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File: d581f5848c02549⋯.jpg (27.05 KB,532x334,266:167,cloudflare.jpg)


There are attacks that can take down the biggest, no matter who or how big. Cloudflare dun goofed.


DNS Amplification attacks are the way to do this. Cloudflare runs a public DNS on and you can use it against them.


Sure, Cloudflare has gigantic amounts of bandwidth. More than we do? Maybe. But not more than their competitors combined.


So leverage their competitors. You can sign up for free to AWS and Microsoft Azure and launch VM's from there, using Amazon's and Microsoft's bandwidth to do the job.


Remember when anons took down Mastercard, Visa and PayPal with DDoS using LOIC?

Imagine that, but amplified using DNS amplification attacks leveraging the power of Amazon and Microsoft multiplied by the number of anons.



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File: 2a3cdc1c60f789f⋯.gif (989.64 KB,500x206,250:103,What Plan.gif)

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P.S. don't forget to also utilize Google's public DNS servers, & for moar amplification

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Sooo hows posting without a cloudflare . . .

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I didn't deserve these digits

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Seems just fine

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ive been unable to get the captacha to load both ways but it seems to be working now

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CAPTCHA is taking a long time

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Hey, there's a CIA meme farm with Unit 8200 that is basically flooding this website with hate to get Matthew Prince to budge.

Your tax dollars at work.

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>Cloudflare runs a public DNS on and you can use it against them.

You are retarded and don't know what a DNS amplification even is.

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Hopefully better in the near future, considering I would often get cloudflare errors that made the site unusable on occasion. Might inadvertently turn out to be a benefit for 8chan to switch to another anti-DDoS provider.

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Yea, good luck. it ain't happenin

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How do you know?

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Yes doesn't it goes just fine.

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What part of using Cloudflare's DNS to send the requests (to Cloudflare's DNS) do you not understand, negro?

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Testing via Clov

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What's Clov?

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is this shit safe?

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File: 6bdab4c647ea369⋯.png (2.95 MB,1657x797,1657:797,ClipboardImage.png)

Why would you design a building this way if you want to start policing speech of people you deem "violent"?

This just seems like a recipe for trouble for cloudflare at their headquarters at the following location:

>101 Townsend Street

>San Francisco, California

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