Nifty math discovery I did.
For integer X; Sum of 1 to X = (X*(X+1)/2). (Way old news)
Sum of integers from X to N. ((N-X)+1)*(X+N)/2. Also old news).
X=3; N=39; input values, ((39-3)+1)*(39+3)/2 = 777.
So I got curious, can I do this for ANY value?
Turns out you cannot. Only non-primes.
Prime numbers correspond to integer N+(N+1), which includes the set of all odd integers.
Let's say you want to find the continuous integer series that sum up to 666 or 777 or 888.
The formula is 1+((M-(P*(P+1)/2))/P).
M=Non-prime number.
P=Factors of M
For example, 777 factors to primes {3, 7, 37}, but we need the regular factor pairs of 777 = 3*259=7*111=21*37.
Now let's feed the formula.
777=258+259+260 {3 integers in the series}
Feed it again.
Divide by 7, get 7 integers in the series.
Feed it again.
777=27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + 34 + 35 + 36 + 37 + 38 + 39 + 40 + 41 + 42 + 43 + 44 + 45 + 46 + 47
Which has 21 integers which sum to 777.
Starts with 3 has 37 integers in the series.
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