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File: 553ee06dff9790e⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1863x1108, 1863:1108, 8kun_main_27.png)

b8da8c  No.15436138[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406808 !!!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!!

Join Us

>>15406818 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

>>15406820 Meme Request:

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b8da8c  No.15436146


>>15424058 Message from new BO

>>15379066 Invisible bumplocks removed

>>15423221 Catalog expanded from 15 to 25 pages

>>15418247, >>15418341 Globals added for board announcement

>>15366265, >>15366956, >>15376736, >>15419980 Catalog cleanup underway

>>15423443 BAKERS: Triple CHECK #'s after baking (no editing possible)

>>15423551 Some bans removed, more to come

>>15423725 OSS is banned from baking; treat his notes like suggestions


19524 TBC


>>15435278 Iran, China, Russia Launch 3-Day Joint Naval Drill in Indian Ocean

>>15435244, >>15435248, >>15435253 Fauci Helped Loosen Weak Rules For Risky Virus Research

>>15435236, >>15435238 Family Relationship of Joe Biden and Kevin Spacey

>>15435214 Jan 6 Committee Claims Absolute Power to Investigate Citizens with No Regard for Judicial Limits

>>15435170 Globalist Musk asks Tonga if he should send Starlink terminals

>>15435227, >>15435282 Q posts re: AZ Plane skywriting 975, Destination Chandler AZ

>>15435133, >>15435156, >>15435209, >>15435239, >>15435245, >>15435246, >>15435247, >>15435264 Planefag Reports

>>15435131 BLM racist Joy Reid belongs in a straightjacket.

>>15434985 Tony Podesta has earned at least $1 million to lobby the White House on behalf of Huawei - China

>>15434937 Thich Nhat Hanh, influential Zen Buddhist monk, dead at 95

>>15434930 Fight like a Flynn

>>15434862 Q 4 year deltas today. Eyes on!

>>15434777 Heavenly digits detects evil glowy

>>15434719 Islanders legend Clark Gillies dead at age 67

>>15434772, >>15434776, >>15434779, >>15434789 Big Sur Colorado fire

>>15434713 The Dangers of Bias in Higher Institutions

>>15434702 Regina King’s Son, Ian Alexander Jr., Dead at 26 After Apparent Suicide

>>15434674 Critical Rayciss Theory in the news

>>15434637 The nomination of Alison Nathan..Ghislaine judge... cleared a Senate committee by a vote of 13-9 on Thursday.

>>15435351 #19523


>>15434522 Canadian trucker convoy is on its way to Ottawa Vaax protest

>>15434431 Wood is calling out Desantis, Flynn, Gaetz to name a few in the mix with the Faucci's

>>15434215 Germany Orders Telegram to BAN Trump Supporters

>>15434167 Former Obama admin writes that we should go to war with Russia.

>>15434099 MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber fakenews faggot tries to trip up POTUS T's lawyer Boris Epshteyn

>>15434031 “We support free speech and oppose cancel culture.." Jason Miller - GETTR

>>15434027 UPDATE: Four monkeys on the loose after crash near Danville

>>15434367 The boyz in the starched 'Quantico Fit' kacki pants are back!

>>15433964 China: Anal China Virus tests

>>15433960 New Harvard Data (accidentally) reveal how lockdowns crushed the working class

>>15433920 Former Yankees pitcher Sergio Mitre, 41, is jailed for up to 50 years in Mexico for raping and murdering toddler

>>15433877 Anon with dubs is comfy on the board past two weeks - Opinion

>>15433851 U.S. Postal Service’s mission to deliver 500 million coronavirus test kits

>>15433844 Before Dems made Oleg Deripaska a boogeyman, Hunter Biden plotted to make money off Russian

>>15433834 Missouri AG Files Lawsuits Against 36 School Districts ‘Unlawfully’ Enforcing Mask Mandates

>>15434793 #19522


>>15433661 "Does the Pentagon have any indications that perhaps a submarine may be trying to defect?"

>>15433434 US sending Russian weapons to Ukraine - RT

>>15433322 General Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Vid Joe Kent WA

>>15433312 Here’s the name and face of the doctor KILLING KIDS, Knowingly.

>>15433234 If you are a registered voter in Arizona, please sign my petition to get on the ballot. - CMZ

>>15433227 Thousands of Los Angeles Law Enforcement Officers Off-duty Due to COVID-19 Surge

>>15433214 “Are They Censoring Terrorists or Pedophiles?”

>>15433212 IRS working with big tech? Face scans to ID you across socialist media? - CMZ

>>15433210, >>15433648 US Navy cuts all communication with Families

>>15433180 Pedo bun

>>15433141, >>15433235 Arizona Senate President Karen Fann Gives Exclusive Update On Maricopa County Router Audit

>>15433128 Charlamagne blames Biden, Sinema, Manchin for Death of DNC

>>15433125, >>15433305 Psaki confuses Biden with OBAMA

>>15433115 Tens of Thousands in DC March for life

>>15433161 FBI Denver Provides Final Investigative Update on Gabrielle Petito Case

>>15433104 Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares has filed a motion with SCOTUS; Roe V Wage

>>15433097 Two New York City police officers were shot and killed in a Harlem

>>15433058 Jack Ma's Ant Group Implicated In Major Corruption Scandal

>>15433704, >>15433365, >>15433654 Anons graphics

>>15434742 #19521

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b8da8c  No.15436147


>>15432290, >>15432377, >>15432454 3-4 monkeys are loose route 54

>>15432310 NFL World Reacts To Friday’s Aaron Rodgers News

>>15432337 President Trump: As you gather today for the March for Life, I am with you in spirit!

>>15432350 Judge Jeffrey Brown, Texas issued a Nationwide Injunction, barring federal government from enforcing federal workers be vaccinated for COVID-19

>>15432354 Natural immunity six times stronger says CDC

>>15432365 'ParentGate' initiative launched to impeach Biden's AG, Education Secretary over targeting of concerned parents

>>15432381 FEAR PORN US has offered to hold a summit between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin

>>15432391 Biden administration sanctions terror group Hezbollah's international financing network

>>15432420 Patriot Dick Uihlein is facing calls for a boycott of his multinational shipping supplies company Uline

>>15433027 #19520

Previously Collected

>>15430594 #19517, >>15431440 #19518, >>15432218 #19519

>>15429014 #19515, >>15429012 #19515, >>15430166 #19516

>>15427054 #19512, >>15427453 #19513, >>15428220 #19514

>>15424282 #19509, >>15426926 #19510, >>15427151 #19511

>>15421850 #19506, >>15422657 #19507, >>15423366 #19508

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!

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b8da8c  No.15436154

File: 1d0994390f0d277⋯.png (476.75 KB, 853x293, 853:293, Q_sent_us.png)


LB dough


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200488  No.15436162


thank you baker

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1e3bc2  No.15436166

File: da894a9d74ae358⋯.png (77.84 KB, 578x770, 289:385, 9b33cc9a0fe8c687f183aaca04….png)

An Awakening is a natural or induced coming to consciousness or awareness of the surrounding metaphysical reality. The exit from the matrix is accompanied by a profound leap of consciousness, an augmentation of awareness, which to be sustained must be balanced.

What advertisers and shills do is an effort to unbalance the forces within us. Advertisers use our emotional imbalance to influence our buying. Shills try to generate hate by a creating a mirrored reciprocal response, and by convincing us freely expressing hatred of others is normal, natural and rational for human beings.

Shills interact with each other in the language of Hell.

Hell is an environment – a place where words like cocksucker and phrases like fuck your mother are a standard greeting.

What we are learning is that this world is a "self-created" hell.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

By Awakening we learn to keep our internal forces balanced, to know that when we hate we are wrong, and every day to put on the full armor of God.


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7a0468  No.15436167

File: 73f187e1f8c2215⋯.png (943.23 KB, 860x799, 860:799, 6_64756_twitch_trihard_emo….png)

>Why are you trying so hard in your first year to pull the country so far to the left?

lul, thanks Peter.

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c72f06  No.15436168

File: 1f1927fbf7e5984⋯.png (442.97 KB, 720x575, 144:115, dayshift220122.png)

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41b27f  No.15436185


>>15436164 (lb)


Anon used to bang a broad in the building on the left.


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b8da8c  No.15436186

File: 431525ed578f34d⋯.png (724.34 KB, 735x673, 735:673, POTUS_Note_to_Hillary.png)



Anons LB needs collecting


>>15435361 Dough

>>15435379 Baker Ghosts

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17b874  No.15436187


the goal is transparent government

secure data is secured through systematic classification and declassification process with proper review and oversight; future oversight is always possible. Systems are designed to work, rather than lock out concerned parties. Once the data starts flowing, there will be more rather than less. Specific restrictions, rather than broad.


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21fa9e  No.15436188

File: 2df418b5d8e269c⋯.png (550.83 KB, 935x686, 935:686, ClipboardImage.png)

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989d96  No.15436189

File: 3a35f65c7c71f6e⋯.jpg (160.97 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 3a35f65c7c71f6ebf47b9f2498….jpg)

But the last-comer was named among the Autists Kekrandir, the Green Pilgrim, for he dwelt in no place, and gathered to himself neither wealth nor followers, but ever went to and fro on the Interwebs from 4chan to Reddit and from Facebook to Instagram, befrening all fags in times of need. Warm and eager was his spirit (and it was enhanced by the ring Nassim), for he was the Enemy of Soros, opposing the fire that devours and with the fire that kindles, and succours in wanhope and distress; but his joy and his swift wrath, were veiled in garments as green as the pots, so that only those that knew him well gimpsed the flame that was within. Merry he could be, and sought neither power nor praise, and thus far and wide he was beloved among all those that were not themselves shills. Mostly he journeyed unwearyingly by VPN, leaning on a ridiculous avatar, and so he was called by the Men of the Kun Pepe, 'the Autist of the Board'. For they deemed him (though in error, as has been said) to be of Autist-kind, since he would at times work wonders of memery among them, loving especially the beauty of sarcasm, yet such marvels he wrought mostly for the lulz, and because he was bored, and desired not that any should hold him in awe or take his counsels out of fear.

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01bf6d  No.15436191

File: d5164ca9bd30e62⋯.png (547.69 KB, 1172x562, 586:281, ClipboardImage.png)

Will These People Be Charged With Genocide?


The Dirty 16

In all, the 16 defendants named in the legal filing are:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID

Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance

Bill Gates

Melinda Gates

Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer

Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna

Pascal Soriot, CEO of AstraZeneca

Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson & Johnson

Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO

Boris Johnson, U.K. prime minister

Christopher Whitty, U.K. chief medical adviser

Matthew Hancock, former U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care

Medicines and Healthcare, current U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care

June Raine, U.K. chief executive of Medicines and Healthcare products

Dr. Rajiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation

Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum

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ea1d55  No.15436192

File: 50e9b070550b6ce⋯.jpeg (259.75 KB, 1600x2448, 100:153, 0958827409857409857587034….jpeg)

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21fa9e  No.15436193

File: e527c0cdb1fa647⋯.png (194.92 KB, 399x282, 133:94, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b7550  No.15436194

>>15436134 (lb)

Lot of spoopy shit coming out of the Lavrov/Blinken meeting in Geneva. Looks like Brandon doesn't want the Russians spilling what he had to agree to. Hush hush shit revolving around some letter to be publicized with details of the meeting's results. I think Brandon has to put up or shut up. Move NATO out of the former East Block, or …?

Add to that, Macron and the new German guy aren't taking Brandon's calls. Wide fucking berth.

If Brandon got his short hairs tweaked because of what Putin knows about Ukraine and China side deals, it's in the pipe. Flynn would sense what or..? is.

Only thing I can think of in the timeline Flynn gave.

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3c2165  No.15436195

Bread is served. Always. Thank you Jesus!

>>15436028 (lb)

spouseanon just nailed it: it won't be ETs, anons are going full Planet of the Apes.

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187d68  No.15436196


Have we got a baker?

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b8da8c  No.15436197


moar sauce please and TY

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7a766d  No.15436198

File: 07e7204c983675f⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB, 540x540, 1:1, 408681ecd1b228eb.mp4)

The world's LARGEST human rights march just happened, and it was PRO LIFE

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7a766d  No.15436199

Tomorrow 180 cities worldwide will protest vaccine mandates including Washington DC(the largest coordinated, organized in the world).

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b8da8c  No.15436200

File: 35bac4f0b5a3dec⋯.mp4 (11.09 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Baker_Breaker_1_9.mp4)


I shall bake this loaf. Then I must depart for work. TY for cking anon.

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9f9c24  No.15436201

File: 49eea53f5baec16⋯.jpg (196.04 KB, 771x612, 257:204, PIG_AGENDA.jpg)

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b8da8c  No.15436202

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33c7f4  No.15436203

For anons with low self-esteem I have the perfect tonic for you to lift your spirits daily:


- Simple copypasta easy to create and post in minutes.

- Never need to worry about taking Notables on a board that hasn't had legit ones since 2019 anyways.

- Best Part -

You'll get a bunch of you's telling you how great you are.

You're doing your mental health a disservice by not using that proven pick-me-up technique.

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3c2165  No.15436204



deja vu

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7a766d  No.15436205

File: 8eb081cc529e4dd⋯.jpg (240.2 KB, 640x556, 160:139, FakeNewsCavePepe.jpg)

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2fc377  No.15436206

File: dfae73eaf6ddc56⋯.png (408.47 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ClipboardImage.png)

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187d68  No.15436207


Are you ebaking this loaf?

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ee8e9c  No.15436208

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons, this video was posted 2 days ago and it's gaining momentum, so I'm posting it again to keep it going. It's a red pill for the those that don't understand this is a bioweapon. Sounds like sht's about to blow, though.


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21fa9e  No.15436209

File: 855859adb63f8bf⋯.png (110.93 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

Anything ever come up about "In the next 24hrs. proof of mass corruption.blah..blah..blah"

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200488  No.15436210

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are blessed and loved


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7a766d  No.15436211

File: 38ac1611fcb2a6c⋯.png (36.08 KB, 1111x422, 1111:422, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb2ca5  No.15436212


May God Bless America.

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e52a3d  No.15436213

>>15436168 stol't

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ab313b  No.15436214

File: 2606514acca3251⋯.png (559.97 KB, 1213x2343, 1213:2343, _animal_.png)

File: 5bb69ba55233dc3⋯.png (437.6 KB, 1164x1171, 1164:1171, Research_1_.png)

File: c36acdd8bba6eed⋯.png (306.16 KB, 1126x1777, 1126:1777, Federation_of_American_Sci….png)

File: 7091678d6e42d29⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1465x825, 293:165, monkeyshot.png)

File: a85ea10b64ec23a⋯.png (49.24 KB, 510x150, 17:5, All_Publications.png)



just get a gander at the list of research publications

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b8da8c  No.15436215

File: 0f08d4f25330898⋯.png (770.65 KB, 569x569, 1:1, The_Great_Kekening.png)


Nope. I will collect notes for this bread. I ebaked LB cuz I just woke up and there was no baker for the bread which was ending fool. kek

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eb2ca5  No.15436216

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187d68  No.15436217

What about last bread? We need notes for that.

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02269b  No.15436218

File: b3d12ae1c6cbe7e⋯.png (579.11 KB, 2380x1754, 1190:877, Screenshot_2022_01_20_at_1….png)

File: 78b907b00be8d53⋯.png (803.46 KB, 1658x2290, 829:1145, SEEING_DUBS.png)

File: 27f97a95063beaf⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1936x2308, 484:577, SHILLS_AGREE_COMMS_ARE_REA….png)

File: 00d0cb660eb854c⋯.png (2.35 MB, 2384x3353, 2384:3353, tight_ship.png)

File: eb10db97b7b358f⋯.png (1.32 MB, 2212x3736, 553:934, USMIL_PROPERTY.png)


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c20c63  No.15436219

File: 41a46aac1f4eec4⋯.png (298.69 KB, 460x460, 1:1, to_much_think.png)

>>15435381 (PB)

That looks like MAR-A-LAGO…If this picture was taken now…why do they have military musicians playing…I mean if he's not president?

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187d68  No.15436220

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ea1d55  No.15436221



notable and capped

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3c2165  No.15436222



anon feelz that vidya is from the past. no sauce

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7a766d  No.15436223


CDC did admit later on that natural immunity is 6 times stronger against delta variant than the Pfizer vaccine.

I am not sure if this is what Flynn meant (assuming he really did say that, I've yet to see absolute proof that he really did say that), but to me that admission exposes massive corruption,

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c13e06  No.15436224

File: 4dc2bf7ac59f656⋯.jpg (105.95 KB, 870x492, 145:82, 4dc2bf7ac59f656dd234322473….jpg)


not this retard again…

i was sipp'n on muh covfefe, just settling in too.

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55400b  No.15436225

File: e044148ac2c87aa⋯.png (41.3 KB, 579x308, 579:308, ClipboardImage.png)



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7a766d  No.15436226


Checked u back!

You're probably right.

Could be the last one.

I'll post new one if/when I find it.

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455c81  No.15436227

File: 3924c5ecd46a9d5⋯.jpg (164.37 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, 3924c5ecd46a9d5f0cab1cd438….jpg)


read the date anon

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7a766d  No.15436228




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b8da8c  No.15436230

File: db1b47e419eb0e3⋯.png (636.17 KB, 780x479, 780:479, Pepe_Salt_Patrol.png)


Are you volunteering to collect? Cuz that would be awesome.

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6dfab5  No.15436231

>>15435589 lb

>PLA J-20 fighter…

>looks like their spies ripped off the plans for the F-35.

>It probably works as well as a fake Rolex works to a genuine Rolex.

China proudly debuts its new stealth jet it built 'by hacking into US computers and stealing plans'


China's controversial stealth jet has made its first flyby, giving the public and media a glimpse of the aircraft believed to be a copy of America's F-22 and built using hacked US military blueprints.

Taking to the skies at the airshow in the southern city of Zhuhai, in Guangdong province, the J-20 stealth fighter passed by onlookers in a thunderous demonstration.

The aircraft is believed to have been built in part from plans of US war planes, obtained by Chinese hackers jailed earlier this year – a claim which Beijing has firmly denied.

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02269b  No.15436232

File: b3d12ae1c6cbe7e⋯.png (579.11 KB, 2380x1754, 1190:877, Screenshot_2022_01_20_at_1….png)

File: 78b907b00be8d53⋯.png (803.46 KB, 1658x2290, 829:1145, SEEING_DUBS.png)

File: 27f97a95063beaf⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1936x2308, 484:577, SHILLS_AGREE_COMMS_ARE_REA….png)

File: 00d0cb660eb854c⋯.png (2.35 MB, 2384x3353, 2384:3353, tight_ship.png)

File: a76d0961230f566⋯.png (1.59 MB, 2392x4924, 598:1231, cancer.png)

3) Coincidental. They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a new controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in general discussions in the particular public arena involved. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of general concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason.

SEE: JonDoodle appearing immediately after /COMMs/ was removed from board, literally the same week, begging me to teach him to bake.

SEE: JonDoodle abandoning bake immediately whenever Q would post

SEE: JonDoodle losing his shit like a shit-collector with alzheimers whenever Jews are mentioned

SEE: BV Dart's first action was unbanning JonDoodle IP address

SEE: /COMMS/ trading credentials for a Static IP address that baked for 72+ hours while refusing to haNd off under said IP adress

SEE: BO JonDoodle lying about the reason they deleted 2 breads

SEE: All spammers have stopped spamming on /QR/


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b0050f  No.15436233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat



This is fucked up. Watch the video.

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be91f2  No.15436234


Nice save Anon. Thank you.

>>15436160 (LB)

>>15436158 (me)(LB)

Kind of more ironic than KEK, agreed. I cut it there too but thought it lacked context. So I showed post numbers and such.

We are living through a pretty good 80's-ish Sci-Fi movie in real time though. Kind of was a theme through that bread.

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ab313b  No.15436235

File: 5a97f043830b84b⋯.jpg (410.22 KB, 1233x771, 411:257, peppeeepe.jpg)


grandly notable Pepe kek

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d4c237  No.15436236

File: 916b21d18486166⋯.png (375.65 KB, 496x474, 248:237, 00bad3683648cfaefb5eec6cam….png)


ty for your service baker

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3363f6  No.15436237

File: 753da4ba568c925⋯.jpg (30.46 KB, 474x266, 237:133, evil.jpg)

File: 53fb0be8cec63ac⋯.jpg (24.23 KB, 474x209, 474:209, killers.jpg)

File: 0f50cb6da1db866⋯.jpeg (14.36 KB, 474x158, 3:1, downloadfile_21_1_1.jpeg)

File: 8c298e240a82174⋯.jpg (15.19 KB, 474x355, 474:355, silent_holocaust.jpg)

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455c81  No.15436238

File: d08d42bc6e56914⋯.png (115.67 KB, 150x301, 150:301, d08d42bc6e5691462723b94aef….png)



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55400b  No.15436239

File: 080d92c734ec9fd⋯.png (67.59 KB, 319x419, 319:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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e52a3d  No.15436240

File: 9ae3d8ecb4f66e1⋯.mp4 (9.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ECD1848D_AB04_42D6_8774_93….mp4)



this is a right proper defense of bake


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b8da8c  No.15436241

File: 1349d5d9eb7e0af⋯.png (1.91 MB, 827x1200, 827:1200, Pepe_The_Dig.png)


This is just a headline. Maybe there's something juicy in the text?

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187d68  No.15436242


Here is why I'm asking. You came in and ebaked, then you didn't claim the dough as a baker, then you asked anons to collect the notes and then I had to ask what your intentions were. Baker you need to claim an ebake even if you baked it yourself so other bakers know someone has the bread. If you're the baker claiming the bread you really should go get last bread's notables.

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7a766d  No.15436243

File: f3119554e041b09⋯.png (744.31 KB, 756x748, 189:187, b3f70683989466d52dd591b474….png)


That narrative is itself corrupt.

Neither Secretaries of State nor Governors had the legal authority to change the rules that resulted in fraudulent claims to legitimacy of the bogus DEMOCRAT electors.

Republican electors had the legal legitimacy to send electors.

Jan 6 'unselect committee' purpose is to spew false narratives to salvage the D's sedition and treason.

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7e3d76  No.15436244

File: d3c9502f24de309⋯.jpg (67.1 KB, 683x500, 683:500, 6290q4.jpg)


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16ecba  No.15436245

File: 2974de17565a052⋯.png (288.9 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Thank_You.png)



Even the smallest act of gratitude can send ripples.

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c13e06  No.15436246

File: f595b637ea78609⋯.jpg (86.88 KB, 564x875, 564:875, f595b637ea786094c07e29b329….jpg)


you =




and got totally btfo'd btw. dat was epic.

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1b203f  No.15436248

You think trump can hear the Nuremberg foot steps behind him? It’s coming. As it should.

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d4c237  No.15436249

File: 0d65cbe52851720⋯.png (358.72 KB, 1448x1395, 1448:1395, 0d65cbe528517202caa5a2050c….png)


oss n crew, you douches, get a fucken life for cryin out loud

no one believes your shit, they gonna filter it and delete it

you lucky they can't shoot it dead

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17b874  No.15436250

File: 541ad8d9da0df96⋯.png (11.52 KB, 337x239, 337:239, ClipboardImage.png)

updated model for spiral dyanmics without all the business shit.




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dca3cf  No.15436251


No executive privilege anymore. FOIA or some committe subpoena that shit. IMPEEAAAACH!

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ea1d55  No.15436252

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1b203f  No.15436253


Let me guess. Trumps secret deal to save the world?

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297217  No.15436254

File: 48569f7ecf44a11⋯.png (485.53 KB, 682x1560, 341:780, eighty.png)

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17b874  No.15436255


use standard RGB for coral cause all i had was salmon in open office.

beige needs to be adjusted too

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fd8871  No.15436256


You're not really helping E-Baker's self esteem with this post, BV.

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ea2e55  No.15436257

File: d72ca781e9b9fc6⋯.png (48.37 KB, 596x394, 298:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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639ece  No.15436258


> timeline Flynn gave

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1b203f  No.15436260


They fight. See how it’s done? Trump. Not so much.

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d4c237  No.15436261


how do you know that's a BV, they are pretty stealth these days, living rent free I see, bet that makes them happy


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461fc4  No.15436262

File: 984d753cb9fe30d⋯.png (16.45 KB, 229x221, 229:221, Laughing_pepe.png)

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1ac65e  No.15436263

File: 0ff53815da64716⋯.png (1.2 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 455FF79F_6429_4D4C_8312_40….png)


IRS in crisis: 'File as quickly as possible,' says tax specialist

WASHINGTON (TND) — Tax filing season starts Jan. 24, and experts say the IRS is in crisis as they face staffing shortages and a backlog of six million unprocessed tax returns from 2020.

“Unfortunately, this has been a slow-moving train wreck for decades now,” said Brandon Arnold from the National Taxpayers Union to The National Desk. “Right now, you're 42% of printers not functioning; you have software technology at the IRS that is rooted back in the 1960s."

On top of a backlog of millions of unprocessed individual returns, the Internal Revenue Service had 2.3 million unprocessed amended returns and two million unprocessed employer’s quarterly returns, according to a report by the National Taxpayer Advocate.

“Typically they’re only a million tax returns behind, so you want to get in and file as quickly as possible,” said tax specialist Charrisa Rand.

The Biden administration has proposed spending billions of dollars to fix the IRS and help the agency close the tax gap. The Treasury Department says $600 billion in unpaid taxes are left on the table each year; $160 billion of which are from the top 1%.

“I think what our focus is on here is ensuring that any American pays the taxes that they are owed, and if they're paying the taxes that they're owed, then they have little to worry about,” said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

But experts say go after unpaid taxes later and help working-class American families file now.

“That means making sure we have enough people in the call centers. It means modernizing their software and IT. It doesn't mean going after taxpayers for enforcement issues right now,” said Arnold.

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297217  No.15436264

File: b0455be799497bd⋯.png (987.64 KB, 876x704, 219:176, disinfoops.png)

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ea1d55  No.15436265

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8402a3  No.15436266

File: 067540695de5445⋯.jpg (165.8 KB, 800x900, 8:9, 067540695de544599abbfcbcb2….jpg)

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187d68  No.15436267


Call me a 'helper anon'. That will really drive dorko fruit.

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e47f10  No.15436269

File: b4a989c2e84b9ca⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sethassange.mp4)

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b8da8c  No.15436270

File: 57c41fdb1acfb03⋯.png (370.51 KB, 560x418, 280:209, Karen_ain_t_happy.png)


Ok fren, my bad.

Baker reporting for duty

I haz dough for dis here bread

As for LB notes, if you're not busy…>>15436242

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02269b  No.15436271

File: b3d12ae1c6cbe7e⋯.png (579.11 KB, 2380x1754, 1190:877, Screenshot_2022_01_20_at_1….png)

File: 78b907b00be8d53⋯.png (803.46 KB, 1658x2290, 829:1145, SEEING_DUBS.png)

File: 27f97a95063beaf⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1936x2308, 484:577, SHILLS_AGREE_COMMS_ARE_REA….png)

Aweful slow in here for a Saturday morning. Wonder why? Maybe Anons decided they not support the JIDF faggots that stole the board.

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f500ee  No.15436272

File: d779d13cb37c054⋯.png (815.51 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, DD230B96_6DDC_4FD9_8C24_7A….png)

Hamsters did nothing wrong.

Act now before it’s too late.

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a848c4  No.15436273

File: 5898fd720cbac19⋯.jpeg (90.62 KB, 780x439, 780:439, F37B1D54_7800_4B89_A930_2….jpeg)



You know what to do.

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02269b  No.15436274


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187d68  No.15436275


I'll grab them. You get where I'm coming from, right? No disrespect intended. Just trying to improve comms. o7

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dca3cf  No.15436276

File: 3c1414f8767d09d⋯.jpg (472.51 KB, 1386x1700, 693:850, Screenshot_20220122_094705….jpg)


There's no excuse for that. They should be ashamed of themselves.

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6b3c08  No.15436277

File: 03b26aa5fec0ced⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, patriotfront_nazi.mp4)

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17b874  No.15436278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NWO plan

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2fc377  No.15436280

File: 4f2941886c0eb73⋯.png (470.8 KB, 854x433, 854:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6cf1420afb1801⋯.png (137.05 KB, 490x219, 490:219, ClipboardImage.png)


I ain't filing a goddamn thing!

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17b874  No.15436281


gates suggest new tax for fourth revolution

corporate sponsored socialist takeover

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d4c237  No.15436282

File: 78fc717855247e8⋯.png (468.79 KB, 679x671, 679:671, 3a77b1bbc305287d5d930f5d98….png)

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e52a3d  No.15436283

File: b136444f806b07b⋯.gif (8.81 MB, 600x750, 4:5, BDFD9F45_C0F5_413F_B526_78….gif)


>karen ain't happy

absolute savage

audible kek achieved

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f96c50  No.15436284

>>15436189 WEll done, anon.

“Courage will now be your best defence against the storm that is at hand-—that and such hope as I bring.”

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7a766d  No.15436285


Warroom, but no link yet :(

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1835f4  No.15436286

File: 81c5ae7add81286⋯.jpg (22.71 KB, 208x330, 104:165, orange6.jpg)

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712fb9  No.15436287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15435843 PB


I saw something once where kids, I think under 12, can hear tones that adults can't hear.

Here's a vid related to the topic.

Seems this could be exploited.

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fd8871  No.15436288


It doesn't help that the new admin and their lackeys are not friendly to the shitposters that keep this board moving along.

Pretty soon it's gonna look like QRB in here.

Kinda already is.

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be91f2  No.15436289


It's not very stealthy. Canards on the front is a big signature. They are making a "B" version that will have 2 people in it. True stealth would be to have 0 people in it. Watching this stealth crap over the years has been fun. They have a barrier they have yet to figure out and that is the human body. The stuff needed to keep someone alive in those circumstances, i,e, 6 or 8 G's for extended periods is very not stealthy. They can build aircraft that is hella fast and maneuverable but it kills the pilot.

I can't wait to see where this is in 5 years. I think aircraft will become obsolete in war fighting and drones will be the way shit gets blowed up.

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3363f6  No.15436290

File: 4e03b55ea8e1411⋯.jpg (114.79 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, SchumerIsraelParade.jpg)

Chuck Schumer, one of the most rabid and unwavering pro-abortion advocates in the U.S. Senate is anti-life in America and pro-life in his home country of Israel.

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17b874  No.15436291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

see here

opens "calm before the storm"

they are planning new Q attack on populace

new Q posts

new Q interests

illegal gov agents with federal property.

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b8da8c  No.15436292

File: 6791613dded66b0⋯.webm (3.98 MB, 800x450, 16:9, Sky_Kind_the_best.webm)


o7 Thanks bro. I be best next time.

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1ac65e  No.15436293

File: bb38de086cca151⋯.jpeg (88.45 KB, 640x634, 320:317, 62D22221_C9B2_4E8B_AE17_6….jpeg)

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b8da8c  No.15436294


meant for


Anybody got a cup of covfefe layin' around. kek

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d4c237  No.15436295


you mean douchbags like oss n crew?

the ultimate unfriendlies?

well, duh

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c13e06  No.15436296

File: 72270924f98348a⋯.mp4 (4.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 72270924f98348a9594bebd6b6….mp4)


blow the dust off of this one. don't get to use it too often kek

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55400b  No.15436297


In an electronics class I took in my early 30's there were some older guys (50's and 60's) and the instructor talked about this and had us test it with lab equipment. I could hear much higher than they could.

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587894  No.15436298


The board is alive with the sound of crickets.

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02269b  No.15436299

File: f0bf53c0440298a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 2392x2905, 2392:2905, Screenshot_2022_01_18_at_0….png)

File: 062481bcc419b69⋯.png (26.61 KB, 732x419, 732:419, Screenshot_2022_01_21_at_1….png)

File: 882712405f7996f⋯.png (54.12 KB, 991x454, 991:454, unknown_Copy_Copy.png)

File: a53aa5bba2cab54⋯.png (20.8 KB, 357x125, 357:125, ClipboardImage.png)



Anons are not stupid. No matter how much they delete anons have seen all the proofs I have provided. The deleted breads, the edited posts, the deletions of anons other than myself, the missing spammers. and the just general stupidity of the new board admin. Real anons will never support a board owned by the JIDF for the purpose of misinformation. They killed QR the moment they stole the board, they are just to stupid too realize it.

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f0ba1b  No.15436300

So I can't be the only anon to realize that just because the DOJ didn't release all of the declassed materials, someone's upcoming social uncensored site goes live on the mirror of today's date, and I believe the founder knows a thing or three thousand.

What a coincidence!

W W G 1 W G A


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1ac65e  No.15436301


Holy shit I watched this whole clip - had a good laugh, thanks for posting

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8402a3  No.15436302

File: f097993d8268cb8⋯.jpeg (58.38 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 1500x500_7_.jpeg)

File: 8009b8f28d11322⋯.jpeg (324.75 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, FJtiVQFXwAAS_h6.jpeg)

File: 46fa4ce30a7049b⋯.jpeg (49.07 KB, 680x383, 680:383, FJtiWzkXEAUBAl6.jpeg)

File: ee1586d37c25237⋯.jpeg (128.97 KB, 962x1440, 481:720, FJtifraX0AESBn5.jpeg)

File: b445ca1be4e8c8e⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, FJqGNYoXsAA5Vvs.jpeg)


Watch the water.

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c13e06  No.15436303

File: 432b41175c55a63⋯.jpg (70.44 KB, 709x534, 709:534, 1ef96a5cde296725e92251664c….jpg)


you are so butt hurt.

that's how i know yer a tranny

literally: no moar baking for you kek

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0286f5  No.15436304

File: 222654a6974c245⋯.jpg (71.62 KB, 500x472, 125:118, Dirt_Bags.jpg)


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24775c  No.15436305

File: 34b1c6888d91dd0⋯.jpg (88.11 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, HIDE.jpg)

Soooo anon has been noticing that things here are being deliberately, and subtly moved along…

-RRN now being accepted

-Tweets being used w/out sauce & bottom deliberately removed to not show date/time of tweet

-Tweets from parody accts posted w/out sauce or stating parody acct., i.e. Schitt acct

-An obvious Ef-Bee-Eye-faked vid of 'proud boys' posted to appear like they 'accidentally' posted a video w/out editing & saying heil at the end…

Anon is slow to observe, but when the pattern arrives, anon begins to track. Something smells funny and it seems to be getting worse.

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17b874  No.15436306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

see tag on video

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24775c  No.15436307


Whats the solution Anon…newfags need guidance.

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02269b  No.15436308

File: 8a4e05228258c81⋯.png (2.71 MB, 2384x5101, 2384:5101, FRAME_UP.png)




>literally: no moar baking for you kek

See what I mean, they are celebrating not allowing me to bake, while they have to suck dick and beg for e-bakers, 90% of the time they are baking themselves are kayfabing it like they are not. QR is over, autists have returned to /pol/

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7a766d  No.15436309

File: cd7682973d6ef7d⋯.png (826.32 KB, 1245x1108, 1245:1108, ScavinoIsrael.PNG)

File: d6a21cf8d4581f7⋯.jpg (103.06 KB, 900x600, 3:2, d6a21cf8d4581f7bfd4e6cbede….jpg)

File: cbd0499a3fba9e9⋯.jpg (133.42 KB, 800x533, 800:533, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS51.jpg)

File: 90190ed72dc8474⋯.jpg (16.94 KB, 255x167, 255:167, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS52.jpg)


████████╗██╗░░██╗███████╗  ██████╗░███████╗░█████╗░██████╗░██╗░░░░░███████╗  ░█████╗░██████╗░███████╗

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17b874  No.15436310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

armenian qanon music too

both the saudi and armenian are posted within last 24 hours.

foreign labels on qanon material?

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c6d3d3  No.15436311

File: e1abb7bda328f57⋯.mp4 (303.49 KB, 640x424, 80:53, _fkqvlwCB9ts2KUj.mp4)


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f500ee  No.15436312


Hopium and copium supplies running low due to trucker strikes.

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5a2cc0  No.15436313

File: bbeedd57ce93884⋯.jpg (46.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 5fnvwh.jpg)

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b8da8c  No.15436314


Moar info please. Screenshots, text of article.

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02269b  No.15436315


As long as they hold Jim in their pocket there is no solution on 8kun. Jim caused this, in my opinion knowing it would kill this place, in hopes he wouldn't have to deal with the headaches any longer.

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17b874  No.15436316


the music is in no way qanon specific

but someone went through the trouble to tag the videos that way.

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712fb9  No.15436317


Ears are complicated.

And animals can hear all sorts of sounds that people can't hear.


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36afc9  No.15436318

File: 141899bf26b0b7b⋯.png (3.27 KB, 146x20, 73:10, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15434444 pb

nice timestamp

:55 & :23

wonder if canuckistan DS is on the Clock?

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8402a3  No.15436319

File: d96107d8eb82022⋯.jpg (111.91 KB, 1080x914, 540:457, 6a6bcb1a2b153aecc175a04566….jpg)

File: b667fa98cb024bd⋯.jpg (155.87 KB, 500x707, 500:707, b667fa98cb024bd352cc849b02….jpg)

File: 0036d5ed5cbb611⋯.jpg (46.36 KB, 414x419, 414:419, 0036d5ed5cbb6115859e0f752a….jpg)


Fuck off pussy. Png. War veterans know. Fence sitters get impaled.

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7a766d  No.15436320

File: 7395b2ff0115378⋯.png (34.1 KB, 701x464, 701:464, NoCommsOutsideThisPlatform.PNG)

File: 28ab5f00ca12db2⋯.png (48.8 KB, 693x692, 693:692, NoCommsOutsideThisPlatform….PNG)


>-RRN now being accepted

False, it gets BTFO every time shills try to push the false narrative that Q is illegally leaking intel to a private website.

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24775c  No.15436321


Are there any trustworthy locations to track on things? A legit location where work can get done?

Please inform.

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17b874  No.15436323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i got them here


planned for release

this is 20hours ago

release is soonish.

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02d608  No.15436324

File: be74a64d09e8316⋯.jpg (63.02 KB, 500x458, 250:229, 628qua_1.jpg)

They all know Trump won….lol

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aa1ac2  No.15436325


Well I guess we need a national audit then.

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9f9c24  No.15436326

File: 6643362d6d3190f⋯.jpg (74.41 KB, 550x546, 275:273, WON_BIGLY.jpg)

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51d80b  No.15436327

we have 2022 and still have to pay for energy and water

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02269b  No.15436328

File: 3b2064d6bed2d21⋯.png (50.33 KB, 233x315, 233:315, Screenshot_2020_10_19_comm….png)

File: 3566a76b9f72250⋯.png (194.68 KB, 1038x898, 519:449, ClipboardImage.png)






Same stupid people running the same stupid plays. Pic 1 was from the kitchen fire when we removed them the first time, pic 2 from this week. Truth Social is coming, but I don't see as of now how any real research will ever be accomplished in a setting like an app.

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6dc76e  No.15436329


Where have all the anons gone?

Long time passing.

Long time ago.

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b8da8c  No.15436330


Sauce please, TY

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6882af  No.15436331

File: 79b3f12c57c0364⋯.png (419.27 KB, 1345x790, 269:158, faucibioweaponemail.png)

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21fa9e  No.15436332


There are others than Q. You think Q team is the only one with info..come on man

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b057fb  No.15436333

File: c940720b6b9927a⋯.png (485.65 KB, 458x686, 229:343, ClipboardImage.png)


FED/IRS needs to die a painful death.


"Own" a home/land?

Good luck with that.

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17b874  No.15436334

File: 26c26c0a5e2d331⋯.png (373.88 KB, 1393x695, 1393:695, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a63735114aa50c⋯.png (433.69 KB, 1371x643, 1371:643, ClipboardImage.png)

they were going to make me the qanon prince/king after murdering me.

follow the youtubes for their plan

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989d96  No.15436335

File: e19cf3f386a9eec⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 500x211, 500:211, no_power.gif)


You have no power here, Servant of OSS. You are nameless, faceless, formless. Go back to the void from whence you came.

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1b9a3a  No.15436336

File: 5f711be27d2d0ff⋯.jpg (31.77 KB, 612x401, 612:401, sdfghjccfc.jpg)

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01bf6d  No.15436337

File: ba59c969edc964e⋯.png (620.66 KB, 722x654, 361:327, ClipboardImage.png)

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24775c  No.15436338


Well now…someone's triggered from revealing reality… now why is that?

BTW this anon has served the flag honorably & survived multiple trips & experiences so you can shove that in your 4th point of contact keyboard-commando!

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36afc9  No.15436339

File: ed90cba5169be46⋯.png (285.75 KB, 1088x748, 16:11, ClipboardImage.png)


instant classic. capped.

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712fb9  No.15436340


Maybe God designed it that way so when guys reach a certain age they can no longer hear their wife's voice.

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16ecba  No.15436341

File: ebd12677a06eae4⋯.png (934.05 KB, 1658x492, 829:246, Shill_Bakers.png)

File: df3f97983eef112⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 592x326, 296:163, O_Captain.jpg)

File: bcf019292540dfd⋯.png (484.84 KB, 2366x619, 2366:619, O_Captain_My_Captain.png)

Hello, Loki.

As long as this platform exists they will attempt to control the kitchen, expect it 24/7/365.

FJ was right about something, but never attempted to tidy the ship and rather left it up to Anons.

There will be mistakes made by those with good intentions, so forgive them when you feel you may have done wrong.

Forgiveness is a superpower.

More friends than you know…

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f500ee  No.15436342


>Whats the solution Anon…newfags need guidance

Newfags need hazing to within an inch of their digital lives anon. Tis the only way!

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a1ba0b  No.15436343

File: d579fe1f291dd73⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, BWeiss.mp4)

Barry Wiess on Bill Maher's show-> must watch

Speaking truths for the liberals on COVID

"Pandemic of Bureaucracy"

We need to end it.

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02d608  No.15436346

File: d5f8761947a4424⋯.jpg (22.45 KB, 680x413, 680:413, downloadfile_2_1_.jpg)



You go blow a black tranny ignorant maggot….

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5a2cc0  No.15436347


Imagine these people calling their rep in dc…..

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6882af  No.15436348

File: 9b2479783bf9983⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 638x479, 638:479, HB_Jeremiah15.jpg)

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a848c4  No.15436349

File: 092f0ff9da4c85e⋯.jpeg (278.04 KB, 493x974, 493:974, 3D53E483_F73D_4AA5_AFFA_6….jpeg)


Thanks for the ❤️ @Jack

Pic related

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21d3a6  No.15436350

File: 53cf6ae6ede2960⋯.png (227.52 KB, 1148x1482, 574:741, Screen_Shot_2017_09_01_at_….png)

File: f9614f1b3dedda8⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 1200x1855, 240:371, SEPSIS_poster_infographic.jpg)


Sad…pray for them.

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7a766d  No.15436351


As justification of the false narrative, the shills post Q drops that include 'proof' strings like 'raw'.

By doing that they are claiming the intel being leaked is in fact Q clearance level, and the shills keep pushing that false narrative HERE on QR.

Anons are doing the math.

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d4c237  No.15436352

File: 6ea397da4249951⋯.png (594.16 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 6ea397da42499518aa6295fca5….png)


board is not broke oss, you are

bakers come and go

assholes are forever

you be the asshole

we all love a target

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24775c  No.15436353


Who's saying Q is leaking anything? Anon is stating multiple times its been observed of anons posting RRN & other false items w/out context & without stating false.

Plus, QAGG has been wonky as well since the upgrade/changes to it. Anon checks drops on QAGG and noticed not all images here will show up there. Has QAGG been compromised?

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851308  No.15436354

File: 453bd14af6bf250⋯.jpeg (70.14 KB, 640x475, 128:95, F5F940A3_7EDF_41C9_9644_F….jpeg)

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187d68  No.15436355

#19524 notes

15435405 Liz Crokin story about Guiffre

>>15435418 US Navy Holding the Line

>>15435468 Papi disses Rhode Island U

>>15435508 Using ice to boil water: Researcher makes heat transfer discovery that expands on 18th century principle

>>15435529 Undersea cable connecting Norway and Arctic satellite station is mysteriously damaged

>>15435574 COVID is a "virus" "virus" are very much like BACTERIA or FUNGUS…

>>15435633 New Hampshire making Ivermectin alternate Covid treatment

>>15435636 GOP NY Governor candidate Rob Astorino says he would immediately end mask/vaccines

>>15435704 Austria makes Covid vaccines mandatory

>>15435727 US Army has been tweeting for days about their cold weather training and how they’ve been training with the Latvia and Polish forces a bunch lately

>>15435805, >>15435922, >>15436002, >>15436028, >>15436171 Morning Monkey Update

>>15435883 Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is a Patriot

>>15435895 Meat Loaf said a ‘jealous’ Andrew once threatened him, so Meat Loaf threatened him back: ‘I don’t give a (expletive) who you are, you’re goin’ in the moat’

>>15435914 Why did Bari Weiss quit from the New York Times?

>>15435928 Fake News attacks SCOTUS abortion decision

>>15435939 Pentagon rattling sabers on Ukraine - Neptune Strike 22

>>15435973 China brings back anal swab testing for COVID two weeks before Winter Olympics'

>>15436059 Smallpox story connected to monkey story?

>>15436069 The sham Jan 6th committee is hiding something.

>>15436076 CENTCOM at DEFCON lvl 2?


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c13e06  No.15436356

File: ca4a2fb999fc980⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 356x260, 89:65, ca4a2fb999fc980692ef067637….gif)

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187d68  No.15436357

#19524 notes

>>15435405 Liz Crokin story about Guiffre

>>15435418 US Navy Holding the Line

>>15435468 Papi disses Rhode Island U

>>15435508 Using ice to boil water: Researcher makes heat transfer discovery that expands on 18th century principle

>>15435529 Undersea cable connecting Norway and Arctic satellite station is mysteriously damaged

>>15435574 COVID is a "virus" "virus" are very much like BACTERIA or FUNGUS…

>>15435633 New Hampshire making Ivermectin alternate Covid treatment

>>15435636 GOP NY Governor candidate Rob Astorino says he would immediately end mask/vaccines

>>15435704 Austria makes Covid vaccines mandatory

>>15435727 US Army has been tweeting for days about their cold weather training and how they’ve been training with the Latvia and Polish forces a bunch lately

>>15435805, >>15435922, >>15436002, >>15436028, >>15436171 Morning Monkey Update

>>15435883 Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is a Patriot

>>15435895 Meat Loaf said a ‘jealous’ Andrew once threatened him, so Meat Loaf threatened him back: ‘I don’t give a (expletive) who you are, you’re goin’ in the moat’

>>15435914 Why did Bari Weiss quit from the New York Times?

>>15435928 Fake News attacks SCOTUS abortion decision

>>15435939 Pentagon rattling sabers on Ukraine - Neptune Strike 22

>>15435973 China brings back anal swab testing for COVID two weeks before Winter Olympics'

>>15436059 Smallpox story connected to monkey story?

>>15436069 The sham Jan 6th committee is hiding something.

>>15436076 CENTCOM at DEFCON lvl 2?


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17b874  No.15436358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The QANON King

is a movie..

already made..


Watch QANON KING: https://youtu.be/IrsFlFApqyI

Watch QANON PRINCE - The Documentary: https://youtu.be/3BClN0NKFsM

they fucked up bad.

this was posted 5 days ago

all these videos were released based on the NWO takeover….

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c6d3d3  No.15436359

File: 1e0fbf8203e2629⋯.jpg (253.42 KB, 992x1200, 62:75, IMG_6202.JPG)


Must agree wholeheartedly with this ones logic.

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a848c4  No.15436360

File: 3aefe64baab2023⋯.jpeg (320.28 KB, 570x951, 190:317, DCF32021_F24A_422C_8C43_E….jpeg)


Some celebrity did something but most of the country thinks it’s crazy. Who would have thought.

Pic related.

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ea2e55  No.15436361

File: 07643832bb2ce29⋯.png (521.62 KB, 750x500, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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41b27f  No.15436362

File: b679db0159441c7⋯.png (133.14 KB, 526x453, 526:453, bfeb38383d42aa5a3b65be129b….png)

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24775c  No.15436363


Best to avoid trusting anyone then, since we're all anon and there's little change I can distinguish infil from Pat.

Tryna find a legit locale to gain a heads up. Hard to absorb due to hard impacts to nugget back in the day.

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bc2954  No.15436364

File: 34287bd7e17f40e⋯.jpeg (22.63 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 34287bd7e17f40e7cecee4427….jpeg)

File: 66dc857d77111f9⋯.png (87.64 KB, 561x317, 561:317, dd2fef36d6d451ddec0f07a997….png)

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187d68  No.15436365


For baker

#19524 notables


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a1ba0b  No.15436366

File: 4ed2d0905bb6d6f⋯.png (297.76 KB, 764x496, 191:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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55400b  No.15436367


"Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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b237d6  No.15436368

File: c5df85d26ac6a92⋯.png (707.65 KB, 768x960, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)




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a848c4  No.15436369

File: 219c649a4cf2bc3⋯.jpeg (191.63 KB, 482x942, 241:471, FCC9C7DE_826E_4376_9795_8….jpeg)


@jack are you sure you want to do that? I mean it’s a pretty big deal censoring that content.

Pic related

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5a2cc0  No.15436370

File: 3097c45b53627bb⋯.jpg (37.92 KB, 459x549, 51:61, 20210706_191024.jpg)

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02269b  No.15436371

File: 78b907b00be8d53⋯.png (803.46 KB, 1658x2290, 829:1145, SEEING_DUBS.png)

File: 00d0cb660eb854c⋯.png (2.35 MB, 2384x3353, 2384:3353, tight_ship.png)

>>15436341 <Perfect example is the astroturf game they play like this post. These are "comms" but these two picrel are not… because it destroys their narrative.

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68df2a  No.15436372


PB (previous bread) please add in the future when referencing a previous loaf.

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be91f2  No.15436373

File: f6182d972130693⋯.png (170.83 KB, 256x230, 128:115, ClipboardImage.png)


Totally stolen from below in the bread.

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187d68  No.15436374



Kek - you dilbert. I'll be better next time. Need java 2

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3363f6  No.15436375

File: ab15f077cde1a93⋯.jpg (82.72 KB, 750x1105, 150:221, DQZv0mDUEAA08fh_2.jpg)

File: 245e7c829c0fd4b⋯.jpg (558.08 KB, 2047x1582, 2047:1582, pedo.jpg)

File: a38944c96efd435⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 404x403, 404:403, roths.jpg)

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9ea4c2  No.15436376

File: 9c1feace00e88f1⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 1400x1400, 1:1, frogbake.jpg)


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674379  No.15436377

File: 8acd8ba4a2cd22f⋯.jpg (75.97 KB, 500x669, 500:669, Scary.jpg)

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7a766d  No.15436378


>Who's saying Q is leaking anything

I see you're being deliberately obtuse because you can't win.

THE SHILLS pushing RRN stories as true because 'muH Q DrOpS iNcLuDe tHe wOrD 'rAw', are the ones pushing that narrative.

QAGG: I archived every Q drop as of the last drop, I see no inconsistencies. That chatter a few days ago about the long file names of the flag being updated or changed, shills are pouncing on that to attack the site.

Anons know your game.

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17b874  No.15436379

File: ff433f55ea12b87⋯.png (561.46 KB, 1343x813, 1343:813, ClipboardImage.png)

this is the first video posted on the users board

appears to be a call for a meeting of sorts

@a fountain…

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24775c  No.15436380



That's funny, I actually did chuckle a bit.

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c13e06  No.15436381

File: 16d6aaaded43169⋯.jpg (26.69 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 603fdee292c835c7b3fc5310a7….jpg)


nunez sed end of Q1

“Right now, we’re looking at by the end of the first quarter,” he said, but added, “We’re going to come out when it’s ready to come out.”

just for clarification

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7a766d  No.15436382

File: cd7682973d6ef7d⋯.png (826.32 KB, 1245x1108, 1245:1108, ScavinoIsrael.PNG)

File: 49601b0de76851f⋯.jpg (1.61 MB, 2040x1357, 2040:1357, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS13.jpg)

File: ccadd053e660101⋯.jpg (118.68 KB, 640x400, 8:5, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS14.jpg)

File: c19b4dd646b0a4c⋯.jpg (75.68 KB, 620x465, 4:3, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS15.jpg)

File: 440f06a9bd6f624⋯.jpg (138.29 KB, 822x537, 274:179, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS16.jpg)

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309904  No.15436383


All LB obviously - more than I thought there'd be.


>>15435381 Happy 17th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Trump

>>15435392 Biden's betrays America on his first day in office

>>15435404 Canadian truckers stand

>>15435405 Liz Crokin on Pizza Gate Pt. 2

>>15435407 Amazing turnout for this year's March for Life

>>15435419 CCP orchestrates Fentanyl crisis in North America

>>15435421 American's want more abortion restrictions

>>15435424 Natural Immunity beats the jab

>>15435459 Aaron Rodger's makes good points

>>15435468 PapiTrumpo supports Gen. Flynn and Rudy

>>15435528 Canadian MPP on jab induced stillbirths

>>15435633 NH seeks to make Ivermectin an alt ChinaFlu treatment

>>15435728 Minneapolis businesses get together to sue city over jab mandates

>>15435736 CDC continues to betray the American people

>>15435748 J6 prisoners continue to suffer for Pelosi's Insurrection

>>15435803 ivermectin should be globally and systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of the ChinaFlu

>>15435825 US requires all foreign travelers to be jabbed when crossing anywhere except the wide open southern border

>>15435882 Good morning from Swordy

>>15435937 Denver, CO is screwed

>>15435916 UK mandate protests

>>15435945 France jab passport protests (28th week in a row)

>>15435964 FBI recruitment video

>>15435973 Enjoy your anal swab tests Olympic athletes

>>15436088 Nice ID and dubs to boot - plus Bill Gates wants to kill you

Anons have their armor on today? God wins. Anons know.

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17b874  No.15436384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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da77a4  No.15436385

File: 3256543858f6f3f⋯.mp4 (7.91 MB, 720x384, 15:8, Stop_Taking_Things_That_Yo….mp4)




There possibly comes a moment during intense introspective reflection sessions, that you fail to realize that each moment from the present forward, is another chance to turn it all around; whether it be a task priority update, a new idea to conceptualize, a creative project to continue making progress on, or a new topic to begin researching… an option of individual & creative expression makes it self seemingly and abruptly more urgent than the rest of your endeavors. This is, for the most part, invisible at times, due to ungraspable points of attachment that allows the mind to notice the option’s incentivized alternative. For instance, say you are working on an art project, and after an hour or two of graphic design, the idea of playing a videogame that you’ve been waiting to use your new controller while playing, puts itself into the forefront of your conscious waking state.

These idea pop-ups, are at times, convenient, and at other times, excessively seductive, to only find out, that after switching to the new action at hand, it starts to sum up as, an equal or less than amount of achievement granted. This can at times, be one of the worst moves to make throughout your day, or, it could change your (even others’) world(s) (in a creative and artistically appreciated way) for the better.

The real treasure to this type of thought-based mind-derived interactions, is that you can begin to allocate emotions of relative nature to more ideas, in a single occurrence. To put it simpler, imagine a poll for “your next move:”

- Should I finish that sketch from last night?

- Is the coffee machine still on? Got to turn it off.

- My friends are going to be pissed if I don’t call them back to gather up this weekend.

- It’s getting late, and I should order some take-out for dinner.

Which of these different ‘moves’ are you going to allocate physical, and mental exertion towards? Why does this seem to be more than just a mundane aspect to everyday reality? Well, for some, incorrectly delegating to-dos to your potential to complete it in a timely fashion, without getting too carried away into the details, can be a more difficult decision to execute than for others. This can be due to an unexplainable differential in the way people perceive time, and how much cognitive energy is efficiently being put to good use.

Now, add to the situation, a rather unpleasant, but barely tolerable, sentient mosaic, that scrambles the coherence of the big picture, and doesn’t make the conveyance of the reasoning pertaining to it’s interaction with your consciousness. One aspect to always consider is that the sanctity of your mind, whether shared remote or locally, is always loved and guided unconditionally by God.

- God is the only watcher, that feels right at home.

- God will never mind your feelings and perceptions of reality.

- God cherishes your goals, ambitions, and dreams. (even if some of them could lead to disappointment, they are your timeline’s desired fulfillment points, and that’s what matters. You may not be able to accomplish all of them, yet maybe there is a divine reasoning for it, beyond all possible entrances to a place of comprehension. Some dreams, are best left for God to do the understanding in regard to. You should just let the universe unfold as it will, and inevitably does.)

- God won’t let your inquiry of merit, go unresolved, and will encourage all forms of love, light, care, truth, and tenderness.

- No matter the amalgamation, it always compromises, ultimately, with God… full circle.

The best to allow all of those interjection points come in, easily, without total resistance, purview, and discard as necessary, unless inquisitive nature and curiosity takes hold. It may be difficult to allow your imagination to fully run it’s course on the abruptly and hastily implanted thought process, but let it, because the more you attempt to negate it’s placement that lacks authority outright, the more indirect stressors of mind-multi-tasking can manifest boo-boos that have no quantifiable loss of cognition.

A stress test specifically generated for you, that never allows you to express it’s complete disregard to all forms of sanctity, yet if created with solving it to be intended, should do so, because if time is of the essence, omitting that factor, isn’t making any of this easier in it's reconciliation.



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41b27f  No.15436387




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4ecd66  No.15436388

File: 183911de19eb14b⋯.png (519.1 KB, 816x885, 272:295, bidan.png)


>come on man

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674379  No.15436389

File: 01239355b2e4d09⋯.jpg (68.39 KB, 500x502, 250:251, f_dopp.jpg)

File: d271f4c41842517⋯.jpg (63.55 KB, 500x577, 500:577, Free_Stuff.jpg)

Anyone else got any BLM memes…

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dea9d9  No.15436390


If they "manage" to make a reliable airframe & system, the real limiting factor remains in their people. Their politically indoctrinated culture will always be in the way of a truly strong/unified force. Note that their entire provincially drawn country is essentially Balkanized.

Make no mistake, the CCP is trying really hard to force a unified "Yi Jia Ren", 7 years plans, long-term goals, etc. 'The Peaceful Rise' is complete nonsense, just like 'build back better' propaganda.

Give a Chinese national a pack of smokes, lottery ticket, and a drink…and 9/10 of the time that person is bought.

Poverty positioned control.

Brainwashed out of conviction.

This an important reason why good people must hold the line in times of both evil and forced indoctrination diaspora. Our liberty and freedom is fragile, but oh so effective.

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17b874  No.15436391

File: 6c33ede878bbc09⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1535x829, 1535:829, ClipboardImage.png)


who are these idiots?

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187d68  No.15436392



Anon collected notables for #19524

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0de614  No.15436393

File: 205949a90ca8e3a⋯.png (433.69 KB, 1181x1013, 1181:1013, ClipboardImage.png)

Source: FBI activity at Rep. Cuellar's Laredo home connected to Azerbaijan investigation

Agents were seen at Cuellar's home earlier this week, but they did not confirm the reason for their presence there.

Author: David Lynch (KENS 5)

Published: 8:49 PM CST January 19, 2022

Updated: 10:59 PM CST January 21, 2022

Facebook Twitter

SAN ANTONIO — FBI agents were inside U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar's Laredo home Wednesday afternoon, and CBS News reports that the activity was related to an ongoing investigation.

The FBI confirmed to KENS 5 that they were in the neighborhood "conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity" near Windridge and Estate drives in Laredo, but couldn't comment further.

When asked for a statement, Cuellar's office told KENS 5 the Democratic legislator "will fully cooperate in any investigation."

"He is committed to ensuring that justice and the law are upheld," the statement continues.

A source familiar with the investigation told CBS News that the activity at Cuellar's home is part of an investigation relating to Azerbaijan and several U.S. businessmen.

A federal grand jury in Washington is investigating the case, CBS News has confirmed. ABC News first reported the scope of the investigation and the grand jury.

Cuellar is presumably not in Washington, D.C. right now, since he has been voting by proxy in the House, and the proxy letter he has filed with the clerk of the House of Representatives remains active, CBS reported.

Cuellar has represented the Rio Grande Valley's district since 2005. He's a moderate Democrat who is facing a primary challenge from his former intern, immigration attorney Jessica Cisneros; she lost by about four points when she challenged him in 2020. Cuellar won reelection that year by 18 points, but President Joe Biden only won by 5 points, underscoring Democrats' problems along the border in Texas, the Texas Tribune noted.

In a statement on Thursday, Cisneros's campaign said they are "aware of the news regarding Congressman Cuellar and the active FBI investigation. We are closely watching as this develops. In the meantime, we are focused on our campaign to deliver change to South Texas families and will not be making any additional comments at this time."


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b8da8c  No.15436394

File: af32d6d25b44664⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Anons_thank_you_2.mp4)


o7 Thank you sir/madam

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3363f6  No.15436395

File: fa6bc4107158f81⋯.png (242.22 KB, 470x284, 235:142, JewishDogs.png)

File: 1bac8258e4747f4⋯.png (415.85 KB, 450x577, 450:577, Covid1984.png)

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5a2cc0  No.15436397

File: 644cb7b6e132ddf⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 595x419, 595:419, 5hp39i.jpg)

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24775c  No.15436398


Wait…so anon can understand better…you see the drops fine on QAGG, so its not possible that when this anon tries to bring it up in the search and it doesn't appear, as it used to show before, its because of…?

Win what? Anon calls it as it appears & rapid attempts to discredit only shows your intent. Believe what you wish, but it will only expose you further.

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7a766d  No.15436399

File: 6e0457b0538e9cc⋯.jpg (85.59 KB, 706x612, 353:306, CrookedKKK.jpg)

File: e213d59a5a80f1b⋯.jpg (258.01 KB, 1440x980, 72:49, Demokkkrats2.jpg)

File: 1bb3f3e63bfdf03⋯.jpg (127.53 KB, 1250x650, 25:13, BlackMAGA.jpg)


Go home ShareBlue, you're drunk.

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187d68  No.15436400


I screwed up one of the entries and re-posted.


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17b874  No.15436401

File: ad5b7ba704b05ed⋯.png (717.96 KB, 969x701, 969:701, ClipboardImage.png)


see snake

what kind of snake is important.

probably a cobra

but probably a cottonmouth

maybe a western diamondback rattler(i think)

what is that? classified and your job

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712fb9  No.15436402


Like trying to read Lord of the Rings without the waxing and waning of the moon and the Misty Mountains.

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7a766d  No.15436403


>when this anon tries to bring it up in the search and it doesn't appear

Don't just say it, show it.

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ea1d55  No.15436405

File: dd3047287842b96⋯.jpg (120.07 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, dd3047287842b96ae5ae41dde8….jpg)

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7a766d  No.15436406

File: 0cb93531cb3ca4a⋯.jpg (119.2 KB, 800x445, 160:89, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS32.jpg)

File: 20930ca2f87e637⋯.jpg (67.58 KB, 640x360, 16:9, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS33.jpg)

File: 03ecbbcdb8f2e15⋯.jpg (589.68 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS34.jpg)

File: 49efb94f3634979⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 476x280, 17:10, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS35.jpg)

File: 5b05976c279e6c2⋯.jpg (45.83 KB, 560x374, 280:187, TrumpJews3.jpg)

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be91f2  No.15436407


Fellow Vet here. Black boot Army.

Wife anon is still giggling. She know exactly who I was thinking about when I showed her this one. We all have that one brother.

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8402a3  No.15436408

File: 3cffeb942074071⋯.jpg (59.26 KB, 412x407, 412:407, baxter_crest_big.jpg)

File: 4717bded6582a67⋯.jpg (103.54 KB, 699x500, 699:500, Baxter_b519f0fd_f4c0_48ca_….jpg)


Real war news. Baxter.

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ea2e55  No.15436409

File: bbc6719055757ca⋯.png (42.28 KB, 596x364, 149:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Moar schitt.

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0de614  No.15436410

File: 2242c00f2c4c3d8⋯.png (642.25 KB, 1343x905, 1343:905, ClipboardImage.png)


Cisneros first challenged Cuellar in the 2020 election, pledging to represent working families' interests and running a campaign fueled by grassroots support and the labor movement.

The 28-year-old supports Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, a pathway to citizenship for undocumented people, and a repeal of "disastrous" anti-immigration laws like former President Bill Clinton's Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.

Cisneros' platform starkly contrasts with Cuellar's history of voting for legislation pushed by former President Donald Trump, including Trump's border wall and an extension of the amount of time immigrant children could be held in detention. Cuellar is also anti-choice, was the only Democrat in the House to vote against the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, and is a top recipient of campaign funding from the fossil fuel and private prison industries.


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3363f6  No.15436411

File: f245b6259bc718a⋯.jpg (187.74 KB, 873x1024, 873:1024, kd8BCKh.jpg)

File: 4e6e58d5a253423⋯.jpg (114.41 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 1529979380130.jpg)

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851308  No.15436413

File: 09c9a051411ee92⋯.png (160.21 KB, 312x234, 4:3, 4DD4AA05_315B_4532_A28F_CF….png)

File: 7dfe55e93dc6dff⋯.jpeg (23.74 KB, 236x263, 236:263, 7D3BE7BD_5E68_4381_8049_9….jpeg)

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34a774  No.15436414

File: d973515daa0c0e2⋯.png (12.71 KB, 475x187, 475:187, Screen_Shot_01_22_22_at_11….PNG)

This right here…

Juanita Broaddrick



Jan 18

If you are an American Citizen and have an ID…. you can vote. If you aren’t ….. F**k Off.

Posted on 10:45 AM · Jan 18th, 2022


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989d96  No.15436415

File: 1998ec3e1a6d41d⋯.jpg (71.49 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, sauron.jpg)

Three Tripcodes for the Autist-kings under the sky.

Seven for the Shitlords in their basements stoned.

Nine for Shill Fags doomed to die.

One for OSS on his porcelain throne.

In the Land of Quantico, where the Glowfags lie.

One Trip to rule them all. One Trip to find them.

One Trip to bring them all, and in the gayness bind them.

In the Land of Quantico, where the the Glowfags lie.

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b8da8c  No.15436416


Got it, thanks for your help anon o7

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7a0468  No.15436417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







Here's the real good shit CHAPTER TWO.

Fuck y'alls royal BULLSHIT!

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5e3a52  No.15436418

File: 89c9f841c14b8d3⋯.png (253.9 KB, 552x452, 138:113, VC_dry_i_1_prev_ui.png)


Bastard shut the hell up.

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02269b  No.15436419


















Look at these posts, the same people with a couple posts, and IP hop, and a couple more. They work in teams to create consensus, but never ever provide sauce. Remember, it's been 4 days since they claimed I posted CP and deleted 2 breads. They promised to show anos the sauce, but never have. They attack anons that speaks up with recycled memes they got from this board to make themselves appear legit. You can tell what they don't want seen by what they try to ignore, and they they attack viciously. Everyday they attack RRN, ask yourself why?



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9ea4c2  No.15436420

File: 2a32e71537fa1ac⋯.png (388.53 KB, 549x484, 549:484, michelleface.png)

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5a2cc0  No.15436421

File: 788f7291cee8326⋯.jpg (218.25 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20210502_025624.jpg)

==In the powerful and mighty name of Jesus Christ, we bind every luciferian, their tongues, communications, plots, ploys, schemes, and plans. Amen=

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24775c  No.15436422

File: 294c19369626d89⋯.png (203.06 KB, 1088x720, 68:45, QAGG_ISSUES22JAN22.png)


Here's the image anon just made. Last bread it was called out and the drops were provided, anon checks on QAGG and this is what is provided. Wasn't like this previously. (Pre-update to QAGG)

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ea2e55  No.15436423

File: f0ab1828e202310⋯.png (172.34 KB, 389x300, 389:300, michelle_shock.png)

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2fc377  No.15436424

File: 03d74c2c4cf687a⋯.png (303.8 KB, 615x400, 123:80, ClipboardImage.png)



Freqs of nature, or something else?

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02269b  No.15436425

File: 46fae53af9cc123⋯.png (115.84 KB, 848x266, 424:133, ClipboardImage.png)


Ask yourself, does this in ANY way appear to be a legit anon post?

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5e3a52  No.15436426

File: 47f671db004835d⋯.png (92.62 KB, 467x750, 467:750, downloadfile_2_1_1_1_.png)

Mr Sulu swallowed.

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5a2cc0  No.15436427

File: 4bca9d813b4a9bb⋯.jpg (84.02 KB, 750x478, 375:239, 20210204_000240.jpg)

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17b874  No.15436428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


for the curious

it seems this "game" is connected to the "extra-dimensional portal" that is mentioned in the other video.

it seems something like this.

they wanted to capture me and force robotic behavior in order to control a "mysterious object" on a screen that appeared to be controlled by a living entity.

it would convince users to follow around the seemingly "living" pot of water and it would "guide" them to locations.

basically, they wanted to hook my video games to assumed artificial intelligence and make me do shit in the "extra-dimensional" world in which the masses would be conditioned to follow around in the digital realm

seems insane.. and practical

fuck if i know.

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24775c  No.15436429


Very true. Even on the 'special' side of the house, there's always one who 'stands out' moreso than the rest. KEK

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5e3a52  No.15436430

File: 137b92a3b1b015a⋯.jpg (98.47 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 61qpqn.jpg)

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6b3c08  No.15436431

File: bd43f1bf306840b⋯.png (835.92 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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17b874  No.15436433

File: 75b9335d3ffdb14⋯.png (610.49 KB, 1237x761, 1237:761, ClipboardImage.png)

see where arrow is..

who is buckley?

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dfc18f  No.15436434


>-RRN now being accepted

Uh, no.

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02269b  No.15436435



>Attacks RRN

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5a2cc0  No.15436436

File: 860ab71e217a35e⋯.jpg (37.51 KB, 500x292, 125:73, 20210430_130614.jpg)


Shitty promising Pelosi's arrest

Good times

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41cab5  No.15436437




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ea2e55  No.15436438

File: 0fbada4dc6b0693⋯.png (101.63 KB, 268x345, 268:345, glowing_torch_guy.png)

File: 4765d15811e56d5⋯.png (449.24 KB, 500x571, 500:571, feds.png)

File: 0287b88c179fa28⋯.png (597.75 KB, 695x500, 139:100, anon_just_like_you.png)

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5d9842  No.15436439




Ty note taker.

recommend replacing notable

>>15435914 Why did Bari Weiss quit from the New York Times?


>>15435872, >>15435903, >>15435914, >>15435927 Bari Weiss could help wake people up.

As I'm typing this. Warroom drops the Weiss interview.

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34a774  No.15436440

File: e4bc2c3a7c27775⋯.png (440.04 KB, 549x686, 549:686, Screen_Shot_01_22_22_at_11….PNG)

I like that tie, Mr. President.

il Donaldo Trumpo


THAT READY TO KICK SOME ASS MOOD…Smiling face with sunglasses

11:04 AM · Jan 22, 2022·Twitter Web App


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712fb9  No.15436441


What about ex-cons?

Are they allowed to vote?

I've always thought that if they served their time (not still on probation) that they should be able to vote again.

Seems like each State has it's own voting laws regarding ex-cons.

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5e3a52  No.15436443

File: 868bd1499278ce1⋯.jpg (110.5 KB, 500x622, 250:311, Free_Speech.jpg)

Support CodeMonkey or leave the board immediately.

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c6d3d3  No.15436444

File: 47ea59f0a043f88⋯.jpg (10.44 KB, 189x255, 63:85, 0d8cdc61efa65a152eab183a53….jpg)

File: 0ec4ce79456d975⋯.jpeg (378.94 KB, 730x765, 146:153, 0ec4ce79456d97536ab42c8cc….jpeg)

File: f942d1ae4269ecc⋯.jpg (13.8 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 0fa2f14bba7e2d0623b9fbe683….jpg)

File: 4dc39b05171f6ab⋯.jpg (44.99 KB, 468x472, 117:118, 4dc39b05171f6abb668af89fb3….jpg)

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265616  No.15436445

new hampshire has a real live crisis on thar hands


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36afc9  No.15436446

File: 09bd595dabfe622⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, ClipboardImage.png)


sauce for Dan tweet?

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da77a4  No.15436447

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


During this time, I was reflecting on a culmination of sociological eruptions that were occurring simultaneously.

It was a feeling, that allowed, almost everyone to realize, something is going to be different from that moment forward.

It's been 4.7 years… ARE YOU ALL READY TO… GIVE BACK!?

I am.

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2fc377  No.15436448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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204aac  No.15436449

File: fe02e530ce94326⋯.png (22.01 KB, 460x239, 460:239, RRN5.png)

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17b874  No.15436450

File: 53d8acfd1f19625⋯.png (334.92 KB, 1267x883, 1267:883, ClipboardImage.png)

this "freeze" video seems to be them telling eachother to hold up.

the "bozo" won

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3e12b5  No.15436451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This how totally incompetent Government Officials deal with issues they can't or refuse to solve.

When asked about his county's rising homicide rate, Sheriff Grady Judd said - 'Chill out, eat a Moon Pie, quit murdering'


Loser of the year award candidate right there.

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a41de1  No.15436452

File: 3d57552109fb5cd⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 155x233, 155:233, young_lansdale.jpg)

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02269b  No.15436453

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ea2e55  No.15436455

File: 1d719be228efe8f⋯.png (609.46 KB, 710x500, 71:50, ClipboardImage.png)

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204aac  No.15436456

File: 7575b54fe1613ea⋯.png (69.86 KB, 653x679, 653:679, RRN2.png)

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5d9842  No.15436457


Weiss: "we have a pandemic of the bureaucracy"

" a catastrophic moral crime"

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712fb9  No.15436458



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5a2cc0  No.15436459

File: 6d8c9fa8ee20efd⋯.jpg (84.32 KB, 537x500, 537:500, 5fnx8i.jpg)

File: c9e97bc729c81d6⋯.jpg (84.37 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 5g01xw.jpg)

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02269b  No.15436460

File: b984bde8ff42372⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1041x1613, 1041:1613, LIST.png)

File: e85f7fe5812d9ee⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 2312x3494, 1156:1747, infowars.jpg)

File: e32013e161a8d03⋯.jpg (3.94 MB, 1945x6485, 389:1297, Deception.jpg)

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851308  No.15436461

File: fd0e8ef57d10e44⋯.jpeg (42.52 KB, 621x260, 621:260, FE243383_EA48_408C_A7B7_F….jpeg)

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7a0468  No.15436462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Deep dive mode acheived.

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8964a2  No.15436463

File: cd7682973d6ef7d⋯.png (826.32 KB, 1245x1108, 1245:1108, ScavinoIsrael.PNG)

File: 1589930387a9329⋯.jpg (281.56 KB, 2304x1536, 3:2, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS8.jpg)

File: b9fc411b2b20090⋯.jpg (218.28 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS9.jpg)

File: 059a0e0fa00fa1e⋯.jpg (114.29 KB, 768x768, 1:1, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS10.jpg)

File: 8652feb3617c9af⋯.jpg (251.72 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, US_ISRAEL_FLAGS11.jpg)

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5af3f7  No.15436464


Joe Reid.

Thats what I think.

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aa1ac2  No.15436465


Need to reply with all his bogus Russia Russia Russia tweets that were proven false.

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02269b  No.15436466




>Garbage cat meme

>Gaslights against OSS

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16ecba  No.15436467

Don't get too lost in here, best to take breaks now and then to stay grounded.

Still a long road ahead.

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b8da8c  No.15436468

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Anons_thank_you.mp4)


We got ourselves a twofer. Will add TY anon. o7

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8964a2  No.15436469

File: 7395b2ff0115378⋯.png (34.1 KB, 701x464, 701:464, NoCommsOutsideThisPlatform.PNG)

File: 28ab5f00ca12db2⋯.png (48.8 KB, 693x692, 693:692, NoCommsOutsideThisPlatform….PNG)

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17b874  No.15436471

File: 5f26bec5b45e106⋯.png (119.29 KB, 1219x799, 1219:799, ClipboardImage.png)


dunno about the last word


the idiot didnt get beef?

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a1ba0b  No.15436472

US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats' Family Members From Ukraine

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jan 22, 2022 - 11:01 AM

Fox News' Pentagon correspondent is reporting early Saturday that all family members of US embassy personnel in Kiev, Ukraine have been ordered to evacuate. "State Department orders families of U.S. embassy personnel in Ukraine to begin evacuating the country as soon as Monday: U.S. officials," Fox's Lucas Tomlinson reports.

It first emerged Friday that the Biden administration was mulling a plan to evacuate diplomats' family members from Ukraine as a "precautionary measure" amid the continued crisis wherein Washington has predicted some level of a Russian offensive on the Ukraine border.


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851308  No.15436473


“Do some yoga, have a margarita”

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02269b  No.15436474


> (1)


>Shills for jews

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187d68  No.15436475

#19524 notes

>>15435405 Liz Crokin story about Guiffre

>>15435418 US Navy Holding the Line

>>15435468 Papi disses Rhode Island U

>>15435508 Using ice to boil water: Researcher makes heat transfer discovery that expands on 18th Century principle

>>15435529 Undersea cable connecting Norway and Arctic satellite station is mysteriously damaged

>>15435574 COVID is a "virus" "virus" are very much like BACTERIA or FUNGUS…

>>15435633 New Hampshire making Ivermectin alternate Covid treatment

>>15435636 GOP NY Governor candidate Rob Astorino says he would immediately end mask/vaccines

>>15435704 Austria makes Covid vaccines mandatory

>>15435727 US Army has been tweeting for days about their cold weather training and how they’ve been training with the Latvia and Polish forces a bunch lately

>>15435805, >>15435922, >>15436002, >>15436028, >>15436171 Morning Monkey Update

>>15435883 Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is a Patriot

>>15435895 Meat Loaf said a ‘jealous’ Andrew once threatened him, so Meat Loaf threatened him back: ‘I don’t give a (expletive) who you are, you’re goin’ in the moat’

>>15435872, >>15435903, >>15435914, >>15435927 Bari Weiss could help wake people up

>>15435928 Fake News attacks SCOTUS abortion decision

>>15435939 Pentagon rattling sabers on Ukraine - Neptune Strike 22

>>15435973 China brings back anal swab testing for COVID two weeks before Winter Olympics'

>>15436059 Smallpox story connected to monkey story?

>>15436069 The sham Jan 6th committee is hiding something.

>>15436076 CENTCOM at DEFCON lvl 2?


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36d22d  No.15436476

File: 736765fe2ac7520⋯.png (75.93 KB, 1208x900, 302:225, 73139b4f035d29677ca3ef3c87….png)

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5a2cc0  No.15436477

The liberal enterprise is scared of RRN

and that says a lot

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204aac  No.15436478


RRN does not communicate with Q

what made you think they did?

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8964a2  No.15436479

File: e1961e2b40710dc⋯.png (146.28 KB, 884x1552, 221:388, C_A_MOS_Tactics.PNG)

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02269b  No.15436480




>Trying to gaslight that anyone said Q is talking to RRN

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36afc9  No.15436481


thx anon

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9ea4c2  No.15436482

File: ef5f980b6e5b572⋯.png (3.77 MB, 2384x1495, 2384:1495, jennmin.png)

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c6d3d3  No.15436483

File: d3ffc862d1a2d41⋯.jpg (42.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 53596236_2668312159852050_….jpg)

File: 1148e6cd0af51ce⋯.jpg (51.39 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 57044292_10156508602519858….jpg)

File: 95762085aa22bd7⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1417x1155, 1417:1155, 95762085aa22bd7488844779c0….png)

File: da6357d2acc0fca⋯.jpg (176.85 KB, 960x698, 480:349, 62312662_418757788715085_6….jpg)

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3e12b5  No.15436484

File: a79b3b9c209976f⋯.jpg (6.54 KB, 273x185, 273:185, download.jpg)


Just have a "margarita" and keep staying distracted.


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1835f4  No.15436485

File: e1e5a0c7282f2d1⋯.jpg (81.03 KB, 1118x615, 1118:615, Capture2.JPG)

UPDATE: Only one monkey still unaccounted for after crash

WNEP has updated their site with interview of lady who witnessed the accident.

Not knowing how to embed this particular vid. Can anon help?


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944136  No.15436486


"Is the this…"?

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2fc377  No.15436487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Researchers Debate Newly Discovered Archaeological Evidence in Support of the Ancient Alien Theory

Is there evidence to support that the “Gods” from our ancient past were actually travelers from other worlds?

Ancient Astronaut Theorists say, “YES!”

Join our all-star Ancient Aliens guest panel that includes:

Erich von Däniken

David Childress

Jason Martell

Michael Tellinger

Mike Bara

Steve Mera

Dr. Michael Masters,

and Shao Ma

With special hosts Braden Renner, Dan Work & Ryan Zeleznik.

They will share and debate whether newly discovered archaeological evidence supports the Ancient Alien Theory.


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187d68  No.15436488

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204aac  No.15436489

File: 28bbd059054f848⋯.png (508.01 KB, 848x1398, 424:699, RRN.png)

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712fb9  No.15436490


Trump endorses Israel for the same reason that he endorses the vaccine.


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02269b  No.15436491


> (3)

>All three posts about OSS or attacking RRN

>Gaslights by trying to say OSS=MOSSAD

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0e9baf  No.15436492


CASE CLOSED: President Trump on Jan. 6: “I Authorized National Guard on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Turned It Down”

This one’s for you, Liz Cheney…

President Trump joined Sean Hannity on Thursday night on the one-year anniversary of the Biden apocalypse.

During their discussion President Trump, once again, reiterated that he authorized the National Guard to be in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. For some strange reason, Nancy Pelosi turned down the request.

The rest is history.

It’s so weird that the fake news mainstream media will not report this, huh?

President Trump: “I knew it would be a big crowd. I said I think there should be 10,000. And Kash Patel who is a very bright guy, said maybe there should be 20 (thousand). I said maybe there should be 20 (thousand). He remembers me saying 10 to 20 (thousand). But I wanted to have soldiers and or National Guard but Nancy Pelosi turned it down.”


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8964a2  No.15436493

File: e1961e2b40710dc⋯.png (146.28 KB, 884x1552, 221:388, C_A_MOS_Tactics.PNG)


Straw man


see pic

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3363f6  No.15436495

File: a36982851381683⋯.jpg (128.56 KB, 1024x558, 512:279, commies.jpg)

File: 7a50e8c1549d8f5⋯.jpg (172.6 KB, 762x742, 381:371, commie_kikes.jpg)

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1ee6c4  No.15436496

File: 8cdc7e64830b88f⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB, 250x250, 1:1, QResearchSong_Final4Fun.mp4)

Q Research Song

Sing to tune of Hotel California


From an online fortress

With our keyboards in hand

Anons research the Q drops

As they eat from the bread

Many dots are connected

Many info maps made

Proofs are collected

Clock winds it’s way

Q keeps dropping info

Anons answer the call

Millions of Patriots rise

To avert future wars

The Pepe stepped from the shadows

With a smile on his face

Put on your armor and pick up your shield

Listen to what I say…


We’re riding the waves of the storm that’s raging

Many eyes are here

Anons must steer clear

Following crumbs that lead to swamp draining

Many creatures here

Datefags everywhere


Connections on the Q clock

Keyboard warriors on the site

We are all just researchers here

Working to bring the light

From this online fortress

We battle the deep state

The information war goes on

We the People find our strength

One thing to remember

As we’re down in Wonerland

When everything seems backwards

Keep moving forward

The day shift and the night shift

Keep the breads on the way

Concern trolls and shills cast their doubts

No worries co-fe-fe


We’re riding the waves of the storm that’s raging

Many eyes are here

Anons must steer clear

Following crumbs that lead to swamp draining

Many creatures here

Datefags everywhere

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204aac  No.15436497


Comms: Obama is on the lamb

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34a774  No.15436498


Interesting question! I found this…


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02269b  No.15436499



>All 4 posts about OSS or attacking RRN

>Gaslights by trying to say OSS=MOSSAD

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bcf60d  No.15436500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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851308  No.15436501


Almost as if [their] actors are walking into the dressingroom with a flamethrower.

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ea2e55  No.15436502

File: 3ea0a9a328fe1ab⋯.jpg (39.03 KB, 361x500, 361:500, Putin_1.jpg)


>This one’s for you, Liz Cheney…

She chooses to simply ignore that fact.

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8964a2  No.15436503


Omicron is a good vaccine.

It cures covid.

No 'optics' needed.

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7d7ba9  No.15436504

File: 8bc0a0a3d0a4d7d⋯.png (2.48 MB, 800x1181, 800:1181, ClipboardImage.png)

found the fucker he was trying to blend in

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187d68  No.15436505


Kek - Monkey found

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5a2cc0  No.15436506


Live link to OAN

Great link

Can't embed

Maybe some one else can?

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a41de1  No.15436507

File: f1f08e10fd1eb5d⋯.jpg (92.73 KB, 614x864, 307:432, thumbnail_image001.jpg)

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712fb9  No.15436508


What does Israel cure?

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ea1d55  No.15436509

File: db2d4382b4a6f9d⋯.png (296.98 KB, 549x230, 549:230, 95843095234097952743095734….PNG)

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600296  No.15436510


Cambell is a hamster

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5d9842  No.15436511



we need the longer clip. Bannon showed a longer clip with Weiss talking about her liberal progressive friends that are scared to say what she said for fear of being labelled an Anti-vaxer or trumpist

Those are people waking up in real time

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02269b  No.15436512

File: bebeca4ad80027f⋯.png (358.19 KB, 848x754, 424:377, RECONCILE.png)

File: 8a4e05228258c81⋯.png (2.71 MB, 2384x5101, 2384:5101, FRAME_UP.png)

Attempt to frame OSS as 66 million, not deleted. See how that works?





























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8964a2  No.15436513

File: 78ae42870e13c83⋯.jpg (4.79 KB, 296x170, 148:85, Trump.jpg)


Haaretz is fake news.

Posting their narrative as 'truth' makes you a pusher of not just fake news, but jew run fake news.

Yet you're claiming to be a critic.


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47ac84  No.15436514

File: a135cf49944208c⋯.mp4 (12.04 MB, 720x720, 1:1, godiswithus.mp4)

File: 160755e09b7362f⋯.jpg (138.52 KB, 640x853, 640:853, St_Michael.jpg)

File: 8713e02bcc89231⋯.jpg (84.74 KB, 500x645, 100:129, sorosjustice.jpg)

File: adc14c22879de55⋯.png (18.65 KB, 96x147, 32:49, Screenshot_2022_01_20_8_25….png)

File: 824ecab7e4a1ec0⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1127x753, 1127:753, Screenshot_2021_12_13_12_0….png)

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80cf8d  No.15436515

File: 9a2c8f667d530a0⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 400x337, 400:337, 9a2c8f667d530a05277695fbd0….jpg)

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a1ba0b  No.15436516

File: 1f85222edcf5f71⋯.png (227.39 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 864150c73ef5a9e8b0b40d51a9….png)

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9ea4c2  No.15436517

File: 4f86d78b348149b⋯.jpg (428.12 KB, 1000x1426, 500:713, unvaxxed.jpg)

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aeaca5  No.15436518


>TS - how can it work better for digs?

Digs will be seen by way moar eyeballs than QR ones.

QR has successfully been labeled as kooky boomers by moar than just the MSM (when you've even lost /pol/'s respect not good) so citing here as the dig source is counter-productive.

The noise, tardedness, and disruptions that drove the oldfag diggers away won't be even close to as bad on TS.

And, finally, what real purpose does QR serve from a dig perspective when Q no longer drops on it anyway?

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82ffd7  No.15436519

File: 43dd0e1b7bfecc4⋯.png (1.1 MB, 944x712, 118:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ac65e  No.15436520

File: 842e4aa91952d61⋯.png (349.49 KB, 718x539, 718:539, ClipboardImage.png)

Texas woman arrested for allegedly trying to purchase child at Walmart checkout, deputies say

Rebecca Taylor, 49, is charged with sale or purchase of a child, a third-degree felony

CROCKETT, Texas – A Texas woman is now out on bond after sheriff’s deputies said she tried to purchase another woman’s child while waiting in a checkout line at Walmart.

According to a report from KSAT’s sister station KPRC, Rebecca Taylor, 49, came up to the woman’s shopping cart in the checkout line. The woman’s cart had two children inside at the time.

Taylor started to make comments about one of the woman’s two children before allegedly asking if she could buy him for $250,000, KPRC reports.

The mother refused her offer and Taylor pressed further. She increased the offer to $500,000 and allegedly threatened to take the infant, according to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies said the mother still refused and was able to leave the store with her children safely. That’s when she notified authorities of what happened.

Taylor was arrested and charged with sale or purchase of a child, a third-degree felony in Texas.

As of Thursday, records show she was released on a $50,000 bond.


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80cf8d  No.15436521


Dude wheres my car vibes

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8964a2  No.15436522


No country names cure anything.

People cure people.

Everyone with omicron worldwide are the cure for everyone without omicron worldwide.

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ea2e55  No.15436523

File: 064241a3c2c9314⋯.png (279.83 KB, 461x374, 461:374, ClipboardImage.png)

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851308  No.15436524


Storytellers afraid of other storytelling.

There is a lot going between such groups, especially if they are on opposite sides.

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3363f6  No.15436525

File: c83f18b6f017bd7⋯.jpg (125.02 KB, 1080x1230, 36:41, rosenbaum.jpg)

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265338  No.15436526


codemonkey banned me from his telegram. He's a liar at the very least.

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9f9c24  No.15436527

File: b446f6a5ecd3436⋯.jpg (111.25 KB, 859x489, 859:489, BIG_D_COMING.jpg)

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8964a2  No.15436528

File: 3f184ac9044bf02⋯.jpg (59.31 KB, 698x563, 698:563, 3f184ac9044bf02e6c48f0c1e4….jpg)

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02269b  No.15436529


>And, finally, what real purpose does QR serve from a dig perspective when Q no longer drops on it anyway?

Quiet collaboration, which is what it was before we got to famous and flooded with normies that know nothing about the psy-ops the JIDF pays for.

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5a2cc0  No.15436530

File: 923e9632112c552⋯.jpg (86.68 KB, 630x810, 7:9, 20210413_164935.jpg)


Pictured here with big mike

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8402a3  No.15436531

File: fd56f72bb1e5c53⋯.mp4 (11.8 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, fd56f72bb1e5c5356e8d4beea7….mp4)

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17b874  No.15436532


cabal is off the hook

fucking crazy suburban bitch

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bcf60d  No.15436533

File: 2dced663f2889fc⋯.png (340.01 KB, 830x600, 83:60, brandon.png)


Watch: Psaki Says Brandon Is Working with Congress to Pass a Bill that would Remove Abortion Restrictions

by Will

about 2 hours ago

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bcf60d  No.15436534

File: 3cef71783a0477b⋯.png (246.56 KB, 599x593, 599:593, pain.png)

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6dfab5  No.15436535


different pilot positions "might" help but comfort and visibility…another barrier

perhaps drones as the next leap

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024a14  No.15436536

Pence in ATL?

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da77a4  No.15436537

File: 857a1d174d6b831⋯.png (280.91 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Visua_Xenograft_RGB_transp….png)

File: 74568456f4cdb78⋯.png (460.21 KB, 968x805, 968:805, Screenshot_2022_01_22_1023….png)

File: 9d0851c80fbf029⋯.png (181.88 KB, 2434x852, 1217:426, Screenshot_2022_01_22_1102….png)

File: 4e09d250324fe28⋯.png (144.77 KB, 1472x918, 736:459, screenshot_energycontrol_o….png)

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851308  No.15436538


They can make so much hay out of this story line.

The permutations are innumerable.

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45f732  No.15436539

Crypto getting ready to tank again, next stop 29-30k

Everyone got a short position ready?

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3e12b5  No.15436540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Congratulations. You just made $0.11. Now you can pack it in for the day.

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265616  No.15436541


Shitehead libs reppin ny la shitown crapholes of their own policy makin going after Americans for expressing freedom of thought voice and assembly becus they fear losin power generalized into their own sphere

you failed your representatives

and now you want to come after Americans in every state as political enemies

contrived narratives of orange man bad as ny la sf go down in flames - no one wants to live thar much less work thar - fuck visiting u cuckwhores

psuck lescko brandie pooo pooo balls

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712fb9  No.15436542


I will rephrase.

Who does Israel help?

How does Israel help the US?

Why are they considered our allies?

What have they ever actually done besides take a bunch of money from the US and destroy some of our stuff?

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fe0808  No.15436543

File: 94adf8d631952d7⋯.jpg (797.76 KB, 1080x1809, 40:67, Screenshot_20220122_083138….jpg)

Allowed 4 to escape?


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17b874  No.15436544


it may be schizophrenia in the indoctrinated criminals.

they seem to "crack" when their "little-big brain world" breaks down and the real world doesn't "work" for them anymore.

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01bf6d  No.15436545


The Karens have reached new levels.

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9ea4c2  No.15436547

File: 438995098cf5ace⋯.jpeg (159.85 KB, 671x497, 671:497, jennsnake.jpeg)

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8a0db7  No.15436548

File: ad90777ec816559⋯.png (485.78 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN229.png)

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bacbfe  No.15436549


…and his father smells of elderberries.

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5a2cc0  No.15436550


Trump lover comes out of closet

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8964a2  No.15436552


The Biden regime is trying to protect the fetus and baby trafficking criminal networks by falsely portraying abortion as 'women's health'.

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ea2e55  No.15436553

File: 2c710f5b63c55d9⋯.mp4 (3.49 MB, 848x480, 53:30, pelosimonkey.mp4)


← Here's one.

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16ecba  No.15436554

File: 3e7814cdccab808⋯.png (656.42 KB, 1566x614, 783:307, Direct_Confirmations_.png)

File: f9abf5e73ff729b⋯.png (38.03 KB, 1577x339, 1577:339, Q_Roadmaps.png)

File: 838f00818b69a14⋯.png (147.8 KB, 555x472, 555:472, The_Mountain_of_Wisdom.png)


All of the connections are shared on [here] in plain sight, they always were.

No knowledge is forbidden on 'The Mountain of Wisdom', nor meant for only one person.


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bcf60d  No.15436555

File: 755d9152309f5d6⋯.png (87.22 KB, 661x399, 661:399, crime.png)


Bari Weiss tells Bill Maher that COVID restrictions and closure of schools will be seen as a 'moral crime' by younger generations and says we MUST return to normal life

Journalist Bari Weiss has said life need to return to normal and restrictions end

Speaking on HBO's Real Time with Bill Marr she suggested that remote learning is having a negative effect on children's mental health

Weiss said that the pandemic will be remembered as a 'moral crime' for the restrictions that it imposed on people's lives

By James Gordon For Dailymail.com

Published: 02:19 EST, 22 January 2022 | Updated: 04:29 EST, 22 January 2022

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265616  No.15436556


called the


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ea1d55  No.15436557

File: a53536c4fea5b7a⋯.png (477.7 KB, 816x885, 272:295, 183911de19eb14b7c5b9b33e07….png)

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b057fb  No.15436558


THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA /= The United States of America

Learn the difference.

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02269b  No.15436559

Another perfect example is, notice how everything is an E-bake, but amazingly they have their "approved" notables ready to go. They are using anons work to fund their own shilling via aggregators, which is why research means nothing, but marketability means everything in the notables now.

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5a2cc0  No.15436560


taliban could not agreedmore

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a11c4d  No.15436561

File: 188cc3bcda58a8f⋯.jpg (43.29 KB, 500x540, 25:27, 188cc3bcda58a8fb0ebe368dd0….jpg)



Worked for three attorney general's since the Russia Collusion hoax and still hasn't produced anything… Durham is a sack of shit.

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265616  No.15436562



loose leafe fruit burn the undesirable in a heap of faggotry

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b057fb  No.15436563


Needs a head swap.

"Come on, man. Let's go, Brandon!"

"Let's go, Brandon. I agree."

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9f9c24  No.15436564

File: b7a45520cc505be⋯.jpg (87.08 KB, 488x519, 488:519, SMILES.jpg)

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17b874  No.15436565


can lead to group "delusion" or "collusion" in the worst cases.

when a group starts to think schizophrenic and begins to play out their "brain world" in the real world

ie illuminati ritual or purchasing of babies

the lady probably traded babies in brain to brain communication and went schizo and started trying to buy babies in the real world

but the indoctrinated state makes them "need" a baby and they go nuts trying to find one to "save" the "family"

i saw them doing irrational activities of this nature amongst the general populace.

i would look for more amongst the "member" group vs. the "worker" group.

they are likely to act locally <i previously thought it would be against their own or their neighbors infants>

however, this indicated they are attempting to negotiate @ high rates.

probably with intent to kill the infant inevitably <hence the grocery store purchase vs. adoption agency or surrogacy>

ask CIA for help, they may be able to track a few more potent locations/individuals if you can provide associated requests.

think someone already did. see above anyway.

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6882af  No.15436566



The normies are waking up

Wait til they find out there was/is a cure(s)

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8a0db7  No.15436567

File: 89861e670a65e62⋯.jpg (83.62 KB, 600x400, 3:2, MAGAEnvy2.jpg)

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9ea4c2  No.15436568

File: 77a9fd8190623d2⋯.png (821.41 KB, 1004x789, 1004:789, nancyconst2_2.png)

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bcf60d  No.15436571

File: 48a390f1a40dfd1⋯.png (297.82 KB, 866x769, 866:769, vs.png)


Durham Vs Horowitz: Tension Over Truth & Consequences Grips FBI's Trump-Russia Reckoning

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Friday, Jan 21, 2022 - 08:20 PM

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309904  No.15436572


100th Monkey Effect

The Hundredth Monkey Effect is the spontaneous transference of knowledge throughout a species once a certain number of individuals has learned a new idea or action. It bypasses physical barriers. A mind-to-mind jump. A leap in consciousness.

This idea came from Dr Watson, who wrote about studies of Japanese monkeys in his book Lifetide (1979). Later it was used as a parable in Ken Keyes Jr’s book Hundredth Monkey.

Japanese scientists observed the macaca fuscata over a span of 30 years. In 1952 a young monkey called Imo who solved the problem of dirty raw potatoes by washing them in a nearby stream. this new trick was passed along to her mother and playmates and then their mothers, and so on until most of the troop has learned to do the same. Members of troops on other islands also exhibited the same behavior.

It is like the tipping point when just one more person having an awareness could close the loop or complete the blueprint for this knowledge.

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ea1d55  No.15436573


>Needs a head swap.

You're right. kek

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b7985a  No.15436574

File: 85253b4f7ce3145⋯.jpg (406.15 KB, 800x701, 800:701, schiff_reelection1.jpg)

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02269b  No.15436575

qresear.ch is a thing. Anyone that wants to take the time to look can see when Jondoodle arrived, and how conveniant it was when compared with /comms/ being removed from power. Simply search "JonDoodle" and cross-reference with the date /comms/ was booted by Q. First they tried "BreadBoss" but anons were all over it.

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0de614  No.15436577

File: 61a6cb6344fad70⋯.png (577.74 KB, 503x421, 503:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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a41de1  No.15436578

File: f4e0433370d24bc⋯.jpeg (111.33 KB, 1282x704, 641:352, f4e0433370d24bc3ce36b6557….jpeg)

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47ac84  No.15436579

File: 05b27dcf9f7b68b⋯.png (283.61 KB, 609x547, 609:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd2dd5c6a0eb51b⋯.png (53.26 KB, 401x704, 401:704, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cbe4fdbbfb9fce0⋯.png (11.07 KB, 422x215, 422:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e1232e44d2ec06⋯.png (14.44 KB, 422x215, 422:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 285196bcb6523b2⋯.png (93 KB, 394x624, 197:312, ClipboardImage.png)


Watch the Water


DDG-105 = 447 & 105

#2Andrew McCabe



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ea2e55  No.15436580

File: 361973e8b8feeb6⋯.mp4 (272.35 KB, 600x600, 1:1, POTUS_Schiff.mp4)

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5d9842  No.15436581

File: 7816d119eb580a5⋯.png (162.55 KB, 488x276, 122:69, cuellar.png)

File: c25a114ae15296f⋯.png (538.44 KB, 732x412, 183:103, cuellerNietoNancyBeto.png)




>Source: FBI activity at Rep. Cuellar's Laredo home connected to Azerbaijan investigation


Not sure I'm buying the "anonymous source"

Cuellar Dig from earlier in the week

Cuellar Dig FBI Raid Bun - Sonny Bono Super Cut

#19502 Red Cross Hacked edition

>>15418437 FBI visiting US Rep Cuellar's house in Laredo

>>15418501 vice chairman of the House Homeland Security Appropriations Committee

>>15418527, >>15418547, >>15418667 El Chapo singin like a mofo. Q 4 year delta

>>15418628, >>15418652 Snopes confirms. Cuellar meets with bribed Mexican President.

>>15418652 Florence? El Chapo in Florence

>>15418620 Cuellar Bio. Wifes' names is Imelda Cueller

#19502 Dem Ballot Fraud edition

>>15418955 Cuellar does NOT want to mis-label the cartels

>>15419037 Rep Cuellar and Sheriff brother took campaign money from cartel corrupted Mexicans

>>15419059 Panama Papers have any info?

>>15419097 Was Chapo's wife singing?

>>15419287 Long opensource research article about cartels and border

>>15419485 Cuellar stuff

>>15419160 Henry Cuellar's campaign manager just deactivated

#19504: James Comey was the FBI director.. edition

>>15419674, >>15419681 Updated Bun. Cuellars Camp Man Twitter cache

>>15419692 Enrique Roberto "Henry" Cuellar. big opponent of border fencing and walls

>>15419695 Committees

#19505: Day after Popcorn Day Edition

>>15420838, >>15420844, >>15420829 Sonny Bono / Mackler Voting Machines Q drop question

>>15421116 an outspoken American patriot who worked tirelessly to halt the illegal alien invasion of our nation

>>15421097 Bono debate

>>15420839 Cher once said she thought he was whacked?

>>15421043 FBI agent claims Sonny Bono was murdered

>>15421108 Accomplished skiier. hard to imagine skiing into a tree with enough force to kill you

>>15421087, >>15421121, >>15421121 anti-corruption, Waco. Sonny was kicking all sorts of hornet nests

>>15421092 Bob Fletcher confessed he sent evidence of a 10-year study that linked top U.S. government officials to arms and weapons dealers

>>15420840 Bono looking into CIA/Pentagon international arms dealing disguised as a toy import-export business in southern California ?

>>15420930 u wouldn't happen to know which toy importer would you? SNCTM. Tai Tung toy importer

>>15420950 SNCTM Laredo connection? Post talks Laredo LEOs human trafficking with cartels where Cuellar's bro is sheriff.

>>15420971, all of thedigs are converging

>>15421010, >>15421021 Cuellar, Sonny Bono, Snctm, Maher, Long Beach, Napa, John Legend,…


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9ea4c2  No.15436582

File: 1bb7cd5ef901857⋯.jpeg (59.15 KB, 1250x650, 25:13, vivi.jpeg)

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b8da8c  No.15436583


text please

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8a0db7  No.15436584

File: d9c5649ef1cb892⋯.png (671.43 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, werenotgonna2.png)

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1ee6c4  No.15436585

File: d4f14fbb35a2f01⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1247x1034, 1247:1034, monkey.png)

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3363f6  No.15436586

File: 0959afa37ddd10c⋯.jpeg (40.35 KB, 362x441, 362:441, 7c8501d0742f065b.jpeg)

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5af3f7  No.15436588

File: efadba0154ee94e⋯.png (13.58 KB, 384x245, 384:245, ClipboardImage.png)


They are building the map.

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b2e109  No.15436589

File: 04aa5c109918157⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, TheCurse.png)

QWill never post on cursed board as this is!

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b3ae9d  No.15436590

File: b53ccea445e3ffa⋯.jpg (50.55 KB, 500x582, 250:291, b53ccea445e3ffaa5d83e68c80….jpg)

File: 6e4652fe78f857a⋯.jpeg (203.05 KB, 1241x865, 1241:865, 6e4652fe78f857a7e5cb136f4….jpeg)


Money talks and bullshit walks.

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8a0db7  No.15436591

File: 88cd284469ce32c⋯.png (166.95 KB, 892x378, 446:189, BIDEN230.png)

File: 94ce57b0f5af6d3⋯.png (501.28 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN227.png)

File: 14bd358f3bedb20⋯.png (249.07 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN228.png)

File: 3b990bf365d8f37⋯.png (683.9 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, BIDEN226.png)

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712fb9  No.15436592


So we are just their Bitches.

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be91f2  No.15436593


The F35 helmet makes everything visible. You can "see" through the air frame. Cost millions each and a haircut makes a difference in view and sensor contact.

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8964a2  No.15436594


Why are you ignoring the People of Israel and the People of America?

They're not enemies.

There is no 'inherent' hate or division.

Money is sent to many MANY countries worldwide, I assume that by focusing on Israel you're really talking about all the countries.

What if you were living in a world where a satanic cult was holding the People of Israel HOSTAGE by manufactured/controlled 'threats' from neighboring countries, and the cult said to you, send money to this country and send money to that country, or else there will be war, or else innocent people will be killed, and your soldiers will be dragged here and killed, but without a victor, endless war.

Why do you think Trump put focus on destroying ISIS, and arranging for the Abraham Accords to be signed?

The world is more complex than the shallow narrative you're trying to push all to smear certain peoples all in order to push the same old division code that benefits the satanic cult.

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02269b  No.15436595

File: b704033389815fa⋯.png (29.91 KB, 698x390, 349:195, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf04a746df691ea⋯.png (9.11 KB, 571x134, 571:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 882712405f7996f⋯.png (54.12 KB, 991x454, 991:454, unknown_Copy_Copy.png)





>qresear.ch is a thing. Anyone that wants to take the time to look can see when Jondoodle arrived, and how conveniant it was when compared with /comms/ being removed from power. Simply search "JonDoodle" and cross-reference with the date /comms/ was booted by Q. First they tried "BreadBoss" but anons were all over it.

Kitchen fire was in Oct. of of 2020, First ever mention of "JonDoodle" was in November 2020.

3) Coincidental. They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a new controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in general discussions in the particular public arena involved. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of general concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason.

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265616  No.15436596


its not like putine was invited into a minor escalation of world events

he justs wants a liddle peace

piece of ukraine

piece of kiev

piece of all your gas consumption now belong to us

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6882af  No.15436597

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b8da8c  No.15436598

@390 Ck please, wat did I miss still need covfefe

>>15436154 Dough


>>15436189 The last-comer was named among the Autists Kekrandir, the Green Pilgrim, for he dwelt in no place, and gathered to himself neither wealth nor followers, but ever went to and fro on the Interwebs…

>>15436198 Footage from the PRO LIFE march

>>15436233, >>15436366 Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat

>>15436263 IRS in crisis: 'File as quickly as possible,' says tax specialist

>>15436355, >>15436357 Anons notes #19524

>>15436393, >>15436581 FBI activity at Rep. Cuellar's Laredo home connected to Azerbaijan investigation. Agents were seen at Cuellar's home earlier this week, but they did not confirm the reason for their presence there

>>15436439, >>15436555, >>15436343 Re: (All LB) >>15435914, >>15435872, >>15435903, >>15435914, >>15435927 Bari Weiss could help wake people up

>>15436472 US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats' Family Members From Ukraine

>>15436485, >>15436543, >>15436572 UPDATE: Only one monkey still unaccounted for after crash

>>15436492 CASE CLOSED: President Trump on Jan. 6: “I Authorized National Guard on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Turned It Down” re: (PB) >>15435214

>>15436520 Texas woman arrested for allegedly trying to purchase child at Walmart checkout, deputies say

>>15436533 Watch: Psaki Says Brandon Is Working with Congress to Pass a Bill that would Remove Abortion Restrictions

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a09b1d  No.15436599


Kek…you beat me to it.

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f62a70  No.15436600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8a0db7  No.15436601

File: 570bb5ccf1774b1⋯.png (974.79 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FAUCI9.png)

File: 91658f3e618cff0⋯.png (823.17 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FAUCI10.png)

File: a0556890c1a3d22⋯.png (968.38 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, FAUCI7.png)

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181aac  No.15436602

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trust the "Elite"

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6dfab5  No.15436603


the whole of things of getting people behind the govt desires…

the how to of that appears to be waning.

and the exchange of technology through whatever means they may be, it's been interesting to see how similar designs pop up in opposing countries.

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f478a9  No.15436604

US human rights lawyer banned from entering Cambodia

“Apart from violating Cambodian jurisdiction with the purpose to threaten the independence of the Cambodian judiciary, an American person named Jared Matthew Genser violated the immigration law by using a visa for a different purpose,” Khieu Sopheak added.

January 22, 2022


Jared Genser:

he founded the non-profit [Freedom Now]

a visiting fellow with the [National Endowment for Democracy]

a Raoul Wallenberg Scholar at Hebrew University of Jerusalem

served as international counsel to a number of prominent human rights activists and political prisoners, including … Aung San Suu Kyi


Soros and Aung San Suu Kyi held a wide-ranging discussion about the reform process underway in Burma. "My foundations have been supporting the democracy movement for 20 years, but this was my first meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi. I have been and remain very much guided by her vision in my involvement in Burma," Soros said.


During her tour to the US last year, Suu Kyi held talks with Soros, the Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, political activist and author with an estimated net worth of US$24.9 billion, according to Forbes.


Freedom Now is a grantee of the Open Society Foundations.


NED Founders: Carl Gershman, Allen Weinstein

NED receives an annual appropriation from the U.S. budget (it is included in the chapter of the Department of State budget destined for the U.S. Agency for International Development-USAID)

(shut it down)

In 2018, President Donald Trump proposed to slash the NED's funding and cut its links to the Democratic and Republican Institutes.


In 1972 he served on the Governing Council of the American Jewish Committee.

In 2021 Gershman was the subject of a hoax by Russian comedians Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov, who convinced Gershman and other NED officials they were speaking remotely to Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, the Belarusian opposition leader, and an aide. Gersham said the NED "support many, many groups and we have a very, very active program throughout the country", and NED had contact with the chief aide to Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny

[Gershman retired as President of NED in summer 2021]

NED's long-serving president (since April 30, 1984) is Carl Gershman, former Senior Counselor to the United States Representative to the United Nations and

former Executive Director of [Social Democrats USA]


Communists, [Social Democrats], and the homosexual movement in the Weimar Republic

a number of particulars showing that the goals of the homosexual movement were supported almost exclusively by the left, especially the Communist Party, and that leftist homophobia was an atypical exception.

Attention is also devoted to the active involvement of homosexual men in the Nazi movement and the destruction of the Weimar Republic, which casts doubt on the notion that homosexuals were merely passive victims of Nazi homophobia and persecution.

The possibility of a special affinity between homosexual men and the Nazi movement is explored using the example of the Nazi leader Ernst Röhm.


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b057fb  No.15436605


Pretty much, yeah.

How do we end this, you ask?

Who is John Galt?

1. Force vax for "too big to fail" entities like shipping, telecomms, food production, "healthcare" and chain-retailers.

2. Those that stay at this point are among the 4-6%.

3. Those that get fired/leave will no longer interact with that entity.

No buying. No selling. Across the ENTIRE supply chain of that entity.

4. Those from #3 come together and rebuild that entity on 100% decentralized transparency, without the bureaucracy and corruption.

5. The Cabal dies on the very vine they grew to strangle us with.

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b3ae9d  No.15436606

File: 983aa93cc3daec9⋯.jpg (55.2 KB, 513x481, 513:481, Durham_2.jpg)

John Durham is a lowlife garbage disposal.

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6882af  No.15436607

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, AMEN.jpg)

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5d9842  No.15436608


>we need the longer clip.

hmm..maybe that's the same clip. now that I'm watching again

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5af3f7  No.15436609

File: efadba0154ee94e⋯.png (13.58 KB, 384x245, 384:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae91ea7d0ee10d6⋯.png (511.49 KB, 597x674, 597:674, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15435479 lbpb

They are building the map.

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17b874  No.15436610



some guy named "Graveyard" was holding me as a prisoner of war for 6 months.

wonder how he is related to jondoodle?

i think they are in same physical location

thailand i guess.

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ea2e55  No.15436611

File: 4e697a75954189f⋯.png (252.09 KB, 578x432, 289:216, fauci_science_.png)

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b3ae9d  No.15436612

File: 733f26f5d861e29⋯.jpg (78.48 KB, 500x721, 500:721, gtt_1.jpg)

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7a0468  No.15436613



Stabs the Air

is not having a

good morning.

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17b874  No.15436614


cause they kidnapped the CIA agents from MKultra and took them to columbia and were holding the UN hostage from thailand

still in thailand i guess

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6dfab5  No.15436615


Durham Vs Horowitz: Tension Over Truth & Consequences Grips FBI's Trump-Russia Reckoning

As he documents the role of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in generating false allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, Special Counsel John Durham has also previewed a challenge to the FBI’s claims about how and why its counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began.

At stake is the completeness of the official reckoning within the U.S. government over the Russiagate scandal – and whether there will be an accounting commensurate with the offense: the abuse of the nation's highest law enforcement and intelligence powers to damage an opposition presidential candidate turned president, at the behest of his opponent from the governing party he defeated.

DoJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who concluded the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane was properly "predicated."

The drama is playing out against the clashing approaches of the two Justice Department officials tasked with scrutinizing the Russia probe's origins and unearthing any misconduct: Durham, the Sphinx-like prosecutor with a reputation for toughness whose work continues; and Michael Horowitz, the Department of Justice inspector general, whose December 2019 report faulted the FBI's handling of the Russia probe but nonetheless concluded that it was launched in good faith.

The bureau's defenders point to Horowitz's report to argue that the FBI’s Trump-Russia conspiracy investigation, codenamed Crossfire Hurricane, is untainted despite its extensive use of the discredited Clinton-funded Steele dossier. Though highly critical of the bureau's use of Christopher Steele's reports, Horowitz concluded that they “played no role in the Crossfire Hurricane opening," which he said had met the department's “low threshold” for opening an investigation.

But Durham has made plain his dissent. In response to Horowitz's report, the special counsel announced that his office had "advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened." Durham stressed that, unlike Horowitz, his "investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department" and has instead obtained "information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S."

Durham’s office has not described the specific basis for its disagreement. But the Crossfire Hurricane advocates’ defense has a big problem: copious countervailing evidence in the public record – including in Horowitz's own report. A considerable paper trail points to Steele’s political opposition research playing a greater role in the probe than the FBI has acknowledged:

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02269b  No.15436616

File: b6b78468d71c93c⋯.png (9.11 KB, 571x134, 571:134, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 724061eb1b84838⋯.png (46.74 KB, 2387x227, 2387:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 839465b7cdcdfd1⋯.png (59.81 KB, 991x454, 991:454, ClipboardImage.png)


>Kitchen fire was in Oct. of of 2020, First ever mention of "JonDoodle" was in November 2020.


10/22/2020 - End of /comms/

11/07/2020 - First Appearance of JonDoodle

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47ac84  No.15436617

File: aeddce37b4e79e0⋯.png (21.87 KB, 420x257, 420:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fe2532ba2a44df⋯.png (109.15 KB, 420x642, 70:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d90f1df7c618e85⋯.png (26.58 KB, 411x378, 137:126, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d56c9c504224e7⋯.png (16.56 KB, 429x301, 429:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 014fcffeac13a6e⋯.png (32.01 KB, 429x592, 429:592, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15436579 continued

T-AO 194 = 20 & 115 & 194

B = #2== Andrew McCabe



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1d7c9c  No.15436618

File: 09d3dfdf1df6609⋯.png (993.2 KB, 933x789, 311:263, ClipboardImage.png)


“To be, or not to be – that is the question:

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

“…’Tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep —

To sleep – perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub,

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil…”

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ee8e9c  No.15436619

File: 2346eef3a74b6a8⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, hillary_china.mp4)

File: 0aedfdb8d6105c3⋯.mp4 (8.94 MB, 854x480, 427:240, hillary_remix.mp4)

File: 2b6faafa899749e⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Relive_the_magic_of_Andy_H….mp4)

File: 30be5dacc134dec⋯.gif (966.53 KB, 310x216, 155:108, hil_dab.gif)

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eb1800  No.15436620

File: 4512a17624de979⋯.jpg (38.31 KB, 334x391, 334:391, Angela_Merkel_PD3.jpg)

File: 10a959deace3714⋯.jpg (17.06 KB, 200x237, 200:237, geli_raubal.jpg)

File: 0625c7d919ff2d8⋯.jpg (145.36 KB, 540x338, 270:169, Barbara_Bush_Aleister_Crow….jpg)

File: a71d1bb36573bb8⋯.jpeg (293.49 KB, 1199x515, 1199:515, crowleystwo.jpeg)

File: 03e3301bcef170b⋯.png (386.76 KB, 533x500, 533:500, crowleybritishroyalty.png)

>>15411583 pb

A muddy the water's post, along the lines of Goldbug

>>15436570 pb

What do they want to cover up with BS?

I doubt this because none of the named look much like Adolf, nor do they resemble each other as would be the case if they were all half siblings .

Also Barbara Bush is likely offspring of Spy-Occultist "Beast 666" Crowley - She resembles Crowley, rather than Adolf

(Use your eyes?)

These Half Siblings offspring of Adolf's do resemble each other

Q team gave us the hint

"Geli" (deceased daughter) formal name "Angela"

Tradition to name next born child after previously deceased sibling

(Crowley was financed by founder of Rocketry USA Parsons, So there's the connect to Nazi ism, if you want one.

Also for Bush connect see "Scherf" "Bush"

Prescott was an imposter. .older man doesn't match early photo. Crowley was a Propagandist for Adolf during the War and was "forgiven" by the British, since they claimed he was a "double agent")

"Secret Agent 666" is the bio of Crowley which deals with the issue of his government service

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34a774  No.15436621

File: 0bd14f1a953c50b⋯.png (502.84 KB, 542x613, 542:613, Screen_Shot_01_22_22_at_11….PNG)

So Joe's at Camp David for the weekend.


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5a2cc0  No.15436622

File: fb5b6023ab6cbf3⋯.jpg (404.61 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20220122_104301….jpg)

Actor Kirk Cameron at March for Life rally in DC

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bcf60d  No.15436623

File: a80f1d5c7ba1968⋯.png (26.73 KB, 425x229, 425:229, yest.png)


MistyG ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [22.01.22 09:34]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)]

Good morning Patriots 🇺🇸

I’ve always known our Telegram community is amazing, but after seeing what everyone did for Qtah yesterday I am blown away.

The amount of love, support, prayers and advice was absolutely incredible to witness.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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67959e  No.15436624

File: 09d0f0561eb9279⋯.jpg (629.19 KB, 1350x419, 1350:419, goats_eating.jpg)



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eb1800  No.15436625

File: 56fe2e60924238a⋯.jpg (92.24 KB, 431x622, 431:622, crowley666.jpg)



A cult around him was re started in the USA by Intel after his death.

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2c1587  No.15436626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Book of Enoch: Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (Part 9 - Ch. 39-40)

NOT canonical scripture although

good lesson and reading.

(ie) The Day of the Lord (Yahuah)

start at 2:50 if you wish

Shabbat Shalom

Happy Sabbath Day



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b3ae9d  No.15436627

File: f771142b2776c2f⋯.png (183.56 KB, 489x400, 489:400, 67831aa17f62e310b3ea2c5c60….png)

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265338  No.15436628


Maybe you got dead and now youre trapped in an episode of LOST.

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bcf60d  No.15436629

File: d36b6b88ae87658⋯.png (102.65 KB, 422x371, 422:371, needs.png)


Fighting The Commies, [22.01.22 10:58]

'This President Needs a Lesson': Biden Admin Threatened With Legal Action Over Withholding of COVID Relief Funds

Arizona officials lay down the gauntlet.

FULL STORY → https://fightingthecommies.com/CIE

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0e9baf  No.15436630

File: 01da0dfe27f5667⋯.png (269.74 KB, 727x927, 727:927, jan_6_Gulag_Keepers_over_s….png)

File: d6c3cd4429e1a94⋯.png (309 KB, 612x688, 153:172, Screenshot_2022_01_22_Memb….png)

File: 291063947ef10d3⋯.png (276.11 KB, 1200x533, 1200:533, americangulag_logo5.png)




Where in the Hell is the House Ethic Committees to remove these Jan 6th Gulag Keepers overstepping their constitutional authority!

These Jan 6 th Gulag Keeper douchebags need to be in the gulag cells where the Jan 6th peaceful protesters are kept, instead of the Jan 6 peaceful protesters.

Contact: If you wish to contact the Gulag keepers, you may write or phone:

The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th peaceful protesters held prisoner on the U.S. Capitol

Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-7800


IS THIS CONSTITUTIONAL? Jan 6 Committee Claims Absolute Power to Investigate Citizens with No Regard for Judicial Limits

On Wednesday, three men from Illinois were charged in connection with Jan. 6, after they were tracked down by investigators who found them by obtaining geolocation data from their phones through a likely-illegal subpoena.

The trio becomes the latest victims of the 1/6 witch hunt, joining the hundreds of other Americans who have been charged since the event.

In short, they support Trump, were at the event on 1/6, went inside, hung out, and left – just like the vast majority of the other individuals who have been charged in connection with the event.

But, somehow, we’re still waiting on charges for Ray Epps and several other fed-connected provocateurs…

Federal authorities were able to locate the three men, after Big Tech giant Google responded to a 1/6 commission subpoena and provided the trio’s geolocation data, which showed their mobile devices and connected Google accounts were likely located in and around the restricted area of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Tracking your geolocation through your Google account to hunt you down a full year later? Wow, what a freaking hellhole dystopian nightmare, right? But that ain’t even half of it – this is just more in the same as the DC Swamp steps up its political purge of those who dare to question the legitimacy of the current fraudulent regime.

In its rogue mission to persecute and gather information about private U.S. citizens, Nancy Pelosi’s sham 1/6 Committee has been freely acting with impunity while flouting several traditional civil liberties that are protected by the constitution. And now, with Biden’s poll numbers tanking weekly, the congressional commission is ramping up their witch hunt by way of surveillance powers that not even the FBI or other law enforcement agencies are cleared to use.

Under the US Constitution, in addition to several Supreme Court rulings on the subject, it is the executive branch – with the supervision by the Judiciary – who is traditionally responsible for investigating crimes, not Congress. Nevertheless, the people’s house does have the power to conduct investigations, but it is extremely limited.

Despite the clear precedent being set for these congressional investigations, Pelosi’s rogue commission is actively conducting a criminal investigation in order to find and punish political thought crimes that have been committed by private law-abiding citizens, which is precisely what they are prohibited from doing – calling into question the legality of the commission’s entire existence, let alone its nefarious actions throughout the past year.





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265616  No.15436631


wuold be so Qute if the foulest agency in the history of the world (FF' FAGGOTS) would go down by the hand of the assassinated SONNY BONO

i got u babe!

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f189a4  No.15436632

File: 1b7c26164d5cb51⋯.mp3 (52.13 KB, 2022_01_22T16_49_17.mp3)


Your salt tears are my aspirin.

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02269b  No.15436633

File: 12dd6af47236009⋯.png (30.12 KB, 886x411, 886:411, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f13752cd52f159⋯.png (9.59 KB, 711x103, 711:103, ClipboardImage.png)






That is a graveyard bake, was the BO of /comms/ and a proven federal agent. That is the one that threaten to dox me when I proved they were deleting notables latenight, all part of the same crew..

BreadBoss was the persona they tried first but anons immediately called it out so they switched to JonDoodle and ran with it. Really it is /comms-warroom/

as always, sauce provided.

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3e12b5  No.15436634


>Taylor was arrested and charged with sale or purchase of a child, a third-degree felony in Texas.

>As of Thursday, records show she was released on a $50,000 bond.

LE should do a deep dive into her. She owns her own company.

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da77a4  No.15436635

File: f6c54043dbbab2e⋯.jpg (192.34 KB, 672x936, 28:39, R.jpg)

File: 3fbde2815ecd080⋯.webm (10.78 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ascender_Enter_The_Dream_….webm)



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b3ae9d  No.15436636

File: fbef10637f1fd95⋯.jpg (34.37 KB, 480x359, 480:359, downloadfile_5_.jpg)


Shut your nigga!!

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5a2cc0  No.15436637

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02269b  No.15436638




>ip hop to create the consensus

>attack OSS

>ignores proof provided.

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bcf60d  No.15436639

File: fcfec23af7d8797⋯.png (127.47 KB, 430x433, 430:433, turn.png)

File: 6dfe5677494a058⋯.png (451.03 KB, 459x538, 459:538, urn.png)


The Western Journal, [22.01.22 10:58]

Psaki Encourages Americans Who Are 'Frustrated' by Dem Policy Failures to Turn to Alcohol

READ: http://w-j.co/s/0245c

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17b874  No.15436640


by design

lost in plain sight

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8a0db7  No.15436641


If I were prez, I'd be heading out to Camp David most weekends, just to get clear of the stench of D.C. and get a breath or two of fresh air.

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8c37c6  No.15436642

File: ee97b31800be26e⋯.png (258.51 KB, 425x740, 85:148, doggo.png)

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17b874  No.15436643


okay .

the dude was working nightshift back in graveyard and he kept fucking up the supercomputing and eventually lost power beg of jan

he was working alone

probably seemed frantic

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47ac84  No.15436645

File: 0d9ad76f8e90ac6⋯.png (27.44 KB, 429x460, 429:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 606b89f592438c3⋯.png (33.43 KB, 429x555, 143:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 746063040dde14d⋯.png (191.44 KB, 429x708, 143:236, ClipboardImage.png)

File: facaed8062ba639⋯.png (46.47 KB, 421x481, 421:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c5f2f9f0e483a8⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1235x1334, 1235:1334, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15436617 continued



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ee8e9c  No.15436646

File: 1ec46632181454f⋯.mp4 (2.91 MB, 960x720, 4:3, barbara_fetus.mp4)

File: 79497c81fa0c4e2⋯.gif (1.81 MB, 340x240, 17:12, shoe_bush.gif)

File: 05e83484e0d65a7⋯.mp4 (275.37 KB, 360x360, 1:1, please_clap.mp4)

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dfa133  No.15436647

File: 3b289001eeed16b⋯.jpg (66.9 KB, 748x500, 187:125, 3b289001eeed16bec3220f42c3….jpg)



Psaki is a MEGA Maggot.

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9f9c24  No.15436648

File: cad09f8abd53868⋯.jpg (81.77 KB, 638x433, 638:433, D_JUDGE_WIN.jpg)




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2fc377  No.15436649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Learn the difference.

Meet Your Strawman


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02269b  No.15436650

File: eb253a2baa690b9⋯.png (457.57 KB, 2344x2028, 586:507, GYB_deletes_1.png)

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bcf60d  No.15436651

File: 1cff4fd5ebeb264⋯.png (191.66 KB, 424x620, 106:155, germa.png)


Brian Cates - Political Columnist ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [22.01.22 10:43]

[Forwarded from Disclose.tv]

NEW - Germany: Former constitutional judges warn against mandatory vaccination and send a clear signal to the chancellor and the health minister.

The proportionality of mandatory vaccination is doubtful, and the data available to justify it is questionable, according to the top judges Papier and Fabio.



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b8da8c  No.15436652


text please

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265338  No.15436653


the we the media network has me censored for daring to question them. lol, I am unbanned on very few telegram channels. Kinda fun

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41b27f  No.15436654

File: ef00ed79652a8ef⋯.jpeg (654.08 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, ef00ed79652a8ef8e2bf6eddb….jpeg)

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ea2e55  No.15436655

File: 56fb7be69318a72⋯.png (434.48 KB, 506x450, 253:225, Pelosi_drink.png)

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8c37c6  No.15436656

File: e42b97fca1e09d9⋯.png (486.15 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 9e736311cdb6c6c6acf8b7214f….png)

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b74863  No.15436657



Wasn't Doodle that anon that posted a scribble of every bake they did or??

That why they were named JonDoodle?


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f0ee53  No.15436658


Time + date stamp = 17

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dfa133  No.15436659


Fuck OSHA she burned the entire country for 2 million dollars plus royalties.


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34a774  No.15436660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Proudest Monkey- Dave Matthews

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265616  No.15436661


WHEN YOU HAVE THE SHAKES OF A HARD CORE STONE COLD LOSER – almost impossible to regain control over the immorality

look up failure and incompetence

you'll see a pic of all your fav libtard satanists

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b74863  No.15436662


>Muh scribbles

Try to make it organic eh?

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8a0db7  No.15436663

File: e72ea8e2e5a4c39⋯.png (550.29 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, HRC50.png)

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17b874  No.15436664



i see you.

i think you all detected a problem accurately.

do you realize the problem is like 100x bigger than it looks based on that picture?

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5a2cc0  No.15436665

File: 46037855ca261d9⋯.jpg (95.16 KB, 652x789, 652:789, 20211031_120931.jpg)


Right …he's the one needing fresh air

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b8da8c  No.15436666


text please

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16ecba  No.15436667

File: a68242539ca4ab0⋯.png (14.05 KB, 1079x155, 1079:155, Nice_View_Up_Here.png)

File: 328b199e5ba0ff7⋯.png (320.77 KB, 580x553, 580:553, It_s_not_about_me.png)

File: 2cdb15d42ebbfe6⋯.png (614.12 KB, 2386x898, 1193:449, Time_Lord.png)


>'The Mountain of Wisdom'

"Mistakes to some are roadmaps to others." - Q

All that ever mattered was helping others along the climb.

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b057fb  No.15436668


Now you're talkin'.

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f62a70  No.15436669

Commander's PAIN23 has the BALL , GREEN LIGHT AND GOOD





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6dfab5  No.15436670


dub dub


He is Narcissus

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b74863  No.15436671


Whooo buddy. We got to that point Q and guess fucking what…

The fucking board got handed off imagine that shit eh?

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9f9c24  No.15436672

File: 9b2636cba6fe4f0⋯.jpg (171.68 KB, 654x473, 654:473, HAD_2_B.jpg)



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bcf60d  No.15436673

File: 565efedb79a7adc⋯.png (171.34 KB, 424x423, 424:423, ice.png)


C-VINE News (Official Channel), [22.01.22 11:45]


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8b5263  No.15436674

File: 79a231a882bbb50⋯.png (11.04 KB, 721x120, 721:120, Screenshot_2022_01_22_at_1….png)

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8c37c6  No.15436675


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b74863  No.15436676


I think you understand how fucking livid I am OSS.

Anons have been fighting back the shitstorm for quite some time now.

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8a0db7  No.15436677

File: 2a000e8e0977476⋯.png (946.92 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, HRC49.png)

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dfa133  No.15436678

File: c83aa1e70fd65fa⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1431, 40:53, 92cb1361a6cab8d47c0b180b88….png)

I never ever want to see Nancy Pelosi in person. word is she has anal leakage stank to go along with her tales of the crypt face and neck….

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17b874  No.15436679


i am a schizo and the CIA mkultra sat systems in my brain line up to the events

someone hijacked the computers that were connected to my brain…

that was back in sept or so. just ending and talking here now cause i didnt realize there was something relevant on the boards.

i was just logging on to blow whistle on this shit and found the archives deleted and now the stolen property.

it is all relative.

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02269b  No.15436680

File: 855dad5fcb5feea⋯.png (2.68 MB, 3452x3272, 863:818, big_mad.png)


>Wasn't Doodle that anon that posted a scribble of every bake they did or??

Technically that was "BreadBoss", but there is no Anons, they used a staic VPN and handed-off the credentials to their entire team. Which I have sauce for as well, then they could hold the bake for 48+ hours without ever handing off. Sauce attached

Bottom left hand corner.

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b74863  No.15436681


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9ea4c2  No.15436682


so you can bleed to death internally after the vaxxxx

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bcf60d  No.15436683

File: 1defe61323176d6⋯.png (181.34 KB, 423x482, 423:482, rats.png)


The Trump Republicans, [22.01.22 10:24]

[Forwarded from The College Fix]

Fear limits one’s ability to reason, which is on full display across American campuses.

https://www.thecollegefix.com/educators-have-an-irrational-fear-of-covid-and-the-unvaccinated/ (https://www.thecollegefix.com/educators-have-an-irrational-fear-of-covid-and-the-unvaccinated/)

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ea2e55  No.15436684

File: 6e1084a65e2075e⋯.gif (4.92 MB, 498x328, 249:164, vomit_dry_hv.gif)


>anal leakage stank

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ea1d55  No.15436685

File: 93075269721906d⋯.png (300.93 KB, 816x885, 272:295, 183911de19eb14b7c5b9b33e07….png)

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5a2cc0  No.15436686

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b74863  No.15436687


You know I was baking most of the time they werent right?

Fuck them

Fuck them all.

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17b874  No.15436688


the boards are coming back on

tons of federal agents here watching.

where is BO? sauce.

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265616  No.15436689


sue the fuck OUT of nancy pooloosi, bitch controls the purse and is hurting all Americans

niggers with the money will never help out another, that's the definition of nigger. someone who will rather have you starve than give you a penny for a days worth of work you put in for the nigger!…, when will Americans see that!?!

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6dfab5  No.15436690


did not know that…



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b74863  No.15436691

4 fucking years.

culminating in the last two.




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bcf60d  No.15436692

File: 9f845f2be01b92d⋯.png (179.73 KB, 423x381, 141:127, stock.png)


Election Wizard, [22.01.22 09:54]

[ Video ]

HAPPENING: A huge demonstration against vaccine passports in Stockholm

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a1ba0b  No.15436693




video to go along with the article

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c6d3d3  No.15436694

File: 1d001a870930652⋯.jpg (147.65 KB, 750x753, 250:251, 1d001a8709306529f328501c9c….jpg)

File: 536731d39b0c973⋯.jpg (38.23 KB, 331x347, 331:347, 536731d39b0c9738c302fffe74….jpg)

File: 16927b3f2c530a2⋯.png (9.28 KB, 186x255, 62:85, c101a3a10728f1c0a478906bbe….png)

File: 0eaa3c62c654f22⋯.png (366.88 KB, 600x537, 200:179, Golden_Dawn_happening.png)

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4588a6  No.15436695

File: 011d63bdb589e6a⋯.jpg (95.9 KB, 300x300, 1:1, downloadfile.jpg)

Ron Jeremy is set to release 2 new porn films in the summer he says he's back in good shape.

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b057fb  No.15436696

File: 4bfc2e0c78ba6f3⋯.png (863.9 KB, 1125x628, 1125:628, ClipboardImage.png)


>you have software technology at the IRS that is rooted back in the 1960s.

Kill the FED and the IRS.

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b74863  No.15436697


>>>15436681 (You)

>the boards are coming back on

>tons of federal agents here watching.

>where is BO? sauce.


No sauce. xD TwKK

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ea2e55  No.15436699

File: 4db3b37483b5791⋯.jpg (58.52 KB, 540x730, 54:73, Biden_keks_impractical_jok….jpg)


The Great Awakening

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47ac84  No.15436700

File: 7943e98ef66790a⋯.png (256.04 KB, 741x656, 741:656, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 566289b89072b9b⋯.png (46.01 KB, 491x558, 491:558, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b9b8671062a593⋯.png (67.53 KB, 528x663, 176:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e34994f8b29846⋯.png (19.16 KB, 679x265, 679:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d55390b15707bf⋯.png (71.52 KB, 878x447, 878:447, ClipboardImage.png)


==Watch the Water


AS-40 = 119 & 40


DJT = 4, 10, 20


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8a0db7  No.15436701


I hope never to see any of the libtards in person.

I'd be shouting one snarky comment after until they carted me away!

'Suppose the looney bin is nice this time of year…

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36afc9  No.15436702

File: 21854af656c19ec⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1298x1080, 649:540, ClipboardImage.png)



Dan Jan 18th, 2022: Saving Israel for Last is on The Clock

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bcf60d  No.15436703

File: 894f046dcafd68c⋯.png (42.73 KB, 421x625, 421:625, front.png)


Wendy Rogers, [22.01.22 11:49]

[Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson (Jarrin Jackson)]

Paytriot Front:

1) Came out of obscurity

2) mass media coverage

3) masks, shin guards, trash can lids as shields

4) Hitler-style salutes

5) No identifiable leadership framework

6) multiple areas of operation (DC, NYC, etc)

7) fodder for anti-patriot press

8) symbols reflect Antifa-designs

9) did I mention shin guards?

10) shields?

11) all white people, all men

12) only marching or standing in formation, no messaging or interviews

13) all physically fit, young men

14) khakis?!?!?

*dont be stupid

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b057fb  No.15436704

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45f732  No.15436705

File: 4b310f8b5d0855c⋯.gif (350.45 KB, 523x501, 523:501, killary.gif)

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e0a1d3  No.15436706

hree out of the four lab monkeys on the loose after a Friday tractor-trailer crash have been caught, but one is still on the loose, authorities said.

As of Saturday morning authorities are still searching for one monkey, according to Pennsylvania State Police.

Trooper Andrea Pelachick said civilians should not try looking for the monkey or approaching it if seen. Instead, any sightings should immediately be reported by calling state police at 570-524-2662.

Apple iPhone 13 - 256 GB - Blue - Verizon With Installment


Verizon Wireless

Apple iPhone 13 - 256 GB - Blue - Verizon With Installment

A tractor-trailer hauling 100 lab monkeys crashed with a dump truck Friday afternoon on Route 54 near the Danville exit of Interstate 80 in Montour County, state police said.

It is unclear if any people or monkeys were hurt in the crash.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are involved in the search.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) released the following statement after the crash and escape:

“Because these 100 long-tailed macaque monkeys were headed to a laboratory to be caged, tormented, and killed, they were already in danger — but now the public is, too. The four who got away are undoubtedly terrified and likely injured, and they may be harboring viruses that are transmissible to humans. There is no way to ensure that monkeys are virus-free, and state veterinary and other records show that monkeys in laboratories in the U.S. have been found with

tuberculosis, Chagas disease, cholera, and MRSA.

The only way to ensure that pathogens don’t jump from monkeys to humans is to stop importing, caging, and experimenting on these animals.” (That we know of).

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9ea4c2  No.15436707

File: 9fe75353aa7a759⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 3491x3199, 3491:3199, hillbiden.jpg)

The greater the crime perpetrated by the leadership, the less likely it is that the people will ever believe their leaders to be capable of perpetrating such an event.

Adolf Hitler

Let me control the textbooks, and I will control the state.

Adolf Hitler

By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell - and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed.

Adolf Hitler

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41b27f  No.15436708

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0fd26d  No.15436709

File: cbbe6ef10da0c33⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 348x242, 174:121, 20211220_120831.jpg)

And the word was made flesh

And dwelt among us

6. 12. 6.

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8a0db7  No.15436710

File: 056d9f99f08c803⋯.png (1 MB, 810x810, 1:1, clockfags1.png)

File: a85177681f55c52⋯.png (501 KB, 1440x193, 1440:193, gematria1.png)

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2fc377  No.15436711

File: 5c4f9c652e93c84⋯.png (4.03 MB, 2100x1401, 700:467, ClipboardImage.png)

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b74863  No.15436712


Member that time you baked for like a Week straight to prove a point over the faggotry?

Anons Member. I gotta post that extended (You)s collection xD

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16ecba  No.15436714

File: d7946b41795747d⋯.png (4.18 MB, 1400x1400, 1:1, DP_Loves_You.png)



You are loved.

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1e9f0e  No.15436715

File: 37a3fee1aa6fa25⋯.jpg (39.88 KB, 500x335, 100:67, vxi.jpg)

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34a774  No.15436716

File: ab974abf39dc1b0⋯.png (255.03 KB, 542x441, 542:441, Screen_Shot_01_22_22_at_12….PNG)


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34c9f9  No.15436717

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17b874  No.15436718


you are watching a movie. follow the pattern.

i started this alongside mil in 2015 + 4 = 2019 + 2 = 2021

i got shut down as a revolutionary in 2019 and obama tried to force me into the cabal without success.

q plan was active already and collided with the obama plan to enslave me as an activist.


2yr <you think you are here>

1yr <welcome to here>

.5 <6mo>

.25 <3mo>

.125 <45days>

the countdown

it is happening

mil is operating globally

trafficking systems offline already

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bcf60d  No.15436719

File: d0e911a1f2bee2b⋯.png (36.4 KB, 613x208, 613:208, evac.png)


JUST IN - Ukraine: U.S. and Germany prepare plans to evacuate nonessential embassy personnel in #Kyiv, according to multiple media reports.

11:56 AM · Jan 22, 2022

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dca3cf  No.15436720

File: e1c1d77d4bff3a0⋯.jpg (392.55 KB, 1405x1179, 1405:1179, SmartSelect_20220122_11014….jpg)


Was Wikipedia. This is better sauce and updated


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47ac84  No.15436721

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02269b  No.15436722



>Member that time you baked for like a Week straight to prove a point over the faggotry?

The longest I ever baked was 18 hours, it happened the morning I came in and half the notables from the night before were deleted. It was the night we discovered the COVID test kits were ordered months before COVID was a thing.

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3e4059  No.15436723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bitcoin is lemming. 2000+ bank closures in the U.S in less than 2 years. Fed getting cucked by the Treasury Digital Dollar.

Credit Suisse hit with non stop fraud charges & fines.


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de8680  No.15436724


She's pretty

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bcf60d  No.15436725

File: 94606e87a4cfb22⋯.png (656.08 KB, 602x877, 602:877, wow.png)


il Donaldo Trumpo


Smiling face with heart-shaped eyesSmiling face with heart-shaped eyesSmiling face with heart-shaped eyes


11:57 AM · Jan 22, 2022

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6fe147  No.15436726



Ashkenazi Jews

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02269b  No.15436727

File: c13e3699a13251b⋯.png (257.4 KB, 680x540, 34:27, 4ac18d4e57c802073a2cda51a4….png)


I even still have a meme about it.

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5a2cc0  No.15436728


Bidan handing putin victory





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8964a2  No.15436729

A variant of the common cold was the PERFECT lead in to awakening the world to the fact that 'they' not only try to kill people with manufactured viruses in a lab like Wuhan, but also try to kill people WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS.

There may be more 'interim' stages like 'conventional' weaponry and mass abortions, but if the world can be awakened to the fact that they are being hunted by a globalist network that launches virus attacks, it will be a MUCH EASIER pill to swallow that they are also being hunted with nuclear weapons.

Enter Uranium 1.

That's why Q mentioned it years ago.

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17b874  No.15436731


you are watching layered declassification as "#declas"

levels of classified access

agents with no classified access are part of this declas, you will see them, watch the news.

small sparks of conflict still going from leftover cabal plans for takeover.

but it should take 6mo-1yr for public declas, that is my guess based on time

i do timing work for the government for prediction

calendars, cycles, clocks, patterns etc.

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461fc4  No.15436732


AND targets males

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dca3cf  No.15436733

>>15436720 (me)

75,000 employees. 12.5 billion dollar budget and they can't keep their systems updated or even process claims in a reasonable amount of time. They should be ended for that alone.

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f313c7  No.15436734

File: 4a58fb73b6e2627⋯.jpg (57.91 KB, 450x372, 75:62, downloadfile_1_.jpg)



The entire Biden presidency is a Charade…

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8a0db7  No.15436735

File: 58427dc4ee21f09⋯.png (473.75 KB, 533x800, 533:800, PANIC5.png)

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bcf60d  No.15436736

File: ffa9520f8fb2021⋯.png (304.57 KB, 604x560, 151:140, uni.png)


NOW - NHS staff are throwing their uniforms in protest of the vaccine mandate at the police outside Downing Street.


Subject Access

11:25 AM · Jan 22, 2022·

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b8da8c  No.15436737


linkypoo please

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d0a440  No.15436738


Damn! Just in time for the worldwide shortage of eye bleach! Fuckin gross! Nobody wants to see that!

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b057fb  No.15436739


So the FED is cucking itself?

ANY monetary system controlled by a central banking system is something to be avoided.

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bcf60d  No.15436740

File: 8f03650b0ad07fa⋯.png (225.72 KB, 602x533, 602:533, fin.png)


NOW - Large protest against vaccine passport and vaccine mandates in #Helsinki, the capital of Finland.


𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚞𝚎𝚕 𝙶𝚛𝚢𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 Flag of Finland

10:57 AM · Jan 22, 2022·

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02269b  No.15436741

Notice how the shills all stopped responding, because all of their gaslight fails in the face of truth with sauce to back it up, best they can do is delete it. Screenshot my posts, save them, and if you don't agree with me now, see if you do in 2 months.

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8a0db7  No.15436742

File: 6f90d926f886027⋯.png (41.58 KB, 765x183, 255:61, TRUTHSOCIAL1.png)

Next month?

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17b874  No.15436743

the fusion centers can be re-focused on white collar criminals alongside the remainder of the local/state infrastructure; this basically auto-arrests the criminals with facial recognition technologies; sending officers out based on issued warrants.

it is simply the declassification of the offenses and their associated warrants.

all other considers are security based [economic/mil]

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bcf60d  No.15436744

File: 4b2346a86556a90⋯.png (994.06 KB, 1176x863, 1176:863, am.png)

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712fb9  No.15436745



Using their own methods against them.

Fight fire with fire.

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47ac84  No.15436746

File: 5c4f9c652e93c84⋯.png (4.03 MB, 2100x1401, 700:467, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a53a08d45157d48⋯.png (28.87 KB, 416x483, 416:483, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5c2338ff498e022⋯.png (50.28 KB, 416x653, 416:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3bdf608c1805c0⋯.png (41.19 KB, 416x653, 416:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29eccc6de888972⋯.png (55.52 KB, 416x653, 416:653, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15436700 continued

11A-2 = 1112 or 111 & 2double meanings?

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5d9842  No.15436747




>28-year-old supports Medicare for All, a Green New Deal,

this might benotabletoo.

Commies hoping to benefit from Cuellar raid

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b057fb  No.15436748


>>15436739 me

Allow me to rephrase slightly;

<ANY monetary system controlled by a central banking system is something to be avoided.

>ANY medium of exchange controlled by a central banking system is something to be avoided.

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34c9f9  No.15436749

Propaganda Intensifying

Fake News got Nothing

Fake Cold war

Fake Invasion Fears

Fake Covid Stats

Fake "we Got Trump" Pieces

Anions are the news Meow

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6dafe2  No.15436750


Proper use of imagery here, thanks - I could hear SLJ saying it KEK

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3363f6  No.15436751

File: e2388aff0d0b12a⋯.png (85.21 KB, 648x724, 162:181, 1557280471545.png)


Remember when our greatest ally gave China our military tech?

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36afc9  No.15436752

File: 5cf10a3e2b20306⋯.png (424.98 KB, 601x751, 601:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8b6a57f31bef17⋯.png (720.74 KB, 1446x1053, 482:351, ClipboardImage.png)


>The greenback backed by gold


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2fc377  No.15436753

File: de8d0919384a8aa⋯.png (397.99 KB, 668x507, 668:507, ClipboardImage.png)

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e43d60  No.15436754


Is now safer than 8kun

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c20c63  No.15436755


that sounds like Machine Gun Jim.

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c6d3d3  No.15436757

File: bb70feb36ff4605⋯.jpg (78.45 KB, 575x596, 575:596, Conspiracy_Theorist.jpg)

File: 2341b8d391224e0⋯.jpg (92.37 KB, 500x515, 100:103, Great_Awakening_1.jpg)

File: 7075768cc20a093⋯.jpg (58.71 KB, 480x720, 2:3, IMG_3600.JPG)

File: d01f085787e35ff⋯.jpg (115.16 KB, 888x499, 888:499, IMG_4922.JPG)

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f7100a  No.15436758

File: be15ac974fe4da1⋯.gif (6.39 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, big_bang.gif)

let's go, brandon

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ea2e55  No.15436759

File: 2a8bd5683269cc1⋯.png (548.77 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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17b874  No.15436760

File: 241e3535fe60d8b⋯.jpg (157.54 KB, 1590x564, 265:94, asfasfbcvcs.jpg)


i dont proofread

forgive me

keeps it classified actually

cause nobody values stupid content

unless they have a keen eye for dumb shit

most citizens disregard official content without official design and credential

this is just conspiracy shit really.

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8964a2  No.15436761


Remember when Q asked what if China and Russia were helping POTUS Trump eliminate the NWO?

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9f9c24  No.15436762

File: a58a32c7d033770⋯.jpg (268.91 KB, 769x538, 769:538, TAKING_IT_BACK.jpg)

File: 186d8ba600b4119⋯.jpg (128.53 KB, 840x455, 24:13, U_CANT_TAKE_IT.jpg)

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8b5263  No.15436763

File: 0b9a38e017666ea⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, poolsclosed.png)

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da77a4  No.15436764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





































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36d22d  No.15436765

File: 0dce63b3c575603⋯.png (529.96 KB, 652x867, 652:867, CYM_a.png)

File: c2682f0f5d491fd⋯.png (557.45 KB, 776x853, 776:853, CYM.png)

Dear Mr Shepherd,

I send you the photocopies + printouts because I'm scared!!! I have a USB stick

Ordered from Amazon and received it last week. A stick was opened packaging and

were also data on it (PDF texts). Since I wanted to send the stick back but

thought no, first look exactly what that is.

I can't read English very well, but from what I understand, it's a list of abductees

children! They'll probably be caught and exploited, it's terribly sad. A company CYM r

runs camps and evaluates children. They offer that, the adrenochrome and sell it

that!!! Diposal means to dispose of! It's many hundreds of pages and I can only give you a few

print. There are also lists of adult names and photos! I believe that

are the people who keep the children captive.

I can't find anyone here who believes me, everyone says you're crazy. But that's true, that

says "Q" too. So I come to you, Mr. Schäfer, on your side, you represent them

Truth from Q. Would also like to write to Mr. Trump but the post will

controlled. Guess that's not the case in Germany.

Can't send an email because I'm frankly scared now, these are terrible killers

who torture small children as Q also writes. I've been reading about Q for a long time.

Please find ways to post this publicly on your blog or one

Website. After the names, etc., I looked a few times (not all!!!) and the companies

act so serious. Can you Mr. Trump

write but the post will

controlled. Guess that's not the case in Germany.

Can't send an email because I'm frankly scared now, these are terrible killers

who torture small children as Q also writes. I've been reading about Q for a long time.

Please find ways to post this publicly on your blog or one

Website. After the names, etc., I looked a few times (not all!!!) and the companies

act so serious. Can you give Mr. Trump the list, hopefully he'll clear it out

their suffering!!!

I'm really scared and in case the letter is intercepted, you can

can't find my name because my son is also the same age as these poor children.

I wish them strength and thank them very much


(if you want me to send more then I have to be careful! Write on yours

hominibus website for example Steffi get in touch, then I can see it and answer!!!)


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309904  No.15436766

File: 53149b5b1d05ecb⋯.jpeg (105.09 KB, 479x359, 479:359, A4706620_9D10_41DF_AA56_9….jpeg)

File: 404fa5a245ec841⋯.jpeg (34.04 KB, 640x390, 64:39, 582CDC85_9F4C_4DE5_81C5_5….jpeg)

File: 889cf2bd3afd657⋯.jpeg (184.05 KB, 853x1280, 853:1280, 3EAFE84C_A3E4_4CB0_9250_B….jpeg)

File: 7aea4d029de0ec1⋯.jpeg (84.65 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 0807F15C_4913_4CBA_9E7A_6….jpeg)

File: aa1464f77cb169f⋯.jpeg (106.37 KB, 880x580, 44:29, D06FE9C5_914B_4F51_BC63_9….jpeg)

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3409c3  No.15436767


I tell people that the Titanic

was sunk on purpose to kill

some Elites who were going

to vote against the Federal Reserve

because it would ruin the Country

and they knew it was unconstitutional

so they had them killed. A little moar

info into the Fed Reserve not being

a Government agency and owned

by the central banks gets them thinking.

Then I say, to throw it in everyone's

face, go look up what day the Titanic sunk.

Then they ask what day and I say April 15th and their jaw drops, then they look it up

and it drops again and gets the wheels

turning again.

Then I walk away and say don't

forget to pay your taxes… Priceless

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02269b  No.15436768


Forbidden City.

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bcf60d  No.15436769

File: e50a36eccebf99a⋯.png (121.86 KB, 426x462, 71:77, fect.png)


TeoAnon17, [22.01.22 11:58]

Fauci says "Infections after vaccinations inevitable" https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/547696-fauci-no-vaccine-100-percent-effective-breakthrough-covid-19-infections?fbclid=IwAR2h0pm–wiS27iepu8byJNXamlChfdglO-EVFMl6qaGtXonBLJmzYGl5xU&rl=1

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aa65c3  No.15436770

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265616  No.15436771



def: a witche and or whore that leaves outdoor Christmas lights hung all year without ever turning em on

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8b5263  No.15436772


At least you can use a vpn here without much effort

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c6d3d3  No.15436773

File: 3ea460324f82f34⋯.jpg (53.56 KB, 540x587, 540:587, MemeWar.jpg)

File: 3ed782ea0b1f40b⋯.jpg (83.76 KB, 500x622, 250:311, Memewar7.jpg)

File: 4e788e06fc50659⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3580x2332, 895:583, MemeWarz.jpg)

File: 5aa79d58e80151e⋯.jpg (168.22 KB, 744x500, 186:125, Memewar5.jpg)

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1ac65e  No.15436774

>>15436520 (me)

The real story is so stalkerish and evil



Crockett woman arrested for allegedly trying to buy another woman’s child at Walmart

CROCKETT, Texas (KETK) – A woman was arrested in Crockett for allegedly attempting to purchase another woman’s child at Walmart while they were in the self-checkout line.

The incident happened last week, according to The Messenger.

Police records show Rebecca Lanette Taylor, 49, of Crockett was detained on Jan. 18 and charged with the sale or purchase of a child, which is a third-degree felony. Taylor was booked into the Houston County Jail and is being held on a $50,000 bond.

An affidavit of probable cause filed by Lt. Ahleea Price with the Crockett Police Department described how she got a phone call from the mother of the child “advising a white woman with blonde hair approached her in the Crockett Walmart, wanting to purchase her son.”

The mother of the child told Price, she was waiting to use the self-checkout. She had a baby in a car seat and her one-year-old in the cart.

Taylor “began commenting on her son’s blonde hair and blue eyes. She asked how much she could purchase him for. (The mom) tried to laugh this comment off, thinking Taylor was joking. Taylor told her that she had $250,000 in the car and she would pay that much for him. (The mom) told her no amount of money would do,” wrote authorities.

Taylor continued to bring up the topic, and the mother told her to stay away from her son. Taylor said, she had been looking forward to buying a baby for some time, according to law enforcement.

The mother later went to inform Lt. Price that Taylor was with another woman who appeared to be Hispanic. The second woman asked what the child’s name was, but the mother did not share this information with them.

Taylor and the other woman somehow knew the child’s name and called it out.

The mother waited for the two women to leave Walmart, then she also left and headed to her car. In the parking lot, “Taylor began screaming at (the mom), saying if she wouldn’t take $250,000 for him, then she would give her $500,000 because she wanted him and she was going to take him,” said the affidavit.

The mother locked her children in her car. Taylor stood behind a black SUV that was next to the mom’s vehicle. Taylor kept saying she wanted the child and would pay $500,000 for him. She then got into the black SUV and left.

Price saw the surveillance footage from Walmart and said in the affidavit that it matched with what the mother had said.

The officer later went to Taylor’s residence to ask her questions about the situation.

“She told me that she doesn’t like thieves, then she stated I could speak with her attorney and to get off her ‘precipice.’ She slammed the door shut,” Price said in the affidavit.

Price also shared details about the incident with Houston County District Attorney Donna Kaspar, and a warrant was signed for Taylor’s arrest.

According to Section 12.34 of the Texas Penal Code, “An individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the third degree shall be punished by imprisonment in the institutional division for any term of not more than 10 years or less than two years. In addition to imprisonment, an individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the third degree may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000.”

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851308  No.15436775


Very good worm sign.

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3363f6  No.15436776


Read The article again. Israel did that 3 years before Q and POTUS Trump and they expected Hillary to win.

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9f9c24  No.15436777

File: 876ca3da6de79bc⋯.jpg (100.83 KB, 388x525, 388:525, LEMAY.jpg)

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6dafe2  No.15436778


I also noticed an article where somebody(ies) were buying tons of call options on Uranium companies like 3 weeks ago…then around a week ago France (I think) announced it is adding Nuclear energy back onto its "green" list, and Uranium companies' stocks gapped up.

I need to go back and show the time-frame on those so we can see if there could be linkage.

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962dc7  No.15436779

How long must this Bidan charade go on? It’s so tiresome

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bcf60d  No.15436780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b8da8c  No.15436782

@550 CK CK CK

I getting super lag over here

>>15436154 Dough


>>15436189 The last-comer was named among the Autists Kekrandir, the Green Pilgrim, for he dwelt in no place, and gathered to himself neither wealth nor followers, but ever went to and fro on the Interwebs…

>>15436198, >>15436622 Footage from the PRO LIFE march

>>15436233, >>15436366 Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat

>>15436263, >>15436276, >>15436720, >>15436733 IRS in crisis: 'File as quickly as possible,' says tax specialist

>>15436355, >>15436357 Anons notes #19524

>>15436393, >>15436581 FBI activity at Rep. Cuellar's Laredo home connected to Azerbaijan investigation. Agents were seen at Cuellar's home earlier this week, but they did not confirm the reason for their presence there

>>15436439, >>15436555, >>15436343 Re: (All LB) >>15435914, >>15435872, >>15435903, >>15435914, >>15435927 Bari Weiss could help wake people up

>>15436472, >>15436719 US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats' Family Members From Ukraine

>>15436485, >>15436543, >>15436572 UPDATE: Only one monkey still unaccounted for after crash

>>15436492, >>15436630 CASE CLOSED: President Trump on Jan. 6: “I Authorized National Guard on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Turned It Down” re: (PB) >>15435214

>>15436520 Texas woman arrested for allegedly trying to purchase child at Walmart checkout, deputies say

>>15436533 Watch: Psaki Says Brandon Is Working with Congress to Pass a Bill that would Remove Abortion Restrictions

>>15436571, >>15436615 Durham Vs Horowitz: Tension Over Truth & Consequences Grips FBI's Trump-Russia Reckoning

>>15436604 US human rights lawyer banned from entering Cambodia

>>15436621 So Joe's at Camp David for the weekend

>>15436651 NEW - Germany: Former constitutional judges warn against mandatory vaccination and send a clear signal to the chancellor and the health minister

>>15436692 HAPPENING: A huge demonstration against vaccine passports in Stockholm

>>15436702 Clockfag Reports

>>15436736 NHS staff are throwing their uniforms in protest of the vaccine mandate at the police outside Downing Street

>>15436740 Large protest against vaccine passport and vaccine mandates in #Helsinki, the capital of Finland

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b0050f  No.15436783

File: 7a6c6fbbe7256bb⋯.jpg (14.42 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 777.jpg)


mr. pig got trip 7s!

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7ad488  No.15436784

File: 7c90bd9e4cd6607⋯.webm (786.89 KB, 352x640, 11:20, 1642870597036.webm)

Women now days are giving pussy away for just a good smile…. Dead serious about this anons.

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5d9842  No.15436785

File: 98e6e8af4263e88⋯.png (899.68 KB, 876x1818, 146:303, PPButtStorm.png)

File: 2b005824cd05147⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1908x1146, 318:191, ppbuttCinnamonWing.png)

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9ea4c2  No.15436786

File: 5cd3c271f258acd⋯.jpg (143.19 KB, 800x637, 800:637, terror.jpg)

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851308  No.15436787

File: 94ee188514f32e6⋯.jpeg (164.77 KB, 600x386, 300:193, 0FD5A207_A8E2_4A8D_B378_6….jpeg)

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1ac65e  No.15436788

>>15436774 (me)


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bcf60d  No.15436789

File: 0cb0682237fe86b⋯.png (360.84 KB, 718x718, 1:1, back_track.png)


US News

TSA Backtracks on Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Use Arrest Warrants as ID to Fly

By Zachary Stieber

January 22, 2022 Updated: January 22, 2022

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80cf8d  No.15436790


Send to project veritas

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02269b  No.15436791

File: 65630c5957d461a⋯.png (17.42 KB, 802x862, 401:431, ORIGINAL_BAN.png)























Do any of these posts seem like spam to you? Of course, that is their excuse to delete the proofs I provide so anons have no chance to examine and decide for themselves. Even their supposed reason to ban was fake. They claim I sabotaged a baker. This is a lie, and they have continued that lie ongoing as the excuse to delete my posts. Sauce provided is the very first time I had EVER been banned on QR.

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8964a2  No.15436792


I know that, but China gave Trump a dinner at the Forbidden Palace soon after he was elected.

Forces were already in motion to eliminate the NWO.

Remember 'planned for 3 years'?

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3e4059  No.15436793


Ukraine still has a stockpile of nukes. I don't believe for a second they was a disarmament. Clintons & the swamp saved those for a rainy day.

That's prob where all these "rogue" nukes came from.

THEY were setting up FF's of every kind all over the place for decades.

Who has the ultimate responsibility to "protect" Ukraine? The U.S as per the treaty. Pffff.


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5d9842  No.15436794

File: d17ca0d56ccc484⋯.png (238.07 KB, 570x741, 10:13, okeeferamenOssnigger1.png)



>Is now safer than 8kun

<For OSSnigger

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f5ea1f  No.15436795

File: aa49ab235089a34⋯.jpg (213.12 KB, 800x835, 160:167, 7.jpg)

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a53a17  No.15436796


They are talking the disease not the jab.

It is anti-inflammatory and can help keep your immune response lowered.

If you don't have any steroids available it could help

I don't know about the jabs but if you have had them, I would think taking an aspirin is the least of your worries.

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02269b  No.15436797


Always stupod attacks, no sauce, no reasoning. As leftist as leftist can be.

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bcf60d  No.15436798

File: 11dc0d8151ad254⋯.png (89.24 KB, 425x411, 425:411, kidney.png)


bullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY ⭐⭐⭐🍊🍊🍊, [22.01.22 11:51]


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6882af  No.15436799

File: cec57ca8226241c⋯.jpg (48.59 KB, 453x696, 151:232, POTUSQplus.jpg)


#declass started when Project Veritas showed us the military investigation documents

Who gave O'keefe the military docs???

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17b874  No.15436800

File: 91da8130385a3dc⋯.png (620.84 KB, 809x513, 809:513, ClipboardImage.png)

i said stop.

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c6d3d3  No.15436801

Jan 6th uncommission stated their goal finally.

Anyone who expressed alliance w/Trump, is to

be BLOCKED from running for office.

This is why they had to "create" a FF Insurrection.

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712fb9  No.15436802

File: 3863fc075a085fe⋯.png (186.86 KB, 248x400, 31:50, ClipboardImage.png)


>Money is sent to many MANY countries worldwide

Money Laundering. The money that is sent to other countries does not go to the people in those countries.

And why do other countries need to get money from the US? We have our own homeless population that is not cared for.

The reason that we have to pretend to be friends with Israel is because if we don't, they will accuse us of being "antisemitic" That is their go-to. muh Holocaust. They have taken what they have done to others and have made it appear as if was done to them. So they can claim to be victims.

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7c97bf  No.15436803


Wow! Huge heart and even bigger cojones 🔥🙏

The Great Awakening is happening.

Croatian 🇭🇷 MEP Mislav Kolakušić addressing the French 🇫🇷 president Emmanuel Macron in the European Parliament:

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17b874  No.15436804


i hear ya.

i am trying to piece together the puzzle

i am citizen inside doing investigation with mil

i dont have data or info or anything

just saying i cant see it quite the same

cause i spent years screaming data that was useless cause it was all internal to those investigations… then they deleted all the content I posted here blowing the whistle.

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02269b  No.15436805

File: 258d8118daf532c⋯.png (25.64 KB, 864x282, 144:47, ClipboardImage.png)



>#declass started when Project Veritas showed us the military investigation documents


>Who gave O'keefe the military docs???

This was a Q proof yesterday, but since I posted it, they deleted & ignored it. Ask yourself why BO would delete Q proofs? Is this Q research or control the narrative research?

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b74863  No.15436806

All anon knows is.

Anon knows.

and all the information dilution, stimulus flooding, and diversion in the world isn't going to change that. Not even time.

What a glorious and terrible thing to know and not understand.

What even even moreso to understand.


Why come I gotta save the sauce on all my shit I did.

why come no biographer? Was pounding out shills on the board with muh oss and I gotta save my own freakin sauce?

I just started getting caught up in life son shit.

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bcf60d  No.15436807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

#LIVE HUGE 22nd January Worldwide Freedom Rally l London

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17b874  No.15436808


i think layers of declas between private/public have crossed paths for all of us.

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b057fb  No.15436809

File: e8e1e74199e78ab⋯.png (187.78 KB, 424x448, 53:56, letsgobrandontroopbuildup.png)

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34c9f9  No.15436810

File: f8848996439578b⋯.png (525.42 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Covid is Over

Total Population Immunity Achieved

You're safe now

You can remove the mask

The War is Fake

Currently dealing with a Propaganda Outbreak

Please Remain Calm

Stay tuned to Qresearch for updates

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7c97bf  No.15436811



Wow! Huge heart and even bigger cojones 🔥🙏

The Great Awakening is happening.

Croatian 🇭🇷 MEP Mislav Kolakušić addressing the French 🇫🇷 president Emmanuel Macron in the European Parliament:

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17b874  No.15436812


that is not a joke?

who the hell is brandon?

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80cf8d  No.15436813

File: a032c2a0fee59ec⋯.png (18.75 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 5dd4ba0e31f78a0dde6527dbf6….png)

File: a2242701e1d3d7f⋯.png (241.38 KB, 470x284, 235:142, fa6bc4107158f81c7dd0b9b867….png)

File: 6a500e8da761833⋯.png (543.73 KB, 513x513, 1:1, 1d0e556eb07a761f62afb23c89….png)

File: 5a5f06bbe267c0d⋯.png (940.64 KB, 943x1280, 943:1280, 364468740bf5129984836e9d44….png)

File: 44f5730cdb8187e⋯.png (172.47 KB, 452x654, 226:327, 8fed9f4f55e464623ac728d8f0….png)

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02269b  No.15436814

It's okay though, because the moment the DS tries to force us into a War with Russia, and they will, the DS hands over all the power to the Military.

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712fb9  No.15436815

File: a1e3123d7dd589b⋯.png (212.85 KB, 500x769, 500:769, ClipboardImage.png)

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47ac84  No.15436816

File: 7ee5210335ce3f7⋯.png (242 KB, 634x547, 634:547, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fad58082649142⋯.png (10.81 KB, 409x218, 409:218, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7741989ae9067d9⋯.png (27.76 KB, 742x314, 371:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74ffd8b3c48842d⋯.png (27.96 KB, 524x280, 131:70, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7f6dd0d644a132⋯.png (22.87 KB, 632x280, 79:35, ClipboardImage.png)


Watch the Water

07:00Suicide Weekend [Next week]

2021NSA done

ROKU = 1815 & 1121Server[S], FBI Panic


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bcf60d  No.15436817

File: 98c19ef50d3c7f9⋯.png (367.14 KB, 597x608, 597:608, want_t.png)


This is what the media doesn’t want to believe is real. Thousands of pro-life Americans marching in the streets for the unborn every year for decades. The #prolife movement that isn’t going away. #MarchForLife


Katie Yoder

4:32 PM · Jan 21, 2022

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b057fb  No.15436818

File: 1aa40fe661a7877⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, nascarfuckjoebiden.mp4)


>who the hell is brandon?

Been living under a rock?

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265616  No.15436819


becoming painfully and obvisouly clear that schitt poo and the gas man run the fbi

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7c97bf  No.15436820

Its coming!

Pray anons.

Be thankfull to God that you are on a right side.

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3363f6  No.15436821

File: 21b3f115604d68a⋯.png (149.56 KB, 758x604, 379:302, 1566347348375.png)


"Our greatest ally" really fucked the Chinese people.

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17b874  No.15436822

some people here will have my data from before

but i guess it is all gone

intl intel has a copy of archives

but… ya. another day.

it all gets declassified anyway so.. doesnt matter really.

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a53a17  No.15436823


She certainly looks crazed.

Lock her up in a mental ins.

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b237d6  No.15436824

File: 7a26b9523a495e8⋯.png (347.54 KB, 757x705, 757:705, TrustAdmR.png)

4-year Δ


Jan 22, 2018 2:20:36 PM EST


He played the game to remain in control.

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bcf60d  No.15436825

File: 2162c265e15603b⋯.png (395.81 KB, 593x680, 593:680, think.png)


When people protest peacefully against tyrannical mandates or abortion, the media is silent but when rioters burned down cities in the summer of 2020, they praised them, gave them wall-to-wall coverage and called them “mostly peaceful”

Makes you think.



12:05 PM · Jan 22, 2022

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2c1587  No.15436826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b74863  No.15436827


>Notice how the shills all stopped responding, because all of their gaslight fails in the face of truth with sauce to back it up, best they can do is delete it. Screenshot my posts, save them, and if you don't agree with me now, see if you do in 2 months.

Let us all have faith and work together during this time!

As if it hasnt been apparent with one of the U.K going bonkers over the Russian events near their own borders.

Let's be honest. UK is just starting hsit do they truly fear a Russian occupation?

Yes the Russians want your migrants UK you got them. oh, and your fish markets! Scrumptious potted meats. GET REAL!

This is all bullshit!

Call it how it is anon.

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7a766d  No.15436828

File: e37796ab4533e7b⋯.png (115.06 KB, 2014x505, 2014:505, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump won the 2020 election. It was stolen. Republicans who refuse to say this won't really fight to secure elections going forward.

What happens when Biden's illegitimacy goes 'mainstream', and statements like these can be said without any war happening?


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eb1800  No.15436829

File: e2f28755a395dea⋯.jpg (626.34 KB, 1208x711, 1208:711, hitlerdidntcommitsuicide21.jpg)

File: 012a5d035fa9431⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 1412x1804, 353:451, hitlerdidntcommitsuicide31.jpg)

File: 6a3f13b49b3adbc⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1200x1565, 240:313, hitlerdidntcommitsuicide2b….jpg)

File: 1c0dbf2af8aa124⋯.jpg (168.41 KB, 627x680, 627:680, hitlerchild.jpg)

File: 408c8aaf2751270⋯.jpg (121.73 KB, 861x1538, 861:1538, Angela_Merkel_mogelijk_doc….jpg)


According to a long newpaper article anon found from the 1960's Adolf didn't die in the bunker and also He had children before the end of the war. Eva is shown in one photo with the children; Caption implied they were his children.. Though they could've been stolen, bred, adopted, Whatever.

None resembled him that I could tell.


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80cf8d  No.15436830


Love us

or our land and resources?

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5d9842  No.15436831

File: dba03d015d8f229⋯.png (259.32 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_01_22….png)

File: 09a7933e89067bf⋯.png (455.33 KB, 670x452, 335:226, putinPillsOssNog.png)

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b057fb  No.15436832


>Makes you think.

Yeah, makes me think that we need to get "Mostly peaceful" on them.

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be75bc  No.15436833

File: 2d63dd15c0e0e6f⋯.png (517.87 KB, 625x492, 625:492, d0bb00dcb33d8b2651f4192a17….png)

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ea2e55  No.15436834

File: 550684d7506b163⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, hesright.jpg)

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962dc7  No.15436835


All talk, no action

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55400b  No.15436836


Who decides what is canonical? The guys Jesus warned you about who put only what they wanted you to read in a single book for your reading convenience?

>That same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question. “Teacher,” they said, “Moses told us that if a man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for him. Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother. The same thing happened to the second and third brother, right on down to the seventh. Finally, the woman died. Now then, at the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her?”

>Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Find the scripture that Jesus is referring to in the bible. You wont. It is however in the book of Enoch.

As for heaven on earth, Most Christians ignore it but the bible talks about multiple heavens. It doesn't mean what people think it means. Jesus told us all these things happen in parable. "Heaven and earth" doesn't mean paradise and the planet.

The "FIRMAMENT" separates the "waters above" from the "waters below". Revelation 17:15 tells you the waters, where the PROSTITUTE sits, stands for people.

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d0a440  No.15436837



Sure there's an 'excuse'. The IRS is full of DIVERSITY, EQUITY and INCLUSION hirees!

Which means 75,000 employees with 60-IQs, foreign cultures, niggers, dykes, faggots and all of them are 'highly educated'.

Useless dead weight of humanity. Start hanging this garbage!

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204aac  No.15436838


Morning Dick

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0e9baf  No.15436839

File: 3bfd653d01c5cd7⋯.png (495.1 KB, 1104x534, 184:89, CEEBOCWQMOKA3UEPOE2QVTBWB4.png)

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9ea4c2  No.15436840

File: 281c0db5cb5784c⋯.jpeg (171.68 KB, 464x727, 464:727, niet.jpeg)

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9f9c24  No.15436841

File: abf57a6c678a172⋯.jpg (149.54 KB, 859x505, 859:505, WIN_STORY.jpg)

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2c1587  No.15436842

File: 67608556e5d783a⋯.png (963.05 KB, 1035x692, 1035:692, Adm_Mike_Justice_is_coming.png)

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ea2e55  No.15436843

File: c98a96996afa43d⋯.jpg (366.9 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Hypocrisy8.jpg)

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6882af  No.15436844

File: 373b8f4763188cf⋯.jpg (18.39 KB, 474x206, 237:103, HB_John_832.jpg)

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a1ba0b  No.15436845


They already have Marc Elias (Dirty Lawyer) involved in election legal manuevering lined up to "file lawsuits"

More legal chicanery.

Oh, BTW, don't forget the other dirtbag Norm Eisen has been involved in the Trump takedown from the beginning.

Mr ColorRevolution Playbook dude.

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8a0db7  No.15436846

File: e0b0bf6290cd834⋯.png (122.33 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, gematria2.png)

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9ea4c2  No.15436847

File: 8ba6f1952d833ec⋯.jpeg (373.15 KB, 1600x1060, 80:53, toesm.jpeg)

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17b874  No.15436848


some was disinfo

based on official declas policy

"Conspiracy theory is 75% true and 25% false; you will never get any answers as to which parts are which"

on a classified level, you will have access to much of that 75%.

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e52a3d  No.15436849

File: 4612492773a05f0⋯.gif (4.27 MB, 600x559, 600:559, IMG_1540.GIF)


this must be stopped

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7a766d  No.15436850


Talk is action.

When previous deceptive 'talk' is the cause of intellectual and spiritual division, which then foments physical division, it will be TRUE talk that undos it.

This is why 'they' do everything they can to censor and cancel and silence.

The ultimate war is INFORMATIONAL, anon.



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bcf60d  No.15436851

File: c59aa3c5ebd4fcd⋯.png (110.17 KB, 425x619, 425:619, murder.png)


We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [22.01.22 12:25]

[Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat]

[ Video ]

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Tells French President Emmanuel Macron That He Is Murdering His Citizens With Mandatory Vaccinations

"Tens of thousands of citizens have died due to vaccine side-effects.

Mandatory vaccinations represent death penalty and its execution for many citizens. That has to remain a choice for every citizen.

Murder is murder. Those of you who don't know that and haven't educated yourselves, take a look at the official data of the European health organization (EMA)."



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7d931f  No.15436852

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b057fb  No.15436853


They're waiting for (You), Anon.

The People must fix their governments themselves.

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d0a440  No.15436854


Same Same

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de8680  No.15436855

File: 4fc2f92f3fdde8c⋯.jpeg (190.84 KB, 1032x579, 344:193, EMadOjUWsAItBcU.jpeg)

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80cf8d  No.15436856


pee vee

Bee pfee

Uk beef eater bee keeper queens guard

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6882af  No.15436857

File: 6895f9d1c106e5e⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MSMtalkingpts.mp4)



every single one of [THEM]

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9ea4c2  No.15436858


>That has to remain a choice for every citizen.

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b237d6  No.15436859

File: 920e027e888bab9⋯.jpg (408.99 KB, 988x809, 988:809, checktsoldier.jpg)

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6882af  No.15436860

File: 3431c7cfdff32fb⋯.png (505.67 KB, 734x576, 367:288, peacefulprotestervsdomesti….png)

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be75bc  No.15436861


or we could just not pay them at all?

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4ea4e3  No.15436862

File: 3d3eb11aac9c447⋯.png (586.43 KB, 1196x673, 1196:673, Mary_Ferrie_and_Vary.png)


Doctor Mary's Monkey

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b8da8c  No.15436864

@650 CK please

super lag over hurrreeeeee'

>>15436154 Dough


>>15436189 The last-comer was named among the Autists Kekrandir, the Green Pilgrim, for he dwelt in no place, and gathered to himself neither wealth nor followers, but ever went to and fro on the Interwebs…

>>15436198, >>15436622, >>15436817, >>15436825 Footage from the PRO LIFE march

>>15436233, >>15436366 Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat

>>15436263, >>15436276, >>15436720, >>15436733 IRS in crisis: 'File as quickly as possible,' says tax specialist

>>15436355, >>15436357 Anons notes #19524

>>15436393, >>15436581 FBI activity at Rep. Cuellar's Laredo home connected to Azerbaijan investigation. Agents were seen at Cuellar's home earlier this week, but they did not confirm the reason for their presence there

>>15436439, >>15436555, >>15436343 Re: (All LB) >>15435914, >>15435872, >>15435903, >>15435914, >>15435927 Bari Weiss could help wake people up

>>15436472, >>15436719 US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats' Family Members From Ukraine

>>15436485, >>15436543, >>15436572 UPDATE: Only one monkey still unaccounted for after crash

>>15436492, >>15436630 CASE CLOSED: President Trump on Jan. 6: “I Authorized National Guard on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Turned It Down” re: (PB) >>15435214

>>15436520, >>15436774 Texas woman arrested for allegedly trying to purchase child at Walmart checkout, deputies say

>>15436533 Watch: Psaki Says Brandon Is Working with Congress to Pass a Bill that would Remove Abortion Restrictions

>>15436571, >>15436615 Durham Vs Horowitz: Tension Over Truth & Consequences Grips FBI's Trump-Russia Reckoning

>>15436604 US human rights lawyer banned from entering Cambodia

>>15436621 So Joe's at Camp David for the weekend

>>15436651 NEW - Germany: Former constitutional judges warn against mandatory vaccination and send a clear signal to the chancellor and the health minister

>>15436692 HAPPENING: A huge demonstration against vaccine passports in Stockholm

>>15436702 Clockfag Reports

>>15436736 NHS staff are throwing their uniforms in protest of the vaccine mandate at the police outside Downing Street

>>15436740 Large protest against vaccine passport and vaccine mandates in #Helsinki, the capital of Finland

>>15436789 TSA Backtracks on Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Use Arrest Warrants as ID to Fly

>>15436851 Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Tells French President Emmanuel Macron That He Is Murdering His Citizens With Mandatory Vaccinations

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d0a440  No.15436865



You have no idea how taxes work, do you?

Feds take Income Tax (illegal)

Your property taxes are local.

I suppose you think the sales tax on your beer and cigarettes is 'paying your fair share', too.

You fuckin morons are becoming so tiresome.

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34c9f9  No.15436866

File: 6527395326bd4c6⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1078x718, 539:359, ClipboardImage.png)

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b057fb  No.15436867


Their ENTIRE system needs to be destroyed. Period.

See; >>15436605 me

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3363f6  No.15436868

File: 3978c836ef85c06⋯.png (445.17 KB, 913x965, 913:965, 1518403841189.png)

The head of Antifa's communist party in Germany was Jewish and that evil Hitler had him arrested.

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309904  No.15436869

File: 7d035c8a2f78daf⋯.jpeg (204 KB, 1560x1067, 1560:1067, 45F56CF1_0058_468D_A461_B….jpeg)

File: 471cf5ccf2ee0c7⋯.jpeg (141.55 KB, 900x601, 900:601, 677A76F0_A28D_4068_9D7B_9….jpeg)

File: 847b379a0c6c0af⋯.jpeg (220.57 KB, 800x534, 400:267, 7A811D1E_FA23_4758_91DC_F….jpeg)

File: 323bdf81101df6d⋯.jpeg (336.3 KB, 1176x929, 1176:929, 87034DC6_3989_4E44_A727_5….jpeg)

File: b45c2c1ea373939⋯.jpeg (200.71 KB, 1440x414, 80:23, F8DC0B32_B805_4CAE_8CB9_3….jpeg)

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17b874  No.15436870


i pretty much just say what i think i ought to know as a citizen or what I think I would want to know if I were my neighbor.

i like to stick to notions and concepts, type of project, motivations without #'s and stats

i asked cia what they though of above statement <that is my words>

he said that would work for now.

kinda want to mention the nature of the communication which is casual and takes a bit of time to process via sat.

i can't "type his words"

eehh i could. but i won't at the end of the day :p

i turn into a CIA robot


nothing is declassified.

this is just conspiracy trash from anon ID until a gov agent officiates post or declassifies content on an official channel with proper credential.

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80cf8d  No.15436871


Flag up right

Or (you)pee side down

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bcf60d  No.15436872

File: 793c820f4b06c08⋯.png (305.32 KB, 597x794, 597:794, mar.png)


TOMORROW: Thousands will gather in Washington D.C. at 11:30am for “Defeat the Mandates” rally.


10:08 AM · Jan 22, 2022

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f478a9  No.15436873

J.T. Burnette reports early to federal prison camp in Alabama in FBI public corruption case

John Thomas “J.T.” Burnette, who was convicted on public corruption charges in the FBI’s “Operation Capital Currency,” has reported to a federal prison camp in Alabama, according to Bureau of Prison records.

The wealthy businessman, developer and hotelier is serving a three-year sentence for extortion and related crimes at the minimum-security camp located on the grounds of Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama.

Burnette, 44, was convicted for bribes he arranged for Maddox and Carter-Smith through their secretive lobbying firm, Governance.

45m ago


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a1ba0b  No.15436874

File: 40b6c4b02d06ca9⋯.jpg (13.14 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 293cf3fbdb295b99913244e4d1….jpg)

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b0050f  No.15436875

File: 0aa07674fa40dc8⋯.png (389.17 KB, 680x453, 680:453, EVhkzrcUcAAGndh.png)



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712fb9  No.15436876


>This is why they had to "create" a FF Insurrection.

Wouldn't Trump team have know all about this?

All done for a reason. Trump would not have called on his base to assemble in DC if he didn't know what was planned by the Left. It will all be used against them. All for show.

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ee8e9c  No.15436877

File: 6d835d330b12bdd⋯.png (1.07 MB, 960x640, 3:2, nana_vodka.png)

File: 7558072abd1baf3⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 398x224, 199:112, vicky_vodka_nana.mp4)

File: f8843c9bab26bce⋯.jpg (95.64 KB, 480x360, 4:3, vodka.jpg)

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9ea4c2  No.15436878

File: a6a5bd7c0aec5ea⋯.jpeg (55.73 KB, 483x407, 483:407, selfdef.jpeg)

File: 44ceca90ab79ab8⋯.jpg (419 KB, 1067x673, 1067:673, needles.jpg)

File: 404266de2759d98⋯.jpg (382.25 KB, 1067x673, 1067:673, thetip.jpg)

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edb89b  No.15436879

File: 11cd5560acac30e⋯.jpg (171.96 KB, 911x939, 911:939, ZomboMeme_16082021185701.jpg)

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9ea4c2  No.15436880

File: d684137e5a85cb9⋯.jpg (201.26 KB, 874x525, 874:525, faucimorell.jpg)

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5d9842  No.15436881

File: 975ab06bb9ce1ef⋯.png (617.57 KB, 1176x863, 1176:863, psakiMargarita1.png)

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17b874  No.15436882



never my words for him in the office

i dont type on his behalf.

i type on behalf of the office


i am a volunteer of the cia so dont hold me accountable for shitpost memes when i chitterchatter

i get too many human resources complaints already


i have always talked on behalf of the cia

the cia has always worked for me in the project

but i am trying to remove myself, and have, from that position

forced service. anyway.

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3e4059  No.15436883



Mandarin translation of "we"=women. So The Women Cult (Goddess). WeWork is a cult created in Israel as a kibbutz. They love Stalin over there.

Where is Adam Neumann anyway?


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ea2e55  No.15436884

File: 878662e4fe68909⋯.jpg (7.76 KB, 259x194, 259:194, dave.jpg)

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bcf60d  No.15436885

File: d33bcc617d051a1⋯.png (435.92 KB, 609x788, 609:788, ult.png)


Important reading, and also relevant to Bari Weiss Bill Maher performance

Ultimately what matters is the Regime designated sources of information monopolize legitimacy

Jon Stewart consolidated narrative shift on Wuhan

Bari Weiss did same for covid


As America Enters Year Three of COVID, The Biden Regime Struggles to Reprogram Its Pandemic-Crazed…

Mass Covid hypnosis: The ruling class left seems to have finally memed its true believers into a pattern that it can't talk them out of.

12:13 PM · Jan 22, 2022·

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c6d3d3  No.15436886

File: 98e4aefe7bd3ca2⋯.png (44.4 KB, 828x950, 414:475, o6XLuJCj9IxLcEwtUlkZ_22_94….png)

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b057fb  No.15436887


>Your property taxes are local.

Are they really?

Stop paying your "local" taxes and watch how fast the State/Fed IRS comes in.

It's a top-down system of control and we're at the bottom.

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a53a17  No.15436888


I just happened upon this site as I was trying to dig on this woman.

It's a crazy doxxing site.


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68df2a  No.15436889

File: 2c37ffbea5a994f⋯.png (192.46 KB, 450x338, 225:169, qeyen.png)

File: f70dc5aedeb1d48⋯.jpg (10.83 KB, 255x255, 1:1, qqqq.jpg)

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ee8e9c  No.15436890

File: 33fab3415296266⋯.mp4 (13.83 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Binney_Rogers_Q.mp4)

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17b874  No.15436891


i say always.

parts of the CIA have always worked for me

parts of CIA have worked against me

inner-project debate as to proper whistleblowing

i have authority which is official

but some people want to "roboticize" the authority to their liking

i am trying to abolish it all together or make it a public appointment

cause work is done that is different than other locations in gov

classified science/stat gathering

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712fb9  No.15436892


The RINOs are exposing themselves by not admitting that the 2020 election was fraudulent.

The RINOs are elected via election fraud as well.

By denying election fraud, the are trying to protect themselves, but they are really incriminating themselves. They are boxed in between a rock & a hard place.

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a53a17  No.15436893

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9f9c24  No.15436894

File: a3d93ba7b56d308⋯.jpg (265.23 KB, 857x605, 857:605, ORDER_OF_BATTLE_3.jpg)

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4e3018  No.15436895

File: 0ec1d887c765daf⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 320x230, 32:23, Jesus.jpg)

File: 8da52fe6a425a9e⋯.jpg (63.41 KB, 606x331, 606:331, satanism.JPG)

File: 77c0b950fe55be7⋯.png (276.17 KB, 583x467, 583:467, bild3.PNG)

File: 07918beead1d2e0⋯.png (912.16 KB, 739x819, 739:819, n0t.PNG)

File: e8b546e4944d293⋯.jpg (22.86 KB, 474x316, 3:2, c0mfy.jpg)

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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02269b  No.15436896

File: 1a4ca090e92d664⋯.png (4.86 MB, 2401x10597, 2401:10597, Screenshot_2022_01_22_at_1….png)


>Why come I gotta save the sauce on all my shit I did.

=From the day they took, over I started saving every bread before refresh and screenshotting ever post I make. Here is a screenshot of all the proof I have provided of whom these people are and what they have done in the past. As I said, if you think I am wrong now, save the screenshot and see if you agree 2 months from now. Look at how they attack me for ONLY trying to warn anons. I am the rock in their shoe they have no way to remove.

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80cf8d  No.15436897



Mirror to 90* sad crying face or nose mouth?

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edb89b  No.15436898

File: aff93d21ff76a6c⋯.gif (599.69 KB, 320x298, 160:149, aff93d21ff76a6c9ed0f69663d….gif)

File: c335f66a3cd2042⋯.jpg (88 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 5021bcee8972dbb37eb6ef3f5d….jpg)

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b237d6  No.15436899


I'll hand it to you pig, good stuff

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a1ba0b  No.15436900

File: 662d2c1beab56a4⋯.png (112.23 KB, 500x566, 250:283, external_content_duckduckg….png)

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be75bc  No.15436901


oh wutdaya know

Trumper conspiracy theorists been saying this the whole time

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17b874  No.15436902



sorry. CIA says unclear

check person making a mess of simple text please.

classified science and stat gathering has no implication of criminal.

you need to understand that i have authority recognized by the ONLY REMAINING cia agent. the others are responsible for criminal activities. leave him alone.

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34c9f9  No.15436903

There will be no war with Russia

There is only the illusion of war

Fear mongering

War mongering


Panic Pandering


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7a766d  No.15436904


Those controlling the Israeli state did yes.

Yet one person's actions or one subset's actions do not necessarily 'represent' the whole.

Obama really fucked a lot of people. But would it be correct to therefore view the American people as enemies of humanity?


It's not controversial to say there exists criminals and communists and agitators who are Jews.

What is a fallacious argument is to say that what is true of a part of a whole, must necessarily be true of the whole.

Google 'fallacy of composition'.

There are criminals EVERYWHERE claiming to be of EVERY race, religion, sex, class and political affiliation.

Israel is being saved for last because the worst criminals just so happen to be using the Israeli people as spiritual hostages, and many just so happen to pretend to be jews.

Those who seek to divide and destroy, those who deceive for personal gain, those who reject the fact that we are ALL from the same one source, call it God call it whatever you want, they are neither Christians nor Muslims nor Jews.

Those who call themselves 'Christians' like Obama, do NOT 'represent' all Christians.

The Jews who helped bring communism to China, do not 'represent' all Jews.

Clear as mud?

It's just basic logic that rejects Marxist collectivist guilt by association fallacy.

The more you attack jews as such, or any other religion or race or whatever, the more you're pushing the assumptions of a Jew communist.

How's that for irony?

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4519a3  No.15436905


…Turn off MSM and Lin Wood and other divsion shills, thats part of winning too. Identifying shils and infiltrators are the hardest part of figuring everything out. Remember its harder to unfool than to fool. Reminds of Dems, that applies to us too…


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b057fb  No.15436906


Yes, this.

Read the UN Charter.

Russia was always to play the boogeyman.

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e1a97b  No.15436907

File: a61ac7fab35663c⋯.jpg (85.95 KB, 750x725, 30:29, y0u6lmh4cpm41.jpg)

Just wanted to say keep up the good work anons, you are awesome and this bread is comfy af.

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17b874  No.15436908


can someone please give a lie detector to that investigator. he is a criminal. @cia has been interrogated and tortured for 6 months.

fuck off you federal pig

wanna turn into a traitor?

one more fucking outburst. seriously.

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6882af  No.15436909



distractions, distractions

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4e3018  No.15436910


dog only wants everyone to be dog

dog is (((dog))) so dos does not understand indbreeding wrong, as dog is inbreeding

dog only wants everyone to be (((dog))) or dog lonely

NEVER have a dog around your children, yoru dog will try to make them dogs, i.e. not care about anything = pedophiles

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7a766d  No.15436911


No escape.

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3363f6  No.15436912

File: 73cf0097afd73ba⋯.png (240.49 KB, 474x666, 79:111, tel_aviv.png)


Our greatest ally is paying Fauci to defend science.

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ee8e9c  No.15436913

File: f79b6a457ad2d73⋯.mp4 (13.8 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Binney_NSA_1984_on_steroid….mp4)

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a53a17  No.15436914

>>15436865 I know, that until the system is changed, if I decide to not pay taxes, everything I own can and WILL BE seized.

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340400  No.15436915

File: 509c37ddbd6f159⋯.png (93.42 KB, 335x262, 335:262, fff.png)

Whatever happened to this sack of shit Antifa clown…

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712fb9  No.15436916


It is very important to rich people that the middle class is heavily taxed. That way the rich can stay rich and the Middle Class can stay enslaved.

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8c37c6  No.15436917

File: de28a3c1e95283e⋯.gif (602.56 KB, 220x180, 11:9, 1615310701674.gif)

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b8da8c  No.15436918


>>15436154 Dough


>>15436189 The last-comer was named among the Autists Kekrandir, the Green Pilgrim, for he dwelt in no place, and gathered to himself neither wealth nor followers, but ever went to and fro on the Interwebs…

>>15436198, >>15436622, >>15436817, >>15436825 Footage from the PRO LIFE march

>>15436233, >>15436366 Dark Side Of Metaverse Exposed: Why Your Kids Need To Stay Away From VRChat

>>15436263, >>15436276, >>15436720, >>15436733 IRS in crisis: 'File as quickly as possible,' says tax specialist

>>15436355, >>15436357 Anons notes #19524

>>15436393, >>15436581 FBI activity at Rep. Cuellar's Laredo home connected to Azerbaijan investigation. Agents were seen at Cuellar's home earlier this week, but they did not confirm the reason for their presence there

>>15436439, >>15436555, >>15436343, >>15436885 Re: (All LB) >>15435914, >>15435872, >>15435903, >>15435914, >>15435927 Bari Weiss could help wake people up

>>15436472, >>15436719 US Embassy Orders Evacuation Of Non-Essential Staff & Diplomats' Family Members From Ukraine

>>15436485, >>15436543, >>15436572 UPDATE: Only one monkey still unaccounted for after crash

>>15436492, >>15436630 CASE CLOSED: President Trump on Jan. 6: “I Authorized National Guard on Jan. 6 – Pelosi Turned It Down” re: (PB) >>15435214

>>15436520, >>15436774 Texas woman arrested for allegedly trying to purchase child at Walmart checkout, deputies say

>>15436533 Watch: Psaki Says Brandon Is Working with Congress to Pass a Bill that would Remove Abortion Restrictions

>>15436571, >>15436615 Durham Vs Horowitz: Tension Over Truth & Consequences Grips FBI's Trump-Russia Reckoning

>>15436604 US human rights lawyer banned from entering Cambodia

>>15436621 So Joe's at Camp David for the weekend

>>15436651 NEW - Germany: Former constitutional judges warn against mandatory vaccination and send a clear signal to the chancellor and the health minister

>>15436692 HAPPENING: A huge demonstration against vaccine passports in Stockholm

>>15436702 Clockfag Reports

>>15436736 NHS staff are throwing their uniforms in protest of the vaccine mandate at the police outside Downing Street

>>15436740 Large protest against vaccine passport and vaccine mandates in #Helsinki, the capital of Finland

>>15436789 TSA Backtracks on Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Use Arrest Warrants as ID to Fly

>>15436851 Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Tells French President Emmanuel Macron That He Is Murdering His Citizens With Mandatory Vaccinations

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75bdf3  No.15436919

File: 4f323359d8b9aaa⋯.png (453.78 KB, 1571x615, 1571:615, slander1.png)

File: ed2bce778c0dde1⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1606x962, 803:481, How.png)

File: 3dfe77d9cec1c7e⋯.png (624.38 KB, 1024x548, 256:137, JOSw45wLLW.png)

>>15434551 (PB Grammar Cat, in response to >>15434431 same PB )

>You spent the time to post this lengthy piece but start out using "montra" and expect anyone to continue reading

Actually, the apostrophe fuckery should have been the red flag (as it usually proves to be). Why IS the apostrophe fuckery present in garbage “notable” titles 99% of the time regarding various subjects (not just LLW)? Same poster?

>>15434431 >Wood is calling out Desantis, Flynn, Gaetz to name a few in the mix with the Faucci's (PB)

The “Faucci IS” or something belonging to THE Faucci? Misspellings & typos are one thing, and understandable. The apostrophe fuckery is a VERY consistent indication of illegitimacy.

>>15434431 (PB re: LLW)

>You stop being anon when you famef,

He was the one being relentlessly attacked as QANon Conspiracy Leader for questioning Pedos and Electgion Fraud, until he finally addressed the fact that “there is Q, and there are Anons” back in April of 2021. Even Turtle’s employee, Sandmann piled on (SEE Nick Sandmann lands job with Mitch McConnell's reelection campaign August 29, 2020 https://archive.md/wip/sGCJV), and of course Rittenhouse. Funny how the DAVID HANCOCK info never gains traction, isn't it.

Also strange how the Communist side of these “stories” is always focused on and repeated, while legit digs go ignored. Digs were posted late 2020 and early 2021 regarding Wade, Grunberg & Wilson, including them raving about LLW — until the Election Fraud scandal kicked into high gear. Everything is documented on LLW’s telegram. Go look for yourselves. It’s all there.

Before anything, look into at least one of these lawyers’ ties to BLM and other Communist “causes”;

WHY didn’t they show up for their Depositions in June of 2021?

Background: On June 11th, 2021, Lin Wood wrote:

One of the most powerful weapons in the arsenal of a skilled trial lawyer is the God-given ability to conduct a thorough and sifting cross-examination of the opposite party or adverse witness.

Any witness who is concealing the truth or misrepresenting the truth FEARS being put under oath to face a skilled examiner.

I am looking forward to the deposition testimony next week of Nicole J. Wade, Jonathan D. Grunberg, and G. Taylor Wilson of the Atlanta law firm of Wade, Grunberg & Wilson, LLC.

As you will recall, these are the former office-sharing partners who filed a frivolous lawsuit against me which has been used nationwide by the enemy to falsely smear me.

Even better, the State Bar of Georgia now wants to review these depositions as they have been relying on the false smears by Wade, Grunberg & Wilson to unlawfully attack my law license.

I am ready for the TRUTH to come out in these depositions. Every lie will be revealed. Stay tuned. Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

www.FightBack.law t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/3081  Jun 11 at 18:07

Go back and look — NONE of them SHOWED UP for their depositions:


Many times you learn more about the TRUTH from what a witness does NOT say, than from what the witness says. An empty chair speaks volumes.

Stay tuned for the video of the Nicole J. Wade deposition today. It will speak volumes. https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/3182 10:21

Below is the Box link to the clean rough draft of the transcript of today’s deposition of Nicole J. Wade.

Her silence was deafening. https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/3197 15:10 https://archive.is/wip/9m9q8


There’s nothing there. Just an empty chair. Scroll up to June, 2021 on his posts. Look at the records of the others who didn’t show up. LLW's Attorney recorded everything. https://archive.is/9m9q8

This board is infiltrated. Note posting styles of those who keep slandering he who is, obviously, one of US, while licking the likes of clown carlson and other NWO entrenched allies' balls.

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80cf8d  No.15436920


No 5hanks

(You) first:

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1ac65e  No.15436921

File: f25593e7cbb3121⋯.jpeg (464 KB, 1800x1799, 1800:1799, CDCB4871_6AA5_4434_8D35_9….jpeg)

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41cab5  No.15436922



Wow, a three year old larp, nice one.

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edb89b  No.15436923

File: 24b771a626fafb6⋯.jpg (161.11 KB, 654x836, 327:418, Screenshot_20220122_124257….jpg)


That thing doesn't want to be dog. Dog can't go 1000 miles. That thing wanted to be US!

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4e3018  No.15436924


no (((dogs))) in heaven

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17b874  No.15436926

File: 521e3a7db7e0a21⋯.jpg (103.18 KB, 864x1200, 18:25, bs152.jpg)

File: 8627a4c9123faaf⋯.jpg (394.94 KB, 1188x1200, 99:100, bs153.jpg)

File: 26f6d7672a975d0⋯.jpg (277.58 KB, 1337x1224, 1337:1224, bs158.jpg)

File: 32f769ff05c99e5⋯.jpg (257.31 KB, 1188x1068, 99:89, bs157.jpg)

File: 240d7f8ab99a83e⋯.jpg (306.09 KB, 1606x1092, 803:546, bs167.jpg)

eat shit feddies

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be75bc  No.15436927

File: d48e39a079661a0⋯.png (585.05 KB, 660x720, 11:12, b8acfc910a7bafb733b8155de3….png)



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ea2e55  No.15436929

File: de42d89bec2fac2⋯.png (188.96 KB, 478x360, 239:180, pepe_hang_antifa.png)


Antifa and their fed counterparts were all released, and privately told "job well done".

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eb1800  No.15436932

File: a14f251063b4dbf⋯.jpg (383.92 KB, 960x960, 1:1, tony.jpg)



Still waiting

I thought Tony was arrested ages ago

What now? He's a lobbyist again?

I'm open minded and also know Deep State loves to play mind games.

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ee8e9c  No.15436933

File: 7e21374eeb9d072⋯.png (233.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c1587  No.15436934


appreciate your thoughts.

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36d22d  No.15436935



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d0a440  No.15436936


Maybe some intelligence could be kicked into your head because simple explanations are not reaching you.

No. The Feds/IRS will NEVER show up if you don't pay your local property taxes.

The local sheriff and SWAT team will remove you from the house after local Tax assessors pursue recourse on your compliance failure.

No, local tax issues do not escalate to federal status, depending on jurisdiction over the particular offenses.

You don't understand Federalism, either, do you?

Start Here >>> America is NOT a Democracy!

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f5ea1f  No.15436937

File: 3592c9b4fde5496⋯.jpg (135.61 KB, 920x800, 23:20, inside_temple.jpg)

File: 5fcb6cca141e893⋯.jpg (66.22 KB, 552x338, 276:169, 6386230_orig.jpg)

File: fb081465408f7af⋯.jpg (189.21 KB, 948x632, 3:2, download_10_.jpg)

File: 23bf8fbcaae9847⋯.jpg (159.62 KB, 772x514, 386:257, 3091913_orig.jpg)

File: b5e502ba6ade0bb⋯.jpg (193.26 KB, 1000x1436, 250:359, t.jpg)

The temple was just a bank vault and the jews lied about God. Every ancient empire targeted their temple for gold and silver to pay their armies conquests, multiple times, because they all knew what all of you don't understand, the temple was a cash cow always receiving money for nothing from the people offering up material things for blessings from a God that had been hijacked, for the love of money. Money for magic, all of it sacrilege.

You are all the sons and daughters of God, because your body is your temple that holds the gift of life, the spirit of God within you. You carry it with you wherever you go. No need to buy things to kill and offer it in a temple. Pray wherever you want how many times you want freely and under the sun or stars.

God is not male or female. WE are male and female and WE need to reproduce, not God. There is only one God and Jesus is not God. Saying Jesus is God breaks the commandments. Making pictures of Jesus, and praying to it, and even offering things in some cases to the pictures or statues is Idol worshipping and breaks the commandments and also breaks with the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and the New Testament. You can't have it both ways. Jesus was a man and he exposed the lies coming from the top of the society he lived in as being nothing but corrupt. Remember that they are all jews still, and have been enslaved by their own.

Civil war after civil war. Genocide of tribe after tribe. Since Cain and Abel, Moses receiving the tablets and then destroying them AND killing 1/3 of the hebrews that were the idol worshippers, the killing of the people of Lot (prophet) not to mention all the tribes wiped out (even the animals were killed) in Canaan, the fighting between David and Saul, Absalom and Solomon, the maccabees and the great jewish civil war in the midst of war with the romans, have been their greatest enemy all along.

Greeks have everything to do with the foundation of Christianity, which is a religion of apostasy towards jews, to leave behind their ancient magical ways and to reform to something more practical that includes everyone, not just jews. Like the arguments against circumcision that start at the last supper when Jesus says to exchange the blood for wine and the flesh with bread. This is brit milah and mitzpeh that he is referring to. They end up eating the flesh of the 8 days old infant and then suck the blood. Jesus said stop it. In the book of Romans, the christians explain their arguments against circumcision that include God is God of everyone and what matters is to follow the laws. Very practical and intelligent man. Carpenter and healer. Must have had medical training in Egypt by egyptians, greeks and romans, not to mention all those temples making it a multicultural melting pot with the jews in proximity.

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3e4059  No.15436939

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ea2e55  No.15436941

File: aa21d7ee5d0937c⋯.png (332.21 KB, 792x644, 198:161, pepe_holy_fk.png)


He has an odd resemblance to Chuck Schumer in that pic.

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4e3018  No.15436942


fuck off you lousy dog if infants are mutilated while yo uare lalive and not fighting against it

a (((dog))) would not care

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e52a3d  No.15436944


watched it


is a pedo's virtual coom spot

then one of the psychos got an address via a dox and went and raped a little girl and she killed herself

now the rapist is still at large in VRChat per an interview in the video

also a 14 yo boy says he did erotic role play with at least 7 or 8 adults

and meanwhile the platform is promoted for kids on youtoob and monetized via advertising dollars

made by a pornographer who makes money on sex dungeons in VRChat

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17b874  No.15436945


why dont you close down the investigation?

we are both clear from military for treason and sedition

now you are just ABUSING your federal <weak jurisdiction> to harass the CIA agent on an institutional level for his work for the agency.

go ask the front office. there is a fucking secretary and director. quit abusing your neighbors for institutional purposes.

we are trying to help your government and you are harassing and investigating us as individuals committing crimes. go fuck yourselves.

anyway authorizing continued investigations is a fucking pig. eat shit in hell. immoral fucks.

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eb1800  No.15436946


doubt that

they are dying in Israel

Try harder.

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bbe685  No.15436947

File: ca45c25bd5ed01e⋯.png (10 KB, 317x101, 317:101, Screen_Shot_2022_01_22_at_….png)

O, so Freemasonry is a Gentile thing.

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3363f6  No.15436948

File: 123f61569a4b6e1⋯.jpg (195.33 KB, 729x900, 81:100, 716818_900.jpg)

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4519a3  No.15436949

tonga wasnt in the un


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17b874  No.15436950


dont be a fucking pig

cancel the investigation

we are citizens

@cia forced into work

@myself a victim of mkultra

go the fuck away before you make a bigger mess of your agencies image.

fucking morons.

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b057fb  No.15436951


>No. The Feds/IRS will NEVER show up if you don't pay your local property taxes.

I've fucking lived it, Mr. KnowItAll.

Eat Mike Obama's dick.

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bbe685  No.15436952


chin for resting balls on

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3e4059  No.15436953


I missed all the pig shit. No pun intended. Who's Mr.Pig?

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b8da8c  No.15436954

File: d58efa489e16ff0⋯.gif (554.62 KB, 400x316, 100:79, first_binary.gif)




>>15436925 Q Research #19526: Kekrandir, the Green Pilgrim Edition

>>15436938 Dough

Wkfag departing n/b is GHOST

Thank you anons

Fill 1st please/TY

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edb89b  No.15436955

File: 61d54b6747468cd⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 539x704, 49:64, ZomboMeme_04082021114841.jpg)

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34c9f9  No.15436956

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4e3018  No.15436957


'freemasonry' is a mutilated genitals as infant thing, or it would be banned long ago!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!


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17b874  No.15436958


some federal authority in the FBI harassing myself and a CIA agent using sat on my brain.

investigating us for running cocaine and shit between columbia and america

fucking dick pricks.

find a mirror and shoot yourselves. fucking pigs.

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3363f6  No.15436959

File: 347f503b563d353⋯.png (509.83 KB, 1119x684, 373:228, 1538211863403.png)

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bcdb26  No.15436960

File: 48db926e859ba84⋯.jpg (133.42 KB, 900x900, 1:1, vinhdanh.jpg)

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3363f6  No.15436961

File: 66446383dd4b4b0⋯.png (458.06 KB, 576x780, 48:65, 1542459832156.png)

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8a6e95  No.15436963

File: 4a88683189dd5c7⋯.png (813.66 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, nothing_is_random.png)

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8c37c6  No.15436964

File: b370513e09c31ee⋯.png (596 KB, 500x711, 500:711, c771b5edf1f36fd073cd8be46e….png)


GOD Wins

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d0a440  No.15436965



No, you haven't lived any such thing. I doubt you even "own" that PlayStation, let alone a home and land.

It doesn't work the way you fantasize. EVER!

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3363f6  No.15436966

File: d7d4fb76923438e⋯.png (147 KB, 783x728, 783:728, 1556885504617.png)

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8a6e95  No.15436967

File: 62db9f17db5a27c⋯.gif (838.27 KB, 450x253, 450:253, train_smash.gif)

let's go, brandon

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