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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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 No.13571264 [View All]

First time showing up here, but for the love of God you probably wanna see this. I don't know if this is simply a misspoken sentence on the reporter's part, but if this is what I think it means, we are royally fucked.

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I'm there and I'm here, I'm everywhere.

Only newfags and glowniggers greentext anymore, it's like 'oh look mommy what I learned' tier shit that used to be funny years ago. Now greentext is to indicate something glows but when a glownig himself uses it, just ironic.

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Kike not like

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There it is, the dumbest thing I have read in the entire year. Greentext is meant for quoting you quadruple nigger.

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I don't need your (You)s, subhuman.

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All news anchors are part of the Lizard's people cabal. She was told to lie to the american people to steal our freedoms but she accidentally skipped a point in the agenda and talked about a tweet 45mins too early.

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New York not MY..holu shit niggertech is stupid

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They're not going to do shit. Feds getting 8chan pulled over would be the worst thing possible for them. Right now, all the "badthinkers" are consolidated onto one website to be babysat by the 3-letter types. If 8chan dies, the really dangerous anons disappear into the onionchans to be completely invisible, while the spergs and redditors fuck off back to the normalfag web. 8chan isn't going anywhere.

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File: ae0a9e4845a6cf2⋯.jpg (13.72 KB,320x158,160:79,facebook_01999284891720488….jpg)


shut up KIKE reactionary


You're not welcomed here if you're not redpilled about the fact that our enemies literally control everything and are all-powerful. This was not a mistake! Research Sandy Hook, research 9/11 (that happened before you were born but look into it bucko), research Q-Anon (on bing).

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Only a newfag that doesn't lurk daily says shit like that. It's meant for it but after you spend your days here for years it just becomes retarded fast. If you quote someone then do it like a white man. "Like this"

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File: 49010e5b2cf10ad⋯.png (112.28 KB,356x600,89:150,hey pol.png)


Do what we've always done, down them with facts, no matter what they do, keep downing them with facts, always.

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You're clearly new. Probably you were assigned to this just recently by your CIA boss? It's like you never been to our Tarrant-Saints discord. Glownigga text is to indicate things feds would say or quote someone who you think is a jewish agent. It has always been like this. 4chan stole it from us at some point and thats why you probably think it means something else. They coopted glownigga-text.

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>3-letter types

First time I have read any Anon refer to glowniggers this way but kudos for the artistic take on it, not sure if it will catch on here though.

Just trying to help out. TempleOS will help you with this.


Now I feel that I disrespected this glownigger by not being polite enough to explain why his years of random lurking were wasted.

I should help this poor government employee by saying it out loud. Sorry for the inevitable reddit spacing, kangz and shieeeet.

Glowniggers are paid to lurk here. They have formerly sworn an oath. Years or if they HIQ then months pass by and they get redpilled just like anyone else.

What you gonna do then as a glownigger? Profit? Quit? What?

We only offer you the truth and nothing but the truth. Matrix was a badass movie, RATM was a badass band.

Just imagine being a freshly conscripted neet who now worries glownigs gonna kill someone you love unless you do what they told ya.

You know they got you but salary is nice, jobs exciting and you get to think you're 007 or someone in his close support.

But then you get the job to infiltrate 4chan or 8ch or thousands of other national boards.

"Just lurk" they said.

"It'll be fun" they said.

Couple years later you have no idea who you work for, who your enemy is, can you even fucking trust your sister who likes to hang out with black dudes?

So you know it's all a big mystery. What decisions should we all make in life?

I know my dark path went clear and white after some years lurking /pol/ but probably would have happened anyway, because I always did kinda know it to be true.

We know something is wrong, we seek for it, just like Neo, and then we get redpilled.

That's life.

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Sorry I've been on 4chan from 2007 I don't even remember but deffo before Facebook was launched. Not new, very old actually. Rarely I have to write old but now this reminds me to take my meds. I'm old af. Sorry.

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this is 8chan newfag. We've been around longer and 4chan constantly keeps stealing our shit. Great job exposing yourself as a 4nigga

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>Anyone that questions the pol narrative is a jew

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What is this garbage? She reads a tweet and then what time it was posted but then realizes it's not correct because they're in a different timezone where it hasn't been 3pm yet.

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>I'm going to pretend I belong here and spout nonsense I know nothing about

Greentext isn't glownigger text you stupid kike. Get out, kill yourself, and stream it on livestream. In that order!

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i wonder how fast i'd get banned on twitter for posting this?

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There was no 8chan back then you stupid nigger. I was there on IRC before any of this web shit took place and I clearly remember this 4chan was an offshoot of a japanese board by some American neet called Moot. No idea what happened to that fuck later on but rumor is glowniggers got him. 2,4 and 8 chans don't go backwards for obvious reasons, but nice try on old mental guy who forget his fucking meds again.

Actually, fuck you all the way. My friends fought in Vietnam on both sides and they get together these days to burn Jewish dolls in ovens that have a picture of Adolf Hitler on top.

What is 8ch but a joke? Is this now supposed to be a fight? I don't even know what is better 4 or 8?

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>glownigga text

8chan is the last place on the net that can make me laugh like this

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Q predicted this

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Or a christcuck aka Zionist aka wanna be jews. Newsflash you will never become a jew.


Moot is a SJW. You're wrong on it all. Japs stole the imageboard format from us. They have no creative bone in their body and can only copy from us americans. Just like europeans.

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>Terry A Davis

You really should have started with programming and kernel forums.

We laugh at chans there but worry about you at the same time.

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4chan is older sweetie

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>lemme just astroturf greentext

Boy are they running out of ideas holyshit

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>this thread

>not getting bumplocked or deleted

Fuck the mods

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File: 428ffa999a087d4⋯.jpg (104.88 KB,433x419,433:419,66b0a62b77d43f9ec7079342d8….jpg)


>That hasn't happened yet… ok

Dare I say, sloppy job mossad?

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Timezones still exist. You really think blonde bimbo news bitches are the trusted mouthpieces of zogspiracy? Never attribute to malice what is obviously ignorance

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4chan exists because Sa king Goon Richard something threw all the open loli lovers out of the anime board and off the webpage with a ten dollar tax. Moot was loli lover number one and opened 4chan. 8chan exists because Moot wanted money so kicked all the loli lovers off of 4chan. Hotwheels became king of the loli posters until he too wanted money. Now we're all nazis and spree killers I don't know what happened with that though.

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File: 5a0b15da865b9fc⋯.jpg (482.28 KB,1920x1200,8:5,what the fuck is this shit.jpg)

I live in El Paso, Fox 14 is our local news station, and no, Horizon's time zone is not different from ours, there's some seriously wicked shit going on here…

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I dunno how to program

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>Never exclusively attribute to malice or ignorance to what is obviously both


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Lol blonde bimbo news bitches are whats enslaving the white race? Youre pathetic. Go shoot an unarmed civilian in minecraft.

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Have you thought about watching some Terry or Linus videos? C programming is a nice book and like it should be from 70s so there won't be any confusing OOP in it.

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File: 2615c5f80db4d42⋯.jpg (24.41 KB,600x450,4:3,FUCK YOU JABRONI.jpg)




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>blonde bimbo mouthpiece has been birefed on the latest CIA top secret black op

Schizoboomers need to end themselves.

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File: 60fd6f107ab3b23⋯.jpg (29.98 KB,720x513,80:57,60fd6f107ab3b23cad0caacb9c….jpg)


>Lol blonde bimbo news bitches are whats enslaving the white race?

Way to compleytely miss my point, dickbreath.

<Traitorous whites in positions of affluence aren't a problem

<News channels are not aware of the zog agenda they push

Dumb nigger.

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8chan dates back as far as 2006 nigger.

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I think my meds are kicking in.

Japs still say you stole from them?

Europeans already seem to know it.

That sounds like Jews to me.

Can you say God instead of G-d?

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Fuck your thread.

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>8chan dates back as far as 2006

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Prior to Facebook?

Maybe but 4chan was used back then.

I don't remember what was the year 4 was created or 8 was created all I know 4 became very popular.

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Of course I can. I'm not religious

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No it doesn't you lying nigger, Cripplekike got his start on Wizardchan.

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>twitter is bound to physical timezones

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Can you type it then?

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Which God? (((YHWH))) or some of the European gods?

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2ch stole their model from a late 90's board called insidetheweb.com

t. Seen some things

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File: 5dc4dd5896e24f0⋯.png (355.47 KB,640x1136,40:71,brennan.png)


What is this shit? And he doesn’t own 8ch anymore.

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