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 No.13573105 [View All]


Three attackers in six months allegedly posted their plans on the site in advance. In an exclusive interview, Silicon Valley CEO explains his ‘moral obligation’ to keep 8chan online


The suspect in the massacre that left 51 Muslims dead in Christchurch, New Zealand, allegedly posted a white nationalist screed and link to his Facebook live feed on 8chan, a far-right message board and notorious bastion of hate speech. The suspect in the shooting at a synagogue in Poway, California, that killed one person and injured three, allegedly posted a racist and antisemitic “open letter” on 8chan. And the suspect in Saturday’s attack at a crowded Walmart in El Paso, Texas, which claimed the lives of at least 20 people, is believed to also have posted a white nationalist rant on the platform.

If the connection between the 21-year-old suspect in Saturday’s massacre and the 8chan document is confirmed – and law enforcement sources told NBC News that they are “reasonably confident” that they are linked – then the El Paso attack will mark the third mass shooting in less than six months that was announced in advance on the message board. The first targeted Muslims, the second Jews, and the third appears to have been aimed at killing Latinos.

So what is 8chan – and why is a website linked to such a high death count allowed to exist on the open internet?

At its most basic level, 8chan is a website hosting user-generated message boards. Users can create and moderate their own boards about topics ranging from anime and cryptocurrency to politics and video games, or post on established boards. Almost everyone participates anonymously, and the only rule is that users should not post content that is illegal in the United States, such as child-exploitation material.

But extremism has been central to 8chan identity since it was founded in 2013 by a computer programmer and self-proclaimed eugenicist Fredrick Brennan. (Brennan has since distanced himself from his earlier writings and beliefs and has cut ties with the site.)

The site was modelled on another message board called 4chan. But in a key difference, 4chan’s founder had the power to delete individual boards, while Brennan was committed to near absolute free speech. When 4chan banned the discussion of the misogynistic harassment campaign known as Gamergate in 2014, 8chan gained in popularity as a staging ground for the campaign.

8chan has remained a morass of hate speech and bigotry, much of it disguised in layers of ironic or coded language that can make true threats difficult to distinguish from “shitposting”. The site has been tied to numerous “Swatting” incidents, whereby anonymous users make fake emergency reports in an attempt to send Swat (special weapons and tactics) law enforcement teams to a target’s home address. It is also home to the QAnon conspiracy theory, a wide-ranging false narrative seeded by an anonymous account known as “Q” who posts his prognostications on 8chan.

Throughout the day on Saturday, 8chan users discussed the massacre and the suspect, with many referring to the alleged shooter as “our guy” and praising the number of people killed. The site’s extremism and connection to violence has prompted calls for a crackdown by various governments, and it was briefly blocked by internet service providers in New Zealand and Australia following the Christchurch massacre.

8chan would have difficultly operating if it didn’t receive protection from a company like Cloudflare, a US-based company that provides internet infrastructure services to websites, including protection from distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Such DDoS attacks are often used by internet vigilantes to attack extremist sites.

Cloudflare has long taken the position that it should be neutral towards content in providing its services, since it does not host content itself. But in 2017, shortly after the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the company’s chief executive officer, Matthew Prince, stopped providing DDoS protection to the extremist neo-Nazi hate site, the Daily Stormer. The site was subsequently forced off the open internet and on to the so-called dark web – areas of the internet that cannot be accessed with a normal web browser. It has since returned to the regular internet.

Cloudflare faced renewed public pressure over its protection of 8chan in the wake of the Christchurch massacre. And in a phone interview with the Guardian on Saturday night, Prince reiterated his belief that Cloudflare should not cease to provide services to sites such as 8chan based on their content.

18 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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what is per capita?

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File: 0c34447ae7b5e30⋯.png (1.81 MB,1344x1008,4:3,a8fd7907a55385b3043b6a1096….png)

>>13573807 Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

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File: b4cd7bfbb190481⋯.jpg (618.74 KB,1080x1763,1080:1763,NY_Times_Opinion.jpg)

NY Times are asking for every anon on 8chan to be publicly named.

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File: 592249c2a982015⋯.gif (3.63 MB,455x262,455:262,Looks_Like_Meat's_Back_on_….gif)


*Orc Noises*

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File: 198a36b16abc3a2⋯.jpg (76.46 KB,523x929,523:929,198a36b16abc3a2ed4e3505b99….jpg)


I love that they think that hasn't already been tried. Cute.

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Twould be a shame if ya boy and sheeeeeiiittttt glowniggers

Nyt glows fellers

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On an unrelated note I just wanted to say how much I love sharing ironic memes on this completely satirical website. All of my posts have been in jest and it would be a shame if someone were to misconstrue them as anything but parody.

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Same. Anything I posted here was satire and I do not support or condone any violence committed by psychos that may have visited this site.

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File: 204a14dbc627c03⋯.jpg (9.42 KB,218x231,218:231,images.jpg)


OH GOD We're so sorry jeb! We didn't know, we were young and foolish. We didn't know that responsible moderate establishment fiscal conservatism was the true path. We just thought that it would be funny, we never wanted anyone to get hurt! It was just supposed to be for the memes Jeb, surely you can understand why we strayed?

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File: e44d86a9c5fc5f1⋯.jpeg (525.42 KB,1242x1201,1242:1201,47DB0758-8530-408E-8B42-4….jpeg)


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>8chan is full of hate speech

<"writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group"

>definition of prejudice: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

8chan is prejudiced, no one here holds an opinion that is "not based on reason or actual experience." We hold opinions that are based on facts, just unpopular opinions

>8chan is full of bigotry

>definition of bigotry: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

We wouldn't be here if we were as bigoted as everyone else.

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*8chan is not prejudiced

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File: 97b631136359229⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,one mans terrorist.png)

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Except the El Paso incident was probably a Antifa false flag attempt, same as the other attack was. The manifesto reads like a /leftypol/ attempt at sounding like a /pol/ anon, the timing is too damn suspicious & the guy looks barely White.

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Bullshit. He never mentioned the TRUE destroyers of America/white people/the world. And for that: FALSE FLAG FAG.

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And he survived. Never mentions the Jews.

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>muh neocon boogeyman

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No, it wasn't "On flek" at all, Mr. Reddit spacing who uses nigger terms. It was a poorly done imitation of /pol/ talking points by someone that's lurked a minimal amount of time. Now that the other shooting is confirmed as a Leftist Antifa guy (almost certainly a false flag attempt, badly done since he didn't scrub his social media), it's very likely that this El Paso thing was as well.

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Crusius was one of THEM. You know why? Because he never mentioned THEM.

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Hey there /leftypol/! Pic related, it's probably one of your posters.


Yep, this. Tarrant made a backhanded reference (partly why I think he was genuine), but this guy? Actual false flag.

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>it's all /leftypol/

You're a pathetic individual.

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Fugg, no pic doublepost

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True anon. Everything they push for is worthless.

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51? Neat. Didn't know another died.

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Nah, we gotcha now commie! You watch as this whole thing blows up into a discussion about why armed communists are shooting African-Americans in an attempt to start an anti-White race war. Explain that to your BLM "allies" at your next rally.

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This shooting did nothing for the cause, nothing for the truth. Fuck off.

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It's all so tiresome.

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None of that will happen, except here. Meh.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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>Tarrant made a backhanded reference (partly why I think he was genuine), but this guy? Actual false flag.

I never believed Tarrant was genuine.

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>Almost exactly two years ago we made the determination to kick another disgusting site off Cloudflare's network: the Daily Stormer. That caused a brief interruption in the site's operations but they quickly came back online using a Cloudflare competitor.

top kek

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Is the CEO of Cloudflare Matthew Prince related to Erik Prince from Blackwater?

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File: ef1d14fb92a9be7⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,600x450,4:3,[Now_Healing]_You'll_Never….mp4)



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The last shooter was an antifa.

Why don't you also shut down

1) Collegues.

2) Mainstream media.

3) Mainstream political parties.

All of those are helping radicalize freaks, trannies and leftists.

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>advertisers, banks, religious leaders, technology companies need to do everything they can to combat white nationalism

>Oh by the way peaceful white nationalists while I'm advocating for you to get fucked over as much as possible I'll also mention that you should be turning anyone over that you know who you think might get violent

>Still not going to go easy on you though

Gee, I wonder why people are turning to violence when you're trying to cut off every peaceful way of combating the push towards our extinction. Leave us no options and you shouldn't be surprised when people take the only course left.

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But any time they post plans or talk that way to tell people to fuck off. This is a board of peace.

Change takes legal action or proper civil wars between combatants.

If this case had a copycat case every single day, it would make no significant impact on non white immigration. Merely hundreds of similar attacks would achieve nothing but to destroy our combat ready forces. Thousands of copy cat attacks would make no difference. That would be what, 30,000 dead Hispanics? That would still make no difference. They grow by over a million every year. We cannot win a war of attrition.

The only way we avoid a South Africa situation is by never being robbed of our guns. Stop giving Jews excuses to take them.

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>The only way we avoid a South Africa situation is by never being robbed of our guns.

>Stop giving jews excuses to take them.

Flat out retarded, if people are pussified enough to give up their guns they were never going to use them to begin with and do not matter.

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But that would be anti-semitic!

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So the cycle begins again.

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It's more complicated than that. Slippery slopes are real. Our grandparents would have shot anyone from the state if they came to their house demanding they be reduced to our current rights. So how did we get here? Slowly, one step at a time. Misinformation, exaggerations, and a false sense of urgency. Then grandfathering in existing stuff to keep the most radical happy until they die off naturally. Fast forward to today, machine guns are banned, silencers are hard tog et, large magazines banned, barrels and grip types regulated. And it all made jack all difference on gun crime, which is related to race more than anything else.

But no we have to give up more rights all while being flooded with a group 100 times more violent.

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>hah dumb nazis

>we'll just stare into the abyss

>hold my soylent

<what could go wrong?

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Awfully long-winded way to say what I already did about people becoming pussified. Better for them to try to take guns as soon as they can while enough men are still alive that would have the balls to resist it.

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>It's more complicated than that.

No, it isn't.

If you are unwilling or incapable of witholding the sole means of meaningful self-defense in this world which you have at your disposal, then you're the dodo bro – you're already dead.

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I'm happy about the incel meme. I don't often get a change to call loose women sluts. "Incel" is pretty laughable. It's typical mainstream media to imply white males are losers; it's not true and it doesn't hurt. I'll take that trade anyday. "Slut" is the end of the fucking world for sluts.

Even if you can't get sex, get out of your 20s and you will. It's not some huge deal.

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What's to stop you from breaking the law and getting guns? If your government becomes tyrannical (or already somewhat is) and institutes martial law it won't be legal to defend yourself anyway. If you're attacked by migrants and have reason to believe innocence will not protect you from the state, then just don't call the police. Just put the body of the would be rapist, intruder etc way out in the woods somewhere. Fucking bears man. They'll never find rapey's body.

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You can't flood 8chan to make me leave. I'll just filter the shills if it's just spam, but I'll also get the chance to redpill fucking everyone. You're the ones who have to censor my banter in normiespace so I can't influence and annoy you, not the other way around.

WELCOME, you're here forever now fellow national socialists

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Whites create, non whites steal.

Whites build, non whites destroy.

Whites facilitate the discussion of ideas, non whites censor everything that offends.

Whites compose masterpieces of orchestral beauty, non whites steal (sample) superior music and tack on the same melodic deficient lyrics about their degenerate behavior.

Whites bring light, non whites bring darkness.

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