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File: 02ab19ef600be5b⋯.png (715.28 KB,693x391,693:391,ClipboardImage.png)

1bd47e No.20139239 [View All]

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701 postsand436 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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48daf4 No.20140170

File: f6ca7f8531581a3⋯.png (2.03 MB,1280x1250,128:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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85d4ed No.20140171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TheY lost long ago.

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497bc6 No.20140172


A REAL "Wise man" would have invented the FORK and SPOON.


("Wiseman"… Jewish ???)

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08b5e5 No.20140173

File: ba2cb51d848f756⋯.png (2.51 MB,1024x1280,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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1dd32d No.20140174

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c200a9 No.20140175

even if you are not logged in.

they will use cookies

follow this to disable>>20140167

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ee566d No.20140176

File: bf9141554e3ab29⋯.png (336.66 KB,590x488,295:244,Satanists.png)

File: ba9b8ddbee01168⋯.png (618 KB,1200x907,1200:907,DoNotEngage2.png)

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4d8998 No.20140177



Long time no hear

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48daf4 No.20140178

File: 148996b7686f058⋯.mp4 (4.86 MB,640x464,40:29,IMG_0860.MP4)

The founder of the group behind the lawsuit removing President Trump from the Colorado Ballot reveals their largest donor is George Soros.


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cc656b No.20140179


The song Zep ripped off for Immigrant Song?


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b4a7f6 No.20140180

File: 0b4fbe6d1f062f9⋯.jpg (14.01 KB,234x255,78:85,0b4fbe6d1f062f9d8eef68bdd4….jpg)


Ah, yes, Anonymous is a magical shield from detection and no one on this Earth can tell. Who constantly whines about Dart and mimics and tries generating a fake consensus about other Anons, all because the regular MuhJoo spam gets removed?

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ba91ac No.20140181


…Screw you! Engage ALL shills.

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361588 No.20140182

File: 7ba44833257677b⋯.jpg (133.58 KB,717x1022,717:1022,Screenshot_20231227_200552….jpg)


Looks like a bible scene

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48daf4 No.20140183

File: cbd8c290a562d11⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,640x464,40:29,IMG_0861.MP4)


The founder of the group behind the lawsuit removing President Trump from the Colorado Ballot admits that their work in Colorado is a "model for other states."


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c200a9 No.20140184

without your data

they dont make profit

BYE BYE google

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e7224c No.20140185



>>20137969 Bill Clinton's closest aide Doug Band is among those whose links to Jeffrey Epstein are to be exposed in new tranche of documents

>>20138083 Kash: “You don’t think that Bill Gates is lobbying Congress night & day to prevent the disclosure of that list?…

>>20138102 This should tell you everything you need to know about the catastrophic situation on the southern & northern borders

>>20138294 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger Refuses to Testify Under Oath


>>20137033 Your Car Stores Your Text Messages - Law Enforcement Can Retrieve Them Anytime, Following Federally Rejected Lawsuit

>>20137308 Biden signs order finalizing 5.2% pay raise for feds in 2024

>>20137337 Democrats Want to Save Democracy by Eliminating Elections

>>20137339 Michigan Supreme Court rejects attempt to remove Trump from 2024 ballot

>>20137449 Epstein-Tied Democrat Mega Donor who Cofounded LinkedIn Donates To Nikki Haley's 2024 Presidential Campaign

>>20137450 Leftists Scratch Their Heads As More Abandon Their Ranks

>>20137459 Mayor Adams sounds alarm on NYPD BLM settlement as anti-Israel protests rage: ‘Very troubling’

>>20137489 Plagued by plagiarism scandal, Harvard's political donations flood to Democrats


>>20136398 17 Individuals On FBI Terror Watch List Caught Attempting Entry At Southern Border

#24710>>20136414 Bill Barr Calls On Supreme Court To 'Smack' Down Colorado Trump Ruling


>>20136077 The Wall Street Journal reports the CIA is 'struggling to rebuild its human espionage capabilities' in China, which is the 'agency's top target', after a network of agents were 'systematically rounded up' a decade ago.

>>20136114 Former CIA agent and Georgetown University professor John Gentry, who served at the agency from 1978 to 1990, claims the CIA underwent mass politicization during the Obama administration, it was reported


>>20135368 The State of Virginia is working with Planned Parenthood to cut out parents from their child’s medical decisions


>>20133850, >>20133874 Iran escalates production of near-weapons grade uranium in shocking reversal, nuclear watchdog warns

>>20134067 Democrats switching over to GOP in Pennsylvania at double the rate of Republicans

>>20134204 CIA accused of hiding records on paying to bury COVID lab leak finding

>>20134351 Vivek Ramaswamy House: His Ohio Mega-Mansion Revealed


>>20133749, >>20133754 Gambling Habits Of Transgender Monkeys On Meth - Rand Paul Exposes $900 Billion In Govt Waste


>>20132150 Links to documentaries: Fall of the Cabal from Janet Ossebaard

>>20132380 "Mass Migration Blueprints" Reveal NGOs "Carefully Planned" US Migrant Invasion, Report Says

>>20132621 ‘Chilling’: Smart Toys Are Increasingly Recording and Tracking Your Kids, Warns Watchdog Report

>>20132704 The Leadership Council on Legal Diversity has Leverage in Major Law Firms, Foundations and Corporations bun

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fec6eb No.20140186


Wise in Jewish is Weiss

Weiss = White

The 3 White Men?

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48daf4 No.20140187

File: 578c6c12a1860e3⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,624x480,13:10,IMG_0862.MP4)

The founder of the group behind the lawsuit removing President Trump from the Colorado Ballot used to work for…

Joe Biden.


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85d4ed No.20140188

File: 12c4154c0a71e2e⋯.jpeg (137.42 KB,828x858,138:143,7D678242_6235_438F_9164_F….jpeg)

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ba91ac No.20140189

File: 274bd051cd686ec⋯.png (514.36 KB,508x635,4:5,Screenshot_2023_12_23_at_2….png)


…Bakering the next one


#24715 >>20139252

>>20139355 Baker claim

>>20139382 DJT Truth - Wow, what a truck. What an artist. Thank you! We will,MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20139423, >>20139457 @DanScavino - Trump Fire Truck Video

>>20139462 TONIGHT @ 6PM ET: Watch #JustTheNewsNoNoise with @jsolomonReports for an exclusive interview with President Trump!

>>20139599 Republican House committees request "documents and communications" regarding Hunter Biden from the White House and his lawyers as part of their impeachment inquiry

>>20139619 Police say they arrested a man carrying knife and machete outside the US Capitol

>>20140046 John Fetterman tells Clinton adviser James Carville to 'shut the f*** up' for being critical about Biden's chances in 2024 and claims he is not longer 'relevant'

>>20140089 @DeptofDefense 🌙 U.S. Marines from @2dMarDiv showcase combat readiness in night live-fire training at @camp_lejeune, during the @USMC Combat Readiness Evaluation.


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714ccd No.20140190


hello dart

did you shit the bed?

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48daf4 No.20140191

File: b733cd20461c2da⋯.png (833.65 KB,1189x793,1189:793,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember way back in November when Pete Buttigieg's BFF and mentor was sentenced to 30 years in prison for being a prolific pedophile.

I'm sure the Dems (and Pete) would like us all to forget about it.

Yeah, so that's not going to happen.



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497bc6 No.20140192

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000000 No.20140193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8635ff No.20140194


>Ah, yes, Anonymous is a magical shield from detection and no one on this Earth can tell. Who constantly whines about Dart and mimics and tries generating a fake consensus about other Anons, all because the regular MuhJoo spam gets removed?

Again, you have the wrong person, but keep on with your projection. I love being in your head, "Anon."

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63b014 No.20140196


The Chinese love to illogically make their lives worse in the name of gaining something that doesn't exist. Asians in general are like that. The Japanese Samurai got assfucked by Gattling guns because they got caught up in old ways of their ancestors. Our ancestors were fucking retards compared to us… we are the newer Model.

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d9819a No.20140198


Who are we missing in this pic

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3b1c94 No.20140199

File: fb003d3d8c692c0⋯.png (2.15 MB,1080x6747,360:2249,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_2….png)




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05e3ac No.20140200

I have become

The one that' plays guitar

And smokes a lot of pot

Only this kid has adult grand anons

Well ..

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85e9fe No.20140201



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1fcea7 No.20140202


"so-an-so in general": know it all full of shit narration presented as if factual but mostly just bigoted know it all BS.

shill fail

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8635ff No.20140204


Kek. He had me at "mimic."

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b4a7f6 No.20140206

File: a31acbff83d312b⋯.jpeg (85.51 KB,666x900,37:50,ImGOi0rVWnqq.jpeg)


Roger. On it.

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05e3ac No.20140207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And this result of said …lifestyle…

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63b014 No.20140209


Please keep doing what your ancestors were doing, it'll make things easier for me.

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e7224c No.20140210


chopsticks can be twigs, fork and spoon not so much

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000000 No.20140211

puff puff pass



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047d68 No.20140212


Pizza Police

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b4a7f6 No.20140213


Wrong. You missed the… dart board.

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1fcea7 No.20140214


more shill BS

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ba91ac No.20140215

File: 0a5eed9e07b9b20⋯.jpg (511.39 KB,1333x1135,1333:1135,0a5eed9e07b9b20eecaafd3ae6….jpg)

Fresh bread




Fresh bread

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48daf4 No.20140216


I knew it !

He, I mean she, was Black!

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495dbc No.20140217

File: 2bb6a4340d75e63⋯.png (468.7 KB,839x755,839:755,2023_12_27_20_12_33.png)


>John Fetterman tells Clinton adviser James Carville to 'shut the f*** up' for being critical about Biden's chances in 2024 and claims he is not longer 'relevant'

It habbens…

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63b014 No.20140218


Not an argument. Cry moar small dick chinko.

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24b248 No.20140219

File: 506fd62ca3ceacc⋯.jpg (10.56 KB,255x249,85:83,8b55da7e78216142dd4c024db0….jpg)

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c367b6 No.20140220


Don't even log in. They still save it they just don't show you.

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e34a37 No.20140222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ba91ac No.20140225

File: c5f26b8d5097cbd⋯.png (857.73 KB,677x668,677:668,ancientspacemagic.png)

Fresh bread


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cc6fd4 No.20140226

Dart the board vermin is a registered faggot

currently deleting and sperging like a babby when anons comment on the censorship here

it takes a special type of lowlife to be an admin here

>cue the whining reeeeeeees


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85e9fe No.20140227


>The Chinese love to illogically make their lives worse in the name of gaining something that doesn't exist. Asians in general are like that.

explains their penchant for gambling

they travel by the busload to the 'Indian Casinos'.

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