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File: 4c44f8214b7acbd⋯.jpg (8.91 KB,255x143,255:143,d9fc4b85480fe9e186c63ed717….jpg)

b10baa No.19257109 [View All]

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701 postsand505 image repliesomitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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1f9c17 No.19257900

File: 26d6c4d7d6a131a⋯.png (2.25 MB,1720x1118,20:13,Screenshot_2023_07_28_at_1….png)

File: cef8555222bd8c5⋯.png (2.51 MB,2216x754,1108:377,Screenshot_2023_07_28_at_1….png)

File: 93f65a050d1b45d⋯.png (1013.15 KB,1098x624,183:104,Screenshot_2023_07_28_at_1….png)



>It's been debunked repeatedly.

>Not sure why you choose to use BS pics to discredit the truth about these fucks.

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93764f No.19257901


> That law called for death.

and the 4th commandment was Sabbath, first 4 of God, then 6 of man, Sabbath was completed?

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b159d3 No.19257902


He’s feeding static into their minds to flk with their heads.

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9e282c No.19257903


bearded pervert $inneRR$

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86d594 No.19257904


The hunger Games Antics are growing very tiresome BTW. Big Bad Biden? Pfft.

Patriots losing Control of their own plan. It used be entertaining, now it's just CRINGE.

Vid Length 100


Nov 05, 2017 6:41:11 PM EST

Who is the Queen of England?

How long in power?

With power comes corruption.

What happened to Diana?

What did she find out?

Why was she running?

Who did she entrust to help her flee?

What was the cover?

Why is this relevant?

Why now?




Bad actor.

London Mayor.



Connection to Queen?

British MI6 agents dead.



What was reported?

What really happened?

Why is this relevant?



Secret society.





Why are migrants important?


What are assets?

Define assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?

What are assets?

Why are migrants so important?



Who follows?

What political leaders worship Satan?

What does an upside down cross represent?

Who wears openly?


Who is she connected to?

Why is this relevant?

Spirit cooking.

What does Spirit Cooking represent?


What is a cult?

Who is worshipped?

Why is this relevant?

Snow White

Godfather III




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b10baa No.19257905


that mofo looks like he don't play


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6104f1 No.19257906


Man, you're even more retarded than first thought. Keep typing.

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ea03aa No.19257907

File: 45ef3d2f890c80a⋯.png (541.32 KB,791x774,791:774,screenshot_www_thegatewayp….png)

Clones just don't get the mileage they used to. New Joe version inbound.

Joe Biden to Retreat to Rehoboth Beach Compound for the Next TEN DAYS While His DOJ Works to Jail Trump


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b10baa No.19257908


#23651 >>19257116

>>19257339, >>19257368 PF stuffs

>>19257150 If the houses burn but the trees do not, is it really a forest fire?

>>19257152, >>19257171 Buckwheat up

>>19257153 Full interview with President Trump this morning:

>>19257160, >>19257177, >>19257383 Executive Order on 2023 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

>>19257227, >>19257662 Have YOU forgotten about an old 401(K) account?

>>19257235 James O'Keefe Full Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

>>19257241 Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Retweet & Follow for more

>>19257271 What do you know about W.E.F. and not the COUNCIL FOR INCLUSIVE CAPITALISM?

>>19257287 Jack Smith has brought three new felony charges against former President Donald Trump

>>19257303 ECW rt: Finally, the United States is going to start taking care of its own and producing the enriched uranium we need

>>19257351, >>19257556 Biden is drifting from reality – Zakharova/25th comin?

>>19257396 What Comes Next for Israel's Democracy? Unpacking the Judicial Overhaul

>>19257436, >>19257440 Ukrainian parliament vote scraps planned election

>>19257448 August is so hot right now…

>>19257473 Vice President Harris Participated in a Moderated Conversation on Reproductive Rights

>>19257484 Trump is speaking at an Iowa Dinner tonight

>>19257499 Billionaire investor Leon Black accused of raping autistic teen at Jeffrey Epstein’s NYC home

>>19257515, >>19257729, >>19257748, >>19257767, >>19257787, >>19257807 Tater n taternomics

>>19257551 Solar flare behind the west limb still registered M4.1 xray flux and launched a spectacular CME

>>19257615, >>19257619 tater pay to play

>>19257626 @NatCryptoMuseum Try Richard Atkinson’s #CryptoScramble from the Dragon Seeds June 1972 issue

>>19257705 @realDonaldTrump 5 point lead over Tater vid

>>19257719 Congress obligated to launch Biden impeachment inquiry after he 'clearly lied': Jonathan Turley

>>19257760 AZ: Body Found at State Capitol a Day After Another Was Found in the Same Vicinity

>>19257783 Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny of the majority. … It thus exemplifies the purpose behind the Bill of Rights

>>19257814 Starting next week, Americans will only be able to purchase LED lights from retailers across the nation as an official ban on incandescent lightbulbs will go into effect.

>>19257825 @RobertKennedyJr I had a great time yesterday at Bay Parade 2018. Thanks @SFBaykeeper


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1f9c17 No.19257909

File: d7fed7aa822b1cb⋯.png (972.44 KB,1152x856,144:107,Screenshot_2023_07_28_at_1….png)

too broke for this shit

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e19900 No.19257910

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93764f No.19257911


>He did not come to destroy the law, He came to fulfill the law. That law called for death.

Are you aware that law defined means what was commanded?

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695fa2 No.19257913

File: b987e9e3a75238e⋯.png (254.96 KB,600x600,1:1,pepe_braces.png)


"Go ahead…. insult my cooking"

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e0de6d No.19257914


Speaking truth to someone who hates truth IS showing love. Pushing darkness into light IS showing love. Remember, a Father disciplines the one He loves.

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6dab4c No.19257916

File: e045d23faf24514⋯.png (141.9 KB,500x492,125:123,1660566939794870.png)

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890631 No.19257917

File: a93e74ce3934e54⋯.png (127.28 KB,255x183,85:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c32c14647041d98⋯.png (91.59 KB,255x143,255:143,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c983c976691e335⋯.png (105.15 KB,255x170,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40cb8debe5f3bfa⋯.png (637.8 KB,517x500,517:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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942013 No.19257918


Here you go, you dropped this.

The Watchers (Angel)


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a7d20d No.19257919

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>19254961 pb

I am taking this twice a day for a year now. Wasn´t sick since then.

What is CDS (Chorine Dioxide)? The scientific facts, Dr. Andreas Kalcker (english)


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06345e No.19257920


Good and Evil are subjective opinions.

Useful and Not Useful are also Subjective.

Proscritive or Descriptive?

Good, and therefore Mandatory

Evil, and therefore Banned

Useful, and kept

Useless, and abandoned

God watches over it all regardless.

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288e7c No.19257921

File: f36ca18cdad0923⋯.png (1.3 MB,720x1257,240:419,Screenshot_20230728_122613….png)

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3adb1b No.19257923

File: fe00aad1c160f74⋯.png (161.83 KB,1179x868,1179:868,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf421c6ecb5ba2b⋯.png (79.84 KB,836x885,836:885,ClipboardImage.png)


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86d594 No.19257924


KEK no wonder this shit will never end. IT"S NOT GAGA with HUNTER!!!

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b10baa No.19257925





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7158e5 No.19257926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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415707 No.19257927


were whores & puppets for the cabal.

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c3f96b No.19257928


10 days?

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e0de6d No.19257929


He fulfilled what was commanded. It is done.

The question comes on whether you believe it is done, or still left to do.

He died, and rose again.

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3cde13 No.19257930


Can someone explain what he changed on this

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e19900 No.19257931

File: bf8e9b2b6d4b818⋯.jpg (25.33 KB,680x404,170:101,BmkVJWa.jpg)


You brain dead multiculturalglobohomo kikes are the racists! I am for the preservation of the races, you for their destruction!

Who is the real racist here?

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ea03aa No.19257932

File: 6fa9219f8e1f159⋯.png (310.53 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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382353 No.19257933

File: be5e58b06c4ddee⋯.jpg (58.27 KB,640x512,5:4,bill_cooper_read_about_eve….jpg)

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b159d3 No.19257935


Jesus spoke to Shepards, worked along side fishermen, forgave prostitutes. His stories and parables were told in a way to allow language barriers to be non existent across millennia to the simple man.

The scribes of the time simply pass along language as history changes, first Aramaic, then Greek & Latin,

Its hard to screw up Jesus life when we look at the mountain of historical first person references across many regions, languages,

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e19900 No.19257937


>were whores & puppets for the cabal.

Yes, this is what you filthy fuckwits are!

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6d62b0 No.19257941


You will never convince those of us who have had an actual encounter with the Living Jesus, that He is in any way fake or other than God Himself.

You have been warned.

Your blood will not be charged to me.

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fe4420 No.19257942


if they have a persistent and non-relenting narrative that never wavers and they are saying

"The Bible is bunk" as their message they are anti-Bible shills, by definition.

If I agree with their message or not, they are still anti-Bible shills.

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e19900 No.19257943

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942013 No.19257944

Has proto been engaged?

Are images behind the proto paywall right now? I can see any other than embeds.

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695fa2 No.19257945

File: 80671376f24f944⋯.png (427 KB,442x549,442:549,pepe_naughty14.png)

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695fa2 No.19257946

File: 5ea387760b52ae6⋯.png (294.59 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_naughty15.png)


Watch the water!

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890631 No.19257947

File: f430a39edcaca2b⋯.png (68.52 KB,889x811,889:811,ClipboardImage.png)


Nice projection.

You're doing exactly what 'they' want you to do.

You're your own enemy, projecting shill.

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382353 No.19257948

File: 3c4acb86b7521a6⋯.png (1.59 MB,1036x666,14:9,allegorypattern.png)

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6d62b0 No.19257951


No, the reason he is being attacked, is because Anons discern he is an empty suit.

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93764f No.19257953


winged birds of prey

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cfa782 No.19257955


you are a fucking idiot this is not about Jesus but god and the old testament perhaps you should try not to be a cunt stain.

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e19900 No.19257956

File: 7646563b4fef44e⋯.png (282.83 KB,600x565,120:113,7646563b4fef44e670436173cb….png)

File: e37632592d22d09⋯.png (660.05 KB,599x604,599:604,Coudenhove_Kalergi.png)

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6dab4c No.19257957

File: 54cc7bcf0e7c67a⋯.jpg (33.31 KB,460x332,115:83,1671200456396542.jpg)

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b159d3 No.19257958

File: f0ad3b84411e38e⋯.jpeg (407.75 KB,1170x780,3:2,IMG_2406.jpeg)


A woman who doesn’t live on Instagram.

A woman who encroaches him and is his help mate.

A woman who uses her mouth to speak love and encouragement into her kids.

Unfortunately most women aren't that.

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cfa782 No.19257960


its not non relenting but why should I have to give up just to allow what I consider lies to continue, why are you a shill if you are anti bible. why are pro bible people not shills.

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738104 No.19257961


>People are subjected to what they fear

Which is why you keep antagonizing me because you fear anyone who understands more than you; therefor you must belittle to compete. I always answer you in advance, because your a one trick pony. Ponyboy!

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288e7c No.19257963


Nana pelosi n supposedly General Walker used military to provide the comms so that when the FIB investigated, all would be clean n none of it would lead back to her n then shortly after, she named him House Sgt at Arms.

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