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Anon Curated Notables 2022 Edition

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d9e924 No.120565 [Last50 Posts]

/qresearch/ South Africa

Re-Posts of notables

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d9e924 No.127716

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18221575 (251312ZJAN23) Notable: EFF Bun / "They can’t kill us all": Malema urges EFF to join riots as SANDF deployed

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>Officials in Eswatini admit there are problems in the kingdom but say the unrest was due to “terrorists” and “rabble rousers” from South Africa.

>Khumalo said that security forces had intervened when authorities “had been made aware of a grand plan to sow a trail of destruction” in Eswatini. Without offering evidence, he alleged the plan involved the Economic Freedom Fighters, a radical leftwing political party in neighbouring South Africa.

>“The EFF was bringing in people to lead the destruction and who would train and mentor its local branch to do this … We were able to intercept the plan on the internet. We had to protect business and security for all citizens. It was beyond a protest,” the minister said.

“‘They can’t kill us all’: Malema urges EFF to join riots as SANDF deployed”


12-07-2021 14:00


In a tweet sent out at lunchtime on Sunday after it was confirmed that the SANDF will be deployed to Gauteng and KZN to support the South African Police Service (SAPS), Malema directed EFF supporters to “be ready” to assist rioters.

“No soldiers on our streets! Otherwise, we are joining. All fighters must be ready… they won’t kill us all. We need a political solution to a political problem, not soldiers,” he said.

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d9e924 No.127717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18221578 (251313ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Power cuts in SA are playing havoc with the country’s water system

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“Power cuts in SA are playing havoc with the country’s water system”


24-01-2023 15:29

The recent blackouts have led to water utilities issuing warnings about damage to water supply infrastructure and operations.

South Africans had to deal with the worst ever series of power cuts in 2022. All in all the country lost a record 205 days of electricity due to constant breakdowns at the coal-fired power plants run by Eskom, the state-owned electricity utility. The plants are old and have not been sufficiently maintained.

The country’s energy crisis has been escalating since April 2008, when scheduled power cuts were first implemented.

One of the biggest casualties of more than a decade of severe power outages has been the country’s water processing and distribution networks. The most recent, and escalated, blackouts have led to water utilities in parts of the country issuing warnings about damage to water supply infrastructure and operations.

The negative effects on water supply are far-reaching. Energy and water are intertwined. The water reticulation system – the transport of water from source, the treatment of water and sewage and the distribution and delivery of water to consumers – all require electricity.

A number of cities, including Johannesburg and Nelson Mandela Bay, as well as smaller towns, have had drastic water cuts.

These experiences – as well as the growing frequency of sewage spills – have given South Africans a glimpse of what the future might hold if the energy crisis isn’t properly addressed. Water shortages and prolonged cuts in supply are likely to become increasingly common.

The problems triggered by the power cuts have been made worse by the fact that the country’s water infrastructure has been deteriorating for decades. Water losses have been increasing as a result of decaying infrastructure such as old pipes which haven’t been replaced.

In addition, allegations of corruption and misappropriation of funds have also plagued the sector.

The country needs a clear way forward to address both the energy and water crises. These will not be solved overnight. They will require political will, making use of the knowledge and skills of experienced individuals within the various sectors, to collectively develop a realistic and clear plan. It will require specific timelines and deliverables to address both crises: energy and water.

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d9e924 No.127718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18221591 (251316ZJAN23) Notable: ‘Diversity training’ at Fish Hoek High School being investigated

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>“‘Black people can NEVER be racist’, Vishoek High learners told”


“‘Diversity training’ at Fish Hoek High School being investigated”


January 24, 2023

The complaint that the FF Plus lodged with the Human Rights Commission (HRC) about last year’s traumatic ‘diversity training session’ at Fish Hoek High School is officially being investigated.

The HRC confirmed this to the FF Plus shortly after the announcement about Schweizer-Reneke was made last week.

The HRC found neither the teacher, Elana Barkhuizen, nor the Schweizer-Reneke Primary School guilty of any form of racism or discrimination in the 2019 incident.

Regarding the Fish Hoek incident, the complaint was made against the DA’s Western Cape Education Department (WCED), the party’s MEC for Education, Mr David Maynier, and the group of individuals who presented the session.

The complaint was lodged after public outcry from the townspeople and concerned parents reached out to the FF Plus for help.

It seems that the Fish Hoek training incident has already resulted in one head rolling. Ironically enough, it is not the head of one of the presenters nor of the individuals who organised the training, but of a staff member who tried to protect the children.

The staff member’s name is known to the FF Plus, but is kept confidential for her protection.

While the training was taking place, this teacher became aware that the learners found it severely traumatising and she entered the school hall to ask them to stop the training session.

At the end of last year, disciplinary steps were taken against her for her ‘disruption’ of the session and she was asked to resign.

In its complaint to the HRC the FF Plus requested, among other things, that while the incident is being investigated, the Western Cape Education Department must not be allowed to conduct any further diversity training at schools.

According to parents in town, they are not aware of any ban on the diversity course.

The FF Plus is urgently calling on the WCED to immediately scrap the course in the interest of all Western Cape learners.

Critical Race Theory forms the basis of the course. This theoretical framework jars with most commentators’ interpretation of the equality principle in Section 9 of South Africa’s Constitution. Consequently, a constitutional body like the HRC must also rule on whether it is appropriate to employ it in schools.

One of the presenters stated that white people are the only ones who can be racists, while black people cannot seeing as they have no power.

Christianity was, furthermore, equated to white patriarchal oppression and the other statements that were made about Christianity can, at best, be seen as unwarranted, and at worst, as blasphemous.

From the sound recordings that learners secretly made of the session, it is clear that learners were extremely shocked and emotional.

And the one staff member who tried to protect the children lost her job.

The DA must see to it that this person is reinstated at once, and must stop playing with words as they are currently doing with the Schweizer-Reneke matter.

Ms Helen Zille from the DA said last week in response to the HRC’s finding that the then youth leader of the DA who labelled Ms Barkhuizen a racist, Luyolo Mphithi, had ‘resigned’ after the incident.

The truth, however, is that the DA had in fact rewarded and promoted him by appointing him as a Member of Parliament.

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d9e924 No.127719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18221603 (251319ZJAN23) Notable: ‘Diversity training’ at Fish Hoek High School being investigated

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>The HRC found neither the teacher, Elana Barkhuizen, nor the Schweizer-Reneke Primary School guilty of any form of racism or discrimination in the 2019 incident.

“‘I am a good teacher!’ - Elana Barkhuizen speaks out after her suspension” [Jan 15, 2019] - https://youtu.be/72mDnldSSRU

0:50 – “Do not be sorry for me – I will not surrender. I will fight. I will make sure that what happened to me will never happen to any other teacher… I will take on these people with power and I shall win.” [English translation]

“North West MEC put Schweizer-Reneke teacher's [Elana Barkhuizen] life in danger, falsely accused her of racism – SAHRC”


20 January 2023

•	The publication of a photograph of black and white pupils sitting at separate tables at a North West primary school in 2019 led to a teacher being accused of racism.

•	Following a probe, the SA Human Rights Commission found claims of unfair discrimination at the school could not be substantiated.

•	The SAHRC also found that the education MEC at the time had violated the teacher's constitutional rights and put her life in danger.

Former North West Education MEC Sello Lehari’s successor has been instructed to apologise for Lehari's conduct after he was found to have falsely accused teacher Elana Barkhuizen of racism.

Barkhuizen was the teacher who took a photograph which showed four black pupils sitting at a separate table from white children in a Grade R class in 2019. The photo went viral on social media at the time and sparked wide outrage.

The photograph led to allegations of racial segregation and unfair discrimination at Laerskool Schweizer-Reneke.

Barkhuizen was at the centre of the allegations, having taken the photograph. It was originally posted to a WhatsApp group for the childrens’ parents to see how they were settling in on the first day of school.

She was summarily suspended and Lehari disclosed her name to protesters and media who had gathered at the school in the aftermath.

It was later revealed that the photograph was not of Barkhuizen’s class and that the seating arrangements were not aimed at discriminating against the black pupils, but were based on their language needs and aimed at helping them integrate at the Afrikaans-medium school.

The allegations and social outrage led to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) launching an investigation.

More than four years later, the investigation has been completed and the report made public.

The SAHRC said the allegation that the school had unfairly discriminated against the four pupils could not be substantiated.

The commission did say that the four black pupils had been treated differently, purportedly on the basis of language, and indirectly on the basis of their race, but that the discrimination was fair on a balance of probabilities.

The findings effectively exonerated Barkhuizen, who, at one point, had to flee from her home and remove her children from school because of safety concerns.

"Within 14 days of this report, the current MEC for Education of the North West Province must issue a public written apology to Ms Barkhuizen for the manner in which she was treated by the department and the former MEC for Education in the North West province," it ruled.

"The written apology should, inter alia, state that the MEC is apologising for the violation of Ms Barkhuizen's rights to due 58 process and privacy.

"Moreover, the MEC should apologise for the former MEC’s conduct of falsely accusing Ms Barkhuizen of racism and for placing her life and the life of her family at risk through the public disclosure of her identity. The written apology should be printed in at least one national newspaper and posted on the website of the department for at least one month."

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d9e924 No.127720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18221605 (251320ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Criminality is well organised and rife in Eskom - de Ruyter

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“Criminality is well organised and rife in Eskom - de Ruyter”



Cape Town - Criminality is deeply embedded in Eskom, and is very well organised.

This is according to outgoing Eskom chief executive, Andre de Ruyter, as he briefed Parliament's Standing Committee on Public Accounts on Tuesday.

De Ruyter said the organisation was dealing with many challenges, and criminality was high up on the list.

“Criminality (for example), we know someone has a maintenance contract for mills, there will be rock and metal added to the coal to destroy the mills. We stopped theft of R100 million a month at Tutuka. We affected two arrests, but they were released on R500 bail the following day and the case has not been finalised,” he said.

In other instances, De Ruyter said they have had to write off inventory and when they tried to implement controls by adding bar-coding, it was “resisted” internally.

“Criminality is quite well organised, very deeply embedded. (There is) resistance to implement basic control measures and it goes to extraordinary lengths,” he said.

To combat fraud and corruption, he said they had increased governance controls and implemented technology to measure coal quality that would sample every truck delivered to Eskom.

He said since the deployment of the defence force, they were seeing greater action from police.

“There is a criminal justice value chain and prosecutions are equally important. At Camden, Eskom security intercepted a coal truck which contained poor quality coal, the coal had been replaced. The truck driver and manager offered security a R50 000 bribe which was declined. After approaching the police, he was arrested, made a full confession, however (a) prosecutor released the individual,” De Ruyter said.

He said after the matter was brought to the attention of the director of public prosecutions, they had seen a change.

Eskom said it was experiencing high levels of plant unreliability and forced outage currently. This is compounded by high planned maintenance.

A number of large generating units are off for extended periods, said Eskom, contributing to the higher plant unavailability and loss of generating capacity.

These include Medupi 4, Kusile 1, 2, 3, Koeberg 1 (planned outage) and Kusile 5 (delayed commissioning).

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d9e924 No.127721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18221611 (251321ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / AfriForum to start own electricity generation company; Remember Andre/Andries Pienaar in Previous Posts

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“AfriForum to start own electricity generation company” – “of starting a company with André Pienaar, founder and CEO of C5 Capital” and “shareholder in PBMR company X-Energy”


Jan. 23, 2023, 6:40 a.m.

AfriForum CEO Kallie Kriel says formal engagements have started with C5 Capital to invest in nuclear energy.

The lobby group says it is fed up with the decay of the state of the energy crisis in the country.

Kriel says they are in the process of starting a company with André Pienaar, founder and CEO of C5 Capital, to build a venture capital firm that invests in cybersecurity, space and nuclear energy.


South African-born venture capitalist André Pienaar, a shareholder in PBMR company X-Energy.

X-Energy is currently building the world’s first commercial-scale advanced nuclear reactor in the state of Washington.

It forms part of the US Department of Energy’s $2.5-billion (R43-billion) Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP).

The ARDP will see the construction of X-Energy’s first 320MW XE-100 power plant, consisting of four 80MW PBMRs.

The helium-cooled, high-temperature reactors are designed to provide small-scale power generation with faster deployment times and better safety than large conventional reactors.

X-Energy has also signed a contract with the US military to supply it with Xe-mobile micro reactors for remote operations.

Ironically, the earliest forms of PBMR were developed by a team of South Africans as part of Eskom’s PBMR company.

The utility planned to construct a new nuclear power station in Duynefontein near Koeberg that would use the technology.

However, after ten years of development and ballooning costs, the project was terminated due to a lack of investment.

X-Energy scooped up one of these team members — Eben Mulder — who now serves as the company’s chief scientist.

Its lead reactor developer is another South African — Martin van Staden — a North-West University and University of Johannesburg alumnus.

Kriel acknowledged there was no quick fix for the country’s energy crisis, but said civil society and the private sector could play a critical role in a future “on the other side” of Eskom.

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d9e924 No.127722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18221625 (251325ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / AfriForum to start own electricity generation company; Remember Andre/Andries Pienaar in Previous Posts

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>“AfriForum to start own electricity generation company” – “of starting a company with André Pienaar, founder and CEO of C5 Capital” and “shareholder in PBMR company X-Energy”


>Zuma wants Ramaphosa to be prosecuted as part of the ongoing private prosecution of NPA advocate Billy Downer

Remember Andre/Andries Pienaar in Previous Posts

Final Andre Pienaar Bun

>>>/qresearch/13900374 South African at centre of bid for Pentagon data cloud linked to Kremlin insider – Part 1

>>>/qresearch/13900380 South African at centre of bid for Pentagon data cloud linked to Kremlin insider – Part 2

>>>/qresearch/13900382 South African at centre of bid for Pentagon data cloud linked to Kremlin insider – Part 3

>>>/qresearch/13908297 André Pienaar Biography

>>>/qresearch/13908317 Sample from Pienaar's blog for reference

>>>/qresearch/13956493 André Pienaar Remarks on the Space Investment Landscape at America’s Future Series Space Innovation Summit

“Liam Fox resignation exposes Tory links to US radical right” – More South Africa Connections (Part 2) dated 15 Oct 2011 at https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2011/oct/15/liam-fox-resignation-exposes-tories

Werritty, the group's UK director, was funded by a raft of powerful businessmen including Michael Hintze, one of the Tories biggest financial backers whose hedge fund, CQS, has investments in companies that have contracts with the Ministry of Defence; Poju Zabludowicz, chairman of the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre, who chairs a US munitions company; and the Good Governance Group, a private security firm set up by a South African businessman, Andries Pienaar, who also has an investment firm, C5 Capital, focused on the defence sector.

“South African at centre of bid for Pentagon data cloud linked to Kremlin insider” dated December 13, 2018, at https://www.somtribune.com/2018/12/13/south-african-at-centre-of-bid-for-pentagon-data-cloud-linked-to-kremlin-insider/

While South African, Andre Pienaar, founder of C5 Capital and exposed as the mysterious “Luciano” in the leaked “Zuma spy tapes” saga, is involved in a bid for the Jedi Pentagon Project – a cyber-cloud that will store highly sensitive data including US nuclear codes – he has also been linked to Ukrainian-born Russian oligarch, Viktor Vekselberg [>>120889 Viktor Vekselberg Bun], who has close links to the Kremlin.

Former South African intelligence agent, Andre Pienaar, has been cited in an extensive investigation by BBC journalists into bids for the Pentagon’s $R10 billion Jedi Contract project aimed at storing sensitive military and other information on a single cloud.

Pienaar was exposed in court transcripts in the Zuma “spy tapes” saga as the mysterious “Luciano” who allegedly leaked illegal National Intelligence Agency recordings of conversations between then Scorpions boss, Leonard McCarthy, and former NPA boss, Bulelani Ngcuka.

The leak ultimately led to the initial withdrawal of charges of fraud and corruption against former President Jacob Zuma.


25th May 2021

Former president Jacob Zuma claims that ‘foreign intelligence agencies’ may have interfered in his corruption prosecution.

In his ‘special plea’ challenging the right of prosecutor Billy Downer to try him for Arms Deal-related corruption and racketeering, Zuma claimed he had ‘come across information’ that former Scorpions boss Leonard McCarthy was an operative for America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and was handled by an agent called André Pienaar.

He said Pienaar, who he said was code-named Luciano, was responsible for getting McCarthy his job at the World Bank.

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d9e924 No.127723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18221687 (251339ZJAN23) Notable: Team SA pulling out all the stops at Davos

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>Increasing interdependence between nations and regions must then translate as a decrease in independence. Nations cannot be interdependent without each of them giving up some of, or at least acknowledging limits to, its own independence.


>the interdependence of countries, on their food and fuels and so on, is leading to an interdependence which has seeds of draining away of sovereignty within it.

“Team SA pulling out all the stops at Davos”


Published Jan 23, 2023

On Monday, Team South Africa arrived in Davos, Switzerland for the 53rd World Economic Forum (WEF). The team includes a strong mix of government ministers, industry leaders, diplomats and key stakeholders.

Team South Africa announced that its partners for the annual event are Old Mutual, Multichoice, Anglo American and Naspers - and thanked them for their committed partnerships.

WEF brings together leaders from government, business and civil society from across the world in Davos in Switzerland to discuss the status of the globe’s economy and identify potential international opportunities and partnerships.

Team South Africa has a busy four days in Davos - with the main activities happening from January 16 to 20 at the South African Business Hub at Promenade 54.

Brand South Africa, in partnership with WEF, Multichoice and Naspers hosted the official WEF Reception on January 18 at the Congress Centre. Actress Nomzamo Mbatha hosted South Africa night, framed by South African Food Experience with Chef Wandile Mabaso, and the Proudly South Africa showcase featuring Mi Casa and The Soil. The objective was to provide global guests with a cultural showcase; enticing them to visit, partner with, invest in and initiate business with South Africa.

What Team South Africa is emphasising at WEF is an uncommonly strong message focussed on the country’s openness to new business, as well as highlighting the stability of South Africa’s key financial institutions. The high-powered team is pulling out all the stops, positioning South Africa as a business and innovation hub lead by a wealth of world-class human capital.

South Africa certainly knows a thing or two about surviving turbulent times. However, the country’s resilience has led to increasing global confidence in the country’s socio-economic stability, protected by a functioning democracy, a progressive legal system and a respect for the rule of law. [A gangster's paradise]

Team South Africa will also focus on emphasising the country's creativity competitiveness, diverse industries, abundant resources and economic opportunities. It will also draw attention to the nation’s pool of experienced and skilled professionals, and its track record of creating value, economic growth and sustainable ROI for investors. It is imperative that Team South Africa provides the international business community with updates on the country’s economic reforms, as well as the progress being made in implementing the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (EERP).

South Africa is marketing its status as an investment destination and open economy, with credible and independent institutions, a resilient and competitive private sector, world-class infrastructure and an influential role in the region (BRICS, AfCFTA). Brand South Africa is also executing a digital marketing campaign, and a media programme that sheds light on the country’s achievements and successes in key economic sectors.

Brand South Africa Acting CEO, Sithembile Ntombela said earlier that as the organisation is the official custodian of South Africa's brand reputation, it will leave nothing unsaid about South Africa’s potential and the collaborative economic opportunities that the nation can offer to the world.

Ntombela also highlighted the WEF’s importance in providing a platform for the country to position itself as “a land of endless opportunities” and an investment-friendly environment. With a plan to have more than 1 000 international companies operating and investing in South Africa by 2025, Team South Africa is committed to piquing global investor interest by increasing engagement and networking.

his year’s WEF runs from the January 16 to 20, under the focus “Co-operation in a fragmented society”. More information on South Africa’s participation in this year’s WEF can be found at brandsouthafrica.com/our-initiatives/sa-in-davos/, http://brandsouthafrica.com/our-initiatives/sa-in-davos/.

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d9e924 No.127724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18229656 (261540ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / International watchdog contracted to validate Eskom’s turnaround plans for load shedding

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“International watchdog contracted to validate Eskom’s turnaround plans for load shedding”



Cape Town - The increased public and expert scrutiny of Eskom’s operations in recent months has struck a nerve with the utility as Eskom board chairperson Mpho Makwana revealed that the power utility was seeking to increase its credibility with the public by contracting an international consultancy to validate the execution of its turnaround plans.

This was shared during a meeting between the standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) and Eskom on Tuesday where the board and executives of the power utility faced off with the MPs over the utility’s umpteenth plan to bring the country out of darkness.

Scopa questioned how this plan was different to previous plans it had heard from Eskom, why yet another oversight service was needed for this, and why it was being outsourced to an international consultancy when Eskom was already in financial distress and had the necessary engineers and experts to perform these duties.

They had done this before…

“How Deloitte, McKinsey, the Guptas and SAP Ripped Off Eskom”


November 5, 2019

Executive Summary

•	The South African energy utility, Eskom, has been in long term decline.

•	As it has been mismanaged, it has been systematically pilfered by several entities ranging from Deloitte, McKinsey, the Guptas, and SAP, among other.


Eskom’s decline began around the changed in government to the ANC. Eskom has been living off its infrastructure from a bygone era and is set up for significant future problems. The story of its decline is intertwined with some underhanded firms pushing the utility further to the brink through their parasitism.

So Deloitte had an “inside man” at Eskom, which was Prish Govender. This not only gave Deloitte a distinct advantage in their tender but allowed them to plagiarize work from McKinsey. So when Deloitte submitted its adjusted tender, it would have been able to neutralize the impact of McKinsey’s tender.

Furthermore, Deloitte is an international partner with SAP and recommended SAP solutions to Eskom that would worsened Eskom’s situation, like HANA, the Brightwork Research & Analysis has extensively analyzed. Deloitte would not have informed Eskom of HANA’s indirect access liabilities, which we covered in the article HANA Police Indirect Access Charges, https://www.brightworkresearch.com/saphana/2017/02/07/hana-police-indirect-access-charges/. Internationally, Deloitte lies to companies about SAP, and inaccuracies about SAP to prospects, while pretending to be impartial advisors to firms like Eskom.


While using consultants is commonplace internationally, further questions arise as to why no domestic experts are engaged, particularly given the role of global consultancies in State Capture, and the prevailing circumstances that facilitated such moves, which also emerged before the Zondo commission of inquiry — be that McKinseys, Bains or T-Systems.

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d9e924 No.127725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18229669 (261542ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Eskom wants to get rid of another 500 white maintenance staff, says trade union Solidarity

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“Eskom wants to get rid of another 500 white maintenance staff, says trade union Solidarity”



In the midst of South Africa’s worst energy crisis in history, trade union Solidarity says ailing state power utility Eskom, wants to to get rid of another 500 white males by 2025, mainly persons who are responsible for maintenance work.

The union said in a statement on Thursday this was according to Eskom’s latest race plan for 2023 to 2025.

In a letter issued by Solidarity's legal team addressed to Eskom, it said it asked for a moratorium on race-based appointments at Eskom as a measure to help address the power crisis.

Solidarity said it pointed out that there was an urgent need in South Africa for the deployment of best skills in jobs, regardless of race.

“There are competent black and white artisans at Eskom and out there and those are the people Eskom should recruit based on their ability to help solve the power crisis and without looking at the colour of their skin. Solidarity also reserves the right to go to court should Eskom continue with the implementation of its race targets,” the union said in a statement.

“We do not see in the plan that Eskom is making plans to address its skills challenges. This plan is all about skin colour at the various job levels,” Solidarity Chief Executive Dr Dirk Hermann, said.

“Eskom has just announced a huge tariff increase but instead of addressing its skills problem, Eskom is only paying attention to race targets.

“These absurd race targets come amid the fact that power station maintenance is one of Eskom’s major challenges. Eskom should now focus on one thing only, and that is not race, but power. South Africans do not need race targets but light in their homes and power for their businesses,” Hermann explained.

“Targets such as these discourage existing staff members and also imply that competent white persons cannot apply for jobs to help solve the crisis. Also, it makes it nearly impossible to appoint some of the hundreds of experts who have offered their services to assist Eskom because they have the wrong skin colour.”

Solidarity further said Eskom had a long history of having an aggressive race policy.

Between 1994 and 2002, 10 207 whites left Eskom.

From about 2000 Eskom has paid R1.8 billion in terms of current rand value for packages to get rid of white people.

This rapid loss of skills led to a huge loss of expertise and institutional knowledge.

“Eskom has learnt nothing from this. It is still pursuing its race programme, even in the dark,” Hermann said.

Solidarity is also preparing for a court case to get Eskom exempted from black economic empowerment requirements.

According to Solidarity, black economic empowerment is costing Eskom billions and a tariff increase would not have been necessary if Eskom did not have to meet all the racial requirements involved in procurement.

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d9e924 No.127726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18229675 (261543ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Eskom’s rolling blackouts — 26 years of ANC meddling, manipulation and vested interests (Parts 1-3)

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“Eskom’s rolling blackouts — 26 years of ANC meddling, manipulation and vested interests” – Part 1


26 Jan 2023

Below are excerpts

When President Cyril Ramaphosa tells the ANC faithful at the Free State elective conference he’s asked Eskom to suspend the statutorily approved 18.65% electricity price hike, he continues the political interference that’s marked the governing party’s relationship with Eskom in particular, and with state-owned enterprises in general.

It’s a toxic swirl of blurring the lines between party and state, vested interests and electoral populism, now with a firm eye on the 2024 elections when rotational power cuts are set to be a central electioneering tool. That churn has continued regardless of expert advice, presidential committees’ and others’ recommendations and more.

It all goes back more than two decades — to late 1996 when the governing ANC first looked at Eskom with a view to bringing the power utility — which had served apartheid white South Africa and the mining and manufacturing industries — firmly under state control.

“Eskom is not vested within the government. Therefore, legislation is necessary to place the entity under government control and this should happen early next year,” the then public enterprises minister, Stella Sigcau, was quoted as saying in the Mail & Guardian in late 1996.

The 1998 Eskom Amendment Act was followed by the 2001 Eskom Conversion Act, which made the power utility the public entity it is today, Eskom Holdings Limited, with the public enterprises minister in a shareholder compact with this state-owned enterprise (SOE).

That properly ended the power utility’s status as a self-financing entity funded from debt and accumulated reserves and, according to its 1992 Annual Report, with 44,142 employees. By 1995 the Eskom reserves stood at R18.8-billion, with assets of R43-billion and debt at R27.2-billion, according to the power utility’s Statistical Report then.

All this came on the back of a politically sussed Eskom that had read the changing political winds; from late 1994 it had integrated the former TBVC (Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda, Ciskei) Bantustans’ power grids, and announced a mass electrification programme targeting 700,000 black households by 1997. Meanwhile, the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) in 1996 set a target of electrifying 2.5 million households by 1999.

By the time the Eskom Conversion Act became effective, new investment should have been made in the electricity and energy supply side, according to the wide-ranging — and widely well-received — December 1998 Energy White Paper, the government’s official policy statement approved by Cabinet.

The unbundling plan

Talking about affordable energy, improved governance and tighter regulation and diverse supply, including independent power producers, this document proposed that Eskom be unbundled into transmission, generation and distribution entities — “initial exploratory steps will include the unbundling of Eskom’s generation and transmission groups”.

Such a plan re-emerged in the October 2019 Eskom Roadmap released by now Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan. This plan is now running many months behind schedule; while the transmission division is established as a separate entity, its board has still to be appointed.

Movement on the other roadmap’s milestones remains sticky, as Eskom’s debt stubbornly hovers around R400-billion. In July 2018, the then ANC treasurer, Paul Mashatile, said there were discussions about an Eskom debt-for-equity swap of some R120-billion, possibly with the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), the government’s manager of R2.5-trillion in employee pensions and social savings.

“It’s top of the agenda at Luthuli House. We have to get the economy right and be able to create the necessary employment, particularly for young people,” Mashatile told the Cape Town Press Club then, followed by various officials signalling for a debt-equity swap.

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d9e924 No.127727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18229678 (261543ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Eskom’s rolling blackouts — 26 years of ANC meddling, manipulation and vested interests (Parts 1-3)

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“Eskom’s rolling blackouts — 26 years of ANC meddling, manipulation and vested interests” – Part 2


26 Jan 2023

It didn’t happen. Instead, Budget 2019 provided Eskom with an amortised R250-billion bailout in annual instalments over a decade. Another bailout — or in the preferred government jargon, cash injection — for Eskom’s stubborn R400-billion debt, is expected in Budget 2023.

Back to the 1998 White Paper that the governing ANC left in limbo after protests from, among others, its alliance partner, the labour federation Cosatu. Ditto, the ANC stalling on SOEs’ role in the developmental state — from the August 2000 Cabinet-approved policy framework on “accelerated agenda towards the restructuring of SOEs” to the 2012 presidential SOE review committee. Recommendations of rationalisation, better governance and adequate funding were repeated across all.

Instead, what unfolded in the early 2000s was the ANC’s establishment of its investment arm, Chancellor House, with interests in energy, mining and IT. Named after the Joburg downtown law offices of Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu, its establishment was wrapped up in 2003 under the term of then ANC treasurer Mendi Msimang.

It took until November 2006 for Chancellor House to hit the headlines. Then the Mail & Guardian exposed its targeting of sectors where the government was readying to allow large-scale procurement.

On the energy front, Chancellor House secured a 25% shareholding in the local subsidiary of Hitachi Power Africa. That came at a time when moves were under way in the government to finally catch up on the much-ignored and delayed action to bring on additional energy and electricity supply.

With the 1998 White Paper 2000 deadline for extra, diverse and affordable energy supplies ignored, by 2004 Eskom, and others, including then public enterprises minister Alec Erwin, told Parliament in public, and no doubt Cabinet in private, that new sources of energy were urgently needed because capacity was running out.

Kusile and Medupi

In 2006, Kusile and Medupi, the largest new-build power stations in South Africa, designed to bring on board a total of 9,600MW, were loading. By 2007, when construction began, it emerged that Hitachi Power Africa got the largest contract on this new build — as did its 25% shareholder, Chancellor House.

A total of $5-million was paid in dividends to Chancellor House, effectively the ANC, according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission charges against the Japanese Hitachi parent company for the “inaccurately recorded improper payments to South Africa’s ruling political party in connection with contracts to build two multibillion-dollar power plants”.

In September 2015, Hitachi paid $19-million “to settle” charges the US Securities and Exchange Commission brought under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for the arrangement that “gave the front company and the ANC the ability to share in the profits from any power station contracts that Hitachi secured”, according to the commission’s statement at the time.

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d9e924 No.127728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18229686 (261544ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Eskom’s rolling blackouts — 26 years of ANC meddling, manipulation and vested interests (Parts 1-3)

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“Eskom’s rolling blackouts — 26 years of ANC meddling, manipulation and vested interests” – Part 3


26 Jan 2023

Today, Medupi and Kusile are almost a decade behind the 2014 completion schedule, and each is tens of billions of rands over budget, with design faults continuing to bedevil timelines and budgets.

In 2007, widespread rolling blackouts hit South Africa — and have continued to do so ever since. Today’s rotational power cuts that hit every day so far this year — and over 200 days in 2022 — have left South Africans going for up to 12 hours a day without power. Small businesses are buckling, and hospitals, courts and home affairs offices struggle with enforced downtime, while the citizenry’s health is jeopardised as water and sewage treatment fail.

Jacob Zuma’s presidency

The Thabo Mbeki presidency pretty much ignored calls for energy and electricity investment until the last innings as Mbeki was recalled by the ANC in September 2008. The governing ANC had long been roiling internally ahead of the 2007 Polokwane conference where ANC deputy president Jacob Zuma was elected as party president, ready for the Union Buildings.

The Jacob Zuma presidency facilitated Eskom’s looting, as at other SOEs, through a series of deals, middlemen and facilitation fees — mainly, but not solely, by the Gupta brothers and their business partners. International consultancies and auditing firms stepped into State Capture, giving the prevailing dynamics that facilitated making money hand over fist.

Eskom became a revolving door of executives and board members, key interventions that are the sole prerogative of the government, which since 1994 has been the ANC. A crucial moment was the appointment of the 2014 board, and the subsequent suspension of then Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona, a veteran public servant, alongside three senior executives in Lynne Brown’s stint as public enterprises minister.

The Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture ultimately bore testimony to how Eskom, and other SOEs, were hollowed out and the institutional cultures twisted. As Eskom CEO Jabu Mabuza testified in early 2019: “I learnt that the name is corruption but the game is procurement.”

Today little seems to have changed.

Talk of sabotage

“The criminality is quite well organised and well embedded,” Eskom CEO André de Ruyter told MPs on 24 January 2023. Aside from rocks and metal bits regularly found in coal headed to mills to trigger urgent maintenance call-outs, he recounted how three procurement officials recommended a R430-million contract to an individual who after due diligence was found operating from a Germiston suburban home, with a default judgment for falling behind with bond payments and a repossessed car. All procurement officials were suspended, and one left within 24 hours.

Talk of sabotage within Eskom seems to have receded as talk of sabotage by Eskom is upped by politicians. Whether that’s Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe describing how rotational power cuts are “agitating society against the state” and the ANC, or International Relations Minister Naledi Pandor likening the rolling blackouts to “oppositional attacks”.

It’s blame-shifting. It’s another twist in ideological navel-gazing; SOEs were meant to be the drivers against poverty and joblessness as part of the developmental state. And it’s a turn to victimhood to cover a possible election defeat in 2024, or to galvanise voters to ensure another governing ANC victory.

“We have committees to look at what can be done to cushion where we can. As soon as we have found the mechanism of easing the pain, we will go back to our shareholder [the public enterprise minister] and Necom [National Energy Crisis Committee]…”

Right now, this signals how political interference in Eskom stays put, without much pushback. It seems a case of the more things change, they stay the same. Lest we forget. DM

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d9e924 No.127729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18229695 (261546ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Eskom load shedding poses security threat to South Africans (video)

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“Rolling blackouts pose a national security risk in South Africa: ISS” - https://youtu.be/zLkRIgEN_3A

“Eskom load shedding poses security threat to South Africans”


Published Jan 25, 2023

Pretoria -The intermittent load shedding imposed by Eskom could potentially pose security threats in South Africa.

This was the concern expressed by experts who were part of the discussions organised by the National Press Club in Pretoria yesterday.

Panel members discussed and assessed the risk posed by load shedding and the electricity tariff hike to national security in the country.

Gareth Newham, head of governance, crime and justice division at the Institute of Security Studies, said some insurance figures had shown an increase in claims because of house burglaries taking place during load shedding and experienced mostly on weekends.

“Load shedding is a very worrying factor that piles on to a number of other factors that weaken public security situation,” he said.

He said load shedding came at a precarious time in South Africa’s recent history. For example, he said that the statistics showed that murders had grown by 54% from 1994 to 2012.

In addition, he said the ability of the police to solve murders dropped by 55% in 2012 and last year they could only solve 14% of crime.

He said the consequence of the police’s ability was seen in July 2021 during riots in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

Newham said there had not been any improvement in the recent five years in the current administration in terms of the ability to solve various crimes such as armed robberies.

He, however, said there had been improvement in organisations such as the NPA and Special Investigating Unit.

Lunga Dweba, director of Geopolitical Intelligence Advisory, remarked that the situation of load shedding posed a security threat.

“The actions that followed after Nersa’s tariff increase are the ones that concern us; not necessarily the protest actions or court applications but the violent action that follow based on the decision that was made by Nersa,” he said.

He said during protest actions there may be sporadic action of violence.

What was more concerning to him was the growing appetite for lawlessness.

“An example is the unrest in July 2021 where the trace of those that planned it are not known, except the few that were arrested, who are not the planners. Of concern are acts that are planned and executed without trace.”

Grant Clark from Cash-in-Transit Association of South Africa, said load shedding was extremely concerning for the cash distribution industry.

He explained that in South Africa the disruption of cash distribution adversely affect the economy.

“It costs a lot of money to put the generation systems and we see those costs going up all the time,” Clark said.

He said that the possibility of a total blackout, as some experts have warned, would be disastrous for the country, and collaborative work was being done to put contingency plans in place to deal with a possible total shutdown.

South African Banking Risk Information Centre’s Nischal Mewalall said load shedding had a specific focus for the banking industry.

“We have been taking steps to evaluate and identify the type of scenarios that could develop as load shedding begins to pan out,” he said.

One of the scenarios, he said, had been the impact of State 8, and the potential of what could happen if there was a total collapse.

He said the banking industry had looked at load shedding impact to banks’ operations and function as well as the crime and security associated with it. “At the end of the day, our plans don’t solve load shedding rather we tend to solve business continuity.”

He said the banking industry had not observed any disruption arising out of the protest actions.

Load shedding, he said, was already disrupting the ability for use of online services or telephone banking.

“In the event where we have Stage 8 load shedding, he said, people would find it difficult to communicate.”

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d9e924 No.127730

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18230676 (261910ZJAN23) Notable: EFF Bun / "They can’t kill us all": Malema urges EFF to join riots as SANDF deployed

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>“‘They can’t kill us all’: Malema urges EFF to join riots as SANDF deployed”



>Achieving this goal will require shifting the “Fanonian Debate” from the halls of academia to the streets across the diaspora where rising Black mass movements erupted in the 2020 “Summer of New Beginnings.”

>In this regard, it will be important to look back at the limited but valuable experience of Black Fanonian political forces. In 2013, the breakaway ‘Economic Freedom Fighters Party [EFF] [from the ANC], now the third largest elective party in South Africa declared itself a Marxist-Leninist-Fanonist Party.

“They cant kill us all” – Antifa/EFF

It is interesting that Antifa made a banner of a similar statement which Malema tweeted during the 2021 riots in South Africa.

Tucker Carlson: Antifa is back in force


Jan 23, 2023

7:03 – “So they [CNN] are actually not defending Antifa, they’re defending the people who benefit from Antifa, and that’s the Democratic Party… What you have in effect here is the official endorsement of domestic terrorism from the highest level of the Democratic Party. Why wouldn’t you? Again this is their militia. These are their state sanctioned shock troops and they are effectively immune from criticism.”

Is EFF sharing notes with Antifa?

Or rather, is the ANC sharing notes with the US Democrats?


Many political pundits believe the ANC and the red berets are natural bedfellows. The one’s ideology is closely followed by the others’ slightly more radical ideal of its ideological utopia. But why then couldn’t these two parties – with a lot to gain so close to a national election in 2024 – find common ground? Lorimer posits in the piece below first published on Daily Friend that it’s all about access to patronage networks. By splitting power, between an EFF mayor and ANC speaker, with a jumble of MMCs, for example, you’d potentially be disrupting or splitting access to patronage networks no one wants to share. “The ANC and the EFF both benefit and suffer from their dependence on patronage,” writes Lorimer. – Michael Appel

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d9e924 No.127731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18231534 (262141ZJAN23) Notable: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visit to South Africa (video)

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“US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to visit South Africa” - https://youtu.be/H1xf0bxyPM0

“Yellen lauds Ford's 100-year history in South Africa, flags more investments” – even during Apartheid


26 January 2023

SILVERTON, South Africa (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday lauded the Ford Motor Co's 100-year history of assembling vehicles in South Africa and underscored Washington's resolve to expand trade ties with countries that it "can count on," including South Africa.

Yellen spoke at Ford's plant in Silverton, a suburb of Pretoria, during the third leg of her nearly two-week trip across the African continent, which also included stops in Senegal and Zambia.

The plant, which employs 4,000 people, is an example of how deeper ties between the United States and Africa could produce good jobs and boost economic growth for both sides, Yellen told workers and company officials.

"Africa will shape the future of the global economy," she said. "We know that a thriving Africa is in the interest of the United States. A thriving Africa means a larger market for our goods and services. It means more investment opportunities for our businesses."

Ford, a major U.S. investor in South Africa, is investing $1 billion to expand output at the plant there by 20%, adding 1,200 new jobs, and aims to develop a freight rail link with a seaport 700 miles (1,126.54 km) away.

Yellen said other U.S. companies, including Cisco, General Electric, and Visa also planned big investments, attracted by expanding markets fueled by a demographic boom that will see Africa account for a quarter of the world’s population by 2050.

The U.S. Treasury chief said South Africa had been the biggest beneficiary of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, which grants eligible Sub-Saharan countries duty-free access to the U.S. market, but did not spell out what would happen when the legislation expires in 2025.

Yellen said South Africa also had a role to play in U.S. efforts to shift supply chains away from over-reliance on China and other non-market economies to more like-minded countries, an approach she has dubbed "friendshoring."

As in her comments to South Africa's finance minister earlier on Thursday, Yellen did not address South Africa's refusal to take sides over Russia's war in Ukraine or Washington's concern over military exercises it plans with China and Russia.

The massive economic disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's war against Ukraine underscored the need for resilient supply chains, she said.

"We are addressing the over-concentration of the production of critical goods in certain markets — particularly those that may not share our economic values," Yellen said. "To do so, we are deepening economic integration with the many countries that we can count on. That includes our many trusted trading partners on this continent — like South Africa."

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d9e924 No.127732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18231560 (262144ZJAN23) Notable: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visit to South Africa (video)

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>The last US-Africa Leaders Summit was convened in 2014 under former president Barrack Obama.


>WASHINGTON — The last time leaders of the African continent were invited to the White House, Barack Obama was president. It was August 2014, and Vladimir Putin had just invaded Ukraine — for the first time. The world was grappling with a deadly virus: Ebola. And Joe Biden was vice president of the United States. https://news.yahoo.com/african-leaders-white-house-summit-biden-192355564.html

“US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen meets Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana” - https://youtu.be/Qrw7EQbA_TI

“Yellen welcomes South Africa's energy transition, steers clear of Russia mention”


26 January 2023

PRETORIA (Reuters) -U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday lauded South Africa's "bold" participation in an energy transition partnership backed by the United States and other Western nations but steered clear of mentioning U.S. concerns about Pretoria's planned military drills with China and Russia.

Yellen spoke to reporters alongside South African Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana in Pretoria on the third leg of her nearly two-week tour of Africa, and just days after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited South Africa.

She welcomed Godongwana's "cooperation and insightful views" in their previous discussions, and said she would raise several issues, including Zambia's stalled sovereign debt restructuring effort, given South Africa's key role on the country's creditor committee.

"The United States strongly values our relationship with South Africa," Yellen said in remarks that included no mention of Russia or China, or White House concerns about Pretoria's plans to hold joint military drills with both countries.

Washington was not asking countries to choose sides, focusing instead on America's plans in South Africa and beyond, a senior Treasury official said.

U.S. officials did brief the South Africans on U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia over its war in Ukraine to avoid possible misunderstandings, the official told reporters.

Godongwana said the two would discuss countering the financing of terrorism, climate financing, resolving sovereign debt crises in Africa and global topics that will form part of a meeting of the G20 group of major economies next month.

He said Yellen's visit was a "momentous" occasion, noting that the previous visit by a U.S. Treasury secretary was in 2014, and praised Yellen's announcement on Wednesday that the United States and South Africa were setting up a joint task force on combating the financing of wildlife trafficking.

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d9e924 No.127733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18231629 (262155ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / South Africa loses permission to import nuclear fuel for Koeberg from the US

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>U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday lauded South Africa's "bold" participation in an energy transition partnership backed by the United States and other Western nations

Yet not helping with the current crisis.


“South Africa loses permission to import nuclear fuel for Koeberg from the US”


25 January 2023

South African power utility Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. is examining how the suspension of a pact that enables it to import nuclear fuel components from the US will affect its sole atomic plant.

The Agreement for Cooperation in Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy between the US and South Africa expired on Dec. 4.

That resulted in Westinghouse Electric Co. losing its license from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to export fuel-assembly components to Eskom’s Koeberg plant near Cape Town.

“Eskom is exploring the implications of the withdrawal of the US NRC approval for Westinghouse, and what is needed to enable them to continue supplying fuel,” the utility said in a reply to questions.

Eskom doesn’t anticipate that it will “have to establish new fuel contracts due to this current issue” and no nuclear fuel shortage is expected at Koeberg in the immediate future, it said.

The development may frustrate Eskom’s efforts to end record nationwide power outages that are crimping the economy. The matter may be raised with US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who is visiting South Africa this week.

US President Joe Biden was poised in August to extend the existing agreement, but it was still allowed to expire.

South African Department of International Relations & Cooperation spokesman Clayson Monyela and an energy department spokesperson weren’t immediately able to comment.

The Westinghouse license authorizes it to export fuel components to Sweden for fabrication into completed assemblies, and for those to be subsequently shipped to South Africa for use in both of Koeberg’s reactors, according to the NRC order.

Westinghouse and France’s Framatome have been maintained as nuclear fuel suppliers for the plant, according to Eskom.

The US company has already delivered the material that will be loaded during maintenance on one unit that’s currently under way, while fuel for the second was provided by the French firm, it said.

“The contracts with Westinghouse and Framatome cover the fuel needed beyond these two outages,” Eskom said.

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d9e924 No.127734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18248211 (291543ZJAN23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Thapelo Amad, the new mayor of Joburg, Al Jamah's ANC-backed candidate

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“ Thapelo Amad is the new mayor in town. This is what you need to know about Joburg politics and the election of the new number one citizen”


Published 28 January 2023

Thapelo Amad started off his acceptance speech by thanking God for making it possible that the city of Joburg has its first Muslim mayor.

Pretoria - The City of Johannesburg has become a political battleground as parties jostle for control of the country’s economic hub.

Coalitions have proven to be challenging as political parties find it hard to work together due to their ideological differences and with other parties wanting complete dominance.

The country’s municipal government elections in 2021 produced a number of unstable local government coalitions.

This is when the ANC’s support fell below 50% for the first time, which birthed multiparty coalitions led by the DA controlling Tshwane, Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg.

Ever since the DA-led administration came into power, the ANC has made numerous attempts to remove all DA candidates as mayors.

Former Joburg mayor Mpho Phalatse faced more instability as the ANC brought several motions of no confidence — some failed and some were withdrawn until she was finally ousted on Thursday. Others were deemed unlawful by the courts.

The ANC managed to garner support from other parties such as the EFF and PA to finally vote Phalatse out of office this week.

With 138 votes, backed by ANC, EFF and PA votes in the Joburg council, parties elected Al-Jama-ah’s Thapelo Amad, a member of a Muslim minority political party with just three seats in the city of gold, as the new mayor of Joburg.

However, Amad is only expected to hold the fort for six months while the ANC and EFF find each other.

It is expected that an EFF-ANC coalition agreement will see the EFF back the ANC for the mayorship in Joburg, with the ANC expected to back the EFF for the mayoral chain in Ekurhuleni.

Speaking to eNCA, political analyst and politics lecture at the Durban University of Technology, Zamokuhle Mbandlwa, said the removal of mayors is not only based on the failures of providing service delivery.

“They are actually removing people on the basis of their political preference and on the basis of what they want to achieve as a political party not as the council.”

Mbandlwa said the constant changing of mayors creates instability and tampers with service delivery.

“People are suffering on the ground and they will continue to suffer because those who are elected are not serving the interest of the people, but serving the interest of the coalition partners.”

Mbandlwa also touched base on the fact that Phalatse had plans before she was booted out and it was likely that the new mayor would not follow through with the plans, instead, he will come up with a new plan to prove his predecessor wrong.

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d9e924 No.127735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18248221 (291544ZJAN23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Thapelo Amad, the new mayor of Joburg, Al Jamah's ANC-backed candidate

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>Thapelo Amad started off his acceptance speech by thanking God for making it possible that the city of Joburg has its first Muslim mayor.

It is curious that the ANC and EFF backed a Muslim mayor. “Islam in South Africa is a minority religion, practised by roughly 1.6% of the total population.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_South_Africa

“Who is Thapelo Amad, Al Jamah's ANC-backed candidate to become the next Joburg mayor”


Pretoria - Born and bred in Soweto, member of a Muslim minority political party and an imam, Thapelo Amad, provincial chairperson of Al Jama-ah, is the front runner to be the new mayor of Johannesburg.

Amad is expected to succeed DA councillor Mpho Phalatse, who was ousted after a motion of no confidence.

Wikipedia’s entry on the party says the party upholds Sharia law.

He has been the face of party’s mayoral candidate since 2019 and performed various legislative duties in the municipality of Johannesburg.

In October 2022, former mayor, ANC chairperson Dada Morero, named Amad as the MMC of Development Planning.

He will hold the fort for Morero for six months until the party is able to fix its issues with the EFF concerning a deal that went sour that was supposed to guarantee the EFF the mayoral position in Ekurhuleni.

According to information posted on Al Jama-ah's website, Amad holds several tertiary qualifications from various institutions.

He holds a BA in Islamic sciences and a NQF Level 4 qualification in entrepreneurship as well as a NQF Level 5 qualification in gender mainstreaming in the public service from the national school of government. He holds a ASRI future leaders’ fellowship and he is currently studying for a certificate of competence from the South African Local Government Association.

The party described him as a politician who excels in self governance and ethics, self representation of designated groups, having knowledge of domestic public policy making, and of legislation and national skills development strategy, and their implications for political performances.

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d9e924 No.127736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18248252 (291551ZJAN23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Thapelo Amad, the new mayor of Joburg, Al Jamah's ANC-backed candidate

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“Cape Flats gang violence continues” [Dec 28, 2022] - https://youtu.be/12aBygfwjlc

“AL JAMA-AH Manifesto 2021”


Key take aways

So, if you vote for AL JAMA-AH, you vote for change , you vote for transformation, and you vote for a better quality of life.

Al Jama-ah remains committed to strive towards true liberation and the democratic ideals that are enshrined in our Constitution.

4.	OFFER FULL EMPLOYMENT IN MUNICIPALITIES [creating a dependency on the state]

Al Jama-ah will establish an employment desk at municipalities that will ensure jobs for matriculatns as a first step towards full employment in local government.


The densification of white suburbs must be targeted to develop affordable homes for the homeless and trading areas for black traders (Africans, Coloureds, and Indians) who are mostly confined to already overcrowded spaces on the Cape Flats. [Spread violence and gangsterism? “Life on the Cape Flats - one of the most violent places in the world”, https://www.capetalk.co.za/articles/444757/life-on-the-cape-flats-one-of-the-most-violent-places-in-the-world]

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d9e924 No.127737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18248259 (291552ZJAN23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / The Bloody War Against South African Gang Leaders and Notorious Drug kingpins…PAGAD (video)

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“The Bloody War Against South African Gang Leaders and Notorious Drug kingpins...(PAGAD)”


Premiered Jun 30, 2022

This is a short documentary about a Muslim vigilante group known as PAGAD or The People Against Gangsterism And Drugs...

14:11 – “No one was arrested for all these murders.”

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d9e924 No.127738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18248271 (291555ZJAN23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Cape Town's most dangerous communities: Investigating SAPS (video)

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>“Cape Flats gang violence continues”

“[WARNING: GRAPHIC DETAILS] Cape Town's most dangerous communities” - Investigating SAPS


Apr 18, 2022

The Western Cape Police Ombudsman has now launched an investigation into allegations that the SAPS has failed to clamp down on drug dens. Newzroom Afrika's Athi Mtongana takes us into one of Cape Town's most dangerous communities, where many lives have been lost in deadly gang-related shootings.

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d9e924 No.127739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18253833 (301722ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Load shedding exacerbates South Africa’s food crisis, says Food Forward SA

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“Load shedding exacerbates South Africa’s food crisis, says Food Forward SA”



Johannesburg - The recent news about dairy farmers being forced to discard 12 000 litres of milk because it had gone sour and the poultry industry being forced to slaughter 10 million chickens paints a bleak picture of what most businesses face as a result of load shedding.

Managing director at Food Forward SA (FFSA), Andy Du Plessis, speaks about how load shedding is threatening food security and affecting many livelihoods.

“The real impact of load-shedding goes well beyond being unable to turn on our lights or charge our phones for a few hours a day. It’s triggering an unprecedented collapse of South Africa’s economy, infrastructure, and future. It’s threatening our fragile food security ecosystem, leaving more people in poverty and without access to healthy, nutritious food. At the same time, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) has granted Eskom tariff increases of 18.65% and 12.74% over the next two years."

Du Plessis says this is expected to stretch financially strapped consumers even further, with reports suggesting some South Africans will be forced to choose between their electricity needs and food security.

“Forcing people to choose between buying food or buying electricity is not an option; it’s not sustainable, and it goes against our fundamental human rights,” adds Du Plessis.

“It’s time for South Africans to come together, take our future into our own hands, and protect the resources that we have at our disposal,” he said.

It is revealed that while there is no quick fix to the energy crisis, there is a relatively untapped opportunity in terms of timeously intercepting quality, edible surplus food from the value chain and distributing this food to those who need it to lessen the burden of household food insecurity.

He further points out that in South Africa, more than 10 million tonnes of quality food are lost or wasted throughout the supply chain every year. This amounts to one-third of all food produced in the country.

“Load shedding is not going anywhere any time soon. But we can reduce its impact on the environment and the poor.

“By partnering with farmers and other supply-chain partners, we can recover quality food and redistribute it to people who otherwise could not access or afford a nutritious meal,” he concludes.

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d9e924 No.127740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18253872 (301731ZJAN23) Notable: Ingonyama Trust Bun / Ingonyama Trust loses bid to reverse ruling on its ‘unlawful’ leases”

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“Ingonyama Trust loses bid to reverse ruling on its ‘unlawful’ leases”


25-08-2022 09:38

The Supreme Court of Appeal rejected Ingonyama Trust’s application to appeal a ruling on its ‘unlawful’ lease programme.

The Supreme Court of Appeal has rejected Ingonyama Trust’s application to appeal a 2021 ruling which found that it was wrong for the trust to make people living on the land it controls to sign leases and pay rent.

The Ingonyama Trust Board had asked for the recusal of the two judges who made the previous ruling and for the matter to be reheard by new judges. The SCA ruled that the appeal had no prospect of success even if it was heard.

“The application for leave to appeal is dismissed with costs on the grounds that there is no reasonable prospect of success in an appeal and there is no other compelling reason why an appeal should be heard,” read the SCA order.


In 2020, it was a group of mostly women from rural KwaZulu-Natal who claimed they were tricked into signing leases by the Ingonyama Trust on their ancestral land and forced to pay rents that increased by 10% a year, who sought a high court order to declare the agreements invalid.

King Goodwill Zwelithini was the sole trustee of the land under the Ingonyama Trust Act, which spans about 3 million hectares. It is not yet clear if his son, King Misuzulu will take over the role.

In June 2021, the Pietermaritzburg High Court declared the land lease programme imposed by the Ingonyama Trust’s Board in 2012 as unlawful and an infringement on the residents’ constitutional rights.

The judges also ruled that the Ingonyama Trust must pay back the millions of rands collected from the people since the programme’s inception. It reportedly collected about R90 million in lease fees in the 2018-19 financial year alone.

According to City Press, in 2012, the Ingonyama Trust’s board chairperson, Jerome Ngwenya, initiated the lease programme to replace the permission to occupy certificates and other informal rights to land protected under the Interim Protection of Land Rights Act that residents had been using.

This reportedly left residents with no choice but to pay the annual fees of R800 or more, depending on the plot of land they occupied. The board was also reportedly acting against residents who failed to make the payments, while some occupants were left unable to develop their land as any developments required them to be in possession of a lease agreement which they only obtained after paying the lease fees.


This week, the African National Congress (ANC) in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) said there is no plan to interfere with the land under Ingonyama Trust. It vowed that the land is safe and no one will touch it.

ANC KZN Provincial Secretary, Bheki Mtolo said reports on seizing land under Ingonyama Trust must be rejected and categorised as cheap propaganda aimed at creating social instability.

Mtolo said it should be remembered that on 9 July 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa met with the late King Goodwill Zwelithini at Protea Hotel Waterfront in Richards Bay to clarify the position of the ANC and the ANC-led government on the issue of Ingonyama Trust.

“Critically, during that meeting His Majesty appreciated the explanation given – that both the ANC and ANC-led government had nothing to do with the recommendations on Ingonyama Trust – by the High Level Panel on the Assessment of Key Legislation and Acceleration of Fundamental.

“The King was encouraged that a Ministerial Task Team had been set up by President Ramaphosa to have a series of meetings with houses of traditional leaders at national, provincial and district levels. The Team was tasked with the responsibility to address concerns of our traditional leaders.”

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d9e924 No.127741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18253881 (301732ZJAN23) Notable: Ingonyama Trust Bun / Uproar over unauthorized community trust collecting money on Zulu king’s land

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“Uproar over unauthorized community trust collecting money on Zulu king’s land”


Published Jan 27, 2023

Ulundi - Some community members of Babanango Village near Ulundi are up in arms over a community trust that is allegedly collecting money from residents using the Zulu King Misuzulu’s name.

The Babanango community trust is led by Mbangiseni Mbuyisa, a king’s appointee who has been tasked with leading the community of eMakhosini, the sacred burial site of ancient Zulu kings including King Jama, Mageba and Phunga of Babanango.

A concerned community member told IOL that the money the trust was collecting was not authorised by Zulu King Misuzulu kaZwelithini or the Zulu royal family.

The community member alleged that the trust was being used as a finance vehicle by Mbuyisa and his inner circle, using their proximity to the monarchy.

One invoice was provided to IOL by the community as evidence that the community was collecting unexplained money from residents, and an annual sum of R50 was collected and it was classified as a customary fee.

“This community trust is conning people, collecting money from them yet the land they are operating on belongs to Ingonyama Trust.

“No one knows why this trust is here and we doubt that King Misuzulu or the royal family knows anything about this trust.

“The land these people are collecting these monies from belongs to Ingonyama Trust and this should not be happening,” said the Babanango resident.

Another resident, also from Babanango, said she had been paying this money for years and she had no idea why the committee under Mbuyisa was collecting it.

“This is very suspicious. Why are we paying this kind of money while we are under Ingonyama Trust,” the resident asked.

Mbuyisa told IOL he was unable to comment on the specifics until he was told who signed the receipt given to the residents.

He said he wanted to first know who signed off on these payments so that he could comment from an informed position.

He said there were several people and committees collecting money from the community of Babanango.

“Once I know who signed the receipt that has been given to you, I will tell you what that money is for,” Mbuyisa said when pressed by IOL.

Asked why his team was collecting money from residents, he said some of the people belonged to land not under Ingonyama Trust and this money was for paying staff of the trust.

“This money goes to paying staff like office clerks and cleaners who are not paid by Cogta (The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs).

“This trust was formed even before he came to power. He found it there and he blessed their existence, so there is nothing sinister about it,” Mbuyisa said.

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d9e924 No.127742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18253904 (301736ZJAN23) Notable: Ingonyama Trust Bun / Impasse over Ingonyama Trust Board continues even after Didiza had meeting with Zulu King

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>This week, the African National Congress (ANC) in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) said there is no plan to interfere with the land under Ingonyama Trust. It vowed that the land is safe and no one will touch it.

>Mtolo said it should be remembered that on 9 July 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa met with the late King Goodwill Zwelithini at Protea Hotel Waterfront in Richards Bay to clarify the position of the ANC and the ANC-led government on the issue of Ingonyama Trust.

ANC wants to control the land through the trust?

““Impasse over Ingonyama Trust Board continues even after Didiza had meeting with Zulu King”


Published Jan 25, 2023

Durban - The impasse over the appointment of the new board of directors of the Ingonyama Trust Board continues, with threats that the matter may end up in court if the government insists on ramming through its preferred candidates.

IOL understands that a meeting between the minister of agriculture, land reform and rural development, Thoko Didiza, and representatives of King Misuzulu on Tuesday in Pongola, ended on a sour note when they could not reach a consensus.

Didiza had visited the King in Pongola in northern KwaZulu-Natal to discuss the matter, but she ended up in a heated meeting with his representatives.

The issue of the Ingonyama Trust and its board has been a thorny matter, even during the reign of the late King Goodwill Zwelithini.

Also, there are growing calls to take the 2.8 million hectares of land managed by the trust, whose sole trustee is the king, and place it under direct government control.

At some point, Parliament’s portfolio committee on agriculture, land reform and rural development demanded that the governance issues at the trust, which include financial mismanagement and board vacancies, be urgently dealt with.

During Tuesday’s meeting, a source said the King’s delegation expressed his unhappiness about some board members proposed by the minister.

“The King’s delegation was not happy with the proposed names and asked the meeting to be halted until his concerns have been addressed.

“However, the minister and her delegation appeared to be prepared to get their way and that annoyed everybody in the palace.

“There was even a suggestion that the SAPS team that guards the King should kick them out of the palace,” the source said.

However, Didiza’s spokesperson Reggie Ngcobo said the minister clarified the processes that must be followed in the appointment of the Board according to the legislation.

"In terms of the Ingonyama Trust Act of 1997, the minister appoints four members after consultations with Ingonyama, the premier and the chairperson of the KZN House of Traditional leaders.

“The premier then consults Ingonyama and the chairperson of the KZN House of Traditional Leaders. Following these consultations, the premier then forwards the names to the minister.

“Ingonyama then appoints His nominee and forward such to the minister.

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d9e924 No.127743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18253909 (301737ZJAN23) Notable: Ingonyama Trust Bun / About Ingonyama Trust

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“About Ingonyama Trust”


Ingonyama Trust was established in 1994 by the erstwhile KwaZulu Government in terms of the KwaZulu Ingonyama Trust Act, (Act No 3KZ of 1994) to hold all the land that was hitherto owned or belonged to the KwaZulu Government.

The mandate of the Trust was to hold land for “the benefit, material welfare and social well-being of the members of the tribes and communities” living on the land.

When the democratic government came into existence initially in terms of the Interim Constitution of 1993 the original enabling Act creating Ingonyama Trust was reviewed comprehensively such that the final product was a new Act albeit called the Amendment Act.

This Amendment Act had to meet all the constitutional requirements both in terms of the Interim Constitution and the final Constitution of 1996.

His Majesty the King is the sole Trustee of the land. The Amendment Act provides, among other things, for the establishment of Ingonyama Trust Board to administer the affairs of the Trust and the Trust land.

Firstly, the land which the Trust is the nominal owner of is administered mainly in terms of Zulu customary law. The land is divided according to clans under the leadership of Traditional Leaders (AMAKHOSI) who in turn are responsible to the King in terms of customary law. Hence the King is the only Trustee of Ingonyama Trust.

The enabling Act was amended in 1997 to create a Board separate from the Trust to administer the trust and its assets which include land. This amendment tried as far as possible to align itself with the practice under customary law. The King for all practical purposes is relieved of all hands on administration. This is left to Board members none of whom is a trustee.

Communally the land is owned by the clans as a collective in respect of each demarcated area. In turn each member of each clan is entitled through the procedures under customary law to have ownership of his/her allotment.


[Chief minister Mangosuthu] Buthelezi says that he discussed the passing of the Act with the NP and the ANC, “but they did not need to give consent”. The [Ingonyama Trust] Act was passed in the KwaZulu legislature without following normal process, which was necessary, Buthelezi says, because the province’s land would have been transferred to the state after elections.

[Danie] Joubert, [Danie] Schutte, and [Willem] Olivier went to see State President FW de Klerk. Joubert and Olivier presented the proposals they had worked out the previous evening: first, amend the constitution to recognise the Zulu king; second, promise further international mediation after the election; and third, as Joubert put it, “Put the Zulu land into a trust with the king as trustee and call it the Ingonyama Trust”.

Schutte, Olivier and Joubert spent the day working through details. Schutte and Joubert recall that [Roelf] Meyer, despite his reluctance to compromise with the IFP, was informed at this stage. When the first three returned to De Klerk, they decided that it had to be [Washington] Okumu who would present the proposals to Buthelezi. Joubert listed Okumu’s important characteristics: he was an “independent guy who Buthelezi trusts”, “an African guy from Kenya” who was “not directly invested in this whole thing”. What was needed was a “third party”.

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d9e924 No.127744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18253990 (301752ZJAN23) Notable: Ingonyama Trust Bun / King’s Trust sells people out to mining: Jindal and its empowerment partner, Sungu Sungu

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“‘King’s Trust sells people out to mining’” - Jindal and its empowerment partner, Sungu Sungu


4 Jun 2015

Activists from KwaZulu-Natal say they have received death threats after challenging traditional authorities over prospecting rights granted to the Indian mining giant, Jindal.

The residents of Makhasaneni, near Melmoth, say tribal leaders gave permission to prospect on communal land without informing them.

Mbhekiseni Mavuso, who is heading a protest that aims to halt the prospecting, told amaBhungane that he and other leaders have received death threats and that he had been warned to leave the area.

Mavuso has been in hiding since last month.

KwaZulu-Natal violence monitor Mary de Haas has written a letter to the Melmoth station commander, calling on police to investigate the threats.

The trust stands accused of giving permission to Jindal and its empowerment partner, Sungu Sungu, to prospect – without consulting the villagers.

The Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act states that no one can be deprived of their rights to land without their consent, said Michael Clark, a legal researcher at the University of Cape Town’s Centre for Law and Society.

Similarly, the Ingonyama Trust provides that the trust may not infringe people’s existing land rights.

Clark said it was illegal if the Makhasaneni residents had not been consulted.

Mavuso said the consortium started drilling in 2011. Villagers were angered by the lack of consultation, worried that prospecting could destroy their farmland and that they would not benefit from the mining.

“The mining company and the tribal authority stand to earn millions, while the community stands to lose everything,” Mavuso said.

“The people on the phone tell me that I have been identified as stubborn and a troublemaker and that I should be taken care of.”

At first Mavuso ignored the calls, but these became more frequent after articles attacking him appeared Bayede News, a weekly newspaper.

One article in July last year quoted people accusing Mavuso of being a “traitor” and said that he was in cahoots with white farmers.

The article was in reaction to a workshop intended to inform people about their land rights, Mavuso said. He had given a presentation at the workshop that was hosted by various nongovernmental organisations.

Bayede News described the workshop as part of a growing campaign “to stop Ingonyama Trust from taking back the land that belongs to Zulu people from the white farmers … taken by force during colonial times”.

Bayede News journalist Mandla Zulu, a member of the traditional council, who wrote the article, said it reflected what was said at the workshop.

Mavuso and other activists, who asked not to be named, alleged Jindal had used tactics to soften up the tribal council, including giving jobs to royal family members.

AmaBhungane has independently confirmed that the consortium purchased a car for the local chief, Thandazani Zulu.

AmaBhungane has also learned that, after signing the access agreement with Chief Zulu, Sungu Sungu took the document to Ingonyama Trust for a final go-ahead.

The activists described how the villagers woke up in late December 2011 to find “heavy machines drilling holes in our backyards and grazing fields, and trucks driving up and down”.

In early 2012 the villagers called for a meeting with Chief Zulu, local government officials and the mining company to get clarity.

Residents formed a circle in an open field, placed the chief in the middle and demanded that he explain the situation to them, according to one villager and a company source.

“The community was angry and felt betrayed. No one knew anything about the plan for mining and the drilling machines were destroying people’s crops and family graves,” said Mavuso.

He added that Jindal and Sungu Sungu had failed to knock on a single door in the village.

“We might be uneducated and poor but we didn’t deserve such treatment,” he said.

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d9e924 No.127745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18254004 (301755ZJAN23) Notable: Ingonyama Trust Bun / Putting the Ingonyama Trust Act in Perspective (Parts 1&2)

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“Putting the Ingonyama Trust Act in Perspective” – Part 1


Amidst threats of violence, a political storm is brewing following an announcement by the central government of its intention to amend or do away with the Ingonyama Trust Act. Denials by the F W de Klerk Foundation and former IFP leader Prince Buthelezi that the legislation was passed secretly are disingenuous. The matter had not been canvassed with the Nationalist Party’s main CODESA negotiator, the ANC. The context was one in which the IFP, in partnership with ultra conservative groupings, was making unrealistic demands about devolution of powers to regions, and, with unprecedented levels of violence, and the party refusing to participate in the elections of 27 April until the eleventh hour, there were fears of an intensified civil war in the region. Furthermore, since 1992 there had been reports that the then government was secretly planning to transfer large areas of land to homeland governments, despite agreements reached at CODESA, and legislation passed in 1993 had given President de Klerk what lawyers had described as ‘extraordinary powers’ to bypass parliament in matters pertaining to the self-governing homelands.

The recent proposals are made in the interests of promoting the land rights of rural residents, so it is not clear why they should be pose a threat, save to Board members and staff benefitting financially from the income of the Trust. The great respect and prestige enjoyed by King Zwelithini has nothing to do with the existence of the Trust (which is widely resented by his subjects). The Act itself appears clearly unconstitutional since it discriminates against black people living in KZN as opposed to those living in other provinces where such Trusts do not exist. Nor is there any good reason why only one of the various kings in South Africa should be the sole trustee of a Land Trust. Historically, this land was not ‘owned’ in the modern commercial sense by traditional leaders or kings, for relationships to land were of a different order in the pre-colonial era. The Trust’s claim to nominal ownership of the land through Zulu customary law is seriously flawed.

The Trust has, with impunity, breached the provisions of its governing Act, which stipulates that it must be administered for the benefit, material welfare and well being of the areas it controls. In 1991 rural residents in the far north of the province near Mbazwane discovered that, unbeknown to them, the Trust had granted a lease to a local traditional leader to operate a private game reserve in partnership with outside business interests. To that end, he fenced the area off and evicted residents from their ancestral homes – and arranged for local police to arrest them if they returned to engage in their subsistence activities. All appeals to the Trust failed and it was only through concerted opposition by the community, and various court actions – including an interdict against the chief – that residents eventually won the right to remain in their homes. The area, like some of the others falling under the Trust, had never been part of the historic Zulu kingdom.

In 2008 the KZN government and a traditional leader reportedly entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with a Dubai-based investor for a massive tourism development in the eMacambini area near Mandeni. The deal fell through, so no lease was issued by the Trust, but it did lease the land to Hulett Tongaat, without consulting with affected community members, including those who had been given the land when they were removed from Mangete in the 1970s. As usual, the consultation had been with the local traditional leader who controlled the community trust set up. This same leader, notorious for terrorising his own subjects and driving them off their land, while orchestrating illegal land invasions and general mayhem in nearby Mangete, was subsequently appointed to the Board of the Trust.

Commonage land, especially in peri-urban Trust areas, is being allocated to outsiders for building purposes, decreasing the land available to long established residents. The rights of these residents are protected in law by the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act (IPILRA). Now the Trust is trying to persuade residents on traditional land to sign leases (allegedly written in English), which would involve paying annual rent for land they already have rights to. If they default on rent they could be evicted.

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d9e924 No.127746

File: 3efac35ebe8ffe1⋯.jpg (172.27 KB,1659x850,1659:850,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18254008 (301755ZJAN23) Notable: Ingonyama Trust Bun / Putting the Ingonyama Trust Act in Perspective (Parts 1&2)

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“Putting the Ingonyama Trust Act in Perspective” – Part 2


The Trust has also claimed mining royalties as revenue, compounding problems experienced by communities opposing mining because of the social and environmental damage it does (However, the Trust’s allocation of mining royalties was one of the reasons its most recent audit was a qualified one). In the 2016/2017 period the Trust Board signed a long term lease deal with RBM Richards Bay Minerals) to mine 10 000 hectares in the Mthunzini area, boasting about it empowering communities. Community members feel otherwise : They complain of polluted water, cracked houses, and health problems.

Despite the excessive cost to taxpayers of rural government, with its top down provincial, municipal and traditional structures, there is little in the way of true development, because consultation and input from residents is generally lacking. The Trust is part of this broader problem, and its existence serves no purpose whatsoever in alleviating the plight of the poorest of the poor.

Hopefully sanity will prevail and the Trust will enter into discussions with the government about the way forward. Any talk of war, regardless of where it emanates from, is to be condemned. Public marching with traditional weapons is illegal, and if defenders of the Trust take to the streets armed SAPS management and politicians will be held to account if the law does not take its course.

Mary de Haas

23 February 2018

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d9e924 No.127747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18254028 (301759ZJAN23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Gardee murder case shocker

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“Hillary Gardee laid to rest” [May 7, 2022] - https://youtu.be/5oQASF7gwg4

“Gardee murder case shocker” – Part 1


Published Jan 29, 2023

Johannesburg - The man who was accused of being the mastermind behind Hillary Gardee’s kidnapping and murder was released on R20 000 bail last week after seven months behind bars.

Now he wants the state to withdraw all the charges against him and apologise for their blunder. In an exclusive interview with Sunday Independent on Friday, Philemon Lukhele claims he was tortured and begged by police to implicate EFF deputy president, Floyd Shivambu, whom he hasn’t seen or spoken to for many years, as the one who ordered a hit on Gardee.

“I was tortured and asked to admit that I worked with Floyd to kill Hillary, someone wanted to settle a political score with Shivambu using me in this case. When police realised that there was no connection between Floyd and myself as we haven’t interacted for so many years, they then begged me to ask accused number one, Sipho Mkhatshwa, to implicate Shivambu and I refused to be part of their sick game”, Lukhele said.

He said police wanted him to claim that he met Shivambu when he was in Mbombela to take part in a protest at a farm belonging to businessman, Johann Rupert, in Mpumalanga on April 5 last year.

“I haven’t seen or spoken to Floyd in more than four years yet I was tortured to implicate him in a murder I wasn’t even involved in.”

Lukhele said police “exaggerated charges” against him and his co-accused Mkhatshwa and Albert Gama, from the beginning.

“When they realised that they had arrested the wrong people, they started creating, manufacturing and planting evidence against us but still that didn’t work. No amount of lies will turn into the truth. I said on the day I was arrested that the truth shall set me free and that history will absolve me. I have nothing to do with Hillary’s murder or kidnapping. I never even met her in my life.”

Lukhele was released on bail last Friday after he was officially given the case docket with a confession of the man who admitted that he killed Gardee and that he acted alone.

The Sunday Independent reported in August last year that when police arrested Hlabirwa Rassie Nkuna, for killing a 27-year-woman, Nonkululeko Nkosi, in Ekurhuleni and dumping her on a farm dam before stealing her Mercedes-Benz, he confessed that he was Gardee’s murderer.

Nkuna was out on parole and had a warrant of arrest after he shot and killed his girlfriend, Pretty Nkambule, and her sister, Marcia, who was a police officer, two weeks after Gardee was murdered. The publication further reported that Nkuna even took police to an ATM in Sabie where he withdrew money from Gardee’s account.

Nkuna has been added as accused number four in this case but they had refused to release Lukhele, Gama and Mkhatshwa claiming that there was a connection between the four men. Hillary’s father and former EFF secretary general, Godrich Gardee, is suing the state for R18 million for “wrongfully” releasing Nkuna on parole before the man kidnapped and killed his daughter.

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d9e924 No.127748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18254032 (301759ZJAN23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Gardee murder case shocker

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“Gardee murder case shocker” – Part 2


Published Jan 29, 2023

Hillary was kidnapped in Nelspruit while she was in town with her 3-year-old adopted daughter. Her body was found dumped in a plantation outside Nelspruit towards Sabie. In his confession seen by Sunday Independent this week and part of the police docket, Nkuna claims that he killed Gardee within the vicinity of Sabie and stressed that he acted alone.

He admits, in his confession, that he met Gardee via Facebook and asked her out on a date. He also confessed that he stole Gardee’s cellphone and laptop and sold them to a Nigerian national living in Nelspruit.

Correctional Services spokesperson, Singabakho Nxumalo, confirmed to the Sunday Independent that Nkuna was sentenced to four years for possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition in September 2015 and placed on parole on July 6, 2016.

Nkuna absconded from the community service system until he was arrested again in September 2020 for rape. He was again placed on parole on January 27, 2022, and he allegedly killed Gardee and the Mazibuko sisters within four months.

Lukhele said the initial charge of rape and kidnapping against him, Gama and Mkhantswa were withdrawn against them in the final indictment.

“My guest house was initially mentioned as the scene of the crime but that is no longer the case in the indictment. Even the case of kidnapping was withdrawn against the three of us. All I want is for the state to withdraw all the charges against Sipho, Albert and myself and apologise for the error but they must know that no amount of public apology will wash our names after they dragged our good names through the mud for so long”, he said.

National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) provincial spokesperson, Monica Nyuswa, confirmed that Lukhele was released on R20 000 bail last Friday and that he was ordered not to interfere with witnesses in this case and to report to the police every Friday.

When asked about the withdrawal of most of the charges against Lukhele, Gama and Mkhatshwa, Nyuswa said: “The state has the discretion to remove and add charges before the accused pleads guilty based on evidence.”

She confirmed that Nkuna was charged with Gardee’s murder last year and the NPA would not comment on why all the charges against Gama, Mkhatshwa and Lukhele weren’t withdrawn or whether there is a link between the three men and Nkuna.

“The NPA cannot comment on that as it is the subject of court proceedings during the trial,” she said.

Gama and Mkhatshwa are still behind bars and expected to make new bail applications now that they were given Nkuna’s confession as part of the indictment. The Gardee murder is expected to start in April.

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d9e924 No.127749

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18254097 (301811ZJAN23) Notable: EFF Bun / Stability at various KZN municipalities under threat due to EFF, IFP divorce (video)

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>Many political pundits believe the ANC and the red berets are natural bedfellows. The one’s ideology is closely followed by the others’ slightly more radical ideal of its ideological utopia.


>Officials in Eswatini admit there are problems in the kingdom but say the unrest was due to “terrorists” and “rabble rousers” from South Africa.

>Khumalo said that security forces had intervened when authorities “had been made aware of a grand plan to sow a trail of destruction” in Eswatini. Without offering evidence, he alleged the plan involved the Economic Freedom Fighters, a radical leftwing political party in neighbouring South Africa.

>“The EFF was bringing in people to lead the destruction and who would train and mentor its local branch to do this … We were able to intercept the plan on the internet. We had to protect business and security for all citizens. It was beyond a protest,” the minister said.

“IFP media briefing on coalitions” [Jan 30, 2023] - https://youtu.be/8KR8QJQbDBs

The IFP is currently briefing the media on the EFF's decision to cut ties with it in coalitions.

0:19 – “As I conclude, the IFP will not be threatened by any political party and will not be pushed into any corner.”

18:04 – “I just want to add my voice in congratulating the ANC in being able to enlist a new partner in their looting spree in the EFF because this marriage of convenience has nothing to do with ethics and actually quality service delivery to the people but actually opportunities to loot and plunder the resources of the people of this country. You can see that with the token mayors that actually are going to be planting all over in Gauteng because they don’t want anybody to actually disturb them in their looting spree… and I wish them well in their journey to hell… As for the IFP being branded an Apartheid collaborator, clearly Mr Malema was still enjoying breastfeeding when this country actually burned as a result of this reckless talk. You know more than 20 000 people actually died as a result of this because this was ANC propaganda peddled against the IFP and one can actually forgive Mr Malema because he was still a toddler then but he is being reckless and nobody wants to go back to that unfortunate past.”

“Stability at various KZN municipalities under threat due to EFF, IFP divorce”


Updated Jan. 30, 2023, 10:57 a.m

The political stability of multiple municipalities in KZN, where the IFP teamed up with the EFF to govern, is under threat.

EFF leader Julius Malema has announced that the red berets are cutting ties with the IFP, just days after ordering EFF deputy mayors in KZN to vacate their posts.

“Following these meetings, and the inability of the IFP to appreciate the need to cooperate with those who have given them unconditional roles of responsibility in municipalities, the EFF will initiate and support motions of no confidence against all IFP Mayors in all Municipalities we previously voted with them,” Malema said on Sunday.

Malema wants the party removed from positions of power in municipalities in KZN and Gauteng.

Zululand, Amajuba, Uthukela and Jozini are a few of the areas that stand to be affected in KZN.

"These include Zululand, Amajuba, Uthukela, Umkhanyakude, King Cetshwayo District Municipalities, and Ulundi, Nongoma, Mtubatuba, uMhlathuze, Jozini, Dannhauser, Alfred Duma, Nkosi Langalibalele, Abaqulusi, Uphongolo, Umhlabauyalingana Local Municipalities."

Malema addressed a media briefing in Johannesburg on Sunday.

He said the party is withdrawing its support after negotiations with the IFP to assign EFF deputy mayors with responsibilities failed.

"We have said to the IFP ‘give us Mhlathuze and we are not fixated on Mhlathuze. If you refuse then you should give a counter-offer’ and they said they are done with us. they can't go beyond that they are not going to give us anything." Malema believes it's time for the EFF to take on bigger roles of responsibility.

"The door is therefore open by the EFF for engagements on how best to structure coalition agreements in the municipalities for all those who are interested in achieving stability and service delivery in our communities."

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d9e924 No.127750

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18254152 (301820ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Jacob Zuma Bun / Judge Piet Koen recuses himself from Jacob Zuma Arms Deal trial (video)

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“Zuma Corruption Trial | Judge Piet Koen recuses himself” - https://youtu.be/BMQxleR6NUw

“Judge Piet Koen recuses himself from Jacob Zuma Arms Deal trial”


30-01-2023 14:58

‘I have come to the conclusion, and it was not an easy decision, that I have to recuse myself from the trial,’ said Judge Piet Koen on Monday.

Judge Piet Koen of the Pietermaritzburg High Court recused himself from Jacob Zuma’s arms deal corruption trial on Monday, 30 January.


Last year, Koen dismissed a special plea by the Zuma camp to have Advocate Billy Downer removed as a prosecutor in the matter. In doing so, he expressed “strong comments” about the merits of the then-pending private prosecution brought by Zuma against Downer.

In October 2022, Koen asked the State and defence to make submissions on whether or not he should recuse himself as the trial judge.

“I have come to the conclusion, and it was not an easy decision, that I have to recuse myself from the trial,” said Koen in court on Monday.

“It is what the sound administration of justice, the requirements of the Constitution and my conscience dictate.

“The integrity of the judicial process must be protected against any reasonable taint of suspicion so that the public and litigants may have the highest confidence in the integrity and fairness of our courts.”

Koen further explained that in this instance, the Zuma camp did not allege that he was actually biased in the submissions made to the court. However, South African laws on recusal do not require proof of bias on the part of a judge.

“The appearance of a reasonable apprehension of bias is enough to vitiate the proceedings,” said Koen.

Jacob Zuma Foundation spokesperson Jimmy Manyi welcomed Koen’s decision to recuse himself, saying it was a “very sober decision by the judge.”

Manyi then pivoted to the National Prosecution Authority’s (NPA) refusal to have Downer removed from the case. He said the NPA should use the same motivation as Koen to remove Downer from the case as he “cannot be perceived to be free and fair…”

As previously reported, Zuma is privately prosecuting Downer and News24 journalist Karyn Maughan. He is accusing them of violating the NPA Act. The former president is also attempting to charge President Cyril Ramaphosa in this matter for allegedly failing to act on complaints Zuma made to him about the NPA prosecutor.

Zuma and French arms company Thales are the accused parties in the Arms Deal Trial, which dates back to 1999.

The former president is accused of accepting a R500 000 bribe from Thales annually to protect them from an investigation into a deal to supply military hardware to South Africa, according to Reuters. The parties face 16 charges of racketeering, fraud, corruption and money laundering.

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d9e924 No.127751

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18254261 (301840ZJAN23) Notable: Updated Jacob Zuma Bun / Judge Piet Koen recuses himself from Jacob Zuma Arms Deal trial (video)

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“Judge Piet Koen recuses himself from Zuma's corruption trial: Mzwanele Manyi [Jacob Zuma Foundation reaction]”


Judge Piet Koen says his decision to recuse himself from former president Jacob Zuma's corruption trial in the High Court in Pietermaritzburg is in the interest of justice. Zuma and his co-accused, French company Thales, face charges related to fraud, corruption and money laundering in connection with the multi-billion-rand arms deal that took place in the 1990s.

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d9e924 No.127752

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18259142 (311434ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Soweto Vs Eskom: War between Eskom and Soweto residents continues

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“Soweto Vs Eskom: War between Eskom and Soweto residents continues”


Mar 3, 2019

The power utility is bleeding dry as 80% of Soweto residents are in arrears which amount to 17 billion rands. EWN takes a closer look at how this came about.

0:35 – “She’s just one of the Soweto residents who’ve refused to part with their money arguing that free electricity is a basic right enshrined in the Freedom Charter.”

“More darkness for Soweto as De Ruyter runs out of wheels”



Johannesburg - Community members in Naledi (Draaihoek) in Soweto have been without power since May last year, in part, because Eskom at one point did not have a truck to deliver a replacement transformer.

Eskom quietly delivered the transformer two weeks ago after the Sunday Independent asked questions, but the nine-month-long blackout continues for frustrated residents since the unit is not yet connected to the grid.

Whereas millions of South Africans are becoming accustomed to getting a ray of electricity for a few hours a day, the Draaihoek residents in the south-western townships of Johannesburg, a traditional voter base of the governing ANC, have it worse.

Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter recently resigned from the post amid murmurs in the governing party’s circles the rolling blackouts are intended to foster a regime change. Eskom has also been accused of implementing long hours of darkness in black townships as compared to the white suburbs.

He [Naledi Thulani Buthelezi] said with mini-sub boxes exploding every week, it was common there would be more boxes that need to be transported than the trucks available at Eskom.

He says the initial delay in Draaihoek was due to outstanding payments of R500 per household, which were compulsory for Eskom to procure new transformers to replace the damaged unit.

He says Eskom had previously adopted a strategy to install the boxes, switch on the power and then come back to convert households to prepaid.

“But some communities don’t allow them to come back and normalise so they realised that it does not work. What they do now, install the box, then normalise (convert to prepaid), then switch on.”

Buthelezi confirmed a new box was on-site in Draaihoek but was yet to be switched on pending the normalisation process.

“Eskom security contractor officer shot dead in Klipspruit Soweto”


Tuesday, 18 January 2022: An Eskom-contracted security officer succumbed to head injuries on Thursday, 13 January 2022 after he and six of his colleagues were shot at by approximately 30 heavily armed suspects during an alleged attempt to steal copper cable outside the Eskom Klipspruit Customer Network Centre (CNC) in Soweto.

“Eskom withdraws services from parts of Soweto following attacks”


22 April 2021: Eskom has temporarily withdrawn its services in Orlando East in Soweto after violent attacks and damage cause to Eskom vehicles on Thursday.

“Our employees were conducting disconnections for non-payment in the area when they were attacked by violent members of the community who in the process, also damaged our vehicles,” the utility stated.

“Eskom withdraws services in parts of Soweto due to unrests”


August 19, 2021: Some of the affected areas in Soweto include Diepkloof, Orlando and Zola. The power utility said it was forced take a step back due to safety concerns arising from violent protests and threats to its employees and equipment.

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d9e924 No.127753

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18259227 (311453ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Lesufi wants to write off Soweto's unpaid R5bn Eskom bill (video)

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>She’s just one of the Soweto residents who’ve refused to part with their money arguing that free electricity is a basic right enshrined in the Freedom Charter.

“Soweto community leaders request meaningful engagement with Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi”: Seth Mazibuko - https://youtu.be/WI34jongY7I

They’ve made their beds and now they’ll have to lie in them

“Lesufi wants to write off Soweto's unpaid R5bn Eskom bill”


24 January 2023

Gauteng premier Panyaza Lesufi is on a mission to get the R5bn owed by Soweto residents to Eskom written off.

Lesufi visited Zola 3 in Soweto this week where he addressed the community on electricity and safety challenges in the area.

Community members from neighbouring parts of Soweto voiced their grievances on several concerns, including electricity, safety, high drug use, and a lack of proper housing.

They expressed frustration with Eskom for cutting off their power due to nonpayment.

Panyaza said Soweto's electricity problems would not be resolved until the debt is removed.

He asked residents who could afford to pay for services to do so.

“Until we remove the debt of electricity in Soweto, we are not going to resolve the problem of electricity in Soweto. But we can't just remove the debt. We must agree on a process and it's very simple: protect those who are unemployed and elderly who can't pay, but ensure those running businesses in our township pay.

“We can’t hide behind the poor when you are employed or you run businesses in our township and that's the process we must undertake without fear or favour,” said Lesufi.

Speaking to the media, the premier said the government would look into removing illegal connections so that when the debt is resolved communities don't recreate it.

He said if the government takes over Eskom's debt Eskom should write off the debt of poor communities.

“The minister of finance went to parliament and said this government is taking over the debt of Eskom and our view is, if this government is taking over the debt of Eskom, by extension Eskom must remove the debt from our communities because the state has taken that particular debt,” said Lesufi.

“We can't remove the debt forever. Communities that can pay must be given the opportunity to pay and agree on a process — do they want to pay through prepaid, or do they want to pay through flat rate?”

Last year, finance minister Enoch Godongwana said the government would be taking on “a significant portion” of Eskom’s R400bn debt to ensure the power utility's long-term financial viability.

Godongwana said he would release full details of the Eskom debt plan when he presents the 2023 budget.

“For at least a decade, we have spent billions of rand supporting Eskom, with limited improvements in the reliability of the electricity supply or the financial health of the company.

“The debt takeover, once finalised, together with other reforms, will ensure that Eskom is financially sustainable. The programme will allow Eskom to focus on plant performance and capital investment and ensure that it no longer relies on government bailouts,” he said.

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d9e924 No.127754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18259247 (311459ZJAN23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One / Lesufi wants to write off Soweto's unpaid R5bn Eskom bill (video)

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The socialists do not want to admit to the real cause but ‘Dr’ Trevor Ngwane makes a true statement further down the article.

“Calls to scrap Soweto’s R4 billion Eskom debt ‘smacks of desperation’”


27 Jan 2023

The issue of Soweto’s historical electricity debt to Eskom has for the longest time been a thorny issue for both the Gauteng Provincial Government and residents alike.

Residents of Soweto have been calling for the total scrapping of the debt, believed to be in the region of R4 billion.

Marches have also been held by irate residents who have complained about poor service delivery from Eskom regarding relentless power outages, caused by either load reduction or transformers that have blown up.

Load shedding the least of Soweto’s problems

Socialist and anti-apartheid activist Dr Trevor Ngwane says one of the main reasons behind some residents refusing to pay for electricity is because of what they describe as poor services from the power utility.

“For example, every winter season, and this is long before load shedding started hitting us, residents would experience power failures and simply because Eskom was failing to upgrade their infrastructure and the more people moved to Soweto from other areas, substations and transformers were not being upgraded.

Soweto residents punished with load reduction?

“The amazing thing is that Eskom under Andre de Ruyter came up with a type of load shedding, specifically geared towards black – class areas called load reduction, and the reason they give for that is – those areas where there are illegal connections or where there is overcrowding – have to be reduced in terms of the load because they pose a bigger danger to the grid.

“We at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) found out when we conducted research, that if in Sandton there is 2 hours of load shedding, for a guy in Tembisa and Soweto there is 10 hours of load shedding,” said Ngwane.

Lesufi may be genuine in his concerns

Referring to Lesufi’s concerns about the Soweto electricity conundrum, Ngwane said he believes the premier truly wants to solve the problem, though his motives may not be completely innocent.

“He is genuine in as far as 2024, and the loss of power for the ANC is a reality, and he is under pressure because he thinks that Gauteng ANC will lose more votes, hence, he wants to be seen as resolving residents’ issues.

“He is also presenting himself as ‘Mr Fixit’ and it’s not only electricity issues, even on the issue of crime, he promised he is going to buy six helicopters to fight crime. So, on the one hand he is genuine in wanting to solve Soweto’s problems, while on the other hand – but there is also an element of electioneering and real fear and desperation that something must be done to help the people of Soweto and Gauteng at large.”

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d9e924 No.127755

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18259465 (311608ZJAN23) Notable: EFF Bun / CIC Julius Malema Addresses EFF Press Conference (Parts 1&2)

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>As for the IFP being branded an Apartheid collaborator, clearly Mr Malema was still enjoying breastfeeding when this country actually burned as a result of this reckless talk. You know more than 20 000 people actually died as a result of this because this was ANC propaganda peddled against the IFP and one can actually forgive Mr Malema because he was still a toddler then but he is being reckless and nobody wants to go back to that unfortunate past.

In response to this…

“CIC Julius Malema Addresses EFF Press Conference” – 1 of 2


Jan 29, 2023

6:28 – “This comes after the credible realization that the EFF has grown tremendously over the past 10 years and has now reached a stage where we are ready to govern. This will immediately require a deliberate effort to politically educate not only 1 million members of the EFF but society as a whole to the ideals and principles of a socialist government so that our people rally behind and defend the gains of economic freedom once it is attained.’’

13:49 – “The EFF will initiate and support motions of no confidence against all IFP mayors in all municipalities we previously voted for them.”

15:54 – “The EFF will continue to participate in the removal of the DA across all metros.”

22:12– “The EFF has resolved to hold a national shutdown to demand the return of electricity and for the resignation of Cyril Ramaphosa on the 20th of March 2023… No truck and no train will be allowed on the roads and railways particularly the trucks transporting South Africa’s minerals and coal to outside South Africa through Richards Bay. We cannot fold our arms and do nothing when the ANC government and Cyril Ramaphosa who is involved in a lot of criminal and questionable dealings and yet protected by law enforcement agencies. This is a shutdown we will call for the immediate end to load shedding which is crippling the South African economy and returning this country to the dark ages.”

24:48 – “All sectors and spheres of society are invited to form part of this historic National shutdown which will confront the puppet of the capitalist establishment Cyril Ramaphosa directly and expose him as an agent who’s determined to sell the sovereignty of South Africa to the highest bidder. The EFF leadership will be engaging with all taxi associations to support the national shutdown and will encourage all structures at all levels to engage taxi associations and all people to support the national shutdown.”

26:44 – “The continue rising levels of unemployment, the increasing cost of living, the rolling electricity blackouts and rampant corruption and incompetence of the ruling party are all signs that South Africa is yet another African country that is collapsing after the attainment of liberation.

37:57 – “The negotiations with the IFP will never be closed, it’s an opposition party with a history of collaborating with Apartheid.”

38:39 – “The DA more than willing to negotiate and give power to Patriotic Alliance. A Party of well-known convicted criminals… and then not ready to talk to us who have clean record and no history of being convicted criminals.”

42:10 – “National shutdown 20 March, we don’t apply for nothing. We can’t apply for that which is given to us by the Constitution. It is our Constitutional right to protest and we shall protest on the 20th of March. Like Sharpeville, we’re not scared of the state power. Let the state come with its power, we’ll come with the mass power. So everything is going to come to a standstill… On the 20th, if you know what is good for you, park your trucks in your depots. Let the trains stop.”

53:03 – “Our interest in taking over housing is to unlock opportunities for our people and also to reclaim the hijacked buildings in Johannesburg and convert them into people’s house and student accommodation.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d9e924 No.127756

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18259474 (311610ZJAN23) Notable: EFF Bun / CIC Julius Malema Addresses EFF Press Conference (Parts 1&2)

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“CIC Julius Malema Addresses EFF Press Conference” – 2 of 2


Jan 29, 2023

59:50 – “Well as a political party especially a leftist movement, consistent training of your cadres is very important so that they become grounded on your ideological orientation and your policies. So it’s important we intensify political education.”

1:02:31 – “Let’s go back to 1994 without BEE, without anything. 1994 a democratic breakthrough, white business people went to fetch black people into their companies and say let’s work together because they were seeing that democracy is here.

1:12:20 – “We’re not threatened by any security because we do this [national shutdown] peacefully, it’s our right. And if they want to come and violate our rights, they will find us ready. No one is going to intimidate us. South Africa will come to a stand still. If Ramaphosa does not resign on the 20th of March then what will happen will be announced on the 20th of March but we never make pronouncement on the things that are not possible. Whether Ramaphosa likes it or not, it’s a mess in this country, he is responsible for crimes of Phala Phala and it’s not me who is saying that his former Chief Justice who says that there’s prima facie evidence for Ramaphosa to answer on Phala Phala. Why would you want to continue as a president after being found with dollars that are not declared to Reserve Bank and SARS.

1:14:49 – “The July 2021 of Zuma… The unrest of Zuma is going to look like a Mickey Mouse. From Musina to Cape Town, nothing will be move except ambulances, hospitals, doctors and nurses and police. Only emergency services and emergency services include you who’s asking about people’s lives. You will be covering nicely the protest of the EFF on that day. We are unstoppable. South Africa has been waiting for too long. We are mobilizing every corner of our country. That is the beginning of bringing down the ANC and Ramaphosa. 20 March 2023 is a Freedom Day. Our freedom that was stolen by the criminals of the ANC shall be returned to the people of South Africa on the 20th of March 2023. Everywhere else we meet, progressive unions and all progressive professionals, we must all remind each other that freedom is coming on the 20th March 2023. We are going to switch on the lights of South Africa because we are going to remove a man who switched off the lights of South Africa.”

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d9e924 No.127757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18259632 (311653ZJAN23) Notable: Gayton McKenzie Bun / Ex-con Gayton McKenzie offers to help Flabba’s killer: "God forgave you" (video)

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>The DA more than willing to negotiate and give power to Patriotic Alliance. A Party of well-known convicted criminals

“Gayton Mckenzie marks 100 days as Central Karoo mayor” - https://youtu.be/gKxojtIsKOU

“Ex-con Gayton McKenzie offers to help Flabba’s killer: ‘God forgave you’”


30-05-2022 10:07

‘You served your time’: ex-convict and Central Karoo mayor Gayton McKenzie tweeted in support of Flabba’s killer Sindisiwe Manqele.

Former convicted criminals Gayton McKenzie and Kenny Kunene have vowed to assist the woman behind the death of slain Skwatta Kamp rapper Flabba.

The founding members of political party the Patriotic Alliance (PA) have pledged their support to Sindisiwe Manqele after she was granted parole last week. Manqele served six years for the death of Nkululeko Habedi aka Flabba, who she stabbed to death in 2015.


Gayton McKenzie’s career from criminal to presidential campaigner has been well-documented. The Bloemfontein-born politician and motivational speaker has spoken extensively about his criminal background, which included armed robbery and being a part of the notorious “Numbers” gang.

In jail, Gayton McKenzie formed a firm friendship with Kenny Kunene – who was imprisoned for theft and fraud. The pair would be involved in a bombshell prison expose in 2002 at Grootvlei, which lead to his early release.

He tweeted of Kunene and himself: “They can call us criminals, yes we did commit crimes 3 decades ago. We went to jail, we paid for our crimes. We share our riches because we know what it is not to have, we gave 17,000 food parcels during lockdown. Salute.”

Gayton is the author of several bestseller books that details his past offences. They include The Choice: The Gayton McKenzie Story, A Hustler’s Bible and The Uncomfortable Truth amongst many others.

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d9e924 No.127758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18260006 (311755ZJAN23) Notable: EFF Bun / Eight EFF deputy mayors in KZN have resigned after fallout with IFP

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>No truck and no train will be allowed on the roads and railways particularly the trucks transporting South Africa’s minerals and coal to outside South Africa through Richards Bay.

“Eight EFF deputy mayors in KZN have resigned after fallout with IFP”



Durban – The chairperson of the EFF in KwaZulu-Natal, Mongezi Thwala, says all eight of their deputy mayors in the province have heeded the call to resign from their positions after the party recently ended its coalition pact with the IFP.

EFF leader Julius Malema announced the party was cutting ties from the IFP over the weekend. The IFP responded by saying the doors to negotiate the coalition terms again were closed.

Malema claimed that their deputy mayors were not being given any significant roles to play except being given bodyguards once they assume office.

“Eight deputy mayors, have resigned all of them,” Thwala told IOL on Tuesday.

Among those who resigned was Nkululeko Ngubane, the former deputy mayor of the City of Umhlathuze (Richards Bay-Mpangeni) which the IFP claims the EFF wanted in exchange for maintaining their coalition pact which started in November 2021.

IFP President Velenkosini Hlabisa told a press conference in Durban on Monday that they refused to accede to that demand, but proposed that the EFF be helped to topple the ANC in eThekwini and govern there.

He said they flatly refused that and the option to topple the ANC in Msunduzi (Pietermaritzburg) or Umdoni (Umzinto) and govern there, but they insisted on laying their hands on UMhlathuze (Richards Bay-Mpangeni). [Take note: Malema is targeting Richards Bay for the planned 'strike' on 20 March 2023]

Ngubane completely left the municipality as he even surrendered his seat as a councillor amid speculations that he is heading for the provincial legislature. [Or rather due to the planned strike/violence?]

Despite being a coalition partner, Ngubane held the IFP accountable in the city and he is the one who raised concerns about the party-focusing rallies than taking much-needed services to the people.

Another deputy mayor who resigned was Thulani Ndlovu, the former deputy mayor of the Zululand district municipality which is anchored in Ulundi, the original capital of the Zulu kingdom.

On Tuesday the municipality convened a special council sitting and replaced Ndlovu with Siyabonga Mbatha from the IFP.

Another former EFF deputy mayor who vacated his position was Sabelo Nkosi who was Nongoma local municipality’s deputy to Albert Mncwango of the IFP.

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d9e924 No.127759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18263161 (010500ZFEB23) Notable: Ingonyama Trust Bun

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Ingonyama Trust Bun

>>127740 Ingonyama Trust loses bid to reverse ruling on its ‘unlawful’ leases”

>>127741 Uproar over unauthorized community trust collecting money on Zulu king’s land

>>127742 Impasse over Ingonyama Trust Board continues even after Didiza had meeting with Zulu King

>>127743 About Ingonyama Trust

>>127744 King’s Trust sells people out to mining: Jindal and its empowerment partner, Sungu Sungu

>>127745, >>127746 Putting the Ingonyama Trust Act in Perspective (Parts 1&2)

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d9e924 No.127760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18264487 (011405ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Rutendo Matinyarare's DELETED interview: “State captures happened with Anglo American” (Parts 1-3 video)

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“00DEZZ - Rutendo Matinyarare's DELETED interview.” – “State captures happened with Anglo American” 1 of 3


Discussing state capture of SOE’s in Africa as a whole.

2:42 – “You know for me, what I realized is that many people in Africa don’t yet understand how the world works. It’s a race for resources and capitalism is about captivating and capturing resources in order to build monopolies. So what we saw with Zisco steel [in Zimbabwe] was sabotage by monopoly makers and these monopoly makers were companies like Anglo American, Iscor of South Africa, Lancaster Steel and Voestalpine that was manufacturing the machines that were used in smelting iron and steel in Zimbabwe. Now Zisco steel is in many ways very similar to Eskom. Zisco steel was the biggest steel and iron manufacturer in the southern hemisphere. The biggest in Africa, the biggest in Brazil, Australia, and the problem was was when we got independence, the western world was not happy to bestow an African country with the ability to produce iron and the ability to sophisticate iron and to create military hardware in industrial hardware that would have industrialized Zimbabwe or Africa.

The reason being, once the Second World War ended, there was a plan called The Morgenthau Plan was supposed to deindustrialize Japan and Germany so that they would never rise to become superpowers that would challenge the Western world or the Western banking system. So what they did is they wanted to turn them into agrarian societies. Take out their industry, block their mines, take their workers that were most technical and take them out of Germany and out of Japan so that these countries could never rise to industrialize. Eventually what happened is Germany’s lack of development, Japan’s lack of development made it difficult for the West to compete with Russia… which was now bringing communism. So they were forced to allow Germany and Japan to develop so that Western capitalism could show as an example in these regions as a success. But for this Western capitalism to take place for the Marshall Plan to be given to these Western countries to rise themselves up, they needed cheap resources. So what did they have to do, they have to take the Morgenthau Plan, this undevelopment plan, this agrarian society plan to Africa and so they had to de-industrialize African countries that had just come out of colonialism to ensure that they’ll never be able to sophisticate their resources…

5:13 - This is exactly what’s happening here in South Africa with Eskom. Because you have to understand that Eskom itself was created by a private monopoly that was led by the Cecil John Rhodes company, the British South Africa company. It created Eskom as private entities initially where they were providing electricity to a lot of the mining industries and with the biggest mining industry in the world in South Africa, you quickly developed the biggest electricity supplier in the world. So what they realized is that if you want to be the biggest electricity supplier, you have to consolidate all these small electricity suppliers and make on electricity supplier which became the Victoria Falls Power Supply Company and was owned by Cecil John Rhodes. If you remember, all British South Africa Companies were then taken over by Anglo America. Anglo American is the same one that we see having a problem in Zisco steel. So Anglo American becomes this agent of sabotaging Africa to ensure that it doesn’t industrialize and to keep the industrialization capacity in areas controlled by whites [cabal] which is why it lasted in Apartheid in South Africa.

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d9e924 No.127761

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18264490 (011405ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Rutendo Matinyarare's DELETED interview: “State captures happened with Anglo American” (Parts 1-3 video)

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“00DEZZ - Rutendo Matinyarare's DELETED interview.” – “State captures happened with Anglo American” 2 of 3


6:38 – State captures happened with Anglo America.

7:07 – The state inquiry is a farse, is an embarrassment quite frankly. That’s why you see that even Glencore doesn’t appear … It was tailored evidence, manufactured consent to a certain narrative but it’s not true… You have a situation where Anglo American controlled 60% of this economy followed by the Ruperts who controlled another 20% and so forth and so on.

8:04 – So let’s give you a reality again. Remember we heard that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They were never found and there were supposed to be evidence because it was never tested and there’s this Western agenda to always make a story a reality that never gets tested. That’s what we’re seeing with the state capture commission.

8:51 – In South Africa, we had the same people that perpetuated the crime against humanity still running society, running the media, running the companies, running banking and continuously perpetuating the crimes of Apartheid in a modern day democracy by lies and doing the same things that were done during Apartheid. We will never know the truth as long as the criminals of the Apartheid system are running the economy for the same ends and the same purposes of the Apartheid which was exploitation of the mineral resources of this country. Remember, Eskom was built off the gold, platinum and exploitation of diamonds in South Africa. When the mining companies were paying for those services, they were not paying enough in order to allow for replacement costs in the future. They were simply making money for the moment.

10:59 – It’s interesting, how can we not erase 12 years if we’ve erased 135 years of state capture by Anglo America and by the companies that were formed out of the Cecil John Rhodes companies.

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d9e924 No.127762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18264497 (011406ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Rutendo Matinyarare's DELETED interview: “State captures happened with Anglo American” (Parts 1-3 video)

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“00DEZZ - Rutendo Matinyarare's DELETED interview.” – “State captures happened with Anglo American” 3 of 3


12:40 – I always like to use history as my guide. So what is happening in Madupi and Kusile has happened before when they were creating Eskom. Where the company that was called [Dick, Kerr & Co.]. Dick, Kerr & Co. was supposed to provide electricity for Johannesburg municipality for its tram system and the electricity in Johannesburg plus rand mines. So what they did is they went to buy machinery from England in order to power the generation of power that was going to be generated by engines. We are talking [the year] 1905. So they got engines from the English who were not good at making electricity machinery. The electricity machinery was mainly made by Germans particularly AEG, Siemens and other companies like that. They made the best machines but the economy was controlled by the British and they wanted their British companies to get the contracts to provide the machinery. So what happened with this company, Dick, Kerr, is that all the machineries started collapsing, people were dying on the job, people were being asphyxiated in the plant because it was burning gas but that gas was becoming toxic. Eventually this entire plant collapsed but even the collapse of this plant was very weird where trams that sank at sea, we had one of the chief engineers dying on the job, the very same things you’re seeing happening with Eskom which looked like sabotage that was done by the Victoria Falls Power Company that owned by Rhodes so that they would get a monopoly… [The collapse of the plant], many people say, was because of the English machinery that was obsolete. Some people say it was because of sabotage by these guys who wanted to build a monopoly. Today this is what’s happening at Kusile. Kusile, we’ve got Hitachi that come in, they’re not the best at producing electricity power… so there is a chance that we’ve chosen the wrong service provider but there is also a chance that what happened in the past, the sabotage that could be happening at these plants by other interests that are trying to perpetuate a monopoly that existed and we’ve learned this in history before. So if you look at what’s happened in Kusile, we actually need a commission of inquiry which is what they did in 1910. They had a commission of inquiry to find out what was happening in the electricity.

14:55 – This [current] Commission of Inquiry was a farse. It was not honest, it did not have the right questions and it did not look at the right scope. You cannot have a commission ofiinquiry of state capture if you do not have Glencore in there, you do not have Anglo American in there, you do not have Ruperts in there, you do not have the owners of capital people, like Old Mutual, who had been sabotaging this region even during Apartheid to ensure that Apartheid never ended. We cannot have a commission of inquiry that doesn’t look at those criminals.

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d9e924 No.127763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18264507 (011408ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Doctors Without Borders says employee filmed with looted meat was pressured into helping looters

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“Doctors without Borders worker loots reefer truck in shameful example of less South Africa” - https://youtu.be/M3LU7SBgW9Y

“Doctors Without Borders says employee filmed with looted meat was pressured into helping looters”


January 31, 2023

A Doctors Without Borders (MSF) staffer, caught allegedly stealing meat from a truck in KwaZulu-Natal, is set to appear in the Melmoth Magistrate's Court on theft related charges.

However, the MSF says its own preliminary investigations revealed that the meat was put in the back of the MSF vehicle and that the alleged looters attempted to pressure the MSF driver into assisting them flee with the meat.

MSF says the employee refused to flee with the chunks of meat which are seen in the back of a branded MSF van.

In the video clip, which has gone viral on social media, people are seen grabbing meat from a truck parked along the R66 in King Cetshwayo. The video was taken on January 19 after the truck had broken down on the side of the road.

The clip is filmed by the truck owner who makes remarks in disdain of the looting and stops to shout at a few of the people seen stealing the goods.

"An on-duty MSF staff member driving a marked vehicle was delivering medical supplies in the area at the time of the incident.

“The MSF driver has reported the incident to MSF managers in Eshowe, who are in turn fully co-operating with the owners of the meat truck and the SAPS," the organisation said.

MSF’s own preliminary investigations revealed that the meat was put in the back of the MSF vehicle and that the alleged looters attempted to pressure the MSF driver into assisting them, which the staff member refused to do, it said. [Why did he then stop at the truck in the first place?]

"A police investigation is currently ongoing, and the MSF staff member is expected to appear in the Melmoth Magistrate’s Court, shortly.

“Pending the outcome of the legal proceedings, MSF will follow internal processes in accordance with South African labour law," the statement said.

MSF regional operational support manager in Southern Africa, Philip Aruna, said it is very concerned at this incident and the impact it has on MSF’s relationships with communities in KZN as well as its supporters, nationally and globally.

"As we work diligently to get to the bottom of this incident and its consequences, we remain committed to being fully transparent and accountable to our patients, donors and the authorities.

“MSF takes the allegations very seriously and will continue to collaborate with the ongoing investigation to determine the facts of the incident.

“We are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour and any violation of these standards is unacceptable to us," Aruna said.

Meanwhile, the abattoir owner told IOL he had been advised not to speak to the media at this stage as investigations were still under way.

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d9e924 No.127764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18264675 (011448ZFEB23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Implications of declaration of state of emergency on electricity (video)

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“Implications of declaration of state of emergency on electricity”


Jan 31, 2023

President Cyril Ramaphosa says that the ANC NEC lekgotla has resolved that the government should impose a National State of Disaster over the energy crisis and the situation at Eskom.

Head of African Centre for Disaster Studies Professor Dewald van Niekerk explains the impact of this.

7:37 – “Positive and negative elements if you look at the possibility of a state of a disaster. For instance, the ability of private providers to quickly link to the national grid for private citizens to generate additional electricity, for the Karpowerships to come on board, even heard people say stuff like stopping coal exports.”

“Avoid looting similar to Covid-19 if declaring national state of disaster, opposition parties warn”



Pretoria - The ANC is facing mixed reaction over its proposed call for a national state of disaster over the energy crisis facing the country.

Opposition parties were quick to warn that if President Cyril Ramaphosa agreed to declare a national disaster, contingency plans must be put in place to avoid massive corruption and fraud similar to that during the outbreak of Covid-19.

Yesterday, the ANC, during its meeting briefing on the outcome of its party lekgotla which concluded on Monday, reiterated their call to Ramaphosa to declare a national state of disaster while plans were in place to eradicate load shedding before the end of the year.

Addressing the media, ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula said the declaration would require that the ANC reconnected with the communities and society, to find a common solution to the problem.

“We therefore call on all of society to work with us in progressively solving the challenge since it affects all of us, in particular the poor and the working class.

“Lekgotla also directed the Cabinet to study in detail the obstacles in delivering infrastructure, vandalism and counter-revolutionary tendencies, with a view to increase infrastructure investment while strengthening the capability and capacity of the state,” Mbalula said.

The party also expressed concerns about vandalism of infrastructure which had posed a risk, compounded by the fact that six power stations were not in operation.

According to the ANC, their Energy Action Plan would be bolstered by lessons drawn by the lekgotla from the Energy Dialogue, presentations from technical experts and communities, as well as international best practices from India and Germany.

Mbalula said the lekgotla noted that the Budget and the potential to raise capital has been negatively impacted by the municipal debt to Eskom, saying that together with national debt of R 4.8 trillion as well as the progressive social wage (which amounts to 58% of the budget), this has made the budgeting manoeuvring space quite tight.

“It is for this reason that Parliament needs to fulfil the function of watchdog to ensure this does not become yet another opportunity for Covid-like misappropriations by key ANC ministers and officials,” Cachalia said.

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d9e924 No.127765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18265601 (011815ZFEB23) Notable: Kenny Kunene Bun / Court finds Kunene guilty of HATE SPEECH for calling Malema a cockroach (video)

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Yet “Equality Court rules EFF ‘Kill the Boer’ song does not constitute hate speech”, https://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/gauteng/equality-court-rules-eff-kill-the-boer-song-does-not-constitute-hate-speech-90d4d78b-2d0f-4d9d-afdc-c0b536b50982, and farm murders continue to occur in the country.

SA has no justice system!

“Court finds Kunene guilty of HATE SPEECH for calling Malema a cockroach”



Wait, what? The Gauteng High Court in Joburg found Kenny Kunene guilty of hate speech after he called Julius Malema an irritating cockroach.


During the 2021 Local Elections, Kenny Kunene was pressed on comments Malema had made about his then newly-formed political party.

Malema said those in the Patriotic Alliance ‘were all bandits’ – but Kunene responded with some extra spice.

The Sushi King branded the controversial party leader as an ‘irritating cockroach‘. However, Juju didn’t take this insult lying down. He then approached the Johannesburg Equality Court, claiming that the comparison to the lamentable insect ‘lent itself to the language used in the Rwandan genocide’.

“I don’t believe I committed hate speech within the confines of the law. My attorneys are here. We will defend the matter, and we are confident. If not, we will appeal. Julius has previously called Pravin Gordhan, a dog. The court said that’s not hate speech, but Malema talks in violence.

“Courts have said that is NOT hate speech. Calling someone an irritating cockroach is not hate speech because he IS an irritating cockroach. When I called him that, he first said the Patriotic Alliance was a party full of bandits. He is an emotionally fragile boy,” Kunene said outside court in 2022


On Tuesday, 31 January, the Johannesburg High Court reportedly found that there was no retaliatory justification for Kunene’s comments and that he sought to incite hate and harm towards Malema.

In response, the EFF said it hopes that the judgement will serve the rehabilitating purpose that the prison system failed to achieve with Kunene as an individual.

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d9e924 No.127766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18265605 (011817ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / More Farm Murders

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>farm murders continue to occur in the country

“11 Farm attacks, 3 farm murders in South Africa, 1 – 15 January 2023”


January 18, 2023

As the police continue refusing to make these atrocities priority crimes there were, in first fifteen days of January 2023, another eleven farm attacks and three farm murders in South Africa.

During the month of December 2022, there were fourteen farm attacks and one farm murder in the country.

For the period 1 January to 31 December 2020, on average, a farmer in South Africa was murdered every 4.7 days.

There were 77 farm murders and 446 farm attacks in 2020. That is 1,22 attacks every day in the country.

Farm attacks and Farm murders 2021:

January 2021 – 21 farm attacks and 0 farm murders.

February 2021 – 17 farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

March 2021 – 36 farm attacks and 5 farm murders.

April 2021 – 24 farm attacks and 7 farm murders.

May 2021 – 23 farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

June 2021 – 23 farm attacks and 5 farm murders.

July 2021 – 21 farm attacks and 1 farm murder.

August 2021 – 26 farm attacks and 9 farm murders.

September 2021 – 13 farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

October 2021 – 14 Farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

November 2021 – 17 Farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

December 2021 – 13 Farm attacks and 1 farm murder.

Farm attacks and Farm murders 2022:

January 2022 – 14 Farm attacks and 4 farm murders.

February 2022 – 17 Farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

March 2022 – 7 Farm attacks and 1 farm murder.

April 2022 – 12 Farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

May 2022 – 10 Farm attacks and 2 farm murders.

June 2022 – 3 Farm attacks and 1 farm murder.

July 2022 – 15 Farm attacks and 7 farm murders.

August 2022 – 15 Farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

September 2022 – 15 Farm attacks and 7 farm murders.

October 2022 – 13 Farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

November 2022 – 21 Farm attacks and 4 farm murders.

December 2022 – 14 Farm attacks and 1 farm murder.

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d9e924 No.127767

File: e61047c7db086fb⋯.jpg (163.37 KB,620x880,31:44,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18265632 (011821ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / More Farm Murders

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“German researchers query facts behind farm killings”


I would like to evoke Ernst Roets’ book Kill the Boer.

I am deeply concerned about the allegations concerning the allegations concerning government complicity in SA’s notorious farm murders.

German investigative journalists, Professor Dr Peter Scholl-Latour and Gerhard Wisnewski have come up with the same conclusions.

According to Scholl-Latour, up to 16,000 white farmers had been killed up to 2003.

Is there a form of “reversed racism” targeting white farmers? Are white farmers murdered because there may be hatred lingering from the effects of apartheid?

Does the SA government condone the killings of white farmers?

Why is Roets branded as a “populist” or a “racist” when he denounces brutal farm murders?

How does the overall SA popylation feel about the killing of farmers of European origin? Tobias Hans, Johan Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

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d9e924 No.127768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18269860 (021307ZFEB23) Notable: EFF Bun / NFP to back the ANC and EFF alliance in hung municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal

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“NFP to back the ANC and EFF alliance in hung municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal”



Durban - The National Freedom Party, a splinter party of the IFP which was formed in 2011 by the late former deputy minister Zanele KaMagwaza Msibi, says it has resolved to work with the ANC and the EFF in hung municipalities.

The NFP said the IFP’s style of governance “inspires no confidence” and all municipalities their opponent governs have “collapsed”.

On Wednesday, the party held an impromptu press conference in Durban to take a position after the fallout between the IFP and the EFF meant that there would be a change of leadership in some municipalities.

The party’s secretary-general, Canaan Mdletshe, said the people could be better served by the ANC-EFF-NFP alliance as opposed to the IFP.

The NFP has several councillors in a number of municipalities. However, some of them are openly defying their leadership and voting with the IFP.

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d9e924 No.127769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18269896 (021320ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / [University of] Fort Hare press on with anticorruption plan, despite killings (video)

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“Glaring corruption at Fort Hare University uncovered”; Sakhela Buhlungu interview - https://youtu.be/5pUeD9xt77M

0:37 – “Something to do with the corruption that’s been uncovered there from procurement to fake qualifications allegedly to connected high-profile individuals.”

“[University of] Fort Hare press on with anticorruption plan, despite killings”


31 January 2023 - 15:52

The murders of bodyguard Mboneli Vesele and fleet manager Petrus Roets are linked to corruption investigations at the university

Despite University of Fort Hare (UFH) management staff increasingly being intimidated and threatened with violence, the corruption clean-up project will not be halted, says the institution's council.

That was after two staff members were killed.

UFH council chair Bishop Ivan Abrahams said the killings of vice-chancellor Prof Sakhela Buhlungu’s bodyguard, Mboneli Vesele, and fleet manager Petrus Roets could be “inextricably” linked to corruption investigations at the university. Roets was gunned down in a suspected hit in May 2022.

President Cyril Ramaphosa previously authorised the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to look into allegations of corruption and maladministration at UFH.

SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said the investigations concerned maladministration in the awarding of honours degrees, mismanagement of funds and a probe into four 2012 tenders. These included cleaning and gardening contracts, student accommodation tenders, maintenance and repair of air conditioning tenders and collusion.

Abrahams said Vesele’s murder was a direct threat to Buhlungu. He said the council would support management despite the attacks, against the backdrop of internal investigations and the SIU’s probe.

“Executive management and senior staff are increasingly being intimidated and threatened with violence. We have had to bear witness to the loss of two lives. Yet it is our view that it is exactly the success of the renewal project that underpins this terror campaign,” said Abrahams.

“Therefore, the council is resolute in backing the management executive committee and the vice-chancellor in the clean-up campaign and the rebuilding of the university. As a council, we call on all law-enforcement agencies to ensure arrests are made and the renewal project at the University of Fort Hare is secured.”

At Vesele’s funeral, higher education and training minister Blade Nzimande said he strongly suspected that as a result of corruption and criminality, Vesele was assassinated and Buhlungu and other university employees continuously threatened.

“As various stakeholders — the University of Fort Hare, our department, our law-enforcement agencies — we have to ensure we ramp up our efforts to ensure the safety of this university community,” he said.

“We dare not allow instances of corruption and lawlessness to rob the future generations an opportunity to study in this institution, which largely caters for the dependents of the working class and the poor.”

The police ministry said a multidisciplinary team was established to investigate threats on the lives of the institution's staff members, but no arrests had yet been made.

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d9e924 No.127770

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18269902 (021322ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / “Re-imagining mining to improve people’s lives” – Anglo American

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They seem to use the word ‘reimagining’ across the board for their agenda as the following posts will demonstrate.

“What does ‘reimagining’ policing mean?”


Jan 31, 2023

3:48 – “The left creates all the conditions for the crisis to flourish and then the left says, “oh, we have the answers.”

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d9e924 No.127771

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18269912 (021326ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / “Reimagining energy: Our 2030 plans - two minute version” – BP (video)

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“Reimagining energy: Our 2030 plans - two minute version” – BP


Aug 20, 2020

Key statements

0:00 - “We’re turning our ambition into action by 2030, we’re aiming to be a very different kind of energy company.”

1:34 – “Accelerating the global revolution in mobility”.

1:47 – “Intergrating energy systems.”

1:50 – “Partnering with countries, cities and industries.”

1:54 – “Innovating with a strong focus on digital.”


Further, Gifford’s article says, the transportation costs of the inputs for solar photovoltaic module manufacturing and delivery have also been rising dramatically.

“Container shipment costs are eight times higher from Shanghai to ports in the United States and Europe in 2021 than they were in 2020, according to several sources.”

For module shipments, Rystad, the solar photovoltaic producer quoted above, concludes that shipping prices have increased 500 percent from September 2019 to October 2021.

The idea that society could windmill and solar panel its way out of fossil fuels and into a carbon-neutral future that is both affordable and can produce sufficient energy to maintain a prosperity-generating economy is, and always has been, based on highly flawed thinking.

When considering input costs for energy production, switching to energy generation that requires a multitude of scarce material inputs of highly variable price is not a recipe for a lower-cost energy future.

On the contrary, prices for goods based largely on scarce materials and highly variable input costs are likely to grow over time.

If Canada continues on the path of phasing out reliable, affordable fossil-fuel energy for scarce, expensive and unreliable “renewables” such as wind and solar power, Canadians can look forward to enduring or adapting to whatever climate change may be in store with less wealth, and less power to weather the changes.

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d9e924 No.127772

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18269929 (021330ZFEB23) Notable: Reimagining Corporate Impact - Joseph Kenner at World Economic Forum 2023 (video)

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>I feel this is my political responsibilities as a white person, the complete rejection of the meritocracy.


>it’s not become excellent in a particular domain, work your way up through a meritocracy and workout how to run Eskom or Transnet.

“Reimagining Corporate Impact - Joseph Kenner at World Economic Forum 2023”


Jan 31, 2023

Segment from "Frontier Partnerships Reimagining Corporate Impact" at World Economic Forum 2023. Hosted by Daniel Nowack, Head of Global Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship at the World Economic Forum.

“So the next speaker Joe Kenner who leads the Greyston Social Entrepreneur Enterprise which has piloted a practice that abolishes discrimination in the hiring process because the way that they do it is they just let people in. No CVs, no background checks, you just show up for a job and you start to work.”

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d9e924 No.127773

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18269936 (021331ZFEB23) Notable: UNESCO Futures of Education Report: Reimagining our futures together (video)

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“ UNESCO Futures of Education Report: Reimagining our futures together”


Jan 4, 2022

UNESCO’s futures of education initiative is catalyzing a global debate on how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet. A new report from the International Commission on the Futures of education, in preparation for 2 years, and based on the inputs and engagement of over a million people, presents a vision for forging a new social contract for education.

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d9e924 No.127774

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18269941 (021333ZFEB23) Notable: Klaus Scwab of WEF: A Social Contract for the New World Order (video)

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>a vision for forging a new social contract for education

“A Social Contract for the New World Order”


Jun 30, 2022

New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 13 Klaus Schwab is the Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, which openly seeks to remake the world and its economies into a "stakeholder" model of his own creation. In his 2022 book, 'The Great Narrative for a Better Future' (https://amzn.to/3QvkcrU), Schwab explains that the existing "shareholder"-based social contract has expired, and it's time for a new one. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay walks you through a few paragraphs of The Great Narrative in which Schwab details what a new social contract would entail and where it might come from.

2:38 – “Klaus does it for us, so we’ll just continue reading a few paragraphs down. He says, “Rising concerns about inequality and profound sentiment of dissatisfaction if not anger that it provokes, will prompt many societies around the world to redefine the terms of their social contract.” Now imagine if you will that you have an organization that funds a lot of woke Marxism. A lot of this identity politics that makes people angry and makes them perceive inequality and injustice, like the World Economic Forum and all of its various partners. Then that same organization happens to point out, look how angry people are, look how dissatisfied people are because of the inequality that we are actually stoking. What if that same organization was creating gigantic wealth inequality by creating policies say through Covid 19 that funnel tons and tons of money to the big corporations like Amazon that did wonderfully well through the pandemic while all of the smaller things get squashed and destroyed. So you’re creating social inequality, you’re creating wealth inequality and then you’re saying look how much inequality there is. This demands a complete redefinition of our social contract. We need an entirely new society under the leftist terms.

7:01 – “Your own leftist policies which don’t work, aren’t working and it causes people to be dissatisfied but you’re going to say it’s somebody else’s fault. Again the same classic Marxist deflection of responsibility and demand for more ability to keep doing what they’re doing. This is where bloody revolutions, like the Bolshevik Revolution and the French Revolution ultimately come from. Not just these failures of policy but also deflecting the blame onto some scapegoat.”

7:56 – “In some countries, this widespread exasperation has taken the form of both peaceful and violent demonstrations and others it has led to electoral victories for populist and extremist parties.”

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d9e924 No.127775

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18270759 (021653ZFEB23) Notable: Kenny Kunene Bun / Court finds Kunene guilty of HATE SPEECH for calling Malema a cockroach (video)

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“Kenny Kunene to appeal Malema hate speech case ruling” - https://youtu.be/jThFOjqPkAs

1:30 – [EFF Spokesperson] “These comments are not only hateful but were not considered of the historical impact of derogatory terms used to refer human beings inciting violence and genocide. Genocide and hate crimes against human beings begin at the point of dehumanization when Hitler rationalized the genocide against the Jewish community, he referred to them as rats. When colonizers wanted to enslave and exploit African people, the rational behind it was that Africans were people without history. They were barbarians whose conquest was justified in order to invite them into humanity. During the Rwandan genocide, when the Hutus massacred the Tutsis, Tutsis were referred to as cockroaches on national radios and places of public discourse. The EFF hopes that this judgment will serve the rehabilitating purpose that the prison system has clearly failed to achieve with Kunene as an individual.”

“Kunene to appeal guilty judgement for calling Malema a cockroach”



Kenny Kunene said it was rich of Julius Malema to head to court over the cockroach comments yet he sings ‘Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer’.

Kenny Kunene says he will appeal the judgement that found him guilty of hate speech for calling Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema an irritating cockroach and a frog.

The court ordered Kunene to issue an unconditional public apology to Malema, including retracting his statement.


Judge Motsamai Makume said the statement uttered by Kunene when he referred to Malema as a cockroach, little frog, and criminal declared to constitute hate speech as defined by the Equality Act.

In response to the ruling, Kunene said he respects the South African courts but has substantial grounds to feel the judgement handed down by Judge Makume was wrong in law and will be overturned on appeal.

Kunene said his lawyers firmly believe that another court will come to a different decision, and therefore, the appeal will be launched as a matter of urgency.

“Now is not the time to nitpick the judgement, but I’m sure that few people could ever have imagined that what I said about Julius Malema was so criminally horrendous as to be termed “hate speech.”

“It was truly rich of Julius Malema to take me to the Equality Court when he proudly sings ‘Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer,’ which isn’t hate speech. For me, as a layman, that is incitement to violence against a minority ethnic group,” Kunene said.

The Sushi King accused Malema of spewing violence out of his mouth over and over.

“It was shameless of Julius Malema to take me to court after calling Pravin Gordhan a ‘dog’ that must be kicked so the master can come out. Julius Malema is a man with thin skin. He’s emotionally fragile, like a child. He wants to insult and doesn’t want to be insulted. He wants to demean others but doesn’t want to be demeaned,” Kunene added.

The EFF believed that the words were not only hateful but were also not considerate of the historical impact of derogatory terms used to refer to human beings in inciting violence and genocide.

The party said it hopes that the judgement will serve the rehabilitating purpose that the prison system failed to achieve with Kunene as an individual.

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d9e924 No.127776

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18270972 (021733ZFEB23) Notable: EFF Bun / EFF branch in eSwatini takes credit for ‘leading Swazi revolution

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>Khumalo said that security forces had intervened when authorities “had been made aware of a grand plan to sow a trail of destruction” in Eswatini. Without offering evidence, he alleged the plan involved the Economic Freedom Fighters, a radical leftwing political party in neighbouring South Africa.


“EFF branch in eSwatini takes credit for ‘leading Swazi revolution’”



29-06-2021 10:18

As the people of eSwatini take to the streets in their fight for democracy, the Swazi branch of the EFF says it is responsible for a ‘major turning point’.

A set of violent protests across eSwatini has, reportedly, forced King Mswati into hiding. The ruling monarch, in power since 1986, is allegedly riding it out in Johannesburg after a nationwide revolt was unleased. A coordinated effort from a gatvol Swazi public is ushering in the winds of revolution across the border – and the EFF is taking credit for it.


The Red Berets, who initially set up their political party in South Africa eight years ago, also have chapters all across Africa. Liberia and Zimbabwe have some of the more prominent international operations, and in Namibia, the domestic EFF hold seats in the National Parliament. However, their influence is being keenly felt in eSwatini too…

EFFSWA is now calling on their people to ‘maintain this energy’ as we head into Tuesday. The branch says they are responsible for galvanising the youth into action, and asked for protesters to ‘prepare for combat’ if needs be.

“It took the arrival of the EFF Swaziland for the struggle of 40 years to reach a turning point, where we are now yielding the results people have been waiting for. We call upon everyone in eSwatini to not give up, victory is coming and fighters must be combat-ready. Freedom is coming, and we request solidarity from the international community.”


In the past few days, police fired tear gas, stun grenades, rubber bullets, and water cannons at the protesters. Since the weekend, the army has been called in to quell the rising tide of public anger. The demonstrators, who are demanding multi-party democracy and an elected prime minister, have pelted police with stones in response.

Political parties have been banned in the tiny southern African country since 1973. King Mswati III names government ministers and controls the parliament, while a constitution introduced in 2005 forbids parties from running in national elections. Protests are usually rare in Eswatini, which was renamed from Swaziland by Mswati in 2018.

But last week, around 500 youths protested in the Manzini district, around 30 kilometres (18 miles) from the capital, demanding democracy. The government had on Thursday banned protests, with National Police Commissioner William Dlamini warning that officers would be “zero-tolerant” of breaches of the ban. However, the measure has been ignored.

The attached document, “EFFSWA Statement on the Ongoing Revolution in Swaziland”, states;

At the midst of poice brutality, a sad incident took place where police murdered aspiring lawyer and student Thabani Nkomonye. The EFF Swaziland successfully organised its members to participate in a biggest march in the country to Matsapha police station and Manzini Regional Headquarters to demand justice for Thabani under the hashtag #JusticeForThabani.

The EFF Swaziland condemns deployment of the army to unleash violence towards innocent citizens who are peacefully lobbying for their concerns to be heard by the government. [Like in KwaZulu Natal

We call upon all Swazis not to give up now… The fighters and ground forces must be combat ready.

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d9e924 No.127777

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18271185 (021826ZFEB23) Notable: Final Julius Malema & Jacques Pauw Bun / “Judge bans anit-apartheid song” Reported by CNN Sep 14, 2011 – Julius Malema and the ANC (video)

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>I just want to add my voice in congratulating the ANC in being able to enlist a new partner in their looting spree in the EFF... As for the IFP being branded an Apartheid collaborator, clearly Mr Malema was still enjoying breastfeeding when this country actually burned as a result of this reckless talk. You know more than 20 000 people actually died as a result of this because this was ANC propaganda peddled against the IFP and one can actually forgive Mr Malema because he was still a toddler then but he is being reckless and nobody wants to go back to that unfortunate past.





It was different about a decade ago. Is Malema now serving a purpose? He is now working with the ANC again.

“Judge bans anit-apartheid song” Reported by CNN Sep 14, 2011 – Julius Malema and the ANC


“It’s an Apartheid era song that has divided South Africa… Loosely translated, the song calls for the killing of white farmers. A possible incitement to genocide says one high court judge who has ordered the youth leader of the ruling African National Congress, Julius Malema, and his party to stop singing it… Malema and the ANC say the song is a historical expression against Apartheid and not a literal threat to whites but the judge rejected the argument calling it hate speech. Known for his racially charged comments to some, Malema is a divisive politician that the country can do without but there are those who see him as a hero of a new struggle against poverty and inequality. Julius Malema is a contravercial figure. He is currently facing a disciplinary hearing by his own party for among other things, calling white South Africans criminals for stealing land from blacks but he’s gained some support from those who see the court’s ruling as a threat to freedom of expression. The ANC has called the judgment an attempt to rewrite South Africa’s history and plans to appeal.”

As one interviewee stated, “If you look at today, Apartheid is not yet done.”

Malema clip, “The songs of the revolution are burned in the democratic South Africa. A country we fought for.”

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d9e924 No.127778

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18276067 (031406ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Eastern Cape Premier condemns the brutal killing of 10 people by gunmen in Qunu, Bityi (video)

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“Spate of mass shootings raises alarm” - https://youtu.be/Phsv6ZoLvrU

4:06 – “If you look at the gun control laws of South Africa, we have one of the strictest around… We see that with house robberies and farm robberies that these premises are being targeted by criminals in order to gain access to these firearms that are actually locked up according to law in the safe places, etc., etc.. But we also pick up that a lot of ammunition and a lot of firearms are being smuggled across the border so we have a challenge with our porous borders towards the north with Zimbabwe… East with Mozambique… and also indications in recent months that some of these firearms came in via Eswatini. So the porous borders are a real challenge for us. What we need to understand here, these are not small time criminals looking for firearms. These are organised syndicates that are trafficking in these… Another source of these firearms also is of course corrupt officials within the police and the military that are either losing their weapons or they are renting it out and then these firearms are then coming back after they have been used and they just put it back into the stores and they never pick that up… So as you can see the challenge that we have will not be solved by our legislation.”

6:18 – “So essentially, Mr Els, you can have law but if there’s no order then it’s all in vain especially by those who are tasked with protecting the country… You are so right, without order there is no law.”

6:48 – “We have been hit by a tsunami of organised crime wherever you look in South Africa, whether it’s corruptions, whether it is with the syndicates, whether it is with cash in transit, there’s just tremendous spike in that and it seems we are losing the battle in containing that.”

8:41 –“That is one of the main indicators, when you are looking at a definition of a failed state. We can see if your government cannot provide that security to its citizens then it is failing the citizens in terms of its mandate to govern and that is the real challenge we are facing at the moment. The people are not feeling safe.”

“Eastern Cape Premier condemns the brutal killing of 10 people by gunmen in Qunu, Bityi”



Johannesburg – Eastern Cape Premier Oscar Mabuyane has condemned the brutal killing of 10 people by unknown gunmen in two separate incidents in Bityi and Qunu, near Mthatha.

The shootings took place on Wednesday night.

Three people were killed by unknown gunmen in Thantseka location in Bityi, while another seven people were shot dead in a village in Qunu.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms this vicious and senseless attack on families. It is heartbreaking to hear that elderly women, children and heads of households lose their lives in the most brutal way in our province,” said Mabuyane.

The premier has also expressed concern about the repeated attacks on families that have been noted in the OR Tambo and Chris Hani districts as well as the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro recently. [The irony]

“The high rate of these incidents is indicative of a decay in our moral fibre. All sectors of society should work together to fight crime and restore peace, as well as promote safety and security in our communities.”

Mabuyane said armed criminals had brought about anxiety and distress for families and the community.

The premier has also called on the police to remain focused and treat each incident as a high priority.

“Law enforcement agencies must follow all leads to identify these criminals and bring them before the courts of law to face their crimes.

“We also urge community members with any information that may lead to the arrest of individuals behind these murders to urgently contact the police and share that information,” said Mabuyane.

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d9e924 No.127779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18276084 (031409ZFEB23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Minutes show ANC ran ‘parallel process’ to fill top government jobs: DA” including judges

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>SA has no justice system!

“Minutes show ANC ran ‘parallel process’ to fill top government jobs: DA” including judges


05 January 2022 - 09:58

The ANC, through its controversial deployment committee, appears to have run a parallel deployment process to fill senior public service positions in government departments, agencies and boards of state-owned enterprises.

This is revealed in deployment committee minutes released by the DA which were obtained via the state capture inquiry. The judiciary and a chapter nine institution, the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), were not spared.

A meeting at the ANC headquarters, Luthuli House, in March 2019, noted: “We have a dynamic link with Nadel [National Association of Democratic Lawyers]. The current process is incestuous. It contributes very little, if anything, towards judicial independence.”

This was according to notes following the preselection of judges for vacant posts, despite the existence of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

In this exercise, DA shadow minister of public service and administration Leon Schreiber charged that the governing party turned the JSC into a mere rubber stamp.

“This interference started at the very highest levels of our state as the minutes show the ANC’s cadre deployment committee preselected the appointment of judges Steven Majiedt and Zukisa Tshiqi to the Constitutional Court,” he said.

This followed two vacancies arising from the retirement of justices Edwin Cameron and Baaitse Nkabinde.

“The committee also preselected judge Xola Petse for appointment to the Supreme Court of Appeal, judge Edwin Molahleli to the labour court, and judge Mmathebe Violet Phatshoane to the Northern Cape division,” alleged Schreiber.

The ANC also allegedly interfered in the appointment of the deputy chairperson of the SAHRC and the board of the SABC.

If it is indeed the case that applicants send their applications and CVs directly to the ANC rather than to the government, it makes a complete mockery of the state’s own appointment process.

DA MP Leon Schreiber

The DA noted that “in addition to interfering in appointments to the judiciary, the public broadcaster and the SAHRC, the ANC also sought to deploy party cadres to the Defence Force Service Commission and the Armscor board, the nuclear energy board, PetroSA, and the Central Energy Fund”.

Other institutions featured in discussions at Luthuli House included the appointment of the Rand Water CEO and the Nkomati, Bloemfontein, TransCaledon and Amatola, Lepelle Northern, Umgeni, Magalies and Sedibeng water boards, the SA Post Office board, the transport department, the Passenger Rail Agency of SA, the Road Accident Fund, Post Bank, the National Lottery, Railway Safety Regulator and SANParks.

Schreiber said the DA was shocked as the minutes indicate applicants in some cases applied directly to the ANC’s deployment committee.

In total, since 2018, the ANC deployment committee allegedly interfered in the appointment of senior public servants in at least 96 different government departments, agencies and the boards of state-owned enterprises.

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d9e924 No.127780

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18276100 (031413ZFEB23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / DA wins court battle to expose ANC cadre deployment records (video)

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“DA wins court battle to expose ANC cadre deployment corruption records” - https://youtu.be/eL55q-Izy-w

0:08 – “The ANC says it intends to appeal that ruling.”

“DA wins court battle to expose ANC cadre deployment records”


02-02-2023 19:34

In a ground-breaking judgment handed down by the Johannesburg High Court, the DA won the battle to expose records of the ANC cadre deployment

The Johannesburg High Court has today, Thursday, 2 February, ruled in favour of the Democratic Alliance’s (DA) court battle to expose cadre deployment records within the African National Congress (ANC).


This long-running court battle was finally won by the DA which seeks to expose complete records of the ANC national cadre deployment committee’s role in the corruption, capture and collapse of South Africa’s public sector.

“In its ruling, the court found that the ANC’s refusal to make public minutes, Whatsapp conversations, email threads, CVs and all other records of its cadre deployment committee was ‘unlawful and invalid.’ The court ordered the ANC to pay the DA’s costs in the case and to surrender, within 5 days, all of these documents dating back to 1 January 2013, when President Cyril Ramaphosa became the chairman of the cadre deployment committee.”

Dr Leon Schreiber MP


In a statement, Dr Leon Schreiber MP – DA Shadow Minister for Public Service and Administration revealed that Ramaphosa chaired this committee all throughout the years of Jacob Zuma’s presidency, during which time the committee exercised undue influence to ensure the appointment of the corrupt cadres who captured and collapsed the state.

“The judgment dealt a fatal blow to the ANC’s claim that ‘there are instances where the wishes of the Deployment Committee are not taken into account. The corollary of this is that there are indeed instances where the appointments are so made.’ It also affirmed the importance of parliamentary oversight, holding that the DA’s efforts to end cadre deployment in Parliament ‘necessitates the disclosure of facts in relation to the appointment of individuals.’ In sum, the court ruled that the DA ‘has set out, and prima facie established, the right which is sufficient proof for an applicant to result in his entitlement to access the record,” Schreiber broke down the ruling.

He added that today’s ruling is a historic victory by the DA for transparency and the rule of law in South Africa. “It creates new jurisprudence confirming that political parties are not elevated above the Constitution, and makes it clear that politicians who corruptly interfere in affairs of state cannot hide behind a veil of secrecy,” he explained.

He went on to say for nearly three decades, the ANC’s cadre deployment committee secretly interfered in appointments across the state, directly causing the collapsing service delivery and load-shedding crisis we all experience on a daily basis.

“That secrecy ends now, thanks to the DA’s relentless fight for the public’s right to know the truth about cadre deployment.”


“Thanks to the DA’s relentless fight against cadre deployment corruption, South Africans will for the very first time be able to see not only Ramaphosa’s personal complicity in state capture as chairman of the committee, but they will also get to see the full truth of how the appointment of ANC cadres on the basis of loyalty to the party rather than on merit is the true cause of our country’s rapidly failing state.

Once these records are made public, the DA calls on all sectors of society to rally behind our End Cadre Deployment Bill that is currently serving before Parliament, so that we may finally bring an end to this scourge and begin the arduous but urgent journey of building a professional, skilled and merit-based public sector.

The DA will not rest until cadre deployment corruption, along with the party who wrought this evil on our country, is consigned to the dustbin of history,” Schreiber further stated.

Read the full https://press-admin.voteda.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/F-leon-amos-schreiber-and-another-vs-the-african-na.pdf

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d9e924 No.127781

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18276116 (031416ZFEB23) Notable: Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun / Ramaphosa nominates Judge President of the Supreme Court of Appeal (video)

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>“The ANC says it intends to appeal that ruling.”

“JSC interviews: Judge Molemela words on transformation.” – https://youtu.be/1nAYA46fnC8

“Ramaphosa nominates Judge President of the Supreme Court of Appeal”


02-02-2023 12:22

President Cyril Ramaphosa nominates Justice Mahube Betty Molemela as Judge President of the Supreme Court of Appeal.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has nominated Justice Mahube Betty Molemela as Judge President of the Supreme Court of Appeal.

The President has informed Chief Justice Raymond Zondo of his consideration to appoint Molemela .


The President has, through the Chief Justice, invited the Judicial Service Commission to advise on the suitability of Justice Molemela to hold the office of the President of the Supreme Court of Appeal.

Vincent Magwenya, Spokesperson to the President, said Ramaphosa had undertaken this consultation in terms of Section 174(3) of the Constitution.

“This constitutional provision sets out that the President, as head of the National Executive – and after consulting the Judicial Service Commission and the leaders of parties represented in the National Assembly – appoints the Chief Justice and Deputy Chief Justice. After consulting the Judicial Service Commission, the President appoints the President and Deputy President of the Supreme Court of Appeal.”

Vincent Magwenya

Justice Molemela is currently a Judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal.

Magwenya said the position President of the Supreme Court of Appeal has been vacant following the appointment of Justice Maya to the position of the Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court with effect from 01 September 2022.


Molemela has established an illustrious judicial career over 15 years. She was first appointed as a Judge of the Free State Division of the High Court in 2008.

Justice Malemela also served as a Judge President of the Free State Division of the High Court for three years. She was then elevated to the Supreme Court of Appeal in 2018.

She has served as a Judge of the Labour and Labour Appeal Court. Later as Acting Judge of the Competition Appeal Court and Acting Judge of the Constitutional Court.

She holds a B.Proc degree (University of Fort Hare >>127769 ); LLB, LLM, and LLD (Honoris Causa) (all from the University of Free State).

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d9e924 No.127782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18276125 (031418ZFEB23) Notable: Updated Jacob Zuma Bun / Zuma’s Private Prosecution Postponed Again Sparking Fury in SA: “Our Judiciary Is a Circus” (video)

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“Zuma's private prosecution matter against Adv Downer, Maughan postponed to 4 August” - https://youtu.be/6oEEeHwe9RE

5:34 – “There are several applications that have been brought and this court still needs to deal with those applications. We have an application brought by Sanef as well as Helen Suzman Foundation applying to be Friends of the Court, essentially saying they want to support and have a voice in this matter with regard to Karyn Maughan as well as Advocate Billy Downer. Then there’s also that urgent interdict by Maughan and Billy Downer to have their matters set aside.”

“Zuma’s Private Prosecution Postponed Again Sparking Fury in SA: “Our Judiciary Is a Circus”, SA Complains”


February 02, 2023 at 9:10 PM

Former president Jacob Zuma's private prosecution against Billy Downer and Karyn Maughan has been postponed once again

The case was postponed to accommodate the outcome of Maughan's application to have the prosecution set aside

Frustrated South Africans are fed up with the delays and are beginning to question the justice system

PIETERMARITZBURG - South African have had enough of former president Jacob Zuma's private prosecution of State Advocate Billy Downer and journalist Karyn Maughan.

The KwaZulu-Natal High Court in Pietermaritzburg postponed that case to 4 August in under one minute, sending citizens over the edge.

South Africans are now wondering if the justice system has become a playground for SA's elite to flex their power.

According to News24, the matter was postponed to accommodate Maughan's bid to have the private prosecution thrown out.

The former president started his private prosecution case against the state advocate and the journalist in October 2022. Zuma is accusing Downer and Maughan of disclosing his confidential medical documents to members of the public in contravention of the National Prosecuting Act, EWN reported.

South Africans voice their frustrations about the constantly postponed private prosecution

Citizens are at their wit's end with Zuma's bid to privately prosecute Downer and Maughan and are now questioning SA's entire justice system.

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d9e924 No.127783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18276769 (031627ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South African activists and lawyers pursue legal battle” vs big corporations (Parts 1&2)

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“South African activists and lawyers pursue legal battle” vs big corporations – Part 1


02-02-2023 17:40

Article originally published on GroundUp by John Yeld

Six South African activists and public interest lawyers have filed revised papers in their marathon legal battle against Australian miners.

•	Six South African activists and public interest lawyers have filed revised papers in their marathon legal battle against a collective R14.25-million “SLAPP” defamation suit.

•	This comes in the light of two Constitutional Court judgments that allowed them to amend their pleas within 30 days after it set out the parameters for defence against SLAPP suits for the first time.

•	Lawyers for the mining plaintiffs say the defamation case will continue to be pursued.

Six South African activists and public interest lawyers have filed revised papers in their marathon legal battle against a collective R14.25-million “SLAPP” defamation case brought against them by Australian mining interests.

This revision follows a pair of judgments handed down by the Constitutional Court, which for the first time in South African legal history set out parameters for defence against SLAPP suits, and also prescribed limits on defamation action brought by for-profit trading corporations.


SLAPP is an acronym for Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation, and describes a legal strategy often employed by big corporations that bring defamation actions for huge amounts against individuals who criticise them, as a means of discouraging, censoring, intimidating and silencing these critics.

“The pair of landmark judgments [by the Constitutional Court] … for the first time recognise SLAPP as an abuse of process, and carve out a limitation to trading corporations’ ability to claim damages for reputational harm. The judgments have important consequences for the protection of activism and the rights and responsibilities of corporations in South Africa and beyond,” non-profit activist lawyer group Centre for Environmental Rights (CER) commented after the judgments were handed down in November.

Two of the six defendants were employed by the CER as environmental lawyers at the time of the alleged defamation.

While neither of the Constitutional Court judgments was technically in the six defendants’ favour, they were not penalised with costs, and were given a 30-day window in which to amend their two special pleas in the case.

Notices of intention to amend were duly filed in the Western Cape High Court.

The defendants’ first special plea relates to the court’s ruling that a SLAPP defence must also take the merits of the alleged defamation into account, because improper motive for bringing a case is alone insufficient to warrant dismissal of such an action.

This plea has been amended by the addition of a brief paragraph about merit that reads:

The plaintiffs have weak prospects of succeeding in their claims for defamation against the defendants and/or the relief sought against the defendants.”

The defendants’ second special plea – that “for-profit” trading corporations (such as the two Australian mining company plaintiffs) cannot sue for general damages in defamation cases – has also been amended.

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d9e924 No.127784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18276777 (031629ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South African activists and lawyers pursue legal battle” vs big corporations (Parts 1&2)

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“South African activists and lawyers pursue legal battle” vs big corporations – Part 2


02-02-2023 17:40


The Constitutional Court found that such corporations can sue for general damages, but not where the allegedly defamatory speech forms part of public discussion on issues of legitimate public interest. This is because awarding such damages would constitute an unjustifiable limitation on the right to freedom of speech.

The defendants’ amended second special plea argues that claims for damages by the first plaintiffs – Mineral Sands Resources and Mineral Commodities Ltd – are bad in law because: the allegedly defamatory statements concerned form part of public discourse and concern an issue of public interest; and the plaintiffs claim general damages and do not allege that they suffered any patrimonial [actual monetary] loss arising from the alleged defamatory statements concerned.

“In the circumstances, the first plaintiffs’ claim for damages falls to be dismissed with costs,” they argue.

There is as yet no indication of whether or when the proposed amendments to the defendants’ special pleas will be opposed by the plaintiffs.

Lawyers for both sets of parties are playing their cards close to their chests in this highly complex and extended case; the first papers were filed more than five years ago.

Ross Kudo, attorney for the plaintiffs, said the defamation action was continuing and that his clients’ next steps would be disclosed during the course of the litigation.

He pointed out that, until now, there had been agreement between all the parties that the issues before court would be dealt with collectively as a matter of convenience. However, there were actually three separate defamation cases, and collective agreement might not extend to the trial stage.

“In other words, each trial may be dealt with separately,” he said.


Currently, there was no indication of when the trial or trials would be set down for hearing, Kudo added.

“Due to the length of time it takes to obtain a trial date, and depending on how the various matters progress, the trial will most likely not be heard this year.”

The six South African defendants are: environmental lawyers Christine Reddell, Tracey Davies and Cormac Cullinan; social worker John GI Clarke; and community activists Mzamo Dlamini of the Wild Coast and Davine Cloete from Lutzville on the West Coast.

They are alleged to have defamed the plaintiffs: Australian mining company Mineral Commodities Ltd (MRC) and its South African subsidiary Mineral Sands Resources; then MRC executive chairman Mark Caruso (he is no longer with MRC); and MRC’s black empowerment partner Zamile Qunya.

The allegations stem from comments made at various times and places in books, interviews and/or presentations about the miners’ controversial activities on the Pondoland coast at Xolobeni and at the Tormin mineral sands mine on the West Coast.

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d9e924 No.127785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18277874 (031936ZFEB23) Notable: Kenny Kunene Bun / Partying Amid Poverty Stirs South Africa Debate – Kenny Kunene (Parts 1-3)

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>The founding members [Gayton McKenzie and Kenny Kunene] of political party the Patriotic Alliance (PA)


>Court finds Kunene guilty of HATE SPEECH for calling Malema a cockroach


One cannot make this stuff up! This belongs in a mobster movie but in reality it can have dire consequences for the country as the next posts will demonstrate.

“3rd Degree | Update Show (Part one)” [Kenny Kunene, posted Nov 14, 2012] - https://youtu.be/NAz-Ncdu_6Q

“Partying Amid Poverty Stirs South Africa Debate” – Kenny Kunene Part 1


Feb. 14, 2011

SANDTON, South Africa — Kenny Kunene, a former gangster turned businessman, gave what he called “the mother of all parties” for his 40th birthday. With his small paunch protruding from a white tuxedo and his eyes hidden behind Roberto Cavalli sunglasses, he ate sushi from the belly of a woman who was wearing nothing but black lingerie and high heels while hundreds of guests looked on.

As the revelers got tipsy on his liquor, he says he treated the most important among them — including Zizi Kodwa, President Jacob Zuma’s stylish spokesman, and Julius Malema, the rabble-rousing leader of the governing party’s youth wing — to $1,300 bottles of Dom Pérignon. Like the American rappers he emulates, Mr. Kunene himself swigged a bottle of Armand de Brignac Champagne that goes for more than $1,500 at his posh nightclub, ZAR, perched on the roof of a five-star hotel.

His October bash here in Sandton, a Johannesburg suburb often described as the wealthiest square mile in Africa, and another sushi-eating party that Mr. Kunene hosted recently in Cape Town, have turned him into a peculiarly South African sensation. His antics set off raucous bickering in the governing alliance about the conspicuous consumption of a politically networked black elite in a country where the majority of young blacks do not even have jobs.

Zwelinzima Vavi, leader of Cosatu, the powerful trade union federation allied with the governing African National Congress, accused Mr. Kunene of “spitting on the face of the poor” and declared that parties where people who have gotten rich in dubious ways flaunt their wealth “turn my stomach.”

Mr. Kunene, who says he supports the A.N.C.’s Youth League with his time and money, promptly retorted that his was “honest money spent on honest fun.” He describes his success as proof of the nation’s democracy, and he told Mr. Vavi, who is also black: “You remind me of what it felt like to live under apartheid. You are telling me, a black man, what I can and cannot do with my life.”

The Kunene story has crystallized a recurring question about life in post-apartheid South Africa: Is the accumulation and exhibition of such wealth a sign that blacks have finally arrived after an era when whites hogged the high life, or is it evidence of a moral decay undermining Nelson Mandela’s once great liberation movement?

“It raises in such wonderfully stark terms what freedom is and what one does with it,” said Jonny Steinberg, an author and one of the many newspaper columnists who commented on the events. “The idea that one uses it to get rich, and ostentatiously so, and that this is the most important dividend of freedom, is very powerful.”

In recent months, the spectacle of eating sushi from a woman’s body — perhaps familiar to Americans from Samantha’s escapades on “Sex and the City” — has been a source of both lurid fascination and ridicule here. A cartoon by the Mail & Guardian’s Zapiro, titled “The Last Sushi,” depicts a naked woman lying on a long table with well-known businessmen and politicians feasting on the fishy bits that decorate her curves.

That Mr. Kunene, a small-time player in South African politics, has vaulted onto the front pages underscores how salient the issue of economic inequality has become in South Africa, a country that by some estimates has the worst disparities of wealth in the world.

But the focus on Mr. Kunene, nicknamed the Sushi King by headline writers, is also a tribute to his obvious gifts for self-promotion and self-reinvention.

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d9e924 No.127786

File: 65910b86c5adf28⋯.webp (40.25 KB,630x432,35:24,Clipboard.webp)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18277894 (031939ZFEB23) Notable: Kenny Kunene Bun / Partying Amid Poverty Stirs South Africa Debate – Kenny Kunene (Parts 1-3)

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“Partying Amid Poverty Stirs South Africa Debate” – Kenny Kunene Part 2


Feb. 14, 2011

He was raised by his unemployed mother (an evangelical faith healer), his grandfather (a retired English teacher), and his grandmother (a midwife and the family’s only earner) in a black township outside of Odendaalsrus in what is now the Free State. The family could never afford to give him a birthday party, he said, and he always craved luxuries.

When he was a teenager during apartheid, he said he and his friends picked out the houses and cars in wealthy white areas they fantasized would one day be theirs. He dreamed of Porsches. “The objective was to overthrow the government and take everything that the white man had,” he said.

Like his grandfather, he became a high school English teacher. To earn extra money, he opened a small saloon, eavesdropped on gangsters and joined them, hijacking cars, robbing businesses and dreaming up ways to trick people out of their money, he said.

“My heart was not into armed robberies,” he said. “My heart was more into fraud because I’m a thinker.”

But he was caught and convicted in 1997 of helping run a Ponzi scheme. His case alone listed more than 1,900 victims, he said. He served six years in prison. After his release, he went into business with Gayton McKenzie, a bank robber he had befriended behind bars. They sold a book that Mr. McKenzie wrote about quitting a life of crime, and marketed Mr. McKenzie’s motivational speeches to schools and corporate groups.

They invested their earnings in a fish distribution business, Mr. Kunene said, and then started working as consultants to diamond and gold mining companies, helping manage testy relations with restive local communities and navigate the shoals of government regulation in a country governed by a black majority.

Last year, Mr. Kunene and Mr. McKenzie helped Gold Fields, a major gold producer, retain its mining rights to the South Deep mine southwest of Johannesburg, which the company describes as “one of the greatest undeveloped ore bodies in the world.”

“It’s a lot of political lobbying work,” explained Sven Lunsche, a Gold Fields spokesman.

At Mr. Kunene’s swanky apartment in Sandton, a snapshot of him with President Zuma is displayed in the living room. On his iPad, he flicked through photographs taken at his birthday party, showing pictures of him with the men he called “Zizi and Julius” — Mr. Zuma’s spokesman and the Youth League leader, Mr. Malema.

At the Cape Town party on Jan. 29, Mr. Malema was quoted as saying that Mr. Kunene’s club belonged to the A.N.C., but he later issued a statement insisting that he had said only that black people have a right to own a club in “predominantly white territory.”

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d9e924 No.127787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18277903 (031941ZFEB23) Notable: Kenny Kunene Bun / Partying Amid Poverty Stirs South Africa Debate – Kenny Kunene (Parts 1-3)

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“Partying Amid Poverty Stirs South Africa Debate” – Kenny Kunene Part 3


Feb. 14, 2011

Mr. Malema’s comments prompted Gwede Mantashe, the party’s secretary general, to starchily insist that the A.N.C. “is not into nightclubs or partying, but it is a revolutionary movement. We furthermore reiterate our condemnation to the act of serving sushi on a woman’s body.”

Mr. Kunene this month bowed to his party’s wishes and foreswore sushi parties, but he could not resist noting that in South Africa, the rainbow nation, “I ate sushi off a black girl in Johannesburg. In Cape Town, I ate it off a white girl. I was intending to eat it off an Indian girl in Durban.”

Mr. Kunene has leapt into a life of fame and money, but often on Mondays he gets into one of his Porsches and makes the short drive to the poor and working-class township of Alexandra. “I don’t forget where I come from,” he said.

There he drinks with the regulars at a small bar, the Stoop, and eats a plate of tripe like his mother used to make. House music pumps from speakers, echoing over the township hillside, sparkling with tiny lights.

Last Monday, he left his nightclub, with its purple velvet couches, mirrored wall and sensational views of the Sandton skyline, dressed to impress in $2,000 jeans (“Billionaire brand,” he said, “the most expensive in the world”), pointy-toed purple Italian shoes and a matching belt.

As the evening wore on at the bar in Alex, as the township is sometimes called, men in shirtsleeves who had just finished work gave way to young women with glossy lips who were in a party mood. Mr. Kunene, sitting in a molded plastic chair, nursed his Belvedere vodka and soda and updated his Facebook page.

“Chilling at the Stoop,” he wrote. “The township is the bomb.”

Instantly, he had a rush of responses from some of the thousands of people who have added him as a friend since his birthday party made news.

“Can I join u?” posted one.

“Lucky you,” wrote another.

“Why was I not invited?” asked a third. “Is there sushi?”

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d9e924 No.127788

File: f8e5f2cb940da58⋯.jpg (69.27 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18277962 (031951ZFEB23) Notable: Gayton McKenzie Bun / Mixed reactions on Gayton McKenzie’s first year as Central Karoo Mayor

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>The founding members [Gayton McKenzie and Kenny Kunene] of political party the Patriotic Alliance (PA)


>After his release, he went into business with Gayton McKenzie, a bank robber he had befriended behind bars.

>They invested their earnings in a fish distribution business, Mr. Kunene said, and then started working as consultants to diamond and gold mining companies, helping manage testy relations with restive local communities and navigate the shoals of government regulation in a country governed by a black majority.

>Last year, Mr. Kunene and Mr. McKenzie helped Gold Fields, a major gold producer, retain its mining rights to the South Deep mine southwest of Johannesburg, which the company describes as “one of the greatest undeveloped ore bodies in the world.”

“Mixed reactions on Gayton McKenzie’s first year as Central Karoo Mayor”


5 January 2023, 11:38 AM

2022 was a busy year for Patriotic Alliance leader, Gayton McKenzie, as he took over as the Mayor of the Central Karoo District Municipality.

While the South African Communist Party(SACP) has questioned McKenzie’s fundraising events, millions have reportedly gone into trust accounts of McKenzie’s lawyers and not municipal bank accounts.

“The issue is, have the proper processes been followed when the fundraiser was held.?The Municipal Financial Management Act with its regulations states that no political office bearer has the authority to raise funds and even open a trust account for those funds. The other thing is the municipality should have a primary account, where the money is deposited and not a separate bank account. So the question is… what happened in that process? Is the money raised for the municipalities?” questions the SACP’s Mawonga Furmen.


Several new businesses which opened in Beaufort West have since also closed down. The SABC contacted the former owners, who declined to comment.

McKenzie says his detractors want to see him fail. He recently announced the construction of a nearly five-billion rand logistics hub in Beaufort West to create jobs for locals.

“It involves cars, it involves trucks and it involves planes. Part of the plan is that there’s going to be an airstrip. So the mines in the Northern Cape, North West don’t need to get their stuff from the harbours. They can bring it to the dry port. It’s going to be one of the busiest,” McKenzie elaborates.

And in spite of opposition to fracking, he fully backs gas exploration in the Karoo.

“We are going to frack. We are going to have uranium mining. We’re not going to have all that nonsense they said we couldn’t do. Where the greenies come to us and say you can’t do this, but they’re sleeping with food in their stomach,” quipped McKenzie.

McKenzie’s reign has not been without controversy. He has aligned himself with another controversial figure in the Central Karoo – the former mayor of Beaufort West, Truman Prince.

Prince was booted out of the ANC before founding the Independent Civic Organisation of South Africa (Icosa), he is now the provincial chairperson of the PA.

McKenzie has also formed a political alliance with Karoo Democratic Force (KDF) leader, Noel Constable, who is currently facing fraud and corruption charges.

The question remains, will McKenzie keep to his promises to the people of the Central Karoo before he leaves his post in April?

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d9e924 No.127789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18277995 (031956ZFEB23) Notable: Kenny Kunene Bun / Kenny Kunene is set to become MMC for transport in JHB

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>“Mpho Phalatse’s removal engineered by Patriotic Alliance”






“Kenny Kunene is set to become MMC for transport in JHB”


03-02-2023 12:36

Kenny Kunene is expected to be sworn in as a member of the mayoral committee (MMC) in the transport portfolio.

The Patriotic Alliance deputy president, Kenny Kunene, is set to become MMC for transport in Johannesburg, under the leadership of the new mayor, Thapelo Amad.


Thapelo Amad announced his mayoral committee on Thursday 2 February 2023.

Amad was elected as mayor after a vote of no confidence in Mpho Phalatse. The councillors nominated Amad during a council sitting and Phalatse refused to let go of the mayoral chain without a fight.

Kunene is expected to emerge as a member of the mayoral committee (MMC) in the transport portfolio.

“We need to work together to make our country great and it starts with local government. When one is called upon to serve, one must do so with all one’s might. Salute,” Kunene said.


Even though he has been sworn in on Monday, Amad is yet to announce his executive.

Now that Kunene is set to be a councillor, he can also be elected to the mayoral committee.

Two new councillors will be sworn in on Friday and the entire team will be sworn in as MMCs on Monday 6 February 2023.


According to the City of Johannesburg, the new MMCs were selected after extensive consultations with other political parties, with the aim of solidifying the Government of Local Unity (GLU) partnership in the City.

Below is the list of Councillors of the City of Johannesburg appointed as MMCs:

1.	Finance: Cllr. Dada Morero

2.	Group Corporate and Shared Services: Cllr. Loyiso Masuku

3.	Environment and Infrastructure Services: Cllr. Jack Sekwaila

4.	Public Safety: Cllr. Sepetlele Raseruthe

5.	Development Planning: Cllr. Eunice Mgcina

6.	Economic Development: Cllr. Nomoya Daphney Mnisi

7.	Housing: Cllr. Anthea Natasha Leitch

8.	Community Development: Cllr. Lubabalo Magwentshu

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d9e924 No.127790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18283482 (041531ZFEB23) Notable: SA Tourism board members resign with immediate effect” - scrutiny over R1 billion BritishTottenham Hotspur deal

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“Breaking: SA Tourism board members resign with immediate effect” - scrutiny over R1 billion BritishTottenham Hotspur deal


03-02-2023 21:36

Three SA Tourism board members have reportedly resigned with immediate effect. This as the entity face scrutiny over R1 billion Spurs deal

Three SA Tourism board members have reportedly resigned with immediate effect today, Friday, 3 February.


ENCA reports that the three board members Enver Duminy, Ravi Nadasen and Rosemary Anderson resigned with immediate effect and their resignations were received by tourism minister Lindiwe Sisulu.

Minister Sisulu is yet to confirm these resignations.

The trio departs as SA Tourism has come under heavy scrutiny over its R1 billion sponsorship deal with English side Tottenham Hotspur.


The Daily Maverick spoiled the deal for Spurs after the publication exposed the yet-to-be-finalised deal this week.

South Africans and political parties did not take kindly to this news as South Africa is crippled by load shedding, unemployment and crime.

Reacting to the sponsorship deal, the Democratic Alliance (DA) said that the R1-billion deal by SA Tourism to Tottenham Hotspur is an insult to every South African.


Initially, the DA demanded that the R1 billion be reallocated to buying diesel for Eskom to lower load shedding.

However, with many public sectors in dire straits, the party decided to dissect the sponsorship fund to benefit those sectors.

DA listed three sectors that would require urgent funding and appreciate it:

•	Over 33 million litres of fuel to power Eskom

•	Over 10 000 more NSFAS bursaries

•	Close to 5 000 new police officers

With the party taking no prisoners on this matter, the DA announced that the Parliament has confirmed a meeting for next week over the matter.

“An urgent meeting by Parliament to discuss this controversial deal has been confirmed to take place on Tuesday 7 February, following DA pressure. The DA will not allow this deal to go ahead!”


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d9e924 No.127791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18289330 (051521ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Gardee murder case shocker

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“Hillary Gardee shot with a state gun”



Johannesburg - The man who confessed to robbing and killing Hillary Gardee in April last year told police in a shocking confession that he used a state-issued firearm to kill her.

In the chilling confession, seen by the Sunday Independent, Hlabirwa Rasie Nkune (sic), told police in August last year that he acted alone when he robbed Gardee of R1 500 and shot her in the back of the head while she was running away from him in the bush near Sabie in Mpumalanga.

Nkune admitted that he had used a 9mm PX4 pistol that he had earlier robbed from a traffic officer in Kanyamazane near Nelspruit. Police in Mpumalanga had initially arrested Sipho Mkhatswa, Philemon Lukhele and Albert Gama and accused them of raping and killing Gardee at Insika Guest Lodge owned by Lukhele in Nelspruit.

The men have protested their innocence since day one but police mounted evidence against them which now looks to be false. Lukhele was released on R20 000 bail three weeks ago, after seven months in custody, while Mkhatshwa and Gama are still behind the bars.

Nkune in his confession, which was admitted in court and added as part of the indictment, doesn’t implicate the three men or mention any role they would have played when he killed Gardee. But instead, Nkune gave police names of his friends, a group of hoodlums, who are preying on young women on social media and then later rape and kill them after robbing them of their belongings including, cash, cellphones and cars.

Nkune also admitted that he shot and killed “my wife”, Pretty Mazibuko and her sister, Marcia, who was a police officer, on May 15, 2022 after an argument.

Nkune claims that he went home and told his mother that he had killed some people, including his wife, before his friends drove him to Mozambique the following day, where he was hiding from the police.

Nkune took police to point out all the scenes where he committed the crimes on August 14, 2022, including the spot where he killed Gardee and robbed the traffic officer.

Another piece of information, seen by the “Sunday Independent”, contained in a police “success report” on the day Nkune was arrested, states that “information indicates that there’s a possibility that the suspect is wanted and will be linked to more than 20 cases in the province”.

The report added that Nkune had killed Gardee with a service firearm stolen from a traffic officer. Nkune was arrested in KwaThema, Springs, on August 11, 2022, days after he returned from Mozambique. Nkune had lured another woman to meet him on a date but again he intended to rob her of her Mercedes-Benz vehicle and sell it for cash.

Nkune allegedly strangled 27-year-old Nokuthula Nkosi and dumped her in a farm dam while she was still alive. She managed to identify him before she died after she was rescued by a farmworker.

Gardee’s father, Godrich, who is a former EFF secretary-general, is suing the state for R18-million for the grief and pain his family have suffered after the Correctional Services Department unlawfully released Nkune on parole months before he killed his daughter.

In their letter to Justice Minister,Ronald Lamola, Gardee’s family argue that Nkune should not have been released on parole as he had other pending cases and that “Hillary would not have been his victim, causing the family so much grief”.

Lamola was given 60 days to respond to the letter sent in October 2022 but he has yet to respond.

The National Prosecuting Authority and police this week failed to answer detailed questions sent to them regarding Nkune’s confession, pointing out of the scene and the gun stolen from a traffic officer that was used to kill three people, including Gardee.

The Gardee murder trial is scheduled to start in the High Court sitting in Mbombela in April. Lukhele, Mkhatshwa and Gama are trying to clear their names and get all charges against them related to this case dropped.

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d9e924 No.127792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18289337 (051522ZFEB23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / David Mabuza: The numerous scandals of SA’s new Deputy President

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>>127544 - Is David Mabuza being manipulated due to the affidavit and other scandals?

“David Mabuza's resignation | Sandile Swana and Dr Levy Ndou weigh in” - https://youtu.be/Kuy8nhQNHr4

0:42 – “My suspicion is that there could have been a number of other discussions that were taking place between the ANC and Mabuza himself based on the fact that Mabuza for me has actually saved the President’s political life. [It] is David Mabuza in 2017 who came with the unity project in the ANC that at the last few minutes of voting, David Mabuza convinced Mpumalanga Province to vote for Cyril Ramaphosa. It was David Mabuza who chose last month at the conference of the ANC to contest any other position eventhough nominated.

3:12 – “He [David Mabuza] says that I am paving the way for the one who was elected at Nasrec.

“David Mabuza confirms he has resigned as deputy president”


FEBRUARY 4, 2023

Deputy President David Mabuza has broken his silence on his future, confirming that he has resigned from his position.

This follows weeks of speculation since Paul Mashatile was elected deputy president of the ANC at the Nasrec conference in December.

Mabuza, who was addressing mourners at his brother’s funeral in Mpumalanga on Saturday, confirmed he had sent a letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa saying he was resigning.

“As you all know, there was a conference where I declined nomination. I was deputy president of the ANC. But in that conference Paul Mashatile was elected to be deputy president. Then I was left as deputy president of the country. What do you think must happen?

“The reason (for leaving) is to make way for the one elected by conference because I can see that he is starting to move, and I am making things quick on my side to give him space. I spoke to the president,” said Mabuza.

“The president will say himself that Mabuza has resigned. I promised him that I will respect him until I leave office. I hope those left behind will also respect him,” he told mourners.

Mabuza had been deputy president since Ramaphosa became president in 2018.

There has been mounting speculation on when Ramaphosa will announce his new Cabinet.

Parliament announced this week that new MPs will be sworn-in on Monday. ’This will be ahead of the State of the Nation Address on Thursday.

It is expected that Mashatile will be joined by former premier and MEC in KwaZulu-Natal Sihle Zikalala and another former MEC in Gauteng, Parks Tau, as new ANC MPs.

This will be before the anticipated Cabinet reshuffle.

Mashatile is then expected to become the deputy president and Zikalala to go into Cabinet.

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d9e924 No.127793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18295552 (061745ZFEB23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Ace Magashule’s ex-PA detained in US, FBI involvement

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“Ace Magashule’s ex-PA detained in US” – FBI involvement


Published Feb 5, 2023

Johannesburg - Just days after the High Court in Bloemfontein made light of the fact that Ace Magashule's former PA was a phone call away, throwing out any need for extradition or deportation to secure her appearance in court for the asbestos roofs trial, the US authorities pounced on Moroadi Cholota last week in Washington and detained her - exactly as the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) had wished.

Those in Cholota's camp have accused the NPA of reneging on an agreement made before Free State Judge President Cagney Musi in court a few days earlier on January 20. The parties had agreed that state prosecutor Johannes de Nysschen would communicate with attorney Victor Nkhwashu to secure Cholota's voluntary appearance in court.

It was expected that the agreement would see the NPA abandon its wish to bring Cholota back to the country in shackles and handcuffs. On Friday, NPA spokesperson Mthunzi Mhaga would only say: “The matter you are enquiring about has a direct bearing on proceedings that are under way in court and therefore we are unable to indulge you on it for fear of compromising pending court proceedings.”

Nkhwashu did not respond to questions. The hostile relationship between Cholota and the NPA dates back to November 2020 when De Nysschen told the court she would be a state witness against Magashule, without her knowledge. Almost a year later, in September 2021, the Hawks interviewed her for the first time in the US during a session akin to an interrogation rather than a state witness debriefing.

The room in which she was interviewed was kept cold – a tactic commonly used by the FBI to unnerve witnesses. After she complained, it was heated. During two more sessions where she alleged she was being subjected to “intimidation tactics”, the authorities also charged Cholota with fraud, corruption and money laundering.

Magashule faced the same charges relating to the R255 million contract to remove asbestos roofs in the Free State in 2014. The Hawks and the FBI wanted Cholota to implicate Magashule in wrongdoing, but she refused. From an American perspective, the FBI official who was part of Cholota’s interview was interested in the dealings between former ANC secretary general Magashule, and Cuba - a country friendly to South Africa but declared an enemy under US foreign policy.

During the court proceedings on January 20, Judge President Musi found it odd that the NPA, instead of summoning Cholota to appear in court, had opted for a costly and time-consuming extradition application. The court heard, and accepted, that Cholota was not a fugitive from the law and that she would “voluntarily” appear in court in South Africa on any date the NPA set.

In a slightly sarcastic tone, Judge President Musi repeated the submission: “She is prepared to return to SA at the request of the State.” He repeated: “The State should just request her to be here on a particular day and she will make sure that she is in SA.” De Nysschen then remarked: “That is the best news I have heard in the whole year.”

Earlier De Nysschen was tongue-tied when asked about the flailing extradition application that the NPA embarked on more than a year ago, saying that "the lady who is head of all the extradition exercise only started working on Monday and one of the other officials went on pension, so they have problems of their own“.

"We are still waiting for our colleagues in the USA. The process is still going on. With all due respect to our colleagues in America, I’m not sure why it is taking this long.“ De Nysschen continued: ”In any event, apart from the extradition, Ms Cholota’s visa has expired. So we foresee that it will be a question of either extradition or deportation, one or the other.“

Judge President Musi warned De Nysschen that the NPA faced a “dilemma” if the trial were to begin in Cholota’s absence. “You say you are ready but in fact you are not ready,” said the judge. The hearing was postponed to May 5.

Magashule had previously lost a bid to have the charges against him withdrawn for lack of evidence. He has since applied for leave to appeal the judgment in the Supreme Court of Appeal after the high court in Bloemfontein declined the application.

According to Magashule, the NPA failed to follow the proper two-pronged process in prosecuting him under the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act. Section 27 of the statute stated that before a certificate of prosecution could be issued, the NPA should request an explanation from the applicant.

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d9e924 No.127794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18296981 (062158ZFEB23) Notable: ‘Plenty of military training in Richards Bay with foreign countries in less than a year” - SANDF happens to have 2023 Armed Forces Day during SA, Russia and China naval drills at Richards Bay

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‘Plenty of military training in Richards Baywith foreign countries in less than a year” - SANDF happens to have 2023 Armed Forces Day during SA, Russia and China naval drills at Richards Bay

“US Army Caught on Camera Training in KwaZulu-Natal: “Our Soldiers Training With the Big Boys””


Thursday, July 21, 2022

•	The United States of America’s Army was caught on camera training in Richards Bay, KwaZulu-Natal

•	Members of the US Army and the South African National Defence Force have been training together for a multinational exercise

•	The clip has been widely shared on social media and reignited claims that the army is here to protect government

KWAZULU-NATAL - The United States of America’s Army was caught on camera, emerging from an aircraft and training in Richards Bay. Members of the US Army and the South African National Defence Force have been training together for a multinational exercise named ‘Shared Accord’.

The clip has been widely shared on social media and reignited claims that the army is in the country to protect President Cyril Ramaphosa in the event of a civil uprising.

“S.Africa unveils joint naval drills with Russia, China”


Jan 19, 2023

"As (a) means to strengthen the already flourishing relations between South Africa, Russia and China, a multinational maritime exercise between these three countries ... will take place," the army said.

The exercises dubbed "Mosi", which translates to "smoke" in the local Tswana language, are scheduled for February 17 to 27, off the port city of Durban and Richards Bay.

“WATCH: Have you seen the convoy of SANDF armoured vehicles on the N3?”


06-02-2023 15:34

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is hosting the 2023 Armed Forces Day (AFD) at Richards Bay in KwaZulu-Natal from 06 – 22 February 2023.

The City expects to host about 15 000 members of the SANDF and the SA Navy from February 15.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, the Commander-In-Chief, is expected to officiate at the event.

According to reports, Naval ships from the Chinese, Russian and South African navies will be alongside the Richard Bay small craft harbour ahead of Exercise Mosi II.


According to the SANDF, it will be open to the public between 09h00 and 15h00 from 16 to 19 February.

The vessels are the Valour Class frigate SAS Mendi (F148), the hydrographic survey vessel SAS Protea (A324), the multi-mission inshore patrol vessel (MMIPV) SAS King Sekhukhune I (P1571), and the inshore patrol craft SAS Tekwane (P1554).

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d9e924 No.127795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301127 (071634ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / “You can make roughly R20m a month" – zama zamas gang boss (video)

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“South Africa’s Underground Gold Wars” [Feb 4, 2023] - https://youtu.be/yi6k1Hej0ZQ

VICE World News delves into the underworld of illegal gold mining in South Africa that is costing the country over a billion dollars a year.

“You can make roughly R20m a month – zama zamas gang boss”



South Africa’s dire unemployment levels have left millions of people living in poverty and doing anything necessary in order to survive and support their families.

For example, in locations with abandoned mines, zama zamas, or illicit miners, sift for gold to sell on the black market. Once the world’s biggest producer of gold, South Africa has more than 6 000 abandoned mines.

These mines make for fertile ground for zama zamas to try their luck. Additionally, alleged turf wars often erupt between several zama zama gangs for control of the former mining areas.

In a recent “Vice” mini-documentary about illegal mining, one zama zama boss whose identity was withheld was quoted as saying: ‘’This is a business, this is a game. There’s nothing you can do. If somebody plays in your territory, you need to fix him up.

‘’You need to rob Peter to pay Paul. It’s blood money. There’s a group of five of us who are the big bosses. We can make roughly R20 million and we share it among ourselves.’’

The zama zama top dog told “Vice” that the process worked as smoothly as a well-oiled machine when it comes to bribing corrupt police officers to stay off their tails.

‘’In our scheme, we take out around R15 000 a month...They are on our payroll, those cops.’’

Thabang Mbote, an artisanal miner, also spoke to the media company about the conditions of his work above ground. He said that sometimes he can work for a week or even a month without getting nothing.

‘’I don’t see myself as a zama zama. That word does not sit well with me at all. I am scared of those people,’’ he told “Vice”.

In 2022, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that a specialised police team would be set up to fight illegal mining in South Africa.

Seven suspected illegal miners were apprehended in January while mining for chrome at Mooihoek Mountain in Driekop, Limpopo, in January.

‘’The fight against illegal mining activities will continue to be intensified across the province, particularly in the Sekhukhune and Mopani districts.

“We warn communities to desist from engaging in these illegal activities as the police will relentlessly arrest all perpetrators and seize their equipment,” said Limpopo provincial commissioner, Lieutenant-General Thembi Hadebe.

However, the police are fighting a losing battle because as some zama zamas get arrested, more come to take their places. ‘’Unfortunately, because of the money going up and down, arresting them is not the end of it,’’ a police officer told ‘’Vice’’. He said it is an ongoing battle.

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d9e924 No.127796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301132 (071635ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Eastern Cape residents concerned over recent mass murders

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“Eastern Cape residents concerned over recent mass murders”


Published 19h ago

Cape Town - Eastern Cape residents are living in fear after a number of recent mass murders in the province.

The residents say they are living in fear as the killings appear to be becoming a trend.

Last week, 17 people were gunned down in three separate incidents in Gqeberha and Bityi near Mthatha.

Speaking to SABC News, Eastern Cape's MEC of Community Safety spokesperson, Unathi Binqose, said the recent killings are largely happening from two regions, namely the OR Tambo and the Nelson Mandela Bay.

“If you go to the OR Tambo district you will find that these killings are related to family feuds that date back years and some are related to stock theft.

When you go to the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro you will find that it’s a different story and the issue of drugs has been one of the leading factors including the issue of tender that has been happening for too long in both of these economic hubs of the province and we are looking at that as the department,” he said.

Binqose maintained that illegal firearms have been a major contributing factor in all of these cases especially in areas where they have been able to make arrests.

It is that reason the MEC Xolile Nqatha committed himself that they need to cut the supply of illegal firearms and when we are done with that for those firearms that are already in the hands of the criminals to ensure that we disarm them.

“If we disarm them then we will be able to make a significant dent in these mass murders that are becoming a trend in the Eastern Cape.

“In October last year, we reported about a traffic officer who was shot and killed in the very same Nelson Mandela Bay Metro, and that woman was disarmed and her firearm is still out there or possibly in the hands of criminals,” Binqose said.

Binqose further added that criminals are forcefully taking firearms to legal owners and own them in order to commit crime in the communities using those guns.

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d9e924 No.127797

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301174 (071645ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / 18301217 Gun Free South Africa, UN supported NGO

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Gun Free South Africa


GFSA was formed in 1995 to make a material contribution to the safety and security of South Africa by reducing gun-related violence. [yeah right!]

It was in this charged environment that the seed for Gun Free SA was planted; with a campaign for civilians to hand in their guns for destruction. The campaign movers were members of the religious sub-committee involved in the National Peace Accord that played a significant role in the birth of democracy in South Africa. Prominent individuals like President Nelson Mandela and Bishop Peter Storey – one of the founders of Gun Free SA – saw the campaign as central to this process.

Gun Free SA began building a broad-based civil society alliance to strengthen gun control. The Gun Control Alliance (GCA), launched in 1999, grew to represent over 450 organisations, institutions and individuals representing business, health, human rights, religious, women and youth organisations.

The GCA had its origins in the Gun Control Charter, developed by GFSA as a tool to bridge the gap between policy makers and civil society. The Charter consisted of a list of minimum demands to be included in a new Firearms Control Act.

Gun Free SA’s work during this period is regarded as an example of effective public policy advocacy as was confirmed in an independent evaluation by a funder: According to stakeholders, including alliance members, state department officials and MPs, the GCA significantly contributed to the campaign for stricter gun control.

Establishing islands of safety

The Gun Free Zone project (GFZ) project is an important tool used by Gun Free SA to create safe spaces and encourage debate about individual and community safety.

As a result of our work with communities, the Firearms Control Act (2000) makes provision for the establishment of Firearm Free Zones (FFZs). Click here, https://www.gfsa.org.za/take-action/how-to/make-your-space-a-gun-free-zone. for more information on how to leave your fear at the door and make your space a GFZ. Click here, https://gfsa.org.za/download/6-gfsa-gunfreezonesfirearmfreezones-2013-2/?wpdmdl=2866&refresh=61ea98763aa691642764406, for more information on the differences between GFZs and FFZs.

Much of Gun Free SA’s GFZ work has been included in a United Nations guideline document. Click here, https://gfsa.org.za/download/3-unoda-gfztool-2014-final-2/?wpdmdl=2865&refresh=61ea98763e43e1642764406, to download the Office of Disarmament Affairs Guidelines on how to establish and maintain gun-free zones.

In 2000, despite vocal opposition from South Africa’s gun lobby, the Firearms Control Act was passed and promulgated in 2004.

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d9e924 No.127798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301187 (071649ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / 18301217 Gun Free South Africa, UN supported NGO

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“Were you ever tempted to violence? : Archbishop Desmond Tutu” - https://youtu.be/nm2Egr1m1-g

1:52 – “I did get to the point of saying, I am not a pacifist because… I couldn’t want to sit by say whilst Hitler was throwing children into gas chambers… I recognized that there might come a time when you have to say that non-violent means were no longer viable… [16 Dec 1982 church sermon] We have been deluding ourselves too often. We have thought that there were nice white people. That there were nice newspapers. Newspapers that cared about our struggle! Our struggle! Why our struggle is going to succeed? Is not just because of numbers. Our struggle is going to succeed because it is a just struggle.”

Guns Free South Africa Patrons


GFSA founder Professor Emeritus Bishop Peter Storey

Peter Storey is former president of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, past president of the South African Council of Churches, and was Methodist Bishop of the Johannesburg/Soweto area for 13 years. In the 1980s he became a national leader in the church struggle against apartheid and co-led an ecumenical delegation to the United Nations, the U.S. Congress and Europe, urging intensified pressure on the apartheid regime in 1984. Committed to non-violence and reconciliation, Peter Storey was a founder of the Methodist Order of Peacemakers and Gun Free South Africa. He co-chaired the regional Peace Accord structures intervening in political violence before South Africa’s first democratic elections and was appointed by President Nelson Mandela to help select the nation’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Human rights and gender activist Pregs Govender

Pregs Govender is a writer, educator, and the author of Love and Courage, A Story of Insubordination. During SA’s transition, she managed the Women’s National Coalition campaign for equality and women’s rights in the Constitution and future SA. As an ANC MP from 1994 she chaired Parliament’s committee on women. In 2002, she resigned after registering opposition to the arms deal in the defence budget vote and chairing HIV/AIDS public hearings (breaking the silence of the ANC Caucus on treatment). In 2009 Parliament unanimously elected her to the South African Human Rights Commission which she served as Deputy Chair until 2015.

RIP GFSA Patron Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu

A globally respected peacemaker, Tutu recognised that “real peace never comes from the barrel of a gun.” [The lies!]

He was a committed supporter of a gun free South Africa, calling for SA’s first democratic election to be gun free, supporting SA’s first national firearms amnesty on 16 December 1994 and soon thereafter becoming a patron of Gun Free South Africa after the organisation was established in 1995.

His commitment to silencing the guns was not limited to South Africa: In 2018 the Arch awarded the International Children’s Peace Prize to the Parkland students in the USA for establishing an international movement after a deadly school shooting. Presenting the award, Tutu called the March For Our Lives movement one of the most significant youth-led mass movements in living memory and its founders “true change-makers.”

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d9e924 No.127799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301409 (071727ZFEB23) Notable: EFF Bun / "Vile misinformation" IFP responds to EFF’s assassination claims

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“‘Vile misinformation’: IFP responds to EFF’s assassination claims”


07-02-2023 14:54

The IFP has called on Police Minister, Bheki Cele and the State Security Agency to investigate assassination claims by the EFF.

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has accused the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) of sensationalist and fabricated allegations regarding the alleged assassination plot of Marshall Dlamini.

On Tuesday, 7 February, the EFF said it received an intelligence report from the South African Police Service (SAPS) that senior members in the IFP are plotting to assassinate Dlamini.


IFP spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa said the EFF’s delusions of grandeur have come full circle in the face of a brewing internal revolt emanating from its decision to restore the ANC into power.

Hlengwa said the EFF exaggerated its influence, assuming its parting ways with the IFP would spell disaster for the party.

“Where we must warn the EFF, however, is when it begins pressing on the old wounds of our people with no regard for the pain that this causes. The allegations are inflammatory and dangerous politicking.

“They have produced nothing to back this serious claim, which the IFP now demands be investigated by SAPS. If SAPS genuinely knew of an assassination plot and knew who was plotting it, they would have made arrests.”

Mkhuleko Hlongwa

The IFP has also called on Police Minister Bheki Cele and the State Security Agency to clarify the allegation.


Furthermore, Hlengwa said the EFF’s latest political stunt of removing themselves from co-governance with the IFP did not yield the results the party had hoped for. Suddenly, the IFP – with whom they happily worked until it refused to hand over governance of Umhlathuze [Richards Bay area] – is an “agent of apartheid” that “only thrives through violence”.

“This kind of flip-flopping is the unique brand of the EFF. Lest we forget, the same Malema who declared in 2021 that there is ‘no way, no way, the EFF is going to vote with the ANC’, is now voting with the ANC,” Hlengwa said.

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d9e924 No.127800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301422 (071729ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Supreme Court of Appeal ruled against mining companies (Parts 1&2)

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“Supreme Court of Appeal ruled against mining companies” – Part 1


07-02-2023 13:05

Mining companies lost challenging appeal on the certification of Silicosis class action at the Supreme Court of Appeal.

Article originally published on GroundUp by Tania Broughton

•	The Supreme Court of Appeal has ruled against mining companies that are challenging the certification of the silicosis class action against them.

•	The court said it is in the interests of justice that the class action be expedited because the claimants are poor and vulnerable.

•	The judge said the issues raised by DRDGold and East Rand Proprietary Mines are not appealable at this stage.

The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) has dismissed a bid by two mining companies to challenge a court certification of a class action which could potentially result in them being liable for damages suffered by thousands of miners who contracted silicosis.

Apart from challenging the certification, DRDGold and East Rand Proprietary Mines also wanted to overturn the decision in the Johannesburg High Court to develop the common law, allowing families of miners who have subsequently died, or may die pending the resolution of the case, to benefit from any eventual damages award or settlement.

But the SCA has said neither issue is appealable at this stage and struck the matter from the roll.

This means that the class action can proceed.


At this stage there are only 69 applicants in the class action and a process is underway for others affected to either opt in or opt out of the litigation, following which “common issues” would be determined in a first round of litigation and then individual claims during a second stage.

Following the certification of the litigation as a class action, several of the initial 32 mining companies (and parent companies), the owners of 82 mines, which had been cited, entered into settlement agreements with miners who worked for them.

But DRDGold and East Rand Proprietary Mines launched an appeal with the SCA.

In the ruling handed down this week, Judge Christiaan van der Merwe, writing for the court, said it was common cause that over several decades many thousands of underground mine workers in South African gold mines contracted silicosis or pulmonary tuberculosis, caused through the inhalation of large quantities of silica dust.

Silicosis is a painful, incurable and progressive disease, often resulting in death.

It is contended by the miners that while tuberculosis is a treatable bacterial lung disease, exposure to excessive silica dust increases the risk of miners contracting it.

Judge van der Merwe said the mining companies represented virtually the entire industry in South Africa, including “parent companies” because of their controlling interest.


In the High Court, the 69 miners had presented evidence of prolonged industry-wide underground exposure to unhealthy levels of silica dust and that the mining companies had been negligent and wrong in failing to properly address this health hazard.

They said every affected mineworker – or his dependents – had a claim for damages.

After certifying the class action, the high court then signed off on a declaratory order (the declarator) which, in effect, developed the common law which up to that time decreed that any claim for general damages, pain and suffering or loss of amenities of life, terminated on the death of the claimant.

The effect of this was that mineworkers who had died, or would die before the finalisation of the litigation, would still have a valid claim and any damages would go to their estate, for the benefit of their heirs.

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d9e924 No.127801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301430 (071729ZFEB23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Supreme Court of Appeal ruled against mining companies (Parts 1&2)

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“Supreme Court of Appeal ruled against mining companies” – Part 2


07-02-2023 13:05


Judge van der Merwe said as a result of a settlement agreement signed by the majority of the mines, the certification only now applied to six mining companies. Only DRDGold and East Rand Proprietary Mines appealed.

Judge van der Merwe said orders were generally not appealable if they were not final and definitive.

“The certification is no more than a procedural device aimed at facilitating the determination of the class action. It has no final effect … and is susceptible to alteration by the court hearing the class action.

“It is not definitive of any rights.”

The judge said the mining companies had contended that should the certification not be set aside, their participation in the class action would cause them to suffer undue prejudice because they had little part to play in it.

This was because the tuberculosis claims had already been withdrawn against them, there was no parent company liability against them and they had ceased underground mining between 2000 and 2008.

Judge Van der Merwe, however, said that the trial court would have wide procedural options at its disposal and any issues unrelated to the two mining companies could be separated out.


“The appellants’ complaint of prejudice in this regard appears to be exaggerated,” he said.

“The participation of each of the appellants in underground mining constitutes a significant portion of the ambit of the remaining class action.”

Regarding the declarator, the judge said the potential class members were poor and vulnerable and the litigation had already been ongoing for ten years.

“Should we entertain an appeal at this stage, there may be a further appeal.

“For me the overwhelming interest of justice consideration is that the finalisation of the class action should be expedited.”

The court struck the matter from the roll, ordering the mines to pay the costs.

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d9e924 No.127802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301902 (071855ZFEB23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Patriotic Alliance secures second mayoral position (video)

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“Ditsobotla Municipality| ANC will vote for Patriotic Alliance for mayor: Gayton mckenzie” - https://youtu.be/W1_AixWemSo

“Patriotic Alliance secures second mayoral position”


09-01-2023 22:12

Patriotic Alliance has today, Monday, 9 January, secured a second mayoral position in the history of the party’s politics.


Member of the Patriotic Alliance Itumeleng Elizabeth Lethoko was elected as the new mayor of Ditsobotla Local Municipality following a special sitting earlier.

The special sitting took place at Ngaka Moderi Molema District Municipality Chambers in Mahikeng.


According to the SABC North West, her nomination was supported by the ANC and Forum For Service Delivery. The ANC received 16 seats following Dec 14th by-elections, while the opposition parties had 23, combined. This led to coalition talks, which saw the ANC, F4SD and Patriotic Alliance agreeing to their coalition conditions.

Through this coalition, Fikile Jakeni of the ANC was elected the Speaker of the Municipality. He received 20 votes while his opponent Letlamoreng Mosiane from the Save Ditsobotla Movement secured 17 votes.

“Congratulations are in order to Itumeleng Elizabeth Lethoko of Patriotic Alliance South Africa for her election as the mayor of Ditsobotla Local Municipality.”

Bonginkosi Khanyile


“The council is [currently] taking place at Mahikeng, at the Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality chamber. And I can confirm it is led by the PA Mayor. Salute President Gayton Mckenzie you led us well. This is WAR!” Khanyile updated earlier.

“A Mayor from the Patriotic Alliance will lead the Ditsobotla Municipality. The people of Ditsobotla can be assured of service delivery. Where the PA lead, service delivery is paramount. Ons baiza nie. Salute!!! Well done my President Gayton McKenzie!!! Salute Itumeleng Lethoko Salute!!!” Patriotic Alliance Bronville Ward 11.

The first mayoral position was secured by party president Gayton McKenzie in the Central Karoo District Municipality in the Western Cape where he has proved to be a leader to be reckoned with.

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d9e924 No.127803

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301916 (071857ZFEB23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Patriotic Alliance secures second mayoral position (video)

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>Salute President Gayton Mckenzie you led us well. This is WAR!” Khanyile updated earlier.

Then comes the coalition shenanigans.

“Patriotic Alliance on Ditsobotla mayor's resignation” hours after she was elected


Jan 10, 2023

The mayor of Ditsobotla Municipality in the North West resigned hours after she was elected. Elizabeth Lethoko says her decision was triggered by the ANC's proposal to appoint the administrator as municipal manager. Her party, the Patriotic Alliance has rallied behind her. Patriotic Alliance's deputy president Kenny Kunene speaks to Xoli Mngambi.

6:54 – “In the same principal of clean governance, why was it prudent to you as a party to put forward the name of Elizabeth Lethoko? This was someone who convicted for fraud and this was in breach of the municipal Finance Management Act 2015 when she attempted to influence the finance chief of the municipality for funds to be channeled towards a birthday party… We are a political party of 2nd chances… Myself and the president have been given 2nd chance.”

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d9e924 No.127804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301922 (071858ZFEB23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Patriotic Alliance secures second mayoral position (video)

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“U-turn – Patriotic Alliance’s Elizabeth Lethoko withdraws resignation as mayor of troubled Ditsobotla municipality”


12 Jan 2023

The mayor of the ailing Ditsobotla Local Municipality in North West has withdrawn her resignation following meetings between ANC and PA leaders. Her resignation had not been processed yet and the Speaker accepted her withdrawal. The municipality has had 14 municipal managers, four mayors and four Speakers in six years, resulting in a total collapse of governance.

P atriotic Alliance (PA) councillor Elizabeth Lethoko has withdrawn her resignation as mayor of the troubled Ditsobotla Local Municipality in North West.

Speaking to Daily Maverick on Wednesday evening, PA Deputy President Kenny Kunene said they had talks with their coalition partners, which include the ANC, and reached an agreement that the mayor must withdraw her resignation.

“The Speaker has indicated that the letter was not yet processed, so the withdrawal is accepted and therefore the mayor of the PA will lead that municipality.”

He added that they also spoke with the African Heart Congress, which is part of the coalition.

“Their president accepted our input and said they are also on board. The ANC will go to speak to Forum 4 Service Delivery. On Friday, all the coalition partners are meeting to map a way forward for the councillors.”

Commenting on the vacant municipal manager post, Kunene said the council would meet and decide as a collective whether they would accept the proposal of someone being deployed by the provincial Department of Cooperative Governance or whether the council would appoint someone directly while the post is advertised.

Meanwhile, another coalition partner, Forum 4 Service Delivery (F4SD), said it rejected the PA’s attempt to withdraw the resignation of the mayor.

“We are wondering what has changed and what enticed them [the PA] to attempt to withdraw the resignation,” said F4SD National Working Committee member Thapelo Makgale.

“In all the shenanigans by the PA, coalition partners were never consulted; instead we established through the media that Lethoko has resigned,” added Makgale.

Last year, the Ditsobotla Local Municipality was dissolved by Parliament, following massive non-compliance breaches and reports of maladministration.

The municipality has had 14 municipal managers, four mayors and four Speakers in six years, resulting in a total collapse of governance.

Last year, dairy group Clover closed its cheese factory in Lichtenburg, the company’s biggest, due to the ailing service delivery in North West.

Before the by-elections, Daily Maverick visited the municipality and saw total decay, with townships full of exposed sewage while the streets, which are mostly not tarred, were full of litter.

In the subsequent by-elections, the ANC lost its majority for the first time since the dawn of democracy in SA, going from 51% to 39%.

The ANC then entered into a coalition with the PA, F4SD and African Heart Congress, which gave it 21 seats in the 39-seat council.

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d9e924 No.127805

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301934 (071859ZFEB23) Notable: Gayton McKenzie Bun / "I will run for President in 2024" Central Karoo Mayor Gayton McKenzie says after 100 days in office (video)

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We should keep an eye on them.

“Gayton McKenzie, Hersov’s ’Prez”, explains PA’s switch: ‘DA had to be taught a lesson’ ahead of 2024”


Oct 20, 2022

In this no-holds-barred interview Patriotic Alliance leader Gayton McKenzie opens a window into what South Africans can expect from coalition rule after the 2024 National Election. At the very least, it promises to be exciting. The PA’s co-founder says his ‘kingmaking’ moves that reinstated power for the ANC in Johannesburg and Knysna, are deliberate lessons for erstwhile allies – especially the Democratic Alliance whose leader he again meets with tomorrow. Arguing the end justifies his means, McKenzie maintains if allowed to continue, current bickering between anti-ANC parties threatens to snatch defeat from the jaws of 2024’s probable victory. He maintains the PA’s switching sides will prove the point that coalitions must be run as true partnerships – and is confirmation he will always follow through on what he promises. In this interview with Alec Hogg of BizNews, McKenzie also explains the reasons why the PA rejected formal offers of funding from ‘my friend’ Rob Hersov and like-minded tycoons. At BNC#4, in Hersov’s suggested post-2024 cabinet he proposed McKenzie as SA’s President.

29:59 – “One thing he did right for his country, it’s a gift that Rob Hersov gave to this country. He has shown business people… he is the Harry Oppenheimer of our time.

“‘I will run for President in 2024’, Central Karoo Mayor Gayton McKenzie says after 100 days in office”


24 Jul 2022

Gayton McKenzie gave himself 12/10 for his achievements as mayor of the Central Karoo District in his first 100 days — even though he was light on the details. He announced he would run for President in 2024, and offered his services (free of charge) ‘to fix Eskom’.

McKenzie, who was jailed as a teenager for a failed bank robbery decades ago, went on to become a motivational speaker, author and businessperson. He founded the Patriotic Alliance (PA) in 2013 with his friend Kenny Kunene – with the pair acting as president and deputy president, respectively.

During a council sitting to elect a mayor after Mitchell Smith resigned, only McKenzie was nominated — no opposition candidate was put forward.

Friday’s celebration was attended by coalition partners and about 1,000 PA supporters from across the country. Also in attendance were McKenzie’s friends and investors — such as billionaire Rob Hersov, Karoo politics strongman and former Beaufort West mayor Truman Prince, and, of course, Kunene.

He praised Kunene and Hersov, specifically for their role in creating employment and fixing basic needs, including the eradication of bucket toilets and repairing potholes.

“There will be fracking happening in the Central Karoo. We will mine uranium in the Central Karoo — Johannesburg had nothing, they mined and today they have everything… Why can’t Central Karoo have everything?”

“I, Gayton McKenzie, will be running for President in 2024,” he said.

McKenzie also made renewed comments on expelling foreign nationals: “Foreigners will go home if I became the President.” And: “When you are a foreigner legally here you must come with a special skill — you can’t do a job that can be done by a South African.”

McKenzie said he was offering his services as Eskom CEO as incumbent André de Ruyter was unable to deal with the “mafias” who operate in the diesel, petrol and transportation sectors and the unions.

Addressing President Cyril Ramaphosa directly, he said: “I am volunteering without a salary to fix Eskom for you… I have fixed the Central Karoo, I will deal with the mafias.”

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d9e924 No.127806

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18301973 (071904ZFEB23) Notable: Gayton McKenzie Bun / Gayton McKenzie: "Zweli Mkhize attempted to poison Jacob Zuma”

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Remember the attached pdf which was posted in one of the previous SA breads. “Dr.” Zweli Mkhize was part of an international team to ‘fight’ Covid.

“Gayton McKenzie: Zweli Mkhize attempted to poison Jacob Zuma”


8 Feb 2018

Gayton McKenzie, the author of ‘Kill Zuma by Any Means Necessary’, has reacted to a letter written by a faction of the MKMVA claiming ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa attempted to poison President Jacob Zuma.

In a letter addressed to ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule, the ‘Concerned Umkhonto weSizwe veterans’ wrote: “We also demand that the leadership of the ANC who were there when poisoned liver was placed before the president, Jacob Zuma, be revealed to the membership of the ANC and the nation. How can the organisation’s top leaders sit on such information?”

“Where did the liver come from, who prepared it and who wanted the president to eat it and die. Without the leadership telling us, we conclude it is Cyril Ramaphosa,” the faction of the MKMVA said.

MKMVA spokesperson Carl Niehaus has said the members of this faction were not speaking for the organisation.

McKenzie has since responded to the assertions in a statement published on AfricaNews24-7, as well as his own Twitter account.

“My sources have confirmed that there was a plot to kill President Jacob Zuma. The plot involved feeding Zuma a piece of liver, or according to another version, a plate of vegetables,” McKenzie stated and disclosed the culprit was Dr Zweli Mkhize.

“The liver or the vegetables had been poisoned and brought to the table from outside of Luthuli House to be served to the president.

“I at no point said that Ramaphosa recommended the food in question to President Zuma. In the book, it is only stated that it was a member of the top six who suggested the president should try the food,” McKenzie clarified.

“By not naming the person, I realise now that I created needless speculation, and everyone has simply concluded the person was Ramaphosa. This calls upon me to now set the record straight and be clear that it was the then treasurer-general Zweli Mkhize, who was accused of recommending the food to President Zuma.

“The president confronted him about it afterwards, whereupon I understand Mkhize claimed not to remember anything about the incident. Hopefully, this clarification will set the record straight. Future editions of the book will also feature an edit to ensure this unintended confusion is removed,” the statement reads.

Taher Mather, Dr Mkhize’s spokesperson, was unable to get a comment from the former premier of KwaZulu-Natal, as he is currently in Cape Town.

Mather explained that by the time Pule Mabe, new ANC spokesperson, announced the postponement of the special NEC meeting scheduled for today to February 17 and 18, Mkhize and most other NEC members had already flown to Cape Town in preparation of the gathering of the party’ decision-making structure in between conferences.

Former Prasa chief executive Lucky Montana implicated Mkhize in state capture corruption during his submission to the parliamentary inquiry into Eskom maladministration. City Press reported that in a letter Mkhize sent to Zukiswa Rantho, chairperson of the public enterprises committee, he said he was exploring his legal recourse on the allegations.

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d9e924 No.127807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18302048 (071916ZFEB23) Notable: Updated Jacob Zuma Bun / Siphiwe Nyanda: Profiling the alleged apartheid spy (Parts 1&2)

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>We have a situation in MK where people killed. One of the survivors with tears in his eyes told me thank you for being brave to ask me this question because I asked him, “who sold you out.” With tears in his eyes, he said I was sold out by comrade Siphiwe Nyanda… Siphiwe Nyanda is a spy.”

“SOUTH AFRICA: FORMER GUERRILLA LEADER [Siphiwe Nyanda] TO BECOME MILITARY CHIEF” (30 Apr 1998) - https://youtu.be/EA1mp3SnDpE

“Siphiwe Nyanda: Profiling the alleged apartheid spy” – Part 1


5-07-2019 18:59

The former president claims that Nyanda’s spy name was ‘Ralph’.

Former president Jacob Zuma made startling revelations on his first day at the state capture inquiry. None was more shocking than the accusation he made about former SANDF General Siphiwe Nyanda.

Zuma stated that he has been the target of a character assassination plot that has been active since 1990.

He alluded to the presence of dark forces deployed by three intelligence agencies — two from foreign governments and one established by the apartheid regime — whose agenda was to neutralise him.

Claiming that this was his last bid to redeem what’s left of his struggle legacy before these ‘dark forces’ succeed in killing him, the former president went on to make bold accusations against Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, Fikile Mbalula and Ngoako Ramatlhodi.

The name that flew under the radar, partially due to the celebrity of the aforementioned figures, was Siphiwe Nyanda.

Probably the most shocking accusation he has made so far, Zuma alleged that Nyanda was recruited by the apartheid government to infiltrate the structures of the ANC’s struggle movement.


Nyanda is a 69-year-old high-ranking government official, considered by many as an icon of the liberation struggle. Much of his early roles in the fight against apartheid were with the uMkhonto Wesizwe (MK) military wing in the 1970s.

He joined the party’s military in 1974, and within a span of ten years, he rose up the ranks and became a field commander, playing a key role in directing coordinated operations against the apartheid government in the 1980s.

Nyanda’s work with MK and 1994’s Transitional Executive Council earned him the position within the SANDF as the Chief of Defence Force Staff of the country’s military.

The General served the SANDF in different positions until 2005. Four years later, he was moved to the Ministry of Communications, ironically serving under the administration of Zuma’s first term as the head of state.

He would only spend 18 months in this role, after facing mounting pressure about tender irregularities and accusations that he personally benefitted from state funds.

Nyanda would go under the radar for eight years, before returning to the fore of public service as a board member of Denel, South Africa’s embattled arms manufacturer.

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d9e924 No.127808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18302057 (071919ZFEB23) Notable: Updated Jacob Zuma Bun / Siphiwe Nyanda: Profiling the alleged apartheid spy (Parts 1&2)

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“State Capture | Spies, lies and conspiracies” - https://youtu.be/Y8qHegeeog0

3:05 – “The war today is fought at intelligence level. No longer at guns etc..”

“Siphiwe Nyanda: Profiling the alleged apartheid spy” – Part 2


15-07-2019 18:59


While Zuma, during his testimony, recognised Nyanda’s achievements, he alleged that the General’s struggle history was tainted. Zuma told the commission of an apartheid spy named Ralph whose mission was to infiltrate the ranks of the ANC.

As the ANC’s intelligence operative, Zuma revealed that he always had the advantage of receiving leaked information. One of this included Nyanda, who he alleged was in cahoots with the Swazi government and the apartheid regime under the alias ‘Ralph’.

Zuma brought Nyanda’s arrest in Swaziland to question, where he alleged that an orchestrated attack on the prison that held him was part of the ploy to maintain the integrity of the undercover operation and to not compromise his identity.

Zuma revealed that upon their release from prison, he had received intelligence that the mole in the movement was given an instruction to hug a certain operative as an indication that he was not compromised.

As it turns out, it was allegedly Nyanda who was hugged by the operative, confirming, based on his intelligence, that the former Minister of Communications was an apartheid spy.

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d9e924 No.127809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18302061 (071920ZFEB23) Notable: Updated Jacob Zuma Bun / Nyanda will not seek legal action against Zuma – Was he concerned that the truth would come out? (video)

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“Nyanda will not seek legal action against Zuma” – Was he concerned that the truth would come out?


Jul 16, 2019

Former SANDF head, Siphiwe Nyanda, claims former president, Jacob Zuma, is a bitter man.

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d9e924 No.127810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18302094 (071927ZFEB23) Notable: Final Julius Malema & Jacques Pauw Bun / Who’s Rob Hersov: An Intricate Look (Parts 1&2)

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>McKenzie also explains the reasons why the PA rejected formal offers of funding from ‘my friend’ Rob Hersov and like-minded tycoons.

>One thing he did right for his country, it’s a gift that Rob Hersov gave to this country. He has shown business people… he is the Harry Oppenheimer of our time.


>The Menell family is one of the biggest family in mining. I’m in mining, so know the families. Menell paid for [Ramaphosa’s] schooling through the Urban Foundation. He gave them money to start NUM. The National Union of Mineworkers was started by money from from Menell, Oppenheimer and Rupert.


>In our country, you have the Ruperts, the Menells and you have the Oppenheimers that controls these people.


>They know the reason why black people have nothing is because of CODESA and of what happened in CODESA. Our Constitution was written… under the supervision of Menell, Oppenheimer and Rupert.

Is history in the process of repeating itself?

“Who’s Rob Hersov: An Intricate Look” – Part 1


February 20, 2022

Who’s Rob Hersov, the man who holds the details of the meeting between British Lord Robin Renwick & EFF’s Julius Malema in London? Malema & Renwick having met under the Chatham House protocols of sworn secrecy, so who’s Rob to have privileged third party information? Chatham House is the 3rd most powerful society & what is said there stays there- you speak you die.

It’s well established that Rob Hersov is the son of Basil Hersov. Basil Hersov is former chairperson & shareholder in the former Anglo Vaal mining company, co-owned with the Menell families. In essence Rob Hersov is the heir to the Hersov family wealth, however keen to make his own mark- Rob left abroad.

Having worked as an executive for such companies as Wall Street listed Morgan Stanley bank, & Italian based pay-tv company Telepui owned by Richemont of Johann Rupert, Rob used his contacts to raise capital to form a company called Sportal in 1998 of which was a sports website development company, & secured contracts with various elite sports entities across Europe & even the South African rugby team.

With Rob as CEO, by May of 2000 Sportal was worth £270 million. However by March 2001 Rob admits the company is falling as investors start to pull out- Rob resigns as CEO, & in November 2001 Sportal is sold for £1, yes one pound. 2002 Rob Hersov founded the executive jet service Marquis Jet Europe of which was a successful venture of which he sold it to rival Netjets, controlled by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway in 2004 & Rob remained as the vice-chairman of Netjets Europe.

Fresh & jubilant from this success- Rob Hersov financially backed German businessman Lars Windhorst to launch an investment firm called Sapinda with Windhorst as CEO & Hersov as board chair, & was again wildly successful building up a balance sheet of more than £900million. However the financial sector global crisis of 2007 dragged Sapinda down as Sapinda was shored up by debt.

German prosecutors however investigated Windhorst’s management of Sapinda & eventually brought 35 charges of fraud, embezzlement and breach of trust, but Windhorst entered into a plea bargain & was fined £850 000 & admitted a breach of trust offence, for which he was given a one-year probation period & with a criminal record after Sapinda had left it’s investors with £60 million in debts.

Hersov & Windhorst were also jointly accused by Alki Partners an American hedge fund- of fraudulent market manipulation. In 2008 a company called Vatas was sentenced by the Berlin Court to pay €29m to Audley Capital a British hegde fund. In 2009 German Bank NORD/LB sued Vatas for €150 million. Vatas filed for insolvency after this. Vatas was owned by Hersov with Windhorst as CEO. There’s also a link of $35 million investment by Sapinda into USA tech company Azubu TV, of which was subsequently embroiled in a $9 billion money laundering ring.

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d9e924 No.127811

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18302100 (071928ZFEB23) Notable: Final Julius Malema & Jacques Pauw Bun / Who’s Rob Hersov: An Intricate Look (Parts 1&2)

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“Who’s Rob Hersov: An Intricate Look” – Part 2


February 20, 2022

Rob Hersov’s track record of questionable to downright shady business dealings & direct association with a convicted fraudster with a criminal record irks.

Rob Hersov is now back in South Africa, & the domestic media reports him as a “Successful Billionaire On A Mission To Save South Africa”.

In his short stint back, he’s again in the spotlight.

Basil Hersov & the Menell family founded the Anglovaal mining company in 1933. It was unbundled & sold off in the late 1990s, but it’s subsidiary companies live on such as food processor AVI, glass maker Consol , & African Rainbow Minerals(ARM) of Patrice Motsepe. Hersov’s brother, James Hersov is a non-executive director of AVI. Rick Menell is ARM’s non-executive deputy chairman.

It must be noted that the Mennel family formed the Urban Foundation NGO with the Oppenheimers & Rupert families. The Urban Foundation payed for Ramaphosa’s law degree studies & Ramaphosa went on to work for the Urban Foundation from 1985 to 1990.

Further note that Lord Worked on the board of Rupert’s company Richemont from 1995 to 2020. The same Richemont that employed Rob Hersov under it’s subsidiary Telepui before Hersov established Sportal, so it’s still the same old order of influence.

Why are EFF’s Julius Malema & Nhlanhla Lux of Operation Dudula holding clandestine meetings with Rob Hersov. What’s interesting though is that Rupert’s employees are the ones holding meetings with Malema & Lux, but at least Rupert meets personally with Ramaphosa which shows a certain level of courtesy- although Rob Hersov recently publicly call Ramaphosa a “moron” & told Ramaphosa to lift the curfews of which Ramaphosa instantly complied.

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d9e924 No.127812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18306633 (081355ZFEB23) Notable: EFF Bun / EFF-ANC coalition targets Alfred Duma Municipality (KZN)

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“EFF-ANC coalition targets Alfred Duma Municipality [KZN]”



Durban — In its drive to seize power from the IFP in hung municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal, the new ANC-EFF coalition is setting its sights on Alfred Duma municipality in a motion against the mayor on Wednesday.

ANC spokesperson in uKhahlamba region Bheki Khanyile told the Daily News the ANC was ready to reclaim power in the former Mnambithi local municipality, which the party ran for years until the IFP won it in the November 2021 local government election.

Khanyile said although the numbers were tight, he was hoping councillors would put the interest of citizens first and vote with their conscience rather than party directives.

“We understand councillors take the mandate from their leaders who have not even set their foot in Ladysmith, so those may have no interest of the citizens at heart since they do not personally know the challenges faced by the people where their coalition partner, the IFP is in charge,” said Khanyile.

The motion against the mayor was filed by National People’s Assembly councillor Nathi Mthethwa, seconded by NFP councillor Bonisiwe Biyela.

ANC councillor Lindiwe Kubheka has filed against the speaker, while the EFF’s Lwazi Nkosi would present and motivate against the deputy mayor’s removal.

Although the EFF has helped the IFP to govern the municipality, the IFP kept all the senior positions. In the 73-seat council, the IFP has 33 and the ANC 28, while the EFF came third with five seats. The DA got three seats, and the NFP, NPA, African People’s Movement and Philani Mavundla’s Abantu Batho Congress got one each.

With the DA and ABC in the IFP corner, it looks like the IFP will survive with 37 votes against 36, unless some councillors among the IFP-led councillors use their conscience, as happened in Zululand.

An NFP councillor, Berthwel Nxumalo, rescued the IFP when he openly defied his own party position and used his conscience to vote with the IFP.

NPA councillor Mthethwa, who has been critical of IFP leadership since taking over in 2021, said he was hopeful their new coalition under the ANC would celebrate after the special council meeting. Had Mavundla’s relationship with ANC not soured, the ANC-led coalition was guaranteed victory in Alfred Duma.

In its media briefing recently, IFP president Velenkosini Hlabisa said his party had no sleepless nights and was not worried about the EFF and ANC coalition, arguing that his party’s calculations showed the IFP would only lose KwaMaphumulo and uMhlabuyalingana local municipalities.

These are two poor rural municipalities with revenue collection issues and solely depend on government grant funding, so losing them would be no big deal.

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d9e924 No.127813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18306635 (081356ZFEB23) Notable: EFF Bun / EFF says it has ‘working relationship’ with ANC in KZN

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“EFF says it has ‘working relationship’ with ANC in KZN”



Durban - The EFF has revealed that it has entered into a “working relationship” with the ANC in eThekwini while bilateral talks for a more formal relationship are under way.

EFF provincial leader Mongezi Twala said they were in a working relationship with the ANC, albeit an informal arrangement while talks were ongoing.

But he revealed that one of the conditions that would pave the way for a formal working relationship with the ANC, was the removal of eThekwini mayor Mxolisi Kaunda from the post.

In an interview with The Mercury yesterday, he said: “Yes, we are working with the ANC. We want to block the re-emergence of the ‘establishment’, the partnership between the DA and the IFP.

“We want to see the back of that ‘establishment’. We have decided we should work with these ones (ANC) as corrupt as they are, and we tell them to their faces they are corrupt,” he said.

Rumours of an arrangement between the two parties have been circulating for some time and gained momentum after the EFF cut ties with the IFP, ending their coalitions in municipalities they were governing together in KZN.

The arrangement became more apparent when the EFF voted with the ANC on key issues last Friday in an eThekwini council meeting, including on the appointment of a deputy mayor and against a motion of no confidence in Kaunda. In December last year, EFF councillors protested during a council meeting, calling for Kaunda to be axed.

On Monday, the party had claimed it voted against the motion on Kaunda because the smaller parties had been “arrogant” and not consulted it on their plans to oust Kaunda.

“We are going to make changes in the city but we will do this on our own time,” said Twala.

“There are bilateral talks happening with the ANC and we have made it clear that as part of the condition of a formal relationship, Kaunda must be removed as the mayor.

“We need credible people in that post. That man (Kaunda) lacks vision and we have seen the city decay under him. We want credible people to lead the city that will deliver services to the community,” he said.

Twala said the ANC had not shown any indication of wanting to accede to this demand but the bilateral talks were still ongoing.

An ANC councillor in eThekwini, who did not want to be named because coalition talks are being handled by the province, said for the moment, the arrangement with the EFF was on an issue-by-issue basis. The official said the relationship with the smaller parties, which was established after the local government elections, would remain in place even if the ANC and the EFF reached an agreement.

Asked about the ANC and EFF relationship, ADeC councillor Visvin Reddy, who is a member of the bloc of smaller parties, said as far as they were aware, there was no relationship between the ANC and the EFF.

“We have had bilaterals with the ANC and we have put up certain conditions in the interests of the citizens of Durban. We will be watching developments very closely in the next few months.

“People now assume there is a relationship between the EFF and ANC based on one vote. We vote on principles and as ADeC we have voted against the ANC on a number of issues,” he said.

ANC spokesperson Mafika Mndebele said they were working not only with the EFF but with the other smaller parties in the council.

“Indeed, we are in constant negotiations with the EFF and as soon as agreements are reached we will make an announcement.”

He added that the ANC still had full confidence in Kaunda.

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d9e924 No.127814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18306643 (081358ZFEB23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC says Super Zuma will drive ‘agriculture revolution’ after he was appointed as KZN Agriculture and Rural Development MEC

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Is this another reason why KZN has been targeted by the EFF and ANC?

“ANC says Super Zuma will drive ‘agriculture revolution’ after he was appointed as KZN Agriculture and Rural Development MEC”



Durban - Former trade unionist and ANC KwaZulu-Natal secretary Super Zuma has been named as the new Agriculture and Rural Development MEC after a change was made in the provincial executive council due to former Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC Sihle Zikalala being deployed to the National Assembly.

In a media briefing at the Marine Building in Durban yesterday, KZN Premier Nomusa Dube-Ncube announced that MEC Bongi Sithole-Moloi would move from the Agriculture and Rural Development Department to become Cogta MEC, with Zuma taking her former role.

Zuma has also served as regional secretary of the National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) before joining the KZN legislature where he served as chief whip.

“He will work with the farming community to ensure that agriculture becomes our solution to both food insecurity and unemployment. Critically, Zuma will drive the programme of the agriculture revolution,” said party spokesperson Mafika Mndebele.

The spokesperson said Zuma’s appointment was in line with the ruling party’s plan of using the agricultural sector to drive the redistribution of wealth.

“This is extremely important considering the fact that this province has a total of 6.5  million hectares of land for farming purposes of which more than 82% is suitable for extensive livestock production and more than 18% is arable land,” Mndebele said.

Judge Poyo-Dlwati emphasised the need for office bearers to conduct themselves along the principles of the Constitution of the Republic, and promised to provide support from the judicial arm of government when needed.

Yesterday’s announcement came as a surprise to many in the ANC because of the swift manner in which Zikalala’s replacement had been found.

Some party members had expected that the ANC would go to the provincial workshop before announcing the new MEC.

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d9e924 No.127815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18375787 (191520ZFEB23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / In Conversation | SABC News spine-chilling interview with a hitman "Inkabi" (video)

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>Muti killings: from a client wish to a gruesome, evil death” - Sangomas


>Gun Free SA calls for action over gun ownership

“In Conversation | SABC News spine-chilling interview with a hitman "Inkabi"”


Feb 16, 2023

Police have confirmed that the killing of rapper, Kiernan 'AKA' Forbes, was a hit. A hitman, or Inkabi, as they are popularly known in isiZulu, is someone who is hired to carry out a murder. They are commonly used in taxi wars, gang wars and political killings. The SABC recently had a spine-chilling interview with an Inkabi.

1:46 – “You find us in church a lot. We go there to ask forgiveness. We believe more than all the congregants. We pray to be cleansed because we kill people for a living.”

6:56 – “Our victims are often sold out by their bodyguards. We offer them money. They are human too. We make them understand that we are doing our job just like them. They know that if they don’t cooperate, they are putting their lives at risk. We don’t want your children to starve. You are not the target. We tell them when their boss dies, they will easily find another job. We also work with the police. They are human too. When I need bullets for example, I get them from the police. They know my profession. They alert us about roadblocks and tell us which routes to avoid. They also tell us to hide our weapons so that they are not detected during a search operation. We are also able to evade detection by sniffer dogs because of the muthi we smear on our guns. We only expose the legal firearms for them to check. At times though, we are warned that it won’t be easy to pass through the roadblock. In that case we go back home and make another plan. After carrying out their assignments, hitmen often go for cleansing [at a traditional healer (or sangoma)].

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d9e924 No.127816

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18397610 (231510ZFEB23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / ENCA My Guest Tonight - Annika Larsen interview with Andre De Ruyter – “led to his ‘immediate’ departure as Eskom CEO” (video)

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“ENCA My Guest Tonight - Annika Larsen interview with Andre De Ruyter” – “led to his ‘immediate’ departure as Eskom CEO”


3:07 – “We know of at least 4 organised crime cartels operating in Mpumalanga in Eskom. Some of them also have interests in Transnet and we see that in our inability to rail coal to Majuba Power Station for example, where we don’t have enough electric locomotives because the overhead lines are stolen and Transnet does not have enough diesel locomotives because these are being tampered with and otherwise disabled. So these 4 cartels are quite sophisticated as far as we can tell. They are well organised. It is interesting that they’ve adopted the language of the mafia so people are called soldiers and they have a hit squad allegedly between 60 and 70 highly trained, well armed people and people get assassinated in Mpumalanga. I think the media maybe has become very used to these reports so they don’t receive much airtime anymore but every week there’s pretty much an assassination. So it’s deeply entrenched and it is highly organised.

“Eskom exposed: De Ruyter’s explosive revelations”


23-02-2023 11:57

Andre de Ruyter made various bombshell claims in an interview which now led to his ‘immediate’ departure as Eskom CEO.

Andre de Ruyter opened up in a candid interview on Wednesday 23 February about the alleged political interference and corruption at the embattled power utility. In less than 24 hours since speaking to eNCA journalist Annika Larsen, De Ruyter has been released from his duties as Eskom CEO “with immediate effect” — a month earlier than his planned exit.

In the interview, De Ruyter said the power utility is a “feeding trough for the ANC” and that the party is stuck in outdated communist ideologies


We break down De Ruyter’s bombshell claims from his eNCA interview. Take a look…


De Ruyter claims he approached a senior minister about a high-level politician that was involved in “sinister and potentially criminal activities” at Eskom.

“The minister in question looked at another senior official and just said: ‘I guess it was inevitable that it would come out anyway’. It suggests that it was not news,” De Ruyter told Larsen.

The now-former Eskom CEO would however not reveal who the person is, but according to him, he is still in a senior government position.


De Ruyter revealed that criminal syndicates in Mpumalanga were stealing around R1 billion a month from Eskom. Despite this widespread theft and criminal activity, state security was “missing in action”.

“However, they did see fit to send one of their agents to COP 27 to keep an eye on me.”


De Ruyter then discussed the ANC, saying that “they want what will win them the next election, not what will keep the country going for the next two decades”.

He said the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), under the leadership of minister Pravin Gordhan, played an interventionist role at Eskom and micromanaged the company.

“That balance has been disturbed by turning Eskom into a state-owned entity under the direct control of the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE).”

“There is a narrative that the state should control everything,” De Ruyter said.

“The ghosts of Marx and Lenin still haunt the halls of Luthuli House. People are still firmly committed to a 1980s style ideology.”

In the eNCA interview, De Ruyter said “there is very little explanation for the very vociferous opposition to starting the just energy transition”.

According to him, decarbonising the South African economy is essential to protecting the environment, growing the economy, and addressing energy security.

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d9e924 No.127817

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18397616 (231511ZFEB23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / SA technically in stage 8 load shedding despite Eskom saying it’s stage 6

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“SA technically in stage 8 load shedding despite Eskom saying it’s stage 6”


23 Feb 2023

The national grid saw 7 045MW of load shedding on Tuesday which equated to stage 8.

Eskom seems to have implemented stage 8 load shedding without informing the South African public.

According to a tweet on Tuesday evening from Eskom spokesperson, Sikonathi Mantshantsha, Eskom’s peak feedback showed that it had implemented 7 045MW of load shedding.

This equates to stage 8 power cuts.

Evening Peak Feedback 21/02/2023, 19:15

Total demand: 30 480MW

Loadshedding: 7 045MW

Eskom OCGT's Utilised: 14

Eskom GT’s Utilised: 3


Renewable Gen: 1 262MW (Wind 791MW, CSP 390MW, PV 81MW)@Eskom_SA Available Generation: 23 289MW@EskomSpokesper1

— SikonathiMantshantsh (@SikonathiM) February 21, 2023, https://twitter.com/SikonathiM/status/1628097928366628867?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

But Eskom has told South Africans that it is currently implementing stage 6 load shedding.

Stage 8 is the highest level of load-shedding the country has yet experienced.

Eskom said stage 6 load shedding would be in place until Wednesday after a generating unit at each of Arnot, Hendrina, and Majuba power stations went offline. There were also two units at Camden Power Station that suffered breakdowns.

Two generating units at the Lethabo power station were also shut down due to coal constraints.

These additional breakdowns seem to have forced Eskom to implement the higher stages of load shedding.


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d9e924 No.127818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18425888 (010048ZMAR23) Notable: French military bases in Africa will now self-identify as schools

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General Research #22590 >>>/qresearch/18425798

French military bases in Africa will now self-identify as schools

28 Feb, 2023 12:48

Emmanuel Macron wants to rebrand Paris’ presence in its former colonies as cultural and economic projects

Since France was dumped by some of its former colonies in Africa in favor of new partners, like Russia and China, French President Emmanuel Macron has announced a new plan in an obvious effort to have an excuse to keep hanging out in the hope of winning hearts and minds.

How exactly does Macron plan on doing that? Certainly not by “taking people for imbeciles”, as he said on February 28 while announcing his new African strategy ahead of a tour of the continent this week. “We aren’t going to do common good,” Macron stated, underscoring that France clearly has interests and isn’t going to pretend otherwise. After a remark like that, one might be lulled into believing that everything else that he said would be equally straightforward.

That’s not exactly the case. Rather, Macron is just announcing a different manipulation tactic – because Washington’s model of deploying military shock and awe on resource-rich countries in the hope of ultimately translating it into business deals apparently isn’t getting the job done. Even worse, the West is now worried about being outdone on the security and economic front by Russia and China. And for all the patronizing attempts to warn African countries to avoid dealing with them — most recently by Western officials at the Munich Security Conference — it turns out that treating African leaders like they don’t know what’s in their own best interests isn’t working, either.

The big question in the wake of Mali giving the boot to France’s years-long “counter-terrorism” mission, leading to an exit of the country’s armed forces from the region, was how Paris would justify sticking around. In 2021, there were over 19,000 deaths related to Islamist violence, more than in 2015, when Boko Haram was at its strongest, in the Sahel – the region that France ostensibly sought to stabilize.

So France was fired. For all its time in the region, Paris wasn’t able to parlay its security footprint into the kind of economic and resource deals that it wanted on behalf of both itself and resource-poor Europe.

Macron tipped his hat early in his speech by evoking the Franc of the Financial Community of Africa, as a sort of anchor for the Franco-African cooperation that he’s introducing. The controversial currency, used in 14 African countries and printed in France, is pegged to the Euro. Some consider it a symbol of colonialism and a lack of sovereignty, while the Western establishment generally considers it a source of stability for these countries that attract investment.

Back in 2019 when she was in opposition, Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni called it the “colonial currency” to which France “applies seigniorage and by virtue of which it exploits the resources of these nations.” Macron would now like to build on that, s’il vous plaît.

To that end, the French President has a new idea that involves Africans forgetting France’s military presence on the continent. Its bases in Africa are now going to be co-managed with Africans and some will be rebranded “academies”, he said. Apparently, in today’s Western world, if an army base wants to self-identify as a school, that’s now entirely its right.

The move to soften France’s image in Africa after having overseen the proliferation of jihadists under its counter-terrorism missions looks a lot like the Biden administration’s new PR efforts aimed at Africa. “Jill Biden’s visit to Namibia was a big hit with scores of giddy children who crowded around her Thursday as she handed out boxes of White House M&Ms after visiting an organization that gets US support for programs that teach young adults about HIV/AIDS and gender-based violence,” the Associated Press reported on February 23.

Macron is also playing up new French-led cooperative initiatives for Africa in culture, sports, health, digital technology, and education. All backed by a European team, he said — in case there were any doubts as to the European Union using France to wedge open the door to resource heaven. Macron also repeatedly mentioned partnerships with African civil society. Translation: French cash for NGO “influencers”. That’s generally called a “paid partnership” on social media, and the ethical protocol is to disclose that funding relationship. What are the odds that the French-backed NGOs will be doing the same when attempting to influence their fellow citizens?

Macron spoke of France’s network of African diaspora, able to open the doors to increased business cooperation in their countries of origin. It sounded like he was planning to just swoop in and rain cash on African enterprise. But how much of that, in reality, will end up benefiting French companies and their shareholders?…..


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d9e924 No.127819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18463460 (072215ZMAR23) Notable: (from Geneeral Research) ‘Colonization’: Ugandan MP tells Canadian gov’t to keep pro-abortion propaganda out of Africa

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Canada #41 >>>/qresearch/18463023

‘Colonization’: Ugandan MP tells Canadian gov’t to keep pro-abortion propaganda out of Africa

Kennedy Hall March 7, 2023

The Ugandan politician also took aim at Canada's promotion of contraceptives and its insistence on providing so-called sexual education to children.

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) –– Ugandan Member of Parliament Lucy Akello spoke to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development on Tuesday, telling the Canadian government that her nation is not interested in abortion being tied to international aid from developed countries like Canada.

Akello opened with a strong statement directed toward the efforts of the Canadian government to push a pro-abortion mentality on Africans, stating: “About abortion, our people are still loyal to religious truth and cultures… it seems no matter how much money will be spent on making abortion look good, our people still see through the money, the marketing and mass education…”

“Africa has a long history of colonization just like Canada [with] foreign-led governments telling us what is good for us, or what our priorities should be,” she said.

She added that the women she represents as an MP are “able to see through” the push to spread an abortive and contraceptive mentality in Africa. “We believe life starts from conception,” she said. “Where I come from, once conception takes place, it is life.”

Akello told those present that in Uganda even miscarried babies are “given a decent burial, irrespective of the sex.”

To support her African pro-life stance she referenced multiple studies from the continent that demonstrated that the “overwhelming majority of Africans” are pro-life.

She said that pro-life activity far outweighs any pro-abortion sentiment in the continent and that “hardly any” anti-life action exists. “Unborn babies have a right to live and deserve to be protected by laws,” she continued.

Akello told the committee that pushing hormonal contraception on Africans is “hurting” African women due to the “side effects of hormonal contraception.” She also took aim at Canada’s push to spread so-called sex education in Africa.

“The parents who I represent see [sexual education] as an assault to the health and the innocence of children.”

She finished her opening remarks by imploring the Canadian government to spend more resources “keep[ing] the girl child at school as opposed to giving them contraceptives.”

Shadow minister for international development, Conservative MP Garnett Genuis, asked the first question after thanking her for making the trip to Canada and took a shot at fellow politicians saying: “Sometimes we have public servants who don’t want to come from their offices to be with us in person.”

He asked Akello how developed nations could help bring resources to developing nations like Uganda without imposing values that are not welcome there.

She replied by saying that in the past, donors would ask what the values of a nation were before offering resources, but that has changed and now donations come with an ideology attached. She said Africans are told by donors, “you must fit in our values” in order to receive money and resources.

“If you want to help,” she continued, “come build what I have, as opposed to making me fit in your priorities.”

She doubled down on her insistence that international support from nations like Canada should be focused on keeping young women in school. “When we keep the girl at school… she will definitely stay out of unwanted pregnancy.” Akello also said that more money for maternal and pediatric health centers were needed, as opposed to funding for contraceptives and abortion.

Liberal MP Robert Oliphant expressed his disagreement with Akello’s presentation, and said that Uganda’s sovereignty as a nation and culture came second to what “the world community has decided.” He told her that “human rights are universal, and transcend political boundaries.”



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d9e924 No.127820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492144 (121504ZMAR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / U.S. Embassy: State of Disaster declared over ongoing Energy Crisis of "Load Shedding"

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FEBRUARY 15, 2023

Location: South Africa

Event: The government of South Africa has declared a “State of Disaster” in response to ongoing power shortages. The country’s energy crisis includes sustained load-shedding (controlled rolling blackouts), at varying intervals and is expected to extend beyond 2023. Load-shedding currently results in localized power outages of up to six hours or more per day throughout the country. These planned electricity outages negatively affect private residences, businesses, municipal lighting, traffic lights, and hotels. Rolling blackouts can also impact water availability and safety, internet connectivity, cell phone network coverage, fuel pumps (and therefore fuel availability), residential security features, and the food supply. Additionally, power outages have the potential to increase crime; for example, traffic jams when lights are out provide opportunities for smash and grab crime, and residences can be targeted when lights are out and security systems are not functioning. Further, ongoing conditions have led to an increase in protests and demonstrations, and in some cases civil unrest, throughout the country.

The U.S. Embassy would like to take this opportunity to remind U.S. citizens traveling to or living in South Africa that South Africa has a Travel Advisory Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution due to Crime and Civil Unrest.

Prepare in advance for power outages, including contingencies for communication and water (see additional actions and tips below).

Actions to Take:

•	Be aware of your surroundings.

•	Review your personal security plans.

•	Inquire about a back-up power supply for your place of lodging (i.e. generators or solar-power).

•	Avoid demonstrations.

•	Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests.

•	Monitor local media for updates.

Emergency Preparedness Tips:

•	Have a communications plan for when there is no or limited power (land line locations, external cell phone battery, additional charging cords, hard copy of important numbers, etc.)

•	Ensure you have necessary medicine, personal hygiene supplies, eyeglasses

•	Memorize family members’ phone numbers

•	Identify safe areas around the city, these could include hotels, hospitals, churches, or police stations that may not lose power

•	Maintain 72-hours’ worth of supplies at home by stockpiling non-perishable food, 3 liters of drinking water per person per day, and medicines and first aid supplies

•	Store flashlights, batteries, radio, and basic tools in a safe location where all family members have easy access

If you received this email, it means that you already enrolled in STEP. Please help us to spread this message and remind all U.S. citizens in South Africa to enroll in the program so that they too can receive the most up to date security and health information.

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d9e924 No.127821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492159 (121506ZMAR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Australia’s Warning About South Africa (Parts 1-3)

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Australia’s Warning About South Africa – Part 1


Still current at:13 March 2023

Updated:17 February 2023

Crime and violence are serious issues in South Africa.

Crime rates in South Africa are significantly higher than in Australia and often involve weapons.

Be alert.

Due to increased crime, avoid using Numbi Gate at Kruger National Park and consider using an alternative gate.

Police in South Africa deal with a high volume of aggravated crime. Their resources are stretched. You may not get the level of service you would in Australia, especially for less serious crimes such as theft and fraud.

The South African Police Service doesn't have a 'Tourist Police' force. Criminals have posed as 'Tourist Police' to extort and rob tourists. This includes stopping tourist buses to check proof of identity and search luggage.

Power Shortages and Rolling Blackouts (Load Shedding)

The government has declared a state of disaster in response to ongoing power shortages. Rolling blackouts (load shedding) are occurring throughout South Africa which are affecting private residences, businesses, municipal lighting, traffic lights, and hotels.

Blackouts can also affect water availability, internet connectivity, mobile phone network coverage, fuel availability, residential security features, and food supply.

Power outages can potentially increase crime; for example, traffic jams due to power outages provide opportunities for smash-and-grab crime. Residences can be targeted when lights are out and security systems are not functioning. Ongoing conditions have led to increased protests and demonstrations, and in some cases, civil unrest, throughout the country.

Be prepared for issues that may arise from blackouts:

•	have a communications plan for when there is no or limited power (landline locations, external mobile phone battery/power banks, additional charging cords, hard copies of important numbers).

•	maintain several days worth of non-perishable food, drinking water, and other essential items, including medicine and first aid supplies.

•	store torches, batteries, radios and basic tools in quick-access locations.

•	identify safe areas around the city, including hotels, hospitals or police stations that may not lose power.

•	monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

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d9e924 No.127822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492161 (121506ZMAR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Australia’s Warning About South Africa (Parts 1-3)

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Australia’s Warning About South Africa – Part 2


Crime at airports

Crime in and around airports can occur.

Criminals have robbed arriving passengers, following them from the airport to:

•	ATMs

•	foreign currency exchange facilities

•	tourist accommodation

Theft from luggage also occurs. To avoid this, don't place valuables in checked-in luggage.

Other crimes

Crime in South Africa includes:

•	murder

•	rape

•	assault

•	food and drink spiking

•	mugging, robbery and theft, sometimes with weapons and violence

•	carjacking

•	kidnapping

Robberies involving violence can occur at shopping centres. South Africa experiences a higher amount of crime during its rolling blackouts (loadshedding) including at shopping centres. Be alert at all times.

Assaults and robberies on local commuter and metro trains happen:

•	between Johannesburg and Pretoria

•	in Cape Town

Theft from hotel rooms and guest houses does happen, including within game parks.

Criminals have stolen bags and backpacks from public places including restaurants and bars. Be alert in all public places.

To avoid theft:

•	don't leave luggage and valuables unattended

•	place your luggage and valuables in safekeeping facilities

Crime rates are significantly higher after dark.

To protect yourself against crime, avoid travelling to:

•	central business districts

•	townships, unless with an organised tour run by a reputable company

•	isolated beaches, lookouts and picnic areas

There's a threat of kidnapping across South Africa. Kidnaps are generally for financial gain or motivated by criminality. Foreign nationals, have been kidnapped in the past. Pay attention to your personal security.

Cash-in-transit attacks occur targeting armoured courier vans, sometimes using automatic weapons, with a significant risk of causing death or serious injury to anyone in the vicinity. Avoid driving alongside or parking next to cash transit vehicles wherever possible.

Crime involving vehicles

Thieves posing as vendors or beggars target cars:

•	on highways off ramps

•	at intersections

•	at traffic lights

‘Smash and grab’ thefts from vehicles and carjacking are common, particularly:

•	on major routes

•	at major intersections

•	during traffic congestion

•	after dark

Criminals also place debris on roads to stop vehicles. Don't stop to clear debris.

Road spiking occurs on South African roads, where criminals place spikes on roads to damage vehicles and force motorists to pull over.

To prevent theft when travelling by car:

•	keep doors locked and windows up, even when driving

•	keep valuables out of sight

•	avoid driving after dark

•	maintain situational awareness and stop at designated areas such as petrol stations

•	if followed by a suspicious vehicle, go to a police station, petrol station or alert a security company

Attacks against hikers

Criminals have attacked hikers in South Africa.

To prevent attacks when hiking:

•	hike in groups

•	be alert to your surroundings and circumstances

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d9e924 No.127823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492165 (121507ZMAR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Australia’s Warning About South Africa (Parts 1-3)

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Australia’s Warning About South Africa – Part 3


Crime involving cash and credit cards

ATMs in major cities are common. ATMs in rural areas are more rare.

ATM and credit card fraud is common. Criminals use skimming devices to copy your card details onto a blank card.

Criminals wait near ATMs and rob people withdrawing cash.

Criminals use spotters to identify victims who have withdrawn cash or made expensive purchases. Be aware of your surroundings.

To protect yourself against cash and credit card crime:

•	only withdraw small amounts of cash at ATMs

•	refuse offers of help at ATMs

•	keep all ATM and credit card payment slips secure

•	keep your credit card in sight at all times when using it

Don't use ATMs that open onto the street. Only use ATMs in controlled areas, such as:

•	banks

•	shops

•	shopping centres


Scams are common.

Don't be fooled by scams. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

If you're a victim of scam, don't travel to South Africa to try and get your money back. The risk of assault is too high.

Fake internet friendship, dating and marriage schemes operate from some African countries. These typically take place on internet dating sites or chat rooms.

Someone you meet online may ask you to send money so they can travel to Australia to visit you. As soon as the scammer receives the money, they end their relationship with you.

Some may ask you to travel to Africa to meet them. When you arrive in Africa they may kidnap, assault or rob you.

Report fraud and scams to the Commercial Crimes Unit of the South African Police Service in Johannesburg on +27 (11) 970 5300.

More information:

•	Scams

•	Kidnapping

Demonstrations and protests

Avoid areas where protests are taking place.

Don’t attempt to cross protester roadblocks as this could provoke a violent reaction.

There have been reports of protesters damaging property belonging to bystanders. Avoid taking photographs or video footage of demonstrations and protests.

If you're caught in a protest, find shelter until it's safe to leave.

Monitor local and social media for updates.

More information:

•	Demonstrations and civil unrest

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d9e924 No.127824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492173 (121509ZMAR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / New Zealand Warning Concerning South Africa (Parts 1&2)

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New Zealand Warning Concerning South Africa – Part 1


•	Reviewed: 3 March 2023, 16:21 NZDT

•	Still current at: 13 March 2023

Exercise increased caution in South Africa due to violent crime (level 2 of 4).


There is a very high level of violent crime in South Africa, which includes mugging, murder, sexual assault, carjacking, armed robbery and kidnapping. While most travellers are likely to experience a trouble-free visit, there is a serious risk of crime, particularly in city centres and townships. Although crime occurs at all hours, the risk significantly increases at night.

Carjacking and theft from vehicles is a concern in South Africa, including car windows being broken and valuables taken while vehicles are stopped at intersections. When travelling by car, it is advisable to keep doors locked and windows up at all times, hide valuables from view and remain vigilant at intersections. Do not stop to assist with vehicle breakdowns, clear debris from the road or pick up hitchhikers. Criminals have posed as police officers asking for identification to rob tourists.Particular care should be taken with luggage and personal belongings in and around all airports. Where possible, luggage should be locked in secure plastic film. Criminals have followed tourists from the airport and later robbed them. Be particularly vigilant around the airport. Unsolicited offers of assistance with baggage and transportation arrangements, other than from official porters, should be declined. Avoid using Numbi Gate at Kruger National Park due to elevated levels of crime in the area.

Automatic teller machine (ATM) and ‘card skimming’ crimes are common. Criminals may loiter near machines to rob people making withdrawals. New Zealanders are advised to maintain security awareness when using an ATM, refuse offers of ‘help’, only withdraw small amounts, and avoid using them outside business hours. It may be safer to use ATMs located within a bank or shopping mall.

New Zealanders are advised to be conscious of personal safety at all times. We recommend you avoid travel after dark and to isolated areas and avoid displaying or wearing items that appear valuable, such as mobile devices, cameras and jewellery. If you are confronted by an armed individual, immediately comply and avoid resisting, as this could lead to an escalation in violence.


There is a threat of terrorism in South Africa. New Zealanders in South Africa are advised to keep themselves informed of potential risks to safety and security by monitoring the media and other local information sources. We recommend following any instructions issued by the local authorities and exercising vigilance in public places.

Civil unrest

Strikes and demonstrations occur from time to time in South Africa. There have been outbreaks of violence primarily directed toward refugees and other African migrants throughout South Africa. Violence could occur again at short notice and bystanders could be caught up.

New Zealanders are advised to avoid all demonstrations, protests and rallies as they have the potential to turn violent. You should not attempt to cross roadblocks. We recommend you monitor the local media to keep up to date with local events and follow any instructions issued by the local authorities.

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d9e924 No.127825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492176 (121510ZMAR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / New Zealand Warning Concerning South Africa (Parts 1&2)

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New Zealand Warning Concerning South Africa – Part 2



Commercial and internet fraud is common in South Africa. New Zealanders should be wary of any offers that seem too good to be true, as they may be a scam.

Fake internet relationship schemes operate from some African countries. Be wary, do not meet up with or send money to any person you have any doubt about.

For further information see our advice on Internet Fraud and International Scams .


Attacks against hikers have occurred at reserves, hiking trails, national parks, including Table Mountain, and other tourist attractions. To help prevent attacks, hike in a group and be aware of your surroundings and circumstances.

Public transport

Avoid using public transport, including buses, trains and minibuses. The ‘Gautrain’ high speed commuter train service which runs between Johannesburg, Pretoria and the Oliver Tambo International Airport, as well as the Blue Train and Ravos Rail, are, however, considered to be generally safe for tourists.

Travelling on foot is inadvisable in most areas. If walking is unavoidable, walk in busy and brightly lit streets and be aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking after dark.

Road conditions are generally good, but roads in the rural and more remote areas may be less maintained. Road safety is an issue due to poor driving habits and poorly maintained vehicles. Avoid driving after dark and be vigilant when the vehicle is stationary, including traffic lights, stop signs and motorway off-ramps. Ensure that the vehicle doors and locked and windows are closed at all times.


Scheduled power outages regularly occur in South Africa, known locally as “load shedding”. These nationwide outages can take place at short notice, and can result in up to six hours or more without power per day.

Load shedding can affect private residences, hotels and businesses, as well as key infrastructure such as municipal lighting, traffic lights, water provision, fuel provision and telecommunications. Load shedding can also result in interruptions to the supply of water. Load shedding may increase the existing risk of criminal activity, for example smash and grab crime during traffic jams or the targeting of residences when lights are out and security systems are not functioning.

Prepare in advance for load shedding, including:

•	Check with your accommodation provider about the measures they have in place to manage the impact of power outages and be prepared for issues that may arise as a result of outages.

•	Check planned municipal power outages on the Eskom website or via “load-shedding” apps.

•	Identify safe areas around the city, including hotels, hospitals or police stations that may not lose power.

•	Have a communications plan for when there is no or limited power. This includes having power banks and additional charging cords and hard copies of important numbers.

•	Maintain several days’ worth of non-perishable food, drinking water, and other essential items, including medicine and first aid supplies.

•	Store torches, batteries, radios and basic tools in quick-access locations.

•	Monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

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d9e924 No.127826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492182 (121511ZMAR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / “South Africa faces ‘civil war’ conditions due to possibility of power grid collapse”

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New Zealand Herald even wrote this article.

“South Africa faces ‘civil war’ conditions due to possibility of power grid collapse”


27 Feb, 2023 12:31 PM

South Africa is on the verge of “collapse” amid rolling blackouts and warnings a total power grid failure could lead to mass rioting on the scale of a “civil war”.

Western embassies including the United States and Australia have advised their citizens in the country to stock up on “several days’ worth” of food and water and be on high alert during extended blackouts sweeping the country. New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade advises “exercise extreme caution” due to strikes and demonstrations. “There have been outbreaks of violence primarily directed toward refugees and other African migrants throughout South Africa. Violence could occur again at short notice and bystanders could be caught up.”

South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa declared a national “state of disaster” on February 9 in response to the record electricity shortage, which has seen state-owned power company Eskom institute rolling blackouts – dubbed “load shedding” – lasting up to 12 hours in some cases.

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d9e924 No.127827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492207 (121515ZMAR23) Notable: Updated Jacob Zuma Bun / Jacob Zuma's land claim for South Africa (video)

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“Nando's Diversity Ad” - https://youtu.be/cBIDkW2_FnQ

Keep in mind that the Khoisan/Bushmen were the indigenous people of South Africa and they are not regarded as Bantus. The attached video ad summarises it well.

“Jacob Zuma's land claim for South Africa”


03 March 2023

Below are excerpts

President says black people have occupied whole of SA, since Bantu expansion reached here in 500AD


27 February 2023

Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Formerly known as Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Private Bag X250

Pretoria 0001

Attention: Minister Thokozile Didiza

Email: COS@dalrrd.gov.za



queries@dalrrd.gov.za info@dalrrd.gov.za

Dear Honourable Minister T. Didiza



a.	I, Jacob Gedleyihlekisa M. Zuma, having held office as The Fourth President

of South Africa.

b. I, Jacob Gedleyihlekisa M. Zuma, in capacity as Patron of the Jacob G. Zuma

Foundation on behalf of the Black indigenous peoples hereby notify;

the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and its predecessor being Department of Rural Development and Land Reform the following:

c. Land Claim for the Sovereign Territory of South Africa-

The Black Population originates from the Bantu Expansion and we have had a presence in South Africa since time 500AD reaching present-day KwaZulu-Natal Province, of which since 500 AD we have inhabited the entire territory of South Africa.


a. Our Submission of Claim is that the process starts with a claimant contacting the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform which is no known as the Department of Agricultural, Rural Development and Land Reform, with our "notice of intention" to make a claim based on dispossession by one or more means including:

i conquest;

ii cession under treaty or agreement;

iii occupation by white settlers;

v any other means resulting in dispossession such as forced removal ("land will be taken away without compensation"), occupation without title deed etcetera.


1. It has been pointed out to myself recently by my learned friends and Comrades, that Land has pillars, which are Dignity, Education and Economy. These lead to the Tripple challenges, namely Poverty, Inequality and Unemployment.

2. Dignity is the Recognition of our people who have occupied South Africa since 500 AD, prior to Jan van Riebeeck arrival of 5th April 1652.

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d9e924 No.127828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18492235 (121522ZMAR23) Notable: Updated Jacob Zuma Bun / Vuka Naz: Zuma submits land claim for ALL of SA & 4 dead as striking health-workers go on rampage (video)

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>New Zealanders are advised to avoid all demonstrations, protests and rallies as they have the potential to turn violent.


>Avoid demonstrations. [US]

>>127823 [Australia]

>Avoid areas where protests are taking place.

>Don’t attempt to cross protester roadblocks as this could provoke a violent reaction.

>There have been reports of protesters damaging property belonging to bystanders. Avoid taking photographs or video footage of demonstrations and protests.

>If you're caught in a protest, find shelter until it's safe to leave.

“Zuma submits land claim for ALL of SA & 4 dead as striking health-workers go on rampage | VN | 130”


Mar 10, 2023

Ironically, the protesters also sang the “kill the boer, Kill the farmer” song as the health-workers protest.

9:55 – “Guys it’s serious, it’s very serious. People are losing their lives and why? Because of certain individuals who are in the process of protesting or at least striking, have no damn care for human life.”

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d9e924 No.127829

File: 06093fc723d2386⋯.jpeg (121.44 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18494456 (122205ZMAR23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun / (from General Research) Rapper Costa Titch Dies at 28 After Collapsing Onstage During Performance

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General Research #22679 >>>/qresearch/18494322

Rapper Costa Titch Dies at 28 After Collapsing Onstage During Performance

Alana Mastrangelo 12 Mar 2023

South African rapper Costa Titch, whose real name was Constantinos Tsobanoglou, has died at the age of 28 after collapsing onstage while performing at a Johannesburg music festival on Saturday. No cause of death was announced.

“Death has tragically knocked at our door. Robbing us of our beloved son, brother, and grandson. Constantinos Tsobanoglou (28), who South Africa had come to love and idolize under his stage name ‘Costa Titch,'” the rapper’s family wrote on his Instagram page.

“It is with deep pain that we find ourselves having to acknowledge his passing at this time,” they added. “We are thankful for the emergency responders and all those present in his last hours on this earth.”

The family went on to ask the public for “time and space” as they “try to make sense of what has befallen us.”

“As a family we are faced with a difficult time as we try to make sense of what has befallen us and ask that we be afforded the time and space to gather ourselves,” they wrote.

“The Tsobanoglou family thanks you for the love and support you have given to our son and may you continue to uplift him even in spirit. Please keep us in your prayers and uplifted in the Lord,” the rapper’s family concluded.

Costa Titch was reportedly performing at the Nasrec Expo Centre in Johannesburg South, South Africa, when he collapsed onstage. After that, someone was seeing rushing to help the rapper, who briefly regained his footing before falling again.


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d9e924 No.127830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505945 (141509ZMAR23) Notable: Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun / 00DEZZ - How Cyril Ramaphosa was bought by UK and EU money (video)

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>In his ‘special plea’ challenging the right of prosecutor Billy Downer to try him for Arms Deal-related corruption and racketeering, Zuma claimed he had ‘come across information’ that former Scorpions boss Leonard McCarthy was an operative for America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and was handled by an agent called André Pienaar.

>He said Pienaar, who he said was code-named Luciano, was responsible for getting McCarthy his job at the World Bank.

>>>/qresearch/18494133 - Puppets abound in their collaboration towards the demise of South Africa. Don’t forget the former South African Scorpion boss, Leonard McCarthy, was supposed to investigate corruption in Eskom when he worked for the World Bank [https://www.news24.com/News24/DA-complaint-on-Hitachi-to-land-on-ex-Scorpions-boss-McCarthys-desk-20151001]. They create the problems and then provide solutions to the problems they created. Clearly “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars” [https://ia600100.us.archive.org/5/items/SilentWeaponsForQuietWarsOriginalDocumentCopy/Silent%20Weapons%20for%20Quiet%20Wars%20Original%20Document%20Copy.pdf] is playing out infront of us.

“00DEZZ - How Cyril Ramaphosa was bought by UK and EU money.”


Mar 14, 2023

11:42 – “Yes of course. Our friends in Europe have not always served this country well. Let us got to the original sin of the ANC, which was the arms deal. Europe basically bribed South African decision makers to agree to purchase systems that were totally unsuitable to our environment and that are now unserviceable. Of the 3 frigates, only 1 can run. Of the 3 submarines, none are serviceable… We carried on with the energy transition while about 60% of the global warming goes on the account of the United States and Europe and our contribution here in South Africa is a mere 2%. We were forced, we were pushed. Our politicians were basically bribed with enormous promises and large amounts of money to switch off perfectly well functioning power stations and to throw this country into an energy emergency. This was actually not our making. So, yes, the interests of Europe and the interests of the United States aren’t always coinciding with the need for South Africans to see progress and to develop and to have better opportunities.

14:26 – “I would be naturally skeptical, once again, if the European leaders like they did with Cyril Ramaphosa in 2017, come up and say well we now endorse Paul Mashatile because then we have to ask how much money are they raising for him in order to influence him in order to take certain decisions in their best interest once more?”

Original Video Source;

Ramaphosa has reached a dead end in his presidency: Prof Andre Thomashausen


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d9e924 No.127831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505972 (141518ZMAR23) Notable: EFF Bun / EFF Calls for National Shutdown 20 March 2023; SA Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU)

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>Who’s Rob Hersov, the man who holds the details of the meeting between British Lord Robin Renwick & EFF’s Julius Malema in London? Malema & Renwick having met under the Chatham House protocols of sworn secrecy, so who’s Rob to have privileged third party information? Chatham House is the 3rd most powerful society & what is said there stays there- you speak you die.


>Why are EFF’s Julius Malema & Nhlanhla Lux of Operation Dudula holding clandestine meetings with Rob Hersov. What’s interesting though is that Rupert’s employees are the ones holding meetings with Malema & Lux


“00DEZZ - EFF Calls for National Shutdown 20 March 2023.”


31:45 – “In the past, we built our own power stations. We were going to build our own nuclear power stations and I am not talking about the pebble-bed modular reactor. I have spoken to my members about where these sites have been prepared where we were going to build our own nucleur power stations. Pressurized water reactors like Koeberg and all of these things were just stopped. They were stopped because of overseas influence.

33:19 – “You need to understand at this stage, the EFF is obviously changing gears here. Julius Malema formed the EFF on the back of the visit to the United Kingdom and maybe the EFF is going to be used for new things in the future. They’ve been used to pacify the left for a very long time. They’ve been very effective at doing that but if that step change happens and the plan is actually to destablise this government by 2025 so that a United Nations interim government can step in to ‘stabilise’ the country under their law and order, under their regulations. We are in for a tough ride. This is certainly the plan globally


‘EFF will bring SA to a standstill on March 20’

Published Feb 13, 2023


“Fighters, the militancy and protest character of the EFF, the fearless character, the ground forces of the EFF, your determination to liberate the people of South Africa is going to be seen on March 20 when you bring South Africa to a standstill,” he told the members.

Malema told the province’s delegates that they should identify which road, shopping complex and city they would occupy on that day.

‘Streets are calling’: EFF urges citizens to occupy streets during national shutdown

13 Mar 2023


EFF warns businesses to close on day of planned shutdown or face being looted

9 March 2023


In a video seen this week, party members were captured announcing the shutdown on the back of a bakkie via a loudspeaker.

The speaker is heard saying: "We are saying to you close down all your businesses to avoid the looting. Close down all your shops to avoid the looting. Close down all your factories to avoid the lootings.

"Close down everything; nothing will be operating on that day; we are avoiding the looting. So, we are saying to you, come and join the march, my brother; come and join the march, my sister."

EFF spokesperson Sinawo Thambo said the party had travelled door to door, handed pamphlets, and mobilised on the back of bakkies throughout the country to "effectively gather people for the national shutdown".

Thambo said the SA Federation of Trade Unions' involvement would see more than 700 000 of its members taking part in the shutdown and ensure workers would not be victimised for joining.

Its general-secretary, Zwelinzima Vavi, announced the trade unions' participation in the shutdown at a media briefing last week.

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d9e924 No.127832

File: c9998418bcff0f5⋯.png (603.05 KB,1148x2631,1148:2631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18505986 (141521ZMAR23) Notable: EFF Bun / EFF Calls for National Shutdown 20 March 2023; SA Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU)

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>Thambo said the SA Federation of Trade Unions' involvement would see more than 700 000 of its members taking part in the shutdown and ensure workers would not be victimised for joining.

>Its general-secretary, Zwelinzima Vavi, announced the trade unions' participation in the shutdown at a media briefing last week.

SA Federation of Trade Unions [Saftu] Affiliates


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d9e924 No.127833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18517609 (161259ZMAR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / “Four electricians killed by Ekurhuleni residents while trying to restore power to their suburb” (video)

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“WATCH | Beaten with knobkerries, tied with rope and dragged:How Ekurhuleni mob killed 4 electricians” - https://youtu.be/Vq9Wo8x8qFQ

“Four electricians killed by Ekurhuleni residents while trying to restore power to their suburb”


10 March 2023

Four contract electricians were murdered in Cruywagen Park on Monday after they were attacked by some members of the very community they were coming to help.

As such, the City of Ekurhuleni says fixing the electricity issues in the area will take much longer "because workers and contractors now fear for their lives".

Members of the Cruywagen Park community complained on Thursday that there had been no electricity since Sunday.

According to the City, at around 17:35 on Monday, a municipality electrician called for assistance from contractors in Sarel Hattingh Street in Klippoortjie, Germiston.

Contractors of BMLL, a cable repairs subcontractor in Germiston, were dispatched to assist with the fault.

A group of community members had gathered near the area.

When the contract electricians arrived, they were attacked by the group.

According to the City, the contractors' vehicle was picked up, thrown over the bridge, and then set alight.

The contractors were then assaulted with various objects. Four contractors were killed in the process.

The City said it was unclear why the contractors were attacked.

Police are investigating the matter.

Spokesperson for the City of Ekurhuleni, Zweli Dlamini, said:

The barbaric murder of these innocent people is strongly condemned by the municipality.

"What makes the situation worse is that these victims of brutal murder were trying to assist with the stabilisation of electricity in the very same area where they were senselessly attacked.

"How on earth do we allow our employees and contractors to move into communities after such a brutal attack? Unfortunately, this will affect our turnaround time to service delivery interruptions because our workers and contractors now fear for their lives.

"We cannot expose them to such risky situations until their safety is guaranteed."

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d9e924 No.127834

File: 2e8776d0fd274d3⋯.pdf (2.96 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18519466 (162005ZMAR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1&2)

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Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech Part 1

Probably more can be added

Britain had De Beers manage the South African colony. >>>/qresearch/17929958

De Beers created the segregated system which became Apartheid laws >>>/qresearch/18035586

Oppenheimer’s businesses (De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., the Anglo American Corporation, Charter Consolidated and the Mineral and Resources Corporation (Minorco)) were head quartered in London and had investments across the world influencing many governments and sold Soviet Union diamonds during the cold war. More details can be read at https://www.nytimes.com/1983/05/08/magazine/oppenheimer-of-south-africa.html, https://www.nytimes.com/1989/03/19/magazine/harry-oppenheimer-s-empire-going-for-the-gold.html. Or watched at https://youtu.be/DOXp1iUvYvE [The_Diamond_Empire_Oppenheimer_family_s_cartel_Artificial_sc.avi] >>>/qresearch/17998364

The ANC had training/assistance in the USSR [https://www.politicsweb.co.za/news-and-analysis/the-anc-and-the-soviets], East Germany [https://www.heritage.org/africa/report/east-germany-marxist-mission-africa] and Cuba [https://panafricannews.blogspot.com/2010/01/cuba-and-south-african-anti-apartheid.html].Headquarters of the African National Congress, at 28 Penton Street N1 London, 1978 to 1994. [https://ditsong.org.za/en/2022/08/18/anc-intelligence-communication-from-london-to-lusaka-radio-freedom/]

The ANC has offices in about 40 countries, including most major capitals. But the leadership is concentrated in two countries – the United Kingdom and Zambia… We do know, however, that the SACP is pro-Soviet, semisecret party headquartered in London… A recent ANC statement specifically noted that white farmers and urban white males were considered by the ANC as part of the government’s “security forces” and were valid target for the ANC operations. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90R00961R000600050009-1.pdf [See attachment July 1986 CIA document as it seems to have been removed.]

It appears that South Africa’s demise started with PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech, timelines below.

-	15 August 1985 – South Africa’s President PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech.

-	Sept. 10, 1985 – “REAGAN, IN REVERSAL, ORDERS SANCTIONS ON SOUTH AFRICA; MOVE CAUSES SPLIT IN SENATE; NEW POLICY ON PRETORIA” [Oppenheimer would not have been affected by this due to their international investments] - https://www.nytimes.com/1985/09/10/us/reagan-reversal-orders-sanctions-south-africa-move-causes-split-senate-new.html

-	September 1985 - Mbeki's fall and the collapse of Wall Street [2008] are concurrent and related events, as they were predictable. Glimpse back to 1985 when the Johannesburg stock market crashed and the apartheid regime defaulted on its mounting debt, and the chieftains of South African capital took fright. In September that year a group led by Gavin Relly, chairman of the Anglo American Corporation, met Oliver Tambo, the ANC president, and other resistance officials in Zambia. [http://johnpilger.com/articles/south-africa-the-liberations-betrayal] Oppenheimer’s controlling interest in Argus Newspapers, South Africa’s largest newspaper group, has enabled him to shower the ANC/SACP with an incredible propaganda windfall. His Oppenheimer Fund annually pours millions of dollars into radical causes. According to South African journalist Aida Parker, Oppenheimer’s conduits have poured 320 to 350 million rand into the ANC since 1985 and have given the PAC more than 50,000 rand in the weeks leading up to the election. [https://thenewamerican.com/silk-tie-revolutionaries/]

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d9e924 No.127835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18519471 (162007ZMAR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1&2)

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Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech Part 2

-	1985 - By the time international sanctions were imposed in the mid-1980s, business was engaging regularly with the ANC and facilitating high level meetings with the NP government, and even the security and intelligence services. In particular, after PW Botha’s Rubicon speech in 1985, far more from the business side started to get involved, perhaps because they saw the writing was on the wall… An important consideration in this process was the homogeneous nature of SA business. In the 1970s and 1980s the major national companies were Anglo (the Oppenheimers); Rembrandt (the Ruperts); Liberty (the Gordons); and Anglovaal (the Menells and Hersovs). The top six companies owned over 80% of the economy in 1985. This economic clout provided considerable leverage. https://www.up.ac.za/centre-for-mediation-in-africa/news/post_2957958-expert-opinion-business-deserves-thanks-for-role-in-averting-sa-civil-war-say-experts-ahead-of-discussion-co-hosted-by-up

-	1985 - Chairmen of leading corporate groups (Sir Timothy Bevan (Barclays Bank), Lord Barber (Standard Bank), Evelyn de Rothschild (Chair of Rothschild’s), George Soros, with representatives of Shell, Courtaulds, BP and Gold Fields and (from SA) Tony Bloom (Premier Group) and Chris Ball (Barclays), invited by Anthony Sampson to lunch at the Connaught Rooms, London, to meet with Oliver Tambo, in London. (Anthony Sampson, The Anatomist, p. 228). [https://www.sahistory.org.za/archive/chronology-meetings-between-south-africans-and-anc-exile-1983-2000-michael-savage]

-	From 1976 to 1984 there was a steady growth in armed attacks, with about 265 incidents recorded. These included assassinations and attacks on police stations. "MK [ANC military wing] activity peaked between 1985 and 1988. The number of incidents increased from 44 in 1984 to 136 in 1985 and 228 in 1986," says the report. https://omalley.nelsonmandela.org/omalley/index.php/site/q/03lv02424/04lv02730/05lv02918/06lv02938.htm

-	11 June 1988 – Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute concert held at Wembley Stadium, London, to garner support for the release of Mandela, [https://youtu.be/xuyeqMD01Cc]. 600 million people watched it across the world.

-	18 January 1989 - “On 18 January 1989, P W Botha suffered a mild stroke at the age of 73. https://www.sahistory.org.za/dated-event/president-pw-botha-suffers-stroke

-	“In February 1989, de Klerk was elected leader of the National Party and in September 1989 he was elected State President.” https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1993/klerk/biographical/

-	10 February 1990 - Mandela and the ANC never renounced violence [https://youtu.be/Z_yyZvfSvnk (31 January 1985)] however F.W. de Klerk announces that Mandela would be released from prison the following day. “10 Feb 1990 – “FW de Klerk announces the release of Nelson Mandela” at https://youtu.be/8DdNV6nbByM

-	1990 – Namibia got its ‘independence’ on 21st of March and US Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, Chester Crocker, became Director of Minorco that year. >>127496

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d9e924 No.127836

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18519482 (162009ZMAR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1-5)

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>It appears that South Africa’s demise started with PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech


PW Botha’s 15 August 1985 Rubicon Speech – Part 1

“The Rubicon speech was delivered by South African President P. W. Botha on the evening of 15 August 1985 in Durban. The world was expecting Botha to announce major reforms in his government, including abolishing the apartheid system and the release of Nelson Mandela.[1] However, the speech Botha actually delivered at the time did none of this. The speech is known as the 'Rubicon speech' because in its second-last paragraph Botha used the phrase, "I believe that we are today crossing the Rubicon. There can be no turning back."” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubicon_speech

It is interesting that I cannot find a video of his speech on the web but at least found this transcript.


Below are excerpts

However, I also receive advice from some whose intentions are to help me from the wall into the ditch. To such people I want to say – I grew up on a farm and I know a skunk by its smell. If you won't accept the advice of these people I'm talking about right now, they burden you and your country. [English translation]

The great Langenhoven rightly said: "appreciate, O slandered, the tribute of your slanderer. He admits that you're defamatory worthy — while he isn't". In these words of Langenhoven a great truth set in stone. [English translation]

Most of the media in South Africa [mostly owned by the Oppenheimers] have already informed you on what I was going to say tonight, or what I ought to say, according to their superior judgement.

During recent weeks there was an unparalleled scurry from different sources, within and outside South Africa, to predict and prescribe what is to be announced at the Congress. It eas also envisaged that worldwide, people are going to be dissatisfied if certain things are not announced as were predicted.

It is of course a well-known tactic in negotiations to limit the other person’s freedom of movement about possible decisions, thus forcing him in a direction where his options are increasingly restricted.

It is called the force of rising expectations.

Firstly, an expectation is raised that a particular announcement is to be made. Then an expectation is raised about what the content of the announcement should be. The tactic has 2 objectives.

Firstly, the target is set so high that, even if an announcement is made, it is almost impossible to fulful the propagated expectations. Secondly, it is also an attempt to force the one party into negotiations to make the expected decision. If this is not done, public opinion is already conditioned to such an extent that the result is wide-spread dissatisfaction. If you want to read about this tactics, read the “Nicaragua Betrayed” and then you will see the history of some these gentlemen repeated in South Africa.

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d9e924 No.127837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18519484 (162010ZMAR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1-5)

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PW Botha’s 15 August 1985 Rubicon Speech – Part 2


This is what has been happening over recent weeks. I find it unacceptable to be confronted in this manner with an accomplished fact. That is not my way of doing and the sooner these gentlemen accept it, the better.

But the perceptions of many overseas observers bear little relationship to the realities of the situation.

People are flocking to South Africa tonight, from neighbouring countries because they are looking for work and health services. Only last week I was in the north of our country and there I had the experience that people were locking from Mozambique into South Africa in their tens of thousands. How do you explain that? Do people flee to hell?

The Republic of South Africa still remains the leading country in the sub-continent of Southern Africa… For example, at present 90% of the exports of Southern Africa takes place through the transport systems of the Republic of South Africa.

We have such a vast task ahead of us and such great challenges to create a better future, that we can ill afford the irresponsibilities and destructive actions of barbaric Communist agitators and even murderers who perpetrate the most cruel deeds against fellow South Africans, because they are on the payroll of the their masters far from this lovely land of ours.

The underdeveloped part of the economy is mainly that of different non-White communities. There are historic reasons for this, just as there are historic reasons for the plight of Africa in general. Instead of the Whites paternalistically trying to do everything for the Blacks, they must rather be allowed to help themselves – in the informal as wella s the formal sector of the economy.

When I met with President Machel some time ago on the border of South Africa and Mozambique, I told him he must not expect from South Africa the same policy which destroyed Africa under the leadership of the West and Russia. I told him that we are not coming with aid programme, but we want co-operation and he interrupted immediately and said: “Africa is tired of aid, provide us with co-operation, and help us to help ourselves.” [Is this the reason why he died in a plane crash 19 October 1986?] Consequently, I shall go out of my way to see to it that more substantial funds are made available to the Small Business Development Corporation.

Secondly, I refer to the problem of housing, caused mainly by our population explosion in South Africa, as elsewhere in Africa.

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d9e924 No.127838

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18519488 (162011ZMAR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1-5)

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PW Botha’s 15 August 1985 Rubicon Speech – Part 3


It is a fallacious belief that the Government must do everything for all. We must help the people to help themselves, to build an upgrade their homes through their own efforts. We have decided that land should be made available where possible and site services supplied. We have already accepted the principle of ownership rights for Blacks in the urban areas outside the National States. Just as important is the principle of ownership rights to people in the National States.

We believe in the same Almighty God and the redeeming grace of His Son, Jesus Christ.

And I know what I am talking about, because only a few months ago I stood before an audience of 3 million Black people, proving the truth of what I am saying now. I don’t know whether one of our critics ever saw 3 million people together in a meeting. I did.

We believe our great wealth of divergent population groups must speak to each other through their elected leaders, not self appointed leaders.

We know that it is the hard fact of South African life, that it will not be possible to accommodate the political aspirations of our varous population groups and communities in a known defined political system. We will have to find our own unique system, because our problems are unique.

I firmly believe that the granting and acceptance of independence by various Black peoples within the context of their won statehood, represent a material part of the solution. I believe in democratic neighbours, not neighbours that call out elections and then stop them in their mysterious ways.

I would, however, like to restate my Government’s position in this regard, namely that independence cannot be forced upon any community. Should any of the Black National States therefore prefer not to accept independence, such states or communities will remain a part of the South Africa nation, are South African citizens and should be accommodated within political institutions within the boundaries of the Republic of South Africa.

But I know for a fact that most leaders in their own right in South Africa and reasonable South Africans will not accept the principle of one-man-one-vote in a unitary system. That would lead to domination of one over the other an dit would lead to chaos. Consequently, I reject it as a solution.

We must rather seek our solutions in the devolution of power and in participation on common issues.

I am not prepared to lead White South Africans and other minority groups on a road to abdication and suicide.

Destroy White South Africa and our influence, and this country will drift into faction strife, chaos and poverty.

Together with my policy statements earlier this year in parliament, I see this speech of mine as my Manifesto for a new South Africa.

In my policy statements in January and June of this year, I indicated that there would be further developments with regard to the rights and interests of the various populations groups in Southern Africa.

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d9e924 No.127839

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18519498 (162013ZMAR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1-5)

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PW Botha’s 15 August 1985 Rubicon Speech – Part 4


Since then we have had to contend with escalating violence within South Africa, and pressure from abroad in the form of measures designed to coerce the Government into giving in to various demands.

Our enemies, both within and without – seek to divide our peoples. They seek to creat unbridgeable differences between to us to prevent us from negotiating peaceful solutions to our problems. Peaceful negotiation is their enemy. Peaceful negotiation is their enemy, because it will lead to joint responsibility for the progress and prosperity of South Africa. Those whose methods are violent, do not want to participate. They wish to seize and monopolize all power. Let there be no doubt about what they would do with such power.

One has only to look at their methods and means. Violent and burtal means can only lead to totalitarian and tyrannical ends.

Their actions speak louder than their words. Their words offer ready panaceas such as one-man-one-vote, freedom and justice for all. Their actions leave no doubt that the freedoms that we already have – together with the ongoing extension of democracy in South Africa – are the true targest of their violence. Is this type of Government really such a wonderful example that they wish to have? Why do they nor organize the investors of the Western world to invest in Lesotho and Mozambique? Why do I have to appeal to people to invest in Mozambique?

I have a specific question I would like to put to the media in South Africa: How do they explain the fact that they are always present, with cameras et cetera, at places where violences takes place? Are there people from the revolutionaty elements who inform them to be ready? Or are there perhaps respresentatives of the reactionary groups in the ranks of certain media? [Like when AWB members were gunned down infront of an entourage of media personnel in Bophuthatswana a month before the 1994 elections, https://youtu.be/FC7UyAN-jrY embedded (Was it a suicide?), or like the necklacing incident at 16:28, https://youtu.be/dZIZ9gVEpNI]

My question to you is this: Whose interests do you serve – those of South Africa or those of the revolutionary elements? South Africa must know, our life is at stake.

I stated in Parliament, when put this question, that if Mr Mandela give a commitment that he will not make himself guilty of planning, instigating or committing acts of violence for the furtherance of political objectives, I will, in principle, be prepared to consider his release.

But let me remind the public of the reasons why Mr Mandela is in jail. I think it is absolutely necessary that we deal with that first of all. When he was brought before court in the sixties, the then Attorney-General, Dr Yutar, set out the State’s case inter alia as follows:

“As the indictment alleges, the accused deliberately and maliciously plotted and engineered the commission of acts of violence and destruction throughout the country…

The planned purpose thereof was to bring about in the Republic of South Africa chaos, disorder and turmoil…

They (Mr Mandela and his friends) planned violent insurrection and rebellion.”

The saboteurs had planned the manufacture of at least seven types of bombs: 48 000 anti-personnel mines, 210 000 hand grenades, petrol bombs, pipe bombs, syringe bombs and bottle bombs.

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d9e924 No.127840

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18519501 (162014ZMAR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC: VIP's of violence (video)

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>like the necklacing incident at 16:28, https://youtu.be/dZIZ9gVEpNI


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d9e924 No.127841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18519509 (162016ZMAR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1-5)

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PW Botha’s 15 August 1985 Rubicon Speech – Part 5


A document was produced during the Court case in Mandela’s own handwriting in which he stated:

“We Communist Party members are the most advanced revolutionaries in modern history… The enemy must be completely crushed and wiped out from the face of the earth before a Communist world can be realized.”

In passing sentence at the time, the Judge, Mr Justice De Wet, remarked:

“The crime of which the accused have been convicted that is the main crime, the crime of conspiracy, is in essence one of high treason. The State has decided not to charge the crime in this form.

“Bearing this in mind and giving the matter very serious consideration, I have decided not to impose the supreme penalty [death penalty] which in a case like this would usually be the proper penalty for the crime.”

We have never given in to outside demands and we are not going to do so now. South Africa’s problems will be solved by South Africans and not by foreigners.

We are not going to be deterred from doing what we think best, nor will we be forced into doing what we don’t want to do. The tragedy is that hostile pressure and agitation from abroad have acted as an encouragement to the militant revolutionaries in the South Africa to continue with their violence and intimidation. They have derived comfort and succour from this pressure.

We prefer to resolve our problems by peaceful means: then we can build, then we can develop, then we can train people, then we can uplift people, then we can make this country of ours a better place to live in. By violence and by vurning down schools and houses and murdering innocent people, you don’t build a country, you destroy it.

Despite the disturbances, despite the intimidation, there is more than enough goodwill among Blacks, Whites, Coloureds and Asians to ensure that we shall jointly find solutions acceptable to us.

But I say it is going to take time. Revolutionaries have no respect for time, because they have no self-respect. Look what they have done to Africa, a continent that is dying at present. I can tell you, because I know what is happening in many of these countries. I have the facts and I am not going to hand South Africa over to these revolutionaries to do the same to this lovely country.

I am encouraged by the growing number of Black leaders who are coming forward to denounce violence. Any reduction of violence will be matched by action on the part of the Government to lift the State of Emergency and restore normality in the areas concerned.

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d9e924 No.127842

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18538615 (191236ZMAR23) Notable: EFF Bun / The EFF Accidentally Leaks Shutdown Plan: South Africa 2023 (video)

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“The EFF Accidentally Leaks Shutdown Plan | South Africa (2023)”


The EFF accidentally exposed their plan of burning tyres and closing roads on the planned National Shutdown on the 20th of March. Be sure to inform your security companies et al. of the new plan they have.

It is interesting that taxis associations will not be joining the EFF to shutdown the country. History they are very successful to shutdown South Africa by blocking roads.

National Shutdown: Here are 13 things you need to know so far


18-03-2023 04:41

Here is everything you need to know so far about the planned National Shutdown scheduled for Monday, 20 March.

The National Shutdown is planned for Monday. Here are 13 things that you need to know so far.


EFF leader Julius Malema said that there would be no starting or end point for the demonstration.

•	Clinics and hospitals will be accessible

•	No starting or ending point

•	This is a protest, NOT a march.

•	No permit was granted for National Shutdown

•	Businesses warned NOT to open on Monday.

•	Promises of no violence -‘This is a peaceful protest’.

•	Various sectors of society, including SANTACO, the National Taxi Association, the local Taxi Association, the Road Freight Association and organised structures within communities, have rejected the call to shutdown.

•	All Government services will be available as normal.

•	Law enforcement officers will be out in their numbers

•	PUTCO bus services is suspended for Monday.

•	Roads will be empty and strategic routes leading to Midrand and Sandton will be CLOSED on Monday.

•	The SANDF elements will be deployed under “Operation PROSPER” as from March 17 to April 17, 2023.

•	Security will also be heightened at all South Africa’s ports on entry to ensure travel in and out of the country is not disturbed.

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d9e924 No.127843

File: 4f0d498b78503d1⋯.jpg (42.23 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553646 (212010ZMAR23) Notable: Nicaragua Betrayed, published by Western Islands in 1980, is the memoir of former President of Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza Debayle (as told to Jack Cox)

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> If you want to read about this tactics, read the “Nicaragua Betrayed” and then you will see the history of some [of] these gentlemen repeated in South Africa.

“Nicaragua Betrayed” [1980 Book]


Nicaragua Betrayed, published by Western Islands in 1980, is the memoir of former President of Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza Debayle (as told to Jack Cox), who had been toppled the previous year by the Sandinista insurgency. At the time of the book's publication, Somoza was living in Asunción, Paraguay, as a personal guest of President Alfredo Stroessner.[1]

In the book Somoza gave his account of his administration, his downfall, and what he perceived to be the American betrayal of his country; he was particularly critical of the Carter Administration.[2]

Shortly after the book's publication, Somoza and his chauffeur were assassinated in downtown Asunción by members of the Argentine People's Revolutionary Army.[3] He is buried in Miami, Florida, at Woodlawn Park North Cemetery and Mausoleum.[4]

A Spanish edition of the book, titled Nicaragua Traicionada, was also published.

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d9e924 No.127844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18553654 (212012ZMAR23) Notable: Nicaragua Betrayed, published by Western Islands in 1980, is the memoir of former President of Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza Debayle (as told to Jack Cox)

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““Nicaragua Betrayed” Summary— Chapter 20: Betrayed”


by Edward Ulrich

News of Interest.TV

February 24, 2011

Below is an excerpt

From pages 401 - 402:

The betrayal of Nicaragua was not perpetuated out of ignorance, but rather by design. This I know for a fact. One could go down a long list of U.S. allies and ask why Carter turned against these anti-Communist nations. Pinochet of Chile could give you an answer— by design. And how about Korea, Taiwan (The Republic of China), Pakistan, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Rhodesia, South Africa, and Argentina? No, a plea of ignorance will not suffice. Carter might have been able to plead ignorance once, but not over and over again.


While I’m privileged to tread upon this planet called Earth, I shall do all within my power to see that other free nations do not suffer the agonizing death which struck Nicaragua. In my own way, I am sounding the alarm. To be effective, this alarm must be heard in the United States of America. It is my wish, it is my impassioned hope that freedom-loving people of the United States will hear the alarm and that they will respond without delay. There is no time for dalliance.

Like so many Americans, I have stood on the parade field and saluted Old Glory as she passed. I, too, have thrilled to the sight of the Stars and Stripes as the flag was raised at sunrise, and I have felt the melancholy that can touch a man’s heart at the sound of “Taps..” You see, I know the true meaning of the United States, and I thank God for that privilege. The United States has been, and is, the hope and inspiration of free men everywhere. May that torch of liberty, symbolized by the Statue of Liberty, burn ever so brightly— now and always. For I know for certain, that should that torch be extinguished, the dreams of free men everywhere die at the same moment. Like the people of Nicaragua, for those freedom-loving people there would be no tomorrow; “for their tomorrow was yesterday.”

My country, my people, and I were betrayed. That betrayal does not rest with the American people, but with the President of the United States. My love for the United States and her people is as great as it ever was. My prayer is that those who now lead the United States will not betray humanity. If that happens, God help us all, and for then it would be the entire free world, and not just Nicaragua BETRAYED.

The End

Editor’s Note—

Anastasio Somoza was able to discriminate between what is good about the configuration of the constitutional republic of the United States and what is bad about the corrupt elements covertly controlling its politics. While Somoza blames the Jimmy Carter Administration for what has happened, it is important to realize that Carter was only a puppet of the Illuminati global elite, just as all United States Presidents are.

The global Illuminati banking elite have a centuries old agenda of destroying the sovereignty of nations in order to form a totalitarian world government that is privately under their control, with their past implementations of Communism being a dress rehearsal for what is to come. Leftist and mainstream media sources that are controlled by these people are falsely attempting to claim that “nationhood” and “capitalism” are the cause of the world’s problems in their effort to deceptively create support for empowering such a world government.

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d9e924 No.127845

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558748 (221314ZMAR23) Notable: EFF Bun / The EFF FRAUD Exposed (video)

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“EFF Leaders Already Blaming Their Members | South Africa (2023)”


Mar 19, 2023

The EFF is already throwing its members under the bus. They are distancing themselves from the potential violence. They understand that the courts can hold them personally responsible. How cowardly.

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d9e924 No.127846

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18558799 (221327ZMAR23) Notable: EFF Bun / EFF Leaders Already Blaming Their Members: South Africa 2023 (video)

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Embedded the wrong video. Here is the correct one.

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d9e924 No.127847

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666787 (091754ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Gold Mafia - Al Jazeera Investigations, Episodes 1-3 (video)

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>“The country’s detractors, who coalesced aroundGeorge Soros and his Open Society Institute of Southern Africaare clearly miffed and terribly disappointed that Zimbabwe has reverted to and resurrected gold as the reference anchor of the US Dollar,” said Mutsvangwa in a statement.

Their puppets are not compliant? Planning another coup?

“Gold Mafia - Episode 1 - The Laundry Service I Al Jazeera Investigations”


Mar 23, 2023

Undercover reporters pose as gangsters with up to a billion dollars of black money that need to be cleaned. They gain remarkable access to members of Africa’s Gold Mafia and film closed door meetings with crime bosses. A senior African ambassador offers to launder $1.2 million using the cover of his diplomatic bag. Criminals offer lucrative deals to clean over $100 million through government gold export schemes. At the centre of it their operations is southern Africa’s biggest laundromat, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. Gold Mafia, a four-part series by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit looks at how society’s obsession with gold underwrites a global shadow economy. The undercover team infiltrates the rival gangs that turn dirty cash into gold, which is then sold around the world.

Through thousands of confidential documents and exclusive interviews with whistleblowers from within the criminal organisations, investigators obtain the blueprints of billion-dollar money laundering operations that service the political elite. And the investigation leads to the highest offices of southern Africa.

It is interesting that some of the people who are involved; a ‘pastor’ [Pattni] and a ‘prophet’. SAA assists with the smuggling.

10:29 – “I was just 24 years old. I was buying a suit in Nairobi and I met the Director of Intelligence. I told him about gold, I said, ‘Look, there is so much gold flowing through Kenya. But, Kenys is not benefitting. It’s smuggled out.’ Pattni tells the intelligence chief he has a solution. I said, ‘I can create 500 million every year from this if you do a proper license of gold.’ So he took me to the president [Arap Moi]… I’ve written on how democracy should work. Of course, in 1992 there was a lot of fights riots in the street. They wanted multi-party. Pattni had has advice for Arap Moi, his money will buy support for the president and weaken the opposition. ‘Just make it multi-party. Because the money is with you, you will still win [the election]. But just for the show. I helped the President to survive.

18:36 – “We can export from Zambia. I can export from South Africa. We have a company in Zambia, Angola, Mozambique. We can export from anywhere.”

18:50 – “We are in Zimbabwe. We are in Malawi. We are in Zambia. We are in DRC Congo. We are in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda.”

19:07 – “Dubai is the headquarters. Dubai is the centre for Africa.”

20:46 – “Ewan MacMillan and his rival gold dealer, Pattni, work for the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, the country’s Central Bank… Pattni and McMillan buy the gold on behalf of the Central Bank.”

32:31 – “Sanctions limit the ability of Zimbabwe’s politicians and state entities to trade. ‘This country has sanctions. So the country can’t sell the gold anywhere in the world. An individual can sell it because he doesn’t have sanctions.’”

47:58 – “He’ll use his diplomatic cover to fly Mr Stanley’s 1.2 Billion dollars into Zimbabwe.”

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d9e924 No.127848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666790 (091755ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Gold Mafia - Al Jazeera Investigations, Episodes 1-3 (video)

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Another ‘pastor’ from Britain is mentioned.

“Gold Mafia - Episode 2 - Smoke & Mirrors | Al Jazeera Investigations”


Mar 30, 2023

South Africa’s most notorious money launderer is known as Mo Dollars. He cleans millions of dollars from the sale of illicit cigarettes through gold. Confidential documents expose an intricate web of shelf companies and fake invoices that hide a multi-million-dollar operation in plain sight.

When the Gold Mafia’s money laundering business outgrows its existing infrastructure, it takes over banks and government departments. Ledgers reveal the names of bank, immigration, and customs officers, and a central bank governor - all recipients of the mafia’s generous bribes.

Undercover reporters strike a deal with a competing mafia, one that’s close to the Zimbabwean government. It promises to launder $1.2 billion of dirty cash and guarantees access to executive power.

Gold Mafia, a four-part series by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit looks at how society’s obsession with gold underwrites a global shadow economy. The undercover team infiltrates the rival gangs that turn dirty cash into gold, which is then sold around the world. Through exclusive interviews with whistleblowers from within the criminal syndicates, investigators obtain the blueprints of the money laundering operations that service southern Africa’s economic and political elite. And the investigation leads to the highest offices of state.

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d9e924 No.127849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666798 (091756ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Gold Mafia - Al Jazeera Investigations, Episodes 1-3 (video)

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“Gold Mafia – Episode 3 – El Dorado I Al Jazeera Investigations”


Apr 6, 2023

Enter the Gold Mafia’s headquarters in Dubai, preferred destination of the world’s dirty gold. As the rival mafia gangs compete to launder money for the I-Unit’s undercover team, we learn why gold is the perfect vessel to hide and move criminal wealth.

One of Zimbabwe’s top diplomats, Ambassador Uebert Angel, is brokering a meeting between undercover reporters and President Emmerson Mnangagwa. This meeting will secure the deal to launder $1.2 billion of dirty cash through gold and investments in Zimbabwe. But first, the Ambassador needs to be paid.

Gold Mafia, a four-part series by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit looks at how society’s obsession with gold underwrites a global shadow economy. Investigators obtain the blueprints of money laundering operations that service southern Africa’s economic and political elite. And the investigation leads to the highest offices of state.

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d9e924 No.127850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666806 (091757ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines (Parts 1-5)

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Do the gold mafia also fund the Zama Zamas?

“The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines” – Part 1


February 20, 2023

Below are excerpts

When the country’s mining industry collapsed, a criminal economy grew in its place, with thousands of men climbing into some of the deepest shafts in the world, searching for leftover gold.

As Welkom’s mining industry collapsed, in the nineteen-nineties, a dystopian criminal economy emerged in its place, with thousands of men entering the abandoned tunnels and using rudimentary tools to dig for the leftover ore. With few overhead costs or safety standards, these outlaw miners, in some cases, could strike it rich. Many others remained in poverty, or died underground. The miners became known as zama-zamas, a Zulu term that loosely translates to “take a chance.” Most were immigrants from neighboring countries—Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Lesotho—that once sent millions of mine workers to South Africa, and whose economies were heavily dependent on mining wages. “You started seeing these new men in the townships,” Pitso Tsibolane, a man who grew up in Welkom, explained to me. “They’re not dressed like locals, don’t talk like locals—they’re just there. And then they vanish, and you know they’re back underground.”

Owing to the difficulty of entering the mines, zama-zamas often stayed underground for months, their existence illuminated by headlamps. Down below, temperatures can exceed a hundred degrees, with suffocating humidity. Rockfalls are common, and rescuers have encountered bodies crushed by boulders the size of cars. “I think they all go through hell,” a doctor in Welkom, who has treated dozens of zama-zamas, told me. The men he saw had turned gray for lack of sunlight, their bodies were emaciated, and most of them had tuberculosis from inhaling dust in the unventilated tunnels. They were blinded for hours upon returning to the surface.

In no other country in the world does illegal mining take place inside such colossal industrial shafts. In the past twenty years, zama-zamas have spread across South Africa’s gold-mining areas, becoming a national crisis. Analysts have estimated that illegal mining accounts for around a tenth of South Africa’s annual gold production, though mining companies, wary of alarming investors, tend to downplay the extent of the criminal trade. The operations underground are controlled by powerful syndicates, which then launder the gold into legal supply chains. The properties that have made gold useful as a store of value—notably the ease with which it can be melted down into new forms—also make it difficult to trace. A wedding band, a cell-phone circuit board, and an investment coin may all contain gold that was mined by zama-zamas.

But perhaps the biggest dangers stem from the syndicates that have seized control of the illicit gold economy. Organized crime is rampant in South Africa—“an existential threat,” according to a recent analysis from the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime—and gold-mining gangs are especially notorious. Armed militias war over turf, both at the surface and underground, carrying out raids and executions. Officials have discovered groups of corpses that have been bludgeoned with hammers or had their throats slit.

In Welkom, getting underground became impossible without paying protection fees to the criminal groups in charge. By 2015, just nine shafts were still operating, in spots where there was ore of sufficient grade to justify the expense of hauling it out. Some syndicates took advantage of these shafts, bribing employees to let the zama-zamas ride “the cage”—the transport elevator—and then walk to areas where mining had ceased.

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d9e924 No.127851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666809 (091758ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines (Parts 1-5)

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“The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines” – Part 2


February 20, 2023

Zama-zamas are a nightmarish late chapter in an industry that, more than any other, has shaped South Africa’s history. Surface-level gold deposits were discovered in the area that became Johannesburg, sparking a gold rush in 1886. Twelve years later, the new South African mines were providing a quarter of the world’s gold. (To date, the country has produced more than forty per cent of all the gold ever mined.)

In the nineteen-thirties, mining companies began prospecting in a different province—a sparsely populated area that would later be called the Free State. After the Second World War, one borehole produced a sample “so astonishing that financial editors refused to believe the press release,” the historian Jade Davenport wrote, in “Digging Deep: A History of Mining in South Africa.” The yield was more than five hundred times richer than a usual profitable return, propelling the international gold-shares market “into complete dementia.” Land values in the nearest village increased more than two-hundredfold within a week.

But these new goldfields needed to be developed from scratch. There was no electricity or potable water. Vast maize fields spread across the grasslands. In 1947, a mining house called the Anglo American Corporation received permission to establish a new town, to be called Welkom—“welcome” in Afrikaans. The company’s founder, Ernest Oppenheimer, who was the richest man in South Africa, tasked a British planner named William Backhouse with designing the settlement. Inspired by housing developments in England, Backhouse envisaged a garden city with satellite towns and ample greenbelts. There would be wide boulevards and circles to direct the flow of traffic. At the outset, Oppenheimer’s son wrote, the region was “depressing in the extreme”: flat and featureless, choked by frequent dust storms, with a single acacia tree, which was later designated a local monument. Eventually, the city was planted with more than a million trees.

The economic logic of the mines also demanded an inexhaustible supply of cheap Black labor. Restricted from unionizing until the late nineteen-seventies, Black mine workers performed gruelling and dangerous tasks, such as wielding heavy drills in cramped spaces and shovelling rock; tens of thousands died in accidents, and many more contracted lung diseases. To prevent competition among companies, which would have driven up wages, the Chamber of Mines operated as a central recruiting agency for Black workers from across Southern Africa; between 1910 and 1960, according to one estimate, five million mine workers travelled between South Africa and Mozambique alone. Expanding the labor pool helped the mining industry depress Black wages, which remained almost static for more than five decades. By 1969, the pay gap between white and Black workers had reached twenty to one.

In Welkom, a separate township was built for Black residents, set apart from the city by an industrial area and two mine dumps. One of the city planners’ main goals, according to a history of Welkom from the nineteen-sixties, was to “prevent the outskirts of the town being marred by Bantu squatters.” Named Thabong, or “Place of Joy,” the township lay in the path of the dust from the mines. Segregated mining towns, which dated back to the nineteenth century, laid a foundation for South Africa’s apartheid system, which was formally introduced the year after Welkom was founded.

The crash came in 1989. The price of gold had fallen by nearly two-thirds from its peak, inflation was rising, and investors were wary of instability during South Africa’s transition to democracy. (Nelson Mandela was freed the following year.) The rise of powerful unions, in the final years of apartheid, meant that it was no longer possible for the industry to pay Black workers “slave wages,” as the former chairman of one large mining company told me. The Free State goldfields eventually laid off more than a hundred and fifty thousand mine workers, or eighty per cent of the workforce. The region was almost wholly reliant on mining, and Welkom’s economy was especially undiversified.

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d9e924 No.127852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666811 (091759ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines (Parts 1-5)

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“The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines” – Part 3


February 20, 2023

I first visited Welkom in late 2021. As I drove into the city, Google Maps announced that I had arrived, but around me it was dark. Then my headlights picked out a suburban home, followed by another. The entire neighborhood was without electricity. South Africa is in the midst of an energy crisis and experiences frequent scheduled power outages, but that was not the cause of this blackout. Rather, it was symptomatic of chronic local dysfunction, in a municipality ranked South Africa’s second worst in a 2021 report on financial sustainability.

Welkom is surrounded by enormous flat-topped mine dumps that rise from the plains like mesas. The roads have been devoured by potholes. Several years ago, zama-zamas began breaking open wastewater pipes to process gold ore, which requires large volumes of water. They also attacked sewage plants, extracting gold from the sludge itself. Now untreated sewage flows in the streets. In addition, zama-zamas stripped copper cables from around town and within the mines. Cable theft became so rampant that Welkom experienced power failures several times per week.

By the early two-thousands, according to authorities, South Africa had a large number of “derelict and ownerless” gold mines across the country, creating opportunities for illegal mining. Mining researchers in South Africa sometimes joke that the story of gold mining runs from AA to ZZ—from multinationals like Anglo American to zama-zamas.

In Welkom, the main destination for stolen gold was in Thabong, at a dormitory known as G Hostel. During apartheid, hostels housed migrant workers as a way of preventing them from settling permanently in cities; these hostels have since become notorious for crime and violence.

In South Africa, gold smuggling is loosely organized into a pyramid structure. At the bottom are the miners, who sell to local buyers, who sell to regional buyers, who sell to national buyers; at the top are international gold dealers.

Around a decade ago, one KFC in Welkom was supplying so much food to gold syndicates that customers started avoiding it: orders took forever, items on the menu ran out, and meals were often undercooked. Police contacted the owner, who agreed to notify them whenever large orders came in. On one occasion, officers observed a truck picking up eighty buckets of chicken.

Access to the tunnels was controlled, increasingly, by armed gangs from Lesotho, to whom Khombi paid protection fees. Known as the Marashea, or “Russians,” these gangs traced their origins to mining compounds on the Witwatersrand, where Basotho laborers banded together in the nineteen-forties. (Their name was inspired by the Russian Army, whose members were “understood to have been fierce and successful fighters,” the historian Gary Kynoch wrote, in “We Are Fighting the World: A History of the Marashea Gangs in South Africa, 1947–1999.”) The Marashea dressed in gum boots, balaclavas, and traditional woollen blankets, worn clasped beneath the chin. Following the rise of illegal mining, they muscled in on the shafts. They carried weapons—assault rifles, Uzis, shotguns—and fought viciously over abandoned mines. Accordion players affiliated with the gangs wrote songs taunting their enemies, like drill rappers with nineteenth-century instruments.

Working with factions of the Marashea, Khombi seized control of large areas of the Free State goldfields. He structured his illicit business almost like a mine, with separate divisions for food, gold, and security.

In the nineteen-fifties, according to Welkom records, there were white women who “made a point of flying regularly to Johannesburg for a day’s shopping.” Their husbands, who worked in the mines, were “absolutely fearless, accepting hazard and risk, with a terrific driving force to earn the maximum possible amount of money.” The structure of the company town guaranteed that, for its white residents, there was plenty of money in circulation. Khombi rose to the top of a new hierarchy, one that enriched a different set of bosses but was similarly based on Black labor.

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d9e924 No.127853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666816 (091800ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines (Parts 1-5)

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“The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines” – Part 4


February 20, 2023

I met a former police reservist there one morning. He asked to be identified as Charles. For around nine years, he was on Khombi’s payroll, selling him gold confiscated from rival dealers, protecting him, and escorting zama-zamas to the mines. Charles used the money to buy a new car and pay lobola, a bride-price customary in many Southern African cultures.

Corruption is a corrosive force in South Africa. In Welkom, which has not received a clean financial audit since 2000, tens of millions of dollars in government funds have gone missing. Even in this context, Khombi’s influence was legendary. Charles estimated that seventy per cent of the local police force had been in the kingpin’s pocket; I took this to be an exaggeration, until a senior detective who works on illegal-mining cases corroborated the figure, laughing bitterly.

Corruption was just as pervasive in the operational mines. Smuggling in zama-zamas could cost as much as forty-five hundred dollars per person, according to the illegal-gold-mining expert. The process could require bribing up to seven employees at once, from security guards to cage operators; this meant that mine employees could earn many times their regular salaries through bribery. Some were caught with bread loaves strapped to their bellies and batteries hidden inside their lunchboxes, which they planned to sell to zama-zamas. They also served as couriers, ferrying gold and cash.

Mine workers who couldn’t be paid off were targeted by the syndicates. In 2017, a Welkom mine manager known for his tough stance against zama-zamas was murdered. Two months later, a mine security officer was shot thirteen times on his way to work. The following year, an administrator was stabbed ten times at home while his wife and children were in another room, and the wife of a plant manager was kidnapped for a ransom of one bar of gold.

One day, I met a team of security officers who patrolled some of the mines beneath Welkom; several of them had worked in Afghanistan and Iraq, and told me that the mines were more dangerous. The officers recounted coming across explosives the size of soccer balls, stuffed with bolts and other shrapnel. In shoot-outs, bullets ricocheted off the mine walls. “It’s tunnel warfare,” a member of the team said.

But in town, especially among poorer residents, there was a sense that this violence was peripheral to a trade that sustained a large number of people. Money from zama-zamas spilled over into the general economy, from food wholesalers to car dealerships. “The economy of Welkom is through zama-zamas,” Charles, the former police reservist, told me. “Now Welkom is poor because of one man.” A few years ago, Khombi began ordering brazen hits on his rivals, becoming the focal point of a wider clampdown on illegal mining. “He took it too far,” Charles said. “He ruined it for everyone.”

The waste from South African gold mines is rich in uranium, and in the nineteen-forties the U.S. and British governments initiated a top-secret program to reprocess the material for the development of nuclear weapons. But a large number of dumps remain, with dangerously high levels of radioactivity. In Welkom, the dust blows into houses and schools. Some residential areas have radioactivity readings comparable to those of Chernobyl.

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d9e924 No.127854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666827 (091803ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines (Parts 1-5)

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“The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines” – Part 5


February 20, 2023

Inside, Khombi was in shackles, laughing with the wardens. He wore a black sweatshirt pulled tight over his muscles, and his voice boomed across the courtroom. He had already begun serving his murder sentence, and in prison he was organizing prayer meetings for the inmates. (Khombi is a member of an Apostolic church.)

He [Khombi] denied being a gold dealer, but said that he knew many people involved in the trade. “From what I have observed,” he said, “it involves a lot of people—police, judges, magistrates, security. It’s too dangerous to talk about.” He also told me, smiling, that he had paid close to a million dollars for the municipal electricity bill, and made separate payments for water. “I’m not what all these people say about me,” he said. “I don’t sit and plot to kill people.”

Khombi’s murder conviction coincided with a joint operation, by various police agencies and a private-security firm contracted by Harmony, to bring illegal mining in the Free State under control. The project is called Knock Out, and its logo is a clenched fist. The project is called Knock Out, and its logo is a clenched fist. To circumvent the corruption in Welkom, fifty police officers were brought in from the city of Bloemfontein, a hundred miles away. The operation has recorded more than five thousand arrests; among those taken into custody were seventy-seven mine employees, forty-eight security officers, and four members of the military. Investigators opened cases against more than a dozen police officers. Some cops, in the face of increased scrutiny, preëmptively quit the force.

Sealing vertical shafts restricts access from the surface, but it does not close the entire tunnel network, and thousands of zama-zamas remained below Welkom, their food supplies dwindling. Many still owed money to the syndicates that had put them underground. They didn’t want to exit. How else were they going to pay? Jonathan, the former zama-zama, estimated that hundreds had died of starvation, including several of his friends. “The saddest part of it, the most painful, is that you can’t bury them,” he said.

Burials are of supreme importance in many Southern African cultures. In the past, when zama-zamas died underground, their bodies would typically be carried, shrouded in plastic, to the nearest functioning shaft and left for mine employees to discover. Affixed to the corpses were labels with a contact number and a name. The bodies were repatriated to neighboring countries or buried in the Free State. But now so many men were dying that it was impossible to collect them all. Simon, the zama-zama from Zimbabwe, told me that during 2017 and 2018 more than a hundred men died on just two levels of the mine he was living in. Using blankets as stretchers, he and some other zama-zamas had carried out at least eight bodies, one at a time; each journey had lasted around twelve hours.

O peration Knock Out forced zama-zamas to go elsewhere in search of gold. Many left for Orkney, a mining town eighty miles north. One weekend in 2021, according to the South African Police Service, more than five hundred zama-zamas exited the tunnels in Orkney after their food and water supplies were cut off; days later, hundreds of men attempted to force their way back inside, culminating in a shoot-out with officials that left six dead.

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d9e924 No.127855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666830 (091804ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines (Parts 1-5)

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“The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines” – Part 6


February 20, 2023

In Welkom, the drop in illegal mining dealt yet another blow to an already ravaged economy. “Most of our illegal miners are our businesspeople,” Rose Nkhasi, the president of the Free State Goldfields Chamber of Business at the time, told me.

Nkhasi owns a property with a car wash, a mechanical workshop, and a restaurant. In earlier years, she told me, zama-zamas would bring their cars in for repairs and order food, paying with two-hundred-rand bills—the largest denomination in South Africa—and declining change. Police vehicles cruised by to collect payments from Khombi’s henchmen. Nkhasi also has an independent town-planning practice, where syndicate leaders often brought her rezoning applications to build rental units. “They are the ones developing this town,” Nkhasi told me.

The problems are deeply embedded. South Africa, once the world’s largest gold producer by far, now ranks a distant tenth. The country is still home to some of the richest gold deposits in the world, and there are many companies that would be interested in digging for them. But there is an increasingly strained relationship between the state and the mining sector, with ever-shifting policies—including a requirement that a large number of shares go to historically disadvantaged South Africans—and the spectre of corruption acting as deterrents to investment. Margins on gold mines are thin, and increasing security costs, combined with gold losses to zama-zamas, can “eliminate most of the profits,” the former mining chairman told me. “Nobody wants to go into the casino.” The gold-mining industry has come to symbolize the dispossession and exploitation that have shaped South Africa, today the country with the highest income inequality in the world.

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d9e924 No.127856

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18666835 (091805ZAPR23) Notable: Harmony: Dr Patrice Motsepe, NON-EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN, brother-in-law of President Cyril Ramaphosa

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Harmony: Dr Patrice Motsepe, NON-EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN, brother-in-law of President Cyril Ramaphosa



September 23, 2003

Dr Patrice Motsepe was appointed non-independent non-executive chairman on 23 September 2003. In 1994 Dr Motsepe founded Future Mining which grew rapidly to become a successful contract mining company. He then formed ARMgold in 1997 which listed on the JSE in 2002.

In 2003 Dr Motsepe led ARMgold into a merger with Avmin and Harmony Gold. Following the merger Avmin changed its name to African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) and he became the founder and Executive Chairman of ARM.

In 2002 Dr Motsepe was voted South Africa’s Business Leader of the Year by the chief executive officers of the top 100 companies in South Africa. In the same year, he was the winner of the Ernst & Young Best Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

In 2017 Forbes Magazine commemorated its 100th Anniversary and honoured Dr Motsepe as one of the “100 Greatest Living Business Minds” in the world alongside many prominent global business leaders. He is the only person living on the African continent to be recognized and honoured as one of the “100 Greatest Living Business Minds” in the world.

In January 2013 Dr Motsepe and his wife, Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe joined the Giving Pledge which was started by Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates. Dr Motsepe committed to give half of the wealth, which is owned by the Motsepe family to the poor and for philanthropic purposes during his lifetime and that of his wife and beyond. In April 2019, Forbes Magazine stated that US$500 million was donated by the Motsepe family to the poor and for philanthropic purposes.

Dr Motsepe announced on 28 March 2020 that his family, in partnership with companies and organisations that they are associated with, including ARM, pledge R1 billion (US$57 million) to assist with South Africa and Africa’s response to the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dr Motsepe is a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Global Network Advisory Board of the WEF Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the WEF International Business Council (IBC) which is made up of 100 of the most highly respected and influential chief executives from all industries. He is also a member of the Harvard Global Advisory Council and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM).

Dr Patrice Motsepe was a partner in one of the largest law firms in South Africa, Bowmans and was also a visiting attorney in the USA with the law firm, McGuireWoods.

His past business responsibilities include being the President of National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NAFCOC) from 2002 to 2006, Founding President of Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) from January 2004 to May 2008, Founding President of Chambers of Commerce and Industry South Africa (CHAMSA), President of the Black Business Council (BBC), and the Founding Chairman of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Business Council in March 2013.

Dr Motsepe is a recipient of numerous business and leadership awards and recognitions including:

•	Sunday Times Lifetime Achiever Award, 2017;

•	Harvard University Veritas Award for Excellence in Global Business and Philanthropy, 2014;

•	BRICS Business Council, Outstanding Leadership Award, 2014;

•	The Black Management Forum (BMF) Presidential Award for Business Excellence, 2010;

•	McGuireWoods Outstanding Alumnus Awards, 2009;

•	African Business Roundtable, USA, Entrepreneur & Freedom of Trade Award, 2009;

•	South African Jewish Report, Special Board Members Award for Outstanding Achievement, 2004;

•	Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut, MS Louw Award for Exceptional Business Achievement, 2003; and

•	World Economic Forum Global Leader of Tomorrow, 1999.

Dr Motsepe is the founder and Chairman of Ubuntu-Botho Investments, African Rainbow Capital (ARC), African Rainbow Energy and Power (AREP) and UBI General Partner Pty Ltd. He is also the Deputy Chairman of Sanlam.

He is the President of CAF (Confederation of African Football) and Vice President of FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association). He was previously Chairman of Mamelodi Sundowns Football Club.

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d9e924 No.127857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18668618 (092341ZAPR23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun

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Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun

>>127468 The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP vaccine killed more children in Africa than the diseases it targeted

>>127590 South African businessman and Honorary Consul wins entrepreneur of the year in UK – helped set up the COVID testing infrastructure in the UK

>>127641, >>127642, >>127643 Wouter Basson aka Dr Death found working at a Cape Mediclinic

>>127690 COVID-19 | Calls mount to halt vaccination drive (video)

>>127829 (from General Research) Rapper Costa Titch Dies at 28 After Collapsing Onstage During Performance

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d9e924 No.127858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18668619 (092341ZAPR23) Notable: EFF Bun

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>>127716, >>127730 "They can’t kill us all": Malema urges EFF to join riots as SANDF deployed

>>127749 Stability at various KZN municipalities under threat due to EFF, IFP divorce (video)

>>127755, >>127756 CIC Julius Malema Addresses EFF Press Conference (Parts 1&2)

>>127758 Eight EFF deputy mayors in KZN have resigned after fallout with IFP

>>127768 NFP to back the ANC and EFF alliance in hung municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal

>>127776 EFF branch in eSwatini takes credit for ‘leading Swazi revolution

>>127799 "Vile misinformation" IFP responds to EFF’s assassination claims

>>127812 EFF-ANC coalition targets Alfred Duma Municipality (KZN)

>>127813 EFF says it has ‘working relationship’ with ANC in KZN

>>127831, >>127832 EFF Calls for National Shutdown 20 March 2023; SA Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU)

>>127842 The EFF Accidentally Leaks Shutdown Plan: South Africa 2023 (video)

>>127845 The EFF FRAUD Exposed (video)

>>127846 EFF Leaders Already Blaming Their Members: South Africa 2023 (video)

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d9e924 No.127859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18668622 (092342ZAPR23) Notable: Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One

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Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One

>>127472 "Water challenges" in some towns as stage 6 load-shedding takes toll on infrastructure (video)

>>127473 Load shedding leaves taps dry in iLembe

>>127474 Council called to order for blaming water crisis on ZESA

>>127475 Citywide power outage hits Mbombela

>>127476 Silulumanzi water reservoirs critically low and likely to run dry soon – City of Mbombela warns residents of water shortages due to blackouts

>>127548 Resignation of André de Ruyter will deepen the Eskom crisis

>>127551 80 hours and counting without electricity: eThekwini electricity department shambles exposed

>>127554 Eskom R400 billion debt and Diesel costs

>>127566 MPs welcome the deployment of the army at four Eskom power stations in Mpumalanga

>>127609 Eskom’s request of a 32% increase will be the death knell for several farmers in the country

>>127615, >>127617, >>127621 Substation damaged at West Acres in Mbombela, residents band together to regain access to electricity

>>127619 Phoenix community left high and dry due to no water and power

>>127620 KFC forced to shut outlets in South Africa thanks to load shedding

>>127625 Eskom’s load shedding just got WORSE – here’s the latest schedule

>>127626 Day 5 and still no electricity in Mbombela’s West Acres

>>127628 Eskom drops bombshell: It’s LIGHTS OUT on New Year’s Eve!

>>127661, >>127662 Attempted murder of De Ruyter reported to the South African Police Service (video)

>>127663, >>127664 Syndicates stole 65 truckloads of Eskom coal in a day (Parts 1&2)

>>127667 Eskom loses billions on coal contracts

>>127668 Eskom officials, police involved in syndicate stealing millions worth of fuel from Kriel Power Station

>>127669 Global energy restructuring veteran KW Miller says nothing comes even close to the Eskom disaster (video)

>>127674 DA says it’s irrational and disastrous to move Eskom to Energy Department

>>127678 Eskom warns it could implement higher levels of power cuts – Higher than stage 6

>>127679 “LEHOHLA: Eskom is headed for privatization (video)

>>127680 Growing calls for government and Eskom to be sued for loadshedding (video)

>>127691 SA's electricity crisis: Millions of chickens culled (video)

>>127695 Diplomatic row after officials ‘invade’ Nigerian Consulate to cut off electricity over unpaid bills to the tune of R400 000

>>127698 Angry residents protest over three-day long electricity outages in Cato Crest

>>127699, >>127700 Phoenix residents protest over 40-hour power outage”; "Politicians are blamed for the strike." (Parts 1&2)

>>127706 Court battle looms over load shedding, Eskom tariff hike

>>127707 Ramaphosa: SA’s current energy crisis a result of a "perfect storm"

>>127717 Power cuts in SA are playing havoc with the country’s water system

>>127720 Criminality is well organised and rife in Eskom - de Ruyter

>>127721, >>127722 AfriForum to start own electricity generation company; Remember Andre/Andries Pienaar in Previous Posts

>>127724 International watchdog contracted to validate Eskom’s turnaround plans for load shedding

>>127725 Eskom wants to get rid of another 500 white maintenance staff, says trade union Solidarity

>>127726, >>127727, >>127728 Eskom’s rolling blackouts — 26 years of ANC meddling, manipulation and vested interests (Parts 1-3)

>>127729 Eskom load shedding poses security threat to South Africans (video)

>>127733 South Africa loses permission to import nuclear fuel for Koeberg from the US

>>127739 Load shedding exacerbates South Africa’s food crisis, says Food Forward SA

>>127752 Soweto Vs Eskom: War between Eskom and Soweto residents continues

>>127753, >>127754 Lesufi wants to write off Soweto's unpaid R5bn Eskom bill (video)

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d9e924 No.127860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18668627 (092342ZAPR23) Notable: Gayton McKenzie Bun

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Gayton McKenzie Bun

>>127757 Ex-con Gayton McKenzie offers to help Flabba’s killer: "God forgave you" (video)

>>127788 Mixed reactions on Gayton McKenzie’s first year as Central Karoo Mayor

>>127805 "I will run for President in 2024" Central Karoo Mayor Gayton McKenzie says after 100 days in office (video)

>>127806 Gayton McKenzie: "Zweli Mkhize attempted to poison Jacob Zuma”

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d9e924 No.127861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18668631 (092343ZAPR23) Notable: Kenny Kunene Bun

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Kenny Kunene Bun

>>127765, >>127775 Court finds Kunene guilty of HATE SPEECH for calling Malema a cockroach (video)

>>127785, >>127786, >>127787 Partying Amid Poverty Stirs South Africa Debate – Kenny Kunene (Parts 1-3)

>>127789 Kenny Kunene is set to become MMC for transport in JHB

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d9e924 No.127862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18668642 (092344ZAPR23) Notable: Updated Jacob Zuma Bun

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Updated Jacob Zuma Bun

>>127658 Zuma blasts Ramaphosa over special treatment bid

>>127683 Zuma foundation slams Ramaphosa interdict

>>127750, >>127751 Judge Piet Koen recuses himself from Jacob Zuma Arms Deal trial (video)

>>127782 Zuma’s Private Prosecution Postponed Again Sparking Fury in SA: “Our Judiciary Is a Circus” (video)

>>127807, >>127808 Siphiwe Nyanda: Profiling the alleged apartheid spy (Parts 1&2)

>>127809 Nyanda will not seek legal action against Zuma – Was he concerned that the truth would come out? (video)

>>127827 Jacob Zuma's land claim for South Africa (video)

>>127828 Vuka Naz: Zuma submits land claim for ALL of SA & 4 dead as striking health-workers go on rampage (video)

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d9e924 No.127863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18678766 (111836ZAPR23) Notable: Final Julius Malema & Jacques Pauw Bun / The Conflict of the Past - Jacques Pauw (Parts 1&2)

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> Jacques Pauw Bun

“The Conflict of the Past” – Jacques Pauw (Part 1)


It is striking that, while persons like Mr Jacques Pauw and other like-minded people insist vehemently at every opportunity that former members of the Security Branch must be prosecuted, they make no mention of cases like that of Mr Letlapa Mphahlele and the NEC of the ANC.

In the Rapport of 10 January 2010, Jacques Pauw insisted, inter alia, that Gen Engelbrecht be brought to trial. It is not clear whether this stems from malice or from an inability to grasp the evidence given during the criminal and amnesty hearings.

There isn't a shred of evidence on which Gen Engelbrecht can be prosecuted and we challenge Mr Pauw to demonstrate on what grounds he believes Gen Engelbrecht could be charged.

In a letter to Rapport on 10 January 2010 Mr Koos van der Merwe, well known member of Parliament and one of the few remaining political leaders of the old dispensation who has the courage of his convictions and who has the backbone to state his case in public, said as follows:

[English Translation]

The Editor


By email: rapport@rapport.co.za

Dear Editorial Board

Following Jacques Pauw's open letter to President Zuma in Rapport of 10th instant, I hereby also write an open letter to the president. Mr Pauw is emotionally advocating for President Zuma to "bring to book every one of the policemen who had murdered". Mr Pauw has put the case against the police and I want to help to make a case against the ANC murderers. Audi alteram partem. I am not responding to the Eugene de Kok saga and agree with Rapport's opinion on the matter.

Dear President Zuma

I accept that you have taken note of Mr Jacques Pauw's appeal to you in Rapport of 10th instant to keep your word by "bringing to book every one of the policemen who murdered". You would have made this promise to him in Harare in February 1990.

Should you heed Mr Pauw's call and order that prosecutions be instituted against the police of the old South Africa, is the question of whether you will then "bring to book" all the ANC members who committed murder and other atrocities. Mr Pauw is evidently not bothered with the murders and atrocities committed by the ANC.

If, then, after 16 years, we still do not want to close the chapter on our apartheid past, then surely in all fairness you cannot simply prosecute one side and let the other get away with murder. Please allow me the opportunity to briefly give details of ANC murders and atrocities, which are currently still unpunished.

Amnesty International (See Amnesty International 2 December 1992: All Index: AFR 53/27/92) brought out a 24 page damning report against the ANC in 1992 and found among other things –

“For a dozen years or more, prisoners of the ANC were subjected to torture, ill-treatment and executions. These abuses took place at military and prison camps run by the ANC in several African countries, notably Angola, Zambia, Tanzania and Uganda...”

According to Amnesty, the victims were mainly members of MK. The ANC's explanation of the atrocities is that they were agents of the South African government. The truth is that many of them were indeed bona fide MK members who simply complained about conditions and raised questions about ANC policy. "In either case," Amnesty finds, "torture and execution of prisoners cannot be justified”.

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d9e924 No.127864

File: e5a8362d053edbc⋯.jpg (51.99 KB,294x430,147:215,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f6e154f5fb8509e⋯.jpg (38.61 KB,232x400,29:50,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18678773 (111838ZAPR23) Notable: Final Julius Malema & Jacques Pauw Bun / The Conflict of the Past - Jacques Pauw (Parts 1&2)

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“The Conflict of the Past” – Jacques Pauw (Part 2)


Amnesty described the horrible conditions of the ANC detainees in the ANC camps. Detainees could wash themselves and their clothes only once in a number of weeks. Only one drum of water was used and was sent on from cell to cell so most cells got a drum of "water" that was thick with the dirt. There was no chance to wash blankets, which were soon contaminated with lice. Some detainees complained that they were given only one cup of drinking water a day. Diseases, such as malaria and stomach fever, broke out and there was no physician available and first aid staff were generally unsympathetic and even assaulted detainees. Torture and brutal assaults were common.

Mr. Pauw mentioned a number of examples, I do the same:

•	MK members detained in Angola rebelled several times. In 1984, an uprising in the Pango camp was suppressed; the insurgents were tied to trees; assaulted; beaten and molten plastic was dripped onto their naked bodies. Seven were charged and tried by an ANC security team; without legal representation; was convicted and shot dead.

•	In Nova Instalacao camp, detainees were held in dark, damp cells without blankets or mattresses and had to sleep on concrete floors. Toilets were blocked and urine and feces flowed into the cells. Food was extremely scarce, diseases plentiful, and medical attention unobtainable. Selby Msimang and Ben Thibane died.

•	In particular, torture also took place in the Revolutionary Council building in Lusaka with clubs, wire, garden hoses, barbed wire, steel pipes, bicycle chains, lips were burned with burning cigarettes, Testicles were pinched with pliers and electric shocks were applied. Sometimes soles were beaten and some were kept in water-filled cells. Some prisoners were forced to sit on red ant nests.

•	Thabo Twala was beaten to death in "Sun City" camp in Lusaka in March 1990.

•	Senior MK commander Thami Zulu died in November 1989 after being held for 14 months.

•	Mzwai Piliso, ‘n ANC-sekuriteitshoof, het erken dat gevangenes aangerand en op die voetsole geslaan is.

•	Amnesty's report contains full details of the ANC atrocities.

There is also the book MBOKODO by Mwezi Twala and Ed Benard, published in 1994. Twala himself was detained in ANC camps and told of his inhumane experiences.

President Mandela appointed a Commission of Inquiry in 1991 to investigate the alleged malpractice. The Commission finds that there have been widespread tortures and mishandling and that the events are not fabrications of ANC enemies. The Commission's limited mandate prevented findings on murder and "disappearances" from being made. Some witnesses were brutally affected, broken and their lives ruined by poverty, intermittent schooling and disability.

The Commission makes the important recommendation that a truly independent inquiry be launched to investigate the killings and "disappearances", which of course have never happened.

The Commission gave a confidential list of names to President Mandela of persons allegedly guilty of the misdeeds, but said the list should not be limited to those mentioned. The ANC did not release the names.

Dear President, then there is the submission that Mr FW de Klerk made to the TRC in 1996 in which he said, among other things, that 505 people were cruelly murdered by the so-called necklacing method.

I respectfully submit, Mr. President, that if you were to decide to follow Mr. Pauw's advice, you would then have all those who have transgressed prosecuted. Also the ANC culprits.

You see, no one has ever been prosecuted for the murders and atrocities in the ANC camps. Nor has anyone ever been prosecuted for the indescribably horrible necklace murders.

Finally, Mr President, unlike Mr Pauw, I urge you to close the book on the past. Instead, let's give the item "reconciliation" the place of honor at the very top of our business list.




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d9e924 No.127865

File: e2fcb0ee8f17e0a⋯.pdf (185.33 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18678812 (111847ZAPR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / South Africa: Torture, ill-treatment and executions in African National Congress camps” – Amnesty International Report

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>See Amnesty International 2 December 1992: All Index: AFR 53/27/92

“South Africa: Torture, ill-treatment and executions in African National Congress camps” – Amnesty International Report



December 2, 1992 Index Number: AFR 53/027/1992

This report focuses on the grave abuses of human rights of many South Africans which took place outside South Africa and for which the ANC was directly responsible. In October 1992 ANC president Nelson Mandela published the report of an internal commission of inquiry into torture and ill-treatment of prisoners in ANC custody. It found that prisoners held in Angola, Zambia and other frontline states were ill-treated and tortured. However, the commission’s terms of reference prevented it from investigating other issues, e.g. “disappearances” and executions of prisoners or establishing the identity of ANC officials responsible for the executions. In most of the cases which AI has documented, the victims were members of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), the ANC’s military wing.

The present report also focuses on grave abuses of the basic human rights of many South Africans - but abuses which took place outside South Africa and for which the ANC, not the South African Government, was directly responsible. Based on first-hand research among surviving victims of such abuse, it documents a long-standing pattern of torture, ill-treatment and execution of prisoners by the ANC's security department. It shows too that this pattern of gross abuse was allowed to go unchecked for many years, not only by the ANC's leadership in exile but also by the governments of the African front-line states who allowed the ANC to set up bases, and prisons, on their territory. Such governments were at best accessories to the abuses by the ANC; at other times they actively assisted those within the ANC responsible for the grave human rights abuses which occurred.

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d9e924 No.127866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18682861 (121400ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Eskom fights to block town from using its own solar power

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“Eskom Is Just Plain EVIL.”


Apr 11, 2023

“Eskom fights to block town from using its own solar power”


2 April 2023

Eskom and representatives from the Free State town Frankfort are set to meet in the Johannesburg High Court this week over a dispute about load-shedding schedules, reports Rapport.

Mafube municipality’s business forum and private power distributor Rural Maintenance approached the court to preserve the status quo until the dispute can be resolved with energy regulator Nersa.

At the heart of the dispute is that Eskom threatens to block Rural Maintenance from setting reduced load-shedding schedules, despite procuring additional solar power for Frankfort.

Rural Maintenance buys electricity from four solar farms in the area at a lower tariff than Eskom charges and supplies it to the Mafube municipality.

According to the report, Rural Maintenance holds a 50% stake in the community-run solar farms. The rest is owned by twenty farmers and businesses in the area.

Although the dispute with Eskom is over whether Rural Maintenance can implement its own load-shedding schedule, the outcome will determine whether the solar farms are fully used.

Rural Maintenance chief executive officer Chris Bosch told Rapport that they would have to switch off parts of the solar farms while people in the town sit without power.

Adjustments to Frankfort’s load-shedding schedule that keeps water pumps and sewage works running could also be halted.

Bosch says if Eskom is allowed to follow through on its threat, no one will invest in alternative energy.

If people are prevented from gaining the full benefit from their investment, what’s the point?

This is not the first time Eskom has tried to block a private power distributor from taking over its functions.

Last year, the state-owned power utility opposed Greenstone Energy’s application to privately supply a section of the Linbro Park suburb near Sandton in Johannesburg.

Linbro Park’s residents and businesses wanted to ditch Eskom after suffering 66 days of power outages on top of their typical load-shedding schedule.

Greenstone Energy asked the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) to supply the area with electricity using gas-powered plants.

Crucially, it would also replace Eskom’s transmission and distribution network.

It would serve 1,781 households, three offices, two schools, two churches, a hotel, and a conference centre.

Eskom opposed the application, claiming the area “only” suffered 29 days without electricity — excluding load-shedding.

It also said having multiple power distributors’ cables in the same road reserve would create a dangerous situation.

Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality is also at loggerheads with Eskom over the rights to distribute power to the planned Mooikloof Mega City on the outskirts of Pretoria East.

The R84-billion development’s electricity supply deal would generate an estimated R1.5 billion in revenue annually.

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d9e924 No.127867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18682871 (121403ZAPR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Crime-fighter Ian Cameron on how criminals captured SAPS, but there is hope for the future (video)

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“BNC#5: Crime-fighter Ian Cameron on how criminals captured SAPS, but there is hope for the future”


Mar 20, 2023

Here is the recording of crimefighting activist Ian Cameron's keynote, the most powerful of all presentations at the fifth BizNews Conference. That's saying something, given the impressive lineup. Cameron, who is at the NGO Action Society, uses official data and personal experience to detail how leadership at South Africa's police service was hijacked by criminal elements, resulting in a mere 15% conviction rate for murder and 3% for reported rapes. He details how the law enforcement agency was systematically captured but concludes there is hope - highlighting early but significant successes achieved through often abrogated devolution of responsibility by provincial structures.


00:00 Alec Hogg's introduction of Ian Cameron

00:27 Ian Cameron on Action Society

01:15 On his confrontation with Bheki Cele

11:03 On Gayton McKenzie and Herman Mashaba's BNC#5 presentations

12:49 On the case for the prosecution

13:22 An overview of SAPS over the last 20-25 years

15:33 On the millions of illicit firearms in circulation

16:11 On the SAPS having been hijacked by criminals

17:52 Overview of crime statistics in SA [84 murders per day, 14.5% solved]

23:47 Rape cases reported and GBV statistics in SA

25:48 Child murder statistics in SA

27:05 On overburdened detectives

27:48 On good cops who make good arrests have targets on their backs

28:45 On the loss of reservists

29:37 On the new DNA Act signed by the President

30:05 On George Fivaz

30:34 On Jackie Selebi

32:02 On Nhlanhla Mkwanazi

32:53 On Bheki Cele

33:47 On Riah Phiyega

34:58 On Khomotso Phahlane

36:02 On Khehla Sitole

36:52 On Fannie Masemola

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d9e924 No.127868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18688064 (131338ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Organisation says ‘the real zama zamas’ in Kagiso are big companies (video)

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>Do the gold mafia also fund the Zama Zamas?

“Organisation says ‘the real zama zamas’ in Kagiso are big companies”



5 August 2022, 7:17 AM

Kagiso based community organisation Choko Five Movement says illegal mining in the area, is bigger than just the zama zamas.

On Thursday, shacks belonging to illegal miners were demolished and their mine holes were closed by locals on Gauteng’s West Rand.

Locals also went with police into one of the mines and helped arrest 23 people believed to be illegal immigrants.

Police are maintaining a strong presence in the area.

Choko Five Movement executive chairperson, Karabo Mosetlhi says, “The real zama zamas that we’re speaking about is this big companies that are refining this gold. So, what they would do is, they would take their big machineries, and go on site with their excavators and then stockpile raw material where you will find the zama zamas that you saw on TV.”

“They’ll only be given a scoop, for them to take care of the stock that is piled by these companies. So the real zama zamas are these big corporates. We need to be dealing with these private companies,” adds Mosetlhi.

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d9e924 No.127869

File: 0593f0f72308ca2⋯.pdf (3.95 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18688110 (131348ZAPR23) Notable: Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun / Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile

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>President Mandela appointed a Commission of Inquiry in 1991 to investigate the alleged malpractice. The Commission finds that there have been widespread tortures and mishandling and that the events are not fabrications of ANC enemies. The Commission's limited mandate prevented findings on murder and "disappearances" from being made. Some witnesses were brutally affected, broken and their lives ruined by poverty, intermittent schooling and disability.

>The Commission makes the important recommendation that a truly independent inquiry be launched to investigate the killings and "disappearances", which of course have never happened.

>The Commission gave a confidential list of names to President Mandela of persons allegedly guilty of the misdeeds, but said the list should not be limited to those mentioned. The ANC did not release the names.

The cover-up continues...

Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile – 29 March 2023 (Part 1)



To put the matter directly, I have been very disturbed by the votes we have cast in the National Assembly on:

•	13 December 2022, concerning a Parliamentary Panel Report on the Phala Phala Matter;

•	22 March 2023, concerning a Motion on the Phala Phala matter; and,

•	23 March 2023, concerning a Motion on Eskom.

In this regard I want to draw attention to two strategically important matters, these being:

•	The relationship between the ANC and the masses of our people; and,

•	The role of the ANC as the principal defender of the gains of the National Democratic Revolution [NDR], including the Constitution (1996).

Without doubt, the wrong position we took with regard to the Nkandla matter, impacted negatively on the standing of the ANC with many among the masses of people.

It is equally without doubt that any wrong position we take with regard to the Phala Phala matter will also in equal measure or more, impact negatively on the standing of the ANC with many among the masses of our people!

As you know, the 3-person Panel appointed by Parliament concerning the Phala Phala matter decided that the Comrade President ‘had a case to answer’ with regard to a process of impeachment.

What should have followed this is that the National Assembly would have appointed a Multi-Party Committee (MPC) precisely to investigate the matter whether the Comrade President did indeed have ‘a case to answer’!




In other words, we acted as we did because there is something to hide!

Without doubt this will have served further to alienate the masses of the people from the ANC, as it will have entrenched the view explained by our Comrade President in 2020, that – “The ANC may not stand alone in the dock, but it does stand as accused number one.”

Any alienation of the ANC from the masses of our people directly serves the purposes of the counter revolution!

Why are we taking actions which play straight into the hands of the counter revolutionary forces?

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d9e924 No.127870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18688113 (131350ZAPR23) Notable: Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun / Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile

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Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile – 29 March 2023 (Part 2)


On 23 March, 2023, we voted against the appointment of a Parliamentary Multi-Party Ad-Hoc Committee (PMPAC) to investigate various matters at Eskom, including the reported corruption, sabotage and existence of criminal cartels within the company.

There are strong indications that behind the very serious and sustained problems at Eskom is a counter revolurionary force which has worked radically to weaken the company!

The direct hand of the counter revolution in the weakening and/or destruction of the State institutions and corporations has clearly been exposed by the ‘Nugent and Zondo Judicial Commissions’ as they dealt with the matter of the attempted destruction of SARS.

Similar work must be done to establish precisely what was done and by whom to create the current Eskom crisis. It is in all likelihood quite correct that there are criminal cartels in Eskom as well as acts of sabotage and corrupt interventions all directly connected to the activities of the counter revolution!

It was very wrong that we took a decision to veto the initiation of a Parliamentary process specifically focused on investigating the criminal activities at Eskom, which would have signified the beginning of the process to unmask the counter revolution which may be responsible for the many problems at Eskom, consisten with what it tried to do at SARS/

In any case, the public would expect that our Government would act immediately to investigate serious allegations of criminality directed at weaking the SOEs, such as those made by the outgoing Eskom CEO, Andre de Ruyter when he said that Eskom was afflicted by serious instances of corruption, sabotage and criminal cartels.

It will have come across to this public as very strange and disturbing that when a proposal was made that Parliament should undertake such a focused investigation into the alleged criminality at Eskom, we promptly voted against an eminently correct proposal.

Thereby, inadvertently, we have conceded more time and space to the criminality at Eskom to continue with its disastrous consequences!

To be honest to ourselves, as our Comrade President insisted, we must expect that the already existing gulf between the ANC and the people widened, as the latter saw the former refuse to investigate the alleged criminality which has resulted in these masses suffering from long periods of very destructive ‘load shedding’!

When the masses of our people fainally lose confidence in the ANC as their own organisation and dependable servant leader, our Movement will perish and therefore cease to exist – exactly the outcome the counter revolution has pursued for many decades, to date.

With its demise, will also seriously fracture the National Democratic Revolution.

The Constitutional Court definition of a Constitutional Democracy emphasized the centrality of the ANC in the drafting of the 1996 Constitution and therefore the establishment of a new constitutional framework to define the new post-colonial and post-apartheid South Africa!

It is very correct that we must continue to define the Constitution as one of the historic victories of the National Democratic Revolution!

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d9e924 No.127871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18688116 (131350ZAPR23) Notable: Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun / Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile

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Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile – 29 March 2023 (Part 3)


Discussing the matter of possible Parliamentary investigation into the Phala matter, she [Ms Siviwe Gwarube, Chief Whip of DA] said, inter alia:

Ever attempt to have Parliament conduct its Constitutional obligations have been blocked by your Pary, rendering Parliament toothless because of the ANC’s majority and commitment to shielding the President. VP, no one is interfering with institutions in their work. Courts have held in this very House that Parliament does not have to wait for other institution to finish their work before we act. As the Leader of Government Business, what do you say about Parliament’s role in terms of investigating the President in spite of the fact that there are concurrent investigations that are taking place. What of our Constitutional obligation?””

Here was our response:

Honourable Member, I think that’s how democracy works. The majority must have its way. Democracy works that way. Maybe when you have an opportunity to govern, you’ll understand… When the ANC believes its cause is correct, it will use its majority to push those decisions. And by the way, remember that winning positions and decisions is something you win out there during elections. Wo when you campaign and you win, you already win here. If you lose there, you have already lost there. It’s simple. That is democracy. It works like that all over the world… Let’s allow the National Assembly to be able to take decisions in a democratic way. And democracy means the majority rules. That’s it!

The majority party may use its numbers to influence how such oversight is exercised, but has absolutely no legal power to block such oversight!

In its Judgment in the ‘Nkandla case’, the Constitutional Court said, among Others:

“[104] Similarly, the failure by the National Assembly to hold the President accountable by ensuring that he complies with the remedial action taken against him, is inconsistent with its obligations to scrutinise and oversee executive actions and to maintain oversight of the exercise of executive powers by the President. And in particular, to give urgent attention to or intervene by facilitating his compliance with the remedial action.”

It then went on to say:

“10. The resolution passed by the National Assembly absolving the President from compliance with the remedial action taken by the Public Protector in terms of section 182(1)(c) of the Constitution is inconsistent with sections 42 (3), 55(2)(a) and (b) and 181 (3) of the Constitution, is invalid and is set aside.”

Here the majority Party had voted to absolve the President, which became the resolution of the National Assembly. The Court ruled that this was invalid as it was “inconsistent with (the National Assembly) obligations to scrutinise and oversee executive action and to maintain oversight of the exercise of executive powers by the President.”

All foregoing emphasises the point that our Membership and especially our Leadership must be fully schooled in the policies of the Movement as a critical part of the process of strengthening the capaticty of these Members and Leaders to defend the Movement and ensure that it does not deviate from its historic mission.

This means that such important institutions as the OR Tambo Political School as well as such practices as visualised in the ‘Eye of a Needle’ document are positioned correctly to help ensure that we produce quality cadres we require successfully to achieve the goals of the NDR.

All this also points to the imperative that as a Movement we must always be vigilant to understand the forces which seek to defeat the NDR.

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d9e924 No.127872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18688120 (131352ZAPR23) Notable: Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun / Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile

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Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile – 29 March 2023 (Part 4)


A few weeks ago the outgoing CEO of Eskom, Andre de Ruyter, was interviewed by the eNCA television network. Among other things he asserted that Eskom is serving as an ANC ‘milk cow’ and that some of our leaders are involved in and are benefitting from the criminal activity in the Company.

Quite understandably, Comrades reacted with outrage at these remarks demanding, among others, that de Ruyter must produce the evidence to substantiate his accusations against our Movement and some of its members.

However, we seem not to have paid particular attention to the similar important element of the de Ruyter interview – that it helped to answer the serious question – who is this man de Ruyter?

During the interview, seemingly without any prompting, de Ruyter said:

“There’s a narrative that the State should control everything. Unfortunately, the ghosts of Marx and Lenin still haunt the halls of Luthuli House. People are still firmly committed to a 1980s style of ideology. They still address another as comrade – which is franly embarrassing. They use words like lumpen proletariat, which is ridiculour because these things were last said in the 1980s East Germany. And when such individuals talk to foreign diplomats and foreign investors… People say we haven’t heard this language since the fall of the Berlin Wall – What do these people think?”

Thus did de Ruyter expose himself as the classical extreme right wing anti-communist fanatic of the apartheid years - a man driven by his ideological conviction to destroy the anti-Christ, the ANC!

This he did precisely to draw attention away from the counter revolutionary forces responsible for the Eskom crisis, thus give them the space to continue with their destructive activities!

Now it looks very strange indeed that we could have counted on this sworn right-wing enemy of the ANC and the democratic revolution to rescue Eskom form its counter revolutionary captors!

Following the similar decisions of the 55th National Conference, I believe that it was very correct that the NEC declared in the 2023 January 8th Statement that one of the Movement’s “immediate priority actions” this year would consist of “specific intitiatives and programmes to deepen the Renewal of the ANC”.

I mention this particular matter at this point to emphasise the imperative that the renewal will have to include detailed exposure of our membership to the main policies of our our Movement precisely to help ensure that we have genuine cadres of the ANC, rather than mere card-carrying members!

Already six (6) years ago, the Diagnostic Report presented by the then ANC Secretary General, Comrade Gwede Mantashe, at the 2017 National Policy Conference, sounded the alert about one of the major chanllenges facing the Movement when it said:

“Being in power is rapidly becoming a source of political bankruptcy, in that members of the ANC fight to deployment either as councilors, MPLs and MPs – respectively, as if there is ‘no tomorrow’… It is foreign to our movement for comrades to see deployment as a source of material benefit rather than the reason to serve the people. These fights among comrades turn the interest of our people off, and push them away from the movement…”

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d9e924 No.127873

File: 4c1412dc4b95de1⋯.pdf (2.24 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18688152 (131400ZAPR23) Notable: Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun / Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile

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>This means that such important institutions as the OR Tambo Political School as well as such practices as visualised in the ‘Eye of a Needle’ document are positioned correctly to help ensure that we produce quality cadres we require successfully to achieve the goals of the NDR [National Democratic Revolution].


>The majority must have its way. Democracy works that way.



But the movement’s membership has to find the answers, so we together build and sustain the ANC as an agent for change. To fully understand this challenge, let us first examine the character of challenges in this phase of struggle.

According to the Strategy and Tactics document:

“Our strategy is the creation of a united, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic society. In pursuit of this objective, we shall, at each given moment, creatively adopt tactics that advance that objective. Our fundamental point of departure is that South Africans have it in their power, as a people and as part of progressive humankind, to continually change the environment in which we operate in the interest of a better future.

“In this phase of transformation, we seek to expand and deepen the power of democratic forces in all centres critical to the NDR, at the same time as we improve the people’s quality of life. Our efforts, which are people-centred, people-driven and gender-sensitive, are founded on five basic pillars:

to build and strengthen the ANC as a movement that organises and leads the people in the task of social transformation;

to deepen our democracy and culture of human rights and mobilise the people to take active part in changing their lives for the better;

to strengthen the hold of the democratic movement on state power, and transform the state machinery to serve the cause of social change;

to pursue economic growth, development and redistribution in such a way as to improve the people’s quality of life; and

to work with progressive forces throughout the world to promote and defend our transformation, advance Africa’s renaissance and build a new world order.”

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d9e924 No.127874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18688169 (131404ZAPR23) Notable: Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun / Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile

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“Thabo Mbeki meets with ANC top brass to discuss former president’s 17-page letter”


April 12, 2023

Former president Thabo Mbeki met with six of the ANC’s top seven national officials at Luthuli House last night following his letter to deputy president Paul Mashatile in March wherein he accused ruling party MPs of shielding the president in the Phala Phala saga.

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d9e924 No.127875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18688428 (131504ZAPR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Intercape bus company to sue Bheki Cele for police inaction (Parts 1&2)

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“Intercape bus company to sue Bheki Cele for police inaction” – Part 1


Published Apr 12, 2023

Cape Town - Commercial bus company, Intercape has announced it will be suing National Police Minister Bheki Cele for failure to act against the reign of terror the company and its employees had been facing.

The bus company said it opened its first case on March 4, 2020, and while three years have passed since and a further 164 more criminal cases were opened, there had not been a suspect arrested or prosecuted.

It said it is suing Cele for “complete and utter failure of police to stop the spate of attacks against the long-distance operator”.

Intercape said it has experienced a number of attacks in recent weeks, with at least 14 recorded incidents in the Eastern Cape alone.

Buses have been shot at and stoned, and its drivers and passengers have been intimidated by taxi operators in towns across the province.

The long-distance bus company has alleged the attacks amount to a campaign of organised crime and is part of a pattern of racketeering activity.

It said since March, three people have been shot and wounded, while two others seriously assaulted.

The company said parts of South Africa have been turned into a “mafia state” where taxi operators rule with impunity.

This is, according to Intercape, the result of the failed leadership of Cele and President Cyril Ramaphosa who appointed him.

Intercape CEO, Johann Ferreira said police have done nothing.

“The fish rots from the head and we have a police service which has done absolutely nothing to uphold public safety and ensure the arrest of perpetrators.

“We hold Minister Cele responsible for every failure of the police under his watch and we will not stop until there is full accountability to the travelling public in South Africa.

“Since 2020, Intercape has opened a staggering 167 cases, and rising, with police, predominantly in the Eastern Cape,” Ferreira said.

In a 122-page affidavit issued to the Makhanda High Court on March 31, the bus company also slammed the police and investigative authorities for their continued failure to stop the “calculated campaign of criminality”.

“As matters presently stand, there are no persons under arrest and no pending prosecutions,” Ferreira said.

Intercape has called on the Hawks to investigate the attacks.

It said it has listed Cele as a first respondent, followed by National Police Commissioner, General Fannie Masemola.

It further cited provincial police commissioners of the Eastern Cape, Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and the North West, along with the Head of the Hawks, the National Director of Public Prosecutions, and the head of the Investigating Directorate.

Intercape said it has been forced to take this route following the inaction of the National Transport Minister as well as Eastern Cape transport MEC.

It said the attacks, particularly in the Eastern Cape, continue despite several court orders compelling both the transport minister and the provincial counterpart to work with police to ensure the safety of Intercape employees and its passengers.

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d9e924 No.127876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18688431 (131504ZAPR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Intercape bus company to sue Bheki Cele for police inaction (Parts 1&2)

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“Intercape bus company to sue Bheki Cele for police inaction” – Part 2


Published Apr 12, 2023

Part of the affidavit reads:

“For several years, Intercape’s buses, bus drivers and passengers have been subjected to widespread, ongoing and well-documented acts of intimidation and violence at the hands of the taxi industry.

“The violence and intimidation have not occurred in isolation but have been coupled with express demands from representatives of the taxi industry to operate on their terms. Taxi associations have convened multiple meetings with long-distance bus operators at which they have demanded that the bus operators:

•	increase their prices to an agreed minimum price for specified routes;

•	limit the number of buses operating each route; and

•	alter the departure times of buses to appease minibus taxi operators.“

Intercape states that resistance to the demands “has been punished through acts of violence against Intercape’s buses, drivers and passengers, as well as the creation of so-called ”no-go zones“ in which taxi industry representatives – through the threat and infliction of violence – have made it exceedingly difficult and dangerous for long-distance bus operators to load and offload passengers”.

It said the “no-go zones” in the Eastern Cape have been reported to be: Butterworth, Ngcobo, Tsomo, Dutywa, and Cofimvaba.

It said the ongoing violence and the taxi associations’ demands were no coincidence.

“In combination, they amount to a campaign of organised crime, the fundamental aim of which is to drive Intercape (and other long-distance bus operators) out of certain parts of the country so that taxi operators may monopolise and take over the long-distance transport industry, and, consequently, increase their profits.

“The company charges that the attacks form part of a “pattern of racketeering activity” as defined in the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998 (the POCA),” another part of the affidavit reads.

The bus company says opening criminal cases with police has been “in vain” as nothing has come from it.

It further argued its cases be investigated and prosecuted at two levels namely: cases should be investigated individually, as independent acts of criminality, and secondly, the acts of criminality should be investigated collectively as forming part of an overarching scheme of organised crime.

“Of the 165 cases opened by Intercape as of March 31, there had been one arrest, linked to the April 2022 murder of Intercape driver Bangikhaya Machana, but that charges have since been withdrawn against the suspect,” the company said.

It said it has gone as far as providing police and the Hawks with evidence, schedules of reported cases and extensive evidence.

“But the SAPS and the DPCI have done nothing meaningful with this evidence.

“And their conduct suggests that they have little if any intention of doing so,” Intercape said.

The company has further asked the court to order a report be submitted to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), within 60 days, detailing all steps taken and progress made in investigating each of the cases opened, as well as the status of each investigation to enable the NPA to coordinate the investigation and prosecution of crimes.

The affidavit further states: “The risk of injury or death to Intercape’s drivers and passengers is as great as it has ever been. Intercape itself has no means to prevent it.

“While it has previously approached this court to require the transport authorities to devise an action plan to ensure that Intercape can safely transport passengers to and from the Eastern Cape, the drafting and implementation of that action plan have been woefully inadequate.

“Unless and until those responsible for orchestrating these acts of violence are placed behind bars, and a clear message is sent that this type of organised crime will not be tolerated, the risk of injury and death will persist,” it said.

The company said the brazen attacks continue to place its staff and passengers at risk and in the 11 days of issuing its application to sue, it has been victim of 14 further attacks or incidents of intimidation.

“In these attacks, some of its passengers sustained injuries. Still, there has been no effective police action to investigate and arrest those involved,” Intercape added.

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d9e924 No.127877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18693622 (141332ZAPR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / The ANC Method Violence 1986 [documentary] (video)

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“The ANC Method Violence 1986 [documentary]”, “There is a war going on, not against Apartheid, but against South Africa itself.” – Part 1


Peter Worthington

3:31 – “Again with [] propaganda, the selective acts are used to project that the government in power is unable to govern. That the industry isn’t working. That nothing works in fact. Indeed, what the terrorists try to do with armed agitation for instance is cause the public authorities to overreact. Then they can say that they’re conducting a self-defense, people’s war in self-defense. They’re conducting armed struggle to liberate themselves from these oppressive governments.”

4:02 – “We hear those leaders of the African National Congress that are abroad preaching about the struggle, particularly the armed struggle against South Africa. One would ask the question, can we say really these gentlemen have the mandate of of the people of South Africa, in particular the black people of South Africa to carry on with the armed struggle against South Africa?” [Bartholomew Hlapani; gave testimony in front of the US Congress and was murdered by the ANC]

4:42 – “In 1986 South Africa’s top black and white singers came together to create a song which reflected their hopes and aspirations for the future. Because the South African government backed the project it was automatically rejected by the media both in South Africa and the world. This despite the fact that it gave voice to the feelings of millions of South Africans desperately trying to find a peaceful solution to the problem of South Africa. Like Bartholomew Hlapane’s cry for peace – it was a message ignored by the media of the world. It is not the message of the ANC.”

7:02 – “There is a war going on, not against Apartheid, but against South Africa itself. I’m afraid, I’m convinced that the western media, western politicians and academics and all too many church figures are not so much interested in a peaceful solution to South Africa’s problems but want bloodshed and an overthow of the system at any price and the installation of another form of government, even if it ends up being a Marxist regime.”

11:31 – “The ANC fully came under the control of the Communist Party as a result, they could not do what they wanted or what they wished unless they consulted first with the Communist Party and got permission from the Communist Party.” [Bartholomew Hlapani]

20:16 – “Anyone who has seen the confiscated videotapes of necklacing has first-hand evidence of what children can do and it’s horrifying, but anger about South Africa should be directed at those who encourage children to murder and mutilate and stand on the smoldering bodies and dance their savagery before the TV cameras.

22;30 – “These people [ANC] are using them [Americans] to achieve their own objectives which has nothing to do with bring about change in South Africa but which have something to do with setting up a socialist or even a Marxist state in this country.”

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d9e924 No.127878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18693632 (141334ZAPR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / The ANC Method Violence 1986 [documentary] (video)

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>It appears that South Africa’s demise started with PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech [1985]










>To the ANC's left, the CIA directed money to the ultra-black nationalist Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) which had organized the demonstration, from which the ANC abstained, that led to the Sharpeville massacre in the spring of 1960.






This portion of the video is especially noteworthy. The whites and blacks were working together in South Africa but the ANC and their puppet masters did not like that. The ANC escalated violence in the country to create a division and, with the help of the media, justified their actions.

“The ANC Method Violence 1986 [documentary]”, There is a war going on, not against Apartheid, but against South Africa itself.” – Part 2


Peter Worthington

25:32 – “The Zionist Christian Church is basically apolitical and the world was puzzled and confused in 1985 when Mrs Winnie Mandela was telling the world, “the government has completely lost control of the present political situation. The government would like to conceal from the rest of the world the real truth about what is happening in South Africa. That the country has been rendered almost ungovernable and that in fact we in a military situation here. The government has declared war on the oppressed people of this country and the media has been the voice of the people because the people have no other platform.” And yet in the same year South African President PW Botha was invited to attend a mass ceremony of Zionist Christians and over a million blacks enthusiastically welcomed him. “We are grateful to share this occasion of goodwill with you. I am also highly honoured to accept your aware of the Freedom of Moria City of Peace and Love.” It was a one day wonder and quickly dismissed and conveniently forgotten by the world media.Take for example the fact that our State President PW Botha went for a walk, not an armored cavalcade, but for a walk through the crowds of black residents in the town or the community… which includes the township of Sharpeville. And everybody who knows anything about South Africa’s history, knows that Sharpeville symbolizes the single worst incident of conflict between black and white in South Africa. Perhaps the beginning of the current conflicts that we’re seeing in South Africa. But the State President, despite everything the ANC claims, was able to walk through the crowds in that Township as a symbol of reconciliation between the white government of South Africa and the black people of South Africa.

28:09 – “But for a variety of reasons, the outside world is not getting an accurate impression of what is going on inside South Africa and this applies to Europe, the United States and even my own country, Canada. The attitude today is vastly different from what it was in the past where the policy of Apartheid was once supported and backed by most whites. Today there is widespread feeling among virtually every faction of the white community that Apartheid is archaic, obsolete, morally wrong and must be dismantled. The main topic of debate is timing, when and how to do it. What we in the West should be doing and the media should be noting is looking at the direction South Africa is heading. It is the only country in the continent of Africa that is moving towards more democracy for all its people and improving the lot of all its citizens. Virtually all the other countries of the continent and all South Africa’s neighbours are moving away from democracy and away from human rights and away from prosperity for the majority. Those who oppose sanctions against South Africa or who insist South Africa is not the world’s most repressive regime, tended to be branded as bigots or reactionaries or incipient fascists or racists or Uncle Toms or apologists for Apartheid.”

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d9e924 No.127879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18694111 (141520ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Eskom will soon become part of the Private Sector

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“Eskom will soon become part of the Private Sector”


Published Apr 13, 2023

South Africans are tired and exhausted of Eskom’s lies.

We know that the end goal with Eskom is privatisation, like they have done with South African Airways.

The modus operandi is simple - push Eskom to the ground and sell it for next to nothing.

It wouldn’t be surprising if the “Mafia” clan are playing rock-paper-scissors for Eskom.

The ANC using their parliamentary majority to block the investigation of corruption at Eskom shows us that they are ready to cover up anything that implicates them or their leaders… even a sofa full of US dollars.

The fact that the ANC is pulling the plug on the investigation of corruption at Eskom is a clear indication that we are dealing with corruption that is much deeper than what they choose to tell us.

Load shedding has become unbearable with power cuts lasting up to 9 hours. South Africans should brace themselves for a cold and dark winter.

The amount of messages and notifications we receive in a day puts South Africans in a constant state of panic.

Load shedding has caused devastating effects on business. Threatening jobs, food security, mobile networks and retarding economic growth.

While South Africans are busy fighting interest rate increases, load shedding, unemployment, crime and poverty our political leadership is busy selling our country right under our nose.

Eskom’s biggest issue remains fraud and corruption. If we can remove all those corrupt individuals, work together and not against each other, Eskom could be restored.

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d9e924 No.127880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18704502 (161639ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Gold Mafia - Al Jazeera Investigations, Episodes 1-3 (video)

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Tip of the iceberg. Will this be used to distract from other criminals?

“Gold Mafia – Episode 4 – Have The King With You”


2:18 – “In South Africa, money laundering is like the new in thing for the rich people. Everyone is doing it. It’s just who can hide it the best way… When this documentary breaks in South Africa, Dawood Khan will be the most wanted person in South Africa, from government officials to the underworld, to my own brother.

7:18 – “Dawood Ibrahim is an Indian gangster and drug kingpin. He heads the organised crime syndicate D-company… Dawood Ibrahim is accused of being the mastermind behind bombings in India. [Footage of March 12, 1993 bombings] This is someone that’s really wanted by the FBI… that is able to come into South Africa, freely walk into a public setting such as the Michelangelo, then go into Jamaica Beach Hotel in the United Arab Emirates. It has cameras at almost every corner. Till today, I still also question how is it possible?”

8:54 – “Mo Dollars [Dawood’s brother] and his wife are guests at a Birthday party attended by the King of the Zulus nation [King Goodwill Zwelithini], the largest ethnic group in South Africa… This is an individual that controls the Zulu public of South Africa in general… King Zwelithini proved useful to Mo Dollars when Jacob Zuma was South Africa’s President.”

11:07 – “Next door Swaziland, the King is a close friend of mine. Zambia’s President is a close friend of my friend. DRC Congo, the president has invited me several times to come and build a refinery. Ghana’s President is a good friend of mine. In fact, he was my lawyer. Cyril Ramaphosa here, I know him, I know his kids… In Zimbabwe, E.D. [Emmerson Mnangagwa] is my partner.” Alistair Mathias (Gold Trader, the Architect)

56:54 – “They [money] would go into HSBC bank on Nathan Road. They had a guy there. They had a connection there. There’s relationships in HSBC specifically where they were able to get accounts opened in other individuals’ names and they would manage those accounts from South Africa.”

59:16 – “Do what the politicians do. For example, I buy a lot of stuff in my name on behalf of politicians… You have to have someone that you trust as a proxy. Politicians, they don’t have their name owning anything. They always have proxies that represent them. Pretty much everyone, even in Russia they have someone they trust a nephew or a cousin that holds all their assests. Africa, same thing. Someone they trust that runs all the businesses and they continue being politicians. [Continue to discuss government contracts.]

1:08:59 – “These are individuals that has the capability of governments and their security services to be able to trace people, to look for individuals, find them and take them out.

The net is closing on one of South Africa’s most notorious money launderers. In the final episode, the Gold Mafia boss issues a threat to anyway who breaks the oath of omertà. “What do you think is going to happen?”

“They kill you, don't they?” “Exactly,” he replies.

A member of the same gang is now in hiding and speaks to the I-Unit from a safe house. “They will come after me, that's a given. If I stay [in South Africa], I will be dead by the time this [film] hits the first five minutes of play.”

Other Gold Mafia bosses lure undercover reporters for the business to launder their dirty money with promises of political connections. A senior Zimbabwean diplomat is seeking the approval of the president to use an official plane to carry over a billion dollars of dirty cash from Hong Kong into Zimbabwe.

Two gold mafia bosses tell undercover reporters in Johannesburg, “There’s no president or head of state either of us can’t get to on this continent.” Another advises, “When you work you must always have the king with you. The president”.

Gold Mafia, a four-part series by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit looks at how society’s obsession with gold underwrites a global shadow economy. Investigators obtain the blueprints of money laundering operations that service southern Africa’s economic and political elite. And the investigation leads to the highest offices of state.

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d9e924 No.127881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18711005 (172002ZAPR23) Notable: Bakholokoe King warns SA government over Free State land, demands rightful share

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“Bakholokoe King warns SA government over Free State land, demands rightful share”


MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2023

The Bakholokoe Monarchy headed by King Letsitsa Moloi III have again laid claim to land in the Free State and other parts of South Africa, this time issuing a warning that they are ready to “take back” what’s theirs.

The Sotho monarch have for long claimed that the Bakholokoe are the rightful owners of the 550 000ha of land that cuts across the Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and Midvaal, including Vereeniging, Kuruman and Standerton.

According to Moloi, Bakholokoe elders bought the land with 9 450 cows from England in 1907 after their battle.

But, their sovereign lands were illegally taken from them by the South African government.

Last Year, Moloi wrote a letter to the Presidency and the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) notifying them on declaring the Bakholokoe as a sovereignity.

In a press briefing held at the Maslow Hotel in Sandton last week, the Bakholokoe monarchy claimed that the ANC was founded by them in 1910, and that all political parties in South Africa were still working for the British Crown keeping South Africa colonized.

It was the kings and queens of South Africa which helped with great loss of life to get the ANC into power.

Let it be known that all of the politicians and political parties are a fraud. They all know that there is a treaty between the South African Corporation and the Crown that governs all things concerning South Africa especially matter concerning the land,” they said.

The Bakholokoe Monarchy said they were planning to meet with the ANC traditional leaders council to discuss the future of the Free State but also to inform them that “as from today we don’t want to hear anything about them, they must stop calling themselves chiefs in our territory”.

King Moloi III said that they intend to approach Sanral to pay rental into their Royal Trust, as the roads are built on their land.

The King said apart from Sanral, they will also request the same from cellular networks who’ve built network towers in the area, mining companies conducting business on the land and other businesses in the areas in question. He said these rental fees should be paid into the Royal Trust which will then be used to take care of the kingdom.

“The responsibility to empower and govern our people will be taken back.

“We are the founders of the ANC and the kingdoms are the upper house while the ANC is the lower house.

“We are taking back what rightfully belongs to us. The land belongs to the royals and the people, not the government,” King Moloi III said.

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d9e924 No.127882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18714373 (181332ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Eskom implemented Stage 8 load shedding – and YOU didn’t know

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“Eskom implemented Stage 8 load shedding – and YOU didn’t know”


16-04-2023 10:29

The implementation of Stage 8 load shedding comes after Electricity Minister Dr Kgosientso Ramokgopa visited 18 power stations

Despite supposed measures by government to address load shedding, the current energy crisis is showing no signs of improving as it has been learnt that Eskom essentially implemented Stage 8 load shedding on Thursday evening, 13 April 2023, Sunday Times reports.


According to the publication, Eskom’s energy availability (at the time Stage 8 load shedding was implemented) was sitting at 23,771MW against the power demand of 30,747MW. This means it had to shed 7,072MW of electricity, according to its energy generation update.

Eskom has been implementing Stage 6 load shedding this week. Stage 8 load shedding requires between 7,001MW and 8,000MW of electricity being shed.


Sunday Times reports that Eskom’s spokesperson Daphne Mokwena confirmed the utility had shed beyond the 6,000MW, but denied implementing Stage 8 load shedding.

“Basically, we curtailed 1,353MW from those customers on load curtailment and reduced 5,719MW from all other customers, which made up the 7,072MW load,” Mokwena is quoted as having told the publication.

“We refrain from using terminology because the public becomes confused and things we are talking about load reduction that we normally implement when not load-shedding to prevent failing of equipment due to overload,” she added.

Electricity Minister Dr Kgosientso Ramokgopa visited 18 power stations across the country to get an overall picture of the current electricity situation in the country.

[February 10, 2023 - President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that he will be appointing a Minister of Electricity has Mzansi tickled. Ramaphosa said the new minister will assume full responsibility for dealing with the electricity crisis, leaving many confused. Since his announcement, social media users believe that a Minister of Potholes post should also be created. https://briefly.co.za/politics/152930-sona-2023-south-africans-call-minister-potholes-following-president-cyril-ramaphosas-address/]

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d9e924 No.127883

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18714378 (181332ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Load shedding at 40: The performance of power stations in South Africa vs the United States

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“Load shedding at 40: The performance of power stations in South Africa vs the United States”


25 November 2022

South Africa is experiencing its worst year of load-shedding because of poor power station performance and Eskom’s declining energy availability factor (EAF).

According to the load-shedding app EskomSePush, there have been 2,900 hours of load shedding so far this year. It translates to 121 days of load-shedding, more than double last year’s 48 days.

Eskom often blames ageing infrastructure for the poor performance of its generation fleet and the low EAF.

In 2020, Eskom’s generation executive Rhulani Mathebula said Eskom’s increased failure rate is not due to a lack of skills but because of unreliable and ageing infrastructure.

Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter has also blamed ageing infrastructure for load-shedding, saying the older power plants are susceptible to failures and breakdowns.

However, an analysis by Daily Investor showed that the age of a power station does not automatically result in higher breakdown rates and a lower EAF.

To test Eskom’s claims, we compared the performance of Eskom’s Tutuka and Duvha power stations with two US-based coal power stations – Wansley and Scherer.

•	The Duvah power station was first commissioned in 1980, with the final unit completed in 1984 (38-42 years old).

•	The Wansley power plant in Georgia was first commissioned in 1976 (46 years old).

•	Tutuka was first commissioned in 1985, with the final unit going online in 1990 (32-37 years old).

•	The Scherer power plant was commissioned in 1982 and is of a similar age to Tutuka (40 years old).

If Eskom’s claim of ageing infrastructure causing a significant deterioration in performance is true, the US and South African power stations should show similar trends.

A significant difference in performance points to other factors, like poor maintenance, mismanagement, and a lack of skills.

We used the energy availability factor (EAF) – the percentage of time the power station was available for use when it was needed – as a measure of performance.

From 2009 to 2021, Eskom’s Tutuka and Duvha had an average EAF of 64% and 56%, respectively. It means that since 2009 they were only available for 64% and 56% of the time they were needed.

In 2021, Tutuka and Duvha had average EAF of 37% and 44%, respectively. It is expected to be much worse in 2022.

Wansley and Scherer, in comparison, had an average EAF of 90% and 89%, respectively, over the same period. They were, therefore, available for 90% and 89% of the time they were needed.

An interesting observation is that Scherer and Wansley had an upward trend in their EAF figures as time progressed.

The large differential suggests that ageing infrastructure can still be reliable. With regular maintenance and using the latest technology, their performance can even improve.

In Eskom’s case, poor skills, mismanagement, and a lack of maintenance are the likely culprits for breakdowns and the low EAF – not ageing infrastructure.

The chart below shows the performance over time of the two power stations in the United States compared with Eskom’s Tutuka and Duvha.

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d9e924 No.127884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715325 (181746ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Patrice Motsepe, Tyme Bank, and African Rainbow Capital (ARC)

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“Case Study 1: Patrice Motsepe”


Patrice Tlhopane Motsepe… sits on several company boards, including being the non-executive chairman of Harmony Gold, the world’s 12th largest gold mining company, the deputy chairman of Sanlam and a non-executive director of Absa broup.

In 1997, Motsepe, Nicky Oppenheimer and Mark Shuttleworth [born in the gold mining town Welkom] formed Green and Partners, a venture capital firm through which Motspe established African Rainbow Minerals (ARM). With low gold prices that year, he purchased low-yield gold mine shafts from AngloGold under favourable finance terms. AngloGold sold Motsepe six gold mine shafts for $7,7 million allowing him to repay the debt out of the future earnings of African Rainbow Minerals (ARM). He subsequently turned each into profitable enterprises.

In 2003, Motsepe created Ubuntu-Botho Investments (UBI) (and in 2019 he owned 55% of it). His other company African Rainbow Capital (ARC) has holdings in more the 40 companies, including TymeBank, industrial group Afrima, agricultural company BKB, telecommunications company Rain, luxury property estate Val de Vie, and a minority stake in Alexander Forbes, the pension fund administrator.

Apart from soccer, Motsepe bought a 37% stake in the Blue Bulls Co. The other major shareholders are Remgro (37%) and Blue Bulls Rugby Union (26%).

In October 2014, Motsepe donated $1 million to the Ebola Fund in the Republic of Guinea to ad the West African country’s efforts to curb the deadly Ebola virus that affected a number of West African countries including Liberia and Sierra Leone.

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d9e924 No.127885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715335 (181747ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Patrice Motsepe, Tyme Bank, and African Rainbow Capital (ARC)

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“Who is Tyme Bank [digital bank] Owner?”


June 15, 2022

Tyme Bank was previously wholly owned by African Rainbow Capital (ARC) Financial Services Holdings (Pty) Ltd until 10th June 2019, when ARC and Ethos Private Equity jointly announced an investment of R200 million by the Ethos Artificial Intelligence (AI) Fund and co-investors (jointly Ethos AI Fund) into Tyme Bank Holdings. However, ARC is still the majority shareholder.

The digital bank also has other sharefolders, including Tencent and CDC Group, providing a modern, digital alternative to traditional banking, characterized by expensive maintenance, slow-paced innovation, and more. TymeBank focuses on retail and business banking and stands out for it unique savings tool, GoalSave.


TymeBank is a new kind of bank that’s digitally smart. The money we save by not having branches means you pay a lot less for banking, like no monthly fees and only pay for what you use.

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d9e924 No.127886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715342 (181749ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Ethos Private Equity, Rohatyn Group

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>Ethos Private Equity

“History of Ethos Private Equity”


Founded in 1984, Ethos pioneered South African private equity, concluding the first private equity-led acquisitions in the country.





Investments made on balance sheet as FirstCorp Capital Partners, a division of First National Bank

Investment into Hudaco




Investment into Rasco




R116 Million

First non-captive private equity fund in South Africa


Strip Steel Limited in 1992

First public-to-private deal in South Africa – Strip Steel Limited in 1992



Pioneering Black Economic Empowerment investment into Kagiso Publishers

50th concluded investment



R705 Million

First international private equity fund in South Afirca



R2.1 Billion

Ethos becomes independent from the FirstRand Group



Dunlop Africa in 1998

Landmark multinational transaction with significant operations across Africa – Dunlop Africa in 1998


Ethos Fund IV makes R2,1bn investment into Foodcorp

[2011: First public-to-private deal completed under new Companies Act http://web.archive.org/web/20140625050426/http://ethos.co.za/about-us/history/]



Stuart succeeds founding partner, Andre Roux

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d9e924 No.127887

File: 8f8b89a571fcd5d⋯.jpg (34.84 KB,310x450,31:45,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715351 (181752ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Ethos Private Equity, Rohatyn Group

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>[Patrice Motsepe] a minority stake in Alexander Forbes, the pension fund administrator.



Andre is the Founding Partner of Ethos Private Equity, having established the business in 1984.

He is widely regarded as the pioneer of South African private equity and held the post of Chief Executive since Ethos’ inception. He has lectured extensively on the private equity industry to business schools and is a regular speaker at industry conferences.

Andre stepped down as Chief Executive in 2014 and assumed the role of Deputy Chairman, and Chairman of Ethos’ investment committee.

Prior to the establishment of Ethos, Andre held the positions of Chief Executive of FirstCorp Capital Investors Limited and FirstCorp Merchant Bank. He has served on the boards of several portfolio companies associated with the various investment funds advised by Ethos. Until recently, Andre was a member of the Alexander Forbes Board of Directors prior to the business listing on the JSE (July 2014).

Andre graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of the Witwatersrand and is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Most recently, EMPEA (Emerging Markets Private Equity Association) appointed Andre as Senior Advisor and Chair of the EMPEA Africa Council

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d9e924 No.127888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715357 (181753ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / All the South African banks that have failed in the last 30 years

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>FirstCorp Merchant Bank

“All the South African banks that have failed in the last 30 years”


With VBS Mutual Bank being put under curatorship, it marks the 13th bank in almost 30 years to go through the process in South Africa – and the first since African Bank’s collapse in 2014.

In VBS’s case, the fault came through failure by the bank’s management to align the business with its sudden rate of growth. The SARB said the bank made incredibly risky moves, particularly around using short-term municipal deposits as a base for long-term lending.

When the municipalities came to withdraw their funds, the bank did not have the funds to pay them.

This case of “bad management and liquidity problems” is a recurring theme among South Africa’s failed banks. A recent paper published by the University of Pretoria outlined all the cases of failed banks in the country since 1990 – showing 12 (13 including VBS) banks that were placed under curatorship, three of which would ultimately be liquidated.

According to the research paper, even though the majority of the banks ultimately resolved their liquidity problems, the way in which this was done – arrangements, transferring assets, mergers etc – often resulted in the banks ‘shutting down’ in one way or another.

As a result of various deals, sell-off and mergers, over 20 banks have been deregistered in South Africa since 1990. These are:

•	Brait Merchant Bank

•	Cadiz Investment Bank

•	CorpCapital Bank

•	FirstCorp Merchant Bank

•	International Bank of Southern Africa

•	Merril Lynch Capital Markets Bank

•	Old Mutual Bank

•	PSG Investment Bank

•	TA Bank of Southern Africa

•	African Merchant Bank

•	BOE Bank

•	Cape of Good Hope Bank

•	ING Bank NV SA

•	Nedcor Investment Bank

•	RMB Asset Finance Bank

•	Securities Investment Bank

•	Unibank

•	Gensec Bank

•	MLS Bank

•	New Republic Bank

•	Saambou Bank

•	Peoples Bank

•	MEEF Bank

•	Imperial Bank

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d9e924 No.127889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715372 (181755ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Ethos Private Equity, Rohatyn Group

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“Rohatyn to Buy Ethos to Create Firm With $8 Billion Assets”


November 21, 2022

The Rohatyn Group said it will acquire South Africa’s Ethos Private Equity to help the US investment firm expand on the continent.

The purchase will help the New York-based company create a firm with close to $8 billion of assets under management, Stuart MacKenzie, chief executive officer at Ethos, said in an interview. Brait Plc, backed by South African tycoon Christo Wiese, in 2019 hired Ethos to manage its portfolio including UK apparel chain New Look and Virgin Active gyms. MacKenzie didn’t disclose financial details of the acquisition.

The deal will “essentially result in Ethos acting as the African arm for the Rohatyn group,” MacKenzie said. “Plans include raising private equity and credit funds, and potentially forestry, agricultural and infrastructure funds that will include investments in renewable energy assets on the continent.”

Africa’s need for funds to finance infrastructure projects is massive. While there are about $2.5 trillion of public works in the pipeline on the continent, many won’t be completed because of lack of funding among other constraints, according to McKinsey & Co. That’s where companies such as Rohatyn can help.

The purchase will give New York-based Rohatyn access to one of the fastest growing regions in the world, said Nicolas Rohatyn, who started the business in 2002.

Ethos, with offices in South Africa, Kenya and London, will continue to manage Brait’s portfolio. The advisory agreement between Brait and Ethos will be ceded to the Rohatyn group.

Brait shares were little changed in Johannesburg on Monday, with the company valued at 6 billion rand ($345 million). The Rohatyn and Ethos deal is still subject to regulatory approvals.

Buyout firm Ethos also took over the management of Ninety One Plc’s Africa private equity funds in 2020, with assets in North, East and Southern Africa.

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d9e924 No.127890

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715374 (181756ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Ethos Private Equity, Rohatyn Group

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“The Rohatyn Group Completes Acquisition of Ethos Private Equity”


Published: April 3, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. ET

NEW YORK, (BUSINESS WIRE) – The Rohatyn Group (“TRG” or the “Firm”), a specialized global asset management firm focused on investment solutions in emerging markets and real assets, today announced the completion of its acquisition of Ethos Private Equity (“Ethos”) – a leading alternative asset management firm in Africa.

“Today marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for our team,” said Stuart MacKenzie, CEO of Ethos. “By leveraging TRG’s resources, network and deep understanding of emerging markets, we will be better positioned than ever to drive investment across Africa and create value for our stakeholders.”

Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Lazard Ltd became an advisor to TRG during the transaction process and assisted TRG in its completion.

About TRG

Founded in 2002, The Rohatyn Group specializes in emerging markets and real assets. Headquartered in New York, the firm employs over 180 professionals based in 17 countries across North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. It currently has approximately $8 billion in assets under management. For more information, please visit www.rohatyngroup.com


On 1 April 2023, The Rohatyn Group announced the completion of its acquisition of Ethos.

“We are pleased to complete our acquisition of Ethos, which marks our official expansion into Africa, one of the largest and fastest growing regions in the world,” said Nicolas Rohatyn, TRG’s Chief Executive Officer and founder. “Together, with unmatched local knowledge and a skilled global team of investors,

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d9e924 No.127891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715385 (181758ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Ethos Private Equity, Rohatyn Group

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Last paragraph was cut-off. Below is the full

“We are pleased to complete our acquisition of Ethos, which marks our official expansion into Africa, one of the largest and fastest growing regions in the world,” said Nicolas Rohatyn, TRG’s Chief Executive Officer and founder. “Together, with unmatched local knowledge and a skilled global team of investors, we’ll unlock significant opportunities to drive further growth across the continent’s private markets, real assets, and public markets.”

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d9e924 No.127892

File: 3ce853d71f814b8⋯.jpg (49.4 KB,500x264,125:66,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715418 (181808ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Patrice Motsepe, Tyme Bank, and African Rainbow Capital (ARC)

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>In 1997, Motsepe, Nicky Oppenheimer and Mark Shuttleworth [born in the gold mining town Welkom] formed Green and Partners, a venture capital firm through which Motspe established African Rainbow Minerals (ARM). With low gold prices that year, he purchased low-yield gold mine shafts from AngloGold under favourable finance terms. AngloGold sold Motsepe six gold mine shafts for $7,7 million allowing him to repay the debt out of the future earnings of African Rainbow Minerals (ARM).

Take note; “Nicky Oppenheimer joined the Anglo-American Corporation in 1968, serving as a director from 1974 until his retirement in 2011 and as Deputy Chairman from 1983 to 2001.” https://opp-gen.com/leaders/nicky-oppenheimer/https://opp-gen.com/leaders/nicky-oppenheimer/

History of AngloGold


AngloGold Limited was formed in June 1998 through the consolidation of the gold interests of Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Limited (AAC) and its associated companies, namely East Rand Gold and Uranium Company Limited; Eastvaal Gold Holdings Limited; Southvaal Holdings Limited; Free State Consolidated Gold Mines Limited; Elandsrand Gold Mining Company Limited; H.J. Joel Gold Mining Company Limited and Western Deep Levels Limited into a single, focused, independent, gold company. Vaal Reefs Exploration and Mining Company Limited (Vaal Reefs), the vehicle for the consolidation, changed its name to AngloGold Limited and increased its authorised share capital, effective 30 March 1998. AngloGold acquired minority shareholders interest in Driefontein Consolidated Limited (17%); Anmercosa Mining (West Africa) Limited (100%); Western Ultra Deep Levels Limited (89%); Eastern Gold Holdings Limited (52%); Erongo Mining and Exploration Company Limited (70%).

1999: AngloGold acquired a non-controlling shareholders interest in Driefontein Consolidated Limited (17%); Anmercosa Mining (West Africa) Limited (100%); Western Ultra Deep Levels Limited (89%); Eastern Gold Holdings Limited (52%); Erongo Mining and Exploration Company Limited (70%). It also purchased Minorco’s gold interests in North and South America and acquired Acacia Resources in Australia.

2000: AngloGold acquired a 40% interest in the Morila mine in Mali from Randgold Resources Limited; a 50% interest in the Geita mine in Tanzania from Ashanti Goldfields Company Limited (Ashanti); a 25% interest in OroAfrica, South Africa’s largest manufacturer of gold jewellery; and a 33% holding in Gold Avenue, an e-commerce business in gold.

2001: AngloGold sold the Elandsrand and Deelkraal mines to Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited (Harmony); disposed of its interests in No.2 Shaft Vaal River Operations to African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) and made an unsuccessful take-over bid for Normandy Mining Limited.

2002: AngloGold sold the Free State assets to African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) and Harmony Gold. It acquired an additional 46.25% of the equity, as well as the total loan assignment, of Cerro Vanguardia SA from Pérez Companc International SA, thereby increasing its interest in Cerro Vanguardia to 92.5%. AngloGold disposed of its wholly owned subsidiary, Stone and Allied Industries (O.F.S.) Limited.

2003: During 2003 the following corporate activities took place: AngloGold disposed of its wholly owned Amapari project to Mineração Pedra Branca do Amapari. AngloGold finalised the sale of its 49% stake in the Gawler Craton Joint Venture, including the Tunkillia project located in South Australia to Helix Resources Limited. It concluded the sale of its interest in the Jerritt Canyon Joint Venture to Queenstake Resources USA Inc and disposed of its entire investments in East African Gold Mines Limited and in Randgold Resources Limited. AngloGold purchased a portion of the Driefontein mining area in South Africa from Gold Fields Limited.

2004: AngloGold sold its Western Tanami project to Tanami Gold NL in Australia. The business combination between AngloGold and Ashanti Goldfields Company Limited was completed, resulting in the company changing its name to AngloGold Ashanti Limited.


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d9e924 No.127893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715672 (181856ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South African Breweries [SAB]

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>South African Breweries (SAB)

South African Breweries [SAB]


South African Breweries (officially The South African Breweries Limited, informally SAB) is a major brewery headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa and was a wholly owned subsidiary of SABMiller until its interests were sold to Anheuser-Busch InBev on 10 October 2016.[2] South African Breweries is now a direct subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV.[3][4]

The company that is now South African Breweries was founded in 1895 as Castle Brewery to serve a growing market of miners and prospectors in and around Johannesburg. Two years later, it became the first industrial company to list on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the year after (1898) it listed on the London Stock Exchange.[5] In 1950, SAB relocated its headquarters and control from London to South Africa.[5] In 1955, Castle Brewing purchased the Ohlsson's and Chandlers Union breweries, and the group was renamed South African Breweries.

From the early 1990s onward, the company increasingly expanded internationally, making several acquisitions in both emerging and developed markets. In 1999, it formed a new UK-based holding company, SAB plc, and moved its primary listing to London. In May 2002, SAB plc acquired Miller Brewing, forming SABMiller plc.

On 10 October 2016, Anheuser-Busch InBev acquired SABMiller for £69 billion (US$107 billion at the time the deal closed).[6] The arrangement had been approved by shareholders of both companies on 28 September 2016, and the deal closed on 10 October 2016.



1995: State President Nelson Mandela opens SAB's World of Beer (then the Centenary Centre) in the Newtown cultural precinct of Johannesburg. SAB celebrates 100 years with a share price of R100, market capitalisation of R30 billion and a record R10 billion in added value for the South African economy.

SABMiller plc is the world’s second largest brewer by volume. The company has interests in over 60 countries around the world and is one of the largest bottlers and distributors of Coca-Cola products outside of the United States.

It owns and distributes more than 200 brands and has a total annual lager volume in excess of 175 billion litres.

ABI was established in Johannesburg in 1976 as a result of beverage manufacturing and marketing agreements between The Coca-Cola Export Corporation of the United States, CadburySchweppes (South Africa) Ltd and SAB.

SAB’s pioneering equity (affirmative action) programme, launched in the mid-1970s to alleviate historical inequalities and disadvantages experienced by many of its employees, fostered skills training and advancement to compensate for the denial of basic education to so many.

SAB has a long history as a progressive, societal leader, and this is backed up by the number of awards that the business has won over the years.

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d9e924 No.127894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715709 (181903ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South African Breweries [SAB]

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>Despite the oppressive regime, he managed to get a license from South African Breweries (SAB) to sell the distribute liquor.


>Among the same crowded Cato Manor shanties, police made arrests for illicit possession of liquor, and on 24 January 1960 the umpteenth riot broke out. This riot shocked South Africa! Nine policemen were dead!


Shouldn’t the government issue liquor licenses and not SAB? Was it the responsibility of SAB to issue liquor licenses in the 60s and the police enforced it? If the Zulus had liquor licenses the Cato Manor Massacre would not have occurred? SAB needs to be investigated!

South African Breweries History – Interesting Connections (Part 1)


The South African Breweries Limited (SAB) is a holding company whose principal line of business is brewing. The company holds an impressive 98 percent share of the beer market in its home country of South Africa, where it sells 14 brands of beer, including local lagers Castle and Lion as well as foreign brands brewed under licenseHeineken, Guinness, Amstel, and Carling Black Label. Aggressive overseas expansion following the end of apartheid, however, has also given SAB ownership of, or stakes in, more than 25 breweries in the emerging markets of central Europe, China, and sub-Saharan Africa. Overall, in terms of volume, South African Breweries is the world's fourth largest brewer. SAB also has a variety of nonbrewing operations, such as carbonated and natural fruit drinks and other beverages, retailing, hotels and gaming, and manufacturing of safety matches and glass. The company has been divesting many of these noncore assets in the late 1990s. SAB's history is in many ways the history of the South African brewing industry, most notably through the government-ordered merger of the largest breweries in 1956. The company's history was also greatly influenced by the apartheid system and its effect on the domestic economy, on domestic firms, and on foreign investment in South Africa.–

The discovery of gold on the Witwatersrand (a region encompassing Johannesburg) in 1875 brought large numbers of prospectors to South Africa. Small outposts for white settlers were transformed into busy cities with new industries. Several brewmasters, most with little experience, began to produce a variety of beers which immediately gained popularity with the settlers.

[Frederick] Mead remained interested in establishing a brewery in the rapidly growing Witwatersrand. In 1892 he purchased the Castle Brewery in Johannesburg from its proprietor Charles Glass. The expansion of this facility, however, was beyond the means of the Natal Brewery Syndicate, and Mead returned to England to attract new investors. In the final arrangement, Mead formed another larger company based in London called The South African United Breweries. This company took over the operations of both the Natal Brewery Syndicate and the Castle Brewery.

After construction of the new Castle Brewery, South African United Breweries made additional share offerings which were purchased by South Africa's largest investment houses. Subsequent growth precipitated a restructuring of the company and reincorporation in London on May 15, 1895, as The South African Breweries Limited.

South African Breweries CEO Ted Sceales was instrumental in the creation of a new subsidiary called Barsab Investment Trust, jointly held by SAB and Thomas Barlow & Sons Ltd. (later Barlow Rand), the rapidly expanding mining services group. Barsab permitted SAB and Barlow to invest in each other and pool their managerial and administrative resources.

Parliamentary motions to permit the reincorporation of SAB in South Africa were initiated in 1968. These motions, however, did not gain approval until March 17, 1970. On May 26, 1970, after 75 years as an English company, SAB became a de jure South African company.

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d9e924 No.127895

File: d2d0b9e170eb23b⋯.jpg (83.41 KB,594x373,594:373,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715774 (181915ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South African Breweries [SAB]

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>Why was the book, Kerzner Unauthorised, banned? What does the SA government want to hide? Sol’s name also appears in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book.


>1995: State President Nelson Mandela opens SAB's World of Beer (then the Centenary Centre) in the Newtown cultural precinct of Johannesburg.


> I had an opportunity in my office to tell [Mr] Mandela, but apparently he is a captive of the cabal and a captive of interests [from] which he cannot escape.


South African Breweries History – Interesting Connections (Part 2)


While sales of wine and spirits continued to rise, SAB sold a number of its liquor-oriented hotels, and reorganized those that remained under a new subsidiary called the Southern Sun Hotel Corporation. Southern Sun, which operated 50 hotels in South Africa, was formed by the merger in 1969 of the existing SAB hotel interests with those of the Sol Kerzner family.

The South African government barred SAB from further investment in the liquor industry and limited its ability to invest overseas. The company then made several attempts to diversify its operations. In 1972 SAB and Barlow Rand decided to alter their collaboration and dissolve Barsab. As a result, two former Barsab holdings, the Shoe Corporation, and Afcol, South Africa's largest furniture manufacturer, came under SAB control. The following year, SAB acquired OK Bazaars, a large discount department store chain. Certain other investments were disposed of, however, including ventures in banking and food products.

Several brewing interests attempted to challenge SAB's dominant position in the South African market. Various German interests set up breweries in Botswana and Swaziland in a failed attempt to gain a foothold in South Africa. Louis Luyt, a South African entrepreneur, also failed, and sold his breweries to the Rembrandt Group in 1973. The Luyt breweries, which formed the core of Rembrandt's alcoholic beverage group, were later incorporated as the Intercontinental Breweries. Determined to succeed, Rembrandt's chairman, Dr. Anton Rupert, committed his company to a scheme of competition based on control of liquor retail outlets. In 1978 Rembrandt acquired a 49 percent share of Gilbey's, the third largest liquor group in South Africa. The addition of Gilbey's 100 retail outlets gave Rembrandt access to a total of 450 stores. South African Breweries responded by acquiring Union Wine, an independent liquor retailer with 24 hotels and over 50 retail outlets.

Once again, market conditions were not conducive to competition. The government, therefore, proposed a rationalization program in which SAB would take over Rembrandt's brewing interests and turn over its wine and spirits operations to an independent subsidiary called Cape Wine and Distillers. The program, executed in November 1979, also called for Rembrandt to turn over its Oude Meester wine and spirits operations to Cape Wines, in which SAB, Rembrandt, and the KWV wine growers cooperative each owned a 30 percent interest. The remaining 10 percent interest was sold to private investors.

Many business leaders openly called for change, but the government still prevented companies such as SAB from transferring capital out of South Africa through foreign investments. Often these companies had little choice but to reinvest their surplus capital in South African ventures, which in turn gave them a more crucial interest in the resolution of social and human rights problems within South Africa.

Many foreign-owned companies, which faced fewer restrictions on divestment, sold their South African subsidiaries and closed their offices in South Africa. This trend made acquisitions by South African companies easier. SAB took over control of the ABI soft drink concern from Coca-Cola, and later added several clothing retailers, including Scotts Stores (acquired in 1981) and the Edgars chain (added in 1982). A government order in 1979 for SAB to sell its Solly Kramer retail liquor stores was completed in 1986, five years before its deadline. Also in 1986 SAB established a joint venture with Ceres Fruit Juices to sell leading noncarbonated juice brands Ceres, Liquifruit, and Fruitee.

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d9e924 No.127896

File: 4fe51a53eb8fa86⋯.jpg (33.2 KB,512x341,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715797 (181923ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South African Breweries [SAB]

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South African Breweries History – Interesting Connections (Part 3)


SAB&mdashting largely out of self-interest since 85 percent of the beer in South Africa was purchased by blacks–was well out in front of the political changes as it had begun to hire blacks in the early 1980s. By 1985 28 percent of salaried employees were black, a figure that rose to 48 percent by 1994. Nevertheless, the threat of a government-forced breakup of SAB's beer monopoly hung over the company following the end of apartheid.

Partly in response to this threat, and partly in response to the loosening of laws regarding foreign investment, the [Meyer] Kahn-led South African Breweries aggressively expanded outside its home country starting in 1993. That year, SAB spent US$50 million for an 80 percent stake in Hungary's largest brewer, Dreher Breweries, the first of a series of moves into the emerging markets of central Europe. In 1996 the company gained joint control of two of the largest breweries in Poland, Lech Brewery and Tyskie Brewery, as well as three breweries in Romania and one in Slovakia. In 1994 SAB created a joint venture with Hong Kong-based China Resources Enterprise Limited; by early 1998 this joint venture had gained majority control of five breweries in China. A third area of foreign growth for SAB was in sub-Saharan Africa, where management control was gained of breweries in Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and Uganda during this period.

In August 1997 Kahn was appointed chief executive of the South African police service [to influence investigations?], becoming the first civilian to hold the post. The outspoken Kahn, who had been vocal in calling for the rapid liberalization of the economy and for a restoration of law and order, was made responsible for cracking down on a national crime epidemic. Taking over as acting chairman of SAB was Cyril Ramaphosa, South Africa's most prominent black capitalist and a former militant trade unionist [NUM (National Union of Mineworkers)].

By this time, South African Breweries was the world's fourth largest brewer and had a rapidly expanding international brewing empire. The company was now free to unload its noncore businesses in order to concentrate more closely on brewing and its other beverage operations. Under Ramaphosa, it did just that. In late 1997 and early 1998 SAB divested its holdings in OK Bazaars, Afcol, and Da Gama Textiles, and announced that Lion Match and Conshu Holdings, a footwear maker, were also likely to be jettisoned. These divestments were not proceeding quickly enough for some observers, but SAB had already managed to strengthen its overall position in the face of the continued threat of the breakup of its domestic beer monopoly. Selling off noncore assets was freeing up capital for additional investment in foreign breweries, which would further mitigate the impact of any government intervention.

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d9e924 No.127897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715813 (181925ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South African Breweries [SAB]

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South African Breweries History – Interesting Connections (Part 4)


Principal Subsidiaries:

Southern Associated Maltsters (Pty.) Ltd.; SAB Hop Farms (Pty.) Ltd.; SAB International Holdings Inc.; SAB International (Africa) B.V. (Netherlands); Botswana Breweries (Pty.) Ltd. (40%); Kgalagadi Breweries (Pty.) Ltd. (Botswana; 40%); Swaziland Brewers (Pty.) Ltd. (60%); Lesotho Brewing Company (Pty.) Ltd. (39%); Tanzania Breweries Ltd. (46%); Cervejas de Mozambique Limitada (65%); Zambian Breweries Plc (45%); Nile Breweries Limited (Uganda; 40%); SAB International (Europe) B.V. (Netherlands); Dreher Breweries (Hungary; 85%); Lech Browary Wielkopolski S.A. (Poland; 32%); SC Vulturul S.A. (Romania; 70%); Compañia Cervecera de Canarias S.A. (Spain; 51%); SC Pitber S.A. (Romania; 81%); SC Ursus S.A. (Romania; 73%); Browary Tyskie Górny Slask S.A. (Poland; 45%); SAB International (Asia) B.V. (Netherlands); China Resources Enterprise Beverages Ltd. (49%); China Resources Shenyang; Snowflake Beer Co. Ltd. (China; 44%); China Resources Dalian Brewery Co. Ltd. (49%); Shenzhen C'est Bon Food and Drink Co. Ltd. (China; 33%); China Resources (Jilin) Brewery Co. Ltd. (90%); Delta Corporation Ltd. (Zimbabwe; 23%); Seychelles Breweries Ltd. (20%); Accra Breweries Limited (Ghana; 50.5%); Amalgamated Beverage Industries Ltd. (68%); Coca-Cola Canners (Pty.) Ltd. (24%); Can Vendors (Pty.) Ltd.; Appletiser South Africa (Pty.) Ltd.; Appletiser Pure Fruit Juices (Pty.) Ltd.; Ceres Fruit Juices (Pty.) Ltd. (35%); Valaqua (Pty.) Ltd.; Associated Fruit Processors (Pty.) Ltd. (50%); Traditional Beer Investments (Pty.) Ltd.; Distillers Corporation (SA) Ltd. (30%); Stellenbosch Farmers' Winery Group Ltd. (30%); Edgars Stores Ltd. (65%); Amalgamated Retail Ltd. ("Amrel") (68%); Southern Sun Holdings Ltd.; Plate Glass and Shatterprufe Industries Ltd. (68%); Da Gama Textile Company Ltd. (61%); The Lion Match Company Ltd. (71%); Conshu Holdings Ltd. (67%).

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d9e924 No.127898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715926 (181955ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Peter Obi, Anambra Governor, ties to SABMiller Brewery (video)

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Nigeria: “Anambra Governor Said to Secretly Own Shares in N15 billion SABMiller Brewery”


August 31, 2012

Former House of Representatives member, Mr. Chudi Offodile has asked Governor Peter Obi of Anambra State to resign over a company ownership scandal.

The SABMiller Brewery which was commissioned by President Jonathan yesterday is the second largest brewery in Africa and cost $100 million of private and public (Anambra State) funds to build.

The Brewery is expected to employ 750 direct employees and 4,500 indirect employees and distributors. 10% of the company is owned by the Anambra State governor, whilst local investors own 12.5% of the brewery.

Former Rep, Offodile is alleging that a company, Next International Ltd, owned by Governor Obi and his family members has a stake in the 12.5% owned by the private investors.

Addressing journalists in Abuja, Offodile said, “It would amount to an endorsement of a sordid affair and may embolden other foreigners who design and put into effect, different and newer corruption techniques with government officials. In the history of corruption in Nigeria, the Onitsha brewery scandal will rank as the most brazen”.

Offodile said investigations he made into Next international at the Corporate Affairs Commission disclosed that the Obi family owns the company and even though Governor Peter obi resigned his directorship in his company, his brother serves as the Managing Director.

When contacted, the Senior Special Assistant to Governor Obi on Media and Publicity, Mr. Valentine Obienyem did not refute the claims that Next international was indeed a shareholder in SAB Miller Brewery. He did not refute the claim that Governor. Obi’s brother was the head of the company.

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d9e924 No.127899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715931 (181956ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Peter Obi, Anambra Governor, ties to SABMiller Brewery (video)

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“Peter Obi: Integrity issues with Sabmiller Brewery, by Chudi Offodile”


AUGUST 26, 2012 - UPDATED:JULY 31, 2022


When I first raised the issue a few months ago, apart from a rain of insults I received from government agents, the Attorney General, Peter Afuba, directed me to the Corporate Affairs Commission to obtain information about the company. But a search at the CAC did not yield any information on Sabmiller brewery, Onitsha, which is the name the state government repeatedly called the company. The government itself refused to release any information on the ownership of the company except to say that Anambra State invested N2 billion for a 10 per cent stake in the Sabmiller brewery with “other businessmen”.

The identity of the so-called ‘other businessmen’ remained a closely guarded secret until I stumbled upon a company, in the records of the CAC, called INTAFACT BEVERAGES LIMITED, with registration no 680933, incorporated by the firm of Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie. The company has British and South African directors with a nominal share capital of N40,000,000 million divided into 400 ordinary shares of N100,000 each.

Three hundred of the 400 ordinary shares worth N30 million were allotted to the following shareholders as at April 2011: Sabmiller Nigeria holdings – 230 ordinary shares, Anambra State Government – 40 ordinary shares and Next International Nigeria Limited – 30 ordinary shares. Intafact Beverages Limited is the owner of the brewery in Onitsha. Keep in mind, the fact that Next International Limited, one of the three shareholders of Intafact Beverages Limited, is owned by Governor Peter Obi of Anambra State and his family. It turns out that the mysterious “other businessmen” is no other than the governor himself. Alas, the gods are naked!

Part of the land on which the brewery stands in bridgehead, Onitsha, belongs to a company called International Steel Industry Limited, Onitsha. The land was allocated to the company in 1975 by the defunct East Central State Government. The company had developed the over seven acre property and paid ground rent on the property up until 2011. Indeed, the certificate of occupancy was re-certified by Governor Obi on March 5, 2010. Yet, Obi went ahead and revoked the right of occupancy of International Steel Company and awarded same to Intafact Beverages Limited, a private company in which he has interest.

The land was revoked for “overriding public interest” and re-awarded to a private company for “overriding personal interest”. It is illegal to revoke a parcel of land for overriding public interest and grant the same parcel to a private company. It becomes immoral and symptomatic of greed, avarice and a capricious abuse of state power, when the beneficiary of the revocation is the governor himself.

Sabmiller, based in South Africa, is said to be the biggest brewery group in the world. Its investment in Nigeria is speculated to be more than a $100 million. A good deal for Nigeria and Anambra State, no doubt. But it appears that in an attempt to expand its operations in Africa, it has gotten itself entangled in a web of corruption and unethical conduct.

Governor Obi personally handled all negotiations between Anambra State Government and Sabmiller Group and visited South Africa several times on the subject. Did Sabmiller allocate the shares in Intafact Beverages Limited to Next International Limited as “bribe” to further its business interest in Nigeria?

To address these questions and more, an international enquiry into the activities of Sabmiller Group in Nigeria and the operations of Next International Limited and the possible interface of its accounts with that of Anambra State Government should commence without further delay. To this end, I shall be forwarding a letter to Nigeria’s Attorney General and Minister for Justice, the British government, the government of South Africa and the United States Department of Justice demanding for this investigation.

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d9e924 No.127900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715933 (181958ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Peter Obi, Anambra Governor, ties to SABMiller Brewery (video)

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>Next International Limited

“EXCLUSIVE: UK authorities dissolve Peter Obi’s company, Next International”


January 11, 2023

For failing to submit its annual accounts, authorities in the United Kingdom, UK, have struck off Next International (UK) Limited, a company largely owned by Nigerian top politician and presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi.

Checks by PREMIUM TIMES revealed that the company was removed from the record in September 2021 following a first and second gazette notice of “compulsory” strike off of the entity.

In the UK, a compulsory strike off is imposed on a company by creditors or by the Companies House for non-submission of annual accounts or failure to notify Companies House about a change of official registered office address. Once a company is struck off, its details will be removed from Companies House register and the company ceases to exist.

Next International (UK) Limited failed to submit its annual accounts for the year 2020, hence, the company was struck off and dissolved in 2021.

Before a company is struck off, however, the UK requires the Companies House’s Registrar to send at least two formal letters to the company warning that a failure to file its annual accounts will lead to its removal from the register.

According to UK Liquidators, a financial consulting firm, if Companies House receives no reply to its letters, it will then publish a first ‘strike off notice’ in the Gazette, which is the official journal of public record.

The first official notice to strike off Next International was issued on 22nd June 2021, then a second notice was given on 31st August 2021. A final gazette to dissolve the company was issued on 7th September 2021.

Before its final dissolution, records show that for four consecutive years (2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020) the UK Companies House had to always issue a “first gazette notice for compulsory strike-off” before Next International filed its annual account. Then immediately the company submitted its annual accounts, a gazette will be issued to discontinue the compulsory strike-off action.

A private limited company, Next International was incorporated on 16t May 1996. Mr Obi was listed as a director while his wife, Margaret, served as secretary. Next International (Nigeria) Limited (with 999 ordinary shares) and Mr Obi (with one ordinary share) were listed as shareholders.

Records show that the company was registered as business “agents involved in the sale of a variety of goods” in England and Wales.

The firm reported taking a mortgage from Lloyds TSB Bank Plc for a property on 53 Clyde Road, Croydon.

On 16 May 2008, 14 months after assuming duties as governor of Anambra State, Mr Obi resigned as the director of Next International.

He took office on March 17, 2006 but continued to serve as a director of the company in violation of Nigerian law.

In Nigeria, a person is statutorily required to withdraw from engaging in or directing a private business, except if it is farming, upon becoming a public officer, Section Six (6) of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act provides.

The former governor admitted to PREMIUM TIMES in 2021 that he did not declare these companies and the funds and properties they held in his asset declaration filings with the Code of Conduct Bureau, the Nigerian government agency that deals with the issues of corruption, conflict of interest, and abuse of office by public servants.

At the time, Mr Obi said he was unaware that the law expected him to declare assets or companies he jointly owns with his family members or anyone else.

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d9e924 No.127901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18715957 (182003ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Peter Obi, Anambra Governor, ties to SABMiller Brewery (video)

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>Taking over as acting chairman of SAB was Cyril Ramaphosa


>1995: State President Nelson Mandela opens SAB's World of Beer (then the Centenary Centre) in the Newtown cultural precinct of Johannesburg.



Mar 23, 2023

Now a presidential candidate… Coincidence?

“2023: [Peter] Obi picks LP presidential ticket”


30 May 2022 | 6:00 pm

–Former governor of Anambra, Mr Peter Obi has been elected unopposed as the presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) for 2023 general elections.—

Obi emerged winner after all other aspirants stepped down for him and in the interest of the party in a presidential primary elections held on Monday in Asaba, Delta .

According to Chairman, Electoral Committee, Usman Abdullahi, five presidential aspirants were cleared to contest the election.

Abdullahi disclosed that a total of 104 delegates from the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory(FCT), were accredited for the election.

However, in the unfolding event, the presidential aspirants; Prof. Pat Utomi, Mr Joseph Faduri and Mrs Olubusola Emmanuel-Tella stepped down while Mr Charles Uchenna withdrew from the election

Obi, at the end of the voting, polled a total of 96 votes to clinch the party ticket for the general election.

While declaring the result, Abdullahi declared Obi winner and presidential candidate of the LP for the 2023 general election for having polled a total of 96 votes out of the 97 valid votes with one invalid vote.

He described the process as free, fair, transparent and credible.

Obi, in his acceptance address, said that the country was in dire need of effective leadership that could remove the country from consuming to productive nation.

According to him, the only way to fight insecurity is to pull people out of poverty.

He said that under his administration, education, power generation and the economy would be the priority if given the mandate as president.

Obi said that having secured the mandate as presidential candidate that the journey to the presidency has begun.

He said he would mobilise to harness votes from all nook and cranny of the country too win the presidency.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the process was monitored by the Independent National Electoral Commission, (INEC) amidst tight security by security agencies and the media, Nigeria Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress were represented.

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d9e924 No.127902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724300 (201447ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / The Union Corporation and Barlow Rand, Ltd Merger - July 16, 1974

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>South African Breweries CEO Ted Sceales was instrumental in the creation of a new subsidiary called Barsab Investment Trust, jointly held by SAB and Thomas Barlow & Sons Ltd. (later Barlow Rand), the rapidly expanding mining services group. Barsab permitted SAB and Barlow to invest in each other and pool their managerial and administrative resources.

The Union Corporation and Barlow Rand, Ltd Merger - July 16, 1974


July 16, 1974

The Union Corporation and Barlow Rand, Ltd., both of South Africa, announced yesterday an agreement in principle to merge into a new group to be known as Unicorp Barlow, Ltd. Under the agreement, every 100 shares of Barlow Rand would be exchanged for 100 shares of Unicorp Barlow, and every 140 shares of Union Corporation for 100 Unicorp Barlow.

Merger News

A spokesman for the companies said in London that on the basis of current prices of the shares, Unicorp Barlow would have a market capitaliIzation of about 600‐million rand, which, at current foreign exchange rates, would amount, to $909‐million. [interesting to see the rand/dollars exchange; then R1.52 = $1; now R18.14 = $1] The spokesman estimated that the combined group earnings after taxes would amount to about $121‐million a year.

Barlow Rand was established in June, 1971, through a merger of Rand Mines and Barlow Rand, Ltd., which was formerly known as Thos. Barlow and Sons, Ltd. The company is diversified mining and industrial group.

Union Corporation, which has no connection with an American company of that name, is a major mining finance company with large interests in gold and platinum and various industrial interests. American Depository Receipts of Union Corporation are traded on the over‐the‐counter market here.

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d9e924 No.127903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724313 (201450ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / The many faces of Barlow Rand Ltd. - April 11, 1982

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April 11, 1982

JOHANNESBURG WHEN foreigners take notice of big business in South Africa, their attention is normally drawn to the vast Anglo-American Corporation and its chairman, Harry F. Oppenheimer, whose place in the moneyed portion of this society makes him a one-man aristocracy.

But the second-biggest industrial and mining group in South Africa is also very big. It is called Barlow Rand Ltd. and the last time anyone counted, at the end of its financial year that ended Sept. 30, it had 325 operating companies, employed 196,000 persons and reported consolidated after-tax profit of $441 million. That represented a 23 percent leap from the previous year and didn't include the returns on another batch of companies, nearly 600 of them, in which Barlow Rand has either an equity or management stake.

Barlow Rand also has a chairman and chief executive officer whose statements on sensitive social and political issues are perused almost as carefully as Mr. Oppenheimer's.

Aanon Michael Rosholt, who signs himself A.M. but is generally known as Mike, made his reputation by presiding over the remarkable growth of his group: revenues, of nearly $4.8 billion last year, represented a fivefold increase over 1975.

When they were drafting their own code several years ago, Mr. Rosholt and his industrial relations director, Reinhald Hofmeyr, journeyed to Philadelphia to consult the Rev. Leon Sullivan, who gave his name to the American code. Barlow Rand, they told him by way of a calling card, employed more blacks than all the American subsidiaries in South Africa combined.

This was before Congress, in what is known as the Evans Amendment, made adherence to the standards of the Sullivan code a prerequisite for loans to South Africa from the Export-Import Bank. Barlow Rand's industrial empire was based, originally, on an American connection - the South African dealership for Caterpillar earth-moving equipment it won more than half a century ago - and it had financed important investments with Export-Import Bank loans.

When the new requirement was put on the statute books, Mr. Rosholt said, I was able to say in Washington, 'look, the Rev. Sullivan happens to be a friend of ours.' But Washington never established machinery to determine whether a South African company met the code's standards, so a major loan to Barlow Rand was never delivered.

Foreign guests are likely also to be whisked off to Rietspruit, an open-cast coal mine where they will tour through black family housing and recreational facilities that easily surpass the wildest dreams of the Appalachian coal fields. Rietspruit, which is jointly owned with the Shell Oil Company, is unique among South African mines in that it has an exemption from the Government that enables it to ignore the rule that no more than 3 percent of black employees can be housed with their families on any mine.

Rev. Leon Howard Sullivan


On 1 March 1971, General Motors (GM) chairman James Roche appointed African American clergyman and civil rights leader, Rev. Leon Howard Sullivan, to the corporation’s Board of Directors. As the automobile company’s first African American board member, Sullivan instantly made national headlines. Appearing on Meet the Press shortly thereafter, Sullivan defended his role amid some skepticism, commenting that, “I know that General Motors is using me, but…I will be using General Motors to help my people.”[1] Sullivan turned his focus to South Africa, and would use his pedestal to boldly condemn GM’s complicity with apartheid, calling for it to “withdraw from the Union of South Africa, until clear changes have been made in the practice and policies of that government as they pertain to the treatment of Blacks and other non-white residents.”[2] Exactly six years after his appointment to the board, Sullivan would convince twelve major American corporations with operations in South Africa to sign the Sullivan Principles.

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d9e924 No.127904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724337 (201454ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / Barlow Rand Ltd Parts 1&2)

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>South African Breweries





The original South African Barlow company was founded by Major Ernest Barlow, an Englishman who fought with the British against Dutch and Huguenot Boers in South Africa at the turn of the century. Major Barlow returned to South Africa in 1902 and established an engineering supplies company in Durban. The family-owned "import-indent agency" was incorporated in 1918 under the name Thomas Barlow & Sons (South Africa) Ltd. The original Thomas Barlow & Sons was established as a cotton mill in Lancashire, England during the 18th century, and continued to trade in textiles when Major Barlow borrowed its name for his enterprise in South Africa.

Major Barlow died in 1921. In 1927 the company was taken over by his eldest son Charles, who that year received an engineering degree from Cambridge University. That year Barlow became the South African sales agent for the Caterpillar company, an American manufacturer of heavy machinery. Through its connection with Caterpillar, Barlow & Sons gained expertise in construction and agricultural machinery. Over the following years, strong demand for engineering supplies allowed the company to expand its scale of business.

After the war Barlow expanded its operations in Southwest Africa (Namibia) and Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). Southwest Africa was confiscated by South Africa during World War I, and placed under South African mandate by the Treaty of Versailles [Remember SA Prime Minister Jan Smuts was the only person who signed the peace treaties for both World Wars >>>/qresearch/18029708 ]. It was also extremely rich in mineral deposits, including diamonds, copper, lead, zinc, and uranium. Rhodesia, a self-administered British colony, was also well-endowed with mineral resources, including gold, copper, chrome, nickel, and tin. As a company, Barlow was in a privileged position to supply mining equipment and develop new mining technologies, but did not directly engage in the operation of any mines.

In the early 1960's, the White minority government of Ian Smith in Rhodesia came under increasing pressure from Britain and the United States to integrate its society and permit the Black majority to engage in politics. The government's strong resistance resulted in economic sanctions and guerilla warfare against Rhodesia. As conditions deteriorated in Rhodesia, Barlow began to divest itself of certain properties and businesses there.

In April of 1966 Thomas Barlow & Sons Ltd. and South African Breweries exchanged 12 million rand worth of stock. As a result, South African Breweries owned 22% of Barlow, and Barlow owned a substantially higher percentage of South African Breweries. As part of an effort to combine their marketing and resource networks, a number of executives from South African Breweries were admitted to the board of directors at Barlow.

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d9e924 No.127905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724348 (201456ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / Barlow Rand Ltd Parts 1&2)

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>Union Corporation




Barlow companies which were losing money in Southwest Africa and Rhodesia were reorganised. Generally, however, Barlow subsidiaries in those states and in Britain continued to perform beyond expectations. The well-established tractor company and the fast-growing forestry division, called Federated Timbers, continued to be Barlow's most profitable companies.

Through its association with the Caterpillar company, Barlow gained expertise in corporate finance and product distribution. By the end of the 1960's, Barlow had diversified into several fields, and continued to sell mining equipment and technical expertise to mining companies. In June of 1971 Barlow purchased Rand Mines Ltd., South Africa's oldest mining house. Rand was acquired for 39 million rand in stock, the largest takeover in South African history. At the time, Barlow was primarily a distributor of industrial products; only 10% of its revenue were derived from manufacturing. Rand Mines, on the other hand, was South Africa's oldest mining house, but in recent years had established a strong presence in primary industries. The new company, Barlow Rand Ltd., was a fully integrated manufacturer and distributor of heavy industrial products.

Under South African laws, Barlow Rand could only offer shares of its own stock in return for shares in European companies it was interested in purchasing. In order to increase the marketability of its shares in Europe, Barlow Rand stock was listed on the Brussels and Antwerp bourses in February of 1972, and on the Paris bourse the following July.

In July of 1974 Charles Barlow announced his company's intention to purchase the Union Corporation, a mining finance group with substantial British holdings. Over the next two months, however, Gold Fields (of South Africa) and General Mining (now called Gencorp) entered the bidding. Barlow Rand withdrew from the competition when it decided the bidding price for Union shares had exceeded a reasonable value. Shortly afterward, General Mining purchased the Union Corporation.

Social conditions began to deteriorate rapidly in Rhodesia, where the minority government was rapidly losing support. When South Africa stopped supplying the Rhodesians with weapons (particularly helicopters), Prime Minister Ian Smith was forced to initiate a program to bring a Black majority government into power within two years. Because it was a South African company, Barlow Rand's presence in Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) became less welcome, and the company's stock was subsequently delisted from the Harare (Salisbury) stock exchange.

In 1979 Charles Barlow died. He was succeeded by a highly capable and progressive man name Aanon Michael Rosholt. A protege of Barlow, Rosholt advocated the integration of educational facilities for South Africa's races, and for the eventual elimination of apartheid.

As a result of the Wiehahn reforms of 1979, trades unions for non-Whites grew in both size and influence. Companies such as Ford, the Anglo-American Corporation, Chloride (S.A.), and Barlow Rand generally supported the growth of the trades unions.

In a speech in 1981, Rosholt said that Black trade unions were a fact of life which "must be seen as bodies which can possible defuse labor problems." He expressed his belief that representation was an internal union matter which employers should not try to influence. The employees' unions, however, continued to regard Barlow Rand with skepticism. The company, however, remained relatively free of labor unrest.

Continuing to expand, Barlow Rand purchased dealerships for Hyster forklifts in Britain and the southeastern United States. In April of 1982, the company acquired one of South Africa's largest food companies, Tiger Oats. In 1985 Barlow Rand launched a takeover of J. Bibby & Sons, a British industrial and agricultural concern, partially owned by Tiger Oats. The company offered three pounds per share, an amount so generous that 97% of Bibby shareholders sold out, leaving so few English shareholders that the company lost its listing on the London bourse.

Today Barlow Rand is the largest company in South Africa, and an international parent company of businesses in southern Africa, Britain, the United States, and Europe. The groups' operations are divided among eight autonomous divisions: mining; cement, lime and paint; electronics and engineering; heavy equipment; building and construction supplies; packaging, paper and appliances; sugar, food and textiles; and group services.

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d9e924 No.127906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724353 (201458ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition

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Barlow Rand is now Barloworld.

Barloworld History – “Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition.” (Part 1)



Barlows rapidly expands into many fields, including motor retail; steel and building materials; handling equipment; consumer electronics; and steel manufacturing and selling.

In his Chairman’s Statement, Punch Barlow says: “It is our policy to continue to expand the group, and to seek further opportunities for investment in well-managed companies that have good growth and profit prospects. We believe diversification will maintain even trading results”.

Barlows also acquires trading interests in the United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia. In 1969, it lists shares on the London Stock Exchange (LSE).


Punch Barlow [probably his nickname] dies and Mike Rosholt becomes the new chairman. After acquiring Wrenn Brothers (later Wrenn Brungart), Barlow Rand expands into the USA.


Barlow Rand expands to include information technology, electrical engineering and textiles. Its international reputation increases and it manages brands including IBM and Merck in South Africa. The company also lists its June shares on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange for the first time.


Barlow Rand’s international footprint increases after acquiring J Bibby & Sons PLC in the United Kingdom. Bibby is involved in British agriculture, materials handling, science products and paper converting.


Barlow Rand reaches profits of R1 billion, an employee count of 240 000 people, and 79th position on the Fortune 500 list of global companies. [Notice, sanctions did not affect this company.]


The company continues to expand its operations in Europe by acquiring Lamson in Belgium, Finanzauto in Spain and STET in Portugal.


Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition. Its large size helps to bring different political parties together, assist in the management of the 1994 elections and move with the country towards a peaceful democracy.

After the 1994 democratic elections, with South Africa once again accepted on the international stage, The company’s strategy evolves to include a stronger focus on growing core businesses across the globe.

Barlow Rand unbundles non-core businesses between 1993 and 1994. The more focused and streamlined Barlow Limited is born.

Barlow Limited is granted Caterpillar dealership franchises in Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Angola, giving it cover over the whole Southern Africa region.

Barlow acquires Lanes Limited and Taubmans in Australia, distributes Perkins engines in Southern Africa and supplies Caterpillar equipment in Siberia.

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d9e924 No.127907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724361 (201459ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition

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Barloworld History – “Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition.” (Part 2)



Barlow Limited changes to Barloworld, with a renewed focus on core strengths and increased global reach. We introduce a modern and uniform corporate identity and a global rebranding initiative.

Barloworld also purchases Barton Freightliner USA and 26.3% of Avis South Africa. This is part of our strategy to seek new product ranges in areas where we already operate.


Barloworld launches a new Barloworld Logistics division. Our value-based management approach continues to drive our strategies and we exceed our real cost of capital target of 8% cash-flow returns on investment (CFROI®).

We expand our global reach by acquiring:

•	The Sterling Freightliner dealership in the USA

•	Three motor dealerships in Australia

•	Protean – a laboratory company in the United Kingdom

•	Portland Holdings – a cement business in Zimbabwe

We also improve our customer relationships by formalising Smart Partnerships™. Our combination of financial strength, skills, products and services creates a value-adding package for our customers that our competitors struggle to match.


Barloworld celebrates 100 years of success and a 75-year partnership with Caterpillar. We set our medium-term goal of 2*4*4, which aims to double the value of our company for Barloworld stakeholders in four years.

Disposals include PPC’s stakes in Natal Portland Cement and Ash Resources, our UK Coatings business, the Robor Stewarts & Lloyds steel distribution outlets, our half share of steel trading company Stemcor (South Africa) and our Mitsubishi motor dealerships in Australia. Our relationship with Caterpillar celebrates it's 75th anniversary.


Barloworld acquires the north-west Arkansas and Texarkana Freightliner truck dealerships in the USA. We dispose of six motor dealerships and exit the paper business by selling Henry Cooke in the United Kingdom.

Barloworld also forms important Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) deals. We establish a 50:50 joint venture to distribute DaimlerChrysler products in Durban, and sell Afripack – PPC’s paper sack manufacturing business – to a BEE investment consortium and the Afripack management.

These high-profile BEE equity deals join our established BEE structures, which include Shosholoza Steel Supplies Pty Limited and Sizwe Paints – a 70% BEE 30% Barloworld-owned architectural paint manufacturer.

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d9e924 No.127908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724369 (201500ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition

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Barloworld History – “Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition.” (Part 3)



In partnership with Wagner, we also double our Caterpillar dealership territory in Siberia to 9.9 million square kilometres – an area larger than the USA.

We acquire all of the remaining Avis shares in Southern Africa, the International Colourant Corporation (ICC) and the Hyster dealership in the Netherlands.

Barloworld establishes a formal Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) policy.


Barloworld acquires the Hyster dealership in Northern Ireland and the Hamilton Brush and Budget franchise in Sweden.

PPC announces their plan to increase cement capacity to one million tons, to meet the rapidly growing demand in South Africa.


Barloworld acquires the Avis and Budget franchises in Denmark to consolidate our Scandinavian group of countries. After a strategic reviewing process, we sell the Steel Tube division, as well as the USA and United Kingdom Handling leasing finance books.

We achieve our 2*4*4 target and double the value of our business for Barloworld stakeholders. We announce a new target – to double the value again by the year 2010.


Barloworld announces its Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) transaction, which includes all South African employees, a number of community service groups, an educational trust and strategic black partners. The transaction achieves a 29% empowerment in our Southern Africa operations.

We also launch the Leadership Development Centre (LDC) in Barlow Park, Sandton. The LDC facilitates and co-ordinates professional development programmes that enhance the skills of our employees.


Jim Owens, chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Caterpillar Inc; and Membathisi Mdladlana, Minister of Labour in South Africa, open the Centre of Technical Learning on Barloworld Equipment’s Isando campus.

The centre provides our stakeholders with sustainable technical skills development, in line with our value-based management approach.


Barloworld reached agreement to acquire Wagner Equipment’s 50% shareholding in our Russian Caterpillar equipment joint venture, known as Vostochnaya Technica (VT).

Barloworld disposes of its Scandinavian car rental operations.

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d9e924 No.127909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724374 (201501ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition

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Barloworld History – “Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition.” (Part 4)



Automotive and Logistics division acquires a majority stake in Avis Coach Charter, and Dreamworks (a fuel management company); and secured the entry of Avis Fleet Services into Ghana.

Barloworld Equipment and Tractafric Equipment agreed to extend the original 10 year 50:50 joint venture in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, by another 50 years.

Barloworld was awarded the MWM gas engine distribution rights in southern Africa and Russia.

Barloworld acquired the remaining 50% shareholding in Phakisaworld Fleet Solutions.

Barloworld Logistics acquired specialised chemical transporter, Ecosse Tankers.

Handling US was sold for about US$60 million at the end of April.

Opening of Barloworld Reman Centre for CAT engine and drive train rebuilds in Boksburg, and 85th anniversary of the partnership between Caterpillar and Barloworld Equipment.

Barloworld concluded a joint venture agreement with Electro-Motive Diesel, Inc.(EMD), a subsidiary of Caterpillar-owned Progress Rail Services Corp.

Barloworld acquired the Bucyrus equipment distribution and support business in southern Africa for approximately R1.4 billion (US$164 million.)

UK handling business sold for R626 million, effective from 28 September.

An agreement was signed whereby the Bucyrus distribution and support business in Barloworld Russian territories was acquired for US$50 million (R436 million).

A R1.6 billion contract for the supply and commissioning of Cat equipment at the Husab Mine was signed between Barloworld Namibia and Swakop Uranium.

Barloworld Power appointed distributor of Australian Lighting tower and water pump company AllightSykes.


The Integrated Employee Value Model and the Integrated Financial Value Model were launched in 2013.

The remaining 49% shareholding in Toyota Stellenbosch was acquired during 2013, and the dealership is now 100% owned.

Avis Fleet Services acquired the remaining shares in its subsidiary in Lesotho.

A merger between Barloworld Logistics’ Dedicated Transport Services division (DTS) and the Manline group, a diversified logistics business specialising in transport and other logistics solutions throughout southern Africa became effective on 30 January 2013.The merged business, called Barloworld Transport Solutions (BWTS), became a subsidiary of Barloworld Logistics, which had a 50.1% shareholding. It included the Manline, Manline Energy (fuel tankers) and Timber24 (timber logistics and forestry solutions) brands, which would be retained within the BWTS group of companies.

The Handling Belgium business was sold on 8 May 2013, generating €7.5 million in cash proceeds.

Barloworld Logistics acquired a controlling stake in a business transporting abnormal loads, since re-named Manline Mega, in June.

The Ferntree Gully motor dealership in Melbourne was sold effective from 31 October 2013.


Barloworld celebrated 20 years as a Caterpillar dealer in Zambia, Angola, Mozambique, and Malawi; and 50 years as such in Botswana.

Barloworld Equipment celebrates its 20th year as the Cat earthmoving and power systems dealer for Zambia. Motor Retail acquired a majority stake in 51% of the Jaguar Land Rover dealership in Witbank, one of the leading Jaguar Land Rover dealerships in South Africa.

Avis Fleet Services entered into agreements to acquire a leasing business in Tanzania.

Barloworld Logistics acquired a majority share in Kumkani, an extra-heavy abnormal load transport business.

The remaining Australian motor retail operations were sold effective from 31 March 2014. The sale of the entire operations realised R1.3 billion.

Motor Retail acquired Leach Toyota and Hino in Kuruman.

Barloworld opened a US$14 million facility in Zambia to meet the servicing needs of Caterpillar customers.

Barloworld Handling acquired the AGCO agricultural equipment dealership in Zambia as part of its Africa growth strategy.

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d9e924 No.127910

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724380 (201503ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition

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Barloworld History – “Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition.” (Part 5)



VT was recognized by Caterpillar as being the #1 Dealer in the ACAM (Asia Pacific, CIS, Africa and Middle East) region for 2015 which is represented by 60 dealers

Barloworld Motor Retail acquired GM Ferndale in Cape Town.

Barloworld Logistics acquired 100% of the re- environmental solutions business which was renamed SmartMatta.

The Avis Budget Group (ABG) granted Barloworld the licence to operate the Budget Brand in southern Africa from 1 March 2015 in addition to the Avis Car Rental brand.

Vision 2020 was launched at the 2015 Global Leaders Conference in March 2015 which sets the growth objectives for the next five years. Sustainability as a core value was also added to the Barloworld Worldwide Code of Conduct.


Disposal of Barloworld Handling and Agriculture in South Africa into a joint venture with BayWA AG.

Opening of the VT facility in Magadan in the Russian Far East which represents a US$10m investment.

Barloworld Logistics made a 100% acquisition of temperature controlled solutions business KLL and a 51% stake in Aspen Logistics.

Barloworld Logistics entered into an unincorporated Joint Venture with The Barberry Group which will lead to a 51% acquisition of the company.

Barloworld Logistics acquired 100% of SmartMatta.

Barloworld Transport dispose of the Barloworld Cranes business.

In March 2016, Barloworld Automotive added two additional Mercedes-Benz dealerships, namely Union Motors Lowveld and Union Motors South Coast within our NMI-DSM joint venture.

Barloworld Automotive acquires a majority share in SMD in May 2016.

Barloworld celebrates 75 years of being listed on the JSE in August 2016.


Former CEO of Equipment Southern Africa, Dominic Sewela takes over from Clive Thomson as chief executive (CE) of Barloworld.

Barloworld and Caterpillar celebrate 90 years of partnership. In recognition of this milestone, a new advanced R1.3billion distribution facility was launched in Ekurhuleni, South Africa.


Sadly Mr Peter Bulterman passed away. His legacy will forever be celebrated. (19th November 1955 - 8th May 2018)

The Barloworld Corporate Office relocated to 61 Katherine Street, Sandton in November 2018.

Disposal of Equipment Iberia generates R 2.5 billion in cash.

The Board approved a proposed B-BBEEE transaction known as "Khula Sizwe".

20 years of Barloworld as a Caterpillar dealer in Russia.

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d9e924 No.127911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18724389 (201506ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition

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Barloworld History – “Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition.” (Part 6)



Barloworld Mbewu launched, a R30 million fund next generation approach to corporate social development geared towards scaling up social enterprises.

Khula Sizwe Property Holdings B-BBEE empowerment transaction approved by shareholders, launched and oversubscribed.

We celebrate 50 years’ partnership with Avis.

Avis Fleet held-for-sale at 30 September 2019.


Barloworld Automotive & Logistics Division appointed Ramasela Ganda as its Chief Executive for Avis Budget Rent-a-Car – the first black female CEO appointed by Barloworld.

Neo Dongwana was appointed as the first a female Chairman of the Barloworld Board.

Barloworld won the Gender Mainstreaming Champions award for 2020.

In terms of growth, two acquisitions that are in line with the Group strategy were made, Equipment Mongolia which closed on 1 September 2020 and Tongaat Hulett Starch (Ingrain) which closed on 31 October 2020.


Barloworld sold assets in Motor Retail to NMI-DSM in a quest to move to relatively asset light and defensive businesses. On 1 October 2021 Dr Lulu Gwagwa joined Barloworld as Chairman of the board.


Barloworld celebrated 120 years of existence

Barloworld Equipment celebrates 95 years of partnership with Caterpillar

Ingrain celebrated 100 years of existence

In August 2022 Barloworld launched Barloworld Launches Africa’s First Gender Bond

Another key milestone celebrated during 2022 is the SARA remuneration awards for our REM reporting where we took first place.

On 13 December 2022 Barloworld unbundled its car rental and leasing business and it listed on the JSE, under the name Zeda.

An exciting development this year was the start of work on Barlow Park, a multipurpose development on the land that previously housed our head office.


On 15 March 2023, Barloworld was awarded the ESG Bond Deal of the Year award at the 2023 Bonds, Loans and ESG Markets Africa Award ceremony at the Zeitz Museum of Contemporary Art Africa in Cape Town.

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d9e924 No.127912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18725559 (201929ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / International Archives in South Africa: Rand Mines, Barlo Rand, etc

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>Barlow Rand was established in June, 1971, through a merger of Rand Mines and Barlow Rand, Ltd., which was formerly known as Thos. Barlow and Sons, Ltd.


>Over time, the smart township model will be replicated in other townships

Companies established townships in South Africa and now they want to establish ‘smart’ townships and cities across the world.

“International Archives in South Africa” – Rand Mines, Barlo Rand, etc. (Part 1)



The leader and pioneer in this field was a mining house, Rand Mines, Limited, which established its Archives department in June 1963. However, the organization of the archives along professional lines and the introduction of an acquisition program only commenced after the appointment of the present archivist ten years later. The Barlow Rand Archives were opened to researchers towards the end of 1975.1

Since 1974 two banks, two mining houses and two insurance companies have established corporate archives. In addition to Barlow Rand, DeBeers Consolidated Mines and the Anglo American Corporation of South Africa represent mining archives in the country. Two major banks, the Standard and Barclays support archival programs; a third bank, Nedbank, has deposited its archives with the Rand Afrikaans University in Johannesburg. In the field of insurance Sanlam a took the lead with the establishment of their archives in the late 1970s and the Old Mutual 4 recently decided to do the same. Two other corporations, namely the South African Breweries and the United Building Society are investigating the feasibility of establishing archival pro grams. However, with the exception of Barlow Rand, none of the above cor porate archives can claim to be international in character, although some of them contain sub-groups of correspondence exchanged with principals in London.

The records of the mining division form the nucleus of the Barlow Rand Archives. They reflect the wide range of business activities of the companies which constituted The Corner House Group:* Wernher Beit & Co. of London, the Johannesburg house of H. Eckstein & Co., and its subsidiary Rand Mines, Limited, and The Central Mining & Investment Corporation, Limited. Although the Corner House became known internationally for the part it played in the development of mining and other industries in South Africa, its interests were by no means confined to South Africa nor to mining.

The Corner House had its origins in diamond mining and marketing in Kimberley in the 1870s. In 1871 the Parisian diamond merchant, Jules Porges, sent Julius Wernher, a young German, to Kimberley to assist his partner, Charles Mege. The firm of Jules Porges & Co., was reputedly the greatest and wealthiest diamond business in the world at the time of the Kimberley discoveries. The discovery of payable gold on the Witwatersrand in 1886, prompted Porges to open a branch of the firm in Johannesburg. It was named H. Eckstein, after one of the founding partners.

The Archives of H. Eckstein & Co., are remarkably well preserved although not complete… The Archives also contain valuable information on the early history of Johnannesburg since H. Eckstein & Co., was, for example, responsible for the establishment of townships through its subsidiary the Braamfontein Company, Limited [As Wikipedia likes to describe it; “In South Africa, the terms township and location usually refer to the often underdeveloped racially segregated urban areas that, from the late 19th century until the end of apartheid, were reserved for non-whites, namely Black Africans, Coloureds and Indians.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Township_%28South_Africa%29]

The Corner House had large holdings in profitable outcrop mines like the Robinson, Langlaagte, Bantjes, Randfontein, Crown Reef and Jumpers by the end of 1889, and started acquiring deep level properties on the dip south of and below these mines at low prices. This led to the formation of Rand Mines, Limited which was designed as a holding company to take over the important assets and administrative services of the deep levels while H. Eckstein & Co., continued to administer its outcrop mines.

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d9e924 No.127913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18725562 (201930ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / International Archives in South Africa: Rand Mines, Barlo Rand, etc

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“International Archives in South Africa” – Rand Mines, Barlo Rand, etc. (Part 2)


Rand Mines, Limited was registered in the Transvaal on February 22, 1893, with a capital of E400,000 in 400,000 shares of a nominal value of E1 each. It was Wernher, Beit-H. Eckstein's most important flotation and major event of the 1890s.

Rand Mines pioneered the system of Group Administration on the Witwatersrand which was adopted eventually throughout the South African mining industry.

Under this system the parent or controlling company is a mining-finance house which usually has ample financial, technical and administrative re sources, as well as very considerable mining knowledge and experience. It provides secretarial and technical services to the mines in the group. It is a shareholder in the individual mining companies and is represented on the boards of these companies by its nominees who ensure that control is main tained. Group administration provides a means of controlling costs, as well as permitting close examination of all expenditure.

H. Eckstein & Co., was responsible for the technical and managerial ad ministration of the companies under its control, including Rand Mines. The latter provided secretarial and administrative services for its subsidiary com panies and after 1910 for Eckstein's companies.

The partners in the firm actively participated in the social, cultural and educational affairs of the community and their correspondence, particularly the London letters, contain lively commentaries on local events and politics.

The Central Mining records which form part of the Barlow Rand Archives, deal mainly with the Corporation's South African business.

In the late 1950s Central Mining decided to dispose of its South African interests to its subsidiary, Rand Mines, Limited. A senior manager was sent to Johannesburg to complete the formalities and close down the local office. In the course of doing so and acting on instructions, he carried out a wholesale destruction of records containing information which they did not wish to pass into the hands of Rand Mines. Central Mining's British and some inter national interests were absorbed by Charter Consolidated Limited, London. As legal successor to Central Mining they became the owners of the Corpora tion's records, including the Minute Books. In the 1960s Charter Consolidated decided to dispose of some of the 'redundant' Central Mining records, some of which were given to Rhodes House Library, Oxford. la The rest, dealing mainly with South Africa, together with the surviving Wernher, Beit records were sent to South Africa.

The Barlow Rand Archives form a major part of the company's program to promote education and scholarship, and to stimulate an interest in South African business history.

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d9e924 No.127914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18725630 (201945ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / RMB arranges Africa’s first gender-linked bond issuance for Barloworld

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>Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition. Its large size helps to bring different political parties together, assist in the management of the 1994 elections and move with the country towards a peaceful democracy.


>In August 2022 Barloworld launched Barloworld Launches Africa’s First Gender Bond


>The Barlow Rand Archives form a major part of the company's program to promote education

First political transformation and now gender transformation

“RMB arranges Africa’s first gender-linked bond issuance for Barloworld”


19 August 2022

RMB successfully arranged a R1.143bn gender-linked bond issuance across 3-year and 5-year tranches for industrial group Barloworld, acting as Arranger and Sustainability Coordinator.

“The gender-linked bonds have been issued in alignment with our gender transformation strategy and something that we as Barloworld are committed to and have been monitoring for years. We are proud to have pioneered this landmark transaction,” said Relebohile Malahleha Barloworld Executive: Strategic Finance and Treasury.

It is evident that there is more work to be done in South Africa to improve gender parity both in the workplace and more broadly through equitable access to economic opportunity.

Nopasika Lila, Finance Director for Barloworld added: “Barloworld is committed to playing our role in driving gender equity in South Africa and across our markets of operation. To date we have made significant progress in ensuring gender mainstreaming across our operations. The issuance of bonds with gender specific KPIs, the first of its kind in Africa, is testament to our commitment and enables our stakeholders to track our progress in this regard. The KPIs that have been outlined are in line with our diversity and inclusion journey.”

RMB worked closely with Barloworld in establishing a gender-linked bond framework that clearly outlines the strategic relevance of gender diversity to Barloworld and will enable Barloworld to issue similar instruments in future, in line with this strategy priority. The framework has been externally verified to confirm its alignment with the international capital market associations’ sustainability-linked bond principles.

Danielle Frank from RMB’s Sustainable Finance & ESG Advisory team said: “This gender-linked bond not only recognises the need for greater gender transformation in South Africa but also acknowledges local investor demand for more socially-aligned instruments. Sustainable finance offers a fantastic opportunity to innovate and deliver solutions for clients that support a long-term sustainable economy.”

The bond will also be listed on the JSE’s Sustainability Segment, having complied with the latest debt listing requirements.

“Notably, the gender-linked bonds priced competitively compared to Barloworld’s traditional bonds which is typical of funding raised for sustainability focused debt instruments. This instrument further delivers a pricing benefit for Barloworld on the achievement of the gender performance targets and is a great demonstration of how to align an issuer's financial strategy with its sustainability strategy through innovative solutions. We are confident this transaction sets the benchmark for other corporates on the continent and will encourage companies to focus on their disclosure of gender-related metrics and ultimately commit to targets for improvement in gender diversity in their own business,” says Trishalia Naidoo from RMB’s Debt Capital Market’s team.

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d9e924 No.127915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18726249 (202213ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / RMB arranges Africa’s first gender-linked bond issuance for Barloworld

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Is this "sustainability" regarding Barloworld the California Liberal "climate change" type or the "continuous profit generating" type?

The gender-linked, California Liberal 56 genders or the ones I can find in a Biology textbook?

The ESG thing cost Blackrock dearly, wondering if Barloworld is going down that path?

From what I see so far, mining is the biggest part of the economy in South Africa. I can't say I've seen anything about refining the ores. Seems "dig it up and pack it up and ship it" is the Way Of Things. I saw how Zimbabwe was going to restrict raw ore exports in order to have domestic refining capabilities but considering all I've heard about the place since it had nothing Rhodesia in the name (seven year-olds doing surgery as there was no alternative) I have to wonder who is to build these blast furnaces and who will maintain them. China Belt & Road comes immediately to mind. I can't recall any mention of a University in Zimbabwe producing any Engineers, Metallurgists, or anything at all. I have seen mentions here of STEM education in South Africa but might still go back into mining and find foreigners to do things like build roads, bridges, buildings, and power plants.

Apologies anons, but I see South Africa hurting and being taken advantage of in many ways. Apartheid gone, Virtue Signalling established but in decades after nothing real until Washington wants to drive a wedge into the BRICS Nations by suddenly wanting to invest in a Marxist government (ANC) by sending first Blinken then Janet Yellen. Honestly, what is she going to do, teach how to print money out of promises and thin air? Perhaps go to that "basket of metals" thing President Nixon talked about when the United States came off the Gold Standard?

Please do not forget the Carrot and Stick tactic. "Oh we are going to invest millions in South Africa, just do things our (DC) way." "Oh, you won't put sanctions on a fellow BRICS nation so no uranium fuel rods for your reactors, enjoy the Stage 8 Load Shedding"

Keep in mind the U.S, dollar is backed by the "Full Faith and CREDIT of the United States Government" while the Russian Ruble is now officially backed by grams of gold.

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d9e924 No.127916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18739775 (231254ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun / RMB arranges Africa’s first gender-linked bond issuance for Barloworld

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>Rand Mines pioneered the system of Group Administration on the Witwatersrand which was adopted eventually throughout the South African mining industry.

>The partners in the firm actively participated in the social, cultural and educational affairs of the community


As the mining companies adopted a system in South Africa then, so do the companies of today adopt a system to govern the world. They get involved in political, social and educational affairs.

For now… It seems Barloworld is concentrating on women. “As a tribute to our work in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, Barloworld has been recognised as finalists in several categories of the Gender Mainstreaming Awards. In its eighth year, the Gender Mainstreaming Awards, were developed to encourage the private sector to buy-in to achieving more meaningful representation of women in the mainstream of business.”… “We will continue our journey to transformation and stay committed to the ongoing improvements for equal employment opportunities in the workplace.https://www.barloworld.com/about-barloworld/inspiring-a-world-of-difference/gender-mainstreaming-awards-2020/index.php

Regarding ESG – Barloworld has a 14 page document on that and it includes the United Nations’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. https://www.barloworld.com/pdf/sustainability/2022/bw-esg-update-2022.pdf. As it states, “Built on enduring partnerships and transformative growth”… “Stakeholders are increasingly focused on the impact of companies’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies, policies, and practices on the long-term sustainability of the business.””


In line with our commitment to responsible citizenship programme, we are a signatory of the Energy Efficiency Accord with the Department of Energy in South Africa. We are a member of the South African National Business Initiative’s Energy Efficiency Leadership Network and have signed its Energy Efficiency Pledge.

We have responded to the 2021 CDP Climate Change Disclosure and 2021 CDP Water Disclosure.

The group is committed to responsible business conduct and legal compliance, and complies with King IV.

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d9e924 No.127917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18739779 (231255ZAPR23) Notable: Mervyn King Bun / A summary of the King IV Report on Corporate Governance™ for South Africa, 2016

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>King IV

“A summary of the King IV Report on Corporate Governance™ for South Africa, 2016”


"The overarching objective of King IV™ is to make corporate governance more accessible and relevant to a wider range of organisations, and to be the catalyst for a shift from a compliance-based mindset to one that sees corporate governance as a lever for value creation”

Prof Mervyn King

King IV™ in a nutshell

•	A set of voluntary principles and leading practices.

•	Drafted to apply to all organisations, regardless of their form of incorporation.

Sector supplements explain how the King IV Code™ should be applied by certain organisations/sectors.

•	Proportionality is explained and advocated.

•	King IV™ focuses on outcomes. The King IV Code’s™ principles and practices are linked to desired outcomes, therefore articulating the benefits of good corporate governance.

•	The Code™ differentiates between principles and practices. Principles are achieved by mindful consideration and application of the recommended practices.

•	'Apply and explain’ regime (as opposed to ‘apply or explain’ regime in King III).

•	New ‘look and feel’ to the King IV Report™ and King IV Code™.

•	Philosophical underpinnings in King III retained but refined in King IV™.

•	‘Corporate governance’, for purposes of King IV™, has now been defined.

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d9e924 No.127918

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18740108 (231454ZAPR23) Notable: Dr Richard Lindzen exposes climate change as a politicised power play motivated by malice and profit (video)

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“Dr Richard Lindzen exposes climate change as a politicised power play motivated by malice and profit”


Apr 20, 2023

Veteran climate expert Dr Richard Lindzen made a name for himself before the fundamentally flawed field of climate science that we know today was invented. In an interview with the pioneering atmospheric physicist and former emeritus professor of meteorology at MIT, he recounted events that occurred in the 1980s, which gave birth to the all-consuming climate change narrative that prevails today. Having begun his research on climate change in the mid-70s motivated by a sincere interest in understanding the Earth's climate regimes, Lindzen's assessment of the various elements paraded as scientific evidence of an impending climate catastrophe is remarkably sensible. What's particularly revealing from his recollection of events is how complicit the media and politicians have been in forcing the disastrous climate change narrative upon an unsuspecting and trusting public from the very beginning.


00:00 Dr Richard Lindzen on his career as an atmospheric physicist and what drew him to study Earth's climate

01:21 On carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect

05:02 On politicians, the United Nations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the enabling of climate hysteria

07:21 On the politicisation of climate change and the significant human progress enabled by the fossil fuel industry

08:45 On the environmental destruction caused by renewable energy sources

09:46 On the cult-like climate activism movement and its demonisation of carbon dioxide

12:41 On the purported scientific consensus on climate change

14:46 On the Clinton-Gore administration's funding of climate impacts between 1989 and 1996

17:35 On Professor Guy McPherson's claim that abrupt climate change will lead to human extinction by 2026

18:22 On the motives behind the climate change/green energy movement

19:23 On his iris hypothesis on climate change proposed in 2001

21:56 On the epistemological issues relating to climate change

23:59 On climate variability vs anthropogenic climate change

27:19 On his experience with institutional bias in favour of scientists who support the official climate change narrative and the influence of institutional funding scientific research

29:50 How the situation is rigged to support the narrative and the complicity of politicians and scientists

32:10 On the climate catastrophe prediction and how this compares to reality

33:34 – “Time will of course play a role but I hope we don’t have to wait to see the destruction of modern society and realise it had nothing to do with climate. I’d like to think we can get out of this before that.”

34:39 – “Clearly China, India, Russia are ignoring this [climate change], they know it’s nonsense. They’re sitting by and watching the West self-destruct wondering about what divine good luck they have… [The enviromentalists] hate humanity, they want power and they don’t give a damn about the environment. And they certainly give no attention to feeding starving people.

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d9e924 No.127919

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18745067 (241530ZAPR23) Notable: Mervyn King Bun / Mervyn E. King, Judge Professor – King Report

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>"The overarching objective of King IV™ is to make corporate governance more accessible and relevant to a wider range of organisations, and to be the catalyst for a shift from a compliance-based mindset to one that sees corporate governance as a lever for value creation”

>Prof Mervyn King


“Prof. Mervyn King explains Integrated Reporting for South Africa - Part 1”


Mar 23, 2011

Professor Mervyn King explains Integrated Reporting, at the launch of South Africa's new Framework for Integrated Reporting and the Integrated Report Discussion Paper on 25 January 2011.

3:51 – “The planet is in fact in crisis. We have 3 crises; we’ve got the financial crisis, we’ve got climate change crisis and we’ve got an ecological crisis in that we’ve used the natural assets of planet earth faster than nature can regenerate them… We have to start, if there’s such a word, monetizing these issues.

6:28 – “The King III Report recommends Integrated Reporting. It’s now a listing requirement of all our listed companies. The JSE has been lauded around the world for being the first but we’re not going to be the first much longer, other companies or other stock exchanges starting to join. The World Federation of Exchanges has acknowledged that the JSE has adopted the correct course and it’s on the agenda for the meeting of stock exchanges in October. At the World Economic Forum which is on the 27th of January, the redesigning of corporate reporting is being discussed with world leaders. So there is as it were a tsunami coming. History teaches us that corporate reporting has been changed when there’ve been great global events and global crises and especially accountants are aware that corporate reporting has changed when there were great global events such as the great depression.

Mervyn E. King, Judge Professor – King Report


Chair Emeritus

Mervyn King is a Senior Counsel and former Judge of the Supreme Court of South Africa. He is Professor Extraordinaire at the University of South Africa on Corporate Citizenship, Honorary Professor at the University of Pretoria and Visiting Professor at Rhodes University.

He has an honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of the Witwatersrand, is Chairman of the King Committee on Corporate Governance in South Africa, which produced King I, II and III, and is First Vice President of the Institute of Directors Southern Africa.

He is Chair Emeritus of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Chairman Emeritus of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and a member of the Private Sector Advisory Group to the World Bank on Corporate Governance. He chaired the United Nations Committee on Governance and Oversight and was President of the Advertising Standards Authority for 15 years.

He has been a chairman, director and chief executive of several companies listed on the London, Luxembourg and Johannesburg Stock Exchanges. He has consulted, advised and spoken on legal, business, advertising, sustainability and corporate governance issues in 53 countries and has received many awards. He is the author of two books on governance and sustainability and sits as an arbitrator and mediator internationally.

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d9e924 No.127920

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18745075 (241532ZAPR23) Notable: Mervyn King Bun / Get to know Professor Mervyn King (video)

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“Get to know Professor Mervyn King”


Nov 20, 2018

Thanks to the King Code of Good Governance, South Africa leads the world in Corporate Governance and Integrated Reporting legislation. This is due almost solely to the prescience and perseverance of the legendary Professor Mervyn King.

1:01 – “I was a judge… and I resigned over matters of conscience… but I had a big corporate legal practice so many of my clients asked me to go on their boards as a non-executive director… I ended up chairing companies listed in London, Europe and South Africa.

3:16 – “I think we can be proud as South Africans that the King Report is used as a template around the world on governance.

From 30:53, a company as seen as a person.

14:43 – “This led to a meeting at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva at the end of 2009. The President and Chief Executive of the International Federation of Accountants was there, the World Chairman of the big 4 auditing firms, the World Bank and the purpose of that meeting with Chatham House Rules was what do we develop, how did we develop an answer to reporting actually happening inside a company and I addressed the meeting won integrated thinking, intergrated reporting. This led to a meeting in St. James’s Palace hosted by Prince Charles… It was agreed the way forward was integrated thinking, integrated reporting… So I’m now the Chairman of the International Integrated Reporting Council… if you Google the IRC, I’ve got about 71 council members and they’re all great institutions around the world; CPA China, CPA Japan, CPA Australia, chartered accountants of England, Wales, America Institute of Certifie Public Accountants, asset owners, asset managers, Black Rock, etc..

18:52 – “In the 4th iteration of the King Report, we have done the report but then we’ve done supplements on state owned companies, small medium sized companies, municipalities and can be used for government departments.

27:16 – “I believe that King IV is, which is going around the world just by the way I’m off to New York the next day or two and I’m talking to the hedge funds in America on the question of common sense principles of governance for in America because America is still shareholder centric. Still involved with the primacy of the shareholder. So I’m actually going over there to talk to them about moving to a company centric model… Corporate leaders in America have to stop thinking that their duty is to maximize shareholder wealth. They have to think of corporate health rather than shareholder wealth [Does this not sound like communism?].

31:12 – “The question is, is one optimistic about human capital globally? We are in the 4th Industrial Revolution. We’ve got artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, 3D printing. All these things are going to replace people who are presently employed. So over the next 20-30 years, we’re going to have an exacerbation of the unemployment problem and people that have the necessary skills to be employed now will become unemployable. Some entrepreneurs are looking at focusing on building entertainment businesses and intellectual exercise businesses as businesses are the future because so many people have so many free hours [You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy?]. So the answer to you is it’s a huge problem and studies are being done around the world at great institutions about this… South Africa is not an island, it’s part of the globe.

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d9e924 No.127921

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18746497 (242013ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Analyst: prepare for a possible complete grid collapse

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“Analyst: prepare for a possible complete grid collapse”


Apr 24, 2023

Electricity minister Kgosientso Ramokgopa has warned that South Africans should brace themselves for a dark winter with loadshedding likely to reach higher stages. But Professor of physics at the University of Johannesburg Hartmut Winkler says South Africans should prepare themselves for the possibility of a complete grid collapse. He explains why.

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d9e924 No.127922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18750048 (251339ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South African Breweries [SAB]

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>South Africa and was a wholly owned subsidiary of SABMiller until its interests were sold to Anheuser-Busch InBev on 10 October 2016.

“SABMiller agrees AB Inbev takeover deal of £68bn”


Tue 13 Oct 2015 09.04 BST

London-listed brewer of Peroni and Grolsch accepts improved terms from larger rival in Britain’s biggest takeover

SABMiller has agreed to sell itself to Anheuser-Busch InBev for $104bn (£68bn) in a deal that will be the biggest takeover of a British company and create the world’s first global brewer.

The takeover, one of the top five deals in corporate history, will create a brewing empire making about a third of the world’s beer. AB InBev is already the world’s biggest brewer, and SABMiller is its closest rival.

The boards of the two companies said they had reached agreement in principle on the key terms of a “possible recommended offer” after SABMiller rejected repeated approaches by AB InBev over the past month.

SAB’s top managers will share a potential $2.1bn payout of shares and options if the deal is completed, according to analysts at Bernstein. Alan Clark, SABMiller’s chief executive, is likely to receive more than £80m.

The deal would create a company generating more than $70bn of annual revenue from brewing 80bn litres of beer a year. The giant corporation will have big operations in Europe, north America, Latin America and the Asia Pacific region, and will give AB InBev, the brewer of the US’s favourite beer, Bud Light, access to the fast-growing African beer market.

London-listed SABMiller said AB InBev – which brews Budweiser and Stella Artois – proposed to pay £44 a share in cash. It also proposed a partial share payment for the 41% of the company owned by SABMiller’s two biggest shareholders, Altria, the maker of Philip Morris cigarettes, and BevCo, owned by Colombia’s billionaire Santo Domingo brewing family.

The £44 cash offer values SABMiller, the maker of Peroni and Grolsch, at about 50% more than its value on 14 September, before news of AB InBev’s interest leaked. If all the shares were sold for that price it would value SABMiller at £71bn, but the £39.03 part-share alternative, devised for tax reasons, brings the valuation down to about £68bn.

If completed, the takeover will secure AB InBev a target it has long coveted. Backed by Brazil’s richest man, the financier Jorge Paulo Lemann, the Belgian-Brazilian brewer has expanded aggressively through big deals including combining with Interbrew, the maker of Stella Artois, in 2004 and buying the US Budweiser brewer, Anheuser-Busch, four years later.

Brito said AB InBev decided to make a move after carrying out research on Africa, where SABMiller, founded in Johannesburg in 1895, is the dominant brewer. The charity ActionAid has criticised SABMiller for paying low taxes on its profits in Africa, including in Ghana.

Adrian Tierney-Jones, the secretary of the British Guild of Beer Writers, said SABMiller had preserved the character of beers it had bought such as Pilsner Urquell in the Czech Republic. But he said creating a megabrewer raised concerns, especially as both companies have been buying craft beer producers.

“I don’t think it’s good for beer. The more things get bigger, the more you lose touch with what’s happening on the ground. The bottom line for these guys is profit,” he said.

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d9e924 No.127923

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18750994 (251659ZAPR23) Notable: ANC wants South Africa to quit ICC -- Cyril Ramaphosa

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“Namibian President Geingob weighs in on ICC's arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin”


Apr 20, 2023

Namibian President, Hage Geingob, has criticised countries that aren't signatories of the International Criminal Court Rome Statute for insisting that Russian President Vladimir Putin be arrested and handed over to the ICC. President Geingob is on a state visit to South Africa and has met with President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Union Buildings. The leaders discussed peace and security on the continent, and around the world.

“URGENT: ANC wants South Africa to quit ICC – Cyril Ramaphosa”


25-04-2023 15:00

President Cyril Ramaphosa said his ruling ANC party had resolved that South Africa should quit the International Criminal Court.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Tuesday his ruling ANC party had resolved that South Africa should quit the International Criminal Court, which last month issued an arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The ICC issued an arrest warrant against Putin in March meaning Pretoria, due to host the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa bloc [BRICS] summit this year, would have to detain him on arrival.

“Yes, the governing party… has taken that decision that it is prudent that South Africa should pull out of the ICC,” Ramaphosa said during a press conference co-hosted with the visiting President of Finland Sauli Niinisto.

Ramaphosa said the decision, which follows a weekend meeting of the African National Congress (ANC), was reached “largely” because of what is perceived as the court’s unfair treatment of certain countries.

“We would like this matter of unfair treatment to be properly discussed, but in the meantime the governing party has decided once again that there should be a pull out,” he said.


The arrest warrant against Putin followed accusations that the Kremlin unlawfully deported Ukrainian children.

On whether South Africa would arrest Putin, Cyril Ramaphosa said “that matter is under consideration”.

A continental powerhouse, South Africa has refused to condemn the invasion of Ukraine which has largely isolated Moscow on the international stage, saying it wants to stay neutral and prefers dialogue to end the war.

It is not the first time South Africa has attempted to withdraw from the ICC.

It made an attempt in 2016 following a dispute a year earlier when the then Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir visited the country for an African Union summit. It refused to arrest him despite the then-leader facing an ICC arrest warrant over alleged war crimes.

The controversial decision to pull out was however revoked when a domestic court ruled such a move would have been unconstitutional.

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d9e924 No.127924

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18761281 (271401ZAPR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC ‘trying to shift goal posts’ to incorporate the DA-governed uMngeni into Impendle, Mpofana councils (video)

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“BEWARE! The ANC Attempted Coup.”


“ANC ‘trying to shift goal posts’ to incorporate the DA-governed uMngeni into Impendle, Mpofana councils”


Apr 25, 2023

Durban — A concerned member of the public, Mike Wood, has put pen to paper accusing the ANC of attempting to “steal” a well-run uMngeni Municipality back into its hands, and said the attempt “flies” in the face of the voters of the DA-governed municipality”.

This came after the ANC approached the municipal demarcation board to incorporate the DA-governed uMngeni into the councils of Impendle and Mpofana.

In his letter, Wood said: “Under the capable leadership of mayor Chris Papas and team, the council has been turned around in a short space of time. Loans have been repaid, employment has been created, plant and equipment has been purchased to assist with service delivery. Huge strides have been made to promote tourism in the area, and that will and has led to more employment.”

He added that the municipality stepped in when the ANC-led provincial government could not deliver food to schools in the areas.

“This was driven by the mayor and his team. Service delivery is at a high.”

Wood added that the ANC “would have us believe that service will improve in Impendle and Mpofana”.

“This begs the question: why has the service delivery not been of the required standard since the ANC has been in government in these councils since 1995?

“This attempt to amalgamate uMngeni into a broader municipality must be rejected with the contempt it deserves.

“Where the DA governs, they govern better and for all,” he said.

Mooi-uMngeni constituency leader Greg Krumbock said that this is nothing but the ANC’s political ploy to get rid of the DA in this region, so they were using the demarcation incorporation ploy to take over this municipality.

Krumbock said that since the DA took over the municipality in November 2021, the residents were happy about the service delivery in the area.

“When we took over, only 131 received the indigent grant to help assist those households who meet the requirements and receive free water and electricity.

“Our mayor, Chris Papas, is very popular with all residents here, and you can find him interacting with different races in the area. He even speaks IsiZulu fluently, which makes him even more loved and accepted here.

“The uMngeni Municipality budget is well-run, and service delivery is well-received by all.”

Because of the DA’s successes, Krumbock added, the ANC is now doing all it can to fight the DA and get rid of the only party that is changing people’s lives for the better.

Krumbock said the public was very unhappy about what the ANC was trying to do, and many were flocking into the municipal hall to voice their objections.

“If you come to Howick now, you cannot see even a single pothole, people have water, electricity and other human needs.

“Moving the goal posts is what I’m hearing from the voters her – all those who come here echo similar sentiments,” Krumbock stressed.

ANC Moses Mabhida Regional secretary Samora Ndlovu said the matter was still under discussion.

“But it is true that the municipal demarcation board is currently undertaking public engagements of all stakeholders interested in the matter to determine whether the municipality is incorporated or not, and these are going to close on May 2. Thereafter the board will make a determination, and then make its decision around this matter,” Ndlovu added.

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d9e924 No.127925

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18761286 (271403ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Months-long water issues the final straw for White River residents

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“Months-long water issues the final straw for White River residents”


April 26, 2023

The town has been without water for 95 days since December, and the residents demand a permanent solution.

Labelling the current water situation in town anything other than a crisis, would be to downplay the severity of the problem.

Lowvelder visited several enraged members of the community on Monday April 24. During this time, it was discovered that the town had been without water for 95 days since December, according to some residents.

On days that water does flow from household taps, it is dirty and inconsumable and most likely a health hazard. In March alone, the town only had water for nine days, and in April, up until Monday, only five.

A resident, Ludolph Botha (75), could not hold back his tears and was so infuriated that he was willing to strip down to his boxers in protest against the hardships he has been suffering as a result of this dire situation. According to Botha, he has to go to nearby farms with empty containers to obtain water to bath and flush the toilet.

“I look after my mother, who is 95. She cannot look after herself anymore. At my age, I have to carry water for myself, my wife and my mother. We use the water for flushing toilets and cleaning. I have to carry the heavy water containers onto my van and offload them into the house.

“My wife and I no longer work, but we still pay for services, and now have to buy water as well, which we cannot afford. How can the municipality expect people to survive without water for more than 20 days? Maybe the municipality wants to see me and other community members walking naked in the streets to show our frustrations to realise we need serious intervention? I am personally pleading with the mayor and the entire council to do something about the water crisis,” he said.

Botha is one of the many disheartened residents demanding a permanent solution from the City of Mbombela (CoM) for this ‘never-ending’ crisis.

Residents who can afford it, have been buying water for consumption, incurring additional costs despite regularly paying for monthly services.

“There was a slight improvement in supply for a short while, but now it seems the problems have returned. Not everyone is in the financial position to buy water from local retailers and is forced to drink dirty water,” the residents said.

The ward councillor for the area, Rowan Torr, once again stressed that the deteriorating water issue is a direct result of White River not receiving water from Silulumanzi’s pump stations.

“Both the mayor and officials have been promising that pump stations will be fitted with emergency generators. This has not been done. This is not a water shortage, but a system failure aggravated by load-shedding, continued electrical problems and mismanagement of the water systems,” Torr said.

He also added the community has tried to assist by collecting R46 000 to keep one of the water treatment plant pumps operational. He said it does help sometimes, even though the municipality takes its time to fill up the pumps with diesel to keep it running.

The CoM’s spokesperson, Joseph Ngala, said the municipality is aware of the crisis and is working on a permanent solution.

“Load-shedding has a bad impact on the water system, because all our water treatment plants depend on electricity. Eskom was called on to stop load-shedding during the week in those areas depending on the Boschrand-Nels River link in order to improve the supply in the area. We are in the process of securing generators for all our water plants so that people will still have water during power cuts,” he said.

He also said the municipality is prepared to organise on-site storage for emergency water and was willing to provide tankers in the affected areas, but the resident do not want it.

“We have availed tankers, but people insist on water from taps and say they do not have containers and storage facilities in their yards.”

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d9e924 No.127926

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18766208 (281333ZAPR23) Notable: Diamonds, Gold and War: The British, the Boers and the Making of South Africa (Parts 1&2)

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“Diamonds, Gold and War: The British, the Boers and the Making of South Africa” – “100 years ago in South Africa has resonances with what goes on in modern times” (Part 1)




In 1871, prospectors exploring a remote stretch of land in South Africa stumbled upon a rich deposit of diamonds. Fifteen years later, gold was discovered in the region, which was once regarded as a "worthless jumble of British colonies." What followed was an epic struggle for control between the colonizing British and the native Boer settlers, culminating in a costly, bloody war that left the Boer nation devastated. British historian and journalist Martin Meredith discussed his new book, "Diamonds, Gold, and War: The British, the Boers, and the Making of South Africa" as part of the Center for the Book's Books and Beyond author series. In his eighth book about Africa, Meredith draws on new research to describe the origins of modern day South Africa. He vividly depicts the war fought between the British and the Boers and shows how the exploitation of African resources is a long, shameful tradition of the West. He also details how British policy led to the rise of the virulent Afrikaner nationalism that eventually took hold in the new South African state.

5:46 – “The subject matter of this book does have indeed modern relevance. It is a story essentially of great wealth, raw power, deceit and corruption. Now those are pretty much the staple diets of human activity and there are all kinds of images which still reflect onto the sort of modern world that come from the distant past. The book is about ambitious individuals who gain great wealth and use it to exercise political power. It’s also about the way in which empires or governments with huge might behind them use that might to enforce their will around the world. Now that is just 2 examples as it were where this struggle that took place in the past, 100 years ago in South Africa has resonances with what goes on in modern times… Which is why I find that even history from the past is really quite interesting because you find again it’s reflections of what goes on in modern times, exist exactly the same as they did 100 years ago or 200 years ago or 300 years ago… I am often been struck by the long term repercussions that come from actions and decisions that were made in the past and still reverberate today… One obvious example is the shape of modern Africa today.

11:41 – “Britain provoked this war as many wars are kind of provoked or started assuming that it will all be a short war. It was called a ‘Tea Time War’. It will be all over by Christmas… The war lasted for 2 ½ years, it created an enormous wave of anger and hatred which continued generation after generation, and it left the 2 boer republics which the boers conquered decimated. The British were faced with gorilla warfare… The British then did not quite know what do… so they resorted to scorched earth tactics. That is they went around burning down thousand, quite literally, thousands of homesteads. Razing whole villages to the ground. Rounding up women and children and putting them in, what they called, British concentration camps… The vast herds of cattle, which was the mainstay of the economy those days were actually destroyed. [Keep in mind, the world makes sure that no one forgets the holocaust but is silent about this. The jews got their jewish state but the boers didn’t.]

14:25 – “Now this book sets out to do is to describe the 40 year period that led up to the founding of the modern state of South Africa. 1910… is a useful point at which to break off as it were the subject, ‘the making of South Africa’, but there is also a point, an epilogue in the book, which explains how you get from 1910 basically to 1994 when the first ‘democratic’ elections were held.”

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d9e924 No.127927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18766249 (281342ZAPR23) Notable: Diamonds, Gold and War: The British, the Boers and the Making of South Africa (Parts 1&2)

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“Diamonds, Gold and War: The British, the Boers and the Making of South Africa” – “100 years ago in South Africa has resonances with what goes on in modern times” (Part 2)



21:17 – “The propaganda in a sense against [Paul] Kruger started at a very early time and it went on for a very long time. He was in fact extremely conservative, he was sort of a religious, dogmatic, almost fanatic… The only book he read was the Bible but he knew large chunks of it by heart… He was an expert hunter, horseman and gorilla fighter and who rose to be the kommandant-generaal of the Transvaal and fought in 8 campaigns against the African chieftains… the British point of view, he was this backward, ignorant man… When he [Kruger] happened to sit in the state that happened to find the gold, the richest sources of gold, the British had more of a reason to paint him in rather negative terms.”

24:49 – “So there are these 2 kinds of opposing characters; [Cecil] Rhodes, the Prime Minister of the Cape Colony, the Chairman of DeBeers, the Managing Director of what was called the British South Africa Company which is the chartered company that the British government allowed Rhodes to setup Rhodesia with vs this kind of extreme conservative boer, father figure, sitting on top of the world’s greatest resources of wealth… Rhodes as when he was Prime Minister plotted to overthrow Kruger and he did this with connive of some British Ministers. A lot of this was covered up for generations… Indeed one of the key people involved, being interviewed about 30 years subsequently, was explaining that it had to be covered up because otherwise the honour of the British Empire would be defaced.

27:22 – “Rhodes himself had to except responsibility because the trail led more or less to his doorstep… So Rhodes had to resign as Prime Minister but the British, because British Ministers were involved, they were careful not to punish him severely because otherwise Rhodes was then going to expose the role of the British Minister have played. So you had sort of mutual blackmail going on here, nobody was particularly interested in uncovering it. The problem for the British still kind of remained that they still, the British that is, still wanted to get their hands on the gold fields and essentially what happened is that they organised war to get ahold of the gold fields. As their correspondence reveals, they kept on saying, ‘We don’t really have an excuse for war.’… ‘How can we manipulate events so that we can actually then have a war.’… This war had horrific consequences for the boer population of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. It ignited Afrikaner nationalism.

31:48 – “I’ve interviewed women who can graphically describe for me their memories of being 6 years old in a concentration camp with people kind of dying like flies of dysentery around them.”

32:53 – “The way in which it was all prompted by the discovery of diamonds and gold. If there had been no diamonds and gold, there would’ve been no war. There would’ve been no point in having a war.”

43:43 - Discuss Winston Churchill in South Africa where he became a 'hero' and later Prime Minister of Britain.

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d9e924 No.127928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18767383 (281834ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter appears before Scopa (video)

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“Former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter appears before Scopa”


Streamed live on Apr 26, 2023

“Andre de Ruyter refuses to name senior politician involved in Eskom corruption”


Published Apr 26, 2023

Former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter has stuck to his guns that he complied with the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act (Precca) by reporting looting at Eskom to senior officials, intelligence officials and National Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola.

However, De Ruyter refused to disclose the name of a senior official who was involved in corruption.

He said he shared that information with a senior minister and senior official in the presidency.

He became aware of the involvement of the senior politician in May last year when they were delving deep into corruption at Eskom.

However, he refused to say whether the senior politician was a Minister or a former Minister.

This was to prevent any legal action against him or compromise the ongoing investigation.

De Ruyter, who was appearing before Parliament’s finance watchdog the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) on Wednesday, said the levels of corruption and cartels at Eskom had been reported to the Hawks, the SAPS, the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure and the State Security Agency.

When asked by ANC MP Bheki Hadebe to name the high-ranking official who was involved in corruption at Eskom after he spoke about allowing people to eat a little over the $8.5 billion for the Just Energy Transition funding by the international [US] community, he said he was not at liberty to do so for legal reasons.

“Andre de Ruyter says cartels operated with impunity at Eskom”


But Veronica Mente of the EFF wanted to know if the “Presidential” cartel at Eskom was a reference to anyone.

De Ruyter said this was not the name given to the syndicate by its members.

“The name of this cartel is something that, as far as I know, is the name that members of the cartel have come up with. I am not aware it’s got any significance or attached to anybody relating to the president. I think this is the name that they have chosen. Up until recently when these allegations became public, the members of the presidential cartel had a fairly lively presence on social media. They made a number of statements saying ‘thanks to coal we can shower in champagne’. These individuals, it appears, acted with a fair amount of impunity when it came to publicising their activities and what they were up to,” said De Ruyter.

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d9e924 No.127929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18767385 (281835ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter appears before Scopa (video)

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“Scopa to call Pravin Gordhan, Sydney Mufamadi, Hawks over Eskom claims by De Ruyter”


Published Apr 26, 2023

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts has decided to call senior government officials who were identified by former Eskom boss André de Ruyter, who said he shared information with them about corruption at the power utility and those implicated in it.

De Ruyter told Scopa he had given the name of the senior politician to Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, President Cyril Ramaphosa’s national security adviser Sydney Mufamadi and National Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola.

De Ruyter said he told the State Security Agency and the Hawks about the levels of corruption at Eskom’s coal-fired power stations in Mpumalanga.

Scopa chairperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa said after meeting with De Ruyter it was clear that he was not budging from his stance in refusing to reveal the identity of the high-ranking politician allegedly involved in corruption.

He said De Ruyter had also told them they needed to invite the Hawks to obtain information on the progress of the investigation.

The former Eskom CEO had told members of the committee he did not want to jeopardise investigations by disclosing some of the information in public.

“The committee plans to meet these cited parties to get more information on the allegations made by Mr De Ruyter. De Ruyter has told Scopa to contact the Hawks, Mr Gordhan and Dr Mufamadi for further details on the allegations that he made in the eNCA interview. He indicated that he reported the identity of a high-ranking politician as well as individuals he referred to in his interview as allegedly involved in criminal activities in Eskom to Mr Gordhan, Dr Mufamadi and the Hawks,” said Hlengwa.

“The committee informed De Ruyter that Parliament is able to offer him protection against any legal action through the Powers and Privileges provision, but he indicated that he does not want to jeopardise the ongoing investigation by law enforcement agencies into Eskom. The committee believes that De Ruyter missed an opportunity to take the nation into his confidence on these matters,” he added.

De Ruyter had lifted the lid on levels of corruption at Eskom early this year.

He said it contributed to load shedding. He said there were also four cartels operating at the power plants.

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d9e924 No.127930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18767403 (281845ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two / Former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter appears before Scopa (video)

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>“David Mabuza: The numerous scandals of SA’s new Deputy President”



>Gwede Mantashe




>Jacques Pauw



“ANC statement on Andre de Ruyter’s unfortunate decampaigning tactics” – News24: David Mabuza and Gwede Mantashe mentioned in Andre De Ruyter’s report


26 April 2023

News24 [Naspers] has reported that there is no basis to claims made against Mabuza and Mantashe [https://www.news24.com/news24/investigations/eskom-dirty-dossier-revealed-apartheid-spook-behind-de-ruyters-r50m-off-the-books-project-ostrich-20230426, take note that the article was written by Jacques Pauw]

Reports have emerged that former Eskom Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Andre De Ruyter directly oversaw and privately funded a dubious investigation conducted by former apartheid era killer Tony Oosthuizen under the questionable guise of attempting to assist law enforcement agencies to deal with corruption at Eskom. It is also reported that the "intelligence reports churned out by De Ruyter's agent made sensational and malicious claims about former Deputy president Comrade David Mabuza and National Chairperson, Comrade Gwede Mantashe without any credible evidence.–

At the time when South Africans are starting to focus their attention on the upcoming 2024 National General Elections, it now becomes even more questionable as to what could have motivated De Ruyter's utterances against the ANC. It is curious why a CEO of a state-owned enterprise would go out of their way to affirm reports which are not grounded in an iota of evidence. This being the same Andre De Ruyter who accused the ANC of being out of touch with reality and instead stuck in a cold war era, is now found to be closely associating himself with dubious apartheid era agents that consciously supported a brutal system and have blood on their hands.

The ANC will not be distracted by underhanded tactics aimed at diverting us from a determined drive to renew our organisation. We encourage South Africans to trust the ANC with our countries transformation agenda. Recent independent polling of the 2024 National General Elections by Dr Frans Cronje, Inclusive Society and Ipsos finds that the ANC is likely to attain a victory of over 50%. The likes of De Ruyter are obviously disturbed by such data to a point of ending up soiling what otherwise could have been a clean reputation premised on his other positive contributions at Eskom.

Whilst it is true and public knowledge that to date law enforcement agencies have pointed at the fact that Eskom is besieged with corruption and a poor performance outlook, any information to this effect should be verifiable and authentic. At the core of unearthing information which points us to the weakest links within Eskom must be unquestionable efforts that can stand public scrutiny. Anything else will render justified and well-meaning efforts aimed at cleaning up Eskom unsuccessful.

The ANC commends media houses who conducted their own diligence and refused to simply rinse and repeat De Ruyter's questionable behaviour on their platforms. This gives hope and a timely reassurance that media houses have a semblance of independence.

We are deeply concerned about reports that the erstwhile CEO solicited funds from unknown sources that were channeled through Business Leadership. Even today during his appearance in front of a multiparty democratically elected parliament, De Ruyter continued with his duck and diving only once again to fail to take the nation into confidence. We call on the CEO Of Business Leadership South Africa and former boarder member of Eskom, Busisiwe Mavuso to take the nation into confidence and reveal how much was paid to apartheid era agents to launder "rooi gevaar" tactics and propaganda against ANC leaders.

Issued by Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri, National Spokesperson

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d9e924 No.127931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18767411 (281846ZAPR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Naspers gave R1 million to the ANC in 2021

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>News24 [Naspers]

“Naspers gave R1 million to the ANC in 2021”


22 February 2022

South African multinational holding company Naspers donated R1 million to the ANC in November 2021.

This was revealed in the latest Political Party Funding Declaration Report published by the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) on Tuesday.

Naspers was a noteworthy new entry to the list of contributors and donors in the third quarter, giving exactly R1 million to the ANC on 19 November 2021.

The companies under the Naspers umbrella include ecommerce giant Takealot, media publications house Media24, and technology investment company Prosus.

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d9e924 No.127932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18767492 (281910ZAPR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Elon Musk won’t pay bribes to ANC cronies – so SA to miss out on Starlink’s cheap, fast internet broadband from space (video)

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“Elon Musk won’t pay bribes to ANC cronies – so SA to miss out on Starlink’s cheap, fast internet broadband from space”



28th April 2023 by Alec Hogg

Elon Musk’s Starlink, the high-speed, low-cost internet access offering from space, won’t be coming to South Africa. The reason, says tenacious SA opposition politician Dianne Kohler-Barnard, is the ANC demands that to be licenced, Starlink must first give 30% of the local company to politically connected cronies under the guise of Black Economic Empowerment. That’s a demand that Musk, who was born and raised in Pretoria and still has family in the country, refuses to countenance. This was admitted by the ANC in Parliament, prompted by Kohler-Barnard, the DA’s Shadow Minister of Communications. So while the rest of Africa stands to leapfrog into the digital age through Starlink’s cheap, fast, universally accessible bandwidth from space, ANC policy will stop South Africa from participating. Kohler-Barnard spoke to Alec Hogg of BizNews.

Relevant time stamps from the interview:

•	01:20 Dianne Kohler-Barnard on Elon Musk’s refusal to appease the ANC’s demands for 30% equity in Starlink

•	04:42 On SA falling down the continental pecking order as African political rivals embrace Starlink

•	06:03 On SA’s “catastrophic” economic status due to corruption and loadshedding

•	07:42 On the potential value of Starlink that SA is missing out on and how it is benefitting other African nations

•	09:28 On Zimbabwe’s former telecommunication systems

•	10:21 On the Zondo commission and how governmental corruption in SA has led to Elon Musk’s absolute stance against appeasing ANC demands

•	12:41 On the ANC’s apathetic stance on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its consequences

•	14:32 On Starlink’s aiding of Ukraine and whether South Africa’s ties with Russia have impacted negotiations with the satellite company

•	16:43 On the politics of coalition and why the DA will never make the EFF an ally

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d9e924 No.127933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777728 (302132ZAPR23) Notable: Final ANC Bun

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Final ANC Bun

>>127503 This is going to finish our Movement’: Yengeni disqualified from contesting ANC NEC over criminal past

>>127504 Carl Niehaus EXPELLED by ANC for misconduct

>>127524, >>127525, >>127526, >>127527 Top Secret SSA report reveals US link to ANC

>>127528, >>127529, >>127530, >>127531, >>127532 A Diamond Is Forever: Mandela Triumphs, Buthelezi and de Klerk Survive, and ANC on the U.S. Payroll (Parts 1-5)

>>127533, >>127534, >>127535, >>127536, >>127537 A Diamond Is Forever: Mandela Triumphs, Buthelezi and de Klerk Survive, and ANC on the U.S. Payroll (Parts 6-10)

>>127538, >>127539, >>127540 A Diamond Is Forever: Mandela Triumphs, Buthelezi and de Klerk Survive, and ANC on the U.S. Payroll (Parts 11-13)

>>127544, >>127792 David Mabuza: The numerous scandals of SA’s new Deputy President

>>127545 Tony Yengeni and Bathabile Dlamini allowed to contest NEC positions

>>127556, >>127557 Calls for Gwede Mantashe to be fired amid money laundering allegations

>>127567 Voting for new ANC’s top seven delayed as allegations of vote buying swirl around

>>127571 ANC National Conference: Meet the new Top 7

>>127573 Money in leadership contests is selling ANC to highest bidder – Mantashe

>>127578, >>127579, >>127580, >>>127581 Newly-elected Secretary-General Fikile Mbalula (videos)

>>127600, >>127601 Mpangazitha [Carl Niehaus] talks about the outcomes of the ANC National Conference and his political future (video)

>>127602 Ossewabrandwag, Nazi and ANC Parallels

>>127604 SACP, Cosatu change tune on 2024 polls, throw weight behind ANC

>>127610 Current ANC NEC composition favours Ramaphosa, gives him room to act decisively – political analyst

>>127653, >>127654 National Treasury and the Project Spider Web (Parts 1&2)

>>127655 The Corruption Of The ANC Predates Codesa – Never Mind Jacob Zuma’s Presidency (video)

>>127656 ANC to go ahead with disciplinary proceedings against MPs who antagonised Ramaphosa and “did not toe the line”

>>127659, >>127660 Discussion with Kobus Marais, the Shadow Minister of Defence and Military Veterans (video)

>>127692, >>127693 [ANC’s] RET faction joins hands with Carl Niehaus in new civil movement (video)

>>127712, >>127713 “Cadre deployment: ANC has a right to appoint whoever it wants in public service positions, says party counsel” (video)

>>127734, >>127735, >>127736 Thapelo Amad, the new mayor of Joburg, Al Jamah's ANC-backed candidate

>>127779 Minutes show ANC ran ‘parallel process’ to fill top government jobs: DA” including judges

>>127780 DA wins court battle to expose ANC cadre deployment records (video)

>>127793 Ace Magashule’s ex-PA detained in US, FBI involvement

>>127802, >>127803, >>127804 Patriotic Alliance secures second mayoral position (video)

>>127814 ANC says Super Zuma will drive ‘agriculture revolution’ after he was appointed as KZN Agriculture and Rural Development MEC

>>127834, >>127835 Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1&2)

>>127836, >>127837, >>127838, >>127839, >>127841 Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1-5)

>>127840 ANC: VIP's of violence (video)

>>127865 South Africa: Torture, ill-treatment and executions in African National Congress camps” – Amnesty International Report

>>127877, >>127878 The ANC Method Violence 1986 [documentary] (video)

>>127924 ANC ‘trying to shift goal posts’ to incorporate the DA-governed uMngeni into Impendle, Mpofana councils (video)

>>127931 Naspers gave R1 million to the ANC in 2021

>>127932 Elon Musk won’t pay bribes to ANC cronies – so SA to miss out on Starlink’s cheap, fast internet broadband from space (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d9e924 No.127934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777730 (302132ZAPR23) Notable: Barloworld Bun

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Barloworld Bun

>>127902 The Union Corporation and Barlow Rand, Ltd Merger - July 16, 1974

>>127903 The many faces of Barlow Rand Ltd. - April 11, 1982

>>127904, >>127905 Barlow Rand Ltd Parts 1&2)

>>127906, >>127907, >>127908, >>127909, >>127910, >>127911 Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition

>>127912, >>127913 International Archives in South Africa: Rand Mines, Barlo Rand, etc

>>127914, >>127915, >>127916 RMB arranges Africa’s first gender-linked bond issuance for Barloworld

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d9e924 No.127935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777735 (302133ZAPR23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun

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Final Commodities Bun

>>127549, >>127552 U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit underway in Washington (videos)

>>127598 Namibia holds the power to push Europe into darkness (video)

>>127648, >>127649, >>127651, >>127652 Who owns Absa?

>>127665, >>127666 David v Goliath court battle on the cards between coal mines (Parts 1&2)

>>127670, >>127671 Charges against Denel executive may backfire (Parts 1&2)

>>127696, >>127697 Shift in southern African economic landscape following Zimbabwe’s lithium ban (Parts 1&2)

>>127760, >>127761, >>127762 Rutendo Matinyarare's DELETED interview: “State captures happened with Anglo American” (Parts 1-3 video)

>>127770 “Re-imagining mining to improve people’s lives” – Anglo American

>>127771 “Reimagining energy: Our 2030 plans - two minute version” – BP (video)

>>127783, >>127784 South African activists and lawyers pursue legal battle” vs big corporations (Parts 1&2)

>>127795 “You can make roughly R20m a month" – zama zamas gang boss (video)

>>127800, >>127801 Supreme Court of Appeal ruled against mining companies (Parts 1&2)

>>127847, >>127848, >>127849, >>127880 Gold Mafia - Al Jazeera Investigations, Episodes 1-3 (video)

>>127850, >>127851, >>127852, >>127853, >>127854, >>127855 The Dystopian Underworld of South Africa’s Illegal Gold Mines (Parts 1-5)

>>127868 Organisation says ‘the real zama zamas’ in Kagiso are big companies (video)

>>127884, >>127885, >>127892 Patrice Motsepe, Tyme Bank, and African Rainbow Capital (ARC)

>>127886, >>127887, >>127889, >>127890, >>127891 Ethos Private Equity, Rohatyn Group

>>127888 All the South African banks that have failed in the last 30 years

>>127893, >>127894, >>127895, >>127896, >>127897, >>127922 South African Breweries [SAB]

>>127898, >>127899, >>127900, >>127901 Peter Obi, Anambra Governor, ties to SABMiller Brewery (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d9e924 No.127936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777739 (302133ZAPR23) Notable: Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two

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Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two

>>127764 Implications of declaration of state of emergency on electricity (video)

>>127816 ENCA My Guest Tonight - Annika Larsen interview with Andre De Ruyter – “led to his ‘immediate’ departure as Eskom CEO” (video)

>>127817 SA technically in stage 8 load shedding despite Eskom saying it’s stage 6

>>127820 U.S. Embassy: State of Disaster declared over ongoing Energy Crisis of "Load Shedding"

>>127826 “South Africa faces ‘civil war’ conditions due to possibility of power grid collapse”

>>127866 Eskom fights to block town from using its own solar power

>>127879 Eskom will soon become part of the Private Sector

>>127882 Eskom implemented Stage 8 load shedding – and YOU didn’t know

>>127883 Load shedding at 40: The performance of power stations in South Africa vs the United States

>>127921 Analyst: prepare for a possible complete grid collapse

>>127925 Months-long water issues the final straw for White River residents

>>127928, >>127929, >>127930 Former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter appears before Scopa (video)

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d9e924 No.127937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777741 (302133ZAPR23) Notable: Mervyn King Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mervyn King Bun

>>127917 A summary of the King IV Report on Corporate Governance™ for South Africa, 2016

>>127919 Mervyn E. King, Judge Professor – King Report

>>127920 Get to know Professor Mervyn King (video)

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d9e924 No.127938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777744 (302134ZAPR23) Notable: Final Julius Malema & Jacques Pauw Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Julius Malema & Jacques Pauw Bun

>>127507, >>127508 Julius Malema’s mafia connection: What we know about Adriano Mazzotti (Parts 1&2)

>>127509 Julius Malema and Adriano Mazzotti – the dubious connection deepens

>>127510 Malema’s lawyers demand that Jacques Pauw’s Our Poisoned Land be removed from shelves: NB Publishers media statement

>>127511 Jacques Pauw biography

>>127512 Can Jaques Pauw Claim To Have a Reputation and Integrity to Protect? – Accused of molesting boys

>>127592 AfriForum says SAHRC must deliver on promise to take Malema to Equality Court over hate speech

>>127688 Court dismisses Julius Malema’s bid to appeal AfriForum’s interdict which prohibits him from calling on land grabs

>>127689 Pay back the money: This is how much Julius Malema paid AfriForum

>>127765, >>127775 Court finds Kunene guilty of HATE SPEECH for calling Malema a cockroach (video)

>>127777 “Judge bans anit-apartheid song” Reported by CNN Sep 14, 2011 – Julius Malema and the ANC (video)

>>127810, >>127811 Who’s Rob Hersov: An Intricate Look (Parts 1&2)

>>127863, >>127864 The Conflict of the Past - Jacques Pauw (Parts 1&2)

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d9e924 No.127939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777746 (302134ZAPR23) Notable: Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Phala Phala & Ramophosa Bun

>>127505, >>127506 Plot to kill Fraser and his advocate exposed (Parts 1&2)

>>127542, 17940724 Paul O’Sullivan: Ramaphosa has been set up, must not abandon SA by resigning (video)

>>127541 Pandor to lead SA delegation to US-Africa Leaders Summit instead of President Ramaphosa, due to his "busy schedule"

>>127547 President Cyril Ramaphosa suspends Western Cape Judge President John Hlophe with immediate effect

>>127550 Phala Phala vote: NDZ [Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma] dragged before ANC disciplinary committee after Pemmy Majodina's report

>>127555 Lindiwe Sisulu speaks on missing Parliament vote, says the Phala Phala scandal is ‘untenable

>>127564 Ramaphosa and Zuma captured laughing together hours after Zuma decided to privately prosecute the president (video)

>>127565, >>127577 Zuma vs Ramaphosa: President gives his predecessor until Monday to drop case

>>127576 Zuma's grand entrance interrupts Ramaphosa's speech (video)

>>127582 Cyril Ramaphosa is the “Alpha” – “After a few days of speculation and economic imbalance the Rand has stabilized" (video)

>>127584 "If I DIE, arrest Ramaphosa for my murder" – SAPS whistleblower [Patricia Morgan-Mashale]” – Her purported evidence implicates Cyril Ramaphosa AND Bheki Cele (video)

>>127585, >>127586 Over 14 000 sign petition begging Ramaphosa not to resign

>>127644, >>127645, >>127646, >>127647 Zondo exposed: What the Commission did not want SA to know (Parts 1-4)

>>127650 New PIC board appointed, includes Ramos, SARB governor reappointed

>>127675, >>127676, >>127677 Zuma v Ramaphosa: NGO wants to join case as friend of court, targets NPA for alleged bias

>>127681 Apartheid is over, don’t be afraid of white people, says Ramaphosa (video)

>>127684 Ramaphosa’s plan for radical economic transformation and tackling unemployment (video)

>>127703 Former president Jacob Zuma locks horns with King Misuzulu at Isandlwana commemoration over speech that was seen as pro-Ramaphosa

>>127714 Public Protector's office wraps up Phala Phala investigation

>>127781 Ramaphosa nominates Judge President of the Supreme Court of Appeal (video)

>>127830 00DEZZ - How Cyril Ramaphosa was bought by UK and EU money (video)

>>127869, >>127870, >>127871, >>127872, >>127873, >>127874 Leaked P Thabo Mbeki 17 Page letter to VP Paul Mashatile

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d9e924 No.127940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18777749 (302134ZAPR23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Violence and Crime Bun

>>127479 Bill seeking to decriminalise sex work now open for public comment (video)

>>127480, >>127481 What it will take to prevent SA’s gender-based violence [not legalizing prostitution]

>>127513, >>127514 Detective Publishes Book [The Lost Boys of Bird Island] Exposing High-Level Gov’t Pedophile Ring – Shot In The Head Days Later (Parts 1&2)

>>127515, >>127516, >>127517, >>127518, >>127519, >>127520 The Lost Boys of Bird Island

>>127521, >>127522, >>127523 Sydney Frankel, our own Epstein, with friends in high places” – Cyril Ramaphosa (ANC), Roelf Meyer (NP) (video)

>>127558 Land scam witness Khanyisile Mashego beheaded

>>127563 Gauteng father KIDNAPPED and brutally murdered – shot EXECUTION style” – “SA kidnappings surge to over 1 000 a month in 2022

>>127587 Crime ‘worrying’ in South Africa: 7,000 murdered in three months

>>127588 Report finds Cape Town police ‘gang capture’ likely runs deep

>>127589 Corruption accused JMPD officers found with R14 000 and 300 foreign drivers’ licences

>>127608 Clive Derby-Lewis The last FULL INTERVIEW (video)

>>127618 Ransom kidnappings on the rise in South African crimes (video)

>>127622 A high court judgment that invites more land invasions (video)

>>127623 Twitter User Claims Teens in Alleged Free State Racism Attack Pushed 3-Year-Old Into Pool Starting Chaos

>>127624 Anti-crime village hero in hiding after evil stock-thieves gun down wife & 7 family members (video)

>>127627 War on Women: Son kills mom, drinks her blood and woman shot dead in Gateway Mall

>>127631, >>127632, >>127635 How shipping giant MSC reacted to billion-dollar cocaine bust; Aponte Family

>>127633, >>127634 140 Days After the Perfect Crime” – “MSC’s five major drug busts this year (Parts 1&2)

>>127657 R8.2m splurged on ‘camera-friendly’ Bheki Cele and company’s ‘jet-setting’ travels

>>127672 10111 crisis: More than seven million calls dropped at severely understaffed call centres

>>127673 Police captain accuses Bok scrum-half Faf de Klerk of ‘attempted murder’

>>127682 More high-profile names implicated on graft corruption at the National Lotteries Commission (video)

>>127694 Cable thieves plunge Mdantsane hospital into crisis mode (video)

>>127737 The Bloody War Against South African Gang Leaders and Notorious Drug kingpins…PAGAD (video)

>>127738 Cape Town's most dangerous communities: Investigating SAPS (video)

>>127747, >>127748, >>127791 Gardee murder case shocker

>>127763 Doctors Without Borders says employee filmed with looted meat was pressured into helping looters

>>127766, >>127767 More Farm Murders

>>127769 [University of] Fort Hare press on with anticorruption plan, despite killings (video)

>>127770 What does ‘reimagining’ policing mean? (video)

>>127778 Eastern Cape Premier condemns the brutal killing of 10 people by gunmen in Qunu, Bityi (video)

>>127796 Eastern Cape residents concerned over recent mass murders

>>127797, >>127798, 18301217 Gun Free South Africa, UN supported NGO

>>127815 In Conversation | SABC News spine-chilling interview with a hitman "Inkabi" (video)

>>127821, >>127822, >>127823 Australia’s Warning About South Africa (Parts 1-3)

>>127824, >>127825 New Zealand Warning Concerning South Africa (Parts 1&2)

>>127833 “Four electricians killed by Ekurhuleni residents while trying to restore power to their suburb” (video)

>>127867 Crime-fighter Ian Cameron on how criminals captured SAPS, but there is hope for the future (video)

>>127875 , >>127876 Intercape bus company to sue Bheki Cele for police inaction (Parts 1&2)

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