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File: d76c3b5a16b9d0e⋯.jpg (178.08 KB, 1888x931, 1888:931, QRS_63.jpg)

fcc459  No.15554672[Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406808 !!!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!!

Join Us

>>15406818 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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fcc459  No.15554676


>>15487316 OSS banned from baking

>>15487476 Reporting CP & other illegal content

>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15542163, >>15542168 Dealing with Spam & other Board Attacks

>>15542118 Raids on QR by other boards BANNED NEW



>>15554593 US troops land in Europe RT

>>15554582 Conservatives, independent voices build own platforms to counter Big Tech censorship, managed news

>>15554406, >>15554426, >>15554432 Q drops with the palm trees regarding Mar-a-Lago

>>15554268 Call to Dig, comparison of Truckers GoFundMe stats and donations compared to any DS funded

>>15554389 President Trump responds to Pence criticism


>>15554336 AUS Charges against female teacher dropped after she marries the student she was alleged to have abused

>>15554318, >>15554323, >>15554340 Daniel Scavino Jr. is at Mar-a-Lago

>>15554281 Dan Scavino STAND WITH OUR TROOPS

>>15554256, >>15554465 Dyncorp International & sex trafficking involvement cont

>>15554235 16 States Challenge Biden’s Federal Vaccine Mandate For Healthcare Workers

>>15554165 End the Madness: ‘It’s Time for a Government Shutdown Fight Over COVID Measures’


>>15554152 GoFundMe is a fraudulent, deceptive, criminal enterprise

>>15554121, >>15554249 Anon dig suggestion, Ottawa Police Chief

>>15554078 Oldie Joe Biden saying "Nigger" in Senate

>>15554076 Rand Paul: Mask Mandates About Submission, Collectivism

>>15554065 John Jay College think tank is ground zero for woke DAs

>>15554044 US Military Faces Crisis in Hawaii After Leak Poisons Water

>>15554024 Getter fired Cybersecurity team, Chinese partner responsible?

>>15554017 BREAKING: 200+ Health workers from across Toronto stand UNITED

>>15553990 UPDATE: Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost urges Ohioans to contact his office if they believe they were victimized by GoFundMe.

>>15553980 Trying to control the narrative, don't let them win

>>15553967 GoFundMe Q Post relates?

>>15553953 Marcus Osborne joins Icario's Medicaid Advisory Council

>>15553950 Canadian Cowboys showin up

>>15553942, >>15554110, >>15554136, >>15554033, >>15554392 Planefag Reports

>>15553940, >>15553941, >>15553963, >>15553969, >>15553972, >>15554041, >>15554054, >>15554074, >>15554092, >>15554140 Moar Canadian Convoy

>>15553924 India Stages Last-Minute Diplomatic Boycott Of Beijing Olympics

>>15554666 #19669

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Post last edited at

fcc459  No.15554677


>>15553445 Ottawa Counter Protest called off after protest group learns even more truckers and farmers are coming from all over Canada!

>>15553135 Gravity Physics of Advanced ET Propulsion - MAGNETS

>>15553148, >>15553176, >>15553186, >>15553297 Several injured by vehicle that appears to intentionally ram into truck at trucker’s “Freedom Convoy”

>>15553161 Bidan tweet re: Family Medical Leave Act, timestamps are important

>>15553167 Live Day 8 - Trucker stream: Redpilling the Masses

>>15553169 USAF tweet: 11.3K pounds of medical supplies at St. Paul, Minn. Marker?

>>15553195 From the Desk of DJT: The ballot harvesting scam will go down in history as the biggest political scam in history

>>15553205, >>15553827 U.S. Army tweet: The 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion

>>15553207 GiveSendGo CEO Sends Gateway Pundit Exclusive Statement: Massive surge in traffic, donations; fighting DDOS attacks

>>15553218, >>15553500 Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion

>>15553258 Ghislaine Maxwell retrial arguments must be public, prosecutors tell judge

>>15553273 Antifa to join the protest party?

>>15553289 Arizona Sen. Lupe Contreras (D) argues that foster kids should have been aborted

>>15553309 ADL excused Amnesty International campaigning against the existence of the state of Israel

>>15553377 Europe Could Soon Enter COVID-19 ‘Ceasefire’

>>15553431 Here is the book 'the Great Awakening' noted in response to previous notes

>>15553406, >>15553452 Marines Describe ‘Sham’ Religious Vaccine Exemption Process

>>15553443, >>15553475 Mahalo Air Incorporated 93-97 (Pedo Trafficking Planes)

>>15553470 Bergen man serving life sentence for 2012 murder, gets new trial [333]

>>15553474 NATO Chief Stoltenberg Tapped as Norway’s Next Central Bank Governor

>>15553518, , >>15553792 The Cavalry has arrived in Ottawa

>>15553555, >>15553725 love it when a plan comes together RE: GFM

>>15553569 Colombo crime family boss is freed on $5 million bond despite prosecutors' objections

>>15553592 Looks like the cops are blocking Toronto truck access

>>15553617, >>15553634, >>15553637 Have your (you)s gone missing?

>>15553625 The US Corporate Press Aids Israel’s Push To Curtail Free Speech

>>15553658 State Department Approves Arms Sales for Saudi, UAE, Jordan

>>15553666 Biden Lifts Sanctions On Iran’s Nuclear Program

>>15553698 MP4 Archive Updated

>>15553709, >>15553715, >>15553826 'Nerves are fraying in Ottawa' as the streets continue to fill with support


>>15553743 Massive Freedom Convoy Formed in Helsinki, Finland Against COVID-19 Mandates

>>15553762 Police Give Briefing on Winnipeg Attack, The driver faces numerous charges

>>15553766 Florida Governor DeSantis to Launch Investigations into GoFundMe Over Fraudulent Fundraising Practices

>>15553768 AUSTIN, Texas AG KenPaxton announces he has assembled a team of investigators to probe GoFundMe

>>15553810 Former Navy captain in the US Seventh Fleet admits he was bribed with lavish meals and sex workers by a foreign defense contractor

>>15553829 PF Report: CURDY25 Hex: AE0416 Boeing E-6B Mercury

>>15553865 #19668

Previously Collected

>>15553042 #19667,

>>15550749 #19664, >>15551475 #19665, >>15552307 #19666

>>15548272 #19661, >>15549138 #19662, >>15549937 #19663

>>15546638 #19659 /2, >>15546637 #19659 /1, >>15547425 #19660

>>15544261 #19656, >>15545082 #19657, >>15545889 #19658

>>15541779 #19653, >>15542606 #19654, >>15543413 #19655

>>15539356 #19650, >>15540193 #19651, >>15540990 #19652

>>15536592 #19647, >>15537961 #19648, >>15539046 #19649

>>15534373 #19644, >>15535137 #19645, >>15536054 #19646

>>15531887 #19641, >>15532785 #19642, >>15533590 #19643

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

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fcc459  No.15554684

File: a7d25a2ddb72355⋯.jpg (102.91 KB, 1218x647, 1218:647, tctL5BJeqx1rBRBbu.jpg)



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d48b80  No.15554700

File: 12d8a40527d0f63⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 12d8a40527d0f63a9e08e93aa8….jpg)

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613af8  No.15554725

File: 2b63f973531862f⋯.png (28.18 KB, 687x462, 229:154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8c4fee3b49d2c1⋯.png (43.05 KB, 1331x362, 1331:362, ClipboardImage.png)


Susan Sarandon Apologizes For Insensitive Tweet On Slain NYC Officer’s Funeral

Bruce Haring - 3h ago

Actress Susan Sarandon, under fire for an insensitive tweet on a slain New York City police officer’s funeral, has apologized.

Sarandon, who won the Oscar for Best Actress for the 1995 movie Dead Man Walking, has been a frequent critic of police. She commented on a photo of police who gathered in Manhattan for Officer Jason Rivera’s funeral.

Over the image, Sarandon wrote, “So, if all these cops weren’t needed for CRIME that day, doesn’t that mean they aren’t needed ANY day?” The original screenshot included a #abolishthepolice. The tweet has since been deleted.

“I deeply regret the meme I recently shared on Twitter that included a photo of Officer Jason Rivera’s funeral,” Sarandon wrote. “I reacted quickly to the picture without connecting it to a police funeral and I realize now how insensitive and deeply disrespectful it was to make that point at that time. I sincerely apologize to the family of Officers Rivera and Mora for causing additional pain during their time of grieving.”

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df0a86  No.15554728

File: 512b5d7903a48eb⋯.jpeg (92.82 KB, 750x544, 375:272, EF4030F0_1CB9_4297_83F2_F….jpeg)

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4af0cb  No.15554729

File: 7bc3a0cb635f4d8⋯.jpg (47.57 KB, 474x603, 158:201, POTUS_Trump.jpg)

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b8f63c  No.15554730

>>15554719 (lb)

Tons. I even posted some in past notables. Shrooms are your friend

>>15554716 (lb)

Dmt is mind blowing! It will boost your creativity like no other. Plus it's only 15 mins

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2d1680  No.15554731

File: 2366570ef5e48e3⋯.png (273.43 KB, 609x692, 609:692, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)

Awkwafina, who was born Nora Lum, has faced consistent criticism over her use of African-American vernacular English (AAVE) in her music and film performances, especially in "Crazy Rich Asians" in the role of Goh Peik Lin


This chick is trending for being racist too lol. They always throwing the Asians under the bus

HOLY SHIT. They actually re-named EBONICS to make it sound more "professional" HAHAHAHAHA I remember back in the day(90's) when "ebonics" was pushed & they were trying make it a thing. That was around the time that a book that was SUPPOSE to be a fucking joke about "politically Correct" language cam out. It was so outrageous & funny. But looking at it today, it was LITERALLY USED & IN USE BY RETARDS & the retards followers take it seriously.

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2b76da  No.15554733

File: 204b135422af7f3⋯.png (544.59 KB, 601x400, 601:400, trump_putin.png)

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28c7a9  No.15554734

File: c827cbb4db52fef⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The_Distance_Shit_Show_Joe….mp4)




Track Records & History Matters. Ours Vs. Theirs.

We're at Bread 19670. We have a Disclaimer on every single post. Even on 8Chan we were the larger percentage peacefully digging into [THEIR] Corruption.

It's not our fault of the subject matter involved. PEPE DID NOTHING WRONG!

What is worse? Commiting the crimes or shedding light on them? They would have us and other believe that it is the latter. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID!



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d48b80  No.15554735

File: 61258acc1ebebf5⋯.png (542.21 KB, 590x587, 590:587, 61258acc1ebebf537e6f3f0190….png)


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a16429  No.15554736


>Plus it's only 15 mins

!!!! That means I can actually get shit done cause my trauma takes up most of my day otherwise!

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3937eb  No.15554737

File: 2ff2a858454a389⋯.jpeg (61.6 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, jr.jpeg)

Joe Rogan's popularity just went through the stratosphere.

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3e257e  No.15554738

File: abff944c97c7432⋯.png (220.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, CrossWalk.png)

>>15554544 (PB)

>We only serve and worship God.

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f0cf0f  No.15554739

File: db8dadd2df06a3b⋯.png (435.83 KB, 905x391, 905:391, Bildschirmfoto_2022_02_05_….png)

File: cef1440336f4263⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1171x630, 1171:630, Bildschirmfoto_2022_02_05_….png)

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1de256  No.15554740

File: 4756b97f4675801⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 500x694, 250:347, vio.jpg)

The most heavily armed people in every state in America are the MAGA PATRIOTS and that cannot be disputed by anyone.

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ce595c  No.15554741

File: 12a3b5ba6e58687⋯.jpg (110.79 KB, 880x622, 440:311, donald_trump_funny_look_al….jpg)

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df0a86  No.15554742


Amazing root word Christ come from the Greek Christos…

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d48b80  No.15554743

File: 822b91e2f555250⋯.png (1.12 MB, 978x1049, 978:1049, d479a03cfe45d22ac85f8ea625….png)

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df0a86  No.15554744

File: e9f24da4b4ec526⋯.png (348.26 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 454A8C13_C409_46D4_8570_08….png)

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f74d05  No.15554745

File: 4ee9a5a22bda8ed⋯.png (328.58 KB, 714x638, 357:319, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_1….png)

No more hugs or handshakesbetween Gitmo prisoners and lawyers, foreign diplomats and Red Cross delegates.


No more hugs or handshakesbetween Gitmo prisoners and lawyers, foreign diplomats and Red Cross delegates.


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18ab8c  No.15554746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2d1680  No.15554748

File: 9550e8cf7f3f644⋯.png (276.27 KB, 598x592, 299:296, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)

Ex-Clerk For Biden SCOTUS Hopeful Edited Wikipedia Pages To Make Her Look Better, Rivals Worse


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b828bc  No.15554749

File: 6a66e5b06c712eb⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 424x391, 424:391, 6a66e5b06c712eb2a93624e519….jpg)

File: 5f59190dbb98769⋯.jpeg (159.26 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, FKrzLIMXoAMIRcS.jpeg)

File: 7621fe42158f01e⋯.jpeg (466.17 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, FKnwvD_XoAcuk_d.jpeg)

File: 4cbccecfae2b267⋯.jpeg (389.94 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, FKmSqLIXMAoE8ap.jpeg)

File: f90ff27c00d19c0⋯.jpg (239.57 KB, 655x750, 131:150, f90ff27c00d19c020b6ad84f2d….jpg)

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b8f63c  No.15554750

File: 51d48a77e369b22⋯.jpg (842.66 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20220205_150236….jpg)


Amen! That's what I always hated about psychedelics. They're an all day thing :( here's some good links for psychedelics and ptsd anon!




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1422d8  No.15554751

File: 6f780a39a547654⋯.png (200.75 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, SILENCE1.png)

File: f7bfb011905bc27⋯.png (949.08 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN252.png)

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fcc459  No.15554753

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df0a86  No.15554754


Pepe know world is flat

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be5ae2  No.15554755


gofundme is scared., 15 fees.., no!!!

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278b00  No.15554756


Just sent an email anon

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8fe91c  No.15554757

File: ae8c67089a3b70a⋯.png (620.24 KB, 700x875, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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24b902  No.15554758


The belief that some cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

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1de256  No.15554759

File: 4756b97f4675801⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 500x694, 250:347, vio.jpg)

File: 5f98925a9c40195⋯.jpg (72.44 KB, 500x666, 250:333, planet.jpg)


The most heavily armed people in every state in America are the MAGA PATRIOTS and that cannot be disputed by anyone.==


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13ca64  No.15554760

Boring. Lame. Expensive plan up to this point.

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18ab8c  No.15554761

File: ca301ed79500e91⋯.jpeg (412.84 KB, 1620x1078, 810:539, whatshouldido.jpeg)

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1de256  No.15554762

File: 4756b97f4675801⋯.jpg (75.24 KB, 500x694, 250:347, vio.jpg)

File: 5f98925a9c40195⋯.jpg (72.44 KB, 500x666, 250:333, planet.jpg)


The most heavily armed people in every state in America are the MAGA PATRIOTS and that cannot be disputed by anyone.==



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bee432  No.15554763

File: dde4db08d3defd2⋯.mp4 (12.38 MB, 480x270, 16:9, patriots.mp4)

>>15554684 Tyb and God Bless our Patriots World Wide

Newvid fag Patriot Tribute attached.

Enjoy Anons!

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4e6e01  No.15554764

File: 9f076aba0355f12⋯.jpg (62.99 KB, 1135x500, 227:100, gfhfdghjsdcasdcaerr.jpg)

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a6390b  No.15554765

File: 77fa1f99e47d417⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 1032x1628, 258:407, 48924968946_d4debd021c_o.jpg)

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9b045b  No.15554766

File: d63ac3a871eb27c⋯.jpg (90.94 KB, 640x805, 128:161, ea8fb1939434d2edc48e83e4fa….jpg)

File: 3a38c47f4e27db6⋯.jpg (27.73 KB, 462x308, 3:2, 9b7450f15bffa2136c60d4283f….jpg)

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d48b80  No.15554767

File: bf105a4a2d621ce⋯.jpg (28.66 KB, 467x496, 467:496, 1628535237873.jpg)


>No more hugs or handshakes between Gitmo prisoners and lawyers


1293b3 ← FILTURD

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a16429  No.15554768


I don't even know what to say…this is just stupid and more stupid…

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2b76da  No.15554769

File: c850a39103eafca⋯.png (348.59 KB, 735x500, 147:100, awakenings.png)

File: d61721d660ed519⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB, 320x568, 40:71, students_standing_up.mp4)

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3a3522  No.15554770

File: a8bc9c54a2b57cc⋯.png (32.17 KB, 350x402, 175:201, 15e4c96cc5573b08ee431d315d….png)


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be5ae2  No.15554771


watch the awkwa

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9b045b  No.15554772

5s coming soon. Hope someone has something cool ready to go.

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613af8  No.15554773

File: 53baf7ebc63c961⋯.png (602.79 KB, 836x607, 836:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 464cfb56974e71b⋯.png (51.88 KB, 847x423, 847:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b559c623c7d6c67⋯.png (35.41 KB, 830x339, 830:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3118f630548421⋯.png (35.67 KB, 827x346, 827:346, ClipboardImage.png)


20 Things You Didn’t Know About GoFundMe

Garrett Parker 3 Years Ago

1. Founding

GoFundMe started out as “CreateAFund” in 2008 in San Diego, California. CreateAFund was developed by Brad Damphousse and Andrew Ballester. Damphousse is from Boston, Massachusetts and studied at Emerson College before moving to California and becoming an entrepreneur in the world of technology and start ups. Andrew Ballester graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaig. The pair previously created Paygr which allowed members to sell services to the public. CreateAFund allowed social media users to raise money for certain causes or celebrations. Damphousse and Ballester tweaked and upgraded features and developed GoFundMe in 2010.

2. Sale

In 2015 Brad Damphousse and Andrew Ballester sold GoFundMe to Accel Partners and Technology Crossover. The value was $600 million. In 2017 GoFundMe was acquired by Crowd Rise which continues to develop and run GoFundMe today.Damphousse and Ballester stepped down from the day to day operations of GoFundMe but remained a part of the company.The new leaders of GoFundMe were Rob Solomon, the former Chief Operating Officer of Groupon. The new President of GoFundMe was David Hahn, the former Vie President of LinkedIn. Under new leadership, GoFundMe would build its headquarters in Silicon Valley and begin to expand the company globally.

3. The Board

GoFundMe started with just 2 people. Today the company is run by an entire board. Each member is responsible for a certain aspect of the company but they also work in collaboration. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is Rob Solomon. Hoang Vuong is the Chief Operating and Financial Officer. Rachel Roza is the Chief Marketing Officer. The Chief Technology Officer is Chi-Chao Chang. Daniel Gordon is GoFundMe’s Vice President of Trust, Policy and Communications. Original founders Brad Damphousse and Andrew Ballester sits on the Board of Directors and continues to have a stake in GoFundMe. In 2015 Daniel Pfeiffer was hired as GoFundMe’s Communication and Policy Chief. Pheiffer previously served as an advisor toPresident Barak Obama.

==20 Things You Didn’t Know About GoFundMe Garrett Parker 3 Years Ago

GoFundMe is the biggest crowdsharing platforms. It helps raise money for events including celebrations or help with funding bills from accidents or illnesses. Since GoFundMe was started in 2010, it’s run more than 2 million campaigns and raised more than $5 billion. GoFundMe’s goal is to inspire people to “turn compassion into action”. Here are 20 things you didn’t know about GoFundMe.

1. Founding

GoFundMe started out as “CreateAFund” in 2008 in San Diego, California. CreateAFund was developed by Brad Damphousse and Andrew Ballester. Damphousse is from Boston, Massachusetts and studied at Emerson College before moving to California and becoming an entrepreneur in the world of technology and start ups. Andrew Ballester graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The pair previously created Paygr which allowed members to sell services to the public. CreateAFund allowed social media users to raise money for certain causes or celebrations. Damphousse and Ballester tweaked and upgraded features and developed GoFundMe in 2010.

2. Sale

In 2015 Brad Damphousse and Andrew Ballester sold GoFundMe to Accel Partners and Technology Crossover. The value was $600 million. In 2017 GoFundMe was acquired by Crowd Rise which continues to develop and run GoFundMe today. Damphousse and Ballester stepped down from the day to day operations of GoFundMe but remained a part of the company. The new leaders of GoFundMe were Rob Solomon, the former Chief Operating Officer of Groupon. The new President of GoFundMe was David Hahn, the former Vie President of LinkedIn. Under new leadership, GoFundMe would build its headquarters in Silicon Valley and begin to expand the company globally.

3. The Board

GoFundMe started with just 2 people. Today the company is run by an entire board. Each member is responsible for a certain aspect of the company but they also work in collaboration. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is Rob Solomon. Hoang Vuong is the Chief Operating and Financial Officer. Rachel Roza is the Chief Marketing Officer. The Chief Technology Officer is Chi-Chao Chang. Daniel Gordon is GoFundMe’s Vice President of Trust, Policy and Communications. Original founders Brad Damphousse and Andrew Ballester sits on the Board of Directors and continues to have a stake in GoFundMe. In 2015 Daniel Pfeiffer was hired as GoFundMe’s Communication and Policy Chief. Pheiffer previously served as an advisor to President Barak Obama.

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2343fd  No.15554774

File: 7bd45563180a1dd⋯.jpg (100.65 KB, 744x500, 186:125, Asian_hate_45.jpg)

File: f7795c851071b68⋯.jpg (99.42 KB, 744x500, 186:125, Asian_hate_44.jpg)

File: 1fbe76c9e7b32ea⋯.jpg (69.2 KB, 500x666, 250:333, Asian_hate_42.jpg)

File: 29fb024b9a721f6⋯.jpg (101.55 KB, 744x500, 186:125, Asian_hate_43.jpg)

File: f544f7055494265⋯.jpg (155.1 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Asian_hate_36.jpg)

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92a1fe  No.15554775

File: e98ba13c85ff587⋯.jpeg (251.98 KB, 888x1332, 2:3, 8C8F27B4_6A0E_4728_BDBD_7….jpeg)

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6280c3  No.15554776

File: 3df214ccad8e11d⋯.png (254.03 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, 7digitsreached.png)


Keep it classy retards.

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a16429  No.15554777


Thank you so much! Added your links to my PTSD folder, anon! The more information the better!

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349bb7  No.15554778

File: 7290495a11a532d⋯.jpeg (105.71 KB, 686x478, 343:239, 5C2E2375_63B0_43F8_A5A8_7….jpeg)

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1de256  No.15554779

File: 2c926b41c385928⋯.png (245.21 KB, 376x400, 47:50, d5cea1718ef0323897b2bf6d24….png)

File: 3e4872e949d6077⋯.png (249.48 KB, 503x359, 503:359, downlovui.png)

The most heavily armed people in every state in America are the MAGA PATRIOTS and that cannot be disputed by anyone.



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f74d05  No.15554780

File: 40a7d565216aeeb⋯.png (58.45 KB, 301x314, 301:314, ClipboardImage.png)



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ce595c  No.15554781

File: 9efd389bc3f1960⋯.png (664.64 KB, 1166x780, 583:390, Screen_Shot_2020_07_18_at_….png)


Looks like

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4af0cb  No.15554782

File: fb8624036238d66⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 1024x1006, 512:503, Not_going_to_take_it.jpg)

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be2e4c  No.15554783

>>15554492 lb

Mike Pence

I don't know but I'll drop this here again.

Phi Gamma Delta

Known as Fiji

Watch the water

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5d2c6f  No.15554784

File: 28c4fd7d94aaeac⋯.jpg (482.66 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 1643136830547.jpg)

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b828bc  No.15554785

File: 4c127a9b6063ebd⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1048x786, 4:3, 4c127a9b6063ebd70b6ad8abaa….jpg)

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349bb7  No.15554786

File: ded064338d19d1b⋯.jpeg (202.27 KB, 574x800, 287:400, 7C6156B7_EADC_41A8_A98B_2….jpeg)

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4af0cb  No.15554787

File: 004de4f14316564⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 474x474, 1:1, MAGA_A.jpg)

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ef518d  No.15554788

File: 4ce73dfb5249572⋯.png (1.72 MB, 2048x2732, 512:683, ClipboardImage.png)


Tomatoes are a fruit not a vegetable

Fruit (of their own loins)

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96cb0a  No.15554790

Let's just ask……Dan, are you Papi?

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d3ed52  No.15554791

File: 9ed50a9979d6b17⋯.jpeg (218.03 KB, 1405x657, 1405:657, 7D678A75_F707_435C_852E_2….jpeg)

File: 73c9dd2e688e387⋯.jpeg (232.88 KB, 1400x654, 700:327, E5C0D1A0_1AA0_4589_A01F_7….jpeg)

File: c35d8642f1d4126⋯.jpeg (224.88 KB, 1404x653, 1404:653, 5C8E7615_4266_4BE1_BBA3_C….jpeg)

>>15548614 (PB)

Brought to you by GOFUNDME

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fcc459  No.15554792

File: 185d74f8773014c⋯.png (665.48 KB, 897x1420, 897:1420, ClipboardImage.png)



Feb 2, check pb notables?


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fbadcf  No.15554793

>>15554693 pb

I have. I'm just apprehensive. I opened myself to demonic attack in my teens due to heavy mushroom usage and not knowing Jesus at the time. I know how to combat them now, but it seems a little risky to go opening doors again.

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2343fd  No.15554794

File: 866fcc29630be1a⋯.jpg (156.84 KB, 761x500, 761:500, Asian_hate_25.jpg)

File: d9fd9e35f8a0feb⋯.jpg (82.03 KB, 666x375, 222:125, Asian_hate_16.jpg)

File: e7f64156c6a8fc8⋯.jpg (121.77 KB, 889x500, 889:500, Asian_hate_38.jpg)

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bdca2d  No.15554795

File: 1b29385f17d194d⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 720x648, 10:9, 20220205_090328.jpg)

Ty anons for stand with Canada

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1422d8  No.15554796

File: c46d060163c425b⋯.png (262.81 KB, 800x600, 4:3, SARANDON1.png)

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81fbec  No.15554797

File: ca86b749c02926b⋯.jpeg (145.5 KB, 948x588, 79:49, 828941D6_5012_417C_8BA5_D….jpeg)

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19570d  No.15554798

File: 7816ad870f0b3f1⋯.png (153.05 KB, 511x499, 511:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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904f7f  No.15554799


Stop reposting. Fag.

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24b902  No.15554800

File: fa586950e9c8029⋯.png (53.12 KB, 141x164, 141:164, ClipboardImage.png)

“It is from the Bible that man has learned cruelty, rapine, and murder; for the belief of a cruel God makes a cruel man.”

― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason

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613af8  No.15554801

File: a46d3cd3f0195bd⋯.png (42.32 KB, 842x373, 842:373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a14f6f7f5acd057⋯.png (45.97 KB, 792x474, 132:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c346e518044dd2⋯.png (51.72 KB, 863x472, 863:472, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d3d94166e06704⋯.png (34.56 KB, 833x327, 833:327, ClipboardImage.png)



>20 Things You Didn’t Know About GoFundMe cont

4. Offices

GoFundMe is based in Redwood City, California. The company also has offices in San Diego, California andDublin, Ireland. It has operations that run out of France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. The company’s main offices have an open floor plan. The intention is that employees will collaborate.

5. Statistics

Since its inception in 2010, GoFundMe has grown quickly to become the world’s largest crowdsharing platform for raising money. It has hosted over 2 million campaigns and helped raise more than $5 million. It has sponsored 50 million donors. As of 2016, GoFundMe has a revenue of $100 million.

6. How It Works

GoFundMe allows users to create a website to raise money. On the website, users describe their cause and state the amount of money they hope to make from the campaign. They can post photos and videos on the website. The website is then shared through social media including Facebook and Twitter. It can also be shared through email. Donations can be made through a debit or credit card. The progress is tracked, and donators can leave comments on the website.

7. GoFundMe Options

When you set up a GoFundMe page you have three options. If you are collecting money for a charity, you select the Charity Fundraising option. With this option a monthly donation to the charity will automatically be taken out. You can also set up a Personal Page. With this option you set a definite deadline and donation goal. When the deadline is reached the funds collected are released. Finally, there is an All or Nothing option. If the goal is not met with this option, donations are returned to the donators.

8. Fees

GoFundMe does take a portion of the donations. The service itself is free to use for users and donators in the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Canada. GoFundMe takes 5% per donation. In addition, they accept tips from donators. When a GoFundMe page is set up, a WePay Account is created for when the time comes to disperse the funds.Upon withdraw of the funds WePay charges 2.9%

9. What type of causes are allowed

In the beginning of GoFundMe, there were no real restrictions on causes that people can request donations for. As the company has developed, they’ve placed certain restrictions. Typically GoFundMe is used to create awareness through social media and raise money for medical bills, funerals, trips and education costs. Tuition costs are one of the most popular causes on GoFundMe. One user raised $25,000 for a PhD program.

10. Restrictions

In its beginning GoFundMe ran into trouble for allowing certain causes to be used to get money. In 2014 GoFundMe cancelled a site set up by a woman seeking donations to pay for an abortion. This was a controversial. Because abortion is legal and considered a medical procedure, the company had to put the site back up. Causes that GoFundMe does not allow include anything in violation of the law, purchasing weapons, gambling, drugs, sex workers, money management services, intimidation, anything perverse or offensive, and anything that promotes bigotry. As of 2015 GoFundMe does not allow support of legal defense. This came after Sweet Cakes by Melissa tried to raise money when they were fined for refusing to bake a cake for a same sex marriage.

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6280c3  No.15554802

File: bea1c6fc7a1e331⋯.jpg (246.42 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5555.jpg)

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4af0cb  No.15554803

File: c2d9b3bf8d705dc⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 474x252, 79:42, Patrick_Henry.jpg)

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4c1961  No.15554804

File: 399c090040206a3⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 500x426, 250:213, 63ibu9_.jpg)

DDoS by the government was not able to stop CodeMonkey so they staged a few false flags to blame on the anons to shutdown 8Chan…

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280d16  No.15554805


>file name labeled “asian hate 45”

Fuck man, you are radioactive glowing.

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b828bc  No.15554806

File: fb2f7f7be0e5a9c⋯.png (338.35 KB, 878x873, 878:873, fb2f7f7be0e5a9c7e99e096c1a….png)


KEK. 2 moar weeks late. Timelines converging.

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73d2f3  No.15554807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This Indian dude, Sham Sharma, is hilarious and LIT on Canada/Trudeau! Epic!

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349bb7  No.15554808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ottawalks LIVE footage from the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦 📢

They are dancing, singing, and having a party in the streets

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4af0cb  No.15554809

File: 7cce752ca9e994d⋯.jpg (77.21 KB, 736x735, 736:735, Liberty.jpg)

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850d34  No.15554811


Do you really want to live forever? And ever? Forever?

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d48b80  No.15554812

File: 0074857242c2cbf⋯.png (48.35 KB, 177x177, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Feb 2, check pb not ables?

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2b76da  No.15554813

File: 2f5aa744490b1e6⋯.png (246.65 KB, 666x374, 333:187, ClipboardImage.png)

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3608ea  No.15554814


God shows us forgiveness, and love, and mercy, even though we are all dirty sinners, and his enemies. He's not cruel, if he was he'd have flooded this cesspool again. He understands our human condition more than ever now, as he lived as a Jewish man who was beaten, humiliated and nailed to a piece of wood for being a good person. It ain't easy being human.

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a16429  No.15554815


I don't know about LIVING, per se, but existing FOREVER?? FUCK YA!

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2343fd  No.15554816

File: d9b66dde115e92a⋯.jpg (169.53 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, Asian_hate_19.jpg)

File: 53e13adc16719d1⋯.jpg (118.03 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Asian_hate_18.jpg)

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280d16  No.15554817


Seriously, what kind of regular person out there, not paid to post on the internet, has files labeled by the race, target (in this case, hate) and have so many that you have them numbered from 1-45 (at a minimum)?

The answer? No fucking body. Fuck you you fucking fed poster.

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a6fa1e  No.15554818

Go Fraud Me

Go fund me will directly refund all donors to TRUCKERS

MOAR WINNING basically


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4c1961  No.15554819

File: 399c090040206a3⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 500x426, 250:213, 63ibu9_.jpg)


==DDoS by the government was not able to stop CodeMonkey so they staged a few false flags to blame on the anons to>>15554810

shutdown 8Chan…==

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9b045b  No.15554820

File: b9221e88c9a2718⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 360x240, 3:2, 2dIC.gif)

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24b902  No.15554821

File: b0f5299c8197abb⋯.png (251.43 KB, 393x504, 131:168, ClipboardImage.png)

“Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is no more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory to itself than this thing called Christianity. Too absurd for belief, too impossible to convince, and too inconsistent for practice, it renders the heart torpid or produces only atheists or fanatics. As an engine of power, it serves the purpose of despotism, and as a means of wealth, the avarice of priests, but so far as respects the good of man in general it leads to nothing here or hereafter.”

― Thomas Paine

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349bb7  No.15554822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Portland Andy’s LIVE multi-stream coverage all over Canada 🇨🇦


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f74d05  No.15554823

File: 47a5092afa8c504⋯.png (415.41 KB, 598x661, 598:661, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_1….png)

the only winning move is not to play.



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18ab8c  No.15554824

File: 64907a7e3609b24⋯.png (1.11 MB, 807x930, 269:310, ClipboardImage.png)


I have called a brief Special Meeting of the Ottawa Police Services Board for 4:30 p.m. today to specially discuss the Service’s ability to provide adequate and effective policing to the residents of Ottawa. You can watch here:


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bdca2d  No.15554825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He has lost Quebec

No where to hide

The English hate him

The French hate him

The west central and east hate him

The end is near

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602b6e  No.15554826

File: 742bf96c7d51ff7⋯.png (139.15 KB, 883x960, 883:960, ClipboardImage.png)


Your post has been nominated to the Q Research Shill Post Hall of Fame.

There is no need for you to take action. If elected, your post will be on permanent display with posts by other former QR shills like Finkelshill, The Shit Shill, Pedo Joe, Museums Shill, Jew-hatin' Jim, the maga riots shill, circumcision shill and James Comey.

-Invidious shills will attack this post

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4af0cb  No.15554827

File: 5e302985116c7ab⋯.jpg (60.05 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Washington.jpg)

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b828bc  No.15554828

File: 099972d9fb92b94⋯.mp4 (135.11 KB, 886x490, 443:245, 099972d9fb92b94668c5ee8ebd….mp4)

File: ccfb5b7de5db39d⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB, 416x848, 26:53, ccfb5b7de5db39da5b715566e3….mp4)

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602b6e  No.15554829

File: 44021c0fab2c347⋯.png (200.44 KB, 596x667, 596:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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349bb7  No.15554830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VIDSTORM live Freedom Convoy coverage in Ottawa, Ontario 🇨🇦


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6b7ba4  No.15554831

File: 5da8fe0631432e9⋯.png (191.5 KB, 640x627, 640:627, Screenshot_20220205_131407.png)

File: 2ec3e9c0df6d486⋯.png (216.95 KB, 640x627, 640:627, Screenshot_20220205_131450.png)

File: 52a954f60a6054e⋯.png (228.62 KB, 640x749, 640:749, Screenshot_20220205_131523.png)

Habbening. CCP bug spreading in Beijing.


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fbadcf  No.15554832


You again? Stop trying to poison the well with CMZ. You have once again made a claim with no sauce. Faggot

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4c1961  No.15554833


Trump is one of the best trolls so I wouldn't put it past him but I still doubt that is Trump's account.

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a6390b  No.15554834

File: a6f1e8b7b78f46f⋯.png (149.26 KB, 770x393, 770:393, agmatine.png)

agmatine and depression


agmatine and pain


agmatine and anxiety


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2343fd  No.15554835

File: aa1875ee4904aba⋯.jpg (134.89 KB, 998x499, 2:1, Asian_hate_40.jpg)

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602b6e  No.15554837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing hatred of others is normal, natural and rational for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.


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a6fa1e  No.15554838





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14890e  No.15554839

File: abf37b13fc5c397⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 640x360, 16:9, breightbart_war.mp4)


We've come a long way anons. Starting with the first Q drop we started digging, compiling and preserving our research for today and for future generations to study. With hope many will see the light of truth and begin to understand what [they] did to all of us.

The research compiled is staggering in scope and unprecedented in human history. Much will be written about this war and how we fought back, enough to fill countless libraries. One could even say its going to be biblical.

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280d16  No.15554840


Ahhh good for you, you switched to unlabeled file names


I really hope you die in some horrible manner because you fucking deserve it.

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2e9c84  No.15554841

File: fe028e63437a6a3⋯.png (315.52 KB, 800x410, 80:41, gunstarUSA44.png)

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24b902  No.15554842


Do you have an imaginary friend that manipulates the world for you? Did he also magically impregnate a woman two thousand years ago, who bore him a son who underwent an ancient ritual of blood sacrifice to dispel a curse laid on you to ensure you would be immortal? Are you now immortal? Do you really need all of that garbage religion laid on you in your life?

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5d2c6f  No.15554843

File: 4d0e1f220235e9a⋯.jpg (383.37 KB, 1440x1271, 1440:1271, 4d0e1f220235e9a6597e5cde94….jpg)

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96cb0a  No.15554844

File: a4df1762b5232a1⋯.png (318.97 KB, 791x1200, 791:1200, ClipboardImage.png)



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73d2f3  No.15554845


if they could transplant my brain and life knowledge into the body of a 15-yr old virgin cheerleader I'd be having it ALL by this time in life the second time.

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f71f8b  No.15554846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bdca2d  No.15554847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Canadian Hammer

Trump prophet

Says Trudeau go bye bye for a year now

This is his latest interview

See what you think

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4af0cb  No.15554848

File: 0fc901d41927648⋯.jpg (81.03 KB, 563x480, 563:480, Tesla.jpg)

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a6390b  No.15554849

File: 8f0c762e5a6c09d⋯.png (260.52 KB, 825x535, 165:107, 56c591aff146c7c04e5ad149ef….png)

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7661c8  No.15554850


How is that suppose to stop a virus?

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fcc459  No.15554851



>>15554818 Go fund me will directly refund all donors to TRUCKERS - MOAR WINNING

>>15554748 Ex-Clerk For Biden SCOTUS Hopeful Edited Wikipedia Pages To Make Her Look Better, Rivals Worse

>>15554745, >>15554792 No more hugs or handshakes

>>15554773, >>15554801 GoFundMe 20 Things you didn't know

>>15554725 Susan Sarandon Apologizes For Insensitive Tweet On Slain NYC Officer’s Funeral


Please verify not previously posted and or include time/date in screencap

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fbadcf  No.15554852


As much as I hate to admit, the little fucker has a point on this one.

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6280c3  No.15554853

File: 7da3b60ac790af2⋯.png (734.79 KB, 874x1306, 437:653, merckpill82redonly.png)


They will tell our story for generations.

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a6fa1e  No.15554854



GoFundMe will no longer donate Freedom Convoy funds to charity, will only issue refunds

NoFundMe has since published a blog post stating it's changed its mind in response to "donor feedback" and will now only be issuing refunds.

GoFundMe says those who donated to the Freedom Convoy campaign will not need to submit refund requests and can expect to see their money returned within seven to 10 business days.

GoFundMe previously said it removed the fundraiser because it violated the site's terms of service, which prohibit the promotion of violence and harassment.

An initial $1 million of the more than $10 million raised was released to organizers earlier this week.


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613af8  No.15554855

File: 0ec7b3a38e9a6d3⋯.png (45.9 KB, 830x378, 415:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eaef4ae58aa5e49⋯.png (33.95 KB, 801x286, 801:286, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6ccb641a558760⋯.png (66.46 KB, 788x551, 788:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 21e296d231774ff⋯.png (56.94 KB, 793x472, 793:472, ClipboardImage.png)



>20 Things You Didn’t Know About GoFundMe cont

11. Scams

GoFundMe has seen its share of scams since it started. One of the biggest GoFundMe scams began as a heartwarming story. Kate McClure ran out of gas in Philadelphia while traveling during Thanksgiving weekend 2017. John Babbit Jr, a homeless veteran gave her the last of his money for gas. McClure and her boyfriend Mark D’Amico set up a GoFundMe page to raise donations to help Babbit get back on his feet and stay off drugs. They raised $400,000 through GoFundMe. The campaign had gone viral with people commenting that they had renewed hope in humanity. Unfortunately the story soon unraveled. Babbit was a former United States Marine and had worked as a paramedic. Unfortunately he’d posted a story on Facebook in 2012 where he had given a woman the last of his money when she ran out of gas in front of a Walmart. Babbit began to complain that he had not received the donations. It turns out McClure, D’Amico and Babbit had set the whole story up. McClure and Babbit had spent much of the funds on vacations, a car, clothes and gambling. They were all charged with fraud and deceiving donors.

12. Successful Campaigns

Through its course GoFundMe has helped with several successful campaigns. In June 2016 a GoFundMe page for the families of the victims of the Pulse Nightclub Shootings raised $7.8 million. During the shootings at the nightclub in Orlando, Florida, 49 people were killed and 58 were wounded. Certainly the families of the victims deserved the donations. In November 2016 GoFundMe helped raise money for veterans killed at Standing Rock, North Dakota. 2000 United States military veterans tried to protect members of the Sioux Tribe Reservation who were trying to protect their land from a proposed oil pipeline. $1.1 million was raised through GoFundMe.

13. Employees of GoFundMe

Employees of GoFundMe are treated well. In 2017 GoFundMe received awards for Best Workplace in Technology, Best small to medium company in the Bay Area, and Best Workplace that gives back. GoFundMe started its Give Back Program in 2015.Employees of GoFundMe pick a campaign that inspired them and GoFundMe donates $1000 to that cause.GoFundMe offers employees 401K contributions up to 6%. GoFundMe pays employees $600 a year for its wellness benefits program which can be used for gym memberships, gym equipment, dietary needs and spa treatments.

14. Before you donate, Personal Tragedy

Before you donate to a GoFundMe page for a personal tragedy, you should be cautious and be sure that the cause isn’t a scam. To be safe, only donate to someone you know personally. If you do wish to donate to a random personal tragedy, check the link to the person’s Facebook account. You can check out the person. Look for things like friends’ condolence comments to be sure the cause is legitimate. Check to see if the person has multiple GoFundMe pages for the particular tragedy. This could be legitimate as both sides of the family could have separate pages or the person has set up multiple accounts to avoid GoFundMe from taking a larger percentage of what is collected.

15. Before you donate, Business Ventures

You should investigate before you donate for a business venture. Check to see if the GoFundMe page was create in the business’ name. Also check if there is a Facebook link in the business’ name. Message people who have “liked” the business Facebook page to investigate validity. Another thing to consider when donating to a business venture is are you considered a “donator” or an “investor”. You should be considered an “investor”. The requester for donations should be offering you something in return for your donation into their business venture because their goal is to make a profit with their new business.

16. Time’s Up Fund

One of the most successful GoFundMe campaign is the Time’s Up Fund. This was set up to help those who experience sexual assault or harassment in the workplace. The cause has raised $21.51 million. It is still going strong. The money will be administered by the National Women’s Law Center. Other successful GoFundMe campaigns that have drawn millions of dollars in donations include a fund for the October 1, 2017 mass shooting victims in Las Vegas, Nevada and the mass shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida on February 14, 2018.

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ec04c3  No.15554856

File: e0060515472178e⋯.png (236.6 KB, 566x542, 283:271, e0060515472178e68079da8722….png)

Xi JingPing is an epic pile of shit…

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d48b80  No.15554857

File: 810b23dee6034cd⋯.png (699.37 KB, 750x725, 30:29, 1626576652937.png)

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fbadcf  No.15554858

File: 09ab702c6ddeca1⋯.png (10.96 KB, 255x250, 51:50, dastin.png)

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dca82a  No.15554859

is this the only sauce

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bdca2d  No.15554860


Sorry planned parenthood and blm

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2f3d59  No.15554861


Yuge if big

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850d34  No.15554862



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bdca2d  No.15554863

honking on the wind

I can hears it

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4edfbb  No.15554864

File: 0a02f2e02961519⋯.png (473.87 KB, 756x504, 3:2, CONGRESSWAST.png)

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2d1680  No.15554865



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96cb0a  No.15554866


Gone from "Old Broken-Down Crow" earlier today to just "Old Crow" in this one.

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a6fa1e  No.15554867

File: 8d79ce0bcd2c799⋯.jpg (359.08 KB, 600x850, 12:17, 8d79ce0bcd2c7999e8dc27e679….jpg)


room with the view

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2d1680  No.15554868

So the Boy in the Well died…

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2b76da  No.15554869

File: 7cabbddd413227f⋯.png (520.51 KB, 648x385, 648:385, BLM_racists.png)


← But she wanted another mansion. KEK

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d823c5  No.15554870

File: 5c5e1464548cccb⋯.png (460.73 KB, 584x444, 146:111, fake_disciples.png)

How many more storms and floods do there have to be?

How many more vulcanos have to spit fire?

How many more planes do have to drop out of the sky before you do what you all claim to be doing and actually follow me?

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523c24  No.15554871

File: 4bea949250aeecb⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CanadianStyleRevolution.mp4)

The most fun revolution ever!Dancing, singing, hugging, no guns, no war.

il Donaldo Trumpo




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122896  No.15554872

File: 9247bdea42227d0⋯.png (548.21 KB, 508x614, 254:307, ClipboardImage.png)

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b828bc  No.15554873

File: 67ce16f23c1dc9f⋯.mp4 (42.32 KB, 320x218, 160:109, 67ce16f23c1dc9f19d9fcbfebc….mp4)

File: 0f7720e346a167a⋯.mp4 (371.1 KB, 302x340, 151:170, 0f7720e346a167ae4c70b4d367….mp4)


Have a shekel on behalf of the non ccp 917 million Maga Chinese that hate communism too. Chink cha chink chink chink.

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19570d  No.15554874

File: 28b2c1b966821a8⋯.png (1.38 MB, 944x716, 236:179, ClipboardImage.png)




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3608ea  No.15554875


I don't really care about those details, I'm capable of extracting the core lessons and meanings from the work over all, and choose to live my life that way. Why does it bother you so much? Do you get mad when people learn about spirituality from Star Wars, or life lessons from Dragon Ball Z? DO YOU THINK GOKU IS A REAL ALIEN WHO REALLY CAN FLY? Doesn't change the fact that the story has meaning, and can teach a lot of people.

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acf482  No.15554876

File: 4725a4bfda45091⋯.mp4 (14.04 MB, 854x480, 427:240, BREAKING_NOOSE_mandates.mp4)

Re: Mandates

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2d1680  No.15554877

File: ab26673844b016e⋯.png (226.91 KB, 610x622, 305:311, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)

Former President Donald Trump is reportedly spinning some of his favorite songs as a DJ to a crowd in Palm Beach, Florida.


I WANT TO GO!! Man, I wished I lived in FLorida

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7812fc  No.15554878

Oh look : it is not the mRNA vax that is giving people aids, it is a new variant.

New Highly Virulent HIV Variant Detected in Netherlands – Could Cause People to Develop AIDS More Quickly

By Jim Hoft

Published February 5, 2022 at 8:50am



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8fc066  No.15554879

File: 2d6b0b3d7cf6ced⋯.png (527.62 KB, 600x618, 100:103, ClipboardImage.png)

gofuckme logo = triggered wokey

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bdca2d  No.15554880

File: faf8a254a8c1b53⋯.gif (133.1 KB, 220x254, 110:127, 20220202_004152.gif)

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9fc289  No.15554881


That is so sad. The volunteers tried so hard to rescue him. Prayers to his family and all the volunteers.

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2343fd  No.15554882

File: 994da3672e5bdf5⋯.jpg (58.49 KB, 633x394, 633:394, Asian_hate_46.jpg)

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c2626f  No.15554883

File: caf76ef4a979995⋯.png (637.2 KB, 606x812, 303:406, ClipboardImage.png)

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613af8  No.15554884

File: 75a55d535813d95⋯.png (51.96 KB, 797x423, 797:423, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b1aeb0fcf1dd3e⋯.png (55.56 KB, 820x535, 164:107, ClipboardImage.png)




>20 Things You Didn’t Know About GoFundMe cont

17. Funding a Border Wall

One interesting GoFundMe campaign popped up in the news and its turning out to be successful. An Iraqi War veteran with an interest in conspiracy theories started a GoFundMe page to raise money to build the President Trump supported wall at the United States’ border with Mexico to prevent illegal immigration. Hoping to collect money from Trump supporters, the GoFundMe page is successful. To date it has raised $14 million. It’s aim is to raise $1 billion.

18. Be Careful of Government Assistance

Although it’s easy to set up and use a GoFundMe page, it’s important to understand the fine print rules. People often use GoFundMe to collect donations to help pay off medical costs. However if you have government assistance like Medicaid, any GoFundMe donations received will be considered income. Donations collected will be investigated and could affect eligibility for a government assistance program. Not reporting GoFundMe donations as income could become an issue with income taxes.

19. Privacy

As with anything on the internet, you should be careful what information you put out even through a GoFundMe page. Don’t post your home address or your phone number. Be careful when posting photos and videos on your GoFundMe page. Something as simple as a visible license plate could lead to trouble if the wrong person notices it. Always use a secure password and preferably a duel identification password so you can only access the account with a verification code.

20. Make sure you spend the money on what’s intended


It seems simple enough. You set up a GoFundMe page because you have a specific things that for which you need the money. Whether it’s a personal struggle or tragedy, funds for education or a business venture, or funds for a celebration such as a birthday, graduation or wedding, make sure that every penny collected in donations goes directly to that cause. Otherwise it could lead to legal ramifications because it would be considered fraud to spend the money on other items. Always keep your receipts and carefully document your expenditures.

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4c8f0f  No.15554885

File: 4601e94beb42414⋯.png (51.7 KB, 741x402, 247:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81952e1e0e08086⋯.png (265.82 KB, 741x698, 741:698, ClipboardImage.png)


It's antifa dumbass


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bcd249  No.15554886

File: b2ac8d528a07a9c⋯.jpg (33.25 KB, 550x367, 550:367, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1744….jpg)

Lurking while my Gumbo simmers.

Catching up.

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ce595c  No.15554887

File: 5824f7b6cdd371e⋯.jpg (143.58 KB, 889x1024, 889:1024, IMG_4941.JPG)

File: c082dda41144b0e⋯.jpg (30.82 KB, 780x439, 780:439, kaitlin_geiger_bardswich.jpg)

Dis bitch comparing the trucker convoy to domestic violence, kek

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bdca2d  No.15554888


Excellent stuff

Must click

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9ad47b  No.15554889

File: 3ee48a966f20c64⋯.jpg (72.45 KB, 625x496, 625:496, fd64a81ad47b845377d5d6bcf1….jpg)

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cc820b  No.15554890

File: cbb4d684e778d19⋯.png (362.48 KB, 640x536, 80:67, 5DFA1E31_51B1_49DC_8457_A0….png)


>Go Fraud Me

>Go fund me will directly refund all donors to TRUCKERS

>MOAR WINNING basically

Operation chargeback was going to cost them a fortune, and state attorneys general were going to toss their asses in jail.

Mobbing them is fun AF.

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3e211d  No.15554891


Not a good look…

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613af8  No.15554892


>20. Make sure you spend the money on what’s intended


>It seems simple enough. You set up a GoFundMe page because you have a specific things that for which you need the money. Whether it’s a personal struggle or tragedy, funds for education or a business venture, or funds for a celebration such as a birthday, graduation or wedding, make sure that every penny collected in donations goes directly to that cause. Otherwise it could lead to legal ramifications because it would be considered fraud to spend the money on other items. Always keep your receipts and carefully document your expenditures.


this is what will get GFM in trouble…..

bait and switch.

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986329  No.15554893

File: 4c5a3c2104bf399⋯.png (44.98 KB, 435x390, 29:26, 781.png)

File: 434cadce6a8bd0c⋯.jpg (888.05 KB, 722x270, 361:135, 781_LI.jpg)

File: 65bfa4faf5007ad⋯.png (67.05 KB, 435x392, 435:392, 1202.png)

File: 2e7d51adde07cb5⋯.png (11.96 KB, 712x155, 712:155, 1202_.png)



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74fe62  No.15554894

File: d6b5300a8fbd1e4⋯.mp4 (11.62 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Animated_No_Agenda_Vax_Gaf….mp4)

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31e03e  No.15554895

File: cbec3cf83cf0737⋯.jpg (315.96 KB, 1881x912, 33:16, 850.jpg)

Is MATTA25 drawing a dick? kek

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dbfa8d  No.15554896

File: 0e4093c76ac81b1⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 1600x950, 32:19, Parting_of_Red_Sea.jpg)

Psalm 77

God’s Mighty Deeds Recalled

To the choirmaster: according to Jeduthun. A Psalm of Asaph.

77 I cry aloud to God,

aloud to God, that he may hear me.

2 In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord;

in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying;

my soul refuses to be comforted.

3 I think of God, and I moan;

I meditate, and my spirit faints. Selah

4 Thou dost hold my eyelids from closing;

I am so troubled that I cannot speak.

5 I consider the days of old,

I remember the years long ago.

6 I commune with my heart in the night;

I meditate and search my spirit:

7 “Will the Lord spurn for ever,

and never again be favorable?

8 Has his steadfast love for ever ceased?

Are his promises at an end for all time?

9 Has God forgotten to be gracious?

Has he in anger shut up his compassion?” Selah

10 And I say, “It is my grief

that the right hand of the Most High has changed.”

11 I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord;

yea, I will remember thy wonders of old.

12 I will meditate on all thy work,

and muse on thy mighty deeds.

13 Thy way, O God, is holy.

What god is great like our God?

14 Thou art the God who workest wonders,

who hast manifested thy might among the peoples.

15 Thou didst with thy arm redeem thy people,

the sons of Jacob and Joseph.Selah

16 When the waters saw thee, O God,

when the waters saw thee, they were afraid,

yea, the deep trembled.

17 The clouds poured out water;

the skies gave forth thunder;

thy arrows flashed on every side.

18 The crash of thy thunder was in the whirlwind;

thy lightnings lighted up the world;

the earth trembled and shook.

19 Thy way was through the sea,

thy path through the great waters;

yet thy footprints were unseen.

20 Thou didst lead thy people like a flock

by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

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18ab8c  No.15554897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b76da  No.15554898

File: 85e491da25cc20f⋯.png (8.62 MB, 3424x2272, 107:71, ClipboardImage.png)



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523c24  No.15554899

File: 1c6e1273324ee9f⋯.png (43.33 KB, 746x328, 373:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Yeah, I'm really disappointed in the fucking money loving sissies, it's not like they made enough money then.Our hero's were always losers, except the ones they killed like Hendrix, Joplin etc. they were the reelz


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d823c5  No.15554900

File: b984db0d3d1440f⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2398x1671, 2398:1671, _FREEMASONRY_ILLUMINATI_.png)

File: d9ba48e653656e0⋯.png (978.25 KB, 931x374, 931:374, babel.png)


stop acting, be free.

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a9462a  No.15554901

File: c203232c0fcc64d⋯.png (272.44 KB, 713x571, 713:571, indian_german_shepard_atta….png)

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8fe91c  No.15554902


someone give that girl a samich

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96cb0a  No.15554903


Dan, we need some behind the scenes on this, please.

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349bb7  No.15554904

File: 191c4f709db7928⋯.jpeg (34.68 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 8E26F911_1945_40F9_A2E6_5….jpeg)

File: 60f4c03998eb1a7⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB, 350x234, 175:117, B8E68FA9_2BC4_4F92_A260_7….jpeg)


Ya love to see it

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bdca2d  No.15554905



Slow and steady rock solid winning

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8c5273  No.15554906

File: fc9b865447f5762⋯.jpg (58.03 KB, 537x465, 179:155, 63d0aa.jpg)

Back on 8Chan theMAGA PATRIOTSput xi Jing ping's head in gun Scopes cross hairs…. and blamed them for a bioweapon attack before the coronavirus hit. Next day Xi Jing ping announced they are prepared for war.


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d823c5  No.15554907

File: 34361e0ff89bdbc⋯.jpg (52.28 KB, 438x225, 146:75, 33mason_albert_pike_lucife….jpg)

File: d24dac286922be2⋯.png (210.74 KB, 400x266, 200:133, d24dac286922be245c4b2ad70e….png)

File: 7aed40c5517dfa0⋯.jpg (106.76 KB, 840x532, 30:19, evil_pope.jpg)

File: 0c6fa27ffa758b8⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 634x535, 634:535, evil_pope_blackeye.jpg)

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a1d215  No.15554908

File: 266975ac1cf1799⋯.jpeg (483.87 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 2B21E481_EADC_4D1D_8EFF_1….jpeg)

I hope I randomly see this meme floating around Truth social in a couple years.

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e646fc  No.15554909

File: 8a466809dcd4b3c⋯.jpg (178.36 KB, 1326x633, 442:211, Trump_Pence_Feud.jpg)



In my opinion, "No, Pence is not a traitor." This was all part of the Plan.

I believe Pence took a bullet for the Q Team. This was the unpalatable task he was given.

I came to this conclusion for two reasons

Firstly, because without this Pence strategic move, there would be no Biden Pretendancy and "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" (i.e the inevitable worldwide financial crash) would not be scheduled to happen with Biden in office so the Dems could take the full blame.

Think about it. In the next 9 months the US (and the world) is scheduled to go to hell. The result of this "show of socialism" will be a yuge Red Wave in November (watch the water?) taking back both House and Senate - perhaps with even a super-majority!! Image what could be achieved then. Only after all this happens can Trump return - to put it all right again.

Secondly, just two weeks before Pence did his bit Chris Millar, then acting Secretary of Defence, paid him a huge compliment. Millar said Pence had been a great mentor to him and he thanked him for his "selfless service." It felt to me at the time that Millar knew what Pence had been asked to do and wanted to show his solidarity. That doesn't sound like a traitor to me.

All part of the Plan? Yes, I think so.

Millar quote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzDUVFRXGsA

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2343fd  No.15554910

File: 404050b4d061688⋯.jpg (58.72 KB, 633x394, 633:394, Asian_hate_47.jpg)

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18ab8c  No.15554911

File: feab406046771e1⋯.png (994.73 KB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)




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8fc066  No.15554912


twatter enabling a federal hacking offense now

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523c24  No.15554913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Speaking of Hendrix, FREEDOM

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6b7ba4  No.15554914

File: 818cfb2fcd4de8b⋯.png (203.5 KB, 525x734, 525:734, Screenshot_20220205_133223.png)

First U.S. reinforcement troops arrive in Poland, more expected


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8cb0de  No.15554915

File: da804622c0a7f3d⋯.png (181.29 KB, 652x475, 652:475, VARIANT.png)

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a6390b  No.15554916

File: 4d68b8c5c6c1ad6⋯.png (390.5 KB, 777x433, 777:433, love_it.png)


notable wargames tweet

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280d16  No.15554917


Cool, you’re still a fucking paid agitator. Your life must be one of absolute misery to choose this as your choice of employment.

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ce595c  No.15554918

File: a92045bd82d186f⋯.png (694.08 KB, 708x874, 354:437, Screen_Shot_2021_05_30_at_….png)


Psychopaths have to learn empathy since it's not innate. Regular people have to tell them when they are saying psychopath shit

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2343fd  No.15554919

File: 9ddfa6a03f02000⋯.jpg (100.78 KB, 613x407, 613:407, Asian_hate_35.jpg)

File: 4cf25043baceb7c⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 612x408, 3:2, Fear_them.jpg)

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bcd249  No.15554920

File: 962ca84ad693d8f⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 1209x229, 1209:229, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

Joe Rogan apologizes for repeated past use of racial slurs

“There’s been a lot of shit from the old episodes of the podcast that I wish I hadn’t said, or had said differently. This is my take on the worst of it,” Rogan said in the caption of an almost five-minute video posted on Instagram.

Recently, Rogan has faced controversy as multiple musical artists have called on Spotify to stop streaming their songs over COVID-19 misinformation on his popular podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience," to which the streaming service purchased exclusive rights.


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8fc066  No.15554921

File: 61b0c861d7a556e⋯.jpeg (120.81 KB, 1125x1099, 1125:1099, 911_never_forget.jpeg)


god bless his new writer. he's excellent.

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6280c3  No.15554922

File: 51f3b6387a8f711⋯.png (8.49 MB, 4500x4500, 1:1, JAESBM365MMdtwideBIN1027ja….png)

This got dropped from the notables.

JA back in the news.

Was a planefag reference to squawking a post number. Not sure if the sauce/picture was posted. Another Anon zoomed part of this as an individual graphic but the pic was a thumbnail.

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18ab8c  No.15554923


These are concrete measure that will be taken to restore order.


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deeeb6  No.15554925

File: 641129d336fd5eb⋯.png (875.13 KB, 1391x987, 1391:987, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c34e463af5567b⋯.png (154.91 KB, 989x947, 989:947, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 618d605cf176cd2⋯.png (408.11 KB, 1117x1002, 1117:1002, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb7645b287a0047⋯.png (255.43 KB, 1174x991, 1174:991, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cad3b2ca54fadbf⋯.png (349.47 KB, 1281x997, 1281:997, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Navy captain in the US Seventh Fleet admits he was bribed with lavish meals and sex workers by a foreign defense contractor

"The overarching fraud and bribery investigation has resulted in federal criminal charges against 34 U.S. Navy officials, defense contractors and the GDMA corporation. So far, 29 of those have pleaded guilty, admitting collectively that they accepted millions of dollars in luxury travel and accommodations, meals, lavish gifts, or services of prostitutes, among many other things of value, from Francis in exchange for helping GDMA win and maintain contracts and overbill the Navy by over $35 million."





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d823c5  No.15554926

File: c1a0cf29fa8c817⋯.png (513.22 KB, 633x352, 633:352, Beyonce_EYE.png)

File: 2f5dde20377614b⋯.jpg (223.26 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Brenton_Tarrant_MasonSymbo….jpg)

File: 337675dbe89594e⋯.png (866.58 KB, 704x700, 176:175, Antifa_Satanists.png)

File: 21d8a943dbd3610⋯.jpeg (10.55 KB, 259x195, 259:195, Divide_Rule.jpeg)


if you stick to masonry and bs rules that are partially misunderstood and partially made up you work willingly against freedom and against humanity.

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41c3a1  No.15554927

File: fc9b865447f5762⋯.jpg (58.03 KB, 537x465, 179:155, 63d0aa.jpg)

Back on 8Chan theMAGA PATRIOTSput xi Jing ping's head in gun Scopes cross hairs…. and blamed them for a bioweapon attack before the coronavirus hit. Next day Xi Jing ping announced they are prepared for war.


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b1386c  No.15554928



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8fc066  No.15554929


fuck the current fascist government of ukraine

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2b76da  No.15554930


The left will move forward and continue to cancel Joe Rogan, while giving (their own) Whoopie Goldberg a free pass.

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2343fd  No.15554931

File: d1da4d8982bf26e⋯.jpg (156.68 KB, 925x500, 37:20, Asian_hate_7.jpg)

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92a1fe  No.15554932


Check out mark and hart hasten. Their relationship to pence, dan quayle and the kushner’s.

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e78fa8  No.15554933

Bloomberg Had Fake Headline "Russia Invades Ukraine" On Homepage For 30 Minutes


Given that speculations over false flags and charges that a Russian invasion is "imminent" (the latter wordage walked back by the White House this week) have become a key talking point in US mainstream media this month, the false start Bloomberg headline certainly raises some questions. 

Kremlin researcher and podcaster Olga Lautman posted a screenshot of the Bloomberg homepage while the false headline was live. She told the New York Post:

"I went on the site and saw the breaking news but knew it wasn't real because I deal with Ukraine and will be one of the first to know. It is bizarre and a pretty big mistake to make considering this is a potential large scale invasion and everyone is on edge."

She said it stayed up "for about 30 minutes", according to the NY Post. Here's how the "inadvertently published" fake headline appeared for up to half an hour on the homepage

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d48b80  No.15554934

File: 03b6d3bad7d1b56⋯.png (41.41 KB, 423x438, 141:146, ClipboardImage.png)

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4e6e01  No.15554935

File: b91918cdabd3f28⋯.jpg (34.34 KB, 613x393, 613:393, dfghgfddda.jpg)


>All part of the Plan? Yes, I think so

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707c97  No.15554936



This next one is called "the song of my people"

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ce595c  No.15554937


It's a good analogy. Heard an immunologist say that, to your immune system, the difference between one covid variant and the next is comparable to say, if your father walked in and you didn't recognize him because he's wearing a bowler hat or glasses or whatever Mr. Potato head has here.

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fbadcf  No.15554938



Where's the anon that was decoding symbols about concrete?

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f102da  No.15554939


> Thomas Paine

He also seemed to know a lot about this too.

The Origin of Freemasonry

by Thomas Paine

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559c45  No.15554940

File: ff16688fdea316c⋯.png (281.37 KB, 474x294, 79:49, 35C6B2D3_D063_4D1A_9989_26….png)

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44c2cb  No.15554941

File: 3cdcf7d23c4c577⋯.jpeg (55.66 KB, 679x960, 679:960, 3D8531DB_3084_4A7E_8E00_C….jpeg)


Because she can’t get a dick!

Look at her!

These snowflakes will self destruct once the REALIZE the truth!

You see, they spend their days in a fantasy world (FB/Twatter/toctic, etc). Once the see the truth the brain they may have will blow up!

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cc820b  No.15554942

File: c02fcdc0bedbede⋯.jpeg (155.72 KB, 468x494, 18:19, F13DEAC8_B003_4887_A5A2_A….jpeg)


Go back to Reddit, fatty.

You’re dragging others down to make yourself feel better about your own inability to put down a fork.

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e43406  No.15554943

File: f2a2196a2375281⋯.png (123.49 KB, 530x474, 265:237, ClipboardImage.png)


Look at those palm trees!

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dca82a  No.15554944


Stein not Stain

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41c3a1  No.15554945

File: 4b473796f05ddf7⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 500x477, 500:477, fuij.jpg)

File: 7930ce062e831b1⋯.jpg (84.9 KB, 500x470, 50:47, eey.jpg)

File: 848526c607ae957⋯.jpg (93.3 KB, 500x682, 250:341, ghi.jpg)

Ron Watkins is totally Patriot sponsored no campaign contributions from corporate lobbyists.

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18ab8c  No.15554947

File: 6d8f175e90367a2⋯.png (1.39 MB, 947x2048, 947:2048, ClipboardImage.png)


The protesters are bringing in saunas. Saunas. FYI @OttawaPolice

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523c24  No.15554948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Jimi Hendrix Experience -Foxey Lady(Miami)

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b828bc  No.15554949

File: af00b26e5554d27⋯.mp4 (110.78 KB, 220x308, 5:7, af00b26e5554d27aea74eeda36….mp4)

File: 9150e6ce999e4d7⋯.jpg (101.22 KB, 534x460, 267:230, 9150e6ce999e4d78fb65f57c5d….jpg)

File: b67247e82db527e⋯.mp4 (6.15 MB, 344x480, 43:60, b67247e82db527e51b0a4a4dbb….mp4)

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2f8262  No.15554950

File: ba7431d9e3b5b96⋯.gif (5.5 MB, 464x276, 116:69, Dayshift_nightshift.gif)

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dc236a  No.15554951


You just need the vax to catch it. The evil is out of control.

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349bb7  No.15554952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Damn it, Janet!

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602b6e  No.15554953

File: 904bedf8f334f13⋯.png (235.67 KB, 1920x440, 48:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Ever see the picture of a child with teeth sticking out his cheeks?

That image was so successful sucking fiat $$$ out of virtual media, other unconnected charities started using Photoshopped versions of the image for their campaigns

Allegations were made by both sides

- a massive embarrassing charity-on-charity law suit which would have exposed the manipulation of NPC compassion was narrowly avoided when all parties agreed to refrain future use of the image(s)

https://donate.smiletrain.org/ << Breaking the deal


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8fc066  No.15554954

File: 252d4759ed508cc⋯.png (408.17 KB, 413x388, 413:388, schumann_resonance_pepe_3.png)


>it renders the heart torpid or produces only atheists or fanatics. As an engine of power, it serves the purpose of despotism, and as a means of wealth, the avarice of priests, but so far as respects the good of man in general it leads to nothing here or hereafter.

It's true, but people don't know what else to do. Maybe the top end of the bell curve can get by without it. The rest devolve into trash

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613af8  No.15554955





U.S. Naval Institute


As Russia contemplates invading Ukraine, the United States must demonstrate that the costs and likelihood of losing are so high, the only winning move is not to play.


this tweet is worded very strangely, imho.

who is not suppose to play?



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dca82a  No.15554956


fuck they can play this game forever

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fbadcf  No.15554957


Fuck Peter Stoly.

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5d0efa  No.15554958


One ring to rule them all.

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f102da  No.15554959


Why. It would just perpetuate another lie. He didn't do it.

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ce595c  No.15554960

File: 2904171161ac27f⋯.jpg (83.45 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 210920214947_02_trump_penc….jpg)


>without this Pence strategic move

Whether he acted according to plan or in bad faith, I believe the plan included Trump "losing" so that elections can be reformed.

Logically, if Pence is a black hat, they couldn't be 100% sure that he would certify, so I don't think they would have left that to chance. Also a black hat wouldn't be privy to The Plan so they could not have "directed" him to do what he did.

These things lead me to believe Pence is a white hat.

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04bdd8  No.15554961

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d823c5  No.15554962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


911 was a mason ritual, as many many other horrible things throughout history.

George Bush on September 11th


Bush was reading from "my pet goat" book,

a lot of mason symbolism,

when mason teacher makes the mason class read random words to the mason president at the time the planes hit the WTC it´s not just any random words,

it´s exactly those five words, and after that the children bow down to bush (when reaching for their school bags in a very wierd way).

those 5 words are read out loud:






coincidence? nah, masonic ritual that killed 3,000+ people.

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613af8  No.15554964

File: 97347d44123920c⋯.png (81.75 KB, 1215x746, 1215:746, ClipboardImage.png)


> the only winning move is not to play.



IBOR news coming??

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f74d05  No.15554965

File: b737ab1806cf215⋯.png (306.02 KB, 535x694, 535:694, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_1….png)

File: 9a9906b70493c81⋯.png (161.26 KB, 795x182, 795:182, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Naval Institute


Happy 81st Birthday to the United Service Organization!

Established in 1941, the USO staged 428,511 shows before the curtain came down in 1947. A year later, the Truman administration decided that the show must go on. @the_USO has continued to support the military ever since.



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a17900  No.15554966

still going on live in South Carolina


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9c69be  No.15554967


butth[o]les still be getting stolen.

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2d1680  No.15554968

File: ba15643308acfdd⋯.png (31.18 KB, 599x246, 599:246, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)

#Breaking @USCG Cutter William Trump repatriated 6 people to #Cuba Saturday after they were rescued off their sinking vessel Thursday, approximately 40 miles off #KeyLargo.


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5d0efa  No.15554969


…then they got paid.

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649545  No.15554970


>>>Logically, if Pence is a black hat, they couldn't be 100% sure that he would certify,

how is that logical? A black hat would absolutely have done what Pence did.

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349bb7  No.15554971

File: 91a1aca4ee9d581⋯.gif (951.2 KB, 498x278, 249:139, 001EB878_CD9E_431A_A254_B4….gif)

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989c40  No.15554972


Trust the science.

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d823c5  No.15554973

File: e752e226fdbfad0⋯.jpg (50.03 KB, 500x241, 500:241, GWB_masons.jpg)

File: 0dee60597affdc8⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 255x229, 255:229, Freemason_Illuminati.jpg)

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87a566  No.15554974

File: 6a6b2acc0cf0a25⋯.jpeg (10.8 KB, 300x169, 300:169, 488FBE7B_4699_4CE8_880B_1….jpeg)

Bombs away

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9c69be  No.15554975

all i wuhnted was sum steakz.

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04bdd8  No.15554976

File: 01e35dfbe580d3c⋯.jpg (152.39 KB, 499x768, 499:768, Lord_Krishna_Kalki.jpg)

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834ac1  No.15554977

File: dafb08df58230f1⋯.jpeg (359.26 KB, 746x1125, 746:1125, 90B8DE74_D15C_4985_9D65_4….jpeg)

File: 5b215811415d0c0⋯.jpeg (202.76 KB, 732x770, 366:385, 5EFA9023_D68F_4805_B9A9_6….jpeg)

Where is Texas, isn’t Governor Abbott up for re-election?

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bcd249  No.15554978

File: 5fb569b48d79d1e⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 849x213, 283:71, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

Kenosha District Attorney Releases Photos of BLM-Antifa Looters from 2020 Riots that Destroyed the City


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a9462a  No.15554979

File: f35c1c4d5f18c2b⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1520x1178, 40:31, christopher_miller_acting_….png)

File: 334ef9fc32c9f59⋯.png (669.37 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, CHRIS_MILLER_WE_DID_SOME_S….png)


Chris Miller called Pence his Mentor. Miller is as solid as they come.

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523c24  No.15554980


seriously, I'm remembering whata revolutionary guitaristhe was, is, he did things NO ONE knew how to do, Jimmy Hendrix should be more well know for the magical music he played then the vocals, but man those were great too!

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5a08ff  No.15554981


Pence brought Fauci so is Fauci your hero to?

Pence is a asshole bitch.

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f74d05  No.15554982

File: 6f651727940c8d2⋯.png (90.82 KB, 598x512, 299:256, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_1….png)

File: 8fe101553108952⋯.png (1.65 KB, 120x47, 120:47, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_1….png)

File: 6d902462fc55b92⋯.png (1.41 KB, 118x43, 118:43, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_1….png)

U.S. Naval Institute


In 1999, two Chinese Air Force colonels wrote Unrestricted Warfare, a book that spelled out with great specificity the strategy that would be adopted. Russia likewise has told the United States what it intends to do. Both draw heavily on Sun Tzu.





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5d0efa  No.15554983

File: 76cb0a9af5e4588⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, Fauci_Monkeys.jpg)

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d48b80  No.15554984

>>15554821, >>15554939 Thomas Paine Freemasonry vs Christianity dig?

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3ce205  No.15554985


2 morees

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db3dc7  No.15554986


Are you daft?

Psychopaths are incapable of empathy.

They can only mimic it.

Only God can change them.

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dca82a  No.15554987



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11f0b2  No.15554988

File: c7069f02eb0c003⋯.gif (126.57 KB, 505x253, 505:253, hotub44.gif)

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d823c5  No.15554989

File: 40b2bdab0a468e6⋯.png (100.32 KB, 406x300, 203:150, cult_symbolism_1_.png)

File: 659e67371bf0330⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1600x670, 160:67, cult_symbolism_2_.png)

File: aa85414d64f0121⋯.png (411.26 KB, 640x360, 16:9, cult_symbolism_3_.png)

File: 76a562cc8026dcb⋯.png (792.86 KB, 680x406, 340:203, cult_symbolism_4_.png)

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6c8ebd  No.15554990

File: 4de082d93de3ab2⋯.png (117.67 KB, 510x332, 255:166, 4de082d93de3ab2ed18d2afa31….png)

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5a08ff  No.15554991



Pence brought Fauci so is Fauci your hero to?

Pence is a asshole bitch.


Miller blamed the J6 protest on president Trump…. You are a dumb individual.

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b828bc  No.15554992



It's (you)r move. Fluid timelines converging. Get in pussy Antarctica is on the horizon.

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7812fc  No.15554994


>You just need the vax to catch it.

You mean develop it. The new variant is a lie.

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deeeb6  No.15554995


Propaganda bullshit. Psychedelics and psychotropics are the worst possible thing for post traumatic stress. Stop lying to people.

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613af8  No.15554996



>Happy 81st Birthday to the United Service Organization!

> Established in 1941, the USO staged 428,511 shows before the curtain came down in 1947. A year later, the Truman administration decided that the show must go on. @the_USO has continued to support the military ever since.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^notable…..'LET THE SHOW BEGIN' comms

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18ab8c  No.15554997

File: 686ccd7150a00df⋯.jpg (38.44 KB, 960x539, 960:539, Whidbey_Missle.jpg)


>the only winning move is not to play.

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96cb0a  No.15554998

Okay…Thank you!

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b5672f  No.15554999

File: a4ad36cbde0a70b⋯.png (1.17 MB, 962x1200, 481:600, ClipboardImage.png)

Forgive me all the little pygmees in Africa, but is P the Biggest Princess?

Margaret Rhodes, the Queen's cousin: ‘In childhood, the only time I can recall Princess Elizabeth pulling rank was when we squabbled over the ownership of a wooden seat outside the front door of Birkhall. Territorially she claimed it, declaring, “I’m the biggest – P for Princess.”'

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d823c5  No.15555000

File: 01125398d4e3dd0⋯.png (2.02 MB, 904x942, 452:471, cult_symbolism_5_.png)

File: 88eb69f42c77174⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cult_symbolism_6_.png)

File: 6e7f9db62ac1fa6⋯.png (600.53 KB, 600x365, 120:73, cult_symbolism_7_.png)

File: 04eaf41ddafc80b⋯.jpeg (64.69 KB, 500x380, 25:19, evil_vatican.jpeg)

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349bb7  No.15555001


That was a good backgrounder for non-Canadians - thanks

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ce595c  No.15555003


I'm just saying they could not have been 100% sure that Pence would certify, and Trump losing HAD to happen.

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81fbec  No.15555004


Don’t forget Pence Ryan 2016!

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2f8262  No.15555005

File: c30fc28ae6df854⋯.png (173.85 KB, 535x747, 535:747, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cea0eabd7b250de⋯.png (194.12 KB, 559x693, 559:693, ClipboardImage.png)

Scavino And Trumpo post the same video at the same time across different platforms? how much more proof do you need?




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88fbef  No.15555006

File: d69df0870d572ba⋯.png (327.79 KB, 1194x954, 199:159, WearetheStorm_punisher.png)

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d823c5  No.15555007

File: 106a5377ff2eb23⋯.png (192.41 KB, 320x233, 320:233, MaltaKnights1.png)

File: 807830eba2989f5⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1841x1227, 1841:1227, MaltaKnights2.png)

File: adf65c2768d54e8⋯.jpg (110.71 KB, 960x515, 192:103, mason_nurse.jpg)

File: 5745980f0670a44⋯.jpg (58.87 KB, 405x607, 405:607, mason_royal2.jpg)

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989c40  No.15555008

File: d96d7e2de014f1c⋯.png (292.29 KB, 744x422, 372:211, 99ddf969d1ca21780ea8da31e8….png)


>the only winning move is not to play.

holy crap

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73d2f3  No.15555009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Epic moment in line with our times.

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f102da  No.15555010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We're on to the mid terms. It's do or die time right there.

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a6fa1e  No.15555011

File: 2ba217d153f481b⋯.jpg (8.54 KB, 300x168, 25:14, trumpytoast.jpg)



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b828bc  No.15555012


Muh royal dump is #1.

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96cb0a  No.15555013

File: 399b01f8b356dc1⋯.png (405.71 KB, 554x454, 277:227, Screen_Shot_02_05_22_at_04….PNG)


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f71cb3  No.15555014

File: b0d886ed02a019a⋯.png (33.35 KB, 484x800, 121:200, ClipboardImage.png)


>Thomas [Paine]

<Consistent Patterns are Revealing

What’s in a name? Very often there is more in it than the profane is prepared to understand, or the learned mystic to explain. It is an invisible, secret, but very potential influence that every name carries about with it and “leaveth wherever it goeth.” Carlyle thought that “there is much, nay, almost all, in names.” “Could I unfold the influence of names, which are the most important of all clothings, I were a second great Trismegistus,” he writes.

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d823c5  No.15555015

File: fcfaa1e77a0cabc⋯.png (436.53 KB, 463x320, 463:320, KatyPerry_EYE.png)

File: 8142e95733f5192⋯.jpg (510.01 KB, 1024x1448, 128:181, madonna_mason.jpg)

File: 8943aee5f0f6e32⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 480x360, 4:3, mason_royal_wedding.jpg)

File: 6efaf6eff991c35⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2449x1632, 2449:1632, mason_temple.jpg)

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5a08ff  No.15555016





Pence brought Fauci so is Fauci your hero to?

Pence is a asshole bitch.


Miller blamed the J6 protest on president Trump…. You are a dumb individual.


You are dumb, Trump is just trolling the MSM to make them think that is his account.

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5d0efa  No.15555017


19 minute delta assuming timezones align

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2fc4ec  No.15555019

File: 7161a8970a0edce⋯.jpg (56.71 KB, 353x591, 353:591, crokin.jpg)


?? Yikees!

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5e131b  No.15555020

File: 1b6d17732b7a69c⋯.jpg (164.43 KB, 1200x741, 400:247, fatleonard.jpg)


When DON gonna keep haul some fag offi… mean Flag Officers?

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3c9541  No.15555021


Islam is right about women

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fcc459  No.15555022


>US Seventh Fleet

>>15553896 (pb) no table

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613af8  No.15555023

File: 87a0cc401c33b00⋯.png (376.07 KB, 828x569, 828:569, ClipboardImage.png)


W = winning?

What is street sign?

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d823c5  No.15555024

File: 61f69a807d1e20f⋯.jpg (25.21 KB, 318x480, 53:80, duke_of_kent.jpg)

File: 81ed0c160ac254f⋯.jpg (30.21 KB, 300x420, 5:7, dukeofkent.jpg)

File: ce98a3c80659b3e⋯.png (376.04 KB, 533x500, 533:500, mason_duke1.png)

File: bf0dfd900fc9eff⋯.jpg (152.74 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, Mason_DukeOfKent.jpg)

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5562a4  No.15555025

File: 7e6d6ac395f7e66⋯.png (849.7 KB, 2093x581, 299:83, Castle_Lock.png)



<the only winning move is not to play.

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ce595c  No.15555026

File: 95c849842565beb⋯.png (628.76 KB, 1250x848, 625:424, Screen_Shot_2022_02_05_at_….png)

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12d3c5  No.15555027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The cavalry has arrived.

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a9462a  No.15555028


You show your intelligence by resorting to name calling since you can't form a cogent argument. Go revisit your sources because you really don't know what you're talking about.

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d48b80  No.15555029

File: 77690fa0fc92bb3⋯.png (122.45 KB, 680x763, 680:763, c72e141750cd03d0b20e93dd75….png)

Hey anon

Wasn't there a list of countries which are now mandate free?

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d823c5  No.15555030

File: abd3d75087e51b7⋯.jpg (4.71 KB, 197x256, 197:256, Eye1.jpg)

File: 2cad5a051a85fef⋯.jpeg (373.14 KB, 1646x1194, 823:597, Eye2.jpeg)

File: eab2d9a4e7d6c2d⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 464x434, 232:217, eye3.jpg)

File: 3998e9e1e1ece5a⋯.png (807.34 KB, 774x588, 129:98, fa4ab0a58d55ebc80ca30a2365….png)

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fbadcf  No.15555031



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3e211d  No.15555032


Go to Target and look up at all the pictures on the wall of “fashion” etc, look at the pictures in the beauty supply section. It’s all there, staring at you with one eye covered, or their 👌🏻 Symbol holding some product you don’t need. It’s everywhere.

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ef1266  No.15555033

File: 2cbc5e9ac48d615⋯.jpg (122.54 KB, 561x777, 187:259, 17638783748877748174523558….jpg)

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bcd249  No.15555034

File: 767b8bf2b9e3a4a⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 592x287, 592:287, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

What is this transphobic violence?!


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5d0efa  No.15555035

File: 21a2d131d05761f⋯.png (132.31 KB, 1222x815, 1222:815, ClipboardImage.png)

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21179c  No.15555036

File: f0b653443ff3a84⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1395x930, 3:2, GoFundMe_symbolism.png)

File: d66f8625a540da7⋯.png (380.12 KB, 2391x1271, 2391:1271, GoFundMe_TriSymbolism.png)

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18ab8c  No.15555037

File: 537e350b8e821f4⋯.png (145.11 KB, 864x189, 32:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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2f8262  No.15555038


Your argument made my point.

>Trump is just trolling the MSM to make them think that is his account.

How would trump troll with an account that wasn't his?

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613af8  No.15555039


>Former Navy captain in the US Seventh Fleet admits he was bribed with lavish meals and sex workers by a foreign defense contractor

this is just the start.

who oversaw this contract in DC?

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a6390b  No.15555040

File: e725b29928721c9⋯.png (11.57 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 7774227ae156aa80e7524867c4….png)


March Madness is going to be crazy I bet.

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04bdd8  No.15555041

File: 57ec1d9723cca3e⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 498x699, 166:233, pink_lightning.jpg)

File: 532aad37e89953b⋯.jpg (73.3 KB, 800x449, 800:449, Biblical_6.jpg)

File: 934c6e1c84353d3⋯.jpg (77.5 KB, 726x455, 726:455, biblical_7.jpg)

File: f40c1e4f272c308⋯.jpg (70.63 KB, 500x747, 500:747, biblical_8.jpg)

File: fe94058801c32ad⋯.jpg (68.94 KB, 641x454, 641:454, Biblical_5.jpg)

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eba77d  No.15555042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15553431 Here is the book 'the Great Awakening' noted in response to previous notes

I’m reposting the background of this notable so anons understand why its important, and what this guy in 1899 predicted

Anons, this book and this video is an intriguing find

This Youtuber found this book written in 1899 entitled “The Great Awakening, The Story of the Twenty Second Century“ by Albert Adams Merrill. The book predicts “The Revolution of 2021”.

The book deals with the money men WW that destroyed our money by replacing gold and silver with paper and how we will take it back in 2021, goes into creating a source of energy by using the kinetic energy of tge planet for unlimited electricity, etc.

Link to original book Duke University Archives digitized in 2010


www.ARTofDiNo.com -

I Came across this particular chapter in this book with an Excellent Title by Albert Adams Merril in 1899 where he envisions Our time in a chapter called

"Which Treats of the Oft-Predicted Revolution which Finally occurred in the year 2021"… Wait til you see how close he is…

A Link to the Book Below.. Chapter V




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f71cb3  No.15555043

File: da323d62f568992⋯.png (253.89 KB, 454x344, 227:172, LSWH.png)

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ce595c  No.15555044

File: 94918ec5f833e18⋯.jpg (229.88 KB, 736x1080, 92:135, dwac.JPG)

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5e131b  No.15555045



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a6fa1e  No.15555046

File: f8e3471f641fffd⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 500x578, 250:289, trukin.jpg)


the only winning move is not to play



KEK again

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db3dc7  No.15555047


Dude, if you throw down defending these freaks, we’re gonna have a real issue.

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a9462a  No.15555048


This was meant for you- have a nice day

You show your intelligence by resorting to name calling since you can't form a cogent argument. Go revisit your sources because you really don't know what you're talking about.

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fcc459  No.15555049

File: 43c5ae5b3b71808⋯.jpg (10.69 KB, 255x169, 255:169, stealing.jpg)


dubs o7

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f71cb3  No.15555050

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18ab8c  No.15555051


>What is this transphobic violence?!


@katierobin23 .. Shhh.. don't be angry Ms Katie. It's not our fault you're turning tranny tricks to put yourself thru nursing school. shhh..

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afae60  No.15555052

File: d57c0dc9fbb06d0⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 500x430, 50:43, 6hiop.jpg)

CodeMonkey knows exactly who Q is but will keep Q's identify private.

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5445f0  No.15555053

I think we are living in a world where there are organizations practising a social 'wrap up smear'.

1. Create disinformation talking point that politically benefits own organization.

2. Send to partners in fake news media.

3. Fake news media repeats 'talking point' over and over.

4. Viewing public 'sees' disinformation and ingests it.

5. Subsidiary narrative added designed to make bad people feel bad for questioning or disagreeing with 'talking point'.

6. Trick population into 'ingesting' and repeating disinformation as 'fact'.

7. Original source of disinfo talking point and partners in fake news media then 'wrap up' the talking point by then 'referring' to the echoed narrative to 'justify' the 'legitimacy' of the original disinfo talking point as 'true'.

This method, if the people can be 'put to sleep' by the wrap up smear way, opens up NEW 'markets'…for the very worst kinds of people AND it incentivizes further such activity to expand the power of this 'meta-informational' market with 'physical' 'material' consisting of human beings.

(Space for rent)

Wrap up smear examples:

"How to benefit fetus traffickers and baby/child trafficking?"

1. Introduce politically self serving disinformation that 'abortion' is 'about women's health'.

2. Forward to partners in fake news (and 'celebrity' assets to echo).

3. Fake news repeats talking point over and over

4. Viewing public sees talking point repeated 'everywhere' and ingests it.

5. Add subsidiary narrative that if you question or disagree, then you're meant to feel bad: Sexist, bigot, hater, etc. (dialectic formation of controlled opposites).

6. Trick population to 'look the other way' and repeat talking point to each other, and with contradictory narratives intentionally created and pushed, the ingesting creates necessary inconsistency/conflict/bug in the code.

7. Those who traffic fetuses and babies and children, rely on 'abortion factories' to source their new 'market'.

Money sourced goes to political parties and politicians which wraps up the wrap up smear again and further 'reference' echoes are made to justify, laws created to prevent ending of source of the entire market.

Any anon can decode reality this way.

It's relatively easy because there are so many examples to choose from.

You just take all the narrative associated with the originators who 'need' symbolism.

"How to traffic slave women and children across borders?"

Introduce talking point that laws towards 'open borders' are 'compassionate' while laws towards defending borders is 'racist'.

Public ingests.

'I question this' <-> 'You're a racist' dialectic formation by repeat, not proof, takes up information bandwidth, conflict source 'seen' from within targets according to 'group', 'pro this vs. anti that', despite being sourced from external to those speaking conflicting narratives.

The people can by pattern recognition reveal on their own a 'dark' organization CREATING self-serving disinformation talking points so as to foment conflicts between people by 'group' vs. 'group'.

The whole fake narrative is collapsing.

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3a3522  No.15555054

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, f6dfcfcd28a98ac6b9065bd1bb….gif)

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bcd249  No.15555055

File: 66a7c86370288e3⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 598x301, 598:301, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

GOP WY Rep Cheney: We are the party of Lincoln. We are not the party of QAnon or anti-Semitism or Holocaust-deniers, or white supremacy or conspiracy theories. That’s not who we are. We believe in conservative principles and conservative values and we believe in the Constitution


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96cb0a  No.15555056

File: 92581a0c1b1ec09⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1200x1195, 240:239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c400df09448635⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1200x1202, 600:601, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b02ad7fed07fbec⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1200x1184, 75:74, ClipboardImage.png)


il Donaldo Trumpo


Partying facePartying facePartying face

4:45 PM · Feb 5, 2022·Twitter Web App


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5d0efa  No.15555057

File: ba00021ca8b7119⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 512x512, 1:1, Pepe_braces_laughing.gif)

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7812fc  No.15555058


I seriously doubt Pence is being considered for a potential Tump 24 vp pick

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96cb0a  No.15555059


Sauce on this "New Writer"

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613af8  No.15555060


i am not lazy

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18ab8c  No.15555061

File: 6a667d2af4b5860⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, HollywoodJustFoundOut_a_lo….mp4)

File: 9a154f8c2c0d170⋯.mp4 (901.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, HollywoodJustFound_out_we_….mp4)


>.. Shhh.. don't be angry Ms Katie. It's not our fault you're turning tranny tricks to put yourself thru nursing school. shhh..

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3e211d  No.15555062


He’s pointing out the hypocrisy of these people and showing they won’t do shit to their own, calm it down.

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afae60  No.15555063

File: d57c0dc9fbb06d0⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 500x430, 50:43, 6hiop.jpg)


CodeMonkey knows exactly who Q is but will keep Q's identify private.


Are you in Facebook jail again?.

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f71cb3  No.15555064


Like following a script

Timing so important to a good song or movie

Keeping the audience on edge of seat, never knowing what's going to happen next, but totally in control

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96cb0a  No.15555065

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04bdd8  No.15555066

File: 1c0807dbb88e86f⋯.jpg (144.14 KB, 499x811, 499:811, deal_with_it.jpg)

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11f0b2  No.15555067

File: 2b12e77c41b9a2c⋯.jpg (8.58 KB, 255x128, 255:128, scent44.jpg)


pepe farms remembers that well




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d823c5  No.15555068

File: ca7133bc50ad8fc⋯.jpg (98.04 KB, 750x908, 375:454, JFK.jpg)

File: fd5cc1cc1edd92f⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 615x384, 205:128, JFK_plot.jpg)

File: 41cdf284b141f57⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 400x317, 400:317, Symbolism.jpg)

File: 29210a53364c743⋯.png (391.86 KB, 765x4897, 765:4897, Commitee_of_300_1.png)

File: 0bdd697fe8bc304⋯.png (331.42 KB, 586x4288, 293:2144, Commitee_of_300_2.png)


>some product you don´t need

masons are told what to buy, where go shop groceries, where to go for holiday, which restaurants to vitis and such.

it´s told bc of some super secret "demon carrying and swapping" thing, obviously it´s bs and only make a mason that e.g. owns a restaurant be a comfy mason.

this is the same corruption as royalty and some oligarchs, same exact thing.


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ce595c  No.15555070

File: b4afc355f612cec⋯.jpg (22.07 KB, 336x352, 21:22, 4436f3b4fbed5a1eab003b72ae….jpg)


Bro it's just a movie relax

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04bdd8  No.15555071

File: 14c24220eb6f5f9⋯.jpg (26.77 KB, 510x347, 510:347, you_cant_handle_the_truth_….jpg)

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ef1266  No.15555072


Who gives a shit? These people are nerds. People can talk how they want. I'll speak in slanguage whenever I feel like it. I'll be 80, and if I like something I'll say, that's dope. Deal with it.

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989c40  No.15555073

File: d137563c12dc909⋯.jpg (156.25 KB, 709x595, 709:595, d137563c12dc909b1c40d215c3….jpg)

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f2d7ee  No.15555074

A lot of 5s coming up in a bit

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e693f2  No.15555075


Look in the mirror and stop accusing everyone else.

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707c97  No.15555076

anon know what Schumann is up to today?

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96cb0a  No.15555078


I am not following…what does Monkey have to do with a "New Writer" for Trump?

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613af8  No.15555079


>GOP WY Rep Cheney: We are the party of Lincoln. We are not the party of QAnon or anti-Semitism or Holocaust-deniers, or white supremacy or conspiracy theories. That’s not who we are. We believe in conservative principles and conservative values and we believe in the Constitution


unless already noted.

Liz Cheney afraid of anons

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cbc7a8  No.15555080


Bull Shit

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d823c5  No.15555081

File: ed5aad58a9a0217⋯.jpg (96.78 KB, 634x731, 634:731, Mason_Pedo_Savile.jpg)

File: 585e51348f0e2fb⋯.jpg (10.45 KB, 225x225, 1:1, mason09.jpg)

File: daab86e92dd3962⋯.jpg (381.91 KB, 797x1024, 797:1024, masonCross.jpg)

File: 02978815b765386⋯.jpg (112.12 KB, 634x521, 634:521, MasonCross4.jpg)

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805994  No.15555082

File: 23b0f8c653b6d50⋯.png (465.09 KB, 672x648, 28:27, unForum.png)

File: 2c55f6992550a84⋯.png (151.65 KB, 1143x746, 1143:746, Screenshot_from_2022_02_05….png)


Based Firefighter brought this up on Portland Andy stream

==World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework


13 Jun 2019



Alem Tedeneke, Media Manager, Tel.: +1 646 204 9191, Email: ated@weforum.org

The UN-Forum Partnership was signed in a meeting held at United Nations headquarters between UN Secretary-General António Guterres and World Economic Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The partnership identifies six areas of focus – financing the 2030 Agenda, climate change, health,digital cooperation, gender equality and empowerment of women, education and skills – to strengthen and broaden their combined impact by building on existing and new collaborations

The full partnership framework can be found here

New York, USA, 13 June 2019 – The World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed today a Strategic Partnership Framework outlining areas of cooperation to deepen institutional engagement and jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The framework was drafted based on a mapping of existing collaboration between the two institutions and will enable a more strategic and coordinated approach towards delivering impact.

The UN-Forum Partnership was signed in a meeting held at United Nations headquarters between UN Secretary-General António Guterres and World Economic Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab.

“Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals is essential for the future of humanity. The World Economic Forum is committed to supporting this effort, and working with the United Nations to build a more prosperous and equitable future,” said Klaus Schwab, World Economic Founder and Executive Chairman.

“The new Strategic Partnership Framework between the United Nations and the World Economic Forum has great potential to advance our efforts on key global challenges and opportunities, from climate change, health and education to gender equality, digital cooperation and financing for sustainable development. Rooted in UN norms and values, the Framework underscores the invaluable role of the private sector in this work – and points the way toward action to generate shared prosperity on a healthy planet while leaving no one behind,” said António

Guterres, UN Secretary-General.

Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations and the World Economic Forum on the Strategic Partnership Framework for the 2030 Agenda

The Strategic Partnership Framework will focus on the following areas:

Financing the 2030 Agenda – Mobilize systems and accelerate finance flows toward the 2030 Agenda and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, taking forward solutions to increase long-term SDG investments.

Climate change – Achieve clear, measurable and public commitments from the private sector to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, help create public-private platforms in critical high-emitting sectors, and scale up the services required to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Health – Support countries achieve good health and well-being for all, within the context of the 2030 Agenda, focusing on key emerging global health threats that require stronger multistakeholder partnership and action.

Digital cooperation – Meet the needs of the Fourth Industrial Revolution while seeking to advance global analysis, dialogue and standards for digital governance and digital inclusiveness.

Gender equality and the empowerment of women – Foster multistakeholder partnerships and coalitions for full participation and equal opportunities of women at all levels of decision-making and for productive participation of women in the labour force, and promote equal pay for work of equal value across sectors and occupations as well as within them.

Education and skills – Promote public-private partnerships to address global reskilling and lifelong learning for the future requirements for work, and empower youth with competencies for life and decent work.

The leadership across the United Nations will engage in and utilize the different platforms provided by the World Economic Forum to advance impact in the above areas. Both institutions will annually review the partnership to further streamline collaboration, take stock of results and identify additional areas to jointly invest efforts in.

Notes to Editors

Read the Forum Agenda at http://wef.ch/agenda

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3a3522  No.15555083

File: b41ed5288cb659b⋯.jpeg (27.74 KB, 388x258, 194:129, fe9da896baae179b71d1da8cf….jpeg)


>The most fun revolution ever!Dancing, singing, hugging, no guns, no war.

>il Donaldo Trumpo

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613af8  No.15555084




where did these pics come from?

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a7793e  No.15555085


Well I believe Cheneys a cunt.

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11f0b2  No.15555086

File: ba3f2d7b00e9a42⋯.jpg (11.85 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 840cdd64f35b68d7b41520fc1c….jpg)

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d823c5  No.15555087

File: a61c65311f22a0d⋯.png (12.4 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 26dd69b3c3ca4b5a3b7c707ebb….png)

File: 29f628771e0bc5f⋯.png (314.07 KB, 924x590, 462:295, 29f628771e0bc5f0eb27e34057….png)

File: ce9e15a3e50e704⋯.jpg (23.18 KB, 255x188, 255:188, 36a7e8dba6a30811c7611c3c5d….jpg)

File: d6d2c3ab5095b80⋯.png (8.32 KB, 255x172, 255:172, 573f3227c776dab36f01774111….png)


fuck off, mason cunt.

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21179c  No.15555088


>black hat

If "Patriots are in control" black hats can do what white hats order them to do.

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3c9541  No.15555089






you can hear horns in the background of the Ottawa city hall meeting

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a6390b  No.15555090

File: 2cebf492a8e091a⋯.jpg (217.75 KB, 3072x2048, 3:2, Vice_President_Cheney_with….jpg)


The U.S. National Archives

Production Dates: 9/11/2001

The U.S. National Archives

Vice President Cheney with Lynne Cheney and Condoleezza Rice in the President's Emergency Operations Center (PEOC)


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74fe62  No.15555091

File: bbf3c7d32d36176⋯.png (93.27 KB, 202x157, 202:157, 20220205_122404.png)

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fddb10  No.15555092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0dd370  No.15555093

File: 69c6f24de4611a5⋯.jpg (183.17 KB, 546x603, 182:201, Screenshot_20201129_123127….jpg)


>Lots of 5's coming

Next bread, relax

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d823c5  No.15555094

File: 8ae1dbe2b6a01b6⋯.png (396.71 KB, 628x245, 628:245, mason_police2.png)

File: d8cffb795c35ec4⋯.jpg (93.4 KB, 600x389, 600:389, mason_police3.jpg)

File: aae0f774fa6a5a3⋯.png (594.56 KB, 600x483, 200:161, mason_state_patrol.png)

File: 81726c0f2e939d6⋯.jpg (156.29 KB, 512x650, 256:325, masonic_police.jpg)

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18ab8c  No.15555095

File: 45367fb2fb8fde4⋯.png (289.02 KB, 620x306, 310:153, ClipboardImage.png)


Queen's dog steals the show at Platinum Jubilee event

As Queen Elizabeth II is set to mark her Platinum Jubilee, one of her dogs upstaged the monarch at an event on Friday.

In a video taken at a jubilee engagement at Windsor Castle, the Queen was reviewing cards and letters sent in by members of the public to congratulate her on her previous anniversaries, when one of her dogs waltzed in the room.

"Where did you come from? I know what you want," the Queen said to Candy, the gatecrashing canine.

The 95-year-old monarch will celebrate her Platinum Jubilee on Sunday, marking 70 years since she ascended to the throne in 1952.

The Queen has been known to be fond of corgis, having owned more than 30 corgis and corgi crossbreeds since her reign began. Candy, a dachshund-corgi cross also known as a "dorgi", has been with the Royal Family since at least 2007 and is the eldest of the Queen's current three dogs.

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a6fa1e  No.15555096

Megan Rapinoe, Alex Morgan Left off USWNT Roster for SheBelieves Cup

no one gives a sh*t hahahaha


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2d1680  No.15555097

File: 8602d65211ae570⋯.jpg (265.88 KB, 744x467, 744:467, achievmentunlockedretard.jpg)

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767532  No.15555098

File: 795d3e9eb36d2bb⋯.png (113.62 KB, 285x242, 285:242, 795d3e9eb36d2bbc9a4ea7782b….png)



can baker if needed

just tap me

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18ab8c  No.15555099

File: ca301ed79500e91⋯.jpeg (412.84 KB, 1620x1078, 810:539, whatshouldido.jpeg)


>one of her dogs upstaged the monarch

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9b045b  No.15555100


How fucking retarded do you have to be to flash your life down the toilet for temporary shit like meals and sex?

At least get a house or something out of it and hope you can hang on to it.

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9af79b  No.15555101

File: 409719ee09eb10a⋯.png (998.64 KB, 884x1149, 884:1149, Scrvkl.png)

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613af8  No.15555102


>Queen's dog steals the show at Platinum Jubilee event

dog comms?

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5e131b  No.15555103


What's going to be interesting are the private companies that keep this shit in place…

And if their parent country folds will then corporations there from fold up on all this covid mania

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ce595c  No.15555104


True, they could be cooperating, like Nancypants and Chuckles

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fa1518  No.15555105

File: f262ece27f26816⋯.png (689.47 KB, 608x485, 608:485, ClipboardImage.png)

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7812fc  No.15555106


[Rom 5:3-5 KJV] 3 And not only [so], but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

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bbf0bf  No.15555107

File: 4b7b121d32953e8⋯.png (769.09 KB, 1428x1080, 119:90, 4e9786051e512ca871624bd81e….png)


Yeah allegory is something else, innit?

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805994  No.15555108

File: ab461d61a322666⋯.pdf (208.05 KB, UN_WEF_Partnership_Framewo….pdf)


>The full partnership framework can be found here


3.Health:Health is both an outcome and a driver of sustainable development, and requires a multisectoral, gender-responsive, rights-based response. The UN-Forum partnership will support countries to realize universal health coverage to achieve good health and well-being for allwithin the context of the 2030 Agenda. Collaboration between the UN and the Forumwill focus on addressing key emerging global health threats, including antimicrobialresistance, mental healthand other issuesthat demand stronger multi-stakeholder partnerships and action.

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d823c5  No.15555109

File: b0108ff05f7a84a⋯.png (201.09 KB, 500x546, 250:273, masons3.png)

File: f1d7df13c345b0e⋯.png (216.05 KB, 500x522, 250:261, masons4.png)

File: 9235879d9d17507⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1342x6385, 1342:6385, MasonMonachie.png)

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7812fc  No.15555110

many 5s just around the corner

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3a3522  No.15555111

File: dca0edecf763558⋯.jpg (191.46 KB, 1077x1080, 359:360, Screen_Shot_2021_05_19_at_….jpg)

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349bb7  No.15555112

File: f442f9388ae5614⋯.jpeg (156.66 KB, 695x1024, 695:1024, 01B689E2_2C75_4C34_B477_8….jpeg)

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8fc066  No.15555113


>Sauce on this "New Writer"

I (and others) can tell that the style has changed, and for the much better

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fa1518  No.15555114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kari Lake Discusses New Homelessness Policy | Broomhead KTAR 92.3

On February 3, 2022, Kari Lake on the Broomhead 92.3 KTAR discusses new official homeless policy - Restoring Quality of Life for Arizona: Tackling Homelessness and much more.

Homelessness in Arizona is increasing at a staggering rate. Homeless encampments, drugged-out and deranged individuals, and the extensive damage they are doing to the quality of life in our communities has spread far beyond our biggest cities, even impacting rural and mountain communities like Pine, Payson, and Flagstaff.

Government programs and homeless service providers are not making the problem better. Instead, they have essentially given up and are enabling chronic street homelessness, drug use, and mental illness. They ignore the impacts on citizens, families, and communities.

This has to stop. We can have compassion for the homeless, but it cannot be at the expense of everyone else. Nor can we continue to pretend that a large part of the problem isn’t coming from people who are choosing chronic street homelessness as a lifestyle – or that our current system appears dedicated to making that choice easier and more comfortable.

Read Kari Lake's Official Policy on Tackling Homelessness in Arizona:



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9b045b  No.15555115

File: 34d4816be18c1d9⋯.jpg (750.02 KB, 1076x1389, 1076:1389, Screenshot_20210623_154751….jpg)

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8fc066  No.15555116

File: f5b88856d051cca⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ThemDigits.png)


quads and trips. 4 5s and 4 1s

what did kek mean by this

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d823c5  No.15555117

File: bed3a676379eeac⋯.png (580.7 KB, 853x480, 853:480, masonBible01.png)

File: e6dd39f2b6a821e⋯.png (415.39 KB, 853x480, 853:480, masonBible02.png)

File: 403810d888b5ab8⋯.png (619.56 KB, 853x480, 853:480, masonBible03.png)

File: a223b448fb22a14⋯.png (455.3 KB, 853x480, 853:480, masonBible04.png)

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fcc459  No.15555118

Notables@ ~ 375


>>15555055 GOP WY Rep Cheney We are the party of Lincoln. We are not the party of QAnon

>>15555041 Anon Biblical graphics

>>15554968 Breaking USCG Cutter William Trump repatriated 6 people to #Cuba Saturday

>>15554877 Former President Donald Trump is reportedly spinning some of his favorite songs as a DJ to a crowd in Palm Beach, Florida.

>>15554823, >>15554955 The only winning move is not to play


>>15554818, >>15554838, >>15554854 Go fund me will directly refund all donors to TRUCKERS - MOAR WINNING

>>15554748 Ex-Clerk For Biden SCOTUS Hopeful Edited Wikipedia Pages To Make Her Look Better, Rivals Worse

>>15554745, >>15554792 (You) No more hugs or handshakes

>>15554773, >>15554801, >>15554855, 15554884 GoFundMe 20 Things you didn't know

>>15554725 Susan Sarandon Apologizes For Insensitive Tweet On Slain NYC Officer’s Funeral


Handoff Confirmed

Watch these slippery pb notables

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3a3522  No.15555119

File: ff35a955edc1ff8⋯.png (9.38 KB, 128x128, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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96cb0a  No.15555120


Just like the "change" in Q posts, right?

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d823c5  No.15555121

File: 38110e9f6b16bea⋯.png (463.62 KB, 720x480, 3:2, masonBible1.png)

File: f6353ef66cd3160⋯.png (415.46 KB, 720x480, 3:2, masonBible2.png)

File: ba128d83340d799⋯.png (488.67 KB, 720x480, 3:2, masonBible3.png)

File: c45ef334aeb1194⋯.png (501.82 KB, 720x480, 3:2, masonBible4.png)

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1b22df  No.15555122

File: 73620124048485b⋯.jpg (45.72 KB, 620x402, 310:201, 642yru.jpg)

Mike 'Beelzebub' Pence went too the Vatican so he could tongue wash the Pope's dick Wart.

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f102da  No.15555123


Isn't the Ukraine a very corrupt partner of the Biden and Clinton crime families. Maybe they could use a good regime change.

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3e211d  No.15555124


Retarded. Severely mentally retarded.

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c2626f  No.15555125

File: d842bba9cc8dbf5⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1791x641, 1791:641, ClipboardImage.png)


>Shrooms are your friend

This is a great resource;


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5d0efa  No.15555126

File: fe6cb7a23afbc41⋯.png (629.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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73d2f3  No.15555127


Eight fives is forty. 40 fives

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a16429  No.15555128


There should be no homelessness. Period.

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d823c5  No.15555129

File: a8ee16988fea86c⋯.png (332.91 KB, 720x480, 3:2, masonBible5.png)

File: 8feacad5a7dcf12⋯.png (141.96 KB, 720x480, 3:2, masonBible6.png)

File: 36809213f85dcbf⋯.png (328.61 KB, 720x480, 3:2, masonBible7.png)

File: 45d9a8e42317f98⋯.png (353.09 KB, 720x480, 3:2, masonBible8.png)

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8fc066  No.15555131


>GOP WY Rep Cheney

she's expelled from her party.

should be Ind (caucuses with dems)

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767532  No.15555132

File: a90b84a969e30bf⋯.jpg (43.3 KB, 607x579, 607:579, a90b84a969e30bf4d1e149cd7d….jpg)



have a good one

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deeeb6  No.15555133



Revolution for what?


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ce595c  No.15555134


It's 5D chess, irregular warfare shit. Surprised I have to even say that

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8fc066  No.15555136


>Dmt is mind blowing!

i've seen useful people with tons to add to the world become useless flat earth monkeys after dmt

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805994  No.15555137

File: e7836c1efc2ac64⋯.jpg (179.8 KB, 987x684, 329:228, dickspawnButt3.jpg)

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3ac3ba  No.15555138


Wendy already has her endorsement from Trump.

Do either of those 2 have one yet?

Gonna be tough to win without that Trump endorsement.

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cc820b  No.15555139


I see you’ve met muh ex wife.

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4a72a2  No.15555140


Antifa is not the Government?



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74fe62  No.15555141

File: 1915d8c35a34015⋯.jpg (135.35 KB, 484x997, 484:997, capture_10086_22012022_142….jpg)

File: 46640685c59b996⋯.jpg (367.51 KB, 1001x1017, 1001:1017, capture_10090_22012022_142….jpg)

File: 469e871096e0d3a⋯.jpg (394.29 KB, 1059x986, 1059:986, capture_10089_22012022_142….jpg)

File: 63bbf118dfceea7⋯.jpg (356.97 KB, 1052x1045, 1052:1045, capture_10088_22012022_142….jpg)

File: da578463c1073e4⋯.jpg (163.1 KB, 473x964, 473:964, capture_10087_22012022_142….jpg)




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fcc459  No.15555142

File: 0b517a986fa61f9⋯.jpeg (103.36 KB, 890x1044, 445:522, 0b517a986fa61f9f48dc47def….jpeg)



And you Baker ty for ur service

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d823c5  No.15555143

File: 506e1e7236e5de2⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 460x307, 460:307, order3.jpg)

File: bb540bc87c701dc⋯.jpg (40.66 KB, 462x392, 33:28, owl_1.jpg)

File: 7cd75747268774e⋯.png (967.34 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, PUNISHER_1776_REVOLUTION.png)

File: 54ec26b36e9bfd7⋯.png (10.23 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 9376c153a838076bdf666c680c….png)

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3a3522  No.15555144


>>15555111 (me)

Look at the pics… >>15555101

I'll wait

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805994  No.15555145


Kari Lake does.

You know Codemonkey does but Potus can't say it

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a9462a  No.15555146

File: 334ef9fc32c9f59⋯.png (669.37 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, CHRIS_MILLER_WE_DID_SOME_S….png)

File: f35c1c4d5f18c2b⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1520x1178, 40:31, christopher_miller_acting_….png)

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deeeb6  No.15555147


Not filtering Trump but I'm filtering the bandwagon in general. It isn't clear which accounts to trust anymore.

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cd8667  No.15555148



>>15554831 Habbening. CCP bug spreading in Beijing. Putin at risk?


Not a single Western MSM outlet has reported this:

*three people have died at Beijing’s Waldorf Astoria hotel — reports noted violent spasms and convulsions before death

*Vladimir Putin is staying at the Waldorf Astoria

*16 people in Putin's personal entourage have been infected — including four or five bodyguards

Noise: 11 people checked into hospital from within the Covid Squid Games’ closed-loop bubble.

Signal: The fittest athletes in the world aren’t hospitalised because of “just a seasonal cold”. Whatever is raging out of control in Beijing — the largest super spreading event in human history — it’s not Omicron.

COVID Squid Games - super KEK

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5d0efa  No.15555149

File: 7f7cf0b5203a6f7⋯.gif (775.46 KB, 220x220, 1:1, DeCaprio_keks.gif)


I hear that

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3e211d  No.15555150

File: 19982e6fdbc9e9c⋯.jpeg (133.27 KB, 672x533, 672:533, 3C8019D4_FD03_4F05_94CC_8….jpeg)


>masons are told what to buy, where go shop groceries, where to go for holiday, which restaurants to vitis and such.

>it´s told bc of some super secret "demon carrying and swapping" thing

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74fe62  No.15555151

File: bc1ae26fb3ad4b2⋯.jpg (321.37 KB, 976x1005, 976:1005, capture_10094_22012022_143….jpg)

File: 284a3c65128610c⋯.jpg (365.99 KB, 972x984, 81:82, capture_10093_22012022_142….jpg)

File: 6cf3a03bd927fbc⋯.jpg (309.54 KB, 971x988, 971:988, capture_10092_22012022_142….jpg)

File: 79b9207e0b6d8cb⋯.jpg (365.17 KB, 1010x1033, 1010:1033, capture_10091_22012022_142….jpg)

File: 6cb033778e9971f⋯.jpg (197.58 KB, 700x455, 20:13, _NCSWIC_.jpg)



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d823c5  No.15555152

File: c881c1cf1b0a221⋯.jpg (15.19 KB, 243x255, 81:85, 2b7f7a6905ff7ff2c31306f13d….jpg)

File: 687e103583c13dc⋯.jpg (9.4 KB, 155x255, 31:51, 5e912945c3645ed1d2c71ef87c….jpg)

File: 4b90902fca8a892⋯.jpg (17.88 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 6c8895a448500dcce619c1e8db….jpg)

File: a3a6df7d4b008da⋯.png (13.61 KB, 255x224, 255:224, 55c697e676186413314252511e….png)

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0dd370  No.15555153


>Eight 5's is 40..

Fascinating but, well be rolling seven 5's

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613af8  No.15555154



Unlike lower-level participants involved in the scandal, who merely provided Francis with information about vessel movements,Hornbeck admitted that he had actively used his official position - Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations for 7th Fleet - to send U.S. Navy vessels to ports where GDMA dominated the ship-husbandry business. Hornbeck also intervened on GDMA's behalf in contracting and billing disputes, contacting Navy administrative authorities to advocate for prompt payment of GDMA's requests and to ensure that GDMA was given privileged consideration during bidding.


hmmmm……child trafficking?


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31e03e  No.15555155

MATTA25 disappeared over the Atlantic coast of Virginia. wtf.

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3a3522  No.15555156

File: 15c8612d0fa2009⋯.png (274.55 KB, 427x427, 1:1, 15c8612d0fa20098cdf47d1cf8….png)

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ccca80  No.15555157

File: f31b06fd6755c02⋯.png (324.02 KB, 500x374, 250:187, testicles1.png)

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e43406  No.15555158

File: 6f882f4169a584a⋯.png (603.03 KB, 1404x4130, 702:2065, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d86a022f9fda08⋯.png (67.61 KB, 170x255, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c33973837a29e7e⋯.png (188.63 KB, 780x384, 65:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e666580f5212c8f⋯.png (68.66 KB, 310x163, 310:163, ClipboardImage.png)


>the only winning move is not to play.

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5e131b  No.15555159

File: f9ccae59314972c⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 512x403, 512:403, Fauci_march_madness.jpg)


Fauci email dump includes ‘sick’ March Madness-style virus bracket


The Dr. Anthony Fauci email dump includes a puzzling image — a March Madness-style tournament bracket of fatal diseases, in which coronavirus emerges as champion.

The image is titled “Dr. Fauci’s March Madness Bracketology Picks.” It is dated March 11, 2020, and signed “—Tony F.”

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ce595c  No.15555160

File: 33e3f909547ff3b⋯.jpg (229.55 KB, 2118x1191, 706:397, 61708_gramercy_pictures.jpg)


You're saying nothing will be sorted on the election fraud before 2024 and Trump has to run again? Do you live in a vacuum?

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d823c5  No.15555161

File: baab5851ea45e4e⋯.jpg (11.32 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 89f1a10e4eb7326aa7510ccca0….jpg)

File: d51c096e32623c1⋯.jpg (10.62 KB, 205x246, 5:6, 186c8d10623c3ca4b8c1705054….jpg)

File: 68d720da9c8e7ba⋯.png (10.46 KB, 255x178, 255:178, 898513c4f228c180797774ab3d….png)

File: da9c9bfdce000a8⋯.png (11.72 KB, 200x255, 40:51, 8183817e7c5946f3ab3ee749ee….png)

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dca82a  No.15555162


>opens up NEW 'markets'

particularly gross part of the noted process

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d823c5  No.15555163

File: 8165512af1b7acb⋯.png (18.35 KB, 219x255, 73:85, 607978ed718490bbdfadd7ce5a….png)

File: 717045b0edd9011⋯.jpg (22.84 KB, 255x255, 1:1, b9ba8cd099acac7e2664c8eca8….jpg)

File: f6f407181b4b652⋯.jpg (21.78 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c1c11fc2a89bed4a0f899284ae….jpg)

File: 7db9307898b89b8⋯.png (10.09 KB, 255x157, 255:157, ca899e4a11af0dbd137ded9969….png)

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8fc066  No.15555164


i have the dumb today. you'll have to point this out like I'm 12. sorry

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eba77d  No.15555165

>>15554152 GoFundMe is a fraudulent, deceptive, criminal enterprise

Gotta say, GoFuckMe fucked themselves royally, sure the banned Rittenhouse on trumped up charged that proved to be false, etc. But they stepped into the real shit when they attacked peace loving Canadians and compatriot Americans that just didnt want to be jabbed against they

Ir will. GoFuckMe were willing to steal the $10 million raised by needy truckers and give it to BLM and Antifa at the request of “The Man” in canadian government.

They not only deprived noble truckers withone requestand the request was to not make their lives easier, but they wanted the free will choice of something they questioned would harm them and deprive their families of the bread winner.

But GoFuckMe took it out on the MOST polite, fun loving, humorous people and most enduring people that dealt with the punishment from their government country, Canadians!

GoFuckMe really chose and aligned with the wrong people and targeted the people of CanadaJust in case you dont know GFM, you alienated the most generous people on earth, CONSERVATIVES!

You are FUCKED, really, really fucked!

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3ac3ba  No.15555166


Too bad for Ron then.

Because if Trump can't say it then he's fucked because the voters won't care about that.

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d823c5  No.15555167

File: 89784818d221929⋯.png (9 KB, 255x179, 255:179, d0310fbbe608b65679769fe8ed….png)

File: e2732d1b7d9cc8a⋯.png (445.1 KB, 1005x575, 201:115, e2732d1b7d9cc8a0145a30b5e1….png)

File: dbea622ce52f26f⋯.png (10.36 KB, 255x174, 85:58, f32f39d5250898b6f67dfe3092….png)

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2d1680  No.15555168

File: c26cb1e05b643d6⋯.png (364 KB, 599x606, 599:606, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)

Camilla WILL become Queen: Her Majesty, 95, issues historic Platinum Jubilee statement


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fcc459  No.15555169

File: 3ad9fa26e699a08⋯.png (260.45 KB, 528x301, 528:301, 3ad9fa26e699a08457eaae4ecf….png)


Not baking anymoar

See >>15555132


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ccca80  No.15555170

File: 67831aa17f62e31⋯.png (178.71 KB, 489x400, 489:400, Ukraine.png)

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e43406  No.15555171

File: a9f611a8ef023e4⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1404x5915, 108:455, ClipboardImage.png)

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613af8  No.15555172


>Camilla WILL become Queen: Her Majesty, 95, issues historic Platinum Jubilee statement


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a07ec4  No.15555173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3608ea  No.15555174


After Trump and Pence, Fauci and Birx, and the vax, including Trump saying to get vaxxed and boosted, regardless of his mandate stance, I will never support him. VAX = BAD. Those who support it = BAD. Pretty straight forward.

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dbfa8d  No.15555175

File: fca4e8b00eca953⋯.jpg (110.62 KB, 480x631, 480:631, Comer_LAnnonceauxbergers.jpg)

Psalm 49

The Folly of Trust in Riches

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah.

49 Hear this, all peoples!

Give ear, all inhabitants of the world,

2 both low and high,

rich and poor together!

3 My mouth shall speak wisdom;

the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.

4 I will incline my ear to a proverb;

I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre.

5 Why should I fear in times of trouble,

when the iniquity of my persecutors surrounds me,

6 men who trust in their wealth

and boast of the abundance of their riches?

7 Truly no man can ransom himself,

or give to God the price of his life,

8 for the ransom of his life is costly,

and can never suffice,

9 that he should continue to live on for ever,

and never see the Pit.

10 Yea, he shall see that even the wise die,

the fool and the stupid alike must perish

and leave their wealth to others.

11 Their graves are their homes for ever,

their dwelling places to all generations,

though they named lands their own.

12 Man cannot abide in his pomp,

he is like the beasts that perish.

13 This is the fate of those who have foolish confidence,

the end of those who are pleased with their portion. Selah

14 Like sheep they are appointed for Sheol;

Death shall be their shepherd;

straight to the grave they descend,

and their form shall waste away;

Sheol shall be their home.

15 But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol,

for he will receive me. Selah

16 Be not afraid when one becomes rich,

when the glory of his house increases.

17 For when he dies he will carry nothing away;

his glory will not go down after him.

18 Though, while he lives, he counts himself happy,

and though a man gets praise when he does well for himself,

19 he will go to the generation of his fathers,

who will never more see the light.

20 Man cannot abide in his pomp,

he is like the beasts that perish.

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009f0d  No.15555176



Like someone gives a crap.

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d823c5  No.15555177

File: d96b5ab655544e2⋯.png (9.92 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 00e54bce4e16077d6bc3187e4b….png)

File: b8f27d9b6e0343c⋯.png (10.64 KB, 255x181, 255:181, 7b87d6a869f9544dcdbac2b390….png)

File: 275a0a9aef9bb18⋯.png (11.03 KB, 255x174, 85:58, f637f89bba92d5b56eac53d902….png)

File: f33475f529f1ae7⋯.jpg (31.47 KB, 236x309, 236:309, f33475f529f1ae72ed649c9572….jpg)


masonry will end.

if you stick to bs law that enslave humanity, you are the enemy of humanity and I will end you, eternally.

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5445f0  No.15555178



Repeating talking point "No no no WE (cabal RINOs) are Lincoln!"

"If you hear any of them question our narrative, we want you to think and feel that you're talking with someone who agrees with 'those' people from 80 years ago."

Dialectic solely designed to turn population against itself, to deflect away from Cheney making really bad decisions based on information anons and autists knew was false years ago.

Nope, sorry Rep Cheney, and all others who practise the dark arts of deliberate deception for profit and power, I think anons know the playbook.

Call anons names.

Smear anons as haters.

Many of us are jews but are afraid to speak publicly because of tyrants like you who want to divide me from some of our best friends, families, or colleagues, or neighbors, or truckers, or store owners, or people who help us put food on the table, or people who made the table, or the house we're living in, and everything incredible good people of ALL backgrounds are making.

This statement cannot be true:

"Anon is a 'white supremacist'."

Anon cannot be corrupted with narrative designed to divide, because anon consciousness is UNIFIED, and because the people are UNIFIED.

Anon is selfless, colorless, religionless, classless, sexless, political affiliiation-less, Anon is ultimately a hiveminded source of saved digital information collected since at least 2016.

Cheney and every other politician who 'attack' anon give themselves own nooses because they expose their own 'need' for dialectic symbolism.

Anon is bulletproof, corruptionless, no attacks against Anon will divide anyone because everyone and no-one is Anon.

God bless Jews, Christians, Muslims, God bless us all.

Anon is not the party of dialectic division.

Anon 'unifies' what was destroyed by RINOs and Democrats.

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3c9541  No.15555179



so much winning

Ottawa city council and police have no idea how to handle this

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6f596e  No.15555180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5d0efa  No.15555181

File: 8e7ef67c3131f45⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Drag Queen?

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b828bc  No.15555182



Timestamps lives matter. Muh common core arithmetic.

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7812fc  No.15555183


I am saying that is a possibility.

Even if reinstated earlier, Pence will be left behind imho.

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ce595c  No.15555184

File: d6f0d0d6c181508⋯.png (341.88 KB, 782x442, 23:13, 2bda2d42e5618f2e7f34cf2eb2….png)

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f74d05  No.15555185

File: 4008bfc288bd00e⋯.png (229.62 KB, 535x638, 535:638, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_1….png)

File: c1b3912a8955a65⋯.png (35.25 KB, 137x140, 137:140, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Air Force


#ICYMI - Aircrew assigned to @RAFMildenhall participated in a long-range aerial refueling mission, partnering with Finnish F-18s.

The long-range aerial refueling mission aims to improve interoperability within @NATO and among partner air forces in the region.



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bbf0bf  No.15555186

File: ec26c47661de62d⋯.jpg (419.89 KB, 600x474, 100:79, red_heart_infinite_Pepe.JPG)


You ever tweet something, and then went back and read it and realized you used the wrong phrase, but the tweet was obviously up long enough that people seen't it and you were too embarrassed to tweet the correction so you just delete it and move on? Y'all know what I meant.


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805994  No.15555187



>In my opinion, "No, Pence is not a traitor." This was all part of the Plan.


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5e131b  No.15555188


Drag the Waters some moar

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a07ec4  No.15555189


That HAT only comes in BLACK?

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bcd249  No.15555190

File: 37ec492d2684787⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 984x374, 492:187, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)


Here's the article.

Camilla WILL become Queen: Her Majesty, 95, issues historic Platinum Jubilee statement to end years of uncertainty and tells the public 'I know you will give them the same support you have given me'

Camilla will be made Queen Consort when Charles becomes King, it has been confirmed for the first time.

The Queen has used her Platinum Jubilee message to the nation to back the Duchess of Cornwall in a significant move to shape the future of the monarchy on her historic milestone.

In a statement that ends years of uncertainty, Elizabeth II has expressed her 'sincere wish' that Camilla be given the title when Charles ascends to the throne, telling the public 'I know you will give them the same support you have given me'.

Camilla will be made Queen Consort when Charles becomes King, it has been confirmed for the first time.

The Queen has used her Platinum Jubilee message to the nation to back the Duchess of Cornwall in a significant move to shape the future of the monarchy on her historic milestone.

In a statement that ends years of uncertainty, Elizabeth II has expressed her 'sincere wish' that Camilla be given the title when Charles ascends to the throne, telling the public 'I know you will give them the same support you have given me'.



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ce595c  No.15555191

File: 574ebd09208fb3c⋯.jpg (188.4 KB, 620x417, 620:417, 69389102.jpg)

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b641df  No.15555192

File: 2ce020c8f7a3bb5⋯.png (876.25 KB, 1920x955, 384:191, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_2….png)


MATTA25 last position.

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88fbef  No.15555193

File: a5c84096bdde1c6⋯.png (308.45 KB, 1051x951, 1051:951, WearetheStorm_punisher3.png)

File: 1f396f3b1abbf11⋯.png (235.85 KB, 1037x948, 1037:948, WearetheStorm_punisher2.png)

File: af675a976b15c74⋯.png (625.47 KB, 1057x945, 151:135, WtW_Punisher2.png)

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deeeb6  No.15555194

File: 6f918665e9a2aac⋯.gif (4.64 MB, 600x600, 1:1, Trump_music_lazer.gif)


I wish I could go.

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fa1518  No.15555195

File: f1aac7701377740⋯.png (471.86 KB, 962x1143, 962:1143, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb61ba199e1d74b⋯.png (4.2 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


The Duchess of Cornwall

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dca82a  No.15555196


yeah it's the fat alter timeline Gilligan

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cd8667  No.15555197




>>15554831 Habbening. CCP bug spreading in Beijing. Putin at risk?


Not a single Western MSM outlet has reported this:

*three people have died at Beijing’s Waldorf Astoria hotel — reports noted violent spasms and convulsions before death

*Vladimir Putin is staying at the Waldorf Astoria

*16 people in Putin's personal entourage have been infected — including four or five bodyguards

Noise: 11 people checked into hospital from within the Covid Squid Games’ closed-loop bubble.

Signal: The fittest athletes in the world aren’t hospitalised because of “just a seasonal cold”. Whatever is raging out of control in Beijing — the largest super spreading event in human history — it’s not Omicron.

COVID Squid Games - super KEK





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3608ea  No.15555198


I know full well that this movement is, and has always been filled with great people, in many ways. Though I have accepted the Trump vax betrayal, doesn't mean I have abandoned this legendary group of Patriots and Autists, good sir.

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cbc7a8  No.15555199


Miller married Kathryn Maag Miller on September 16, 1989.[21] She works as an office manager for a health and environment lobbying group.[15] They have three children.[3]

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fddb10  No.15555200

File: 7a8287427d3e921⋯.png (699.95 KB, 1080x845, 216:169, boardoflearnedanons.png)

File: f508b30011e31a5⋯.png (949.08 KB, 570x753, 190:251, valleyoftheshadow.png)

File: e88b5afa777d0d3⋯.gif (3.77 MB, 480x272, 30:17, 1644035195_1.gif)

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5445f0  No.15555201

Hey NHL, that guy singing right now is so bad at lip synching his mouth is nowhere close to the music.

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6f596e  No.15555202

File: aee2c0fbe3aa4f0⋯.mp4 (5.47 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Mosesand_the_Law_sephia_ag….mp4)


Jude 1:10-11

10 But these people say evil things against whatever they don’t understand. And the very things they do understand will destroy them. That’s because they are like wild animals that can’t think for themselves. Instead, they do what comes naturally to them.

11 How terrible it will be for them! They have followed the way of Cain. They have rushed into the same mistake Balaam made. They did it because they loved money. They are like Korah. He turned against his leaders. These people will certainly be destroyed, just as Korah was.

Korah was the grandson of Kohath, and he began to run with another group of Reubenite malcontents, namely, Dathan and Abiram, sons of Eliab, and On, son of Peleth. In pride, they roused a group of 250 men together to challenge the right of Moses and Aaron to the priesthood ( Numbers 16 ).

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c2626f  No.15555203


>High Schooler calls for peaceful non-compliance with mask mandate

That's the way to get it done. Kudos to this clear-minded individual.

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613af8  No.15555204



>*three people have died at Beijing’s Waldorf Astoria hotel — reports noted violent spasms and convulsions before death

>*Vladimir Putin is staying at the Waldorf Astoria

>*16 people in Putin's personal entourage have been infected — including four or five bodyguards

they trying to take out Putin?

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6b7ba4  No.15555205


He has worn other colors. Different one practically every day. Those posts were all made today within I think 3 hours of each other.

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c1096b  No.15555206


Now that peoples immune systems are shot they will be getting sick from a lot of things.

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2d1680  No.15555207

File: 583f92fee7ce38f⋯.png (377.81 KB, 600x625, 24:25, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)

From Feb. 4-11, you might hear loud booming sounds over the next week, as high-power explosives will be fired at the Marine Corps. base.


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349bb7  No.15555208

File: 268884ae6657131⋯.jpeg (131.59 KB, 1024x754, 512:377, 4CD26B2B_5F3D_4376_9FC6_6….jpeg)


Queen Camilla of Tampon

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fa1518  No.15555209


Ugh dammit

Meant for


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3a3522  No.15555210


>you'll have to point this out

Not how it works here…

anons think for selves

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5f2312  No.15555211

File: c159ec5cb587d2a⋯.png (225.73 KB, 427x429, 427:429, bye_oss.png)

bruh im number 2 board on the kun site

i mean the numbers clearly show there is only 1 board driving traffic but im the big fat duece!!

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a6390b  No.15555212

File: 45bcc745a62fc90⋯.jpg (65.88 KB, 954x600, 159:100, charles_camila.jpg)

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3e211d  No.15555213


That screeching sound you might be hearing in your ear drums is Kate going off on William for not being the heir to the Queen. Kek.

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74fe62  No.15555214

File: b87da3b86f47c4b⋯.jpg (16.23 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Sam_and_Dave_Hold_on_I_m_c….jpg)

File: d82a12a28b103c4⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Sam_and_Dave_Hold_on_I_m_c….mp4)

>…movie's so f^^kin' guud, nite shift digger's lurkin' day shift, kek…

Wat a time to be alive!

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bbf0bf  No.15555215


Why do folks keep asking if CMZ got an endorsement? It should be obvious why he doesn't. Kari Lake does have an endorsement. Don't forget Wendy's back-and-forth with CMZ helps him, also.

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b641df  No.15555216



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71fce6  No.15555217

File: 19a0eab9666ed76⋯.png (449.74 KB, 1080x988, 270:247, ClipboardImage.png)

idk who the hell came up with this but its genius,

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3608ea  No.15555218

File: 5567658db1e7b27⋯.jpeg (10.49 KB, 454x408, 227:204, FAGGOT.jpeg)

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dbfa8d  No.15555219

File: 290c72d8ad00e76⋯.png (676.25 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, fear_of_the_lord.png)

Psalm 14

Denunciation of Godlessness

To the choirmaster. Of David.

14 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds,

there is none that does good.

2 The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men,

to see if there are any that act wisely,

that seek after God.

3 They have all gone astray, they are all alike corrupt;

there is none that does good,

no, not one.

4 Have they no knowledge, all the evildoers

who eat up my people as they eat bread,

and do not call upon the Lord?

5 There they shall be in great terror,

for God is with the generation of the righteous.

6 You would confound the plans of the poor,

but the Lord is his refuge.

7 O that deliverance for Israel would come out of Zion!

When the Lord restores the fortunes of his people,

Jacob shall rejoice, Israel shall be glad.

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7812fc  No.15555220


> they will be getting sick from a lot of things.

The explanation for the huge uptick in cancers. Especially for those who have previously recovered from what I understand. Horrible .

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216829  No.15555221


Her Royal Majesty, The Rottweiler. Anon is not so sure they can pull it off. Queenie gonna abdicate after 70, so they can try and slide in Chaz? Nothing to see here, carry on. The game is afoot, the issue is in doubt.

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a6fa1e  No.15555222

File: a7517bd6743097a⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 244x207, 244:207, wtaf.jpg)

File: df7d7e07b1489b9⋯.jpg (7.21 KB, 195x258, 65:86, www.jpg)

<what the actual fuk is this fuking thing really

woman being fuked by snake?

where have we heard THAT one before?

Mami Wata statue unveiled in New Orleans

In 2017, the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, removed a statue of the confederate general Robert E. Lee that had stood atop a pedestal in the city since 1884, the last of the Confederate monuments that once dotted the city. The site once called Lee Circle and now called Tivoli Circle, has been empty ever since, except for the now-featureless pedestal.

That changed last week when a new artwork was unveiled at the site. The new sculpture, Sentinel (Mami Wata), represents Mami Wata or La Sirène, who is venerated in many Indigenous African and Diasporic religions, including the Louisiana Voodoo for which New Orleans is famous.

Sentinel (Mami Wata) is a 12-foot tall bronze sculpture that depicts a spoon-shaped female form that has a snake coiling about her. The spoon-shaped figure is a recurring form in traditional African design


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4e6e01  No.15555223

Ottawa Police Chief Sloly: We need tow trucks. We need heavy tow trucks. There are not enough in the city…not availability through private sector…should we start to try and challenge the full breadth of what's going on.

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2d1680  No.15555224


I'm sure Fatty fat fatg Megan is doing the same thing to Harry because she is so fucking stupid & needs to somehow get moar attention on her fat ass

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523c24  No.15555226


thank God I didn't tweet anything, what is wrong with it?

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3ac3ba  No.15555227


20-18 hockey games are even worse than 200-180 basketball games.

No defense All-star games suck.

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31e03e  No.15555228


landed on a carrier?

Side note, Machine Gun Kelly ruined the NHL All Star game. What a fkn jagoff

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3c9541  No.15555229



250 RCMP officers just arrived in Ottawa to reinforce

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be2e4c  No.15555230


While researching the Aztecs I came across their sacrificial rituals. They wanted unblemished victims. Do cultures and icons get tattoos to prevent being sacrificed?

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e43406  No.15555231


All the time.


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597d09  No.15555232

File: b6fff9f1e1ede07⋯.jpg (7.53 KB, 259x194, 259:194, fleur.jpg)

File: 44adc923ad8b359⋯.jpg (5.02 KB, 300x168, 25:14, jack.jpg)

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6da448  No.15555233

File: 94a8145723a48f7⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 620x402, 310:201, 643u1g_2.jpg)


The evil is in plain sight especially in America.

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523c24  No.15555234


please don't use pepe to reinforce your idiotic condemnation.


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b828bc  No.15555235

File: 1f53af45ae0d5d8⋯.jpg (95.58 KB, 640x394, 320:197, 1f53af45ae0d5d892e5ea865e6….jpg)

File: e7b13984fa24b3e⋯.jpeg (435.43 KB, 1200x796, 300:199, e7b13984fa24b3e5e977e92a8….jpeg)

File: 97dbe2d713cbc2f⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 720x348, 60:29, 97dbe2d713cbc2fdb61ae4de15….gif)

File: d68e258ea38dea8⋯.png (661.15 KB, 944x512, 59:32, e4b3d144455e5fd03bef362343….png)

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ef1266  No.15555236

File: 41396bfcd64777c⋯.jpg (181.3 KB, 1200x896, 75:56, 63329773383983893783731745….jpg)

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5d0efa  No.15555237


Yup she'll tell Harry to get back in line. Watch him crawl back when the money runs low.

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dca82a  No.15555238


it is one thing having a big tow truck

and a completely different thing using it on location

good luck with that

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297367  No.15555239

File: 38df7adc7d1c1c3⋯.jpg (8.35 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Brrrrt.jpg)

WTF. Wife just got a letter from Aetna saying they just pulled Cox's Branson hospital out of network… Not all of Cox's hospital system… just Branson… oh and you can't use the Mercy hospital in Branson either, right after she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. This is fucked up. They said as of 1 Jan 2022 and was delivered today.

Yep… it is now going to go crazy stupid and people are going to die.

THEY don't give a crap how many die… they follow the universal rule that the strong (meaning rich with armies under their control) survive.

I've been talking about the weird crap going on here with our medical crap this last couple years… and we found out about her cancer this last week.

Please keep us in your prayers… we need them.

Brrrrt on Patriots.

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a6390b  No.15555240

File: 57fee5359d9ea8f⋯.jpg (91.8 KB, 915x888, 305:296, carbon_reduce.jpg)

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0b0c45  No.15555241

File: a30bc7e46a84e01⋯.png (720.77 KB, 564x705, 4:5, pyramid_healing.png)

The Pyramid energetic actually forms within your physical body between these three components (your Heart, Pineal and telepathic center) activating your own Merkaba body. The frequency of the Pyramid births a sacred metamorphic shift to open within, this form is a higher vibrational aspect of you that creates an intense synergy of your light to form and stabilize through you.

Your Pineal has already begun to reorientate itself, activating into its higher purpose of directly aligning to your telepathic communion center, supporting you to realign naturally beyond the 4th dimension. This realignment brings you into a state of stabilization within the 5th dimensional realms and beyond. Your Pineal is designed at this juncture to reopen doorways to allow you to engage and work consciously with pre agreements made active now, with your family of light.

There is much for those of you who are ‘way showers’ to accomplished within the arena of your Earth. Each one of you carry your unique divine signature within your Heart, you are recognized by the entire Universe by this signature. This unique frequency that you hold, acts like a key to a door, your frequency of light is like a thumb print creating a unique pattern of sacred light that creates a highlighted imprint throughout Earth. Your imprint sets this next step of the earth plane’s destiny in motion as you actively, consciously engage through your Heart, Pineal and telepathic center.

Each one of you are destined to make a greater impact on Earth as you actively unfold in this higher consciousness state of being. Collectively your unique imprints of power are destined to merge at a certain moment, setting in motion a new order on Earth. Remember you are all part of the God consciousness state. There is a natural ability for the forging of your collective imprints to form a pure network that will ultimately shift the consciousness and multidimensional forms on Earth.


Conscious Breath: a breath in and out of the mouth. (This does not replace the normal breathing pattern). The Conscious breath allows a letting go energy to be released through your system. Old belief systems and patterns begin to shed off you.

Sacred Sound: ZAHNNN EEE… (pronounced zarn ee): As you make the sacred sound your heart cells recognize your unique frequency the sound creates and activates your imprint essence.

Position of Pineal: one inch (2.5cm) above the 3rd eye.


Hold your Heart with both palms resting on your chest. Utilize the Conscious breath placing it like a soft wind into where your hands rest on your chest. Do this 3 times.

Open your awareness where your palms rest onto your chest area (heart space) whether you see sense or feel the essence of your heart. Take another Conscious breath and let go.

Place the sacred sound, ZAHNNN EEE… within your Heart space that you see, sense, or feel. Witness how your sacred sound opens up your Heart on another level. Place your sound again, open your awareness deeper within the space that you see, sense, or feel.

Hold one hand on your chest and touch your Pineal with your index finger of the other hand. Bring your awareness to where you feel your index finger on your Pineal.

Place your Conscious breath like a soft wind into your Pineal. Let go into your experience.

Place your sacred sound, ZAHNNN EEE…into the Pineal space, remember you are entering an expansive doorway, just breath and let go into the space that you see, sense, or feel.

The energy of the Pyramid begins to open through you. You may see this, sense this, or feel this opening up through you. Place your sound, ZAHNNN EEE…within the Pyramid energy, let go within your experience.

Move your awareness and 2nd hand back to your Heart. Place as many sounds, ZAHNNN EEE… into the space. Feel, see, or sense how the imprint of your light is expanding. Use the Conscious breath and continue to let go ….

NOTE: You can do this process as often as you feel to for your realignments.

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b641df  No.15555242


Plane is way too big to land on a carrier, it is basically a four jet airliner.

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6834ad  No.15555243

File: 51328e315dc3409⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2db01d067edebfc⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 157cd4098fc6d15⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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12a1cb  No.15555244

File: 0106ec94245a1ac⋯.jpg (99.16 KB, 800x716, 200:179, b3e9cff8_3bf0_42a5_9edf_96….jpg)

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a296af  No.15555245

File: 30f6e4ae9ff460e⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB, 644x356, 161:89, 05FEB22_roganNword.mp4)


"The Rogan Compilation"



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7812fc  No.15555246

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18ab8c  No.15555247


>Camilla WILL become Queen: Her Majesty, 95, issues historic Platinum Jubilee statement


Camilla WILL become Queen: Her Majesty, 95, issues historic Platinum Jubilee statement to end years of uncertainty and tells the public 'I know you will give them the same support you have given me'

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, will be made Queen Consort when Charles is eventually crowned as King

The significant announcement was made by Elizabeth II in her Platinum Jubilee message to the nation

Statement ends years of uncertainty about what role Charles' wife would have in the future of the monarchy

'I know you will give them the same support you have given me,' the Queen said in her statement

A Clarence House spokesperson said Charles and Camilla were 'touched and honoured' by the gesture

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996702  No.15555248

File: 93aba61a79cefc7⋯.jpg (50.06 KB, 605x412, 605:412, what_.jpg)

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ce595c  No.15555249

File: 4766fe3831471ab⋯.png (167.47 KB, 438x244, 219:122, Screen_Shot_2021_07_28_at_….png)


Trust Inspector Clouseau

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fddb10  No.15555250

File: 3bebdeb500422b4⋯.jpeg (248.36 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, FK3IunCXEAcIR3q.jpeg)



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5d0efa  No.15555251


Tow trucks run on Freedom.

No Freedom no tow.

Got Freedom? No need to tow.

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32d938  No.15555252

Does someone have a live link to the coutts border crossing?

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74fe62  No.15555253

File: 71493d1f806dc86⋯.gif (2 MB, 436x335, 436:335, _GiF_GaL.gif)

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996702  No.15555254

File: f0715d4d5b7d726⋯.jpg (75.6 KB, 640x433, 640:433, Almost_there_3.jpg)

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f1574b  No.15555255




DT Jr.





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613af8  No.15555256


^^^^^^^^notable with sauce

Go Fund Me is BANKRUPT!!!

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bcd249  No.15555257

File: 582c1d6d89c81ee⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 608x553, 608:553, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

“I tell you this. There is a storm coming.”

(10 minute clip)


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3a3522  No.15555258


Speed 481



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0dd370  No.15555259

File: 8ff3c3afb31a3a8⋯.jpg (401.69 KB, 2880x2880, 1:1, 20220205_172302.jpg)

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3ac3ba  No.15555260


And QR gets 1/1000th (if that) of the traffic halfpol gets.

You're kinda like a 3'10 midget calling a 3'7 one shorty.

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5d0efa  No.15555261

File: f1f061a4dcbd21e⋯.jpg (211.94 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Lets_GoFundMe_Tshirt.jpg)

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6280c3  No.15555262

File: 2c053ea89e7bc32⋯.png (6.92 MB, 3600x3000, 6:5, 1qclock_vanilla_1_3x3Princ….png)



From earlier in the week.

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613af8  No.15555263


>Go Fund Me is BANKRUPT!!!


i first read that GFM went 'broke' , not woke.

they probably are bankrupt though

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31e03e  No.15555264






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463c1e  No.15555265


TY God bless in Jesus name.

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613af8  No.15555266


>>Go Fund Me is BANKRUPT!!!


GFM is bankrupt morally, though

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e43406  No.15555267

File: 2f212743ab1ef6c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Love me some black Dick.


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6b7ba4  No.15555268

File: c2ad188c04026d5⋯.png (122.66 KB, 690x800, 69:80, Screenshot_20220205_142241.png)

2022 Beijing Winter Olympics by the numbers: 2,900 athletes, 109 events and a reported $4 billion budget


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a07ec4  No.15555269

File: 3104c9be824daec⋯.jpeg (253.17 KB, 640x885, 128:177, 3104c9be824daecb6009562a4….jpeg)



Post was a Human action or Quantum AI?

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dca82a  No.15555270


understood and that sucks

but the entire medial mafia death care system is broken

there has been a lot of shared information on how to fight and deal with cancer

I hope it finds you and you can use it to benefit your loved ones

perhaps it is time we all start taking care of each other and our family ourselves

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216829  No.15555271


Anon wants arrests and perp walks.

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523c24  No.15555272


Yikes!!! I'm seriously confused, these people have billions and billions of dollars, pounds, why, when they have access to every rejuvenation treatment do they allow this "look".

The Queen's husband looked like a horrifying demon, did the photographer's just catch the pic in the right moment,but they really don't take care of their body suits at all. Why?

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cd8667  No.15555273

File: f6eda2d71c278ff⋯.jpg (158.46 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 177_olympic_genocide_03.jpg)


love it



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986329  No.15555274

File: 5bd510f08e7007d⋯.jpg (51.02 KB, 474x648, 79:108, basilone.jpg)

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deeeb6  No.15555275


>sex trafficking/slave trading women and children?


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bcd249  No.15555276

File: 06b55c88c22b3b0⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 607x296, 607:296, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)


Patriotic Texans donated to Canadian truckers’ worthy cause using GoFundMe. This BLM-backing company went woke, froze the funds, & failed to deliver Texans’ money. Today I assembled a team to investigate their potential fraud & deception. Texas donors will get Justice!


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a296af  No.15555277

File: d393d3fb9031fd1⋯.png (8.35 KB, 255x128, 255:128, 1910a218f2ed20fc908a3164e3….png)

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5d0efa  No.15555278

File: 24dd333c12f1508⋯.jpg (97.78 KB, 300x452, 75:113, Woke_Broke_Button.jpg)

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3a3522  No.15555279

File: d4d82f4f2c16427⋯.gif (753.51 KB, 607x609, 607:609, d4d82f4f2c16427e4005a6f1b9….gif)


o7 Rogan

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415143  No.15555280

File: 696f7c3a3b42042⋯.png (690.41 KB, 476x554, 238:277, ClipboardImage.png)


so go back to half

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31e03e  No.15555281










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3e211d  No.15555282


She’s probably physically assaulting him at the moment. Harry is the worlds biggest cuck.

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523c24  No.15555283


I told you they areso fucked, like every other sane anon on here

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bbf0bf  No.15555284


Wow! I didn't know this happened. That was special!

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b828bc  No.15555285


Not good. Natives time to fuck up the narrative. Muh smallpox blankets

Fuck the mRNA gene editing therapy.

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ce595c  No.15555286

File: ba71c1231515247⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB, 416x240, 26:15, 7832411755426241604.MP4)


It's pretty much a requirement in royalty

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3ac3ba  No.15555287


Be because an outsider like him needs a Trump endorsement to even have a chance.

Otherwise he'll end up like Dilley or Loomer and get embarrassed by the pathetic showing.

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c1096b  No.15555288


She’s the party of letting your own state be attacked so you can cause an illegal war and kill millions. That’s where this beastly bitch comes from. Send her back to hell.

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4c1961  No.15555289

File: 3b2c2c45e61fcbb⋯.jpg (57.25 KB, 620x402, 310:201, 643uz1.jpg)

Mike Beelzebub Pence is a full-blown demon.

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ad54de  No.15555290

File: 5ee4937248f594a⋯.jpeg (82.89 KB, 854x1024, 427:512, EyKE5iJW8AQdDxN.jpeg)

A reminder that Jesus loves you.

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216829  No.15555291


>Harry is the worlds biggest cuck.

And Chaz loves him some Rotty.

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31e03e  No.15555292


oh. In that case, aliens.

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c1096b  No.15555293


He was a planted Jesuit assassin.

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559c45  No.15555294

File: 3c9380ad9d1b38f⋯.png (2.04 KB, 194x188, 97:94, 3658E820_7FF8_485D_8F5D_5E….png)

Who gave the coin to Pence?

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bcd249  No.15555296

File: c86787b0e7b9e8f⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 597x351, 199:117, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

Meanwhile, the sneering continues from the left.


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3c9541  No.15555297

File: 82710f3046306cf⋯.png (1013.26 KB, 1184x776, 148:97, Cadfgdfgdfe.PNG)

These people are trying to discriminate against my proud Kekistani/Truckistani way of life and heritage


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4e6e01  No.15555298


Queen Consort = no actual constitutional power.

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6f596e  No.15555299

File: 55cdf03718bcfab⋯.jpg (92.35 KB, 425x301, 425:301, jb.jpg)

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71fce6  No.15555300


YES! these people at GoFundMe are thieves. TY AG Paxton

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6186bd  No.15555301

File: ddf8e210126302c⋯.png (706.94 KB, 1022x1136, 511:568, CopyQ_OqgrCy.png)


>>15554017 (lb)


Looks like counter-protest FF in the works, using already comped "healthcare workers."

Myanmar - Playbook known.



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613af8  No.15555302

What will the Ds say when Ron Watkins wins his race?

Will the say, Qanon's coder fixed his election after having access to Dominions machines and programming?

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5d0efa  No.15555303


but all the grifting

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85c34b  No.15555304

File: 86ff9a203971434⋯.png (76.85 KB, 707x568, 707:568, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2bc0b27f0d4b0d⋯.png (638.57 KB, 683x640, 683:640, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bb56fa413c7933⋯.png (666.89 KB, 731x646, 43:38, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9bdbdc8177b0987⋯.png (299.21 KB, 663x664, 663:664, ClipboardImage.png)


>Vladimir Putin is staying at the Waldorf Astoria




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5d0efa  No.15555305



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fa1518  No.15555306


>I WANT TO GO!! Man, I wished I lived in FLorida

Me too, man!

Maybe they will start a tour?

Can we at least get a playlist?

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4c8f0f  No.15555307

File: e8f4dca1aa79fd5⋯.png (335.67 KB, 668x785, 668:785, ClipboardImage.png)

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a07ec4  No.15555308


said the vampire to the glamoured

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613af8  No.15555309


in case you haven't figured it out, you are on your own now re medical care.

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a6fa1e  No.15555310

File: ec93ea66816fc0b⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ec93ea66816fc0b8ea7bfc3c42….jpg)

Republican Lawmakers Push for Cancellation of Cuomo Portrait in New York State Capitol

Republican Assemblyman Doug Smith of Long Island introduced the bill, which is called thePredator Portrait Prevention Act, so Cuomo’s picture isn’t placed on the second floor of the state’s capitol, per the New York Post. It asks to “prevent any governor who does not complete any term for which they are elected to be displayed in the state capitol building without the approval of the legislature.”


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6d5fce  No.15555311

File: 47e50a29e2f9058⋯.jpg (25.93 KB, 1652x704, 413:176, 47e50a29e2f90588a6a58f3e0d….jpg)

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bbf0bf  No.15555312


It's OK, anon. I wasn't talking about you or Papi. Was referring to myself.

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4c1961  No.15555313

File: 3b2c2c45e61fcbb⋯.jpg (57.25 KB, 620x402, 310:201, 643uz1.jpg)

Mike Beelzebub Pence is a full-blown demon.



Pence will commit suicide being the Judas priest he is.

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372604  No.15555314

File: 375ca56fa2681f5⋯.png (118.09 KB, 832x495, 832:495, ClipboardImage.png)

Canada Governor General Overwhelmed with Calls Demanding Trudeau Be Removed from Office

Brad Salzberg from the Cultural Action Party of Canada shared with us the following report.

Governor General Overwhelmed By Demand To Remove Trudeau From Office

Receiving an average of 25-50 calls per day, Mary Simon’s office received 4600 calls on the Thursday after the Truckers Protest.

In the wake of the recent Truckers Convoy, Canadians have been peppering Governor General Mary Simon’s office with calls to dissolve our federal government, and to remove Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from office.

As reported in the National Post, “Rideau Hall’s call centre normally receives between 25 to 50 calls a day. Since the truckers convoy began the number has exploded, with more than 1,500 on Wednesday and over 4,600 at one point in the afternoon on Thursday.”

It’s an unprecedented development in what has become an unprecedented society. The vehemence by which a segment of our population want Justin Trudeau gone has fired-up to white hot levels. The situation belies a deep-rooted fragmentation in society.

There exists two distinct factions: one found in government’s doghouse, one venerated as the apogee of our country. The former are the loathsome. These are the protestor-types. Largely comprised of “Old Stock” Canadians, these people are being transitioned by government and media into social outcasts.

The “in-crowd” are a different breed. These folks are venerated by government and media. Their numbers consist of woke white Liberals and Trudeau’s preferred 3rd World migrant communities. Regarding the request to show Mr. Trudeau the door, there is– no surprise– good news for the neo-chosen:

“The protesters’ calling campaign is all for naught as there is no way the Governor General could ever acquiesce to any of their demands,” says Daniel Béland, director of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada.

“The Governor General cannot just decide to fire the prime minister like that,” Béland said. Correct he is. Though it is not a question of caving in to demands of the protesters. It is a matter of government policy regardless of who made these demands.

“In Canada, a vote of no confidence is a motion that the legislature disapproves and no longer consents to the governing Prime Minister and the incumbent Cabinet. A vote of no confidence that passes leads to the fall of the incumbent government.”

“If a vote of no confidence passes, the Prime Minister is required to submit his or her resignation to the Governor General of Canada, who may either invite the leader of another coalition/party to attempt to form a new government in the House of Commons, or dissolve Parliament and call a general election.“

There is no mechanism in Canada for citizens to remove a sitting prime minister. For a maximum of four years, the status of a PM is subject only to the House of Commons.

On the topic of public influence, times have certainly changed. New arrivals to Canada may not realize it, but there was a time when “the will of the majority” had an influence on government. In terms of the pace of transformation, one might believe this existed somewhere between the Neolithic age, and the rise of Cro-Magnon man.

PM Trudeau wouldn’t consider such a concept if he was the last neo-communist standing. As such, governance in Canada has transitioned to a series of four-year mini-dictatorships. Media say nothing. Besides, how could the Canadian people impeach a prime minister, when we don’t even vote for a prime minister?


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18ab8c  No.15555315

File: 3969f74d0515f75⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Biden_targets_law_abiding_….mp4)


Biden targets law-abiding gun owners, saying "there's NO amendment that's absolute!"

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5d0efa  No.15555316


Hooter is weed round these parts.

What time they open?

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7812fc  No.15555317


dasting….too bad Klaus Schwab is not there

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2d1680  No.15555318

File: af389eb7a7635ec⋯.jpg (15.64 KB, 255x183, 85:61, Hahahaa.jpg)

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613af8  No.15555319


>"The Rogan Compilation"


rogan is raycist now

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26449d  No.15555320

File: 47918b24f431632⋯.jpeg (487.04 KB, 697x821, 697:821, 2E423BED_F023_4E02_A62F_5….jpeg)

We have a dig request regarding the culprit of the attempted murder of Freedom Convoy members.

License plate: HHJ769

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b641df  No.15555322


Or just going sneaky beaky.

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b09f4a  No.15555323



It works both ways…..

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e43406  No.15555324

File: 95174488b89f232⋯.jpg (18.01 KB, 480x264, 20:11, 95174488b89f23286343de60f7….jpg)

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31e03e  No.15555325

File: 29ee4f2f2c6fa48⋯.jpg (227.8 KB, 540x405, 4:3, 116a0.jpg)


JK? John Kerry? Whose dick is he sucking?

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6d5fce  No.15555326

File: e3a3b545bb166d0⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 267x189, 89:63, quiet4444.jpg)

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6b7ba4  No.15555327

File: 98388de57bcb12b⋯.jpg (380.89 KB, 947x1272, 947:1272, F4Assange.jpg)

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bee432  No.15555328

File: de40ed87ac20640⋯.mp4 (7.12 MB, 600x382, 300:191, trump_biblical.mp4)

'The end won't be for everyone.'

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5d0efa  No.15555329

File: 4b6d1c9486fb872⋯.jpg (20.2 KB, 391x395, 391:395, Bill_Sidewaysglance.jpg)

File: 715e7ac890188bc⋯.jpg (196.66 KB, 1051x439, 1051:439, Bill_Jeffrey_nocams.jpg)

File: 0371edb7e1820fe⋯.jpg (153.03 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Biden_TV_sniffing.jpg)


good idea

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5445f0  No.15555330


Introducing bad people on the red carpet early enough, which will succeed in teaching the public about 'a' name to link together the 'narrative' on covid.

Fauci proven originator of contradictions.

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b09f4a  No.15555331


Usual M.O.

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613af8  No.15555332


>Biden targets law-abiding gun owners, saying "there's NO amendment that's absolute!"


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372604  No.15555333

File: ddbde7fcae420b4⋯.png (269.28 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 985df5d666af77c⋯.png (18.83 KB, 502x132, 251:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb66d64db2b09fb⋯.png (299.82 KB, 853x500, 853:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84c88e5e29eefd9⋯.png (441.8 KB, 621x883, 621:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3542f893ff2e758⋯.png (35.6 KB, 541x424, 541:424, ClipboardImage.png)

MSNBC Misinfo: Zeke Emanuel Peddles Fear, Says Unvaxxed Children 'Likely To Get Serious Case Of Covid'

Dr Ezekiel Emanuel - former Biden Covid-19 adviser and brother of former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (and the real 'Ari Gold' from Entourage) appeared on MSNBC Wednesday, where he proceeded to peddle the lie that unvaccinated children are 'likely' to get a 'serious' case of Covid.

"This repeats what we’ve seen in older kids, five and above, where we know the vaccine does protect very well. And there we still have under 50%, I believe, of the children vaccinated, and that’s a serious problem for the country," Emanuel told host Kristen Welker after she asked about parents' willingness to vaccinate their children. "Parents have to be more willing – I think they hear some of these rare side effects and think they’re very common."

"With the omicron variant, kids are either going to get the vaccine or they’re likely to get a serious condition of omicron. Having omicron with the vaccine is almost invariably going to be better and safer for children," Emanuel added. "I am confused about parents' attitudes. Five and above seems like a no-brainer. Two to five, I understand some hesitancy. Two and under with the small dose, I think probably a very good idea."

It's been widely established that Omicron is a relatively mild strain of Covid - from which children face an extremely low risk.

Another recent study cited by economist Emily Oster also reiterated the extremely low risk young children face of severe COVID-19 outcomes. "What we can say is that based on everything we know, the risks to small children from COVID-19 are extremely small," she wrote. -Fox News

MSNBC faced harsh criticism over Emanuel's statement.


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523c24  No.15555334


group insurance broker here, been through these events for 25 years, the hospitals demanded more reimbursement then higher rated hospitals in their area, same thing going on with Northside Hospital and Anthem, NS demanding much higher reimbursement for worse stats of death, infections, etc at the world renown teaching hospital Emory. Don't blame Aetna blame the hospital ownership, they bought up small hospitals renamed them under one name, and demanded more reimbursement due to a strategy to dominate the area. Does not make them the best.

Call Aetna they have special networks that includes TOP hospitals around the country that are known for treatment of different diseases, they will refer your wife to the hospital most capable of treating her.

Take my word for this, I know the system

ps: Insurance companies are NOT more evil than HOSPITALS, and especially the consolidation of medical care after Obama Care

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81fbec  No.15555335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Numbers don’t lie. Trump won

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27a2ac  No.15555336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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97027e  No.15555337


And J6 Patriots.

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297367  No.15555338

File: ff2c5e90616dc41⋯.jpg (12.4 KB, 255x187, 15:11, brrrrrrrrrrt.jpg)



Yep… but I'm wondering if there isn't another vector of attack happening that we haven't figured out… beyond the vax… such as the bottled water… controlled by the cabal run corps.

Anyone testing out that crap now?

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ef1266  No.15555339


I personally won't use the word, but they also took all that shit Joe said out of context. Typical fake news shit with shortened clips tailor made for their narrative. It wasn't meant as derogatory, he was referencing something in a conversation. Could he have said the "n word" rather than the actual word? Yeah. You can't go as far to say he's a racist though. That's corny.

The hundreds of non white guests he's talked to for 3 hours each should be stepping up and defending him. These fake news tactics are monotonous.

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a6fa1e  No.15555340

four days huh?

Peru Prime Minister Offers Resignation After Four Days in Office


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6b7ba4  No.15555341

File: c939d621b4c2feb⋯.jpg (78.05 KB, 1080x752, 135:94, LGBTrudiecombo.jpg)

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bcd249  No.15555342

File: 9ab48313b63dbab⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 742x559, 742:559, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

Latest Garrison

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d3a00d  No.15555343


>Logically, if Pence is a black hat, they couldn't be 100% sure that he would certify>

>These things lead me to believe Pence is a white hat.

IF pence was a whitehat, THEN NOT certifying WAS the plan. so if NOT certifying was the plan, pence could have done that BECAUSE he IS a blackhat.

LOGIC NOT YOUR STRONG SUIT? pence is a closet fag and comped blackhat.

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3c9541  No.15555344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Feb 5, 2022

Robert Gouveia Esq.

146K subscribers

Ottaway Police Chief vows to end the Freedom Trucker Convoy using three new tactics: (1) a surge of law enforcement (2) physical barricades and roadblocks and (3) intelligence gathering and legal harassment. In this case, criminal defense lawyer Robert Gouveia reviews the press conference held in Ottawa on February 4th, 2022.

00:00 Intro

00:23 Ottawa Chief Sloly

01:22 Tactic 1: Police Surge

04:37 Tactic 2: Roadblocks

07:50 Tactic 3: Intelligence and Ticketing

09:53 Whole of Government Response

11:00 Sloly Closing

11:27 Conclusion


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bbf0bf  No.15555345


Pretty certain CMZ can handle some debate stage pretty well. Thinking Arizonians might be smart enough to see the Truth for themselves.

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be2e4c  No.15555346


All the way back to Ancient times, the entertainers were male. Males played the part of the woman because their were no 'female' actors.

When did the court jesters (jokers) take over?

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07e1ae  No.15555347


Imagine the scene of just one of these heavy-hauler haulers running the gauntlet and then trying to maneuver into position to hook-up, a tough and time-consuming job even on the wide-open Trans-Canadian Highway. How many of its tires will be slashed and deflated before it even gets close, thereby needing ITS OWN tow-truck retrieval?

Nope. The only way is the Military, and anons know better than to count on them showing up anytime soon.

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e43406  No.15555348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a07ec4  No.15555349

File: 967983c777a8625⋯.jpg (160.52 KB, 768x689, 768:689, The_Fight_of_a_Tiger_and_a….jpg)


looks like the meta(verse) ad. based on


The Fight of a Tiger and a Buffalo by Henri Rousseau (1908)

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c2626f  No.15555350


>it seems a little risky to go opening doors again.

Doors will be opened again, ready or not. Being prepared is a Good Thing.

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7812fc  No.15555351


> intelligence gathering

I heard yesterday that DHS, FBI and ? were assisting them with this

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74fe62  No.15555352

File: efec89541000edc⋯.png (593.19 KB, 775x491, 775:491, _EugenistsAll_.png)

File: 3002c8e803c5603⋯.jpeg (190.44 KB, 1125x1133, 1125:1133, _Usual_Suspects_.jpeg)

File: 5c249a235493f26⋯.mp4 (13.38 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Thierry_Baudet_Operation_L….mp4)

File: 6cb033778e9971f⋯.jpg (197.58 KB, 700x455, 20:13, _NCSWIC_.jpg)

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a6390b  No.15555353

File: f81cd121af9d222⋯.png (175.63 KB, 950x530, 95:53, George_Bush_59784935_0_Mas….png)


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3c9541  No.15555354



Rahm Emanuels brother

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297367  No.15555355


Thanks for the info.

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3e211d  No.15555356


But still receives all the tax money from the peasants. Here and abroad.

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f102da  No.15555357

File: 46f54d14b728ff1⋯.jpg (85.35 KB, 740x850, 74:85, FI2EvN8VQAImOt3.jpg)


Another day in America's spiral downward replacing real history with satanic symbolism.

Mami Wata is often described as a mermaid-like figure, with a woman's upper body (often nude) and the hindquarters of a fish or serpent.

It must be time for Americans to eat another egg.

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3c9541  No.15555358


5 eyes

probably because it is unconstitutional

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97027e  No.15555359


Not even close to the record, which was set a couple of months ago by the lefty wench in Sweden. Two hours. Speaking of lefty wenches, maybe Cat Lady will get run out of Helsinki by the truckers.

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bcd249  No.15555360

File: a849b0dc0a60528⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 814x307, 814:307, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

The Epstein Files: US Bureau of Prisons bent facts to support suicide narrative

Documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws by RT investigative unit The Detail include startling records revealing how the US Bureau of Prisons (BOP) moved to shut down any and all public debate about the cause of Jeffrey Epstein’s death. Along the way, evidence was distorted, material facts ignored, and key anomalies unexplored and unpublicized.

After being found dead in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center on August 10, 2019, the records show that the Bureau issued statements to journalists and Epstein’s family categorically stating he’d committed suicide. The result was international news outlets universally and unquestioningly reporting that Epstein had taken his own life from the word go, despite Chief Medical Examiner Barbara Sampson having reached no conclusion at that time, and making clear in a statement the next day that the investigation was open and ongoing.

It was not until August 16 that Sampson publicly declared Epstein’s death had been a suicide. The ruling was contested by leading forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, who’d been hired by the billionaire’s brother to monitor the autopsy process. Speaking to the Miami Herald two months later, he charged that “the autopsy did not support suicide,’’ and that the pathologist who conducted it had recorded this.


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21179c  No.15555361

File: c94aba6087a01ac⋯.png (417.37 KB, 650x400, 13:8, RoganAJ.png)

File: ac8d6dad3a9106a⋯.jpeg (33.72 KB, 400x428, 100:107, joe_rogan666.jpeg)

File: 4d2cd6a2bee997f⋯.jpeg (651.29 KB, 828x1149, 276:383, joe_rogan_saget_y.jpeg)




one of (((them)))

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27a2ac  No.15555362


Canadian singing

Oh Canada

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2d1680  No.15555363

File: c2f6b11aae23c46⋯.png (264.61 KB, 595x625, 119:125, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)

One Navy SEAL candidate died and another was hospitalized several hours after their basic underwater demolition class completed “Hell Week.”


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3ac3ba  No.15555364


The same CMZ stream commenters we're calling The Mumbler during the Lindell Symposium?

Yeah not seeing that happening.

Let me know if he gets that Trump endorsement, otherwise it's just a PR stunt.

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ccca80  No.15555365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Police Raid Ottawa: The People push them back!

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fddb10  No.15555366

File: b6d86e9f04da9c9⋯.jpg (157.23 KB, 1280x734, 640:367, witch.jpg)

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c2626f  No.15555367


Liz is a real person, too. Expand your thinking.

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5d0efa  No.15555368


>bent facts

We call that lying

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523c24  No.15555369


you are welcome, they have every top notch hospital in America and around the world, local is not necessarily the best.

God bless your wife, and may she be healed by the light of heaven

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d48b80  No.15555370

File: 9c33e096a086093⋯.png (68.54 KB, 250x201, 250:201, 4b746a44561c19a2d1410056f0….png)


Update pls

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a07ec4  No.15555372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Bizarre new Meta ad is the most trippy thing you'll see all day

By Amelia Bamsey published November 08, 2021

"This is going to be fun".

If you saw Facebook's infamous rebrand to Meta recently, you'll probably know the talk of a digital universe has been pretty weird since the change. But things just got a whole lot weirder with this new Meta ad.

Titled 'The Tiger and The Buffalo', the advert revolves around French artist Henri Rousseau's painting, Fight between a Tiger and a Buffalo (1908), and has just been released on social media platforms. The animation was created by Meta's own in-house team CreativeX and Droga5, and aesthetically, it is very quirky and fun. However, we can't also help but get a bit of a sinister feel from the slightly jittery, speaking animals and surrealist imagery. Still completely stumped by this new world? Our nifty guide to the metaverse will help.

The ad starts with four people gathering around a painting that gradually comes to life. Accompanied by upbeat music, the viewer explores a surreal jungle-topia as animated animals bop and dance, and greenery starts to take over the gallery. But as the whole thing comes to an end, an ominous message from Meta appears on the screen that reads "This is going to be fun," (yikes!).

While we can appreciate the stylistic design of the animation, we can't help shake the feeling that the script is just a little creepy. It all kicks off with the tiger saying "This is the dimension of the imagination", which is a direct quote from Rod Serling's The Twilight Zone. This nod to the classic sci-fi horror drama is, frankly, terrifying, as the Twilight Zone represents, "a mental state between reality and fantasy" according to Your Dictionary. Meta is starting to feel a lot like a dystopian nightmare (and we've all seen Black Mirror, we know how this goes).

While Meta has disabled the comments on its YouTube video (probably to block out all the Meta slander), that didn't stop social media users from flooding the comments of its Instagram post. It seems to be getting mixed reactions at the moment, with one user commenting on the video, "The twerking flamingo is the highlight of this whole video," and another simply responding, "Not buying it". Many people commented that they can't wait for Meta to arrive, and even we can't deny that this ad does make the metaverse look lively, to say the least.

We're still waiting for Meta to announce the arrival of its metaverse, but taking the ads and the recent rebrand into consideration, it could be soon. If you're wanting to read more about the metaverse, check out our piece on humans in the metaverse and how to create them. Or if you're hoping to upgrade your gear before the launch of Meta's universe, check out our roundup of the cheapest laptops on sale.

If you saw Facebook's infamous rebrand to Meta recently, you'll probably know the talk of a digital universe has been pretty weird since the change. But things just got a whole lot weirder with this new Meta ad.

Titled 'The Tiger and The Buffalo', the advert revolves around French artist Henri Rousseau's painting, Fight between a Tiger and a Buffalo (1908), and has just been released on social media platforms. The animation was created by Meta's own in-house team CreativeX and Droga5, and aesthetically, it is very quirky and fun. However, we can't also help but get a bit of a sinister feel from the slightly jittery, speaking animals and surrealist imagery. Still completely stumped by this new world? Our nifty guide to the metaverse will help.

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6b7ba4  No.15555373

File: c1eb92ccfe6e81a⋯.png (283.78 KB, 690x578, 345:289, ClipboardImage.png)

Unlike RRN. babylonbee actually posts humorous satire.

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4c8f0f  No.15555374

File: 70dcb84bc02b0b5⋯.mp4 (572.82 KB, 576x320, 9:5, shit_show.mp4)


Ottawa pd talking about plans to get more aggressive.

Bring in the spreaders

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138d1f  No.15555375

File: 083271c89156610⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 534x467, 534:467, 643w73_1.jpg)

Judas Beelzebub Pence is a freakshow thinking he can beat Trump in 2020….lol

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1e965f  No.15555376

File: c974fa560f9001a⋯.jpg (27.28 KB, 648x609, 216:203, rECAwq1pkQ.jpg)


quads and trips

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bee432  No.15555378



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372604  No.15555379

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. David Martin Exposes The Entire Plandemic, A Criminal Conspiracy To Harm, Maim & Kill Humans


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97027e  No.15555380


We are going to see a lot more of this. Refreshing. They have to choose, and right now.

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1e965f  No.15555381

File: 9dfd4f3ec598324⋯.jpg (27.59 KB, 596x682, 298:341, l4eaUcLfYU.jpg)


bad aiming

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8c9400  No.15555382

File: c7fc32aef257b8f⋯.jpg (30.06 KB, 286x246, 143:123, tc.jpg)



fuckinpoo in loosmack?

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bcd249  No.15555383


Right. RT is 3 years behind QResearch. But if it helps….

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10f854  No.15555384

File: 7d4c5272d1cef42⋯.jpeg (302.14 KB, 2048x448, 32:7, 5414A3DB_F564_4B3B_9B3F_6….jpeg)





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f2e971  No.15555385

File: 0fbef1ab91be500⋯.png (455.27 KB, 514x427, 514:427, 0fbef1ab91be500a4c0140bd7a….png)

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18ab8c  No.15555386

File: 164d847d72eedc7⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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6abb8a  No.15555387


Ask what doesn't. Smaller list.

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767532  No.15555388


You want to take it at the top?

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0dd370  No.15555389


Might be agitators. Sounded like cops were only around the 'counter protesters' earlier. Watch for FF's with these groups

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5d0efa  No.15555391


Send in the earthmoving machines

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6d5fce  No.15555392

File: ddbdc43057f8ada⋯.jpeg (12.71 KB, 380x266, 10:7, OIP_44_.jpeg)


it's all they have.

all day long today.

Rogan raciss, NFL raciss, everybody raciss…

even the raciss are raciss




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372604  No.15555393

File: 16743b456b9766a⋯.png (182.18 KB, 500x339, 500:339, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af2cc25f9a54e86⋯.png (24.46 KB, 855x201, 285:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-Clerk For Biden SCOTUS Hopeful Edited Wikipedia Pages To Make Her Look Better, Rivals Worse

Two days after the retirement of Associate Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was announced, a former law clerk for a judge believed to be on President Biden's short-list of nominees began stealth-editing her Wikipedia page in an effort to make her look like a more attractive candidate.

According to a Friday Politico report, Matteo Godi, a former clerk for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, began altering her page on January 28, while also editing the pages of her rivals to make them look worse. In total, Godi made more than 20 edits under the username "H2rty."

Other former Jackson clerks confirmed it was Godi.

In a statement, the former clerks for Jackson — who requested anonymity in order to identify the online editor — said Godi has edited his former boss’s Wikipedia page “as a matter of course” for several years. They said Jackson was not aware of Godi’s edits on the pages of other judges.

Those edits display a pattern: The page for Jackson, seen by many as a Supreme Court frontrunner, was tweaked to paint her in a more favorable light for a liberal audience, while the pages for other potential nominees — South Carolina federal district court Judge J. Michelle Childs and California Supreme Court Justice Leondra Kruger — were altered to make them potentially less appealing to a left-leaning audience. -Politico

On Jan. 30 and Feb. 1, Godi made "significant changes" to Jackson's WikiPedia page - deleting a reference to her position on the advisory board of "a Baptist school," as well as two rulings she made against the Trump administration that were reversed by the DC Circuit - which was replaced with a defense: "Ahead of her confirmation hearing, 'Bloomberg Law' reported that conservative activists were pointing to certain decisions by Jackson that had been reversed on appeal as a ‘potential blemish on her record,’ in order ‘to tarnish her so she won’t get picked for the Supreme Court.’"

A section covering Jackson's most famous ruling - requiring former White House counsel Don McGahn to obey a congressional subpoena was also altered.

The New York Times noted Jackson’s “slow pace” helped then-President Donald Trump “run out the clock on the congressional oversight effort” before the 2020 election; Jackson’s updated Wikipedia page seems to shift the blame for the ruling’s timing from Jackson to the D.C. Circuit court.

Previously, the page said the ruling was “subsequently” appealed “and was only resolved when … McGahn testified,” while the updated version emphasizes that Jackson’s ruling was “immediately” appealed, and “it took the full D.C. Circuit nine months to affirm part of Jackson's decision.” The case “remained pending before the court of appeals,” the updated Wikipedia page states, when McGahn agreed with the Biden administration to testify behind closed doors. -Politico


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d48b80  No.15555394



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ce595c  No.15555395

File: d25d535806514cc⋯.jpg (29.75 KB, 499x434, 499:434, dhHXqqX.jpg)

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2f8262  No.15555396




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a07ec4  No.15555397

File: 86053e464a3c5e2⋯.jpg (36.85 KB, 474x719, 474:719, notime.jpg)


sperm and egg.





a phase of life

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613af8  No.15555399


>The Epstein Files: US Bureau of Prisons bent facts to support suicide narrative


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463c1e  No.15555400



(frm lb Notables)

>>15554121, >>15554249 Anon dig suggestion, Ottawa Police Chief

Name's been rolling around in my head since last night.


Book from childhood by Richard Scarry had character Lowly the Worm.

Sloly, the worm turns?

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559c45  No.15555401

File: a468a4d87eee64b⋯.png (5.05 MB, 1748x1691, 92:89, B41CB8F2_E0DB_40DE_9A2B_04….png)

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b641df  No.15555402


>RT is 3 years behind QResearch.

Yeah but still 5 years ahead of US msm.

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3a3522  No.15555403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


🔴LIVE Day 8 - Trucker Freedom Convoy in Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec, Coutts Border, Canada Protest

RedPilling The Masses


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5d0efa  No.15555404


Rogan fucked himself by going on defence.

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38d868  No.15555405

File: 8b8559648a6dae0⋯.png (324.6 KB, 2048x1229, 2048:1229, ClipboardImage.png)

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613af8  No.15555406


>One Navy SEAL candidate died and another was hospitalized several hours after their basic underwater demolition class completed “Hell Week.”


shot clot

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7812fc  No.15555407



I found it interesting that DHS and FBI were probably salivating at the opportunity to learn techniques on crushing innocent people..

Govt fuqs things up.

People complain about govt fuqing things up.

Govt attacks people for complaining.

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3ac3ba  No.15555408


Q will drop there again some day if only just to piss all the flaggots there off.

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2d1680  No.15555409

File: 421a0b2bb61f3f7⋯.png (234.2 KB, 605x693, 55:63, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)

Amid the controversy, a range of Jewish leaders have noted the complexity of describing how race fits into the overall concept of Jewish identity. It is a mix of religion, race, nationality, ethnicity, culture and history, one explains.


These fuckers are CONSTANTLY moving goal posts. Hitler was right more & more every day

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ce595c  No.15555410


Looks like the only way to be above scrutiny in Woke Society is to say nothing, do nothing, be nothing

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767532  No.15555411


>>15555192 PF updates

>>15555315 Biden targets law-abiding gun owners, saying "there's NO amendment that's absolute!"

>>15555185, >>15555264 @usairforce #ICYMI - Aircrew assigned to @RAFMildenhall participated in a long-range aerial refueling mission, partnering with Finnish F-18s.

>>15555168, >>15555181, >>15555190 Camilla WILL become Queen: Her Majesty, 95, issues historic Platinum Jubilee statement

>>15555082, >>15555108 Refresher from 2019 World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework

>>15555055 GOP WY Rep Cheney We are the party of Lincoln. We are not the party of QAnon

>>15555041 Anon Biblical graphics

>>15554968 Breaking USCG Cutter William Trump repatriated 6 people to #Cuba Saturday

>>15554877 Former President Donald Trump is reportedly spinning some of his favorite songs as a DJ to a crowd in Palm Beach, Florida.

>>15554823, >>15554955 The only winning move is not to play


>>15554831 Habbening. CCP bug spreading in Beijing. Putin at risk?

>>15554818, >>15554838, >>15554854 Go fund me will directly refund all donors to TRUCKERS - MOAR WINNING

>>15554748 Ex-Clerk For Biden SCOTUS Hopeful Edited Wikipedia Pages To Make Her Look Better, Rivals Worse

>>15554745, >>15554792 No more hugs or handshakes

>>15554773, >>15554801, >>15554855, 15554884 GoFundMe 20 Things you didn't know

>>15554725 Susan Sarandon Apologizes For Insensitive Tweet On Slain NYC Officer’s Funeral


Anything missed?

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b3e235  No.15555412

Just seeing somethin… Check dis out.

, >>>/hivemind/3456

07 Nice work anons.

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b7d4d2  No.15555413

File: 25e248d33a6bb88⋯.jpg (51.6 KB, 750x578, 375:289, yellowcake.jpg)

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6d5fce  No.15555414

File: a2bcb28eda345d4⋯.jpg (17.41 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0a8a0d1018c0f99ee8f5ec3636….jpg)

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d3a00d  No.15555415


>RT is 3 years behind QResearch. But if it helps

it won't be 3 yrs until august. don't sprain your elbow patting yourself on the back.

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bcd249  No.15555417

File: 9554f14f51c3d4b⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1150, 32:23, Good_Fellas_Hilarious.png)

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18ab8c  No.15555418

File: a01faef565882f9⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)



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c1096b  No.15555419


And if the gg doesn’t let’s call the queen to do her duty as sovereign…if she doesn’t canada MUST become independent country. They all have screwed the people so throughly and they can get it back by being good leaders but all they are focused on is hiding their crimes at all cost.

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fa1518  No.15555421

File: da38f832e9a057b⋯.png (23.63 KB, 726x116, 363:58, ClipboardImage.png)




I had no idea it was used in a Meta ad.

That's wild, even if only to me, because I just found Rousseau's work the other day looking for tiger stuff thanks to the lunar new year.

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81fbec  No.15555422

File: 4d560dca14d72c0⋯.jpeg (138.17 KB, 810x539, 810:539, 72747856_B633_47BA_B4C1_B….jpeg)

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96fe35  No.15555423

Fuck Joe Biden

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523c24  No.15555424


why are they reporting this? LIke really why?

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b7d4d2  No.15555427


Anyone stupid enough to got to China right now, including olypic teams, I just have no sympathy for

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ca9076  No.15555428


F me Pence is a literal pedophillic faggot.

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5b25dd  No.15555429

File: 146254ad793cbee⋯.png (8.25 KB, 546x68, 273:34, ClipboardImage.png)

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18ab8c  No.15555430

They found Brandon!



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d48b80  No.15555431


>>15555372 Bizarre new [Meta] ad is the most trippy thing you'll see all day

>>15555379 Dr. David Martin Exposes The Entire Plandemic, A Criminal Conspiracy To Harm, Maim & Kill Humans

>>15555360 The Epstein Files: US Bureau of Prisons bent facts to support suicide narrative

>>15555363 One Navy SEAL candidate died and another was hospitalized several hours after their basic underwater demolition class completed “Hell Week.”

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10f854  No.15555432


Pence IS Our Guy!! He had to certify the fraud, because it needs to become evidence of their Crimes Against America! Ultimately crimes against humanity because they’ve been stealing elections all over the Earth

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372604  No.15555433


Pfizer INTERFERES Just Days Before Massive FOIA Vaccine Data Drop, FDA Claims The Vaccine Manufacturer Must Help Review and Redact Documents Before Public Release


Wonder why???? Pfizer docs

Freedom Of Information Request Pfizer (vaccine causes cancer)





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6f596e  No.15555434

File: f190a7e33065c01⋯.jpg (196.67 KB, 1125x1459, 1125:1459, f190a7e33065c01c1aae49ee94….jpg)

File: dcaad086a8cd7f5⋯.jpeg (228.26 KB, 1296x1650, 216:275, dcaad086a8cd7f5e9f6cde32f….jpeg)

File: 3c5f3a2e498248a⋯.png (2.74 MB, 2004x1592, 501:398, 1619059082337.png)

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ad54de  No.15555435

File: 60476ce32e5637a⋯.jpg (99.57 KB, 374x500, 187:250, 5254271006_3d7b3b62f0.jpg)


Just wait til this post gets deleted. Like all the others

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ed7277  No.15555436


There is no spoon

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6f596e  No.15555437

File: 028356a7324da8a⋯.png (1.12 MB, 714x721, 102:103, d8907b1ef2d9399ccd1ef6b5ce….png)

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fbadcf  No.15555438

File: 8615258c03e66ca⋯.png (184.15 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd6535a43454e18⋯.png (483.35 KB, 396x698, 198:349, ClipboardImage.png)

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e43406  No.15555439

File: 04d2af86e154ecf⋯.png (564.43 KB, 884x495, 884:495, ClipboardImage.png)

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45a3c7  No.15555440

File: 1fbd8c2f7f79007⋯.png (46.95 KB, 955x377, 955:377, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be5a1483b360010⋯.png (753.27 KB, 1201x1539, 1201:1539, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d49dbc58565850⋯.png (674.31 KB, 1184x1537, 1184:1537, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08260787da4481d⋯.png (48.53 KB, 1190x1180, 119:118, ClipboardImage.png)


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523c24  No.15555441


well that's not good news, because they basically miss every fucking thing that would lead to terrorists being involved, so

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96fe35  No.15555442

Fight Fight Fight

Red Coat threw the first punch

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5d0efa  No.15555443

File: 86a533da136e426⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB, 464x848, 29:53, Biden_Secret_Service.mp4)

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c9a08b  No.15555444


Shut your nigga~

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78ae4a  No.15555445

File: c967ee60ccc781a⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 500x322, 250:161, long.jpg)




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1293b3  No.15555446


Weird, almost like Board Admin really do not want anons talking about whether POTUS = @PapiTrumpo

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18ab8c  No.15555447

File: 2449a24e215afae⋯.jpg (74.9 KB, 680x626, 340:313, frenbuilt.jpg)

He's a good guy.

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d48b80  No.15555448

File: 6ed01e56796bab9⋯.jpg (32.68 KB, 636x358, 318:179, trips.jpg)

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96fe35  No.15555449

File: c45b61fde521b3a⋯.png (212.86 KB, 483x401, 483:401, ClipboardImage.png)

Anitfa Alert

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767532  No.15555450



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5b25dd  No.15555451


Crimes against digits

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ccca80  No.15555452

File: 910eed61374dcd5⋯.png (332.11 KB, 720x498, 120:83, 910eed61374dcd551468edbe2c….png)



But after two years of madness, it could be this, too!

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ef1266  No.15555453


He should have somebody string together all those clips they used, but extend them and put them in context. Beat them at their own game. He already acknowledged saying the word was wrong and I'd imagine he won't do it again.

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349bb7  No.15555454

File: 4cb7222ef617e36⋯.jpeg (14.67 KB, 125x117, 125:117, 267F67C9_A7A4_454C_BCEB_C….jpeg)

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3ac3ba  No.15555455


Finally wising up and posting them mid/late bread when nobody likes to refresh.

A whole stable of BVs dedicated to deletes that don't really work.

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f5b19b  No.15555456

File: f4b0140d8744b4b⋯.png (176.78 KB, 461x408, 461:408, dogi.png)




Shut your nigga~**

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2d1680  No.15555457


What? Why wouldn't they?

You're dumb.

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a6390b  No.15555458

File: 2ae0e68d8d22d40⋯.jpg (17.44 KB, 566x334, 283:167, marina_metaverse_hololens_….jpg)

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5d0efa  No.15555459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vancouver live. Starting fights and antagonizing.

5 mins back

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2f8262  No.15555460


/pol is 90% shill bot chink trannies

maybe 3 good threads up at a time

I know losing sucks but try and be a good sport about it.

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767532  No.15555461


>>15555192 PF updates

>>15555372 Bizarre new [Meta] ad is the most trippy thing you'll see all day

>>15555363 One Navy SEAL candidate died and another was hospitalized several hours after their basic underwater demolition class completed “Hell Week.”

>>15555315 Biden targets law-abiding gun owners, saying "there's NO amendment that's absolute!"

>>15555185, >>15555264 @usairforce #ICYMI - Aircrew assigned to @RAFMildenhall participated in a long-range aerial refueling mission, partnering with Finnish F-18s.

>>15555168, >>15555181, >>15555190 Camilla WILL become Queen: Her Majesty, 95, issues historic Platinum Jubilee statement

>>15555082, >>15555108 Refresher from 2019 World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework

>>15555055 GOP WY Rep Cheney We are the party of Lincoln. We are not the party of QAnon

>>15555041 Anon Biblical graphics

>>15554968 Breaking USCG Cutter William Trump repatriated 6 people to #Cuba Saturday

>>15554877 Former President Donald Trump is reportedly spinning some of his favorite songs as a DJ to a crowd in Palm Beach, Florida.

>>15554823, >>15554955 The only winning move is not to play


>>15554831 Habbening. CCP bug spreading in Beijing. Putin at risk?

>>15554818, >>15554838, >>15554854 Go fund me will directly refund all donors to TRUCKERS - MOAR WINNING

>>15554748 Ex-Clerk For Biden SCOTUS Hopeful Edited Wikipedia Pages To Make Her Look Better, Rivals Worse

>>15554745, >>15554792 No more hugs or handshakes

>>15554773, >>15554801, >>15554855, 15554884 GoFundMe 20 Things you didn't know

>>15554725 Susan Sarandon Apologizes For Insensitive Tweet On Slain NYC Officer’s Funeral



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372604  No.15555462

File: fd7f02f3cff9eaa⋯.png (459.86 KB, 717x625, 717:625, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5b19b  No.15555463

File: f4b0140d8744b4b⋯.png (176.78 KB, 461x408, 461:408, dogi.png)

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5d0efa  No.15555464


They're involved now

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5d2c6f  No.15555465

File: d57367dfc78838a⋯.jpg (144.31 KB, 1440x823, 1440:823, d57367dfc78838a841de797f8c….jpg)

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18ab8c  No.15555466

File: 8baeec6cb54bb8b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b95e1  No.15555468

File: b6ba956259377da⋯.png (563.62 KB, 912x566, 456:283, 05FEB22_1.PNG)

File: 6e0c5ab7cec78af⋯.png (588.37 KB, 915x613, 915:613, 05FEB22_1a.PNG)





-70 years on the throne tomorrow


-"Queen Consort"


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4e6e01  No.15555469

Ottawa City Councillor Carol Anne Meehan is 'begging for answers as to what's going to be done'. She is close to having a total breakdown. kek

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ce595c  No.15555470

File: 8883af107edc3df⋯.jpg (176.67 KB, 801x800, 801:800, 19695004.jpg)


Very hard to sing in bitter cold! Fuck yeah Canadians!!!!

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523c24  No.15555471

File: cd3c3118f048eb7⋯.png (32.25 KB, 127x105, 127:105, ClipboardImage.png)


if he is in police custody, who requested it?

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ad54de  No.15555472

File: 03543e74e11bce4⋯.png (436.2 KB, 698x500, 349:250, 6e1c04505926ec29f3dad2d155….png)

can the aliens make contact already

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74fe62  No.15555473

File: e3fb55f7cc99547⋯.jpg (199.73 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 20191010_DSC_0107.jpg)

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b09f4a  No.15555474


That's because they only did it then as part of a DS op to divide.

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216829  No.15555475


Works for me.

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d3a00d  No.15555476


nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger…

anyone ever get their panties in a bunch when a black uses the word "whitey" or "cracker?"

just the phrase "white people" can be used in a derogatory manner.

how 'bout when a black sportsball commentator says "white boys can't jump"

or says there's more blacks in sportsball because blacks are "better athletes?"

try saying there's more white scientists and engineers because whites are smarter.


nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger

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a6390b  No.15555477

File: dbe0242963e2202⋯.jpg (77.66 KB, 610x609, 610:609, based_trucker.jpg)

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8cca3b  No.15555478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Too little. too late.

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3a3522  No.15555479

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713e05  No.15555480

Lot of uid's in here. 183 in high. Shine in God's will and truth anons. I love you.

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001ea8  No.15555481

File: 6da6fea4a963a35⋯.png (460.78 KB, 321x697, 321:697, ClipboardImage.png)

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96fe35  No.15555482

File: c45fa5e77bbfbce⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1624010712_Copy.mp4)

Answer the Call

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7b95e1  No.15555483

File: 3afa8f50fbbafe7⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8fca57b14859332bc3754949d8….jpg)

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18ab8c  No.15555484


>begging for answers as to what's going to be done

The honking will continue until freedom improves.

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d3a00d  No.15555485

File: 7101cc921b44543⋯.jpg (96.09 KB, 655x768, 655:768, honkmask.jpg)

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523c24  No.15555486


thank you, I took it that I didn't separate Papi's and my comment, which I missed.

That is the major reason I'm not on twitter

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5d0efa  No.15555487


>'begging for answers as to what's going to be done'.

Cancel all covid mandates, laws and restrictions, Pay compensation and fuck off.

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1af8c5  No.15555490

File: 31f6ef9d39e95a2⋯.jpg (196.35 KB, 924x710, 462:355, CanHot.jpg)

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ef1266  No.15555491


Wow. You're so cool and edgy. Look at you. I don't like any racist shit. Doesn't matter from who. Racist people in every ethnicity.

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372604  No.15555492



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5d0efa  No.15555493


not now, we're busy

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07e1ae  No.15555494


With his $100 million payout on the line, did we really expect Joe R. to do the right thing?

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2f8262  No.15555495


Explain how this lines up with anything?



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400601  No.15555496

File: 50c700658c01440⋯.png (343.89 KB, 543x390, 181:130, ClipboardImage.png)

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4a72a2  No.15555497

File: f4bc8615dcc59bb⋯.png (130.51 KB, 1202x694, 601:347, Screen_Shot_2022_02_05_at_….png)

Ron Perlman Calls for Secession: ‘You Don’t Wanna Live in My World and I Certainly Don’t Want to Live in Yours’


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d48b80  No.15555499

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18ab8c  No.15555500

File: cfa8119236120e7⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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d834d8  No.15555502

File: d5c2e04786b359e⋯.jpg (115.95 KB, 1645x1247, 1645:1247, _20190108_200609.JPG)

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10f854  No.15555503


If you followed Our Wonderful VP you would know he only promotes Trump-Pence Administration agendas & policies and They brought the WAR ON PLANNED PARENTHOOD! That alone should know how solid he is. Trump is play good cop bad cop! Pence is good cop! Just get your heads out of Flynn’s ass… and pay attention.

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45a3c7  No.15555504



Steve Pieczenik twets out the letter from Ron Johnson Ranking Member Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations

Letter explains the horrid side effeects of the CoVid Vaxx on recipients:

Hypertension – 2,181% increase

 Diseases of the nervous system – 1,048% increase

 Malignant neoplasms of esophagus – 894% increase

 Multiple sclerosis – 680% increase

 Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs – 624% increase

 Guillain-Barre syndrome – 551% increase

 Breast cancer – 487% increase

 Demyelinating – 487% increase

 Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands – 474% increase

Anon believes that Pieczenik tweeting this out is significant b/c of his possible role in the MAGA movement.

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02eb7a  No.15630856

File: ce34790da251767⋯.png (92.13 KB, 197x159, 197:159, 20220213_183734.png)

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