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/pone/ - My Little Pony

All things pony, but 20% cooler!

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File: 01c97777ce68689⋯.png (773.28 KB,1920x1091,1920:1091,ScootalooThatsNotFluttersh….png)

File: 38ceb973b901dbf⋯.png (2.57 MB,1800x2150,36:43,TooSweetAndGenFive.png)

File: d9b60343ba52541⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,800x1088,25:34,DerpySitsTree.jpg)

File: bc184a63354b206⋯.jpeg (247.01 KB,2000x2000,1:1,2609091.jpeg)



These images should stay around long enough to celebrate your preferred solstice miracle

Let's Sing!

> On the first day of Hearths warming

> My Board Owner gave to me:

< A rock.

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File: bfbfae5a2ba7ed5⋯.png (487.27 KB,533x1024,533:1024,BonBonBonBon.png)

File: 015f87e5f0df6e2⋯.png (89.19 KB,474x599,474:599,ragerock.png)

On the second day of Hearths Warming your BO gives to you:

Two seaponies seaing,

and a rock.

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Post last edited at


File: e4b2709d35a6e11⋯.png (430.32 KB,710x1024,355:512,large.png)


A happy Hearth's Warming to you, fren.

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File: 07fe3c93a7018b4⋯.jpg (1.81 MB,1500x2200,15:22,ScootsWings.jpg)

File: d4d9d3ad2bc4237⋯.png (254.63 KB,1200x876,100:73,HiroshiTea_RainbowD.png)

File: 83c3b894ee5441c⋯.jpg (151.09 KB,1200x822,200:137,HiroshiTea_Fluttershy.jpg)

File: 80c506a409d5bc8⋯.png (170.25 KB,801x766,801:766,full.png)

File: 403ba008b9eb5fa⋯.jpg (156.49 KB,1024x1024,1:1,LetsBeFriends.jpg)

The day after Hearths Warming, you BO posted here:

Three horsebirbs horsing,

Two seaponies seaing;

…and a rock.


Thanks, fren!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The images did last 'til past Hearthswarming.



if you don't want to open up the embed. I sure wouldn't.

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