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File: b8525029f5e2ac1⋯.png (187.86 KB,1021x608,1021:608,qresearch_general_2.png)

b4f87e No.19828944 [View All]

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b3496f No.19829742


"Talk to the Pussy"?

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8dd978 No.19829743

File: a30b1b5f5e0ef0e⋯.png (14.28 KB,1044x84,87:7,ClipboardImage.png)



My They Live Glasses have always been open source.

Don't need to HEAR YOU AGAIN..


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0a09ea No.19829744


Being the totally reckless fool that I am, I think I’ll risk it.

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971df5 No.19829745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

im a part timer…

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67dd7c No.19829746

File: 1e0508a303c157d⋯.png (284.78 KB,648x614,324:307,ClipboardImage.png)

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488ee4 No.19829747

File: e1783e9b63da975⋯.jpg (51.35 KB,682x425,682:425,Screen_Shot_2022_03_29_at_….jpg)

File: 5bc9167a39bb9a5⋯.png (95.68 KB,286x285,286:285,5bc9167a39bb9a5976b071f353….png)

File: 127eb1ceb8a5b26⋯.png (318.5 KB,530x325,106:65,127eb1ceb8a5b261f12ef8cba4….png)

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79832c No.19829748


if you just do a basic search for hot tubs and heart conditions you will see it is not recommended because it can kill you. There is a medical reason and with his already poor health due to the drugs there was prob increased strain on his heart. Now when you couple that with the jab or other factors you get a problem. But yes Hot Tubs cause heart attacks.

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b3496f No.19829749



Bot Operators profit from the suffering of fools.

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1c016e No.19829750

File: 65bb21ab7091b5a⋯.png (12.18 KB,255x255,1:1,0f482e8050604258aea98e1935….png)


>The internet ruined the world.

So did horses, planes, trains, automobiles, radio, television, smoke signals and cave paintings.

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3f6588 No.19829751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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79832c No.19829752


the autopsy has not been done yet you fucking dumb nigger.

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682664 No.19829753

File: 92710a57abf7d76⋯.jpg (406.59 KB,1884x2203,1884:2203,ArGllOf.jpg)

…Hold 'em 'til next bread. BAKING


@24346 >>19828969

Baker claim >>19829035

>>19828977 Dan's dog comms

>>19828991, >>19829187 Pascal Najadi, Son of WEF Co-Founder, Calls for the ARREST of Klaus Schwab, Other Globalist Elites

>>19829071 Pedophile Punched in Courtroom

>>19829164, >>19829167 Quincy, Ca full scale active school shooter drill November 1st

>>19829192, >>19829194, >>19829355, >>19829375, >>19829386, >>19829425 PF Reports

>>19829197, >>19829233, >>19829367 BOOM: General Flynn said that some members of the House and Senate are compromised by globalists who blackmailed them because they had sex with children

>>19829209 LizCrokin - The name Rachel Chandler hit mainstream media only because of @OliLondonTV — full stop!

>>19829258, >>19829285 This is how John Fetterman treats people that voted for him. Imagine what he thinks of you.

>>19829260 Sidney Powell Didn't Flip on Trump or MAGA

>>19829445 IDF inside the Gaza Strip …

>>19829631 CBS Reporter Catherine Herridge Faces Contempt Charges For Refusing to Reveal Her Confidential Source

>>19829633 resident Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

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67dd7c No.19829754

File: 7c947bb322c436e⋯.png (91.9 KB,300x168,25:14,caught_in_a_trap_elvis.png)


>Come see the violence inherent in the system.

huge violence inherent in the system

there should be thousands of trump bumper stickers to see every day

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e87c32 No.19829755

File: f00f6e0f1f46e92⋯.png (35.98 KB,666x1000,333:500,ClipboardImage.png)


>the same sense of adoption that we do in modern times

Now that's an overstatement.


Yeah, it's pretty wild what sort of thoughts pop in and out during states of inebriation. THC is much better in that regard; more positive. Alcohol can be useful when dredging through the muck to try making sense of things, but ends up being a hindrance.


It's a great burden to know much about the world and have little in the way of being able to help fix it.

-Probably an alcoholic, somewhere

>Yes, it's someone else's quote I butchered and cannot find the author.

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5fea9e No.19829757

File: eab12939ddb0fe1⋯.png (1.38 MB,1080x1644,90:137,Scr.png)

MAGA PATRIOTS know exactly what happened in 2020.


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79832c No.19829758


who is that guy, and what does he matter and you sharing it just makes you look like a stupid fuck also. Just kill yourself please before I decide to attack you all next bread just because I am in that sort of mood.

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67dd7c No.19829760

File: e8d2ed591e98134⋯.png (653.3 KB,720x1089,80:121,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ask Fetterman a question, get bum rushed by a Fetterman clone

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30e269 No.19829761


Could've been another "died suddenly" event, given stress on an already-myocarditis'd heart.

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26a26a No.19829762

File: d3c4b0e85616367⋯.png (265.06 KB,499x384,499:384,2023_10_30_08_00_10.png)



One does not simply yoink…

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79832c No.19829766


most probable, myocarditis etc would be a condition what would kill you in a hot tub causes the vessels to expand and well stroke seizure you name it.

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f7ce99 No.19829768

Just me or does Tampa. Mass shooter. L0ok like side show Bob

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80ed9e No.19829769

File: b373cd91e8d32fb⋯.png (627.02 KB,386x720,193:360,yoink44.PNG)

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6a57db No.19829770

File: fd68f0e9b162428⋯.jpg (98.26 KB,500x827,500:827,82vgjs_2_1_1.jpg)

File: ce10540673066e6⋯.jpg (89.86 KB,500x737,500:737,Cvvg.jpg)

All my memes get deleted because they are to hard for Democrats to see and are over the target.

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04bab2 No.19829771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>19828908 LB

WTF?! Just logging in with first cup of covfefe this morning. Was reading notables not realizing I was still in bread I fell asleep in when phone decided to start scrolling down the bread. Decided to just watch and see where it landed. Lo and behold, it stopped on your snake poem. Not sure what to make of it yet. Was going to reply with Merkal’s Snake Dance vid but stumbled across this number instead…

Snake Dance


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acbdc1 No.19829772



August 19, 1969 - October 28, 2023


Case Number


Case Status


Body Status






Place of Death




Hertzog, Jennifer

Deputy Medical Examiner

Dr. Djabourian, Raffi

Cause A


Cause B

Cause C

Cause D

Other Significant Conditions


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c811eb No.19829773


He is Nikki's comms guy. Keep up, and bring it, if you must.

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c811eb No.19829775


Press Secretary

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682664 No.19829776

File: ea5d23d0192c96f⋯.png (72.13 KB,340x270,34:27,880911695083591.png)

Fresh morning bread here


Fresh morning bread here

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79832c No.19829777


well you seem like you want to suck her dick so. You do you fag.

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b3496f No.19829778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Edward Snowden CRIES "Watch these 17 minutes if you want the truth they are hiding…"


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57051f No.19829780


ur whack-job

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1c016e No.19829782


anon figures fentanyl either knowingly or unknowingly ingested. did not od but fell asleep in tub and drowned

so many things are laced with it and people don't realize

even weed

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66d4f7 No.19829784

File: 27a854b14e9e51b⋯.jpg (119.57 KB,1008x983,1008:983,IMG_20230715_223159_072.jpg)

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57051f No.19829786



go back

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682664 No.19829789

File: a017bd3b6ba33e5⋯.png (148.85 KB,275x276,275:276,booger.png)

Give me bread 'til I'm dead


Give me bread 'til I'm dead

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57051f No.19829790




who knows if he even died there.

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9dde1e No.19829792


>The internet ruined the World

If finally bringing EVERYTHING from DARK > LIGHT is considered ‘ruining’, then by God, Let There Be Light Though The Heavens Fall.

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3975ee No.19829793

File: 60d14b87c157c32⋯.jpg (107.28 KB,832x1109,832:1109,keith_morrison_matthew_per….jpg)

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709e68 No.19829794

File: 94a3bfedd6877cd⋯.mp4 (11.82 MB,720x406,360:203,4015.mp4)

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e87c32 No.19829796


>so many things are laced with it and people don't realize

Yep. Every person that has died of an overdose should have a headstone dedicated to them with the inscription "Victim of the US Drug War waged by intelligence agencies working with cartels" so these things can never happen again.

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229639 No.19829797


tower of babel

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79832c No.19829799


not a terrible idea, knowing what has been done to humanity everyone is a combat vet of some sorts.

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56eef3 No.19829802

the only thing ending is this bread

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57051f No.19829803

File: 1b46a6ec072b757⋯.png (492.71 KB,937x594,937:594,rainbowarch.png)


fell asleep near a pool


does this mean if Chandler fell asleep he'e wake-up before drowning?

I think one can fall asleep in snow and freeze, if inebrieated.

But I doubt that works with water in a pool.





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27df04 No.19829804



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709e68 No.19829805

File: f20cd3d56ef57c0⋯.mp4 (7.56 MB,848x464,53:29,gaddy.mp4)

"Now listen you, people of NATO. You’re bombing a wall which stood in the way of African migration to Europe, and in the way of Al-Qaeda terrorists. This wall was Libya. You‘re breaking it. You’re idiots, and you will burn in Hell for thousands of migrants from Africa and for supporting Al-Qaeda. It will be so. I never lie. And I do not lie now,"

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682664 No.19829807

File: 2a147f920a1dc98⋯.jpg (740.13 KB,500x707,500:707,wwii_bread_wins.jpg)


Fresh bread


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682664 No.19829810

File: 56888d6ac17c795⋯.png (382.93 KB,543x299,543:299,dmocbonghit.png)

DUDES! Get your asses in here!


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e87c32 No.19829814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>19828908 (pb)

>>19829771 (lb)

Immunity long overdue

Contagion, I exhale you

Naive I opened up to you

Venom in mania

Now, contagion I exhale you

Deceiver says, he says you belong to me

You don't want to breathe the light of the others

Fear the light

Fear the breath

Fear the others for eternity

But I hear them now, inhale the clarity

Hear the venom, the venom in what you say, inoculated

Bless this immunity

Bless this immunity

Bless this immunity

Exhale, expel

Recast my tale

Weave my allegorical elegy


All that I'm to do

Calculating steps away from you

My own mitosis

Growing through delusion from mania

Exhale, expel

Recast my tale, weave my allegorical elegy

Forfeit all control

You poison

You spectacle

Exorcise the spectacle

Exorcise the malady

Exorcise the disparate

Poison for eternity

Purge me and evacuate

The venom and the fear that binds me

Unveil now

Lift away

I see you running

Deceiver chased away

A long time coming

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e87c32 No.19829817


Grrr. Meant to post in NB.

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