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File: 0f4c0ce9622e884⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1238x1242, 619:621, Screen_Shot_2022_07_16_at_….png)

58743e  No.16752811

This is a tale of a nomadic people with NO HOME, who infiltrate nations and pit those nations against one another and against themselves by mixing the races; then dividing the races; then dividing the sexes and then dividing the generations. Once the divisions are drawn the nomads foment conflicts.

Using simple divide and conquer tactics for thousands of years, these nomadic people are responsible for the Bronze Age collapse; the collapse of the Byzantines and the collapse of the Romans. The nomads are trying to collapse us now.

How do the nomadic destroyers of civilization achieve this level of control?

By controlling the monetary system…the money.

The nomads introduce a debt based monetary system that allows them to conjure unlimited money out out of thin air, and charge interest on whomever or whatever nation takes the loans.

Fomenting wars between nations, so the waring nation need fast cash and take loans out of desperation. This is the best method for getting the system started. Once nations are hooked on money from nothing that only puts the taxpayers in debt, the nomadic destroyers of civilizations control the money.

Generations of these nomadic people have worked toward their civilization destroying goals to keep humanity in the dark, while they greedily keep the secrets of ancient knowledge and among themselves, but mostly among their highest ranks.

Once they have control of money, they have control of any vocation (job) interested in money, which is all of them.

They have infiltrated and destroyed many nations through out history, employing their ancient knowledge. Remember these nomadic people are responsible for the the Bronze Age (Greeks and Egyptians) collapse; the collapse of the Byzantines and the collapse of the Romans. The Byzantines and the Romans became Eastern and Western Christian churches after the birth of Christ. Once the eastern church weakened, Islam appeared as the new adversary. The nomadic destroyers of civilization control both religions, because their religion is the foundation of both adversarial religions.

Like any simple narcissist, they build a web of lies to create frustration and confusion with the aim of manipulating their victims.

Like any simple narcissist, they triangulate people against people.

Like any simple narcissist, they throw a fit when they are questioned or exposed.

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42e531  No.16754233

File: 84fd3cf5eff058e⋯.jpg (374.59 KB, 943x825, 943:825, rock.jpg)

I came to the United States of America and settled in Roanoke North Carolina. I remember the first winter I wanted nothing more than to move south to find warm climate. I found it in Florida.

My name is Rock.

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cfe9ab  No.16754620

your brian is rock

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