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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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 No.13572704 [View All]

Right now, #DomesticWhiteTerrorism is trending on Twitter. AOC and many other politicians are singling out white people as always being mass shooters. We see it all over social media. Is it true? Well, somebody decided to finally crunch the numbers and it turns out that when adjusted for population size…

>Whites commit the least amount of mass murders

>Hispanics are also under represented

>Asians pretty much on point

>Blacks are highly over represented

>Arabs are the most over represented of all groups

40 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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TIL the "master race" is scrawny, near-sighted, weak-chinned social rejects with bad haircuts.

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So much this!!

Thank you for the redpill, this place needs it

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Go back to reddit, you worthless pile of normalfag scum.

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>and maybe you'd finally know the body of a woman.

Haha that's all you brainlets can ever think about is pussy. The only possible reason anyone could ever have a strong emotion is sex that's all your peanut sized brain can contain. This is why you've already lost - this is why you're here telling us what to think and we don't even have to come to you anymore. It's only a matter of time now.

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We live rent free in your head.

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These are /pol/'s Aryan heroes, right?

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I can see why you'd think that because you're a lobotomized golem who only interprets the world through the mass media—but no, we don't consider jewish mass murderers heroes here.

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>we're going to jail you motherfuckers,

Come at me nigger.

Oh wait. You won't because you're a posturing reddit faggot who can't even into.

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Yeah, luckily for the civilized world for all their bloodthirstiness, antifa is comprised of soyfags who can't figure out which end of a gun to point. Didn't stop that one faggot antifa from trying to firebomb a building full of wetbacks though.

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>>13573958 Who the fuck calls jews the master race? Get back on CNN's cock, faggot.

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Let's just say that in my line of work the expectation is that we can explain what drives violent behavior, e.g. people like you, and develop strategies to combat violent extremism.

I think I understand what's happening here: you all spend too much time online, reading bunk-ass philosophy, surrounded by a low-IQ herd of dumb fucks, and trying to ironically meme a reactionary revolution for the lulz, because you think it will give your life meaning, or improve your evolutionary fitness, or whatever. Meanwhile, normal people solve this problem by going out into the world, forming relationships, and fucking.

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No, we're just fucking sick of jews destroying us through propaganda and direct Mossad-led terrorism, you pussy ass journo bitch.

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Can you stop projecting, taconigger?

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>Let's just say that in my line of work the expectation is that we can explain what drives violent behavior, e.g. people like you, and develop strategies to combat violent extremism.

Obviously you, your colleagues and your opinions aren't worth shit then because you've achieved nothing. Things are accelerating and to deny that well that's hilarious because you can't go into your so vaunted hysterics then. Look why don't you shut the fuck up for five minutes of your life, maybe the first five minutes ever and take some time to listen to the opinions of other people before immediately projecting your low-IQ simian desires onto them.

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That's just because they're too incompetent. They tried though. There are at least two deaths tied to antifa, the cow in Charlotesville and the boomer bomber. Also, it's a pretty well documented phenomenon in history that when young males aren't allowed to create families and reproduce, they start killing people. I find that perfectly healthy from an evolutionary point of view.

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nice LARP, lets see if you can keep it up when the next shooter points a gun at your head :3

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Why are niggers so violent?

Why are jews so violent?

Why are asians of all variety so violent?

Why are pajeets so violent?

Why are spics so violent?

Why are /leftycucks/ so violent?

Care to enlighten me?

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I can guarantee you this board has a higher average IQ than /r/chapotraphouse or whatever subreddit you came from. I know that's where you come from because all you faggots have the same pretentious writing style.

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File: 5bab38c90500a4a⋯.jpg (42.36 KB,598x477,598:477,duckroll.jpg)


Oh yes, me and the b o i s are armed too. And we have toys you cannot acquire. Rawr xD

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That's our "High-IQ" enemy brothers, kneel in fear. Ahahahahaha.

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Please filter fca333, you obvious day one niggers.

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Look, kid. I'm a reformed old fag whose job it has become to combat violence extremism. Habbo swastikas were fun. MARBLECAKE ALSO THE GAME was fun. GUSHING FUCKING GRANNY was fun. You retarded assholes are terrifying normal people. You make our work hell, and you degrade the reputation of our nation in the eyes of the world. Grow the fuck up.

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>redditnigger pretends to be oldfag

>Nobody buys it

More at 11. Go cry yourself to sleep niggerbutt

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How's the weather in Langley?

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See, this is why /pol/ sucks they act just like Jews. No caring or cooperation, just competition. This is why the Jews win.

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File: 4ec2bd856381dcd⋯.jpeg (19.99 KB,400x275,16:11,when-i-was.jpeg)



idk not my department. fyi: politically we are going to push to criminalize those who radicalizing violent extremists here. btfo. i'm out.

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>You … are terrifying retarded people who you don't give a fuck about but for some reason I imply you should care about.

God it buddy.

>You … degrade the name of the corpse of America in the eyes of the world.

Don't really care.

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>implying (((politicians))) can keep up with this rate of acceleration

Even if some or all of these are false flags operated by TPTB, it's hurting them with how retarded the scripts are.

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File: 7d8cc762882840b⋯.gif (1.47 MB,189x361,189:361,antifa_running_in_front_of….gif)

File: adf841ece6e3294⋯.mp4 (7.59 MB,1280x720,16:9,portland_revengeance.mp4)


>admits to being a redditnigger



AHAHAHAHA what a complete limp wristed faggot

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;) https://new.blog.cloudflare.com/terminating-service-for-8chan/

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File: b7178af2579be4a⋯.webm (4.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,commie_seizure.webm)

File: 4b765d8ba459188⋯.webm (741.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,SHITTER_SHATTERED.webm)


>Pushing le violent extremists off the internet into the real world

Good job faggot, you played yourself ;)

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bring it on, faggot.

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In the video he considered white / black, because one parent is white and one is black. He was a BLM activist though.

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File: e33132663cb9948⋯.gif (1.22 MB,200x200,1:1,Nigga Say What.gif)

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File: 23559a39de09e8e⋯.png (1.44 MB,2112x1468,528:367,logo.png)

i dont mean to be small minded but why cant we just chill and live and not commit tragedies

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White people tried that. They tried playing nice. There is no ground left to give.

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so the solution is to just like take peoples lives? i dont mean to bitch i just would like to just know the mindset?

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Kike psyops aside, some of them are getting tired of the shit and popping. They are losing it and failing to go after the appropriate targets. Sucks but you can thank the jews for that.

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File: 545d5d71ab61b2f⋯.png (946.87 KB,929x801,929:801,Eternal struggle.png)

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I'm behind 7 proxies posting nigger hate memes, come get me fag

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Hitler killed 100 million whites.

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Posts nahtsee cartoon.

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>>Whites commit the least amount of mass murders

This probably doesn't include the days of sea fahrers, crusaders, colonists, the Roman empire and slave trading.

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Jews killed 100 million Palestinians.

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>politically we are going to push to criminalize those who radicalizing violent extremists here.

Oh god please do it.

Its like you don't even understand the concept of 'accelerationism' lel

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I know this is bait, but if you read the thread it's the past decade since that's around when mass attacks became such an increasing hot button issue. Also

>slave trading

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Dude I have absolutely never had a problem getting laid. If we had gone to the same school I probably would have fucked your girl just like I fucked everyone else's.

I exceed in this system. I have all I could ever want as far as advantages in social situations and sexual interactions, and yet I still want this fucking clown world to die. I hate it. I hate the fact that I have taken advantage of mindless women and fucked over my own white brothers.

I will die bringing people like you down. The Swastika will fly on American flags and I will help usher that in.

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Predominantly asian countries have predominantly asian mass shooters…

Predominantly hispanic countries have predominantly hispanic mass shooters… etc…

Yet, when predominantly white countries have pregominantly white mass shooters… it's a sign of toxic whiteness… sure thing, professor pedo-stein

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