A French electronic technician making videos on youtube has also created a website with a page that will contain a code that only insiders can read...
You don't choose to become an insider, you are chosen.
According to the author this code has nothing to do with freemasons.
The community of electronics enthusiasts is trying to solve this code without succeeding.
Do cryptography experts or enthusiasts have an idea of what its symbols mean?
Thanks guys ;)
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PhilippeDemerliac_Cyrob/about
Website: http://cyrob.org/
The web page with the code to be decoded: http://philippe.demerliac.free.fr/PQNVEQMLT.htm
A message from the electronics engineer: "And then you can ask for help from whomever you want - it's useless and nobody will find anything. This means of expression has existed for thousands of years and no uninitiated person has ever understood it and will never understand it, it is inherent to its very nature. And to cut all questions short, you don't choose to be part of this community or not, if you can call it that, you are in it or not and it's not chosen. Believe me, I wish I had that choice...."