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File: b432d9925803724⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 199x255, 199:255, trump_flag.jpg)

8ee256  No.12925233[View All]

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40b3b3  No.12926065

File: 4d85eceb3d58cd7⋯.png (403.2 KB, 888x800, 111:100, ClipboardImage.png)

kek. poor bastards

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e202ec  No.12926066



I've seent this sort of "practice" before, but I just can't seem to place it.


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46291b  No.12926067

File: 6759c1b3db380c5⋯.jpeg (180.32 KB, 640x379, 640:379, 891B6693_C4D5_4B48_9769_0….jpeg)



Oh so you think a foreign funded and illegitimate government is gonna play by the rules..?

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9caf27  No.12926068

Anyone ever seen a symbol of a green snake with 6 purple rings with a white back ground?

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58ec2f  No.12926069

You fkin tards, erporters.

since 50-50

and 7 repiblicatards voted against POTUS, and MITCH mCCONELL, VOTED TO AQUIT Trupm, how come is 57-43??

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83456f  No.12926070



just gave yourself away…

there is only truth…we where all given that

We Had Been Already Living in a False Narrative…

..maybe to some its been about why the False Narrative…

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d9f122  No.12926071



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000000  No.12926072


Well, just like any other theory you could provide on here…you are incorrect. Definitely from America. Born here. Raised here. Never even been off of American soil. I could have called you a cunt, would you have enjoyed that more? Believe it or not, Americans use the term "knob" as well. Your inability to extend your vocabulary is not my problem.

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26baf0  No.12926073

File: bffbcbbb3cd03fa⋯.png (361.89 KB, 735x459, 245:153, kissinger.png)

File: bf3e471188fc634⋯.gif (5.05 MB, 300x300, 1:1, mask_covid_people.gif)

That phrase "I'm your host" though.

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95ff88  No.12926074

File: 209c371627ebb7b⋯.jpg (257.41 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 209c371627ebb7b7b96f5cf4e3….jpg)

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075a44  No.12926075

File: c2ae58cc98c88a4⋯.png (55.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, q_piper_be_careful_who_you….png)

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d9d85b  No.12926076


BBB was about that trafficking, wasn't it?

A few months ago an anon here (or somewhere) noticed that bbb (lowercase) is 666.

They are shoving it in our faces……again.

We voted for a real estate playboy and got Winnie the Pooh.

This timeline.

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bc980e  No.12926077


Yea, still looking for that which was deemed "the only way". No where to be seen uh………….but protecting them from a non existent threat.

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451dd6  No.12926078

>>12925838 holy shit, does your immediate physical neighbor know?

>>12925837 had a point but forgot. oh right glowing.

>>12925839 starving for loosh over there, how does it feelz?

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f9cc95  No.12926079


Sucks to be you.

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4cf30e  No.12926080


I use that phrase. Born here in the US. Raised here, and served for this country. You idiot fucking retarded knob…

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dfb8c9  No.12926082


One thing that's great about truth is that it's fucking seamless.

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2e64fc  No.12926083


How do you know (he's a jew, and can't trust him)?

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58ec2f  No.12926086


If that mf votet for POTUS, there must be 1 vote in plus for republicans

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d9d85b  No.12926087


>Oh so you think a foreign funded and illegitimate government is gonna play by the rules..?


And I don't think we can vote ourselves out of it either.

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b5da0a  No.12926090

File: 808d99f408efd4e⋯.jpeg (204.31 KB, 640x531, 640:531, 29AE0017_CA42_4349_87C9_3….jpeg)


>Anyone ever seen a symbol of a green snake with 6 purple rings with a white back ground?

Why yes.. you’ve just described in perfect detail the tattoo that’s on my wife’s ass..

..what did you say your name was again sir??

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7bdf9a  No.12926091


>The whole world is finding out their elections have been rigged by voting machines

Taking the cabal out of one country isn't enough.

It has to be destroyed worldwide.

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6db5c7  No.12926092


>Snyone following GhostEzrs on Telegram? What's your thoughts?

My thoughts are the it is EtheLarp with a new account for the 13th times and you are a retard for following it.

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58ec2f  No.12926093


zero intelligence

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83456f  No.12926094

File: 95726e32dc41299⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 475x499, 475:499, Trump_Latte.jpg)

File: 8af5db971596718⋯.png (283.47 KB, 730x621, 730:621, 5347.png)

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2a2941  No.12926095


your false premise "there is only truth" is very much a reason for me to say 'ridiculous!'

If I were to.

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075a44  No.12926096

File: d75a6e4eebddcb4⋯.jpg (68.26 KB, 545x458, 545:458, i_dare_you.jpg)

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2bfc43  No.12926097


"voting" only means anything in a nation of laws, which we do not have.

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e2c2c3  No.12926098


Knob is kla kla fuzzy foreigner.

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075a44  No.12926099

File: 0f9fe1c0864c45d⋯.png (55.34 KB, 500x500, 1:1, q_piper_trust_the_plan.png)

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000000  No.12926100

Q Research General #16499: New Bakers Needed - Inquire Within Edition


>>12926059 Fresh Bread

>>12926059 Fresh Bread

>>12926059 Fresh Bread

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d9d85b  No.12926101


> false statement about their god hereto misspelled.

Nice catch anon; never occurred to me.

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58ec2f  No.12926102

imagine your future, w/o hel.

if you're republican or conservative

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2e64fc  No.12926103


ECW is also a jew…

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4368b8  No.12926104

File: b5bd5dc5a95ec57⋯.jpg (32.12 KB, 330x478, 165:239, 2u6e3p.jpg)

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cfbfe8  No.12926105


you don't see where this is headed do you anon. The jews are going to get kicked out like they always have.

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dfb8c9  No.12926107


>so we wait on these events to occur, rather than any specific timeline

Okay kike, let's do exactly that, just as we have for the last 4 years. LOL!

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58ec2f  No.12926108


so sh it that yoy represent yourself, confidence, and make others join your cause

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075a44  No.12926109

File: 271d9298399d7f7⋯.png (55.52 KB, 500x500, 1:1, q_piper_nothing_can_stop.png)

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83456f  No.12926110


Ive heard its a symbol of a an advance dreptilian race..the symbols are for their former colonies in our solar system..one of them being the moon..and also mars

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7890a7  No.12926111


We voted for freedom, for America. They blatantly cheated to in order regain control.

They massively over played their hand and are now more exposed then ever before. It’ll be good, though it might be some rough sailing for a while.

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faa468  No.12926113

File: 16ff696b8667af1⋯.jpeg (159.29 KB, 1440x1100, 72:55, 1529153517.jpeg)

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451dd6  No.12926114

>>12926016 furrinerses prolly u

>>12926016 Merica dammit


>How old are you…you don't talk like a American.

razed by wolveses

>or are you a C_A spy???

not the slightest fucking chance, cannot pass the pee test or the psycopathy test.

>or are you a C_A spy???


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451dd6  No.12926115




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000000  No.12926118

Q Research General #16499: New Bakers Needed - Inquire Within Edition


>>12926059 Fresh Bread

>>12926059 Fresh Bread

>>12926059 Fresh Bread

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075a44  No.12926119

File: c8387acb4e5b4ee⋯.png (55.43 KB, 500x500, 1:1, q_piper_sheep.png)

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83456f  No.12926120


slippery..The Truth..is the Truth that rings True..True to You..It should ring True with others as Well

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58ec2f  No.12926122


you just nothing, and others make you shake and join their team

, of crominals

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2e64fc  No.12926123

File: 793a1e1fb4c1f9f⋯.jpg (171.37 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 200801_D_ZZ999_030.JPG)


See below, smartestanon (pic related)…


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752ab4  No.12954022

File: 9095edfb2b519ce⋯.jpg (152.83 KB, 878x514, 439:257, ruMe.jpg)

mQFTwBSiz WPKX nysWI igtbuSMEB UDssCiNqMD PkVRUabE ZaIouVx Tkej QmAfrYlx FrlbqBDM zYx WrE

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