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File: a191f3eb4cbab2d⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1800x1012, 450:253, 8kun_main_8.png)

c2177c  No.13570825[View All]

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ce7194  No.13571681


Remember Q drop regarding giving birth to a New World. A woman(Earth) has waves of contractions, 7.83 hz is the frequency of Earth and all are being pushed to ascend, evolve.

Either flow with it or fight it.

As the collective consciousness unites

Dark to Light

Flood of info and also the waves from galactic sheet ripple across the Milky Way, all planets evolve, ebb, flow… like a heart beat, we are all connected.

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1b1ae8  No.13571682

File: 4c9fe78070d5975⋯.png (496.76 KB, 975x649, 975:649, First_Adulteress_056_81726….png)

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998370  No.13571683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c42163  No.13571685



Big-Time Gangsters Set Up McCain’s Family Fortune

Bronfman family behind the organized crime empire in Arizona that spawned the political career of John McCain

By Michael Collins Piper

In 1976 a crusading Phoenix reporter, Don Bolles, was murdered by a car-bomb after writing a series of stories exposing the organized crime connections of well-known figures in Arizona, including one Jim Hensley.

Five years later “Honest John” McCain arrived in Arizona as the new husband of Hensley’s daughter, Cindy. “From the moment McCain landed in Phoenix,” according to Charles Lewis of the Center for Public Integrity, “the Hensleys were key sponsors of his political career.”

The fact is, the people ultimately behind the Hensley fortune are even more interesting and controversial

While it is well-known McCain’s father-in-law is owner of the biggest Anheuser-Busch beer distributor in Arizona—one of the largest beer distributors in the nation—the media has had nothing to say about the origins of the Hensley fortune that financed McCain’s rise to power.

The Hensley fortune, in fact, is a regional offshoot of the big time bootlegging and rackets empire of the Bronfman dynasty of Canada, founded by Sam Bronfman, an early partner of Meyer Lansky, longtime “chairman of the board” of the international crime syndicate. (The Bronfmans cover all bases. Sam’s son, Edgar, today—at least publicly—supports George W. Bush.)

McCain’s father-in-law got his start as a top henchman of one Kemper Marley who, for some forty years until his death in 1990 at age 84, was the undisputed behind-the-scenes political boss of Arizona. But Marley was much more: he was also the protege of Lansky’s longtime lieutenant, Phoenix gambler Gus Greenbaum.

In 1941 Greenbaum had set up the Transamerica Publishing and News Service, which operated a national wire service for bookmakers. In 1946 Green baum turned over the day-to-day operations to Marley while Greenbaum focused on building up Lansky-run casinos in Las Vegas, commuting there from his home in Phoe nix. Greenbaum, in fact, was so integral to the Lansky empire that he was the one who took command of Lansky’s Las Vegas interests in 1947 after Lansky ordered the execution of his own longtime friend, Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, for skimming profits from the new Flamingo Casino.

Greenbaum and his wife were murdered in a mob “hit” in 1948, their throats cut. The murder set off a series of gangland wars in Phoenix, but Marley survived and prospered

During this time Marley was building up a liquor distribution monopoly in Arizona. The truth is that it was the Bronfman family that set Marley up in business. However, in 1948, some 52 of Marley’s employees (including Jim Hensley) went to jail on federal liquor violations—but not Marley.

The story in Arizona is that Hensley took the fall for Marley. Upon Hensley’s release from prison, Marley paid Hensley back by setting him up in the beer business. That company today, said to be worth $200 million, financed McCain’s career. And without Marley’s political support McCain could have never even gotten elected dogcatcher.

But there’s more. McCain’s father-in-law had also dabbled in the dog racing business and he expanded his family fortune further by selling his dog racing track to an individual connected to the the Buffalo-based Jacobs family.

The Jacobs were the leading distributors for Bronfman liquor into the United States during Prohibition into the hands of local gangs that were part of the Lansky syndicate. Expanding over the years, the family’s enterprises were once described as being “probably the biggest quasi-legitimate cover for organized crime’s money-laundering in the United States.”

While John McCain himself can not be held personally responsible for the sins of his father-in-law, the fact is that this �������reformer” owes his political and financial fortunes to the good graces of the biggest names in organized crime.


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998370  No.13571686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eb13d3  No.13571689

File: 019b4978f1a6e6b⋯.jpg (157.06 KB, 900x566, 450:283, nonameBoot.jpg)

File: 0cf51f2f210b7e2⋯.jpg (50.6 KB, 736x500, 184:125, nonameToRuth.jpg)


Don't worry Ruth Cindy

It's a dry heat

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1b1ae8  No.13571691

File: 295f1da479bd16f⋯.png (95.55 KB, 235x246, 235:246, Read_my_hoe_lips_057_87623….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Stop Me Before I Forgive Again! By Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

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1ead3f  No.13571693

File: c56a9062e383d05⋯.jpg (16.11 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 2ec0e36e9be2b92c47e44597f0….jpg)

File: e0f641936817096⋯.png (1.1 MB, 863x537, 863:537, e0f64193681709650d0076521e….png)

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1a462a  No.13571694



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72a041  No.13571696

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998370  No.13571697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1b1ae8  No.13571698

File: feec2db10f5257c⋯.jpg (46.97 KB, 423x412, 423:412, First_Adulteress_058_28375….JPG)

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c2177c  No.13571699

File: 2c462ede5934aa1⋯.png (885.53 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Bread_ready.png)

Baker requesting handoff

Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons






Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons

Baker requesting handoff

sorry for devil bred

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1b1ae8  No.13571700

File: 402c8d72c94175d⋯.png (40.03 KB, 567x205, 567:205, BEL_Sayings_059_2830589283….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Stop Me Before I Forgive Again! By Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

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ff5299  No.13571701


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998370  No.13571703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Your Parents Are Your Pillars Of Success!!

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1b1ae8  No.13571705

File: 67474a65f3b3150⋯.png (235.21 KB, 485x306, 485:306, God_was_Present_060_789856….png)

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78f891  No.13571706


you are ohfer

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ff5299  No.13571707


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1b1ae8  No.13571713

File: 3fada60a03b0e58⋯.png (517.64 KB, 882x664, 441:332, Godliness_with_Contentment….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Stop Me Before I Forgive Again! By Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

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ff5299  No.13571714


starnge 2 sec delay ????


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1b1ae8  No.13571715

File: f85b2310832089f⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 559x418, 559:418, BEL_sayings_062_8932459835….JPG)

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1ead3f  No.13571719

File: 5707e148eef257e⋯.png (266.23 KB, 329x619, 329:619, c11351470685e17ebcbb243cf0….png)

File: 9ed4f78c0d1ebe2⋯.png (279.27 KB, 607x500, 607:500, 7a0b4a72811f14c5a42ed84597….png)

File: d6580b057b0128d⋯.jpeg (24.76 KB, 411x305, 411:305, 556138a49b939.jpeg)

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1b1ae8  No.13571721

File: a1b97c2c765c78d⋯.png (80.55 KB, 744x201, 248:67, Muh_Lust_You_Know_You_Want….PNG)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Stop Me Before I Forgive Again! By Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

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c9ef9a  No.13571723

File: b67529dfb4d594b⋯.png (9.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0000000000.png)

[They] have learned by now that there is much more [PAIN] waiting just behind these initial posts.

[They] are completely defenseless.

Feels good, man…


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4df8ae  No.13571725

File: a621098195b34f9⋯.png (273.74 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20210503_125303.png)

Spy plane I believe is doing more than we think. To get the audit people info they don't need a plane if you think about it. Or they probably already got that info within a hour the first day. One person on the ground is all it would take to look at the license plate.

I don't know what tf they are doing really. Listening with some badass device ? Seeing through the fucking walls ?

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ff5299  No.13571726


Try iy, pussy.


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1b1ae8  No.13571727

File: f365e8d3dee51e4⋯.png (947.85 KB, 1569x840, 523:280, Sodom_aka_America_064_2384….png)

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1b1ae8  No.13571729

File: 159c9d95f2bb6c8⋯.png (59.52 KB, 259x229, 259:229, Sodom_aka_America_065_3094….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Stop Me Before I Forgive Again! By Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

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ce7194  No.13571732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Galactic Magnetic Fields & Electric Current Sheet

Q #1052


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1b1ae8  No.13571736

File: 8aadcc379c23b50⋯.png (115.85 KB, 457x268, 457:268, For_God_and_Self_066_29385….png)

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1ead3f  No.13571738


Gibs da script and I will. It's nothing special.

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1b1ae8  No.13571741

File: 9c6c829c7227230⋯.png (45.31 KB, 126x280, 9:20, No_Hoes_WH_067_20934850983….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Stop Me Before I Forgive Again! By Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

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1b1ae8  No.13571744

File: 10103c6ce5bb1db⋯.png (473.75 KB, 887x386, 887:386, Sodom_aka_America_068_982r….PNG)

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2a240a  No.13571748



is a myth with scant few exceptions (being the younger ones).

UniParty is united.

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4504d9  No.13571749


If they don't want to be doxxed via their license plates, they could rent a car and take that there instead of their own vehicle.

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1ead3f  No.13571754

File: 9bf9fc10665a830⋯.png (996.5 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, capn_obvi_18.png)


See you next bread nigger.

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4df8ae  No.13571758


That's true duh

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1b1ae8  No.13571765

File: 0dc2fa45c036d9a⋯.png (549.05 KB, 711x456, 237:152, No_Hoes_WH_069_27358273578….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Stop Me Before I Forgive Again! By Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

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1b1ae8  No.13571768

File: a9248a3435e5703⋯.png (37.39 KB, 181x258, 181:258, Sodom_aka_America_070_2348….png)

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61c1ad  No.13571771

File: fbeb0d2e6b88875⋯.png (133.07 KB, 465x574, 465:574, 2021_05_03_12_44_33.png)



You dropped this!

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4504d9  No.13571774


The true colors of "the loving, tolerant Left"

When things go their way, they are all lovey-dovey and it's all about peace & tolerance.

When things don't go their way, they turn into evil, vile gremlins.

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3ba7e0  No.13571783

File: 992bfbb33afa961⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1024x680, 128:85, ClipboardImage.png)


Representatives of the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Office on Sunday informed an incarcerated John Podesta that the U.S. military had withdrawn a plea deal that would have guaranteed him a maximum sentence of life in exchange for having testified against Hillary Clinton.

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35f399  No.13571786


if you are being attacked by bot, it means that you are dangerous for them.

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507dd4  No.13571797


Mat 6:24

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.


Unchecked Copy Box Luk 16:13

No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

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53bc42  No.13571820

File: af0dc8e9a69d41b⋯.jpg (109.37 KB, 660x662, 330:331, JSIoTS_BB0_j13wJoby_oMZv0h….jpg)



This list needs updating.

Get to work.

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fc35c8  No.13571831

File: 1894a84b3abf838⋯.png (83.17 KB, 254x171, 254:171, Above_Law_071_9059w4858093….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Stop Me Before I Forgive Again! By Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

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fc35c8  No.13571834

File: 9bfcbd8977fd7bf⋯.png (24.55 KB, 155x148, 155:148, Evil_Anons_029358098098203….PNG)


Did your mother upstairs also make you a bastard child? He 13:4

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fc35c8  No.13571836

File: 5a32a3ce9ca9791⋯.jpg (39.07 KB, 425x413, 425:413, Sodom_aka_America_072_2359….JPG)

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fc35c8  No.13571842

File: 36ee7957a8a587c⋯.png (145.39 KB, 276x435, 92:145, Turn_Yourself_In_073_29350….png)


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

Nicer than God by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Stop Me Before I Forgive Again! By Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

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