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/pone/ - My Little Pony

All things pony, but 20% cooler!

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File: ac21b37782243a1⋯.png (514.88 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


Sole developer of the long disbanded MLPVN project here. I got a Christmas gift for you all in 8 days. Util then, I'll just do an informal AMA. And because I'm a true arutist, the grill 6 will be participating such as pic related.

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File: 4909f9737795a9f⋯.png (289.91 KB,703x668,703:668,whoah.png)


That's a name I haven't heard in quite some time.

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File: 771503207c96558⋯.png (464.75 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)

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kek just noticed the wrong name tag.

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File: 7f4efe60f59e085⋯.png (464.5 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


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Hot damn, that's old.

>christmas gift

So, assets and lewds?

Who's the artist again? I need name for research purposes

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File: bcb491711b48d53⋯.png (8.28 MB,3381x3412,3381:3412,ClipboardImage.png)


Dead Smut Anon.

He's the guy who did those /mlp/-tan quests back in the day before the MLPVN idea. Pic related.

Also derpi archive https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-deadsmutanon

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Ah yeah, thanks. Anyway, what brings you to bring gifts for a long dead project? Old times sake?

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File: f47a4634dde38b8⋯.png (438.47 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


Sort of. When the project was disbanded, ol' smutty asked that we embargo things for an indeterminate amount of time so he could just cold turkey move on from it.

Out of respect for him, and with me being basically the gatekeeper of resources for the project, I agreed to embargo for a while.

Life obviously happens, but recently I had a catastrophic HDD failure and lost some important data (unrelated to pony stuff).

This got me thinking of the other backups that I did have, one of which was this project.

I figured that since G4 is done and it's been basically 4 years since the embargo was requested, that enough time had passed that I could do something special.

Christmas just happens to be coming up, so I though "Why not make a small gift out of it?"

The reason I archived and kept it so long in the first place though was that from the VERY beginning of the project I had planned to deliver the raw homemade sauce to the community it was being made for, and I intend on following through with that.

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Huh, I see.

Reasons why it's abandoned rather than "Life happens?"

I didn't follow much about the development of this so, in your opinion, was it near completion or a long way even for a demo?

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File: 9dbf526628a3499⋯.png (390.52 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


Pic related is TL;DR

Well… there were technically 3 "demos".

The first one (known as the Alpha demo) was achieved within a couple weeks of the project inception. It was mostly just to prove that there was an actual project occurring.

The second one (known as the Beta demo) was a few months down the road from the first. That was more of the "alpha" type of project, like a tech demo to show off some of the work and other stuff being done.

It was really stupid to call it a "beta", but I was a pretty novice coder back then and had no idea what "beta" meant other than it came after "alpha" in the greek alphabet kek.

The third one (known as the Gamma demo, again greek alphabet labeling, cause noob) was another tech demo showing off yet more new features and capabilities.

You might notice a pattern with these demos… They are all tech ones.

So here's a little story of the back variety…

While your's truly was slapping his keyboard, smutty and the few other artists were working on various characters (modular characters mind you) and a number of backgrounds.

We also had a few musicians who made some very nice music and sfx for the game.

The bottleneck we had were the writefags. They spent months arguing and discussing various things without having much actual WRITTEN words to show for it, unfortunately.

So after quite some time smutty had enough. DSA preferred having a hands off approach when it came to management, because he simply wanted to focus on his art, which is fair enough. Anyways, he had enough and stepped in, found a new writer called HandMade to take lead on the project.

HandMade was an amazing writer to pull on, had many ideas to bring to the table. HM tried to reign in the writers and get them to actually produce something, but the effort fell flat.

We then decided that we would splinter off quietly and bring the music and art fags only. By this time the project activity was pretty low anyways. HM, me, Smutty and a few others were all that was left after the downsizing.

Unfortunately everything just had taken too much time, Smutty was starting to get IRL opportunities, which made the art slow to a trickle. HandMade had produced a very nice first story line centered around rara (HM's preferred character), but that still wasn't enough. Time had simply ran out and ol' SmutAnon decided to leave the project, essentially disbanding the whole thing as a side-effect (can't make a VN without the primary artist, can ya?)

So yea… life kinda happened and the project didn't move fast enough to keep people invested in the project.

It very much died with a whimper. I don't blame Smutty one bit, mostly pic related, with the exception of HM who tried very hard to succeed with a shit hand that was already dealt before arriving on the project.

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File: 901e9a9d3122fd8⋯.png (392.03 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


Damn it, forgot to change the expression…

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File: 069f50dbc2327cb⋯.png (82.42 KB,865x431,865:431,ClipboardImage.png)


Pic related is the point when HM was brought on board, for a timestamp reference. (it says 7/7/15)

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Well, damn. Although this should be expected, like most fanmade pone projects but sounds like it something that can be avoided. Looking forward for the gifts. I was expecting the same post and OP were made in 4ch but surprising there's none when I checked. Why here though?

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File: 2c12fbb3c3430e2⋯.png (2.02 MB,1987x2340,1987:2340,1573264843206.png)

I've read in /mlp/ some years ago about smutanon being disappointed with the project and he was sorry about not delivering the VN like he promised before leaving the fandom forever.

I'm glad the guy found some opportunities in life to move on and I hope he's doing fine right now. He was a great artist and really didn't deserve such shitty team to work with his project.

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Oh yes OP, in the unfortunate case 8kun goes down again you can go to mlpol.net and make thread there. That's where most of us spend the time when 8ch was shut down.

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Just the kinda thing we need OP, cant wait till the drop. Some closure to this saga at least.


I suppose its better than nothing and I'll defo go there to see it, but the gods forsake us if it resorts to that.

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File: c43d602af3fc8f3⋯.png (385.07 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


I have a special attachment to fullchan for various reasons. I was there for day 0 of this board when GEP first created it. I was there when Anon had a sweet and innocent OC, who then proceeded to request an excess of lewd material post haste. I was there when Anon made the metal gear pone meme video. I have a lot of attachment to this board, yes.

I will drop the gift on /mlp/ but I won't stick around for much conversation. Halfchan is pretty cancerous these days, and I've learned the kind of value that lies within a smaller community of chill folk, but I shant leave out the motherland completely.


Very true. Although, I think the actual root of our problems was that we allowed free join of write fags, and ended up with like, 30 who claimed to be so. Us being naive were like "Sure, join. We need all the help we can get!"

KEK we eventually learned that TOO much help can be a net negative, unfortunately it was too late.


pic related

I suppose I could also make a drop there as well if you guys think I should.

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File: fbbfd60f4703a73⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,1440x2560,9:16,The Autism Express back.jpg)

File: a8daeff5f7413c1⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,2560x1440,16:9,P_20150518_123750.jpg)

>>326899 (checked)

>I have a lot of attachment to this board, yes.

I feel ya. Every time I see No File Ruby, I'm reminded that I haven't digitalized my 2nd iteration of it and now I can't even change it because we have no BO nor vols

The vols are still around, just to a much lesser degree….

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File: 07d578a8befd48e⋯.png (373.05 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


Read the spoiler in your post fren.

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File: 81bc696c0cb4964⋯.png (1.18 MB,1372x1126,686:563,36e3c250e02b4fa543f9d0700b….png)


>vols are around but not the BO

What the fuck is happening out here?

Unless it's a globalvol, but still.

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BO is currently serving time in the military iirc.

He doesn't log on very often except for the mod comms. Although I do see him on occasion in the mlpa room.

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I thought GEP had Xaekai as 2nd in command thus technically, he's our current BO.

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That makes sense I guess. I've been kinda out of the loop for a while tbh. I have only been able to do a check in on this board like once every couple months.

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I thought that too and talked to him in mlpa about it when the first call for board claims came out, but he stated someone else they knew is the current interim BO

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Then. who is it?

I only remember Toca Belle, Meido being vols.I need names so that I can complaint.

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Xaekai and Gathering Dust shared the BO account. Talked to gathering at bronycon. Cool guy. Should give me the account

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File: 7cce9c1047f2bba⋯.png (427.23 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)



You probably don't remember my alias. I hardly ever namefagged.

I asked in the comms. I'll see what they say.

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File: 6ead1ded649bc32⋯.jpg (3.62 MB,3360x4800,7:10,pone constitution.jpg)


Probably, but I have this

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File: f7be7bb804393dc⋯.png (394.1 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


Hot damn I completely forgot about that document KEK.

My point still stands tho.

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Going back to the topic.

How big is this christmas gift? Is it uploaded as a gallery in jewgledrive or a singular compressed folder? Is it a """working""" demo

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File: 841639c756ace8c⋯.png (455.86 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


It'll be a straight zip folder. About 1GB, although there is a lot of unnecessary/old archived versions of files in the folder that I CBA to clean out right now. The actual content is somewhere around 200MB I think.

I'll give a full description of the contents in the drop post, but I'll say that it DOES contain working code.

Also fuck joogle, I'll post a Mega link.

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Aiight. Just want to make sure I have enough space for it. I should clean my folders

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File: 53dea68e2d26a8c⋯.gif (421.03 KB,500x282,250:141,1549065.gif)


A few questions, OP.

Are you still working on this masterpiece?

Is it the source code to continue if we so decide to do so?

I'm a retard and I can't read the thread in depth right now.

Godspeed whatever is going on!

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Any code in the drop is going to be licensed as public domain. The purpose in doing so is for both closure and to alleviate myself of the responsibility of being the sole archive of this project's work. I have always held the belief that the project should belong to the community.

The project was suspended indefinitely once smutty decided to move on, so no it is not actively worked on. I just repaired a few things in the code for maintenance purposes so it would at bare minimum run when you guys got your hands on the package. And a "yes" to your second question.


Just a heads up, to actually run the code withing the package, you will need to also install the renpy dot org application, as that's the code's engine. I'll remind anons about that in the drop post as well.

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File: 04d6ccb853d9387⋯.png (445.32 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


forgot the pic damn it

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File: 486421d2357e416⋯.png (162.18 KB,900x999,100:111,1570933993637.png)


>/pone/ reference

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Considering this is a VN, are there any "CG"s? Is there other pose other than standing++?

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File: ad4461fe22db734⋯.png (414.91 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


There are multiple poses, but there is only one stance (3/4 profile, I think) that was made. More were planned, but the previously mentioned events prevented that. As for CGs, I'm not going to say there are a lot, but there are some. I'll leave the other details for that specific question till the drop occurs.

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Have you worked on other pone related project(s)? Are you currently working on pone related project(s)?

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File: fee566a3bfdbea3⋯.png (436.01 KB,1739x978,1739:978,ClipboardImage.png)


I have not lately worked on any pone projects. I might get back into something when G5 hits, but for the last few years I've been earning money as a salary slave while I build up my skillset.

Once you see the code, you might understand why kek.

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File: 8a11d6038324e46⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,700x693,100:99,lmao.jpg)



>great artist

lmao thanks for the Christmas laughs. deviantart sonicfags have more skill than this shitter

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>posts sameface joseco


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File: c4e989761323f72⋯.png (206.18 KB,491x634,491:634,704012__solo_solo female_q….png)

so where's the link?

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domo arigato

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File: 27c3c8b1af454b4⋯.jpg (332.32 KB,1735x1181,1735:1181,20200314.jpg)






Equestria girls?

I want a APPLE PIE


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Put Tom Sawyer cameo in the game

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Thank you for the release of these files.

I'll host a copy of them on the PonyBooru forums

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