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29d79b (7) No.19360823 [View All][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

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5450c4 (3) No.19361649

File (hide): 685d9a9c0836403⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Q_busy.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4c0c820db623193⋯.jpg (140.04 KB,540x450,6:5,Q_Busy_office.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 03eaa473bac5e90⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,644x407,644:407,Concern.jpg) (h) (u)

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29d79b (7) No.19361650>>19361658

File (hide): 1e541ee1157a5f1⋯.jpg (781.99 KB,1216x2996,304:749,2023_08_15_0_10_31.jpg) (h) (u)



11 Trump associates have now been charged with crimes. 11! CNN - Cillizza

Chris Cillizza

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

Published 1:45 PM EDT, Wed July 21, 2021

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899ab1 (1) No.19361651>>19361657


who is this "true bill"?

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5437ea (1) No.19361652

>>19359098 pb

was about time he said sth

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29d79b (7) No.19361653


got it.

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418783 (1) No.19361654

File (hide): a49c40c96c82505⋯.jpg (98.09 KB,500x676,125:169,Trump.jpg) (h) (u)

Democrats are being promoted played like fiddle.

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726e25 (2) No.19361655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f4a074 (1) No.19361657

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29d79b (7) No.19361658


>>19360872, >>19360945, >>19360985, >>19360995, >>19361316, >>19361445, >>19361526, >>19361621 FULTON COUNTY INDICTMENT: Among those indicted, Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, and Sydney Powell (etc)

>>19360882 First they "leak" the indictment before the jury even voted, then they forget to REDACT JUROR NAMES.

>>19360913 Arrest Warrant Issued to FORMER US PRESIDENT TRUMP

>>19360960 Fani Willis refused to say whether she’s colluding with the Biden Justice Department, including Jack Smith.

>>19360964 Connecticut Democrats "Very Proud" To Host Covid Tyrant Gretchen Whitmer At Annual Dinner

>>19360965, >>19360969., >>19361451 Steven Miller RT on GA indictment

>>19361054 Stephen Miller RT: MAGA War Room - "North Korea wouldn't even dream up of something like this!"

>>19360974 GA Indictment: PURE COMMUNISM!

>>19360982, >>19361637 What happened to Missy Martin, Ruby Freeman, Ruby's mom

>>19360994, >>19361017 Fani Willis announces arrest warrants for Trump and 18 co-defendants with deadline to turn themselves in

>>19361026 President Trump deserves reparations.

>>19361036 Alex Collins, former Seahawks and Ravens running back, dies at 28

>>19361058 These people are race obsessed

>>19361018, >>19361064 Schumer: Now we take Georgia than we change America

>>19361079 More on Jennifer Price - CAPS (need sauce)

>>19361080 PDJT: Heading to Georgia now. See you soon!

>>19361090 where are the Comfort and Mercy today?

>>19361143 Charlie Kirk: Republicans did NOTHING….

>>19360877, >>19361172 Black Eagle Trust fund

>>19361179, >>19361413, >>19361540, >>19361617, >>19361626 Praying Medic - Any guesses as to why Linn Wood wasn't indicted?

>>19361152, >>19361168, >>19361211 Tracy Beanz docs deleted but here are screen grabs

>>19361271. >>19361323, >>19361335 Reminder that "republican" parasites in GA are just as China-owned as the ones in Communist N.Y. are

>>19361275 L.A. Burning: The Riots 25 Years Later

>>19361291 Sperry: Legal watchdogs say DA Willis' indictment is a clumsy overreach that fails to provide proof President Trump knowingly agreed to facilitate a RICO scheme

>>19361356, >>19361438, >>19361577 MAUI DIGG: New Police Chief Wants To Import Successful Las Vegas Programs To Maui, other news

>>19361416, >>19361446, >>19361604 PDJT: So the Witch Hunt continues! & anon analyses

>>19361469, >>19361475, >>19361500 Rolling Stone: Trump’s ‘Co-Conspirators’ Are Already Starting to Turn on Each Other, Jenna Ellis

>>19361361, >>19361479, >>19361483 Reminder re CANVAS 2020: Serbian connection 2020 election

>>19361523 Reminder: HSBC holds 18 Dominion Patents & is THEREFORE one of its OWNERS

>>19361559 44 Dems, Including Wasserman Schultz, Exempted Pakistani IT Aides From Background Checks

>>19361621, >>19361650 11 Trump associates have now been charged with crimes - presser scheduled for 3 am!



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99b22e (15) No.19361660

File (hide): b3f8ccd042e625f⋯.jpg (49.55 KB,606x640,303:320,20230815_002953.jpg) (h) (u)

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5450c4 (3) No.19361661

File (hide): 5bd875097c5b399⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB,480x270,16:9,Crazy_orb_lady.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

File (hide): 16515cf7fe8439a⋯.png (586.34 KB,733x457,733:457,ORBS.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 538a8ba9eab3df4⋯.png (169.31 KB,474x277,474:277,No_orbs.png) (h) (u)

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e5301d (7) No.19361662

File (hide): fe11615ccabb293⋯.jpg (145.65 KB,768x512,3:2,og13_768x512.jpg) (h) (u)

anon has repeatedly share a proposal to end all this treason in 24 hours non- violently. create a new law and oath. The old oath and then the NEW THREATS THE FOUNDERS MISSED

swear to protect against

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud

So help you god.

24 hours to roll out, and start shutting down unconstitutional agencies and people/laws and colors of laws.

Anon is aware nobody obeys the Constitution right now. so maybe it's Barnam Clown but it's MY barnam clown and my last fight for survival of America.

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99b22e (15) No.19361664

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4f5a5b (3) No.19361665>>19361675 >>19361676 >>19361680

We are so fucking winning.

Does winning not feel awesome?

We have so much to talk about.

All these indictments and court cases.

This is what a great plan looks like!

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a7753d (1) No.19361668

File (hide): a4b7628e82e3b8b⋯.jpeg (576.28 KB,750x1182,125:197,IMG_1279.jpeg) (h) (u)

It’s on

Was Joan Rivers trying to warn us just before she died?


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99b22e (15) No.19361669>>19361670

File (hide): e0d69f25137006c⋯.jpg (105.28 KB,500x717,500:717,5o68it.jpg) (h) (u)

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99b22e (15) No.19361670

File (hide): dbf8ec42d9a6ecc⋯.jpg (219.45 KB,1080x1080,1:1,20210924_213644.jpg) (h) (u)

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4f5a5b (3) No.19361671>>19361688

The military is the only way?


Kash on TV in the middle of the fucking night talking about discovery and countersuits what the fuck

We are in for a big fucking kick in the nuts

Q is a huge fucking flop

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fab0ad (1) No.19361672

File (hide): 9816ebd7d5c545f⋯.jpg (98.39 KB,500x691,500:691,7vsq2o.jpg) (h) (u)

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99b22e (15) No.19361674

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7bdb53 (1) No.19361675


>Does winning not feel awesome?

I took up gambling just to remember how it feels to lose…

Didn't go as planned, now I'm a millionaire..

concernfagging doesn't work here, you must be new. Kek

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e5301d (7) No.19361676


don't forget turbo cancer thanks to the windber tissue sample lab on 911.

also died suddenly (wit big long dupont clot)

dies suddenly with smaller mRNA clot

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3392ae (2) No.19361677

File (hide): db67b680b0cc201⋯.gif (3.49 MB,480x270,16:9,cool.gif) (h) (u)

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99b22e (15) No.19361678>>19361684

File (hide): 24b7e097dd5779e⋯.jpg (177.33 KB,1346x1237,1346:1237,20210731_134556.jpg) (h) (u)

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99b22e (15) No.19361679

File (hide): fb6060303e8f448⋯.jpg (466.83 KB,1405x1422,1405:1422,Eh48b7_UMAIKiTU_jpeg.jpg) (h) (u)

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3392ae (2) No.19361680

File (hide): b9ef2f7b531500d⋯.jpg (53.45 KB,516x495,172:165,you.JPG) (h) (u)


And yet you are still here. Taking loads all over your face.

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5450c4 (3) No.19361681>>19361686


What the fuck did you just fucking say about yourself, you insecure human? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the course for psychotherapy, and I've been involved in numerous privacy protected therapy sessions, and I have over 300 confirmed treated clients. I am trained in perfectly timed empathetic interventions. You are everything to me for this session. I will help you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about yourself during our session? Think again, sir. As we speak I am contacting my trusted team of psychiatrists and social workers and your deepest insecurities are being uncovered right now so you better prepare for the storm, you understandable human. The storm that wipes out the dysfunctional spirals of self-doubt you call your thoughts. You're fucking safe, mister. I can listen to you anywhere, anytime your comfortable with, and I can validate you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare words. Not only am I extensively trained in understanding the human psyche, but I have access to the entire arsenal of structured manuals of the Organisation of Psychotherapists and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable cognitions out of your brain, you suffering person. If only you could have known what evidence-based cognitive restructuring your little "sad" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have controlled your fucking automatic behavioral response. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now your insurance is paying the price, you depressed being. I will spill helpful advice all over you and you will thrive in it. You're fucking cured, sir.

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99b22e (15) No.19361682

File (hide): 6f5c075e7daa7e4⋯.mp4 (10.31 MB,1276x720,319:180,6f5c075e7daa7e4aa4a77fd8f7….mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

Where'd ya get that money huh?

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726e25 (2) No.19361683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

for retarded bv deleting posts garbage

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e5301d (7) No.19361684

File (hide): 78a746847f3dca6⋯.png (347.52 KB,1249x733,1249:733,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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08c8c9 (1) No.19361685

was it the convergence of two scalar waves is what causes weiird effects at the point where they meet?

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4f5a5b (3) No.19361686


your shit is weak.

I posted that about 12 breads ago

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99b22e (15) No.19361687>>19361689

File (hide): 8d5a75118072779⋯.jpg (70.21 KB,782x734,391:367,20211113_230312.jpg) (h) (u)

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29d79b (7) No.19361688>>19361696







funny - when i read what you wrote in the first two lines, thought "military is the only way" might be a brilliant piece of disinfo for our enemies. While everyone is focused on the military, the real action may be in the courts.


somewhere else entirely.


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e5301d (7) No.19361689

File (hide): 2b93b6a918e2702⋯.png (200.17 KB,960x500,48:25,1554510570326.png) (h) (u)



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68d605 (1) No.19361690>>19361702


>11 Trump associates have now been charged with crimes. 11!

The Great Awakening already happened that is why Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming, because it already transpired; fact.

11-11-18 The shot heard around the world. Subconsciously everyone was awoken. That day was picked for a specific reason, it is the Chinese biggest day of the year. The CCP refused to stop selling AdrenoChrome on Alibaba after countless warnings. They later need a stronger demonstration by God, the 3 Gorges Dam was deformed and left with 3 large cracks in it. Months later, they were reminded as a final warning with one Xi Xi Ping to their tallest building in China that shook like a tuning fork. Only God can do these things with that type of precision and magnitude. That is testimony.

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e5301d (7) No.19361691

File (hide): caef96f3ad35eaa⋯.png (315.63 KB,925x830,185:166,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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99b22e (15) No.19361692

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99b22e (15) No.19361694

File (hide): 21c52b32b591008⋯.jpg (266.38 KB,2048x1110,1024:555,20220118_132141.jpg) (h) (u)

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e5301d (7) No.19361695

What happens if you BURN a body that has SPIKE Proteins?

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2ef1e3 (1) No.19361696>>19361704


>the real action may be in the courts


>somewhere else entirely

in a galaxy far away and long ago?

malibu barbie dreamland?

an alternate non-intersecting universe?

a higher plane of existence?

yer mama's bed?

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99b22e (15) No.19361697

File (hide): a42dcc5e6f965ab⋯.jpg (60.66 KB,960x810,32:27,20210911_093557.jpg) (h) (u)

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99b22e (15) No.19361698

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e5301d (7) No.19361699

File (hide): ee587d7a58eee6a⋯.jpeg (231.89 KB,1540x1525,308:305,FqSAUwUX0AAcPGQ.jpeg) (h) (u)

Do you think a Burned Body with all the bio jabs stick to the smoke particles as VLP's and infect other people and animals?

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843fcd (1) No.19361700

Democrats will go down in flames…

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99b22e (15) No.19361701

File (hide): 19698b5a2a23a38⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,480x852,40:71,Machiavelli_20230811_3.mp4) (h) (u) [play once] [loop]

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29d79b (7) No.19361702


very interesting

remember 11-11-18 so well

the sounds from Mayotte

the strange 'attack' on @45 from topless women

the bizarre speech by Macron that was followed by the yellow vest movement starting the next week

incredibly momentous time

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99b22e (15) No.19361703

File (hide): bd8bfc36cafeb3e⋯.jpg (135.14 KB,714x1047,238:349,20230801_054722.jpg) (h) (u)

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29d79b (7) No.19361704


You're an idiot

But then, if you're a paid shill, doesn't much matter

by the word or post?

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dab003 (1) No.19361705


I stand corrected. (Thanks to anon who linked LLW's page downbread):

>Sidney Powell listed my name on her election lawsuits in GA, Michigan, Arizona, and Wisconsin without my permission and in cases where I did not sign, file, or draft the complaints. https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/33376

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