGuire: A Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London (UCL)

>>20862818 Lindell: People’s Eyes Are Getting Opened, They Aren’t Going To Be Able To Do What They Did In 2020

>>20862841 A prominent pro-Israel super PAC is gunning for Republican Congressman Thomas Massie

>>20862857 Low air quality alerts triggered in four northern US states over Canada wildfires

>>20862872 Leftists Triggered By Trump Policy To Potentially Execute Child Sex Traffickers

>>20862879 Andrew Giuliani Gives Updates Live From Manhattan As The Trump Show Trial Rolls On

>>20862887 Pentagon intelligence officer quits in protest of Israel-Hamas war in Gaza

>>20862907 Mike Benz Details The FBI And DHS Teaming Up With Tech Companies To Ban 'Election Misinformation'

>>20862938, >>20862945 Baker change

>>20862947 Elon Musk wins court battle against Australia

>>20863067 The State of California is being sued to be forced to remove millions of names from their voter rolls by Judicial Watch

>>20863081 Night Owl News Archives - 05/13/2024


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9faf5b No.20863136

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a clever rabbit named Thumper, a gentle cow named Daisy, and a mighty panda bear named Kung Fu.

One sunny day, Thumper stumbled upon a patch of succulent carrots hidden in the forest. Delighted by his find, he invited Daisy and Kung Fu to share in his discovery. The three friends agreed to divide the carrots equally among themselves.

However, as they began to feast, Kung Fu, with his massive strength, started devouring the carrots at an alarming rate, leaving little for Thumper and Daisy. Thumper, feeling indignant, confronted Kung Fu, arguing that they had agreed to share the carrots equally.

Kung Fu, towering over Thumper and Daisy, scoffed at their protests. "In this forest, might makes right," he declared. "I am the strongest, so I shall eat as much as I desire."

Feeling helpless against Kung Fu's power, Thumper and Daisy reluctantly accepted their fate and watched as Kung Fu consumed the carrots.

Days passed, and Kung Fu's arrogance grew. He began to bully other animals in the forest, demanding their food and resources. Thumper and Daisy, witnessing the injustice, knew they had to act.

One moonlit night, Thumper devised a plan. He approached Kung Fu with an offer to challenge him in a contest of wits and agility. Intrigued by the prospect of a challenge, Kung Fu agreed.

The next morning, the forest gathered to witness the contest. Thumper led Kung Fu on a daring chase through the dense underbrush, utilizing his speed and cunning to outmaneuver the lumbering panda bear. In the end, Thumper emerged victorious, proving that brains could triumph over brawn.

As Kung Fu nursed his wounded pride, Thumper addressed the assembled animals. "In this forest, it is not might that makes right, but wisdom and fairness," he proclaimed.

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3e6c76 No.20863137

File: 5f54a91bbd8bc51⋯.png (187.93 KB,358x746,179:373,hiss.PNG)


REPORT: “There seems to be a concerted effort” to rewrite COVID vaccine history.

While Chris Cuomo and Dr. Deborah Birx admit that vaccine injuries exist, they push the idea that they’re “small.”

Well, that’s not what data analyst Edward Dowd is seeing.

His data suggests that since the vaccine rollout, America has seen:

• 1.1 million excess deaths

• 4 million people becoming disabled

• And 28.6 million vaccine-injured people are often missing work due to chronic illness.

“So, it’s about 33 million Americans have been injured, disabled, or died from this vaccine in our estimate.”

Full Interview: https://rumble.com/v4ufhfr-huge-financial-shock-inevitable-and-hitting-now-ed-dowd.html

Related Stories on @Vigilant_News:

Medical whistleblower says COVID jabs caused patients to “die so horrifically, so quickly.” (https://vigilantnews.com/post/medical-whistleblower-says-covid-jabs-caused-patients-to-die-so-horrifically-so-quickly/)

More Bad News for the COVID Vaccinated (https://vigilantnews.com/post/more-bad-news-for-the-covid-vaccinated/)

Dr. McCullough Issues Major Bird Flu Warning: “A Perfect Storm is Brewing” (https://vigilantnews.com/post/dr-mccullough-issues-major-bird-flu-warning-a-perfect-storm-is-brewing/)

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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5c1deb No.20863138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dbdbe0 No.20863139


fuck no wont do what ya' told me.

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9faf5b No.20863140


yes fuck you

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144d94 No.20863141

File: bc7ce3d12481ec5⋯.png (138.29 KB,766x2072,383:1036,1367.png)

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9faf5b No.20863142


I told you no

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a25626 No.20863143

File: 7b12e43aa39f2ad⋯.gif (1.48 MB,500x254,250:127,D3074F1B_A442_47EF_85EA_EE….gif)

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0388f7 No.20863144

File: 1225a9752f3b6ed⋯.jpg (64.02 KB,500x626,250:313,mindblown.jpg)

>>20861808 LB

>>Scavino Rocket Launch

Not a single Anon mentioned "We have Lift Off", which really surprises me as it's so precipicey outside.


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a3252b No.20863145


we will all die

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04b375 No.20863146

File: 4e71bee458e97b5⋯.png (353.51 KB,858x441,286:147,chekd.png)


You should be clever enough to see I was not fishing. I made a statement and I addressed Q. If you are Q get a new script writer.

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167350 No.20863147

File: ebda2321be1554e⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB,898x718,449:359,anons_i_m_not_goin_nowhere.mp4)

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a3252b No.20863148


mother of god

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40eb8c No.20863149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b99636 No.20863150

File: 05b88707c9d2e30⋯.png (7.21 KB,255x94,255:94,59b28a3d853528ebaaa273ab8c….png)

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a3252b No.20863151


oh shit

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5c1deb No.20863152

File: cfcb26234667011⋯.mp4 (666.7 KB,640x624,40:39,army_crawl_you_re_gay.mp4)

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a3252b No.20863153

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26fd4f No.20863154


Q isn't answering except with silence, and if you were a regular you'd know that.

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a3252b No.20863155


omg me too

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dd5d3b No.20863156

File: f24550dc4271a69⋯.png (531.85 KB,1618x1607,1618:1607,AWTY.png)

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62b9b7 No.20863157


Distract and scare everyone.

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b99636 No.20863158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a3252b No.20863159

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5c1deb No.20863160

File: 828820662bde7c9⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB,1200x600,2:1,Motivation_for_AWESOME_BAK….mp4)


God Bless you!

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beee0b No.20863161


He says the EMP events, like the one that happened this weekend, can easily be controlled by surge protectors== but the government won’t do it or prepare for it. The prior events were catastrophic

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0d4c3e No.20863162

File: f1b70800f77846a⋯.png (1.57 MB,954x700,477:350,weedfrogninja.png)


…Baking now


#25588 >>20862390

>>20862464 Steve Bannon On Democrat’s Lawfare Strategy Collapsing Around Them

>>20862482 Rudy Giuliani Joins Bannon To Discuss Lawfare Attacks And The 2020 Stolen Election

>>20862503, >>20862621, >>20862661, >>20862871 Planefag

>>20862530 Fani Willis' Disqualification Case is Now in the Georgia Court of Appeals

>>20862531 Planet Fitness announced that they are giving away free summer passes to kids

>>20862535, >>20862438, >>20862442 Baltimore bridge

>>20862539 Here Is A List Of Nearly 400 Conditions That Lyme Disease Has Mimicked

>>20862554 Tommy Tuberville just walked out of the courtroom and demanded the court start showing Trump some respect

>>20862556 Natalie Winters Discusses Becoming A Claremont Institute Fellow

>>20862559 Trump crushes Biden in Swing States

>>20862565 The “Motor Voter” law makes it easy for noncitizens (legal & illegal) to vote in federal elections without being asked to prove citizenship

>>20862573 Roaring Kitty, aka as Keith Gill, who posted extensively before and during GameStop, $GME's run in 2020-2021, has posted a fourth time in 24 hours

>>20862588 Mike Davis: "They Can Wait Until After The Election To Go After Trump"

>>20862592 Michael Cohen has just implicated himself, and not Donald Trump, during his latest line of questioning

>>20862597 Judge Sentences NYC Man to 10 Years for Gunsmithing After Saying 2nd Amendment 'Nonexistent' in Courtroom

>>20862603 California Gas Regulators Ensure Prices Might Never Go Down With Hidden 50 Cent Annual Tax Increase

>>20862619 Lou Dobbs Tonight - Trump Breaks Records Over The Weekend

>>20862620 DJT: Do not comply to the new bird flu fear

>>20862647, >>20862682, >>20862735, >>20862705 Walton Family Holdings Trust has offloaded more than $1.5 billion worth of Walmart stock

>>20862700 Dr. Carol Swain Discusses The Chaos With Marxists And Sharia Supremacists On College Campuses

>>20862702, >>20862871 The Attorney General in Guatemala is investigating child trafficking at the US border and it appears that the Biden Admin is retaliating/Blinken was at Guatemala City last week

>>20862707 Kim Jong Un spent his weekend checking out weapons facilities and even got his hands on a sniper rifle, apparently hitting the bullseye 5 times

>>20862812 Bill McGuire: A Professor of Geophysical & Climate Hazards at University College London (UCL)

>>20862818 Lindell: People’s Eyes Are Getting Opened, They Aren’t Going To Be Able To Do What They Did In 2020

>>20862841 A prominent pro-Israel super PAC is gunning for Republican Congressman Thomas Massie

>>20862857 Low air quality alerts triggered in four northern US states over Canada wildfires

>>20862872 Leftists Triggered By Trump Policy To Potentially Execute Child Sex Traffickers

>>20862879 Andrew Giuliani Gives Updates Live From Manhattan As The Trump Show Trial Rolls On

>>20862887 Pentagon intelligence officer quits in protest of Israel-Hamas war in Gaza

>>20862907 Mike Benz Details The FBI And DHS Teaming Up With Tech Companies To Ban 'Election Misinformation'

>>20862938, >>20862945 Baker change

>>20862947 Elon Musk wins court battle against Australia

>>20863067 The State of California is being sued to be forced to remove millions of names from their voter rolls by Judicial Watch

>>20863081 Night Owl News Archives - 05/13/2024


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70887d No.20863163

File: f92ee3724c7030a⋯.gif (634.32 KB,480x323,480:323,f92ee3724c7030aa8208d12167….gif)

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26fd4f No.20863164


what's your question?

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d85e53 No.20863165


OMyFuck…that too funny to be ignored

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a3252b No.20863166

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1be611 No.20863167


>Not a single Anon mentioned "We have Lift Off",

No one mentioned the clank sound as it ran smack into the firmament.

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d4b668 No.20863168

"Ya know what we do here, S@#%? We take people apart and we put 'em back together the way we want 'em!"

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9616ff No.20863170


The Bohemian Club is the grounded tip?

Those guys are just a bunch of Bohemian fags who like to camp out in the woods.

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a3252b No.20863171


in two weeks

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dbdbe0 No.20863172


this timelines

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a3252b No.20863173

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e80be9 No.20863174


tyvm for the pick up


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a3252b No.20863176

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4802a8 No.20863177


Halper-Hayes cites Ariel…. hmm…. That's Corsi-level retardation.

But Clay Clark does have that Mike Johnson evangelical huckster vibe to him.

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a3252b No.20863178

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351057 No.20863179


God bless you too anon


It's not super intuitive, but by ignoring it we don't make it any less true.. Focusing on it tends to turn cringe pretty fast. Its the philosophical revelation equivalent to masturbation.

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a3252b No.20863181


big mike

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1b0e19 No.20863182

File: 0ef3515283070f9⋯.jpg (92.46 KB,995x995,1:1,media_GLYblsXakAEcKT3.jpg)


Amens, Boobs and stuff. .

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beee0b No.20863183

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Naomi Wolf Discusses The Push For Cows To Be Vaccinated To Fight Climate Change

(Hell NO!)



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0d4c3e No.20863184

File: b32350efe12ce46⋯.png (132.9 KB,383x411,383:411,ducepoint.png)

Fresh bread




This way

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ab2baa No.20863185


titties yes

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0d4c3e No.20863186


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