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File: fabc35e8ee43c3d⋯.png (244.21 KB,639x342,71:38,000ccc.png)

d4447e No.20138588 [View All]

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600 postsand411 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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a46b3d No.20139235

File: f8343e98a201ed2⋯.png (62.31 KB,1678x382,839:191,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 1be5f791a610b77⋯.png (1.11 MB,976x718,488:359,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 52b309c5007517e⋯.png (1.39 MB,1184x1044,296:261,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_0….png)

File: 6785d232c43173b⋯.png (2.57 MB,1516x972,379:243,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 9c19b7ac8f33641⋯.png (1.35 MB,2046x1030,1023:515,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_1….png)



>it does not imply a syncretic bridge between Hinduism and Islam,[27]

Pakistan has been in the werks for a good while

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30adf7 No.20139236

ill whip you head boy

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c08078 No.20139237

File: fbf05388e14f2ce⋯.png (492.99 KB,649x486,649:486,ClipboardImage.png)


>WTF is Paris holding?

Another baby.

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2db2a6 No.20139238

Raise the values of those around you.

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dfa2d5 No.20139240

File: 106bd12ae3d57c2⋯.png (2.45 MB,958x1172,479:586,tupid.png)

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30adf7 No.20139243

Ron Guido

Retail Tech In.c

Ill whip you head boy

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6c8bf9 No.20139244


There's like 150 more posts to come

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b825f5 No.20139246


Bowling ball

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93a9d4 No.20139247

File: 03160a54a2e822c⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,1627x1137,1627:1137,IMG_1828.jpeg)

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a2563d No.20139249


you certainly see words in ways that i do not, so i often pay attn to your posts

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44bf28 No.20139251


Man who believes God is fake news

Wants to rewrite God's Holy Bible

Just let that sink in

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df72ee No.20139253

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>the Donbass

The Donbas Cowboy

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30adf7 No.20139254

you know that i will

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4e0133 No.20139255

File: 2f816fb78c2c4ef⋯.png (1.54 MB,1284x864,107:72,ClipboardImage.png)







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e68cab No.20139256


Her womb is cursed

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f6e999 No.20139257


meh try some tastier bait


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0f5d55 No.20139258

File: 772e06c497fcff7⋯.png (7.62 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


сфальсифицированы выборы

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88dbb2 No.20139259

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: fa6a1f No.158405📁

Jan 25 2018 12:44:04 (EST)

Anonymous ID: d5ca84 No.158391📁

Jan 25 2018 12:42:56 (EST)



they did the spying for us on us citizens at our direction as they always do

They ratted out their deep state masters?


+ more, a lot more.


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81d5ef No.20139261

File: fd83c0470ba3109⋯.jpg (87.52 KB,623x532,89:76,fd83c0470ba31095c90bee9213….jpg)

…The whole of religion is idolatry.

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c63a62 No.20139262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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93a9d4 No.20139263

File: efebf518fde90df⋯.jpeg (200.25 KB,853x643,853:643,1B5B5B71_EE78_4F86_BD4D_1….jpeg)

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44bf28 No.20139264


Putin doesn't "want" the Donbass Region

Donbass Region -Wants- Putin

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a46b3d No.20139265

File: 6785d232c43173b⋯.png (2.57 MB,1516x972,379:243,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 2634ff295c1ecf5⋯.png (1.96 MB,1528x1016,191:127,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 3153da57b07dab9⋯.png (922.83 KB,932x616,233:154,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 50c93d94c0c3be1⋯.png (3.23 MB,1704x1100,426:275,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_1….png)

File: 26ba04a71d58806⋯.png (2.45 MB,2032x1108,508:277,Screenshot_2023_12_27_at_1….png)



>it does not imply a syncretic bridge between Hinduism and Islam,[27]

Pakistan has been in the werks for a good while



How Ancient Greeks Spread Buddhism to the Known World

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1d92f9 No.20139266


Nah, best thing to do is to ridicule it until it fucks off back to /pol/

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385005 No.20139267


The same idiot who thinks corrupt man can construct a flawless AI. He is a gay idiot who has the ear of powerful idiots.

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a2563d No.20139268


rumor is it that homosexual sex is physically addictive for men who have a propensity or a trauma-induced abuse history

sad, bc most would be normal heterosexuals

i hope this rumor is not true for 50 cent and if it is, that he is able to vanquish the demonic oppression that is this addictive behavior

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df72ee No.20139269

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Petrovsky Babuskahs - Donetsk

"Our second visit to Donetsk in the Donbass region. One of the most moving and touching moments in my life."

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ef0417 No.20139271


parasites cause homosexuality

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df72ee No.20139272


>Donbass Region -Wants- Putin

100% they love him

see Petrocsky Babuskahs vid just posted

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9fad14 No.20139273


His objective is to waste bread. If he can start arguments to waste more breads, so much the better. He must get the things somebody does not want exposed down into the Previously Collected and then into the archives as quickly as possible.

Buried and memory holed. Everything else fails.Same reason the religion "anon" shows up, to start arguments to waste bread to bury notables.

Bonus if any of his shit is not deleted, gives MSM ammo for hit pieces.

Later the "muh censorship" will arrive, same objective, waste bread

It is all they have left. Use the autism against itself

Tell me, do you recall when Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis were crying about Ukraine whe it first went down? I am referring to Mila dropping the name CARGILL specifically. Recall that dig?

About names, does GLENCORE ring any bells?

Here's a part of a post I made for Day Shift to see as I was baking Graveyard the night it went down and wanted to let Morning Anons know there was some weirdness overnight. Recall any of it?

Started in bread #20659: >>16331281, >>16331340, >>16331372, >>16331374, >>16331389 Mystery Post Deletions, ID b3affa posted three times, then poof, related to Synagro?

Poking around anons found the site was in California, to the north of some CEMEX plants. That's how we got to the "homeless" camp that was for traffickers ignored by Law Enforcement and now things are rolling along again. Thing is, not just CEMEX. Another outfit called Synagro operates at the location in the original, now mysteriously deleted, post. Feel free to dig on CEMEX and these Synagro people while awaiting more happenings at the Sussmann Trial

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93a9d4 No.20139275

File: 5786abac61cf3ae⋯.jpeg (253.68 KB,894x756,149:126,4F73EF38_3EE8_4417_AE78_2….jpeg)

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30adf7 No.20139276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f9ad92 No.20139278

File: fe3fe1341ea067b⋯.png (783.41 KB,1183x766,1183:766,ClipboardImage.png)

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c08078 No.20139279

File: 932bef801b475cf⋯.png (10.46 KB,854x144,427:72,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef0417 No.20139280


looks in mirror…..

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9fad14 No.20139283

>>20139273 (me)

I certainly meant "mystery post deletions" as they were just gone, nothing in the Board Log, just gone

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612591 No.20139284

File: 7c21134febc6dad⋯.jpg (85.07 KB,1000x564,250:141,ZomboMeme_21052021213556.jpg)

File: 74e241fb5cdf4ff⋯.jpg (120.86 KB,1000x745,200:149,ZomboMeme_25122023095314.jpg)

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93a9d4 No.20139285

File: 258042e426e51c7⋯.png (2 MB,960x1170,32:39,FDE01F60_52F2_4D21_9091_19….png)

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b024a6 No.20139287

File: ccb141dd8d87902⋯.webp (505.84 KB,3000x2000,3:2,il_fullxfull_2180963380_1….webp)


Thanks, Anon, for the reassurance that the void anon screams into has another ear.

One of Anon's favorite childhood books was the 8th Printing (1971) of the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language edited by William Morris and Computer-composed by Inforonics, Inc in Maynard, Massachusets.

Found lots of good words in there to use in Scrabble.

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30adf7 No.20139289

you can call me the don.

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000000 No.20139291

National Guard



The @VaNationalGuard's 185th Cyberspace Operations Squadron recently held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening of its state-of-the-art cyberspace facility at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Hampton, giving the unit its own space on the installation.


Dec 27, 2023 · 8:00 PM UTC


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eaeb1a No.20139292

File: 0e05178b1a68939⋯.png (245.58 KB,308x483,44:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5bc4c No.20139294


If by parasites you mean gay music moguls like David Geffen than I agree.

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93a9d4 No.20139295

File: 65c200aaa4b2e16⋯.png (2.04 MB,960x1170,32:39,E4DA7314_CDD9_4072_A503_E4….png)

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c63a62 No.20139299


Ye wasn't looking for anything either

Looks like Three separate camps forced together for back stage amusement

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84cf3a No.20139301

File: f6d84bebee93b9b⋯.jpg (30.87 KB,367x463,367:463,Closer_To_The_Heart_Rush.jpg)

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5b634b No.20139302

File: 4f0986d620e2521⋯.jpg (103.51 KB,498x542,249:271,4f0986d620e2521b768a8b6b51….jpg)

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35ca30 No.20139303


can you please do a ruth ginsberg and george soros baby head if not already done?

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8316c0 No.20139304

baker has BAKED, please migrate







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8316c0 No.20139310

File: a24413235f589c7⋯.png (585.48 KB,884x617,884:617,bread_lock.png)


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