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Pro Aris et Focis

File: 077ab1e7aaf2fbf⋯.jpg (521.4 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 077ab1e7aaf2fbfea054d57ecf….jpg)

78e80f No.201666

Spread the wings of Liberty and take flight!!



Vote and see the latest results on hashtags for the State Of The Union OP









Hijack whatever you like, but please add previous tags | Hijack suggestion for today: #Davos

>>194242 Update from War Room

Always Add @realDonaldTrump or @POTUS To All Tweets

If Your Tweet Has @readDonaldTrump or OR @POTUS It Cannot Be Blocked

>>77228 THE Chink In The Armor Of The Beast

Remember to Cover POTUS on Twitter >>122874


78e80f No.201671

Spread the wings of Liberty and take flight!!



Vote and see the latest results on hashtags for the State Of The Union OP









Hijack whatever you like, but please add previous tags | Hijack suggestion for today: #Davos

>>194242 Update from War Room

Always Add @realDonaldTrump or @POTUS To All Tweets

If Your Tweet Has @readDonaldTrump or OR @POTUS It Cannot Be Blocked

>>77228 THE Chink In The Armor Of The Beast

Remember to Cover POTUS on Twitter >>122874


Q's Private Board


Current Tripcode: !UW.yye1fxo

Latest Q Posts

Saturday, 1.27.18 EST








>>181282 rt >>181208


>>181153 rt >>181050

>>180606 rt >>180445

>>180445 rt >>180316


>>180137 rt >>180046


>>179595 rt >>179419






>>176185 rt >>176166

>>175711 rt >>175603


>>175461 rt >>175432

>>175260 rt >>175139

>>174929 rt Q

>>174873 rt >>174742




Friday, 1.26.18 EST

>>171600 rt >>171424 >Q showing us he cares !


Thursday, 1.25.18


Wednesday, 1.24.18


Q Posts on QResearch 1.23.18


Monday, 1.22.18


Sunday, 1.21.18


Q Posts on QResearch 1.19.18


Thursday, 1.18.18


Q Posts on QResearch 1.14.18


78e80f No.201673

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>>178585 "The American Empires and it's Media" Graphic

>>171890 QMap 'God Be With You Edition'

>>159459 Treacherous Kerry Edition. Previous >>146836 @Snowden Edition.

http:// www.enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

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--QMap PDF(updated 1.27.18)




--Raw Q Text Dump - Amended


>>86977 , >>86798 , >>86900 , >>87061 , >>92692

SpreadSheetAnon and MA have vouched for RawTxtAnon that his work is accurate.

If any anons find inaccuracies in the Raw Text Q Dump, please post a list of them, as with any resource.

Calendar of notable events: teamup.com/ksxq6p4va3ma2e8ox8

Current Tasks

>>82238 Is this P? Crumb it.

>>32223 Qchess Game with Julian


>>7253 Irrefutable Evidence (9/11 Research)

>>5125 The Lie The Vatican Told

>>4520 Australia Connections

>>4375 How to Read the Map

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Recent/Notable Posts:

>>198562 , >>198564 , >>198567 , >>198570 , >>198699 Know THE ENEMY - Monday Night Event #PeoplesSOTU

>>198742 Julia Walsh, Campaign Director for "We Stand United," the lead organizing group of the "People’s State of the Union"

>>198651 NEW Searchable Memes with collection for SOTU OP: gotrumpgo.com/memes

>>198920 'Scandalous', starring The Clintons. Lots of things to dig

>>195158 Sealed Indictments up to 13,605 as of 26 Jan 2018

>>193119 The word "GAME" is very important to Q.

>>193427 Kabul bombings theory

>>191201 & >>191199 Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist

>>189505 Black Forest and the Illuminati/Secret Societies

>>188888 Top Get 'For The Win'

>>188956 Trump's Genius: Bonuses to Employees?

>>188764 Heart Tweet

>>188611 & >>188823 , >>188826 , >>188843 , >>188890 Is LdR 'Black Forest'?

>>187334 DON'T MISS THIS

>>187327 Ameritech: Needs digging

>>187250 & 187341 Hotel GITMO

>>184145 Possible DUMB reference

>>183411 Possible 1649 explanation

>>181210 "[Suicided] whistleblowers" Graphic

>>179512 & >>180235 Malware theory

>>180334 Transcribed "This video will get Trump elected" speech

>>179801 & >>179652 CFR JB Connection

>>178360 "Big picture" Theory

>>176992 '19' Connections & >>177170 , >>177287

>>172040 '60/40' Theory

>>176991 'Read slowly and carefully' Theory


>>176552 'Strings Being Cut' Theory

>>173887 , >>173889 Article: The President can impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies

>>177586 Relevant executive portions regarding Citizen Detention

>>169315 Notable Resignation List

>>189512 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>174458 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>144094 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>144077 Q Post Findings & Theories Consolidation

>>136421 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>118435 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>9019 Notable Posts From the Previous Bread(s)

>>42847 1/13/18 Events

>>4142 Daily News Thread




485457 No.201674

Anon in last bread suggested #NoCandyForAndy hashtag. Well played sir.

926ec9 No.201675

File: c7cd2d8b43b9a64⋯.jpg (36.54 KB, 415x415, 1:1, jan.jpg)

File: db3bcc761863bdf⋯.jpg (40.09 KB, 554x367, 554:367, mccabe.jpg)

File: 09c104dc56f9515⋯.jpg (118.01 KB, 843x843, 1:1, pension.jpg)

9c955b No.201676

Details noted from Sarah's presser:

(Not edited or verified)

First Lady Guests:

Cory Adams - welder - Dayton, OH - first time home owners.

Two Hispanic couples - gang murders of kids (?)

Matt Bradford - IED victim vet

John Bridgers - Cajun Navy founder. NPO flood help

David Dahlburg - Fire tech. Saved 62 staff members from wildfire

Ryan Pulitz (?) - cop from Albuquerqe - shot twice - adopted kid opiod addiction

Ashley Leppert - rescued people from hurricane

Agt. CJ Martinez - ISIS DHS investigator - arrests of MS-13

Sgt. Justin Peck - team clearing IEDs from ISIS - saved lives of others

Preston Sharp - 40K flags and carnations honoring vets on graves

Steve & Cindy Stahb - Stahb mfg. (example of tax cut bonuses)

23dd16 No.201679

File: fd5f39c8e77b6c7⋯.jpg (134.21 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, RBB1.jpg)

Great save baker.


Here's to keeping tradition alive

908f20 No.201680

thank you baker… hope this bread is tasty

29bb63 No.201682

Guys im read Twatter and it seems all of the tweets from us are making it through, Did we offically take down twitter. Or is this just a fluke. I mean you read holders twatter and its all patriots in the responses

cebff6 No.201683

File: e38290d632ce94f⋯.jpg (107.54 KB, 1066x499, 1066:499, 23kdm9.jpg)

File: a65e0ebbe1ea771⋯.jpg (105.33 KB, 480x673, 480:673, 23kdb4.jpg)

693ea9 No.201684

File: 7945ddea1d3c0ad⋯.jpg (7.45 KB, 250x154, 125:77, rrout.jpg)


Is this what Q meant?

3477d3 No.201685

File: 070bbe49cb8851e⋯.jpg (40.79 KB, 425x566, 425:566, DUt94QwXkAEWuZs.jpg)

969d6a No.201686

File: 2713b94a48c5d41⋯.jpg (185.38 KB, 1273x718, 1273:718, acosta.jpg)


ff5bd8 No.201688

File: d7ae4705bd17b43⋯.png (376.82 KB, 603x481, 603:481, meme1.png)

fe488f No.201689

Press at the briefing

>we're gonna ask the same fucking questions until you say what we want to hear

76d7f1 No.201691

ty butcher, BAKER, candlestick maker!

Appreciate what you do!

dcf097 No.201692



wespenre. com/new-revelations-on-wingmakers.htm

More from Wes Penre. This is an email from Rockefeller in 2008. Not sure of authenticity but it explains exactly what we are dealing with in space.

We have a technology that no one can stop. The ramifications of this technology used as a weapon are something out of a science fiction movie. We have to ensure that this technology stays within our working group. Someone could use this to disable aircraft from 400 miles away and there is nothing to trace, it would just look like the aircraft had a system failure and plummeted out of the sky.

Someone could use this to disable any alarm system, create a financial crisis by aiming at a stock exchange, someone could start wiping out every satellite in constellation and leave zero trace of what, where and how this happened. The 400 mile range is minimum, it can be increased via plasma antennas.

In fact, I have drafted The Allied Union constitution which is a policy making organization that unites 220 countries under one flag with an entirely digital universal currency called the ‘Allied Unit’ that works over the ‘Supriem Network’.

The ‘Supriem Network Plan’ is attached in this E-Mail. To answer a question, someone asked me about how do you get every country to comply?

Simple, first it will be obvious that this is the only way society in the future will prevail and if that is not enough, have you ever seen the movie ‘The Day Earth Stood Still’? The story maybe fiction but the warning and technology is real. Let’s say ‘Country Orange’ did not want to comply, now all of the sudden their country’s defense system and major economic institutions are paralysed by something they don’t understand or cannot figure out but they were warned in advance so they know who is controlling it. This is why I say it is imperative this technology never gets out of our hands, it is the ultimate weapon of a silent [endless] war.

What we have here is not a morality tale of right and wrong, good or evil, it is simply an ultimatum to the countries– “You either comply with us for a more efficient and proficient society or you won’t have a society. “

My group, which consists of former employees and some currently employed by various Intelligence Agencies and my own group based in Germany with Russian and Nordic sects, and a vast presence in South America and Antarctica, are wanting to speak to Lockheed-Martin about incorporating this technology on their satellite constellation so the entire globe would be covered. We can offer them a partnership.

If one satellite 300 miles above the Earth were retrofitted with one of our antennas, you could disable any electronic device in Northern America via an EMP effect. Our knowledge is based in Resonant Frequency and we have mapped the tonal range of Earth’s frequencies including gravity and how to detune and change oscillation of X, Y, Z axis.

3acedc No.201693

File: e16dff2d03f3413⋯.jpg (49.4 KB, 350x467, 350:467, 8574329652945.jpg)


Lol but no one will think candy is pension. It does sound nice.

1fcefd No.201694


http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/01/29/fbi-deputy-director-andrew-mccabe-is-stepping-down-from-bureau-fox-news-has-learned.html

3477d3 No.201695

File: cfae382bfe4ccf8⋯.jpg (51.27 KB, 468x433, 468:433, DUt33xoUQAA1IuU.jpg)

e44011 No.201697

File: b8031b733a9f5f9⋯.jpg (3.27 MB, 3360x4052, 840:1013, Brookings 1.jpg)


https:// 8ch.net/greatawakening/res/1.html#63

a3d830 No.201698


Article linked on Drudge says he keeps his benefits. Deal was made, but there are no deals. So maybe the article got it wrong?

WASHINGTON — FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who has been attacked by President Donald Trump, stepped down Monday, multiple sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

McCabe will remain on the FBI payroll until he is eligible to retire with full benefits in mid-March, the sources said.

One source said McCabe was exercising his retirement eligibility and characterized his decision as "stepping aside."

https:// www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/fbi-deputy-director-andrew-mccabe-stepping-down-n842176

67e740 No.201699

WH Presser is Distancing itself good about the McCabe thing…… Ask the FBI ……. LOL ! FBI to make a statement later today….

29173b No.201700

t was a record-breaking year for organ donations and transplants after death in B.C.

Thanks to deceased organ donors, 479 lives were saved — a 25 per cent jump from the previous year.

“More lives are being saved, thanks to life-saving transplants than ever before,” says Dr. David Landsberg, BC Transplant’s provincial medical director of transplant services.

Landsberg attributes the significant increase to system changes that were introduced allowing organs to get donors more quickly.

At Kelowna and Penticton hospitals, donation after cardiac death was introduced, which resulted in a significant increase in donations.

The approach the province is taking towards organ donation is saving more lives.

Hospital-based critical care teams resulted in a 40 per cent increase in hospital referrals of potential donors to BC Transplant over the last two years.

Expanded organ donation options at the hospital level offer donations after cardio-circulatory death.

“System changes we’ve made over the past few years are now having an impact, but also a shift in our culture to one that fully supports organ donation as a normal end-of-life option.”

"British Columbia is one of the leading provinces in Canada for deceased donation, in addition to being a leader for living kidney donation," says Landsberg. "Our public education is working. More and more British Columbians are registering their wishes to be organ donors."

In 2017 in the Interior, 32 deceased donors provided organs, which is up from 17 in 2016.

Up to eight organs can be donated from a single deceased donor.

Since 2015, 60,000 British Columbians have registered for organ donation.

BC Transplant estimates that there are nearly 640 people in British Columbia waiting for a life-saving transplant.

Dr. Landberg says, however, there are still gaps in the system and they are still not close to "meeting the need."

A little tidbit in reputable provincial news source,

1fcefd No.201701

969d6a No.201702

File: 798e5fbef07bcb8⋯.jpg (554.6 KB, 1270x715, 254:143, acosta1.jpg)

f3f06c No.201703


That's funny:)

If any of them get to keep living off us tax payers, there would be (should be) a REVOLT!!!


1a3047 No.201704

File: 36d712a4157268f⋯.png (188.85 KB, 748x471, 748:471, strava-heatmap-pyongyang.png)

File: 75042e64fed50f0⋯.png (321.69 KB, 750x497, 750:497, strava-heatmap-north-and-s….png)

North Korea

74528d No.201705


Well that's one way of keeping us from wanting the memo released… KEK!

984569 No.201706


His husband has $29,000,000 in a Singapore bank and they can't afford a roll of duct tape?

5b3515 No.201707

File: 1f476a9d5cb1ca0⋯.jpg (65.57 KB, 787x636, 787:636, swalwell wedding.jpg)

File: f1d7d67ffef200b⋯.jpg (364.96 KB, 1200x1803, 400:601, eric swalwell.jpg)

ANONS, can we get to diggin on this Eric Swalwell anti patriot calinazi. He and Schiffty Schiffforbrains are always pushing this russia crap and the obstruction narrative. Lets meme this moe ron into oblivian.

1c73bd No.201708


Remember two days ago Q said Twitter has a 'NEW puppet master.'

And a [new] 'Direction.'

Could Twitter soon be /ourguy/ ?

Twitter might noe

3477d3 No.201709

File: c0c4bc7715f894a⋯.jpg (117.69 KB, 1200x686, 600:343, DUt2UKIVQAEDKnR.jpg)

cebff6 No.201710

Jim Acosta is such a stupid dick,,,

7f7115 No.201711

for the record… the "typo" wasn't a typo…

Real seTh Memo.

fe488f No.201712


There's no-one home it seems.

3477d3 No.201713

File: 24430a94f957124⋯.jpg (27.97 KB, 640x457, 640:457, DUt2OfTUMAEgsXm.jpg)

73a529 No.201714

My god! Watching The Press Secretary Vid Right now. Press has only one question they are hammering into the ground;



Sanders: no


Sanders: no


Sanders: no


Sanders: no

Damn talk about a broken record!

4189c3 No.201715

File: 6b5d23512aff796⋯.jpg (178.9 KB, 1024x552, 128:69, cgmpcs.jpg)

29bb63 No.201716


Im not a twatter guy, but we got twatter pros on this board. They will know if we have officially Taken over. But it looks like all patriot responses in the feed.

93bbdf No.201717


He went there….obstruction of justice!!!

Sarah PC NOW

https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=BhYkwhLRKBU

1de4f2 No.201718

Assange just post the same twitter post, 10 minutes apart…

4aed05 No.201719

File: 988a41aaa12646b⋯.jpg (226.65 KB, 1085x622, 1085:622, McCainManafort.jpg)

File: db45f3c3f252975⋯.png (165.57 KB, 876x950, 438:475, McCainParty.png)

File: 51a4680e84c7f38⋯.jpg (257.09 KB, 1350x612, 75:34, McCainMeme.jpg)


Carter Page

Paul Manafort-Rick Davis

Davis Manafort Group.



9d2150 No.201721


Very very fast retweets today. I cant say for sure if we are fully unleashed but seems faster today.

969d6a No.201722



29173b No.201723

File: 61e2848005c069e⋯.jpg (17.19 KB, 218x285, 218:285, DUuq5YCXcAE56XV.jpg)

Liking the Twatter very much today

75578b No.201724

Sarah Sander 'next seven years after this' priceless

9d2150 No.201725


and he didn't delete the first one after correcting. Might be something there to analyze….idk

74528d No.201727



25b693 No.201728

Sarah Sanders just said:

>we're remaking our judiciary….

93bbdf No.201729

Is that a Q around Sarah's neck?

968d7a No.201731

God I hate this idiotic woman. She asks questions that show she is an ignorant racist

bdda87 No.201733


DPRK map shows that fitbits have been tracked there. I'm unable to make any inference beyond foreigners and NorKor elites. Interesting that there are tracks at the Kobangsan Guest House, where ES is confirmed to have stayed several years ago.

There are a few tracks in the middle of nowhere with not trails to or from anywhere else.

64ba17 No.201734

So much for waiting until March to retire with full pension & benefits. Now McCabe is looking at bankruptcy & prison.

29bb63 No.201735


IT would makes sence to set the Twats free the day before SOTU. If we have a unflitered twatter we will be unstoppable. They cant stop us with all the bullshit they pull.

36809a No.201736


Just a thought Maybe he was a “catch & release”

There are multiple meanings

1fcefd No.201737

Fox said some interesting things in article

Incidentally, the McCabe removal comes after Wray viewed the memo Sunday on Capitol Hill, as reported by Fox News’ Catherine Herridge.

Several Republicans also want to know what McCabe knew about anti-Trump text messages between two bureau officials, including one that seemed to reference an “insurance policy” against Trump winning the 2016 election.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office - that there’s no way he gets elected - but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Peter Strzok texted on Aug. 15, 2016. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

4aed05 No.201738

File: f77ffeb0b0927ce⋯.png (531.69 KB, 593x641, 593:641, ClipboardImage.png)

da20fa No.201739



MasterArchivist here, REQUESTING baker to

please change


in >>201673 to


that qarchives.html at the end is bound to change anytime in the future and that will break the link. Also, qarchives.ml is so much easier to remember.

also ADD

https:// masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives

to your dough as an ALTERNATE link to qarchives. The web host of qarchives.ml is being a pain in the ass these days. Hence, I have decided to have a backup website. Soon I'll find a new, trustable host for qarchives.ml.


Message to Anons

Apparently, qarchives.ml is giving an error: 502 Bad Gateway. Clowns In Action, I guess.

Solution - Keep smashing that f5 until you get in.



e44011 No.201740




Am I on the right track?

968d7a No.201741


They have been saying he is still going to get all of it. He just "Stepped down early" Using vacation time etc. Hopefully he gets NOTHING

d39129 No.201742

Black unemployment all time low. Press but black still more unemployed than whites don't that make trump racist kek

3477d3 No.201743

File: 2104a7212a5b174⋯.jpg (61.72 KB, 900x506, 450:253, DUttXiEX0AAnTVA.jpg)

622991 No.201744

Regarding largest kiddy porn site , what if twatter, instagram etc have developed a logarithm that can pick up nakedness. Like how fagbook used to match your face in photos and ask you to tag yourself. Invasion of privacy. It's a possibility.

a7b699 No.201745


An indicator will be if /ourguys/ keep getting shadowbanned.

If that process stops, then perhaps things behind the scenes changed at Twitter.

4f03b5 No.201746


Isn't this the one they said he committed suicide?

fe488f No.201747


She's literally complaining about whites getting more gibs than blacks, even after acknowledging black unemployment is lower under Trump.

c64683 No.201748

File: 1d2a6a6bcc18213⋯.jpg (142.63 KB, 600x600, 1:1, amer2.jpg)

As requested by … An anon !

98ca79 No.201749

File: 17e75c1e3dde150⋯.png (393.88 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 179E4034-2C66-49B3-8BF6-2A….png)

File: 2fe7cb781a0d130⋯.png (380.51 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, DEA8F435-0DCB-4543-8362-15….png)


Twitter is definitely not our guy. They have me shadowbanned hardcore this morning. Here’s proof.

Notice one tweet doesn’t show impressions and one does?

The one that doesn’t was retweeted 18 times in 7 minutes and then suddenly got 0 more retweets and likes and I suddenly couldn’t view its impressions.

54d1f3 No.201750

McCabe is retiring with full benefits. If he is later convicted of treason, he would lose benefits.See previous post.

6dd2e1 No.201751

Mccabe is not going to run for senate. He cant do that.

29bb63 No.201752


Agree, again im not a twatter guy, so I'll wait for our Twatter pros to confirm. Just an interesting observation.

969d6a No.201753

File: ddc60c7d8b87e95⋯.png (321.98 KB, 590x350, 59:35, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4025b9881ff7d2⋯.jpg (184.26 KB, 1277x715, 1277:715, purp.jpg)

So much purple.

ff5bd8 No.201754

File: e5ef24ef837cfb1⋯.png (216.1 KB, 393x316, 393:316, Untitled.png)

55a849 No.201755


I got the impression that white hats were now running due to Jack moving on and then his COO quit. I haven’t been shadow banned in days!

58274f No.201756


God bless you, MA.

Love you, man.

31d072 No.201757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

official WH stream:

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2VHjMo3jHI

21e929 No.201758


>For specifics, I refer you to FBI


>But specifically…

968d7a No.201760


"But whites STILL have lower Unemployment than black! Thats not fair!!"

Fucking idiotic bitch

f3f06c No.201761


Looks like it, doesn't it :)

Hey I've got a quick question…

I just switch devices, I was wondering if that's why my post are showing ( you )?

On my other device it doesn't do that


1fcefd No.201762

Some of my followers are gett8ng shadowbanned still. Lost 6 last night, 5 the night before

29bb63 No.201763


shit, oh well.

6dd2e1 No.201764

1c73bd No.201765



Good stuff. Thank you.

25b693 No.201766



157a19 No.201767

Good job Sarah….NEXT 7 YEARS!!

23dd16 No.201768

Just love reading Sarah Sanders face while she answers the stupid questions. She knows alot more than she lets on.

98ca79 No.201769

fe488f No.201770


All these journalists are not only awful at their jobs, they seem horrible people in general. Half of them have the crazy eyes.

75578b No.201771

File: a976c58a8ca7c26⋯.png (182.44 KB, 699x543, 233:181, fbi.png)

1fcefd No.201772


Someone should dig 8nto that lady… she annoys the hell out of me

e72fe1 No.201773



Change it to just the ".ml" one?

969d6a No.201774

File: 802daa941e2fa79⋯.png (414.66 KB, 616x347, 616:347, ClipboardImage.png)

a4c0fe No.201777

I can't stand that April person….black Miss Piggy

And the other chick with the nasty geri-curl….hate her too


75ada8 No.201779


http:// www.usmessageboard.com/threads/former-federal-prosecutor-mueller-obtaining-trump-transition-emails-not-inappropriate-or-unusual.645927/#post-18842539

https:// www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/7gba40/my_congressman_eric_swalwell_supports_net/dqn1u55/

https:// www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7q4ntc/this_is_my_congressman_eric_swalwell_he_voted_yes/dsmb6ov/

https:// www.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/7kcgea/swalwell_mocks_report_that_mueller_obtained_trump/

https:// www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/7qctkw/am_joy_trump_receives_false_information_from_his/dso81as/

https:// www.corvetteforum.com/forums/politics-religion-and-controversy/4095197-we-watch-cnn-s-reliable-sources-so-you-don-t-have-to.html#post1596469732

3acedc No.201780

File: 82e4583879cb8af⋯.jpg (422.4 KB, 564x671, 564:671, andrews-jill-mccabe-for-se….jpg)

So is his wife going to jail to then?

e86b64 No.201781

https:// nplusonemag.com/issue-13/essays/stupidity-of-computers/

Look BIG Brother Section

Refers to Mueller investigation 9/11

Referene for post.

These people are stupid.

Phone fagging anons.


5c2871 No.201782

No matter how much the fake news try telling us he will get benefits and still be paid….etc…etc…..it's a no brainer that his sudden immediately effective resignation is because he is a caught criminal

Fake news can't lie their way out of a brown, wet paper bag

8480d3 No.201783

Just realized something…if Mcstain is "son of cain" then McCabe may be sone of "abe(l)"

Not if this leads anywhere but wanted to share.

75578b No.201784

7 years in your face!!!

da20fa No.201785


backatcha, dear anon.


yes, sir.

25b693 No.201786

PressDingos had Mockingbird narrative but did McCabe news throw them for a loop?

23dd16 No.201787

Sarah Sanders "prays" that they can get the blacks to awake too ;P

55b7b8 No.201788



I looked and didn't find anything near Hyangsan North Korea - the location in the Q pic from Air Force One.


d03903 No.201789



'thats what we look forward to doing in the next seven years 7'

b2c662 No.201790


SOURCES said - uh huh

d39129 No.201791

Black unemployment all time low why do you think some blacks still fill uncomfertable with this President.

Maybe because yall always call him racist dipshit

e72fe1 No.201792


Roger, done. Thank you.

4f008d No.201793


Saw some activity around the royal palace… now you know that's not KJU going for a run… Got a feeling that most of the activity is by foreigners.. Not seeing anything near the nuclear facilities nor near the cabal's hotel.

2e16a5 No.201794

Rod Rosenstein is also Named along with #2 McCabe in the Memo. FBI Director Wray read it yesterday and fired McCabe today. (he let him resign)

Sessions is in charge of RR and now Must fire him.


3acedc No.201795

File: 9a0f8c6b375c7fa⋯.jpg (119.39 KB, 790x500, 79:50, 8759024759834790.jpg)

She wanted to make as much money as she could while burning the world and making it looked as though she saved it.

13b527 No.201796


Gots it from last page, but love it and is inline with SOTU speech tomorrow. Thanks a ton!

968d7a No.201797


Half of them probably know once everything is exposed, they are fucked because they are a part of it.

I can not wait!!!!!!!!!

969d6a No.201799

Love Sarah's abrupt endings.

"Thanks guys."

"Rabble, rabble, rabble…"

25b693 No.201801



984569 No.201802

Who is on the HIC? What is the probability that they will vote to release the memo today?

968d7a No.201804


>.black Miss Piggy

PERFECT!! hahaha

fe488f No.201805


So there's nothing there right? It's so dark…

0d8f81 No.201806

Just went into some MSM site… was greeted by a fullscreen quoue "'To be able to make a choice is such a privilege.' - by <random celebrity>"

WTF? THIS IS AN UNALIENABLE RIGHT! Not a societal privilege in any way.

Watch out for subliminal programming! We have been conditioned by these sites with who knows what kind of dogma. Check every thought and action to see if it's really yours or picked up by some b.s. programming.

fd6ad4 No.201807


Lol kind of related

https:// www.cnbc.com/2018/01/28/global-heat-map-for-joggers-exposing-sensitive-us-military-information.html

7f7115 No.201808


Old news, vote is 5pm today.

73a529 No.201809

File: 03ca0ebe30b36b9⋯.jpg (18.65 KB, 477x273, 159:91, If_Looks_Could_Kill.jpg)


"Trump is racist for trying to help black people!"

If looks could kill…

a4c0fe No.201811



21e929 No.201812



>"…been attacked by President…"

Fucking, WHEN? A: NEVER

e72fe1 No.201813


Sessions is now RR's boss?

da20fa No.201814


thank you for your services.

Having an alternate github website will double my uploading effort [literally 2 clicks more, lol], but it will make sure we have a backup.

c64683 No.201815


Thought of the 'Unity' we need… and yvw anon!

9c955b No.201816


Gonna be harder to scrub that…

969d6a No.201817


Oh damn! I missed that.

Good shot!

527de4 No.201818

Julian Assange

‏ @JulianAssange

16m16 minutes ago

700k followers and still not 'verified'. Is it a high score?

984569 No.201819


You're not understanding my question.

f3f06c No.201820

cff83e No.201821


can you link to the thread plz

13b527 No.201822


ONLY if she knowingly helped him commit a crime. We don't know. The campaign finance rules in VA made it not a crime to keep all donations after a loss…

32af28 No.201823


to quote the Board Volunteer:

Be a virus of confidence

b67e98 No.201824


How cool is the Golden State Times. Can't tell you how many videos I've seen regarding Trump/WH that wasn't shown anywhere else. They should be put up on the Patriots honorable mentions hall of fame.

968d7a No.201825

So all I can find or hear is that they are VOTING tonight on releasing the memo.

I haven't see anywhere it says it will be RELEASED today.

Now on Fox I just heard it wont be released today, but in the next FIVE days

9083f0 No.201826


Seems the filters are gone

b62ef0 No.201827


Maybe 3:55 am tomorrow?

a9621e No.201828


http ://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/158428251

6bd73b No.201829

File: 5b8b37d3a142248⋯.jpeg (50.49 KB, 447x318, 149:106, D8C5AE9A-D117-4EE9-AC4C-A….jpeg)

0e5bf6 No.201830


link is near the end of the last thread

3acedc No.201831

File: 8484a8a13b9472e⋯.jpg (64.94 KB, 449x548, 449:548, 8859283475982437982.jpg)

3477d3 No.201832

File: acaf60f834f2fa5⋯.png (82.02 KB, 220x229, 220:229, untitled.png)

fed10f No.201833


vote should be 13-9 to release it

https:// intelligence.house.gov/about/

4f4d7b No.201834

File: 6b28851d5d75a07⋯.png (113.39 KB, 310x200, 31:20, jimdrink3.png)

9c955b No.201836


Technically they have to give notice to the President after they vote to release it. There doesn't appear to be language specifying how long between when the vote is taken and when they give notice.

fe488f No.201837


I actually really liked the Fake News Awards livestream, lots of energy that night.

419f99 No.201838

File: e80ea06f8624770⋯.jpg (96.96 KB, 551x550, 551:550, Red Arrow.jpg)

Evening all. Can anyone confirm where Yahoo70 landed last night? I bet the farm on Santiago and I want to know if I'm due to be evicted.

984569 No.201839


This is what I want to know too. They say they are going to vote. They may find a BS reason not to. Or they may vote to delay it or to not release it at all.

3acedc No.201840


And shes married so the testify will be interesting.

969d6a No.201841


Yea. They're key.

32af28 No.201842



They must be wondering if they'll still have jobs by the end of the year

7f7115 No.201843


Sessions has always been, but he recused. He can't fire and take over for that reason. #3 slides into #2 until Memo forces Mueller to step aside, Sessions takes over and drops hammer.

See how the pieces fall into place and why patience was needed?

740ec8 No.201846


How does Press Sec do it? I'd lose it on them.

0c8715 No.201847


Chess indeed..

13b527 No.201848


Don't we want ALL of our friends down off the political ledge so we can focus on things together as a team again, WITHOUT a freaking FF that has loss and pain? This is a new World. We can do this. And I'd like my friends back that out there on both fringes.

3477d3 No.201849

File: 43c34543a160533⋯.jpg (10.31 KB, 222x227, 222:227, images.jpg)

cec5e5 No.201850


She's a mom of toddlers; she knows how to handle them without losing her shit.

1a3047 No.201851



On the N Korea coast.

a9621e No.201853


trust mueller

disinfo is necessary

lol I get it now

aae42c No.201854

File: c581ea46786d600⋯.jpg (596.36 KB, 720x1552, 45:97, ScrollScreenshot_20180129-….jpg)



e72fe1 No.201855



d39129 No.201856

Dana Perino is a cunt

3477d3 No.201857

File: bfe646ded6b150c⋯.jpg (108.77 KB, 750x750, 1:1, white-privilege.jpg)

1fcefd No.201858

They’re saying the memo says RR approved surveillance on DJT AFTER the. Inauguration

73a529 No.201859


Kek! Good one!

1fcefd No.201860

File: 1550667863281fc⋯.png (288.73 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 80C88039-005E-4752-90B3-1D….png)

bd76a3 No.201861




Twitter % owned?

Other ownership stakes in the US?

What happens if seized?

Who controls?

Who controls the controllers?

EO 12/21.

NEW puppet master.


Not deal.


No choice.

Think others.

It’s what you don’t know.


21e929 No.201862



Who's next in line behind McCabe?

1a3047 No.201863


Another on the coast. Went to that little island.


b11bf7 No.201864



Well, Trump gets up about 6am, so IF the release is confirmed by vote, POTUS will sign off on it by no later than noon, IMO.

a836ea No.201865


MEMEforce strong with this anon…

0548f4 No.201866

File: a373ce3e9818f91⋯.png (174.64 KB, 372x328, 93:82, ClipboardImage.png)

da fuck is wrong with this bitches one eyebrow?

real life blur filter

1a3047 No.201867



73a529 No.201868


LOL! Top Kek!

a9621e No.201869

1fcefd No.201870

13b527 No.201871


Not familiar with VA laws in that regard. guess we will see in times. We got a start today… that's a good sign. Now tighten down the hatches for shilling from the angry left.

e72fe1 No.201872



b2c662 No.201873

goes like this -

vote at 5pm approves release

Dems put out their version in attempt to get the lead

SOTU speech - Maxine and Kennedy blab and gripe

memo is released making fools of them all

76d7f1 No.201874


nice job anon!

cec5e5 No.201875

Can Wednesday please hurry the fuck up?

75578b No.201876


Thomas Paine is x FBI , he knows all their bullshit,love it

1a3047 No.201877


N / S Korea border

3477d3 No.201878

File: 59a04c2f01b39c6⋯.jpg (10.66 KB, 239x211, 239:211, images.jpg)

419f99 No.201879

File: 97450b108902517⋯.jpg (457.44 KB, 1910x802, 955:401, 14_03_2.jpg)

Heh… look who I've founf skulking away after the weekend… I wondered where this one went. I've only been here a couple of minutes.

21e929 No.201880


But isn't Wray the Director? Doesn't #3 fall in to #2?

9b3172 No.201881


Jan 27 2018 00:37:51 Q

>Submission complete.

may have been in reference to twitter, Patriots in full control of it. See >>178973 for further details

bd76a3 No.201882



Jan 21 2018 13:06:20




Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?

1 of 22.

#Memo shifts narrative.

#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.

#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.

#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].

#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).



c64683 No.201883


(((They))) want division any way they can get it. Taking POTUS stance…. What is best for ALL in US… unite them first…. Politics IS division!.. Point that out NEXT… make sense?

5067e7 No.201884


I saw something where they tricked Trump in signing something..

It would fall the the next after McCabe and still be in black hat hands

19d06b No.201885


I second this

0c6c39 No.201886


Lol at real life blur filter

1c3ed7 No.201887

File: 3164b599499fa03⋯.png (64.01 KB, 255x228, 85:76, Untitled.png)

59b377 No.201888

File: 49d592110d87cd0⋯.jpg (114.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

Can someone in the Memecorps shop Sarah Sanders’ head into this?

Just because she’s a badass.

21e929 No.201889


Isn't RR deputy to the AG? How does that make him the fill in for Deputy Dir. of ehffbeeaye?

6d9de3 No.201890



checked and verified....

i have never seen a type that was for no reason from julian or wl

3477d3 No.201891

File: 061b0741e3fa8da⋯.jpg (25.45 KB, 480x400, 6:5, 650bc98094d9b9c4b5da9e8713….jpg)

1e0c3a No.201892

as per C Herridge of Fox

Wray went Sunday night to

view Memo. Unusual. McCabe

REMOVED within 12 hrs.

didn't resign. McCabe was

resigning in March.

d13411 No.201893


Agreed. He was just on Fox calling the memo "brainwash"

1fcefd No.201894

Meme makers… how’s this

My Ass Got Arrested MAGA

And faces of HRC,BHO, ect?????

086fd1 No.201895


This is a good question. Do we get an acting deputy director of the fbi? Who makes the new appointment? Trump needs someone loyal who doesn't look like he got the job to go on a trump counter witch hunt.

e72fe1 No.201896


Ran out of time getting ready today.

b11bf7 No.201897


Isn't enough room for her face.

7d46c2 No.201898

Why would D's have MW conduct the follow up to the SOTU?

What is MW used for?

Re-read past drops.


Carefully crafted 'out there' statements w/ falsified/fake Mueller drops will be made that nobody else would dare say/suggest.


What do they expect is coming?

What must be said to provide a counter-narrative?

What might be said to attempt to discredit factual proofs coming?

How do you keep people BLIND?

What must you FEED them?









Wizards & [WAR]locks.

These people are really DUMB.


98ca79 No.201899


I fucking love that guy

3477d3 No.201900

File: f74ecd415a80225⋯.jpg (61.37 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 19c068c0846358e0b04d499e7b….jpg)

5067e7 No.201901

Dems are making their own memo..

Maybe JA said he would release the REAL memo

7d46c2 No.201902


Just noticed what Q put into brackets. Ominous.

b11bf7 No.201903


That does seem like he was forced out…

0c8715 No.201904


Nugent would approve of that message kek

3477d3 No.201905

File: c3b94625c95b7ef⋯.jpg (36.55 KB, 400x222, 200:111, mammy_3.jpg)

21e929 No.201906


Precisely. If #3 goes for #2, are we going to see just another weasel swamp rodent?

29173b No.201907

File: eaab3c58acc2602⋯.png (103.38 KB, 700x405, 140:81, DUuMohhWsAAgoP2.png)

Sharia Theresa?

My how things have changed in jolly old England.

e72fe1 No.201908


That should be the WH's official statement to McCabe stepping down.

1fcefd No.201909


No, some of my followers are getting acts shut down and shadow banned still

ff5bd8 No.201910

File: 0f7054485920bc8⋯.png (448.93 KB, 467x526, 467:526, meme4.png)

a275b5 No.201911

419f99 No.201912

File: 5d59cbeb138cbc0⋯.jpg (292.02 KB, 1331x610, 1331:610, GAF686_2.jpg)

Confirmation of where the little blighter took off from.

German Air Force visits La Paz, Bolivia, the Swedes call at Denmark then drop in to see the Jordanians at Amman, Yahoo70 seems to go to Santiago, Chile it's all a bit odd.

Are some people passporting up, just in case?

7f7115 No.201913


For economic reasons, any entity seized, wouldn't be announced publicly right now. Put people in place (puppet masters) and run it our way, but keep continuity. Alaweed was our way into Twitter, among other businesses :)

75578b No.201914

File: 46458eae2727182⋯.png (401.25 KB, 546x543, 182:181, ok.PNG)

b11bf7 No.201915


Should we start a campaign calling their memo "Russian Propaganda"?

6dd2e1 No.201916


It might not be until next week

0c8715 No.201917


Call it "secret society disinfo"

3acedc No.201918


No but we should maybe ask- why are the Dems calling the memo fake all the sudden. Why didn't this come out months ago?

21e929 No.201919


Yes. Propaganda covering the U1 collusion.

6dd2e1 No.201920

086fd1 No.201921


Checked their org chart. Associate Deputy Director David Bowdich is the number 3.

https:// www.fbi.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/fbi-executives/bowdich

fed10f No.201922

File: a6fee212571378a⋯.jpg (18.89 KB, 420x280, 3:2, russsian to retire.jpg)

3477d3 No.201923

File: eadb2d82f005ed5⋯.jpg (44.57 KB, 480x360, 4:3, t7cr3.jpg)

007c2a No.201924


Well don’t forget Cain killed Abel so he has no lineage

1fcefd No.201925

File: 688994481892cec⋯.jpeg (469.88 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 58A4EFA2-7257-4D90-B407-5….jpeg)

bcddfb No.201926

Dems are already on news delegitimizing the memo. When it comes out, there should be a meme war - line by line. They’re also calling the texts “flirty banter” if they were even lovers, I haven read any flirting. Stupid people.

098cef No.201927



What did she say. Not a fan either but would bang.

1e0c3a No.201928


oh shit!

3477d3 No.201929

File: e7b19bcf26a2708⋯.jpg (110.15 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Funny-Democrat-Meme-8.jpg)

984569 No.201930


Paine's response would have been perfect if it had included an image of Pepe at the end.

73a529 No.201931


I think Brexit will come far too late..

Unless they crack down hard on deportations and SOON…

Western culture in the UK is doomed…

21e929 No.201932


There we go! Thanks, Anon! Pertinent to develop this.

6dd2e1 No.201933


Nobody is getting shadowbanned. You're probably posting too frequently.

1fcefd No.201935


Maybe with the memo we can go line by line with the proof we have on each player…???

0d0b12 No.201936

File: bceda1e0e83ab71⋯.jpeg (126.21 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 5A941093-BB50-4789-9B6A-2….jpeg)

984569 No.201937

The Pepe with the big grinning smile and the tears from the laughter…

4aed05 No.201938

File: 9acdd729be5be87⋯.png (110.12 KB, 754x582, 377:291, ClipboardImage.png)


No, you are wrong shilly boy

3477d3 No.201939

File: 7f2e71e66dde967⋯.jpg (70.08 KB, 640x623, 640:623, 7fe7f9382607503b01c157d853….jpg)

7f7115 No.201940


Wray is still #1. No one else matters after that in FBI. Cleaning will take place after hammer drop complete. Hard to know who will be left. #1 in FBI and CIA are good holding titles until cleaning can happen. CIA might be unrecoverable, that corrupt.

1fcefd No.201941


I’m not, but some from my twat who are also on my FB have said they are

086fd1 No.201942

Look out for this guy to get promoted in the FBI shake up. Former MI.

https:// www.fbi.gov/about/leadership-and-structure/fbi-executives/haley

396165 No.201943

Rubio fired his chief of staff over the weekend just heard on fox

21e929 No.201944


He's former "CTU"! Could this be the "Jack Bauer" character one would wish for?

6dd2e1 No.201945


If he tried to fire Mueller, he should admit it before they impeach him for lying

736f8a No.201946

>Think logically.

This anon → >>201913 does

b11bf7 No.201947




Nancy Pelosi is CLEARLY a Russian Cyborg, her brain glitches prove it!!!

a9621e No.201948


cuz he wouldnt put out

98ca79 No.201949


Wrong, I can prove shadowbanning see


6dd2e1 No.201950

3477d3 No.201951

File: 1362108a01dcd32⋯.jpg (100.45 KB, 810x810, 1:1, Hillary-Clinton-Memes-voti….jpg)

d13411 No.201952

File: ac7632761eb0d61⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 500x375, 4:3, tumblr_lngpthOMEq1qjj84y.jpg)


http:// voaontheroadafrica-blog.tumblr.com/post/6972777091/abujachildrenshome

f0c5db No.201953



Fresh Mockingbird puppet

implant installed

6dd2e1 No.201956



That proves nothing.

984569 No.201957

It may be too late for all of Europe. It seems the cabal has won there. At least for now.

3acedc No.201959


OOOhhh spicy

3477d3 No.201960

File: 2ead07c55ac1ee6⋯.png (336.34 KB, 550x418, 25:19, untitled.png)

e72fe1 No.201961



98ca79 No.201962


Whatever you say.

485457 No.201963

"All the great things we're going to do in the next 7 years of this administration."

-Sarah H. Sanders

God I love this woman.

23dd16 No.201964


It's sad …

both her job and eyebrow…

She fine looking otherwise

968d7a No.201965

396165 No.201966


KEk I'm sure that's the reason, but just in case I'll go check and add him to the list….

1597fa No.201967

File: 024acff4d002bdc⋯.jpeg (836.18 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, A636719A-71CD-4DF3-8189-7….jpeg)


It’s already a possibility, LOL. If you have a smart phone specifically an iPhone go to your pictures and you can do a search put the word boobs and you get new charts if you have any or anything that remotely looks like boobs.

Lucky for me I don’t take those pics from my phone. 😉

The closest match on mine is this:

6dd2e1 No.201968


Europe can bounce back. Hopefully the storm wont stop in the USA

f0c5db No.201969



Never forget digits

b3822a No.201970


"but muh 4AM talking points"

let us respectfully have a moment of loud kek in honor of all the MSM underpants soiled

23dd16 No.201971


Q has stated

>The cure is world wide

7f7115 No.201972


Didn't Q mention TG moving soon? Better fit at FBI#2 or DOJ#2?

098cef No.201973


Its so bad they're still offended by GEOTUS retweeting those muzzie videos.

4aed05 No.201974

Mueller has all the good on U1 /ourguy

RR delayed release of MEMO for TIMING

RR [out] = release of memo, Trump signs

Reads at SOTU

Release of OIG 1.2mm to chan for archive to back up MEMO

b78a4b No.201975

480d3f No.201976


I hope so!

3477d3 No.201977

File: 48793a93275a5a6⋯.png (89.59 KB, 500x399, 500:399, the-greatest-threat-to-ame….png)

29173b No.201978

Fox News reporter says, (paraphrased)

"McCabe withholding FBI resources and efforts, pulled back on resources, to not get Mrs Clinton angry."

Imagine the RESULT of getting Mrs Clinton ANGRY!

https ://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/957702508511678465

6dd2e1 No.201979


Twitter is not on our side? Really?

36809a No.201980


Nice one anon

408d50 No.201981

They will be voting on the release of the memo and the Dems counter memo. It will be interesting to see the vote on the counter memo.

13b527 No.201982


Go search then search for your handle. If you do not exist or there are tweets missing, that's a good indication how hard they are shading you.

41ff19 No.201983

Was just watching FoxNews, and they said that Dir. Wray went to read the memo yesterday, and then today McCabe "stepped down", some places I've heard REMOVED, but any way, makes you wonder what is in that memo that would make Dir. Wray talk McCabe into 'stepping down'.

a4c0fe No.201984

She always looks like a blind kid did her makeup

And that geri curl, tho


3477d3 No.201985

File: ad21c9a8faef06a⋯.png (80.41 KB, 500x397, 500:397, democrats-promoting-violen….png)

0548f4 No.201986

File: 06e82c17b394d3b⋯.jpg (188.2 KB, 824x1000, 103:125, 06e82c17b394d3bf1df32f7dd0….jpg)

Not to give the grammys any attention at all but I happened to see a news article about how U2 performed for the Las Vegas victims and I swear every time they try to smack us in the face with their failing self perception of how 'powerful' they are, the wrath of God swells up and any moment these people will see what that actually means.

Idk who or what you believe in, but you better focus your energy on justice and truth because our future depends on this shit.

1597fa No.201987


Voice to text sucks. Should be you get matches for anything close to boobs or nudity.

086fd1 No.201988


Gowdy won't go to the FBI. He's looking for a DoJ job.

a81ce7 No.201989


I second that! Sending Sarah love!! 💖

bd76a3 No.201990

File: e9dfd4953026c7e⋯.jpg (78.42 KB, 633x531, 211:177, Press Sec.jpg)

419f99 No.201991

File: 661674d05160d27⋯.jpg (513.67 KB, 1798x871, 1798:871, iron eagles.jpg)

Two F-15s and a C-130 in the air over the UK coast. Tanker nearby.

6dd2e1 No.201992

c5f583 No.201993

If you think Trump is going to tie himself to that memo by reading it at SOTU, you really are a moron.

a836ea No.201994



Can you imagine if Anons on this board got involved in more local level elections?

Exposing corruption and MEMEing the political criminals out of existence

Change the US - then the world.

a4c0fe No.201995

Looks like RR is next up on the firing line….

https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/01/28/us/politics/rod-rosenstein-carter-page-secret-memo.html?smid=tw-share&mtrref=t.co&gwh=27B9728B8D64B5DF7CDB610439B3724D&gwt=pay

098cef No.201996


>Release of OIG 1.2mm to chan for archive to back up MEMO

True if huge

7b14a0 No.201997

File: 3fdbe0d8210429a⋯.png (598.81 KB, 597x589, 597:589, ClipboardImage.png)

fed10f No.201998


Thanks. Friend made it. Asked me to share with you Anons

92386f No.201999

File: 88a8a7c995353c0⋯.png (71.41 KB, 712x242, 356:121, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at ….png)


Doxed urself, nice clown shoes faggot. NOT

968d7a No.202000


Then he gets RR's job. I'm totally fine with that

3acedc No.202001


This timeline seems plausible. It needs to be read at SOTU though they will say it is fake.

3477d3 No.202002

File: b5adaed1dca0268⋯.jpg (78.89 KB, 720x540, 4:3, CPMqmbEUcAABifq.jpg)

10d1b7 No.202003


Best response ever!!!!

2956f9 No.202005


You can check it's history here.


Let's just say what we saw yesterday is not what this reveals. This plane has a very interesting history and seems to go to Fort Dix a lot….

3477d3 No.202007

File: 5ef423b2deacb82⋯.jpg (18.05 KB, 236x236, 1:1, 7871b4baf8182355291448526e….jpg)

23dd16 No.202008


He kinda did when he asked for its release.

But no you are right - he won't be reading the memo, that's just stupid

6dd2e1 No.202009


Gowdy is a traitor.


Trey Gowdy net worth jumps from $167000 to $4.5 million in two years. Nothing swampy about that?

The_Donald 2018-01-02 gowdy lawyer career figure congress trey

Trey Gowdy net worth jumps from $167000 to $4.5 million in two years. Nothing swampy about that?

He worked in private law practice for many years before becoming a congressman. His salary in congress is 174k per year, so that 167,000 figure doesn't make sense because your property is included in your net worth. Net worth means ALL of your worth minus all of your debts. In the 4.5m figure is likely his house and cars — which, for a career lawyer at the age of 53, is a modest net worth. If you want to look for corrupt members of congress, look no further than 45m Maxine Waters (a lifetime public servant with a 150k salary), despite being married to a 1970s NFL player who only played 1 season. She has also been busted for lobbying in favor of a bank with ties to her family to get favorable legislation and has been ranked the most corrupt member of congress time and time again.

4.5m at 53 years old for a career lawyer who spent time in private practice is nothing absurd. Not only that, but the 167k figure is blatantly incorrect, considering he makes 174k per year in congress and his wife also has her own income. Please explain to me how having 4.5m in net assets as someone who went through law school and worked his entire career in law is excessive.

Prove his impropriety or stop defaming him, nothing in those figures is out of the ordinary. He only became a congressman in 2011, he isn't a lifetime public servant, stop demonizing routine success.

His net worth was only 167K? Wasn't he a lawyer? That seems low.

Exactly what I said— he is a 53 year old married career lawyer and net assets includes all property and vehicles. His current salary (and 2 years ago) is 174,000 per year, so the 167k figure is just blatantly false. What's sad is we're seeing people lampoon him here for having a career. Sorry folks, 4.5m at 53 for a career lawyer is on the low side! This is even probably a bit too high for reality because he probably has a mortgage.

098cef No.202010


Not a coincidence.

942068 No.202011



Caught off guard, no direction or talking points on how to frame McCabe's departure!

101285 No.202012

File: 7a09a1eb81d5e37⋯.jpg (21.71 KB, 388x259, 388:259, dumped.jpg)


>a “mutual” decision

Says every guy or gal dumped by a lover...

396165 No.202013

Jan. 24 2018 Alberto E Martinez Chief of Staff –– Marco Rubio

ea55be No.202014

How much of the anti-trump narrative is pushed by bots? Do we have any intel on that?

It seems like every negative attack against Trump is something Dems/Media have been doing all along.

483179 No.202015


What is wrong with these people? Seriously. What grown man would do that?

e649a9 No.202016


Nice. But change "loose" to "lose"

f5447f No.202017


Said the left was going to release "their" version of memo. What a dick. I'm digging.

0548f4 No.202019


i think it may get released either tonight or DURING lmao

so Maxine will say what she has to say but nobody will remember or care

820beb No.202020



28e2de No.202021


Tweet of Year 2018

396165 No.202022


oops wrong window

0d2dcd No.202023

File: b4be30ed0dbbd58⋯.jpg (38.98 KB, 619x387, 619:387, b4be30ed0dbbd58c18f05e0e9c….jpg)

anyone know the original post or graphic for this? it would be really powerful to replace shit with hate

7d46c2 No.202024

485457 No.202025


This is great anon - other than the "ban the democrat party" line. We are the ones who support freedom for better or worse. As much as I loathe the DNC, I could never support an action that actually forcefully "bans" it. Suggest changing to something like "abandon the democrat party"

419f99 No.202026

File: 97bc6ecd5e9b78b⋯.jpg (82.74 KB, 749x500, 749:500, gtfo.jpg)

I want this to happen..

e72fe1 No.202027

Q get in here and celebrate with us!

6dd2e1 No.202028

File: 136f3364011b10b⋯.png (586.63 KB, 903x552, 301:184, ClipboardImage.png)


Plus hes always wearing the classic Soros "Purple Protest" tie

fe488f No.202029


>Gowdy is a traitor.




ff5bd8 No.202030

File: 3b282045b6563f2⋯.png (209.69 KB, 384x306, 64:51, meme5.png)

29bb63 No.202031


I dont know Tpain called Tapper a Ass CLown like 10 minutes later. lol.

976000 No.202032

just a question but Q warned against supporting political division … a war between D nd R but mostly what we see now tho?

86c4c3 No.202033


Damn son.

be4ba5 No.202034


Your sauce doesn't support your premise…what are you trying to say?

59b377 No.202035


Nice! TY!

9c7dc3 No.202036


He may announce that he has decided, in the name of transparency, not to stand in the way of release of the intelligence committee memo to the public. From that moment forward all attention will be on the memo.

73a529 No.202037

23dd16 No.202038


Thing is. This meme doesn't help our cause as it puts us in the same category…

Why are we anonymous here?

0548f4 No.202039


thats not sauce..


and no, gowdy isnt a traitor but have fun with that theory

968d7a No.202041


Which I find HILARIOUS. The real memo is based off of facts from the FISA application

What the fuck is the Dems memo based off of?? the fake ass dossier?


b3822a No.202042


hey remember when it was Sean Spicer and the MSM couldn't get enough of laughing at him?

…….are they laughing now?

Also, they went on and on about Hillary as a "female role model/strong woman" (uuuuuugh)….


ea55be No.202043


When there's blood in the water, you don't celebrate, you finish the job!

086fd1 No.202044


An important reminder. The FISA warrant everyone is talking about did not have Donald Trump's name on it. It had Carter Page's. The FISA warrant allowed them to surveil Trump as collateral to the investigation. This line will be part of the MSM mitigation when it all breaks. "We weren't even looking at Donald Trump" Good luck selling that shills.

3477d3 No.202045

File: fe3b507164020e6⋯.jpg (104.86 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Funny-Detroit-Meme-9.jpg)

6dd2e1 No.202046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Proof Gowdy is a traitor:

cebff6 No.202047

Now even the powerful head of the Appropriations Committee is retiring from Congress in latest sign of 2018 Republican bloodbath

New Jersey Republican Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen announced Monday he would not run for re-election this year

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5326165/Powerful-GOP-Appropriations-chair-Frelinghuysen-retire.html


483179 No.202048


Exactly. Would just be ammunition for the Left to bash him.

98ca79 No.202049


I have people tweeeting me saying they can’t search and find me, and I have followers saying they can’t see some of my tweets from me but can see them when quoted and retweeted.

3477d3 No.202050

File: a108ab23eff4a45⋯.jpg (98.39 KB, 1023x634, 1023:634, Conservative_meme_on_race.jpg)

55a849 No.202051


Sheeesh, may have to sell the Porsche unless It has been already confiscated underTrump’s new EO.

0d0b12 No.202052

The Grammys were on CBS?

The maxipad SOTU is on BET?

Both networks owned by the (((ROTHSTEIN))) family. They call themselves Redstone these days.

f0c5db No.202053


Can you use yellow text so we can see what you are responding to or what you are copy/pasting vs. your actual comment. I had to get a new RX for chemo after reading this comment.

Eye cancer sucks

85e248 No.202054

File: e0bb3c14a5ee575⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1190x778, 595:389, ClipboardImage.png)

7f7115 No.202056


He already said he wants it released. He won't release that at SOTU. Remember, Q said when memo is released, due to possible unrest POTUS will be in the air… Can't be in air if reading at SOTU… think.

bd76a3 No.202057

File: def42bc26551667⋯.jpg (135.53 KB, 641x622, 641:622, Gareth Williams – Aug. 16,….jpg)



1c3ed7 No.202058

File: d59ab1714988511⋯.png (122.45 KB, 305x246, 305:246, Untitled.png)

0548f4 No.202059

File: 65896b03002dc97⋯.png (241.99 KB, 582x373, 582:373, ClipboardImage.png)





3477d3 No.202060

File: 6985220e5b4e2b9⋯.png (158.03 KB, 500x569, 500:569, good-thing-the-democratic-….png)

0d2dcd No.202061


point taken, less divisiveness

41ff19 No.202062

Is heading towards San Antonio…this makes 2 of these aircraft that were over San Antonio today.

The first one flew over Dallas/Ft. Worth area then Austin, then San Antonio, and lost it when it was heading to Houston.

This one is coming from Anaheim, CA. straight to San Antonio.

Wondering if they are sniffing?

75-0125 ADFEB6

United States Air Force CANE11

United States Military

Boeing E-4B Night Watch B742

0548f4 No.202063



483179 No.202064


They must truly fear Gowdy

13b527 No.202065


That is also a typical Trump is a criminal article and made all the excuses for the traitors they are one outlet I want to see go down in flames for LYING. Not because I dislike them, or want them controlled. I want the market to work it's magic and desert them for being untruthful and harming the World's opinion just out of their spite.

6dd2e1 No.202066



ea55be No.202067

47a425 No.202068

I know I'm wasting a post, but


1597fa No.202070


I think the 12/21 EO overrides that requirement.

b11bf7 No.202071


How do you know this isn't a Deep State chess move? We really have NO idea wtf is going on right now.

969d6a No.202072


The moon is providing a rare triple treat this week.

On Wednesday, much of the world will get to see not only a blue moon and a super moon, but also a total lunar eclipse, all rolled into one. There hasn't been a triple lineup like this since 1982, and the next won't occur until 2037. The eclipse will be visible best in the western half of the U.S. and Canada before the moon sets early Wednesday, and across the Pacific into Asia as the moon rises Wednesday night.

A blue moon is the second full moon in a month. A super moon is a particularly close full or new moon. A full lunar eclipse—or blood moon—has the moon completely bathed in Earth's shadow.

8c32dc No.202073


Brilliant. Would you consider to make the same meme with three white men too and have both memes sit beside each other? Then NO liberal can argue with this meme as being 'racist', for only showing a black perpetrator.

73a529 No.202074


Awesome message but?


bd76a3 No.202075


BS, we went through that already here!

9290bb No.202076


Also entirely possible that either Gowdy or his wife have inherited money/property from one of their parents.

Remember, not all assets are liquid.

I know of several people here in the South who are rich on paper only, from Grandpa leaving them 1,000 acres of pulpwood trees. Can't sell it because the other family would give them the stink-eye if they did, even if having the lumber cut every 20 years means the place isn't even breaking even.

926ec9 No.202077

File: 597c1fdf1f8e861⋯.jpg (120.8 KB, 761x761, 1:1, aristotle.jpg)

6dd2e1 No.202078

Trey Gowdy and the mormon Jason Chaffetz.

cebff6 No.202079

File: 5ea8c323a79414b⋯.png (130.29 KB, 478x333, 478:333, Rodney retires.png)

0548f4 No.202080


its cool, we got some guy trying to tell us gowdy is a traitor..dance all you want lmao we still have to hold the line

8480d3 No.202081

Digging re: Swallowsall. He interned for Ellen Tauscher (California 10th district) from 99-2001. She worked at state department as (get this) under secretary of state for arms control and international security affairs. She has since become a member of several boards, most notably, SpaceX.

4f03b5 No.202082


I remember this when it first hit the news. Thought it weird they tried to say he committed suicide.

121662 No.202083



I've seen the missing i before.

Was it missile with a missin i?

It's late hear and header is fuzzy

Sorry if allready covered

6dd2e1 No.202085


Choices are luxuries based on opportunities presented.

e72fe1 No.202086


Debbie Downer….

McCabe is toast.

bd76a3 No.202087



TG departure [HEC].

NOT to testify.

NOT needed to testify.

Think logically.

NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.


What ROLE might TG be walking into?

Who can WE TRUST?

RATS everywhere.

EVIL everywhere.

TRAITORS everywhere.


29173b No.202088

File: ade01aec458dcd7⋯.jpg (137.84 KB, 737x734, 737:734, DRQ3GJIX4AAnudq.jpg)

Citizens world wide should know this about their governments and corporate 'citizens'.

e92524 No.202089

File: 058689dddb0ea9b⋯.jpg (43.02 KB, 512x335, 512:335, 23kgfj.jpg)

File: 1a2a1b533c855fa⋯.jpg (53.27 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 23kgkc.jpg)

File: 6bbfc56e1eeec97⋯.jpg (88.92 KB, 817x500, 817:500, 23kgq5.jpg)

File: 6b65202872527af⋯.jpg (55.07 KB, 608x342, 16:9, 23kgze.jpg)

File: d338012a2ec7616⋯.jpg (93.86 KB, 800x430, 80:43, 23kh67.jpg)

#Memo shifts narrative. #ReleaseTheMemo #SOTU @POTUS

#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL. #ReleaseTheMemo #SOTU @POTUS

#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels. #ReleaseTheMemo #SOTU @POTUS

#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance]. #ReleaseTheMemo #SOTU @POTUS

#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s). #ReleaseTheMemo #SOTU @POTUS

6dd2e1 No.202090



Not Gowdy

47a425 No.202091


Saw the posts.. ignoring

41ff19 No.202092

…and once again, as soon as I mention it, it goes dark again.

6dd2e1 No.202093


Did you see his interview?

55b7b8 No.202094



Seems unlikely that Trump would read the memo at SOTU… it gets him personally involved, rather than let Congress do it.

4aed05 No.202095

File: a10bd0657d882c5⋯.jpg (252.98 KB, 1044x610, 522:305, HillMemoSotu.jpg)

How many hints do you guys need to get it?

b1dca4 No.202096



13b527 No.202097


He's a big enough jerk to wear Purple, so they think he's a pal. And flip them off. Or to tell them they do not own the fucking color purple!!!!!

1597fa No.202098


President has 5 days to object. He can say yes an it could be immediate. He could say no and it would require a full house vote. If no objection within 5 days, it can be released.

a9621e No.202099

File: c49fbc7e4d626b8⋯.png (668.32 KB, 1272x634, 636:317, only-morty-can-understand-….png)

098cef No.202100

File: 1574da4764c268a⋯.png (276.15 KB, 568x374, 284:187, d.png)

psyop or legit fuck up?

0af8f6 No.202101


really wanted her to say gay-z is a satanist… or something along those lines. the normies need to know the truth. then the whole world will be on the maga train.

2c9d13 No.202102

can someone sum up the content of that memo in one sentence? is there a link where its explained ?

b11bf7 No.202103


Best not to get your hopes up, until arrests happen, there's no need to celebrate…

e92524 No.202104

File: 7ed791e61c4d409⋯.jpg (126.74 KB, 760x500, 38:25, 23k8nh.jpg)

File: af00c8e2362bd8c⋯.jpg (127.09 KB, 760x500, 38:25, 23k925.jpg)

File: 4a9eb68b4316561⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 23kfij.jpg)

File: a550890727626e9⋯.jpg (89.36 KB, 729x500, 729:500, 23kfti.jpg)

File: 430f2069f04ce40⋯.jpg (43.4 KB, 608x342, 16:9, 23kg2z.jpg)

1e0c3a No.202105


yes. 'removed' is

pol correct for fired

imo as in You're Fired!

9290bb No.202106


Don't worry, wasn't distrusting anybody, just saying that Gowdy's financial statement is one thing, and how much actual cash he has is another, same as everyone.

I have Mama's silver, and it's an asset, but like I'd sell it? Might as well be a box of rocks.

4aed05 No.202107

File: 4c0f8886bb2ab90⋯.jpg (413.12 KB, 1112x1104, 139:138, MEMO Outline.jpg)

086fd1 No.202109


I think about this constantly. Deep State doesn't have a lot of "bullets" to fire at this. If they had some bombshell blackmail to drop on trump it would already be in play. I'm sure Trump already has some contingency plan in case they go after his person and they know it. Thats why they would consider going after family, it shows weakness.

a9621e No.202111


memo details contractors paid by fbi for made up information… details fisa warrant abuses

28acb2 No.202112



6dd2e1 No.202113


He will never tyhe memo

485457 No.202114


Is Gowdy /ourguy/?

You never know - worth a shot…

fed10f No.202115


Legit fuck up

13b527 No.202118


Its real. And I know it's awful that they are talking about them, but it's better to be honest that it happened, rathter than lie.

121662 No.202119


U sure?

0e5bf6 No.202120



>psyop or legit

i don't have the link handy but a couple days ago, anon posted a link connecting clinton to strava. someone who used to work for hillary went to work for strava. they were probably using it for their own source of intel and hoping that the good guys didn't realize

75578b No.202121



9c955b No.202122


You missed my point. The point is that there is language describing the requirement of a vote. There is language about the 5 day period. There is a requirement of the committee to notify the president. The delay between the vote and the notification to start the 5 day period is not specified. Therefore, it is possible the committee could decide not to notify the president immediately. This means there is an unspecified duration between the vote and the 5 day period. Make sense?

Note: I don't believe there will be much of a delay (if any.) I'm just pointing out that technically, there is an unspecified delay possible here.

6dd2e1 No.202123


Hes a Soros puppet. He talks a good game but dont do shit.

0ced52 No.202124


Q is not a magic 8-ball.

a9621e No.202125


https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfHjD6EJ964

required viewing for all anons

1c73bd No.202126


We need to work on plans to exploit the shift in narrative on the state and local level. Am currently working on that now on GAB with another anon in my state.

Here is an example of the thinking (apply to your own state):


A.) County Republican Party Heads - Email all. Email tells them this is their opportunity and here is a Platform. Help them Exploit. Give them Ideas. Then email State Republican Party head.

B.) Berkeley Board of Supervisors - Email all demanding to know how many professors were part of the Soros / Obama corrupt, criminal and treasonous enterprise, how much they received from Soros criminal corrupt and treasonous donations, when these professors will be fired and will UC-Berkeley be pressing for the DA to file criminal charges against these professors.

C.) University of California President Janet Napolitano - she will be praying she doesn't get sucked up by The Storm and may want to be presenting a new image. Email and exploit. Email her all the things in B.) demanding compliance on a state-wide basis, ie all universities. Send copy of email to Sacramento Bee, etc.

D.) Start public conversation asking which Silocon Valley tech companies were in bed with the corrupt, criminal and treasonous Soros / Obama enterprise and demand they provide good-faith evidence that they were not part of this treason and tyranny. Publish online and send to SJ Mercury News, SF Chronicle, etc.

E.) Associate CA State Legislators with the corrupt, criminal and treasonous Soros / Obama enterprise. Demand an accounting of each. Show how their agenda matched Soros/Obama's. Demand investigation. Demand their resignations/firing/impeachment and / or arrest and trial.

F.) Do the same thing for CA Attorney General Xavier Becerra as as he will need to be the prosecutor of E.). Demand his resignations/firing/impeachment and replacement, suggest prosecution.

G.) Go after local school boards directly similarly

H.) Go after County Board of Supervisors direclty simiarly

I.) Email regional and local newspapers for G.) and H.)

May not get convictions or resignations, etc, but Art of the Deal, it could move us in the correct direction and affect a cultural shift.

8c32dc No.202127


Definitely true. And how do you explain that other people with the same bad opportunities don't become criminals? Or that people 'who have it all': wealth, beauty, health, family can become criminals too?

5c2871 No.202128

Wonder if the memo will be released in russian, or somehow pertains to why Q told us to learn russian…..just a fhought

419f99 No.202129

File: a6e5fd1f1f3887b⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 500x666, 250:333, DDD.jpg)

You'll really believe the Democrats get screwed really well…

396165 No.202130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Had to share this video masterpiece once again with McCabe stepping down :)

https:// youtu.be/ArZh9fUIkEA

fed10f No.202132


Just reported on Fox. Jennifer, forgot her last name, says confirmed with Pentagon

0da65a No.202133

File: 7d46a411f8400e9⋯.jpg (357.58 KB, 500x501, 500:501, White-Chicks_7121_5.jpg)


She's the one that looks like Gina from White Chicks

1fe0d9 No.202134

File: a34e677970f30db⋯.png (491.57 KB, 485x482, 485:482, police-chase-hillary.png)

0e5bf6 No.202136


>sum up the memo in one sentence

watergate on steroids committed by traitors

41ff19 No.202137



a4c0fe No.202138

Agree on that one….


3477d3 No.202139

File: cd632ae3ac32da2⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Ct45B-fUIAAHHQc.jpg)

0d0465 No.202141


People are claiming…

Real Seth e Memo


6dd2e1 No.202142


I never said that, shill

fe488f No.202143


Re-read the map.

098cef No.202145




>someone who used to work for hillary went to work for strava. they were probably using it for their own source of intel.

This makes sense. Would hate to think soldiers are now in danger over this.

6dd2e1 No.202146


He will

121662 No.202147


I posted link must be 10hours ago, but from rt.com

4de2fa No.202148

File: c6740bde76ccef0⋯.jpg (85.46 KB, 570x554, 285:277, russian2.jpg)

File: eee9a29e18441cf⋯.jpg (99.24 KB, 570x760, 3:4, russian_bot.jpg)

1fcefd No.202149


Only one dem read it

7f7115 No.202150


January14th drop:


TG departure [HEC].

NOT to testify.

NOT needed to testify.

Think logically.

NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.


What ROLE might TG be walking into?"

13b527 No.202152


Anon, we will never agree on everything, and that is the good of this world. Time will tell. On Gowdy, at this time, after my own research I cannot find a reason not to trust him. Sorry.

3477d3 No.202153

File: d5ca5ab4d3c425c⋯.jpg (74.83 KB, 617x720, 617:720, right-wing-conservatives-a….jpg)

75ada8 No.202154


https:// www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/industries?cid=N00030880&cycle=2016

6dd2e1 No.202155

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft cant have a job. She twats every 5 min

fed10f No.202156



http:// www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-soldiers-sensitive-information-fitbits-20180128-story,amp.html

a92d19 No.202158

http:// thegatewaypundit.com/2018/01/breaking-congress-investigating-mueller-pitbull-andrew-weissmann-media-leaks/

3477d3 No.202159

File: 1cad12d8e1d438b⋯.jpg (129.48 KB, 750x750, 1:1, democrats-750.jpg)

6dd2e1 No.202160



I forgive you.

cff83e No.202161

Trump & Q’s radio silence heading into SOTU has me comfy af lads. I hope he doesn’t tweet a thing right up to the speech. that alone will have their nerves frayed

1fcefd No.202162


Real… lots of chatter on MIL sites

e72fe1 No.202163


Shes great though.

0d0b12 No.202164

We should name a bridge after Andrew McCabe.

That way he has a roof to live under.

41ff19 No.202165

File: ab100366e8b5bdd⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1455x835, 291:167, air1.png)

This critter is very elusive.

2a54a3 No.202166

Well, Anons, what a day! Thank you one and all (especially you, Q). In honor of this momentous occasion I just went to my City Hall and registered as a REPUBLICAN. I've been registered as an Independent for years but volunteered on President Trump's campaign as an Independent. I decided to make the swith to Republican today because, well, FUCK THE DEMOCRATS.

cff83e No.202167


and I duly noted all the fake news about what SOTU would be about. hopefully it made the enemy feel nice and comfy

13b527 No.202168

Time to change he channel. Shep is on. The only way they will ever fire him is if the ratings go to zero.

86f958 No.202170


welcome home, patriot.

6dd2e1 No.202171


73a529 No.202172

File: 39557714059f596⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 667x333, 667:333, Q_8BALL.jpg)

8c32dc No.202173


The point as I see it, is to wear purple BECAUSE this takes their chosen colour away from them. If everybody wears purple, no matter their political opinion, Soros and their like don't 'own' this colour anymore and 'purple' loses its trademark-image.

If the next 'movement' chooses the next colour: the countermove is to wear this colour too then.

1fcefd No.202175



3477d3 No.202176

File: 93c412e4d4071a3⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 675x675, 1:1, 07ROOSE3-master675.jpg)

121662 No.202177


https:// www.rt.com/usa/417299-america-military-sites-satellite-imagery/

6dd2e1 No.202178

f58c83 No.202179

File: f97d966ef103cf5⋯.png (46.29 KB, 647x343, 647:343, JA 1-29-18 Memo.PNG)

8c32dc No.202181

b3822a No.202182


btw, and pardon the cat-herding, but… seems to me that 98% of releSETHememo memes/references are completely missed/misunderstood.

When it's a SethRich pic, yes, then by all means do it. But, using the formula in every single instance of the #, even when not related to SR… can't help but wonder if it isn't some sort of slide to make us look dumb.

But anyway, just throwing it out there to the hivemind - meme away in chaos, y'all

4ea9b2 No.202183


Actually makes moar sense to register dem and destroy them from within

13b527 No.202184


Even if it's a mini slide, congratulations. Because we have no third party of good influence at this time it is the best choice. Or… to all register as Dems and fuck up their primaries and then Vote R… just saying. Besides, imagine the numbers of Dems overwhelmingly rejecting their own party. It would be a mindfuck of all time.

396165 No.202185

File: bdbfd7db5e2339d⋯.png (246.13 KB, 572x833, 572:833, screenshot_429.png)

3477d3 No.202186

File: d759fd25b1ea907⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1190x973, 170:139, untitled.png)

4aed05 No.202187


Is there one single Trump supporter on that list?

See the pattern?

0548f4 No.202188

File: 3444f3de3226234⋯.png (162.7 KB, 387x358, 387:358, ClipboardImage.png)

5b18c8 No.202189


>register dem and destroy them from within

shhhhh, you're giving away my game plan anon!

0d0465 No.202190

File: aeb2aea04c76cde⋯.jpg (101.91 KB, 900x506, 450:253, 5a6f79bffc7e9326278b4567.jpg)

Russian Flanker jet forces US spy plane to change course over Black Sea in ‘safe’ intercept – MoD


7b14a0 No.202192

File: ad2ffb3095aaa0f⋯.png (739.86 KB, 667x587, 667:587, ClipboardImage.png)

0c6c39 No.202193



b11bf7 No.202194


lol this celebrating shit is going to bite you all in the ass, call me a shill all you want, but at least remember what I said… and i hope i'm wrong.

85e248 No.202195


As we all know all of Hillary's emails always end up on WikiLeaks, so if she had it, we would have it.

f2de58 No.202196

File: 7f9ee7738f3ce95⋯.png (20.77 KB, 210x241, 210:241, trumPepe.png)

Sitting and watching the room work, winning…..

1597fa No.202197


Yes it looks just like me.

85d6cd No.202199

98ca79 No.202200


Ok, Shill.

8c32dc No.202202


You indeed said really nothing else a SJW wouldn't have said also. Start thinking, if you can.

f0c5db No.202203

File: 18394165deb2157⋯.jpg (99.93 KB, 650x553, 650:553, Nexus-Q-Magic-8-Ball (1).jpg)



>The mode is activated by tapping repeatedly on the Nexus Q’s image in the dedicated Android app. Once triggered the application will then respond with a text message stating “Have a dilemma? Ask the Q.”

8ch 8ball Qball

121662 No.202204


I did t mean to post without text.

People are to trusting with tek.

Why trust something when most of the manufacturers are Chinese.

Yes u fkers, I know u r there - allready hacked by the Chinese via malicious image.

10d1b7 No.202205

3477d3 No.202206

File: 40a65e67fd94bd1⋯.png (184.28 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Funny-Democrat-Meme-16.png)

0548f4 No.202207

File: fdc9fc051203edb⋯.png (275.05 KB, 465x380, 93:76, ClipboardImage.png)

pelosi kissin evil pope version 1's ring

ff5bd8 No.202208

File: 7f6518db56b8651⋯.png (113.17 KB, 328x306, 164:153, meme6.png)

29173b No.202209

File: 3e5f62ac387b216⋯.jpg (122.46 KB, 1124x1026, 562:513, DUoT-ERX0AAKwQ5.jpg)

fd6ad4 No.202210



end of video 'would it be kim enjoying some western technology? I bet, he'll never tell us' lol'd

13b527 No.202211


EXACTLY!!!! Too bad it isn't the seventies or they could wear purple suits. The chicks get away with it, but dudes cannot.

Only species in the world that is backwards like that.

3acedc No.202212

File: 20c9fc0d26c25c4⋯.jpg (51.11 KB, 474x600, 79:100, 457957293475938475290.jpg)

0d0b12 No.202213

Can we have a twofer McMonday please?

b3822a No.202214


and in that brief half-breath of a moment before the flashing light of the nuclear detonation reaches him, he thought "WELL AT LEAST I WAS RIGHT THAT ONE TIME"

917b29 No.202216

File: 8b0a2632a88ef4b⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1125x1651, 1125:1651, 4999DA17-DFCD-44DD-9396-0….jpeg)


I’ve got this one

25d8d2 No.202218

File: 2b52da2600f306a⋯.png (483.9 KB, 788x609, 788:609, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at ….png)

bulldog1967 was/is Wray

13b527 No.202219


Now she knows how we felt for eight fucking years without a doubt.

0548f4 No.202221

File: 356722a90dfc66e⋯.png (276.01 KB, 476x279, 476:279, ClipboardImage.png)

2a54a3 No.202222


That's partly why I stayed "Independent" for so long, Anon. I used to be a Republican in a state where Independents could not vote in primaries. The state in which I currently reside is one that allows Independents to vote in either primary, so ever since I moved here I've enjoyed voting for the Democrat shit-tard candidates in primaries. But there is something to be said for LOYALTY. I'm loyal to the Republican party because I value smaller government, America First, and the capitalist system. I'm a Christian, a Second Amendment supporter (and beneficiary), and a die-hard Trump supporter. I am entering a profession where I can do a lot of good for the Second Amendment and I just cannot stomach the thought of being confused as a supporter of the evil Democrat party. So I'm back home where I belong, and it feels really good. Thank you for letting me share, Patriots. God bless us all.

7f7115 No.202223

File: 6a2766ee39e4835⋯.jpeg (108.5 KB, 640x640, 1:1, DUu2yX7W4AAe5EM.jpg-large.jpeg)

Should pass these out at tonight's peoplesotu

0ced52 No.202224


I stand corrected, lol. Nice pull.

87d9b9 No.202225

I'm not going to lie, every time I watch Sarah Sanders own these lying fucks in the press pool I want to fuck her so thoroughly that her eye is straightened out permanently.

f0c5db No.202226


GTFO ???

4ea9b2 No.202227

Suggestion, shall we doxx those wearing purple, maybe a list. We have enough pictures, maybe a list?

82ec8e No.202228


how old are you? fuck off with this already

4aed05 No.202229

File: 4ec16b2b5e522ab⋯.jpg (50.41 KB, 797x487, 797:487, CaddyShackMurray.JPG)

f0c5db No.202230


I had it on standby for this moment.

73a529 No.202231


Need Tissue..Kek!

0c8715 No.202232

File: 11d159a394e0d1f⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 300x450, 2:3, Do-Not-Feed-Pelicans-Sign-….jpg)

076d07 No.202233


Fuck off with that fake bullshit, shillbot

419f99 No.202234



25d8d2 No.202235


Yale Bulldogs and born in 1967. He wasn't exactly hiding it.

1a3047 No.202236


Sorry, thought you meant who is next to leave.

0e0da0 No.202237

It's critical for the 2018 elections to retain majority in House and Senate.


a6bfee No.202239


good one, lots of concise info

3a79a0 No.202240



21e929 No.202241


My question is, what is their involvement in Israeli diplomatic relations, and policies?

3477d3 No.202242

File: eafa1ebce07c9db⋯.jpg (33.03 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

2a54a3 No.202244


Okay, Mr. McCabe, look, I know you're bored now that you're out of a job, but maybe your wife could use some help around the house. Why don't you scoot along and do something useful with your free time? You could be lawyer shopping, and instead you're here shilling. . . .

9d2150 No.202245

Title request for next bread?

606f83 No.202246

POTUS should start the SOTU off by reading some choice passages from Fire and Fury.

Wouldn't happen but would be hilarious.

Use their methods against them.

419f99 No.202247


#MemoMeltdown Edition?

21e929 No.202249


All good. We found the guy though. It's David L. Bowdich. Dig on him, if you feel like it. He's an L.A. counter terrorist Agent, and spokesman during the San Bernadino attacks.

396165 No.202250

File: 17e58a4db7568af⋯.png (60.81 KB, 571x289, 571:289, screenshot_430.png)

File: bdec5ecc2c989ce⋯.png (334.65 KB, 729x549, 81:61, screenshot_431.png)

Plucked this from Fox feed….

0548f4 No.202251


hes still commenting like everyday

its not wray …

1c3ed7 No.202252


mccabe first memo victim edition

7f7115 No.202253


Title his SOTU Speech "What Really Happened"

b11bf7 No.202255

Holy shit, did you guys know Alex Jones predicted EVERYTHING??!! I know because he just said it…LMFAO

0e5bf6 No.202256


the wind is picking up

real seth memo

cleaning house

6dd2e1 No.202257

File: 32985e33dbd8c15⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Fuck off clown. Youre glowing.

4a4ce1 No.202258

Andy McCabe 5 secs after he read the Memo

https:// twitter.com/twitter/statuses/958049682206416896

from Jack Poso tweet

969d6a No.202259

File: 364c0afe44cec40⋯.png (3.17 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)

The look on POTUS face.

47a425 No.202261


Look at his face!!!

0d0465 No.202262


Release The Memo or Not Edition

b3822a No.202263


love the smell of burnt 4am talking points in the morning

3a79a0 No.202265


Sarah - Warrior Princess

8c32dc No.202266


SJW-shill, shut up.

1fcefd No.202268



ca7e75 No.202269


Efffective!! good job Anon!

3477d3 No.202270

File: 037ff039d73bbde⋯.png (96.73 KB, 500x434, 250:217, isnt-it-strange-that-none-….png)

6dd2e1 No.202271

01b514 No.202272


oh my belly…good shit m8

7f7115 No.202273


The irony of making their symbol upside down with his hands is hilarious.

6dd2e1 No.202275


2 MS-13 members hired by Sarah Wasserman Schultz.

58c76b No.202276


I think Gowdy is /ourguy but if this "how did they get rich on a congressional salary?" angle is being used against MW, then it seems reasonable to assume it would be used against TG as well, especially if he's moved to a new position as special prosecutor.

Just saying I would hate to be exposed if same questions posed against TG are left unanswered.

3477d3 No.202277

File: dd0f932b4191608⋯.jpg (107.22 KB, 854x854, 1:1, sifvsw8ivwxy.jpg)

bd76a3 No.202278

File: 542cf69898346d1⋯.jpg (45.36 KB, 438x228, 73:38, 3 Men too.jpg)

0d0465 No.202279


Ha! Nice one.

969d6a No.202280

File: 4c6fbd69626628f⋯.jpg (337.89 KB, 955x772, 955:772, DWS.jpg)

19014e No.202281

Blacksheep anon from ruling class family here.

Who did America lose Korean war to?

Therefore who is biggest hand in NK puppet government?

NK pressure → treatment of trump by China?

What other puppet governments exist?

What is the geographical pattern?

Think silk road, access points.

What do puppet governments have to do with the web of blackmailable behavior by worlds elite?

What does this explain?

29173b No.202282

File: bee23f86f8d248d⋯.jpg (114.4 KB, 1199x902, 109:82, DUf1YvkV4AAImV_.jpg)


97fa0e No.202283

Jay Sekulow (ACLJ, Trump attorney) show is daily on periscope. This morning they were talking about the memo when the news of McCabe came through live on their show. Listen in if you like…

https:// www.pscp.tv/w/1lPJqpMedBYGb

969d6a No.202285


Good eye. I didn't notice that.

28acb2 No.202286


It was posted by Q.

Shows chain of events from Seth Rich to trying to remove Trump through false means.

1fcefd No.202288


What’s that on sessions hand?

f2de58 No.202289

File: b130bb8f2fa0716⋯.jpg (15.3 KB, 300x294, 50:49, streakinPepe.jpg)


Quads confirm it!!!!!!!!!

3477d3 No.202290

File: 87b0c7e8ccf362c⋯.png (182.19 KB, 512x335, 512:335, g1364866754230799882.jpg.png)

873d82 No.202291


He did it at Davos, too.

b11bf7 No.202292



You're still paying me :)

0e0da0 No.202293

Not sure if this is the case here, but according to Israeli law all Jews have what is called right of return and automatic grant of citizenship.


b3822a No.202294



wonder how old thay bookcover pic is

6dd2e1 No.202295

File: 8fcda194ff600f0⋯.png (7.52 KB, 817x183, 817:183, ClipboardImage.png)



1a3047 No.202296

Suicide watch on McCabe.


>RR [out] = release of memo, Trump signs

Not a chance. He's deeply implicated.

b3822a No.202298

File: 45cf3fde032c35b⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1111x741, 1111:741, Q_BiteCrumbs_20180118_WS_F….png)

0e5bf6 No.202299


>Jews have what is called right of return

proper term is Aliyah

396165 No.202300

File: 066f4fd1fc72762⋯.png (331.02 KB, 1250x904, 625:452, screenshot_432.png)


Alleged Sex Assaults at Michigan State

Michigan State University and the National Collegiate Athletic Association are facing scrutiny not only over the actions of a doctor who abused scores of women, but over athletes alleged to have raped and assaulted others. The university and the NCAA are both being accused of effectively looking the other way.

https:// www.insidehighered.com/news/2018/01/29/michigan-state-ncaa-under-fire-over-sex-assault-cases

f7aced No.202301


Look, you’re not Q. You don’t have to cryptically post questions. Redundant and immature.

121662 No.202303

File: 3e08ad3779682a8⋯.png (907.33 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, image.png)

File: edfb07e2411655e⋯.jpeg (184.89 KB, 1281x742, 183:106, image.jpeg)

File: 61e2ae86cc40d5b⋯.jpeg (50.77 KB, 650x366, 325:183, image.jpeg)

Wtf? Shilly again.

What u trying to hide?

7255b8 No.202304


Don’t put those negative thoughts into the world. If there’s no hope, why are we here?

969d6a No.202305


"For the Next Generation: A Wake-Up Call to Solving Our Nation's Problems Oct 15, 2013

by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Julie M. Fenster"

0548f4 No.202307

File: 381ee86eba91bcf⋯.png (201.83 KB, 392x391, 392:391, ClipboardImage.png)

95774b No.202308


Anon's, if you have never seen some of Ted's early videos of his hunting in Africa, you should check them out. My favorite quote from this mad man is "Whack 'em, Stack 'em, and Pack 'em.

I'm not a meme'r, but a photo collage of the usual suspects with that quote would be a wall hanger.

1fcefd No.202309


Hopefully not

8c32dc No.202310


Thank you! And you took a pic with different ages too…I think your work is great, man! No one can argue with what your meme states!

dfd0a6 No.202311

File: b655c76b88d8fea⋯.jpg (498.78 KB, 1429x621, 1429:621, democratFamilyValues.jpg)

01b514 No.202312


Andrew Andy Peter Strokin Mc Mc Mc Cabe

ff5bd8 No.202313

File: c4e3f7502343674⋯.png (154.58 KB, 349x306, 349:306, MEME7.png)

563268 No.202314


It's his veins, lol. He's just getting old….

969d6a No.202315

File: 216fbc9c3f301aa⋯.jpg (57.49 KB, 400x318, 200:159, DWS2.jpg)

419f99 No.202316

File: 096de4a1c4bd849⋯.jpg (376.71 KB, 1598x774, 799:387, wolfhound.jpg)

USAF seem to be searching further South.. are they picking up on what we've been seeing? A Poseidon and a Wolfhound well South of the border..

bd76a3 No.202318


Stop trying to act like Q, you have something to say, say it or fuck off!

d3735b No.202319



Please consider #Maximouth because it is catchy, short, and sums up all the other #s. Plus it can have multiple meanings.

3acedc No.202320


Michelle only said that cause shes not getting those funds flying in for thousand dollar dresses and has to be a peasant like the rest of the world.

19014e No.202321


I have to get you guys to come to your own conclusions. I don't know what else to do but to ask questions.

969d6a No.202324

File: 12333e9c9ad0ec4⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 313x161, 313:161, McCabeComeyRR.jpg)

b3822a No.202325


why here?

why not on pol?

why not your own board?

you could be interesting if not such a parasite

5b7def No.202326

Comey is next

bd76a3 No.202328


np Anon

3477d3 No.202329

File: 973aaeb5f3b6444⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 0a2b528bb7d879ff9e78fdcd76….jpg)

7f7115 No.202332


Change to "And Blame Republicans when they suck it dry."

They have no plan to ever deliver.

4aed05 No.202333

File: 18e50b39c6fc2a5⋯.jpg (137.46 KB, 991x555, 991:555, JointPass.jpg)

0c776c No.202334


Pope1 creeped me out.

a6bfee No.202335


another criminal goes free

are they planning on punishing any of these sick vermin at a later date or are they just going to give a free pass to hundreds of conspirators who have participated in destroying the lives of millions of people?

419f99 No.202336


It's before someone set her face on fire, then tried to put the fire out with a baseball bat.

0548f4 No.202337


somebody put that ol' dog out of her misery

340c80 No.202339


It looks like the spots from too much cholesterol lowering medication. Ruth Ginsberg has them too.

fed10f No.202341

Christopher Wray and Rod Rosenstein just left the West Wing.


969d6a No.202342

File: 7c4953f5613b5d9⋯.jpg (431.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Pelosi.jpg)

7f7115 No.202343


"suck you dry" sorry, not it.

3477d3 No.202344

File: ab1d52f0f246a97⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 500x332, 125:83, crazy-500x332.jpg)

b3822a No.202345


(insert Old Yeller joke/meme here)

73a529 No.202347


Apologies for seeming negative.

I merely stated; If something IS NOT done soon, then UK is done as a Western Society.

There is still hope so long as action is taken.

4189c3 No.202348

File: bd0fdc8093c8537⋯.jpg (92.43 KB, 1023x506, 93:46, amuhrsia.jpg)


This was weird. (Brennan & Johnson questionings.)

e649a9 No.202349

23dd16 No.202350

Reposting my poem for morale boost

A #storm is afoot

And a #GreatAwakening to boot

Can you feel it Anons? redpilling normies has never felt so good.

We fight for freedom and truth above all

Exposing the decievers big as small.

Deepstate and Cabal your time is Up

Believe the people when we say #enoughIsEnough.

We are the answer to the MSM #fakeNews game.

And noone of us do it for money or fame.

We fight with Q and our POTUS in the name of the republic

To take back our country and make the truth public

19014e No.202351


Too high profile. This is perfect place.

0e0da0 No.202353

Yeah, but how many people here would know what aliyah means?


b11bf7 No.202354


Can we stop forgetting that the Republicans are in just as deep as Democrats in many ways?

83f912 No.202355


Nope. You have to wonder why… lol

ca55cd No.202356

Hannity on radio… just said a lot more going behind scenes, can't talk about it yet.

Said could Have memo tonight?

0d2dcd No.202357


I can't agree more, this is non-partisan. it is good vs evil

29173b No.202359

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump .@Qanon .@CNN .@MSNBC #SOTU

#releasethememo #ReleaSETHeMemo #internetbillofrights #GreatAwakening

#NotABot #DrainTheSwamp #SecretSociety #shadowbans #SetTruthFree

#LockHerUp #RealSethMemo #RealseTheMemo

The Storm is Upon Them!

https ://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/957786182146035712

Hm…that's a link to a nice .gif file of a great waterspout…maybe a sharknado. I can't seem to make it live here.

025d4d No.202361


u shoudl make one with nameless, BHO, HRC etc going to gitmo "we're we go one we go all".

f7aced No.202362


Stop riding Q’s coat tails. You’re attempt to distract is too obvious. Go find another hobby.

73a529 No.202363


No one who plays the game gets a free pass Q.

Stepping down is a signal of surrender.

Does not mean POTUS/NSA/MI will accept it.

0548f4 No.202364


hahah hes so evil the vatican was like "bruh..people dont trust you.."


03/13/2013 - ok not suspicious at all (666/333..no biggie)

5 years later

EVERYBODY knows the New evil pope version 2.0 is an evil fuckin globalist placed there to fullfill the agenda

my question is..these people have all the time in the world..if they had patience they might have succeeded ..why the rush?

3477d3 No.202365

File: 14260c54ddfb4a4⋯.jpg (33.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, C_n3SMVW0AISDWF.jpg)

419f99 No.202366


Why are you a glowfag, who isn't an elite otherwise you'd be spending time with your money before it's seized from you?

396165 No.202367


who broadcasts his radio show?

bd76a3 No.202369

File: 502ee1ff466af1f⋯.jpg (210.88 KB, 1199x902, 109:82, POTUS Twatting.jpg)

2e90f5 No.202370


He knows the cam is there. Trolling.

396165 No.202372


or where can I find the stream?

1fcefd No.202374

File: 3bf67c054f4e4c5⋯.jpeg (180.19 KB, 1536x790, 768:395, 3B60FF88-6198-49FC-867E-E….jpeg)

19014e No.202375


You thinking some damning piece of infro will drop and the elites will be rounded up is how you were subjugated in the first place.

908f20 No.202377


https:// www.iheart.com/live/the-sean-hannity-show-247-6706/

b11bf7 No.202378


Meh, Hannity claims everyday that he has "breaking news", when it's only the same old shit.

b3fa57 No.202379


I'll believe that line when you can show me corruption and treason at the level we have seen in regards to Hillary and Obama.

"Both sides are corrupt" is a bullshit cop out.

I'm working with what I know about the crooks I know about. Maybe some day, the same info will come out about the Trump administration. Until then, we focus on the criminals we know.

969d6a No.202381




9d2150 No.202382

POTUS tweet

025d4d No.202383


but one group is far more entangled. the whole russia ordeal was literally a partisan attack for starters.

9c955b No.202384

File: f5fb222d7708c33⋯.png (262.35 KB, 580x403, 580:403, q3.png)

New DTJ Tweet.

1fcefd No.202385

File: 7fe311172262fdb⋯.png (163.32 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 0AFCD2B4-8999-40A8-90CF-76….png)

0c6c39 No.202386

So Obama pardoned Strzok's grandpa?!

posted by: @HousatonicITS

(1) #AboutStrzok This is #PeterStrzok. He is in his 40s. He works for the #FBI. He was the only person to interview @HillaryClinton, with no recording, on her #HRCEmail investigation.

(2) #AboutStrzok How many #STRZOK family members are there? There are only 100 total Americans out of 300 million with this name. You can Google this. #PeterStrzok must be unique in such a small family, right?

(3) #AboutStrzok The father of #PeterStrzok (ii) is Peter Strzok Sr, and he was in the Army core of engineers. Oh, he was actually a career expert in sanctions and nuclear activity in #Iran.

http:// www.fayobserver.com/d8027ffd-e2a6-5ef0-be77-c43f22fb5fa6.html

(4) #AboutStrzok The younger brother of #PeterStrzok Sr is #MarkStrzok who works for #Mammoet - They are world leaders in big cranes, with a speciality in moving nuclear Reactors. https:// www.linkedin.com/in/mark-strzok-a8588b13/

(5) #AboutStrzok The son of #MarkStrzok is #DevinStrzok, who is a coast guard graduate and now also lives in DC. https:// www.mylife.com/devin-strzok/e45915046860126

(6) #AboutStrzok The wife of #MarkStrzok… and mom of #DevinStrzok… is #MarianaSrtzok.. Mariana (or Mary) is the daugther of General #JamesCartwright.

(7) #AboutStrzok #DevinStrzok is actually Devin Cartwright Strzok. His grandfather, General James Cartwright, was pardoned by Barrack Obama on his last day of office. Cartwright was accused of leaking info on #stuxnet.

(8) #AboutStrzok Another brother of #PeterStrzok Sr is #JamesStrzok - A Jesuit priest working in #Kenya ! With, no surprise, a solid military career, and deep knowledge in energy / resources. http:// booksandjournals.brillonline.com/docserver/journals/22141332/3/4/22141332_003_04_S003_text.pdf(9) #AboutStrzok Wow, what is this… an emergency meeting between #DevinStrzok in the situation room in the #Whitehouse #WestWing in May 2015 ? With his new wife, at 9:45PM at night ?

https:// pbs.twimg.com/media/DT3r-bJU8AE5QMW.jpg

(10) #AboutStrzok Just an everyday meeting with the wife, also in the military (also a #Strzok) with #OsbaldoCantu about geospacial technology… Just so happens his uncle #PeterStrzok was the last person on earth to see the deleted #HRCemails

https:// pbs.twimg.com/media/DT3slTkVoAAHsqC.jpg

(11) #AboutStrzok So that is 6 out of 100 #Strzok family members involved ? Dont get me started about the connections of all of them to #Uranium… #Strzok family reunions can probably turn on lightbulbs while they are still in the packaging.

(12) #AboutStrzok And then the wife of #PeterStrzok - #MelissaHodgman. Just so happens she was promoted to her role as a director in the #SEC at the same time the FBI was drafting the exoneration letter for the #HRCemails

(13) #AboutStrzok. Just another meeting in the #WestWing with #PeterStrzok 2, his wife #MelissaHodgman, and their two kids who kept the last name of Hodgman. Nothing to see here.

(13) #AboutStrzok #OsbaldoCantu was there too with #MelissaHodgman and #PeterStrzok. Maybe the kids were just checked in and allowed to play in the oval office while they also talked about how much that would be worth to #China.

https:// pbs.twimg.com/media/DT3t0LgU0AAml1a.jpg

(15) #AboutStrzok As @TruthinGov2016 pointed out, #PeterStrzok was THE person who requested the server containing the #HRCemail backups, and the last person to see it in Oct 2015. Extroardonary.

https:// twitter.com/TruthinGov2016/status/945016245803470848/photo/1

(16) #AboutStrzok And the wife, #MelissaHodgman, was involved in some nasty #SEC action against #China. I think #SloppySteve #Stevebannon might know something about this ? and #GuoWengu ?

https:// pbs.twimg.com/media/DT3wIG2VwAANy5i.jpg

(17) #AboutStrzok I could go on - Ive accumulated a lot. You should know though - #PeterStrzok isnt just the golden child of an everyday American family. Its all connected.

Enjoy ! #MAGA #ReleaseTheMemo #Qanon #TheStorm

4ea9b2 No.202387


I have a feeling our guys ask him to restrain himself, he knows more than he is allowed to tell, imho

4aed05 No.202388

File: 3336b8bc1bf39e6⋯.jpg (75.12 KB, 717x490, 717:490, MurrayGHMEMO.JPG)

0e5bf6 No.202389

File: 3d8366bafcd89d7⋯.mp4 (14.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, VcnA_lvdkEQ2-Cll.mp4)


396165 No.202390

File: b11b07354025c56⋯.png (585.85 KB, 1491x902, 1491:902, screenshot_434.png)


For anyone interested –– found the Sean Hannity feed on iHeat Radio

https:// www.iheart.com/live/the-sean-hannity-show-247-6706/

1fcefd No.202391


I used someone pic in here would like one in the order of 3,2,1 but don’t have it

3477d3 No.202392

File: f9113209f9c5005⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 678x381, 226:127, 1im2mg.jpg)

969d6a No.202394

I'm looking for some fresh McCabe ammo for the next 5 days.

Preferably of him standing up. (full body)

1dbf72 No.202395


FYI - purple is supposedly the color of “royalty”. I think thats why they picked it.

0e5bf6 No.202396


i wonder if trump makes sure to keep his video file sizes for tweets under the file size limit for 8chan

b11bf7 No.202399


huh, many Republicans knew about their treason, and did nothing, GUILTY.

9d2150 No.202400

File: 0fe32036f86728e⋯.png (10.89 KB, 334x166, 167:83, captcha.PNG)

Got an FBI captcha while baking the next bread!

4ea9b2 No.202402


Nope, purple revolution, google the term

756eb4 No.202403


There should be a new party…

The Deplorable Party. With the Lion as the representative, in honor of Trump!

a6bfee No.202405


Q wants us to bring attention to the unaccounted for wealth

For TG there's probably a good explanation, or he's evil and needs to be exposed

Leftards would never know how to find out someone's net worth though so TG's won't come up unless someone does it for them

bd76a3 No.202407

File: 224dbc5c3e26f24⋯.jpg (78.42 KB, 618x524, 309:262, 1-29-18 a.jpg)

0e5bf6 No.202408


Q, please take note

f58c83 No.202409

File: 31f30a67116972c⋯.png (31.94 KB, 644x359, 644:359, Jr.PNG)

419f99 No.202410


FBI - Yuge! x

396165 No.202411


Coincidence :P

025d4d No.202412


looks like christie will bill fucked soon.

8ea488 No.202413

File: eb3aef49d5310b3⋯.jpg (41.28 KB, 720x558, 40:31, Obama Turd.jpg)



This was just a little further down the page: Obama Turd

969d6a No.202414



3477d3 No.202415

File: 160bdb1c1391b86⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 605x328, 605:328, 130427_lookalikes_schumer_….jpg)

2a54a3 No.202416


OMG, I would definitely join The Deplorable Party, lolol. Great idea.

bd76a3 No.202417


The 'CURE' will spread WW.

Have FAITH, Patriot.


3acedc No.202418


No caps look odd.

AS AA were all that hit me off that bat.

SO who made McCabe step down. Trump says he had no part. Wray? He stepped down for a reason- they have few cards left to play. Why pull the Deputy, Sheriff?

b6a7c9 No.202420


Out-fucking-standing anon!

4f03b5 No.202422


I bet a family member gave it to him for Christmas one year. He doesn't wear to many different ties. I trust Gowdy until Q says we don't.

8ea488 No.202423


That's a real trophy turd, looks smelly too….

1fcefd No.202425

0af8f6 No.202428

File: e08a922e462d943⋯.jpg (49.93 KB, 600x671, 600:671, tfw-your-wifes.jpg)

File: 84b4d2160dca20c⋯.jpg (170.61 KB, 1580x1126, 790:563, relersethermermo.jpg)

9c7dc3 No.202429

File: 7410e881c84d5f6⋯.jpg (561.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, pelosi_trump_knows.jpg)

b67e98 No.202430

So if I understand correctly, this week is all about the eternal soul of the black voter. Wow. It's so true, look at Jay-Z. Then we get a Hillary "bitches" video, which is like black slang. MW doing the post SOTU. Wow.

a6bfee No.202433


except the one on the right was likeable

7b14a0 No.202434

File: 78287f1945372a4⋯.png (633.22 KB, 486x547, 486:547, ClipboardImage.png)

While the media was complaining of the term shithole @realDonaldTrump signed this executive order & it sealed my fate. Assets seized & headed to GITMO

e649a9 No.202435


Sorry, your sauce isn't sauce. Just a verbose version of your first sentence.

4f03b5 No.202436


Clinton wore purple for the US take over. Otherwise it's just a color. I wear purple myself. I look good in it.

6dd2e1 No.202437


*Debbie. Not Sarah

3477d3 No.202438

File: 3422afb906de3db⋯.jpg (103.89 KB, 750x738, 125:123, 34763585534_c8b1062fc3_b.jpg)

0c776c No.202440

File: 564c3a6c7f35951⋯.png (179.4 KB, 400x318, 200:159, dws.png)

3acedc No.202442


Also- did we find anything from DJTs 10 delta last night?

41ff19 No.202443


This one is joining the excitement as well.

95-3058 A74ED3

USAF Special Operations Command MAGMA89

United States Military

Dornier C-146A Wolfhound D328

b3fa57 No.202444


Cool. Let's clear out the low-level drug offenders and lock them up too! I don't care what party they're in.

b11bf7 No.202445


That must have hurt… Unless it belongs to Elton John.

f58c83 No.202446

File: bf2f284ae1560ef⋯.png (452.23 KB, 654x546, 109:91, POTUS 1-29-18 12 12 pm P….PNG)

3477d3 No.202447

File: 02becd26efb0678⋯.jpg (67.04 KB, 840x538, 420:269, DUNAi1DW4AEtMPc.jpg)

b3822a No.202448

File: 077ab1e7aaf2fbf⋯.jpg (521.4 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qresearch.jpg)

and say, Q team watchers/owls, what do you think of this guy?


paging Q team - if you're not otherwise too busy right now of course

0c6c39 No.202449


also on his website: https:// www.hannity.com

21e929 No.202450


Absolutely. Fuggin' McCain, Graham, those guys are in bed with the fuck faces, to be sure.

e649a9 No.202451



8c32dc No.202452


People don't like to hear this. So you think that NK is the place where One Belt One Road is fought for by China & Russia and fought against by the US? What about the UK? They might be not too happy with the OBOR initiative.

a60ead No.202454

The greatest thing DJT could do to change public opinion of his presidency is present proof of the corruption he’s trying to fight, but then have it elaborated on by other people. He needs our thought leaders to toot the horn; not just be tooting his own. Imagine if someone like Neil Degrasse Tyson or Joe Rogan called him a stable genius instead of him saying it personally. Other world leaders, tv/movie stars, musicians, people in the public’s eye with credibility. Yes the people can rise from the bottom but a little help from middle management to convince the “morally superior” would be nice.

Someone with some klout has to break down the idea that republicans don’t do shit like investigate planned parenthood because they read the Bible once. No gritty details need to be presented, just that idea of a rational agenda behind what they think is socially destructive/bible based.

969d6a No.202455


Hi Jim!

a6bfee No.202456


ha i hope she's really a tranny and they make sure the whole world finds out

75ada8 No.202457

File: ffc4f3531a85a07⋯.jpeg (18.16 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 793873BA-3F47-4D6F-9023-E….jpeg)

Notice sessions hands and facial expression

4cccef No.202458


put ramen noodles for dogs hair kek

419f99 No.202459


Yep. Seems to be following a similar track to Yahoo70 last night. I'm on it.

fc82e9 No.202460

Hillary Clinton's former CTO joins Strava:

https:// mashable.com/2018/01/04/stephanie-hannon-strava-cto-hillary-clinton-greylock/#s90V48ovZmqS

396165 No.202462

3477d3 No.202463

File: bb97d0e7ede6336⋯.jpg (93.88 KB, 640x608, 20:19, hillary clinton vagina.jpg)

4ea9b2 No.202464


https:// www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-11-11/clintons-and-soros-launch-americas-purple-revolution

95774b No.202465


>another criminal goes free


>are they planning on punishing any of these sick vermin at a later date or are they just going to give a free pass

Retirements are the best possible option atm because the corrupt state party organizations that put them in are still in power. Allowing this scum to retire gives US the time and tools to remove the scum at the state level and insert real incorruptible patriots into the candidate pool. A wholesale house cleaning would just get us more of the same or worse. POTUS is giving our country back to US, it's up to US to keep it.

969d6a No.202467


Hi Jim Acosta!

1b731e No.202468


changed law can be rescinded and old law restored.

No one with dual citizenship can serve in Israeli legislature. Allowing dual citizens in ours is unnecessary and stupid.

4f03b5 No.202469


Yes I know which is why she wore that purple jacket. Otherwise it's just a color.

3477d3 No.202470

File: be931fc077792c1⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 530x506, 265:253, 09c8ed97ff2e182ba914a53f33….jpg)

b11bf7 No.202471


Fuck, the Bush's controlled the GOP for years, enough said.

a6bfee No.202472



best you could do?

ca55cd No.202473


Your ID# is purple too!

Hex #4f03b5

3477d3 No.202475

File: 672ad01f01bd143⋯.jpg (11.59 KB, 236x239, 236:239, e7e73dbe664383cbbf32a1c101….jpg)

b77f57 No.202476

File: ba69b235ebbcd66⋯.png (349.67 KB, 967x948, 967:948, ClipboardImage.png)

Sorry if posted already just came in from Work and seen this….

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has reportedly resigned from his position, effective today.

The news comes just days after it was revealed McCabe’s name appeared in the GOP memo alleging surveillance abuse of Trump campaign officials during the Obama administration. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and former FBI Director James Comey were also named in the memo.FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has reportedly resigned from his position, effective today.

The news comes just days after it was revealed McCabe’s name appeared in the GOP memo alleging surveillance abuse of Trump campaign officials during the Obama administration. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and former FBI Director James Comey were also named in the memo.

http:// www.wnd.com/2018/01/fbi-deputy-director-andrew-mccabe-suddenly-quits/

25b693 No.202477


7 more years

We'll need it.

85e248 No.202479


Some smart ass shopped a 13 on it, nice try

4ea9b2 No.202480


Are you serious? Its a signal to others- I AM WITH HER

1fcefd No.202481


Ohh ok

a6bfee No.202482


we'll need this later for the pedo revelations meme storm

5b7def No.202483


that's a good one

7f7115 No.202484


We are seizing assets. They're all being neutered. Remember, RR in charge of DOJ currently. Until Mueller out because Investigation proven sham, Sessions can't reinstate in anything "Russia" related. Once back, hammer drops on everyone. No deals.

75ada8 No.202486



4f03b5 No.202488


It never really got off the ground. People wear purple because they look good in it. Hillary is not President.

025d4d No.202489


well Wray read the memo recently. might have needed to isolate him from destroying evidnece now.

21e929 No.202490


Not worth it. None of their questions add up to anything that hasn't been or will not be found given prior information.

Glowfag shill

969d6a No.202491

File: 787fc7d3327dc2d⋯.jpg (23.49 KB, 318x91, 318:91, 4f03b5.jpg)



1fcefd No.202493


I couldn’t enlarge it to see, thanks for checking

cc30fc No.202494

File: 49b73d6224e5792⋯.jpg (14.29 KB, 212x238, 106:119, christcheck.jpg)


Look of a broken bitch.





97fa0e No.202495


Good one!!

21e929 No.202496


Bingo. Skull and Bones Yale Satanists, along with Kerry.

163c1f No.202497


the twitter replies are still predominantly negative :(

5d2c1c No.202498


congratulations… not only are you spectacularly late… you managed to link to site with very low credibility. you get an F

4f008d No.202499


Seen this one down in Columbia a couple weeks ago.

908f20 No.202500


good.. don't want to have to get new leathers

8c32dc No.202501


But it stops to be this signal, if everybody wears this colour. They would 'win', if people don't dare to wear purple anymore and leave this colour to them.

a60ead No.202502


If you are who I think you are; I’m going to try and meet you at the burn. I really hope you don’t think I’m some nuthin trying to do your blow; I dont touch the stuff.

1fcefd No.202503


They need to fire the wives also, because that only continues the pay for play schemes

25b693 No.202504

File: 771dd787ed62ffd⋯.jpg (53.95 KB, 600x400, 3:2, IMG_1010.JPG)


>if I did not possess such excellent booger hook discipline, well I would would have to send a sample her majesty's way.

0c776c No.202506

File: 9fb52d31aa77c63⋯.png (188.57 KB, 400x318, 200:159, dws2.png)


>put ramen noodles for dogs hair

8ff8df No.202507


Plea deal? Retirement benefits vs jail time?

9d2150 No.202508





4f03b5 No.202510



I painted my chicken coop eggplant. Get it. Looks great too.

9d2150 No.202511


No deal and he wont be getting his retirement pkg.

21e929 No.202512



969d6a No.202513

d20adf No.202514


See Q's post ONE OF TWENTY TWO here https:// 8ch.net/cbts/res/150923.html#151134

Also see: >>>/greatawakening/47

b11bf7 No.202516


Is it wrong that I'd bang her? I mean, I'd go Ted Kennedy on her after, but still.

a6bfee No.202517


hope that's true, they should microchip them and also give them regular electric shocks till they get around to whatever the real punishment is going to be

4cccef No.202518


top kek hahaha off to twitter

0f2b2f No.202520

File: 2d1edff559980ec⋯.jpeg (131.28 KB, 750x730, 75:73, D5E39749-FE44-4EBE-A86D-4….jpeg)


Timing is everything

545d3e No.202521


I just saw the new project meme thread–SOTU.

Here's my idea for that. Go to magapill.com and meme stuff from the accomplishments list there. A lot of good stuff has happened this past year. Thank you, Pres. Trump!

But we still need to see perp walks of certain key people.

7b14a0 No.202522

File: 469deef86469498⋯.png (882.23 KB, 668x636, 167:159, ClipboardImage.png)

ccde07 No.202524


you better check >>169315 daily

6a8b51 No.202527

File: 6df57debf94b4f0⋯.jpg (398.71 KB, 1067x1115, 1067:1115, Screenshot_20180129-142817.jpg)

908f20 No.202528


I imagine it..

looks good there too

b8b1a4 No.204295

Yes, now the POTUS just has to release the memo!

c780c7 No.205036

File: 69e524379ecf5ad⋯.jpg (630.85 KB, 1262x1738, 631:869, Screen Shot 2018-01-19 at ….jpg)

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