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/pone/ - My Little Pony

All things pony, but 20% cooler!

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File: 0c0d7609f4e83b2⋯.png (628.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,The Absolute State of Pone.png)

 No.327073 [View All]

Fucking hell this place is dead. Post in this thread every time you visit /pone/, you permalurking niggers.

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that better not be the same site with discord groups spamming invites and linking it on 4chan and elsewhere. Honeypot-tier antics.

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Is the domain is 9chan(dot)tw with Josh being the owner?

I don't see or know any discord group spamming invites but some tried to invite anons from 4chan. Only recently. Not sure how long it exist or the sudden deplatformed caused some of the board to just delet since the first post on 9/pone/ was in April this year

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is just fucking tiring when you hate politics .


is Josh ain't it? That is ultimate autism tier. This one maybe our only other option but I'm not sure I could trust it seeing how many things Josh has ran to the ground. But I don't trust Jim either…


autism comes from the fact that there was too few users for true anonymity to be maintained and so they just developed this weird system where they won't tripfag but would end up giving each other informal nicknames. So it's this weird halfway point of ponychan. To be fair they actually are sometimes more based than at first glance I've found a fucking obscure song that wasn't in the archives that I thought was lost forever. They also gave /flutter/ a respectful death. but it still is a different culture that isn't the /pone/ I know.

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File: bba2d096b0adb77⋯.png (137.72 KB,720x333,80:37,currentweb.png)


to add on that

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File: d295c16e614bae0⋯.png (91.09 KB,598x490,299:245,2140349.png)

I just visited to check the Fluttershy thread and post my waifu.

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>Thought it was coinpo's server

Fug me.

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>but it still is a different culture that isn't the /pone/ I know

That's true but I can see /endpone/ as a true 2nd home considering we don't much user as well. I rather tolerate ponychan behaviour rather than cuckchan. Who knows? They seem pretty harmless

>>327988 (checked)

Not in that way. They heard /flutter/ is kill and make a post to respect the dead.

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It's >HN

lel, no thanks

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>That's true but I can see /endpone/ as a true 2nd home considering we don't much user as well

2nd home is too far, but as our moderately faggier cousins who we crash at and sometimes have cool stuff I guess that wouldn't be too bad.

> I rather tolerate ponychan behaviour rather than cuckchan

This is true if they aren't full lazy Discord fags who constantly share discord link and do nothing productive. If they just have a bit more personal stuff than I don't really care too much.

> They heard /flutter/ is kill and make a post to respect the dead.




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File: 3f4972e7e26c219⋯.png (1.6 MB,768x1024,3:4,1577138099986.png)

This life support is running on pennies.

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If /pone/ is to survive it needs OC . I've been trying my hand at stuff but who knows how long it'll be till I get something descent.

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Eh, true. Though, I don't really have much except drawin Red, Ruby and Sketchy.

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>it took him 5 years to figure out what lovely neckbeard pointed out at the start of /pone/

I wonder how different things would be had we delivered and given him a comic idea to draw.

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Getting pics of flutters

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File: 637171151902f48⋯.png (251.42 KB,485x478,485:478,1809343_safe_screencap_rar….png)

Bubblegum makes my dick hard

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Might've been the same, maybe more anons but I think we're still dying at this point.

And does anyone know what happened to the guy? I know he shut down but I'm sure an artist will draw even under different name unless it's medical conditions like mewball

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If there was a comic still going with an ongoing storyline and it was good to half decent than we'd be still more alive than now as there would be a reason to check other than porn and shitposting about the good old days. More sincere discussion would help too but it would require us to have something to look forward to. Which is why OC is the core of the problem in my mind.

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You're probably right. This fandom thirst for OCs anyway. I wonder what happened to those writefags that used to write here. Probably went to /mlp/ where the traffic is. Kinda miss the main writefag for Ruby.

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I write MLP fan-fiction … and am trying to have a discussion about my CB alt-univ piece over on the End right now.

But I don't write 'greens' hardly ever, though I sorta was forced to once, and put two book-ends of a story in /gtpone/ where one person liked it and the other half-dozen I'm pretty sure were around, didn't comment on it.

People only like writefags if they write what's on your heart. But that's not how art works and I never seem to be anywhere near the zeitgeist stream but am exploring the woods instead. (what's the char limit, again?)

- - -

>Roasting Hops tried to put her champagne glass back down without breaking it.

>Or let her thumping heart break her ribcage.

>"Anon, it's been so long."

>She discreetly eyed the places she remembered him keeping his sharp implements.

>They were covered by clothing; they weren't drawn. He wasn't here to kill her.


>Anon sat himself in the small pony seat across from the green mare.

>Roasting Hops looked around, without moving her nose, for Upper Crust.

>No sign of her date yet. She was early, after all.

"Roastie. You're looking great."

>Roasting Hops tried to read Anon's face.

>Pain, fear, hope, even something that was probably nostalgia or love all registered there.

"I guess you found your way out of the restroom finally?"

>She was surprised to hear that without the level of insult she expected.

>"You mean the one in Manehatten?" The human nodded.

>The pair were talking in Trottingham, at the moment.

"Feels like it's been a century since I've seen you."


>Roasting Hops focused on her heart rate.

>She hadn't had to look normal in … about a century.

>Just like old times.

>Except where it's totally different.

>"I totally didn't expect to see you again. Like, after the argument last time."

>There hadn't been one.

>She'd gone to powder her nose and crawled out through the window.

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"I've been thinking a lot about how we seperated."

>He barely moved. Still coiled like a snake, eyes following her face,

>they flicked to follow her hooves as she brushed her orange curls out of her way.

>She needed all the eyesight she could get. If this turned violent …

>"And working out, Anon. You don't look a day older."

>Don't mention it directly. Don't start this fight.

>She'd seen him drop royal guards like they were rotten hot-potatoes.

> Roasting Hops tried to sip her champagne.

>She barely noticed that she cracked the flute as she slammed it back to the table.

>"I suppose you're here to talk about our future."

> Still, his body didn't move as he replied

"I'd be just as happy to talk about the past."

>Finally he relaxed a little, his attention roving beyond Roasting's form.

> Anon eyed the plates on the table.

"In the future, your boyfriend is meeting you."

>He raises his eyes to yours, a hurt look coming to the fore.

"Pony stallion?"

>You nod.

>"Anon I …"

> never liked having your weird, gangly legs wrapped around me?

> Never wanted to date a cold blooded killer?

> Want to know what the effing tartarus caused us both to stop aging?

"I'm not here to force you into anything, Roastie. If you want to split up, let me know."

>There's a tear forming, now falling.

>But his expression has softened. He's said his piece; he's found his peace.

>"I was afraid." Her heart was thumping again.

>They had been Quicksilver for a decade and a half, and she never wanted it.

"I would have gone legit, for you. I thought that's what that dinner had celebrated."

>The other couple. She remembered now.

>They had met a pony stallion taking his lady friend out for a date.

>Human lady friend.

> Her eyes fell to the table, noting the weave of the tablecloth's silken pattern.

> Would it really have been that easy?

>"Now that I'm not a filly, I'm sorry I hurt you, those years ago."

>When she looked up, Anon was crying freely, though his expression was motionless.

>Cold, like the snake decorations of his dojo from the human lands.

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>"Anon, you can write to me. Maybe … in enough years, I'll be available again."

>"But for now, I have a coltfriend, and he's"

>Right over there, politely waiting and looking out of place for it.


>Anon's going to follow my eyes,

>then kill the competition,

>so that I'll be available NOW

>He follows her gaze and sees Upper Crust, looking out of place.

>Roasting Hops can't breathe.

>Anon looks back at her, and uses a quick head-tip to point at Upper Crust.

>Roasted Hops nods, once.

>Anon sits up straight, wipes his tears away.

>She realizes she had been holding her breath.

>She has read his body language; there won't be bloodshed over this.

"Can I … hug you?"

>Anon is almost choking, his tears still flowing.

>Humans are so strange some times. With their emotional displays especially.

>Roasting scoots her chair back from the table, hooves only lightly on its surface

>Anon jumps up, and steps around the table to embrace her.

>His sweat is fresh. Showered, then hustled through a job.

>The smell is identifiable. Too familiar.

>A picture of nights spent in ditches, hovels, and broken-into cellars.

>She isn't sorry to have a home.

>But she's sorry to have hurt the stallion, human though he is.

"I just wanted to save you. You seemed so scared, that first night."

>He means when they met, she realizes.

>"That was the morning, Anon. I was too drunk in the night to know …"

>He steps back, broad, flexible hands still on her shoulders.

"What did you think we were going to do? In my motel room and us both drunk."

>She didn't remember. She shrugged.

>Then she did. Her father had written a letter exculding her from the will.

>The family alcohol was wine, and he wouldn't tolerate a beer drinker.

>Aloud, she told him "I needed somepony to hug me. -

> "I guess I didn't care what else they touched."

>Like her sense of survival.

>He tried to smile, failed.

>Anon stood up, towering over her, then turned and walked out.

>Just like that. No odd gait, no looking back, no sniffling.

>But if the past century had taught her anything, it was she (and he, it seemed) was immortal.

>They could amend their fences later.

>If no one killed her.

>Or Anon.

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File: a1b4669fbccf1f6⋯.png (210.77 KB,633x848,633:848,Stompy_spprt.png)




There. Now I miss /gtpone/ – maybe you can miss it too. In the mean time, This green has been un-lost from times afore

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That wan pretty good. Tbh there's no reason for it to be green, really. I remember Unseen Equestria written in non-greentext format and was highly praised. The use of ponycreator pics + edits were downright creative and gave it the feel of canon.


God, I feel old. I remember writing a short fic about her during her inception in 4ch. Wonder if my pastebin is still up

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File: e330acf93131751⋯.png (2.21 MB,1500x2250,2:3,957082_dead_source_safe_ar….png)


No idea. I used to see his shit all the time on derpi and then he just stopped posting one day.


It was only supposed to be a short 22ish page comic and we had until the thread died to deliver. When we didn't he left frustrated and made https://derpibooru.org/images/957034. Pic related.

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File: b68a92d0954a2a6⋯.gif (2.83 MB,690x388,345:194,1588676966792.gif)


Me too. Hopefully if we can get ourselves set up elsewhere we can continue it's spirit.

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My favorite subject is Luna, dreamwalking.

Here's a clip from my CB piece..


I hear reports you're trafficking with terrorists. Not the best starting point for your defense, young pony.”

”Says the tyrant who repeatedly invades other universes to kill everyone you don't like, then transmogrify everyone else into a pacified, unquestioning slave.”

Luna's face was developing a very sour look, but Celestia chuckled. ”My ponies are happy, Fred Soleman. They'll live longer than any human ever would, and eventually I'll find out where you physically are, and I can simply turn you to stone. Some village will have a beautiful civic development and I can stop worrying about the damage you'll wreak while some terrorist that you claim isn't you tries to vaporize you.”

Luna spoke again, saying to Forest ”I suppose that is thine choice, then. Between becoming vapour, or becoming stone.”

The wanton threats handed out with a smile were too much, and Forest started to lose his cool. ”Look, lay off. You know I have contacts with the Human Liberation Front – well, my ponification wasn't an accident. I can make an army of alicorns. I can teach them how. You got lucky with the batponies and only have to browbeat one slave. What about when you're confronted with ten thousand? What about when all your ponies see you willfully destroying all humanity just because you're an overbearing tyrant?”

”Bat ponies what, now?” was Celestia's retort, turning now with a definite scowl towards Luna.

Luna was suddenly doing an impersonation of stone admirably well, grunting out through gritted teeth ”We wouldst prefer that thou hast said that not.”

To which Forest shrugged, as happy to have the heat off himself for a moment. ”I'm assuming something similar, with the griffons? How many of them can cast pony magic, by the way?”

That had exactly the wrong effect, as all four ears pricked completely at his words. ”Griffon magic?” Celestia's left ear rotated back as the gears turned, than pricked forward again. ”None.”

”Yeah, well. My first experience with a translation spell was a visiting griffon. And I saw him charm your fore runner guards too, making them forget about the burned village because he told them that they had seen a 'code majeste' out on the plains.” Forest started racking his brain for ideas. How does one wake up? He might just be unable to, until Luna released them from her special alicorn-talent.

The two sisters looked at each other meaningfully. And it was Luna that spoke after they had finished their private gaze. ”We canst offer thee a small concession. Bring George back to us, and we will offer thee asylum.”

Celestia waved a hoof to interrupt. ”What she's saying is we'll make a trade. Help us disable that immortal thorn in my side permanently, and I'll invent some story about having a baby brother.”

Forest rolled his eyes, despite being grateful he had a valid bargaining chip. ”Oh, you mean I can operate the royal nursery and order the earth ponies around so long as I don't leave my assigned building? What if I want to be the elder brother known for being something of a troublemaker and that's why I gave up the crown to my baby sister.”

Celestia's face hardened, and her horn illuminated brightly, a slight yellow tinge to it. Forest could actually feel heat coming off it from some ten feet distant as the princess squinted and growled ”If you make any alicorns, the deal is off. I am the unquestioned ruler of this nation, and its safety and happiness are solely MY domain.”

”Great!” Forest tried not to wince as the small sun started getting hotter. ”Two things we can agree on. I want no part of being considered competition, and I'd rather not teach those knuckle draggers how to make their own gods. But if you nearly vaporize me again, I'm siding with humanity.”

The next two seconds were fairly busy. The sun quadrupled in intensity, Luna warned ”Thou'rt all in dream.” in as dry a tone as ever Forest had heard, and Celestia bared her teeth. When she reached out to bite Forest, the sun flew off her horn, and went ahead of her, burning his flesh from his bones as it approached.

When enough of himself burned away, such that he should have died, he woke up instead.

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Heck, if it helps keep the board alive, I won't lurk anymore.

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File: 4b8d76d726d8740⋯.png (195.09 KB,888x1024,111:128,Snektal.png)


well, somebody has to stop lurking.

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Came here from Google. Did not read thread. Used to post on 8ch, but fell out of the habit a while ago.

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Nice. Though, what's a CB?

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Conversion Bureau, otherwise known as "there IS no year seven" (Equestria collides with our universe, magic destroys human flesh. You can ponify but it dehumanizes you)

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File: 7a12e27299052f0⋯.png (441.69 KB,351x1024,351:1024,ScooBkMk_ICanFinally.png)


did you move yet, Anon?

///Also, bump.///

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File: fe7885ebdd4830b⋯.png (420.11 KB,640x717,640:717,Steven_Magnet.png)

Finally got an apartment after about a year of homelessness. Still missing /gtpone/, been about 3 years since I've written any >green.

Might start writing again for old time's sake. Maybe after catching up (still haven't seen the last 2 seasons, or the last 2 EqG movies or any of the minisodes or comix) I might be inspired. Been thinking about dusting off my old fimfic account and actually writing a proper fanfic.

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Or did you just come by to say you got some xtc to go with your pony music? In which case, share your choice of music in the music thread! Keep your drugs, though, TBH.

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File: b736f575ecad692⋯.png (61.36 KB,308x417,308:417,Measles_Chan_Pony.png)

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File: 8efd83c9f638f01⋯.jpg (128.77 KB,481x449,481:449,bampo.jpg)


Aye. And, bump.

Tho, seems we've recouped a few users, our posts per day is nearly over one, now.

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lel. I feel better shitposting from a computer rather than phone. Might continue drawing as well.

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File: aeb628963cbea46⋯.png (901.69 KB,4800x4800,1:1,cady_ahegao.png)

I have been trying to post here for 15 minutes entered fucking captcha 20 times at least until it finally accepted it. Am I turning into a machine or something? Also why does this place seem so dead?

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File: 8b1383639eec94b⋯.jpg (2.96 MB,3344x2149,3344:2149,AnthroMLP_zombietown.jpg)

File: 733a2e33f471aa4⋯.jpg (182.77 KB,900x635,180:127,DarkPrincess.jpg)


> Also why does this place seem so dead?

Because it's dead.

Have you checked your pulse lately? I tested myself but that test came back negative.

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>Also why does this place seem so dead?

It is. We're only zombies over here

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File: 65dfb2046a603bb⋯.png (131.01 KB,718x1024,359:512,1602932_safe_artist_colon_….png)


I tested myself but I don't exist. +++NO CARRIER

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File: ff619ed845a146a⋯.png (719.16 KB,1832x1316,458:329,1768843_semi_dash_grimdark….png)


I came to check if there are any hot takes on the derpibooru meltdown

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There is nothing about it on here.

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File: 10de064b7e4cac2⋯.png (92.97 KB,710x542,355:271,2154561.png)

looks like cloudflare is fugged right now, meaning the other boards are offline.

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File: 32eff8f2cc4c611⋯.jpg (204.3 KB,1748x1240,437:310,lachsen_crosscode_emily_ar….jpg)


By the way, come to PonyBooru con.

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File: 06bd0b995de79df⋯.png (173.44 KB,703x1024,703:1024,sweet_and_innocent.png)

Ruby on the front page!

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File: ec9e7f03eb34a3e⋯.mp4 (592.87 KB,304x640,19:40,Ukr_737_800.mp4)

Pressing F not so much to pay respects as to kick the catalog firmly in the noggin.

Have a symbolic representation of our board, and possibly our whole fandom / way of life.

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