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File: 8bf15fd8986fc0e⋯.png (24.75 KB,390x150,13:5,imagen_2024_09_10_20460632….png)

465c7c No.13575900

What is y'all thinking about this faggots and fucking mass inmigration to the white race, what is your opinion, what do you think we should do to handle the invasion?

Diplomacy isn't the answer, My unique response is violence

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e959b7 No.13575972

File: 3ad46188277ea58⋯.gif (33.16 KB,500x500,1:1,51nhiIlXJIL_UXNaN_FMjpg_QL….gif)

Burn all the fucking niggers, dont mix your race Mantain it pure.

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dd79bd No.13575991


The only people that are still susceptible to this will only be changed after we completely tear down the zog global homo.

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9689d2 No.13576024


attack after attack after attack is what is needed. we need to scare these niggers out of our countries, show them that our lands will never be their lands, also dont mix , never even talk to a nigger the same way you talk to your fellow man

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9689d2 No.13576025


also kill all the fucking jews they're the real problem

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