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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I posted this on 4chan earlier because 8chan was running like shit on my computer. I chocked it up to service problems but now it's working and that thread is about to 404 so I don't feel guilty for crossposting:

I was gonna post this on 8 ch's /pol/ but their site is fucking awful right now due to the loss of DDoS protection so I'll post it here instead:

It's weird being a non-white in the United States who became pro-white on /pol/ when the white genocide started becoming more evident.

I'll never forget the gut wrenching feeling I had seeing Muslim migrants stab, murder, mutilate and ran over poor pedestrians in Europe. To see bodies of young whites littered on the ground.

That was what made me realized what was happening, the great replacement, was true and that I, being a non-white in a white country, was a part of it. So I took strives to at least support whites in their quest to free themselves. I was transforming from my previous libertarian views to reading William L. Pierce and learning German to read the original, unaltered versions of Mein Kampf.

And in that time, after the Tarrant shootings, I knew that the tides were turning and that soon the violence that shall occur would happen closer and closer to me and it is. It's a very interesting dilemma I am in, but I know I'm not alone on since I know a sizable amount of non-whites are on /pol/ both here and in 4chan.

So I wanted to entertain the idea of the place of non-whites who are aligned and loyal to America and the white race.

Note that I don't think we should join say, the alt-right or any far right, white leaning organizations. We'd bring nothing but identity faggotry and racial baiting that's not needed to save the white race, more that alignment and support through other means would be better. I mean, non-whites fought for the Reich: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-Germans_in_the_German_armed_forces_during_World_War_II

I've always thought that whites should lead the nation, since it is their nation. At best, non-whites are guests at worse we're invaders. This problem in light of the El Paso shooter kind of clears up some thoughts in my head of what is the role of non-whites who are pro-white.

We have many options of support, either leaving the nation or standing to fight for it.

I know many hardliners will scoff at the idea, I do not blame them, but as Hitler sought the support the East Asians and the Arabs, there's always been collaboration been the races for the betterment of one.

It should be the goal of non-whites in white nations to help with the liberation of whites from Jew control and to prevent even more of non-whites not loyal to the cause to return to their place of origin.

Of course, our situation in this nation must have a purpose if we are supportive of whites, right?

I was never asked to be born here but I am, and that always played heavily in my head the more of the redpill I took. Why am I here? There has to be a reason.

I could have been born in the same location as my tribe, but I am born across the tribal lines here. Speaking another tribe's language, finding "my" people repulsive and awful violent rapists and murderers.

All coming back to these questions like a cycle, I must ask, what is the role of white aligned non-whites?

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hitler was a hero but a moderate

we're way beyond ww2 natsoc, kiddo

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>Hitler was a moderate

In what way?

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>I chocked it up

Chalked, you literal negroid.

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I am a spic in america as well, I know my stay is temporary and have interests in improving my homeland as well after seeing what quadaffi did for his nation and hitler did for his.

But I do have interest in helping whites gaining there nation backs after knowing kikes are involved with the cartels.

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>kinship from non-kin


>shared enemy, temporary alliance

the littlest of slights between already different natures breed contempt and erode operations at a trust level

it's no longer a question of redpilling everyone, it hasn't been for a long time

redpill who you can, damn the rest.

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Meh, I'm not surprised I got that wrong. My computer's auto-correct's been pretty shit lately.


I can't really say I find kin ship with my "kin" despite being from that fabric. And more often than not my friends tend to be white, one of my best friends is white and we often talk about how fucked up the treatment of whites have been getting in White countries. I've even redpilled him on some things like white genocide/replacement and even floated around the Jew question but I know very well that the overwhelming majority of support shouldn't be through "baste" niggers or spics or chinks, but through real loyalty to the cause. As I've said, non-whites shouldn't join the alt-right as it's going to dilute their message and their journey through white liberation, but to show your support and fight alongside them is more the goal.

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I could support this but I unfortunately don't know the language.

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>My computer's auto-correct's been pretty shit lately.

Yeah, yeah. It's totally not a homonym that you've been using for years, and you're totally not a retard.

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Meh, either or. I don't really keep a record of what I write but I did throw it together after being relieved to be able to post again on /pol/.

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>It's another self hating nigger who is desperate for acceptance thread


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Well now you know better. Being busted on mercilessly is how we grow.

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The commie left has successfully created a fake nazi online community to blame for their false flag attacks. These treasonous scum need to hang and burn in that order. We will not fall for your race war.

Fuck you.

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Right on, anon. I'll double check my spelling next time I post.


Acceptance? Nah, I know I'm inferior and never sought to be considered one of you nor do I hate myself. I'm merely curious of what is the place of a non-white who have these feelings about race, jews and whites. Acceptance is multiculturalism and that should be avoided at all costs.

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