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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>be liberul

>notice a certain demographic of angry, disaffected, fighting age men in your country who hold a pen in one hand, and a gun in the other

>take away their pens



Spare me your insight on what (((their))) master plans are, okay? I want to know what is going through the heads of the 'normal', well adjusted, posting pictures of their dogs on facebook type people, who think this is a good idea.

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They don't think. They've just been conditioned to make the lives of everyone guilty of wrongthink as miserable as possible, with no regard for consequences. These slaves aren't even worthy of your righteous anger, but are instead fit only for disdain and pity.

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They aren't the ones pushing it.

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Our day has come, to arms.

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They are the Borg they are not human their brains are more brain-dead then niggers and they exist to service corporation's and daddy government

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