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File: 1de9364e09abdfb⋯.gif (5.63 KB,80x100,4:5,arab.gif)


Israel must expand East all the way to Persia. Gotta clear out those Arabs. Solution is for Arab fertility to fall to zero. Soft Genocide. No violence, no war just a fade into nothingness. We can use the same technology here in the West to get rid of unwanted and undesirable people. No shooting involved. People just cease to be replaced. Such a beautiful solution. We call it the "Beautiful Solution"

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For once the rabbi has a good idea!

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File: 38c82676b60e87c⋯.gif (261.45 KB,549x598,549:598,1564938786938.gif)

>yidposting this hard

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Soft Genocide is the future. Solves overpopulation and all the problems that go with it. The Final Solution is now the Beautiful Solution. Undesirable and unwanted humans wither away.

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File: 307834c011fb504⋯.jpg (38.21 KB,525x768,175:256,307834c011fb5045f33cee2a41….jpg)

Death to Israel, the criminal and illegitimate state.

Europe for the Europeans

Arabia for the Arabs

Note to government officials and media: The term "Death to Israel" is meant entirely metaphorically.

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I started blogging about this back in 2005 maybe earlier. I know the Israelis are working on it. Think of all the countries with 5th column populations within their borders. Countries like China or India. Wouldn't they like to get rid of those problem people?

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Once robots become game time ready the elite won't need large human populations. Humans will become expendable. They'll make us go away.

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