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File: da41b7b027d0458⋯.jpeg (44.82 KB,720x480,3:2,ngo.jpeg)


Portland Police Chief "Foresees Violence at Next Right-Wing Protest" on August 17



>Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw says she's concerned by the violent rhetoric surrounding a planned right-wing demonstration this month.

>"There is concern about the criminal intentions being expressed in the publicly available forums," Outlaw said in a statement today, "which suggest some attendees plan to engage in violence."

>It's not certain which protesters Outlaw is referring to. But the Facebook page for the Aug. 17 right-wing protest, called "End Domestic Terrorism," has attracted a stream of death threats in the comments.

>The planned rally has no city permit, police say. Like several recent protests, its chief aim is to call for a crackdown on its political opposites: Portland-based antifascists. The protest organizer, a Florida-based talk-radio host named Joe Biggs, wants antifa designated a domestic terrorist group.

>"Ted Wheeler has failed miserably," the event announcement says. "He has allowed these domestic terrorists to commit acts of violence against the people of the United States."

>Related: President Donald Trump says antifascists should be labeled a domestic terror group.

>Anger and frustration on the far right has grown since June 29, when conservative journalist Andy Ngo was assaulted by masked protesters in downtown Portland.

The organizer of the rally in one of the first people who shared video of the attack on Alex Kelly by Antifa, and had his account suspended for sharing video posted by another Twitter user, who's account was also deleted.

There have been many positive outcomes from the video footage produced by these protests, which the elites thoroughly dislike due to how expensive and difficult it is to control the narrative about an event where there are hundreds of independent video sources of evidence. Just look at what happened to "Professor Antifa" Aaron Russell, who had all of his personal information and CV scrubbed from PSU's website after being noticed by an Anon leaning against the pickup truck he rented for Antifa under his name.

The recent mass shootings may have been a desperate attempt to regain control of the narrative as it was poised to slip away due to the "Month of Action" planned by Antifa nationwide this August.

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>chief outlaw

We live in the meme world

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If only you knew how bad things really are.

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It gets even better: The mayor has openly called for her to be investigated for "colluding with white supremacist protestors".


Portland commies literally think she is a black white supremacist.

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Kikes coding up dates like 8/11 hard.

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i get that it's ironic, but danielle outlaw isn't the problem. it's ted wheeler and the portland city council. they're the ones who are enabling antifa and their collaborators. outlaw has openly called for anti-masking laws within the city limits of portland so antifa can be arrested before they get the chance to wreak any havoc.

speaking of which, anyone who fancies themself as anti-antifa but doesn't cover their faces when it's legal to do so is proving nothing to anyone and merely making themselves an easy target. everyone who's come to fight should have covered faces unless the law would subject them to arrest.

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Portland antifa better bring 445nm safety glasses. 7 Watts of anti-antifa retina laser finna deploy.

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I'm from Portland, and would respectfully disagree. If I were to make a list of governmental organizations to hold responsible, I would choose (in order of decreasing culpability):

1. Multnomah County Commission - an all-female commission which refuses to use the word "homeless" and routinely makes excuses for antifa and crackheads, while being headed by Ted Wheeler's female counterpart Deborah Kafoury

2. Multnomah County DA's office, which refuses to prosecute Antifa and homeless criminals in order to screw over white people while protecting the wealthy jews in the West Hills

3. Portland City Mayor/Council - mostly a distraction from the county, but they control the PPB and parks department while turning a blind eye to Antifa and Homeless

4. Portland Police Department - a distant fourth, individual officers are redpilled (impossible not to be over serving a long enough time period), but leadership is pozzed to the core, and ultimately are headed by the mayor.

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FYI Intentionally injuring someone's sense organs is statutory mayhem, it carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.

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Don't lower yourself to their level.

Boxing is better.

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dumb fuck, enjoy jail time

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Shoo shoo, little fed.

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It's ok, this is all just minecraft.

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Ted Wheeler is only a problem insofar as "right wingers" aren't willing to violently depose him. Wheeler is a scrawny nobody. Kill him and he stops being a problem.

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Join the zog police and they pay you to do it.

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They must have just been confused by all this violence from the left. /pol/ is obviously a board of peace.

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