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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: ae8141ecac84e65⋯.jpg (63.91 KB,510x680,3:4,EBJ5_0hXsAE-hRh.jpg)

 No.13572189 [View All]

>In his Twitter profile, Connor Betts, the 24-year-old suspected gunman in the Dayton mass shooting, wrote, "he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i'm going to hell and i'm not coming back."



>ICE firebombing


>School shooting over incorrect pronouns


>thwarted antifa bombing



With these three incidents occuring in 2019, how can we prevent the radicalized terror of leftists? We must censor gateway drugs like Jared Holt and HuffPo to remove all violence for good!

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Trying to get a bunch of people who have said they want to murder US government employees to go down there and try it. TOTALLY not inciting murder and terrorism.

Your eyes are dim from reading the Talmud by the fire of Moloch's altar.

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You sound a little emotional. Don't be such a fag with your feelings'n shit.

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Backups, and backups of the backups, and redundant backups of the backups, and redundant offsite backups of the backups, with bulletproof redundant offsite backups of the redundant offsite backups.

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We pretty much assume that people like you will be assmad at anything and everything.

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>muh inciting

The immense asshurt of federal employess over the current escalation of white resistence is hilarious

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Precisely, Fed shill, which is why I am pointing out that you are trying to, in typical baby-murdering fashion, trying to get people to do your work for you, and then they have crossed a line, legally, and can be Waco'd, or Palestined, whichever.

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File: 009217bce9886e8⋯.jpg (105.38 KB,1100x620,55:31,1465508909868-0.jpg)


before diversity

>i hate fascists!

after diversity


leftyfags btfo

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>we're going to take legal action against the us

can't wait!

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You glow

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Whats waco got to do with this?

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File: b423d1672b794bb⋯.jpg (118.58 KB,1024x1013,1024:1013,lol antifa fagss.jpg)

File: debf74257a35060⋯.jpeg (48.99 KB,631x486,631:486,antifa ha.jpeg)




Just want to point out the similarities of the recent happenings this antifa faggot in ohio had a recent post with smokey the bear and getting rid of people. Wearing the antifa militant vest too boot.

The el paso shooter mentioned environmentalism and too many people.

The garlic shooter who turned out to be Iranian also had a smokey the bear post and there being too many people with the rest of Instagram pictures deleted. Then the weird leftist satire post trying to lure anons to the Garlic festival.

These look like a coordinated antifa/comratard attacks.

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>lol ok just filter the only one who isn't a faggot

But you are a faggot. Or at least acting like one. Methinks you think too highly of yourself. Pull your head out of your ass

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antifa retard filtered.

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File: 54a35093ea1e8e1⋯.jpg (30.3 KB,682x510,341:255,54a35093ea1e8e1d8d8fa65663….jpg)

So El Paso was a righty, Dayton a lefty, Garlic a lefty too or is that bullshit?

God damn it guys one happening at a time!

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All the shooters look like leftist antifa shitbags from the digging. Antifa is going to get their next stomped soon haha

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Good catch anon antifa is doing damage control in this thread. All antifa and comratards deserve to burned alive regardless.

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He shot his sister to death. Was she a trump fan?

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>antifa: filtered

>meds: not taken

>voices in the wall: heard

Yep, its schizo time.

kys kike

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Lools like they are all antifa terror cells too many similarities. And we all know antifa is (((them))). So do the math

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If people pretended to be Antifa and pretended support this faggot for his effort to increase gun control there could be many keks to be had

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No comratards are just schizo and stupid, mostly shot niggers too.

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File: 5f2fd87fa8296ab⋯.jpg (267.75 KB,1545x636,515:212,daytons.jpg)

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This is so retarded, i'm out of this thread

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Bye Moishi

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So you're saying he's on to something? thanks, Schlomo.

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We need to get this message out ASAP, already lefties are capitalising on these shootings.

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File: a7ebde059e1943a⋯.jpg (108.6 KB,441x951,147:317,daytonleftist4.jpg)

File: a339934b7365716⋯.jpg (313.5 KB,1210x956,605:478,daytonleftist.jpg)

File: 918333fcab3c7a0⋯.jpg (227.23 KB,1231x939,1231:939,daytonleftist2.jpg)

File: f478fb4c262596e⋯.jpg (293.48 KB,1242x952,621:476,daytonleftist3.jpg)

Pics pulled from his twitter. Archive or meme with it.


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File: 7c9b94ec898ec1d⋯.jpg (32.6 KB,258x386,129:193,Atomsk.jpg)

His Twitter handle seems to be named after Flowers for Algernon, which he probably had to read in school, and the Fooly Cooly anime character Atomsk, who was named after this Cordwainer Smith novel.

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He has spook in his handle name and atomsk is reference to a spy character. The guy is a deepstate asset.

Everything about his account promotes evil shit, death, hardcore drugs etc.

He also likes to Larp as a college kid, hipster, anime fanboy etc.

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Wait, so what's the odds then that the sloppy manifesto by the half-spic in el paso was just to implicate /pol/? I hate to use the "false flag" meme, but the thing reads like someone that's lurked for all of about a week & is pretending to be an anon. And it's too damn close in timing. Were Antifa going for a deliberate own-goal? Ie, 2 "White" members take one for the team and false flag killing spics and niggers to start the anti-White crackdown?

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File: f766b8ce6b25401⋯.png (610.6 KB,972x1150,486:575,893589753.png)


Oh nonono! At the very least we've got your hand in the cookie jar - this one is a confirmed Antifag probably making a retarded attempt at a false flag by shooting his diverse friend's - the only question now is if the other one was ALSO one or not.

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>except the lying media will neglect to mention the fact he was an anti-white extremist and imply he was a naughtzee

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File: 60bad4764d2c830⋯.jpg (208.46 KB,1082x954,541:477,leftistactor.jpg)

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What's with "the shoes were left"?

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What does your dumb ass think the links are?

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File: 1c7cab6a27dca6c⋯.jpg (13.81 KB,255x254,255:254,1c7cab6a27dca6c7b43681aa00….jpg)


Yes it appears so. But don't forget (((who))) funds antifa. Its a classic comratard move to pretend to be a White civil rights supporter to try and discredit a;; White social movements us by acting outright like a schizo something that leftist actually are. They can't help but show the leftist satire in it all, much like how the villain tells the hero his evil plan.

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*any White social movements

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If he wasn't it was definitely one of his life goals.

He doesn't have very much of a Edomitic phenotype so he was probably brainwashed/controlled by someone else.

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File: 999acde6eb18268⋯.jpg (164.06 KB,1118x585,86:45,pscyho.jpg)


The other one was a jew. Dad was a jew psychotherapist.

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Oh, we can never forget (((who))) is behind them - that's just assumed at this point.

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Definite Edomite there, but what about Legan?

was he legitimately Iran mudslime and these past two are just riding the momentum, or was he also involved with this mess?

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File: 0a6ab7857ccf760⋯.jpg (219.19 KB,1294x885,1294:885,crisiscast.jpg)


Don't know about Dayton but Walmart was definately crisis actors and black ops shooters. Crusious with his stupid ear and eye protection and black tee/cargo pants was just LARP ing for a buck. They probably cut a deal to 'suicide him' in prison and pop him up in Israel with a wife waiting for him.

Eye protection but no body armor? 9 hour drive, you'd stop at a hotel and nap. Surrender without incident?

Multiple references of multiple shooters dressed in black like many other operations.

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Legan was definitely involved had similar antifa and leftist satire postings to what Betts had. Same type of self loathing brainlet leftist rhetoric.

Both just happen to have smokey the bear signs put on there accounts right before they do their false flags shootings and talk about there being too many people for the "environment". Something the El paso shooter Patrick also mentioned.

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how does him being a leftist antifa absolve him of being a possible false flag? If anything it's more further proof as such. Do you seriously think people call things "false flags" just because the disagree with the event that transpired or are damage controlling?

First posters are always so retarded

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File: 8d67b65625efd2f⋯.png (20.81 KB,579x200,579:200,ohio shooter neckbeard dea….png)

File: 9bfd8c820cc2ee1⋯.png (67.48 KB,584x644,146:161,ohio shooter neckbeard dea….png)

Here's an interesting tidbit: he was a big fan of the anti-fascist "metal" band Neckbeard Deathcamp.

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