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/pone/ - My Little Pony

All things pony, but 20% cooler!

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 No.282778 [View All]

What fanfiction are you currently readan you autistic fuck?

Any recommendations?

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If you're looking to add more MC stuff to your reading list, might I suggest Universal Acceptance, and its sequel?

Link: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/284037/universal-acceptance

And Localized Acceptance, the knockoff brand that never got finished: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/373057/localized-acceptance

And then there's Button's Mind Game, still in progress but slow to update: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/426127/buttons-mind-game

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That first one's description sounds a lot like The Hypnotic Adventures of Blank Sheet by Lightmask, an author who has been AWOL since 2016. Will read tho, even if it's similar. Love globalization

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That was a great story, holy hell. I love it when there's a wonderful, emotionally-connected story behind it. Starting the Sequel now


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Anyone got any recommendations for sad/melancholy fics? Alternatively, an AU fic that's not a crossover would be nice.

Here's my favorite fic that fits both categories:


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The saddest fic I ever read was "friendship is tragic"

I don't have the heart to go looking for a correct link. If you feel a little like killing yourself because the pony world is so dark, that was probably the one.

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okay, got the link from TVtropes. It's here.


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The classic, written in the pre-twilicorn era of the fandom: Yours Truly


This is my go-to recommendation when people ask for melancholy and I probably suggested it in the previous thread, but since that was over two years ago I feel it's acceptable for me to suggest again. You want a melancholy story that could only be described as beautiful throughout and make you want to cry both sad and happy tears at the end? This is the story. None of that anti-saccharin-ness that send you careening into depression like My Little Dashie did.

Now, looking through my Fimfic bookmarks to see if there are more recent additions I could recommend…

Technically a crossover: The City Must Survive


In which the characters of MLP are pitted against the unforgiving environments of a frozen, post-apocalyptic world. No prior knowledge of the setting is required for the readers to empathize with the characters and experience the unrelenting despair that permeates this short story.

An Optimalverse story: Heaven's Not Enough


This is a story of a young woman, and the gradual collapse of society seen through her eyes from her rural hometown of Concrete, Skagit County, Washington.

A mirror to the ponies: Queen of Queens


A rather unique worldbuilding story for the changeling race and the Queen we come to know as Chrysalis.

Library of Babel meets My Little Pony: Twilight's Library


Who doesn't like a bout of existential blues coupled with claustrophobic dread every once in a while?

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Is Diaries still ongoing?

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>All her friends did retarded shit after the princess's demice and her unicorn mary sue best friend wasn't there to keep them togheter and give them the sense of reason

>Forced melodramatic garbage just at the very end

>Luna is a bad ruler for some reason

I can see this is a post-season 1 fanfic, I might had shed a few tears by reading this thing 5 years ago but now I'll say MEH.

**The ending would had been better if Twilight accepted that time can change ponies and even when she still loves her friends she can't change what have become of them, she would hold true to Celestia's last words and return to Canterlot to assist retarded moonbutt in keeping Equestria in one piece, keeping her fold memories of her friends and knowing that while the old days are long behind she needs go be strong and continue forward with her life.

But nope, Twilight just needed to see her friend passing away to drive her to the edge and jump off a cliff, that was bullshit.**

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The Royal Canterlot Library is holding a panel to "determine the greatest MLP fanfic ever written" at this year's BronyCon, and they are looking for nominations.

Thought you guys ought to know.


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So what do you guys think? What stories would you suggest? What sort of criterias do you think is more important when looking for a story to represent the fandom's fanfiction scene?

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>Downvotes will not factor into the decision.

So it's purely a contest of "how many people have read this fic". Who cares? You can already sort by views on the site.

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I'm trying to find these old 2nd person clopfics that I believe were made by someone who I believe went by Metalhooves. I'm pretty sure it was him though, because I vaguely remembered the name of his Dark Sky story, but I cant find any of his stuff as his DA was taken down. Did fic people archive stuff as hard as the music side of the community am I fucked forever?

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>accurate metaphor for what the writers have done to the show past S4

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I checked my copy of the fimfarchive but the only story I could find listed under that name is A Dark Sky. My condolences, but I don't know if any other backups exists.

Having already published fanfics disappearing off the face of the internet is also a fear of mine. After somebody take down a story that I had been meaning to read but never got around to, I started the habit of making my own backups of stories I want to preserve.

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Hey, thanks for looking. It's one of those things where I'd remember these exist every 18 months, have to remember the dudes name, and go reread a couple. They're not particularly good, but there was some weird, cool world building and he did 2nd person somewhat decently, so it was fairly unique. Though this makes me want to make my own backups of a couple things now, namely Xenophilia.

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Anyone have any good romance suggestions? Preferably 80k to 300k, and mature, but not pure clop.

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I found Irrespective's Beanverse, starting with No Nose Knows, to be a enjoyable read.

It's rated teen and thus no explicit scenes though, and it also ships an OC with Celestia so your mileage may vary with that. But I consider the first two stories in the series to be rather sweet, humourous and largely free of any contrived conflicts.


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Thanks a lot mate!

I’ve never read a Celestia ship, but I’ll be sure to check this one out.

Here’s a cute polygamous ship between Lyra, Bon Bon, and someone’s human OC. As you said, your mileage may vary, I know that many don’t like HIE romance fics, but I this one’s definitely one of the better examples, in my opinion.



Most of Pusspuss’s other works are also excellent.


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Draw more human x filly next time you have the opportunity or kindly fuck off.

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Considering his usage of "mate", and his filename, and his usage of the exclamation mark (which is rarely ever used outside of sarcasm, at least here anyway), and that another post in the style referred to the Queen as his own, suggests that this is not Pusspuss, because Pusspuss' deviantart says he's from the US.

Unless he was paranoid enough (like me :^)) and decided to pretend to be from the US or the UK when he's actually from either/or or even some other country, I don't think that poster is Pusspuss.

I really can't stand the "well, if you're linking to a person, you must be shilling your work!". Just because Quentin and Shadman did it a million years ago doesn't mean everyone who links work is actually the creator of said work, and in fact that is rarely the case, I'd say.

Also I wish he'd finish his Dash incest comic.

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This, >>325806 (Thank, by the way!)

I just really like a lot of Pusspuss’s fictions. Call that shilling if you want, but I’m not him.

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This is possibly one of the biggest wastes of time I've ever subjected myself to. I want a refund for the day I spent speedreading this. Between the MC's constant narrative-breaking 20-paragraph lapses into internal crying, strange obsession with gender norms, the intense verbosity so characteristic of cringeworthy modern hipster authors, and metaphors involving planes and cars I do not understand at all, this author has somehow managed to write in 200k words what most people could say in 6k.

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>first chapter published in 2012

>still incomplete

>update slowed down to one chapter per year

Oooooh boy.

I might take a look at it out of solidarity, just to see it with mine own eyes. Although, if it's really as bad as you say, what could possibly have possessed you to read through all of it?!

Anyway, I have for you guys, you guessed it, another recommendation(!)

I'd like to give exposure to something I'm still binge reading through that I hope y'all will enjoy. I was going to recommend this after I finish the existing chapters, but whatever: The Unique Properties of Dark Magic.

Don't let the weird cover art or small number of likes fool you, the story exceeded my initial expectations by a wide margin.


The story is somewhat unconventionally structured, with one plotline following the arrival of the former human, Weiss Noir, outside the Crystal Empire a thousand years in the past. And details his experience in learning dark magic and leading a bunch of rescued crystal ponies outside Sombra's tyrannical reign.

The other plotline is set during Season 1. Weiss Noir, now the expert of the dark arts, escapes from imprisonment and proceeds to meddle with events of the show, annoy Celestia, and prepare for the return of Sombra in order to exact his revenge.

The chapters from the two timelines are interspersed, alone with pages from Weiss Noir's notes on new spells and inventions sandwiched between, detailing their discover and capability.

Now moving onto what I particularly like about the story.

The humor. Weiss possess a snark and wit similar to Mark Watney's from The Martian, and made creative use of metaphors, similes, and wordplays to invoke hilariously absurd mental imageries (read the chapter (Weiss Report) Unlimited Blades Work if you want to see what I'm talking about). There is no shortage of such humorous moments throughout the story.

The inventiveness. Researching dark magic is kind of his special talent, and Weiss made many discoveries and inventions as the story progressed, sometimes aided by the knowledges and insights from the human world. Expect more corny puns, wordplays, and culture references in the naming of his discoveries, he's utterly shameless and unapologetic about it.

tl;dr This is the closest we will ever get to witnessing Mark Watney MacGyver-ing new spells and artifacts out of dark magic.

However, tastes differ, and I would be remiss if I don't also give awareness to a few aspects of the story that might turn some people away from reading, or that requires some suspensions of disbelief on the reader's part.

- Firstly, there is no denying that Weiss Noir possesses qualities that, when viewed in certain light, may seem somewhat Sue-ish. He's able to stumble upon, invent, and master new spells at a rather absurd rate, albeit the pacing and circumstances of the story kind of demands it. On the flip side, despite these qualities, he's still an engaging character to follow, owing to his ability to be as manencing, humorous, well spoke, or crass as the situation demands.

- The rate of progress. Within the span of a few months, Weiss and his fellow ponies managed to eke out an existence in huge underground complexes hidden under the frozen planes outside of the Crystal Empire. While their ability to quickly mine, expand, and build is partially explained by the crystal ponies' natural talent at shaping and manipulating crystals and rocks; what's harder to explain away is the sizable teams of scientists and researchers that Weiss assembled out of the citizenry, and their ability to develop advanced machinery, magical holographic displays, rudimentary computer analogues, and cloning facility in the short period of time. How much of that is owed to novel applications of existing magic and knowledge and how much was taught to them by Weiss was not made clear.

- Absolutely nothing of our protagonist's former human life is touched upon, or how he came to be in Equestria. Personally I'm glad of this omission. My takeaway after reading so many HiE stories, is that most attachments to the previous life only serves to weigh down on the the protag and the reader's heart, or act as a convenient filler for the more emo types to waste words to angst on.

So in conclusion, if you like all the typical tropes of a Isekai story, you might want to give this one a shot.

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So I tried to give it a go. Keyword: tried. My word does it goes on and on with the most insane inconsequential drivels, you really weren't kidding about its verbosity.

It brings to mind the quote "perfection is attained not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove", something I wish more writers would take to heart.

So, seeing as you already sacrificed your time reading through the story in its entirety. I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind summing up in a couple sentences just what the heck the story is about?

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One sentence version: Man wakes up as unicorn filly and has trouble coming to terms with own identity as a pony and identity as a female.

The events that occur within the span of 200k words, most of which is really padding:


>Man wakes up as unicorn filly

>Thinks he's in a dream

>Figures out how to use magic on chairs and stuff

>Goes outside and yells at some guy; gets physically assaulted in return

>Eats pineapples the guy left and goes bananas

>Ends up stuck in the outdoors

>Finds road and attempts to commit suicide by car

>Gets picked up by some guy and gets care from a pegasus doctor

>Gets airlifted to the hospital

>Initially chalking his predicament up to a psychological problem, he gets a checkup and discovers nothing's wrong

>Deduces at some point he may have been mindswapped across parallel universes

>Does mundane tasks in the hospital like showering, eating carrots, and crying while the multiverse's most patient, caring pegasus nurse puts up with his bullshit

>Reveals this belief to his nurse, who apparently believes him, with the caveat that because he can't come to terms with his new gender identity, he says that he was a woman prior to being mindswapped**

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well that's embarrassing.

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I gave this a read; currently on Present Chapter 10; it's much more entertaining than First Pony View. I like the whole Sun Tzu/Kansas City Shuffle thing Weiss has going on. To my knowledge graphene is quite brittle on its own.

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Tarnished Silver series

Written years ago, read it as it was coming out.

This is my third time re-reading it


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I love Fluttershy and her chest fluff so this was really hot

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Mostly a AnonXChangeling OC clopfic, but check out the word counts for each chapter.


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OMG Just found out that the site is back onine!

Is anybody else still around? This is me btw: >>326209

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Yeah pretty much all 20 people that were left at the time of the shoah have made it back

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I've been reading the other stories in Arad's XCOM crossover series (beginning with Stardust, already mentioned in this thread at >>320728 ). Not much to say since I don't know that much about the XCOM universe, except that Stardust and Mente Materia are some of the first fics I've read in awhile that could actually get me to tear up at certain scenes.




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I finally got around to reading Background Pony in a fit of boredom. BP was melancholy but not nearly as tragic as described to me. There were a lot of neat features in this story: how it managed to juggle Lovecraftian elements, psychological horror, and innocuous slice-of-life, how the odd text formatting ended up becoming an element of the story, the stream-of-consciousness style of writing near the end, weaving through paragraphs from previous chapters as Lyra slowly descends into insanity, becoming unable to distinguish the present from memories in the past. The dialogue does tend to get a bit flowery and OOC (compared to the show), and so do the author's descriptions–sometimes it feels like he's just tossing phrases out to attempt to capture the meaning of what he's describing, without regards to precision.

Rant: As a hobbyist musician and an acquaintance of other musicians, I am increasingly annoyed by how authors tend to depict music and the act of creating music, as though it were some kind of arcane sorcery that people just pull out of the aether, with infinite capacity to homogeneously influence people's emotions and cleanly convey exactly what was intended, without a theory or discipline, without imperfections that need to be smoothed out over countless iterations of creative destruction and practice. It's kind of ironic to me that another group of creatives who suffer regularly from "writer's block" and often have to pore over their own work with a fine-toothed comb to make it readable seem to discount the possibility of musicians and composers having to deal with the same issues. I'm also annoyed at how authors depict the process of learning to play music. Yes, it's possible that everyone in Equestria is a musical prodigy, but it does irk me a bit when Trixie can, without any prior knowledge, pick up the keyboard in 30 minutes of practice when the average pianist probably spends something on the order of a thousand pulling their hair out over etudes in front of a metronome to reach an equivalent level of mastery.

To end on a more humorous note, apparently some bumblefuck put Background Pony on Boston University's 2018 Holiday Reading List. Some would object to fanfiction being placed next to "actual books", but frankly, having read some of what passes for literature these days, I'm okay with this.


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Steel Sanctuary kind of disappointed me when the final boss battle was glossed over in a flashback and was just a fucking missile instead of Anon building a super robot to kill the titan and I've resolved to write a greentext that remedies this.

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I have to admit something. I've never read Past Sins . Should I give it a try?

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Having never read it either, I say go for it. The themes presented could certainly inspire. Too, if you write your own spinoff of alternate form, you can include more subtle homages, as opposed to my Conversion Bureau piece that … gets the series fans blood boiling because I "did it wrong" but still pretended I was stuffing it into the TCB universe.

There's a thread for Nyx, and nearly every mare in there says KYS, both for wanting to read it, and for having read it. Opinions, positive or negative, have no effect on your need to KYS over the existence of Passed Since.

I'm not sure if that actually speaks for it, or against, the anti-culture around here being what it is.

On the other hoof, it can't possibly be worse than trying to watch the whack jobs apply for the DNC nominee slot.

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In the early days I remember Nyx being considered by some one of the only black OC alicorns with any credibity. She had her haters but she was complete trash like every black and red edgy alicorn OC was (or nearly every if we count the immortal game).. I second giving it a shot.

> it can't possibly be worse than trying to watch the whack jobs apply for the DNC nominee slot.

This was my evening too.

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>The Conversion Bureau Universe

*sip* yep, it was good shit.

Which one would you recommend me?

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>The Conversion Bureau Universe

None of them.

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The Optimalverse > TCB

But if I were to recommend one, it would be The Conversion Bureau: The First Year


I read it back when I first got into fanfics and honestly couldn't remember any of the details except that it focuses on the initial contact (first year) between the two worlds, or something, I dunno. I found it in my Faves so at the very least it can't be that awful despite how awful the younger me's taste was.

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Everyone who recommended Steel Sanctuary: thank you. Best fic I've read in forever, for so many reasons.

Anyway, here's my recs


Purplesmart and Moonie decide to invade Anon's dreams. They regret it immensely. Short, stupid, nonsensical humor, but hilarious nonetheless.


Hilarious absurdity spiral. Short and sweet


Strange dystopian/steampunk alternate history take on the first two episodes (which, due to the these changes, are spread out for far longer than those). The ending is a bit underwhelming but the character stuff is very on point.


My favorite short fic of all time. This is, at once, a character study of Diamond Tiara, a character study of Luna, a bittersweet story about divorce, and an unusual take on the infamous real-life guide to power and leadership The Prince. Hits close to home for me for several reasons.

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i just read the fanfic:

big mac goes to therapy

red (a sad roseluck mature fic)

a button mash and cream heart fic where the author explores a little about heritage along with the obvious incest

and i abandoned fallout-equestria:heroes

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I've been reading a WIP series of fics with Sunset Shimmer as the MC, making amends with ponies from her past and possibly saving Equestria in the process. I found it pretty interesting because both stories look into the consequences of Sunset's actions in the past and delve a bit further than most into the implications of Sunset suddenly having access to human technology and scientific knowledge beyond "oh I can go on YouTube and look at funny memes" or "oh I can look up what ClF3 is on Wikipedia" or "wow ballpoint pens" (see spoiler for example). Also, it's got a pretty unique take on earth pony magic.



Because Equestria is a pre-computing world, they have a lot of magical conjectures and theorems that have theoretical solutions but can't be solved analytically and would take too long for them to calculate by hoof. Obviously, once Sunset Shimmer gets access to CPUs that can perform billions of calculations per second, this changes things up.

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oof, damn. this fic was one hell of a soul-cutter to read… a god damn tragedy.

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The one I enjoyed the most of stories I've read recently is


Black humor. Fourth wall not merely broken but vandalized. Not to be taken seriously or internally, but it got a laugh out of me.

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]