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File: e7d0c8de3f0677b⋯.png (241.44 KB, 508x284, 127:71, iwo_jima.png)

574b60  No.17681596 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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35070b  No.17681999

File: 5fcdda87a5f99a1⋯.jpg (68.67 KB, 474x371, 474:371, 204510ee144f7a06.jpg)

Test post w/authenticator.

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183492  No.17682206

File: 51229674431c132⋯.jpeg (171.03 KB, 620x875, 124:175, 51229674431c1323e7ee13735….jpeg)

test post with auth oh and titties

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271f5a  No.17682233

File: ec3f6361b0f7157⋯.png (201.75 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 8d71d595550cdc5ad8220bb533….png)

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77831a  No.17683226

File: 07b2f05ceb7b115⋯.jpg (117.17 KB, 1141x1277, 1141:1277, unrhf2u63fb.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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1965ad  No.17683281

File: 99e74bd092455c9⋯.jpg (135.23 KB, 1294x1357, 1294:1357, pprfl3.jpg)

Last Opportunity To Receive Forbidden Enlightenment, Direct Teaching From The Savior Legend

Source: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com/2022/06/16/last-opportunity-to-receive-forbidden-enlightenment-direct-teaching-from-the-savior-legend/

There are always forbidden knowledge wisdom of human body and life which you help you fully control your human body, change your destiny, escape circle of death and rebirth.

After sharing many projects ideas and last warning/opportunity to all big entities, royal families, etc that related to macro level of the society, now it is time for the micro level of individual.

Majority of humanity do not believe in immortal, do not believe in human are equal God, very few beings that have better mindset than that.

Most of the so called “enlightenment” are public shared in many websites are craps because the most of them are fantasy and only for fun, not really serious.

Because the only true enlightenment are the one must tell your to self control your own destiny, your own body, but not follow/listen any orders from any beings !

If you just filter that requirement, how many guide/tutorial left on the internet?

The answer is too little if not zero.

I am the Savior legend, the one who have fully master human body, escape circle of death and rebirth and have obtain the Nirvana status.

Now I am more calm and more serious than ever, because it is the final time that I have direct talk/communication with all of you on the cyber online internet.

I am going to open the last opportunity for all who are thirsty for knowledge, wisdom of life.

Here I want to talking about the learning material that will help you to understand human body, planet Earth and the Universe, not any rubbish “memorize” information like most other groups are given to their members.

Since this is the final time, so I will tell and reveal anything I know to your and will answer any questions you have. But I will only do it in secret private manner, for it is forbidden to share it publicly online due to the information are too sensitive.

They are like the “cheatbook” of human life similar to any video games.

I only talk/help the one who truly believe in me.

I don’t have any fixed requirement about the wealth or donation.

I don’t have any price about the priceless forbidden enlightenment either.

So it is all up to you, the hunger to decide.

You can either:

– Make any voluntary donation in advance + promise any minimum amount after receiving the knowledge wisdom (thus can verify the guide/tutorial).

– Ask and make fixed amount of donation.

Whatever wealth or any custom deal or any request you can all put on the table.

The only requirement I have for any “customer” is keep everything in secret private manner, all the information knowledge wisdom are forbidden so you are not allowed to revealed/shared to any beings/groups under any circumstances.

My time is limited, so this opportunity only open for 11 days from now to June 27th 2022 (27 – 06- 2022)

The contact communication method can be found on my personal blog.

After the deadline, I won’t talk and have any opportunity like this again both online and offline. The best I will do is only sharing public ebook and average content for the mass public people (the one mostly can be found on any search engine).

I am treating all humans are equal like God so even though I can give/share for free but the drawback is you guys will act like animals later, thus go against my standard. So I am going to do that.

You are lucky to read this article, but whether you can take this opportunity, it is totally up to you.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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733086  No.17683307

File: 3c4428ef6afa72e⋯.jpg (44.34 KB, 1134x1070, 567:535, 05s8iinckxnnk.jpg)


I do think autism is a side-effect of the CDC's childhood vaccine schedule. I do not think "they" anticipated it, or expected the autists to figure out the connection, hence the executions of people who speak up/speak out…like Brandy Vaughan.


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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bdce66  No.17683330

File: 49e03b3596dfd44⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 516x627, 172:209, xo1sl3z6i4kk6g.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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733086  No.17683385

File: a89699242ab72fc⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 1114x546, 557:273, ns5ktoegg3.jpg)


All together now

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a partnership with ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), will release its first full-color images and spectroscopic data on July 12, 2022

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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1c5cc8  No.17683401

File: bf6913145b2157e⋯.jpg (122.51 KB, 1129x1350, 1129:1350, q7643ev5b0u.jpg)


>testes, testes

Trump has huge testes

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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49fe05  No.17683417

File: c32a1ae44f0f073⋯.jpg (43.56 KB, 1044x753, 348:251, m7atoe.jpg)

Strings cut (+++).

Puppets (+++) in shadows.

Each side of the triangle controls a certain subsect of power brokers.

Can anyone answer:

"What did POTUS receive while visiting china?"

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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00dc12  No.17683425

File: 4e7735f3017fdbe⋯.jpg (80.84 KB, 2182x1173, 2182:1173, hw9d4446on.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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34e8a6  No.17683429

File: 1065b4f900bcc01⋯.jpg (42.17 KB, 1160x755, 232:151, og096oqggg.jpg)


Is that a transvestite? I like how the spellchecker has no problem with that word.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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a26b12  No.17683442

File: 5f7c40557ade196⋯.jpg (125.64 KB, 1100x1431, 1100:1431, ugl4r8.jpg)

well this is awkward…

Joe Biden believes Mohammad bin Salman ordered Jamal Khashoggi hit

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Thursday said President Biden, who is visiting Saudi Arabia next month, believes that the country’s crown prince, Mohammad bin Salman, ordered the 2018 operation that killed Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Biden will travel to Saudi Arabia in mid-July as he seeks to thaw US-Saudi relations amid record-high gas prices. He has agreed to meet with MBS on that trip despite previously seeking to sideline bin Salman.

Khashoggi’s fiancee this week beseeched Biden to cancel the meeting, telling him, “you are dishonoring yourself” and “putting oil over principles” by agreeing to the sit-down.

Jean-Pierre was pressed repeatedly Thursday on the matter at her regular briefing by Washington Post reporter Matt Viser, who cited a US intelligence community report that assessed that the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia ordered the operation.

“The executive summary of this report says ‘we assess that Saudi Arabia’s crown prince Mohammad bin Salman ordered the operation’ to capture and kill [Khashoggi],” Viser said.

“And he released the report, right?” Jean-Pierre said, at first sidestepping whether Biden agreed with the finding.

“But does he agree with that assessment?” Viser pressed.

“I’m telling you this is something that the president takes very, very seriously. And he released that report, so clearly he would not release that report if it’s not something he believed in,” Jean-Pierre said.


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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9c0d0a  No.17683481

File: 89c32c3602144c9⋯.jpg (74.75 KB, 2175x1039, 2175:1039, p9alcx.jpg)


that's a man.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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a5e432  No.17683545

File: 7c02f86cf6ff1f0⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 1072x708, 268:177, fp55fm.jpg)




Ring of Power | Monkey Blood | Grace Powers

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d47bdb  No.17683553

File: 9e73aa2f5cbf7fe⋯.jpg (81.85 KB, 2166x1157, 2166:1157, vye6mcccz.jpg)


time stamp perfect! kek. and AMEN








(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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0fe027  No.17683554

File: a3cd94c7574fdad⋯.jpg (75.76 KB, 2202x1011, 734:337, 5652ktrez0y8r.jpg)

Notables are NOT Endorsements

passing 650
















(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6969ea  No.17683576

File: 122af3671bbb911⋯.jpg (74.57 KB, 2069x1085, 2069:1085, g263op2l9l0ov9.jpg)


kek at least you and me are equally tired. also nice double digits. you had 55 and 66


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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93a202  No.17683583

File: 075f44f04376a3b⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 1217x725, 1217:725, 66s644w0ivv7.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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00a43c  No.17683589

File: c545586fe3bf514⋯.jpg (85.93 KB, 2261x1202, 2261:1202, 1f6gwb.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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eab99a  No.17683605

File: 66972f103d5dfdd⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 988x947, 988:947, q0kvewwrlaicp.jpg)


>(quick decode of hidden character 锟)

not hidden and the character was  which converted (through substitution) to a chinese character which translates either to bite or kun

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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58378f  No.17683628

File: e33bee81ee6ed93⋯.jpg (43.23 KB, 1110x695, 222:139, izkd4b5g5t.jpg)


They are really angry that they can't keep killing their babies.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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f3b22e  No.17683647

File: b635912680e7a94⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 721x518, 103:74, bmfx9gmx3kdy.jpg)


New case of water opened yesterday. Hmmm…

Couple low flying a/c for last 2 days passed over.

Haven't been sick with flu symptoms in 3+ years.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d7684e  No.17683657

File: 2506f3d6eba54ae⋯.jpg (124.55 KB, 1152x1352, 144:169, re18db6pnophik.jpg)


I’m looking for the q post graphic of the Mickey Mouse clock. Hands at 10 and 2. Or 10:10 time the SCOTUS decision was released.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6472f2  No.17683688

File: 5533e0f46b3b257⋯.jpg (38.09 KB, 914x607, 914:607, i7mjp1.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d64238  No.17683694

File: 447659fb24d0787⋯.jpg (40.59 KB, 924x743, 924:743, kqwcdwpan5xvg.jpg)


4 months later…

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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c7f759  No.17683698

File: fae458c6516cb8e⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 1261x624, 97:48, zhu3d726b.jpg)


If ur not TETHERed yet, go do.

Hard deck on this run is 10,000

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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eb2f8a  No.17683719

File: 1eda8ffd7d2ac68⋯.jpg (37.88 KB, 966x670, 483:335, r4ojbb3sfsx.jpg)

192K Migrants Apprehended Crossing SW Border in June

Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 192,000 migrants who illegally crossed from Mexico in June, according to government records previewed by Breitbart Texas. Since March 1, agents apprehended more than 182,000 migrants in the nine southwest border sectors.

According to a source operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Border Patrol agents apprehended just under 192,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry in June. The source told Breitbart Texas that Border Patrol agents are exhausted and overwhelmed while attempting to keep up with the volume of illegal crossings.

In an indication of the shifting tactics of human smugglers in Mexico, the Del Rio Sector led the nation in June as agents responded to the massive number of large migrant group crossings. Agents in this sector apprehended more than 45,000 migrants in June — some in groups as large as 400. The large groups force Border Patrol supervisors to put all of their resources into transporting, processing, and caring for the migrants.

The Rio Grande Valley Sector barely fell to second place as agents apprehended just under 45,000 migrants. The El Paso, Tucson, and Yuma Sectors each accounted for more than 20,000 apprehensions.

As agents are tied up with processing these migrants in shelters that are beyond capacity, smugglers are free to move other migrants into the U.S. interior. The tactics used had many tragic results in June.

On June 10, a migrant was killed instantly after being struck by a passing motorist as he attempted to flee from a smuggling vehicle stopped by Texas Department of Public Safety troopers on U.S. Highway 281 near Premont, Texas, Breitbart Texas reported. Dashcam video shows the brutal impact as the driver was unable to avoid striking the fleeing migrant.

Later in the month, at least four other migrants died at the hands of human smugglers as they crashed their vehicles while fleeing from Texas and federal law enforcement officers.

National media attention did not focus on the trend until 53 migrants died after being locked inside a tractor-trailer in San Antonio on June 27.

With the nearly 192,000 migrants apprehended in June, Border Patrol agents marks more than 1.6 million migrants during Fiscal Year 22 (which began on October 1, 2021). With four months to go in the year, the total apprehension of migrants by agents is approximately 20,000 shy of the record 1,659,206 apprehensions in FY2021.

In addition, approximately 400,000 more migrants successfully sneaked into the U.S. interior without being apprehended. This brings the total known migrant crossings to more than 2 million.


476K Migrant Got-Aways Recorded in 2022 So Far

More than 476,000 migrants eluded apprehension by the Border Patrol this fiscal year, according to a source within Customs and Border Protection. The total already eclipses the 389,000 got-aways from FY2021.

The source says the number, recorded daily, is based on evidence collected by a range of technology systems and aerial drones that capture images. The metric is usually not released by CBP. Historically, the Border Patrol has relied upon traditional sign-cutting techniques to locate and count footprints and other physical evidence left behind at popular migrant crossings. The latter metric has been all but removed from the equation because manpower is redirected to daily migrant care.

The average migrant got-away count, recorded since the fiscal year began in October, remains at roughly 1,700 per day. According to the source, more than 7,000 migrants are arrested by the agency on most days. In some areas, large migrant groups are taxing Border Patrol resources and contributing to the increase in got-aways. As reported by Breitbart Texas, in one Texas border town, 1,772 migrants were apprehended in one day.


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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0eeb4a  No.17683720

File: 8d9bbe14b4e5144⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 1128x581, 1128:581, ezaovwc8z.jpg)


You can't trust anyone in politics…

Trump's picks are very puzzling to say the least.

Being a politician doesn't put you in Sainthood.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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53fe6a  No.17683723

File: 4176c41bc462d1c⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 2259x1033, 2259:1033, 61rp8ma.jpg)


Untill the Day That I Die

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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5ee7bd  No.17683732

File: 90b88dbfe9721da⋯.jpg (117.4 KB, 1093x1342, 1093:1342, vine5aflw4dh5.jpg)



Seriously… is this "what the fuck is a Qanon" shit a pathetic try to be ultra cool?

Some have worked their asses off at the beginning, using the term "#Qanon" to bring attention to the crumbs and wake up tons of people on twatter and told friends to watch out for things they could find under the name QAnon….

This is the most ridiculous holier than thou shit ever posted…

Qanon is a thing [They] were so afraid of that they had to take control of to spread shit about it! Shit this heavy that Q himself told us to stop using it…

What an embarrassing shit fuck this muh no Qanon is…

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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019d6b  No.17683735

File: 41707a8512d2679⋯.jpg (79.6 KB, 2072x1176, 37:21, c1nw9e9w.jpg)

Jewish law explicitly *requires* abortion if the mother's life or health is seriously endangered by the pregnancy or the child would have a low quality of life. Tell me again how we share the same "judeo-christian" values with Christians.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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903e8b  No.17683744

File: b8735e7c4d4109a⋯.jpg (78.54 KB, 2245x1086, 2245:1086, vofeu6r6bp48.jpg)


elon is as useless as zukrfuk

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d64238  No.17683769

File: 14d3de5a89b7e75⋯.jpg (36.74 KB, 611x505, 611:505, zsjwwa.jpg)

Can't wait for another day of nothing happening.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6665c2  No.17683772

File: 5ad8e92a9226b07⋯.jpg (137.31 KB, 1279x1379, 1279:1379, i3h3v76.jpg)




(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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ddbb10  No.17683811

File: 23a9b7bc5f698fb⋯.jpg (136.68 KB, 1298x1348, 649:674, tizfbiy.jpg)

What can this committee actually do to POTUS?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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a4e0a4  No.17683835

File: 966fb00947172e6⋯.jpg (46.06 KB, 564x713, 564:713, l7xcvpqu.jpg)


>You have a really bad attitude.

youre first post


>Fuck off

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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4b5c3f  No.17683839

File: f78885abb20b36d⋯.jpg (81.1 KB, 2155x1102, 2155:1102, m9uqqvi7qcr12.jpg)


She knew it was coming

>all will do as told

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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98a6f6  No.17683840

File: 1fcfc0bedda5501⋯.jpg (126.59 KB, 1192x1360, 149:170, sy15ydwlfu6vuk.jpg)

NEW - China launched its third aircraft carrier.



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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586d1a  No.17683877

File: 87cbb7be21a39fe⋯.jpg (116.46 KB, 1187x1225, 1187:1225, ds2re84atpg.jpg)


> sex traffickkkeRRs need yo guns

has war

and pills

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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84d34c  No.17683884

File: 8c295d09dfb2536⋯.jpg (133.38 KB, 1258x1383, 1258:1383, cylltkw.jpg)


My life is getting better so it all balances out anon. Just keep moving forward and your time will come.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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4fdfa0  No.17683900

File: 89da5948bbc0fe5⋯.jpg (80.38 KB, 2112x1232, 12:7, pnj3hyk.jpg)

Jesse Kelly is hilarious


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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464f2f  No.17683915

File: 358cbaccafcf275⋯.jpg (38.87 KB, 999x637, 999:637, bwuuvh1.jpg)


the true reason for the fall of The West

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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f3996f  No.17683922

File: 5d474c2f9fb92d1⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 559x538, 559:538, 1y3l4u.jpg)


I feel sorry For both of them, their lives are fucked up forever

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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035e67  No.17683990

File: 751fc9f1441e851⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 1156x704, 289:176, 7ek0ofp.jpg)


not much going on

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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2514ac  No.17684004

File: 8baf06270b85f10⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 1168x711, 1168:711, rbpvwevo5.jpg)

Q Was Write about Everything

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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14dd81  No.17684017

File: 4d6cb69595fc761⋯.jpg (81.18 KB, 2185x1107, 2185:1107, 9j9vvt.jpg)


>Smocking :22


Smocking Day is here, and right on schedule, Fox & Friends is selling non-existent smock-wear on a (((doctor)))) who sold a non-existent virus.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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029891  No.17684022

File: 4655d93e9d4ff31⋯.jpg (42.12 KB, 999x1134, 37:42, j8t7wr70.jpg)

Biden USAID Nominee Lavished Praise on Saudi Arabia—Until It Stopped Funding Her Think Tank

President Joe Biden’s pick for a top spot at the U.S. Agency for International Development praised Saudi Arabia’s "exciting, productive, inspiring" social progress after her employer received a large grant from the kingdom—and did an about-face months later when the financial agreement was cut off after Riyadh’s assassination of activist Jamal Khashoggi.

Tamara Cofman Wittes, a longtime fellow at the Brookings Institution, is seeking Senate confirmation for her nomination as assistant administrator at USAID. During her time at the think tank in 2018, Wittes received as much as $499,999 from Saudi Arabia, according to its annual report. Brookings told the Washington Post the Saudi grant was intended to fund an analysis of the "Saudi think tank sector," which is relatively small compared with other countries in the region. Saudi Arabia has 13 think tanks, according to an unrelated 2020 global study by the University of Pennsylvania, compared with 87 in Iran, 47 in Egypt, and 29 in Yemen. At the time of the grant, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud was trying to rebrand the country as modernizing and progressive.

Wittes visited Saudi Arabia in February of that year, posting a slideshow on the Brookings website that highlighted an alleged increase in women’s freedom and a growing tourism industry.

"The pace of change is really notable compared to my previous visits to the kingdom where there was a sense that the leadership of the country moved very slowly and cautiously. … It is clear that’s not the case now," she told Washington Jewish Week in a glowing article headlined "Saudi expert eyes changing kingdom."

While the nation said it would loosen restrictions on women's attire and driving in 2018, Saudi Arabia faced allegations of far-reaching war crimes in Yemen and crackdowns on dissidents and women's rights. Wittes published a mild criticism of the arrest of a Saudi female driving activist in May 2018, calling it "deeply sad and ironic" and a contrast with the "swift pace of change" she witnessed in the country.

Her comments could add to concerns from Republicans that Wittes helped bolster the reputations of Gulf state countries that donated to Brookings. Senate Republicans already raised questions during a confirmation hearing last week about Wittes’s praise for Qatar, which donated at least $22 million to Brookings during her employment. The think tank is facing scrutiny after its president, Gen. John Allen, stepped down last week amid a federal investigation into allegations that he worked as an unregistered lobbyist for Doha.

After Brookings terminated the Saudi funding in response to Khashoggi’s assassination, Wittes gave a much bleaker assessment of the country’s leadership—arguing that Khashoggi’s murder "catalyzed concerns that had already been growing about the young crown prince and his policy choices on other issues as well," and praising the U.S. Senate’s decision to cut off funding for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

"President Trump’s [supportive] behavior toward the Saudis and his statements make it look more like he’s the one being used. Like he’s being Mohammed bin Salman’s [son of a bitch] if you will," Wittes said on a Brookings podcast. "He doesn’t mind their gross violations of international norms, whether it’s murdering a journalist, hitting civilians with bombs, or other moves in regional policy."

Wittes also called for the United States to take a tougher stance against Saudi Arabia, telling the New York Times after Biden’s election that the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia has "a lot of value" but "it simply cannot continue in the way it has for the last four years."


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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fb5830  No.17684028

File: 71075893640b12a⋯.jpg (43.24 KB, 1282x773, 1282:773, pqli0x.jpg)

This place has died. The only people left is those that can't move on.

Get a life or not

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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433862  No.17684038

File: 4216894ec1d3852⋯.jpg (85.26 KB, 2201x1246, 2201:1246, 1mkzwtqydba5.jpg)


Tiffany is not available anymore.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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acc1f8  No.17684040

File: 09cc027c92a753e⋯.jpg (38.3 KB, 598x614, 299:307, b5tkoo636bf2p.jpg)

CAPSTONE Launch to the Moon (Official NASA Broadcast)

Watch the launch from New Zealand of CAPSTONE, a new pathfinder CubeSat that will explore a unique orbit around the Moon!

The Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment, or CAPSTONE, will be the first spacecraft to fly a near rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) around the Moon, where the pull of gravity from Earth and the Moon interact to allow for a nearly-stable orbit. CAPSTONE's test of this orbit will lead the way for our future Artemis lunar outpost called Gateway.

CAPSTONE is targeted to launch at 5:55 a.m. EDT (9:55 UTC) Tuesday, June 28 on Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket from the company’s Launch Complex 1 in New Zealand.


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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37e7dc  No.17684061

File: 17f5f1a2304ee66⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 629x542, 629:542, gl3lg8rx7azwl.jpg)

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203718  No.17684064

File: 3f90cc668798e27⋯.jpg (20.71 KB, 516x524, 129:131, uc6squ6tgp.jpg)


sseams clownish

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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85fa0f  No.17684121

File: af31c24c6ca27cc⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 621x683, 621:683, lap0t9hudl2c1.jpg)


Not 2222.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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34d975  No.17684151

File: bb311547a5f763a⋯.jpg (23.93 KB, 512x699, 512:699, ag2jw4y00.jpg)


>sometimes I think some of you are being retarded.

ohh I am def guilty of being retarded quite often anon

Q's post series that contained the zero delta was not some radom series of twitter accounts

I get your point, that there are all kinds of things that go zero delta with a POTUS social media post

my point is

there are not all kinds of things that base their sole credibility on being able to do so

this -clearly- isnt the first Q>POTUS zero delta, kek

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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1f83b7  No.17684158

File: f223d9a9c9823b6⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 471x532, 471:532, ahsj69oz.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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eed22f  No.17684161

File: 8569f870de8e169⋯.jpg (35.1 KB, 1023x631, 1023:631, e7z5dboa.jpg)


Izzat you, Anthony? Dumbest thing I've seen in a month.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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4b5bbe  No.17684163

File: 42b14ed02ee1e11⋯.jpg (11.33 KB, 233x413, 233:413, 2r71rdjditycl.jpg)


In the German Reich we say Judenfatzke!

Fatzke = vain, self-absorbed, arrogant person

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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2bc990  No.17684191

File: cde888899aadd15⋯.jpg (19.42 KB, 418x529, 418:529, dkz6r85csm.jpg)


Can't answer that fren, don't have the sauce.

None of us do.

But I do know, having lived around the guy all my life, and damn near his all his too, that AINT JOE.

Not Joe.

Not an 'older' Joe.

Whoever it is, deserves an Oscar for an award winning performance.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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450880  No.17684241

File: 2642434249893a7⋯.jpg (21.54 KB, 530x623, 530:623, 80gk9iv3xw.jpg)


not siding with him, but this is barely "drunk"… the norm used to be .10% and over. Google says 4 glasses of wine will take you over .08% in an hour, but I think even less than that can do it. Nonetheless, the law is the law… really says something that this is happening to HIM.



>With any luck, It'll be considered a felony DUI because of the accident.

Jesse Watters said only misdemeanor.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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3ae01f  No.17684261

File: 4b31f8feac3af42⋯.jpg (29.53 KB, 707x594, 707:594, j38etb725b.jpg)

So whats the goin rate for a Migrant Blowjob?

1 Tamale?


Asking for a Fren

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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76c948  No.17684262

File: e150c52be055c38⋯.jpg (34.9 KB, 1182x679, 1182:679, ocpevcc7n5jqn5.jpg)

Avoid Media.

Movies, Shows, News, Politics.

Face to face only, unless you are not allowed to travel, social distance and afraid of in person contact with others.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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4b5bbe  No.17684263

File: e688989bc16e2b5⋯.jpg (32.19 KB, 1120x506, 560:253, hx4wj5u1ct6f.jpg)

Vasectomies Reportedly Soar After Roe Overturned As Far-Left Seeks Male Sterilization In Fight For Women’s Rights

Gee, I love these feelgood stories.

The left is canceling themselves.

Does news get any better?


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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1b4a44  No.17684277

File: efeb3852abd2c46⋯.jpg (17.09 KB, 286x410, 143:205, q3489fmf3s3wg.jpg)



When arranged so that the lens is horizontal, with its two overlaid circles placed one above the other, it symbolizes the interface between the spiritual and physical worlds, represented by the two circles. In this arrangement, it also resembles the ichthys (fish) symbol for Christ, and has also been said to be a symbol of life, of "the materialization of the spirit", of Christ's mediation between heaven and earth, and of the eucharist.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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f85a34  No.17684285

File: 6c78f96ac64632b⋯.jpg (19.89 KB, 286x475, 286:475, i9wz1ruvgajq5y.jpg)

I can believe it…. The stupidity I mean

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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72eb61  No.17684289

File: e05f915e137a52c⋯.jpg (24.51 KB, 1117x519, 1117:519, daojoyyn.jpg)


slow down maybe they don't know about CPS yet. dont cut off an ally before you can find out if they know.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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0691e3  No.17684306

File: b64ce00ebdb52f2⋯.jpg (33.79 KB, 1173x611, 1173:611, g9azk2r3fbu.jpg)


no homo?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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0a6f81  No.17684313

File: e97b4ea901efc63⋯.jpg (37.37 KB, 1103x731, 1103:731, scjsb3fsoow.jpg)



Anon's in the NOW-SPACE!


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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77e782  No.17684318

File: 88fd6660e580089⋯.jpg (36.29 KB, 996x733, 996:733, gwkcr2z2qcu8x8.jpg)


'Israel' take part in military drill in Morocco

Israeli occupation forces and representatives of the Israeli Security Ministry took part in military exercises in Morocco for the first time, according to the Ministry's press department.

The African Lion yearly military drill took place throughout last month. The drill was attended by military troops from ten different countries.

Officials from the Israeli Security Ministry and occupation forces "participated in an international military exercise in Morocco for the first time this past week: ‘African Lion 2022’, led by AFRICOM [US Africa Command] and the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces," the Israeli Security Ministry said on social media on Saturday.

According to the Ministry, the African Lion drill was attended by the head of the Policy and Political-Military Bureau's Middle East and North Africa division, who also serves as the security attache to Morocco, as well as two Israeli occupation officers.

The Security Ministry stated that "Israel's" involvement in the drill in Morocco was intended to boost bilateral security relations.

Mutual desires

In March, an Israeli occupation military delegation met with Moroccan officers in Rabat in the first visit of its kind since the 2020 normalization deal, and the two signed a security cooperation agreement.

"A meeting took place at General Staff headquarters to develop cooperation" between Morocco and "Israel", a Moroccan Royal Armed Forces source told AFP.

During the visit, the two signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation and setting up a joint commission, the Israeli occupation army said in a statement, without adding details.

The statement mentioned that "the heads of the occupation army's strategic planning and cooperation directorate and its international cooperation division were present, along with its intelligence section's operations division chief."

Normalization with "Israel"

Morocco and "Israel" formally signed a normalization deal a year ago. Following that, relations grew in all aspects, from the exchange of ambassadors to tourism and flights, exports and business contacts, high-level ministerial visits, and security cooperation.

However, 36 Moroccan cities witnessed protests against normalization with “Israel” and in solidarity with Palestine.

These protests came in response to the call of the Moroccan National Front to Support Palestine and Oppose Normalization’s to reject normalization.

Protesters were suppressed by the security forces, which resulted in injuries within the ranks of protesters, among which are elders.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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ab9dbb  No.17684319

File: df246ca861af0b7⋯.jpg (25.25 KB, 532x533, 532:533, on332x.jpg)


>Law enforcement are searching for him. Robert E. Crimo, driving a 2010 silver Honda license DM80653.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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324512  No.17684329

File: 05c7bf8293a771e⋯.jpg (21.32 KB, 396x542, 198:271, c0qz9hnd2r.jpg)



happy 4th

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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15e818  No.17684353

File: abe83625c33ab69⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 659x579, 659:579, 6vp6u2nnfm.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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235472  No.17684359

File: 9c31bdf34b9caeb⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 532x614, 266:307, znojcnm546va.jpg)


Friendly reminder you are a selectively disingenuous Jackass. We don't need your kind here JournoJerkoff.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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2be870  No.17684398

File: 053d575d14bc6ca⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 974x612, 487:306, zf4865kpx8almn.jpg)


mike rotshchit is low hanging fruit

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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c30be9  No.17684410

File: eff1b7999a133e9⋯.jpg (37.17 KB, 1170x738, 65:41, 1rmctieeivyaj.jpg)


The weird part about that track is that it's over that wilderness area and not the Yuma range. They are either testing new sensors or looking for something.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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2784e5  No.17684415

File: 43cd53715e59ca4⋯.jpg (19.27 KB, 447x317, 447:317, iezdltd2k.jpg)



Best movie ever!


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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2784e5  No.17684470

File: 1e27b680e2b0ba3⋯.jpg (17 KB, 327x327, 1:1, u53g8cy.jpg)



Grammar kitty.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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f338d7  No.17684480

File: e16a78bc77aceda⋯.jpg (33.24 KB, 1186x572, 593:286, axjr2jzwl.jpg)


If you walked into the Capitol on J6, you get put in solitary confinement.

If you’re a parent angry with your school board, you get treated as a domestic terrorist.

If you unlawfully harass justices outside their homes, nothing happens.

This is Merrick Garland’s DOJ.

3:33 PM · Jun 8, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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ac383d  No.17684481

File: 32f3436f61518f9⋯.jpg (18.77 KB, 351x409, 351:409, tsv0kowz.jpg)


Good to see you back boss

God mode [X]

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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27b440  No.17684514

File: 24f1827eeea9a36⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 557x566, 557:566, dd1s9oivqdk7.jpg)


Bitch more things in the sea than on land…have SOME reason.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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1cfa3a  No.17684531

File: d979933ef6914fa⋯.jpg (37.11 KB, 1278x576, 71:32, 3mimv7tc.jpg)


>"No two countries that both have a McDonald's have ever fought a war."

Eat humanity or War motherfucker. Your choice.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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f1b34b  No.17684539

File: e883aac398732cb⋯.jpg (124.59 KB, 1166x1296, 583:648, slhyn2.jpg)



Good shit

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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90f7f7  No.17684545

File: 1a6c834f9432597⋯.jpg (119.53 KB, 1137x1312, 1137:1312, jd4enf27kk3u.jpg)


Full statement link


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6fb1d0  No.17684551

File: cf4f16770e59e34⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 458x437, 458:437, hqztppz.jpg)


kek speaks in mysterious ways

chek'd anon

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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59acdf  No.17684553

File: 8bc7f7524d8b2d3⋯.jpg (19.9 KB, 347x515, 347:515, egyexdt5snkv.jpg)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊, [01.07.22 21:34]

[ Video ]

Working-Age Folks Disappearing Out of Nowhere: You Can't Blame This on COVID or Missed Cancer Screenings

From March 2021 to February 2022, there were 61,000 excess deaths in the millennial cohort, which is, essentially, in one year, a 'silent' Vietnam War.

Ed Dowd: "You can't convince me that everyone decided in a three-month timeframe to all commit suicide, overdose on drugs or all miss their cancer screening treatments, so that, for me, the millennials [are] what I call the smoking gun. This is a group that shouldn't be dying, especially in year two of a pandemic.

You can't tell me the virus switched from only going after older folks to now going after younger folks and switching from respiratory to cardiovascular, and that's what we're seeing mostly occurring with these young folks, cardiovascular issues."


@VigilantFox | Rumble (https://rumble.com/v1arx24-working-age-folks-disappearing-out-of-nowhere-you-cant-blame-this-on-covid.html) | Full Video (https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/07/smoking-gun-exposing-the-medical-fraud-with-edward-dowd-video-interview/ref/8/)

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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e3a027  No.17684612

File: b7e50976bb74ee7⋯.jpg (18.96 KB, 404x454, 202:227, bmffofb.jpg)


some pick the drugs

some pick the gaming

anon chooses HOPE

anon always wins

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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5ae168  No.17684624

File: 2767e4de703cbbf⋯.jpg (40.87 KB, 1132x692, 283:173, d0zh30i.jpg)



Consider Q isn't a one delta Mac max pony then consider my one horse town.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d0b502  No.17684629

File: 10be76dadfb527b⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 370x360, 37:36, 8ehkztyp4cmcg.jpg)

wtf does that mean?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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0bd1c3  No.17684630

File: ae92512d188cf8c⋯.jpg (16.11 KB, 321x450, 107:150, v47d26d2ktbx.jpg)


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6143a6  No.17684637

File: 1e1a8fcc16a41da⋯.jpg (28.24 KB, 623x674, 623:674, ihtr9z6.jpg)


Depends on goods in question and tariffs.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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35e409  No.17684647

File: 7abec9c682c6981⋯.jpg (39.02 KB, 1074x742, 537:371, hldbnphg2h.jpg)


It is when its their employer that fucked them.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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b36971  No.17684648

File: ff10e8e2e71603b⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 1195x1464, 1195:1464, vdf853.jpg)


I know. That's my sister. Give her a break. She's sensitive about being a fucking moron.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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f0094d  No.17684656

File: 1fd94dd1752adfb⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 673x467, 673:467, 1blxt2ha7.jpg)




Could coincide nicely with a new 'National Health Emergency'declaration…

Biden May Declare ‘National Public Health Emergency’ If Roe v Wade Is Overturned


Joe Biden is considering announcing a “national public health emergency” if Roe v Wade is overturned by the US Supreme Court in the coming days.

This authoritarian move by the Biden regime would allegedly help women in red states obtain abortions despite the court ruling and the laws of the state.

Can you even imagine of President Trump would have suggested such abuse by the executive branch?

Barricades were quickly erected at the Supreme Court in May after Politico reported on a leaked draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion in the United States. An hour after the Politico report was published a small group of protesters with candles had gathered outside the court.

TRENDING: King Hypocrite Obama to Install Massive 2,500 Gallons Propane Tank for his Seaside Home in Martha’s Vineyard

The leak happened to coincide with the release of the documentary “2000 Mules” that proved the 2020 election was stolen by a network of leftist ballot traffickers in the battleground states.

The leftist leaker has still not been apprehended by investigators after the historic breach of trust.

Leftists have illegally protested outside of the homes of the conservative SCOTUS justices. One you leftist was caught on his way to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh and his family at home late at night in the DC area.

On Monday, leftists marched to the US Supreme Court in their latest attempt to influence the SCOTUS justices.

The New York Times reported:

President Biden’s top aides are weighing whether he can or should take a series of executive actions to help women in Republican-controlled states obtain abortions if the Supreme Court eliminates a woman’s right to end her pregnancy, according to senior administration officials.

Some of the ideas under consideration include declaring a national public health emergency, readying the Justice Department to fight any attempt by states to criminalize travel for the purpose of obtaining an abortion, and asserting that Food and Drug Administration regulations granting approval to abortion medications pre-empt any state bans, the officials said.

Since a draft opinion was leaked last month indicating that the Supreme Court was prepared to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision — an action that would prompt at least 20 states to prohibit or severely curtail access to abortion — abortion rights advocates have been lobbying the White House to take extraordinary steps to mitigate the effect.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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58d180  No.17684661

File: adabdc73c09792e⋯.jpg (129.89 KB, 1257x1316, 1257:1316, ga2r8o7h.jpg)


ty baker

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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2308e8  No.17684678

File: 5cf9d58e20baf77⋯.jpg (124.72 KB, 1209x1288, 1209:1288, ry75qehvmehe.jpg)


Oldfag banner, o7 thanks for the ebake

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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e9e5e5  No.17684684

File: 13119ba8286a647⋯.jpg (39.01 KB, 1109x641, 1109:641, 2sofai0.jpg)

The demonstrations against right-wing President Guillermo Lasso which also draw attention to an increase in unemployment, farm product prices and crime have taken place since June 13, and they flared up again Thursday.

The New York Times reported that Quito, the country's second most populous city has been brought to a halt by the protests. Participants blocked roads and burned piles of tires. Police have fired tear gas at protesters, who threw rocks at officers, the newspaper added.

The Alliance of Organizations for Human Rights said at least three people have died and nearly 100 injured in the clashes. The group called on Lasso to declare a state of emergency.

The Ecuadorian government said it's lost control of the Amazonian city of Puyo, where 18 police officers have been reported missing.

"We cannot guarantee public safety in Puyo right now, they have burned the entire police infrastructure and the entrance to the city is under siege," Interior Minister Patricio Carrillo said Tuesday.


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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5ca9e1  No.17684686

File: 8d0469980728374⋯.jpg (113.65 KB, 1120x1262, 560:631, jljzu2aj6w.jpg)




Ghosting @100


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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814ec3  No.17684694

File: a7674ba3aaefaf9⋯.jpg (37.66 KB, 1059x742, 1059:742, bt06hrxanbqjs.jpg)


Stop depicting Jesus artistically, it causes division by making other races feel excluded. This is why Islam doesn't allow depictions of Muhammad; we do not worship the prophets (idols), we praise them. Only worship God!


They will be, through all of this chaos they've already been revealed (precipice).

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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4b39a6  No.17684703

File: ce5522fe24f2d49⋯.jpg (26.53 KB, 693x497, 99:71, 7f160090h5.jpg)


>change my vagina to an AR-15

thats hot.

i'm smoking weed called AK-47 right now. Also hot.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6fb1d0  No.17684712

File: d4586a8febab609⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 1188x777, 396:259, 0twvuol0bq68.jpg)


𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕨𝕒𝕜𝕖 👁, [04.06.22 08:01]

[ Video ]

“The Calm Before The Storm “. 😳😳

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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79791f  No.17684714

File: bf6f3ffe2194c6b⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 1251x610, 1251:610, 73zpvf.jpg)


Pelosi going into withdrawal on the stand without her precious vodka

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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003c2d  No.17684715

File: 5fcebbfe6937b06⋯.jpg (16.75 KB, 413x353, 413:353, r2pu3ewkiyt.jpg)


starting to look like it was basically taking a stalk of bamboo and whacking it at the weeds, flushing out all the vermin to show what is really left behind ; no intention of ever buying - he poison pilled their poison pill

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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de0edc  No.17684725

File: 8de7d7b8085d742⋯.jpg (22.17 KB, 553x570, 553:570, 2zy88cbtno8a6v.jpg)


Update — Kavanaugh Assassin charged with attempted murder…


June 8, 2022

Posted by Kane on June 8, 2022 5:06 pm


Kavanaugh assassin is Democrat Nicholas John Roske

A California man was charged with attempted murder of a Supreme Court justice after he was arrested early Wednesday morning near the Maryland home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. According to an affidavit filed by an FBI agent to support a criminal complaint filed in federal court in Maryland on Wednesday afternoon, 26-year-old Nicholas John Roske told detectives in Montgomery County, Maryland, that he had purchased a gun and burglary tools with the plan to break into Kavanaugh’s house to kill Kavanaugh and then himself.

Roske was scheduled to appear before a federal magistrate judge in Maryland, on Wednesday afternoon.

Roske arrived at Kavanaugh’s house in the Washington, D.C., suburbs shortly after 1 a.m. Wednesday morning in a taxi, FBI Special Agent Ian Montijo wrote in his affidavit.

After walking down the street, Roske called 9-1-1 and told the operator that he was having suicidal thoughts and had come from California to kill Kavanaugh.

Officers from the Montgomery County Police Department arrived and arrested Roske.

In his bags, they found – among other things

– a Glock 17 pistol with two magazines and ammunition,

a knife,

pepper spray,

zip ties,

duct tape,

a crowbar, and

a screwdriver.

Speaking to detectives at a local police station, Roske said that he had been upset by the leak and by the recent mass shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas, in which 19 students and two teachers were killed. Roske told detectives that he believed Kavanaugh would vote to ease gun-control restrictions. Roske “began thinking about how to give his life a purpose and decided that he would kill” Kavanaugh, whose address he had found on the Internet, Montijo wrote.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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344643  No.17684727

File: 7523f41dd7878c5⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 346x334, 173:167, oo1kfk1zv8j24x.jpg)

Can we all just take a minute to laugh at Jim Watkins and his faggot cicada crew, and flint about how poorly their attempted takeover of Q's trip & following has been? People all over are literally laughing, including @TSQ, Nunes, POTUS, Scavino, and DJT Jr. What an absolute shitshow of retards.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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edf2fb  No.17684729

File: 5af57badf836f80⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 1283x759, 1283:759, 710d9g22ks.jpg)

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

Author of the popular book “Deep State” and award-winning journalist Alex Newman says Deep State globalists are afraid the world is waking up to the tyranny they are trying to impose on every country on earth including America. Things are not going as smoothly into their so-called reset as they had envisioned. Newman explains, “The Deep State is in a ‘do or die’ moment right now. They, the elites or predator class, recognize that they are now locked into this. If they try to retreat, there is no retreat. People are waking up at such a rapid rate that they are in a moment where they are going to have to go for broke and try to impose the whole agenda and damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead or they are going to be in big trouble. They are going to be prosecuted. Right this moment, there are conversations in state attorney generals’ offices all across the country, and this is a problem. People are demanding prosecution. . . . Right now, the elites, or predator class, realize if they don’t move forward very quickly, they are going to lose everything. They could possibly end up facing true accountability. I think we are in a very dangerous situation now. When people get into a position like that, they don’t have a whole lot of options. Either they cancel the election or they cheat like crazy or they just collapse everything. The way things are going right now with inflation out of control, the food crisis and famine just around the corner, of course, that they engineered, and the monkey pox and bird flu, they have all there crises lined up. . . . You realize they have a lot of options still to play. I suspect there will be some very interesting developments between now and the mid-term elections. If we had honest elections, they would be totally creamed. They would be toast, and they know that.”

Newman thinks the next move by the Deep State may be a combination of crises that could include the collapse of the buying power of the U.S. dollar and a food crisis that is already a lock in the not-so-distant future. Newman warns, “What’s going on in Russia and Ukraine, we cannot count out. There is a very real prospect of that expanding. . . . Desperate people do desperate things. This is just like with an animal that has been backed into a corner. When you get an animal in that situation, they are really left with few options other than attack and do something dangerous, and I think that is where we are at. They recognize that they need crises to advance their agenda. They need to terrify the population. . . . and it has to be done in a way that their finger prints are not on this, and instead of people turning on each other, they will start looking for them.”

Newman says, “The country can be turned around and it needs to be turned around, but it’s going to take work . . . and maybe intervention by the Good Lord.” Newman closes by saying, “There is no silver bullet.”


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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559915  No.17684731

File: 44dd8c002530fb1⋯.jpg (19.87 KB, 270x495, 6:11, 8r7r2eb0zchr7.jpg)



Man dies in officer-involved shooting outside Walnut Park Elementary School


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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fdfae0  No.17684733

File: a027f5c829a1489⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 545x474, 545:474, f1q68q2q.jpg)


Fiction. Does Michael Baxter watch Real America's Voice and their boy Ben Berquam who has been covering the border in real time for years now from both sides? Obviously not or he'd know nothing like this happening at all. If they we really "weapons free" they'd be shooting literally hundreds of cartel guys a day. But they don't because they're not allowed to engage!

Quit posting this shit you assholes.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d0b502  No.17684738

File: 5f7a8c49e1a47b2⋯.jpg (20.8 KB, 495x580, 99:116, dv0sv0r.jpg)



Does the Justice Department want to charge Trump? Here's what could happen. (@KenDilanianNBC / NBC News)




(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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21c3dd  No.17684744

File: a54e31e101e367d⋯.jpg (124.17 KB, 1261x1252, 1261:1252, i9xlm5jgvdi4cv.jpg)

Cleveland Clinic On Pericarditis: Admits High-T Fighting-Age Men Most Affected, Can Barely Suppress Excitement

Pericardial Disease and How Your Doctor Cares for You

December 28, 2021

My name is Dr. Allen Klein. I'm the Director of the Center for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pericardial Diseases at the Cleveland Clinic. And it's my great pleasure talking about pericarditis.

I think this field is very exciting. At this moment, there's a explosion of publications on pericarditis. In particular, you have advanced imaging that helps diagnose pericarditis and now you have therapeutics such as the IL-1 blockers, rilonacept in the treatment. Patients are coming here for these new imaging and treatments.

… The outlook is quite good for recurrent pericarditis if you catch it early. The biggest mistake that we see here is that the acute episode is not recognized properly and when recognized it's undertreated and patients come here with multiple recurrent pericarditis episodes.

Now, one thing that I should mention is that the MRI is very, very useful because it can prognosticate how bad the severity is and how many months to years you may need to be put on therapy.

… Another important point is that now the mRNA vaccines such as with Pfizer and Moderna, can rarely cause myocarditis or mild pericarditis. The phenotype or a certain person that gets this would be a young 20-year old male that has a lot of testosterone and testosterone may play some role, and they can get a myocarditis, pericarditis. Usually, this is very self-limited, very self-limited and goes away over time. And the treatment is very, very similar to treating recurrent pericarditis from other causes.

So in summary, I think there's a lot of excitement in this field. Pericarditis, as I mentioned, we have the advanced imaging and new therapeutics in treating this problematic disease. Thank you very much.



>Shots in arms, checks in your clinic's bank. Paypiggerama!

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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9bcf6d  No.17684745

File: e184e9123c0b7dd⋯.jpg (122.07 KB, 1223x1250, 1223:1250, 9s5f6ex29z.jpg)


'i think your clear'

but what does that mean?

can't the news spin that?

he was talking about the Co$ e meter therapy /s/


it's seemed so obvious to me for so long I cant imagine what would be the 'straw to break the camel's back'

I bet it was decided upon; it's not the events it's how it's pushed by the MediaMavens?

they can't have it be about the incest pedophilia, I guess?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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e407bb  No.17684752

File: c9b43b89e098010⋯.jpg (15.17 KB, 255x404, 255:404, f66lga5vrrps.jpg)


Newfag? LOL. Why is Q answering posts about establishing comms with Established? Is it a follow up post or a rebuttal?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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2f9f7e  No.17684787

File: dcfa34f79193bb2⋯.jpg (132.93 KB, 1306x1296, 653:648, 8e953ul3.jpg)


Our team saw potential for this type of AI-based solution and worked to make a similar tool available to our patient population. The Partners Covid-19 Screener provides a simple, straightforward chat interface, presenting patients with a series of questions based on content from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Partners HealthCare experts. In this way, it too can screen enormous numbers of people and rapidly differentiate between those who might really be sick with Covid-19 and those who are likely to be suffering from less threatening ailments. We anticipate this AI bot will alleviate high volumes of patient traffic to the hotline, and extend and stratify the system’s care in ways that would have been unimaginable until recently. Development is now under way to facilitate triage of patients with symptoms to most appropriate care setting, including virtual urgent care, primary care providers, respiratory illness clinics, or the emergency department. Most importantly, the chatbot can also serve as a near instantaneous dissemination method for supporting our widely distributed providers, as we have seen the need for frequent clinical triage algorithm updates based on a rapidly changing landscape.

Similarly, at both Brigham and Women’s Hospital and at Massachusetts General Hospital, physician researchers are exploring the potential use of intelligent robots developed at Boston Dynamics and MIT to deploy in Covid surge clinics and inpatient wards to perform tasks (obtaining vital signs or delivering medication) that would otherwise require human contact in an effort to mitigate disease transmission.

AI Initiatives are Already Emerging

Several governments and hospital systems around the world have leveraged AI-powered sensors to support triage in sophisticated ways. Chinese technology company Baidu developed a no-contact infrared sensor system to quickly single out individuals with a fever, even in crowds. Beijing’s Qinghe railway station is equipped with this system to identify potentially contagious individuals, replacing a cumbersome manual screening process. Similarly, Florida’s Tampa General Hospital deployed an AI system in collaboration with Care.ai at its entrances to intercept individuals with potential Covid-19 symptoms from visiting patients. Through cameras positioned at entrances, the technology conducts a facial thermal scan and picks up on other symptoms, including sweat and discoloration, to ward off visitors with fever.

Beyond screening, AI is being used to monitor Covid-19 symptoms, provide decision support for CT scans, and automate hospital operations. Meanwhile, Zhongnan Hospital in China uses an AI-driven CT scan interpreter that identifies Covid-19 when radiologists aren’t available. China’s Wuhan Wuchang Hospital established a smart field hospital staffed largely by robots. Patient vital signs were monitored using connected thermometers and bracelet-like devices. Intelligent robots delivered medicine and food to patients, alleviating physician exposure to the virus and easing the workload of health care workers experiencing exhaustion. And in South Korea, the government released an app allowing users to self-report symptoms, alerting them if they leave a “quarantine zone” in order to curb the impact of “super-spreaders” who would otherwise go on to infect large populations.

Digital Transformation Now

The spread of Covid-19 is stretching operational systems in health care and beyond. We have seen shortages of everything, from masks and gloves to ventilators, and from emergency room capacity to ICU beds to the speed and reliability of internet connectivity. The reason is both simple and terrifying: Our economy and health care systems are geared to handle linear, incremental demand, while the virus grows at an exponential rate. Our national health system cannot keep up with this kind of explosive demand without the rapid and large-scale adoption of digital operating models.

2 of 3

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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f69937  No.17684797

File: 500aa7615c5432f⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 1222x745, 1222:745, p5ecsc12jb94.jpg)


Lin Wood. The guy who gave out air Qs while talking about the Queen of England kek

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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edf2fb  No.17684803

File: abc7c7d9a2a11b5⋯.jpg (13.84 KB, 274x464, 137:232, 3035yihjy.jpg)


>I am going to identify every single document that they blocked from being declassified at the National Archives and we are going to start putting that information out next week

100% habbenig right NAO?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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96a5b9  No.17684807

File: fb50f929ab1dbb3⋯.jpg (140.9 KB, 1261x1470, 1261:1470, wejc6lct4xj.jpg)


Have you ever passed gas then lit a match by your ass crack?

That is real gas lighting.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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78f513  No.17684813

File: c88c13dfd454c70⋯.jpg (128.25 KB, 1150x1452, 575:726, 1exybrwnuq.jpg)

Anons if one anon would go nearly insane, would you rather continue to help or keep pushing him over the edge, in the end you will have to bake the thread yourself and fill up the bread too on your own, because the only outcome if you are doing it right is to become crazy like I am.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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45093e  No.17684818

File: 9757e06352f96e9⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 379x428, 379:428, c7lt3krx82.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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7df5c8  No.17684826

File: 0499e0af0e2b057⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 1218x783, 14:9, mpxoo3.jpg)


t h a n k s

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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c18488  No.17684836

File: 0bd0fdcfb4eb971⋯.jpg (129.83 KB, 1203x1400, 1203:1400, mm9qb6t.jpg)


having to wait for the public to know what me know

this is a FALSE dichotomy, a loser excuse.

Anyone who's destiny hinges on what others do, say or believe deserves what they get.

I've been waiting for YOU to know what I know since 1972.

create the world you want starting with yourself, no one owes you anything

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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4a8fa6  No.17684852

File: d3e966a966bb0e9⋯.jpg (12.79 KB, 406x353, 406:353, ho8jzbs2qp4rey.jpg)

Local news in Maryland calling Hutchinson a, 'true American patriot'. Top story @6:00.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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01ea22  No.17684855

File: 6ca14f2e5257098⋯.jpg (126.04 KB, 1315x1224, 1315:1224, khqylra8.jpg)


This is the era in which people will truth seek.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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502104  No.17684856

File: b966214499350ac⋯.jpg (23.61 KB, 582x491, 582:491, ap5gp7zm.jpg)

Can't believe I just got into an argument with my parents about Bieber. Father told me Bieber had Bell's Palsy. I said, "No, that's not right." Couldn't remember the name of what he had so I searched it. Results came up Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. Okay. Then my father said he got the information from the same place I did. I was like, "What? How is that possible? You just told me he had Bell's Palsy." Then the argument ensued. Finally told them that if they want to remain in their comfortable ignorance and receive comfortable lies and half-truths from the television then… I'm not going to write what I said to them after that. Basically called my parents dumb and blind in a not so nice way. FFS. This is getting to me. I need to stop and breathe.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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37fe61  No.17684858

File: 2f8d86cffb9ecb6⋯.jpg (43.11 KB, 1287x796, 1287:796, 2tr9ct7u4r.jpg)

Q: The Return


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6fb6c2  No.17684859

File: 24093b102842689⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 463x702, 463:702, 23ip2cir.jpg)


>The US has a long proud tradition of fragging incompetent or traitor officers.

Well, better get fucking busy because they're starting to OUTNUMBER you.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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45093e  No.17684861

File: ed3113bded28f0e⋯.jpg (37.1 KB, 1147x619, 1147:619, tu3jxxvmve.jpg)

You know what time it is!

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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7d7f87  No.17684873

File: 40abb9eba653071⋯.jpg (128.5 KB, 1244x1306, 622:653, u6p6uovqa.jpg)


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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9c9cdc  No.17684874

File: 1d636b76cfd9f3c⋯.jpg (118.25 KB, 1132x1262, 566:631, lem7drkdy8gfeb.jpg)


Already there, I go with four noms from last bread

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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822104  No.17684877

File: 3570f62625709dc⋯.jpg (24.67 KB, 472x679, 472:679, bxxc9je5b6mfjf.jpg)

Shall we play a game once more implies the 1st game has been played through and the winner is asking the loser if he wants to play again. How many games are we going to play before the bad guys are taken down?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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8c0e61  No.17684878

File: 80c65dca4d8682b⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 1234x729, 1234:729, 6em3w49gn1.jpg)



baker needs handoff

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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0b06cc  No.17684886

File: d285d2d08579dd4⋯.jpg (122.2 KB, 1154x1337, 1154:1337, fd5t185n.jpg)


Alliance Airport? Seems a bit odd. That's a municipal airport. There's a military airport not far from there.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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4d7970  No.17684891

File: 4bf878a43fcb57c⋯.jpg (31.2 KB, 1180x584, 295:146, nxcm4b6ud.jpg)


>Kim Kardashian

stopped reading at this; wasted digits

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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51b985  No.17684895

File: 10ee69cf9d35944⋯.jpg (132.18 KB, 1253x1398, 1253:1398, fkrb8w6xacmps.jpg)


How many 🥕 and how you like deer?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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694b68  No.17684896

File: 772c10bd4cf77da⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 1138x799, 1138:799, c9g79wm2q8br.jpg)


Just keep plowing through it all, Anon.

That's all you can control in this yuge Information War.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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014451  No.17684899

File: 716dba2bb6f50d4⋯.jpg (138.65 KB, 1300x1410, 130:141, ciqlgk.jpg)


We be lurkin

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d4cdaa  No.17684900

File: 3007cb006ad78e6⋯.jpg (134.58 KB, 1323x1333, 1323:1333, riiwspd2a0.jpg)


>Dead Cattle in the Desert


>Poisoned feed

I caught this video last/early?

This is a good analysis of possible causes. The problem almost certainly stems from the feedlots, there are several in the area and they aren't all run by one business, there's a few.

IF this is unnatural (it obviously is) it wouldsuggestcollusion amongst the various feed lots. The why of it is pretty obvious, the who remains a question. DHS is a solid candidate.

(My summary, this cowboy doesn't directly point fingers but provides a lot of good data.)

When he starts out he discusses 2,000 head of cattle dead but the number went up to 10,000, probably more. These were prime animals, not some sickly herd.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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25f709  No.17684903

File: 6c0c72e687ee635⋯.jpg (16.75 KB, 317x475, 317:475, mwcbebk0.jpg)


spluttering. It's normal.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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faa557  No.17684905

File: 47cc331f9071831⋯.jpg (45.06 KB, 1121x805, 1121:805, zslo3e8b4i.jpg)

“I See You Are Wendy’s Puppet!” – AZ State Rep Walt Blackman and Triggered WIFE, Kristi Blackman Psycho Text TGP’s Conradson Following TGP Article on Decertification

Arizona State Representative Walt Blackman and his wife are triggered because TGP totally called Blackman out on his bs.

The Gateway Pundit reported on RINO comments made by Blackman during an interview.

Blackman claimed that there was nothing we could do about the stolen 2020 election. “We have to look forward” and move on from the stolen 2020 election, he said.

Within minutes, Blackman contacted TGP’s Jordan Conradson attempting to walk back what he said and claiming he has been on the front lines for decertification, despite his near silence through the process.

He pointed to his voting record as proof that he isn’t a RINO but that doesn’t change what he said.

Blackman pledged to Conradson that he would post a Facebook live video to clarify his stance on decertification or nullification of the fraudulent 2020 election. The video now appears to have been deleted but the gesture was nice.

Just a few minutes later, Walt’s wife, Kristi Blackman began repeatedly texting Conradson and continued for several hours with no response.

The Gateway Pundit doesn’t work for the Blackmans. Walt Blackman works for you.

Kristi accused TGP of not reporting the truth, then sent screenshots of Walt Blackman’s letters to the Arizona Attorney General and a letter to Arizona Senate President Karen Fann. Both letters were sent in 2020

These letters were good for election integrity and the Arizona audit, but since 2020 we haven’t seen Blackman on the frontlines like Rep. Mark Finchem, Senator Wendy Rogers, Senator Sonny Borrelli and other election integrity heros.


Walt couldn’t handle the criticism and his wife lost it!


At one point, Kristi even attacked Conradson personally and threatened that she had a surprise coming.


Finally, after a ten minute break from her 12 hour rant, Kristi found God and came to her senses.


Walt Blackman needs to remember that he works for the taxpayers.


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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7b136d  No.17684906

File: 06c8f9b46c40f18⋯.jpg (11.33 KB, 265x332, 265:332, hfedj90.jpg)


>Dan the man posting a trump air-q

Are you ready to serve your country again?


>7 min Delta


>7 min Delta


>7 min Delta

>to Scavino Truth.

>Vid of Potus fist pump.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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502104  No.17684911

File: a187fe55aa72054⋯.jpg (25.5 KB, 511x682, 511:682, pa5o4i0fe.jpg)

Gov. Ronald Reagan on Government Regulations (1973)


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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bcd22e  No.17684914

File: dc769962231861b⋯.jpg (40.41 KB, 1186x732, 593:366, nuq6tu8w.jpg)

And I'm gonna pay for this

They're gonna burn me at the stake

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6fb6c2  No.17684920

File: 98ee22b5eefcf20⋯.jpg (125.81 KB, 1110x1429, 1110:1429, 5mavq3.jpg)




I see oranges.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d8e2f8  No.17684925

File: 81cadf202065256⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 1118x583, 1118:583, 9t7zdbg53kwry.jpg)


Still notable, no matter what JIDF baker says

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6e3c10  No.17684927

File: 30fee767d62a810⋯.jpg (39.14 KB, 1130x684, 565:342, 4z4tlqaby.jpg)


kenmore allowed josh hams to be cooked a 2 min/lb

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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063ab3  No.17684932

File: c7ac8c8bb20c7b3⋯.jpg (40.76 KB, 1075x768, 1075:768, wrkk9bi.jpg)


Yeah, great guys

I remember back in the 8chan days when CM would rarely post on his board (I forget what it was called) and tweet like every two months, often in Japanese characters. He was a man of mystery

Been nice getting to know him over these years.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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9697b7  No.17684936

File: a51d08dbb6822aa⋯.jpg (21.51 KB, 467x501, 467:501, aylnijyq0b.jpg)


Some think having a faith important for good mental health. interesting concept.

Why the Lack of Religion Breeds Mental Illness

Academy of Ideas


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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8847df  No.17684939

File: dec6b86f25492dc⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 534x573, 178:191, rgxpu25frgw5s.jpg)


Every year fewer and fewer people fall for the lies of the god of the christian church, satan, and that makes satanists sad, because they have to kill more people to scare them back into satan's cathedral.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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fba7b2  No.17684941

File: 8fd99b14a1135b9⋯.jpg (128.23 KB, 1269x1305, 141:145, b8vyjc4o.jpg)


>she really ties the whole room together.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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8440d0  No.17684942

File: bec31401863cb15⋯.jpg (14.13 KB, 257x330, 257:330, 1odx5en1ele0i.jpg)


>"monstrous crimes".

quads chekt

hired merks 4 Ukr.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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371126  No.17684943

File: 0f250058d212afd⋯.jpg (43.19 KB, 1178x810, 589:405, vrapst1b.jpg)


Omitting. Post the video conference of Sheriff Smith.

You won't because it says what I've being saying all along.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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584e62  No.17684945

File: 1770c242e1a6795⋯.jpg (42.68 KB, 1265x728, 1265:728, 5i5oggg.jpg)

Today is the DECLAS marker

Trump gives us a Cheney<>Chaney typo

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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eb7b54  No.17684952

File: a1329fc520fba26⋯.jpg (24.3 KB, 622x531, 622:531, g1i7dyjk1ors.jpg)

People are actually paying to watch thisJohn Hinckley Jr.guy sing?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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395c75  No.17684953

File: f5779d8d00624ec⋯.jpg (120.93 KB, 1172x1314, 586:657, bla1155h1c.jpg)



YES. Sorry. It's from the mouth of Wolf Breathless his ownself. They're still talking about it. Wolf said it at the beginning of his shit show. Need a skilledanon to bring the exchange to the board.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6e0c71  No.17684961

File: ad967431a103c41⋯.jpg (24.8 KB, 509x565, 509:565, rjy5af1xy1pwy.jpg)


Getting weird, here

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d64794  No.17684970

File: 027158b4f7cdc5e⋯.jpg (41.29 KB, 1210x688, 605:344, 68e865vyr.jpg)


New Jersey wildfire spreads to 12,000

acres, blaze likely ‘human-caused’

New York Post, by Lee Brown

Posted By: Imright, 6/21/2022 1:37:15 PM

A New Jersey forest fire has spread to at least 12,000 acres — and is threatening to be the Garden State’s biggest wildfire in 15 years, according to officials. The fire was discovered early Sunday afternoon in a remote section of Wharton State Forest, according to the New Jersey Forest Fire Service. By Monday night, it had spread to 12,000 acres (19 square miles) and was threatening “18 structures” as well as causing road closures in Washington, Shamong, Hammonton and Mullica townships, the service said. The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but officials “have ruled out likely natural causes,” Environmental Protection Commissioner Shawn Latourette said

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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3ef92c  No.17684971

File: 9e351e4da19d7af⋯.jpg (24.77 KB, 629x565, 629:565, zsickv.jpg)


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d509f6  No.17684977

File: c988054640a5e52⋯.jpg (40.6 KB, 1106x748, 553:374, ozho0tzhyb.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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611391  No.17684987

File: 2c7ef806d382215⋯.jpg (16.53 KB, 413x372, 413:372, 1ajdr5j70h4930.jpg)


That's what I thought.

Never knew for sure.

I always liked free.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6fb6c2  No.17684989

File: d3bb3d6e52839ac⋯.jpg (12.77 KB, 356x307, 356:307, g90rolmh.jpg)

number niiiiine number niiiiine number niiiiine

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

bcd22e  No.17684995

File: 6ec14c3241b7d19⋯.jpg (129.72 KB, 1255x1326, 1255:1326, acoxtebt.jpg)


<Urgent warning to gardeners as soil ‘increases risk of killer heart disease’

GARDENERS have been warned that their habit could leave them at an increased risk of heart disease.

Medics found that pollutants in the soil could have a 'detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system'.

The results of the analysis pushed experts to recommend that people wear a face mask, if they are in close contact with the soil.

Experts at the University Medical Center Mainz, Germany said pollution of air, water and soil is responsible for at least nine million deaths each year.

They highlighted that more than 60 per cent of pollution-related deaths are due to heart issues such as strokes, heart attacks, heart rhythm disorders and chronic ischaemic heart disease.

Writing in Cardiovascular Research, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology, the authors said soil pollutants include heavy metals, pesticides, and plastics.

They state that contaminated soil could then lead to increasing oxidative stress in the blood vessels, which in turn leads to heart disease.

Dirty soil can get into the blood stream, through inhalation.

Soil pollutants also flow into rivers, making dirty water, which may later be consumed.

Pesticides were also linked to cardiovascular disease.

The experts added that while people who work in agriculture and chemical industries will be most at risk - the general public could also ingest pesticides from contaminated food, soil and water.

The experts said: "Although soil pollution with heavy metals and its association with cardiovascular diseases is especially a problem low- and middle-income countries since their populations are disproportionately exposed to these environmental pollutants, it becomes a problem for any country in the world due to the increasing globalisation of food supply chains and uptake of these heavy metals with fruits, vegetables and meat.”

Medics also investigated cadmium, which is a heavy metal that occurs naturally in small amounts in air, water, soil and food, and also comes from industrial and agricultural sources.

Their analysis showed mixed results in the relationship between cadmium and heart disease.

Through analysis they found that the number of cardiovascular emergency department visits in Japan was 21 per cent higher on days with heavy exposure to Asian dust.

This dust is hazardous because it is usually contaminated and is airbourne.

Professor Münzel added that more studies are needed on the combined effect of multiple soil pollutants on cardiovascular disease since we are rarely exposed to one toxic agent alone.

"Research is urgently required on how nano- and microplastic might initiate and exacerbate cardiovascular disease.

"Until we know more, it seems sensible to wear a face mask to limit exposure to windblown dust, filter water to remove contaminants, and buy food grown in healthy soil."

<don't click


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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06e84b  No.17684996

File: 04aaa4f3b8df63e⋯.jpg (38.34 KB, 1123x619, 1123:619, iupxjxs.jpg)


Drag Queens are Attention Whores.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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37fe61  No.17684998

File: 73718f556551588⋯.jpg (42.89 KB, 1156x776, 289:194, piyt1vsd.jpg)



Q Research General #22746: #GhislaineMaxwell, 'You' are Watching the World Change Edition




(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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8847df  No.17685005

File: d84a05ed20a5c02⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 1137x663, 379:221, 7nxpnn8.jpg)

The Cows are coming home to Roost

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d940a4  No.17685009

File: e4f7e5fdea2f183⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 1071x664, 1071:664, kpy3wb23t.jpg)


>Is that you Kimmie?

Shirley you jest

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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38a4d9  No.17685012

File: 8224e17bde4d5de⋯.jpg (121.21 KB, 1093x1436, 1093:1436, aii5f8xlh.jpg)

Jim, Ron, Austin Steinbart, Babyfist & Qanon Shaman all connected.










Archive 1: https://archive.ph/752pY

Archive 2: https://archive.ph/Gt6jL

Archive 3: https://web.archive.org/web/20220618044544/https://8kun.top/hivemind/res/19105.html

Archive 4: https://archive.st/archive/2022/6/8kun.top/hcql/8kun.top/hivemind/res/19105.html#22466.html

MJ12/Ingersol Larpwood Archive


It appears Austin Steinbart is "Sgt. B"



Baron of Arizona aka Austin Steinbart


QAnon Shaman

Shaman Starseed



Janon Twitter mentioning FastJack


B is for Baron


Austin Steinbart/Baron of Arizona/Sgt B - Arizona

Jake Angelli/Qanon Shaman/Starseed Shaman - Arizona

Jim Watkins - Arizona

Ron Watkins - Arizona

Babyfist/Laughing_Man - Arizona/Colorado

Phoenix Enigma/ Corey Daniels - Arizona

Defango - spends a LOT of time in Arizona

Andre Merlecru - Arizona

Isaac Kappy Suicide - Arizona

Weird how this entire website is all about


Jake Angelli

Austin Steinbart

Weird how they are all connected to Jim

Weird how so many posts on the site have the same flavor of shit that BabyFist, Doge post

Weird how there is a big ass header that says "B is for Baron"

Weird how Jim told us it was Babyfist that made the B post Qs board

Weird how Jim now tries to act like it was someone else

Weird how Jim did a podcast with these people 3 days before the B post was made

Weird how in META 3 days ago when questioned on who he was Jim said "Kappy of course" referring to Isaac Kappy who was murdered in AZ

Weird how they all live in Arizona

Weird how Jim would hang out with them in a hotel room after the breach

Weird how Doge, Babyfist and Sgt. B were all caught sharing IP addresses

Weird how all of them appeared at the same time Ingersol Larpwood operation on Q research happened

Weird how it all coincided with Fake Q posts popping up on Q research that are still being pushed today

Weird how the lady that had her kids taken away associated with "QANON" was named Cynthia ABCUG

Weird how if you change G to numbers you get 7 or ABCU7

Weird how Babyfist was the board owner of the board /ABCU8/

Austin Steinbart released from Jail 04/16/2021

Doge first appearance 05/29/2021

B post on /Dcomms/ 05/29/2021

Doge & Babyfist were posting from Same IP address


He gets out of jail, re-establishes contacts, sets up the plan to grift. Goes right back at it.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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3057ec  No.17685017

File: b133d119638ebb3⋯.jpg (23.43 KB, 453x470, 453:470, cqls47x9x91v.jpg)


All their famous Are freemasonry

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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395c75  No.17685021

File: 60064823019ac2f⋯.jpg (23.3 KB, 473x542, 473:542, 1fce7j36w87nc.jpg)

Fort Worth's July 4th Fireworks Show 2022Delay


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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235fd2  No.17685024

File: e086b794d22e899⋯.jpg (121.44 KB, 1112x1390, 4:5, vvw32x6xq.jpg)


Next SCOTUS ruling?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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21fef4  No.17685029

File: be8a1f962492e95⋯.jpg (22.19 KB, 481x535, 481:535, zkisqw3e53jb.jpg)


Morning, good sir.

I was on when Q dropped his first one.

What a scramble.

Respect to Anons who been showing up here everyday last 2 years with nothing but hope in their hearts.

Can’t wait to see what’s next.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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429723  No.17685036

File: 86316ebf6cdd451⋯.jpg (21.52 KB, 376x540, 94:135, ih56jcugpktq.jpg)


100 % sure anons are missing sth

especially when it comes to:









(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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9c1318  No.17685037

File: 20b2392cce0b79a⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 317x383, 317:383, a9u8wtlc.jpg)


Abortion Group Declares ‘Open Season’

on Pro-Lifers, Warns Next Protests Won’t

Be As ‘Easily Cleaned Up as Fire and Graffiti’

Mediaite, by Zachary Leeman

Posted By: NorthernDog, 6/15/2022 9:01:13 PM

The pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge is declaring it “open season” on pro-life groups and crisis pregnancy centers. The group has a history of damaging property during their protests, and they took credit for the vandalization of a pregnancy resource center in Des Moines, Iowa earlier this month. In a message posted to social media, the group said they broke windows and left graffiti political messages all over the clinic. “It was easy and fun,” the message read. (Tweet) In a new message from the group, they are promising to up their attacks, giving an ultimatum to clinics that provide services

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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4db222  No.17685046

File: bd8dc86473b1020⋯.jpg (15.64 KB, 320x507, 320:507, 48j3nrbbln3aof.jpg)


Probably a mask. He loves them…

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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55e41c  No.17685048

File: 4e2f7634fdc5e80⋯.jpg (16.65 KB, 254x530, 127:265, 0mzanfiri0nh.jpg)


It’s just Biden’s depends. Jill tossed it out the window on the way to the set.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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049d18  No.17685051

File: d6c46d857578655⋯.jpg (20.14 KB, 339x547, 339:547, 9c3mnern45m7s.jpg)


Can they still fix my trs-80?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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2334a3  No.17685052

File: 82a617727ffb3c7⋯.jpg (42.11 KB, 1264x659, 1264:659, k4esxy.jpg)

Tell us something we don’t know.

You don’t sound as smart as you used to.

[Q] power implosion

Too little too late

If you had anything real to offer you would have done by now.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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82a11e  No.17685053

File: c46b67763714bd2⋯.jpg (14.39 KB, 289x427, 289:427, 3mm712wu.jpg)




(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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44e3e0  No.17685064

File: 9081f33fa7e0d62⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 1169x1340, 1169:1340, 0n3zojmyysx3.jpg)






Da fuk?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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7affff  No.17685066

File: cc4c1987754e0b4⋯.jpg (42.17 KB, 1106x811, 1106:811, hw16qqe2vi24.jpg)

Twitter is fucked, remember Paxtons lawsuit against Big Tech is going forward

All states AGs should get involved with Pacton’s investigation


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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8847df  No.17685072

File: d50d002b04bd938⋯.jpg (16.88 KB, 263x502, 263:502, zhgt7y7d.jpg)


probably the safest bet

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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eee1b4  No.17685078

File: d50ff469e7aa1fa⋯.jpg (17.08 KB, 318x426, 53:71, f1ns6nyf37qor.jpg)


I wonder if they let parents know ahead of time if such a drill is done?

If not, perhaps there needs to be a law in place that parents have to be told ahead of time of whatever drill they are running.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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584e62  No.17685087

File: 79233fdcb1ac44e⋯.jpg (21.66 KB, 411x499, 411:499, avuawn4j.jpg)

Is everybody who looks too good to be true on the baby blood?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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a8c37e  No.17685089

File: 1f5dbf5adfd6abd⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 461x530, 461:530, rms6eopz.jpg)



with extra conspiracy and a side of schizophrenia…


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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822104  No.17685097

File: 96a2a0534f627fc⋯.jpg (138.46 KB, 1255x1458, 1255:1458, hinq1s.jpg)















































Previously Collected






General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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9c1318  No.17685105

File: 53214c72a9b6939⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 1046x734, 523:367, uuu8a8deshyh.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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d4cdaa  No.17685107

File: ee3b73c580ee373⋯.jpg (138.7 KB, 1217x1473, 1217:1473, ckopy0g.jpg)

The Swamp Today

Timelines change.

Friday June 24, 2022

The House stands adjourned until June 24, 2022 at 9:00 AM EDT

The Senate stands adjourned until June 24, 2022 at 10:30 AM EDT for a Pro Forma session.

Supreme Court Opinion Issuance Day - The Court may announce opinions beginning at 10:00 AM EDT


Secretary Blinken is on travel to Germany and Spain from June 23-30, 2022.

. . .

4:00 AM EDT

Book launch - Health Taxes: Policy & Practice

World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations, and Imperial's Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation (CHEPI)


5:00 AM EDT

Secretary Blinken Participates in a G7 Ministerial Meeting in Berlin, Germany


7:30 AM EDT

Launch Event – Health System Performance Assessment Framework

World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations


8:30 AM EDT

Export Sales Report Release - Weekly Export Sales

Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture


8:50 AM EDT

2nd ANGLICO Change of Command


9:00 AM EDT

The House Considers Senate-Passed Legislation To Prevent Gun Violence - Bipartisan Safer Communities Act



9:00 AM EDT

Fiscal Year 2023 Homeland Security and Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bills

House Appropriations Committee




9:00 AM EDT

Cutting Methane Pollution: Safeguarding Health, Creating Jobs, and Protecting our Climate

House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Committee




9:20 AM EDT

Navy Recruit Training Command Graduation

Navy boot camp graduation from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, IL. Feed begins at 9:30 a.m. EDT


10:00 AM EDT

Supreme Court Opinion Issuance Day


10:00 AM EDT

Virtual Event | War, Ukraine, and a Global Alliance for Freedom - Michael R. Pompeo & Walter Russell Mead

Hudson Institute



10:00 AM EDT

USDA's Farmers Market & Pollinator Exhibit Exposition

National Arboretum


10:00 AM EDT

Delivering on Our Commitments in Space Acquisition with Frank Calvelli

Virtual Schriever Spacepower Forum - The Mitchell Institute


10:15 AM EDT

Assistant Secretary Donfried and Head of the Office of Sanctions Coordination James O'Brien meets with former Georgian Ambassadors to the United States Batu Kutelia and David Sikharulidze

Department of State


11:00 AM EDT

Boost-Phase Missile Defense: Interrogating the Assumptions

Center for Strategic & International Studies




(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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911a8f  No.17685110

File: d2e4f08881759ec⋯.jpg (123.9 KB, 1220x1271, 1220:1271, qahpnizfy4.jpg)


This is prolly fuckery because there's just way too many spoopy little things going on both board wise and time ng wise.

Not to mention there was nothing OG Q like in the banal basic message that any ad writer would write.

But, the beauty of it is it won't take long for follow up posts and/or PDJT-Dan confirms to settle it for sure.

And if it is fuckery, it also won't take long for it to completely blow up in their faces.

One of the best let's see what happens next of the whole timeline.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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f4a081  No.17685111

File: 0eeab31320d8f7e⋯.jpg (124.5 KB, 1086x1414, 543:707, ibiptzpn1.jpg)


you do not see what is


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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4db222  No.17685114

File: 3d656d5a49473ef⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 1192x586, 596:293, 2i403lhav1b8b.jpg)


The left can't meme.

Their hearts are hardened.


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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25f709  No.17685115

File: a3c69ea37f4b118⋯.jpg (20.1 KB, 313x402, 313:402, 43h7m5gb5hev3.jpg)


A Law Repugnant To The Constitution Is Void

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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82a11e  No.17685119

File: bc7af2bdd6e53f8⋯.jpg (27.02 KB, 619x565, 619:565, bzlilmud.jpg)

Loudon County Public Schools:

"We have a pretty robust indoctrination plan"



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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694b68  No.17685122

File: 7ce76e89113355b⋯.jpg (35.63 KB, 1053x626, 1053:626, sek2x7nu4jm58.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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faa557  No.17685131

File: a9320ec50f3b653⋯.jpg (36.39 KB, 1205x606, 1205:606, iboyd690.jpg)



They can have them when they pry them from my cold lifeless fingers. It will take many of them to accomplish such a task.

Even more so if as neighbors we come to assist each other in that greatest time of need.

Good neighbors can be hard to find though but when face with the same injustices to take away our god given rights.

We will always have our gift of freewill to do wat we believe is right. Some things are worth dying for and to lose your life standing for those beliefs are an opportunity not everyone has as there way to transcendence.

We are all born into this world the same how ever we shall all leave it differently.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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44e3e0  No.17685138

File: f933768dcad5d3d⋯.jpg (124.87 KB, 1239x1248, 413:416, u0jhk0gku.jpg)


I took an Oath of Office upon hire. Civvie.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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429723  No.17685140

File: c42b953bf29db20⋯.jpg (115.25 KB, 1173x1233, 391:411, 1u2pscywa0y.jpg)

All countries with Rothschild controlled currencies, that finance the 'radical left' political parties in every country, are in truth as they are in action and behavior irrespective of the symbolism/words that are 'gamed' to 'divorce' thought from physical reality (WHICH INCLUDES ALL KNOWING INTENTIONS), painful pill to swallow, organized human hunting institutions for the sake of power and profit.

Privately owned 'banks' that everyone's income depends?

Immune from domestic laws?

Firewall of information so acute it is taking a physical form of mass ritual death slaughters that 'look' 'natural' 'people as we are…apparently'.

Biggest psyop of all time disclosed and the world is witnessing all the pangs of reselfabsorption after dialectic logic of destruction almost destroyed the world.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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0cec1d  No.17685142

File: b1f5aadd4ef9331⋯.jpg (45.42 KB, 1288x773, 1288:773, n4jmgg.jpg)


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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afa6be  No.17685143

File: a6568b721d5b200⋯.jpg (34.22 KB, 1099x633, 1099:633, q31o2bvf8s.jpg)


Awe you poor thing.

Working too many hours are ya?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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ee3450  No.17685146

File: 8b53e1c6b2e5a51⋯.jpg (20.32 KB, 467x338, 467:338, n1v6lczt0h5y90.jpg)









(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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aabeb0  No.17685147

File: e5597aa38246ee4⋯.jpg (34.45 KB, 1076x583, 1076:583, 7qjaqm63w324.jpg)


>A plane farted, let's find a way to mock Anons and Q with it.

>[shit the bed]

>YOU can regard the plane farting as a sky event, so argue against that being part of the plan all you need and all you want, while other Anons laugh and see the shills trying to portray the initial mocking of the plan as never happening and now the current thing is to try mocking again to cover up the previous failure after being btfo.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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0d8d13  No.17685149

File: 8e66d3249d64b53⋯.jpg (119.62 KB, 1144x1297, 1144:1297, g68rlmet24.jpg)

Puppet Masters Pt 1

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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21e88a  No.17685172

File: 1c8bc6a6b8f69f5⋯.jpg (135.64 KB, 1257x1363, 1257:1363, nd9n9t.jpg)


fake nazzi juw shiva polka

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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6cc556  No.17685173

File: 91f82de3fe69275⋯.jpg (15.45 KB, 297x370, 297:370, 8qru6omju.jpg)



why would you attack a cemetery?


According to Al Jazeera's investigation the bullet that killed #ShireenAbuAkleh was shot by an m4 sniper rifle, not a weapon usually used by Palestinians in Jenin but more likely by the Israeli army


Al Mayadeen correspondent: New explosions are heard in eastern #Gaza and the eastern cemetery area.


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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bf8b7d  No.17685176

File: 709be4ea5b34bd8⋯.jpg (26.14 KB, 514x488, 257:244, qh7hlel4.jpg)


No moar noms?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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965613  No.17685177

File: 235881619284b70⋯.jpg (26.35 KB, 496x690, 248:345, 3fu5mrtd8ax.jpg)

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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ce69bb  No.17685180

File: 4259cc2a1e1bf32⋯.jpg (33.68 KB, 1217x610, 1217:610, fbtq22gnhs2l.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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1a468b  No.17685184

File: 25ce115be46738e⋯.jpg (36.19 KB, 1109x597, 1109:597, g1cx9vb.jpg)



(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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3e6cd0  No.17685185

File: d804f264a766f7a⋯.jpg (23.82 KB, 591x570, 197:190, sbd7xc71w.jpg)

Anons, your work has paid off.

Social media is now theming heavily towards pro-masculinity, anti-feminism, pro-Trump, pro-conservative, pro-unity and MASSIVELY anti-Biden. As an avid social media user, there is DEFINITELY a shift going on and it is huge. Black content creators now defending whites. Female creators now defending men. Videos being posted of the damage liberals are doing to the world - on and on. This was sudden, too. Now this could very well be because the algorithms may be keying on how long I spend watching certain videos, but they are there none the less and the content itself proves a cultural shift towards conservatism.

So thank you with all our hearts: America.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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7e522e  No.17685194

File: 3a351f935521ca0⋯.jpg (23.45 KB, 505x474, 505:474, oregqnmauo.jpg)


I could tear his narrative to shreads and demand reperations.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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32babb  No.17685198

File: de5f18383c0c4eb⋯.jpg (126.84 KB, 1165x1384, 1165:1384, ul3l3wf3vare.jpg)

Case Number: KPD-222-023562

Released by: Lt. Richard Benzinga

Date of Release: June 7, 2022

Public Information Officer: Major Bryan Seldon (765) 455-7284 or Captain Scott Putter at (765) 452-7322

Crime or Subject Released: Prostitution in exchange for gasoline

Location: 1030 N. Markland Kokomo, Indiana; Speedway Gas station

Date/Time of Incident: June 7, 2022 at approximately 2:42p.m.

On June 7, 2022, at about 2:42pm, officers of the Kokomo Police Department were dispatched to the Speedway gas station at 1030 N. Markland street in regards to a young woman soliciting s*x in exchange for a full tank of gas.

According to independent witnesses, twenty-five year old Sasha Manning of Kokomo approached an older male at gas pump #6. After a small conversation between the two, witnesses say the suspect loudly offered the older male some ‘good-good’ in exchange for a full tank of premium unleaded. When the older male didn’t know what ‘good-good’ meant he asked Ms. Manning and she made a crude gesture and replied “this {explicit} Grandpa.” The victim then made a call to dispatch and officers arrived a short time after and arrested Ms. Manning on one charge of attempted prostitution.

Detectives said while they had Ms. Manning In custody they asked her why she would subject herself to this and her answer was. “That guy couldn’t have screwed me any harder than our President is right now.”

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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e44a19  No.17685199

File: b77506c59c68713⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 1205x599, 1205:599, o1zafys9j3.jpg)


"Up 100"

"Fire for Effect"


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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c0443b  No.17685204

File: e18cce6de7abe55⋯.jpg (132.21 KB, 1318x1322, 659:661, gesodb795.jpg)


and then he grabbed a pussy… the end

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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b86b4e  No.17685207

File: 00533e4f7a442c1⋯.jpg (119.7 KB, 1085x1398, 1085:1398, c52sxud55.jpg)



LOL. She was careless if her story is even remotely true. She definitely flaunted her sexual escapades for a significant portion of her career. Anon knew lots of friends (myself included) that were probably way more active, and way more careful about contraceptive use. She was either very stupid, or her story is a total lie because "muh body muh rights" or some shit.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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dcd642  No.17685209

File: 833f601aa9e8975⋯.jpg (25.34 KB, 654x465, 218:155, tof22lk.jpg)


>Looking extremely desperate. kek.

Austin gonna have to get a real job soon.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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f936eb  No.17685216

File: fd9fe07fda3012c⋯.jpg (19.22 KB, 308x434, 22:31, u9njdmsng.jpg)

I don' t know what that fucking LGBT+UNICORN shit is biden's pushing but it won't change the fact it's treason and NAZIS.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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7cecd1  No.17685220

File: c7b1b1cbd706b5a⋯.jpg (122.18 KB, 1207x1251, 1207:1251, bwpf1g55ts.jpg)


beyond pied pipers, we have to allow for legit researchers who are not be 100% on target due to the covert nature of the DS (and the corresponding need for extreme secrecy of WH's.)

what criteria to use to distinguish between the two?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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1980d3  No.17685223

File: d2e04407d24d23b⋯.jpg (14.04 KB, 365x420, 73:84, big7siu4zm3qde.jpg)




you just do not understand the point

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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0c5cf9  No.17685236

File: 90cd3dbed30de4e⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 1261x573, 1261:573, wxrbwk7xl9fy2d.jpg)


Is it a metaphor for something else?

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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7b6cae  No.17685245

File: 964e3a007775d37⋯.jpg (22.89 KB, 643x463, 643:463, ydtgsa.jpg)


Of course not. That's exactly how conmen work.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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7b6cae  No.17685253

File: 814290c9a4f28ad⋯.jpg (12.86 KB, 246x464, 123:232, 4i10kpbu2.jpg)


That street sign

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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ee43bc  No.17685258

File: b1a4488c3ca29f7⋯.jpg (121.38 KB, 1199x1250, 1199:1250, pvoppoza0rkjpg.jpg)


>What causes this to happen???

The shills on here try their best, but fail.

But to answer your question: satanists.

(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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1980d3  No.17685259

File: cbb56ee61ba8752⋯.jpg (39.85 KB, 1130x756, 565:378, w1abjfq2s.jpg)


A public statement? kek


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

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91e04b  No.17685262

File: b980fbfc0616135⋯.jpg (22.89 KB, 549x649, 549:649, w8h4cu.jpg)


yes and

becareful what u wish for

this is your sword

learn when to draw it

dangerous tools

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064178  No.17685275

File: 5e33a47dea2e1f3⋯.jpg (26.48 KB, 512x650, 256:325, hk9v9t.jpg)

When you realize Faux News is filled with RINOs and a few patriots.

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5dfbb1  No.17685284

File: b784c02233a905b⋯.jpg (37.55 KB, 1209x614, 1209:614, xfpdbpm.jpg)


>Dan Scavino needs easily identifiable pro-life image

>uses the first one he comes across

I'm not seeing the deeper meaning here, or a connection to some dick named 'Babyfist'. Babyfist replied to Dan, Dan did not reply to Babyfist. I could call myself MAGALION17, Dan could post a picture of an angry MAGA lion, I could reply to him and it would be the same deal.

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6f8822  No.17685289

File: f1a2fa53c44bbf7⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 1188x684, 33:19, 35boqf5hs.jpg)


>Always make sure your cameras are secure and if you're a n00b put some electrical tape over unused cameras/microphones.

doesn't help

they can still see ya


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c1e8b9  No.17685290

File: 66e4eb00eac00d8⋯.jpg (135.48 KB, 1242x1432, 621:716, zc9io64bwbe6.jpg)


This is getting really weird guys…. I'm thinking FF here.

1, van disappears

2, van being hit off doesn't phase the truck driver, he just keeps going like nothing happened. . Something like that would definitely get the drivers attention.

3, "Citations were given?" Are you fucking kidding me? Citations don't just get handed out when a multimillion dollar bridge becomes comprimised. Government engineers come out and have to check the bridge for integrity just to see if anything might have cracked inside the concrete. If there's even the slightest damage to a bridge internally the entire bridge needs to be rebuilt. People get arrested and investigated.

4, Jalopnick, Breaking 911, and www.local10.com are the only websites that have this.

5, there are absolutely no other articles about this anywhere on google or brave.

6, There are some websites that talk about a bridge that was damaged at the same time close by but those articles say the repairs were completed within a day.

7, NO WAY possible thag bridge was repaired in less than 6 months. The damage destroyed the bridge support.

8, people are commenting on the local news agency's website talking about how stupid and unsafe these truck drivers are. I'm sorry but I dispatched truckers and l did inspections on tour buses so let me tell you, CDL drivers don't fuck around when it comes to safety. they know if they're not safe, they're more than likely going to jail if anything were to happen to anyone else on the road.

It just smells of FF….

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af809f  No.17685291

File: a64042c86ae0bb6⋯.jpg (22.81 KB, 588x507, 196:169, qkoxslst818no.jpg)


Now THAT is a great question….

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328921  No.17685299

File: b6b5858e6420c0b⋯.jpg (40.41 KB, 1063x724, 1063:724, nk089s7m.jpg)

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cc0bb9  No.17685305

File: f4350c7de87f8f5⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 1054x599, 1054:599, ug42iqvn5qdn.jpg)


Right back atcha Swordanon.

May God Bless al Anons.


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a65b7f  No.17685307

File: 36f8a67e61440ef⋯.jpg (135.97 KB, 1196x1470, 598:735, orn5ih7odwfh.jpg)

Anon still believes Hannity is a dick. Prove me wrong.

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4afd90  No.17685315

File: b1c68cca6e632d0⋯.jpg (124.83 KB, 1238x1258, 619:629, zvca8umrnx.jpg)


I wish memes could be spelled correctly

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d7085b  No.17685321

File: 5fd8b39b9cbda48⋯.jpg (24.54 KB, 656x577, 656:577, ca5xi179.jpg)


I decline.

You must be vaxxed.

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6318a0  No.17685330

File: a3b106648f63ed4⋯.jpg (39.63 KB, 1265x605, 23:11, axd65pfb5uto4.jpg)


Brian Cates - Political Columnist ★★★, [03.06.22 19:10]

[Forwarded from Resist the Mainstream]

🔴 Former Judge Murdered At His Home


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92976e  No.17685334

File: abffda8ffff9995⋯.jpg (27.53 KB, 701x701, 1:1, ahiyt8a99te.jpg)


CCP not happy with the Constitution.

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d77193  No.17685343

File: b9508950b6e177b⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 255x483, 85:161, 6i830pqb1bu.jpg)


Read my Isaiah 9:11 post. I was a G0 worker. Mathematically impossible cause I didn't write the Bible in order to get it right.

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ad8e8d  No.17685348

File: c27f8c33c5dc36e⋯.jpg (121.51 KB, 1095x1370, 219:274, y5nvn7rjf6h5jd.jpg)


That's a pretty retarded explanation. The real explanation looks something like this:

Cybernetic enhancements are necessary because without them too many people with low IQs (anything under 90 for sure) would starve if we don't have a way to increase their output capacity if we were to begin disclosure. We can automate too much, don't need energy production anymore, the entire aviation industry would end overnight, tons of service jobs would suddenly evaporate, lots of health care workers, insurance workers and so much more would no longer need to be employed.

So what do all of those people do if the vast majority of those jobs disappear one day? Starve?

This is why we have no way out of cybernetic enhancements. It's either that or keep digging for oil, floating around in glorified tubes in the sky and having shitty, cheap Chinese goods.

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fe9c79  No.17685352

File: 9f946abb1ca5ea5⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 364x305, 364:305, u99rfsdmswrc.jpg)

>liberal tears


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6b51d1  No.17685353

File: 0854c1bf0d0c745⋯.jpg (132.57 KB, 1208x1434, 604:717, vqghk0lzh.jpg)


>, do you guys celebrate anything at all?

The Fourth of July.

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7bb273  No.17685355

File: 501bec896f7f211⋯.jpg (25.78 KB, 560x649, 560:649, o7abdq9g.jpg)

These structures exhibit the following shocking properties:

They are tough, fibrous and resilient, showing material properties similar to small rubber bands.

They consist of many strands of small, fibrous strands.

These fibrous strands (see the very last photo set below) show repeating patterns of scale-like engineering, as if the body has been programmed to build another life form inside the blood vessels.

There are strange crystalline-like structures found on these clots, exhibiting transparency and resistance to normal gram staining techniques.

Below, you will find one example of a structure that appears to resemble a silicon-like biocircuitry or microchip-like structure. We don’t yet know what it is.

One of the photo sets below reveals what appears to be a biocircuitry wire which clearly shows repeating patterns and nano-scale interface structures that are assembled in a specific geometry for an unknown purpose.


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827db4  No.17685362

File: fb8a9b24115d88f⋯.jpg (21.17 KB, 471x557, 471:557, 22nhga.jpg)


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5794db  No.17685368

File: ca777e3a45fd2dc⋯.jpg (18.89 KB, 285x547, 285:547, ukklco9f41ts0.jpg)


The embroidery on her jacket looks like an owl

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197ba3  No.17685378

File: 7af18cdc7af4111⋯.jpg (140.37 KB, 1278x1440, 71:80, y2k127k845.jpg)


Without doubt, the strong alcohol content is palliative, but is the ginger actually curative as well?

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00496b  No.17685379

File: 13a19e66c83a66d⋯.jpg (43.92 KB, 1115x801, 1115:801, hm0mnai.jpg)



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968577  No.17685382

File: fa6fa919df1cc9b⋯.jpg (43.47 KB, 1263x648, 421:216, sd2shdddoo.jpg)



yes same guy from the band duran durnan


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2a0c13  No.17685386

File: 614433aef68ade9⋯.jpg (17.39 KB, 439x426, 439:426, wj4f2h.jpg)


they have been testing sewage since the beginning of covid. Spain said they found Covid in sewage that was 2 years old if i remember right

this is their new game

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10556c  No.17685388

File: 73e5c2f0d3649e7⋯.jpg (122.09 KB, 1175x1291, 1175:1291, 1ph2c4ygtl6.jpg)


>‘There’s a great deal they haven’t seen’

still waiting for your proof of russian collusion you promised everyone, you filthy little faggot

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03ee04  No.17685389

File: df59fa78cd2ada7⋯.jpg (37.66 KB, 1271x684, 1271:684, 739bqbls2.jpg)


Attention woke Finnish tards: You are disgraceful, all of you. Same for Swedish tards. Mind numbingly stupid assholes don't even know who they are.

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1987a3  No.17685393

File: 34345263a670f26⋯.jpg (32.58 KB, 1223x567, 1223:567, 1lft0tusvu7wx.jpg)


Your evidence/theory that the God of the Old Testament is also Satan. So anon can have a rational conversation discussing this viewpoint.

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633dd1  No.17685397

File: d61e87d17bfceef⋯.jpg (17.2 KB, 260x518, 130:259, oqu68jwc.jpg)


Imagine the smell

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92618d  No.17685399

File: 18bcd7ea6f99d97⋯.jpg (122.33 KB, 1106x1417, 1106:1417, 2r5p1a.jpg)


i poor response to my post

unless you were present since the 1200s you can only imagine

or speculate

which you are doing now

i need to be up in 3 hours and am done with the mongols and the 1200s and since

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2c156c  No.17685401

File: 91b178b37e670ac⋯.jpg (22.37 KB, 480x520, 12:13, 3wy0wmpl8e.jpg)


Why would they dismantle that with which they are joined at the hip?

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5794db  No.17685412

File: d23d35424c251d4⋯.jpg (18.15 KB, 239x477, 239:477, lampnlg.jpg)

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5d195f  No.17685427

File: 787eb93fa579d9a⋯.jpg (39.1 KB, 1160x721, 1160:721, ogq0g4b.jpg)


>#17 truck won the race about the same time as this post.

>The truck even has Pepe colors and a pizza sponsor.

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4b505b  No.17685432

File: 80ad1263723a5fa⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 1220x707, 1220:707, f15aktqm.jpg)


Iranian FM: Nuclear agreement within reach if US side 'realistic'

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian stated that if the Americans dealt "realistically" in the final round of negotiations in Vienna, the two parties would have been "closer to an agreement than ever."

In an interview for the Croatian newspaper Večernji list, Amir-Abdollahian underlined that the Americans raised new issues to add an appendix on the possibility of re-imposing non-nuclear sanctions.

After eight rounds of negotiations to return the JCPOA to its original form and bring the US back into the accord owing to external considerations, a pause was taken in Vienna on March 11, 2022. The Vienna negotiations had already neared their conclusion and were anticipated to be finished by the end of February prior to that.

The wording of the agreements achieved, which is roughly 20 pages long and outlines additional procedures to resume the nuclear accord in its original form, was agreed upon.

Earlier today, Amir-Abdollahian reiterated his hope for the resumption of the nuclear negotiations in the near future.

During a joint press conference with Sergey Lavrov, Russia's Foreign Minister, said, “I hope we could reach the final point of an agreement in the near future with the American party’s realism.”

When asked about the Iranian-Saudi relationship during his interview with the Croatian newspaper Večernji list, Amir-Abdollahian said that an agreement with Saudi Arabia has been reached to exchange logistic teams prior to visits to each nation’s embassies.

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03ee04  No.17685434

File: 7990408dc47c3f9⋯.jpg (120.35 KB, 1181x1254, 1181:1254, 67jft2in4km39.jpg)


get the fragrance free baby one

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1987a3  No.17685438

File: a6c63192b969355⋯.jpg (38.45 KB, 1107x629, 1107:629, cnjubm6sb22ry.jpg)


>Ghazghkull Thraka - Prophet of the Waaagh

Have fun with that, anon!

The Biggest, Baddest Ork is BACK!

Of the billions of greenskins who swarm the galaxy, only the name of one strikes fear into the hearts of human and xenos alike: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka.

The Warlord of Warlords.

The Beast of Armageddon.

The Prophet of the Waaagh!

With his tusks, fists, and power claw, he does the holy work of Gork and Mork – and soon all worlds will burn in his bootprints.

Mystery shrouds how such a beast came to exist, and rumours abound that the mighty warlord was once just like any other ork. But if that is the case, how did his ascendance come to be? Many have lost their minds trying to unravel the mystery. Lord Inquisitor Tytonida Falx has headed into the murky depths of heresy to find the answer, only this time, something is different. She possesses something the others did not. Custody of the one creature in the universe who claims to know the truth of it all. Ghazghkull’s banner bearer: Makari the Grot.


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7cdb7e  No.17685442

File: 1de725daea9ed14⋯.jpg (128.6 KB, 1293x1262, 1293:1262, y9ny4qx6homv2u.jpg)


>screwed the pooch that time" even mean?


Something Screwed the Pooch

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92618d  No.17685446

File: a6ff6baa2f76e27⋯.jpg (131.63 KB, 1200x1411, 1200:1411, cu5b5w1q599s.jpg)


u black pilled

want healed?

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c4bbf5  No.17685460

File: 3052af77b00f59e⋯.jpg (126.5 KB, 1252x1277, 1252:1277, iqhrb5nsvmx.jpg)

Payseur defending shills really don't want anyone to associate P to Payseur, kek

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43dc67  No.17685465

File: cab455216fb3618⋯.jpg (135.56 KB, 1232x1442, 88:103, 00e5fqatmuulgf.jpg)


I can smell your desperation and fear. But keep reposting this though lol.

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517fd4  No.17685468

File: 005934094d07c44⋯.jpg (45.93 KB, 1291x774, 1291:774, 71affzxq9.jpg)

"Q" is it – Q and A time again???

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00496b  No.17685470

File: aa70f64cdceb43f⋯.jpg (42.15 KB, 1288x658, 92:47, tib1psu4133tm.jpg)

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59c8bd  No.17685477

File: 50acdf97dce7b1a⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 347x363, 347:363, d0854rp30.jpg)


oh, but she's got those fine boobs

makes her so hot

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5d195f  No.17685481

File: 468d12b09fb3bc0⋯.jpg (135.82 KB, 1304x1331, 1304:1331, kjjevstmalsc.jpg)





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bb11e3  No.17685485

File: b1f31cf1ea3cf84⋯.jpg (127.34 KB, 1222x1330, 611:665, pga5cplq5f8m9.jpg)



Italians make good sauce.

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afc768  No.17685487

File: 31b616be49b224b⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 271x398, 271:398, xvtvbj4f03.jpg)

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61cecf  No.17685490

File: b7081c491930a8d⋯.jpg (40.13 KB, 1060x776, 265:194, drutis7e.jpg)


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b6583f  No.17685504

File: 8a3099ac95735fa⋯.jpg (36.18 KB, 1191x579, 397:193, 9le2pn753z.jpg)


all part of the movie anon.. hang in there

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7d836c  No.17685508

File: 07176e4098206a4⋯.jpg (36.96 KB, 1265x598, 55:26, yicymir.jpg)


>How else are you gonna wake the sleeping idiots?

Destroying the USA in order to "wake idiots up" to their situation is not a Plan I can get behind.

There is one way to fix this but we don't talk about it here.

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68be79  No.17685515

File: 15776c6f09cce48⋯.jpg (135.51 KB, 1259x1444, 1259:1444, 4s8aumxd0x.jpg)


>Expand Red Flag Law

1. Has the individual ever expressed interest in 'QAnon'?

2. Has the individual ever visited the 8kun website?

3. Has the individual ever stated that the 2020 election was stolen?

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197ba3  No.17685518

File: 06aa3e434710043⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 1068x796, 267:199, 3939lmg8s1.jpg)

I see the absolute retards scrambled under some rocks. KEK!

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6d8c7e  No.17685520

File: ddf183203d24756⋯.jpg (16.41 KB, 442x363, 442:363, 03ek27i.jpg)


The death cult are protecting their selfish interests.

They set up a shadow government in Ukraine, they are making weaponized viruses, moving election votes, and laundering most of the DC money.

The Ukraine scheme is going to backfire worst than Afghanistan.

The fallout from that is going to be immense.

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e1f0c8  No.17685531

File: 3e5151061b6003a⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 480x518, 240:259, t7rak9zpss9.jpg)

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afc768  No.17685539

File: 00bb26c3bc136ec⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 1088x624, 68:39, qwe1phygcb1sh.jpg)

Vorontsova, an endocrinologist who specializes in pediatric growth disorders, has been reported to be involved in Russia’s development of genetic technology, including its development of controversial gene-editing technology.

The BBC cited three unnamed sources as saying that the new genetic center will focus on carrying out a full genetic analysis and sequencing of Russia’s inhabitants.

"This is absolutely no secret — this is a big project," BBC Russia quoted Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontyev as saying about the center's establishment. Leontyev didn’t confirm or deny Vorontsova’s involvement in the project.


BBC Russia Faces Lawsuit Over Story on Rosneft’s Genetic Research With Putin’s Daughter

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5794db  No.17685550

File: 99b07906bc020d2⋯.jpg (37.79 KB, 1126x645, 1126:645, h7kb5n27kox92.jpg)


bannongapes admits to editing pee tapes

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d89fd8  No.17685565

File: e5bb5e1f76e8b76⋯.jpg (12.48 KB, 331x317, 331:317, b59xhoddjvcchp.jpg)


They have been running American patriots out of the military for decades. You know why.

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6d8c7e  No.17685566

File: 82816b16d3cc4b5⋯.jpg (30.59 KB, 690x692, 345:346, xxlp5z56374msm.jpg)

Did you see POTUS just tell you to listen to the song?

What's playing now?

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b3fa8a  No.17685571

File: 13ffdb31a6de990⋯.jpg (22.91 KB, 403x497, 403:497, 36dl6i7.jpg)


what are these

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bb11e3  No.17685573

File: 0fe43093293049b⋯.jpg (139.27 KB, 1319x1422, 1319:1422, o9vr77r1u.jpg)


Package the Italy stuff up better. I can't run with one man's word and that's it.


Ah.. I didn't think to look for him at WEF too. wow. KABOOM.

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e1f0c8  No.17685574

File: 76a10c30f404aaa⋯.jpg (40.31 KB, 1269x653, 1269:653, rpa1ju0kjmp1.jpg)


I can't stop kekking about this headline, does anyone believe this shit, besides the braindead?

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25759d  No.17685592

File: d9cd234b3f2a610⋯.jpg (24.49 KB, 488x617, 488:617, tjivunk2.jpg)



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68be79  No.17685600

File: bc00f553577f172⋯.jpg (26.62 KB, 671x567, 671:567, 1togu9.jpg)



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c0d184  No.17685603

File: 41ae72a13c83a0c⋯.jpg (19.49 KB, 373x532, 373:532, vxzsv2v.jpg)





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8695ab  No.17685606

File: f5912302f52d1bd⋯.jpg (133.98 KB, 1226x1402, 613:701, ah4r7aef.jpg)


>I wonder who is behind that clam…?

And the sword.

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59c8bd  No.17685609

File: 2815221c72116dc⋯.jpg (9.49 KB, 308x387, 308:387, 4eae5wzbjyeu.jpg)


>into the light of love, togetherness, and joy.

MAAAAAAAN, that's the stuff right there!

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7f568a  No.17685626

File: b686d12682eebe6⋯.jpg (119.17 KB, 1161x1241, 1161:1241, izflqce0m1gcvp.jpg)


Александр К325

Присоединяйтесь ко мне в TikTok!


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13c0bf  No.17685627

File: 4416b5d39a5dd32⋯.jpg (21.14 KB, 467x521, 467:521, 6s1186gywo.jpg)


High IQ thinking anon

We are Shutting down / burning down the cabal food processing that are poisoning us with only God knows what.

It’s possible

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f33d3f  No.17685629

File: 64f9990f8c89776⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 1148x654, 574:327, 9h41ng21a0r54.jpg)



claim sovereignty to a cop

get stomped

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c8425a  No.17685631

File: 80690e239bd107c⋯.jpg (127.47 KB, 1255x1276, 1255:1276, sbxyyl.jpg)



A Mysterious Flying Whirlpool over Maunakea on 20220417

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cbc5b7  No.17685638

File: 729a202684587ca⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 486x562, 243:281, fkv0l4u656iy7.jpg)


Creepy Cut your crap no one interested

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3e6cd0  No.17685642

File: 411ecd454abddd6⋯.jpg (16.94 KB, 233x550, 233:550, e8m1j0ra2l.jpg)


yonderhey ought to be gettin teh HiVette wiff ernie and david

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50e0fd  No.17685645

File: 1403b22d2cdc7c1⋯.jpg (25.69 KB, 685x521, 685:521, qkrnes.jpg)

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b1a344  No.17685649

File: 74294f2d3dcf425⋯.jpg (15.81 KB, 328x354, 164:177, 73sf668.jpg)


>they. control it with public money.

If they did then that would be a separation of church and state issue because they would favor one over the other

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b02ab4  No.17685651

File: de52d7f49afe432⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 1235x787, 1235:787, p0544pst.jpg)


That's because sovereign citizen is an oxymoron. You can't be sovereign and be a citizen at the same time. It's a display of incompetence.

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968577  No.17685663

File: b6aa8ec2bb6a795⋯.jpg (9.05 KB, 243x393, 81:131, m7j71xd6t7um44.jpg)


Now there's a sword being used right.

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13c0bf  No.17685667

File: 9ecb6409cb1d7d0⋯.jpg (40.48 KB, 1199x727, 1199:727, yseh95b146.jpg)




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4aa799  No.17685670

File: d9c7d5154bce971⋯.jpg (131.17 KB, 1247x1304, 1247:1304, 070a4xlfo0h6.jpg)


What happened, she woke up in bed with the parents asking who are you after they tracked the boy down ?

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da46f6  No.17685675

File: b5fdbfd22fc9dde⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 645x663, 215:221, kxbrsvmza2kfk0.jpg)


there's a reason they're called forever chemicals, anon

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5259d2  No.17685678

File: e2c730a56625e7e⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 1113x804, 371:268, tertjjt2dg.jpg)


Premature aging of organs?

The Clock is ticking.


Eng aging

Sabo t aging

Dam aging

St aging

Mess aging

R aging

W aging

Re eng aging

Follow the Bloodline.

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a53115  No.17685679

File: 5477507814fa294⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 1255x757, 1255:757, 79keaq0bio1.jpg)

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4b505b  No.17685683

File: e049230f7d47f17⋯.jpg (34.95 KB, 1162x715, 1162:715, rmmkjw5pntvz8n.jpg)


Tanks Bakes

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b02ab4  No.17685690

File: 63b80912dc85210⋯.jpg (22.72 KB, 435x523, 435:523, 7noprtif0gxyiw.jpg)



CAPSTONE Update on Communications Issue

Following successful deployment and start of spacecraft commissioning on July 4, the Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE) spacecraft experienced communications issues while in contact with the Deep Space Network. The spacecraft team currently is working to understand the cause and re-establish contact. The team has good trajectory data for the spacecraft based on the first full and second partial ground station pass with the Deep Space Network. If needed, the mission has enough fuel to delay the initial post separation trajectory correction maneuver for several days. Additional updates will be provided as soon as possible.


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460230  No.17685692

File: 77752049dcebc78⋯.jpg (16.02 KB, 507x580, 507:580, plx6p2q7xao8so.jpg)



>forced sterilization

only now they make it the tradeoff to feed your family

(when they can't get you into their ICU killing fields)

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5e443b  No.17685698

File: 14de9d93e02d725⋯.jpg (43.72 KB, 1244x741, 1244:741, 1zh6dhu4h.jpg)



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78ab34  No.17685707

File: fe4bfd91bdf38fe⋯.jpg (41.65 KB, 1227x680, 1227:680, qpyq7va40y.jpg)


yeah, only a machine will post tyb with an image

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7a0995  No.17685713

File: b62f2e1dc62a902⋯.jpg (15.46 KB, 243x510, 81:170, x0aggp5u805an3.jpg)

After Roe fell, Steve Bannon called for an 'army of the awakened'

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c8425a  No.17685718

File: e35678b58445952⋯.jpg (39.72 KB, 1065x724, 1065:724, h8l5ij0.jpg)


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d195b3  No.17685726

File: 1edd4fdc9f430c8⋯.jpg (44.37 KB, 1273x727, 1273:727, olno0jxdzqq73.jpg)



Democrats haven't been this upset since we freed the slaves.

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d65a9f  No.17685727

File: 67d55225ba121d2⋯.jpg (26.95 KB, 550x709, 550:709, 28micuy.jpg)


Those are awesome, well done o7

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c0f6c6  No.17685732

File: c60559e094903e1⋯.jpg (133.71 KB, 1319x1312, 1319:1312, f1s6q4g4ets.jpg)


>What is the definition of insanity again?


>And if not next time,

Anon - just go sit in the corner and give up. We understand. Thanks.

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7f568a  No.17685748

File: 0533ce51dc0ac51⋯.jpg (27.14 KB, 691x683, 691:683, 4l8red3z.jpg)


i like the Asian style of a slight nod of the head (or bow if it's your parents)

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02aa88  No.17685754

File: aa30211741d0267⋯.jpg (129.82 KB, 1279x1331, 1279:1331, pdw03gi6r.jpg)

Then Why havent they ended q research, picked off anons

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4aa799  No.17685758

File: b0cdf9205f917f8⋯.jpg (11.7 KB, 260x320, 13:16, qvugzr3a44.jpg)


Racism is indeed necessary. But it does not require hate.

Note how in your response you diverted to categorising it as hate, in order to attack it.

Racism is simply noting DIFFERENCE between groups.

Noting that each group has its own interests, and biology.

If Grey Wolves (a canine group) do not select partners on a racial basis, i.e. other Grey Wolves, and do not protect their territory from other biologically different groups, such as wild dogs (also canines, who can produce offspring with grey wolves), then their existence is lost.

Racism is racial preferencing. Any group that does not racially preference in terms of partner choice, will be BIOLOGICALLY dissolved.

Any group that does not racially preference, in the face of other groups doing so, will be replaced by them.

Let there be two groups, A people and B people. Have A people select race blind (for university admissions, replacement CEOs, members of parliament etc) and have B racially reference.

Let each start with 6 power positions each.

First round, A selects (all things being equal) 3 A and 3 B members for senior positions. People B select 6 B (or for cover perhaps 5 B and 1A).

Now there are 9 B members in position of power vs 3 A. Go another round.

The 3 A members select 2 A and 1 B (or perhaps because they are under pressure to demonstrate their anti-racism they pick 2 B and 1 A). B proceeds in a racist fashion.

Now there are 11 members of group B in power, and 1 A…

This is how anti-racism works in the real world Anon.

It is genocidally racist in application. It simply does away with and disempowers the group it is imposed upon.

Hence why dictated by nature itself, racism is a survival skill. A necessary one.

Note hatred is not at all required for my argument to hold. Only for your's (to demonise racism).

You have been sold a lie that racism is bad, so that a people can be replaced.

This is racist Anon, and not only racist, genocidal.

My racism allows all groups their land. Your's specifically prevents a people from having their's (as it would be racist to keep it or keep others out)… dooming them.

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dd6c50  No.17685764

File: d1517cca7449480⋯.jpg (19.62 KB, 543x489, 181:163, p8uef983u3nu0b.jpg)



>[EXPAND THINKING]. Here. >>17684932

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cbc5b7  No.17685765

File: 6260e0aeda6cb3a⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 490x589, 490:589, xdz45cq5vm4d.jpg)




are clavicles another name for ballsack?

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0436ea  No.17685774

File: b11ed921014e052⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 1230x685, 246:137, yc144qjzchl.jpg)

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c0f6c6  No.17685775

File: 32d61900fd1510c⋯.jpg (41.6 KB, 1183x711, 1183:711, 2649dv.jpg)


o7 that was a beautiful moment, anon. can you add the bee to my screenshot too?

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cfd771  No.17685777

File: 019af149f61a60b⋯.jpg (123.76 KB, 1095x1400, 219:280, ven2zdysy2.jpg)


What if… it is WE who are out of sync?

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7eff31  No.17685780

File: dc3596a3cdf2e6a⋯.jpg (21.08 KB, 501x513, 167:171, re73tfvfa8zjsr.jpg)

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76f510  No.17685796

File: 4fe3a25be78ec7a⋯.jpg (20.29 KB, 451x429, 41:39, rpupnrlbdvm9v.jpg)


there's "white hats" here?

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7a0995  No.17685798

File: 7d4f42079848cb7⋯.jpg (25.69 KB, 529x603, 529:603, clvkn8z.jpg)


dat u Q?

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c8425a  No.17685801

File: 1204cd36b402130⋯.jpg (18.41 KB, 309x480, 103:160, izjygq8qbgn9.jpg)


frog? I thought this was KEK all this time

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c54516  No.17685805

File: 203fae1e849ff65⋯.jpg (17.28 KB, 417x398, 417:398, gj2amaak4o1eep.jpg)


when you're right, you're right.

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325b63  No.17685806

File: 473d742b4e53449⋯.jpg (14.97 KB, 372x308, 93:77, vvgv2v22.jpg)


Crop Observation And Recommendation Network

Miscellaneous » Farming & Agriculture


Council of Regional Networks for Genetic Services

Medical » Human Genome

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d65a9f  No.17685811

File: 9852be30d3bfc2a⋯.jpg (24.8 KB, 651x637, 93:91, gkc5g514zgkxqs.jpg)


>Let the normies have their space. Let anons have theirs.

Exactly. Besides, how fast would the breads move with a million normies posting?

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b4b962  No.17685812

File: c78dc64753f6c9f⋯.jpg (17.19 KB, 389x319, 389:319, 1i8kkdps1zura.jpg)



Russia state-affiliated media

Millions of Canadians believe in conspiracy theories – survey

Over one third of those polled believe that shadowy elites are seeking to replace natives with immigrants




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50e0fd  No.17685818

File: c30a0b33245aa76⋯.jpg (15.4 KB, 233x458, 233:458, xmqe3wsbabjdq.jpg)



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037141  No.17685819

File: 39f1c34c8b70293⋯.jpg (35.09 KB, 1219x613, 1219:613, w56edahb.jpg)

LIVE: Protest Streams

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4b505b  No.17685821

File: b580a02de2f1e6a⋯.jpg (39.7 KB, 1065x691, 1065:691, n4uoev9odxc5.jpg)


Flag comms ! Get ya some Anons !!

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7f568a  No.17685836

File: cbb7c6e7dde09ef⋯.jpg (119.66 KB, 1106x1326, 553:663, 6aqgccszs1l6g.jpg)


funny…but I thought the same thing when I first saw it…kek…

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0436ea  No.17685852

File: 83d730a42de516f⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 1229x609, 1229:609, p8v3jqnz.jpg)


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d89fd8  No.17685853

File: 48b86f0f9209304⋯.jpg (116.59 KB, 1087x1307, 1087:1307, zdzhcyy.jpg)

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b1a344  No.17685855

File: 56012450508d9fe⋯.jpg (39.33 KB, 1258x590, 629:295, 5k35en7hed1r.jpg)


what if we're just making all of this up and none of the stuff happened for real

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5a352a  No.17685857

File: 739c51aa70201e1⋯.jpg (20.82 KB, 688x665, 688:665, jh43e63x4n.jpg)

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540aed  No.17685858

File: aa399080301699e⋯.jpg (17.14 KB, 634x480, 317:240, p1fxnpjacfx91s.jpg)




previous 8kun BO

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c683cc  No.17685864

File: 489d8f940dc81b1⋯.jpg (44 KB, 1196x808, 299:202, raualbk4tio.jpg)



See new Tweets


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




According to the left, 1776 is a code word for insurrection.

Did @SpeakerPelosi

use 1776 as a code word to the radical left’s domestic terrorists Antifa/BLM to launch insurrection in the city streets of America in 2020?

According to the left, she did.



Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


Did @SpeakerPelosi

used coded language to incite this attack on our nations Capitol?

According to the left, she did.



3:22 PM · Apr 23, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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0f9868  No.17685868

File: 51d0f6fc3dac0fd⋯.jpg (15.87 KB, 323x549, 323:549, n9cg79.jpg)

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f18bb5  No.17685880

File: 81c750c4d541c15⋯.jpg (124.19 KB, 1157x1342, 1157:1342, ml5hmak0vawwdz.jpg)


>Biden, 79, FALLS OFF his bike during ride near his Rehoboth Beach home

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5794db  No.17685884

File: 9b3159c85cf818c⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 1158x742, 579:371, h9bdlv0ry.jpg)


>"We are not as divided as we are being told we are."

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c683cc  No.17685899

File: 1678ef434c01924⋯.jpg (138.13 KB, 1257x1463, 1257:1463, 023u6jt7k.jpg)


The fire RISES

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7eff31  No.17685902

File: 322872d731bbb88⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 673x529, 673:529, ggb5lxeqc1p0x6.jpg)

Living In China Vs. Living In America!


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c70028  No.17685904

File: 165d39edc666638⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 473x688, 11:16, 5gnb474.jpg)


I can delete posts but first the dox anon needs to post nudes asap

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0af631  No.17685905

File: 6bc5da5d3b35952⋯.jpg (18.54 KB, 443x462, 443:462, lceufe61dahr8.jpg)


And to see the example how uncomfortable many were, look at tymhe guy on the left of him, sweating bullets but even Maria was not happy

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0f9868  No.17685906

File: 75c4c798ddb9dd8⋯.jpg (22.22 KB, 502x593, 502:593, ktmre4isbra7pl.jpg)


I do

God had me prepared

I created a bunch of 12v devices "for camping" that were relied on heavily

watched LOTR extended version while watching my breath in the living room on a 5" screen w/wireless stereo speakers

lived on a AGM battery and 50w solar for 40 days until I killed 2 batteries

learned a lot about solar from that

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968577  No.17685907

File: 1c7a0931a8d4cb4⋯.jpg (18.23 KB, 333x546, 111:182, c8qbpuv.jpg)


>Navy identifies fighter jet pilot killed in California desert crash

Any new insight on this oldie?

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955db2  No.17685919

File: 6a25845c6d3c04c⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 1144x730, 572:365, l5shdb.jpg)


<>Brewed Browdz


a woman, girlfriend, girl one would like 2 yanno

i like browdz { like anonz >>17685592


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cd5182  No.17685923

File: 1534f662ec6f1a9⋯.jpg (131.67 KB, 1316x1284, 329:321, 8se5hor0ag.jpg)


>banks shorting silver hard

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381ee4  No.17685926

File: 02475c462ae3f7a⋯.jpg (122.71 KB, 1173x1253, 1173:1253, vexfn9kykd.jpg)



Bob Crimo (Father)

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15d916  No.17685928

File: 5d8d88aa7f62a76⋯.jpg (26.51 KB, 707x508, 707:508, sf9uld.jpg)


newfag discovers there are more out there than him

lurk moar

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70f41e  No.17685929

File: 0d64f02ed75b153⋯.jpg (136.63 KB, 1313x1315, 1313:1315, udz5epq4vvt4a.jpg)


RoundUp is the cause of the IBS epidemic

which the pharmaceutical industry has introduced pills and injections for, of course

the infants who are fed formula will have cancer at some point in their life

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c54516  No.17685942

File: 0e36e2373223f39⋯.jpg (22.33 KB, 531x544, 531:544, ff9agtqmjgp3r3.jpg)















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641671  No.17685943

File: 5260923046e4116⋯.jpg (24.37 KB, 655x492, 655:492, 4crxoql32brscx.jpg)


>will posting witness of the power of kek crash the image server again?

fuck around and find out…kek.

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968577  No.17685945

File: 6f4be9717574513⋯.jpg (21.68 KB, 379x523, 379:523, w5snhqg8xc.jpg)


> tween


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995f45  No.17685948

File: aeecf5eb1d39f50⋯.jpg (21.72 KB, 376x520, 47:65, 3ww0n6n.jpg)

I will be out of the hospitalsoon

if (You) need someone for that sortie,

as SAM would say ,

Just SA[Y] IT !!!!

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2a6845  No.17685956

File: abcdbaea1bf2457⋯.jpg (20.47 KB, 357x415, 357:415, 1wt5cb3q1r8m.jpg)

Want to drive cool expensive sports cars?

Sell books on Gum Shoe!

Collect the money, and never deliver the books.

Then NEVER reply to email inquires.

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c11616  No.17685965

File: 5e1f8bd4509cd21⋯.jpg (119.56 KB, 1122x1311, 374:437, ldhlcdg.jpg)


Amen!! Thank you Lord God for all the Patriot Warriors all over the world that are in the fight for Freedom! Thank you Heavenly Father for your mighty and perfect hedge of protection over all their lives and our lives here and our family's lives!

In Jesus Holy name, amen!

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540aed  No.17685983

File: a9f969eb82e9e4e⋯.jpg (117.5 KB, 1087x1392, 1087:1392, kga5ny.jpg)


Sucks when you get hit back, harder , their script said no one can touch you, oops.

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c683cc  No.17685984

File: 9f2f816d20d039e⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 1218x750, 203:125, d5nuf15lhu.jpg)


suck the nigger dick, goyim

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995f45  No.17685989

File: fc6fc91ed793a9b⋯.jpg (16.67 KB, 479x482, 479:482, qd1b3cncg0rs.jpg)


when you get back, can you fix the tampon shortage thing? and the baby formula too? : seems to me that these are movie messages to the stupid white suburban soccer moms who are still pro-Biden vis-a-vis Trump

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a8436c  No.17685993

File: 62bc80c1e694693⋯.jpg (20.31 KB, 629x522, 629:522, 2pkqsu9.jpg)



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2a6845  No.17685998

File: c20e43327c4c193⋯.jpg (20.8 KB, 479x421, 479:421, 4fdoau6tfx.jpg)

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cd5182  No.17686004

File: a7b307ecaf0b7c4⋯.jpg (19.83 KB, 446x318, 223:159, fg36yn5ja6.jpg)


F&G markets are fine with it.

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955db2  No.17686006

File: 066af4f59c80b39⋯.jpg (19.86 KB, 555x599, 555:599, tvqcos79l.jpg)


>Will there ever be justice

What makes you think posting here is going to get justice for anything? If you have EVIDENCE of illegality of any group, go to your local authorities. Q and team are way too busy to cater to idiots like you.

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c11616  No.17686008

File: dea250bdfb56bf6⋯.jpg (31.17 KB, 678x691, 678:691, 6pzlpuu.jpg)


Then just go fuck yourself.

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397cd9  No.17686009

File: 71cf4846f78d2e6⋯.jpg (21.4 KB, 396x485, 396:485, 36o7px9pbbf9b.jpg)


Some have different meanings of enlightenment. The english definition is but one.

English - detected





FeedbackTranslations of enlightenment



enlightenment, exhortation, awakening


education, learning, teaching, schooling, school, enlightenment


teaching, school, schooling, nurture, enlightenment, preparative


light, luster, prospect, enlightenment, lustre


explanation, clarification, elucidation, Enlightenment, enucleation, focalization




pact, composition, Conciliation, Enlightenment, renewal agreement, samjhauta

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56bc8f  No.17686010

File: 305e98c58feeeb9⋯.jpg (28.42 KB, 616x637, 88:91, mkhy2o20656sgd.jpg)


Ok. Just how is that accomplished?

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cd8865  No.17686011

File: 83f86a93ba30f82⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 575x627, 575:627, m6cuq82ktu12.jpg)


UTAH is non-stop in the news everyday lately for shit like this.

Hmmm…..I don't know much about Utah except for Mormons & the stooge they used to "spy" on me/befriend me said she was from Utah which was weird at the time but I didn't know why.

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7b1928  No.17686028

File: 6a6b4610e178d65⋯.jpg (16.31 KB, 269x532, 269:532, xfkasdsy5pzg3h.jpg)


That was going to happen anyway. Every politician for the past 5 decades knew it and rode the gravy train.

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995f45  No.17686029

File: 2b5ab7c864e140b⋯.jpg (116.25 KB, 1093x1291, 1093:1291, 9zyoj1nao.jpg)


Like Plato, Socrates, Aristotle etc etc?

No, the TRUTH is as JUNG said it was.

Trauma and Psychosis is in our DNA.


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41b5f4  No.17686033

File: bdbd9706dc80335⋯.jpg (22.58 KB, 577x592, 577:592, kjdrsq.jpg)


post 1700

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56bc8f  No.17686049

File: 5416d81ddd40ff1⋯.jpg (116.79 KB, 1093x1305, 1093:1305, s8umvt.jpg)



Elon a tranny?

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f18bb5  No.17686073

File: 0e2feca37dc5ed5⋯.jpg (18.48 KB, 476x448, 17:16, se01utipeace1.jpg)


Heard from my old hippie aunt, who is following this raptly. Can't understand why they haven't arrested anyone yet. My sides.

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b6ede9  No.17686080

File: 797386aea581a7a⋯.jpg (29.01 KB, 1125x624, 375:208, o1hmve9aw7s3.jpg)

wait did gremlin get injured or is that unrelated

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018c22  No.17686083

File: ab3f171e70a5db2⋯.jpg (31.83 KB, 1060x565, 212:113, hdylx956p8v9g.jpg)

they expect you to follow the stars

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f444b7  No.17686084

File: 2d94aa585d73cf5⋯.jpg (35.14 KB, 1158x642, 193:107, cd0waui0qc2.jpg)

The Storm is upon us.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths



We stand.

We fight.




Trust yourself.

Public awakening.



Stay Vigilant.

Stay Together.

Stay Strong.




This is a battle between GOOD & Evil


This is not about personal religious beliefs.

[THEY] hide behind other peoples religion beliefs.

[THEY] crept in unawares into our lives to control & destroy (YOU).






These people are SICK.








Read JUDE in the Bible.






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b6a31b  No.17686092

File: cd401da723f9249⋯.jpg (125.17 KB, 1152x1308, 96:109, z1ny9z2ebeax.jpg)


Celebrating freedom all proper like

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e50bd4  No.17686093

File: 70a586973095c37⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 692x569, 692:569, t31s22yh3f8bh.jpg)

"You not a fan now, but I remember when you used to be fanned out

I'm guessin' when the whole world loves you

People only got one way to stand out" - Jack Harlow

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5794db  No.17686094

File: 9d48c494a322c0d⋯.jpg (123.83 KB, 1161x1299, 387:433, 6hqif8nxnk.jpg)


The hearings are expected to heat up even more next week when the committee brings in Johnny Depp to testify - according to sources close to Johnny Depp's agent's cleaning lady's great aunt.

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3e6cd0  No.17686099

File: acced9bdf082f58⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 1042x575, 1042:575, 11b0wt9a50kiq.jpg)

A fitting Snipe.


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968577  No.17686105

File: 2e8ac7f8dc5c236⋯.jpg (121.89 KB, 1101x1433, 1101:1433, zd6bz6nh9.jpg)

If you are a fed or an alphabet informant subverting liberty, and the restoration of the United States, you will be running for your life.

You are interfering with a military operation and you will be dealt with if you haven't been dealt with already.

The longer you are here, the longer your rope gets, the more people hang from your networks.

Facebook and twitter employees working here on overtime(espionage).

Other journalists/orgs/discord/4chan shills you will regret when you look back on your life and the huge mistake you made shilling here.

You could of helped the fight instead you just lived in your own doubts and fears projecting them onto anons.

It will hit you like a ton of bricks when these ops are complete.

You wont be able to go back and apologize.

You will never be able to participate in the victory when this is over.

You will be both a traitor and a demon inside, you will have to live with yourself, your words, and your actions all the rest of your days.

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995f45  No.17686108

File: 0f826561f2859e6⋯.jpg (16.47 KB, 442x379, 442:379, xg68w0cf7yxdn.jpg)


Nice. The left will lose their minds in 3…2…

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2a6845  No.17686114

File: dc9ce402d6c86fe⋯.jpg (17.72 KB, 299x397, 299:397, 0rdkaea.jpg)

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f16dae  No.17686117

File: a28ee52ebe5603e⋯.jpg (16.49 KB, 421x434, 421:434, irsz22.jpg)


Isn't it cool that President Trump and frens are removed from this devolution dumpster fire and he just gets to do rallies and shitpoast on his new twitter?

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e54b78  No.17686122

File: 57fa0db47114d79⋯.jpg (122.5 KB, 1096x1412, 274:353, r3ofxzjl.jpg)

survivors benifits = 2/3 of dead persons payout, gov gets to keep 1/3


Social Security is just another slush fund at this point.

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4d2646  No.17686123

File: c5b1a1ebd874122⋯.jpg (22.59 KB, 463x498, 463:498, axzx7c3c8e39.jpg)


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968577  No.17686133

File: 6d62e41067876f3⋯.jpg (17.23 KB, 283x531, 283:531, rdjng0hnoyp0dq.jpg)


I know for sure a doll in here and twatter, that was desp asking for some help to not lose the house, and had a girl, did somebody helped her????????


Instead Kamel toe did a fund raiser for criminals to pay their bail after putting on fire cities.

Fuck you trump!

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4dd3f8  No.17686134

File: 379d0e30b041d4e⋯.jpg (27.86 KB, 681x539, 681:539, e8h7ajnvhwc.jpg)


I'm right wing and white, and I would do nothing of the sort.

They will wish for death, but death wont come.

It must suck being so blinded. I pity you.

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78a45c  No.17686147

File: 94f12016d165a58⋯.jpg (13.67 KB, 338x301, 338:301, 4zx6ejulsp.jpg)


He's a good boy. I'll allow it.

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2a6845  No.17686153

File: 665778dd5ec4e9d⋯.jpg (127.38 KB, 1150x1392, 575:696, inz5tnla.jpg)

Now On Station & Orbiting

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66cca0  No.17686160

File: 7f092bd3ecbb342⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 255x518, 255:518, imrfo454bji3.jpg)


DNR form spells out what one would want done in an impending death situation. It is good to have one’s own wishes as guide for family members. You can usually choose do everything, do some things, or do nothing and leave me be to die with dignity.

That is all.

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77fa6b  No.17686162

File: 0573b42456d6838⋯.jpg (20.57 KB, 406x380, 203:190, 4zh0bl2crd.jpg)


That's good Anon, He desires mercy.

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d44a3d  No.17686178

File: dcef5763b294c01⋯.jpg (37.71 KB, 1052x698, 526:349, pzp86jygp4b.jpg)


Still? Lol

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c2b71b  No.17686180

File: c859f098be979ed⋯.jpg (24.67 KB, 532x517, 532:517, olaupezitu2gm.jpg)

My guess…every nwo country has a death quota to meet. Maybe theyre playing a game of Great Race and placing high stakes bets on the contestants

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96bfd9  No.17686187

File: 1770311dc1d6e06⋯.jpg (36.6 KB, 1168x584, 2:1, fy0m7wwnf.jpg)

If a NUKE goes off a Club-K, I blame The US State Department

You could call it Hillary's State Department, or Biden's State Department.

They don't serve the People of America. They threaten us, they are conspiring with NAZIS in genocide.

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74c191  No.17686189

File: dae651af10e5dcb⋯.jpg (25.49 KB, 499x559, 499:559, paanflnh3w61i.jpg)



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21d05e  No.17686192

File: 532f808f2d9bf32⋯.jpg (39.67 KB, 1149x664, 1149:664, c2n36e5mr.jpg)


Holy crap, they did.

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968577  No.17686211

File: 8f9a5cfb67a8746⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 1083x795, 361:265, sa45n4j.jpg)


bully, i'll come back, with more frens

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6cae46  No.17686212

File: ab419d69853695d⋯.jpg (131.18 KB, 1299x1316, 1299:1316, 5kv3x9z78v4bw1.jpg)



How did a hacker get their name to change colors?

Can you post some directions so we can be çool shills.

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01ee68  No.17686214

File: 9a53f6f8242b454⋯.jpg (37.36 KB, 1219x639, 1219:639, f7rmat9np.jpg)


Fuckin took that shit

I have started more fights doing this shit

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c2b71b  No.17686220

File: f1ddc311accd71d⋯.jpg (36.17 KB, 1166x621, 1166:621, wyj57lowolk.jpg)


homegirl is STRUGGLING to hold that smile

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6cf075  No.17686225

File: 2e4aafd96f9097a⋯.jpg (121.82 KB, 1110x1388, 555:694, gbg5ofr9.jpg)

!0 K+ Texas National Guard Troops Deployed to the Border per Fox.

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564c59  No.17686232

File: 00efe83596f39b6⋯.jpg (136.82 KB, 1217x1456, 1217:1456, mqv6222.jpg)


That's quite unfortunate.

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f028c2  No.17686244

File: c8215d7b01fae2b⋯.jpg (130.08 KB, 1225x1377, 1225:1377, y04mqkxcb.jpg)


Then what is the purpose for whitelisting it?

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3f27f5  No.17686252

File: 3950310ae486363⋯.jpg (11.59 KB, 308x337, 308:337, zepguo16e6s4.jpg)


Anon has been digging like an asshole for days straight but FINALLY understands! What a blessing. God as come through for me once again!

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01ee68  No.17686254

File: ff8ace91343ac60⋯.jpg (44.51 KB, 1274x802, 637:401, rtaxzk3.jpg)


I C…

-herder of sheep/goats

- held high on platform

- hub, spokes, all directions

- spire, gold topped

And the "pictures" in words…

A bunch of goat humping camel jockies, roamed the dessert for 100's years (coulnd't find way out??) , they sat around smoking ganga, telling campfire stories, their grandads told them (oral tradition?).

This went on for so long they even convinced themselves they were the "chossen ones".


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09ea7b  No.17686260

File: ecdf32fc64c367f⋯.jpg (40.65 KB, 1056x773, 1056:773, r1z3gkdj3.jpg)

The Plan Emerges: America’s Leadership Will “Dismantle Russia” for Good



“The Russian Federation just came out with a new strategy entitled “Destroying America: A Moral Imperative.” Okay, not really. But the United States is intent on exactly this strategy for “dealing with” Russia. However, the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) version is titled “Decolonizing Russia.” Apparently, the plan is not to utterly destroy the world’s biggest country, it’s just a strategy to break it up into manageable pieces.”

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7251bb  No.17686267

File: 93231407d0ba4b0⋯.jpg (34.76 KB, 1168x624, 73:39, gfr0bdwi53p.jpg)


>Coke does not ever touch cocaine.

What kind of fool would believe that?

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f16dae  No.17686272

File: a43c1356be849ea⋯.jpg (134.16 KB, 1325x1276, 1325:1276, qsaz7kgiaw17.jpg)


You're right! I'm sorry, I never meant to respond to your post… I was intending to respond to another post.

I should have posted again about my mistake, but I was so angry/frustrated at my own carelessness I just closed the browser window to this site instead.

Please accept my apologies! And thank you for responding the way you did!

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96bfd9  No.17686275

File: b3ddd1f204972c8⋯.jpg (35.94 KB, 1086x578, 543:289, ulk9fjg.jpg)


daryl hannah - splash, early 80s

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55d2bf  No.17686278

File: c51165406026d11⋯.jpg (120.24 KB, 1089x1418, 1089:1418, fqdqmdr94ma.jpg)



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8fe1ce  No.17686280

File: eb9736b2673446e⋯.jpg (25.39 KB, 587x670, 587:670, bdvnrzgw9v5sz9.jpg)


>did you see the t.m post?

I have now

what do you think about the content of Jims response?

Jim verifies Q now?

using assumptions?



is that how things work around here now?

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9fa247  No.17686282

File: ac51e80c743fd86⋯.jpg (43.1 KB, 1077x788, 1077:788, x7p53d6ij8t.jpg)

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88dfe3  No.17686283

File: 021c326ada7e9f0⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 346x531, 346:531, a4w3nouyxg.jpg)


When newfags post too soon.


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1e2ec2  No.17686288

File: 6921afa356e8f3f⋯.jpg (37.67 KB, 1105x609, 1105:609, reoeucb3jk.jpg)


The hard part to imagine, is that somehow, through their reasoning; they believe themselves as on the right side of history. Because they are ruled by the lusts of the body they are blinded to the chaos they cause. They can only see the satisfaction of their hungers as their spirits and morals decay into oblivion.

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66cca0  No.17686291

File: 61e0ed0c8e3f1a8⋯.jpg (138.43 KB, 1253x1438, 1253:1438, 5i2wrozf.jpg)


You know I don't like being unduly insulted, so why do it. I'm plenty tough enough.

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d44a3d  No.17686294

File: 1981bb847b9bbc1⋯.jpg (40.14 KB, 1226x650, 613:325, pku707.jpg)


it wasn't for determining North. it was to mark the flooding of the nile - LIFE

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3f27f5  No.17686296

File: 7d15915d28b287c⋯.jpg (12.85 KB, 302x373, 302:373, 6ya1zd3op.jpg)


Remember that the baker is ignoring you. When you realize that anons are also ignoring you will you give up now or will you wait until it's too late? When you realize the tremendous pain you are inflicting on yourself what will you do?

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78a45c  No.17686298

File: 6a751b5785d5761⋯.jpg (19.37 KB, 397x397, 1:1, 1pipgu.jpg)


some people don't know when to stop, Kek.


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4d2646  No.17686304

File: 3c8a26a58186f1e⋯.jpg (17.9 KB, 412x339, 412:339, 6hdddv.jpg)

All this homo stuff seems strange.

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564c59  No.17686310

File: 95a709c187a323b⋯.jpg (116.12 KB, 1120x1327, 1120:1327, onjh9umj.jpg)

Did the Kushner boys eat anything but soy growing up?


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59d6d1  No.17686314

File: 5a14f93c898e222⋯.jpg (136.51 KB, 1303x1364, 1303:1364, yl2l3luf93.jpg)


You fucking rock baker

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efb956  No.17686320

File: 451c4d3fbf36243⋯.jpg (19.32 KB, 433x508, 433:508, krggqsic7405ev.jpg)


Sure thing, who wouldn't want a yuge Jewish nose that even after a nose job, still can't hide their Tribe?

you = Envious or something?

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09ea7b  No.17686324

File: 4c1bc8b284d94ad⋯.jpg (115.26 KB, 1119x1254, 373:418, lg95883jj3.jpg)

>joe biden speech

>thousands, maybe a couple 10's of thousands of views

>joe biden falls of bike

>hundreds of thousands, millions of views


hey jewtube, you may have shoah'd the like/dislike ratio but you haven't shoah'd the likes through subject matter hahahahaha

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368087  No.17686325

File: d5c3698320eff01⋯.jpg (25.32 KB, 537x697, 537:697, 7ukc4y.jpg)



They were Scot Irish, indentured servants.

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d35f96  No.17686329

File: 810f08889cfdb7f⋯.jpg (38.49 KB, 1180x725, 236:145, huzgajzddqo.jpg)



Ears open

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57386f  No.17686338

File: 873e21ef9f9f09d⋯.jpg (26.09 KB, 530x616, 265:308, nbcshzkk8mgp.jpg)


> money laundering scheme involving body parts

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4f983d  No.17686346

File: 871fd3547b79903⋯.jpg (118.43 KB, 1180x1260, 59:63, yf01f1dvmpad.jpg)

BREAKING: Mayor Rudy Giuliani assaulted by violent leftist in New York


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368087  No.17686357

File: 76d7937779b06c4⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 1115x718, 1115:718, iwqpdxa2k79doa.jpg)


Wasn't that post about Wikileaks?

You may have the site but we have the source.

The date of the post, June 26, is close to the news of Assange's extradition.

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ea1c0f  No.17686358

File: 09d5865373ce9ac⋯.jpg (22.62 KB, 439x513, 439:513, 4nnfz3.jpg)


Just because the best said no thanks to the current situation you provided doesn't mean the best ain't the best.

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94f4ce  No.17686368

File: 0092c784f47e282⋯.jpg (18.7 KB, 442x469, 442:469, il692f12u80dh.jpg)


drown yourself (((inbred))).

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9c7ad3  No.17686376

File: 0af003f42795efe⋯.jpg (36.73 KB, 1145x580, 229:116, nqhla30r5rco81.jpg)


>do americans understand jamaican patwah?

"I was a Digital Soldier, in the Heart of America"


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4f983d  No.17686378

File: da599964590267b⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 1250x705, 250:141, b0yz8tdvtt3wq.jpg)

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374414  No.17686387

File: c22655469a7ccf8⋯.jpg (45.27 KB, 1192x809, 1192:809, g0nzs9.jpg)


I have lost a little steam this time around…

waiting for IRL to catch up

super tired of being the crazy one

>We've lost our jobs over this. Lost friends

can confirm

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46cb70  No.17686388

File: 706d07732811ee5⋯.jpg (11.65 KB, 350x366, 175:183, kb7n70nc.jpg)


Be In Alignment With The Divine Will - Dr Zelenko

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25759d  No.17686395

File: 610f5e5c911a856⋯.jpg (26.61 KB, 660x652, 165:163, tb9nuwidzwd08e.jpg)


With all that collapsing they're causing here,

how did the FBI ever find time for that?

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f444b7  No.17686402

File: a68457639960783⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 258x544, 129:272, c4zhqaa1.jpg)


poor taste meme.

the kid looks like that because he just nearly starved to death in the cold


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6a2f6e  No.17686404

File: 7045e29cfa2c812⋯.jpg (30.91 KB, 642x692, 321:346, ilfwmz.jpg)


TRIGGERED cuz he was ID'ed. mossad treating you well 8200?

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4d2646  No.17686416

File: d57fcb039b6bb5b⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 1213x687, 1213:687, 05a80f9h.jpg)

Even TOR can't hide IPs from those with MaD hAcKeR sKiLlZ like babyfist.

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29f280  No.17686417

File: db05e0ad2293ce2⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 583x690, 583:690, oo1dmin.jpg)


James Woods


YouTube is brutal.


(NSA)+ National Shitposting Agency

2:13 PM · Jul 3, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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da2495  No.17686421

File: 63c37b511082bde⋯.jpg (24.24 KB, 616x485, 616:485, fbsscn9.jpg)

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fa62d3  No.17686423

File: e74169ab3328aa6⋯.jpg (36.68 KB, 1198x603, 1198:603, 3iyxea.jpg)


Nice Dbl Dubs


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503dc0  No.17686424

File: b9766ec03884a19⋯.jpg (16.74 KB, 345x383, 345:383, jg5aiq2.jpg)


all cycles are knowable.

""witchcraft is Satan's realm, and he excels in counterfeiting what God does. When Moses performed miracles before Pharaoh, the magicians did the same things through demonic power (Exodus 8:7).At the heart of witchcraft is the desire to know the future and control eventsthat are not ours to control. Those abilities belong only to the Lord. This desire has its roots in Satan's first temptation to Eve: "You can be like God" (Genesis 3:5)."




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46cb70  No.17686427

File: 3443db1edbbcf84⋯.jpg (42.01 KB, 1101x790, 1101:790, pmdborp522.jpg)

n what could be its last purchase of Black Hawk helicopters, the U.S. Army on Monday placed a $2.3 billion order with Sikorsky for at least 120 aircraft |



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d35f96  No.17686429

File: 61f13575ea73a5a⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 543x638, 543:638, uj9t2n0b4g.jpg)


Trips niglet

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f7cdf2  No.17686431

File: b20ecc50e413f8b⋯.jpg (21.26 KB, 575x655, 115:131, jpeewcsux9i0o.jpg)


Elon Musk


This is where

the writers are,

Of past,


And Future.

12:45 PM · Jun 18, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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5ebddf  No.17686435

File: 4dad87c7db6e2c5⋯.jpg (120.18 KB, 1142x1369, 1142:1369, pi4isjoz3bd.jpg)

Go play your games on HM. Literally no one cares. I look forward to not reading any of your responses.

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2b1ec7  No.17686444

File: 6fbc837c00cf2a7⋯.jpg (28.7 KB, 613x670, 613:670, 6uv27zytcppkvz.jpg)

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3f11f5  No.17686445

File: 2655b16655da768⋯.jpg (44.99 KB, 1283x768, 1283:768, 4wmq828.jpg)

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482c58  No.17686448

File: 66d0c0cba850374⋯.jpg (35.9 KB, 1068x580, 267:145, q7q8hlu7.jpg)

<3 Love you anons.











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ddc65a  No.17686449

File: e79031010d71dbc⋯.jpg (126.09 KB, 1134x1429, 1134:1429, dt8nk3kw13o.jpg)

40+ posts gone


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f444b7  No.17686453

File: 7379e63cef42c3b⋯.jpg (34.37 KB, 1123x711, 1123:711, 3b56mi03.jpg)



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29f280  No.17686454

File: 295d5d684f24ea5⋯.jpg (44.83 KB, 1187x805, 1187:805, iytmnhr4r.jpg)


Thats good, was it shot down

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78157c  No.17688531

File: b3db89e04e41f33⋯.png (216.35 KB, 904x730, 452:365, ClipboardImage.png)

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