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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB,250x140,25:14,iwo_QR1.jpg)

409bcf No.19575900 [View All]

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701 postsand524 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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775ec9 No.19576965

File: f180304521364ab⋯.jpg (69.64 KB,972x1287,108:143,110df72c1c99559a4f490629b1….jpg)

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e5ccff No.19576966

File: 8a35f88e163f91f⋯.png (3.49 MB,2550x1700,3:2,mumbledorksarmy.png)


Kek, better her than Mumbledork's Army, Anon.

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4b1dcc No.19576967

File: 58b69848e36b324⋯.png (913.37 KB,1025x1002,1025:1002,ClipboardImage.png)

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caf40d No.19576968


Necessary causes

If x is a necessary cause of y, then the presence of y necessarily implies the prior occurrence of x. The presence of x, however, does not imply that y will occur.

Sufficient causes

If x is a sufficient cause of y, then the presence of x necessarily implies the subsequent occurrence of y. However, another cause z may alternatively cause y. Thus the presence of y does not imply the prior occurrence of x.

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2999d2 No.19576969


Kekekekekekek thanks anon. Feeling like shit and you made me laugh.

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fcd03f No.19576970


I've been told to may times by gatekeepers & government propagandists and all I say is "nope, but you are welcome to kill yourself if it makes you feel any better."

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a7d37d No.19576971


When you start to see the completely automated stores and realize that everything over ~$15 an hour is no longer worthwhile in the fast food industries.

Short answer, yes, people will be replaced with robots. Far, far more than most people believe too. The real question is if AI will serve mankind or if we're ushering in our demise.

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fdf4a7 No.19576972

TYB, interdasting notables. >>19575915

This is one anon posted the other day. Explains a bit, quite good but is an hour. ( vid rel). Couldn’t embed.


How’s anons game of life going?

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db6aa3 No.19576973

File: 9f508b64180c773⋯.jpg (154.86 KB,952x500,238:125,6ej0e7.jpg)

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96a789 No.19576974


how does that help the converstation here? it doesn't

what purpose do you have to spread these rumors? my second post was just to get under your skin

Many good people end up that way, sadly.

you're right and i know this

i hold my head in shame and won't do it again

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4b1dcc No.19576975

File: 589a36462971c88⋯.mp4 (6.48 MB,42437c279c6b782e_mp4.mp4)



Oops I did it again, kek

Dis one, with his fubar laugh…

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b17b60 No.19576976

File: e7a4cf88607165a⋯.jpg (5.31 KB,104x179,104:179,th.jpg)


Jack Pumpkinhead?

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7f778b No.19576977


>reposting cult literature

A chiropractic site is cult literature. You are special kind of Stupid arent ya anon


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46f632 No.19576978

New - Ray Epps has been charged relating to January 6.

He faces one count: "Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds"


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e5ccff No.19576979


If you haven't figured it out yet, Anon, Wheels is a Shabbos Goy, Bush-era [DS] Gatekeeper.

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ede113 No.19576980

final bun o' fun for #24041

ty bv fer the 6 - shillz never stood a chance

hold yer laties tight we clos'n this one down

czech em

#24041 >>19575915

>>19576030 Sounds like @pawpatrol is run by groomers who are after your kids. PARENTS BEWARE

>>19575987, >>19576007 Are we in the Storm? Some dasting things going on

>>19576317 "No Soliciting!" Dumb Cop Told to SHUT UP by First Amendment Auditor!

>>19576377 Former President Donald Trump plans to skip the second Republican presidential debate and come to Metro Detroit instead to rally unionized auto workers…

>>19576385, >>19576508, >>19576537, >>19576659, >>19576661, >>19576671 F-35B stealth fighter jet crash landing site in Williamsburg County, SC (Supposedly)

>>19576413 LIVE - Ahoy The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/19/2023

>>19576237, >>19576320, >>19576338, >>19576353, >>19576364 B.I.S NWO, videos, screenshots and research, now also on tora.

>>19576614 Russell Brand will no longer make money from streaming his videos on YouTube after the site suspended his ability to monetize his presence Tuesday…

>>19576624, >>19576628, >>19576633 House committee meetings and other happenings for 9/19/2023

>>19576682 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: HH 211: Jets from a Forming Star

>>19576691 BREAKING: House to hold first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing next Thursday

>>19576780 Now NYT admits that Ukraine fired the missile, not Russia."

>>19576872 Mummified 'alien corpses' are from single skeletons and were not assembled, Mexican doctor claims as he examines 'eggs' in one of the 'non-human' bodies…

>>19576896 Wayne County, Michigan, never lawfully certified their 2020 presidential election results, potentially making Donald Trump the winner.

>>19576939 Marco Polo Biden crime family resource link

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94be39 No.19576981


somewhat imperative in form, yet still a valid offer of contract.

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caf40d No.19576982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d14f4e No.19576983

File: 24652695fe5e0c8⋯.png (1 MB,1584x2048,99:128,ClipboardImage.png)


>BREAKING: Matt Gaetz just issued a subpoena for Hunter Biden.

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db6aa3 No.19576984

File: ba4d4f8707487e2⋯.jpg (89.02 KB,649x385,59:35,6leokc.jpg)


fuckery afoot all over the place.

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0737cf No.19576985


>Liken it to having two breads at the same time



The soon that never comes, the endless two weeks, the lets see what [doesn't] habben…

Can't get mad at us, when they are losing their audience.

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fcd03f No.19576986


They have done a lot of damage to this country while bringing us into a world war with Russia and possibly China too. It's pretty obvious they are setting us up for a major loss to flip the global economic paradigm after a great financial reset. "You vill own nothing" as they like to say.

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4b1dcc No.19576988

File: 59982eeaaed3a0e⋯.png (827.44 KB,1006x1021,1006:1021,ClipboardImage.png)


I don't see why not, kek

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caf40d No.19576989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2dfefd No.19576990

>>19576896 Wayne County, Michigan, never lawfully certified their 2020 presidential election results, potentially making Donald Trump the winner.

This was Colbecks's notable from the weekend. He said news dropping Monday on Saturday.

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3bc043 No.19576992

File: 376a496cfd84bba⋯.jpg (67.48 KB,234x482,117:241,20230907_183410.jpg)

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94be39 No.19576995

courtesy fresh






courtesy fresh

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db6aa3 No.19576996

File: 0e5ac74c3088466⋯.png (91.27 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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fcd03f No.19576998


The mainstream (state-run) media will ignore it though, or try their best to.

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fdf4a7 No.19577000


Lucky man

Well, u know there wasn’t any luck involved.

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52e103 No.19577001

File: 4068d10b8405ad5⋯.jpg (48.93 KB,680x510,4:3,biden_saudi.jpg)

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b17b60 No.19577003


too much hopium?

McCarthy subpoenaed Hunter tho?

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995b92 No.19577008

File: 2e7182577542a5a⋯.png (168.35 KB,500x532,125:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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52e103 No.19577009

File: 494287e03360f9f⋯.png (404.89 KB,1095x614,1095:614,purple_carpet.png)

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4b1dcc No.19577010

File: cc7a3c6ab249a11⋯.png (797.7 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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775ec9 No.19577011

File: f57de9a0a0bb965⋯.jpg (60.74 KB,1024x759,1024:759,f57de9a0a0bb965188800e4e6f….jpg)


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53dadc No.19577014

File: d3695c4afcde051⋯.jpeg (75.38 KB,680x510,4:3,image0.jpeg)

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94be39 No.19577015



my fbi agent has such shitty memes

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53dadc No.19577016

File: 79d5115e0c31853⋯.jpeg (42.24 KB,522x575,522:575,image0.jpeg)

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bf0cfb No.19577019

File: b1b8842aef1c4f0⋯.jpg (87.49 KB,680x680,1:1,CBx19skWgAEfVYo.jpg)

File: 48de9b538f09805⋯.png (417.68 KB,465x581,465:581,gdsfgd.PNG)

File: 8f2b7eecbac68fd⋯.jpg (73.18 KB,500x1153,500:1153,ZDTSU4565_00_default.jpg)

File: 99c1fc0122437ba⋯.png (933.89 KB,755x635,151:127,bgfd.PNG)


Be careful who you follow.



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4b1dcc No.19577020



>my fbi agent


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caf40d No.19577023

File: bfef36f573d8f64⋯.jpg (97.77 KB,597x367,597:367,Screen_Shot_2023_09_11_at_….jpg)

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2c5b68 No.19577024

The cash for clunkers

Was the best way to remove cars that are easily repaired

And not computer aided

They did not talk to the governments sattillites. Until onstar. That changed the whole car industry….

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4b1dcc No.19577025

File: 94637b9e4a06767⋯.jpg (3.11 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20230918_204617.jpg)

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bf0cfb No.19577029

File: 4e2562931ed402e⋯.png (267.26 KB,431x506,431:506,hffd.PNG)



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ede113 No.19577032

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Late Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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53dadc No.19577033


Do you member what years? I know I still have one or two around, somewhere.

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fdf4a7 No.19577042


Lookin at a Volvo 850t5 or similar.

Fuck ulez and agreed.

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2c5b68 No.19577043


Years are kind 0f irrelevant

Know how is king

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94be39 No.19577044


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