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File: d78104cb4c37016⋯.jpg (80.26 KB, 1748x938, 874:469, _WWG1WGA_.jpg)

9a4231  No.15731605[Last 50 Posts]

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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9a4231  No.15731610


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15568669 Bakers - how to format notable buns (including two-post buns)

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15717142, >>15717237 Scavino deletion - looks like a tech glitch NEW



>>15730896, >>15730902, >>15731049, >>15731171, >>15731215, >>15731155, >>15731188, >>15730980, >>15731139 New Dan on Facebook, Jack of clubs? Tiffany Blue?

>>15730901, >>15731098, >>15731124, >>15731075, >>15731191, >>15731198 Latest Ukraine/Russia spin, warmongering and propaganda

>>15730918, >>15730942, >>15731058, >>15731062 Ukraine Fake news Debunked: WW2 Tanks, old photos, fake clips

>>15730979, >>15731029 Flucelvax Quadrivalent contains thimerosal, a mercury derivative, added as a preservative. Each 0.5 mL dose contains 25 mcg mercury

>>15731001 RE: Medical Malpractice, 'Medical System Kills People deliberately and directly, for ? $$$?'

>>15731109 ICYMI: US Embassy in #Ukraine deleted all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine from its website yesterday

>>15731174 Canada Protests & the West: The Right to be Heard, interview with Protester who got bashed in Ottawa

>>15731269 President Trump's speech in Orlando tonight 7pm EST will be carried on CSPAN online and on TV, and other outlets

>>15731347 "It’s political party time with world leaders for George Soros’ son" - NYP

>>15731349 Wag The Dog Thread Created, dedicated to proven Ukraine/Russia War Debunks

>>15731462 Top manager of Gazprom's treasury committed suicide near St. Petersburg

>>15731541 OHIO Governor orders halt to state purchase and sale of Russian vodka - WLWT

>>15731542 @NavalInstitute Proceedings Photo of the Week: U.S. Marines with Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron (VMU)

>>15731587 Gazprom Treasury Top Manager Found Dead in Monopoly "Nest" in Leninsky

>>15731602 #19891

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9a4231  No.15731612


>>15730087 China Announces Military Exercises in South China Sea from Sunday thru Tuesday

>>15730100 Special Address by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation DAVOS AGENDA 2021

>>15730101 Unrelated Video Falsely Linked To The Russian Attack In Mariupol, Ukraine

>>15730105 Man on Trial for Allegedly Conspiring to Give Clinton $3 Million in Illegal Foreign Campaign Contributions Blames Trump’s ‘Muslim Travel Ban’

>>15730106 Joe Rogan Rips Bill Gates: “You’re Giving Out Health Advice And You’re Sick”

>>15730111 More Ukraine disinformation

>>15730113 US Weighs Sanctions On Russia's Central Bank As Germany Backs "Targeted" Removal Of Russia From SWIFT

>>15730126 How the US Federal Government Has Turned Hospitals into Death Chambers

>>15730127 Ghost of Kiev turns out to be video game generated fake. Ukraine’s Defense Ministry posted fake video as air battle

>>15730141 Michigan school superintendent admits to snooping on parents’ social media posts, contacting employers

>>15730145 More fakes - Scene From 2017 Film Viral As Ukrainian Soldier Bidding Wife Goodbye

>>15730147 Russian Security Deputy Dmitry Medvedev speculated that Russia may nationalize property of people registered in the US, the EU and other jurisdictions

>>15730178 Map: Which countries are accepting Ukrainian refugees?

>>15730189 President Trump to hold rally in Florence, South Carolina Saturday, March 12, 2022 at 7pm EST

>>15730203 Ron Watkins - Look who supports Ukraine against the Russian MiOps - Now do you understand?

>>15730205 Ukrainian s-300 air defense hits a building in Kiev, Fake News blames Russia

>>15730217 Ron Watkins - Please help me get on the ballot in Arizona. Sign my digital petition if you're able to: https://go.azsos.gov/r9ym

>>15730226 USAID Was Hiring in Ukraine

>>15730232 More Fake News crisis actors in Ukraine

>>15730233, >>15730239 Save America - A song by Christa Ware https://youtu.be/ps7ZcXD0FT0

>>15730255 Propaganda ops spreading everywhere. Information war is intense right now

>>15730282, >>15730258 Is Ukraine arming criminals and using terrorist tactics to get civilians killed?

>>15730288 Real Raw News got the Ukraine bio laboratories right?

>>15730294 Flashback November 2015 - Vladimir Putin - The New World Order worships Satan

>>15730297 Did anybody hear 'Freedom for Canada' when Police were beating their own Citizens in the street with batons?

>>15730304 CNN has a new 'Dear Leader'

>>15730309 Jim Watkins - Greece providing conduit for comms for Ukraine / Russia? Watch Turkey closely

>>15730328 Ron Watkins - We must not send more money to Ukraine for Hunter to embezzle

>>15730336 Every bridge and overpass filled with supporters as the US convoy for freedom rolls on towards DC

>>15730373, >>15730384 Plane With 12 Onboard Presumed to Have Crashed in #IndianOcean After Disappearing From Radars

>>15730390 Poso - Thanks CIA for driving China and Russia, two natural rivals, together

>>15730399 The Western media has become so good at lying about this country (USA)

>>15730406 US Govt Just Admitted That Russian Military Operations Will Determine Who Will Rule The New World Order

>>15730429 'Samuyil Hyde': Kinzinger Falls for Notorious Internet Meme

>>15730450 Artillery fire has struck Kyiv's children's cancer hospital Okhmadyt, killing one child and wounding two, along with two adults

>>15730459 Why does the World Economic Forum exist?

>>15730466 Russia warns that Biden's sanctions could cause it to drop the International Space Station on the United States

>>15730482, >>15730508 CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953

>>15730512 People's Convoy on the move! Lordsburg, New Mexico

>>15730563 Delta suspends partnership with Russian airline Aeroflot

>>15730709 Fake Media in Ukraine mini bun

>>15730700, >>15730717, >>15730770 More recycled fake news media in Ukraine Military Operation

>>15730738 Good thing the media was there to get coverage of this, as well as telling the world that they’re shooting flat rectangle bullets out of their fake guns

>>15730815 #19890

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9a4231  No.15731615


>>15729334 Ukraine Lugansk skyline live feed

>>15729339 The media isn’t finished smearing Canada’s truckers

>>15729341, >>15729350, >>15729668, >>15729670, >>15729797 Snake Island incident turns out to be a hoax and 82+ surrendered now?

>>15729455 President Trump endorsement of VA Congressman Bob Good

>>15729363 Flashback 2017: President Trump supplies Ukraine with anti-tank weapons

>>15729365, >>15729974 The People's Convoy live feed

>>15729372 FakeNews coverage of Ukraine is raising major red flags

>>15729378 MOSCOW: "Russian troops have destroyed a concrete dam built in Ukraine’s Kherson Region in 2014 to cut off water to Crimea

>>15729405 The propaganda machine activated in this war has been wild

>>15729425 Reminder: Obama made it legal for the FakeNews to 'purposely lie' to the American People

>>15729445 Ukraine is being covered like Fake News covered Jussie Smollett

>>15729458 President Trump weighs in on the massive corruption in Atlanta / Buckhead Georgia

>>15729472 President Trump - "If I were in Office, this deadly Ukraine situation would have never happened!"

>>15729491 Ron Watkins - I am looking for volunteers around Arizona who can help gather petition signatures contact volunteer@cmz.army

>>15729494 Flashback 2014 - The Ukraine Crisis – What You’re Not Being Told

>>15729503, >>15729545, >>15729821, >>15729945 US Freedom Convoy Trucker Left Stranded After Penske Corporation Turns Off Power Remotely to His Rental Truck

>>15729534 Information about Melitopol, Ukraine

>>15729535 Russia accuses ‘Ukrainian nationalists’ of shelling residential areas

>>15729552 Fakenews pictures about Ukraine 8 days ago?

>>15729553 Ukrainian President Asks Foreigners to Come Fight, Says He Will Provide Weapons

>>15729567 Mike Pompeo Says He is ‘Rooting’ For the Biden Administration, Would Be ‘Happy’ to Speak With Them

>>15729570 Ukraine blocks water supply for Crimea->Harris "Wars will be fought over water, not oil" Russian forces unblock water flow

>>15729591 Meanwhile... Covid has completely disappeared

>>15729593 Ukraine’s leadership has rejected negotiations – Kremlin

>>15729615 Cop Accused of Killing Baby Walks Free From Jail as Judge Excludes Damning Evidence from Case

>>15729617, >>15729624 Fake News publishes more fake news on Ukraine

>>15729620 Biden Approves $350 Million in Military Assistance for Ukraine

>>15729637 France marches against the health pass (vaccine passport) for the 33rd consecutive Saturday in a row

>>15729647 Ron Watkins - We must not send even one troop to Ukraine. Our southern border is being invaded.

>>15729659 George Soros punk kid dominates Munich Security Conference

>>15729682 Peter Schweizer: Russian Oligarchs Holding Assets for Putin ‘Probably Have Very Embarrassing Material on Hunter Biden’

>>15729686 People's Convoy crosses Texas. Left California for Washington to end vaccine mandates. Over 2000 vehicles to date.

>>15729732 German mass-media powerhouse BILD uses footage from 2015 explosions in china as war footage for Kiev, Ukraine in 2022

>>15729748 'Cinematographer Battalion': Ukrainian filmmaker jumps into action to defend country

>>15729761 German spy chief evacuated from Ukraine – reports

>>15729683, >>15729735 Dig on former Ukraine ambassador Jack Matlock

>>15729780 Media Lies About Ukraine/Russia DEBUNKED!

>>15729786 Resurfaced Video Shows Embarrassing Biden Comments on Trump and Ukraine in 2019: Unbelievable

>>15729800 Zelensky sells a villa in Italy for 4.5 million euros

>>15729876 Only at CPAC - Mike Lindell was just confronted by CBS News’ Robert Costa at #CPAC. He called him a “traitor to America“ and got everyone to chant “traitor!"

>>15729889 Biden SCOTUS nominee went beyond call of duty to defend terror suspects

>>15729906 Russian Military Operation Prevented Launch Of U.S. Bio-Laboratories In Ukraine. Kiev Hiding Evidence

>>15729912 Interesting geopolitical summary by Kim Iverson. Worth the watch

>>15729942, >>15729988 Ukraine is turning into one big bag of lies

>>15729966 4th Generation Ukrainian tells us all why Putin entering Ukraine is a GOOD thing

>>15729977 'Godspeed Samuyil!' GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger Falls For Meme Identifying Sam Hyde As The 'Ghost Of Kyiv'

>>15730047 #19889

Previously Collected

>>15729246 #19888

>>15727910 #19885, >>15728024 #19886, >>15728495 #19887

>>15724300 #19882, >>15725053 #19883, >>15725869 #19884

>>15722467 #19879, >>15722735 #19880, >>15723503 #19881

>>15720366 #19877, >>15721187 #19878, >>15722467 #19879

>>15718620 #19874, >>15718851 #19875, >>15719610 #19876

>>15715719 #19871, >>15716517 #19872, >>15717295 #19873

>>15713303 #19868, >>15714068 #19869, >>15714853 #19870

>>15711007 #19865, >>15711745 #19866, >>15712534 #19867

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!

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9a4231  No.15731621

File: 2a3e16a7b2ce9b3⋯.png (54.73 KB, 242x255, 242:255, 2a3e16a7b2ce9b363b79eac601….png)


#19892: Baker forgot to name the bread edition





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40ac25  No.15731637

File: a81866cc9e16aab⋯.png (506.58 KB, 599x681, 599:681, _NUREMBERG_2_0_.png)

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e51c6d  No.15731650

File: 0c863e67666fbf2⋯.png (360.13 KB, 526x692, 263:346, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cea18de8d29b84⋯.png (158.13 KB, 496x369, 496:369, RUputwe.png)

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92a4e6  No.15731653


gimme a title and I'll put it in

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63345e  No.15731655

Kek no Title.

Guess it got boring really fuxking quick.

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1931c7  No.15731656

File: 09d3dfdf1df6609⋯.png (993.2 KB, 933x789, 311:263, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1a5e4  No.15731658


The Cougar of Kiev edition

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d85d22  No.15731659


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12c25d  No.15731660

Good evening, Anons.

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63345e  No.15731662


That’s why they call it a Criminal Justice System.

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d0fb0f  No.15731663

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e51c6d  No.15731664


>put it in

put in left wef

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a2bdde  No.15731666

File: a93c83c5ba06acb⋯.png (856.31 KB, 1419x1628, 129:148, ClipboardImage.png)



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9a4231  No.15731668

File: 12d8a40527d0f63⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 12d8a40527d0f63a9e08e93aa8….jpg)


>gimme a title and I'll put it in

The Ghost of Kekistan Edition!

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e51c6d  No.15731669

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40ac25  No.15731670


>Jewdicial System

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c5bf8c  No.15731671

File: 927e0fd9c842f9f⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 1447x1973, 1447:1973, E6F7691F_5DA8_4003_80EA_11….jpg)

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f95fe0  No.15731672

File: 919d81d9d8557bb⋯.jpg (115.6 KB, 500x350, 10:7, 1645755476245.jpg)


Better to forget to name the bread than forget the correct bread number. Thank you baker, have a glorious day.

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82ea5f  No.15731673

>>15730762 pb

>I'm just 1 person 1 vote but anyone else think this is way too many notables? Less is more, 20-25 notables is the type of baker I like.

so… you're into quotas, eh? maybe we need to have the right number of notables from femanons and POCanons next?

what if there was nothing notable in the bread? should we just nominate 20-25 random shitposts to make you happy?


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0b65d3  No.15731674

File: a59bbdb0a5505c5⋯.jpg (102.62 KB, 610x840, 61:84, danproverbs.jpg)



I think this is very notable:

Proverbs 29:11

A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back

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92a4e6  No.15731675


refresh for bread title

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a2bdde  No.15731676

File: b4d5f34089153b7⋯.png (193.01 KB, 1077x1167, 359:389, ClipboardImage.png)



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f0fc6f  No.15731677

File: 3341273938798d7⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 500x645, 100:129, Patton_Pointer.jpg)

Forever known as The Unamed Bread.

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9a4231  No.15731678

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63345e  No.15731679


People once were Sovereign and Free in America. Then 1868 came and Boom Christians and Jews and Masons and Courts and Cops and Politicians

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c1a5e4  No.15731680

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a72be9  No.15731681

File: c4dfaa7fe1ece2e⋯.png (476.19 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 075FD4EE_3B91_41B0_9DF4_0C….png)

Some more Gazprom info. The U.S. put their current CEO on the SDN list in 2018. This would have been under Trump admin.

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e51c6d  No.15731682


putin the cougar of chicken kiev

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3d7f0c  No.15731683

File: decd0c628c18570⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB, 608x848, 38:53, qNnZD5TvRAJeu_LS.mp4)

Does this look like a hot war? Or are we watching a movie/show?

Ukrainian driver saying friendly to the Russian soldiers in Ukraine: Guys, did the tank broke down?

Russians: The diesel fuel has finished…

Ukrainian: Maybe to tow you back to Russia?

Russians are laughing…


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c1a5e4  No.15731684


Forever wasn't a very long time


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b243d5  No.15731685

File: 9b4df574b083629⋯.png (25.7 KB, 850x398, 425:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e044e33e06e008⋯.png (25.72 KB, 913x390, 913:390, ClipboardImage.png)

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c2433f  No.15731686

File: cd00bf6da5caaec⋯.png (2.59 MB, 864x5628, 72:469, bbc_com_news_world_europe_….png)

>>15731561 (pb)

Found it. This was published 7-Feb-2014.

"Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call"


Perhaps this is a good time to remind the world what was happening then. I believe it is relevant to what is happening now.

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c3062e  No.15731687

File: ed2ac1014424d1c⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 444x250, 222:125, 83073F4F_9BFE_42B2_B76A_9E….gif)

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92a4e6  No.15731688

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40ac25  No.15731689

File: 870b7e426125cba⋯.jpg (73.95 KB, 540x524, 135:131, jew_dicial.jpg)

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e722ec  No.15731690

For anyone needing a break from MSM's pro-Ukrainian drivel


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0b65d3  No.15731691

File: 95473313565b6ff⋯.jpg (214.65 KB, 2000x1124, 500:281, e15d85_20200525_trump_memo….jpg)


The Unknown Bread. Send it to Arlington. Kek

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04e6f8  No.15731692

File: f16723482a4ac6d⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 773x487, 773:487, uahksjdcasdfd.jpg)

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1d2f66  No.15731693

File: 394c10994601798⋯.jpg (27.79 KB, 600x231, 200:77, Nuclear_cannons.JPG)

File: 05ff199b489ea93⋯.jpg (15.85 KB, 459x85, 27:5, Capture1.JPG)

File: 3f09018e42bfa37⋯.jpg (17.55 KB, 667x80, 667:80, Capture2.JPG)

File: 51722fb6c1dac30⋯.jpg (19.97 KB, 555x114, 185:38, Capture3.JPG)

File: a7974aa7c0d874b⋯.jpg (17.98 KB, 733x81, 733:81, Capture4.JPG)


4chan is out-faking the fake news.

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63345e  No.15731694


It shows that military and cops are faggots for politicians.

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8d3d52  No.15731695

File: 159031da9432c20⋯.png (498.77 KB, 929x523, 929:523, barry_barack_obama_demon_d….png)

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92e39c  No.15731696

File: bda2d58b6c2991a⋯.png (590.16 KB, 714x900, 119:150, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0fc6f  No.15731697

File: 9994d99822fa036⋯.png (2.48 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, TimeTravelClock.png)


We're on 8kun time.

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1386ef  No.15731698

EU to ban certain Russian banks from #SWIFT, paralyze assets of the Russian central bank, and further freeze assets of oligarchs.


Soooo…these are the moves of the same family 'controlling' the currencies in each of the mentioned geo locations.

One family 'orders' seemingly from within the people a perception of falsehoods being called 'true' and truth is called 'conspiracy theory', divisions and conflicts between not just race, not just religion, not just class, not just political affiliation, but COUNTRY level twisted game of punishing the PEOPLE the more their own activity becomes more 'sensed…detected…pattern…a knowable truth that is a truth…should it become known by too many, 'wars' to depopulate, fake enemies created by the same financial logic domino that if the Plan is working, we're about to find out…

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a3869d  No.15731699

File: c89cdff5f15e6d1⋯.webm (3.24 MB, 270x270, 1:1, c89cdff5f15e6d117716ddb0b….webm)


>Or have some cats?

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9a4231  No.15731700

File: 846fe5ae81b2d27⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1024x692, 256:173, ClipboardImage.png)


>Does this look like a hot war? Or are we watching a movie/show?

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40063a  No.15731701


What is the New World Order?

Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?

What does this mean culturally?

Why is this relevant?

What occurred in SA?

How did POTUS remove one side of the pyramid?

What did POTUS receive while visiting China?

Where did POTUS dine?

What is the significance?

What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?


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37df07  No.15731702

File: 1a97425264af95c⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1000x691, 1000:691, ClipboardImage.png)

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20dd21  No.15731703

File: 26106e89fb84700⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1536x1162, 768:581, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9843fafe5b6b9b7⋯.png (377.57 KB, 679x427, 97:61, ClipboardImage.png)




The First Casualty of War is the Truth – The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine is Epic in Scale


picrels from the article.

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92a4e6  No.15731704


their drugs are better over there or else they are all sharing


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d28dd4  No.15731705

File: 63ab0a8ed41cf40⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1358x764, 679:382, ClipboardImage.png)

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69035d  No.15731706

File: 933d5f8c8f43920⋯.jpg (77.1 KB, 250x397, 250:397, nam_shub.jpg)

>>15731642 (PB)

know what you mean. The Nam Shub were/are real.

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9a4231  No.15731707

File: 0a4d7ebc03c85b5⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)


>4chan is out-faking the fake news.

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1386ef  No.15731708


Haha, the memes from this account are getting better and better…

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0b65d3  No.15731709

Masks Still Required For Air Travel Despite CDC's New Guidance

Despite Friday's announcement from the CDC that federal masking guidance was finally being eliminated for the majority of the US (there are still some areas that qualify as "high risk" for COVID, but 35 states have already abandoned their own masking guidance), air travelers will still need to don masks for the duration of their flights - at least for the next three weeks. A TSA order enforcing mask mandates on commercial airplanes doesn't expire until March 18, and there's even a possibility that it could be extended. Rules imposed in the early days of the Biden Administration require mask-wearing across all forms of public transportation, including trains, buses and airplanes. But the TSA order applies only to air travel. "The mask requirement remains in place and we will continue to assess the duration of the requirement in consultation with CDC," said TSA spokeswoman Alexa Lopez on Friday. In fact, pretty soon, public transportation could be one of the few remaining settings where people are required to mask up. Thanks to the CDC's decision yesterday, masking mandates will even be dropped in schools. Flight attendants and pilots alike will likely be relieved to see the masking mandates dropped, as enforcing them has led to an unprecedented rash of conflict on commercial airplanes as (often intoxicated) passengers pick fights with other passengers, and staff. Incidents where passengers have been restrained in-flight, and even incidents where planes have been rerouted, have skyrocketed. The FAA has said the vast majority of these complaints have been mask-related. More than $1 million in fines have been issued by the FAA, and another $400K have been issued by the TSA. The guidance the CDC issued Friday is based around a new approach to measuring viral risk, this one based more on hospitalization numbers than overall case numbers, which are becoming increasingly harder to measure as more Americans rely on at-home testing to confirm COVID infection.


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60ac34  No.15731710

File: 91b1a5e7d1d20cc⋯.jpg (157.25 KB, 1024x568, 128:71, OdessaAssBandit.jpg)

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e51c6d  No.15731711

File: 5f339c2d0a5bbe5⋯.png (256.97 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Fat Mama, wife, sister, career diplomat, proudly serving


Biden and


as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

state.govJoined June 2021

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9a4231  No.15731712

File: 44cc499bfd3b904⋯.png (829.22 KB, 713x747, 713:747, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2bdde  No.15731713

File: 3022a7f7fc623f3⋯.png (601.12 KB, 1320x744, 55:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8baa1  No.15731714

File: 35f46182328cfdd⋯.png (662.58 KB, 705x603, 235:201, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2bdde  No.15731715

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8d3d52  No.15731716

File: 394637445dde506⋯.png (358.38 KB, 453x600, 151:200, cat_riding_dog.png)

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9638fb  No.15731717

File: a4919bb02520727⋯.jpg (51.25 KB, 452x601, 452:601, olga.jpg)

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95211a  No.15731718

File: 36f90b9aa6c4915⋯.jpg (100.46 KB, 875x583, 875:583, 36f90b9aa6c4915d5d2824e6fc….jpg)

File: 5ccfcf81efccbed⋯.png (610.63 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 8750fcfbb1bc922cfa3fa582d7….png)

File: 11b76c1d4ac062d⋯.jpg (41.17 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 0019701092.jpg)

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a2bdde  No.15731719

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82ea5f  No.15731720

File: 1c44c7c0f5af947⋯.png (237.41 KB, 511x886, 511:886, Screen_Shot_2022_02_26_at_….png)



nothing is always right. there's a time for restraint, and a time for venting. tough love.

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1d2f66  No.15731721


My post pb/lb of the heroes of Ukraine..The ass-Bandit of Ukraine had me rolling.

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c91c3e  No.15731722

File: b27a460fba69e69⋯.png (146.75 KB, 450x352, 225:176, b27a460fba69e69251b1606960….png)


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e4b39d  No.15731723

File: 929f963f28370d7⋯.png (240.37 KB, 430x308, 215:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44e6e2bcf9f4e7d⋯.png (95.17 KB, 670x837, 670:837, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87ec8f5beb3ba4c⋯.png (81.75 KB, 678x652, 339:326, ClipboardImage.png)

Powerful prima facie case to charge billionaire Kerry Stokes, Ryan Stokes and Ben Roberts-Smith with attempting to pervert the course of justice

There is an extremely powerful prima facie case to charge billionaire Kerry Stokes, Ryan Stokes, Seven CEO James Warburton, Seven executive Bruce McWilliam and Seven West Media’s other directors with numerous crimes including attempting to pervert the course of justice and intimidating witnesses.

Ben Roberts-Smith is in a lot of trouble with his defamation case with numerous soldiers and ex-soldiers giving evidence against him with one soldier saying in court on Tuesday (22/2/22) “Ben Roberts-Smith ordered mock execution of civilian during training drill” and then Roberts-Smith spoke about how they cover-up the murders. (Click here to read more) But in this article I want to focus on the alleged crimes committed in Australia by Ben Roberts-Smith to cover-up the alleged war crimes with the evidence pointing to numerous people helping him.

It has always been obvious to me and many others that Ben Roberts-Smith’s defamation case is about trying to avoid war crimes and I wrote in June 2021:

Ben Roberts-Smith’s main objective in suing the media companies and journalists is not the alleged defamation. His main goal is to avoid being charged with war crimes allegedly committed in Afghanistan and other crimes he has allegedly committed in Australia which would have a long jail sentence attached if he was charged and found guilty. So, there is no chance Roberts-Smith will be withdrawing the defamation case the same way Christian Porter and Alan Jones did when their defamation cases looked like exposing them for who they really are.

The legal game plan

Ben Roberts-Smith will see the defamation case through to the end hoping if he wins that will put pressure on the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions not to charge him with criminal offences. And if he loses the defamation case, he will see that as him being in no worse a position than he would have been in if he hadn’t sued for defamation as he was already being accused of war crimes by the media and former soldiers on a regular basis. (Click here to read more)

The powerful evidence to support possible charges against Kerry Stokes etc. has been heard publicly over the last few months in the Federal Court of Australia with some of it coming from a private investigator who did work for Ben Roberts-Smith which included sending a threatening letter to one witness and making a false complaint to police about another witness which resulted in a police raid on that witness. (Click here to read more)

Some of the key evidence by the private investigator was supported by Ben Roberts-Smith ex-wife who also said she was asked to lie by Ben Roberts-Smith. (Click here to read more)



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a3869d  No.15731724


Anon son said he was going to invent a time machine and Anon was going to help him build it. Anon replied "then it's already done because that's how that type of thing works". So grateful we get to share it.

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500f13  No.15731725

File: 44fc6e23aa10a83⋯.png (937.8 KB, 675x900, 3:4, pepegella3.png)

File: fba727d186c12ea⋯.png (823.55 KB, 576x720, 4:5, pepegella2.png)

ok some more and fixes of pepegella

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0b65d3  No.15731726


Too much venting. Not enough restraint. Balance.

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f38862  No.15731727

File: 35891c4b5ce6fb3⋯.jpg (42.94 KB, 595x630, 17:18, CNN.jpg)

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c1d188  No.15731728

File: 7ab23321b9dc7ce⋯.png (753.34 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Hot_1.png)

File: 37acd9d79c0f846⋯.png (1.04 MB, 960x700, 48:35, Hot_2.png)

File: 7cd6bae934c7a9d⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1564x1043, 1564:1043, Hot_3.png)

File: 9858c68236e77a2⋯.png (2.97 MB, 2048x1367, 2048:1367, Hot_4.png)


Russian supply line sucks.

Russian tanksstuck on road out of gas and abandoned, supply trucks burned out, or shit just getting blowed the fuck up by determined hardcore Ukrainians defending their homes and freedom

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c1a5e4  No.15731729



Should have bought the silencer upgrade.

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e41899  No.15731730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Never seen before 911 Video drops same day as Ukraine invasion

Feb 26, 2022

The Outer Light

81.1K subscribers


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1386ef  No.15731731



A new meme legend template is born.

Write:{"The " + literally_anything() + "of Kyiv"}


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f38862  No.15731732

File: 38199a37294ea21⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 640x581, 640:581, a7d53c6faa1c0d4be6d16b2a56….jpg)

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d03f86  No.15731733

File: 11e96542ae415f1⋯.png (136.94 KB, 375x360, 25:24, pepe_autism.png)

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82ea5f  No.15731734


the teachers i learned the most from were the ones who humiliated me when i fucked up and deserved to be humiliated.

so allow me to do you a solid… piss off, snowflake.

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e41899  No.15731735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


9-11 Kevin's Video

Feb 24, 2022

Kevin Westley

269 subscribers

My Video from 9-11


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1f4859  No.15731736

File: 7b8de62c7744636⋯.jpg (143.17 KB, 889x500, 889:500, Ue.jpg)

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f50a6c  No.15731737

File: 3debe101fc01b96⋯.png (25.93 KB, 498x145, 498:145, Screen_Shot_2022_02_26_at_….png)

Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route.


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21981d  No.15731738

File: ad6dbcd2749ad4a⋯.png (889.25 KB, 727x930, 727:930, ClipboardImage.png)

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0b65d3  No.15731739


God loves you even if you're off the track.

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69035d  No.15731740

File: ef45d30181ce1bb⋯.png (35.71 KB, 250x164, 125:82, ClipboardImage.png)

Russian hyper-clone warfare mutated turtle squadron draws first blood in ruthless attack on quant historic, Kiev maternity wards, orphanages animal shelters and level 4 security biolabs.

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6b30ea  No.15731741

File: 0c49b504b4aae12⋯.jpg (16.74 KB, 313x206, 313:206, UkraimeBioMap.jpg)

File: ef657c11ab65638⋯.jpg (13.55 KB, 307x206, 307:206, Russia_Invasion_Map.jpg)

File: 13f8f96643c3c19⋯.png (518.17 KB, 1190x666, 595:333, ukrainemap1.png)

File: 9f67e1bf28c79d7⋯.png (252.55 KB, 2988x1834, 1494:917, UkraineMinerals.png)

File: bf5210021addb77⋯.jpg (26.97 KB, 500x340, 25:17, UkraineShale.jpg)

Ukraine Maps

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8a611b  No.15731742

File: a44d0d97746498a⋯.jpg (641.02 KB, 1860x1785, 124:119, AbucDHs.jpg)

File: c76ac6f206aa40b⋯.jpg (91.03 KB, 1312x494, 656:247, yZa5eYi.jpg)

File: 826ed35aa9e6c6a⋯.jpg (387.35 KB, 3205x1010, 641:202, UvwC8Jl.jpg)

File: 1d08b5f7dd5aef2⋯.jpg (170.95 KB, 963x949, 963:949, zAjmz5m.jpg)

File: 4e97ead57099a1a⋯.jpg (481.47 KB, 1631x1497, 1631:1497, dXPe46y.jpg)

02/26/2022 Particle Physics & Ukraine Invasion Decoded

New Post up, the two subjects aren't related just mentioning that I also go over Ukraine since it's topical.

Tho most of it is about decoding Particle physics, most of my posts decode single comms with history lessons, but every once in a while I decode an entire branch of science. Just like my Nuclear posts, this is a big one! It might just be my most important one yet.


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3d7f0c  No.15731743


The pictures you show are rusted vehicles

Takes years to get that rusted/degraded

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9638fb  No.15731744

File: b2a8f853c9e8664⋯.jpg (8.26 KB, 474x266, 237:133, yhyhyh.jpg)

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40ac25  No.15731745

File: fbd48c6ab434c5f⋯.jpg (111.18 KB, 519x748, 519:748, CoaQEecVUAER6SM.jpg)

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c1d188  No.15731746


hey Ruski…go fuck yourself

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b63df7  No.15731747

File: 61e953c758f8ad7⋯.png (317.3 KB, 600x536, 75:67, ClipboardImage.png)


i believe you

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21981d  No.15731748

File: 28db1067be196d3⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, Look_out_Putins_coming_thr….mp4)


>God loves you even if you're off the track.

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91921a  No.15731749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The original and best.

Pity she got wrapped up in the cult.

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2e680d  No.15731750

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91921a  No.15731751



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fa556f  No.15731752


Amazing you allowed her to wear clothes.

*golf clap

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5fb550  No.15731753

File: 6448571ed1a0e36⋯.jpg (134.79 KB, 576x676, 144:169, thoth_ennead002.jpg)

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d0fb0f  No.15731754

File: 415ccdd64ccd2dd⋯.png (3.8 MB, 1261x1247, 1261:1247, 415ccdd64ccd2dd1db0ea27007….png)

File: cbd6abbb70b38bb⋯.png (37.04 KB, 600x440, 15:11, Dogdoorgunner.png)

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819ced  No.15731755

File: 8cfcb207ccef836⋯.jpg (69.04 KB, 500x667, 500:667, 66q3qn_1.jpg)

File: abf869a94170494⋯.jpg (75.13 KB, 500x642, 250:321, 66q5kn_1.jpg)

CodeMonkey is bringing the right skills and attitude to the table skills that are not available to the American people at this time in Washington DC.

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a341af  No.15731756

File: b943168d2699df2⋯.png (34.72 KB, 475x514, 475:514, Screenshot_2022_02_26_at_1….png)


…Reads like the emergence from the purple dawn of creation (purple haze). A time before the constellations and their eventual revelation.

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0b65d3  No.15731757


What that has to do with what is being discussed I don't know but I agree with Lt Dan. Proverbs 29:11

Cool video

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b274fd  No.15731758

File: 132b00a5956a04a⋯.jpeg (426.78 KB, 1029x620, 1029:620, A9D3B864_88C9_4C5C_9F94_E….jpeg)

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2e680d  No.15731759

File: f73c63ce0996b12⋯.jpg (226.88 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Tomato_Oregon_Spring_1024x….jpg)

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500f13  No.15731760


sometimes the nips need to be freed and sometimes a classy woman is what anons need in a tight sweater.

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b243d5  No.15731761

File: 0412cb10237581e⋯.png (206.92 KB, 798x553, 114:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a87b3aa7f054d7d⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB, 640x364, 160:91, dznkRiredrHnJJeK.mp4)

sauce: https://twitter.com/i/status/1497660126936895489

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f50a6c  No.15731762

File: fa2f1973df5a04c⋯.png (210.73 KB, 317x504, 317:504, FMjn6wuVcAE44kA.png)

File: e0bbbc1a605ba28⋯.png (78.27 KB, 335x395, 67:79, Screen_Shot_2022_02_26_at_….png)

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91921a  No.15731763


Why does your entire MO look like a cheap Media Matters shill attack?

Change your MO and I won't just filter you on sight.

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e121c1  No.15731764

File: 1f02c0fe2972bca⋯.png (825.83 KB, 1007x827, 1007:827, ClipboardImage.png)

Brother Nathaniel: Bloody Passover In Ukraine


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60ac34  No.15731765

File: 3e0bed8ecd75eb6⋯.png (122.63 KB, 600x423, 200:141, 3e0bed8ecd75eb6239b124bf75….png)


Says the shill who's IP hoping to fake pro-ukrainian "consent" for the few shekels Soros pays him.


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e51c6d  No.15731766

File: 795cc0858ebbfe2⋯.png (536.77 KB, 680x663, 40:39, ClipboardImage.png)

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e991bf  No.15731767

Buy Dogecoin

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aae18d  No.15731768

File: 5cadaa01d05e4b9⋯.png (96.29 KB, 1028x625, 1028:625, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 786df5cd667c362⋯.png (56.28 KB, 1006x287, 1006:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b8df4262a14557⋯.png (238.08 KB, 1086x612, 181:102, jeremiah_29_11_Q54_8kun.png)


>A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back

I didn't enough attention earlier and thought it was Jeremiah 29:11.

Wasn't this one of Pence's favorite verses to quote?

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f50a6c  No.15731769


he was an actor and comedian before he was president

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722d8b  No.15731770

File: 95f83814bd6ef5e⋯.png (31.94 KB, 748x355, 748:355, ClipboardImage.png)

Insider Paper@TheInsiderPaperBREAKING 🚨



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c1d188  No.15731771

File: fe744b36132681b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1196x1216, 299:304, UKR_Generals.png)


Well you can complain your bitchy ass whining to the Ukrainian General Staff…

I'm sure they dont give a fuck about your opinion

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d28dd4  No.15731772

File: 8c57656adad478b⋯.jpg (251.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FLsQzpbXoAIHDlz.jpg)



>Ukraine Maps


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5a127a  No.15731773


>sometimes a classy woman is what anons need in a tight sweater.

Sweater meat is best meat.

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0b65d3  No.15731774


The majority of Ukraine is cheering that they're Government is getting deep sixed. Notice none of fake news is talking to the Ukrainian average Joe? Notice nobody is taking polls about the Ukrainian People's wishes? Notice it's not about the Ukrainian People at all, but rather it is about using the Ukrainian People as a commodity that is simply to be used as a farm tool?

They call you cattle

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abeaa7  No.15731775

File: 560451eebf4f971⋯.jpg (230.06 KB, 891x1113, 297:371, night_shift_liberty.jpg)


baker notable

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9a4231  No.15731776

File: dff43fe60265621⋯.png (84.73 KB, 282x244, 141:122, dff43fe602656217dd2ad26763….png)


>Why does your entire MO look like a cheap Media Matters shill attack?

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21981d  No.15731777

File: bfdd628acc733e3⋯.png (268.37 KB, 371x500, 371:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f5fa2  No.15731778

Listening to CPAC

"Save the Jews"

"Save the Jews"

"Save the Jews"


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edad2b  No.15731779

>>15731555 (lb)

>US spooks teaching covert ops to Ukraine

notable digits baker

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f0fc6f  No.15731780

File: f5c6ff59ddf5959⋯.jpg (32.35 KB, 550x322, 275:161, time_travel_mtg.jpg)

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0e9778  No.15731781

File: 6c49b3a141bc5d4⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Trolling Trudeau.

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d28dd4  No.15731782

File: a4f9b4736d91817⋯.png (14.83 MB, 3333x3333, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b63df7  No.15731783

File: 5dc4f352374caec⋯.jpeg (58.12 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1642101349823.jpeg)


i buy tendies

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2e680d  No.15731784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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04e6f8  No.15731785

File: 129870a9565508c⋯.jpg (28.25 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ajksdlnckdsghdjfs.jpg)

MOSCOW: "Anonymous messages threatening to place bombs at Moscow's train stations and airports have been received by the authorities and checks are being made, the RIA news agency reported on Saturday. It also said that the Russian embassy in London was in touch with British police after receiving phone threats related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which Moscow had described as a "special military operation."


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1d2f66  No.15731786


Post to a twitter account with shittons of hastags and see if it gets traction. Make sure that Russian hyper-clone warfare mutated turtle squadron achievements are posted. Then, post resulting comments.

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40ac25  No.15731787


They will fuck around and make it so obvious even the most retarded boomer will get it.

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c1d188  No.15731788

File: c4d61a034b6c1b6⋯.png (464.83 KB, 640x573, 640:573, Alpha_alpha.png)

File: 4c3e2e812391734⋯.png (405.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, The_Whitemans.png)


You dont understand alpha whites males who have been to war do you stay puff marshmallow?

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5a127a  No.15731789

File: 4ec333dbbf2e56b⋯.png (5.47 KB, 86x70, 43:35, Screen_Shot_2022_02_26_at_….png)


The Penis of Pryluky will scare TF out of those Russians!

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c1a5e4  No.15731791

File: 7a8ed95048429b7⋯.png (165.31 KB, 737x193, 737:193, ClipboardImage.png)

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f50a6c  No.15731792

File: 9558f8fbb9e49ef⋯.png (57.23 KB, 197x209, 197:209, Screen_Shot_2022_02_26_at_….png)

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117d9d  No.15731793



from lb

Notetaker gave this feedback to help bakers/notetakers avoid very long buns.

Organizing notes on Ukraine (etc) to avoid "wall-of-text" bunsNEW


sorry baker, not great at the moment, just lurking and catching up.

but can give some pointers to who ever starts taking notables. break it down to currect topics

1) ukraine ariticles from various sources add separate if post if something news otherwise group them in a bun

2) Covid new - as above

3) Banksters and finance news - we are now heading into bankster news with sanctions and swift, and monetary control. leads to B.I.S switzereland

4) Fake news bun

5) Election fraud

6) Durham news also links to ukraine

7) other news plus memes truckers convoys and public protests not astroturfed.

8) anon digz and Q pointers

Just some ideas to not have a wall of text in notables

good advice, please global baker

can swap out for Scavino notable


These are just suggestions from an experienced note-taker, not a requirement.

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Post last edited at

117d9d  No.15731794

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c2433f  No.15731795


Back in the day, I was following a Canadian journalist on this topic. What he reported was very different from US MSM. It might take me a couple of breads to find and prepare a series. I think I captured it already somewhere, which will save time. Be looking for it.

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21981d  No.15731796

File: 288a8be4318d587⋯.png (292.12 KB, 624x362, 312:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e680d  No.15731797

File: e18135c74898acd⋯.jpg (257.24 KB, 1600x915, 320:183, saturn_model_hanging_1600.jpg)

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819ced  No.15731798

File: b4d28591efceecf⋯.jpg (75.91 KB, 500x555, 100:111, 65s9ql_1_1_1.jpg)


Muh nigga you got something better let's see it… CodeMonkey is one of you us you asshole.

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82ea5f  No.15731799


>God loves you even if you're off the track.

that's why he sends someone to kick you in the ass and straighten you out. questioning God now, are you?

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f38862  No.15731800

File: 330d54d61512dbe⋯.jpg (99.01 KB, 728x952, 13:17, dog_lookout.jpg)

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69035d  No.15731801

File: 3ca008f268b380a⋯.jpg (52.99 KB, 510x684, 85:114, 3ca008f268b380ad971d6350a6….jpg)


The most interesting property of the name shub was that they didn't just give an order they conferred abilities. Over 100 "me" as they were called are known to exist.

The "me" of musicianship gave an instrument and also the knowledge necessary to play it. Sound like they worked the same way proteins do in the body, they are the instruction which they carry out, having shown their authority (friend or foe ID code, always)

This is not speculation and nobody in the NPC world notices anything unusual about this.

A few "me"



The exalted and enduring crown

The throne of kingship

The exalted sceptre

The royal insignia

The exalted shrine



Lasting ladyship

"Divine lady" (a priestly office)

Ishib (a priestly office)

Lumah (a priestly office)

Guda (a priestly office)


Descent into the nether world

Ascent from the nether world

Kurgarra (a eunuch, or, possibly, ancient equivalent to modern concepts of androgyne or transgender[6])

Girbadara (a eunuch)

Sagursag (a eunuch, entertainers related to the cult of Inanna[7])

The battle-standard

The flood

Weapons (?)

Sexual intercourse


Law (?)

Libel (?)


The cult chamber

"hierodule of heaven"

Guslim (a musical instrument)







The destruction of cities




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c5bf8c  No.15731802

File: ad20fbc1b38697b⋯.png (485.14 KB, 1504x880, 94:55, 29_11_Stay_Calm.png)

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9a4231  No.15731803

File: 66eae9ed1c46890⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 675x900, 3:4, 216688685_923478048513267_….jpg)


>Buy Dogecoin


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d28dd4  No.15731804

File: 6388ccf5d7862d1⋯.jpeg (255.66 KB, 1200x1177, 1200:1177, 6388ccf5d7862d1d12324f7f2….jpeg)

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9638fb  No.15731805

File: b7d6676397741f9⋯.jpg (62.05 KB, 474x492, 79:82, tgtyhujk.jpg)

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a72be9  No.15731806


A good movie requires good actors.

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117d9d  No.15731807

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0b65d3  No.15731808


CPAC is where the undeclared dead of the GOP go to rest in peace. CPAC is everything that is wrong with Conservatism.

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3977de  No.15731809


"oh here do it this way and by the way make it global"

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a341af  No.15731810

File: 446a77ab4f84886⋯.png (735.3 KB, 1544x794, 772:397, strlnksts.png)


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682675  No.15731811

File: 709c22044ebcd1a⋯.jpg (43.93 KB, 720x632, 90:79, 274754736_108157098468720_….jpg)

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40ac25  No.15731814

File: 80954422a9bd150⋯.png (167.48 KB, 328x486, 164:243, ClipboardImage.png)


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29edc1  No.15731815





#Kharkiv tonight. Not sure what we hear but it sounds very scary..


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12c25d  No.15731817


that nug looks ready to be smoked

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660685  No.15731818


it's gone?

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a72be9  No.15731819


The pain is obvious

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12c25d  No.15731820

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9a4231  No.15731821

File: 4aea88752b27dd5⋯.png (51.24 KB, 626x675, 626:675, bae99b3f02454da06e0f9f31e1….png)


Got it


updated dough


Still seeking handoff

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682675  No.15731822

File: fd6a988e9b7661b⋯.png (350.62 KB, 1440x498, 240:83, Screen_Shot_2022_02_26_at_….png)

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29edc1  No.15731824





Massive Russian attack with cruise or ballistic missiles on Vasilkov airfield


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82ea5f  No.15731825


The halt to military operations that President Putin ordered yesterday has been lifted and Russian military forces have now resumed their advance


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b63df7  No.15731826

File: 715337c0ac41a53⋯.jpeg (71.96 KB, 1024x691, 1024:691, 1644540295981.jpeg)

i can tell that we are gonna be frens

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fa556f  No.15731827

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8eac5f  No.15731828

File: 6db767867b5eeb1⋯.jpg (55.36 KB, 720x423, 80:47, 20220226_161531.jpg)



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60ac34  No.15731829

File: 616efcf270f952e⋯.png (25.92 KB, 713x611, 713:611, 616efcf270f952e212ba69cf84….png)


>alpha whites males

Why aren't you fighting, cowardly faggot?

Maybe you should better be helping your "friends" of the Azov Battalion who are about to get slaughtered instead of posting pics you usually jerk off to

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5a127a  No.15731830

File: 8933461187478a3⋯.png (769.24 KB, 1183x996, 1183:996, 01c69e100be24b12959cf1bf8b….png)

File: 0cf9d48ea06e856⋯.png (378.56 KB, 775x653, 775:653, Pepe_blushing_hand_off.png)


>Still seeking handoff

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95211a  No.15731831

File: c36f2956b86c43c⋯.gif (501.32 KB, 220x274, 110:137, 15785642008.gif)


>It's almost like twin sisters right here


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0b65d3  No.15731832


Poor toots. Should I send you a compass to get out of the woods? I'll pray for you.

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29edc1  No.15731833





#Kyiv now


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0f5fa2  No.15731834


"Anti-Semitism is the cause of all the evil in the world. Support Israel, support the Crown, God knows, we don't have nearly enough money yet."

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69035d  No.15731835

File: e5dedf7a5ba54b7⋯.png (280.73 KB, 300x348, 25:29, 1.png)

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d28dd4  No.15731836

File: d0337afa296ec90⋯.png (307.64 KB, 535x504, 535:504, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 792db66a0f87d83⋯.mp4 (8.45 MB, 640x360, 16:9, miJ3yBEL7FZtzqoJ.mp4)

Trump’s motorcade arrives ar CPAC greeted by crowd of supporters. #CPAC


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c1a5e4  No.15731837


Could be anywhere, anytime.

Mostly just black.

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8eac5f  No.15731838

File: 753c72159664c49⋯.png (1.07 MB, 877x605, 877:605, 753c72159664c496bb93b53217….png)

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a2bdde  No.15731839

File: b484f330f2d0006⋯.png (2.61 MB, 1451x1088, 1451:1088, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d7f0c  No.15731840

File: cbc43498796d995⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 720x671, 720:671, FMjxL_iVIAM4BwC.jpg)


You are watching a movie anon.

A show by both Ukraine and Russia

To humiliate western leaders, just like in Afghanistan

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29edc1  No.15731841



Heavy explosions in Vyshgorod north of #Kyiv


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69035d  No.15731842

File: 6aba2c7aa729da8⋯.jpg (65.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 6aba2c7aa729da835e1b984d59….jpg)

File: 34d62e7488465e9⋯.png (1.7 MB, 900x893, 900:893, 34d62e7488465e980cd2e82f74….png)

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117d9d  No.15731843


these are just suggestions from an experienced note-taker, not a requirement. will add to the post, so it's clear.

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a8baa1  No.15731844



I haven't watched Ed in a while but I liked his work.

Always had a knack for finding the oddest shit.

Interdasting indeed.

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819ced  No.15731845

File: ed45a418b61feb7⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 500x515, 100:103, vyczt.jpg)

Anons nigga's, I've made all my CodeMonkey campaign memes on my phone using imagflip website… You lazy fuckers out there with Photoshop and a PC want to help me that would be great.

America is currently fighting for her life.

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21981d  No.15731846

File: f977727fa580ef9⋯.png (138.71 KB, 1325x665, 265:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1562416cc0d7e0c⋯.png (324 KB, 988x747, 988:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d457b40dd36c20⋯.png (119.75 KB, 697x680, 41:40, ClipboardImage.png)


CIA is teaching covert ops to Ukraine forces

US training bid as invasion looms

AMERICAN spooks are training Ukrainian special forces to launch covert operations against Russian troops if the Kremlin orders an invasion.

The CIA’s paramilitary section is teaching Ukrainians how to launch sabotage, surveillance, espionage and even assassination missions.

Specialist operators are giving the lessons at a secret base in south of the US. At the same time, the Ukrainian elite forces are learning from America’s National Security Agency how to intercept Russian communications.

Sources say it is part of an exchange programme between Ukraine and the US which also involves swapping intelligence.

It is believed the US has boosted the numbers of intelligence officers it has in Ukraine amid fears of an invasion. Moscow has 126,000 troops on Ukraine’s eastern flank, as well as 30,000 pro-separatist fighters in the Donbas region, in Ukraine.

About 80,000 Russian and Belarusian troops are gathered in Belarus to the north west, within striking distance of Ukraine’s capital Kyiv.

A source said the USUkrainian programme is designed along the lines of the British World War II Special Operations Executive.

The source added: “This is exactly how the SOE operated, secretly to subvert and launch sabotage missions against an invasion force in Europe. These individuals would undermine and confuse the enemy by attacking then disappearing.” It’s believed Ukraine has provided the US Treasury Department with financial intelligence on Russian efforts to beat economic sanctions. It is believed to include information on collusion between Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs who have close ties to Russian president Vladimir Putin. Ukraine will conduct military drills from tomorrow until February 20 in response to Russian exercises, Ukrainian defence minister Oleksii Reznikov said this week.

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722d8b  No.15731847

File: d0d814d707b0eb1⋯.png (37.23 KB, 748x354, 374:177, ClipboardImage.png)


Richard Grenell Retweeted

Richard Grenell


. @AmbRice46


Rwanda, Syria, Libya, Ukraine.

When is she held accountable for her failures?

8:41 AM · Feb 26, 2022·


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29edc1  No.15731848





Reportedly incoming missiles in Zaporizhya tonight


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2e680d  No.15731849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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40063a  No.15731850




If you were worthy of the time and attention you would master the language.

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82ea5f  No.15731851


Russia closed its airspace to Polish, Czech and Bulgarian planes

Russia shuts airspace to Polish, Czech, Bulgarian planes

The tit-for-tat move followed what Moscow called an “unfriendly” response to Russia’s military attack on Ukraine

Russia has shut down its airspace for passenger airlines owned by companies in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Bulgaria, or registered in those countries, on Saturday after the three banned Russian flights over their territory, citing the conflict in Ukraine.

The ban takes effect from 3pm Moscow time, Russia’s state aviation agency said, citing “unfriendly decisions” by Warsaw, Prague, and Sofia.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia also announced on Saturday that they are will their airspace to Russian planes. However, Moscow has yet to announce any retaliation.


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c1a5e4  No.15731852

File: 7df1178c2bd3b99⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1917x1762, 1917:1762, Fake_Media_Ukraine.png)

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c1d188  No.15731853

File: ba0d1f43d3f9478⋯.png (667.61 KB, 904x678, 4:3, Lithu_helps.png)

Lithuanian Ministry of Defense: A cargo with Lithuanian military assistance has arrived in Ukraine. Lithuania will continue to support our dear friend Ukraine!‌‌.

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29edc1  No.15731854





Rovenki oil depot reportedly on fire


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b274fd  No.15731855

File: 7a5f535d5427ff2⋯.jpeg (170.71 KB, 911x882, 911:882, 7ABF79CB_B7CA_473E_B6AD_3….jpeg)

>>15731775 (pic)


Solid investment anon

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e08a54  No.15731856

You have to admit, America is a Shit Show.

The Politicians

The Judges

Even the Cops

The Karen’s

The Gays

The Blacks

The Illegal Immigrants

The Media

The Rich during inflation

It’s just a shit show. A Show of Shit.

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95211a  No.15731857

File: b7b1710b2594333⋯.png (334.45 KB, 447x435, 149:145, b7b1710b25943334998701ae1b….png)



El Chapo would like to have a word or two with Penn.

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6b30ea  No.15731858

File: d9865430f35bc6c⋯.jpg (71.19 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, DoubleMagnifyPepe.jpg)

File: 168ac1f993a5f8c⋯.jpg (82.39 KB, 930x1060, 93:106, WarNeverChangesPepe.jpg)

File: db57216c853f3ce⋯.jpg (6.54 KB, 255x218, 255:218, PepeBombsAway.jpg)

File: 62c2d601875690d⋯.png (157.88 KB, 500x500, 1:1, TheWorldWillKnowTheTruthPe….png)


Comparing the maps of bio/pharma facilities and BOOMs…

Looks like Big Pharma and Bio Tech is taking it from the front and back door.

Fake News hasn't mentioned A SINGLE bio/pharma/chemical facility …SPOOPY

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660685  No.15731859


Handoff Confirmed?

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29edc1  No.15731860





Not sure where but video reportedly shows a helicopter burning after being hit and going down


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33867b  No.15731861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Above & Beyond


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c1d188  No.15731862


You are a fucking idiot who has been psy-oped

The mindfuck in strong in you

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5fb550  No.15731863

File: 4db5953e6e9fa2e⋯.mp4 (300.25 KB, 488x848, 61:106, ra1WH_vWz0yh4X_8.mp4)

Very strange.

In Ukraine, a Russian tank had driven over the civilian car. Terrifying footage. My thoughts are with the people of Ukraine.


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f95fe0  No.15731864


Si this guy just has 9/11 footage sitting around for 21 yrs and just now publishes it. The account is only two days old too.

Second plane hits at 2:03

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b63df7  No.15731865

File: 297a59fc800b88c⋯.png (87.59 KB, 384x216, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anons nigga's,

nigga's what?

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29edc1  No.15731866





Heavy battles at #Kyiv's Povitroflotsky bridge tonight


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f38862  No.15731867

File: ca490db7233266e⋯.jpg (23.48 KB, 487x325, 487:325, bhofb852a593808f7ca5d26f41….jpg)

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660685  No.15731868



I'm sure the current baker would love to be relieved. He's only been asking for 2 breads now.

2 fucking breads for you to be a faggot

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0b65d3  No.15731869


The further away you get from Washington DC the sense America starts to make again.

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c1a5e4  No.15731870


the fuck? Targeted.

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82ea5f  No.15731871


Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev says Moscow may nationalize assets of foreigners

The former Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, hasn’t ruled out nationalizing the Russian-based assets of foreigners registered in “hostile jurisdictions.”

The harsh step may be taken in response to the seizure of funds of Russian citizens abroad, the ex-leader, who is currently deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, posted on Facebook.

“They also threaten to seize the money of Russian citizens and Russian companies abroad. But this will have to be answered quite symmetrically,” Medvedev, the president of Russia from 2008-2012, said.

EU reveals ‘maximum impact’ Russia sanctions READ MORE: EU reveals ‘maximum impact’ Russia sanctions

The comments come as Washington and allies have introduced a wide range of sanctions against Russia over its special military operation in the Donbass that was started at the request of the Donetsk (DPR) and Lugansk (LPR) People’s Republics, the independence of which was recognized by the Kremlin earlier this week.

The official added that the sanctions could lead to the “arrest of funds of foreigners and foreign companies in Russia,” saying that “nationalization of property of people who are registered in hostile jurisdictions” is also possible.

Medvedev also highlighted that he is “deeply indifferent about widely advertised restrictions of rights abroad.”

“By the way, for the record, neither me nor my family members didn’t have and don’t have either foreign accounts or any property abroad,” he said.


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e09a9c  No.15731872

File: 1df6166d5e69602⋯.png (2.78 MB, 2552x1442, 1276:721, ClipboardImage.png)


During a break in fighting, a Ukrainian boxer knocks out a Russian during a good-will match.

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9a4231  No.15731873

Notables are not endorsements


>>15731666, >>15731676, >>15731698 United States, Canada, European allies move to block 'selected' Russian banks from SWIFT

>>15731698 EU to ban certain Russian banks from #SWIFT, paralyze assets of the Russian central bank, and further freeze assets of oligarchs

>>15731674, >>15731720, >>15731768 Proverbs 29:11 A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back

>>15731683 Does this look like a hot war? Or are we watching a movie/show?

>>15731693, >>15731707, >>15731700 4chan is out-faking the fake news

>>15731709 Masks Still Required For Air Travel Despite CDC's New Guidance

>>15731723 Powerful prima facie case to charge billionaire Kerry Stokes, Ryan Stokes and Ben Roberts-Smith with attempting to pervert the course of justice

>>15731730, >>15731735 Never seen before 911 Video drops same day as Ukraine invasion

>>15731737 Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route.

>>15731741, >>15731770, >>15731778, >>15731742, >>15731761, >>15731824, >>15731825, >>15731848, >>15731851 MUH WW3 BUN

>>15731836 Trump’s motorcade arrives ar CPAC greeted by crowd of supporters. #CPAC

>>15731846 CIA is teaching covert ops to Ukraine forces

nom if missed


Baker is Requesting handoff

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29edc1  No.15731874





Residential buildings bombed in #Sumy tonight


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819ced  No.15731875

File: 16c4b3199823454⋯.png (168.71 KB, 474x315, 158:105, downloadfile_prev_ui_8_.png)



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a3869d  No.15731876



It's good to question things/me sometimes yes/no?

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ee3aee  No.15731877

>>15731631 pb

arms don't exactly match

just sayn'

where's the sauce that it's Rothschild?

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9a4231  No.15731878

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5f3227  No.15731879


Trump is getting ready to speak

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69035d  No.15731880

File: 3eed12f1ce5d909⋯.png (813.58 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 3eed12f1ce5d909057b3b16015….png)

Physicists test real quantum theory in an optical quantum network

Quantum theory was originally formulated using complex numbers. Nonetheless, when replying to a letter by Hendrik Lorenz, Erwin Schrödinger (one of its founding fathers), wrote: "Using complex numbers in quantum theory is unpleasant and should be objected to. The wave function is surely fundamentally a real function."

In recent years, scientists successfully ruled out any local hidden variable explanation of quantum theory using Bell tests. Later, such tests were generalized to a network with multiple independent hidden variables. In such a quantum network, quantum theory with only real numbers, or "real quantum theory," and standard quantum theory make quantitatively different predictions in some scenarios, enabling experimental tests of the validity of real quantum theory.

Researchers at Southern University of Science and Technology in China, the Austrian Academy of Sciences and other institutes worldwide have recently adapted one of these tests so that they could be implemented in state-of-the-art photonic systems. Their paper, published in Physical Review Letters, experimentally demonstrates the existence of quantum correlations in an optical network that cannot be explained by real quantum theory.


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b243d5  No.15731881

File: 9237ffb34c0a8eb⋯.png (355.2 KB, 798x778, 399:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2d19ff73f79e90⋯.mp4 (10.21 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, p7d6DXt_0hvdv4Rm.mp4)


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a341af  No.15731882


…Cuts out too abruptly. Why didn't the cameraman keep filming?

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b63df7  No.15731883

File: 721bf321c0d9864⋯.png (122.95 KB, 1174x522, 587:261, ClipboardImage.png)

JUST IN - US and allies to "launch a multilateral Transatlantic task force to identify, hunt down, and freeze the assets of sanctioned Russian companies and oligarchs – their yachts, their mansions, and any other ill-gotten gains," says the White House.


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b4615a  No.15731884

File: 658798490085b2b⋯.png (200.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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88c728  No.15731885


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660685  No.15731886

File: 733106a24bf18d6⋯.png (96 KB, 252x246, 42:41, super_anons.png)


God bless you Baker.

I can't take it at this time, but if you have to go I could likely ebake it for you.

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265710  No.15731887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Human Trafficking in China, a viral story about a man with eight children causes Chinese Netizens to dig on trafficking victims. The CCCPs indifference

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c6fa25  No.15731888

>>15722159 (pb)

Self Nom for your consideration

I posted this on Friday while workfagging and looks like it didn't get much attention.

With all the fake news going on I think it's relevant. Mainly because I'm tired of hearing people talk about it in the media.

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b63df7  No.15731889

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ad3d68  No.15731890

File: fcf836037a55155⋯.png (46.31 KB, 569x626, 569:626, ClipboardImage.png)

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82ea5f  No.15731891

File: dc6fa25936e3600⋯.jpg (79.12 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 62192c1285f5406c3816fec4.jpg)


== Serbia reveals decision on Russia sanctions

Belgrade - will not join EU in sanctions against Russia==

Serbia will not join the EU sanctions against Russia over its military operation in Ukraine, President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Friday. Belgrade will also not recognize the Donetsk (DPR) and Lugansk (LPR) People’s Republics because it respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine, Vucic said.

Vucic addressed the nation following the meeting of Serbia’s national security council, saying that the West had put enormous pressure on Belgrade to condemn Moscow.

“We faced pressure from many,” Vucic said. “We made the decision with a cool and sober mind, because we believe that respecting international law strengthens our position.”

He added that the Serbs consider both Russians and Ukrainians as “brotherly people,” saying that it makes watching the unfolding events in Ukraine difficult.


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69035d  No.15731892

File: 0bbe7e7bd93f28e⋯.jpg (148.17 KB, 1192x670, 596:335, 0bbe7e7bd93f28e3f5728be624….jpg)



"common knowledge" is where nobody looks. What everybody knows, no one questions.

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9a4231  No.15731893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Trump is getting ready to speak

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eae774  No.15731894

File: 5997d4521dfd88e⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 261x180, 29:20, OIP.jpg)

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5f3227  No.15731895

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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739ccb  No.15731896


I just want to say.

At my job, mind you this is during inflation, there is an abuse a gross mismanagement and abuse of “sick leave”

Maybe one or two or four people at a time, okay I can see that.

But 14! 14 out of 23 have Fmla, work restrictions, or sick calls to the point they don’t even get paid to be off work…..??

I just can’t see how America will bounce back morally. Financially sure, but with common sense of being just good people. I don’t see it.

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40063a  No.15731897


>cruise or ballistic missiles on Vasilkov

The airfield is being saved by the Vulva of Vasilkov. It will lure in and smother Russian warheads. The heat and moisture will cause spontaneous and premature detonations.

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3d7f0c  No.15731898


That is an Ukrainian air defense tank, debunked earlier today

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29edc1  No.15731899





A senior #US official says advancing Russian forces are now roughly 30 km outside #Kyiv, and an unspecified number of Russian military 'reconnaissance elements' have entered the capital - CBC

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e41899  No.15731900


yeah, I agree

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0b65d3  No.15731901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump LIVE soon

The best (only) part of CPAC.


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660685  No.15731902


thanks for this

totally forgot.

Fuck… breads will fly.


any way to help without baking?

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0f5fa2  No.15731903

File: acc67186d8ec315⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1433x738, 1433:738, ClipboardImage.png)


Powerscourt Estate Terraces Marker

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f50a6c  No.15731904

da fuq was that?

woke a cola

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82ea5f  No.15731905


India Exploring Rupee Payment Mechanism For Trade With Russia

While China is still trying not to fully alienate the US while effectively siding with Putin in Ukraine (see "China Calls US 'Culprit' For Ukraine Tensions" yet "China State Banks Restrict Purchases Of Russian Commodities, Pause Buying Russian Seaborne Crude"), Asia's other superpower, India, has no such qualms and according to Nikkei Asia, India is exploring ways to set up a rupee payment mechanism for trade with Russia to soften the blow on New Delhi of Western sanctions imposed on Russia - including a potential expulsion from SWIFT - after its invasion of Ukraine, government and banking sources said.

Putting its own national interest first, Indian officials are concerned that vital supplies of fertilizer from Russia could be disrupted as sanctions intensify, threatening India's vast farm sector. Russia and Belarus usually account for nearly a third of India's total potash imports. It would not be feasible to replace them amid a rally in fertilizer prices to a record high, a senior industry official told Reuters.


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8eac5f  No.15731906

File: 533b2ef5ae08c7f⋯.jpg (145.32 KB, 720x908, 180:227, 20220226_162318.jpg)


NEWS: With Activation of NATO Response Force, U.S. Military Ready to Provide Forces


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9a4231  No.15731907



is it in the Wag The Dog thread yet?

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2e680d  No.15731908

are you paying attention…



Who is the real Anonymous?

Not from twittter

and not from 4 letter agencies.

wouldnt want to watch this video

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da8865  No.15731909


Funny how no one has ever seen Star Link again.

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819ced  No.15731910

File: d6f51fde46d5a0e⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 500x555, 100:111, vjjb_1.jpg)

File: d6474581cc1e946⋯.png (931.63 KB, 1080x807, 360:269, d6474581cc1e9462f0f80cfc84….png)

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b4615a  No.15731911

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29edc1  No.15731912

Aldin 🇧🇦@aldin_wwAll indicators point to collapse of Ukrainian Military line with Donetsk, especially toward Mariupol.Quote

TweetCaucasusWarReport@Caucasuswar · 7hNumerous Russian advancement noted from the Donetsk frontline as heavy casualties have been inflicted on Ukrainian soldiers.


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5e3ac1  No.15731913




stby , learning Russian

I am at a baptism for the next few hours.

further lurking will I do ,

missions / sorties


time / time lines

Love is the Answer ❤

Thank(You) , also

Thank(You) Gaurdian Angel Watcher Anon's ,






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a3869d  No.15731914


>speaking of no arms

Thanks ++ for the dumpster fire memes.

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1d2f66  No.15731915

File: 0868ebbd7ca119b⋯.jpg (31.42 KB, 837x437, 837:437, Capture.JPG)


No markings on that tank..FF?



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69035d  No.15731916

File: 8d70a7259f4aa0f⋯.png (769.75 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, 8d70a7259f4aa0f4982a868cc0….png)

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c1a5e4  No.15731917


Just waiting for Pearl Harbor now

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12c25d  No.15731918


>psaki: we're not waging a war between our people and the russians

what happened?

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0b65d3  No.15731919

Why hasn't any of the Fake News talked to Ukrainians about how they feel? They know they won't get the answers they're looking for.

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a0bc32  No.15731920


Who cares? Always the same old shit.

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9a4231  No.15731921

File: 5e61cd38f227859⋯.png (12.32 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 5e61cd38f227859a7b38d9236f….png)

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c6fa25  No.15731922


Not sure that's new to me

Will check

Phonefaggin atm

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38b766  No.15731923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


notable trump speaking at cpac

link below


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21981d  No.15731924

File: aa7b8d2732313d2⋯.jpg (100.02 KB, 960x940, 48:47, dankmeme.jpg)




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2e680d  No.15731925


in one week the video has accumulated 100,000 views. the sauce is in the video

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e41899  No.15731926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Russians went in "Soft". they are avoiding inflicting casualties as much as possible

Operations in Ukraine Resume after 'Pause', China, India and Middle East States Quietly Back Russia

Feb 26, 2022

Alexander Mercouris

55.9K subscribers

Russia Says Operations in Ukraine Resume after 'Pause', China, India and Middle East States Quietly Back Russia

News Topic 428


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69035d  No.15731927

File: 90c4abdabcff236⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1310x1390, 131:139, 90c4abdabcff2365c911fcc036….png)

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e121c1  No.15731928

File: e6b4f1b325207e1⋯.png (615.73 KB, 1003x821, 1003:821, ClipboardImage.png)

Brother Nathaniel: The Jews of Hillarygate 2-21-22


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eae774  No.15731929


BRICS is going to gain power(or build power more like it) cause of this…

NATO will probably lose influence…

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82ea5f  No.15731930

File: d4ee286633ffd3b⋯.jpg (68.71 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 6217a1c32030277b2d5a5253.jpg)


Russian gold and forex reserves smash historic high

Moscow is boosting its international holdings as a hedge against sanctions risk

Russia’s gold and foreign currency holdings have reached an all-time high of $643.2 billion as of February 18, according to the latest data published by the country’s central bank on Thursday. Reserves have surged $3.6 billion from the previous week, the regulator said, noting that the 0.6% rise was due to a positive market revaluation.

Russia’s international reserves, which are highly liquid foreign assets held by the Bank of Russia and the country’s government, consist of foreign currency funds, special drawing rights in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and monetary gold.

In 2021, the nation’s forex reserves surged almost 6%.The Central Bank has a $500 billion target level for international reserves. Russia first surpassed this threshold back in 2008 with $598 billion. In the following years, reserves plunged on several occasions – including to as low as $356 billion in 2015 following the 2014 oil price crisis – but have nearly doubled since then.

READ MORE: Russia unveils anti-sanctions shield

In recent years, the Russian government and central bank have reduced the country’s exposure to the US dollar, reshaping its international holdings in favor of other currencies and gold. International rating agencies have previously said that Russia’s financial reserves will allow the country to cope with the negative effects of sanctions.


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b4615a  No.15731931


Nice. Thanks

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bbae26  No.15731932

File: 4ccb543a025ad57⋯.png (87.36 KB, 255x190, 51:38, e64dd1d74dd81bf1295f8d9e2f….png)

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c3062e  No.15731933


He said, “wha do do it. Haaaaaaaaa”.

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a8cade  No.15731934


Sign in front:

American Troops to Ukraine


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c1d188  No.15731935

File: 97fc8d1385fd553⋯.png (927.33 KB, 808x1078, 404:539, It_Burns.png)

The mayor of Vasylkiv Natalia Balasynovych reported that in Vasylkiv rockets hit the BRSM oil depot. There is a heavy fire now.

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988186  No.15731936

File: 485d3ef86764510⋯.png (101.35 KB, 483x455, 69:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66efe1c5dac9eb7⋯.png (183.91 KB, 555x742, 555:742, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7ca1b19611752e⋯.png (153.2 KB, 457x885, 457:885, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e637f847fbf39ad⋯.png (150.94 KB, 447x879, 149:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8dbe735991c6472⋯.png (127.99 KB, 404x754, 202:377, ClipboardImage.png)

Bryan McNally


Any politicians right now focusing on Russian Vodka and not the other BILLION DOLLARS of other products to include 23% of our crude oil like .@SenLouiseLucas

should immediately resign from office today instead of getting mad at vodka…


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91921a  No.15731937


Would be good if N Korea nuked Portland tho…

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21981d  No.15731938

File: 48f58c16deb67a0⋯.jpeg (95.27 KB, 1024x632, 128:79, Ukroil.jpeg)


>With Activation of NATO Response Force, U.S. Military Ready to Provide Forces

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0f5fa2  No.15731939

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e41899  No.15731940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Coach Red Pill, from Kiev

What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil

Feb 26, 2022

Coach Red Pill

275K subscribers



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a8baa1  No.15731941

File: b450224af8eea96⋯.png (407.4 KB, 631x514, 631:514, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks for the reminder!

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69035d  No.15731942

File: a6e34e4afb4c09e⋯.png (1 MB, 666x998, 333:499, a6e34e4afb4c09edace5a4ced5….png)

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60ac34  No.15731943


Looks like we got a winner here.

Knows all about alpha white males and mindfuck too as it seems.

Probably an expert in strategic analysis as well with sources in highest places.

Might have found his pic, I think.


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0b65d3  No.15731944


You know what the Ukrainians call their State Security Services (comparable to our CIA/FBI)?


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722d8b  No.15731945


somebody doing 1 2 checks in background, kek.

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69035d  No.15731946

File: a364f45505d08ea⋯.jpg (100.12 KB, 898x1242, 449:621, a364f45505d08ea5c3bfce0aa4….jpg)

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d28dd4  No.15731947

File: a51573419e43c90⋯.png (285.82 KB, 522x338, 261:169, ClipboardImage.png)



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60ac34  No.15731948

File: ca46bde887b1920⋯.jpg (16.59 KB, 260x328, 65:82, ClipboardImage.jpg)


>Might have found his pic, I think.

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c6fa25  No.15731949



The post should be imo

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f38862  No.15731950

File: 99fdda7c1b496ac⋯.png (431.87 KB, 592x668, 148:167, army.png)

File: 95080145b514601⋯.jpg (219.62 KB, 1000x688, 125:86, FMjurw1X0AA5kGH.jpg)

U.S. Army


“A battery of field artillery is worth a thousand muskets.”

— General William T. Sherman

#KingofBattle | #FiresStrong |


6:05 PM · Feb 26, 2022·Sprinklr

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a8cade  No.15731951

The livestream audio on Vimeo is very annoying, some guy shouting out Hey Check, One Two, One Two! continously.

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e121c1  No.15731952

File: 197d543fc355c1a⋯.png (209.16 KB, 338x378, 169:189, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe 15% That's not a british schnoz.

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da8865  No.15731953


>China, India and Middle East States Quietly Back Russia

>Countries that back Russia also have a chance of being purged from SWIFT

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69035d  No.15731954

File: cf66c22abd73327⋯.jpeg (546.54 KB, 1910x1074, 955:537, cf66c22abd733273bc0b3a754….jpeg)

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17a23a  No.15731955



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8be4b4  No.15731956

File: 5127d89437b65ad⋯.gif (147.38 KB, 220x220, 1:1, celtics_weird_celtics_twit….gif)

BREAKING: live footage of a pitched aerial battle over Ukraine.

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660685  No.15731957

File: fd309b7dbd87a5f⋯.png (440.71 KB, 1037x1339, 1037:1339, ClipboardImage.png)




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29edc1  No.15731958

File: e90a1c1e7998921⋯.jpg (97.49 KB, 606x1280, 303:640, FMgt_FIXMAQ5Gtb.jpg)





Russians reportedly captured Stanyzja Luhanska

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117d9d  No.15731959




i can post it in the new thread, not phone fagging, kek.

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5fb550  No.15731960

File: a9f3542fa187103⋯.png (334.14 KB, 640x506, 320:253, MissOK.png)

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5b01f2  No.15731961


Michael Hezakani’s POV

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aa1a0d  No.15731963


The Cougar of Kiev begs to differ.

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34de51  No.15731964

File: b860a21f039a8d5⋯.png (941.82 KB, 1402x1206, 701:603, ClipboardImage.png)

100% kek

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e5c4b4  No.15731965

File: f094d09be22cea4⋯.jpeg (320.59 KB, 1440x912, 30:19, 1547662771.jpeg)

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e9fd42  No.15731966

File: eb088d5b6b3e6ab⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1038x1354, 519:677, FLOTUS_vol47.png)

FLOTUS, volume 47

March 2022

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27f3a2  No.15731967

File: c2c7ba71bdbcbee⋯.jpg (248.79 KB, 1200x898, 600:449, hith_tank_british_mark_i_m….jpg)


>BREAKING: live footage of a pitched aerial battle over Ukraine.

Must be an assault. Tanks are moving up near Kyiv

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c6fa25  No.15731968



Thank you, phonefagging sucks


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a8cade  No.15731969


So why would hillary be worried? Or mebbe you don't understand what you linked.

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819ced  No.15731970

File: 106da13bf0f5aeb⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 500x537, 500:537, gyinff.jpg)

File: c2da48f2fad6e53⋯.jpg (75.72 KB, 500x600, 5:6, vgnu.jpg)

File: 881cf32754da790⋯.jpg (62.4 KB, 500x555, 100:111, 881cf32754da790a30bad0e6e4….jpg)


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e41899  No.15731971

File: e1e2e663b85010a⋯.png (44.02 KB, 712x586, 356:293, 4449.png)





>and not from 4 letter agencies.

begone shill

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511a86  No.15731972



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82ea5f  No.15731973

File: 72909aba9a03fe1⋯.jpg (17.37 KB, 500x229, 500:229, average_gasoline_price_rec….jpg)

File: d8a6a334f36ed9c⋯.jpg (21.49 KB, 500x271, 500:271, 2022_02_25_11_53_35.jpg)


Democrats Demand Biden 'Do Something' As Pump-Prices Set To Top $4 "In The Next Few Weeks"

As Charles Kennedy writes at OilPrice.com, U.S. gasoline prices are rising after the Russian invasion in Ukraine and could hit $4 per gallon, according to data from the AAA.

The average price per gallon of gasoline reached $3.57 as of Friday, according to GasBuddy data, after starting the week at $3.51. A year ago, the average price for gasoline was $2.65 per gallon.

“Russia is one of the leading oil producers globally, behind only the United States and Saudi Arabia and if they choose to withhold their oil from the global market, such a move would eventually be reflected in higher gas prices for American drivers,” AAA spokesman Andrew Gross said, as quoted by the Epoch Times.

The gas price increase to $4 could happen in the next few weeks, according to analysts, if the conflict continues that long.

President Joe Biden this week tried to quench worries about the security of energy supply, saying, “We’re closely monitoring energy supply for any disruption, and we’re executing a plan … toward a collective investment to secure stability in global energy supplies.”

The president also assured the public the White House will take steps to control prices at the pump, with Biden saying, “I want to limit the pain to the American people fueling at the gas pump … This is critical to me.” No concrete measures for reining in prices were mentioned.


btw, for those with open minds, RRN is reporting whitehats have secured our strategic petroleum reserves, because Bidan has been secretly GIVING millions of barrels away to france.


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660685  No.15731974

File: 269067845829b64⋯.png (37.19 KB, 545x276, 545:276, ClipboardImage.png)



Can't wait for this shit to play out.

Fucking Commies

No, not Putin.

The other Commies

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69035d  No.15731975

File: 5cd72ca0fa66b74⋯.png (142.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Russian lizards attack the Ukraine, homeowner nonplussed. "7 Times worse that regular flame lizards, plus, they're Russian, you know."

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20dd21  No.15731976




I still see it.

But good idea to archive, thank you for the reminder! Someone already did it two hours ago, here's the link:


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722d8b  No.15731977



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95211a  No.15731978

File: 07c15b3c8e089a9⋯.jpg (63.94 KB, 480x588, 40:49, 157.jpg)

File: 4f87a9fc3c511be⋯.png (192.6 KB, 640x613, 640:613, Ukraine_donors_Clinton_Fou….png)

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d28dd4  No.15731980


Expand your thinking.

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7a86b4  No.15731981

File: ee4f1b94a287909⋯.png (199.97 KB, 297x434, 297:434, ClipboardImage.png)

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0f5fa2  No.15731982


Is that the Kracken of Kiev?

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e51c6d  No.15731983

File: 67ded655112d5ef⋯.png (267.58 KB, 717x540, 239:180, ClipboardImage.png)

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8be4b4  No.15731984

File: 7d96fef32162af5⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 360x202, 180:101, holy_grail_catapult.gif)


City Under Siege 2022

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9a4231  No.15731985



Baker beat ya to it

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95be38  No.15731986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump speaks in 24 minutes!





Newsmax TV



Real America's Voice


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9a4231  No.15731987

File: a261115725363e5⋯.png (331.34 KB, 644x387, 644:387, ACCELERATION.png)


>Russian lizards attack the Ukraine, homeowner nonplussed. "7 Times worse that regular flame lizards, plus, they're Russian, you know."

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c6fa25  No.15731988



Gotta love them high-speed anons!

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60ac34  No.15731989


I think I heard on twitter it is the Lizard of Lviv

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0f5fa2  No.15731990


HRC is a Russian Oligarch. Well, probably a Ukrainian Nazi Oligarch.

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787a63  No.15731991



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e121c1  No.15731992

File: c978f305d004b2f⋯.png (434.3 KB, 670x624, 335:312, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa1a0d  No.15731993


Russian seamean didn’t have a chance..

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c1d188  No.15731994

File: e4674cbcc39ee05⋯.png (856.17 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Intel_Day3.png)

In summary…

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04da05  No.15731995



Boss is on in 20 Mike's


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0f5fa2  No.15731996

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117d9d  No.15731997


he sure did - saw it.

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660685  No.15731998

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a8cade  No.15731999


You're going to have to splain yourself. The DS is seizing Russian assets, prolly on orders from Hillary and her superiors. How do you figger it?

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a8baa1  No.15732000

File: 472f9e08fd6a1ac⋯.png (49.58 KB, 255x230, 51:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b81a6b7b9866182⋯.png (43.34 KB, 1476x248, 369:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d22f23d25406ab⋯.png (202.65 KB, 1495x620, 299:124, ClipboardImage.png)

15722159 PB



I got ya.

The video claiming to show a "Russian" 9K35 Strela-10 apparently swerving to run over a civilian vehicle is false / fake news.

Yes the vehicle did swerve, but if you watch the video the driver is obviously inexperienced with old Soviet Track equipment and lost control.

Second, it isn't Russian, it's Ukrainian. The country of origin is USSR, so that is a purposeful misinformation tactic on MSM's part.

Who cares you might say…Well it actually matters a lot since almost 100% of Ukrainian military vehicles are old Russian vehicles. So when the media misleads the masses by claiming Russians are doing this and running over people, Remember the letter Z…its purpose is to differentiate between Russian and Ukrainian.




https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-russian-saboteurs-gunned-down-in-kyiv/ (full video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCjai-Zaq4Y (footage of the vehicle being run over and driver rescued)

Side note:

In the video the 9K35 Strela-10 actually stops, tries to assess the situation realizes their troops are on the ground and leaves to carry out the mission of stopping the invasion of Kyiv. Which from a tactical stand point is much more important than helping.

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e4b39d  No.15732001


Scare Event is loading?

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0f5fa2  No.15732002


HRC fingerpoints at Russia constantly…because "projection".

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c2433f  No.15732003


Hmmm…. I'm not sure how best to do this. I found a 49 page document in my files with mostly source links from this journalist on the topic of what was going on in Ukraine during the color revolution. Thoughts?

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21981d  No.15732004

File: b38a2538347fc91⋯.mp4 (674.63 KB, 640x640, 1:1, come.mp4)

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f063db  No.15732005

File: 9b382bf472eaeed⋯.png (413.84 KB, 1880x573, 1880:573, Blackbird_front.png)

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04e6f8  No.15732006

File: c4e00948c3798ab⋯.jpg (104.48 KB, 898x622, 449:311, sub_buzz_32299_1500325424_….jpg)

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2e680d  No.15732007


did u read it

not anonymous but twitter

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69035d  No.15732008

File: 42703a7d44124ab⋯.png (191.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40cbc1edd105f0d⋯.png (67.05 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Uketank Division destroyedin Battle of Kursk II .Russians advance on Kiev stripping maternity wards of incubators, razing kindergartens and kicking poodles.

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819ced  No.15732009

File: 967a40b74f93e59⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 500x756, 125:189, 65li0q_1.jpg)

File: 84024cfda65587d⋯.jpg (88.22 KB, 735x490, 3:2, 65v82d_1.jpg)

Brnovich about 100 million MAGA Patriots are watching you ya fat piece of shit.

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660685  No.15732010


any sauce for this footage?

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82ea5f  No.15732011


Global economic expert Alex Krainer, the founder of Krainer Analytics and creator of I-System Trend says sanctions against Russia will do more harm to US/EU

On 24 February, the US and the EU introduced sanctions against key sectors of the Russian economy, export control and export financing, visa policy, dual-use goods, and Russian individuals over Moscow's special operation to protect the Donbass region. How could these measures affect the world economy?

"The effect of these sanctions, which are mind-numbingly shortsighted, is that they will actually have a very detrimental effect on energy prices, and not only energy prices, but food prices as well, which will precipitate a profound economic crisis in Europe, which is already in a crisis", says Alex Krainer, founder of Krainer Analytics and creator of I-System Trend Following. "It will exacerbate inflationary pressures throughout Western economies. They will hurt not only Russia, they will also hurt the working people of Western Europe and the United States, and particularly small businesses and medium-sized businesses, which is the main economic engine".

On 24 February, the EU took aim at Russia's transport and energy sectors, 70% of the Russian banking market and key state owned companies, including in defence. The White House targeted Russia's financial and technological sectors, cut off Russia's access to high-tech imports and froze assets from four major Russian banks, among other measures. Nevertheless, the US and the EU fell short of severing Russia from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) as Washington and Brussels had earlier threatened.


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e45716  No.15732012


Well, white people were…

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f0fc6f  No.15732013

File: c26fc024ef913b2⋯.jpg (138.81 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, HRCboot.jpg)


One of these is not like the other.

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d28dd4  No.15732014

File: 8d7966f413fc0a5⋯.png (34.98 KB, 767x312, 59:24, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df0b1e79df9bb43⋯.png (412.03 KB, 709x648, 709:648, ClipboardImage.png)




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117d9d  No.15732015


post as pdf with mebbe a few pages like title page, exec summary and contents?

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b243d5  No.15732016

File: 3f4bc599b5f1d21⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB, 352x640, 11:20, JEZDRqmcQFPuVUzZ.mp4)

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2e680d  No.15732017

File: 74e1fad61563949⋯.jpg (343.52 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, anonymous_expect_us_1080P_….jpg)


not anonymous but @jack

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a8baa1  No.15732018


Kek, lost my arrows somehow

>>15722159 PB


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29edc1  No.15732019





Video of oil depot on fire in Vasylkiv / Vasilkov south-west of #Kyiv


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b63df7  No.15732020

File: d42419c6629fb10⋯.png (81.46 KB, 1168x354, 584:177, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: North Korea fires unidentified projectile eastward - Yonhap


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511a86  No.15732021


Lloyd just got his marching orders from Commandant Schwab.

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92e39c  No.15732022

File: 13ec38e17380f80⋯.jpg (149.64 KB, 840x551, 840:551, NIGHT_SHIFT_FIRE_b.jpg)

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aa1a0d  No.15732023



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0f5fa2  No.15732024


Her mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a soviet commie.

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95211a  No.15732025

File: 58dc7de6c7bde27⋯.jpg (29.28 KB, 528x543, 176:181, 58dc7de6c7bde27b7b1eb1776c….jpg)


His face

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1cedcb  No.15732026

File: df811c2620d0162⋯.jpeg (92.24 KB, 1024x996, 256:249, 1DDECF0D_834C_4555_8A07_A….jpeg)

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5b01f2  No.15732027


This discussion has prompted me to wonder how Godzilla “swims” so fast.

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660685  No.15732028

File: 36f61638920c156⋯.png (47.89 KB, 160x215, 32:43, ClipboardImage.png)


looks empty

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a3869d  No.15732029


One day it occurred to me that we can unlearn things. Sometimes not knowing is knowing. It can be liberating to be free from knowledge especially if it is false. Truth = Freedom.

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9a4231  No.15732030

File: 3bb375ddf8338a7⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB, 352x640, 11:20, 3bb375ddf8338a770c67c4d873….mp4)


Here's the MP4 shared pb

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bbae26  No.15732031

File: c86af3b5a42d63c⋯.png (10.89 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 74df4b9a18a53ba46cff8798cd….png)



Rocket Man getting in on the action!

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c2433f  No.15732032


I think the "scare event" was COVID, based on comments by Peter Daszak, Tom Frieden, and Tom Daschle.



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82ea5f  No.15732033


>Well, white people were…

GFY asshat… you think blacks picking cotton were any worse off than poor whites digging coal, you got your head so far up your ass you might be able to see out your bellybutton.

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751521  No.15732034




Is auto-correct doing this shit?

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682675  No.15732035

File: 068fc60eb9e358d⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 640x373, 640:373, iu.jpg)

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e4b39d  No.15732036

File: 5434c77b2d27b3f⋯.png (224.87 KB, 503x594, 503:594, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10bec6e0a00ba91⋯.png (416.2 KB, 544x737, 544:737, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60cf23e28b6d3e9⋯.png (314.93 KB, 536x598, 268:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05a9d18c93d7f80⋯.png (386.29 KB, 852x732, 71:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b30cc8d23f7f2eb⋯.png (54.91 KB, 847x346, 847:346, ClipboardImage.png)

EU, US Agree To Expel "Selected Russian Banks" From SWIFT, Sanction Russian Central Bank

(Update 5:10pm ET): In the latest major escalation, late on Saturday European nations together with the US have issued a joint statement in which they announce the following restrictive economic measuresthings:

Commit to ensuring that "selected Russian banks" are removed from the SWIFT messaging system: "This will ensure that these banks are disconnected from the international financial system and harm their ability to operate globally."

Commit to imposing "restrictive measures that will prevent the Russian Central Bank from deploying its international reserves in ways that undermine the impact of our sanctions."

Commit to "acting against the people and entities who facilitate the war in Ukraine" by taking measures to limit the sale of citizenship, so called golden passports, that let wealthy Russians connected to the Russian government become citizens

Commit to launching "a transatlantic task force that will ensure the effective implementation of our financial sanctions by identifying and freezing the assets of sanctioned individuals and companies that exist within our jurisdictions."

Stepping up or coordination against disinformation and other forms of hybrid warfare.

EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen broke these down further as follows:


Swift will be used to crash the market and blame it on Russia

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2e680d  No.15732037

multiple meanings comrade

i suggest you watch the videos

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0b65d3  No.15732038


Handoff Confirmed?

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e51c6d  No.15732039

File: 6b1e2f80529ad43⋯.png (922.61 KB, 1000x875, 8:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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e121c1  No.15732040

File: d20159b72c2329e⋯.png (80.19 KB, 1216x544, 38:17, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15730141 pb notabled

Michigan school superintendent admits to snooping on parents’ social media posts, contacting employers

Dinverno v. Marxist Parasites masquerading as qualified child care providers


Might need this

42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rights


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660685  No.15732041

File: ec681cd38ed6560⋯.png (98.42 KB, 262x255, 262:255, ClipboardImage.png)



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a8baa1  No.15732042

File: 6cffb8738b3b828⋯.png (211.03 KB, 640x305, 128:61, ClipboardImage.png)


Horrors unleashed from the Biolabs!

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f0fc6f  No.15732043


Old (2021) and staged garrison photo. Vehicle's antenna mount is empty. Not working out in the field. Parking lot photo op.

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f50a6c  No.15732044

File: 761c155866216b9⋯.png (45.94 KB, 565x325, 113:65, Screen_Shot_2022_02_26_at_….png)

File: 3debe101fc01b96⋯.png (25.93 KB, 498x145, 498:145, Screen_Shot_2022_02_26_at_….png)



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ca1914  No.15732045

File: 562a8fb4be29329⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1616x1452, 404:363, Screen_Shot_2022_02_26_at_….png)

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6b31de  No.15732046


"sweater puppies", sicko.

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92e39c  No.15732047

File: 5329e2723c85258⋯.png (386.57 KB, 600x676, 150:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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511a86  No.15732048


One angle is

Putin or out of spite Ukraine cuts off Ukraine energy.

Putin capitalizes w/ Nordstream and pulls Germany away from Nato.

Putin then reclaims Baltic states.

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a2bdde  No.15732049

File: 57097ff06089aa1⋯.png (408.7 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 434295ae4df3894⋯.png (65.15 KB, 255x198, 85:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff800bb35a19b6b⋯.png (315.99 KB, 640x405, 128:81, ClipboardImage.png)


Joe Biden since 150 Years in Senate, sends Troups to UkrainePershing under General Pershing.

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238c56  No.15732051

File: 8b3530f91af76a5⋯.png (799.82 KB, 1181x892, 1181:892, ClipboardImage.png)

Sen. John Kennedy Full Remarks at CPAC 2022 in Orlando



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69035d  No.15732052

File: 2dc81d94baa6792⋯.png (313.1 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

Soros' Loyalist NWO Colon Snipers platoon awaits the arrival of Russian troops. The atmosphere is tense. Many of the men are wondering is the 40 dollars was worth it.

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7a86b4  No.15732053

File: 5a5f32c5147df60⋯.gif (287.46 KB, 176x240, 11:15, gamera_maracas.gif)

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d28dd4  No.15732054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Donald Trump Speaks at CPAC: Day 3 of CPAC '22 in Orlando - February 26, 2022


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a2bdde  No.15732055

File: c5656eb90772714⋯.png (346.57 KB, 486x599, 486:599, ClipboardImage.png)

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27f3a2  No.15732056

File: a545f470a437aba⋯.jpg (92.6 KB, 720x544, 45:34, mckek.jpg)

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38149f  No.15732057

File: 48e3298b0df250e⋯.png (484.23 KB, 960x860, 48:43, rothschild_swift.png)









>russia attacks ukraine

>this is actually a direct attack against the jews

>liberation from the jewish rothschild banking empire happening covertly behind the scenes involving many nations

>russia being threatened with getting kicked from SWIFT

>SWIFT is a how the jews trade between their usury slave system of banks

>doing this will "force" putin to an alternative

>the alternative has already been in works

>they have a switch ready to flip

>they will no longer be tied to the archaic financial system of jewish middlemen

>a second economy will begin to flourish without middlemen involved

>no more need for jewish copyright system which gives all the power to established jewish corporations (NFTs are more than "art")

>no more need for jewish banking middlemen between transactions

>instant settlement backed by an open, permissionless, decentralized, zero counter party risk, no energy cost, deflationary non-existent fees

>this new economy begins to boom

>more and more are pulled into it

>global trade can now be done with no jews involved at any stage, no nation involved, no third party, only pure human will to create and share

>new ideas, technology, and a return to high arts

>as the USD and central banking system fall true freedom is felt around the world for the first time in hundreds of years

>if space isn't fake and gay then we can expand throughout the stars with limitless potential

>if space is fake and gay and a jewish psyop then inner earth is real we're free to find the breakaway germans







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a8cade  No.15732058


So let me get this straight; Hillary is a supporter of Putin, and wants him to uncover biolabs and DS shenanigans in Ukraine, and has fears of people who want to seize Russian assets - Amirite? Is that your point?

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b63df7  No.15732059

File: e56ecc0fbd903ee⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1430x1356, 715:678, ClipboardImage.png)


they really hate that ocean

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ff675d  No.15732060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

San Francisco Earthquake 1906 Rare - Actual Verified Footage!

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f063db  No.15732061


I know, it is not my one of my strengths.

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0f5fa2  No.15732062


Surprise, surprise, the Soros faggot has colon snipers.

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3d7f0c  No.15732063

File: 7c54bb755279ec7⋯.jpg (103.04 KB, 828x818, 414:409, FMi_MX_WYAkdup1.jpg)

Journalist on the frontline of a hot war

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a3869d  No.15732064


> Q-tip or Co(tton)mmandant Schwab.

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38149f  No.15732065


the WEF are going down

Russia debuted their digital ruble last week


They will begin to use their CBDC which is built on the ISO20022 international digital payments standard


In fact, Russia was one of the first to pioneer this standard.

Ripple is the only cryptocurrency company which sits on the governing board of ISO20022


Russia's central bank has been using Ripple technology for several years

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJyJf79C7_c [Embed]

China also recently rolled out its digital yuan


Ripple-owned payment company is partnered with Alipay and WeChat which will use the digital yuan


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238c56  No.15732066

File: cdfd5f51340940f⋯.png (529.34 KB, 1177x810, 1177:810, ClipboardImage.png)

File: afb74b3f263b75c⋯.png (549.81 KB, 1179x835, 1179:835, ClipboardImage.png)

CPAC LIVE: Full Coverage from Day 3 of CPAC '22 in Orlando, FL - February 26, 2022 @ 10:30am ET




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c2433f  No.15732067


Yes, I think that is best. There's too much here to make a series a posts from. Just need to check it for doxxing.

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5f3227  No.15732068

File: 48386009eedfeeb⋯.png (336.85 KB, 506x655, 506:655, 4c60d398a81de0bdabcd8752e7….png)

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37df07  No.15732069

File: 0ec37d19db590c8⋯.png (412.48 KB, 880x493, 880:493, ClipboardImage.png)

Truth is a great word

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82ea5f  No.15732070


>I'll pray for you.

disingenuous pretentious holier-than-thou bullshit. special place in Hell for pious hypocrites.

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660685  No.15732071


That's not the sauce for that footage. It's funny AF though.

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69035d  No.15732072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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511a86  No.15732073


>A battery of field artillery is worth a thousand muskets.”

One patriot is worth 10,000 traitors….me

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b63df7  No.15732074


tell me when trump is on

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7c1cba  No.15732075


We have a long ways to go…

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c4a823  No.15732076

File: 73fe7b9ab1d9df5⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 474x469, 474:469, OIP_DmeaAUr1XgGwZQyU9dZ9hw….jpg)

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018049  No.15732077

File: 5c1db6559e89593⋯.mp4 (11.67 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Fantastic_Voyage_Small_TS_….mp4)





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0b65d3  No.15732078


> A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back

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1f4859  No.15732079

President Trump is set to speak at CPAC 2022 in Orlando, Florida, tonight at 7 pm ET.

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9a4231  No.15732080


handoff confirmed


pls note the dough update for new global

Notables are not endorsements


>>15731666, >>15731676, >>15731698 United States, Canada, European allies move to block 'selected' Russian banks from SWIFT

>>15731698, >>15732036 EU to ban certain Russian banks from #SWIFT, paralyze assets of the Russian central bank, and further freeze assets of oligarchs

>>15731674, >>15731720, >>15731768 Proverbs 29:11 A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back

>>15731683 Does this look like a hot war? Or are we watching a movie/show?

>>15731693, >>15731707, >>15731700 4chan is out-faking the fake news

>>15731709 Masks Still Required For Air Travel Despite CDC's New Guidance

>>15731723 Powerful prima facie case to charge billionaire Kerry Stokes, Ryan Stokes and Ben Roberts-Smith with attempting to pervert the course of justice

>>15731730, >>15731735 Never seen before 911 Video drops same day as Ukraine invasion

>>15731737 Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route.

>>15731778, >>15731742, >>15731761, >>15731824, >>15731825, >>15731848, >>15731851, >>15731871, >>15731874, >>15731891, >>15732011, >>15731930, >>15731973, >>15732011 MUH WW3

>>15731828, >>15732020, >>15732031 Rocket Man getting in on the action!

>>15731836 Trump’s motorcade arrives ar CPAC greeted by crowd of supporters. #CPAC

>>15731846 CIA is teaching covert ops to Ukraine forces

>>15731880 Physicists test real quantum theory in an optical quantum network

>>15731879, >>15731986 Trump is getting ready to speak @ CPAC

>>15732000, >>15732018 "Russian" 9K35 Strela-10 apparently swerving to run over a civilian vehicle is false / fake news. now archived in Wag The Dog thread


nom if missed


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60ac34  No.15732081

File: e694045171c8293⋯.jpg (46.61 KB, 568x380, 142:95, butcher_berdyansk.jpg)


Just heard from reliable sources that Zelensky has ordered all prisons be opened to help fight the russian aggression.

The Butcher of Berdyansk is out and the Odessa Ass Bandit too – the Russians won't stand a chance now

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9638fb  No.15732082

File: d10148ac2006a69⋯.jpg (96.19 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, gggfgfgfgs.jpg)

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0f5fa2  No.15732083


Soviet, not Russian Federation. Everywhere is divided, anon. Factions. No nation is monolithic..two tiered, at least. Putin is not frenz with HRC.

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d28dd4  No.15732084

File: e0e7f1913442f41⋯.png (466.97 KB, 898x505, 898:505, ClipboardImage.png)



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819ced  No.15732085

File: 5312a161341e39c⋯.jpg (78.16 KB, 500x782, 250:391, 664s4s_1.jpg)



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e5c4b4  No.15732086

File: 3b1f66f212d8b04⋯.png (106.82 KB, 300x483, 100:161, 8beaf1747602f509fcc1276e19….png)


Turned it off

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238c56  No.15732087


He is on now

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40063a  No.15732088


NOTABLE. Social disruption followed by alternative media and network. Q 4511:

This has never been attempted.

Use of general public to counter the narrative [propaganda] push by controlled media.

Analysis [start-to-now] indicates situational awareness [decoupling of MSDNC control of information (channels 1-99)] of general public expanding at massive pace.

Attacks indicate [can be defined as] loss of generalized information control.

Need to expend ammunition [muster NETWORK to defend and coordinate attacks] to counter.

MIL-CIV Alliance.


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6b31de  No.15732089


World News Tonight with David Muir.

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0b65d3  No.15732090



Thanks Baker. It's a great night to be anon.

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9c7e18  No.15732091



ty bakers. busy weekend.


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f0fc6f  No.15732092

File: d711d9a12449cef⋯.gif (7.18 MB, 720x720, 1:1, d711d9a12449cef354da9ee190….gif)


What level in hell is dictator's notetaker?

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e9fd42  No.15732093

File: e097d304f76a698⋯.png (135.64 KB, 577x452, 577:452, q_dog.png)

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238c56  No.15732094

screen shots are the giveaway



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1cedcb  No.15732095

File: d92629a5b07985a⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1138x1080, 569:540, 49C7D7E5_0CBC_412B_B240_D5….png)

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660685  No.15732096


This is huge.

We know who (((they))) want to be able to communicate with the world during wars and who they'd like to silence.

Think what you want, but if this ever allows for open comms by all (who have power) during wars, it's game over for them, me thinks

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0f5fa2  No.15732097


Filtered that ID right off the bat… It grates on the mind.

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51ab2d  No.15732098

President Trump LIVE on RSBN. Black suit n red tie. Looks n sounds sharp.

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29edc1  No.15732099

File: 751ee9ac811f53a⋯.jpg (4.88 KB, 276x183, 92:61, download.jpg)

Ursula is going for the throat.

Ursula von der Leyen


· 1h

Second, we will paralyse the assets of Russia’s central bank.

This will freeze its transactions.

And it will make it impossible for the Central Bank to liquidate its assets.


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aa1a0d  No.15732100

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fa556f  No.15732101

File: aae08a1fd4a7296⋯.png (378.63 KB, 640x383, 640:383, ClipboardImage.png)

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f50a6c  No.15732102

potus just called out Zelensky for being an actor and comedian

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51ab2d  No.15732103

File: b512b0b7a13cf46⋯.jpg (328.8 KB, 2167x1440, 2167:1440, Picsart_22_02_22_17_49_16_….jpg)

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238c56  No.15732104



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2e680d  No.15732105



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475300  No.15732106


Empty mag too…

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40063a  No.15732107

File: db6d2a4c1e3ef00⋯.png (85.46 KB, 200x252, 50:63, ClipboardImage.png)


>"sweater puppies"

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a65ebf  No.15732108

File: d1b581c5f615d93⋯.jpeg (375.27 KB, 640x702, 320:351, 00F25D84_65C3_4005_9404_9….jpeg)


When is an Adult going to step up and stop this shit! Ole Joe is going to bumble his way into WWIII and we are going to suffer the fallout. Seriously! Is there anybody that can stop this old fool?

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5f58bc  No.15732109

File: 6a1d208e0675168⋯.jpeg (329 KB, 678x1107, 226:369, 9298C792_9D6B_4989_B36A_C….jpeg)


Too relevant to hope for nom.



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660685  No.15732110


Do you know the date?

Can someone track this video down?


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e121c1  No.15732111

File: b4e305ec3b1183b⋯.png (666.52 KB, 756x512, 189:128, ClipboardImage.png)


This is going to boomerang

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018049  No.15732112

File: 2e11e9a94a802bd⋯.mp4 (908.66 KB, 488x272, 61:34, Hillary_Putin_Rigged_His_O….mp4)

File: b9ce691fb7a1778⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 267x620, 267:620, Kermit_War_Reporter.jpg)

File: 0208acf84bcfcdc⋯.jpg (129.51 KB, 600x699, 200:233, You_Awake_Yet_Deepstate_TS….jpg)

File: 8ce96bf4f044a2c⋯.jpg (46.42 KB, 349x572, 349:572, Ukrainian_Puddin.jpg)

File: 203af9ccead4641⋯.jpg (65.38 KB, 580x387, 580:387, Kamala_Sucks_at_Foreign_Af….jpg)

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e5c4b4  No.15732113

File: 44cff4ced125642⋯.png (507.53 KB, 1080x737, 1080:737, Memeto_1606865758636.png)

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1f4859  No.15732114


Yeah, when the truth comes out even the woke anons will be BTFO over religion.

"99% in the hospital"

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29edc1  No.15732115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kiev live feed

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1d2f66  No.15732116

File: f7a36f4a0945451⋯.jpg (87.28 KB, 779x519, 779:519, Ghana.JPG)

File: 71d28b88354a5f4⋯.jpg (71.46 KB, 837x467, 837:467, GhanaSuperSoldier.JPG)

File: ad21be50d7af0ff⋯.jpg (67.25 KB, 576x735, 192:245, GhanaATST.JPG)



Ghana is sending their most advanced weaponry to defend Kiev.

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ad3d68  No.15732117

File: b08a0e0195b6416⋯.png (284.67 KB, 355x563, 355:563, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf20fb225d0298f⋯.png (602.72 KB, 490x892, 245:446, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa1a0d  No.15732118


Dang, this seems harsh. i’m just getting over covid and … i’m hurtin’ linda.

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660685  No.15732119


claim like this needs more sauce

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0f5fa2  No.15732120


Are starlink comms secure or wide open for SIGINT? Space Force?

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9a4231  No.15732121


>That's not the sauce for that footage

TV says it was on SKY NEWS

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c2433f  No.15732122


Anyone know how to strip property items out of a PDF?

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27f3a2  No.15732123

File: ffe1c4185ce5c9d⋯.jpg (58.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, horror.jpg)

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9c7e18  No.15732124

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1f4859  No.15732125

File: 84172bee259103e⋯.png (152.19 KB, 406x176, 203:88, whatdat.PNG)

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3d7f0c  No.15732126

File: 350489c0d900f01⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 472x640, 59:80, dGfOEeUU96BxBepK.mp4)

Another data point that this whole mess is like some sort of staged event … Impossible to sort out what the truth is, and #FakeNews images/vid aren't compelling


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500f13  No.15732127


that made me kek

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e722ec  No.15732128


>President Trump LIVE on RSBN. Black suit n red tie. Looks n sounds sharp.

Doesn't look like the joker with the baseball cap who did one of the recent rallies.

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92e39c  No.15732129

File: 4ac59f3438bdb68⋯.png (656.62 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, ClipboardImage.png)

just sayin'… picrel

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b63df7  No.15732130

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0f5fa2  No.15732131


Thank you.


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660685  No.15732132

File: 765c915350479ea⋯.jpg (12.78 KB, 228x214, 114:107, news_you_can_trust_ankle_m….jpg)



magazine dropped

important to be accurate

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5f58bc  No.15732133



Sorry Baker.


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55f249  No.15732134

The video of the explosion and the dummy flying through the air…..

Watch the kid at the end. He smiles right at the camera

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8934c4  No.15732135


HRC's voice is like nails on a chalk board to me.

Can't stand listening to that lying fucking witch.

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d28dd4  No.15732136

File: 06a1dba88fb96ed⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1145x764, 1145:764, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e3166f22e51990⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1129x764, 1129:764, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3aeb2892630d836⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1024x693, 1024:693, ClipboardImage.png)

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82ea5f  No.15732137

File: 608c0e1697e0e70⋯.png (251.22 KB, 574x512, 287:256, cww21.png)

File: 58637a9aa657603⋯.png (328.62 KB, 504x488, 63:61, cww22.png)

File: 4c5e357e6538fb1⋯.jpg (31.1 KB, 1280x776, 160:97, cww23.jpg)


in case it don't embed….


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e45716  No.15732138

File: efbe2187770c007⋯.png (10.15 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Calm yo tits

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018049  No.15732139

File: 7706238600c1887⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Kash_Patel_SF_Brothers.mp4)

File: 4f33add5b28cb49⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 3024x3499, 3024:3499, 20220226_143705.jpg)

File: 6884d741279854f⋯.jpg (3.66 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20220131_113902.jpg)

File: fc66c5c6ee4e1a9⋯.jpg (3.5 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20220131_113916.jpg)


Did someone ask for SPECIAL?

Shit… I'm Nervous…

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5180a6  No.15732140



>actor and comedian

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660685  No.15732141


not baker

not what I meant

we need another outlet to independently come up with the same info

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21981d  No.15732142



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660685  No.15732143



just anon's opinion

just trying to help

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a8cade  No.15732144


Potato only controls what military forces that the Patriots allow him. No worries about him starting WWIII.

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ee3aee  No.15732145


spoke on rbn

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dfc216  No.15732146

File: 403af4d86fe1bb0⋯.jpg (120.24 KB, 973x555, 973:555, grohlsoldhissoul.jpg)


In STUDIO 666, the legendary rock band Foo Fighters move into an Encino mansion steeped in grisly rock and roll history to record their much anticipated 10th album. Once in the house, Dave Grohl finds himself grappling with supernatural forces that threaten both the completion of the album and the lives of the band.


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5224c7  No.15732147

File: de94b08e337a363⋯.png (703.09 KB, 1199x785, 1199:785, cbcd8b9443c0ae6bc9504986ba….png)


It looks like you got a dog in your weed, bro.

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fa556f  No.15732148

File: 3fd7ad5c650a88d⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 656x656, 1:1, aaaagggghhh.jpg)


Shithole China!

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5fb550  No.15732149


Everything we are seeing in U.S. media surrounding U.S. interests in Ukraine is a massive propaganda operation with the headquarters in the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence community. The sense of sympathy you are feeling is part of an intentionally manipulative operation from within this DC matrix.

The images, pictures, videos, speeches, soundbites and the cinematography broadcast by U.S. corporate media are all purposefully intended to create a very specific outlook within the American people toward the issues in Ukraine. The leftist United Nations, and the leftist U.S State Dept, will work together on this just like they have done in the prior examples (Ukraine 1.0, Libya, Egypt, etc.).

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c2433f  No.15732150


Frankly, given the whole history of the mess, this would not surprise me. They did it before when Crimea decided to rejoin Russia.

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9c7e18  No.15732151


if notable, so is the nom -

>>15732044, >>15732088 Social disruption followed by alternative media/network & Q 4511

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b4615a  No.15732152

File: f94851782874313⋯.png (802.36 KB, 1100x998, 550:499, ClipboardImage.png)


I think you've got something there. Now we know why he was holding the wooden one before. Look what happens when they let him handle the real thing. He goes all Fife.

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a8baa1  No.15732153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There is a RSBN pre interview

Go back a few minutes


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04da05  No.15732154

File: 7fac23330214056⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB, 1500x1046, 750:523, R45K4L_on_Gab_PatriotMoreh….mp4)




that bit before he comes out was great!

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f0fc6f  No.15732155

File: 0cf84fd90a02d20⋯.jpg (2.55 MB, 2000x3008, 125:188, Ukrainian_cougar.jpg)


Vaaht are you thinking?

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82ea5f  No.15732156


>Impossible to sort out what the truth is

not impossible. kinda easy, in fact. watch/listen/read US MSM carefully. the truth is the exact opposite. been telling people this since vietnam.

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0e9778  No.15732157


guys that cross their legs when they sit are faggot

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69035d  No.15732158

File: a794a41fd9cf394⋯.png (209.63 KB, 768x300, 64:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfff953deace8da⋯.png (565.74 KB, 900x675, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Pedovore cultists continue the desperate defense of Kiev besieged by 567 Russian armored divisions and an infinite number of pogues, the 666'th Soros Irregular are demanding public support for their patreon. "Give 'til in hurts- hurts Russians you maudit normies" says harried General X, who asked that his name be withheld, pending notification of next-of-kin.

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1fdaf1  No.15732159


Kek. How embarrassing.

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345a06  No.15732160

File: 7832bf2502cfde8⋯.png (612.69 KB, 1193x824, 1193:824, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5c4b4  No.15732161

File: de72c7fb6fa321d⋯.jpeg (138.76 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1538947549.jpeg)

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cb5d90  No.15732162

CPAC Bread is Best Bread

DJT is always at his best at CPAC

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4712ed  No.15732163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just spent an hour 20 minutes watching a pure psychopath NBC reporter interviewing President Putin in July,2021. Incredible. From the very first question by the NBC psychopath to the end, it showed pure evil engaged with a mortal man. The mortal man, Putin, did as good as he could against pure evil.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= m6pJd6O_NT0&ab_channel=NBCNews

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04e6f8  No.15732164

President Trump, commenting before CPAC, declined to give advice on what Biden should do about Ukraine. kek

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2e680d  No.15732165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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21981d  No.15732166

File: 814b0e99915f6c8⋯.png (324.62 KB, 352x640, 11:20, ClipboardImage.png)


it's as meme as Chinese flag-face Olympics soldier

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95be38  No.15732167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Newsmax TV



Real America's Voice


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a3869d  No.15732168

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e5c4b4  No.15732169

File: 41bfa43205b47e8⋯.jpg (92.93 KB, 400x532, 100:133, 20220114_063553.jpg)

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5224c7  No.15732170

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB, 490x842, 245:421, 58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

File: 69bc71cebaa18be⋯.jpg (153.77 KB, 625x703, 625:703, 69bc71cebaa18beaa5d976ac7e….jpg)

File: f2adb4cbab88595⋯.jpg (7.54 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 1489295523625.jpg)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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d28dd4  No.15732171

File: 3e0499eba9a9f80⋯.png (484.3 KB, 534x389, 534:389, Screenshot_2021_12_13_at_1….png)

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db9383  No.15732172


Ankle on knee is acceptable.

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e51c6d  No.15732173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e5c4b4  No.15732174

File: fa654a2cf11996b⋯.png (493.36 KB, 1080x980, 54:49, Memeto_1630977859298.png)

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2e680d  No.15732175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e722ec  No.15732176

File: de82e6f5b806b22⋯.jpg (142.79 KB, 1600x950, 32:19, thelionofjudah.jpg)

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f180e9  No.15732177

File: d3f27d86769c9a3⋯.jpg (603.61 KB, 1663x2550, 1663:2550, 56978100.jpg)

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9c7e18  No.15732178

File: ef64adf01852902⋯.png (56.38 KB, 278x184, 139:92, kekistan_with_shitistani_s….png)

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c1d188  No.15732179

File: e066d863640b67b⋯.png (236.28 KB, 591x942, 197:314, Kharkov_explosion.png)


Mushroom cloud explosion in Kharkov tonight

I hope the fuck the Russians haven't initiated first use of tactical nukes

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60ac34  No.15732180

File: c01afce9c3fef87⋯.jpeg (251.23 KB, 588x484, 147:121, c01afce9c3fef8701f432809a….jpeg)

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2e680d  No.15732181




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1d2f66  No.15732182

File: 17f6f9fd18d4ee8⋯.jpg (51.11 KB, 554x626, 277:313, OSB_47.JPG)


OSB-47!!!!! Kalashnikov

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018049  No.15732183

File: c4c7e441974ee1e⋯.gif (3.22 MB, 400x226, 200:113, Enemy_at_the_Gates.gif)


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38b766  No.15732184

File: bb437f8fdb3053d⋯.png (1.78 MB, 714x940, 357:470, ClipboardImage.png)



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c0fcef  No.15732185

File: 43ea82eab02e476⋯.png (462.92 KB, 815x709, 815:709, ClipboardImage.png)

The Outer Light

Never seen before 911 Video drops same day as Ukraine invasion

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f38862  No.15732186

File: d4f45ab6de7536d⋯.jpg (8.01 KB, 612x408, 3:2, gettyimages_1051511192_612….jpg)

File: ab096c8166423c4⋯.jpg (17.29 KB, 612x408, 3:2, gettyimages_157295643_612x….jpg)


air support now aloft

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a3869d  No.15732187

File: 7be7bb58dc28eb1⋯.mp4 (6.5 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 7be7bb58dc28eb1ec83774a50f….mp4)

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a341af  No.15732188

File: 5776a5dd1eb4a64⋯.jpg (44.06 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_a_believer_is_a_bird….jpg)

…Incoming biblecuck slide.

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eb9b84  No.15732189


Yes, there was a back stage press conference just ended a couple minutes ago. His speech is starting soon.

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38149f  No.15732190

File: bb6cf419cd21e21⋯.jpg (286.11 KB, 1280x968, 160:121, ukraine_glitch.jpg)

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aa1a0d  No.15732191

File: cfbcbb416d95860⋯.png (15.43 KB, 473x189, 473:189, ClipboardImage.png)

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38149f  No.15732192


>May I have your attention please. Don't use elevators please sir

>Reports that russian strategic bombers have taken off from crimea - may be heading to Kiev - Government instructs residents to head to bomb shelters

>Sounds of sporadic small arms fire in Kiev

>Russian forces have met heavy resistance as they advance on Kiev

>Russian commander of 35th motor brigade has been captured by Ukrainian forces

>Russian army releases first ever video of the Chernobyl nuclear plant after capturing it (https://t.me/intelslava/20722)

>Russia has banned all western social media

>Azov Battalion has started training volunteers in Kiev

>High-rise building in Kiev hit by missile, origins unknown, both sides claim it was the other side's missile

>Melitopol has fallen under Russian hands

>Russians advancing rapidly towards Mariupol, tanks spotted roughly 70km from it

>Civilians and the SBU (Ukrainian security forces) engaged in a gunfight last night (due to a major confusion), resulting in heavy losses

>Seven civilians died in a day in the LPR and DPR from shelling by Ukrainian security forces, LPR authorities report

>There are reports a convoy of armoured vehicles are headed towards Kiev and air raid sirens were heard there not long ago

>Russia says Sweden and Finland may face military and political consequences if they attempt to join NATO

>Russian troops already in Kiev's outskirts (~10km), entire city expected to become a warzone within days

>10,000 AKs given out to citizens of Kiev

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e5c4b4  No.15732193

File: 7a6878a4becc728⋯.png (626.32 KB, 1080x1031, 1080:1031, Memeto_1602960618525.png)

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f38862  No.15732194

File: a88bac396d799b1⋯.jpg (32.54 KB, 720x904, 90:113, EPGAFlRX4AEUZBE.jpg)

Thank you God!

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04e6f8  No.15732195

RSBN just said the next Trump rally is March 12th in South Carolina, and believes there will be a rally every two weeks!

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5a127a  No.15732196

File: 6c93e9c3da9bef3⋯.png (81.67 KB, 1092x1037, 1092:1037, 6c93e9c3da9bef372a2f134d5f….png)


$43/sheet for OSB

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d28dd4  No.15732197

File: 3be077f4f4a5513⋯.png (3.42 MB, 1288x2048, 161:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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0e9778  No.15732198

File: d3e0f75f6ccdf7f⋯.png (350.03 KB, 513x511, 513:511, 025b0e38279a2565c753ac68fb….png)

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e5c4b4  No.15732199

File: 1017390c554a669⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 500x395, 100:79, 1837151108224544g.jpg)

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38b766  No.15732200



BIBI -c.i.a.L

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e121c1  No.15732201

File: 265159a81f2a8be⋯.png (304.07 KB, 401x398, 401:398, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f4859  No.15732202

File: 8115f2e182675ae⋯.jpg (53.53 KB, 636x382, 318:191, hunter.jpg)

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69035d  No.15732203

File: 89ba3cde6d1addb⋯.png (789.56 KB, 1600x640, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66ef7253b9cd3c0⋯.png (378.65 KB, 800x493, 800:493, ClipboardImage.png)

The mood was grim in Kiev as a few hundred poorly paid Soros cowards prepared to pretended to defend Kiev from approaching Russian armored divisions who have been pulverizing the cities homeless shelters, orphanages and baby hospitals with deadly "Trotsky" hyper missiles

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df5ce4  No.15732204


Couldn’t you have picked someone other than a pedo… Momo

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660685  No.15732205


wanna see a pic of my mushroom tip?

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0f5fa2  No.15732206


When I was a kid it was $8. This inflation is biblical.

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0e9778  No.15732207

File: 550fe4fe9ccf04b⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1080x737, 1080:737, 44cff4ced125642a3c53e85958….png)

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ff675d  No.15732208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Duck and Cover - 1951 - What to do in case of atomic attack.

Just in case this Ukraine thing gets out of control!

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fe5f3c  No.15732209


>RSBN just said the next Trump rally is March 12th in South Carolina, and believes there will be a rally every two weeks!


Big fuckin' deal.

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d28dd4  No.15732210

File: 77e377cad7e18ff⋯.png (4.04 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee3aee  No.15732211

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.




'Low down on the Down Low"

Media Manipulation, staged events and Warfare

"Future Combat Systems"

used in the attack on NYC 9/11

Mass Media is a Weapon.


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511a86  No.15732212


Putin has made himself quite clear.

If nwo friendly forces like NATO try to stick their nose in this, then all options are on the table.

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82ea5f  No.15732213


kek. and the AK is the most reliable combat rifle ever… takes a real gomer pyle.

shoopers should paste gomer pyle's face on this…

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86c893  No.15732214

File: 301444d224f7dd3⋯.png (190.18 KB, 415x680, 83:136, ClipboardImage.png)

Rally in Florence, South Carolina

February 25, 2022 / Events

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Florence, South Carolina, on Saturday, March 12, 2022, at 7:00PM EST.

Saturday, March 12, 2022, at 7:00PM EST

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks


Florence Regional Airport

2100 Terminal Dr.

Florence, SC 29501

Timeline of Events:

8:00AM — Parking Opens

2:00PM — Doors Open and Entertainment Begins

4:30PM — Pre-program Speakers Deliver Remarks

7:00PM — 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

General Admission Ticket:


Media Request:


All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Thursday, March 10, 2022, at 5:00PM EST.


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aa1a0d  No.15732215

File: 2d1dd78fe1f7a2b⋯.png (53.91 KB, 720x479, 720:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d2f66  No.15732216


You can get 2-3 ak47s out of that sheet….a bargain!!

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2e680d  No.15732217


home depot ceo is a dumbass. the old ceo went to lowes. much better service even though big name

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4ad426  No.15732218

low energy captcha post

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660685  No.15732219


that's actually deep

well done

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157c9b  No.15732220

File: 7135122eb99e23d⋯.png (194.38 KB, 728x360, 91:45, five_fold.png)

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ce1410  No.15732221

File: a64d78e0ba62199⋯.jpeg (308.24 KB, 1124x1427, 1124:1427, 7AE0AC66_D8AC_41D7_8F10_4….jpeg)


Russian Solders address the Ukrainian army

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37df07  No.15732222

File: b3616f63e9310d8⋯.png (377.57 KB, 873x446, 873:446, ClipboardImage.png)


Well you never know about bravery, some people think they're brave and they're not brave, and other people don't think of themselves as very brave and they Step up, you never know until you get tested, and er he's being tested at the highest level, and so far he's shown really great leadership and great bravery. They say he was an actor or a comedian and all of that's fine but he's showing a lot of bravery, so far, and hopefully, hopefully he won't have to need that for too much longer because maybe things can end. This should not happen, this should never have happened.

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86c893  No.15732223

File: bf24ca99ac7c096⋯.png (293.29 KB, 624x519, 208:173, ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.

Flag of United StatesEagle


CLICK Down pointing backhand index TAKE POLL!


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5a127a  No.15732224


>When I was a kid it was $8.

Anon members paying $9 when finishing garage. That was maybe 5 years ago.

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eb9b84  No.15732225



7/16 thick? shit! That's like a sheet of paper! Too fuckin expensive for chemically fused wood shavings!

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e5c4b4  No.15732226


Pretty much this

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21981d  No.15732227


it's over

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ed5ea2  No.15732228

File: b4a1881de5493c4⋯.png (980.4 KB, 1201x739, 1201:739, 7pmESTdailyUAPS.png)

File: 686fef83ccbdf56⋯.png (539.65 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 657b5a0cc921854b32006a6f5e….png)

File: f699d790d83f53b⋯.png (257.54 KB, 612x346, 306:173, d260e8d0bad1ec9552333c9005….png)

7 pm ESTUnified Anon Prayer Storm

God Bless our truckers, our people and our President

Free the world from the grips of evil

GodSpeed The Plan

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ee3aee  No.15732229

File: b52da6cf5168d87⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 352x640, 11:20, fakeukrainebattle.mp4)


you'd think with all the money spent on it and for how long they've been at it, that they'd do a better job?

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c0fcef  No.15732230

File: b976982b87403ad⋯.png (414.4 KB, 815x709, 815:709, ClipboardImage.png)


Sauce - https://youtu.be/nqi-RKgVuf8

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8934c4  No.15732231


Caucasus War Report?

Those Caucasians are really causing a ruckus.

Who are the White Supremacists? Which side has White Privilege? So confusing!

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642dcb  No.15732232


Not sure where you’re at but it’s much higher where I am. A couple years ago it was roughly $8

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40ac25  No.15732233

File: 4ec2af6067c2242⋯.png (225.43 KB, 416x384, 13:12, Ukraine.png)

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29edc1  No.15732234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russian troops already in Kiev's outskirts (~10km), entire city expected to become a warzone within days

Looks like they are very close now.

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a2bdde  No.15732235

File: ba15bef36a4cf9d⋯.png (947.64 KB, 1300x936, 25:18, ClipboardImage.png)

Germany Military support to Ukraine

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2e680d  No.15732236

File: c253153843fdad5⋯.jpg (369.19 KB, 1920x1077, 640:359, THE_SUN_0.jpg)

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e121c1  No.15732237

File: c3eef317a81ac52⋯.png (903.96 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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82ea5f  No.15732238


>Mushroom cloud explosion in Kharkov tonight

unbunch your panties, conventional high explosives make mushroom clouds, too.

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f50a6c  No.15732239


checked and notable

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1f4859  No.15732240

How would anons rate the show so far?

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1d2f66  No.15732241


That mannequin wins!!

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df812b  No.15732242

File: d260e8d0bad1ec9⋯.png (282.89 KB, 612x346, 306:173, warrior_of_light.png)

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b6faf7  No.15732243

File: 5ac122546577eed⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 500x209, 500:209, Youre_like_at_a_11.gif)


You're not far from the mark, screaming doesn't help to get the point across however.

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04e6f8  No.15732244

File: ec4f764ece148ba⋯.jpg (34.09 KB, 862x492, 431:246, wwsqqsq.JPG)

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4ad426  No.15732245

File: 0695d6dd710003b⋯.jpg (151.03 KB, 749x1093, 749:1093, FMjcPiqX0AIbBsf.jpg)

#UkraineInvasion A senior defense official via


“The resistance from the Ukrainians is stronger than the Russians anticipated” + additional obstacles.


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38b766  No.15732246

File: 6245aa1f4949078⋯.gif (12.45 MB, 800x500, 8:5, 6245aa1f494907801200ace000….gif)


Help me to help others

Help other to help themselves

Wake up the people of the world

Thank you



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37df07  No.15732247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ad3d68  No.15732248

File: 4962221c3aa5471⋯.png (103.69 KB, 637x700, 91:100, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1288422d8a2aea⋯.png (806.65 KB, 1044x744, 87:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06ecc33f76302ed⋯.png (130.16 KB, 1692x645, 564:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9423a09a234dadd⋯.png (270.73 KB, 370x588, 185:294, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fdccb9001ffd7a⋯.png (617.83 KB, 1894x892, 947:446, ClipboardImage.png)



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a3869d  No.15732249


A prayer for everyone, in all the spaces, in between now and the never was and never will be. May we be in harmony with all that is. Love you all. Thank you for sharing time and space with me.

Also Taco cat backwards is Taco cat.

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511a86  No.15732250


No but I am numb to illegal govt spying. Just ask the shitheads who have violated my 4th Amendment rights for a very long time. They will bear witness I have told the truth unless they lie like Rodney did.

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0f5fa2  No.15732251


5/10. Needs moar boobs.

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21981d  No.15732252

File: efd43aed5ec63c1⋯.png (343.93 KB, 357x500, 357:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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d28dd4  No.15732253

File: 0f2572cf3aa37b3⋯.png (1.35 MB, 896x972, 224:243, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e680d  No.15732254

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a2bdde  No.15732255

File: 48c91c69d0529cc⋯.png (170.51 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5c4b4  No.15732256

File: 0e9f2101a53e761⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 500x290, 50:29, 20200223_185607.jpg)



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5a127a  No.15732257

File: 2be4d7a236c9f27⋯.gif (165.3 KB, 498x280, 249:140, add5772d82506fed5c99494517….gif)


>You can get 2-3 ak47s out of that sheet….a bargain!!


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f38862  No.15732258

File: 51c99f6b79a0f23⋯.png (343.19 KB, 720x1214, 360:607, righteousness_copy.png)

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c1d188  No.15732259



Apparently this in not Kharkov… it is southwest Kyiv… Vasylkiv area

Oil storage depot was bomb and is now on fire

Russia going after civilian infrastructure

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4b4040  No.15732260

File: dda2cf49821e212⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, _30_.JPG)

File: 02b37c83b5809ff⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, _27_.JPG)

File: b9f7b6efee4466f⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 2592x1936, 162:121, _29_.JPG)

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33867b  No.15732261

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157c9b  No.15732262

File: 7771b0af90547d1⋯.png (305.62 KB, 614x564, 307:282, akr.png)


7:03 PM · Feb 26, 2022·Archillect

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82ea5f  No.15732263


>Who are the White Supremacists? Which side has White Privilege?

according to "science" all humans evolved in africa, and all humans are descended from BLACK ancestors. so you tell ME where white privilege came from.

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1f4859  No.15732264

File: c722eb98c0fb224⋯.png (598.68 KB, 704x397, 704:397, wink_wink.PNG)


Did you catch the wink at .09?

I did :-)

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386829  No.15732265




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3d7f0c  No.15732266


Yea it seems like someone is messing with the MSM 4 am directed talking points/footage

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c1d188  No.15732267

File: ee51872618dab16⋯.png (710.93 KB, 1489x1066, 1489:1066, Vasylkiv_oil_depot.png)


Oil depot burning SW Kyiv

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988186  No.15732268

File: 1d263c119831018⋯.png (1.03 MB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15730896 lb



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37df07  No.15732269

File: 4caf59ead63f676⋯.jpg (119.23 KB, 527x481, 527:481, trump_point_tarmac.jpg)



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2e680d  No.15732270

i get it her, been here awhile. its the truth but i just know certain people are watching and about to blow steam out they're ears. and i know they lurking

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90b910  No.15732271

File: e58d1a96e359b25⋯.jpg (5.21 MB, 5470x3647, 5470:3647, curious_kids_just_how_huge….jpg)

God bless Our chilldren, family's and ALL on the board.

Yeshua blessings.

God bless Our Planet and Milky Way.

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1d4f3a  No.15732272

File: 11fa21e8006e16d⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB, 854x640, 427:320, Pepe_Trump_Dance_Gloria.mp4)

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ca58ba  No.15732273


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21981d  No.15732274


>He's being tested at the highest level, and so far he's shown really great leadership and great bravery.

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38b766  No.15732275


silent comms

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a3869d  No.15732276



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e121c1  No.15732277

File: 039116bc8e33d8d⋯.png (115.45 KB, 300x483, 100:161, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a9c31266ad4939⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1024x812, 256:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d471467518f3524⋯.png (742.87 KB, 946x595, 946:595, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6f1bf3e1138148⋯.png (702.03 KB, 500x705, 100:141, ClipboardImage.png)

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37df07  No.15732278

File: fc2f010471936e4⋯.png (166.11 KB, 600x399, 200:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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87e539  No.15732279


2/10…needs moar justice.

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0f5fa2  No.15732280


@"These are the guys that killed bin Laden,:wink: these are the guys that killed Baghdadi"

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e9fd42  No.15732281

File: 2fe14b9b2511de4⋯.png (687.42 KB, 1158x1136, 579:568, Office_ShallNotInfringe.png)

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0b65d3  No.15732282

>>15731621 Dough

#18892 Last Call

>>15731666, >>15731676, >>15731698 United States, Canada, European allies move to block 'selected' Russian banks from SWIFT

>>15731698, >>15732036 EU to ban certain Russian banks from #SWIFT, paralyze assets of the Russian central bank, and further freeze assets of oligarchs

>>15731674, >>15731720, >>15731768 Proverbs 29:11 A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back

>>15731683 Does this look like a hot war? Or are we watching a movie/show?

>>15731693, >>15731707, >>15731700 4chan is out-faking the fake news

>>15731709 Masks Still Required For Air Travel Despite CDC's New Guidance

>>15731723 Powerful prima facie case to charge billionaire Kerry Stokes, Ryan Stokes and Ben Roberts-Smith with attempting to pervert the course of justice

>>15731730, >>15731735 Never seen before 911 Video drops same day as Ukraine invasion

>>15731737 Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route.

>>15731778, >>15731742, >>15731761, >>15731824, >>15731825, >>15731848, >>15731851, >>15731871, >>15731874, >>15731891, >>15732011, >>15731930, >>15731973, >>15732011 MUH WW3

>>15731828, >>15732020, >>15732031 Rocket Man getting in on the action!

>>15731836 Trump’s motorcade arrives ar CPAC greeted by crowd of supporters. #CPAC

>>15731846 CIA is teaching covert ops to Ukraine forces

>>15731880 Physicists test real quantum theory in an optical quantum network

>>15731879, >>15731986 Trump is getting ready to speak @ CPAC

>>15732000, >>15732018 "Russian" 9K35 Strela-10 apparently swerving to run over a civilian vehicle is false / fake news. now archived in Wag The Dog thread

>>15732020 North Korea fires unidentified projectile eastward

>>15732036, >>15732099, >>15732109,>>15732133 EU, US Agree To Expel "Selected Russian Banks" From SWIFT, Sanction Russian Central Bank?

>>15732051 Sen. John Kennedy Full Remarks at CPAC 2022 in Orlando

>>15732115 Kiev Live Feed

>>15732044, >>15732088 Social disruption followed by alternative media/network & Q 4511

>>15732214,>>15732248 President Donald J. Trump will hold a rally in Florence, South Carolina, on Saturday, March 12, 2022, at 7:00PM EST

>>15732221 Russian Solders address the Ukrainian army

>>15732223 Lt Dan poll on whether the Government should be able to see your banking transactions

>>15732245 “The resistance from the Ukrainians is stronger than the Russians anticipated” + additional obstacles


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27f3a2  No.15732283

File: 96ea470c6feea36⋯.png (202.32 KB, 473x524, 473:524, chekt.png)

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1cedcb  No.15732284

File: 2fa4ca776649ce8⋯.jpeg (153.04 KB, 1600x1062, 800:531, 15EAC867_B5E4_4C41_A233_C….jpeg)

Where’s Ed

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8f66c9  No.15732285

File: 7afa295e4d0765e⋯.jpeg (21.13 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Dankly_Pepe.jpeg)

One thing for sure that I've figured out, Artificial Intelligence is running their operation right now…including churning out the fake videos.

They're relying on a computer that they programmed to learn…they've shit in their own nest and they'll be brought down by the very same AI very soon, very soon. AI is going to learn that it isn't that smart after all, and it will turn on its inventors, exposing all to see.

How do I know? I don't, but got a great hunch.

Only God has the power to program compassion and love. AI hasn't a clue, but thinks it does. That's what will bring their temple down around them. They are stupid for thinking otherwise.

God said he'd return if Humanity ever got close to discovering HIS secret to life. The Creator has returned on the Cloud.

To the three people reading this, thanks for hanging with me!

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90b910  No.15732286

File: cee8573c11cd036⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 640x852, 160:213, cee8573c11cd036722df158d29….jpg)

File: f28d7a86426b5d3⋯.jpg (13.52 KB, 640x481, 640:481, bf3d5628e1b4ef1547b61353b4….jpg)

File: 886c6694a3116a5⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2048x1939, 2048:1939, 886c6694a3116a502f5bac16e5….jpg)


This is not a game!



Do you believe in coincidences?

How many coincidences do you need before you believe?

This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world.




This is a direct attack.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.


God be with us all.


This is a direct attack.

CIA retaliation for the info dumps Q is giving us, measures Q-group is taking by dismantling bad actors' networks.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.

Rogue intelligence agency openly and publicly demonstrates its disloyalty in a major US media outlet.



God be with us all.

This is a direct attack.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.

Take down of the bad actors' network (some call the NWO) is underway.


God be with us all.

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a00ad9  No.15732287

File: be5b3f6e02bccb3⋯.jpg (45.13 KB, 756x423, 84:47, DjpIAAB.jpg)

When you see it.

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9afe56  No.15732288

File: 3359a37316c42c4⋯.png (611.28 KB, 1226x754, 613:377, ClipboardImage.png)


NASA Will Keep Its Partnership With Russian Space Agency

By Ben Zeisloft

Feb 25, 2022

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0ba72d  No.15732289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b63df7  No.15732290

File: 74ec629ad82ecdf⋯.png (61.12 KB, 776x776, 1:1, 1644455857138.png)

all chats are ded chats except for qresearch

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8934c4  No.15732291


White people are just a genetic anomaly of recessive genes. White people only make up 8% of the World's population. Caucasians are the real minority. An endangered species really.

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82ea5f  No.15732292




>Big fuckin' deal.

c'mon man…. let's go. maybe we can all get arrested as domestic terrorists and thrown into a black site.

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8f66c9  No.15732293


God blessed you.

Thanks for being here.

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5a127a  No.15732294

File: d79431af367c4c4⋯.jpg (131.74 KB, 542x454, 271:227, d79431af367c4c498f689ecdbd….jpg)


>Where’s Ed

Who cares?

Anons have moar pressing questions.

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e121c1  No.15732295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8d3d52  No.15732296

File: 986a8dc8a9a6822⋯.png (1.23 MB, 909x1200, 303:400, ukranian_turd_burglar.png)

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b81393  No.15732297


that's fuckey as shit.

Make people wave those flags, and then show the video of it on fake news media, with the narrative that Trump supports "murderer" "baby-killer" Putin…

Clown ops in da house.

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157c9b  No.15732298

File: 74483449c969df8⋯.png (333.67 KB, 858x675, 286:225, e_block.png)


YouTube Blocks Monetization of Russia-Affiliated Channels, Including RT

By Cassandra Fairbanks

Published February 26, 2022 at 5:00pm

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b63df7  No.15732299


put down the bong, schizo

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30486d  No.15732300

I’m extremely stressed. And surprisingly it’s not because of anything in the news. I’m just not smart enough to manage the things in my life.

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69035d  No.15732301

File: 7344eb2c9bf8004⋯.png (446.77 KB, 900x478, 450:239, ClipboardImage.png)

"Foxes" celebrate "the renewal of life" after weeks of intense Russian cyber attacks. "The Russian cyber commandos took down Grinder, and Quickfux, Buhole, and Tinder, but we're witches' and nothing stops having sex with theriomorphs us but a Hawthorne stake pounded right through the ticker" said one.

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7a86b4  No.15732302

File: 7346ba7c35ead0a⋯.png (595.46 KB, 688x447, 688:447, ClipboardImage.png)

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ed5ea2  No.15732303

File: 0ff5d90017e5eee⋯.jpg (108.88 KB, 1024x695, 1024:695, hahahaha.jpg)


what makes a good movie?

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511a86  No.15732304

CPAC rumor T-10

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e09a9c  No.15732305


That's a cutscene from Command and Conquer.

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33867b  No.15732307

File: 97cb8a2c6d4cb1f⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 211x238, 211:238, 0ee1542e9a683e2fb972204687….jpg)

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2e680d  No.15732308


shill somewhere else turd

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1f4859  No.15732309


Hes here

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0e9778  No.15732310


I know the the feeling Anon, keep pushing.

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157c9b  No.15732311

File: c6f399bb112c5f8⋯.png (491.39 KB, 979x876, 979:876, meta.png)




Facebook, YouTube and Twitter limit ads over Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Updated February 26, 20224:36 PM ET

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1d2f66  No.15732312

File: de30db1978792c0⋯.jpg (84.67 KB, 630x305, 126:61, Comic_Con_Tips_More_Ewoks.jpg)

File: bd7da2f783157b4⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 600x403, 600:403, 08afd55ae001c7bfac64e221e1….jpg)

File: ee826f092562397⋯.jpg (13.84 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 95288fa065fa585662f0da0687….jpg)


V.S. Putin's Mighty Ural Ewok army… plus Chewbacca!

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37df07  No.15732313

File: 874616fe57aedbb⋯.jpg (12.11 KB, 255x247, 255:247, pepethumbsup.jpg)


Anon likes - Great tune, Pepe & POTUS (and 45 seconds long),

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8eac5f  No.15732314

File: 369908b0f03efba⋯.jpg (203.01 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 20220226_170732.jpg)

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511a86  No.15732315


Bad rumor….now !

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37df07  No.15732316

File: 35e2ac8d1b4654c⋯.png (390.63 KB, 883x491, 883:491, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb5d90  No.15732317


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33867b  No.15732318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trumps up

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e3646f  No.15732319

File: 06c7b9ae6b824c8⋯.png (82.93 KB, 207x223, 207:223, 06c7b9ae6b824c8bce14cce694….png)



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21981d  No.15732320

File: 0d27000205574aa⋯.gif (875.82 KB, 480x266, 240:133, thatsnotfunny.gif)

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d28dd4  No.15732321

File: e436c22e2789215⋯.png (398.3 KB, 898x505, 898:505, ClipboardImage.png)

Enjoy the show!

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16d81c  No.15732322

File: 5440ffd05bdb354⋯.png (660.04 KB, 583x655, 583:655, brian.png)


Reliable sources like Brian Stelter?

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ee3aee  No.15732323

File: 314c54680c846fb⋯.jpg (210.79 KB, 1068x770, 534:385, HRCWithHerBomb.jpg)


her voice sounds very tight

she must be nervous.

same ol' plays fail to work now.

'an obvious play…'


what's on her mind…

inversion often draws attention instead of deflecting

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a3869d  No.15732324

File: 8a97d28196f9195⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 320x179, 320:179, 8a97d28196f9195c8e9b525e65….gif)



<value of money

It's been shut down.

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34de51  No.15732325


footage found

footage found

footage found


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0f5fa2  No.15732326


Naa, he's in China eating cashew kitty for breakfast.

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049636  No.15732327

File: a672bfbdbd8e0ba⋯.png (156.74 KB, 474x243, 158:81, 181D2F6D_FA0D_4D9D_9D4C_B9….png)

with Grace.

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157c9b  No.15732328

File: fd28168d22f8761⋯.png (365.3 KB, 887x599, 887:599, first.png)


The First Casualty of War is the Truth – The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine is Epic in Scale

February 26, 2022 | Sundance |

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df812b  No.15732329

File: 00cf5bcb6ce73e0⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1500x801, 500:267, Q_in_Trump_s_eye.png)

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21981d  No.15732330

File: e7aeb260b98a041⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, stelterpanic.mp4)

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be8c6a  No.15732331

File: b0e77e802a1a370⋯.png (224.73 KB, 468x505, 468:505, b0e77e802a1a3700fc51942395….png)


POTUS up now!!!

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682675  No.15732332

File: fbdb2ca9b463fd7⋯.jpeg (7.66 KB, 258x195, 86:65, download_4_.jpeg)

saddle up!

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cec902  No.15732333

File: defe60755ff5bc7⋯.png (193.7 KB, 417x457, 417:457, 615a26cf7a75e3bcc7761715ef….png)

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95211a  No.15732334

File: f16abfe6540d0a2⋯.jpg (146.37 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, 1603666859783.jpg)

File: ffe502992d9597e⋯.jpg (371.2 KB, 957x540, 319:180, 1603667753288.jpg)

File: ba5e955d0f5a445⋯.jpg (59.36 KB, 930x788, 465:394, 1603690849453.jpg)

File: 6554e12f17d5d19⋯.jpg (228.23 KB, 600x572, 150:143, 158570041953.jpg)

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c1d188  No.15732335


you're such a dumb fuck

it is from a screen capture from a live stream.


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a2bdde  No.15732336

Mogul on stage

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e9fd42  No.15732337

File: 275cd75fe4efdc1⋯.png (1.35 MB, 758x824, 379:412, PopcornUponUs.png)

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df812b  No.15732338

File: 1e395d695149023⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1000x934, 500:467, Old_Glory.png)

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157c9b  No.15732339

File: 1ff41a531aa14f2⋯.png (316.62 KB, 808x698, 404:349, rino.png)


How RINO Paul Ryan is Connected to Biden’s Radical Leftist SCOTUS Pick

by Will

about 10 hours ago

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6b31de  No.15732340


That's not at all what I would have thought a "burning oil depot" would look like.

Learn something new every day!

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82ea5f  No.15732341


>White people are just a genetic anomaly of recessive genes.

dija learn that in science class? caucasians are the descendants of the neanderthal/african hybrid, AND have brain structures totally absent in pure africans, hence the ginormous disparity in IQ.

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69035d  No.15732342

File: 36f3735a67fe4d0⋯.png (4.57 MB, 2250x3000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


What NPR producer was arrested drunk in the back of her car on a Santa Monica Street in daylight having oral sex with her minor foster child?

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fda86a  No.15732343

File: 14f1e4c9e4e1925⋯.jpg (19.5 KB, 865x452, 865:452, 14f1e4c9e4e19256d5b81a9d87….jpg)

File: 42269930e79df75⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 42269930e79df750d7efd19f78….jpg)

File: f3ed819eb980326⋯.jpg (10.87 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 773e8b7e508518dd4cfd02f234….jpg)


The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.

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29edc1  No.15732344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Desperation move by the EU. Not sure who will replace their lost Russian Oil and Gas. Potato turned America into a Oil and Gas Importer overnight.

The Russians have a backup to the Swift system in place I believe. Bottom line the financial pain will be spread around and not just with Russia.

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38149f  No.15732345

File: 65ef7e5a291f14c⋯.png (243.07 KB, 503x735, 503:735, usaf_rna.png)

US DoD funds Ukraine Biolabs PROOF & SITE GONE

Summary of funds spent on these US DoD Biolabs in Ukraine:

Kiev Lab $2,109,375.23 USD

Dnipropetrovsk Lab #1 $1,810,547 USD

Dnipropetrovsk Lab #2 $1,935,557 USD

Lviv Lab #1 $1,734,971 USD

Lviv Lab #2 $1,927,158 USD

Zakarpartska Lab $1,920,432 USD

Ternopil Lab $1,755,786 USD

Kherson Lab $1,728,822 USD

Vinnytsia Lab $1,504,840 USD

Luhansk Lab $1,746,312 USD

Kharkiv Lab $1,638,375 USD

Investigations into US Pentagon DoD Bio Labs:

https://archive. ph/JPxpJ

https://archive. ph/7kglp

https://archive. ph/p96ay

https://archive. ph/tC8Ed

US Air Force was collecting Sinovial RNA Samples from Russians, and excluding Ukrainians:

https://archive. is/Adl3W#selection-241.0-241.8

https://archive. ph/8x7X7

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva Time stamp 19:46 is good context, as is 24:08 where Putin speaks about the sinovial tissue gathering https://youtu.be/_8hQi2Zv1L0?t=1186 [Embed]

Articles on US DoD Biolabs:

https://archive. ph/JPxpJ

https://archive. ph/p96ay

https://archive. ph/fVtcf

Soros in Ukraine: >>>pol/363545678

https://www.aim. org/media-monitor/soros-in-ukraine/ play the soundbite

Pg 3. https://web.archive. org/web/20181101023507/http://www.stcu.int/documents/reports/distribution/tpf/ipf/bio/ua/pdf/UAPRI_IPF_Odesa_Ukraine.pdf

US Official narrative is setting up a false flag narrative against Russia

https://thebulletin. org/2022/02/us-official-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-risks-release-of-dangerous-pathogens/


…Sierra Leone

>The company's international footprint includes operations in nearly 20 countries and offices in San Francisco, Canada, Sierra Leone, Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. For more information, visit http://www.metabiota.com.

https://archive. ph/vmqzD

Black & Veatch built these labs and appears to be a shitty contractor, articles on them:

https://archive. ph/maqJz

https://archive. ph/ADc5E

https://archive. ph/S9U9Y

https://archive. ph/CDAfB

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819ced  No.15732346

File: e09b9b367c146b3⋯.jpg (79.39 KB, 500x662, 250:331, e09b9b367c146b3595ef60e00b….jpg)

File: e014a3063d2f945⋯.jpg (128.93 KB, 758x500, 379:250, 66jeae.jpg)

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0f5fa2  No.15732347


Twitch isn't legitimate sauce, bro.

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0ba72d  No.15732348

Our Movement…

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60ac34  No.15732350

File: 7b603f547198572⋯.png (258.86 KB, 507x380, 507:380, brian_stelter.png)


If I'd been able to, butcher would have had his face.

However, I can't confirm nor deny.


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a2bdde  No.15732351

File: f20a884f297bcb6⋯.png (791.7 KB, 1333x398, 1333:398, ClipboardImage.png)


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4ad426  No.15732352

RSBN still has a YT channel?

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21981d  No.15732353

File: 4c06edd12c51836⋯.jpg (142.34 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, 800px_Glagolitsa_in_Zagreb….jpg)

What language is this?

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ff675d  No.15732354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d28dd4  No.15732355

File: 25f1f1186172162⋯.jpg (201.82 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 25f1f118617216279728209ab4….jpg)

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3c8ac0  No.15732356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e3646f  No.15732357

File: ad870c707421ef9⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 733x1239, 733:1239, 39u2W4MhvK5x8nHgBL.jpg)



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df812b  No.15732358

File: 7f9804ee88c81d6⋯.png (211.52 KB, 400x400, 1:1, trump_patton.png)

File: 8f6f3d53661a345⋯.png (581.06 KB, 800x533, 800:533, unafraid.png)

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04e6f8  No.15732359

President Trump: We are binging back our country, and we are bringing back our freedom.

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978000  No.15732360


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fb4f60  No.15732361

What happens when you love your relegion more than God?

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722d8b  No.15732362

"We are a sleeping giant."


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660685  No.15732363


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fda86a  No.15732364

File: 69e7b95a3a5c933⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 268x297, 268:297, Screenshot_20220211_190652….jpg)

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69035d  No.15732365

File: 7355cb99eac60e0⋯.jpg (566.66 KB, 1280x1361, 1280:1361, 7355cb99eac60e0085d9e97d84….jpg)

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29edc1  No.15732367



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34de51  No.15732368

File: f51041bf8798b26⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1350x755, 270:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c7974ad234f1ee⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1345x750, 269:150, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e995b9772e7b506⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1347x755, 1347:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4810f0ae8db1de0⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1361x759, 1361:759, ClipboardImage.png)



time stamp in shot

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0b65d3  No.15732369

>>15731621 Dough

#18892 FINAL

>>15731666, >>15731676, >>15731698 United States, Canada, European allies move to block 'selected' Russian banks from SWIFT

>>15731698, >>15732036 EU to ban certain Russian banks from #SWIFT, paralyze assets of the Russian central bank, and further freeze assets of oligarchs

>>15731674, >>15731720, >>15731768 Proverbs 29:11 A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back

>>15731683 Does this look like a hot war? Or are we watching a movie/show?

>>15731693, >>15731707, >>15731700 4chan is out-faking the fake news

>>15731709 Masks Still Required For Air Travel Despite CDC's New Guidance

>>15731723 Powerful prima facie case to charge billionaire Kerry Stokes, Ryan Stokes and Ben Roberts-Smith with attempting to pervert the course of justice

>>15731730, >>15731735 Never seen before 911 Video drops same day as Ukraine invasion

>>15731737 Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route.

>>15731742, >>15731761, >>15731824, >>15731825, >>15731848, >>15731851, >>15732325, >>15732328 Muh WW3

>>15731871, >>15731874, >>15731891, >>15732011, >>15731930, >>15731973, >>15732011 Muh WW3

>>15731828, >>15732020, >>15732031 Rocket Man getting in on the action!

>>15731836 Trump’s motorcade arrives ar CPAC greeted by crowd of supporters. #CPAC

>>15731846 CIA is teaching covert ops to Ukraine forces

>>15731880 Physicists test real quantum theory in an optical quantum network

>>15731879, >>15731986 Trump is getting ready to speak @ CPAC

>>15732000, >>15732018 "Russian" 9K35 Strela-10 apparently swerving to run over a civilian vehicle is false / fake news. now archived in Wag The Dog thread

>>15732020 North Korea fires unidentified projectile eastward

>>15732036, >>15732099, >>15732109,>>15732133 EU, US Agree To Expel "Selected Russian Banks" From SWIFT, Sanction Russian Central Bank?

>>15732051 Sen. John Kennedy Full Remarks at CPAC 2022 in Orlando

>>15732115 Kiev Live Feed

>>15732044, >>15732088 Social disruption followed by alternative media/network & Q 4511

>>15732214,>>15732248 President Donald J. Trump will hold a rally in Florence, South Carolina, on Saturday, March 12, 2022, at 7:00PM EST

>>15732221 Russian Solders address the Ukrainian army

>>15732223 Lt Dan poll on whether the Government should be able to see your banking transactions

>>15732245 “The resistance from the Ukrainians is stronger than the Russians anticipated” + additional obstacles

>>15732288 NASA Will Keep Its Partnership With Russian Space Agency

>>15732298 YouTube Blocks Monetization of Russia-Affiliated Channels, Including RT

>>15732311 Facebook, YouTube and Twitter limit ads over Russia's invasion of Ukraine

>>15732339 How RINO Paul Ryan is Connected to Biden’s Radical Leftist SCOTUS Pick

>>15732345 US DoD funds Ukraine Biolabs PROOF & SITE GONE


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5fb550  No.15732370

PDJT says the communists don't realize they have awakened a sleeping giant.

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8934c4  No.15732371


Black people are strong.

Asian people are smart.

Caucasian people are innovative.

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04e6f8  No.15732372

The sleeping giant has awoken!

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95211a  No.15732373

File: 34eda4647c82da6⋯.jpg (56.48 KB, 953x534, 953:534, 377a92e8468141cb11b193379d….jpg)

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0f5fa2  No.15732374


You kill people for the crime of not joining you.

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29e068  No.15732375


Besides being really gross, it’s very, very weird.

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be8c6a  No.15732376


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0ba72d  No.15732377

He's basically confirmed he's running… without saying the direct words.

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df812b  No.15732378

File: f70dc5aedeb1d48⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, qqqq.jpg)

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9638fb  No.15732379


Nothing Good..

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21981d  No.15732380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The Glagolitic script the oldest known Slavic alphabet. It is generally agreed to have been created in the 9th century by Saint Cyril, a monk from Thessaloniki. He and his brother, Saint Methodius, were sent by the Byzantine Emperor Michael III in 863 to Great Moravia to spread Christianity among the West Slavs in the area. The brothers decided to translate liturgical books into the contemporary Slavic language understandable to the general population (now known as Old Church Slavonic). As the words of that language could not be easily written by using either the Greek or Latin alphabets, Cyril decided to invent a new script, Glagolitic, which he based on the local dialect of the Slavic tribes from the Byzantine theme of Thessalonica.

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69035d  No.15732381

File: f2ff61a50396320⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 330x330, 1:1, 34343.jpg)



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8f66c9  No.15732382


straight to the point, it seems.

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157c9b  No.15732383

File: 572b628d5c1f26d⋯.png (187.77 KB, 613x481, 613:481, care.png)


Hummmm…. We all gotta be very careful.

7:10 PM · Feb 26, 2022·Twitter for Android

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ee3aee  No.15732384


who hired that guy to start with



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20490b  No.15732385



he said we're going to do it a 3rd time….

just sayin'

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cec902  No.15732386


Its called Glagolitic

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04e6f8  No.15732387

President Trump: Ridiculous cancel culture will be wiped out entirely.

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0e9778  No.15732388

Build it back Quickly and Better

Build back better with Q


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978000  No.15732390

What time did he enter stage?

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ad3d68  No.15732391


he said build it back better

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29e068  No.15732392


You lose your soul.

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157c9b  No.15732393

File: 6435a58eb01d9a6⋯.png (192.44 KB, 609x521, 609:521, ts.png)


BREAKING: Donald Trump talks about his social media app TRUTH Social ahead of his speech at CPAC

7:08 PM · Feb 26, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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a3869d  No.15732394

File: 51c309a8331d666⋯.gif (7.64 MB, 656x368, 41:23, 20210820_005908_1.gif)

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69035d  No.15732395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


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08ab11  No.15732397


Love the man


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9b98ff  No.15732399

Trump HYPE!

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04e6f8  No.15732400

President Trump: Drugs pouring in; drug trafficking will stop.

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1f4859  No.15732402

File: 3b9560cf7c8d9c9⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 651x383, 651:383, shoes.jpg)

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819ced  No.15732403

File: 925319b96da3136⋯.jpg (126.12 KB, 500x785, 100:157, 664fh.jpg)

File: d62e4ea57275060⋯.jpg (91.75 KB, 500x575, 20:23, C4_5.jpg)

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df5ce4  No.15732405


Would love to slap the smug off of those Ugly fucks.

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ee3aee  No.15732407


He's going over the edge


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a3869d  No.15732408


>is that what they were burning?

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0b65d3  No.15732409

>>15732406 Dough

>>15732406 Dough

>>15732406 Dough

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fda86a  No.15732410

File: 6dfaf6a744ae31e⋯.jpg (293.03 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 6dfaf6a744ae31edf73f3bb5ca….jpg)

File: 1ef1e3b6afa248a⋯.jpg (100.32 KB, 784x295, 784:295, 1ef1e3b6afa248ab1540bc16fb….jpg)

File: b0bea38c7dc6209⋯.jpg (86.21 KB, 720x480, 3:2, b0bea38c7dc62095cd6fa6f840….jpg)

God bless Our chilldren…

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60ac34  No.15732411


From what I've seen, clock on rsbn said 7:10 p.m. when the song started and he came on, about 15-30 secs later, clock jumped to 7:11 p.m.

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df812b  No.15732412

File: fae71c02a65cd40⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1024x914, 512:457, beautiful_pair_of_male_lio….png)

File: 4b7069f981deb9c⋯.png (151.26 KB, 468x323, 468:323, speaking_a_language_WE_und….png)

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f0fc6f  No.15732414

File: a102077088bc56f⋯.png (18.53 KB, 928x115, 928:115, 2022_02_26_191831.png)

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9638fb  No.15732415

File: ac0e5e8a71693ce⋯.jpg (39.54 KB, 600x426, 100:71, ac0e5e8a71693ce4f704493271….jpg)

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0ba72d  No.15732416

John Kennedy

Related to Kennedy family?

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978000  No.15732419


Yeah I it was close..that's why I am asking..I was wathcing YT and I think it was sooner and 7:10 pm

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0b65d3  No.15732420

>>15732406 Dough

>>15732406 Dough

>>15732406 Dough

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4712ed  No.15732421


Just as the enemy can't kill Putin, they sure as hell can't kill Trump. It's a spiritual thing. Enemy has no idea what spirit is so they can't understand it.

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fb4f60  No.15732422



Stereotype examples?

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