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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: f10e9b6d10c1832⋯.jpg (200.15 KB,729x820,729:820,hw_el-paso-shooting-suspec….jpg)

 No.13572652 [View All]

Don't do what this fucking dipshit nerd did at the Walmart in El Paso.

I did almost a year in state prison in the midwest on a 5 year sentence. Been almost 10 year ago now but I've talked about it before. My prison would self segregate - whites would eat on one side of the chow hall blacks on the other. Mexicans (and mind you we don't have a massive Mexican population here yet like some parts of the country) could go either way but virtually all sat with the whites, which we allowed. Most Mexicans fucking hate niggers. One of my best friends in there was actually named Juan, dude was cool as fuck. He was a Mexican but was born and raised in the US. Other whites didn't bat an eye to being friends with Mexicans, though you'd instantly be shunned by them if you were seen hanging with niggers. I am pro-white above all else but honestly man I am not so much on board with massacring Beaners… Mudslimes have done UNIMAGINABLE shit to whites since 9/11 over and over… Mexicans mostly just clean toliets and pick watermelons… I mean yeah, the illegal immigration shit much be dealt with, and yes they do tend to have huge families which are outbreeding us at an alarming rate…. But come on man… He shouldve done a synagogue or a mosque.

If someone is going to Minecraft then they need too hit hard targets in Minecraft and not be a lazy loser who couldn't even take the time to properly plan or write a manifesto that isn't total dogshit. Its fucking embarrassing.

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cause white women can't deal with whiny little bitches

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Well, Arizona is a fucking paradox. The 120 degree summers cause the fetuses to actually boil in the stomach's of soon-to-be mothers, like a steamy baby stew. It's science bro

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And that's exactly why they don't date blacks or china-dudes for longer than a week, ever.

Y'all get three days into the relationship and you start with that "your ancestors hung muh peoples - need muh reparations" shit and they leave you

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no we just want money and you hae one

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*have none lolllllllloooollll

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White people don't have money?

God, you're one empty-brained bitch aren't you?

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>dont shoot spics

>my based spic friend in prison

>based job thieves

>im pro white, but man, those fuckin based spics!

kill yourself spicnigger, i hope juan gave you aids

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I want reparations for having been exposed to your stupidity and horrendous spelling.

You would fall on your sword if you could afford one

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>Most of these Beaners are here to do shit jobs Americans don't want anymore.

most wetbacks are the worst and lazy as shit. you have not been around them then

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>>"hide behind a gun and guess what bitch i'll still snatch it from your hands"

I would pay some serious cash to see this happen. You must be the fucking Flash if you think you can snatch a firearm from someone before they turn your forehead into a canoe.

Go for it my small-brained friend, Godspeed.

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hello jew

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File: 49d52145e091e42⋯.jpg (4.97 KB,268x188,67:47,images.jpg)

File: 521dc5313830863⋯.jpg (53.36 KB,931x524,931:524,694940094001_5842799302001….jpg)


He looks so much like Alan Dershowitz in your photo it's not even funny. .He's got to be a jew.

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File: 3058ee17c7c8639⋯.jpg (12.93 KB,232x217,232:217,images.jpg)

It seems that the race of pale skin maggots can't accept that they are going extinct. White pride you say? I bet the dinosaurs had dinosaur pride, dinosaur nationalism and dinosaur supremacy…that didn't stop them from going to hell, extinct FOREVER. I bet eating too many hamburger is the real reason for their demise.

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File: 19abf10d6a7c4c7⋯.jpeg (62.2 KB,640x320,2:1,BC41EDF5-3A59-49B6-9B3B-9….jpeg)


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Niggers lack empathy for other people, and so especially animals.

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Hispanics are half-people at best (thanks Spain).

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File: 423c59b75901b17⋯.jpg (62.4 KB,634x621,634:621,38E7F43D00000578-3813369-i….jpg)

File: 9a2c2ebcef5016b⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,3264x1836,16:9,C-Cleft-Lip-since-birth-SA….jpg)

File: 819783d5cf3f6d5⋯.jpg (105.11 KB,360x294,60:49,Jocelin_stories.jpg)

File: 20b361c15a92bc0⋯.jpg (21.28 KB,500x350,10:7,ktu.jpg)

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9/11 was a justified attack as a response to US imperialism and intervention in the Middle East. By 2050 Hispanic invaders will outnumber whites according to the US census bureau and none of you faggots care. "Mexicans are just like whites" except they have like 1000 gang members per 100,000 just like niggers. Look at US lifetime budget impact by race as well. Hispanic invaders must be dealt with. Hispanics, Asians, and blacks are a much bigger threat than Muslims. What's the point of attacking a synagogue? Killing Jews does absolutely fucking nothing. Jews are not replacing whites, they are not committing insignificant amounts of violent crime. Mass-murdering invaders has a far more significant impact than killing feds and high-ranking ZOG politicians. If you don't organise you aren't gonna mass-murder a bunch of high-ranking ZOG politicians so it's pointless unless you organise.

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In Australia the Chinese are a far worse threat to our existence than Muslims.

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Is it just me or does the El Paso killer remind anyone of McLuvin from Superbad?

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The peoples of Northern Europe generally have fairer skin and burn easier.

As for being a slavshit, as long as you're not a Pole then you're white

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File: 4f1a62d66d959ea⋯.png (2.28 MB,1066x1920,533:960,78257l8h99311.png)

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>implying anyone cares if 'power-monopoly government officials' get shot

Nice meme lellypool. Never stop being a thieving nigger.

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The similarity is uncanny.

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File: 756463fe46fcc71⋯.jpg (294.09 KB,707x704,707:704,_kpviK_F6NU.jpg)

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You mean that their forefathers built from scratch and didn't demand a lift up from demanding free scholarships, section 9 housing & food stamps like you parasites while attempting to justify your pathetic existence in our backyards?

>Why are you poor

I don't know maybe from affirmative action, exclusion from top universities, companies forced to meet the diversity quota in the name of equality, perhaps?

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The poster of this thread is some punk bitch breed of a human being trying to redirect the hateful mass shooting to some other race/religion “come on man you should’ve picked a synagogue or a mosque”. just understand that your parent failed you as a child and you should be put down like the dogs in a pound. Exact you like the bafoon that you are. Nobody gives a fuck about your lost time in prison with your fuck boys

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Did he Kill crackers as well? Progress? Less potential mass murderers the better.

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He literally went on a rampage. Not a pussy at all, he's a warrior.

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But Poles and Hungarians are actually the Europeans with the most balls.

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You are a faggot cuck. You are this because you let invaders impregnate your woman. Go back to reddit schlomo. Your opinions are worthless here. We expect results… and you are a fucktard who can't lace his own pantiez

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You're all pieces of shit. It's amazing. I hope there are enough logs to track you all down.

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These shooters are being lead by the glowies to do the shootings and they are the ones writing the manifestos. How is that not obvious to everyone. You remember Randy Stairs, the YouTube shooter, and the Antifa faggot who attempted to attack ICE? That is the kind of encounter and shooting you have with someone who hasn't been trained. The adrenaline would be pumping through someone without former coaching or experience making it difficult to kill anyone! Many other factors too. Remember that girl who went to Colorado to do a shooting? She committed ((suicide)) in the wilderness and her journal was scanned to her website later. The feds wrote that shit, don't be stupid.

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File: fe25fa75d63877d⋯.gif (1.98 MB,370x281,370:281,boom.gif)


okay faggot

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They should have banned all the kike-loving accelerationists. Too late now, site is fucked. Probably good riddance due to shit moderation.

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To all the niggers and Mexicans out there reading this you’re gunna have to shed a lot of blood to take this country over it won’t be given up without a fight

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I mean speaking as a spic, I've known my position in the US for a long time even before going on /pol/.

I've made friends with whites and relate to them more than my own people, which is probably because I can't speak Spanish. That link's been severed and I've never really found any kinship with anyone but whites, curse am I to have this darker skin. I can only hope you guys can do what you can to be free and no longer have to be oppressed by kikes who seek to miscegenate you.

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File: 93fd6a23961b31f⋯.png (6.88 MB,3100x6280,155:314,1434784727361.png)


>They should have banned all the kike-loving accelerationists.


>Too late now, site is fucked.

Good. Site was shit anyway.

>Probably good riddance due to shit moderation.


This wall was never good. Not even when it was that other wall.

Knock down the wall, we'll build another one. Go fuck yourselves glowkikes.

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This to be honest, I've always thought and said that we are a bastard people. If only Spain had moderated its colonies better and imported more white Spaniards than to encourage race mixing, we wouldn't be in the mess.

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*this mess

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Where’s the manifesto?

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I've never burned white rice,

but this stupid white fag made me think twice.

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> a white trash criminal have a mexican buddy

Ok, Pedro.

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LOL should.have done a synagouge or mosque instead of a Walmart? OP must really be some kind of racist white trash. How about this instead: he should have come after nobody but YOU.

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kys fuck dirty subhuman spics

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File: c8061c423b35f13⋯.jpg (112.91 KB,820x533,20:13,pepesad.jpg)



Thanks stupid edgy shooters who post there manifestos.

This board is fucked. its only a matter of time before the glow niggers start taking down all of our boards.

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Beaners aren't white

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