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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: f6ba89abb128520⋯.jpg (93.71 KB,457x485,457:485,1559948239692.jpg)


>some autistic incel shoots a bunch of people

>it's not the shooters fault, the gun he used or society in general


Why is the media in America run by fucking retards?

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You are requested to go back.

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>Why is the media in America run by fucking retards?

They are not, every time they lie we expose the truth.

We are their rivals and they want us dead.

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>or society in general

People don't go on random killing sprees against their fellow members of a given society.

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Makes sense to a leftist. They take no individual responsibility and rely on the community for guidance. Stands to reason that they wouldn't blame the individual for any misdeeds and instead blame whatever community he appears to be with.

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that is where the fault lies unless he found the truth elsewhere. they want to purge the truth so of course they blame it on /pol/. also it was another alphabet operation.

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go back to 4cuck

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We don't share a society anymore, that's why Lefty and Nigger twitter is them chanting kill whites and then freaking out when we put their money where their mouths are.

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>(((fucking retards)))

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File: 6119092c98c3906⋯.jpg (2.86 KB,125x125,1:1,1564879968201s.jpg)

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cuckchan awaits your momentous return

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What are you laughing at frog?

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File: d4a3ecc679f33a0⋯.jpg (76.44 KB,1024x934,512:467,f3c3bd324d8f825a0fdfa10117….jpg)


We are a country by retards, for retards

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It's a Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum, you fack

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So… who is telling the communities what to believe?

Hmmmm… I wonder…

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We live in a society…

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File: af7baf19feda680⋯.jpg (96.73 KB,634x485,634:485,1544552244856.jpg)



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If the unintended consequence of these highly suspicious incidents was a systematic gassing of autistic individuals, it would be a welcome bonus.

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>instead blame whatever community he appears to be with

Unless they're black or brown, then that be rayciss.

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