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/pone/ - My Little Pony

All things pony, but 20% cooler!

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File: a732f661ac59523⋯.mp4 (7.47 MB,640x360,16:9,Days_Gone_By.mp4)


New Year's bros. Haha remember that pony show we all used to unironically watch? Lol yeah that was wild.

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File: fe40e6d14ab1558⋯.png (129.32 KB,353x221,353:221,1584486875999.png)


I still unironically watch the show. I'm even watching g1 and g2 regularly. I only jerk off to pony porn and get most of my reading from fimfiction. Goddamn I hate being an autist, but I love these equines so much. You better be fucking praying to Princess Celestia.

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I've seen every episode once, and a small handful twice. Haven't watched the show at all since it ended. Also I make a point of not fapping to ponies anymore and at this point I pretty much only dig into my /pone/ folder to make people mad. I've tried pretty hard to move on, but I still check this dead fucking board at least once per day.

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File: 1e98c5f1f48f341⋯.webm (11.86 MB,850x360,85:36,MyImmortal.webm)


Still is, bro.

It still is.

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