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File: 1f6125428d74cb4⋯.jpg (21.87 KB,331x411,331:411,Jeffrey_Epstein_mug_shot.jpg)


Greetings. I have an information on a possible accomplice and co-conspirator of Jeffrey Epstein.

A wealthy US citizen who operated in Kiev, Ukraine, between 2013 and 2019. He deleted all his social media accounts just when Mr. Epstein got arrested, left Ukraine, and currently residing in the US. I met him in the presence of witnesses in Kiev in 2013 and 2018. I have incriminating evidence, tens of witnesses who dealt with him, photos. He engaged in various illegal activities in Ukraine, including but not limited to: sexual exploitation of minors and adults, human trafficking for wealthy US/EU clients, conspiracy to abduct minors and sell them into slavery to sheikhs of Qatar, conspiracy to use drugs on unwilling victims, illegally undermining interests of big Chinese corporations in the region.

If you want further exclusive information, including his name, aliases, photos, accomplices, I want you to give me a substantial reason to choose you over the others and provide your preferred method of contact.

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Post the evidence or fuck off.

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Post your fucking tits slit then fuck off

I hope you get raped by a pack of rabid feral niggers

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Post it, faggot.

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>International pedophile ring hurting kids

>I have the goods to bring it all down

>will only share for 6,000,000 likes

you sounds like a faggot even worse one who is preventing evidence about someone who rapes kids.

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Agreed, but maybe he might do something now.

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Only substantial reasons would be that we have no interest in punishing you for revealing a culprit (many news orgs are complicit in globohomo), are less centralized meaning that you leaking to one of us will ensure the information gets passed on and preserved, leading to a higher chance of the word of your culprits crimes being passed around.

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Unless he wants the $$$$$$$$

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Is this shit going to happen, OP, or what? Fucking post that shit.

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4chan is better. They're more open to LARPing faggots like yourself.

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not reddit


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File: 8c5f1df1c8f93e0⋯.jpg (9.05 KB,280x180,14:9,pic related.jpg)

>I want you to give me a substantial reason

Nothing to see here.

>pic related

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how about you quit fucking around and blow the fucking whistle before you get an arsenic needle in your heart

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Christina Galbraith (Epstein's publicist). Is a descendant of Laurance Rockefeller's publicist….

Laurance Rockefeller donated the USVI to the US government to keep it a "national park" while they simultaneously owned and operated Caneel Bay for 40+ years

Rockefellers wanted superhuman babies…epstien wants superhuman babies

Epstein: Rockefeller U, Trilateral Comish, CFR (All Rockefeller fronts)

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> If you want further exclusive information, including his name, aliases, photos, accomplices, I want you to give me a substantial reason to choose you over the others and provide your preferred method of contact.

That's not how imageboards effectively work. Just dump any info you got and we'll triangulate a position off honking noises and the reflections of a window.

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Update. This is the offer for people who can afford to provide substantial reasons. Sadly, my first choices arent available. Infowars' whistleblower function on site is not working. So if youre journalist, or a government employee of whatever country,or a private seeker of justice, please kindly introduce yourself in this thread, state your offer and provide as many options to contact you as possible.

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State my offer? Um, ok, I offer you this site to expose horrible people. Accept?

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Fuck off nigger

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File: 1a9d6e38562efdc⋯.png (297.08 KB,434x434,1:1,1a9d6e38562efdce54a8a3c8e9….png)


So this is what they've been sliding with all the meme shootings.

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File: e642b2ff7f8bb4b⋯.jpeg (85.15 KB,660x883,660:883,e642b2ff7f8bb4b349f955d67….jpeg)


our greatest maymay for mr epsteins info.

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File: b39dacc2db2df4d⋯.jpg (14.02 KB,200x200,1:1,duke.jpg)


>state your offer

I have a zipped copy of Duke Nukem 3d.

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Ukrop trying to turn a profit from justice. Have you no shame? Get lost. We pay taxes to our law enforcement already.

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practice the proper OPSEC protocols before revealing anything substantial.

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I'm sure you do, moshe. You jew fucks all know each other to an extent.

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either show you're tits or fuck off nigger

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I think we already have enough retards promising us punishment for the scum that rule and those that feed the rulers appetites, "but it will be later", always later

I shall call you 'R'

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File: e6d8f63360c8d91⋯.jpg (7.08 KB,208x250,104:125,1513996162206s.jpg)


q already knows. he'll save us

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>I have information

>but lol I won't give it to you


<disappear leaker

Why do people actually do this

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BT Barnums famous words? A sucker is born every minute?

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