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File: 5f1806497ac10ef⋯.jpeg (58.92 KB,403x450,403:450,monroe-doctrine.jpeg)

e3c2e4 No.13571230

We could leave the Middle East entirely.

We could cut our military budget.

We could avoid conflicts with a resurgent Russia and an ever growing China?

The United States doesn't have a serious rival in the entire Western Hemisphere, we could dominate it easily.

We could build a Pan-American Co-Prosperity Sphere. Sure controlling half the planet is enough to insure a prosperous American Empire.

Bonus points for abandoning Israel to the mercy of the Palestinians.

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2de3ad No.13571283

File: f7b7f651b38acbe⋯.gif (1.24 MB,218x250,109:125,giphy32523646r.gif)


We've been toppling fucking governments since we wanted a canal through the Panama, you'd think of all the horrible shit we do to nearly every country on Earth for the bidding of kikes that we'd have already dealt with our own FUCKING neighbor, Mexico. Government held at ransom by cartels, potentially profiting off of every facet of this example. You are not ruled by Americans. A real American would right the wrongs that haven't been compromised for many generations. This is an occupied land.

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b7dad9 No.13571349


Actually mexico was one of the first wars the US fought. After that it generally was cucked to the US until the whole civil war between liberals and catholics. After that mexico turned into a shit hole.

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381c43 No.13571377

The laws in the United States can be a notepad.

Surgical attacks, but few shooters (American shooters final-requirements) for some dirty shots a big kiss with other military and government, because they want the laws to act as Baba and as a friend to do.

Additionally, when all agencies of government have backup generators, it is difficult for them to cope robberies and other criminal acts to progress from the power electricity.

Can be used in creation. Others in the United States Army may lead people to oppose the government and died in the government's propaganda machine.

Bad network concept in the United States is the information, not only D, are not available, as are not yet saved.

The price war during the Civil War is where 75% of the President left.

50% of people who can take the initial funds in Cambodia.

COMD (treasonous) additional information that must be entered. Other purposes during the war. In addition, if the price of 25-50% or definitive was created by the U.S. government (FBI, NSA, ATC, flame, etc.).

It also assumes that 5% of the 50% score will be put into operation and the spoiler is also put into operation.

50% of people have information about the big risks facing the US government.

At 10%, 1% of people will be able to provide this information by foreign enemies in the United States.

The US government has declared war, and this is the second government we know no longer exists.

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e3c2e4 No.13571381


I doubt Eurasia is going to unify.. Too many competing powers for that.

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e3c2e4 No.13571387


OP here. I have no idea what you are talking about or how it relates to my proposal.

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7ef739 No.13571393

America should conquer Mexico and Canada and ignore the rest of the world.

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c77be5 No.13571402


Your thread is as relevant as >>13571377

No one fucking cares what you think America should do because until you have political power, you cannot affect any change.

Almost everyone here already wants America to stop engaging in pointless wars for IsraHell.

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e6d1cd No.13571411



>We could cut our military budget.

I wouldn't do that for a second..


>We could build a Pan-American Co-Prosperity Sphere.

However, we could do this.

Just imagine it

> North American Federation

< Canada

< Greenland

< America

< Mexico

< Central America

< The Caribbean

>South American Federation

> Place tariffs against China and eliminate all of them for Central America, The Caribbean, and Mexico. Thus successfully transferring wealth from China to these impoverished regions of the world and dealing a major blow to China, Russia, and North Korea as well.

Then perhaps form a Union between the two federations focusing on economic, military, and political cooperation between our two federations. The likes to which the world has never, nor will ever see again. Building a literal paradise and ensuring our place of power remains over the entire world.

It sounds glorious actually.

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51fced No.13571419

About time for us to leave Israel to fight with Iran

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e3c2e4 No.13571424


Off course, no one fucking cares what I think, I think that's true for everyone who posts here. It's not like we're Billionaires who can finance campaigns.

But the banter is fun. Why else would you come here?

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54e7fd No.13571425


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346e50 No.13573793


If only Western nations were ruled by their own, right?

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4f469a No.13573976

File: e1ddeda3406d712⋯.png (359.04 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)


<We could just leave the entire 'World Island' to a reforged Velvet Curtain in the One Belt One Road for the Anglo-Rothschild NWO as the US is backdoored through merchant/Chinese tech theft into Morgenthau Plan irrelevancy

The amount of people/govs not-on board with becoming latter-day British East India Co. satraps is a lot larger than one might think as a doom pilled faggot. Or just leave a gaping geopolitical vacuum and hope for the best from these Fabian, Noahide law gradualist with infinite capital to usur over us.

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a5b2da No.13573979


Very nice but Jews are not going to let that happen.

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63f839 No.13575320

No they should not. Dumb question. Imagine a country is a tree. The more roots the stronger. Get it? Got it? Good. How many licks does it take to get to the center of intelligence? One bite. Get it? Got it? Good.

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4dda3a No.13575361

Manifest Destiny needs to restart. The USA must span from the top edge of Greenland to the southernmost tip of Argentina. And we do it like the good ole days:

Take over a piece, make it a territory, push non-American citizens out, eventually a unique White American culture takes root, make it a state. We can just annex Canada.

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f2325b No.13575444


That's no possible anymore, Protestantism failed. That's is why the family structure of those former Protestant States no longer exist. in it's place islam and single non-breeding angry anglo-males are taking its place. in order to Conduct a Manifest Destiny to happen you need to MANIFEST, how can that happen if anglos aren't reproducing.

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4dda3a No.13575506


Lol at being too much of a noob to reply. Easy, we kick out the muds. If the US population goes down a bit? Who cares?

The American spirit is on the frontier, our kind need to continue spreading.

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f2325b No.13575568


What's the point of spreading of if there are only 100 anglos left. One thing that helps the muds spread is family structure due to Religion. Adapting Catholicism is the only answer, It helped the Irish take over the Commonwealth on the East coast, and it helps the Southern muds multiply like wildfire. Or go muslim, their out reproducing Europeans at an ALARMING rate. The choice MUST be made in order to save Anglos in america

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c29708 No.13575577

We should limit ourselves to the united fucking states

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f2325b No.13575602


And shrivel up and Die. NO. The family structure MUST be restored. Many people are to blame for it's destruction, Thanks a lot King Henry the VIII. Right now the main enemy of the Family Structure is the Feminist. I see Catholicism as the only answer, and it will naturally bring order due to its Theological Foundation being LOGOS. LOGOS is the order in the Universe!

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4dda3a No.13575608


Nah cunt, no smelly brown desert gods. The US regions must embrace their pagan ancestral religions.

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f2325b No.13575633

Europe what be nothing but pig shit shovelers if it weren't for Catholicism coming to the rescue and teaching them how to Work and create Order. We wouldn't have the wonderful technology to share each others Fucking knowledge over the cyber highways if it weren't for European Civilization.

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4dda3a No.13575636


Fuck off disgusting smelly brown person worshipper, nobody cares about your desert gods.

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f2325b No.13575650


And didn't catholics slaughter and torture heretics during the inquisition DumbAss Jew lover

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55205b No.13575711

Well, there are edgelords on this very board who want to split the country into 10,000 easily rolled over by foreign powers fiefdoms.

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d9caa9 No.13575786

My foreign policy:

>Everyone in North and South America needs to be a client-state.

>Who gives a fuck about Europeans? They'll listen to us anyways, they don't have a choice.

>Protect Whites in Africa

>Ally with Russia

>Use this alliance with Russia to enforce peace in the middle-east

>Get Israel to denuclearize, then strong arm them into "Israstine" like Gaddafi wanted

>Help India and Japan build top-quality militaries

>Get literally the entire planet to join an anti-China coalition.

>Slowly cut off all trade with China. Some of those jobs can come home. The slave-labor-tier stuff will go to our client-states in Latin America. Some will be redirected towards countries that help my anti-China coalition.

I'll be satisfied with my domestic National Socialist policies, but perhaps once we are purified we should look towards expansion and Empire. We probably have enough soft-power to flip most European countries over to an acceptable amount of based and redpilled. In terms of actual annexation, I would mostly restrain this to the Western hemisphere. Canada, we should just unite with, we're practically the same. Latin America would need at least 30 years of eugenics before I would be willing to accept full annexation. This could be shortened under a domestic passport scheme, but I think they'd prefer the more dignified position of a protectorate.

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f2325b No.13575803


What about North Korea?!

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b182bb No.13575932

We should worry about shit in our own borders… How about that?

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