White men should reject white nationalism but they should establish white male brotherhoods. These brotherhoods should be designed to form alliances with other white males for the purposes of gaining wealth, gaining knowledge, gaining women, and providing each other moral support and love.
These white male brotherhoods should not be based on white nationalism. White men should be helping each other get dates with all sorts of women: white women, hispanic women, asian women, etc. White men should not restrict themselves to white women, but white women are a option among a variety of options.
Nothing against white women but white women form white female sisterhoods. So white men need to form white male brotherhoods. And honestly, screw white nationalism. And screw the alt right too. Its all bullshit.
Its fucking stupid for white men to agonize about the future of the white race. Fuck man, just link up with your fellow white brothers, help each other get money and pussy, and the pussy can be pure white, but it doesnt have to be pure white. Just get what's good.
This nationalism stuff is stupid.