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Don't have a cow. The archive didn't work.


>A rodeo is no place for vegan protesters, and a group of more than 40 of them have learned that the hard way.

>A video going viral through LiveLeak and other sites shows a group of vegan protesters attempting to disrupt a dressage contest — a competition where horses and their owners perform a series of movements from memory — only to face an anti-protest from the cowboys in attendance.

>LiveLeak reported about the video, “This Saturday at La Exposición de Gandadería, – commonly known as Expo Rural – more than 40 vegan activists staged a peaceful protest interrupting a dressage contest. The activists walked onto the central track, bearing posters with slogans against the exploitation of animals.”

>Less than a minute later a group of cowboys, or guachos, began riding horses into the group, disrupting the protest. They essentially moved the protesters as they would cattle, circling them, pushing them with their horses, and even using whips. They then began pushing the protesters out of the arena. The audience seemed to be on their side as they erupted into applause as the protesters were driven away and ran around in confusion over what was happening.

Hilarious the vegans got rounded up like cattle.

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>real shit about fighting non-whites is happening


kys, boomer

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Oh really? And what else could be said about those events that hasn't already been said?

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I personally appreciate something a bit lighthearted with everything going on

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>driving your car slowly on road through protestors be rayciss hate crime

>riding your horse with a whip through protestors is heroic


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why not loose animals on them? yknow, for the irony

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Hilarious and that's how you do it. Zero tolerance for faggotry. Make them scared and brutalize the fuckers.

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File: b010236270df921⋯.mp4 (7.82 MB,640x358,320:179,russian cossack versus sjw….mp4)

File: 60820eaa9e469aa⋯.gif (1.98 MB,379x216,379:216,marxist rioter versus poli….gif)

America is far behind other countries in beating SJW scum. Sad.

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>riding your horse with a whip through faggots from the planet vega is heroic

you risk ayylium probing with vegetables, you bet it's heroic

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Glorious. The equestrian enthused vegans won't know which side to take.

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File: bc5a7b781d25257⋯.gif (413.91 KB,500x282,250:141,giphy.gif)

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