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File: acf31f68e9ee302⋯.jpeg (97.93 KB,680x616,85:77,9E119831_CF4B_48F8_9942_B….jpeg)

4d18db No.13575959

1.) The UN and WEF decide they want to flood the West with migrants under the guise of environmental justice and social justice. Reasons for this vary.

2.) The United States under Biden and Harris Administration, on day one, follows through with UN Agenda 2030 directives and suspends strict border policies set by Trump. The immigration surge begins.

3.) News reports on the influx of Haitian Immigrants.. D Rep. AOC defends the process/R Rep. Mike Turner fights back against the process.

4.) News reports on the migration problems overwhelming the city of Springfield Ohio. People start to investigate the true root causes of the problem.

5.) Stories come out about the most insane part of the migrant crisis…migrants possibly eating cats and dogs. The genesis of these stories are unknown.

6.) The MSM latches onto the REACTIONS by Donald Trump and JD Vance…the media calls their reactions RACIST and FOOLISH. A flood of mockery hits social media and on television. This continues for weeks.

7.) The original migration problem is swept under the rug…and the migrants become the victims. The process continues in other cities…Critical Immigration Theory starts.

8.) The 2024 Election decides if this influx, backed by the UN/WEF continues.



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4d18db No.13575960

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

4d18db No.13575961

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Biden/Harris Administration Open the Floodgates:

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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