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091644 (4) No.20397458 [View All][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

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cedb9e (7) No.20398217


You are wrong.

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35ef93 (4) No.20398218

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35b6c6 (2) No.20398219


never seent that first one before

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f69622 (1) No.20398220>>20398250

File (hide): c2b09121f4bd167⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB,480x360,4:3,9convert_com_Children_reci….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

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7429fc (2) No.20398221>>20398223 >>20398235 >>20398245



Whine some moar bitches. Ever heard of the federalist papers? Probably not.

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72bcec (2) No.20398222>>20398234


not alot CSIS & FBI know muh name

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cedb9e (7) No.20398223>>20398248


Been in notables like 4 years ago.

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020872 (2) No.20398224>>20398230


Jealous? You are tarded much

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4a201b (2) No.20398225>>20398271

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e8848d (1) No.20398226

File (hide): 551ea336e640078⋯.jpg (30.15 KB,784x656,49:41,OH_SHIT.jpg) (h) (u)


>taytay becomes a widow on live tv

Do it!

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ebcc90 (4) No.20398227


starts out Echo of urine in a Mens room…


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ca7fd3 (2) No.20398228


Digging lint out of my belly button. Chronic issue.

Collect your images and marry them together at imgflip.com I think we are on Putin Ver. 3.0 or 4.0 myself.

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395399 (1) No.20398229

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cedb9e (7) No.20398230>>20398238 >>20398239 >>20398246


Then stop being a divisionfag. Moron.

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7e5e1a (2) No.20398231


The guy who received 666 talents of Gold for something other than revenue, who set a throne at his right hand for his mother (sound familiar?). The son of David who people thought Jesus was the reincarnation of. The guy who said everything is meaningless? His wisdom?

Jesus didn't teach hate.

>The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now something greater than Solomon is here.

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3e7208 (1) No.20398232



There's no doubt whatsoever that Biden, Putin, H Clinton, Fetterman and probably many others have been replaced but I'm still not convinced about Austin. The difference in lighting and shadows between the two pics is too great and I see more similarities than differences about the ears.

Sorry, I hate to resemble an argue shill but I call em like I see em.

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cedb9e (7) No.20398233

Learn to blend. Dumb-Dumb.

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091644 (4) No.20398234


You're famous.

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ba00b2 (1) No.20398235


>Ever heard of the federalist papers?

yeah, they need to be turned into toilet paper.

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eb4015 (1) No.20398236>>20398257


You sound jealous. You realize when God offered Solomon anything he asked for (and it was a trick question), that Solomon only asked for wisdom.

Therefore he was pleasing before God, therefore God blessed him with abundance unequalled by any other.

You can well feel dumb and poor in your trailer park home.

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c5e8c5 (1) No.20398237


"Jesus didn't preach hate" is their tag line to excuse sinful behavior and air condition hell.

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020872 (2) No.20398238>>20398247


Come on over and make me pussy

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387782 (1) No.20398239


moran..it's mo ran

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351012 (1) No.20398240>>20398266

File (hide): 52fafd495ee5a95⋯.png (11.37 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


This is how much the JEWISH KABAL hates the White Christians of America.

Anon is sooooo sick of this Tribe.

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091644 (4) No.20398241>>20398263


#25024 >>20397464

>>20397471, >>20397484, >>20398132, >>20397601, >>20397728, >>20397743, >>20397785 Shooting reported at or around Lakewood Church

>>20397509, >>20397539 NFL Announcer Joe Buck Warns Super Bowl Will Lead to ‘a Mess,’ Says He’s Staying Far Away From Vegas

>>20397621 Qposts referencing 'The Sum of All Fears'

>>20397640, >>20397719 Free Energy Stuff

>>20397644 Pallavicini / Orsini families

>>20397653 Israel transfers largest army division from Gaza to Lebanese border

>>20397679, >>20398090, >>20398122 Mil tweets

>>20397709 The French Embassy in Congo is under attack

>>20397724 A 13-year-old girl was gang-raped by 7 illegals ad this is how CNN covers it

>>20397736, >>20397739, >>20397775 Justin BeOnHisKnees

>>20397744 Meme Warfare Encyclopedia: read all the posts by 07cf76 & d8791e

>>20397748, >>20398053, >>20397969 Lloyd Austin transported to Walter Reed hospital for a potential "bladder issue"

>>20397803 Lloyd Austin is gone, MSM is turning on Biden, watch everyone try and jump ship before it sinks

>>20397838, >>20397850, >>20397851, >>20397890, >>20398147 Planefag

>>20397906 San Francisco vandals destroy robotaxi, set it ablaze with fireworks on the street

>>20397957 Minnesota mayor, son charged following drug raid

>>20398074, >>20398098 Music Modernization Act / Qproof

>>20398160 California teen vanishes during layover at Denver International Airport on way home from mental health center

>>20398183 All about "Lift Every Voice and Sing," known as the Black national anthem, being sung by Andra Day at the 2024 Super Bowl


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4a201b (2) No.20398242

File (hide): 39b4be467886583⋯.jpg (264.4 KB,1170x1127,1170:1127,1702337334378202.jpg) (h) (u)

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bdfcfb (2) No.20398243

File (hide): 0f2772f41deab1d⋯.jpg (86.24 KB,740x500,37:25,kegger.jpg) (h) (u)

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35ef93 (4) No.20398245>>20398253


Read it, and the Anti-Federalists.

My fave is probably Democracy in America by Alexis De Toqueville.

You should try reading that.

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ebcc90 (4) No.20398246>>20398252


does lionel *lionel nation* use hand cream to get the juicy hand farts?

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cedb9e (7) No.20398247


How can i make you pussy when you already are? You're a fool. And i will ask God to visit you. Pussy. YOU ARE FUCKED.

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7429fc (2) No.20398248>>20398261


Yeah? And? How many new eyes these days? Trolls been around that long too.

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ef2370 (1) No.20398249

File (hide): b8ecf0b1ee751bc⋯.png (1.3 MB,678x900,113:150,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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35b6c6 (2) No.20398250

File (hide): 54871cf5aea75cf⋯.jpg (60.55 KB,682x500,341:250,88u0mi.jpg) (h) (u)

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cedb9e (7) No.20398252



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35ef93 (4) No.20398253


Just don't post it.

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ca7fd3 (2) No.20398255


Be kinda cool if "liters of blood" start shooting from his schnoz.

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7e5e1a (2) No.20398256


Yes it's been proven you don't know what it means. Tell us, how does someone who can't read or write post with and reply to text messages?

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43c0f9 (1) No.20398257


David and Solomon were both Jewish Dictators.

Fuck those assholes.

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518268 (1) No.20398258>>20398269

File (hide): d8e5f6233b30dde⋯.gif (3.57 MB,498x305,498:305,Nightshift_Strange.gif) (h) (u)

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cedb9e (7) No.20398261


You're fucked. Deal with it. You chose it. PUSSY.

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ebcc90 (4) No.20398262

Maybe a Trombone player with the Rasberry vs Lloyd Austin's race to the troilet - lol

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f70bbb (2) No.20398263

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adfaec (1) No.20398264

File (hide): b4d5e3429c91d7c⋯.jpg (65.79 KB,668x1000,167:250,johnjay.jpg) (h) (u)


this is from one of the fore-fathers.

John Jay Federalist Papers

Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence

For the Independent Journal.




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ce4944 (1) No.20398265

File (hide): 790551c0c21b8c5⋯.png (210.13 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


The Parable of the Weeds

24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

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35ef93 (4) No.20398266


What makes you think it's Jewish?

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ebcc90 (4) No.20398267

cedb9e = 086fart01

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bdfcfb (2) No.20398269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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091644 (4) No.20398270>>20398272








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72bcec (2) No.20398271

File (hide): 117970f152607c1⋯.jpeg (55.72 KB,500x749,500:749,pexels_photo_4046512.jpeg) (h) (u)

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f70bbb (2) No.20398272


you have my Bless

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